-.1 ' FR inA Y , AUGUST 10, 19B« VAOfi FOURTEEN inanrl;pat»r iEti^ning

RIdiard Qulmby,' aon of Mr. and They evidently disregarded the largest Mosiifira and wholesalers of Average Daily Net Press Run ^ The Weather, Mra. N. M. Quimby, 88 Tanner fact that the police station was Teenagers Dance nursgpjritock in Nei^ England, will New Lease Signed For the Week Ended Fareenst of D. S. Weather Boraau About Town St., haa returned from the aum* within 200 feet of where they were t its turn as host to the group. June 16. 1956 mer aeaalon of the American In- C x committing the vandalism. On Oval Courl Guests are expected to begin ar­ For Mill Space Cbanre of widely ecattered opan-houM in honor of the atitute of. Cooperation at North Cliief Herman,O. Schendet said riving about 10 a.m. Lunch will Carolina State College, Raleigh, about S75 to 1100 worth of damage thunder ahnweni tonight. Sunday 80th waddlnr annlveraary of Mr. =» Another Childrenrx^iS' Teenager be served at midda.v followed by .G regg and Son, Inc., a wood 12,065 N. C., where he repreaented the 'Was done to the trucks. outdoor games. During the after­ WEEKLY BINGO fair and little ehange In tempets. ani). Mra. Gaorga H. Wilcox at,the Dance will bttbeW at the West Glaatonbury Chapter of the Fu­ Three juvenilea were also ap­ products company, haa taken a 3- Member of the Audit L. B. Riding Club. Middietou-n, ii Side Tennig.-06urts tonight weath­ noon, bus tours of Burr's growihg Bureau of Circulation ariire. to be held Aug. 19, not Aug, 12, ture Farmera of America. Ha re­ prehended by police for stealing er pepaWing. This is the last lands will be conducted. Dinner year lease «n the 20,000 square FRIDAYS - 8 P. M. Manchester-^—A City of Village Charm a i printed in yeaterday'a Herald. ceived, on behalf of the Chaplet*, fruit and breaking a tree. ADout 1 will be served at 4:30 p.m. ! feet of assembly and warehouse the National FPA award for, co­ A^niek of the summer to be held o'clock, three other yoigigstej t the W est Side. There is one Among the local guests expect­ I space it occupies in the old 'Oak- operative activity presented by were turned over to their ed are Mayor Harold A. Turking- ASSUMPTION HALL Pfc. John T. Scott, aon of Mra. the American Inatitule of Cooper- more dance scheduled for Rob­ i land Mills on Tolland Tpke. VOL. LXXV, NO. 266 (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 (Classified' Adrerttatng ea Page •) PRICE FIVE CENTS after they allegedly starta


PA G E T H B E S PAGE TWO SlANCiqSSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1956 MANCHESTER,EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 a a l^ Crapaton, R. I., both,'natives of R ockville Bolton Manchester, were 'vlsitora this j, , "N.j) riONl D ‘Conspiring to ConceaV WHAT—010 Addrrsfiefi Realtorfii Fire Bai^s Bid Howling Betsy WKNB—MO week at the home of Mr. and Mra. ^iilai,^Averell Await Democrats DaUy Radio, WPOP—1410 I Firm, City Study Church Planning James Mahoney, Keeney Dr. Mrs. EASTWOOD WOOD—IXM HutUne is a sister of Mr. Ma­ Races Toward WDRO—1*00 KMtcrn Itayllsht Time WTIC—1080 honey. Their son, ‘'Kip’,; has J.ha Wayar To Rescue 260 Estes Claims Ike’s Aides Traffic Problem To Hold Bazaar been vacationing with hi* aunt and uncle. **THE SEARONERS” Decision by Truman Dominica Isle New Rights Battle The louowin* pro*r«m RtK'kville, Aug. 11 I Special) Sev. | Bolton, Aug. 11 (Special) The : Sunday Services "SAILOR BEWARE" VUIaVl.ieirpad'^er I:M4:U'll:te Belgian Miners aro suppUtd by the radio manage- WCCC—Record Review eral auggntions pertaining to im-1 Congregational Church is perfect- j The Rev. J. Richard Yeager has Hid Date on Dixon-Yates WKNB^BA'*#‘b*ll MAtlne# /^ IIE A N MARTIN Vaa Jletlfa Kd Beglcr DRtinned from Page One) mant and are aubject to change proving ’ a Iratfic problem on ■ chosen '•‘Thomas, the M an'w ith'a (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) (Continued front Pnf« On*) WTIC—Monitor « Brooklyn St. between the old and j Ing its plans for the second chicken - ' J^KRY LEWIS Turtle Races Monday W D R r—Ri«coid HIlop barbecue and bazaar of the season. Question" aa hla sermon topic at appeared to remain a trace of the (Oontimied from Page One) Truckers Appeal without nouca. w rO P - T#*mpo Ran«l9teiu) new building!) of American Dyeing j the 10 a.m. worship service “PAHERNS” Slight hope waa renewed that in intensity during the next 12 B. Carey of the Electrlent Work­ ittt §j80— Corp. were aired at a meeting be-j An early June event was most suc­ "LUCY GALLANT*>^ 4:ie. I:M cooineaa between Truman and Calling all turtles to com­ the government canceled th e Engaged hours. - WHAV—N«we , WIIAY--P..lk» PvHdf* cessful and many of the chairmen United Methodist Church tqiaby-' Stevenaon that developed in the some of the men might-be found Lookout Decision ers Unions and Chairman Joaeph w c c e —MUJIC R oort WCcc—Record Review tween official., of the city and fhej row. JANE WY5IAN "k pete in the big Turtle Race agreement last fall on grounds the "Irifiicatlons are that the center WKNB—Kreneh Muitc WKNB-'RAnehaU MAlinee company this week. of committees who worked oij that OHARLETON HESTON 1952 campaign. Four yearn ago, as ' alive after one rescue crew reached, will be near the island of Dominica L. Rauh of Americana for Demo­ The Rev. Richard .Carter wtlU SUNDAY. Monday. Aug. 13, nt 6':45 on power need wbuld be met by a WTIC—K »»» WTIC—Alonltor The issue arose at this week's. affair will carry out the same be guest preac^r Aiir^O a.m. wor- j , the DenuKratic riomlnee. SMvenaon all 10 Manchester playgrpuncia the 3,000 foot level and reported this morning. Winds will Increase Norwich, Aug. 11 (/T) —Con­ cratic Action. WDRO—N«wi WDRr~New OrleatiM Jaw Band Ball duties on Sept. 15. \H a(h Marlair fUrvn liiitrk^ pursued hia own course. He dl- , necticut truckers have asked the WrOP—New» WPOP—Trnipt* Bandatand Common Council meeting whehyft ship at the Coi^regatlonal Church I STARTS SUNDAY: 'Turtles of all makes and colors, air in that region had not been municipal plant' that the city of , this mornirig in the area of hurri­ But Sen. Sam Ervin, North. Caro- llU— *:4A- waa pointed out that parking/on Walter Waddelh general chair­ tomorrow. The Rev. Mr. Carter ! Jajui Taylor dnycfi Nnjf ' forced his campaign aa much aa will be competing (or , the'’ Memphis, Tenn.. a'TVA customer, I cane diapla.v reaching full hurri- Superior Court to correct the find-. WHAV—^Hv« a.Lir* WHAY—Polka Parade both sides of Brooklyn St. was al­ man lias announced that Mr. and' Nen-ee Okay? Heart Good? un poaaibie from the 'Truman admin- ; contaminated by gas. ing by a special panel of three i ItD®! * member of the platform WCCC—Uuaic Room WCCC—Record Review ' . is pastor fif the Congregational: Here la A Real Thriller: ‘‘EaHh vs. 'Turtle Race Awards that will had decided to build. WKNBrrrraOcli lluuo WKNB—'Baaeball Matinee lowing only one-way traffic/ . Mrs. Thomas C. Johnson assikted iatration then in office. Mine' offlciala had never aban­ unemployment compensation com-' writing group, said he expecta tha Church of W'ayne, Ohio. “D-ItA-B-O-L-I-Q-U-E” Flyin> Pere- be given to'^the boys and girls Currently, Mississippi Valley is i ing. Mlyiillei' W’TIC—Monitor As a result of , the metfting with | by Leonard Wood will head the Whatever hla reatons for making . who enter Iho winning turtles. doned the idea that some men may "Precautions against dangerous misaioners that the tri-state convention to ^ SiRC^‘ C —Lof» ,Dfcomt* WDRC*—N>w Oi|t>ana Jax* B and Bali the company,. Mayor/Herman G. j barbecue committee. A-‘J- Roberts and “STRANGE DOOR" Saucers wolf” . It. Truman'a forthcoming atate-: have found shelter at the ends of suing the government for more trucking strike in 1955 waa a W PO P—T- m|w*Banil."tanloseph BORIS KARLOFF 1:M. 4:44. 1:44 ment waa aure to have a paycho- ' the deepest workings where smoke than 43'^ million. Claiming it' should be taken immediately in the WHAY—Parade ot. Muii? W HAY—Newa made by Americ^li Dye that the) bert Hutchinson/-dables; Mr. and D'ltalla, telephone Mitchell logical impact on the convention. I and gases may not have pene­ spent that amount in preparatory , The finding held that because, ix’lthout a serious dispute or bolt WCCC—M uilc Room W'COt>—Good kevenina Good Muaia CHILODEN FIf EE ( work on the West Memphis plant. area of display. Vessels in the path WKNB-^Baecball MaUnea city resurface Utt street, torn up j Mrs. Raymolid P. Jewell, chairs, .1-9545. w In q ijn l, t jFiji’sl Hliyiji [luml fir r i Wed^^,,>^fRAPEZE” (In Color) The former Preaident controla no i trated. the 861 Connecticut drivers Were j by Southerners, W KNB—Ev<‘ninK S eren ad e in "the process of ennstniction of ] Fighting that suit. the.Justice De­ of the hurricane should exercise locked out, they were entitled to I j w. h-.f t h.ua WTIC—Roaa Miller WTIC—News ^ silver and cups; Mrs. Bruce G. Ron- atate delegation, not even that But one'ieacue worker a-saessed caution.” WDRO—Stand by for Music WDRC—New* Reporter the rompan>/s recent construction from his home atate of Miasouri. Russia, Japan the chances for the trapped miners partment has contended the can­ receive unemployment benefits ag- ^ 4 „ng?^h^t work^ WPOP—Tempo Bandstand son, tickets: Mrs. Charles C. The average worker bee will At Washington, the Navy said WPOP—News and Weather of a half-pullion dollar plant addi­ Chiirch, Jewelry; Mrs. E. Pierce But many party members' ap­ as "extremely feeble." celed and repudiated contract gregating 4132,000. llU— « : t § - tion. Richard H. Kggrrs gather enough nectar for a dea- never was ,'"a final, binding and ita hurricane hunting plane* be­ William J. Cousins. New Haven out without too much difficulty,” WHAY—Warm Up Tima ' WHAY—SporU Spotlight Herrick and Mrs. ^irton J. Tuttie, spoonful of honey In its six weeks peared willing to listen to hia ad­ Treaty Signing Smoke and gas earlier had pre­ gan penetrating the eye of the he said. WCOC—M usic Room WCCC—<»ood K vening Good M usic O lh^ suggestiona heard were to food sale:‘Mrs. A. J. Roberts, fancy vice. If he favired Harriman, vented rescuers from reaching the complete" 'agreement, that it was lawyer .who is counsel for the 40 WKNB—SiKirls Today WS.aNB—R c ae a rrh m o^ the sidewalk to the aide of i Richard H. Egger^.-ffeld ekeoi- of life. technically faulty, and that It con­ storm during Uie night. T trucking firms involved, and./)WTff Timmerman was not questioned WTIC—B oss M iller W'TIC—S tric tlv Si»orts work: Mrs. Theodore W. Chandler the mere statemelit might be 3,000 foot depth. after his teatimony late yeaterday WDRC—Let s Oo to Town the"^street where the new. building | tive. Departmejit'd? Field Services. tained some provisions which vio­ In a. dispatch early this morn­ filed the motion to ■ correct, said W'DRC—M uelr: NVwi« Jr., wishing-well and Mrs. Walter enough to deny Stevenson the Seen jmininent Nine bodies snd si)t survivors ing, Lt) Junious E. (Bud) Ship- but Belford V. Lawson, a Negro WPOP—Tempo Bandstand W 'POP—TemiM* BnndMAiid Ail located, to re-arrange a door' National . Association of Real' F. Elliott, treasurer. T E l ^ I S I O N nomination on the first ballot for were taken out of the mine lated the Public Utility Holding the case of Louis Brechu of Jew­ Ilia— i : S a - ■’that opened directly from the new which hia strategists have been Wednesday afternoon. If was be­ Company Act, man. Memphis, Terin., pilot jat one ett City, a driver for the Rapid delegate from the District of Co- ’WHA Y—Dodfters vs. Phils WTIAY—S upper S eren ad e / building onto the sidewalk, caiiaing Eatate Boards, Waahingtom^.JD.G.' Because of the popularit.v of the .of the P2V Hunter planes, said lumbia and member of the plat­ WCCU—M usic Room WCCC—Grou Kvcnlha GoodsMuaid wishing well at the June event amy alriving. .(Continued from Page One) lieved that at least 100 men were Destined for DIsgmre Transit Co., will be used as a test WKNB—Baltimore va. N.Y. W'KJCB—K v en ln f S eren ad e risk of hitting a pedestrian. Zone office, will speak Monday at. dead in upper levels of the mine. ' The task force staff report said rie found winds of more than 115 of the entire dispute. form group, asked a chance to W TIC—R oss M iller WTIC—Mon.tor Nat. N,'Schwe'diel. general mana­ a meeting of . the Manchester the fact that its store of good.s was PROtmAMS There remained the poasHrilitv, miles a'ri hour in the hurricane. Labor Commissioner Renato E. question Timmerman today about IrtiRC—City HoaplUl W'DRC- Pre-<'orjvaantlon Newe^ an early seil-out, Mrs. Chandler MANSFIELD however, that a Truman endorse­ hiatically with signing of the peace 'The others wet’e trapped below 3,- that "from its very inception WPOP—Tempo Bandstand W P O P —TenijM) Riindatand ^ ger, said the company hopes to Board ,of-Realtors_ The meeting js wroee «r. s<-)Sa rMuwttwr*# Dixon-Yatea . was destined to end He reported It was "pretty Ricciuti granted' jdbless pay to his statement.. haa asked parishioners of the ment might catapult wavering treaty. The trade clause estab­ 000 feet. rough getting into’ the eye of the •:U- 1:4*— / . complete moving into the new will b » in at noon in the'Country Re.scue workers have waged a in public disgrace and djgrepute." the truck drivers last year, but Ervin and other southern ^wkea- WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils 'W'HAY—Washington Retert building within 4-6 weeks. At that Club. Eggers will speak on “Good church to save and notify her of TNI TtMatM i n MSMMt Video Everyday — and uncommitted soulhernei’s into lishes a legal internatioiial basis hurricane but we found a slight­ the companies appealed hia action men said they were certaUT Tim­ WCCC—M usic Room WCCC—Good fc;venin|r u o ^ Music any items they may have for this ito tT * on tnt scwtsi Stevenson's column to head oft dogged battle against fire, smoke Kefauver said "this wimie pidn ly softer spot to come out' if you WKNB - Baltimore vs. N.Y. WKNB—Kvening Se^nade time, he said, employea wjll park Business Ahead In Building Better All Rights Reserved — fop Sovlet-J(ipanese trade and in waa crudely conceived in darkness Lorlnz piio’o to the unemployment commlsaion- merman would return to answ er. w n c —Rosa Miller feature. the possibility of. a Harriman and deadly ga.s in the e^orta to can call anything .jibout a hurri­ W’TIQ—Monitor / in the parking lot located at the OommiuYities.” SOMEBODY H. T. Dickinson 4k Co., Iric. effect merely says Soviet-Japanese reach the entombed "ffteri. ^ for the base and.ulterior motive of Anne L. Bnreiszn ers, who handed down their find­ questions by any of the platform WDRC—Diuice Orchestra W'DRC —Pre-i’otp^nilon Newa rear of the plant, thereby eliminat­ Food .Sale | nomination. . cane soft.” ing June 29. committee. W PO P—Tem po B an d stan d W‘POP-Tem |)v^ Bandatand The one salient, point that trade ia a good idea. destroyini; the TVA.” He added l:ie - ing the traffic problem on Brook­ The Ladies of St. Maurice will j UP THERE > J Reariirra Teat A|r that "in cases Involving similar Mr. and Mrs. Aldolf Barei'sza, 18 The weatherman -in the plane WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils - tor; the Rev. B. A. Gadarowski, conduct its last food sale of the i aeemed to stand out in the pre- For Japan the most valuable as­ During the night, crews tested WHAV- Bay^‘ a l,ife ' lyn St, set of the trade agreement is that circumstances" indictments and Birch St., announce the engage­ crew, Lt. (JG) Don Bailey. Deer­ ... WCCO—M usic Room WCCC—Good tsvening Good Muate At that time also,, the street will assistant. season after both Masses at St. { LIKES ME Chaaa.l I Naw Mayra, Caaa. i.H (l*)\n;STKRN PLAYROL'SE convention period was that some the air at regular intervals in-the.]-' field, 111., said that "in its eai-ly W KNB—B altim o re v s. N.Y'. WKNB-T^inner Date Union Congregational Church: Maurice Church tomorrow. Masa- nn m iM * Chaaarl IS Hartford, Coaa. )Sa» OR. S P O t'K • Southern delegations would walk it will open the path to expanded corridor at 3.000 feet. It was hoped convictions have resulted. ment of their./daughter, Anne W TIO-Ross Millar WTIC^Newf and 8i>orta be restricted to parking on one IBNBl ChaBael SI Sprlastirld. Mato. S;lt (K-M) VOGTH WA.NTS TO trade with Communist China. Ja­ The role played b.v Adolphe H. Louise, to Walter P. Miller Jr., stages the storm (appears to be WDRC—Dean Hiidsoii WD|K?—Juke Box Jury side onl}'. Ma,vor Olson said. Servicea at " a.m., with the Rev. e« will be celebrated at 8:30 and I Plus “Secret or TreasureTreaeu Mt.“ Chaaarl M New Brilata, Cobb. K.\OW out if the New York Governor reacuV^eama could move through following the general pattern as WPOP—Tempo Bandstand WPOP—Juke B«x Sat. Night Paul J. Bowman, paator. officia­ 10 p.m. i Ckaaarl 44 W alerbarr. Coaa. 4:te (I.) RARTOONLAMI were chosen as the party stand- pan's prewar trade with China the dee^levels to search for sur­ Wenzell in negotiations leading up son of and Mrs. Walter P. Nasser Bares Aim Also attending for the city were that of Hurricane Connie last l:U— ting. Town Y’iailora ChaaBrl 44 Helyalce’ Tdaio. , (Si) CATHOLIC' HOI R ardbearer. amounted to about 35 per cent of vivors or bbdies if the testa showed to the Dixon-Ystes contract has Miller of Fast Hartford. WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils _ • ’ItmAV-l-Sav/' a U f- Police Capl. Peter Dow'gewicj. SUN.! ^tTHE SEARCHERS’* 4:J# ( 4) COLLKGK PRK88 CON: its total'foreign trade. been a focal point of dispute. Misar Bareisza, a graduate of year." WCCC—Music Room W'CCC*^*ood bveiiiog Good Music Public YY'orks Chief William Dun­ Rockville Methodist Church: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hultine, I 11:N ( 4) niO TOP FKRK.M'P Whether this situation had any­ the air to be »afe, * ' WKNB—BalUmore vs. N.Y. WKNB—Dinner Date lap, Alderman EMwin Heck, - Ed­ Services at 9 o'clock, with the Rev. (IS) MOV R O OfiBS --^iarat; Carmra- Drhapla, thing to do with it. some Dixie The only clauses remaining for A mass' funerak^and a national In fighting the Dixon-Ystes Marichestei Higli School is pres- w n c —R o ss M iller W'TIC—M onitor Norman W. Spellmann. pa.stor, of­ (tt> COWBOY PLAVHOl’SE (la Janir. t-laaraan the aubCommlUee to clear up arc damage suit, the Justice Depart­ eritly employed at P ratt and Whit­ WDRC—Dean Hudson ward,Hiller and Luther Trouton, (I4-.VJ) RANOWAGON •&(! leaders seemed to be veering day of mourning wOa set (or Mon­ ‘To Arouse Arabs’ W DRC—Ju k e Box J u ry p ra s ra ia l U.N. admission for Japan and es­ ment haa contended that Wenzell ney . Aitcraft. Her ■ fitince WPOP—Tempo Bandstand WPOP—Juke Box aSai. *\ight Tennis Tourne.v Set ficiating. (44) CAPT. GALLANT (tjse) A.MERICAN PORl'M again toward Stevenson after day. Services will be held .In the Bush Says Ike • ;e ^ 1:S*- Junior singles tennis tourna­ Trinity Lutheran Church: Morn­ (U> SATI'RDAY PKRFORM- Got. Rlrliard Ciarv aad pulling away because of his call tablishment of diplomatic rela­ town square behind the 12th cen­ was involved in an improper cori- graduated from East Hartford (OonUmied frqm Page One) WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils WHAV—Jo in the N avy ing worahip. 8 o'clock, the Rev. E. ANCE Xrn. Rlrliard. Nra'brrarr. for the party platform to express tions. tury Church of Marcinelle. Miners fllct of interest in jefving High School and is employed at WCTC—Record Ravue WCCC—Good Kvening Good Music ments, co-sponsored by the Rock­ 11 :M (» -M ) M R. W IZARD Ormarrat,' Orraoa simultaneously as a . 'Budget Martin Finishes WKNB—Baltimore vs. N.Y. WKNB—Evening Serenade ville Board of. Recreation and the O. Pieper, pastor, in charge. l:te ( 4) LOONKV Tl'NF.S “unequivocal approval" of the from all over Belgium will partici­ Dubitsky’s Construction Co. marskjold of the United Nations. ' WTIC—News: SporU WTIC—Monitor Bureau consultant In ^gOtiations Veto No Curb Junior Chamber of Commerce, will YVeekend Events (14) WKSTRRN PLAVHOl'SE Supreme Court's school integra­ pate. A fall wedding is planned. Dulles, who will attend the multi-: WDRC—Fascinattng Rhythm WDRC—Top Hat Concert Another outdoor dance will be (It) S STAR THRATKR tion ruling. Italian Ijibor Minister Ezio Vig- hnd ss vice presidw t'of. the First Work on Budget WPOP—Tempo Bandstand W PO P—W ord of M fe start next w-eek, it was announced For Your (St) WKSTKRN THKATRR YOUR YARN SHOP Boston Ciorp. of New York. First nation Suez conference starting in ' •it» - 1:4*— held tonight at the tennis courts 1:M ( 4) ADVKNTI'RF.S IN SPORTS Gov. L/Ulher Hodges of North F abled Lakes orelli; who is lit the disaster scene, WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils W'HAV Cliiirch of God » today. Bost(Mi later became the Dixon- On State Dams The girls will play opening at Henry Park, starting at 8 1:44 (U> RASKRALL All Art Needlework Suppllee Carotin^), a long-time Stevenson threatened today to pull all Ital­ WCCC—R ecord R e v u t WCCC—Good ETening Good Music (») GAMK OP THE WEEK aupporter^hn had beep wavering, ian workers out of Belgian mines. Ystes groups financial agent. WKNB—Baltimore vs. N.Y. W’KNB—Rose m ar V Clot’looney rounds Wednesday. Boys will open o'clock. Alderman John Gill. Rec­ Dancing Pleasure • FREE INSTRUCTIONS He said heS did not expect t(? be I tw® to clear up post w n c —Monitor W'TIC—M onitor ‘ reation Board chairman, said the llndcrr* vi. rklllirn seemed to be^ swinging back into Of Ireland Go He insisted on a full investigation ’ The Justice Department, alleg­ (Continued from Page One) back in time for the Republican | budget work. General Manager WDRC—Richard Hayes W'DRIT—M iisic by Antonin! pla.v Thursday. 1:ftt ( SI RASFRAMd • FREE PARKING and said h* was flying bark to ing Uijs^ual role by Wenzell, has W PO P—T em po B an d stan d WPOP—Juke Box Sattirdav Night All pla.vers must report for their Rythmaires -Orchestra has been •^Ynnkern v». Bnltimor# line a f ^ visiting Stevenson here. national conventmn opening in San; Richard Martin was preparing ts engaged to furnish music. Dancing (1R> W'FATFRN FI.AYHOrSR Open Tnea. to S a t 8:45-5:00 "Sle'venaon alilt..^ is the beat Milan to consult with Italian offi­ argped this made the Dlxon-Yates At North Stonlngtori iVhere he **WHAY—Dodgers vs. Phils W'HAY—P ro u d ly W*c H ail match on time. Those who are late 'S:M <1R) S OTIaOCK THRATRR Thnraday Evening TUI 8 cials. tract void, and that as a result was resting before going to the will include polkas, waltzes and

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. MANCHESTER, CONNie SA;pLrRDAY. AUGUST 11, 19S6 ^ jM ariTvjt FAOB FOUB .IIANXHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN* SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1956 4 - BUgar candy. Wa re afraid It'a too Uia Atlantic coaat, and wilh In the segn and heard; how that the blind Conviejt Freed IRanrlirBtFr good, from the strictly Republican norinal event, frustrate any hur­ •ee, the Ihme walk, the lepers are | cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead i point of \dew, to he true,. And we After Diseovery I j r r a U i ricane In any auch endeavor. If are raised, to the poor the gospel! Skywatch Schedule * are forced to h5pe, when we think the winds keep blowing this way. is preached.’’ (Luke 7!22l, J- Of Trial Error ■kRi2J «^ u fJ (^ IN C of the country, that It Isn't, about the only place a young Correlative pa.ssages from the ______11 BmmU Strett Churches Christian Science textbook. "Sci­ Simday, August 13 Hancbeattr- Conn. _ Caribbean hurricane ran. go lA THOMAS F. F'BRGUSON ence and Health with Key to the 'Mldnight-2 a.m, ...... Volunleera Needed New York, Aug. 11 (JP)— A '( WALTER R. FERGUSON Half In Still Too Many ' into the Gulf of Mexico, Which is North .Methodist Church St. James’ R.. O. Church ‘ 2 a.m.-4 a.m/ ...... Volunleera Needed priaoner who recently pored over Publlihers Scriptures" by Mary’ Baker Eddy, BUSINESS exactly where Anna, thia sea.son's 4 a.m.-8 a.m...... Volunteers Needed Foundad OOobtr 1. IHW 447 North Main Bt. Rev. John f . Hannon, Pa.s1nr include jhe'following Ip. 210: 11- the record of his 1936 trial and This month, the population of first, did go. It was propelled by .Mr. Cnriilrk N. C. Ndamae, Rev. Oeorge P. Hughes 16): "Knowing that Soul and its 6 a.m.-8 a.m...... John McCauley’ PubUUiftd STerj K«nln« 8 a.m.-10 a.m, ...... Volunteers Needed found an error in iU procedure haa Oils 'country, according to Census the nonnal easterly winds, which, Interim .Stlnlster Res’. Edgar .1.. Parrell attributes were forever manife.sted ■unday* and Uolldaya. Ent«r iry is In the Dlatrlb|itor for Aluminum Com­ 99 EAST CENTER ST^Tel. Ml-isqOS pect. as the Increase continues, is rourtroom. Me wrote King.s Coun­ bination Windows and Doors. Tha Harald Prlntlni Company. U«.. 1} a.m.. Gottesdienat. Rev. Joseph E. Farrell, Pastor Bergner is making a return visit j Building, Manchester, on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, from 1-.5 assumes no financial reaponslblllty tor the opposite of ours. No room, no The Rev. Hans—U—Auibw'kken -5:30 Hour Rev. Francis T. Butler from the Juliu.s Hi^rtt School of | p.m. ty Court aiid asked a cprum nobis tvpoaraphlcal errors appeSHni In ad­ hearing. food, no happy c.v'cle of Increased will conduct the services At the Broadcast. ‘ over WGTH. the Rev. Music to play the fliUe solo in the \------. ■■ ■—^...... ■ ------.----- ■ vertisements and other reading mattar offcrlor.v of both .services, as well I At the hearing ye.slerday Judge In Tha Mancbetter EranlM Herald. consumer demand creating more Community Baptist Church tomor-. George Wittmer. of St. Louis, Mo., Masses at 7, 8:30 and 11 a.m. row at 9:30 a.m. summer speaker. as the preludes. There have been Nathan .Sobel agreed a major Hi- ' Messier Display advertlslni cloalnc hours: jobs and more Jobs creating more Mr.s. Bob Crosby gal error had b e e conimilled. He > Tuttle's DON WILLIS or Konday—I P.m. Friday. He h.18' served in the Missionary Ht. Francis Assisi Church , man.v requests for his i-cappear- Drooflles for Tuesday—I p.m, Monday. lonsumer demand, as in this coun­ held in North Africa, more pne- ('ominunlty Baptist Church South Windsor, Rt. SO snee. B.t ROGER PRICE Seokinji Divorce set aside Sniolen's life sentence.' SERVICE STATION Upholstery ~ r Wednesday—1 p. m. Tuesday.. .594 E. Center St. at the Green Church sehool and nursery arc Instead of ordering a new trial, 1 , vr Thursday—1 p. m. Wednesday. try’s dream of its future. .Mready, cisely in Algeria, for nearl.v 14 Rev. .Arthur J. Heffernan. Pastor ■9- GARAGE yesrs. His work there consisted of John R. .Neubert, MinUter. Rev. Francis Karvells, Curate at 10 o’clock. ■ the judge advised Smolen to plead Rout* 44A, N. Covtniry SpeclaUzInf Fdr fVlday-1 p. m. Tb^aday. th'fe country Is having trouble find­ giiilt.v to the same kidnaping FoKSaturday—1 p- "i- Friday. service 'in institutions as well as Mrs, Leland L. Howard, Ixxs Angele.s, Aug: 11 IT) The Bob TH. Daya PI 2-7600 Ik 18 Main St., Tel MI-9-45S1 CUaaUled daadlipe:..10:30 a.m. each ing enough foreign markets to buy charge he was convlcl'ed on. On direct evangelistic work. Organist. Masses st 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 Second Congregational Church i Crosby’s have scparaled .ind Mrs. dav « publication except Saturday — that plea the judge gave Smolen .Mghtg PI 2-7307 * Funiitura RtAuphol- 3 a. m. its products so it can maintain, Mrs. I..ester H. Wolcott. a.m.' ; • 383 North Main SI. Crosby, the former June Kuhn, has He i.s St present on furlrtUgh and Church School Superintendent. Arnold W. Tozr.rr, 5tlnlster 20 yesj-s. But since Smolen ha.s al­ Spadalitiiiffx In even a aurvivar aconomy for its sued the bandleader for divorce, staring. Saturday, AufRist 11 is studying st Kennedy School of , .Mrs. Barbara ^cker. ready served that time, he will go Gcntral Rc|krijr Sarvict population. .Misston.s, one of four graduate , St. .Maurice R. C. t-huri'h * Auto Tops BRAKE SERVICE 9.30 a.m.. Church Schqol for Bolton Center ,4'holr Director alleging that he beat her and free. . . . . At that, the Japanese population School.s of Hartford Seminary Mrs. 5Illdred Calchers, Organist threatened tp cut her off without a 24 Hour Road Soryico So many people in Manchester, The Corruption Issue children. Cradle Roll thfough Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor and vicinity have used the services ables every word of the aervlce to * Truck Cushions increase Is much slower, now, than FoundStion. Grade 3. dime. Front End AUgnmont Accessories Of All Kinds . of the Holmes Funeral Homes and be heard dlitinctly. 599 CENTER ST. (Rear) The D«mo':t'aUc propapandista It might be. What slowed it down 9:30 a.m.. Morning. Worship Sunday Masses at 8:30 and 10 Sunday'. Aug. 12: The 42-year-oId Crosby denies tha (Tor PH f r y *, Morning Worship. 9:30 a m. beating charge. He says his wife, learned that theira is a "Service of TTiere are two chapels on the hava boldly faahioned a new cam* with the Rev, Hans L. Aurbakken, a.m. Candy, Ice Cream, Sundries ,Sincerity," one where personal con. ground floor of the Main St. Home TEL. Ml 3-8831 . Gontral Ropdr Worii was the passage. In 1948, of a la’w Sermon: "The. State of the w’ho is S6, has been, ill and In tha ■Very soon now the E. A. John-s;. of Hartford Seminary, preaching. ( sitjeration is a tradition. Many and tw’o family rooms, each one palpi argument. It 1.h to the effect legaliiing abortions for either hospital six times in the past year. Classe.s Soiifjhl just’ as well as you can with the Soloist. John g ; Perkins. Sacred Heart Church Churches in the Gold Coast, West I yelirs ago, Mark Holmes started to separate and distinct from the son Paint Co. will be m'oving t o ! that more top official.^ have been Atlieiicum Notes Africa". The Ciosbys have been married whole house open. health or economic reasons. Church St.. Vernpn I serve people as a funeral director other so that neither service will Its new home, but whether th ey: accuaed o f mlaconduct' In the Emanuel I.utheran Church Dr. Robert T. Parsons, nearly 18 years and have five chil­ For Slow Pupils The harmonizing color chart Specializing in Frozen Food Now, it is eatlinated. at least 1,- : and his thought was to serx’e a conflict with the other. Upstairs are. at 699 Main St. or at their C. Henry .\ndersnn. Pastor Guest Minister dren. Her suit’ yesterday asked that DuPont has compiled is a Containers. Refrigerator and Eisenhower administration than 500.000 lives are snuffed out In .Sunday Maseea at 8:30 and 10 CUNLIFFE I farflily in a’rtx- manner that would be there is still another chapel with new location just to the south, you Special Exhibitions „ Meh-tn T. Peterson, Asst, a.m. Supervi.sed nursery during w’or- for their custody and J3.155.75 Coventrv, Aug. 11 (Special) — , of assistance, and to carry out all a family room, and. If nedeasary, great help in planning a new, ef­ Freezer Bags, Plastle Food in any adrninlatraUon aince that Japan each year, bv the abortion •Tree with Isiud Bark' ! monthly .support. She estirpated her can depend upon the fine quality [ ".Sports Cars and Sports Car to the Pastor ship service. The Board of Rducation ha.s re­ ! of their wishes, i l f was successful i a third service could be held here fective color scheme with that Containers. . o f Ulyaaea S.'tirarit. process, which costa a W it eight Racing" exhibition on view in This tree was developed at the j at $8,500 month. MOTOR SALES of merchandise always carried i professional touch. As a matter of Andrew R. Watson, Organist St. .Mary's Episcopal Cliuroh ceived a petition requesting the ■ in his desire, and now his sons, at the same time txvo services here. One aurmiaea* dial tliia is. pri* Avery Cotirl through Aug. 12. In EXPERT AUTO BODY and Howard and Arthur, also realize xvere being held on the ground fact. It is marvelous what .stun Rental space available for your dollars. This compares with about Church and Locust Sts. Schw-ine-Kitzenger Botanical Gar- '-c,,.„gby-s first wife was Maria establishment of a cla.ss for men­ I f painting is in the cards fori marily a defensive rather titan an addition to 1.50 photographs of Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.' FENDER RFJPAIRS that they may best serx’e through floor, all without any confusion or ning, unusual and yet wonderfully frozen meat and vegetables as 1.700.000 births which are allowed The Rev. .Alfred L. Willlama, dens when my Colleague Or, ; Grounltz of Saii Franci.sco. Nine tally retarded children. The proj­ you this summer, DuPont is a races and racing by E. U VSkIp" Divine Worship With Holy Com­ sincerity. conflict with one another. harmonious rooms you can achieve little as .04e a Bay. offenalve tactic. The Den-ocrata Rector ect. according to-the petition ENAMEL nnd IJ8C()UER narpe to conjure with, for it ia ^ to take place. This abortion, a Eveleth of Westport, there aje four munion, 9 a.m. Schwine, accidentallv cross-pollin- ' ***>’» after they were divorced he The Holmeses Have enUeavored to If a really large service is nec­ through its use. Just stop in and Sydney W. .Mac.Alpine, Connecticut could be operated in conjunction REFINISHINOS known the world over. DuPont expect the Republicaps to revive. practice offensive to wealern in- sports cars on exhibit in Avery 8eifmon.''"Good Intentions Don’t ated an Oak with some lint from j" * '''!;:' ‘y i ’IC.v give Manchester a truly beautiful essary, the two chapels on the look at it. You are always wel­ Organist and Choir Director with A.shford and Man.sfield. paints are famous for their self-1 In 195S, some o f their pwr "cor- atlncts, and 'to th>: morals of aome Court. A Masersti, chassis of s Mskeia Otiristlan," Pastor Ander­ .* V his Winter Mackinaw. The .result; REA.SONABLB PRICES funeral home, one which will, han­ ground floor may be thrown info a come. ) • ■ The request wa.s presented to the cleaning quality so that when you L. T. WOOD DepekdaMe QoaUty — Servtek! puplion" . noise of 1952. Rather 1926'Bugatli and the only existing son. opened up a whole new field for : " ' FREE E.STT5IATES dle any size serxdce. The hom« at . huge chapel by pushing back the There is no guesswork about westernera, la the only thing tKaf . The 11th Sunda.v after Trinity’ : Yankee Board by Mia.s Adaline G. Hoff, use DdPont Outside Paint, it ac-: model of a transporter by Dslm him and fie immediately went to ■ ■ . ■ ROUTE SO—WAPPINU CONN. 400 Main St. was recently enlarged I sliding doora, enabling the easy matching paint when you .select LOCKER PLANT than defend themselves again, the 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. By H. O. and it will be submitted to the tually cleanp Itaelf and your paint' criate.s a hope that Japan may ler Benr. which can travel at 125 Center Congregational Church W’ork on a p)an to produce a Weep- _ ^ j_ - ;^ ______» » w so that the original chapel is more I handling of any number of persons. .your paint at the E.'.’A. Johnson 51 BISSELL ST. Democrata prefer, quite soundly 10a.m., Morning Prayer ("Fam ­ State Department of Kducation for AT THE RICHFIELD SIGN is kept bright and free of dirt \ William H. Sebieliga somehow'be able to keep on mak­ mllc.s per hour. The excellent dc Clifford O. Simpson. MlnUter ing WiHow with Kleenex leaves »o ^ than doubled in size, the addition Through their association with Paint Co., for the chart tells just TEL. MI 8-8424 ily Service") w ith sermon by the con.sideratlon. TEL. Ml-S-8404 and grime ever to much longer.' tS8 Spmoe 8L TeL Ml-9-7996 from the strategy nolnt of view, ing a life for itaelf and ita people. sign and functional styling of the R. Russell Peery, They are touting the prospective it can sop up Us own tears. After k being 18 by 42 feet and a flower the National Funeral Directors what proportions of colors are to rector. Senior (Thoir. STATIONERY Miss Hoff is R member of the DuPont paints will give you a to go on the attack themselves. automobiles can be studied at close •Associate .Minister new Democratic National Commit- that he’.s gping to cross an Orange T } room has also been added. Consid­ Assn., the Holmes Funeral Homes be used' to achieve the shade of And thfcU ''somehow'’ is itself 7 p.m. Evening Prayer. LEADING BRAND.B A Xlan.sfield, Coventr.v. Ashford Re­ maximum' amount of wear, yet re­ Bo, for campaign pttrpoaes, the range. Mrs. Sherron .^drian • . Daily Services: teewomati from Connecticut, as a tree with a cheap girdle .so It can r tarded Children Assn. erable thought and attention to de­ will take care of all the details of your choice. rather apecffic. biich a density of tail xvent into the planning and the tain their true colors and bright­ ".Selections from the Lifar .Ool- Organist and Choir Director 7 p.m.. Evening Pra.ver. scholar and Phi Beta Kappa. And squeeze Us own juice. But his mosj' k AIR.MAIL . NOTES ^ Seven parents, of which three a service to be held out of state, Let the E. A. Johnson-Paint Co. Eisenhower administration be- population can be maintained, buF Watson Woodruff, D.D. in certain respects, that is a key Holmes Funeral Home at 400 Main relieving the family of this burden. ness'. make your work easiet- for you, lectiim of Ballet Designs" exhibK Mid-week Holy Communion: ambitious .idea is what he calls are from town, two from Ashford For the man and woman who . Morn honaea comea an administration loaded only on the basis o f trade. Even tlon in the Special Exhibition Gal­ Minister Emeritus to the conduct of Ella Gras.so, the "IProject South Pacific." As soon, i St. offers beauty, convenience and Whether you use the little home rent a floor scrubber and polisher Every ^Wednesday at 10 a.m. ■and two from .Mansfield, signed comfort. Air conditioning through­ likes to paint. DuPont Odorless ara painted with comipUon. Thgt may take lery through Aug. 26. This cele­ Windsor Loc:ks Minerva. She docs as he can get a rfde over to Oki­ ^Arthur Drug Stores j ; at 28 Woodbridge St. or the large for a nominal sum and see how There’s wl en half qf them.are.never'even the petition, B u b i ^ out means that the inside tempera­ I .Main St. one, the sanie personal Paint is truly a happy discovery, sritb S. W. P. brated collection has recentl.v been Sunday*. August. 12. bring a certain intellectual dis­ nawa he’s going to cross s Palm ^ ▲ A A ^ ^ A . ▲ ▲ A jk ^ quickly your floors will gleam. If A th addgaoft W'em'ortea of the Tru­ born, the babies of Japah create The Salvation .Armv Other Business ture is always just right, and the I consideration that Mark Holmes for this is a paint that actually than any other returned to the museum from loan 7::30^'Ho•.v Communion.'- 661 Main St. tinction into the political game, Tree with a Rubber Plant and grow The Board haa received tvVo bid.s - the floors are badly worn, you paint. man' atmosphere. Which the Re- . plroblem which reaches all ; loud speaker system installed in j has shown Since 1925 will always be does not have a "painty” odor. It Hobby exhibitions abroad. 8 and lOv-Church Services. Major and Mrs. John Pickup, which ia demonatratrd both by her White Wall (Coconuts. for repairing two-thirds of the , One of the most vividly rr.a.v rent a sander and edger — pftblieaftj lire Indeejl busy trv-ing to I the chapels and various rooms en­ ‘ yours. will not permeate, the w-hole house they are not hard to use and will For around the world. Sit down and “ Isadora Duncan Drawings" by Sermon; "This I Eklieve,” the Officers In Charge. talent for research and her in­ Center School roof. Low bidder i lieautifutof the birthstones, revii-e with campaign propaganda Rev. itiltoh F. Schadegg. pastor stinctive love of good principie. Wrought Iron R^rilfngs with the smell of fresh paint, and, turn your old floors into new ones You solve it, along with the problem Abraham Walkowitx on view in about this, and how man.v votes was the Home Roofing Co. of iVil- is the birthstone for July. joy of joys, it does away with of the Park Ave. Congregational - In so far as she is a scholar in Spellman's car. and ' Hallett’a in short order. A few applications Too o f their own not distingulidied by pf Amerjean textile mills and thetr the Morgan Lecture Room. Also in 9:30, Sunday School classes for has so-and-.so got--all the wonder­ limantic st $.500. Provldiiig^all ref­ r o n - n t r y stinging eyes’, Just ask about it SHMUmU’ Church. Arlington. Mass. politics, she is a hound for facts, Porch C^mns vehicle were badly damaged. Hal- of w'ax with the polisher and your Its restraint or its true regard fpr the same room, children’s draw­ sjl ages. Alton J. Munsie 'YPSM. ful tonic of go.ssip and strategy erences are in order when checked PHONE Bring.the Children. They’ll workers, whenever you have a lit­ IVilliarn J. Munsie w ill be the she is a student of lasue.s, and she lett was treated at Manchester at the E. A. Johnson Paint Co. floors will be a joy to care for. ings depicting scenes imagined up­ i0:45, Holiness service In charge and the shaping of'mind.s and by Siipt, Warren, this company-will love to Just look around. all the facts. tle .spare Uine. . , — oigamist this Sunday. has the scholar’s fanied instinct to VALLEYJW^LDING CO. NORMAN R. WEIL Defective Brakes Memorial Hos'pital. Better still, try aome and see for The Johnson Paint Co. will gladly W auAMS on hearing Aaron Copeland’s of Brother and Sister Peter Ste­ votes that is the game of politics. ■ be awarded the contract. yourself that you can paint with ■ ^ That'a the way the campaign venson with soloist. improve the political- game by For Estimate.Call UE.MOLOUIST Harry M. Arters, 18. Brooklyn, explain how to use these labor HOBBY SHOPPE 98) Main SL. TeL Ml B-86S9 ’’Rodeo" can be seen. Church of the Naxarene Underneath that Phi Beta CJaiatonbury ME S-9118 Gf.risnd Reedy, industrial srLs the windows and doors closed saying devices. Corner Center and Griswold Sts. Open A Charge Aoeonnt war, bn the Issue of corruption, is Special Events 7 p.in., The service in the Park demonstrating, now and then, that teacher, has resigned his position ■ Specialist in .lewelry Bring SLS Fine who had a charge of speeding re­ Wanted: Jurors 466 .Main 8t. . - high principles ran actuall.r be the Kappa front. Ella Gra.s.so is first, Tel. Ml U-686S duced to violation of rules of the It’s tun to make U yonraelt. Wa DeUver going. Thursday. Aiijg. 16 at 8, Opening will be conducted by Alton J. last, and all the time, one of those to enter - the Insurance busine.ss. | O. E. Wlntlow. Minister. basis for sound and winning poIiU- road, was fined $12. of an exhibition of paintings le Munsie. There will be ■ t p e c 1 a 1 •peoplF'to whom politics is life it­ Mrs. Barbara Dsytofi of the Rob- | Coventry Aug. 11 i Special I — rat. most outstanding; Frank Zle- But If theial'~ts, among the Ta an interesting problem in Florence Wood and music by the band. In case of rain caT action. ’ Richard C. Christensen. 22. AvCry Court entitled. "Sutwev :pf self. to whom being in the gam e^ ' ertaon School faculty, has also re- ; A local woman w h s fined $15 in bailh, -parakeet, most colorful; voters, any instinct td make a real crime .and law which has high­ Gertrude Wilson, Organists. On this, the Phi Beta Kappa side South Coventry, was fined $15 for Otmnjecticut Painting. 175<)-l64W." the service will be in the Citadel. signed. Trial Justice Court la.st night as Ruth Strickland, biggest cat. ■'“i---- • of things. Ella Gbassn helps in the even more important than pbjec- going the wrong way on a one “King Of Heels” oompariaon of the instances of cor­ lighted the opening of the Brink s for members of the museum and tlves. or than \1ctorv or^ efea t, f'untrart Given an outgrowth of a recent accident. Playground Verplanck: Ann Tlatkowski, best 9:30'a.m.. Church School. Junior preparaUon of legislative speeches, LEMON way street. MANCHESTER ruption in the two administrations, case‘ In Massachusetts The law­ their guests. St. John's Polish . The Second Congregational, Justice LeRoy Roberts fined kitten; Tom Robenhymar, flees, and Intermediate Department# John iBaileV./^r Kath- "iTie case of Elinest S. Squitter, National Catholic Church Church parsonage committee has Mr.s. I»uisa Ann Fraser. 45. for niost unusual; Stephen (lendel, 3 .Minute j the Truman and the Eiienhower, yers defending the eighj, m en' meet at the Daiis Memorial. the Ltovernor.Cfwernnr nimself,himwif and heads !i enne Quinn. ... and all wjfohave onci CHIFFON arrested on a charge of driving un­ tS Goivvay St. reported that the contract for re­ operating a motor vehicle with de­ salamander; Mark Hansen, white they ara going to' find One thing 10:451 a.m.. Worship Service. the Platform Committee for : Notes Heel Service DRY CLEANERS charged With the S1.219,0{H> rob-; Rev. Stephen StryjewskI pairs to the parsonage has been - fective brakes. The charges were der the influence of liquor was rabbit; Barbara Hughes, parakeet. ! Message, “The Prospect That Pur- 1956 .slate convention. And, with , that is very atrikmg. it iaj.ttuif.. ber.v are belaboring, with consider- ' Walter Grtyb, Organist give'ft Paul Maneggla of Bolton. ICE CREAM brought against her when she dismissed, for lack of eivdence af­ iftes.’' 0-^ her flair for high principle, she | M V PEMAQUID Waddelj: Jackie Pratson, day old 93 WELLS STREET where anything questionahle has able success, the theory that their .4 Thought fo r Today Work will begin about Sept. 15. struck s parked cifr. ter length.v discussion between, de A used corn cob pipe, last year’s i i 6 p.m.. Youth Service. puts into. that 1956 Democratip ^ Tr.v the Royal taste ' thrill! kitten, most unique cat; Linda Gar­ 8:30 a.m., Maas. From New I.«hiIuk ...... n A.M, The work vvlll include romndcl- ( I In other cases Edward F. Spel- fense and prosecutor. come tp light in the Eisenhower clients cannot get a fair trial be- i ■ 7 p.m., Evangeliatic Ss i r v i c e. platform such a thing as the praise ■A delicioiiH blend of ice cream calendar,' and a carrot over 5 rison, toad, smallest pet; Cathy and Tolopboao MI-3-7254 10:30 a.m.. High Mass. end worry amnit From niort l•lanri ...... 3:45 P.M. Ing of the kitchen, constructing a . ' man. 22. Stafford Springs, was ZOTTI administration, it has been the -c .A Great Promise ! Message. "Divine Duallt for Republican legislators which , and fresh egg whUes. inches long were aome of the items Elaine McMahon, parakeet, pret­ cause pre-trial pubhcity has made | (Ilaviicht Savinxi Time* new garage, and installation of a ! fined $15 -for failure to grant the Ask, and It will be given you; ! we noted at the time of the adop- FARKg Utood lur day of litaa anly) tiest pet; Francis Pisch, pheasant, President himSelf who has cleaned ev^erybody think their clienu are C-oncordla Evangelical Lutheran j MEMCAl MUSI new heating and plumbing ays- In Pints and Yi Gallons right of way July 14 when the ’Copier Police Net on the Scavenger Hunt lists on the seek and you will findF knock., and : Covenant Congregational Church Church ^ lion of the platform; /-i" ten). ' f At Y’oiir Favorite Store or At Manchester plisygrounds last Mon­ most' unusual; Shirley Pv’ka. four EXPERT house, promptly and unequivocally, already guilty. And. as the search' Haitioid Major Medkal IpMuronce One Way W.T. vehicle he was driving struck and baby kittens, most number of pels. ' ,lt will be opened to you. For everv 43 Spruce St. Gardeii and Winter .Sts. In such capacities and activUi^. ! Mon. l«i Wrd. Incluiive St.te St.i# C'hihl Bapti/ed Speedster in Boat day evening. Bo.vs a n d girls even when, as in one case, it in- fbr jurors goes on. this contention one who asks receives, and he vvh'o Rev. K. EJnar Rask, Minister /. Bo«4 o( the eo*t of sexioes ill- badly damaged another vehicle 701 MAIN STREET The Rev. Erich Brandt, Pastor ttlllCPhi Bela Kappa.-ia hepsHf -'S r Thun. In !Hat. lacluaiie ft.## S3.3# William: Thomas Gi eon, infant ^ worked in teams to find the 1.5 West Side: Jackie Belanger, al­ seeks finds, and to him who DOS or accidenisl injury, lor detsih Royal Ice Cream Co. driven by Charles Hallett of West volved a member of the cabinet^ •%«ems to be paying off. Never have - Ivan Beckwith, sort .iflPlicholarly Jewel,.jpl^aming. ; Sunday! and HvMdavt 33.54 33.44 son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green, i items for the hunt. Winning teams ligator, most unusual; Rosemary Open Monday thru Saturday TAIiORING Sunday. Aug. 12 of this great new polirr in the 23 Warren Street MI S-8830 Haven on route 44A. New York, Aug. 11 (/J*) — Two who W’ss hlA^good personal friend. so many prospective juijors in any knocks it will be opened.. Or what Organist And Choirmaster ‘ little incongrubuslv.?^from the | Hanford Arrideirt and Indemnity (.%ll Katea larlude Federal Tax) received ice cream prizes. Brown, best cat; Jane . Wittke. Morning worahip at 10 a.m. River Rd., was baptized during: Spellman, who was also charged policemen on patrol in a helicop­ man of you, if his son a.sks him for hard-boiled boeoni o f the party’s Company of Hinlord. ConneeticnL . Speeial 3'ridav« from New laiadon, Mother’s Da.v was held Tuesday woodchuck, biggest pet; Rudy Th^te have indeed .been some in- j confessed to prejudice. And Sermon topic : "The Things Which ■7:.30P.M. Sunday services in the Second i xvith failure to signal for a left ter chased down a motorboat a loaf, will give him a stone 7 Or Sundays, Aug. 12. practical organization. Congregational Church: ! afternoon at 3 o’clock. This pro­ Wittke, turtle, smallest pet; Bert •tancea of impropriety in the for the first three days of the 'Are Not Seem ” xsk; . Special Salurdac* fr^m Block Ivland, turn, had this count nolled on the speedster and tagged him with a if he asks fo r a fish.Will give htrsv 10 a.m.. Worship Service. The Neverthelespr'all this, to which 4-II Unit .Meets gram was very well attended. Gibson, guppii series of narrow’-minded efforts to ' " . I .^ Laird of Hpsts: The wh ole earth is; arm is ' authentic enough,, but the 5th Infantry -Division in owl. most unusual; James Son- Funeral Director their breath, hoping that nothing Moreover, you have outwitted Jhe keep an adequate, b&t expensive! ‘‘a| piece of land suggested by the , to missiles fired from submarines. - ^ c f n s Robertson Park Tennis (Courts. full o f'H is glory."' w .serves an even' higher- function MUSIC lY THE CITADEL BAND Munich Jan. 31, 19!i5. and crossed gailo, duck, best wild pet; Patty Tonight. the' dance- will be at the upset.s those wonderful . reports, law by: using the provisions for high .achool from being built in the j School Building Comiuiltee. And ’ ’It is the risk .of retaliation ; SelecUona from the Bible include than iu own. It i.s .passport to all * Uhalntfor Everybody. You’ll Be (ilHil You Came. BUSINESS SERVICE Into cominuniat East Germany, the Bonino, cat, best cat; Barry West Side Tenhia Courts. 'These COMMUNITY PRESS JOHN J. CRATTY JR. from Chicago vVhich sa.v that .Adlai< area, the* sugge.otion of two school lit is of plore thap passing iii- from the combined total of these 806 SLAIN STREET fairhess and justice built into the the follow ing: •'nien^ Jesus answer- i the wonderful whirl of what s new 1 In Case of Rain'the Service Will Be In the CItndel. forces." he said, "which an.v po­ Arrii.v charged. Smith, pigeon, beat bird; Karen dances, have been very popular Cor. No. Main and No. School Licensed Embalmer Stevenson..if nominated, may giVe di.atrtctd ha.s been offered as "the " i terest to note that Mayo Olson iiilt said un^OjAhem. Go your vvay. j and what’s doing and what’s going,! This adv. paid for by. the Manchester KIwnnis Cluh. . TEL. Ml 9-1278 Last July 3 he gave himself up Smithp rabbit, largest ears'. Streets—Telephone 5II-S-572T 176 Center 8L—TeL 6n-»:70a0. lave. r solution to school growth problems apoointed 'tw o members of the tential enemy contemplating ag­ I this year. held out- the nod to Minneiota's. Senator and tell JohUgvhat things ye hav? | to happen ’ and what can we do to U.S. military authorities In West Green: Marshall Stephens, roost­ This is the efforj of the defen.ae i in Rockville and Vernon. RVT a to his stud.v committee, gression, must consider.” i side on the tennis courts. The Hubert Humplirf v jfor vice presi- The Secretary of Defense said ' Berlin. , er. most unusual; Dick McAdams, courts are gaily decorated with in the Brink's case. If it should More than a week has elapsed ' Attacks on the report have Tieen rat, most desirable: Gail Dougan, derit. the United States’ neither .needed His sentence -which include.s a colored lights. The music is by FOR EXTRA MONEY ; succeed It would, we suppose f?*".''' 0 1 »n based on these, choices coupled .nor wanted to flaunt this"dynamo dishonorable discharge is subject nSh. smallest: Dick W6If, cat. record. - , ; MANCHES1 One has CIAISED to think of politics. ' prove it is much safer to steal - ' le military pow er"of tDie sub-’ to review by higher authorities. largest: Eddie Stephen.v, cutest MIUWORK • ' report of a study committee he Kpiy offere.. his opinion as favor- AUG. 4th cat. Ne.xt week on Monday evening, rathey than the country’s welfare. U.illIion stance," but' that it would be a The sentence was handed down yes­ i a Turtle Race vv1ll be the special „ * dime. But. some- j had appointed last winter wa-s jchool distnets long bef'ore: TO Nathan Hale: Davdd Louie, bigr WE PAY 254 Brawl SL—TeL 5U-9-S26S to enjoy such a leport. But. iw fsr .-'how or other, we do not expect the ' made public. Yet no one. despite i the’ report was released. It is not j "serious disservice to our country „ .AU4i. I8lh terday by a 9-oflficei' court-martial. ' eveVil. The big l-ace Will start at Take The Family To Church The organization Turner was ac­ gest frog; Paul Pompel. beat cat: s-s the election is concerned, the j to' create a happv acuiun • ‘'*»**^ attacks against the report j nurd for Olaor.’s opponents to ; COME and the morale of the free world Reii|ien Mon., I 6:45. B oys‘and girls who wish, HIGHEST PRICES to belittle it.” cused of belonging to ia made up Frances Opalach, goldfish, amall- Featuring nomination o f Huiiiphrev would he , («.* fnr 'rh» m,,. ! come forth and 1 «-. fome to the conclusion that the | .Aug. 20th HOOSE PAINT I to enter their turtles in the race HEAR THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL («•’ THE largely of Westerners who have eat pet: Ray Tllden, best turtle; {should plan to be there at 6:45 For Rags, Paper. Metals ( the boat In good Republican news' if v,x„r>! . . , triniinals. Tlie , u as anothe.- move to fore- ,tudv was compiled to eupport the t/iis Che.rrone, parakeet, moat ki : Inal may take time; but it will get i stall the building of a high school. | pr,..J,n, eived ideas of a few . deflected to East Germany and are sharp.' ’ Turtle Race Awards will and Scrap Iron quartered by the Communists in colorful bird. ! be given out. i oOeneral MUilwork might h* aopiething of a Repub-: there. , Presently the School Building , .^nWe Judge Dismisses Robertson: Linda Taft, goldfish CALL OR DELIVER TO o Cmnpleto Windev* Units lican liability, this would piore ' ^ ______[Committee is working with lin nvalrv be- J. MORRISON the East Gef-man- citjy of Bautzen. I The Watermelon Eating Con-: LORD JESUS CHRIST CAMDOT c. (Cleo.), best name; Sue .Mitchell, o Ali 'iiizo Doors than balance iL I f Nixon has ever I -¥>|, «■ . u ” a architectural,firm andjall will be town and cltv on 1 the agita- ! Paiat- and Wallpaper Co. prettiest cat; Sandra Berzenski, test is on Wednesday, Aug. 15. ■ , , , . E h f w a y w a r d TAinds 'in readiness,-.as far as the school , Martha Suit CERAMICS STUDIO This contest should bie verj- well j OSTRINSKY e flUtred and' Ulued Trim teen guilt> of Intempeiste a.’id i p la n l^ re concerned, when the h - : tor now may be l»>e rey .eter in a | 385 CENTT-iR ST.< cricket, smallest pet; Jaiiice Ber- o Expert Cablael Work THIS SL'.NDAY EVEMNU AT 7 117 New Bolton Road attended: Awards will be given Dealers In Waste Alaterlala unfair statement on the political ‘ ms i.s now the'hiirncane "wa-; n,ii hurdle is faced in October, lev.' years. It ia .c.uch more likely j Miami, Fla., Aug. 11 — Telephone MI 9-9713 CUSTOM MADE zehski. cutest cat; Beth (?krter, 731. PARKER S's'. o Complete Hardware Dept that rural Vernon, not Rockville, i parakeet, most interesting pet. to winners. pijitfonn, Huiujp^rey has made ; * ^ Cuiltd States W>aUx- j Before the area can' be aasured You'll Be Glad That You D id! Ma'rtha Raye’s sui| for divorce Route 6— MI .3-5756 We Give Green Mtampa CANVAS AWNINGS TeL M1-S-87S5 or 5n-8-8819 will land a-sizeable industrial plant ‘ from her fifth husband has" been . Valley St,: Collins Judd, -gold­ Nixos look hke a shnniAng violet.^?' Bureau, which j s always to be j long*»6ught secondary and benefit gre.-lly tax-list-w1se. fish. moat unusual; Linda Frank, , lake .Nixon. « d like Stevenson ; respected w hen it offers «ong-1 GOSPEL HALL dismissed. Already Vernon has been' men­ SERVICES: 8:00 oRd 10:00 A. M. r .Circuit Judge Stanley Milledge cutest kitten; Rene Girsdin,'white himself, Huntphrey is latelligent, range conclusions, gays it may be ; gj.ooo.OOO. This is slated for a vote tioned as a jjhcsible location for ' said yesterday the court had “ con- ■ a new IIO.QOO.OOO Pratt and Whit- ! 415 Center Street, Manchester, Conn^ MANCHESTER •ncuglt^to know better thsm to ' ro hurricane season for New Engt at the annual town meeting in Dci SERMON: '*WORKING FOR THE DEVIL", ( Irary evljlen.be" to the comedi­ sav some of the things ho savs.this vest. : tober and conceivably opponents ney.Aircraft plant, while Rockville ^ enne’s claim of a Florida residence Tk* k -„‘ . 1 . . 1 of m new high school, though ap- clings to the hope its nillls vVill | REV. FRED R. EDGAR and that he was dismis-sing the’ There’s nothing" wrong v\;ith his '* m e hop«:ui circumster.ee- it-; ^ He that .sfiared not his own Son. but delivered ANSWERING SERVICE ' parenlly down for the count when prove valuable.' to indiistr,.. but suit for lack of jurisdiction. MRS. BETTY RUTH EDWARDS, Prop. mind He a shai’p and agile os van note.s is this the- ptevailipy west- voters approved purchase o f the t' e trend is agalnct use of large NURSERY AND CHURCH SCHOOL him-up for us All, how shall he not with him also Miss 'Raye'i fifth husband is- MANCHESTER It ia Just that he preferi.'ihe i *rly winds, which blow ac'ross this ! Simpkins land, could sepre a vlc- multi-floored buildings. freely give us all things'? Edward T. Begley, a dancer. ^ The suggestion that Vernpn FOR CHILDREN AT 10 O'CLOCK role o f radibie rociseF and hatchet; continent from the Pacific to the : tory,IT. ’- --cer^ BREAK ilM Chains That Bini! AUTO PARTS A confused public is easUv-“iy led I build lU own 400-pupil high school Who shall lay anything to the charge of Gods Vernon MeUiodlet Cluiirh ■ 'mah .TUrt that! he can’t resist the , Atlantic, have shifted course this \ plus a fiew elementary school and ' ! and the logic behind the 'ntest SPECIAL MUSIC Vernon. Conn. TAKE ADVA.VTAGE OF OUR SERVICE and $ OU’LL NEVER • OAD ■'! extreme argUinefU and .the ex- year. Norniaily, they follow the ; moves mighlvery well be to pre- Rockville ' make use of present elect? It is God fhat justifieth. Who is, he that Rev. 7^’arrrn Coirtl, .Minister . AGAIN BE CH.4INED TO YOUR TELEPHO.NE SEE US FOR: Ireme sta.nd. just* that he - isn’t L'sr.adian border across the con-J sent os many conflicting ideas to facilities Is sho.t-ra.ige thinking. EVERYONE WELCpME! condernneth? It is Chri.st that died, yea. raU^r. •Marjorie .Stephens, Organist RIVE you USTimi SIITISFUTION At'bekl. even if'Vernon students k ALUMINUM ROLL Up Ahrayk At Your Service For really bving uniess h* li being the ttneht This .\v»: thev have been the people a4 possible and then for Eldnn Johnston, Choir Director • MACHINE SHOP SERVICE f.lu...k u k '■ unit, perhaps even the Rock- " e r e dropped from the enrolUnent. that is risen agaiii, who is even at t ^ right h^id Coiapleta 24-llour telephone coverog*. AWNINGS • JALOUSIES SOLD EXCLUStVElY IN MANCWSTn AT Wiki TOOB o f the extreme left. , follow 11*. a n w .me, whiih vin,.vernon TMpdvera’ Assn , to | t' e present high school building Let us ka your a^retary. • STORM DOORS • EQUIPMENT of God.— (Romans $:32-34). Sunday, Aug. 12. 1956 ...V u' • PARTS (kew and rebuilt) ' HotdiM up the pexMi-evt , of Jheiii /over'W est . This j' move td the fro n ^ m' i ‘ provide Ikthe e .(In in Rockvill. isia an antiouatedantiquated atruc-atruc Morning .Service 9:.10. • COMBINATION WINDOWS are I South,Methodist-ChurcK • ACCESSORIES ItunaiihiTjr rtinaingiing-for vice presi-^ means that, if tjiey ieep blowing j leadership. If the RVTA doqs be-' turejfi Ifs athletic facilities an Sermon: ’Th e OldMt (kwik -in ' Fhone Maachester, .MItclieU 8-5194 Monchastar Awning Co. • SL'PPLIEH JO H N s c ^ N Pa i n t C O . emdcraUc ticket- (on this same line l.Hey will be ” »me.a power to reckon,with* the indicative of the rdat of th<- pUniplant 4ient wa tha Pemderau. YOU ARE WELCOME the Bible." Rev. Warren Coveil. SIS Middle Tkrnplkc. East. 196 WEST CENTER KT. k DUPONT PAINT, SUPPLIES und anyone w ho has ever wH- . MAIN STRECT AT HAK^TFORD ROAD Junior Serninn "The Tw on- 699 MAIN ST.. MAMCmminHI lll*Mftl i bokhkg thtf prospect up TelephsM Ml 9-8991 P f m Satardky mtu 9 «m .iy ..kkp-u .../ ^ .“ '. E r r ; nessed a i.Hasketball ganie'la the | k eyi,"’ R#v. Warfen Cox ell. gj’m knowT Its ahortcomlngs. V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 195« P A G E S e V K N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY', AUGUST II, 1958 ^ - / ; B U G S B U N N Y Romantic Youth '(Ih late hour On the putskir|^ o f a town in on the front porch )—Oh. my'dear! TVaahlngton Js/thls, sign; "Our A n t w r to PrevroUt P u ixl?( WWCN.VOU FWISM TMAT, h ow can I eVer leave you? •Spcied'Limit^25 Miles Per Hour, MOVE tMOSE BASS OP Arkartiai Traveler Sense andvNonsense with a of $3 Per Mile for EaaLJloaauBuuaci FLOUPTOTHE ' Tired Father (poking his head 'out of the winf?ow) -Bus. f’o. 30, Faster pfiying. Pic’’ Out a Speed LJUalUQCJQaHCSClLl Big Larry Jansen Returns with a Rush, Stops STOPE POOM! 3 African . uranciEiaiiiaauiauiD The first officer called a deck* ence last year (195A) and studies train No. t, or just call a taxi. You Cxh AfforAJJ’ ACROSS M B OOUMliilLjaBJ hand to b in and said, made of that period that the un­ 1 Capital of flies (vsr.) iiakiuaiaEaBisjairacicj First Off'i.’er—Go below and vaccinated person stands four . Arkansas, 4 Number UQraujBLJHitjmunuLJ 5 Lasher break up that crap-jam c. times as much chdnee of contract­ c a r n i v a l BY DICK TURNER —— Rock uouirjaijJM nciJciLjaG] 6 Morals EJEJUMlJiaDUMIBUUl^ The sailor disappeared below and ing paralytic polid than the vac­ 7 It Is ' 7 Universes BaaanwuBiaBHi Reiis Only One Game' remained for'the better part of an cinated person. nicknamed C3L3uaiQiai:4[jau3Q] Giovino Calling ^Em 8 Harangue. hour. Upon his ’ etum his superior - Dr. Leona Baumgartner. New the "------9 Louse egg. dciiiiD aaiiB t J a officer dr- >anded: York City health commissioner. Slate’’ ;. oaou a I nun ^ jp:-. - F irst, Offlcei Did j-oi; succeed 10 Periods C31DCSB1 a n aczi I u u in .13 Unhorse 11 Feminine Behind League Leaders in breaking up that ,i'.nrie? Woman Lecturer—Now. is there XI ” l4 Song bird appellation 30 City in 43 Begin Promotion Expected in Gob— Yes. sir. • any man ii^ the audience who would 15 Ditch . O fficer—Well, what in thunder 12 Bamboolike Nevada 44 Genus of let his wife be slandered and say 18 Disconcert took you so long ? • grass 31 Take a ------willows New Y’ork, Aujz. 11 (JP)—Larr.v Jansen, the big righthander nothing 7 If so, stand up. 17 Goddess of . Gob—Well. .sir. I had only two A meek little man rose to his 21 Anointed through 45 Cultivate By EARL YOST j ^ big fif the A^F League Giovino re­ who chose self-exile in the minors to earn more money for the dawn 22 Thretf-toed Arkansas’ 46 Mouthward bite to start with I feet. • / Anibitjon of Bernie Gicivino ■ i t r i e d in^ajY-ecent letter. Laat year his seven kids, has come back with a rush that rnay earn a The lect’Ter glared at him, 18 East Indies sloth beauty spots 49 Native of / (ab.) 23 Scanty of 210 Cfiitrler Oak St., i.s to only one ump quit. This year three , hunk of World Series cash wUh the Cincinnati Rcdlegs. He VOUCAKJOUIT^ is the only state Woman Lecturer—Do you mean 37 Bids Media National League i 24 Church part ‘g e t a chance to call balls and maifiberX of the regular .ataff at W L Pet. GB Ij put the Redlegs hot on the trail o f * — :------______•r with five 'rriountains named after to say you woi l- let ^'our wife be 10 Lieutenant 38 Mariner's 50 Angers NOW...fT’5 CL0»N6 25 Heas’y blow the National League pennant last u-- T United ' State.s presidents. The slandered and say nothing? (sb.) direction 51 Gibbons Btrikes in the ma.(or.Jpagues. the atari of the season found the Milwaukee ...... 63 42 .600 — 26 Elevator 30 Makes into S3 Goddess of ClncirinaU ...... 63 44 .589 1 right, acatlering nine hits in his; I mountains are . Man 1 apologiringl—Oh. I'm 20 Sorrowful It’s a High aim as only's few going too rough and left the first appearance since coming up -t ’ inventor law Brooklyn ...... 62 44 .585 H i Mount Jefferson. .Mount .\dams. sorry, .1 thought you said “slaugl^ 21 Covered infatuation ranks. A fourth was fired, by the f)om Seattle five days ago to beat O r v passageways 20 Ellipsoidal 42 Type of duck 55 Impair irief a year ever get an oj)- St. Louis ...... 54 .53 .505 10 Mount Monroe. ktKl Moi.nt Madi­ tered." leag\ie office. One of the umps who Milwaukee's first place Braves 8-1 I g-a l - C f M r j i l c I 24 Midday imrltmity to perform under the quit was Working with (jlovino Philadelphia ____ 52 .53 .495 11 son. Vernon R. Reedy. Albany. 111. pig top Init Gidvijrio, now. in hi.s - hoisting Cincinnati Into second A R - i T C l i O K.F v f 27 Sibling of bud 1 r r r 1 1 wljen a flare_^-up happened on the Pittsburgh 46 60 .434 17'-j Frank Myers, of C o lu m ^ , Mo., r 1| b second season as a Clnss D place and within one game of the ______28 Harbor playing field! When one manager Chicago ...... 43 61 .413 19' j There is no question that with is the father of twins, the brother arbiter, rye.>i a pfomotfon for the iead. ' ' , 32 Poker stake A H * was ejected for disputing a call, New York ...... 38 64 .372 23'3 ALUMNl LEAGUZ; new weapons and the new world of twins, the uncle pf^w ins, and 1957 season. Jansen, the 36-year-old veteran Standings. 33 Asseverate he, the manager^unloaded a verbal Baturda.v'a Schedule who won 23 for the New Y orkt situation, we will be looking at the the grandfather oj^^twlns.— Mrs. «i Giovino, who broke in At the bot­ Cincinnati at Milwaukee./’''10 W L Y^:t. TO 34 Mask- barrage of unpnntr.ble names and Giants In their 1951'miraclc pen­ force I manpower I .structure to be HoUis L. Fenton. JZoliimbia. Mo. tom of the barrel in the Alabama- '* Elks ...... 696 35 Hindu queen ; the young umpire took off his p.m. — Lawrence (16-4) vs. Spahn nant drive, sli;uck out four and sure it is tailored to our needs. 7 i 1^ Florida League in 19.55, ha.s been A Sl I ...... ; .667 36 Gaelic mask and walked to the clubhouse, tn -9 ). didn’t walk a man in nailing down - Air force Secretary Donald A. Those whp/really want peace M 1 promised a promotion to the ( J86T 37 Individual ifuUtihg in the middle of the game. Philadelphia at Brooklyn, ‘ 2 the opening game of a vital four- Manchester :,Tniat Quarles. must turn J^m words to deeds. H ' ft ' B Carolina League. The local : Nassiff Arms . ,648 40 S)ush Giovnhoyook over behind the piate p.m. — R. Miller (1-4) vs. ,New- game series in 5ffilawiy6 K l 'W y: i i r RT 5 T- The Alabama-Florida League dent and the .^umpires are not (N ight). last two games, will repr^ent eiOOD TO A gOIL^COOLDhlT (M THE .gUST£f??AT 58 Shrubs ficially wrapped up a 7-6 decision Tji, a,, us. e«L eii. 1 y / i', St. Lxxjis 4, Chicago ,3. , w e iMVIOORATg VOOfZ DAY^ LEAST H E'D will conclude its sea.son Aug. 1.5, backed to the li"mit;..which makes m the completion of a July 1 sus­ Manchester . in the State AltOnnl • m, a *«>,*» 1M.W so Emphasis SI B ft ST one of the first loops to complete the life of an umpire any^ing but New 'York , 7-2, Pittsburgh 6-3 League Tournament next weedc. AMTk3UATep/CHARlOT ? 'WHEil THEi^f ■6TEP i^ERUP J pended game. MADTOPuLLITO ALAU(5H-, ^ DOR'N Its full state. Then come the play­ pleasant. (Night, First Game Compl^Upg of' Quick Lead iSN'TJfME PHRASE "SOUP, **Maybe H wasn’t hoodfuma that took it down. Senator! 5 7 Yanks Edge Orioles 5$ offs iyid Giovino will be one of the I'mplrirtg No Picnic July 1 Suspended Game). vTTie Elks jumped into a four-run I COULD 8 e ) ‘ OVER TO letX A-MINJLITE.' 1 Stringed In the American League, the Why should they want to improve the town?” umpa in the post-season warfare. .Sunda.v'a Sehediile leiid quickly in the first inntng on COAiCED TO t h e ic e r'i=S instrument A Giovino, like othe,r Class D )im- / New York Yankees retined an WA(SOM ) 2 Nested boxes ■ One of the top thrills for the Silk plres, has been challenged by um­ Pholo^rapher liites Dust Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 8:30 !Bl3 game bulge as Mickey Man­ four Singles and a trio of Nassiff p.m. HORoES Towner occurred .several weeks ago pires and players and called words tle's ninth-inning ground-rule dou­ errors. Although that was all they W. C. Btirris. 'h'Kh school photography insCmctbr at Ijiw - . WHIZ ,> when he was not only named to that are not taught In Sunday Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 2 p.m. ble beat Blaltimore 5-4. Second needed thej'gathered single mark­ 'VpA5T.^< wfirk in the annual, All-Star game School by irratt fans when deci­ toq, Okla., finds rodeo activity a bit on the rough aide aa he gets St. , Louis at Chicago (2), 2:30 ers in the third, fourth, sixth, and caught under horse of pick-up man during bareback bronc r4dtng place Boston beat Washington 3-2 Small Comfort BY AL VERMEER but was as.sjgned to call the pitches sions went against their team. It's p.m. on home 'runs by Ted Williams, ■seventh frame.s. 'Pacing the Elks PRISCILLA’S POP event i Aug. 8). He escaped injury—after getting his picture,. ^ ( f i behind the .plate as unipire-ln- no picnic but a fellow has to take New York at Pittsburgh (2), Sammy White and Dick Gernert. offense' was Bill Kuhlmann .with Photo here was taken by Bill Dixon, a newspaper photographer, w o w DID IT WE SLIPPED rhief. Giovino received a jacket' his lumps and smile if he intends 1 p.m. Cleveland walloped Kansas City two singles and a double and three Bernie (iioviiio (AP Wirepholoi. H iZ UAPPEN-P rT W P O L k S W from the league office for working to carrv' on in the piofession. . Monda.v’s Schedule 11-0. And the Chicago White Sox runs batted in. [TALK ABOUT T H E N E T .' the game.. He also worked in the That's the way Giovino has han­ Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 10 p.m. made It five in a row with a 6-1 Sartor limited Nassiffs to five .BUM LUCK.' ciroiil's Kast-Wesl gam>. the .sea.son Bernie hangs his hat dled -himself these two seasons and Brooklyn at New York, 8 p.m. decision over Detroit. 'singles, did not walk a batter and Oiovdno, 23. is a veteran of the in a prtvate home in Dotham, Ala. he's ready -to move up the ladder Only Games Scheduled. Jansen, who was 2-2 wJien the struck out five. Pat Mistretta col- • Korean War. He Is single. During Turnover of umpires has been in his quest of a lifetme ambition. U.S. Swimming Team American League Giants; reduced hin\ to coaching ■ lected two of his team’s’ five hits. W L Pet. G B. status In July, 1954, chucked his Next league game will be' TYies- New York .... 71 .657 - niajor league job early last sea­ day when First National Bank Boston ...... 62 „579 8‘3 O ,^ son; fla r in g he could earn more meets Fire & Police at 6 o’clock. Seen Strongest Ever C levela nd...... 61 .575 9 than his .^G.OOO coaeWs check ■ 1 *r.ikii IS) Browns Trounce Stars Chicago ...... 56 ab r h po a.e rM ,U 8 13 pitching in thh-luinors. He was 7-7 Smith of ...... , 4 2 1 '3 '0 O 0 Detroit ...... 50 .472 21 with Seattle liut' sdason and built PecIrmnnU*. 3b 1 3 2, S I 1 ’£$IDE5 HcAdani. iB .... 1 1 s n 0 1 : © Detroit, Aujf. 11 MCrr UKE w r mow S J l CASE NATIONAL I-EAGVE That atreak brought him a Blrta'all. rf .'... 0 0 0 ,^0 n 0 Chicago,- Aug. 11 (jP) !-'l>iU * failed to gel the campus heroes of Standings Ivad.” “Most of them are young and almo.st all will develop Baltimore at New York, 2 p.m. chance M-ith the Redlegs. against PoiTV. rf ... o. 0 o»o 0 0 Grora kicked four field goals last ; In.si fall moving, and be even belter by November • ^ ' —Brown (7-2l vs Terry (1-0) whom, incidentally, he had a 24-4 Ronaon. rf 0 o n 0 0 0 w L Pet, ’nii'klnclnn. 3b . 1 0 1 3 0-0 A L L E Y O O P G u t Is M od est BY V. T. HAMLIN night, and as the All-S^at- football M onall and Lenny Moore of Moriarty Bros...... 6 3 .667 w-hen Lite team leaves for Mel­ Boston' at Washington, 8 p.m. record in his eight seosofia with game wore on to a 2S-0 Cleveland i Penn Sjate combined to breathe Man. Auto Parts 5 4 .,55.5 bourne,'' .said Max Ritfer, U.S. Sisler (5-5) vs Ramos (9-7) the Giants. - Toiala ...... 3l g 10 3t 8 i "7 CHIEF GUZ BIG c o t t o n w o o d s BY RAY GOTTO Browns' victory, iji^e was a feci-1 life into the All-Slar.s at the out­ vice-president of the International Ken Rose^^ll Claveland at Kansas (Jity, 10 Marie It Eaa.v Naaaift .Arms (0) MOOVIAN WVPAIJ Medics : ...... 5 4 ..555 ab r h po a f rbl ing that a .swifvYiick all the way .set of tlie final quarter. Moore, swimming Fedeiatlon. p.m.—Garcia (8-11) vs Crimlan Eddie Mathews' third - inning 3 ,0 1 - HE GOTTUM Green M a n or...... 3 6 .333 Pirraon, 3b ... { cuosseo a around, would-nave enlivened pro- - makVng his fir.st appearance i,n the The while-haired executive has (1-5) .single gave Milwaukee a 1-0 lead, Wilaon. 5 ...... 1 0 n 0 0 n o RAROOSES COTTONWOODS JOINS Bows to Yank Morianoa, p ., 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 TN'DISABLCD USTJ u p :- b ig ceedings. gaiiie. took a pichmil from Morrall A t Buckley Field last night the been watching world-wide competi­ Chicago at Detroit, 3 p.m.—Wil­ but the ft*dlegs started pwking in Mlatrolla, If 3 0 3 J n t 0 URE LEA-VES tile seventh, breaking up Ray CYCLONES 'i’errtpe'ralure in the 80s at Sol- .anil streaked 22 yards to the Col- powerful Medics crushed last-place tion for more than 35 years. What son (11-11) vs Lary (10-12) Manchiiclt, aa a 0 1 0 0 0 0 IM TH’ FOREST/ TAKING TH' dte^^rld undoubtedly added to legians' 39. The .same play then Crone's two-hitleC with a two-run SImmona. aa . a 0 0 '? ' i t 0 THROtY/ Green Manor 8-2 .in the finai Na­ he saw in the four-dny Olympic South Orange, N. J.. Aug. 11 FYiday’s Results- 7 / tjie. seeming sluggishne.ss of the ga'Ve Moore a seven-yard gain to single by Roy McMillan. Ed Bailey Swrnaon. c ... a 0 0 6 0 o 0 tional League game of the regular trials which ended last night still (jpi.. Ham Richardson, the con- New York 5. Baltimore 4 (Night) McConnall. rf 3012120 graduated collegians as well as the 46. Then the .drive collapsed, then niade it easy with his first • 1 0,0 1. 0 0 n season. had him marveling today. queror of Australia’s Ken Rosewall Boston 3. Washington 2 (Night) l.umbruno, i‘f the National Football I.a'.'igue Defen.sivcl,v, the Collegians dirt a major league gt-and-slammer, his I.onc. a ...... 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 American records were broken today seeks a victory over another Cleveland 11, Kansas City 3 o 0 a 1 00 Champior Browns. pretty good job holding the The victors used a base-'cleaning 20lh homer of the year, In the Hainill. 3h ... tripleMn the third inning and the in six of 11 events, and the world Aussie, Ashley Cooper, after (Night) Barbi-ro, b ... , 1 000000 \ The 75.000 .fans who attended Browns, to 191, yards rushing and record for the 2C0 meter butterfly boosting U.S. Davis Clip hopes Chicago , Detroit 1 (Night) eighth. . first grand slam home run of the 6 Toiala 3S *0 3t '7 4. 0 may have done a.s.much sweating 88 pa.sstng, was .shattered twice by strong- with the most encouraging win o f Sunday's Schedule Harvey Haddix appearing in re­ a—HU by pltchad balLfor Lumbruno in the heat as the players. The Doing standout work In this re- season in the fourth fOr »seven of lief, '.fanned Duke Snider with the their eighl tallies. The grand slam armed Bill Yor^yk of Norlhamp- the‘'year. Baltimore at New York (2). game was televised nationally. • .sped were end Jim Katcavage of ton. Mass, ''This was no fluke,” U.S. Davis 2 p.m. ba.se.s loaded in the ninth to nail h!-HU. Into forrarl but fur ifamllt In The Browns u s d basii:, .simple Dayton, middle guard Bob Pelle­ by John Bycholski was his sixth Cup Captain Billy Talbert said the Phils’ 11th victory in 13 games. homer of the season and he at.so In the all-day windup Friday at Boston at WaahingVon, 2 p.m. ‘ Hit Into double-play foi- Pieraon plays. grini of Maryland, halfback Gary Detroit's Brennan Pools, 14-year- after Richardson’s 6-3, 4-6. 6-3 They got ail three runs, one un­ added a single to have a perfect Cleveland at Kansas C5tv, S:3o Ska**’ '...... 401 101.1-8 UfT-NAMDBD MUrHITTEft Nothing could have been simpler Click of Colorado A A M. the old Sylvia Ruusk'a. Berkeley, Calif., victory yesterday in the quarter­ p.m. . ■ ' earned, in the second off Sal Mag- AT TN’ PLATE TH‘ DUCK SHORTSTOP than Groza'.s four field goals which N’FL's brin'us draft pick last win- night. • lie. Jack Meyer, a righthander in 2F. Sartor. Kuhlmann: SB. Hor«Tf. ■ m u COy£R SECOND,. I established himself as a real Olym­ finals of the Eastern Grass Court Chicago at Detroit. 3. p.m. Kuhlmann. Wojnafnwclci J.-Smith: r>P» measured 38, .30, 24 and 27 yards ter. and guard Tony SardLsco of The Manchester Auto Parts and ,his first start sine? May 22, 1955, Sartor to Horan to McAHam; LOB, « 1M« »f Ma pic contender bv breaking her one- Tournament. ■ I. Y.M o»i y * .Moriarty Bro.s. will play in the Momfay'a Schedule 7. Elks fi; BB. Morlauo* 3 ; from 'th e line of scrimmage. Tiilane. L .. . day-old mark of .5:10.7. For the 400 . "W'We've, o ve, been planningpli how to gave the Brooks just four hits— playoffs which start Monday. It No Gamea .Scheduled SO. Morlanns 3. Sartor 5 : IfBP. hv BOOTS HER BUDDIES Mom Is, Coming BY EDGAR MARTIN It was a record production in tlic .Took .Sciiriiig Honors meter freestvle with a clocking of I beat Rosewall for two years. ------u s, one Gil Hodges’ 23rd homer— be­ Sartor tLumhnino-Lon«)T. Varanti- 'A ll-S tar series. will be the best of a three-game fore giving way after walking the Naa.^Iff; Sror^r. Diana; Tim *. ; ^. B U Z S A W Y E R HY ROY CRANE Gi'oza, an 11-year veteran for 5;10, and George Breen, the ! You've got to hit his service and 1 4 ^^w'• c o tu . ?>O0'tEt*>HEBE TOEPiR H E R E *V>AE«'Rt SO lU D - Tad Weed of Ohio .Bale booted Cl(*veland. also converted., twice senes with the win n er going into world's -fAslest 1500-meler free- i Ham had to serve \v?ll himself first man in the ninth. Then south­ vm JUST three for the All-.Stars in la.st the Round Robin Tournament. First paw Haddix, whom Manager Mayo ^E. SO SOKtRWSEO V>6a ft -LCAjEIH RIRE SOPERTORVi...!. WEftW AND'FURTHFRWRC, 1 BELIEVE YOU THINK IT WAS after touchdoun.s to taking scor- styler, clicked off an 18:13.7 Ameri­ and come into the net quickly. \^WT MUNSRy.MU) . year s 30-27 a m b u s h of the I ing honors witiV T4-pprn,Ts. pitih is at 6 o'clock. ] Smith,couldn’t chance as a starter TO S E E ft SOPER PVKETUR>si..OV^,'HORR‘^ 't)O m BEE.AND.l WhD robbed THAT BANK IN JACKRABBIT, , can outdoor mark for the metric Rosewall's'too fast to let him get Ludwig Uglilburn fRANKLY,! VNEVADA...r ig h t ? Browns. In 19;!9, Ward Cuff kicked j 'The Brown.s-thi u.st 8(i yards in -Medics o'clock at Charter Oak Park. The ' ■*•'''*41 Wilmer Mizell'a 11th vic- a lightweight contender. Morhill SliiFH Parilii .set it up with kcep-il play.s. sure-shots,for Ol.vmipic gold med­ second-liiie Aussie Davis Cupper; sponsoring Police *and Firemen’s - Lory following Pete Whisenanfs The strong youngster from Brit­ K\l/r...... ;i 1 2 1 1- D ish Honduras look complete charge All-America Karj Workhor.ie of ttie Browns wa.n RolubAck .'•» ...... 2 o 0 0 o 0 als bv the experts. , / . who hasn't lost a set in this tour- Athletic Assn, has already a n -I Lwo-run homer in the eighth. j Morrall of Michigan State, a 1 fullback Ed Modzclew.iki'* with a T4.mu>«h«.. .*•> . !• 0 0 i» o Shelley, 18-year-o d ali-a round nament at the Orange Lawn Ten- i nounced plans to equip four teams ! Friend, only 3-8 since win-j ot Zulueta last night at. M adi^n J’-// fledgliqif San Franci.sco 19ei; led 1 pain of T6 yards in 21 ru.she.s. Bo't)*'j*'’',’ P ...t :... 3 1 1 2 0 (» ace- from Arlington, Va., captured ' ni# Club.-* j this fall instead of two. i Ring the All-Star game, gained his | Square Garden for a unanimous de- * ...... 0 !» 0 1) 0 0 1 •the butterflv final in .1:12.3 but wa.« Cooper yesterday whip’ped ,Jack • ^____ 13th victory with a five-hitter I cision in a 10-roundcr over the. ritTiyui. Firt (.he colleginns 3t y.aVd-s to llje Smith liad ol lr\ 12 carrie.s and Mnrioir llo.’...... 1 0 1 1 0 n 1 Browns' 34 in the .first permd. Me Parilii 39 in seven. R.-ittermnn hit Mri'arUiy. i( 1...... 2 0 D 0 0 o 0 nosed out for a third place berth in j Frost, Montere.v. Calif., 't-5, 6-2.. RRNIE JOHNS4>N, Milwaukee ' the Giants., Bill Vir-I Cuban who upset him in the same J E F F C O B B BY PETER HOFFMAN then was shaken u p and replaced 0 0 0 0 0 n the 400 fr#estvle by Walter Reed , Vic Seixas. Philadelphia, bouncM Braves’ relief pitcher, is p a s s in g i «'Khth-inning home run was j ring July 13. , . on half'of his 11 passes for 84 0 1 .0 1 0 0 ’ MICKEY FINN .Another. EmerRcncy! by Iowa's Jerry Reichow. yards. . I'olanx-ln. rf ... Club leammaic, .Su.san (Dougieiiout Sid Schwartz. I^ng Beach, out rigahi following the birth of a ' the difference. Only one i "“^4* ^ 6EE THAT YOU 00.'...IN A J06 MMM4MLR, M THE •DULY S U A B rntT tm ttf POOH BY LANK LEONARD 0 0 0 *0 0 O' ’ On the‘ .first plav^. BeichoWs .Fullback Don Schaefer of Notre | Ki'pliii. rf .,— JI JI 0 Gray. 16. in a thrilling ftniah. ? N. Y.. 6-3, 6-2. and will play A u s-' Son recently in Milwaukee. John- had to be played to hang up the 9-1 and Jijdge Nick nam boli ^ d LllCt THIS, I DON'T WANT THE a long pass was filched by the ; lie Neale Fraser,er, who eliminated »on played pro basketball with.!‘^'""ta’ victory in the aU A FEATURE G7CRY0N ji, Daihe contributed 42 yard.s in H *'■* 0 1 1*1 1 o tl' The cpmley blonde ShoUey made - r .s ' 'oexto-K W E6S LOOKING OVER MV ^THWK rP6 A T-THE GOVERNOR yes! and it's going to Browns' Warren Lblir in the end 5H0UL0ER...IT MAKES ME (3000 IDEA; BEN? THE TOLL HIGHWAY, EH R IS SICK? Hi CAUGHT - PREVENT HIM FROM FULFILLING ti'ip.s for the All-S.tars while Cas- rijiimmi. 3b i:..'.' 0 0 0 0 0 oilhe squad earlier bv taking third 1 , Manchester several years ago. The Sranie. eono. .sacly added 21 in .six. Moore :!2 in ‘ Sturdivant'Winner I About 1.-500 fans saw the televised ALICBACI. NERV0U6 / ...OKAY, JEFF...I'M EURE YOU WERE VERY GOOD . yes! the’ keenie A COLO-IN THE AN IMPORTANT Obligation the lOO-moter Vreestyle The womens leminnals, tbp-, Johnson also have two daughtcrsrf .From then on. getftng the All 33 2 ( 1.5 3 U 3 Mantle's double fijllowed a ’tw o-i bout. .. 6 T A N D ^ AROUNO.^ANb THEY'LL WELCOME VDU ON THAT TV PROGRAM ' weenies'O lHZ , CAVE? -ONE that HEYHiNKS YOU tlu ee and Morrall 22 in two. Moi'-■ ■ ■ ■/"•■’ 000 341' 8 Walter Reed S. C. liiminarv is one i trough, Beverly ^ Ri nie s address is 2745 N. 68th St. LAST NIGHT, PHIL* St.ars fired up was as fhdimis aa rail and .Reichow each hit on only i (irri-ii Manor out single by Billy Martin, who' t41 p6unds. three poiindj THAT MaUDES VDUR WITH OPEN ASMS DP , PROGRAM ON 'UESRAV1 COULP hanplE for him ... 100 (HU—3 of The seven double eventers on the * ,' k ‘ u‘ "nfur ' ANP YOU'RE OOING TO I -ANP THE 'ITZIE, atriking a fire from flint. one aerilil in fonr 'attenipl.s.'''' 3B, Kvlrr 2. Al).-ii, Prrilir: 3B hrld; rx/ AO oo III os.j. -Darlene Hard. Montebello, Calif., chugged ail the wav to third whetf havier than he was .in the t"'*- F tW C /. THERE/...SO AHEAD/ BETTER THAN ANYONE HR. .Btc’hftlski; SR. B.vchnliiki. Prrin^. team of 40-22 men and 18 giil.s. g^^ond-seedert Althea Gibson, the ball got Ihroiigh rightflclder I^Khthurn was ' too. strong BE ON TWO MORE NEXT BiTZIE TWISTIES'' ELSE! COULP YOU COME UP ’ .All-America halfback -Hintsti-d The game marked the first’ lime GKNE JOII.NSO.VS addres.-! WEEK Fyi^)' 2 I.OB. Mrdir.s 4. i;ri-,*n Manor Tiln Frnneonn. Tom, Sturdivant 4>r.'the Cuban ^ ^ f PANEL SHOW ON TO Gee him monpav ? Caasady pf Ohio ..State, who nd the’ Collegians had, been blanked ft.'RB Ri-ardon 4. .Taroh.v 2: SO. Ri-ar- Other two-eventers include Mrs. Ne\^-. York Citv. meets tjiird-seed- with the I^ke Chanfbs Giants in 'THURSPAV! leaves.for the I'letroit'lJ'ons camp, ce Cleveland ran up a 3.3-0 deci- ilftO 10, Jarub\ l;-..McAdam 4. Hlls off. Pat McCormick. Olympic spring- Mrs. Dorothy Head Knode, won in relief of Whitey Ford, jvho ''SECBf Rrardftn 5 for 8 riin.s In 4 innings: the Glass C Evangeline League is ton locked as though he might break siolvin 19.'il. Y .larohi- 1 for 0 run.* )n 1-: )(BP, Mr- board and plqtfor.m diving queen ^ Forest Hills., N. Y. 417 Burnett St.. Lake Charles, La. was tagged for homers by Bob ripM GOVEf loo.se____ in ;the _ secortd quarter . aftef Tli^ pros hold a 14-7 edge in the .adam, iTniuash"!. R-aidnn ii-oN-. and winner of b^thX , of her _ special-,1 | Miss ' Brough yesterday dusted Gene is Manchester's only pro Nieman and Dick Williams. Nie- ^ •• running .back a Clevol{irid kickoff ; .ilo'rici with two games ending m i : J' jh-ardon.-^ orer. McFarland; ties in -the triajs: Breen and off Janet Hopps, Seattle,'6-3. 6-3 | baseball playkr this sea.son man’s blow, his 12th, was a 466- I’V!''*’ , on.h mis ./ HS' ■ “ 28 yards. Bnt even this monientum i lies. , ' ■ ' ' ____ Hawaii's George Onekea in the 4()0, and Miss Gibson stopped Mrs., '5?^ foot, inside-the-park job. andi 1500-meter freestyies; H aw ai-> Betty Pratt. Madison, N. J., 6-2, THRRR UAMRS are on tan Tom Brewer won his 16th a s ' ST*.'’ ‘ hat '' * '^ t . E\er>Ume^^ V f ' 1 I X f ’ ian BUI Wooisey in-the too 100 and 400,6-2.400 ^6-2. MiasMiss Hard conquered Shir-: j,extj week In the Twilight Baseball Gernerfs eight-inning hrtjner , **. ‘t was like a loeomo- , t* rr«s vm i Jarvi.s r l l l l ’ IS .. ” 111 I freestyle; Mailey Shrtvei*. Glen- ] ley Bloomer of England, 8-10. 6-3, ; ! :League at Mt. Nebo, Tuesday night bagged the Red Sox ninth viitory^ Ziitueta's manager. Hymie Wall- M iildlecoii and Bo W inhi^er I dale. Calif., in the ibo and 400- 7-5 and Mrs. Khode whipped Isa t! ,the Legion Juniors and Moriarty's in 10 games. Jim l„emon hit his ' . " ------Over v .jHSC B I ’O S, i 4'i®tei4 freestjie; and'Mary Jane belTroccdle, New^ York, 6-4, B-4i j., clKsh and the I-egion plays again 17th .homer fpr the Nat's. for Tokyil bouts with Jiro Sawarta Sears, 16, Bethe.sda. Md., in the Wednesda.v . against Green Barber Rocky Colavito. who was four- and a lightweight named Toyq*4tanrtlngs hammered CAPTAIN EASY J. P. Will Help BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS CRlli^NDS In E s cro w BY MERRILL BLOSSER ' stroke. - Expect Opponents Camera baHles Moriarty’s. All ; $3,500 offers for bmits with Leo W L Pet. An Ali-Califoi nia group swept Jiin Busby and Pre.ston Ward a s ; ^ Manila and a boxer ua..ftur. I PROVED WHEN POUCE CDitFRONTeP H6R WITH 1 OWED IT TO PATRICK TO CLEAR HIM AT DNCE'L I groups: 139 - Jack Fleck. Porky Man. Auto Parts . . . 12 1 .923 games will start promptly at 6 _ I Vou*. VfeAW, MAjecf Chicago. Aug. 11 'A*! Cary both platform dives with breath- o’clock. u a ,'narrted Somdez in Bangkok. THAT SHE LIED AT THISE..RND SHOWED HOW< THE DATE5 HIS ONE WEAKNESS WAS TRUSTING RITA..AN0 IF WE WEBEX/r ON THE BAIL 7M T LOCUST Middlecoff and Ro Wimnger led a Oliver..Bob Toaki. Bob Rosburg, Great Eastern ...... 10 3 ,769 To Press Nashua Bob Felier« relief help. Lemon ______YESTEROAY'S HEAR­ COIHCIDED WITH ECUM. 6UM9 GoSM. DAISY. TDe » / FOLKS A TO „ /HOUSE/WEVEi WAVE WOULD HAVE CLEANED US OUT ' tskinig displays. Paula Jean Myers WHO AM I TO blame HIM*. VOUR PLAl)ir ARENT INOU6M j ON A MOUSE gang of 51 par-wreckers into a Tony Holguin and Mike Fetchik; TPe'-sp .ft...... 7 6 ..538 ING'. lALSO DU6 MI651Ha FROM THE 6 A F E ,/I KNOW IT NEEDS HIM. SUH... AND I NEED TO GET AWAV^ NOH/1 /GOTAVYMOtt and Mis. Juno Irwin, second and RRC HU.MMRR Ba.sketball gave the A s five hits before leav-' KSvnRiTr' AnVANCFS SNAOCSTDeO —THCrOR,. COULD BAKED h am third round charge on Tahl 140 • Bill Ca.sper Jr.. Ja>' Her­ Case Bros...... '.... 4 9 ..308 ing in tho eighth. ™ 5 UP RECOROA OF A 5HE FlNAUW C0NFE55EP1/ WASN'T EASY and try to forget third to Pat in the 1952 Olympics, Atlantic Q ly . N. J.. Aug. 11 i/Pi I-eague contest between the High •., • j ,u ------AROUND' y SOMETHING/ starve IN OUK CE bert. Don Fairfield. IJonel Hebert. Rainbow Club ...... 4 9 .308 ■ Williamstown. Mass.. .Vfig. ,11 ./111 HELP'lOU/FORGET O'Shanter's di.smanlled golf acres wound up ,the same way in the — Nashua makes the 29th start of FEW SIZABLE DEBTS FDR VOU TOPOk.' R> BOX— WE CAN Roberto D e v 1 C e n z o and Babe Merchants ...... 2 U .154 School arfd RainboNvVClub ached- . ypi unioOhio. Iowa, New 5'ork and SHE PAID RECENTLY. AFTER ALL 5HD HU Bovi r a KEtr youl DcatU MAKE SAND-, todav. ■ , ' __ .trials. Aerobatic Gary Tobain. 20, hia.£olorful career today, meeting Par of ."ie-aB T’2 wasn't worth Lichardus. ' tiled Wednesday night has been and” the ("hicagos^hen'se^^^ whe represehted today HAD MEANT TOO BUSY TO THIMKl AROUND uuicucc / »i._ u . _ . 1 Los Angeles finished far In front eighl opponents who figure to give postponed any will be. Played the se m ifin a l round of the _T O VOUl here/ a dime in the cha.se for chunks of The 140 listing wfs exceptional League-leading Manchester Au- , Connors and Witlie Farrell him..a tussle in the $100,000 Atlan­ a .$101,200. purse that will be dis- for it.s'numiier of longshaUs. • Thursday nighh Aug. 2.3Tat 8:15 ■ 2.T?d homi USGA National Junior Golf Cham- to Parts keptiup their fine record | earned the other team posi- tic City Handicap. at the East Side Rec. Wimpy's ' P'‘»'t«c>4. A1 Kaline .s 23rd homebv ;■ pionship at the Taconic Golf Club. tributed after 72 holes Sunday in In all. 51 pros In a field of 93 by beating Case Bros.r4-0 in a Rec ! lions. This ia slrictlv an invitational All-Stars-and the W’e.st Sides Will run broke ,up a. shutout a:. bid the^ ‘'W orld" Champion.slijp. • wgre under’ par F44 for. the 36 ■ ' Pre-tourney favorite Jack Nick- .iX? Softball I..eague game at Robert- Carin Cone. 16-year 61d Ridge- race, over a mile and oneiNiighlh meet as i^heHuled Wednesday at Dtinovan, « h o vvtn his fifth laus of Columbus. Ohio, A quarter- Theine winner'swinners 'jnirse pui.-c of ...... -..-ft $.50,000 mnr». holes. ,The i,e ui.son others matched it. Park last nlelit woo<$i,N. J.. blonde and unbeaten distance, and Nashua must carry 6:15'at Ghac4er-Oak Park, accohipanied by a contract for -i6 Par-bu.sting didn’t stop with the _ asi mgni. finalist last year, bettered his in more than a year in the 100- top weight of 129 pounds as he, - F f l 9 § " x S o n -at $1,000 each, was p,.„.s. howevw’. Women and men '' ^ previous showing yeaterday by ad- metee backstrolte. bareljji edged seeks his sixth victory of the sea-; XA.S.SIFK ARMS will represent i L f a i f f l l S g U E S F vancing through the quarterfinals •nougi).Ji. to leave Vhft- the' nrns pro.s nantioe panting amateurs a|.soa'lsn got,-nt in.ninto .he*ae. the*acl. performance on the mound for the 'Maureen ifurphy, Portland, Ore., son. Manchester in the forthcoming with a 3 and I decisloD oyer BiU in anticipation - - even the welP" Anne Richardson, slender '20- Auto Parts, allowing , only two Case hits. . 'and Mary Marchino, Indianapolis, The husky bav 4-yehr-oId .son of Stale Alumni League Tournament; York (Madison Square Warner of Spokane. Wash; heeled ;Middlecoff. the r*GA’,s ye\r-old blonde from Columbus, with a 1:15 time in her specialty. .Naarullah can add another $65.000; and will make their initial start . . . 0 © second leading money winner with (jhio, set a woiuen amateur course. 'Bernie August got the best“ hit Garden) Ludwig Lightburn, 141. of the might, a long hpmer to left- .Ail three made the team. Hoot .Mon, driven by eSep Palin, g -// $2t.l32. • , ‘ Crecord of 6-undei-par 70, to lead to his world record ‘’• "'‘ " 'L , * " '* , Hbndura.s. outpointed Or- u. »H u.t e.i o«. S-H center. Teammates Jim Minicucci In the'eonriuding event before jack hia total earnings to $1,301,- Field in « e.st Hartford g a in s t , jg^ho Zulueta, 13.5'., ("uba, 10. ran the fastest Ham blstom aj mij>. 0I(^ I aiw«wiitXTSjM.k». u,t. faiOM He and Wininger, i)th on. I be her .section of the ''W orld" jam- 965. Second money is worth $'20.-1 Bf>binson Builders. (^aph CTa^ Kennewick, Wash. Harry covering the di.starce in two-min­ MORTY MEEKLE S t r o n g M an and. Tom Conran each collected ' a rapacity 6,000 crowd veteran B Y D IC K C a V a LLI THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE Is That How It Is? b V WII^ON SCRUGGS flnancial list with -$12 482. shared borce with a halfway tally of 149. two hits to aid the ca.ii.se. I OtN'mpic Champion Ford Konno of 000. with $10,000 to third, and ^ Graff will select his starring hurl- jg j Seattle, knocked utes flat i-n 194'7. . i LET ME STAY Uf' the halfway lead with 135. nine .lackie \ales of Honblulii was next $5,000 for fourth. among Pat Mistretta. i ACP6TLECN AVILLAOJTHE ) •WFNl.WASN M LSOITHWia'aCOMFHDME ^ Joe Ganges and Jerry Clinton i Hawaii finally clinched a berth .000 for fourth. " tr.om s„.u..g .^..,iir Bre.shears. 188. Parma. JILL' <^ANI7IU.<3IVE THE(?H1NE... (?1VIEKA...A stroke under the standard. Bvit ; with 155. collected thr;ohIy hiLs off Jarvis. j the 1956 squad by topping the 200- Bardstown frojn Mrs. Gene Mar- Tony, Moiianos and Tony Lum- ^ npi5. EvrcvotdF WHrre IVt ALW4V5 had EVEOTHAJe they didn't have a chaiice to. Ward Wetllaufer. captain of the A«KEP C ^ ’ >aiWEALTH. AYALlhltfOR AnIr Pari, (41 meter frecstylers In 2:1C.'6. --y 's famed Calumet Farm. Mister, brim4».,. _____ | Bghia Bianca. ' Argentina - MOUtnAlN ] H ETrpcrjU,THe IWAnTOON4tE«WO iMVOWN WAV.EATHEP breathe e^ily in today's Ihiidlgoif team at Hamilton College, alt r h |8i a ft I'bl , METD r* PETONTiaiR EVERY RAY Gu.s. , who haiia from Llangollen ■ftnTi'rnn p..! i.et Andres Selpa, 159. Argentina, out- ie t t e c yoi' jvsr • a d c f o o t . T H iN u n rn e heat. Only one .stroke away. Clinton N.Y., slammed a .second Ma-.ii. c ...... 3 . II II 4 II II li’ niT T ai WILPEeT' 68 f()i' 143 to lop the men ama- ' ‘S nrr.v, .)> ...... 2 II II -1 II II o ' Farm of Mrs. M. E. Lunn. and A l-' .J '* , p<,jhled F.duardo Lausae. 160, LONDON -OF the ' 46HlflHA5) ! CHAafWSF clustered at 136. were Peter Alii;ii-t! cf ...Js. 3 I 1 n II ii 1 TOBH? PIZEA/de.' WEEK TOUf^lMieEE/ tern's. A1 B.irkow Highland .M'i.iiicncci if Yeslerday^s Stars fred Vanderbilt’s Find, loom Nf Buenos Aires. 10. WATERFORD i O F G r r w •Thomson. Jerry B.Mber. J ’ete ....T. 3 ' II 1 II II cation and will i-elurn to the aporls AATTD I’ark. 111., a former Tara O'Shap-' )^‘^ ■ • ...S.. 3 1 3 II II the main troublemakers. V TAX' ^ 1 j ^ l i k o u s m u Cooper. Krnie ball find Ted Kroll...... 8 tl I) II I) I desk Monday morning,. Aug. 20. PeFTQU H?EE' J In This grou^i, only Ball could be ter cHiidy.'was second with 146. ___...‘ .3 II 3 II II Pitching; llarry Janson, .Redlegs •UaUSSEftOUTPOINTEU | ^ -c r m e K .’ Mickey Wright, the long hitter-Hjhiiim 3h ...... 3 1 1' II II1 speed BOWi dO regarded a darkhorse. He is a 45- n Scattered nine 'bits, wAiked none RESTING CO-MEXIRTABI.Y A.NOTHER C'OMEBACK Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Aug. ; from Chula Vista, Calif., maintain- Cenran. lb 2; 1 U 0 0, year-ol(J.V CrtI -«/H< Vclub 4 I4L/ |F*pro W ON at s-ee*Oak •> aPark. -• a, Hi., w ... - ...... - - - . ’ ’ ^ ^ JF* and struck out foyii- in first appear- V • ______, Kennewick. .Wash., Aug. 11 i ^ 11 liPi ,- Eduardo Lauaac. A r - ; lOO^Lop Sfoek Cur Roc* son of . Rn-oUI-Hme in.siructor TouIa \....: i'F 4 * ‘'-ft': ance .since rqturn from minors to New; Rochelle, N. Y.. Aug. II Harrv MaltheW.s, IflT-pqun^ Seattle' gentina’s South American middle- | FHglaml „who ha.s been ' teaching : pro .sidc.show with 75 fhr 146. Bet-: Hr..,, jsi '3|,?r'ii 3.0 II 0 beat Braves -8-1 and lift Redlegs Frankie Friacti fprijier star lec- slugger, started anotlier comeback ; weight champion, wa.s oul|Ihinl«d t O N I & H T golf thei'F 40 years'; ty Jame.4on and Marlene ,H a g g e , J , ' 3 II 0-3 o 0 o' into second place, one game .short; ond baseman fortor the New York last night with a fourth round ! la.st night by Andres Selpa, also of ; ’ •=«< »*• *» The brigade’ of IQT shooiera in-| followed with 149. ' f , I'fti.i, |t ------ii O' I knockout' oga Harley Breshears, j Argentina, in a 10 round non-title II II 3 n of National League lead.- | Giants and a former manager of eluded Johnny Palmer, Bill Nary ;. , ! i;«,’,c?'‘ I-’’!','.', 3 II 1 I U I II Hitting; ■ F.d Bailey, Redlegs- ; the St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh 188, Panna.Gdaho. ' I fight. ‘ ; * $ iM * t o m s s E B t and Billv Maxwell all seasoned ■ ' , ,, u i . i . ' <')i'i''"' -'b •- 3 0 1 4. f 1 II Had, two7 tuts in thjfee trips. - . _ . _ . 1 k — — ■ ‘ I ■- '-.-r ■' •.i 3 o. II 4 a. 'I O Pirates' and Chicago Cubs, was campaigners and Hermap !" V II II O II 0 scoring tyting run and walloping resting opmi'ortably eaily today in \ Twenty-nine favorites have' Ted Khistewski. Redleg first, g-Snc« PiwgrMs: D**'4N|** ^ Scharlau. who uaually goes along : dialanVe runner D 0 I 0 ^ 1 scored in’ 81 gunnings of Pimlico’s j baseman, hit 22^ home runa in Cin- • Just for the ride. ’ 1 Ont . will caplAin the f%57, SnorUfl -b - _ his first major leagiO grand-slam New Rochelia HoaplUi following k heart attack, v Preakneas. cinrtaU in 1955 in d 20 on the road, i And take a look at theae next | tra>->t team. i Trials ...... : i 0 II ( 3 p homer in S-U viclory| over Braved i

. \ 'V’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGliEiSTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST iJ, 1956 PAGR N IN 8 PA G E EIGHT MASXHESTER EVENXKG HERALD, MANCHESTER,-C50NN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1958 ^ ------^...... Building Materials 47 Household Goods Wanted To Rent 68 Hoi&es For Sal* 72 Houses For Sale 72 ■ Houses For Sale 72 Subnrban For Sale 75 Wantetd— Real Estate 77 Automobiles for Sale 4 THERE OUGHTA BE BY F A G A LY and SHORTEN Help Waated^Male Help Wanted—i Aiiicle* For Sale 45 TOLLAND — Five room ranch. U STIN 08 WANTEXK-fllngU, two- Male or Female ■ USED LUMBER BENDDC AUTOMA-nC washer, COUPLE—College graduates de­ MANCHESTER *7,900 VERNON — Two bedroom MA^CHESTERj- 83 Turnbull Rd», 37 ranch, new G.E. heifting system, Excellent ’ Six room, two bath' xBreezeway, 2-car g a r a ^ on 1 family three-famUy, buslnesa . MACHINISTS needs little repair. Call. 9-7872 sire three room furnished apart­ Si'Jc room ranch, full cellar, baae- Classified l!M!i KORD CONVKKTIBI.k ; Radio 2x3, 2.x4, 3x8, 2x8 Windows and aluminum storms, cellar, 2<.3 .'home. Drive by. Many features In­ of land, (fully lai^ cap ed ). property. Have many cash buysra. COPY ARTISTS. Formal training / L0AM after 6 p.m. ment in Manchester. MI. 6-0573 menL garage, domestic, hot water and hralcr. Call MI„ 9-1R16. t! ^f I WAS &ONMA PUT!/ LISTEM TO TMB „ FIRTV •U C k«f>l DON’T Frames ' acres. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. clude brick front, lifetime alum­ *1^800. Large kitchen with plen.ty Mortgages arranged. Pleaoe eaU Plan now for the future. Join not necessary to learn Interesting after 6:30. heat, fire^ace, knotty pine kitch­ S a |d 8 t"0 '‘PT’>' ON THE \"AlMOST-»«ICAOE FROVI TME 9NN OF ’ EMa work in photo engraving. ExerT DARK RICH '’ Storm Wlnyowi REFINISHED BEDS, dressers, 9-6132. 9-4694. inum aiding, fireplace, two-car ga­ of khqtty pine cabinets,' garbage George Lf. Ctrasiadio, Realtor. ML Advertisement 1941 M KRCl'RV srdan. flood ni»- a rapidly expanding concern. en, plastered walls, buement laun­ 9-S878. 109 Henry St. - POOR'^^NoserTHE window K tuev « in& tme LOOMS OF M!M 1 / EVER M f AM lent working conditions with bene­ • Inside Doors chests, dinette set, leveral mis­ MIDDpE-AGE couple would like rage. 75x150 lot with beautiful disposal built-in Ironing board rlianiral fondilion., Prlie SSO, MI. closed JUST// SAME BLUES 80 hour minimum w-eek. Top cellaneous items. Priced to sell. to have 3-4 room unfurnished dry F.H.A., mortgage Available. EIGHT-ROOM Duplex. 4-4. G.E- trees. Price *18,600. Shown by ap­ and exhaust fan. Living room with CLASSIFIED A DVT. 9-IT32. ... \ ^ »T e y A P o » ALL he could J{ t o b i t ON fits and progressive increases. Ap­ Reduced price.s for. Augurt only. Outside Doors befo? e r IV after everV / PUT ON THE y f A LOSER? rates pay. All fringe benefits. Pile must go. Call now for prompt Yellow Pine Flooring Unfinished desks and bookcases. apartment. MI. 9-8761. *15,500. oil burner. New 82-gallon hot pointment. Ml. 1-6273. Brae-Bum quarry stone fireplace, large pic­ ARE YOU OONSIDKRINO DEPT. HOURS •<< \ — —“ ^ ^ G c r r V, unec ic a \ ^ _ ply at ABC Photo Engraving GOT there;/ ^~LRACE‘ delivery. PI. 2-6277. Sheathing Rebuilt mattresses *12.95 to water heater and electric stove. Realty. ture' windovK showing , beautiful SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? m 1<><7 PONTIAC .Sodanette, 194« k Co., Elm St., Manchester. A YOUNG couple- being married in PLYMOUTH LANE^ V 8:15 A .‘M. to 4:.10 P. M. # - A 7 » f r ' 30-Gal. Automatic Gas Hot Water *18.95. Antiques. LeBlanc Furni­ Refrigerator. Income. Ml 9-3532. view of lake. TVo largo liedrooms, We wlU appraise your property Dodge .sedan. 194fi Ford tudo DELTA CORP. Sept, desire a ihrie or four room Six room colonial, bteezeway HOUSE FOR SALE—Bolton, four lx)\v. low prices. No down alm o st b e t ' X ASWED FOR TEXTILE ENGRAVERS, Experi Heater ture Hospital, corner South St. sliding door c l(^ ^ . Dining room free and. without any pbUgaUon. ^ ON THAT NAG.'! NtJMBER FOUR BUT ] TWO W ATElt' HEATERS, one 30 and*Vernon Ave., Rockville. TR. unfurnished rent. Reasonable. Call and garage on beautifully land- MANCHESTER —A batha, large dress­ Adorable 5 year old house, 'MIDDLE-AGED widow would like j HOT MIX amesite, crushed stone, Center Street, Manchester Wanted— To Buy 58 bedrooms. Up to *125 per month. ranch, 28x42. Waddell school. An­ MANCHESTER spacious living room with 8:00 a.m., ready for work. James Write Box G,. Herald. ing room attached to master bed- derson windows, Youngstown 19.52 .STDDEBAKKR >i-lon tiickun I ] work as housekeeper-companion, stabilized stone, washed sand. nxMn, den just off living room, Beautiful 5 room single with en­ stone fireplace, dining room, LISTINGS WANTED A< McCarth.y, 66 V’ernon'St., Man­ . with woman alone or elderly cou­ CHOMAN Kitchen copper plumbing *14,500. closed breezeway and garage. A-1 Dial Ml 3-5121 tnick. MI. 9-6746. I gravel, loam delivered, Niissdoif. wall to wall carpets and carpeted 3 bedrooms, 2. kitchens (sum­ chester. ' , ple. Call Ml. 9-2519, WANTED Used piano. Call MI, WANTED—-Four room unfurnished, Arbor Realty Co. MI. 9-5524. condition throughout. Expandable i 1 MI. 9-7408. HOUSE WRECKING 3-5600. heatea apartment near bus line. stairs, walk in cellar. Front is, mer and year 'roundl, large W ATSO N R E A L T Y CO. M J ■ MANCHESTER~Seven-room Co­ 2nd floor. Excellent grounds, With recreation nxim with 3 'i’ fire­ Auto Accessories— Tires fi TOOL MAKERS USED FRIGIDAIRES, just fight ' MI 9-2392 Lib/arian and two grown daugh­ brick veneered, .and white shingles. Home is equipped with Anderson lonial. Three bedrooms, large sun- shade trees. This is a custom built place, utility room. 2\i baths, Thrall Rd., Vernon for cottage U.5C, all sizes. Also ters. References. MI. 9-8349 after Situation* Wanted— Roomi Without Board 59 6 p.m. porch. double length garage, house, first time on market. attached garage, oil heat. Near Lost and Found 1 c a s in g s needed — Buy new' tirea A ll TOGETHER KOSN, Plan now for the futurg. Join several good used washers. Pressure Sealed windows and Shown by appointment ' only. l[ Male 39 Hunter combination storms and basement ?)layroom, fireplace, oil good neighbors and good ' TR. 5-7630 * here, get *10 for ‘•amoothlea.” SOT'S - “ r-\VAS-GOlMG a rapidly expanding concern. Kemp’s. Inc,; Ml. 3-5680. Dia mon A*— W atch es— % Price *16.200 BEAUTIFULLY furnished, spa COUPLE EXPECTINQ baby in screens. A buy at 825,500. sfeam heat. Off Porter St. Con­ school. *20,000. FOUND—Llght brown female dog. A and K Tire Service. CTiatom f 50 hour minimum week.. Top GENTLEMAN would lihe position Jewelry 48 MI. 9-7885 Call I-.ee Fracchia, Dog Warden. ' Recappers, Bolton. -Ml. 9-2163. TO-0ET-ON- THE- \NINNE5-Pl cious 'room with complete ligi September desire reasonable 3 or tact Owner, MI. 9-4620. chauffeuring, grounds keeping, housekeeping facilities availaJMe. \ p iio n e MI. 3-6273 MT. 3-4540. I ------0 J T ” ~. ~. rales pay. All fringe benefits. WOODWORKING machlnerv. PI. 4 room apartment on first or sec­ 71 SOUTH MAIN STREET I t etc. Good character references. en ond fl(X)r with stove and refrigera. MANCHESTER — Beautiful eight WM. RUBINOW , Real Estate r 2-6695. • ^®?rs.'^^dju«s'^wfuhes'''e*5erU^ [ ^ rs' d ) ^ Seven roqm colonial. One-car ga­ !5 Box L, Herald. tor. Call MI. 9-1041. _ room Dutch colonial plus 2-car ga­ BRAE,BURN REALTY 843 Main St., Manchester Legal Notice F' Trailers tor Sale 6-A ' i “T^nnkLltS • Reasonable prices. Open daily. ^ Mrs., Dphsey. rage on large 151x179 double lot, watch. W.R.H. Vicinity of Ro.ae- \ DELTA CORP. 14 Arch 8 1. rage. Excellent —location. -Putt Phone»;-M L 3-5556: or------MKS H. M A r o z t i, RH-:n Lt^MRER Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce with walled in stream. Outdoor _X. MI. 3-6158 dale Sectipn. Vernon or Tolland Street. Ml. 9-4387. ^ fireplace, fruit trees and garden. price *19,900. Also excellent 2-fam­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE hOldsn 2.‘fo GAHsioe sr; 1219 Main St. Dok*—BIrdSr-Pets ,41 Hiixinewi Property For Sale 70 ily plus' 50 more listings of all Lots Ihw^Sale 73 at Covrntr>’. Connecticut, within and Rd , Bolton. MI. 9-4251, or HA. LIGHTWKIGHT trailer, made from i FOR SALE Three bedroomk and bath up. Very AUTHENTIC colonial, circa 1726. for the DIatrtcl of Coventry, on the 2nd boat trailer,. S40. 269 Parker St. /' NSWflSX FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Near kinds from *5,000 up. C!al| Ella- S-3S90. Reward. l«l«. HiCtBII NVIWIPAPII ITMBtCATI PORTERFIELD’S PET -SUPPLY, Main St; 9 Hazel 8 1. AH. 9-2170, MANCHESTER—Industrial proper­ handy to stores, churches, and bua. LOT, 80x300. Shade Trees Five Ten rooms, two baths, hot water day of Auguet, A.D. 1958, Hai’tfoi'fl 2x4 - 2x6 . 2x8 Garden— Farm— Dairy wo'rth Mitten Agency Realtors. I ^ d stores. Present Hon. Elmore Turklnxton, now located at Route 5 and Chapel ty. Building with 2.450 square ft. *16,000. ■ minute walk to school (oil), Dutch oven fireplace, ex­ Judge. PLEASANT LARGE clean IDom for MI. 3-6930 or Mrs. Meyer MI. Near bus. West Side . MI. I.X3ST—^White aweatcr Vicinltv of Auto ing School 7-A AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted Rd., South Wuidaor, ne.xt to Eaat Some 18-20 feet long ' Product* .50 ‘Lot 85x140. Zoned for any type Two new five room ranches just 9-5524. quisite original wood paneling. 16 On moUon of Edward Roehrlg of 68 gentleman, central location. IJrl- manufacturing. Ideal for laundry off Main St. All city facilities. Near 9-0482. acres, frontage on 2 roads. Barn, Cooper 8t., New York City, Anclllai^ Center. Call MI. 9-6023. Reward. in G.M. progressive dealership. Hartford Drive-In Theater. Open Administrator on the estate of Helm C. CORONER \i£UTO Driving School, Vacation with pay. Inaurance and dally 9-5, Tuesday, Thoraday and Go(»d used oak flooring .vate entrance. Parking. MI. or drx’ cleaning business. Near church, bus and atores. F.H.A. other outbuildings. Short drive to Ru.sine.ss Sei*yices Offered 13 Courses and Classes 27 Help Wanted— Female 35 GLADIOLI, *I R dozen. 564 Bush LAKEWOOD CIRCLE—L^rge eight Gerz, late of Coventry, within said dis­ LOST—Green and yellow parakeet. Learn to drive correctly and’ other benefits. Apply in person to Friday nights 7 . 9 p.m. Man-i 3-8914. bus line. Central location. Reason­ fnnancing available. *14,300. rm home with four bedrooms Buildins Lots UConn, approximately 10 miles trict, deceased. AutomaUc ga.s hot water, heater Hill Rd. Tel. Ml, 3-5094. safely. Individual instruction by CLEAN AND . paint those gutters RADIO-ELECTRONICS- Television Chester customers' can call JA. j ably priced. George L. Graziadio, West Side. Two family 4-4, Good tram Manchester. *31,000. Walton This Court doth decree that six Ans\4’era to Ike and Pretty Boy. Service Manager, McClure Ponti­ and I ' j baths. Attached garage. In Town and Suburban months from August 3. 1956 be allowed Vicinttv of Hawthorne and \V. competent, experienced instruq-1 now. Avoid costly repairs later. Servicing. ’’Learn by Doing’ ’ at WOMAN TO live in or out to rare ac. 373 Main St. 8- 3391 and we will bring order I Realtor. Tel Manchester MI. income property with low operat­ Two fireplaces. Now vacant. T. l^'Qrant. Realtor. MI. 3-1153. and limited for the creditors of said MI. 3-1.383. ’'Connecticut's Oldest Electronics 333 Pitkin St. Boarders Wanted 59-A Middle Tpke.'MI. 3-5446. tors on dual-control insured cars, i for children. PI. 2-7^53. home with us at S p.m. to 68' CUT F1J5WERS, 50c-n bunch. Fern ' 9-5878. ing expenses. *14.800. j ; Crockett, Realtor. MI. 3-5416 ------''r------'------estate tp exhibit their claims asainst School. "New term starting Sep­ WANTED — Brickla''*ra and hod MANCHESTER' the same to the Ancillary Admlmstra. Automatic or conventional shift, j Spruce St. Gardens. 179 Fern St. , or Mrs. Wells at MI. 3-4788, Ml 9-6010, JA. 7-3680. HILLS: TELEVISION "servi^ tember 24, 19,56. Enroll noW. for SOMEONE to help with office and carriers. Apply Superintendent, Ea.st Hai’t.fOld, Conn., VERNON ASSOCIATES REALTORS WaiHed— Real Estate 77 tor and directs that public notice ba . Available at all times. Philoo fac­ ROOM AND BOARD, Gentleman. J:* given o( this order by adverUslng in a Annonneementfl Practical day or ' evening class.' housework. Two davg a week. PI. Jarvis New Garage, Buckland MANCHESTER PET Center for all PICK YOUR own rucumbei s, 25c i STORE, WAREHOUSE On Route 83, four room ranch, THREE BEDROOM ranch style newspaper having a circulation in said tory supervised service. Tel. Ml. or call MI. 3-7675. THIS AGENCy ; needs Cape Cod, LARSONS DRIVING School. For, free descriptive circular phone / 2-7161. Rd.. Manchesler. .vour pets and pet supplies. S. k a 'j-bushel basket. Michael Kiirya, breezeway and garage, gas hot air home, ceramic tile bath, disposal, PHIL HALLIN district, and by posting a copy thereof WEDDING STATIONERY a spe­ I Manchcstcr'a only trained and 9-9698. JA. 5-3406, or Write New England H. Green Stamps. Open 9 to 6 AND WORKSHOP screened patio, garage, combina­ ' Ml. 9-9221 4-6-8 and T rodan. singles 2- on the public sign post in said Tosm ^ J R L FOR tountaih and kitchen French Rd., Bolton, ' j heat, 100x150 lot. bua service right family houses. Buyers waiting. ol Coventry nearest the place where ths cialty. Beautiful assortment. Low ! certified Instructor. For your safe- Technical Inslitiite of Conn., Inc., Monday through Saturday. Thurs-! Ml. 9-2392 b^ the door. Immediate occupancy'. tion storm windows, comer lot. CHARLES LATHROP ELECTRICAL SERVICE-Wiring, wWk. Apply Vic's Soda Shop, 153 Apartment*— Flats deceased last dwelt. prices. Eveninjis by, appointment .. I ly We are trained to teach proper- 193 Trumbull St, Hartford, Cohn. day night till-9. Free parking. Ml. : 6,600 Square Feet Floor Area *11.500. Bus stop in front of house. Corner Ml. 9-0384 Howard R. Hastings. Realtor. Certified from Refew. Tenements 63 30(8 Foot Frontage EARL ROHAN (Jail MI. 9-1107 any time. F-LMORE TURKING’TON. Judge. Campress, 6 9- 4273. W«T repair aquariums,' ON CAM PBELL AVE. Four room Green Manor Rd. and Woodbridge 9-3240. electric motors. Kenneth I-acoss, ington MOhawk 6-4709. Flagptone, Household Goods 51 Excellent Location on Ml. 8-7433 WOMAN lolher of two heaters pumps and reflectors, 995 l^FOUR ROOM apartment. Heat and ranch, full cellar .with basement SU. MI. 9-7560 or PI. 2-7338. MORTLOCK'S—Manche.ster’g lead­ Electrician. PI. 2-6388 after 6. Bonds— Stock*— Main St. ! bird bath, gazing globe, oil jar, Main Highway inear Rockville) ing driving school. Professional with light , lauijdry and flower pots. All colors. ■ Hilchmg NEW ROPER combination gaa i hot water furnished. Negr bus fireplace, very large living room, BEAUTIFULLY situated lot. About Mortgages 31 AA ZONE — Seven-room custom Rockville Automobiles for Sale~ 4 leaching -- skilled, courteous in­ BUYING PAPER, magazinea, baby sitting three da.vs .'ELECTRONIC FIVE MONTH , old. unspayed, fe -! lK)st, jockey, flamingoes and rooking and heating range with I line. Adults onlv. TR, 5-4468 \ WATSON REALTY CO. aluminum combination storms and built Colonial, enclosed breezeway 1 acre. Box Mountain, Vernon, rags. Junkman's junk. Will pick weekly I ------...... ^------screens >i mile from parkway. structions. Insist on meeting your. QUICK CASH: $22.25 per thousand yires requested. male., mixed terrier Hmisebroken. j c.etamics. Iron-lawii furniture, ip. thermostat control. Serve! refrig­ Thrall Rd. Vernon and garage. Large rooms, many near Lake St. *2,750. MI. 3-S5S& or WANT TO BUY \ CAR and had up after 3 p.ni. All dav Saturday. Write Box Id. . ■ T?:CHNICIANS TWO ROOM apartment, kitchen, *U,500.' Instructor before starting. Phone per month include.s principal and Ideal pel. Call Ml. 9-8365. ligiotis atatiips. Cement blocks erator, metal Iloor cabinet, atudlo bedroom. New paint. All furn­ TR, 5-7630 fine features. High elevation, Ml. 3-6158. your credit turned down? Don’t Ml. 9-7398. Call Rockville TR. 5-7621. 18"x24 ", 18';xl8" for sidewalks. couch, daybed. bathlnelte. basi­ ON CAM PBELL AVE. C!ute four view. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI give up, see “ Honest” Douglas, mterest. Hartford CH. 6-8897. Exjierienced men required ished MI. 9-3081. MI.’ 9-7885. City Manager Frank Burke, Connecticut Mort­ ENGLISH SETTERS, ju.st three! Open daily, evening.s and Sunday net. new stroller, miscellaneous rm Cape, full basement with 9-5132, 9-4694. 333 Main. Not a finance company MANCHESTER'S oldest, most to assemble wire aj;id test LOTS FOR SALE. Inquire 434 Oak­ Household Service* gage Exchange Lewia corner WIREKS A^'l^ j left. Qiange belding, sited by Special, set of ducts. $I..39, Berlin item.* Owner leaving- stale. In­ SIX ROOM, redecorated apart- separate room for furnace and plan.- V recommended auto school, always electronic devicea. Will I CTiampion .Mike of Neadboro. Pup- •Special set of ducks, $1..39. Berlin quire 13 Vine St. or nhone MI. mebt. Convenient to bus, schools Farm.* and Land For Sale 71 work bench; combination aluminum l ^ S T SIDE—Older home, eight land St. or call MI. 3-6163. ready to serve you. Will gladly Gold. Artswer hy StudyCpmmittee Offered 13-A I pies ten weeks old and ABC regia- ■ Theater. On liighway. « 9-5527. and stores. CTiildren welcome. storms and screens, new. heating rooms, four bedrtmms. attached 1956 BUiCK Special Riviera. Guar­ meet you personally to talk over SOLDERERS consider recently dis­ I tered, Harrison. 25 Vernon Cehter Phone MI. 9-6660. FARM. FOR SALE—44 acres, clear unit, and hot water heater. Priced garage, oil steam heat. lot lOOx anteed less than 700 mlle.s. All the your driving problem. Manchester WEAVING of burns, moth holes V charged veterans experi­ because of Business Opportunities 321Experienced in wiring and solder­ I Heights. TR. 5-9649; LAWN GARDEN land. Eight room house in good -to sell at *11,000. 200, *14,900. Quick occupancy. Resort Property for Sale 74 Rockville. Aug. 11 (Special) —is-State aid for important e.xtraa and then some. Driving Academ.v. Dial PI. 2-7249. and torn clothing, hosiery runs, enced in electronic back- condition. Pasture with running George L. Graziadio Realtor. MI. Strengthening his position in consolidation, atenient w ai Terrific savings, Dbuglas Motors, handbags repaired, iipper re- ing of resistors, condensors and ! BOARD YOUR DOG in our brand PKW'IC SCPPLIES LAKEFRONT cottage at Coventry PACKAGE STORE Manchester. components, ✓ iiimilar to r'adio 'FTOund. Must be familiar Business Locatinna brook. Near residential section. HEBRON 9-5878. favor of consolidation of Rock- made in reply to a ‘ 833 Main St. ' placement, umbrellas repaired, Central localion. Good lease new hoarding kennel while you FANS POOLS, Etc. PI. 2-6337 or 2-6197. Lake. Fully furnished five rooms. ■vdlle. and Vernon, Noripan Kittel, by Secorid Selectman chassis' assgi'Oblies. Excellent work­ with necestar>’ electronic,, BARGAINS G.’\LORE . For Rent 64 NEW SIX ROOM CAPES, four men’s shirt collars reversed and available. Wi'ite Box B, c o Her­ j are vacationing. Tel, Rockville, Running water. Lot 85’ frontage, co-chairman of the bi-partisan Wellee that consolidation Garage«— Service— Storage 10 replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ ing conditions. finished, room for two up, full 255’ deep. MI. 9-9713. ald. teat emnpnient. TR 5-7894. . ' ENTIRE STOCK AT COST *299.95 Hotpoinl Automatic BUSINESS OR office location. 474 TWO FARM S.Two and three miles MANCHESTER Town City Study Committee, said result In loss of 4I0,0()0 1939 FORD ’ i-ton pickup. Good ing Shop. I ______cellar, basement garage, domestic NlHiii St., ground floor. Three from Wilbur Cross Highway, near U.i council-manager type of toivn in highway aid. condition. MI. 3-5383. i ONE CAR garage for rent. B zone. , Intei’viewa Being Held HOME \tANTED for cute and- washer ...... *199,95! hot water heat, fireplace, ceramic SIX ROOM CAPE FIX IT SHOP for sale. Good In- .k c 'd g e t c e n t e r rooms. .Ml. 9-5229. .MI. 3-7444. Tolland. One wf 79 acres <35 acres government i^ould cost no more Corner Lilac and Center Sts. In­ FI-AT FINISH Holland window plavful kitten, -houaebroken. Call tile bath, Youngstown kitchen Suborban For Sale 75 3. Savings could be effect *329.95 Hotpoint dishwasher *219.95 THRHE-ROO.M Office to rent. Call. heading a committee studying the transmission: Radio, heater. low price. Keys made while you 1 r. M.-4:30 P. M. ASSEMRl.ER acres (clear land), with brook, EAST STREET. Five room Insulated. Nestled among large South Road. Gorgeous stone hou*e tic works departments. Such imifi> .MI 9-0969. ■ interrelationships of town and Very, clean. Moiorcvcles— Bicycles 11 wait. .Marlow's, FREE BOOK! Free Service! 200(1 ' FOUR VERY niee Collie puppies. Boat* and Accc.ssorles 46 *270.95 Automatic washer . .*149,95 1000< frontage, 8 rdom . house. 4 ranch, 12 arces of land, 800 ft. beautiful trees. Split rail fense. with attached two-iuir garage cation would permit more effec> businesses, farms, income proper- Young men experienced in I Zimmerman Kennels. Ijike St. Full cellar with recreation. room city government, earlier in the live utilization of existing equip* Down ?399. BICYCLE REPAIRING, all type.y. FORMICA counteri. ceramic wall STORE v a c a n t . Centrally lo-! year old chicken coop (4.000 frontage, garage wid misc, items. cinder block bam, four acres, tie.s for .sale. U.S. Report, Box GRAY RESEARCH AND a.ssenibly of small me- 12 FT, THOMP.SON semi-V bottom Portable Sewing machine . . .*50.00 partially finished. Handy to bus week came out in favor of abolish­ ment arid personnel. 1955 CHEVROLET English a specialty. Now open 12 and floor tile. Let iis modernize cated. Can be used as central I chicks I, .garage and shed. Both *12.000. etc., etc.-etc. Impossible - to de' 4-Door V-8. Powerglide. Radio, 36157, lais Angeles, Calif. chgnical components and Masterciaft Itailer. 10 h p. Mer­ labratory. small office, amall ! have excellent land for farming or and schools. In nice neighborhood. scribe with words. The asking ing the present thi;ee local govern­ 4. The elimination of duplicating noon to 9 p.iii,, Saturda.v.s .9 a.m. your bathroom and kitchen. For DEVEI.OPMENT COMF’ ANY I.iThslorIt— Vehicles 42 Many small iteiiis, percolalois, LARGE 145 acre farm, eight Priced for quick sale *13,900. ing units and establishing a coun­ heater, seat covers. A clean to 6 p.m. Manchester Cvcle Shop. free estimates call .Ml, 9-2655, The geai-s. Will find these po­ cury engine. All for *295 complete. variety store, or neighborhood building. Shown by appointment room house, in good condition price Is *42,500. Replacement cost and overlapping functions should 385 Center '.St. irons, pressure cookcis, mi.xeis. bcautv parlor, Rem reasonable. is in excess of *85J)O0. Open at cil-manager type administration. buy. Bank rates. 166 West Middle Tpke. MI. 9-2098. Tile Shop, Buckland. Help Wanted— Female 35 HILLIARD ST„ MANCHESTER sition.* interesting and di­ WE BUY COWS, calves and beef onlv. Call Watson Realty. TR. two-car garage, small barn and Call prciduco savings. Kittel gave two clocks, jotisserie, ironing boards. Call j. D. Realty Co. kn. 3-5262. 5-7630. MT. 9-7885. silo, good high dry land eight miles your convenience. T. J. Crockett, Their proposal came as a result examples—!the cost of city elec­ Down .$399. cattle. Also horses. Piela Bros. of a city-sponsored study favor­ FURNITURE repairing .and ref in-; J’A GOOD PLACE TO WORK' versified. Ideal working All to be sold at co.st or below. . 9-3840. from Manchester. $26,000. J. D. R EALTY Realtor. MI. 3-5416 or res. Ml. tions and the cost o f printing a WOMAN fo^ night work in bakerv- Tei, MI. 3-7405. ing separation of educational 195,3 FORD MOTOR s c o o t e r with Hide car. ishing; antiques restored, furni­ Swisa Pastr.v Shop. 183 North location. I have several farms in the Bol-, MI. 3-5262 or ra., 9-9738 9-775L city report—which would be elimi­ FOR SALE 10 acres of land. 4-Dwr Customhne. V-8 Radio , Good condition. MI 9 9630; ture Repair Service, Talcottville. Main Si. ’ Reail Herald Advs. 179 ton-Hebron area for sale. If you facilities into two school dis­ nated as a result of consoMdation. heater, neat cover«. O n ^ n a l; ______.______• .. MI. 3-7449. ABC ArPLL\NCE CO.- Oakland St. TEN MILES from Manchester, tricts. 96,000 miles. .WOMAN a ND students, part or full .\rticles For Sale 43 M.Ji.N't’IIESTKH GREEN are interested in good investments, *10,500—2-Bedroom rambling Cape near Route 86, neat four-room “Present salaries can go a long STENOGRAPHER, typist desired contact me at any time and I will Kittel gave four reasons why he Down $225. 19S4 TRIU.MPH moloi cvc le. Rea- time, make your own hours. Many RIVETER, n MAPLE ST. MI. 9-1575. (Jod. Tile bath, aluminum storms. home (24-30), full cellar, alumi­ way to produce full-time .officials in pleasant downtown Hartford, benefits. Work in the new shopping (JFFI Tlouse* For Snip 72 be glad to discuss them with you under a council-manager: system,” 1953 CHF:VR0LET ' sonable. Must sell. Tel. TR. 5-7449. office. Excellent opportunity for | I YOGI ANTENNA with two bow. Excellent condition. ?4 i.cre, .barn, num storms and screens, oinTeat, tern would be no more expensive Building— Contracting 1[4 center. Apply 10-12 Monday, Aug. To set up and operate a chicken, coop. Suburban. Carl­ Venetian bliTids. Two-story 18x30 Kittel said. According to Hubert Hardtop. Tutone. blue and ______■ ,:!in__,— — I the right girl,' 5-day week, hospi-1 lies, *15. Cajt MI. 9-5527. BOLTON than present government. They 13th and Aug. 20th at Connecticut riveting machine. Sm all, $12,600 ton W. Hutchins. M l 9-5132, 9-4694. barn, 12x12 brixider house,' poul­ were: Stone of the (JPEC, a competent white. Radio, heater. A sharp BipW ELL Home Improvement Co.: tal and sickness benefits. Call JA. i EXCELLENT FOR NEW SIX ROOM Cape Cods! four .Wanted Autos— 2-6256 for interview. j State Employment Service, 806 coniponenl parts involved. , SI.ATE FLAGGING, 4 colored. try equipment. Lot 100 x 300. 1. Growth of the, town will soon town manager for Vernon could be car. ■ Alterations, additions, garages. I Coming ANTIQUE FURNITURE, silver, Immaculate si.x re x ^ Cape, Two finished rooms down, room for two 58 BENTON ST. Attractive 8 room *10,500. Walton W. Grant Real­ Motorcycles 12 Main St. ! Free delivery in Manchester orl make a full-time "first selectman hired for betiyeen *7,500 and JXO,- Down $225. Re-siding specialist.*. Easy budg­ Must be willing to assist glass, chilis, and used lurmture PROFESSIONAL unfinished up. Cabinet klfchcn.. up, full cellar, basement garage, single. Aluminum combination tor. Ml 3-1153. WAITRESS WANTED. Evenings. 1 ! oi'dei 100 sq. feet or more. Corner or chief executive a necessity. He, 000. Kittel said. et terms. M l 9-6495 or TR M AR R IE D . WOMAN to answer in assembl.v opeialions. tought and sold. Furniture Repair, Oak floors. Storm sash. Arnisite ceramic tile bath, fireplace, do­ windows, awnings, copper tubing, 1953 DODGE USED CARS W A N TE D - We are good pay, 5 dav week. Tel. MI. i ; Route 6 and Stony Road. Refton. noted that almost every town of Kittel quoted Stone as paying ad­ always interested in buying clean 5-9109. telephone and do limited clerical Service. Ml. 3-i449 ■ ■ PURPOSES drive. Attractively landscaped mestic hot water , heat. Buy'now tile bath, oil steam heat- with Tim­ VERNON—Ranch, 5'4 rooms with ' V-8 Coronet. Gyromatlc, Radio, 9-8061. I Will consider a trainee for 'similar size in the state now has ministrative costs in the majority cars for top cash prices.,.Try our work. Some typing. Previous tele­ ROYAL AND Smith-Cor^na port­ Soon yard, immediate occupancy. and have your choice of paper, ken burner. Front and rear attached garage.' Full cellar. Oil heater. Sea mist green color! . this position. a full-time head of government. of 'Connecticut tciwhs who Juive Real aharp. fam'oUs cash five minute buying DENTAP ASSISTa Kt , experience ! phone experience helpful thougl\ able and .atandarri^ypewntei's. CHAMBERS . . paint, cabinet and' tile colors. porches, 2-car garage, Amesite hot water heat. Lot 90x200. Resi­ . PHONE dential section. Gaston Realty, , 2. According to the Connecticut adopted the council-manager sye* Down $225. service. Open 9-9 . daily. Barlow Aluminum Windows I preferred, but not essential. Five | not essential. Write stating your All’rinakpa of adding machines FURNITURE SALES W ARREN E. HOWLAND; «'*i3.odo. driveway. House is ‘ insulated and qualifications to Box Q, Heraid. • INTERVIEWS BEING HELD sold or I eiited. .-Repairs on all j in excellent condition. Immediate 165 School St. MI 9-5731; eve­ Public Expenditures Council , and tem have noLbeen greater because 1953 PLYMOUTH Motors, 435 Main Str. Manchester. and Doors 14-.\ day Week. Write Box X Herald. ' Ml 3-4863 REALTOR MON. - WED. - FRI. . makes. .Marlijyi^. 503 East Middle Turnpike BOLTON LAKE occupancy. (Jharles W Lathrop, nings, M I, 9-^466. the State Highway ! Department, of the change, but ^ a u s e of other 2-Door. Radio, heater. seat GUARANTEED against all haz­ CT.E1IK TYPIST • PLEASANT, NEAT. A NEW Ml. 3-1108 Realtor. MI. 9-0384. this town would suffer no loss of reasons, such as growth. - 1 P. M. - 4:30 P. M, REX GASytfraier heater. Almost A T THE GREEN i SIX ROOM CAPE on the water­ BOLTON — Attractive three bed­ covers. Signal lights, back-up , H u sin e**T$ervices O ffe re d 13 ards. Aluminum, screens and ■ WILLING WOMAN PI. 2-7169 front. full cellar,-domestic hot lights. A steal for the asking. i ----— —------storm windows as well as com­ Wanted for branch office of na­ new galvanized water tank. Also Savings on brand name refrigera­ MANCjflES^ER — Distinctive sl-x room ranch with breezeway and FOR .55 gajldn oil drum with faucet and McLELLAN STORE Summer Homes For Rent 67 OVERSIZED C A P E -6 ', rooms. water heat, large stone fireplace r(x)m colonial in an executives' garage. Ftill basjement. Large liv­ .struck by Drew’s vehicle, sustain­ Down $L50 i ® bination screen and sloim doors. tionally known insurance’ compan.v.' INVESTIGATE THESE tors. ranges, parlor sets, bedroom A buy at *10.500. Warning Issued any time. Antenna conversions, Call Cougliliii. Ml. 3-7707. High School graduate under 30 pre­ CREDIT DEPARTMENT int^e. Large pressure cOoker, Attached two-car garage. AA resi­ neighborhexxi, complete in every ing room, family size kitchen. Lot ing about *40 damage. Damage to' 1951 CHEVROLET OPPORTUNITIES suites, baby furniture. COTTAGE—Saunders Point, Nian- the Drew car was *35. PhilcQ factory superthsed aervice. ferred. Opportunit.v for advance­ OF RETAIL STORbL (asonable. 116 High St. dential section. 'Also two older FOUR ROOM CAPE,, iree'zeway modem detail. Occupancy possible 150x200, Price Ji4.250. .Madeline Bel Air hardtop. Radio, heater, tic. for small family. Furnished. and garage, lakefront p il'’ilege8. A Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642. 1 1 1 T el. MI. fr-1488. ------ment. Five day week. Excellent Breakfast Sets as low as *59.50. Quiet, cool. Beach privileges. *55 homes With six large rooms each before school starts. For appoint­ Minor Crash seat covers. Green finish. Exjierience Not Nteessary.. year 'rquhd home with stone fire­ ment to inspect call' Clifford Han­ benefits. Pleasant working condi- GRAY RESEARCH AND i.V THE BE.\l T IIT fc per week. Call PI 2-6019. .center of town, one with garage D ow n $150. ASHES AND rubbish removed. RoofInK— Sidini; 16 Markdown oh Summer Furni­ place. A buy at *11,500. sen k Co. MI. 3-1303,' MI. 9-0788, JBQLTON LAKE!—Excellent new all tiqns. Call Mr. Wendrow, JA 2-6197- Priced right. Many other listings. .year ranch home. 38,x28.' 6 itooms, A warning for, violation of the 1952 DODGE l.,awn mowing, light trucking; ture, Aluminum or wood folding Gaston Realty. 165 School St. MI. ON ROUTE 85 in Bolton, a.beau; LITHUANIAN HALL R A Y ’S ROOFING CO., shingle and DE VEIX)PM ENT COM PAN Y Boaril of ' MANCHESTER full cellar,.hot va ter heat. Alum­ rulqs- of the road wasc<. issued to 4-Door. Fluid, Drive. In excel­ trees cut. cellars cleaned, papers chairs, from $2.50 up. Wanted To Rent 68 9-5731, evenings MT, 9-7466.' tiful custom built,, four room ranch EDISON ROAD—Six room cape (2 and, fags taken away free. Ml. buUt up roofs, gutter and con­ Call MRS. COOK. MICHAELS JEWELERS nearly finished), fireplace, full inum storni sash and doors. Shade driving instructor Gerard Miclette FOR HIRE lent condition. ductor work, roof, chimney re­ CORNER P R A TT and M A IN STS. HTU.IARD ST., MANCHE.STER ■with attached garage, natural stone of South 0»ventry yesterday after ^0142. Call evenings! Koiief "s h o p p in g c e n t e r Open Daily: 10 A. M. - 5 P. M. FAM ILY OF four urgently, need a ! O T o i c E fireplace in living room, aluminum basement. *13,800. Hek. Agency. trees. Large lot. Beach privileges, D ow n $150. pairs. Ray Hagenow, ML' 9-2214. HARTFORD. CONN, Owner moving west. A real good his car, operated by a student driv­ Weddings, Parties, Dances Ml. 3-1161 •’A GOOD PLACE TO WORK ’ 7:30 P. M. - 9 P. M. 4 04’ 5 rotim apartment. Call MI. i combination storm doors and win­ MI. 3-6539. 1951 DODGE COM I^i:T]/^^REPAIlis~by Stuart Ray Jackson, Ml. 3-8325. Siiiith ,Manche.stor Fire buy at *16,000. Howard R. Hast- er, hit another vehicle on Main St. SECRETARY for school and Board 9-7905. 236 East Middle Tpke. dows, amesite drive, hot air heat, near Wadsworth St. a Green Room for small gronps I-ton truck. 2 speed rear ehd. R. Wolcott on wringer and auto- TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! The House ^Di.slrict VERPLANCK SCHOOL Area — 'ings, Realtor. MI. 9-1107 any time. niatio washing machines, electric STIR TTIE BEST in Bonded built of Education. Bolton.-37'2 hours a automatic hot water, large 200x200 Complete six room cape. Excel­ Miss Mary' Ann Hettinger. 17, of a Main Ballroom for large Will ^Jee a 14 foot body. Heat­ of Plastic, Inc,’, Avon. J Connecti­ Notice is hereby given to all taxi Six room single, modern in every l()t fully landscaped, including out­ ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors. up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters. week plus attendance at Board N-tiw Jaking Veriatile Designs lent condition, *14,990. Hek Agen­ ANDOVER LAKE, Lakeside Drive Gleason St., who was operating the groups er. cut. largest. Toy Party Plan in the payers in the .ju' Manchester (letail. Extra lot. Basement two- side' fireplace. Must be seen to be Special at 819,5 ! small appliances, welding. 174 . conductors and roof repairs call country, wants women to show meelingn, Responsible for book­ Application* For— So Nice For Afternoon* cy. MI. 3-6539. —Attractive four nxim, all knotty car. was proceeding north on. hlain Coughlin. MI. 3-7707. Fire District Ihn ■ Boa,(l of R.-- car garage. Owner leaving state. appreciated. *17,500. a Kitchen facilities for both Mam Street. Ml. 9-6678., our toys through home- demon­ keeping and payroll. Salary to be pine furnished home overlcxiklng St. when the accidentjoccurred. po-, SOLIMENE, INC. lief Meeting will b- acid in tlie Priced for quick sale. MANCHESTER—Exceptional -Cape lake. Newly installed hot water., n Off street parking strations. (?ar neceashry. Write or determined. Write immediately to MAN TO • repair electrical appli­ I also have .building lots in Man­ lice ssld. The car struck the door Dodge and Plymouth Dealer ■ POWER AND hand mowers sharp- ROOFING. SIDING, painting, car- i Fire Hou.se. at Spnice and Flor- . Cjod.■^Excellent condition. Garage, oil heat, domestic hot water. of Higg&num, as he closed it after call Collect-c-The House of Plas­ Superintendaht George Graff,. 12 ances with opportunity to own the chester. Bolton, Hebron, Coventry a 1 Block from bus stop 634 Center Street ‘ ' ,ened. Air-cooled engines repaired.- pentiy. alteratinns qnil additions, Professiortal Building. RockWIle'. i eiice Slrecl* dp ""iiesday evening, Full and Part Tim* 36 Proctor Road trees, Its baths and just too many Beautiful fieldstone fireplace with of Tigganum, as he closed it after tics. Inc,. Avon. Connecticut. Tel. business. Good income for right all moderately priced. If you have a Reasonable-ntes 1 MI. 3-5101 . Pic*k up and delivery. All work ceilings. 'Workmanship guaran­ staling age, training and exper­ I Augu.st 21. 1951 troni 7;.3n P..M. extras to describe in this ad. So heatalators. Lot 50x200. Separate Entering the parked car., _ , Open Evenings Till 9:00 I guaranteed. Ideal Grinding Shop, teed. A, A. Dion, Inc:, 299 A'utumn Farmington. ORchard 7-1694 from '(nan. ABC! Appliance. 21'Maple St. SALESGIRLS ■ Four bcdrixim homj,J(yith all your own lot, and want a new home for full inforpiation. caall Ells­ 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and evenings ience; I tc 9:00 P.M., E.D.S.T., for the pur- kinds -of extras, OwlSftjJ leaving, storge building. Priced reason­ Patrolm M Kenneth Barker, who 24 GOLWAY ST.-^Ml S-8158 Oosed Saturdays At 5:00. i 273 Adams. Phone Ml. 9-.3120, St. MI. 3-4860. . built, see or call me for a free worth Mitten A^endy; Realtor. MI. ably. Call PI. 2-6998 after 6 p;m, 7 p.m. to to p.m. ORchaljl 7-0142. TRUCK DRIVER, dump truck, age ' po.se of hearing aiiv niid all c'om- state Priced for quicKsale. building estimate. investigated the latft„ morning 3-8979• W WOMAN TO clean professional of­ plairila regartii^p the tax list. * ■ ' 9 3-6930, or Mrs. Meyer, MI. 9-5524. cra.sh, CHtirhated damage at *25 to REPOSSESSED 1949 Chevrolet con- ______^______—:___— —^— 25-35. Experienced only. *1.75 BOLTON-!;-lmm,aculale seven- room fice on Wednesday mornings. Call hourl.v. Apply at Thomas Colla .Sighed: If you want to Build. Buy cjk Sell Digrandomcnico’s car dtxir and *25 vertible. in proecs.s of dechrom-. REFRIGERATION sales and serv­ •MI. 9-7102. ART KNOFLA. Realtor FIV E ROOM house in nice quiet split level on Bolton Center Rd. ing. Looks like devil. Yours cheap, ! icc. Cpmmercial, household, air Roofing aD!(* Chimneys 16-A SALESLADIES Co., 251 Bioad St. Andrew Ansaldi Exclusive Agent l(Katlon. Three down, two up with to the right front fender of Mic- Just Piickad! > Geo,rgc \V. C. Hunt Call , Garage, amesite drive, nice lot. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. ‘ coiidilioneis freczeis. A. and W. HOUSEWIVES— bath doiz'n. Large enclosed porch. Price .reduced to *23,000. 1!. J. lette’s vehicle. ROOFING-— Specializing in repair­ , AppjicalioBS now being accepted WANTED One broadleaf hanger 875 Main St. Early this morning Joho J. Rcfi igciation Co. MI. 9-1237, BU. Frank J. Sclie'ibcnpfliig . ' Work In Your Own Beautiful yard. Asking *13,500. T. Oockett, realtor, MI. 3-5418 or ing roofs of all kinds. Also new for part lime employment. Exper­ Help Wanted— Male ,36 and one spearer, .Must be exper­ Mb 3-5140.- VAL FIANO, BROKER Dre'w. 19. of 13 Bond St.', was ar­ BEFORE YOU BUY a used car 9-3196. MI. 9-005,5. COM.MLSSIONERS N'elghhorhood. Ilmirs To J. Crockett. Realtor. MI. 3-5416, Mrs. Wells, MI. 3-4788. •ee Gorman Motor Sales. Buick roofs. (Suiter work. Chimneys ience preferred, but not essential. ienced, Apply 441 Hill St., East Dated at Mandieslci'. ( ‘onnecti- Ml; 9-5938 ' rested and charged with following SWEET CORN cleaned, repaired, 28 years cx- the following SHEET METAL MEN Hartford. Suit Your Convenience. ■ * MI. 3-4551 or Mrs. Wells, MI. 3-4788. Sales and Sen'ice, 285 -Mam CHUav'S RADIO and T.V, Service cii thia*3rd day Of August 19,56. 5753 MI. 9-45-13 COVENTRY LAKE. Mink T r a il- too close when his car struck a Street. Ml. 9-4571. Open evening^. | 151, Norlh Main St. Small appli­ nenence. Free estimates. Call | .shifts. MANCHESTER - Cape Cod, six vehicle in the rear end in front o f Ipwley. Manchester Ml. 8-5361. Plan now for the future. Join For Prompt, Efficient Service Three room insulated cottage,- ances repaired. Ml 3-6517, resi- MANCHEStER Vicinity. 3-bed- . rooms, four finished. E.xcellent fireplace, artesian ;well. Double 714 N. Main St. i 1958 PLYMOUTH Plaza f^ 7 dooT. i deni e MI. 3-6960. , Moi'uinjrs 9 to 1 a rapidly" expanding ' concern. Help Wanted— rqom ranches now being built, condition. All natural woodwork,, lot.__ *5500._____ „E &„ E______Realty, 344 No. Patrolman Curtis Wilson, , who] cream and blue, radio, heater, de­ Towii of .Manchester, GREENWOOD DRIVE—Latge six .5(1 h(Hir miqimum week. ' Top ceramic' tile bath, hot water heat. fireplace, to dormera, basement j Main. MI. 9-6297. MI. 3-4'480. said the . accident occurred about ; 5 0 ^ ° " ' froster. five tubcle.ss tires'. Sell or DOORS OPENED,- keys . fitted. HeatlnK— Plumbing 17. Male or Female 37 ENJOY THESE room ranch with attached garage Aftenioons 1 to 5 rates pay. Ail fringe benefits.- Connecticut ' Full c'ellai'. .'Cicely seiiulded on on two acres -of land. Full base­ garage, oil hot water heat, bieauti-. ---- ^ ----- 12:30, stated that- a car operated trade. Call Ml. 3-5298. copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, ANDOVER, BOLTON. COVENTRY by Arthur V. Breault. 37, of 39 acre with trees. *12.400. Carl­ ment. excellent construction. -fill yard. Gaston Realty, 165 LYNDALE StAND guns. - etc.; lepaired.' ' Shears, fN'eniiijfs 5 to 9 ICC. MANY BENEFITS GOOD BU'YS Hilltop Dr., was proceeding east on 1981 FOUR cylinder Henry J. 28.- PLUMBING and .heating— Not ton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 8H Many extras. Price dropped ' to School St. MI. 9-5731. Evenings kniVcs, mowers, etc.,,put Into con­ 'and contract wora. Call MI. 9-8541. DELTA CORP. MI. 9-7466. N. Main St. followed 'by Drew.' 000 actual mileage. ' First '$150 JOIN A GROWLVG 1. P.MO lini.lD.AYS 9-5132, 9-469C'> *20,590. T. J. Crockett. Reslt'or, Good five room houae., garage. Rout* 44Ai BOLTMI dition for cpniing needs. Braith- Apply in Persdn of Adoption of Ordinance *6.800. Brrtlilt, who had three passen­ take’s it way. 269 Parker St; wailc. 52 Pearl Stieet. , . 2. .SICK BENEFITS ' MI. 3-5416 or Mrs. Wells hU. MODIFIED ENGUSH colonial, six? 1219 Main St. ' • COMPANY- In aci’ortlani',: with the pro­ ^ m a n B i e s t e r ” 3-4788. Four room expandable to six. gers in his car.'applied his brakes Phoii* Ml 3.5301 M o v i h r — Trucking visions of (^lapler 3 Section 9. of ; 8. OltOUP rNSFR.WCE large rooms and attached garage. 1950 PON’TIAC ( onvei tible. New A(,’E nOALL .SERVICE Will (to MANCHESTER MILLS G(X)d location. Artesian . well, to slow down and his car was In the gi’Jw'iiig carbide cutting I.; PAID \ AciATION'S Nice shaded lot in center of Man­ top. new brakes, excellent l ondi; any general cleanup and handy ♦ Storage , 20 Hartford . the Town ( *li.n tei'. pot ice is iiereb.v , 89 HOLLISTER SI'. M AIN ST. >— Owners are anxious *8.500. FACTORY STORE tool industry we need experienced .5. RETIREMENT PLAN chester. Living room 22'6’ ’xl4’ tion. $475. Call MI. 9-2456 after 6 work. Rubbish removal, cellni' given of the adoption hy the Conveniently located large eight. U dispose of thia large four bed­ Excellent seven room Cape Cod. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. 6. CIIRIST.5IAS ROM * Embroidery with fireplace. Dining room, large pm . > cleaning, lawn inowing etc. V^ry machine operators''and other types Board of Director.s of the Town of room single. Close tor^ew high | room colonial in excellent condi­ Four bedrooms. Large lot. Nicely Light triiLking and package deliv­ At the “ Green” CARPENTER WJCNTED.i Ml. 3-7270 of ihdustrial personnel. Male'and • kitcJien sind separate laundry reasonable. Phone -MI. 9-9817 or Manchester, ( ‘onnerlicut. of an OI’I’ORTUNltlES schcxil and grade sch w . First | tion. Cjorner lot.' Loaded with pos­ landscaped. Fine location. ery, Refrigerators, washers and after 6. I female,- If you want a good job ap. room. Also lavatory. Second floor, BU. 9-3184, ordinance as follows: FOR AnV.Y.N'CE.ME.NT floor, living room, dining room, i sibilities. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, [ Four room Cap^ expandable to 87 FOREST STREET stove moving specialtyr Folding j ply. at office. MI. 3-5418 or Mrs. Wells MI. three largg^ bedrooms and bath. six. Well located. Six acres. Sacri­ WANTED Two experienced girls TWO ,MEN-K'ull time day*, and A.N ORDI.NANc F, CHA-NOING kitchen, second ' floor, four - bed- J r R PAVING CO. We are proud chairs for rent. MI. 9-0752. for Counter work at Jack * Coffee THE TITLE OF THE HEALTH 3-4788, I Must be seen to be appreciated. fice sale. aome eveniiiga. Apply Mr. Giuf- .roonis and bath, third fltxir. large | ' Gaston Realty, 165 School St. MI. of opr work. Qjir aim t9 to please Shop. Good Working condition*. OFFICER. Eight room,home. CTiicken coops. MA.NCHESTER - Moving and fri'da. Shoe Dept,, King'a De­ NELC'O TOOL CO., INC. room with walk-in cedar ' closet. : PROSPECTT ST.— New five room 9-5 7 11. Evenings. .MI. 9-7486. MALE all home owneis. We specialize in trucking Co .MI. 3-6.563. Owned g(K)d salary. Insurance and other Section 1. W leieveft the term New heating system. Two porches Acreage. Fine location. Also new partment Store. Apply: ranch, fireplace. 28x45 foot foun­ and original colonials, ranches. amesite sidewalks, terraces arftl and operated by Waller B. Per- fringe benefits. Apply Jack's Cof­ "health officer" i.s used in the .and a well constructed two-car ga­ MODERN g-Room Colonial. Fire­ driveways, also patch work. Call fee Shop, 59 Ea.st.(renter St. 266 Center St., Pine St. entrance dation. 92x252 foot lot. E 4k E Cape Coda, Dairy farms, shorefront ett Jr., and William J. Pickering. Town of Manchester Town (?liar- MR. RIEGER.Mgr. rage. Immediate occupancy. Realty. 344 No. Main. MI. 9-6297, place, tile bath, excellent condi­ HELP JA, 4-.5385, any time for free esti­ CARPF..NTERS WANTED. Call Ml." ler or itmany -flifeciaf act con- and lake cottages. Reasonably WANTED- '- hhill time school ciis- ■ 14 MI. 3-4480. tion. Garage. 110’ frontage, large mate. AUS’n N A CHAMBERS CO local 3-J8.56 after 6 p.m. rerniiig the ToSn of M.'inchester. Price $16,800 trees. Bowers School 6nly priced. lodian. Personal iritervieVv . re- • BOYS AND GIRIJi. age 14 and up Daily: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. and long distance moving, pack­ 815,200. Carlton W. Hutchins, JOHN BISS.ELL, Realtor ANTIQUES Refinished. Repairing quired. Apply to Worcester W ar-' for tobacco work. Bring birth cer­ ; the term'"director of heplth ” shall ' MOTIFS EAST CENTER ST. —Suitable for WANTED ing, storage. CalJ Ml. 3-5187. Hart­ EXPERIENCED parts man to take 1 siihstitiited therefor. office and home. Ten rooms, Realtor, MI 9-5132, 9-4694. O oss St.! Coventry done on any furniture, Tieman, ford CH 1-1423. ren,Coventrv Superintendent of, charge of parts department in tificate or pitxif of birth. Apply 25B Mid. Tpke., W*st 512 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. Phone PI. 2-6828 APPLY 189 'South Mam St. Phone Ml. Schools. PI, 2-7665 I Conn. Stale .Employment'Service, This ordinance shall tw e effeci steam heat, oil, fireplace two General -Motors dealership-. Our 10 days after thia publiFrtion in Immaculate. Cape Cod, six fin­ bathrooms two-car garage, large MANCHESTER, Near Bowers 3-5643. employes know of this sd. Write j 806 -Main Si.. .Manchester, or Elks You’ll find many reSd.v-made School-and new High .School. Six- VERNON — 5 room ranch (under 21 i YOUNG 1_ADY — Good at figurea this newspaper. , After 6 P.M. Call ished room^, Features include front lot. Ample parking. Mortgages ar- .Painting— Papering To:-Box J. Herald,, stating your I Club Carriage House, Rockville, items to which y'ru can add your room Single colonial. Three bed­ construction) *12,900, 3 bedrooms; LYDALL & FOULDS RUBBISH' AND ashes removed. _ i and with some typing expeiience Jacob F. i.Iiflei. Secretary Ml 9.323S 32-48 and rear d brm vi. ■ hot JS'afer oil rqnged. A real bargain. For ap­ qualifications. i OB' Wednesday. personal touch with these four­ heat, dining room, front vesittoule, rooms. .heated garage, amesite Large kitchen with’ knotty pine 615 PARKER ST. General cleaning.- cellars, attics EXTER.10R PAINTING, Quality | for billing clerk. Five-day week, Bonrd of Directors, Town of Man- . •'* pointment call'George L. Grazia­ teen colorful fruit and flower mo­ laige master bedroom 17x16. Beau­ driveway. Henry' St. area. Fire­ cabinets, exhaust fan, formica SEE and yards'. Reasonable .'ates. M. work by experienced painters. ; Pleasant aiirroundings. Apply S. chestei. Connecticut ••Work In -Alr-Conditinned dio. Realtor. MI. 9-5878.. » YOUNG .MAN for light factory tifs. Simple stitches and appealing A becoming style*for the woman tiful trees and grounds. Quick oc­ place, first floor lavatory. tile counter top. Living room with MR. TO.M PTAH ERTV k 51. Rubbish Removal. Ml. For.free 'hslimale "all Thomas, Vogel Sons. 191 Park Ave. treat;), Dated st .Manchester, ( ‘onnei tl- ' Comfort'' work. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 colors make for fast and ea.sy em­ who wears a slightly lal-ger size.* cupancy. MANCHEISTER—Duplex near bus, oath. Dishwasher, large attic, full fireplace, (jeramlc. tile' bath with , 8-9757. Bentley-. MI. 9-2192.. , K ^ i Hartford. Hilliard St. ciit. this 10th da.v. of August, 19,56. Read Heraid Advs. broidery. Simple lines for flattering, lovely stores and schools. Four and five cellar. Triple storm windows and vanity. Oil fired hot water heat. I.arge landscaped lot. Buy now Pattern No. 5753 contains hot- contrast for feminine chajm. Price $16,500 rooms. Oil steam heat, two-car screena. Air conditioned, oil. Built and choose your own color Iron. traqsfer for 14 motifs, meas­ No. 8415 with PATT-O-RAM A garage. Shade trees, two open In 1951. Large lot. Occupancy Au­ included is in sizes 32, 34. .36, 38. porches. Garden space, chicken gust ISth. Price *17,900. George L. schemes Watson Realty Co,. TR. uring from 2;' to 6": embroidery BRAE-BURN REALTY 6-7630, MI. 9-7885. ^ Septic Tanks and applique direc’ irns; .stitch il- 40, 42, 44, 46. Size 34, 4' i yards of coop. The four room apartment (3raziadio Realtor. Tel. Manches­ 35-inch; yard contra-sl. MI. 3-6273 rents at *65 a month. Howard R. ter MI. 9-5878. URGENT Installation and Repair ‘ lustcationg; color suggestions. BOLTON—New ranch with a lot (M U LTIPLE LIS’n.N'O 176—C ALL A N Y BEALTOB) For this pattern, send , 35c. in Hastings, Realtor. MI. 9-1107 any Specialist. MALE HELP WANTED Send 26c' in' Coins, j-our. name LIVE RETIRE, Invest In Sunny TWO FAM ILY fiat, three years 250x500. Basement garage, storrii COINS, your na(he. address, size time. _ ■* . . Modified English Colonial. 6 large rooms, attached garage. N l » Voung couple -und ‘lO-montha- address and the Pattern Number to Florida. King-sized lots only *349 old. Just off the bus line. Both windows, fireplace, etc. P l ^ y of old bab.v iirgentl.r niH-d 4-rnom HELP WANTED i desired, and the PA ’i'l'E R N Nl/M- value here for *15,600. T. J. shaded lot. Center o f fown.'Living room' 22 ft. 6 inches by 14 fL .\NNE CAJOT. TH E M.WCHE-H- ^ Sewers Cleaned MOlDMAitERS, TOOLMAKERS mkI DIEMAXERS - *7.50 down. *7.8o month. Free 129 .B1RC?H ST.-Sik r(x>m bunga­ apartments will be vacant. Gopd with fireplace. Dining rooib. Urge kitchen and separate U in u ^ iinfnrniHlied apiirtnient. Cliureh TER EVE.M.NCi HEKAI.D. 1150 BER to Sue Burnett. .MANCHES- financing. T.'J. Crockett. Realtor. Cjrockett, Realtor, .M I. 3-5416 or A.VD INST.ALLED colorful brochure. Write West low. Excellent condition. C3o«e to room. Also lavatory. Second floor: 8 large, bod rooms and Data. people, excellent refe/rncek. No LINOTYPE OPERATOR * - •WE. .\.MERICAS, -NEW VORKlTER EVE.MN(t HER.ALD. 1150 Florida Title Co., 2058 McG'regor schools! etc. Quick occupancy. Ml. 3-5416. or Mrs. WeUs. MI. res. hH’. 9-7751. KESTAIRANT bad hahitk— no |>elk. Iliikhand Ail Employ* B*n*fits 36. .>•; V. , ' Ave. Americas. New ?"ork 36, Must be seen t6 be apprecUted. ^ Cellars Drained Blvd.. Ft. -Myers, E’la. f Firm *12,5. 'Will recei-ye callers 3-4788. ' / TOLLAND—Near Parkway, large |*raM k \Vliilne,x employv, ud house for en. Baseboard heat. AloAiinum tag SCHOOL 8YBEEKiJII4y a* pmalaca Imlwren 9 .A.M. and 1| .A..M. fRanrlKfitrr Suruiiui ■ patterns, directions printed in 9-469U I .-.riaCTUiil TEL Ml M97|ly Phen* Ml 9^143 95 Ireeklyn Street ' J ^ ReckvHle book. Only 26c a eopyl for all ages. Don't m m It! - . #■0788., * Sons, Realtors, CaU MI. S-70S.' Mra. WeUa M I. 3-4|7t8. . IV . '!< ! I ,4- A -i ' / Vv 'i t e

\ X •. • ':v ' f'C- - • ■ , . - AY arait Daily N et PrtM Ron Far tha Wsek E«d«4 ThiW iRtlitr r A G B T E N SATURDAY, AUGUST II, 1999 4naa 16. 1M6 iU attrir^^rr IHo^tting lirraH t roNoaot of O. a. WoatiMr Mowers or thundonhowon i»> 12,065 night, probably ending Inie *IMm » resident's plight, promptly sum­ Mambar at Uia Aadlt dny morning followed by eleot- About Town moned him to one of the area town ■wsaa af Otrdalatlea Ing. Low tonight near 79. n g h courts, where h> was fined 912. Chagnot-Martin Wedding Hospital Notes Tuet^ay 80-88. Heard Along Main Street A bard will, a-philosophic turn QUINN’S Manchester'^^A City of Village Charm Idanriieater Auxiliary Police will of mind might express it like' thistj Visiting Hours; Private rooms, eontinue the program of assisting “Sad is this angler's lot, 10 a.m. Jo 8 p.m.; maternity and VOL. LXXV, NO. t«7 regular officers on cruiser duty And on Some of Manchester*a Side Streetst Too “For the troubles hfs problem PHARMACY (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1956 (CUaMfled AdrartisUig mi Faga IS) next week. Members arc asked to has wroughv. * semi-private wards, 2 to 8 p.m.; ^ — ... PRICE FIVE GENtB report at 'police headquarters for "Though loaded with plUck, he ran children’s ward, 2 to 7 p.m;. aaaignmehta. Whose MnveNext ? dutifully called at the gourmet's out of luck, OPEN SUNDAYS This fl.sh story may perhaps house with a little gift. This time “And instead of catching was Patient* Today; 16'2 come undeF one of two garbled it ^s'a8 not late at night and the caught." Mabel P. Adamson. 366 Oakland headings:'. "Cast your bread upon gourmet's wife, who answered, the 'MITTED YESTTORDAY: Mrs. S t; George A. Kanehl. 519 Center the waters. . .“, or “Don't look a ' door, did not have the heart to tell EtheKGoodwln, 403 W. Center St.; 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Vp Our Past Louis ^Tuttle, 21 Hudson St.: St.: and Sylvester S. Pawloski and gift dish in the mouth." . the Asherman how unappreciated The Herald is trying to recover Frank S. "Wilson of Glastonbur>-; ..One of the town’s most avid were hta efforts. , h, gnj could use some help, Barry NelMn. Coventry;, Kent have' been named to the Dean’s practical jokers-tongue in cheek So another pall of A.sh was left. , ug flies of old new.spapers went up Moyle. 59 L««;kwood St.; Richard 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. List for the second semester of the recently took advantage of the . The Asherman also inquired as to gmoke when Are g\itted the Masriovecchio, xWapping; Pauline 1955-56 acadenuc year at Hillyer gullibility of one of his friends, a the whereabouts of the pail he left pig„i „„ Hilliard St. the newspaper White, .South cV entrv: Willlara College. devotee of Isaak Walton. the Week before. I Brown, 43 Ford St.> Joseph Mal- then occupied, boeuf, 843 Main St. The joker told his friend of a At last report, we hear one . A new collection of newspaper . Manchefter ' Fire_^ Department man he knew who loved to cat Joher is about to get Ash, spread flies was started, but not until APMITTED TODAY: iars. Flor­ will hold an important drill tomor­ “punkin seeds" a variety, of sun-, "hout his lawn. Well, the Indians some years later. And, over the ence Jackson, 162 Maple St.^, Mrs. R. E. WANUELL row at 10 a.m. with the Vernon and fish. (It should be 'understood that mutd^ to use them to. fertilize corn years, s number of old s6me even Elaine Leone. 27 Ashland St.X i South Windsor Fire Departments. most fisherman consider them a t they. Can you' think of ji ancient — Heralds have come into BIRTHS YESTERDAY; S o n s ^ [ nuisance and promptly.return them better use. the newspaper's possession. Building Open National Convention Mr. and Mrs. David Maceyla, 146 i to the water when caught.) , ' '17 . Helping Hands However, the record remains in Woodland St.; Mr. and Mrs. Carl-i Our humorous friend suggested complete for the years prior to ton Mills. Stprrs; Mr. and Mrs. Contractor Every so often ■we get wind Pf 1926, so Heard Along is passing the fisherman -should save the a story that tends,to restore our Charles Jaworski. 33 Clyde Rd.; Rtsidtntiol-Cemmtreial "punkin. seeds” he caught and give along this message to all its read­ and Mr. and.Mrs. Irving Tautkus, faith in humanity. ers who might have Heralds 30 ^ihsfrom coa,t Delegates them to the man who loved, to eat The latest epic concerns a man, Rockville. AlfQrattoiis-RtmodQling d e x t r o s e them. So. late at night sometime years old or more. If you don't BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. < his wife, their infant,and her 2- need them any longer. The H®rsld ‘‘Busineso Puiit OlT^ AP Poll Gives Adlai ago, the fisherman—in all .serlous- .weeks confinement in the local and .Mrs. Richard E. Neville 43 hess—left a—paH—of the aipiatie would greatly appreciate them. rd Fh------^------^------Ciiatoiiwr Satisfaction” hospital": And, if v6u can’t get the paper Betsy Aiming PWAGh h ining up trash on the doofstep of the alleged It seems that the couple were in down to'Us, let us know, and we'll DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: FulH nsurance Coverage sunftsh g'^urmet. no position to ngage help to care dispatch an agent to pick it up. Harold Burton. East Hartford: Via the gl'apcvine, the man who for the baby while the mother was David Wiley. 100 Oak Grove St.; T el. M I tJ-.303.3 X . 538 and Averell 213 had been presented with the hand­ hospitalized. Still Wondering Deanne Ro(.tner. 483 E. Center St.; ’ After 5:00 P. M. n At Eastern Florida/« C^ica^o some gift had learned of the true Recognizing the family's plight, Fulton Pihette. Ea.st Hartford; A while bacK there was a bridge 82 BALDWIN ROAD By JACK BELL aad 5VILLIAM T. PEACOCK moving spirit behind this' gift of several neighbors offered to do­ htissing in Coventry. We suppose Mrs. Barbara Allen and daughter, MANCHESTER. C0^4N. Insurei Against piscatorial treasure and was ex­ nate their time. And for a fort It has been found by now. Coventry. Convention Hall, Chicago, Aug, 13 (/P)—The Democrats pecting just such a bestowal. night, one' neighbor after another The way we heard the story— would take care of the child while All interegts on the Florida swung into the formalities of opening their 32nd national con­ VACATION RAIN? So. in. turn, he took the fisli to and at least half the population of or alighly ilower with little change the D eniocratic national con-1 vention today. A covey of “favorite sons” still held tight to the joker's home and placed the thie husband was away at woCk. Manchester heard It about the East Coast from Daytona in aUe and intensity,*' the W eather; v€ntion w ere doing todays can containing them carefully In same way - - an ^ e.xcitedwornan Beach to Miami were placed the key votes ardently desired by Adlai Stevenson and Averell ^Handicapped Softballers Bureau said. Iflrginia Divldcd'” delep.ation If not, coO the driveway. phoned the F irst' Selectman and 4?^ tm hurricane watch today as "The hurricane center should arranged caucus to decide wheth­ Harrimaii, tbp bidders for the presidential nomination. ("Oh what a tangled web we .Softball teams fronj, the Man told him somebody was taking cheater Police Department and the the season’s second tropical pass near San Salvador In the er to commit itfc 32 voles now, or By all the signs, the favorite sons were of a mind to keep LEE M. SiLVERSTEIN wea'^e when Arst we practice to away the bridge. Bahamas late this afternoon. All holJ off until Civil Right., plank is the conclave’s big prize in doubt, if possible, right into Thurs­ deceive..." and all that.) South Manchester Fii*e ' Depart The selectman told her she must Are You SMART? atprm aimed 110 mile a n hour small craft in the general area of acted upon. Adlai E. Stevenson re­ M l 9.0S38 / T h e next step in the convolu­ ment have been . bantering chat surely be mistaken. He knew' of wihds at this state. day balloting. Icnges back and forth for several the Bahamas should remain in port ported to have .strong support. As the opening day came, an tions of the plot was for the joker no plans to remove the bridge. You will be if you buy your storm At 11 a.m. (ESTi the hurri­ beginning tonight." Illinois — Downstair bloc repre­ weeks,, and we're beginning to cane named '‘Bttsy" by Weather Associated Press poll of delegates Convention Slate to hide the Ash in the rear of the But the selectma,n, to satisfy his windows and doors NOW before The hurricane had dropped from sents 10'2 of state's 64 votes re- willing to state a public preference gourmet’s car. The' gourmet, deter­ wonder if they’ll ever get together curiosity, drove out to the spot Bureau foreegstera.' was" .530 miles II'...... and play. aluminum cost increase. FREE esti­ east southeast of Miami, moving 125 miles an hour wind.s a n d I P^Ued prepare ' t« back Gov. gave this picture: mined to end all this folderol, Arm- and, sure enough, he found the slowed its forward movement from 1 Averell Harrininr., or any other Needed to nominate, 686'i. ly took the can and Ash and threw The firemen have been yelling bridge was gone. Verllii Photo mates. E-Z terms. norlhwMt at 19 miles an hour. Chicago, Aug>48 (S^ -r- Here is all year that they’re ready, and 20 to 19 miles per hour as it sped l®t”hng rivsl of Sleven.son. ^ Stevenson, the 1952 nominee, today's program fbr .t^'Democrat- them in the town dump. By this . He found out that State work­ MRS. DAVID ARTHUR CHAGNOT "This is a small hurricane from Ohio a few weeks ago, before a benefit the standpoint of size but It parks into the Bahamas chain. Ohio Move to ajiando.. Gpv. well out in front with 538. His Ic national convsnbm: time, you understand, they had ac­ ers .with torches and stuff cut the Bi.... ' Urank J. Lausche as Ohio favdritefdrite aides claimed he would have 600 1 All times are CehtraLpaylight, quired an undeniable aroma. softball program in town which steel bridge up and carted away This morning at 10 o’clock In St. • not wore a beige dress of sheer AWNINGS CANOPIES JALOUSIES plenty of punch over a Small area Reports fiom Pueito Rico indi-^„^ apparently failed. Associated saw both Of these teams partici near the renter.” said the Miami cated there was wind and water to 630 on the first ballot. the same aa Eastern Stamitod). Everyone was happy for about the pieces. Bridget's Church, Mias Barbara i cotton with matching accessories P css poll of 58-vote ^legation Gov. Harriman' of New York, FIrpt' Seaslon paUqg, the policeman' hurled a He investigated further, the Weather . Bureau. damage in some parts of the island | a week: the Asherman. happily un- challenge, saying, they would play Jean Martin, daughter of Mr. and ! corsage. ! ditclo.sed. , 230. His camp claimed 400. Opening remarks by Paul Mk That Inteqiret The nWBre of the evil machinations his story goes, and found that that Easterly w'inds increasing to and transportation was halted ^ the winner of the SMFD-Manches- gales and hurricane force over there, tnil resumed after the hurri- Florida .Six delegates former- Scattered among favorite sons, Butler, Dehtocratic liationaX Wishes Of The Family gift had caused; the joker, because State had taken down the wrong M,.. J,hn Mlcl,.,l Boy,,. E. i i„rf. i BILL TUNSKY 1, pledged to Sen 'E.sies Kefauver 277>.j. chairman. t'er Fire Department game. bridge by mistake. Middle Tpke,, became the btide of : bride will be wearing a dress of ] some sections of the Florida coast cai^ passed, ^ j the joke had been played; and the Well, as everyone knows, the 3B BUCKLAND RD. PHONE Ml 9>9095 were predicted for Tuesday. appeared aet^tti swing to Sen. Still uncommitted, 343Vs. Convention call — Mre. Dorothy JOHN is BURKE gourmet, because tl)e joke had That’s the way the story went David Arthur Chagnot, son of Mr.». lilOf shantung, with white acces- A U.S. Navy Neptune patrol i Stuart Symljjgto/rt.. Mis.snuri. Re­ The Democratic legions began Vre4ehburgh, secretary. SMFD took the measure of the We never did get ‘hold of the Gale -winds extend 1.50 miles to bomber took off about midnight backAred somewhat. MFD boys, by a 5-4 score. The Lena Chagnot. 1680 Manchester ' scries and a white orchid corsage. the northeast 100 miles to the maining 22 committed.to Steven­ whooping into this big a m p i - Presentation of gavel — Gov. FUNERAL HOME Now we come to the following selectman to check it. When we Rd., Glaston’bur.v. "The Rev. Robert X*’® couple will be at home to (BST) from Guantanamo Bay,! son. theater in the stockyards area HarVln Griffin of Georgia. well-balanced team from the called the State Highway Depart­ northwest and 75 miles to the TEL. BO S-6868 Sunday. South End said, "Okay, we won, Carroll celebrated the nuptial high ■ their friends after Aug. 27 at 16 south- of the storm's center. Cuba, to rejiort Betsy's progress. | Alabama — Adopted, "wait and ," long before the noon hour set for Welcoming address — Mayor tt BAST CENTER ST. The Asherman. still feeling like a ment, the man howled with laugh­ Mass against a background o f; St. For nearly three days the storm .see " attitude on presidential candi- party Chairman Paul Butler to Richard J. Deiey of Chicago. now let's play.” ter for 10 minutes. The Storm was centered near ABIBCLAXCE SERVICE good Samaritan, went about his But , the police, after watching white gladioli and pon pons. Mrs. Chagnot is a graduate of latitude 22.7 north longitude 72.4 had been plotted on a west-north- ’ dates in line with strategy pattern bang his gavel and declare /th e Addreaaei — Sen. Paul H. Doug­ favorite sport. When ne returned When the roar subsided, he gave Given in marriage bv her father, Manchester High School, Class of west track. ( laid down hy Southerner.s on plat- , 32nd nominating meeting under­ las of Illinois; Jacob M. Arvsy, II- the star-studded SMFD club |Hay, a number of reasons, why such s west or about .5.30 miles east from his piS':atotial quest, he reportedly said, "Oh no, you guys the bride wore a white floor-length 1956, and is employed by the southeast of Miami. It had swept Its fiuh hopeful most of .state’s": at 12:03 p.m. .- James L. O'Keefe, chairman of the are too strong." We have been- waiting for a re­ past Turks and Grand Caicos The police got a surprise when tulle over satin with short, sleeves, band attended Manchester High Islands in the Bahamas chain af- in some Puerto Rico aresA-' Mll®6 votes will go to- him. For many, it had bedn a wran­ Chicago host committee. volt in Coventry, but none comes. fitted bodice with a sweetheart School and hds served three years OjtdsJL one person and knocked,but light-' Missouri Stale’s 38-vote dele- ’ gling. struggling week end. The Resolution at thanks to Mayor the SMFD coach said, "we’ll play It’s a good story, anyway. 4er swiping at Puerto Rico, where you with just Co. 3." However, neckline and bouffant skirt. Her with the National Guard. He is one person was reported killed. ___ _ ) gation determined to stick with pulling and hauling was touched ! Daley and host committee, SEE 'TIM " when the police heard - who was ' \ fingertip veil of imported French employed by the Town of Man­ "During the next 6 fo 12 hours (C^Unued on Fhge Nine) Sj'minglon "sll the wav." SJyming- off by former President Harry S.! Tribute to memory of late Al- A-Sputterln* and A-Spiitin’ illusion with satin was caught in chester Highway Departinent. toF bxc'kers hope for Stevenson- Truman's plump for Harriman on; ben W. Barkley and other Dem- playing for that company, they One Manchester optician, it has COAL and COKE FOR LOW-COST stHI refused. a crown of seed pearls and iri­ The 'bride and groom exchanged Harriitian deadlock. Saturday when Stevenson seemed ocrats who died since 1952 con- been reported, apparently had bet­ descent sequins. She wore match­ to have thje nomination within his ! X’entlon. That was the last straw for the ter put his owT eyes to the test. personal gifts and presented per­ New Jejrae.v Seen for Adlai SMFD coach. In talking to the ing mitts and carried a bouquet of sonal gifts to their attendants. New Jersey Gov. :?obert B. ! Report on temporary convention AUTO REPAIRING Either he can't read or he just white roses and stephanotis And/there seemed to be a dis'^ j officers by Mrs. Vredenburgh. police team coach, he stated, didn't take the time to one day 51e.vner considerjj becoming favor­ MOTOR TL'NE-L'P BRAKES "Just to show you we really want streamers wiUi an orchid< cltnter. Arabs Warn West ite son candidate. Delegation re­ position among many of the lead- j Addresses — Sen. George A. this week. era to seek to soothe ruffled, tern- I Florida, chairman of ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCINfi to play, we'll play you with our Miss Joan Boyle, aister of the mains uncommitteci. but indica­ boots on.” , "x Word has It he was going to bride, was maid of honor. She wore tions are most of 36-vote delega­ pers and remind one anotlier that | DWgShitlc Senatorial Campaign ON THE OAR . . . WHILE YOG WAIT! When the police coach paiised take a gang of his fellow Main St. a floor-length gown of blue em­ tion pro-Stevenson. What’s ^Cooking in Polices?, after all the rea] enemy was the i and Rep. Michael J. to think about the proposition, the. merchants to Boston to a ball game broidered nylon tulle, over taffeta Stock up now and be ready when cohf'weather comes! On Anti-Egypt Acts Colorado Stevenson got big state Sen. Patrick Ward, candidate for Democratic nomination aa 4itate Renresentative from fh*. Republicans. Kin4^jla of Ohio, chaii:msin of Dem- f l i H iiP S f t f v ig f i South End coach added. "And if Wednesday. Early that morning, he with matching tiara, and carried reception from delegates, while First Congressional District, apparenUy sees more then a kernej o f ^ p e veaterday as he lifts tjie ~ Doubt FIglit on Right* ocratid-Congressional Campaign a v iv riM t I y a l a v r T i w M(as wandering-around near his of­ ~ “ CALLUSTODAY! Committee. HARTFORD ROAD and BRIDGE STREET that isn’t enough, -we'll wear our a loose colonial bouquet of ivy and his supporters there claimed a cover on a pot at the Textile Workers Union outing at Hie OardeqTorove. Looking on intereat- There were optimistic predic­ coats and helmets too.** fice patiently waiting for the group pink,' carnations. Miss Eleanor WHm . majority of state's 20 votea. Har- ®v up for the motor trip. London, Aug, 18 lAVr-’i'he Arab^hower and Secretary State Ddl- dent. Story on page two. Herald photo bv Ofiara). commltteee. Spring of Springfield, Mass., cousin Laague of nine nations warned the les seemed assured tods.v of.con- riman advocates said their rights plank in the platform w-lU .\ngllng .\ngle "I wish these, guys would hurry of the bride, and Miss Helen Leduc You Should JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL strength up in delegation. T- be avoided. (Second Seeoion — (Tonight) up," he exclaimed to a friend whom West today an attach on Egypt in : sidergble bipartisan support for Opene’ 8 p.m-., trith invocation, You fishermen think you have of Manchester were bridesmaids. ovq the Suez Canal ertkis would be con-1 their dri\'e to settle the Sues Oanal - Wyoming — Nonbinding straw Mrs. Thelma P. Sharp of New he met on the street. They Wore gowns similar ,lo the. H Your CONNECTICUT COKE I vote announced as showing Hsr- Jersey, co-chairman of the plat­ P®«6«»^UUon of colors, .Star troubles? Consider the case of one "Better take another look at the « sidered aggression against all. Arab crisis peacefully, Spnngaed Banner. local angler. Last year his wife maid of honor in pink.and carried states;* Evidence of broad Democratic as ! riman ahead of Stevenson 8‘i form committee, said a plank "ac­ tifne on those tickets.” the gent colonial bouqiiets of ivy and blue Kidnaper Held for Murder ceptable to the .South " has been bought him a fishing license, hop­ PRESCRIPTIONS The l^eague’s political commit- well as R®P»'bllcan backing among responded: He‘ was an ardent base­ carnations. prepared, and that a tentative (CtonUauod' on Pago Nine) ing he would pick up an interest ball fan, very much Informed on FILLED A t tee.- meeting in Cairo, .ualso « pledged congressional leaders developed ^ in the sport. But during the course Edward Boyle. '92 E. Middle FOGARTY BROTHERS BU(>(>0rt for President Nasser's call after Eisenhower and Dulles had draft of the full platform would be the major league schedule fon the Tpke., cousin of the bride, was completed tomorrow. of the year, he didn't get a chance day. Pins Pharmacy 319 BROAD ST. — TEL. .MI 9-4.'»39 Sunday for a 45-nation conferenre briefed nine Democrats and 131 wx*o,ning LY BINGO to take advantage of ■ hla wife's best man. Roger Peterson and to write new guarantees for fiee- Republicans yesterday on "the A re. . She told, a reporter "everyone on It was a night game. OR Says, Seems Crazy~—Silly’ gift. * James Cunningham of Manchester Fuel Oil — Fluid Heat Oil Burners dom oir passage through the canal. continuing gravity of the siliia- *^*1"** ^***'*®* the subcommittee which drew the ! State Delegated FRlDAYS-8 P. M. Sunday, however—after his ang­ were ushers. Junior ushers were Pine Lenox Pharmacy Naaser'a proposal was a Counter lion" and* what ■ the •' adminiatration he i for Harnman because he Civil Rights plank has been fair i ling permit had ed ited and before Left Us In the Air John and Richard Boyle, brothers to the 22-nation conference called plana to do about it. Durham, Aug. 13 (iF»-A yqung-ing the sergeant in the face an«L,New Haven. He told the newS- and open-minded and the plank I What with science fiction and of tho bride. 1 II) Only Registered Fhar- (Ceatinned on Page Nia,:) Ready to Hold New Haten man who shot an A i r Itidnaping his 29-year-Old wiR, 'paper he thoitglit there Was a will be acceptable to the south." he had a chance ^ secure a new everybody reading technical ar­ jmsclst fill prescriptions here. by Britain that is opening in Lon­ Senate Democratic leader Lyn­ ASSU^TION HALL uh®—he was. -.^tftuted by some A breakfast -At the Am.erlcan don TTlursdty to consider interna­ don B, Johnson of TbR of another man less than ■ molesting her, until searchers found I He called up the day befo^ th® Convention action_pn..the' plat­ By C.6RL J. LALUMIA the party and on learning our poor 't'he Associated Press sent us a 12:30 until 5 o'clock. For her sures fresh quality drugs of the In the face of Arab threats, Brit­ water's edge when the security of ' liable by law to pa.v taxes to the South Man- ain airlifted more'troops into the our country is st stake." VFrClCljS Hd 11 V O V I twoWeekstwo weeks before.before. them..He was holding a loaded pis-'j Levers Lane ah oting to ssit. Whe'h form is tabbed for Wednesday I Chicago, Aug. 13 (cFi—Ctonnedti- story about a rocket flying up into daughter's wedding, Mrs. Boyle highest purity. fhesterT''lre District are hereby notified that 1 will have a rate night. ■ i . (4) Electrical relrigeration to Mediterranean to meet any emer­ Officials said results of the ^ 1 1 ' ’ Bothn„,K heu. and his brother pleaded her back, but offered no -the story w'ould xp- egi-^in the cut delegates go into the Demo­ the "Isnoaphere." Unsuspecting, we, chose a rose-beige silk embroider­ bill for the list of l9.Vi of .5 mills on the dollar due and rollertlble gency. In fact, it was a two-way resistance. The sergeant had stag-, paper It appeared .sc" few days passed right on to the reader that ed nylon tulle 'over taffeta dress insure, proper storage of bio- conference in the White House Truman and Stevenson met for | cratic National Oonventloh today on August 15, 1956. an(f will have office hours for the cnllectinn airlift. I cabinet' room should strengthen O l l i m . J a CQ 1 s e t imurder charges late geied to a neighbor’s home for later, with his picture, on page the'' first time since the former I TAKE ^ misinformation. ^ with matching accessories, and a iogicals; penicillin, insulin, etc. of.sueh tax at Hose House No. 4 on S«'hool Street each Tuesday ! last night. help.'and was taken to a hospital, Later on we got suspicious and . (5) Onr shelves are filled As giant planes landed troops in Dulles' hand when he enters a 22- four. Ori .pagq One was a picture President’s pronouncement of his ! ‘‘pro“»i«® from their chair­ corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Chag- and ThursU-®'- to his claim that he the murderer, who apparently had | ing for each other. Tlie meeting ther advance medical .science. .Street; from the ransi zone to Malta. They Gurion'e passive policy toward the shot Jn the arm. She told police a was a Russian pilot. He wore no motive, Cooley came to the i was at a breakfast given bv Mayor Stevenson - Harriman nomination Undoubtedly we meant iono­ Thiirifday, August 16 7 P. .51. ta P. 51. them home to strengthen the itrs- the Suez Canal into the Ngsser you’re kidding?; W'ith murder. requiring | shift, ne said, "no de­ Saturday, September I to A. .51. to 6 P. 51. Coole.v was charged with ap­ Cooley continued to raihble on campaign for him. ''I want to W E W ILL BE VACATION •. e . throughout every department tegic reserve. Presumably they will j Canal he will'be ready for an all­ Tokyo, Aug. IS —The Japan­ pearing, at Drepperd's home in ‘Later I Remembered’ elect a ' Demobrat." ,h'e said. cision will be made by anyone— Tuesday, .September 4 7 P. 51. to 9 P. ,51. replace troops being ferried to the , out attack on Israel." He eaid Is- about the Soviet Air Force. Bailey, Golden or myself—without In oar drug .stores . .. Frescrip- Thursday, September 6 7 P. .51. to 9 P. .51. ese cabinet today, ordered Foreign nearby North Branford Friday ceiti(ieticut misicai iiivici, inc. tions, too are priced to save you Mediterranean. I ;------"Exerelt.” the ele. .1. snapped : ejrg es ‘weTe** I : a caucus at which there wiU bo EMERGENCY Saturday, September K 10 A. .51. to 6 P. 51. Minister Msmoni Shigemitsu not night aa the couple watched tele­ "get off h-t hay wagon (Coatiiiued oa Fag* Nine) money. Tuesday, September II In Washington, President Diaen-1 (Conimiied on Page Nine) vision, announcing at gunpoint he finall.v, "get off h-t hsv wagon." ' one cigarette after another*birfore! complete and o|>en diacusaion." OIL BURNER- Bring Your Next 7 P. M. to 9 P. .51. to. sign Russia's World War n Then Copley admitte.d his John M. Bailey is Cbnnectlcut Thursday, September 1.5 7 P, .M. to 9 P. .51. wa.s a downed. Rtiasian pilot, shoot- Identity. . and after the arraignment. SERVICE y Frescriptiou Here For Saturday, i^pteraber 10 A. .51. In 6 P. .51. peace terms amid reports that When Trial Justice Frederick state chairman. John M. Golden is Suuimer-Vite Saving and Safety Shigemitsu was complaining about Implli-xtea Brother Tietze asked Everett If he had ; national committeeman and was At all other times the tax may be paid at my home a| 117 Pciice said he - implicated his THE SUMMER VITAMINS Summer .Street, Mondays through Fridays, 2 I*. .51. to 7 P. M. interference from his home gov­ 'anything to say after the charges j the host at a cocktail party last CALL Pine Pharmacy ernment. brother Milton. 28. ui Guilford, and were read, he said "AILJ want to Bulletins night at which. Ribicoff made tho CLOSED MfESTOWN Failure to make payment before September 16,' render the Kiiowland Talks to Ike, said the^v both, weie involx'ed in ■ ■ PHARMACY in 664 Center St.—.IH 9-9814 ^ tax deUnqurnt and Interest will be added at the rate.of <’] of one Ministers said after a 2>i-hoUr News Tidbits say is I don't know whV.I done it promise to the 20-vote delegation. FOR VACATION WILLIAMS No r t h END cabinet session they were cabling the Laivers Lane shooting. He said —I don’t remember doing it dur­ from the -AP Wires ‘ ' In words and in deeds, the dele­ 450 Hartford Rd__5H 9-9948 per rent per month or portion thereof, dating from August IS, Milton drove when they Wgnt to OIL SERVICE Pine Lenox Pharmacy 19.'i6. Shigemitsu that Russia's refusal to Culled from AP Wires ing when I done It -xj but later 'I gates themselves left no doubt on PHARMACY return the southern Kurile Islands look fq.r parked.couple.A to rqb. remembered doings it. It all seems their arrival here yesterday that 299 E. Center'St__511 9-0896 ' • >JHO.MAS \VEIR„Collector. . Sees Nixon GOP Choice Cooley had recently. been the 4 DEFOT SQUARE of Etorufu aiid Kunashlri is "not crazy sUiy." ASK SUEZ .\TTACK BAN , they were “down the line” for Ste- lOPEN: Ml 9-4548 acceptable" and that he should Lftterbug with slightly different subject of a. newspaper stofy be­ Police said Davia was shot with London, Aug.- IS liPt—The ! venson even though Harty Truman MON,, AUG. 13 to FR Iv AUG. 17 cause of a I’adio.-telephone let he IVashington, Aug. 13 '.75—Sen­ Ar.ked specifically whether he "not sign a peace treaty t pres- attitude is taken to Los Angeles British Labor Forty demanded ! had chosen" to side with Gov. e’n't. receiving hospital for observation had purchased and use around (Continued en Fnge Two) tonight that Prime .Minister Averell Harriman of New York. ate Republican leader Knowlafld and. Eisenhower discussed the vice Eden guarantee publicly that nziALL PAY: talked political -with Preeident presidential situation. Knowiand The cable, signed by Prime Min­ after he was seen toMdng about _ Unmoved by Truiflau 18 ister Ichiro Hatoyama. reportedly $200 in 820 bills from his car . . . Britain will not attnek Egypt Truman’s action, said Mayor Open Saiufday, Aug, Eiaenhow’er today and predicted replied with a smile that he was ever the Suez canal dispute. 9 afterward that Vice. Prealdent "not in a position to ro into de- said also that transportation Min­ Mob of (Chinese tries to attack ; Richard C. Lee of Now Haven, f 3 ) Nixon will' be Elsenhower’s run­ tsll.” ister Shinji Yoahlris would Ming four U.S. xeryiremrn .after one didn't change the Connecticut dele- S u n d a y : THE ARMY AND NAVY ning mate again. Instructions U>'Shigemitsu at the Anterican becomes involved in STORM BTR.\NDS QUEEN ^ gates “a whit" in thair deterinina- ■nie California Senator de­ Eisenhower has said Nixon is Suez Canal conference in London street squabble with Nationaliat ;e Admits Charges Ovan, Scotland, Aug. IS i^>— ' lion to back Stevenson. acceptable to him aa a running later this week. The royal yacht BritAAUiia bat­ clined to go Into any detail re­ mate, again in 1966. but he has not major on Formosa. tled ' a storm' to bring Queen "If anything,” he said, ‘It adUdi- dnt&ion, <£aksL garding his discussion ' with the Major Tokyo papera carried U.S. anthropologist says atten­ fled their determination to go down declared epecifically that he wants Ellaobeth H to port here toiiay dispatches from their correspond­ tion must be paid to mental ‘ the line fo^ him." GOpTornintm^n^io iornm.R ents with Shigemitsu 'in Moscow In Ohio Funds Scandal aad tl^en left her temporarily health of world leaders who can stran d ^ ashore. .After dragging i Ribicoff said he canv'saoed tha "AIR CONDITIONED BY NATURE" decide disaster or prosperity for : delegates on their arrival and B n I* N n G * 0 hditiJn “u'K i “bv '^ n g iew ‘S n ”^***®*”**** of^‘!lSi*em from | (Continued on Page Two) anchor* In the harbor, the 4,715- 5S0 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL human race. . .Hunted 23-year- Springfield, W., Aug. 13 OP—wlmmediate sentencing of his client,' tou veaael headed to open sea old ex-convict diw of bullet Orville E. Hodge, ousted state au- i "’ho once entertained dreama oi for safety. Tlw Queen had to (Continued ou Foge Two) EVERY SAT. N IG N T^EW TIME B:00 P.M. inflicted about 24 hours wound tutor glased of taking about the Illinois governor’s Jump over n two-foot gutter full |V. A pure, spring: fed lake. Running water, hard r^ d s, electricity Kill 20 earlier by State Police who sur- ---- chair. of niahlng water to get the C05IE ONE — C05IE ALL — REFRESH5IENTS prise him raiding pond-side camp ' "UlUon dollars of state funds, to- ' The maximum sentence is IS municipal building* for a recep- ★ F R E E Z E S NUon from the No. 2 spot on the ^ i n A m h l l f i l l n®*r Greenxille...... , day-pleaded guilty to charges of Sen. Benton Loses GOP ticket in favor of Gov. Chris- P r e n C H I R i \ m D U 8 n hi.st years, observers said, unless the Uoa.' ; embezzlement, forgery and con- terms are run consecutively, which Just A Nice Place For Nice People tian Herter of Massachusetts, Concernipg the role of the big —•----- high srhoal building under con- ' ‘ u $16,700 in Jewelry new'smen asked Knowiand how he California delegation at the (30P would increase the term several SLOWDOWN TIES RAILROAD ★ F L O A T S Algiers, Aug. 13 'A5--Txventy, .truction in Alisiouri and Golden, times over. New York, Aug, 18 UT*-,- Electric motor boal.s, sailboat.s rowboats and canoes are permitted. felt the vice presidential contest ' convention, Knowiand said he be- French soldiers were slain and an -: Citv marshal says "I’m sure it Republican ad- Chicago, Aug. 13 -F) WUUam will come out. ' Heves the California delegates “will George P. Ooutrakon, Sangamon ! Long Island Railroad trains Outboard motors not allowed. Other 40 disappeared or ' were was'Sabotage." .New Haven ®nt®r^ the plea be- County state’s attorney', has an-! carrying thouaaiids of com­ Benton, Democratic former U.R. PHIL TRYON , "I think the ticket will be the 1 be ovcrw'helmlngly in favor" of a n , wotinded yesterday in the fourth Railroad says in response to i, '-ircuit Judge Clem Smith at ■ i Senator from (Connecticut, repert- ★ ^ O D A S J Eisenhower-Nixon ticket. nounced his opposition to an im­ muters to New York were up Recommenda The Following asune in 1956 as it was in 1952,” major nationalist rebel ambush in queries by -nelvamen ,that its "*■ ■''*’®'6*“J'«itt .on.^6 state indlcl- to 40 minute* Mte todny. A I ed tw police today thieves looted Khpwlartd declared.^ alluding to the Knowiand added that he alsq be- mediate sentencing of the former' “Goodwiir Used Car At Today’s LOTS 10.000 SQ. FT. . TERMS the same area within six days. weekly piiyroll has been reduced 9 ^fom'the million; auditor. Ooutrakon said he wants to spokeamna for the Uae *nld the ' his hotel room of 116,700 worth Located in a virgin forest, near to AS LOW AS Eisenhower-Nixon 'combihation. I lieves' California voters .will back The attacks, in which 47 troops some 981,000 since January w'hen : “ i^ c la l scandal, delnys resulted from “au,obvi­ : of jewelry. WhatoTOr your clioica« it's a hoppy dna Knowiand also prediete' that an Eisenhow'er-Nixofl ticket in the present more evidence of the mag-1 BEST BUY! beach and a place to park your have been killed and several times i George 'Alperi succeeded Patrick I filin g ill and de- i nitude of the Hodge case. He said | ous detlbemte alowdows” when Benton said the genu were whon you on)oy ono of thoso Dairy boat. $ 2 . 5 0 A WEEK Eisenhower and Nixon will be re­ I November election. that number wounded or captured, I B. McGinnis as president. , | .. .^*'®*'*P*'“*' tralumeu took ttnse to paste ! taken from a 14th tloor ooito In elected In November "by a sub­ The Senator said he told Eiaen- j ing politicaJ figure changed his | •>* *"■>’ ask for a week's delay in Ithe Ambassador Hotel while ho Quoon ienroritos. Smooth, Iroshly-lro- have all accurred in a small area' A 19-yea'r-oid Utah youth with ----- sentencing. . .. j ■ohcdnle ehaugea In their stantial mnjorit)'."- ' hnwer that Californians, regardless ! within abou^ 40 miles of this capi- armed robberv and car stealliig plea from in n ^en t^ prevlouslv en- b ooks ! and his family were out. H# sold aon Dairy Quoon and tho floror you 1955 PONTIAC Umed—to guilty aa each of the in- Hodge’ was freed on 3100.00(X Catalina fkiii'pe, Hydramalir, Low Bpewds 89 BUnuRs with Ike ; of party, are certain to give the tal clt.v. I record is held on murder charge i they left the sulto at 1 p.m. Bun- l a w b ooU Knowiand q>en' about SO min- President' "a warm and cordial bond after he entered a plea of in­ I day and returned at 11 p.m. 5Illeage, Radio, Heater, Whitewall AMSTON LAKE CO. They coincided with a new- series' afler Saturday night ram^ge in Rmmng'^the*firiit nocent to the grand Jury charges. U.8. BAGK& BRITAIN ^ Tires, Electric,Antenna, Leather utes with the President at' mid- I reception" on- hia arrival in S^n of individual rebel attacks in Ai- WasUagtoa, Aug. 18 Ofw The auito woo not r«q«grhtd ' AMSTON, CONN. morntng. Two hours earlier, he .Francisco Aug. 22 for the conven-' giers itself, where at least 22>per- Indicted later on similar charges The CuitM Ststea to d a y reas­ • MAftONAl OAIk/ oUIEN D E « t L O S M ['i Upholstery — Immaculate Inside two otherK kidnapedK rT j.'T at Salt.’jrL Lake .i; i than 10 minutes It was axnectid by tbe Sangamon jury were but the jeweUy wan roanovod from and Out. * ' had been gt the White House to | Uon. j sons were injured over the week- serted ita “eouipietc agree* boxen in Mrs. Renton’o iugikgo. I-ocaled On Route 8S, Between Hebron and f'oirhraler, have breakfast with at) Risen-; At Dallas, Tex., Nixon asked the’ end. aty. . F ed^ Judge Lawrence E. that aeve^ hSlV. « 3 d ^ o ^ ^ Hodge'e-former chief aide. Edyvard Kepreaentatives On Properly Every Day, 'W ish selecU four prominent law'^ .urned before aU tbe IndirtmenU meot” with Britain aad Fraace Benton said the Jowoi^wiir* bower al4545 a Open Evea. ' • I