Italian Red Cross Annual Report 2010 English Abstract

The Annual Report 2010 of the has been edited by the Planning and Accountability Department, Programming and Communication Division of the Headquarters. The contents are referred to the year 2010 (from 1st January to 31st December). Information was provided by the competent Departments and Divisions of the Headquarters, as well as by the territorial branches and the volunteers components.

This report represents a first step towards the adoption of a social report’s model in respect of the principles of integrity and accountability. New chapters on relevant issues were introduced, such as environmental sustainability, human resources, stakeholders, workplace safety of workers and volunteers. The Italian version of this abstract presents some methodological innovations, as it is enriched with tables, charts and interviews to volunteers committed in different fields of humanitarian work.

In addition, it includes a chapter on (n. 9 “Il volontariato”) composed by the annual reports of each single voluntary component (Military Corps, Voluntary Nurses Corps, Rescue Volunteers, Youth, Blood Donors, Ladies Committee), not published here for reasons of space. Most of the tables and charts have been omitted even in this abstract. For more details, please consult the Annual Report available at:

Thank you.


Table of contents

01 The Italian Red Cross 02 Organizational structure 03 Members 04 Human Resources 05 Material resources 06 Activities of the ItRC 07 Communication campaigns, events and fundraising 08 Partners and donors 09 Honours 10 Code of ethics and conduct 11 Equal Opportunity Committee 12 Workplace safety for staff and volunteers 13 Training for volunteers, staff and citizens 14 Environmental sustainability 15 Economic and financial report 16 Future perspectives 17 How to get involved


01 The Italian Red Cross

Juridical status

The Italian Association of the Red Cross (ItRC) is a non-profit public equivalent body with international prerogatives, whose purpose is to provide health and social assistance in peacetime as well as in wartime. Placed under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, it is subject to the oversight of the Ministry of Health and the jurisdiction of the Ministries of the Economy and of Defence (art. 49 of the Statute). The ItRC is part of the International Red Cross Movement. In its international efforts it coordinates itself with the International Committee of the Red Cross in conflict zones, and with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for rescue operations in case of natural disasters.

The tasks

The new ItRC Statute, approved by D.P.C.M. of 6th May 2005 no. 97, defines the tasks of the Association in wartime as well as in peacetime (art. 2). In case of armed conflict, the Italian Red Cross, according to the Geneva Conventions and the additional Protocols of 1977, “participates in the evacuation and care of war wounded and sick, as well as the victims of armed conflict, in the health and assistance tasks related to civil defense activities, in the tracing and assistance service for war prisoners, internees, missing people, displaced people, deported people and refugees”.

In peacetime, the Italian Red Cross:

- Promotes and disseminates, in respect of the current law, health education, culture of civil protection and personal care, it organizes and provides health and social assistance for national and foreign population in disasters, internal and international emergencies, it acts as a national operative structure of civil protection; - Contributes, by means of convention, to organize and carry out the first aid service and patient transport at international, national, regional and local level; - Contributes to achieve the goals and to carry out the tasks of the National Health Service by means of its volunteer and paid staff as well as seconded staff or staff assigned to provide health and social assistance services on behalf of the State, the Regions and other public and private entities, through the stipulation of special conventions; - Promotes the dissemination of awareness among population and organizes the blood donors; - Collaborates with the armed forces for the health assistance service;


- Promotes the participation of youth in Italian Red Cross activities and disseminates the principles, the goals and the ideals of Red Cross among young people, included in the schools and in collaboration with the education authorities; - Disseminates and promotes the humanitarian principles characterizing the institution of the International Red Cross and the International Humanitarian Law; - Collaborates with the Red Cross National Societies, by adhering to the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent; - Fulfills all that is entrusted by the conventions, resolutions and recommendations by Voluntary Sections components of the Red Cross to the National Societies; - Carries out any other task attributed by law, regulations and international rules related to Red Cross subjects.

The article 3 of the Statute recognizes to the Association the possibility of being delegated, by means of convention, to run with its own organization the first aid service in highways, harbors and airports on the whole national territory; it can be delegated as well to fulfill other tasks by means of granting by the State, Regions and public entities.

The Italian Red Cross and the International Movement

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an international non-governmental organization formally recognized in 1928 by the XIIIth Hague Conference. It coordinates several members: the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the National Societies.

The International Committee of the Red Cross, based in Geneva, is a neutral and independent organization that provides humanitarian help and protection for victims of war and armed violence. In armed conflicts it is responsible for the international relief activities of the whole Movement.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, based in Geneva, is a membership organization established by and comprised of the National Societies. It acts under its own Constitution with all the rights and obligations of a corporate body with legal personality. The International Federation acts as the permanent body of liaison and co-ordination among the National Societies to give them assistance in the organization of their relief actions and in relief operations themselves. It promotes the establishment and development of new National Societies and collaborates with the International Committee of the Red Cross to disseminate the International Humanitarian Law. It comprises 186 National Societies.


The National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent, originally created to give aid to the wounded and sick in wartime as auxiliaries to the army medical services, carries out several activities in peacetime as well as in war time as auxiliaries of the public authorities. According to the principle of Universality, all National Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other. The relationship between the National Societies is based on equal rights and priority, therefore any operation in a foreign country must be approved by the local Red Cross or Red Crescent.

The Fundamental Principles

Proclaimed in Vienna in 1965, the seven Fundamental Principles bond together the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. They guarantee the continuity of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and its humanitarian work.

Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.

Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.

Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

Independence The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.

Voluntary service It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.

Unity There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.


Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

The stages of the history of the Italian Red Cross

24th June 1859, the Battle of Solferino … in the hospital and church of Castiglione men from every nations were deposited, side by side. Frenchmen, Austrians, Germans and Slavs, temporarily mixed up in the back of the chapel, do not have the strength to move in the confined space they occupy. Curses and oaths impossible to convey. They resonate under the vaults of the sanctuaries. Someone told me “They abandon us, they let us die in misery, and yet we fought well!” Despite the efforts they tolerated, despite the sleepless nights, they don’t rest and in their misfortune they beg for rescue by doctors and roll around in despair from the convulsions that will end in tetanus and death…

From “Un souvenir de Solferino” by Henry Dunant, 1859

15th June 1864: the first “Committee for the Italian Association for the assistance of the wounded and sick of war” was established in Milan by the Milanese Medical Committee of the Italian Medical Association, two months before the signing of the Geneva Convention, under the presidency of Cesare Castiglioni. The President, two months after the establishment of the Committee, was summoned to Geneva, along with other Italian delegates, to expound on what was done in Milan and what his thoughts on helping war wounded and sick in the future were. 22nd August 1864: signs the Geneva Convention. 11th December 1864: a congress was held in Milan at which the Committee of Milan was named the National Committee for coordinating the activities of the new committees being established. 20th June 1866: Italy declares war on Austria and the first four “squadrons” of volunteers leave for Custoza. From then on the ItRC was constantly present and active in conflicts that involved Italy, including the Second World War.

Its involvement was not limited only to situations of war: in the last 150 years the Association was involved with the fight against natural disasters and epidemics, such as the Vesuvius eruption and the earthquake in Calabria in 1905, the earthquake in Messina and Reggio Calabria in 1908, the fight against tuberculosis and , the assistance for mothers and much more. After the


Second War World it intervened in the flood in Polesine in 1951 and in the Sarno landslide in 1998. The most recent relief operation has been carried out to face the devastating Abruzzi earthquake in 2009.

02 Organizational structure

The ItRC has a capillary network that is almost unique on the national territory. Territorial decentralization and operational autonomy of the branches allow them to better understand the main needs of the communities in order to foster partnership among the Association, other social actors (including no-profit organizations) and citizens. This network represents a positive mean also at national level: the availability of appropriate information on local needs actually helps the Headquarters to plan Association’s activities.

The ItRC on the national territory is composed of: 21 Regional branches that propose interventions and measures they deem necessary in relation to the development of the coordination, direction and management functions within their regions; 105 Provincial branches that promote and develop ItRC activities, by coordinating and monitoring the activities of the Local branches in their respective areas; 449 Local branches granted with organizational and administrative autonomy that contribute to strengthen the capillary structure of the ItRC. In addition, there are more than 1000 groups, that anyway lack any real administrative autonomy.

The Headquarters, located in Via Toscana 12, , is in charge of leading, promoting and coordinating national and international activities, it holds financial management and supervision of the activities carried out by the branches. In 2009 the “Regolamento di organizzazione e di funzionamento della Croce Rossa Italiana” (“Organizational policies of the ItRC”) was approved in order to implement the provisions of article 48 of the Statute, which regulates the association’s basic internal organization.

The main principles of this new organizational structure are: distinction between governance and management in respect of the general principles of the legislative decree 165/2001; optimization and rationalization of procedures and services provided to national and foreign vulnerable people in order to increase the capacity to respond to health and social needs; flexibility of national and territorial operational structures in terms of articulation and organization; promotion of the Association’s activities through both internal and external communication channels; ensuring management’s compliance with statutory goals and scopes as well as with public interest; guaranteeing the legitimacy, impartiality, transparency and publicity of acts and procedures as well as the oversight of management activities; assigning the economic compensation determined by the national collective labor contracts to the Association’s employees;


safeguarding freedom of trade union activities as provided by the legislative decree and by the national collective labor contracts. In the application of the principles mentioned above, a revision and simplification of the organizational and managerial structure was carried out, now consisting of the following organizational units, each with its own levels of autonomy and complexity: a Secretary General, three Divisions, the National Inspectorate of the Military Corps, 18 Regional Directorates (17 Medical Directorates), 13 Departments, and various Offices and Project Units. The outline presents the broad articulation of the Headquarters, established in 2009 and operative in 2010. However, in 2011 new Organizational Regulations modifying the previous organizational structure have been adopted.

The organizational and administrative structure of the Association is composed by the following organizational units, endowed with different levels of autonomy and complexity:

Secretary General Divisions National Inspectorate of the Military Corps Departments Regional Directorates Medical Directorates Offices

Regional Directorates of the Italian Red Cross Abruzzo Basilicata e Calabria Campania Emilia-Romagna Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lazio Liguria Lombardia Marche Molise e Puglia Piemonte Province Autonome di Trento e di Bolzano Sardegna Sicilia Toscana Umbria Valle d'Aosta Veneto


03 Members

The Italian Red Cross includes six different Voluntary Sections. Here follows an overview of their main characteristics:

Military Corps It is a contingent of highly specialized voluntary personnel, active and discharged: doctors, psychologists, chemists/pharmacists, commissioners, accountants, nurses, and rescuers. Currently there are approximately 20.000 discharged people who are periodically recalled for training. Military Corps territorial structures include a National Inspectorate, Mobilization Centers, Enrollment Units and Promotional Activities, operative bases and Polifunctional Centers.


Voluntary Nurses Corps It acts as auxiliary of the Armed Forces by providing help and support in case of armed conflicts, national and international emergencies. The Voluntary Nurses attend a two-years course and work in military and civil hospitals, in first aid clinics, health centers, etc.

Ladies Committee Composed of only women, it provides health and social assistance through listening, social and cultural integration, economic support and implementation of projects in favour of vulnerable groups: migrants, Roma people, detainees, drug abusers, elderly, minors and women in distress. The Ladies Committee distributes food and non food supplies.

Rescue Volunteers The Relief Volunteers (Volontari del Soccorso – VdS) mainly provide rescue and ambulance service. In addition, they implement other health and social activities including first aid, specialized rescue teams for psychological emergencies, health education, civil protection, search and canine rescue teams, rescue with special equipment and techniques, international and national emergencies related to disasters and armed conflict situations and dissemination of International Humanitarian Law. Finally, they provide health assistance during public events.

Youth (“Pionieri”) They provide voluntary support in activities related to health, principles and values, community care, international cooperation and communication, promotion and fund raising of the Association. Their action targets especially youth, however it is important to point out their valuable work in other crucial challenges, such as prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, obesity and sensitization on climate change. They act also in schools and propose activities aimed at raising youth awareness on health education, principles and values, climate change and prevention. In several cities they offer home care assistance to elderly and sick who live alone.


Blood Donors Founded in the 1940s in order to face the severe lack of blood in Italy, the specific task of the Blood Donors Corp is the promotion of blood donation through sensitization activities in schools, companies, communities and individuals, by promoting also the donation of specific blood’s components, such as or plasma.

In 2010 the ItRC acted through the voluntary, organized and continuous service of 145.019 volunteers. Volunteers are distributed as follows: 88.527 Rescue Volunteers, 23.423 volunteers of the Ladies Commitee, 17.615 Youth (“Pionieri”), 6.863 Voluntary Nurses, 4.474 Blood Donors and 3.991 volunteers of the Military Corps. In 2010 32.433 members contributed to the Association’s purposes. On the whole, 177.452 people supported the ItRC activities in 2010.

04 Human resources

Human resources of the ItRC represent an asset for the Association as they play a strategic role in several core activities. This chapter presents figures related to staff employed in 2010 with both fixed-term and permanent contract. It also includes information on Voluntary Civil Service projects and internships implemented in various offices. On the whole, the ItRC has a total of about 4.100 staff members, 192 volunteers of the National Civil Service and several interns. Paid staff includes civil personnel with permanent contract, military personnel with long term contract, civil personnel with fixed-term contract and military personnel with short term contract.

Staff categories

The total amount of staff members recorded a significant increase from 2007 to 2010. The following chart shows that more than 69% of staff is employed at the B level of the Italian National Contract of public bodies with administrative tasks, while more than 20% is employed at C level with coordination and management functions. The senior staff represents around 9% of the total, including medical and professional roles.


Civil staff levels

Internship Every year the International Humanitarian Law Office of the ItRC signs agreements and conventions with Italian Universities and other institutions aimed at implementing internships directed to newly-graduated with a minimum duration of four months. In 2010 nine internships were carried out at this Office and three at the Legal Office.

05 Material resources

This chapter reports the main actions related to the real property of the Association. According to an assessment performed by the competent Division, the real property is composed by 977 buildings and 430 pieces of land. Buildings are divided in different categories. Most of them are offices or houses used by the branches as workplace, but there are also clinics (more than 30), warehouses, garages, buildings for holidays (three, in Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Liguria), schools (Basilicata and Veneto), theatres (Liguria) and hospitals (Liguria and Tuscany). These buildings are registered under different property titles: full or partial ownership, bare ownership and leasehold estates. Other significant activities in 2010 were related to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. The ItRC has more than 10.000 vehicles including ambulances (more than 4.000 that is 40% of the total vehicles), snowmobiles, trucks, forklift trucks, etc. All these vehicles represent a fundamental support to carry out operational activities. In 2010 the competent Division performed an assessment to gather information on all resources available at central and regional level, as shown below:


Vehicles available in 2010 (by regional branch)


06 Activities of the Italian Red Cross

The ItRC operates both at national and international level in order to respond flexibly to the needs and vulnerabilities of different communities. The activities of the ItRC, together with those of other National Societies, fit into the Strategic Objectives of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

National activities

In 2010 a process of information’s gathering on the activities carried out by Italian Red Cross on national territory through and the action of volunteers and staff has been started up. The first step consisted of a census performed by the Health and Social Activities Department based on the activities of each single branch at regional, provincial and local level. At the present time this complex work has not been completed yet, however the information collected until now has been presented in the Italian version of this Report. It is important to point out that the information has been gathered directly by the territorial branches with reference to the number of initiatives, volunteers and vehicles employed in the various activities, meaning, for instance, that a single volunteer can be committed in different services or that a single vehicle can be used in more than one activity. All information was directly collected and provided by the branches. The national activities described are divided into two main categories: on one hand, services provided to population based on agreements with public and private bodies or institutions, and on the other hand, services offered without any agreement.

Activities without agreement – Services provided to population

This is a wide range of health and social interventions including more than 40 different kinds of services consisting of over 1.200 initiatives. For more information, please consult the tables in the Italian version of this Annual Report, available on the website This paragraph includes some examples directly gathered and expressed by the local branches.

The European Union programme (AGEA – Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura) One of the activities carried out by the Italian Red Cross at national level in favour of vulnerable people is food distribution to whom are in need. The ItRC is one of the non-profit bodies recognized by AGEA: according to the Commission Regulation (EEC) 3149/92, every year it receives food from the European Union intervention stocks in order to distribute it to the most deprived


persons. The food products include biscuits, butter, cheese, milk, pasta, jam, rice, crackers and rusks. In 2010 this activity was carried out in 86 branches in favour of 340.449 beneficiaries.

National Laboratory The Italian Red Cross National Laboratory, based in Rome, was founded in 1989. It is a modern structure provided with high technology equipment and qualified staff, especially active in the field of prevention. For instance, two important projects are carried out (“Progetto Uomo” and “Progetto Donna”) for the prevention of gender-based diseases. The Central Laboratory cooperates with other foreign Red Cross structures, universities, research centers, public and private structures for scientific research. Currently the Laboratory activities are increasing in particular in the field of early diagnosis such as genetics, molecular biology, gynecology, instrumental exams. In May 2010 the Allergology Section was activated. At the Central Laboratory, in agreement with the National Health System, it is possible to carry out all types of chemical and clinical exams and have access to several specialized services. In 2010 the services provided have been more than 530.000 thanks to a staff of 72 persons.

National Pharmacy The ItRC Central Pharmacy, functioning as a hospital pharmacy, is deputed to manage pharmaceuticals and medical materials necessary for both ordinary and extraordinary activities carried out by the Association. Advanced standardized medical equipment is also stored in the unit’s warehouse, immediately available in case of national or international emergencies. In the framework of ItRC operations and programmes, the Pharmacy coordinates the collection and subsequent distribution of donations of sanitary materials. All ItRC Units and Services on the national territory can be supplied by the Pharmacy on the basis of a medical handbook guaranteeing constant supervision of the medicines and treatment materials. Moreover, by means of this structure, the ItRC provides assistance to many lay and religious volunteer associations that work to support marginalized and vulnerable people in Italy and in the rest of the world.


In 2010 the ItRC ran centers for assistance to patients with severe physical and motor deficiencies in Rome and Albino (BG), named CEM (Centri di Educazione Motoria). These structures are equipped also for residential assistance, with physical recovery activities, speech therapy and occupational therapy. In Florence “Torreggiani” Center provided assistance to patients with neurological diseases in order to achieve physical recovery by means of particular rehabilitation therapies. In Marina di Massa the ItRC has a beach resort completely equipped for people with motor deficiencies.

Villa Maraini Foundation (FVM)-Rome Since its beginnings (1976) in a room where a group of RC professional and volunteers provided assistance to few drug users, Villa Maraini has grown up into a wide range of services delivered to more than 600 people a day. It takes care of any kind of drug users independently by substances and extent of the addiction. These services have developed for responding to the needs and now assist more than 4.000 users and their families each year including: - 3 therapeutic communities - emergency service 24H - street units and outreach service - drop-in-centre - night shelters - prison outreach programme - family support group - work cooperative run independently The action in Villa Maraini mainly focuses on building trust with drug users, catching them in times of need or whenever they are ready to be supported. That brings Villa Maraini into contact with some of the society’s most marginalized and stigmatized people, including 30 per cent of drug users ignored by other agencies because they are illegal migrants. Approximately one third of Villa Maraini 80 staff members are former drug users. Former drug users are fundamental in this kind of intermediary work, especially in difficult environments, such as streets. Active outreach, peer education and a flexible approach to treatment are fundamental to the Villa’s unique ethos. Thanks to a fund given by the Italian Red Cross to the IFRC, Villa Maraini has been developing a model for the rest of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent world since 2004 by conducting training on a comprehensive harm reduction and drug abuse treatment for representatives of the RC/RC National Societies in order to enable those lacking expertises to be able to implement the Drug abuse programmes in their own countries. At the very beginning, the training course was expressly addressed to ERNA members, then, it has been enlarged thanks to the great interest shown by other RC/RC NSs outside European area. 17 trainings have been conducted so far, letting 32 NSs (Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Estonia, France, FYROM, , Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirgizstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Romania, Russia,


Serbia, Syria, Tadjikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan) improve their skills and carry out, when feasible, programmes in support of drug addicts and prevention of infectious diseases.

For more information on the activities of Villa Maraini Foundation please visit the website .

Contribution to ERNA and the Harm Reduction Program with the IFRC – 2010 Since 1998, when the network ERNA (European Red Cross Red Crescent Network on HIV, AIDS and TBC) was founded in Rome, the ItRC has continued to contribute to the network sustainability. ERNA promotes the sharing of NSs best practices and, among these experiences, Villa Maraini represents a model.

National emergency activities

National emergency operations In 2010 more than 1.000 territorial branches were committed in national emergency operations, representing a precious operative resource for the National Civil Protection.

Bad Weather Several hydrogeological emergencies related to bad weather hit Italian regions in 2010, particularly Veneto, Liguria, Toscana and Lombardia. Emergency Bad Weather in Albania Support to the Civil Protection Department; humanitarian mission consisting of provision of food items, clothes and hygienic kits to population hit by the floods.

Special Relief Units The ItRC is involved in: water rescue; ski slope and snowy terrain rescue; rescue with specialized equipment and techniques as well as canine rescue. Highly specialized staff works with hydro- ambulances, canine units (rescue dogs for marine settings, avalanches, search and localization of people and assistance to blind people). Relief to bathers is carried out on beaches and during athletic competitions. Specialized figures like diving units and helicopter rescue teams may intervene in particular situations.

National Service of Civil Protection “Civil Protection” includes all structures and activities deployed in order to protect life, goods, settlements and environment from harm or risk of harm arising from natural disaster, catastrophe or other calamitous events. In Italy, the law no. 225/1992 established the Civil Protection as a “National Service”, coordinated by the Prime Minister through the Civil Protection Department and composed by central and local public bodies and other public and private organization on national territory. In the framework of the National Service, the Italian Red Cross constitutes the main organization involved in assistance to population thanks to its great logistic capacity.


National Situation Room Almost 1.300 bases including Regional, Provincial and Local branches and units, and more than 145.000 volunteers: the wide capillarity of the Italian Red Cross on national territory allows the Association to reach in very short time the place where an event occurs in order to provide an immediate and appropriate response to emergencies. The territorial distribution of resources must be coordinated by a single structure that guarantees constant monitoring of critical situations and coordinating the interventions of the Italian Red Cross. The National Situation Room plays a central role ensuring its activities 24 hours every day thanks to the continuous presence of specialized staff and Emergency Managers, both volunteers and paid staff. In 2010 the National Situation Room was particularly active for: Earthquake, ERU Base Camp deployment, Chile Eartquake, Solferino 2010 (Event, School Camp, Course for the Palestinian Red Crescent delegation) and Bad weather emergency.

ItRC Emergency Manager Disaster response and preparedness represents one of the most relevant activities of the ItRC, especially in the last years. A course in was created at national level in collaboration with the Presidency of Council of Ministers – Civil Protection Department. The course, organized by the Health and Social Activities and Emergency Operations Division, is directed to volunteers and staff of the ItRC holding a basic knowledge and a good experience in the field of disaster response. The training has a duration of 260 hours and involves several experts from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, as well as from institutions related to relief and civil protection. The objective is to train staff in the field of disaster prediction, preparedness and response with team management and problem solving capacities in order to support the structures involved in disaster response.


In 2008 the first experimental course took place at the Training Center “Emilia Rossi” in Alessandria and at the Regional School of Lombardia “Principessa Jolanda”. At the end of 2010 four sessions had taken place with a result of 35 Emergency Managers trained. Emergency Managers nowadays are largely employed in training activities for staff and volunteers, as well as in response to local and national emergencies. They provide essential support to the coordination action of ItRC Delegates in emergency activities. The ItRC Emergency Managers were employed in the following national and international emergencies: Georgia/Russia conflict 2008, Abruzzo Earthquake 2009, Haiti Earthquake 2010 and recently for Migrants Emergency 2011.

Emergency Intervention Centers (Centri Interventi di Emergenza) Being ready to respond to emergency situations requires specialized staff, efficient equipment and vehicles: the Emergency Intervention Centers have been created in order to fulfill this requirement. The Emergency Intervention Centers are logistic structures where all the equipment needed to respond to emergencies is stored, such as vehicles, tents, cots, blankets, field kitchens, water and sanitation equipments, etc. The Centers are permanent structures with specialized staff supplemented by the Supplementary Emergency Operating Units (Nuclei Operativi Integrativi per l’Emergenza), composed by trained volunteers that allow to strengthen the response capacity of the Centers. In ordinary situations, volunteers and staff operating in the Centers attend training and work in order to guarantee the maintenance of equipment and vehicles. On national territory five Centers exist, including 100 staff members and almost 350 vehicles. In 2010 the contributions of the Centers to install the ERU Base Camp for the Haiti Earthquake Operation was fundamental.

Activities based on agreements These activities include a wide range of health and social services based on memorandums of understanding, agreements or conventions with public bodies (Ministries, Regions, Municipalities, etc.) or private bodies (companies, associations, cooperatives, etc.). Through these agreements Italian Red Cross commits itself to provide volunteers, staff and resources required to carry out the activities.

Activities for migrants The ItRC provides assistance to migrants through structures on behalf of central and local administrations. The first reception assistance is aimed at ensuring short-term accommodation to migrants in emergency situation. A second kind of assistance is directed to non-EU citizens in need, regularly resident in Italy, in order to accompany them towards economic autonomy. The ItRC encourages integration of migrants in Italy through information and legal counseling activities with special attention to protection of fundamental rights and freedoms and rules saveguarding refugees and asylum seekers. Moreover, activities aimed at job placement and vocational training are carried out on the territory.


In 2010 the ItRC provided the following services: - delivering of administrative documentation for Somali citizens without diplomatic representation; - legal support for family reunification, DNA tests and support for reunification expenses (such as flight costs); - correspondence for political refugees resident in Italy; - legal and economic assistance for corpse’s repatriation; - support to activities carried out by communities of migrants resident in Italy, with special attention to African communities); One of the most prominent activities is specialized assistance for trauma resulting from migration, defined as “transculturation”, carried out thanks to the support of experts in ethnopsychiatry. Particular attention was paid as well to victims of torture and unaccompanied minors.

Assistance in Asylum Seekers Reception Centers (C.A.R.A. – Centri di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo) The Asylum Seekers Reception Centers are structures dedicated to migrants that, following their irregular entry into Italian territory or holding an expulsion decree, have applied for asylum request. In these Centers, ItRC provide health, social and psychological support, legal assistance and orientation, support to identification of vulnerable groups and report to the relevant institutions. It distributes clothes, hygienic kits and essential goods. In 2010 the territorial branches of Lazio, Piemonte and Puglia were committed in the Asylum Seekers Reception Centers. At least 95 volunteers provided assistance particularly in situations of major vulnerability.

Praesidium VI On 25th May 2009 the National Convention for the project “Praesidum VI: strengthening reception capacities with respect to migratory fluxes concerning Lampedusa island and other strategic boarder points on Southern Italy coasts” was renewed. It is a project financed by the Minister of Interior implemented in collaboration with UNHCR, IOM and Save the Children with the objective of strengthening the reception system in Sicily, including Lampedusa island, and other concerned areas in Southern Italy, as well as reception centers for migrants. The project provides assistance and support to vulnerable people, including seasonal workers present in Calabria, Apulia and Sicily.

Identification and Expulsion Centers (C.I.E. – Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione) These Centers host non-EU citizens with an expulsion decree awaiting repatriation to their country of origin. The ItRC provides clothes, hygienic kits and essential goods, as well as legal counseling, psychological support, assistance for voluntary repatriation and contacts with families in the countries of origin. In 2010 the territorial branches of Lombardia and Piemonte were committed in two Centers, with at least 48 volunteers and 136 staff members. The presence of the ItRC in these Centers ensures humanity and respect of humanitarian treaties, with the aim of improving social and health conditions of migrants awaiting identification.


The international activities The ItRC operates within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, institutionalized at the 13th Hague International Conference in 1928, which coordinates several bodies on a global scale: the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the National Societies. The international activities of the ItRC, provided for by art. 2 of its Statute, approved by Decree n. 97 of the President of the Council of Ministers on May 6th, 2005, can be subdivided in two types.

Relief activities in natural disasters, armed conflicts, internal tensions, severe health or food crisis in the international arena.

Development projects in countries recently hit by disasters, armed conflicts, health or social crisis.

Other international activities related to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are:

- dissemination of International Humanitarian Law at national and international level; - restoring family link service in favour of missing people due to armed conflicts, disasters or mass migration.

The ItRC can collaborate to the International Movement’s activities either through financial support, material and human resources by sending contributions, delegates or through specific missions in different operating contexts.


The international emergencies

January 2010, Haiti On 12th January 2010 at 16.53 local time an earthquake of 7 degrees on the Richter scale hit the western region of Haiti causing thousands of deaths especially in the area of Port-au-Prince. The ItRC intervened immediately by sending on 13th January a logistician along with the first mission organized by the Italian Civil Protection Department. The intervention of the Italian Red Cross fit into the ERU system (Emergency Response Unit) activated in Haiti by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. On 21st January a group of 15 people left for Haiti, including logisticians, medical staff and a voluntary nurse.

The emergency management The ItRC carried out in less than a week the ERU Base Camp 2 km far from Port-au-Prince airport. Named “Campo Italia”, it hosted the biggest deployment of ERUs in the history of the Red Cross (21 ERUs). The Base Camp provided direct support to all humanitarian workers committed in the relief intervention through the provision of 1.500 meals per day, accommodation and services. A water potabilization plant capable to produce 30.000 liters of water per day was activated, and two more mobile potabilization units. On the whole, the potabilization system was able to ensure 80.000 liters of water in 12 hours. From 26th January to 1st March 2010 the ItRC produced 749 m3 of drinkable water by providing an essential service especially during the cholera epidemics.

The projects of the Italian Red Cross In addition to the immediate relief interventions, the ItRC implemented several projects in favour of the population, as follows:

- Program “Psychosocial activities for Haiti”: initiative to support Haitian population through mechanisms based on analysis of needs directly expressed by the population by means of the Haitian Red Cross. The social intervention focused on community organization, essential needs, feeding, psychosocial support, social activities, primary education, job placement and vocational training. The program included the following projects: - Social and health intervention for families in Italy; - Supporting the initiatives of the National Societies and IFRC in the field of psychosocial assistance in Haiti; - Integrated intervention project to support the Haitian Red Cross – response to the appeal of the IFRC; - Employment of Delegates in the Program “Psychosocial activities for Haiti”.

- Program “Purchase of land and building of 53 housing units”: the intervention aimed at supporting Haitian population through the provision of housing structures to families hosted in Italy based on the needs identified by the Haitian Red Cross.

For more information on the interventions carried out in favour of the Haitian population please visit the website at the page “Resoconto delle attività di emergenza” in the section “Attività”/”Risposta alle emergenze”.


Donations received On 31st December 2010 the ItRC received 3.114.000,00 Euro specifically assigned to the intervention in favour of Haiti.

February 2010, Chile On 27th February 2010 at 3.35 local time an earthquake of 8.8 degrees hit the region of Bío-Bío, central Chile, with epicenter 90 km far from Concepción, the most populated city and capital of the region. The earthquake was the most violent in the last 25 years. On 1st February the government figures reported 524 deaths (source: Chilean Ministry of Interior). The day after the earthquake at least 300.000 houses were damaged and 1,5 million people were hit by the disaster (source: IFRC). Other areas hit by the sisma were the regions of O’Higgins, Maule and Santiago.

The emergency management The ItRC acted along with the IFRC to support the Chilean Red Cross in tracing and rescue activities and assistance and reconstruction interventions. The International Red Cross activated an intervention team and sent hygienic kits, cooking kits and blankets for 2.311 families (24th March 2010). The rescue operations and the psychological support activities continued for months. Several ERU were activated in order to ensure access to healthcare: the Spanish Red Cross provided healthcare to 1.147 people (24th March 2010) in Hualañé (Maule region), while one more unit was installed by the Japanese Red Cross in Parral (Bío-Bío region). The field hospital of the and the , supported by staff of the , was installed in Pitrufquén (Auracanía region).

Donations received On 31st December 2010 the ItRC received 18.116,00 Euro specifically assigned to the intervention in favour of Chile.


July 2010, Pakistan The monsoon started on 21st July 2010 causing the most violent floods recorded in Pakistan since 1929. The floods started in northern provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan isolating cities and villages and destroying houses, roads and bridges. In mid-August the tributaries of the Indo River fled into the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan. In mid- September the population left the cities at risk; at the end of October more than 3.000 structures still continued to host over one million displaced people. On 10th November the National Disaster Management Authority reported 1.984 deaths, 2.946 injured and 1.744.471 houses damaged. Almost two million hectares of cultivable land were destroyed.

The emergency management On 19th August the IFRC launched an emergency appeal for 56,3 million Euro (Revised Preliminary Emergency Appeal n. MDRPK006) to which the ItRC responded immediately. The disaster response was conducted by the Pakistani Red Crescent thorugh relief and evacuation activities, distribution of food items and other goods. The IFRC supported the Pakistani RC by means of a FACT composed by first aid experts, shelter, logistics, health, communication, water and sanitation. In mid-August the first ERU was installed in Mardan; at the end of the month there were 6 ERU active for the relief operations.

Donations received On 31st December 2010 the ItRC received 436.318,62 Euro specifically assigned to the intervention in favour of Pakistan, including 101.000,00 Euro received trough SMS.

The International Disaster Response Laws The last decades proved that the international cooperation is essential to face humanitarian needs of communities hit by disaster, even considering the challenges deriving from climate change. Recent disasters demonstrated that no state is reasonably exempt from occasional need to appeal to international assistance. In 2001 the IFRC started the International Disaster Response Laws, Rules and Principles Programme (IDRL) with the objective of exploring rules and laws in force related to disaster response, especially in relief operations. In 2007 the XXX International Conference adopted the “Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance”. The programme defines three fundamental roles for the IFRC: technical assistance; capacity building; advocacy, dissemination and research. The ItRC responded with an approach to this programme by means of the Emergency Activities and International Operations Department and the International Humanitarian Law Office. In this phase the ItRC held a dissemination action of the programme objectives and contents, especially among the emergency management staff.

Development projects The ItRC is committed in international cooperation activities in favour of National Societies in need through bilateral and multilateral programs or in collaboration with the IFRC and ICRC. The ItRC acts through a network of International Delegates that are activated according to the needs. In 2010 twelve delegations were activated in Bosnia Herzegovina, Indonesia (activated in 2010), Vietnam, Honduras, Haiti (activated in 2010), Nicaragua, Madagascar (activated in 2010), Congo


(activated in 2010), Mauritania, Etiopia (activated in 2010), Spain (delegated to CCM), Palestinian Occupied Territories. Here follow the development projects implemented in 2010. For more information, please visit the website


Eritrea Rehabilitation of Edaga-Hamus Hospital in order to improve healthcare for the population of Asmara. The project, started at the end of 2008 in collaboration with CGIL Lombardia and the NGO Progetto e Sviluppo, has a duration of 3 years. Cost: 462.300,00 Euro including 60.000,00 Euro financed by the ItRC.

Etiopia Integrated and Community Based Water and Sanitation Project in Saharti Samre Woreda and ERCS Tigray Region Adwa Sub-branch Capacity Building: the project has a duration of one year. The objective is to build an aqueduct connecting the well to the village whose population at present is almost completely lacking water provision. The project includes sensitization activities aimed at reducing water-related illnesses. Cost: 600.000,00 Euro.

Gabon Disaster management: project aimed at enhancing disaster response capacity of volunteers of the Gabonese Red Cross and improve life conditions of the population. The project, started at the end of 2010, has a duration of three years. Cost: 35.000,00 Euro committed in 2010.

Gambia Changing Minds, Saving Lives: the project is aimed at increasing training for Gambia Red Cross Youth in order to ensure a rapid and effective response to population’s needs with special attention to the most vulnerable groups. The project, started at the end of 2010 with a duration of three years, is composed by four micro-projects (Ambulance, Youth activities, International cooperation through best practices exchange with other National Societies, Sustainability plan). Cost: 292.000,00 Euro of which 100.000,00 committed in 2010.


Madagascar Keep up: mosquito nets, information, education and communication (IEC) to tackle malaria in two district in South East Madagascar. The project, in collaboration with the Malagasy Red Cross, intends to contribute to gradually long-term elimination of malaria. The project, started in April 2010, has a duration of three years. Cost: 169.300,00 Euro.

Samar 2: project in collaboration with the Malagasy Red Cross. The objective is to enhance sea security and foster transportation of sick from the minor islands to the hospital of Nosy Be. The project, started at the end of 2010, has a duration of one year. Cost: 39.232,00 Euro.

Mauritania Strengthening Mauritania Red Crescent: the objective is to set up a partnership between the Mauritanian Red Crescent and the ItRC, that has been presented in the country since 1998 implementing several projects with the aim of ensure technical and financial assistance in order to allow the Mauritanian Red Crescent to develop its operational and institutional capacities. The project, with a duration of one year, ended in April 2010. Cost: 50.000,00 Euro.

Democratic Republic of Congo Equipping and management of the pediatric hospital GILD in Kinshasa: the objective of the project is to contribute to increase and enhance accessibility to healthcare for low-income population, in collaboration with the Congolese Red Cross, NGO BUS, Monastery of Notre-Dame of the Assumption. The project, started in July 2010, has a duration of three years. Cost of the first year project: 210.000,00 Euro.

Rwanda Agazozi model village of the in Nyamashek: building of two pilot villages with the objective of reducing the poverty line, in collaboration with the Rwandan Red Cross and the . The project, started in April 2010, has a duration of three years. Cost: 528.425,00 of which 80.000,00 financed by the ItRC.


Haiti Support to the initiatives of the Canadian Red Cross in the field of psychosocial assistance in Haiti in 2010: intervention in collaboration with the Haitian Red Cross and IFRC to contribute to strengthen capacity of the National Health Department of the Haitian Red Cross in the field of psychosocial programmes, in particular in the city of Leogane (2010). Cost: 100.978,00 Euro.

Health and social intervention for Haitian families in Italy (2010): direct and personal support to 116 Haitian citizens, mother with their children hit by the earthquake, provided with


accommodation, meals, Italian language courses, social and health assistance in Italy, with the objective of ensuring protection and support to restart their life in Haiti.

In 2010 65 people came back to Haiti where they received assistance through family reunification and direct support in collaboration with the Haitian Red Cross. The beneficiaries received accommodation by the religious communities of Scalabrinian Fathers and Little Brothers and Sister of the Incarnation in Port-au-Prince, who offered services such as accommodation, meals, school for children, professional laboratories, health center with pharmacy). Cost: 210.000,00 Euro.

Honduras United against stigma and discrimination related to HIV/AIDS in the cities of Tela and La Ceiba: project in collaboration with the aimed at contributing to reduce HIV infection rates in Honduras, especially among young people resident in the cities of Tela and La Ceiba. The project, with a duration of one year, ended on 31st December 2010. Cost: 50.952,00 Euro.

Project Ampliando Opportunità: project in collaboration with the Honduran Red Cross, the and ICRC for the reduction of social risk factors and marginalization of young people (2010). The project, with a duration of one year, ended on 31st December 2010. Cost: 70.000,00 Euro.

Preparation of communities aimed at adaptation to climate change and strengthening capacity of response to disasters caused by Ulùa River floods in 4 Municipalities of Sula Valley: strengthening resilience of Honduran population facing climate change effects and floods, in collaboration with the Honduran Red Cross (2010-2011). Cost: 173.606,83 of which 87.000,00 committed in 2010.

Nicaragua Enhancing community health in Ometepe-Rivas Island: project in collaboration with the aimed at facing several health issues in different areas of the country,


especially children illnesses and public health response to requests of intervention by the communities (2008-2010). Cost: 100.000,00 Euro.

HIV/AIDS prevention campaign in Granada: campaign aimed at contributing to enhancement of information related to HIV prevention and reduction of stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV in Nicaragua, in collaboration with the Nicaraguan Red Cross. The project, with a duration of one year, ended in June 2010. Cost: 21.750,00 Euro.

HIV prevention project – Promotori in Rete – Branches of Masaya, León, Matagalpa, Granada, Santo Tomás and Headquarters in : campaign to strengthen the network of HIV prevention promoters at national level in collaboration with the Nicaraguan RC. The project had a duration of six months (July-December 2010). Cost: 11.000,00 Euro.


Thailand “ tells... mom loves”: the project has the objective of providing assistance to HIV-positive mothers and children in three Thailand RC operating centers specialized in the field (2010-2013). Cost: 100.000,00 committed in 2010.

“Close to Our Grandmothers’’: assistance and training project in favour of families holding a HIV- infected person, in collaboration with the Thailand RC (2010-2012). Cost:50.000,00 committed in 2010.

Vietnam “Mothers and Children”: project in collaboration with the Vietnamese RC and Tuscany Region with the objective of contributing to enhance life quality of communities resident in the provinces of Bien Phouc and Tieng Giang by supporting local health conditions (2009-2011). Cost: 100.000,00 Euro committed in 2010. The project was extended to the Disctrict of Loc Ninh on request of the IFRC in Hanoi and the President of the Vietnamese RC (2010-2011). Cost: 17.000,00 Euro financed by the ItRC National Women Committee.

Laos First Aid Program, in collaboration with Lao Red Cross. Cost: 40.000,00 Euro financed by the ItRC National Women Committee; 22.000,00 Euro financed by the ItRC Tuscany Regional branch (2010).

Sri Lanka Prosecution of the program Asia baby in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Red Cross for healthcare of hearth patients aged under 18 years old. Cost: 50.000,00 Euro (2010).


India Prosecution of cooperation interventions between the ItRC and the Indian Red Cross started in 2008 in different states of the country, among which a sensitization campaign on HIV and structrual strengthening of the National Society (capacity building). Cost: 321.468,00 Euro, of which 50.000,00 committed in 2010.

Indonesia The opening of an ItRC delegation in 2010 and the agreement with the Indonesian RC allowed to intervene in emergency activities related to the earthquake and the volcano eruption that hit the country, with a contribution of 50.000,00 Euro. Furthermore, the ItRC planned the intervention programme for disaster preparedness financed by Veneto Region with 20.000,00 Euro in favour of the Indonesian RC.


Bosnia Herzegovina Health and social assistance for elder and displaced people: the second phase of the health and social home care programme for elder and displaced people, started in 2005, reaches out from 2007 to 2011. The program is in collaboration with the Red Cross of Bosnia Herzegovina and IFRC. Cost: 200.612,00 Euro (June 2009-June 2011).

Support to Roma communities programme: programme in collaboration with the RC of Bosnia Herzegovina and ten Roma associations to contribute to enhance life conditions of Roma communities through training activities in health sector and community based participative methodologies. Cost: 61.000,00 Euro (July 2010-June 2011).

Organizational development of the RC of Bosnia Herzegovina: institutional, organizational and operative strengthening programme of the RC of Bosnia Herzegovina, in collaboration with IFRC and ICRC. Cost: 64.000,00 Euro (July 2010-June 2011).

Bulgaria Assistance for elderly: the programme, implemented in collaboration with the Bulgarian RC since 2004, contributes to enhance life conditions of elder people in the cities of Montana, Plovdiv and Blagoevgrad by ensuring homecare services. Cost: 35.000,00 Euro (January-December 2010).

Georgia HIV/AIDS prevention and drug addiction: project in collaboration with the Georgian RC to reduce HIV/AIDS transmission and enhance health and social conditions of drug abusers. Cost: 40.000,00 Euro (January-December 2010).


Kosovo HIV and AIDS Youth Peer Education: project started in 2009 with the objective of reducing vulnerability to HIV and other transmitted diseases and their impact on youth in Kosovo, in collaboration with the local National Society, the IFRC and experts of Villa Maraini. Cost: 40.000,00 Euro (July 2009-June 2010).

Montenegro Support to Roma communities in Konik camp: project aimed at promoting social inclusion of Roma children and young people in Konik camp in Podgorica by favouring their access to education and tackling school dropout, in collaboration with the Montenegro RC and IFRC. Cost: 60.000,00 Euro (January 2010-March 2011).

Assistance elderly: the programme, in collaboration with Montenegro RC, has the objective of providing help to the most vulnerable people through the homecare assistance programme for elderly and people who live alone in urban and rural contexts lacking adequate welfare system and social protection. Cost: 50.000,00 Euro (September 2009-June 2011).

Romania Support to Roma population through an intercultural and participative community based approach: project in collaboration with the Romanian RC aimed at promoting an innovative approach in the activities of the ItRC in favour of Roma population in Rome through best practices exchange and the creation of a team composed by staff and volunteers of ItRC and Romanian RC. Cost: 150.000,00 Euro (November 2010-October 2011).

Ucraina HIV/AIDS prevention and drug addiction: programme for the reduction of HIV/AIDS transmission implemented in collaboration with the Ukrainian RC and the French RC since 2006. Cost: 50.000,00 Euro (January-December 2010).


Palestinian Occupied Territories (West Bank and Gaza) Psychosocial support center for children affected by the conflict: psychosocial programme started in 2005 in collaboration with the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Danish RC, the Icelandic RC, the French RC, ECHO and Unicef (until 2009). The project is based on two psychosocial assistance centers in Hebron and Khan Younis. The programme includes the CABAC project (Childrend Affected by Armed Conflicts), School Based Psychosocial Project. Cost: 2.300.000,00 Euro. The Autonomous Province of Trento through its ItRC provincial branch decided to finance part of the project in Gaza “Psychosocial support to


Palestinian population with special attention to children and their families”. The financing covers the activities from 1st June 2010 to 31st December 2012 (249.993,00 Euro).

Yemen Creation of the local branch of the Yemen Red Crescent Society in Socotra: building of the center in Socotra and training for the Yemen Red Cross volunteers (2009-2011). Cost: 116.000,00 Euro of which 40.000,00 committed in 2010 resulting from the funds for Asia- Tsunami already used for other projects in Yemen in 2007-2008.

The institutional relations with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement The Italian Red Cross has been sat on the Governing Board, the governing body of the IFRC since November 2009. The ItRC participated in the first and second session of the Governing Board that took place in Geneva from 17th to 21st May and from 1st to 3rd December 2010. During the session of December the submission of the ItRC to host the next European Regional Conference that will take place in 2014 was accepted.

In 2010 the Association participated by means of Delegates of the Extraordinary Commissioner to several international conferences:

Mediterranean Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent 2010 Dubrovnik (Croatia), 17-19 March 2010; European Regional Conference Vienna (Austria), 13-16 April 2010; Donor Forum Shanghai (China), 25-28 September 2010; General Assembly of Red Cross/European Union Bureau Brussels, 4-5 November 2010; VIII Conference Asia-Pacific Amman (Jordan), 17-21 October 2010; VI Annual Partnership Meeting of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society Ramallah (Palestinian Occupied Territories), 15 October 2010; Meeting of the Implementation Support Group for the monitoring of the Vienna commitments Geneva, 16-17 November 2010.

In 2010 the ItRC signed memorandums of understanding with the National Societies of: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Gabon. The Association delivered institutional contributions for a total amount of 1.779.224,59 Euro as follows:

- Statutory contribution to the IFRC: 1.344.444,96 Euro; - Voluntary contribution to the ICRC: 230.000,00 Euro; - Membership fee to the Bureau de Liaison Red Cross/European Union: 68.478,00 Euro; - Membership fee to the International Humanitarian Law Institute of Sanremo: 60.000,00 Euro; - Voluntary contribution to the ICRC for the Flood Emergency in Pakistan: 20.000,00 Euro;


- Voluntary contribution to the organization of the Regional Conference Asia-Pacific: 15.000,00 Euro; - Voluntary contribution to the Appeal in response to the floods of December 2010: 30.000,00 Euro; - Voluntary contribution in favour of the Palestinian Red Crescent for the national school camp for emergency training in Solferino: 11.301,63 Euro.

The Standing commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent The Standing Commission is the major body of the International Red Cross as defined by the articles 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It performs three main functions: arranges the agenda of the International Conference and the Council of Delegates; promotes the respect of the Resolutions issued by the International Conference and the Council of Delegates; coordinates the components of the Movement. It is composed by nine members in charge for four years: five (elected by the National Societies and the signatory governments of Geneva Conventions) representing the 186 National Societies; two (ex officio) representing the ICRC and two (ex officio) representing the IFRC. Massimo Barra (elected in November 2007) was Vice President of the Standing Commission until 25th November 2009 and was appointed President on 26th November 2009.

The International Humanitarian Law The International Humanitarian Law in armed conflicts is a branch of the Public International Law that aims at limiting the horrors of war. Composed of customary law, it aims, on one hand, at protecting war victims (wounded, sick, shipwrecked, prisoners and civilian) and, on the other hand, at limiting the use of means and methods of warfare which may cause “superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering”. It applies both to international armed conflicts (between states) and to non international armed conflicts (civil wars) affirming the principle that people who don’t take or don’t take anymore part in hostilities must be “respected” and “protected”. The duty of the Movement to which the ItRC belongs is to disseminate as widely as possible the knowledge of these rules and principles and “implement” their respect in any circumstance.

Tracing office Through the Tracing Office, and Protection, the ItRC helps people to restore contacts with their families missed as result of armed conflicts, natural disasters or mass migrations. It executes family reunification procedures also supported by other humanitarian organizations, and provides assistance and services according the Italian legislation in force. This service is supported by the international network of Red Cross (Central Agency in Geneva, Tracing Offices of the National Societies of RC/RC). In 2010 several activities were carried out in favour of foreign citizens present on Italian territory that started an integration process through working activities and access to social services. In collaboration with the IOM and the International Tracing Service, many Afghani families gained access to necessary information in order to obtain authorization for family reunification. There have also been several cases that required advocacy activities for foreign citizens present on the Italian territory as asylum seekers who expressed need to keep in touch with their families by using the ItRC Tracing Office as a point of contact. These cases were held also in collaboration with the CIR (Italian Committee for Refugees), which represents an element of quality for need’s


identification and contribution to face them in synergy with other humanitarian actors. The economic aid was also diversified in favour of initiatives aimed at supporting integration processes of African citizens (especially vulnerable people such as women and children) with economic difficulties, in order to finalize a sustainable economic project. One of the several examples is the case of a Senegalese woman who received support to activate a VAT code in order to obtain a microcredit financing.

War documentation The War documentation Office performs procedures related to appeals to the Court of Auditors. The requests received by the Office concern documentation on state of detention, documentation proving health conditions, communications by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, information to the on prison camps on the Italian territory, information to CIRJ on necessary documents to start procedures, translation into German language and transmission to Berlin, Arolsen and Geneva for verification.

07 Communication campaigns, events and fundraising

This chapter concerns information and communication campaigns, seminars and fundraising initiatives carried out by the ItRC in 2010 with special attention to those promoted at national level. Five communication campaigns and three seminars were organized at national level, in addition to the Gran Galà, one of the most significant fundraising events that takes place every year in December.

Campaigns and events

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day – 8th and 9th May 2010 On 8th May the great relief work carried out by millions of volunteers is celebrated worldwide. On 8th and 9th May a big event was organized at Circo Massimo in Rome with a village that hosted several activities on different themes: support to armed forces, ERU Base Camp, special activities (water rescue, canine units, ski rescue, rescue with specialized equipment and techniques), recreational activities for youth (skin camouflage, clowns, animators), bike units, workshop on First Aid and pediatric desobstruction, simulations and demonstrations on vehicles extrication, bandage techniques, rescue of sick in mountain and health activities. Furthermore, a photography exhibition was organized.

Food and health – 15th and 16th May 2010 The informative campaign on arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome took place in the Italian streets. The initiative was carried out in collaboration with the Italian League against arterial hypertension that on 17th May celebrated the World Hypertension Day, pathology that concerns a wide range of population including children, youth and pregnant women. Sanofi Aventis contributed to the initiative.

Solferino 2010 – from 20th to 27th June 2010 Like every year, the Italian Red Cross celebrated the Solferino battle that took place on 24th June 1859, date of birth of the Red Cross idea. In 2010 the event took place from 20th to 27th June in 34

Solferino at the Humanitarian Village, a camp installed by the ItRC to host youth and volunteers. Several activities were carried out: the XVII torchlight, four Summer camps for youth, the National Meeting of Youth sections representatives, the workshop “Lesson learnt”, the informative course on International Humanitarian Law, the Raid Cross, a National School Camp and several emergency courses.

Institutional campaign “Persone in prima persona” (“Persons in first person”) On 5th December 2010, on the occasion of the World Volunteer Day, the ItRC launched the institutional campaign characterized by the claim “Persone in prima persona” aimed at recruiting volunteers. The campaign is a result of the renewal process of ItRC communication and visual identity. This claim intends to emphasize the fundamental values of the Red Cross by recognizing the prominence of volunteers as people who every day offer their work and time to the Association’s activities. The campaign didn’t employ professional models but the volunteers themselves who participated to a competition open to all volunteers in order to find “faces” for the national campaign.

Conferences and seminars

Humanitarian ideals and war: reflections one hundred years after the death of Henry Dunant – 26th October 2010 On the occasion of the centenary of the death of Henry Dunant, the ItRC organized at the Headquarters in Rome a seminar to celebrate one of the founding fathers of the Red Cross, in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Institute of Rome. The seminar saw interventions from Francesco Rocca, Extraordinary Commissioner of the ItRC; Charles Kleiber, President of the Foundation Council of the Swiss Institute of Rome; Sandrine Salerno, mayor of Geneva; Bernardino Regazzoni, Ambassador of Swiss in Italy; Paolo Bernasconi, senior member of the ICRC; Maurizio Moreno, Ambassador and President of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law; Paolo Vanni, professor at University of Firenze and national delegate for the history of Red Cross; Paola Gaeta, professor at University of Genova and expert in humanitarian law; Massimo Barra, President of the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The seminar was moderated by Paola Ceresetti of Radiotelevisione svizzera.

Prevention and protection of public health – 10th November 2010 This scientific seminar dedicated to prevention of colorectal cancer, in collaboration with Umberto Veronesi Foundation, took place at the ItRC Headquarters. The initiative was organized in the framework of the Equal Opportunities Committee’s activities. The seminar consisted of a lectio magistralis by professor Umberto Veronesi and interventions from Francesco Rocca, Extraordinary Commissioner of the ItRC; Ulrico Angeloni, Health Director of the ItRC regional branch of Lazio; Alfredo Cecconi, Honorary President of Latina branch; Ercole De Masi, S. Carlo Hospital of Rome; Andrea Laghi, University “La Sapienza” of Rome; Alessandra Servidori, National Councilor for Equality. The seminar was moderated by Patrizia Ravaioli, Secretary General of the ItRC.



Sms for Haiti Emergency – from 26th January to 12th February 2010 The ItRC activated an sms (48540) and a webpage dedicated to online donations in order to support Haitian population hit by the earthquake.

Sms for Chile Emergency – from 2nd to 21st March 2010 Fundraising through sms (45555) in favour of Chilean population hit by the earthquake.

Marathon of Rome – from 18th to 21st March 2010 On the occasion of this event a fundraising campaign was carried out to support Haitian population hit by the earthquake.

ItRC in the streets for Haiti and Chile – 27th and 28th March 2010 The fundraising campaign in favour of Haitian and Chilean population hit by the earthquake took place in the streets of 13 Italian Regions (Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Sicilia, Toscana and Trentino Alto Adige). Funds were assigned to the interventions in the two countries.

SMS for Pakistan Emergency – from 4th to 27th September 2010 In order to face the flood emergency in Pakistan an sms (45509) was activated to support relief operations in favour of the population hit by the disaster.

Gran Galà – 15th December 2010 The fifth edition of the ItRC Christmas Gran Galà took place at the Complesso Monumentale del Borgo Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome. The funds raised were entirely assigned to two important initiatives in favour of childhood: the project “We Care: curiamo i bambini di Hebron”, in collaboration with the Palestinian Red Crescent, and “Chioccioline con amore e diritto all’alimentazione da 0 a 3 anni”, project promoted by the ItRC Ladies Committee. Protagonist of this Gran Galà was Ron. The Italian singer, especially active in social issues, expressed his support to the ItRC projects. Furthermore, the Extraordinary Commissioner awarded Enel and Lottomatica with the ItRC certificate of merit for their sensibility in social issues and their contribution to this event. Several representatives of institutions, Italian companies, Government, culture, information and entertainment world participated in the event, among them: the Minister of Defence Ignazio La Russa, Prefect of Rome Giuseppe Pecoraro, President of Lazio Region Renata Polverini, President of team Lazio Claudio Lotito and Fabrizio Rocca, who presented the gala night. The initiative was organized in collaboration with Lottomatica as Main Sponsor, Acea, Enel, Calabria Region, Intel and Simest.


08 Partners and donors

In order to ensure accountability to those who supported the Association by offering resources, goods and services, this chapter intends to present all the actors that shared projects and activities of the Italian Red Cross in 2010. In 2010 accountability activities were the result of a strict collaboration among different offices and divisions of the ItRC Headquarters. A special attention was paid to create a relationship with the stakeholders based on confidence by fostering an accountable activities management. The website was renewed with a section dedicated to donors concerning all initiatives and projects, with reports on financial commitments. Several strategic agreements were signed with public and private institutions. The Association participated to forums, seminars and meetings. In March the ItRC organized some Thanksgiving Days for Abruzzo donors.

Italian Red Cross stakeholders map

In 2010 cooperation and strategic agreements were signed with public and private institutions: Anlaids, fio.PSD (Italian Federation of organizations for homeless people), Italian Center for Social Responsibility, European Institute of Oncology, Ministry of Interior, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Ministry of Health.


Abruzzo Emergency 2009 (the fundraising campaign has continued throughout 2010)

Main Sponsor: Comune di Roma, Gruppo 24 Ore, Western Union Foundation, Komatsu, Croce Rossa Canadese, Sisal, Canon Italia SpA, Fondazione Alessandrini. Sponsor: Abbott Club S.S., ABC Costruzioni, ACS Dobfar S.p.A., Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola SC, Alcatel Lucent/King Baudouin Foundation USA, Alfredo Grassi SpA, American Foundation of Savoy Orders, Amgen Dompè S.p.A., Amici di Marco Pantani A.S. dilettantistici, Amplifon S.p.A., Anglo Italian Society, Associazione Monaco Italie, Associazione Hua Yi Si, Associazione Nazionale S.A.P.A.R., Associazione Tavolo Trentino, Astaldi S.p.A., Astella Pharmas S.p.A., Auto Modelli, Bewebcom Corporation, Bologna Football Club, Bosh Rexroth S.p.A., Campari Davide S.p.A., Centro Analisi A. Fleming S.r.l., Codebò S.p.A., Colgate Palmolive Italia S.r.l., Comune di Assemini, Coro Avezzano, Coro Madonna, Corte Costituzionale (staff), Enigma Securities LLP Italian Branch, Facta Farmaceutici S.p.A., Fergi, Fondo di Previdenza del Personale Direttivo della Banca Popolare della Murgia, Forgiatura A. Vienna, Fossa dei Leoni - Tifosi Fortitudo - Bologna United e Fortitudo Pallacanestro S.r.l., Gas Natural S.p.A., Global Healing, Gruppo Buffetti S.p.A., Gtech Corporation Greenwich, H3G S.p.A., Immobiliare Scatena SAS, INAIL, Ing Direct, Internet-BNL e family, Ital Brokers S.p.A., Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Itas – Campobasso, Kompar S.p.A., Kuwait Petroleum Italia S.p.A., Lega Nazionale, L’Isola Verde Erboristerie, Liceo scientifico, Mellin Danone S.p.A., Nycomed S.p.A., Oracle Italia S.r.l., Otis S.p.A., Paypal, Pfitzer Italia S.r.l., Poker for Life Onlus, Pointer Club Italia, Associazione Pranic Healing Cervia, Pro Oligata, Provincia religiosa di Roma Congregazione Suore Adoratrici Sangue di Cristo, Silvestar S.r.l., SMA S.p.A., Stmicroelectronics S.r.l., Swk Utensilerie S.r.l., Tecnologie Diesel e Sistemi Frenanti, Tesa S.p.A., The Bank of New York, USAID, Villerupt Solidariete Abruzzesi, Vivian Vivio Stolaruk, Wolters Klukert Italia S.r.l., Zhou Xiao Bin. National Societies that supported projects in Abruzzo: , , , , Chinese Red Cross/Jet Li One Foundation, Croix Rouge Monaco, , , , Japan Red Cross, , Montenegro Red Cross, Raudi Kross Islands, Spanish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, and IFRC – DREF.

Haiti Emergency 2010

Main Sponsor: Acquafresh, H3G, Wind. Sponsor: Banca Albertini, SAP Italia Sistemi Applicazioni, Seconda Casa Circondariale di Palermo, Enoplastic SpA, Syngenta Crop Protection Spa, Fluid o Tech, Golder Italia SRL, Laumas Elettronica, Unione Sportiva Lecce Spa, Lease Plan Italia, Studio legale Associato Via Sistina, Silvestar srl, SWK Utensilerie srl, Novaferr srl, Foyer Socio Educatif du Lycee, Ass. turistica Pro loco Golfo, Shell Italia spa, Eli Lilly Italia spa, Universo Sport spa.

Pakistan Emergency 2010

Main Sponsor: Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio. Sponsor: Provincia Italiana Congregazione Suore Ospitaliere del S. Cuore di Gesù, Braglia S.r.l., Centro Polidiagnostico Gammacord – Sannio, Cini Nils S.r.l., Fondo Interno Solidarietà Lav. R. Tab. T., Tecniplast S.p.A., Rocca G.I.E., Impresa Edile Tucci Giancarlo e SAS, Stardata S.r.l., S.L.T. S.C.P.A., Ariosto S.p.A., UL International Italia, Belder Interactive sas, Original Cellular Service S.r.l.


Chile Emergency 2010

Sponsor: Forni Industriali Bendotti S.p.A., Cerniere Meccaniche S.r.l., Istituto Comprensivo di Casina, Staff of Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura (CRA), Club Pro Sologno, Associazione Onlus Budrio “Equo e Solidale”, UILCA Terr.le Bologna, Sicap S.r.l.

09 Honours

According to the article 15 of the Statute, “the Italian Red Cross confers honours to those who stand out in volunteering or in support, collaboration, defense, dissemination and fulfillment of Red Cross principles and objectives. Proposals and procedures of conferment of honours are defined by specific regulation adopted by the national executive board subject to approval of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defence”. In 2010 the Association conferred 4.924 honours and 2.589 commemorative medals, as shown below:


10 Code of ethics and conduct

On 11th November 2010 the Code of ethics and conduct of the Italian Red Cross came into force. The document, appreciated also by the IFRC, aims at providing a reference framework to guide staff, members and volunteers towards a correct application of the Fundamental Principles and values of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and asserting at the same time rights and responsibilities of all those who belong to the Italian Red Cross, as well as responsibilities of the Association towards them. The Code is composed by 16 articles divided in four chapters that define general regulations, principles, rights and duties and executive regulations. The order of approval issued by the Extraordinary Commissioner imposes to all those who adhere to the ItRC to sign the document: members, volunteers, staff, consultants and international Delegates. The full text of the document is available on the website at the section “Chi siamo”.

11 Equal Opportunities Committee

The Equal Opportunities Committee was constituted in 1993 to fulfill the principle of equality affirmed by the article 3 of the Italian Constitution and related regulations. The Committee promotes gender equality and aims at ensuring dignity in the workplace with the purpose of enhancing quality of life in working environment and developing capacities of all staff, by identifying and eliminating any form of direct and indirect discrimination. The main tasks of the Committee are:

- To collect figures on relevant issues; - To promote surveys, researches and analysis on division of labour, distribution of roles and forms of discrimination that may occur in the Association; - To develop action plans and measures aimed at implementing effective equality amongst staff members; - To promote initiatives aimed at executing European and national resolutions and regulations related to equality.

The Committee remains in charge for four years until the constitution of a new one. Members may be renewed only one time.

In 2010 the Committee carried out the following activities:

- Conference “Donne e potere” (“Women and power”), Rome, 27th October 2010, with Patrizia Ravaioli, Secretary General of the ItRC and Alessandra Servidori, National Councilor of Equality; - Seminar “Prevention and protection of public health: the metabolic syndrome and the colorectal cancer”, Rome, 10th November 2010, with a lectio magistralis by prof. Umberto Veronesi; - Questionnaire aimed at carrying out a gender-based cognitive survey in the ItRC; - Counseling office at the ItRC Headquarters (Via Ramazzini, Rome) aimed at strengthening relationship between Administration and staff by promoting a horizontal approach that may foster direct communication and encourage equality policies in the workplace. 40

- Day care “Corri Ridi Impara”: the objective of this project was to provide care to staff’s children during Christmas period to facilitate working continuity; - The Committee supported the “Man project – Woman project” implemented by the National Laboratory of the ItRC with the objective of carrying out screenings for the prevention of the most common diseases.

12 Workplace safety for staff and volunteers

In 2010 the central organizational system of prevention and protection management was improved and strengthened through several intervention plans at territorial level.

Accidents and health of workers The management of figures related to accidents in the workplace was entrusted to the provincial and regional branches, while at central level indicative evaluations were carried out. The results showed that most of the accidents occur “in itinere” or are related to road safety. Other accidents are due to the workplace’s context (falls, slips), often during emergency interventions.

Activities of the Headquarters The activities of the Headquarters were focused on orientation and coordination aimed at providing tools and sharing experiences among different territorial branches by means of guidelines, standard documents and meetings. The activities were directed both at staff members and volunteers, according to the decree 81/80. Concerning the volunteers, there have been efforts to anticipate the fulfillment of the specific decree on the normative obligations that will be issued in the next future. As for the strategic and organizational activities, the Human Resource Division issued a set of guidelines to enhance the organization and management of prevention and protection at regional level. Furthermore, some operative guidelines and procedures were defined for a correct and homogeneous management of:

- health surveillance for all groups present in the ItRC; - individual protection devices; - medical gas (medical oxygen).

At the same time a working plan was approved in order to issue guidelines on security procedures to ensure an adequate and homogeneous security and prevention standards on the territory and intervention places, with special attention to:


- prevention in cargo movement and patients movement activities; - safe behaviour in motor vehicle driving.

Finally, a revision of Regulations on prevention and protection management activities started up.

Uniforms and individual protection devices In 2010 new Regulations of volunteers uniforms was issued with the purpose of harmonizing all working clothes and individual protection devices required for each activity.

Prevention and protection activities on the field All activities directly related to prevention and protection of staff members and volunteers were carried out at territorial level under the coordination of the regional branches. In 2010 prevention activities were fostered in terms of security procedures’ fulfillment, health surveillance and training that involved thousands of staff members and volunteers. Several structural adaptation interventions were started up to ensure the respect of regulations and make the workplaces safer and healthier.

13 Training for volunteers, staff and citizens

The Italian Red Cross carries out several training activities directed to staff members and volunteers (internal training), but also to population and staff members of other organizations (external training). In addition to the activities carried out by the territorial branches, ItRC has seven Training Schools based in Firenze, Milano, Napoli, Bologna, Roma, Chieti and Potenza. Furthermore, there are Training Centers in Pisa, Alessandria and Verona. The Centre of Jesolo and the Polifunctional Center for emergency training activities are equipped with accommodation facilities. The activities cover a wide range of subjects (for more details please consult the tables in the Italian version of this Annual Report). In addition to training directed to volunteers, in 2010 the ItRC was committed in courses directed to staff members. On the whole, 23 initiatives were carried out for more than 500 staff members. More information is available on the website, in the section “Attività”.

Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law One of the specific commitments of the Italian Red Cross is dissemination of the International Humanitarian Law. This activity is carried out through different kind of events, such as courses, informative days, round tables, conferences and seminars. In 2010 the following activities were carried out at national and territorial level. At national level:

- XI course for Legal advisers in armed forces; - VII National course on History of the Red Cross and Medicine; - XXX National training course for IHL instructors; - XXXI COCIM course; - IX National conference of IHL instructors;


- III Qualifying course for civil and military personnel for application of IHL in armed conflicts and Crises Response Operations (Master in Peacekeeping and Security Studies at University “Roma Tre”); - XXII course for Directors and Professors of programmes related to IHL; - XVII and XVIII course for Qualified adviser for armed forces officers.

At regional, provincial and local level, several initiatives were carried out, such as:

- 2 conferences (25 hours); - 30 informative courses and seminars for armed forces (450 hours); - 12 informative courses and seminars carried out inside the Italian Red Cross (127 hours); - 11 lessons at schools and universities (120 hours).

In 2010 13 dissemination courses (104 hours) were carried out for the personnel of Financial Guard. An informative course was directed to military staff of US NAVY at Castelnuovo di Porto. The “International Humanitarian Law Course” in collaboration with University “Roma Tre” took place from 3rd March to 20th May 2010. Finally, a collaboration with the International Institute of Humanitarian Law of Sanremo was activated to carry out the XXXII International Round Table: the ItRC is member of the Institute’s board of directors.

14 Environmental sustainability

In 2010 the Italian Red Cross started a programme aimed at including respect of environment in all activities. In July 2010 the Extraordinary Commissioner appointed a National Delegate for Environment management with the following tasks:

- to activate an assessment on environmental competences inside the Association; - to carry out a basic training meeting at national level on environmental management and define guidelines for future training programmes on environmental management and sustainable development; - to start an initial needs and priorities assessment in the field of environmental management and define guidelines on environment policies; - to create a permanent commission in charge of defining an environmental strategy and an environmental management programme; - to analyze possible synergies with other internal activity sectors aimed at promoting events related to sustainable development and environmental management.

Previously, the Extraordinary Commissioner had given specific measures aimed at reducing by 30% use of paper in comparison to 2009 and starting to use recycled paper. Territorial branches are committed to revise procedures by fostering the use of electronic documents, email and any relevant measure. On 3rd June 2010 a document entitled “Internal environmental management” the concept was reinforced by emphasizing the following issues:

- waste management; - use of recycled paper; 43

- energy consumption and use of renewable sources; - water consumption; - use of toner; - sensitization directed to suppliers and rationalization of purchases.

Several training, informative and sensitization initiatives were carried out by the ItRC Youth and the branches. Hence, the environmental activities of the ItRC are based on three main areas of interest: internal awareness and management capacity; resources management; awareness actions directed to population.

The national campaign “Climate in Action” The national campaign “Climate in Action” started with an experimental phase in February 2009 consisting of a workshop, working groups, meetings and an international camp in Morocco. Since 2009 several sensitization activities and informative days on climate change and humanitarian risks were carried out. In January 2010 informative material was created both for adults and children. In February 2010 on the occasion of the Energy Saving Day entitled “M’illumino di meno”, a sensitization campaign was carried out at a shopping center in Jesi with distribution of informative material and educational games. In this experimental phase, 100 ItRC Youth volunteers were involved. In August 2010 the campaign “Climate in Action” guidelines were approved and a national representative was appointed. The general objectives of the campaign are: 1. to increase knowledge of climate change, anthropological impact on climate, humanitarian consequences of climate change, and promote social behaviors in respect of the environment (mitigation); 2. to sensitize on effects of climate change, to reduce vulnerability related to meteorological events and other disasters (adaptation); 3. to promote international cooperation with special attention to those countries that suffer the consequences of climate change.

In order to pursue these three objectives, the activities focused on training, information and sensitization. In 2010 three main initiatives were carried out: the Interregional Camp Piemonte- Liguria-Valle d’Aosta in July, Sikelia Camp in August and the VI National Camp in December. As a result, 61 “Climate in Action Operators” were trained, in addition to one operator of the . On the occasion of the II National Assembly of Youth a workshop that involved 40 volunteers took place. Several informative days were carried out for 300 volunteers on the whole. Other activities directed to population were carried out on the occasion of the Earth Day with an exhibition on climate change based on the concept of human suffering.


The campaign was introduced as well in the Summer Camps, such as the camp entitled “Climate revolution” that took place in Marche Region directed to youth not belonging to ItRC. The campaign’s guidelines were brought to the attention of the Ministry of Environment in order to obtain a patronage. Finally, a collaboration with the National Research Centre for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate was activated.

15 Economic and financial report

The ItRC incomes are divided in six types: current transfers, contributory incomes, alienations and other incomes, capital transfers, alienation of properties and loans. Since the final balance 2010 has not been consolidated yet, the figures related to the budget estimate 2009 are reported here.

Budget estimate 2009 – incomes

Incomes composition (2009) 45

Analysis of figures shows that 55% of incomes are referred to the Headquarters and 45% to the Regional branches. Among the regional branches, the first five represent around 68% of the total regional incomes.

Incomes of regional branches

The expenditures of the ItRC are mainly: running costs, costs for different interventions, retirement pensions, risks and burdens, investments.


Concerning the expenditures, since the final balance 2010 has not been consolidated yet, the figures related to the budget estimate 2009 are reported here:

Budget estimate 2009 – expenditures


Expenditures composition (2009)

CRI - Bilancio di previsione 2009 - Uscite


The expenditures include - among others - risk funds, contributions and membership fees paid to the ICRC and IFRC.

Expenditures of regional branches

Analysis of figures shows that 53% of expenditures are referred to the Headquarters and 47% to the Regional branches. Among the regional branches, the first five represent around 67% of the total regional expenditures.

16 Future perspectives

Interview to the Extraordinary Commissioner

How do you consider the results reached in 2010 compared to the priorities set at the end of 2009?

After our experience in Abruzzo our objective was to strengthen further disaster preparedness and the immediate intervention in Haiti proved that the Italian Red Cross was able to give an appropriate response to crisis. In other emergencies as well, like Chile and Pakistan, the Association responded quickly to the IFRC appeals by offering its own funds and thanks to generosity of many donors.


The other main challenge was to face the increasing social distress that was affecting our country, with special attention to both “new poverty” emerging among Italian citizens and the needs of migrants. At this moment, the ItRC is facing the emergency related to the geopolitical unrest in the Mediterranean region that particularly affect Italy, at the crossroads of migratory fluxes. The arrival of thousands of desperate people will have a strong impact on the country. The Association has the duty to respond to this challenge in terms of capacity to support people in condition of vulnerability as well as in terms of integration.

What about the future perspectives?

For the year 2011 the strategic orientations of the ItRC have been set according to the three objectives of the Strategy 2020. “Saving lives changing minds” suggests to get a sense of the world that is changing and to reflect especially on “how” the humanitarian action proceeds. The Association is making efforts to adapt to the global economic and social changes. Any problem at global level inevitably has repercussions on local contexts: this is why we are firstly aiming at a strong development of the local resources to respond to communities needs with special attention to quality of services. The capillary presence of the ItRC and the level of performances are ensured by the peculiarity of its Association model. 2011 is the European Year of Volunteering, a favourable moment to plan promotion actions in order to develop volunteering with the ItRC. The priority is to strengthen Association’s appeal capacity and highlight the contribution of those who offer their work every day throughout the country honouring the humanitarian principles that inspire this work. The organizational development process of the Association will go on in 2011 according to these orientations: new organizational models, performance system development, expenses reduction and human resources rationalization.

17 How to get involved

Donations On checking account no. 200208 at: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Filiale di Roma Bissolati Tesoreria - Via San Nicola da Tolentino 67 - Roma, Codice IBAN: IT19 P010 0503 3820 0000 0200 208 Account name: “Croce Rossa Italiana, Via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma” For donations from foreign countries the code BIC/SWIFT is: BNL II TRR

On postal checking account no. 300004 Account name: “Croce Rossa Italiana, Via Toscana 12 - 00187 Roma”

Online through the website in the section “Dona online”, where it is possible to choice among different emergency interventions and projects of the ItRC by indicating the reason for donation.


By buying ItRC gadgets on the website in the section “C.R.I. Shop”.

Volunteering discover how to become an ItRC volunteer on the website or through the National Civil Service

Legacies and inheritances