Banner of Light V29 N8 6 May 1871
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lí JÄJTrj-wT JLi JL JL ( Oggs ÍW.WHITB & ÓO..1 VOL. XXIX IFublhhert and Proprietor!. J (»3,00 PER ANNUM, 1 BOSTON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1871 I In Advance. J NO. 8 reaching distance; I also holding both of his hands plain, bold hand, purporting to be from her father, by scores, The playing in tbe light, the writing young man played some lively tunes on tbe vio spirto! upon the top of the table. and signed with his name. The writing has also on the slate, etc., etc, all occurred In the bold lin, and in a few moments E. greeted us all good ’ The editor of a work recently published, “ The been repeatedly produced when I assisted In light of day. I was promised personal communi evening, speaking In a distinct but rather pecu THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS. Modern Thinker," says : “ The dogma of conscious holding and placing tbe slate, and once it was cations at a future sitting. ' liar voice natural to him on earth. After a little immortality has not been proven, that so far it effected when the slate rested on my head. Wheeling about, the Doctor was entranced, and pleasant conversation E. began to describe the DR. SLADE’S MEDIUMSHIP, ETO. has no basis of fact as demonstrated by any sci Onoe a chair placed some five feet from me, at diagnosed in a moment my physical condition spirits in the room and give tests. Ono of the first entific proof. If the phenomenon of Spiritualism, my right side, while tfcp medium sat on my left, perfectly; nor this alone, but told me .when and tests be gave was to myself. I said, “ 15., were There seems tq be an increasing desire, all over so-called, could be proVen, all would be plain sail slid with a rapid motion «gainst my person. ■ howl would be relieved; all of which was to be ' the country,- to witness tfie phenomenal phase of you at -our oirole?” meaning s circle at my own ing," &o., &o. Now I ask this gentleman and all , To my questions I have never failed to get sat done not by him, or his advice, but otherwise. home, at which my brother was the medium. Spiritualism; and consequently this class of me others of his belief, or'rather want of belief, if isfactory answers, and sometimes important ones, Even so it has come to pass. Among the wonder “Yes," Bald E.," I was there; do n’t you know? dia are eagerly sought for. Thousands are at they will credit the evidences of their own sensés, written on the slated and a number of times while workers, seers and prophets write the name of you Bald,' E., is that you?' and then I tipped like tracted. to the philosophy of Spiritualism simply and accept as proofs such tangible demonstra- he has been entranced spirits have addressed me Henry Slade. E. S. Wheeler." sixty dozen, and you said,1 Why, E., how do you by witnessing the physical manifestations. New tlonb of spirjt intelligence and power made In through him, referring to‘persons and things do? I am so glad to seo you I'” which was all ex mediums are being developed in all quarters of their own presence in fall daylight? If so, let which the medium could'not possibly have had New York, Feb. 19,1871. actly true, but tho medium bad not the slightest the globe, and still the demand is greater than them go to Dr. Slade, No. 207 West 22.1 street, any knowledge of. Editors Banner of Light—While sitting knowledge of It. E. then told of a little angel boy the supply. ' New York City, and in a séance with him wit The accordion has often been played with the with Dr. Slade on Sunday afternoon, February who put bls hand on my shoulder and called me For want of space, we do not publish half the ness and prove the facts of a “conscious immor instrument over my knees, while tho keys were 12th, the room perfectly light, and the Doctor on " auntie," and, from the description he gave, I communications we receive from time to time tality,” and let us hear no more of a want of" sci presented toward me, and within six inches of tbe other side of tho table, I held a clean slate recognized a little nephew, several years sepa endorsing these manifestations; nor the appeals entific proofs ” of the verity of the spiritual phe my face. The musio has been of all grades, from on which was a Hinall fragment of pencil, clapp rated from the form. made to us to “send a good physical medium nomena, for there they are, open to all who may the most indifferent to tbe best. The table, also, ing it closely with my left hand to the under One tost E. gave was this: he said, " M., there to our town—there are not many Spiritualists desire to be convinced that when " A man dies he has often been elevated a foot or more, tbe top re surface of tbe table. While in this condition, no Is an old'man standing by you. He has white here, but most of the people want to see some shall live again,” and the question that seemed taining its level, while both hands of tbe medium mother person touching it, I heard the pencil write; hair, and is leaning on a cane; and Jie is so poor!" thing of the phenomena—our souls are starving sorely to trouble the “ Job ” of ancient days need were laid flat on its surface, and upon a friend and on examining it, I found the following sen “ Can't you describe him better than that?" asked for spiritual food,” etc. It is thus easy to see no longer “ vex the soul ” of our modern material and myself attempting to effect a similar move tence: . ' \ . M. "Well,"said E.,coolly,“I would if he had where the first stepping-stone for new investi ists. • ' ment with our lower limbs, wo entirely failed. “Bro. Denton—I am here to bless you for any flesh on him.” At this rather startling an gators lies. I have written the above, Messrs. Editors, from All these things have also been witnessed by all your noble tyork. / ' A, W. 8." swer, the medium hid her face in Mrs. Clark's As a case in point, we give below a number of a deep feeling of gratitude to “ the bright ones of my family at my own house, in my own room, at The initials of Alcinda Wilhelm Slade, once a lap, for fear she should see a skeleton. Having letters we have .received from various parties who the land of the hereafter,” for the convincing my own table, and with my own slate and accor faithful worker in the spiritual field hero, now a raised a latigli, 15. went on and described the old have witnessed and become convinced of tbe proofs of man's immortality, and a strong sense dion, and until that hour the medium had never faithful worker there. William Denton. gentleman, saying he had died with consumption, truthfulness of the manifestations through the of duty to my fellow-men in making known to even seen my house, and of course nothing and giving his name ns Dr.----; and M. and oth- mediumship of Dr. Slade, of New York, and also them the evidences of spirit intercourse as given within it. DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW MEDIUM— ere recognized him an an old neighbor of hers, letters giving experiences with several other me to me in the facts of a séance with this reliable Three years ago, had I read what is hero writ- CONVINCING MANIFESTATIONS. He had died an atheist, but had promised M. that diums: ■ medium. Yours truly, ten,I should have placed the writer among the if there wns a future life, ho would return to her , New York, Feb. 23,1871. W. H. Sterling, M. D. incurables; but I think no person can sit an.hour Mrs. Jennie Curtner is the best medium I if lie could. Editors Banner of Light—A feeling of grat with Dr. Slade, and witness, as ho will, a portion ever saw, and almost as good as any I have over Another tost: 15. described a rather fleshy old itude, and a sense of duty to my fellows, impel 307 West 4th Street,New York,1871. of these things, without thereafter giving credit to read or heard of; and as I believe she is destined lady as having slippers on down nt the heel, and me to give your readers a brief account of several Editors Banner of Light—My experience all which are here related. EC, to do a great work for the people, and to bo wider walking ns if sho had "one foot short, and then séances recently held with the justly renowned with1 Dr. Slade, the celebrated physical and men ly known, I think it proper to give some account the other foot short." She was Immediately rec and gentlemanly medium, Dr. Henry Slade, now Ital medium, is as simple as to me it is marvelous. New Haven, Conn., 1871. of her development, which took (dace hero, and ognized, although sho had long.been gone from of 207 West-22d street, in this city.—' 1 I called on the Doctor, and was invited to his Dear Banner—The philosophy of Spirituals also of her present mediumship. Avery brief no the form.