Server PRODUCT PORTFOLIO In Search of Incredible

ASUS는 Fortune 지가�선정한 "세계에서�가장�존경받는�브랜드"로써, 오늘날과�미래의�스마트�라이프를 선도할�제품을�만들어내고�있습니다. Zenbo, ZenFone, ZenBook을�비롯한�다양한 AR, VR, IoT 기기들 뿐�아니라, 다채로운�제품�포트폴리오를�구축하고�있는 ASUS는�전�세계 56개국에서�총 17,000여명의 임직원과 5,500명이� 넘는� 우수한 R&D 인력들을� 보유하여� 나날이� 발전해� 나가고� 있습니다. 그리고 혁신적인�제품�설계와�이에�못지�않는�품질을�바탕으로, 2016년�기준�약 15조의�매출�총액과 4,385개의 미디어�어워드를�획득하는�성과를�올렸습니다. Green ASUS -The Wall Street Journal Asia N0.1 in Quality and Services ASUS는�환경을�생각합니다 ASUS는�언제나�지속�가능한�미래에�대해�고민하며, 친환경적인�기술과�제품들을�시장에�선보이는 21년이�넘는�기간�동안�고품질의�서버를�제작, 공급해�온�업체 "GreenASUS"를�회사�경영의�기본�철학으로�설정하고�있습니다. 회사�내부의�제품�기획�단계부터 2014년 "Green500"이�선정한�고효율�슈퍼컴퓨터�부문에서 1위를�기록 제품을�생산하는�과정까지, ASUS는�지구와�환경을�생각합니다. 이러한�철학과�마음가짐이 EPEAT, 2017년 Computex에서 "Best Choice Award"를�획득한�유일한�서버�제조�업체 Energy Star, RoHS 인증을�획득할�수�있었던�배경이기도�합니다.

친환경적인�제품�디자인 ASUS가�생각하는 "그린�디자인" 철학은�제품의�곳곳에�스며들어�있습니다. ASUS의�모든�제품은�외형 뿐만이�아니라�내부�부품들�까지도�쉽게�수리가�가능하고�긴�수명을�보유하며, 제품의�수명이�다�한 후에도�쉽게�재활용이�가능한�부품들로�구성되어�있습니다.

친환경적�제조�프로세스 친환경적�제품을�설계함에�있어�제품의�제조�과정은�매우�중요합니다. ASUS는�유해물질�배출�등에 대한�매우�엄격한�내외부�규정을�적용하고�있으며, 이를�통해�진정한�의미의�친환경적인�제조�공법을 유지하고�있습니다.

친환경적인�제품�조달 ASUS는�제품�설계와�제조�단계�뿐�아니라, 신뢰�있는�공급망�구축을�통해�제품의�운송, 포장�단계에서도 환경을�생각하는�정책을�유지하고�있습니다.

02 Product Portfolio 우수한�사후�관리 1000+ 98+ GPU 서버 Service Centers Countries ASUS는 98개�이상의�국가에서 1,000개가�넘는�서비스�센터를 운영하며�고객들의�목소리를�듣고�있습니다. ASUS의 ESC 시리즈는�효율적인�전력�공급�디자인과 HA 써멀�솔루션을 바탕으로 AI와�비주얼�컴퓨팅�환경을�위한�최적의�성능과�안정성을 제공합니다.

업계�최고�수준의�품질과�안정성 랙/타워�서버 바이브레이션�테스트 전압�및�프리퀀시�테스트 ASUS는�풍부한�랙/타워�서버�제품�라인업을�구축하고�있습니다. ASUS의 제품의�프레임과�본체의�안정성을 각�국가, 지역별로�상이한�전압이 모든�제품들은�높은�컴퓨팅�밀도와�확장성을�제공하며, 쉽게�관리가�가능한 위한�테스트로, 어떠한�외부�환경의 공급되더라도�제품이�안정적으로 다양한�소프트웨어�솔루션을�제공합니다. 변화에도�안정성을�유지하도록 유지될�수�있도록�하는�검사입니다. 합니다.

워크스테이션 드롭�테스트 다양한 ISV로부터�인증을�획득할�정도로�높은�컴퓨팅�성능과�광범위한 써멀�쇼크�테스트 제품�이동, 운송�간�발생할�수�있는 확장성을�보유한 ASUS의 ESC 시리즈�워크스테이션은�고사양 VR 컨텐츠 급격하게�열이�발생하는 부주의에�의한�충격으로부터�제품의 개발, 고사양�어플리케이션�구동�등�모든�환경에서�최적의�성능을�제공합니다. 환경에서도�제품이�원활하게 안정성을�보장합니다. 동작하도록�보장합니다.

노이즈�테스트 열�감지�테스트 서버�및�워크스테이션�메인보드 원치�않는�소음이나�고음이�발생하는 모든 ASUS 서버�및�워크스테이션 ASUS는�경쟁�업체들�대비�압도적인�개발�노하우를�바탕으로�가장 환경에서도�제품이�원활하게�동작할 제품들은�각각의�구성품들마다�열�감지 안정적이고�신뢰성�있는�서버/워크스테이션�메인보드를�생산, 공급하고 수�있도록�보장합니다. 테스트를�시행하며�이를�바탕으로�적절한 있습니다. 쿨링�시스템을�제공, 구축하고�있습니다.

온도�및�습도�저항�테스트 충격�테스트 액세서리 제품을� 구성하는� 모든� 부품들이 모든�시스템과�부품들이�내외부의 OCP 메자닌�카드, PCIe LAN 카드�및 ASUS만의�독자적인 PIKE RAID 카드 급격한� 온도� 및� 습도� 변화에도 충격에도�안전하게�유지될�수 등�다양한�액세서리들이�여러분의�작업�효율성과�안정성을�향상시켜�드릴 적응할�수�있도록�합니다. 있도록�충격�테스트를�진행합니다. 것입니다.

04 ® Xeon® 다방면의�인증을�획득한 Scalable Platform 서버 컨텐츠�크리에이터에게�최적화된 워크스테이션

ASUS ESC4000 FDR/G25; 2014년 11월 RS520-E9

ESC8000 G4


ESC4000 G4

ESC500 G4 E700 G4 ESC300 G4 ESC500 G4 SFF ESC510 G4 SFF

인텔® 제온® Scalable 프로세서 “ASUS Control Center” 소프트웨어 28코어�이상�지원, 1.65배�이상�향상된 모든�장치들을�보호, 관리할�수�있는 시스템�성능 원격�매니지먼트�프로그램 그래픽�디자인 엔지니어링�디자인 가상�현실

향상된 NVMe SSD 테크놀로지 독자적인�스마트�써멀�레이더�디자인

더�낮아진�레이턴시와 3배�더�빨라진 더�향상된�쿨링�효율을�보장하는 데이터�전송�속도 스마트한�팬�스피드�제어�솔루션


인텔 인사이드Intel. inside®. 더 강력한 Extraordinary 생산성 Performance 아웃사이드. Outside. Intel® Scalable processors. Found at 06 스마트�써멀�레이더 통합적이고�광범위한 (Smart Thermal Radar) 기술 IT 인프라�관리�솔루션

ASUS가�랙�서버와 GPU 서버를�위해�개발한�독특한�기술인 '스마트�써멀�레이더' 기술은�향상된�성능의 서멀�센서를�통해�정밀한�내/외부�온도�모니터링과�팬�속도�상세�조정을�가능케�하는�기술입니다. 이�스마트한�써멀�디자인은�쿨링�팬의�전력�소모를 20% 이상�감소시켜주며�중단�없이�운영이�필요한 데이터�센터�등에서도 TCO를�감소시켜�높은�효율을�보장합니다. 호스트�디바이스

OUT-OF-BAND 서버�내부/외부�온도를�감지하기�위한�다수의�써멀�감지�센서�탑재 원격�제어�콘솔 (Web UI / CLI) IN-BAND

CPU ACC 서비스 메모리 Acc Service 전면�패널�보드 GPU 카드 운영�체제


더�높은�전력�효율을�위해�시스템�상황에�맞는 적절한�팬�속도�조절로�발열�부위를�식혀줍니다. 클라이언트�디바이스 더�향상된�쿨링�효율1.2배

27˚C 더운�공기 Fan Duty 25°C 35°C 100%

80% ASMB9-iKVM ASUS Control Center

60% 24˚C 40% 원격으로�급작스런�오류�해결, OS 설치�및�팬�컨트롤�등이�가능한 통합적인�관리가�가능한 IT 매니지먼트�소프트웨어 서버�관리�솔루션 20% 온도나�전압, 팬�속도나�팬�구동�상태�등�시스템�상태와�관련된�지표들을 업무�스케줄�관리나�회선�관리�등을�쉽고�간편하게�처리�가능 상시로�모니터링�가능 0% 0 55 83 97 100 높은�호환성과�보안�능력(HTML, HTTPS 및 Redfish 지원)을�보유한 언제�어디서나�접속과�모니터링이�가능한�웹�기반의�유저 웹�기반의 UI 컨트롤 친화적인�디자인 20 ˚C CPU Temp. 찬�공기

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08 슈퍼�컴퓨팅�솔루션

ESC8000 G4 슈퍼�컴퓨팅 최대 8개의 GPU를�싱글�루트 PCI-E 토폴로지로�설정�가능한�유연한�솔루션 ESC8000 G4는�최대 8개의�더블-덱 GPU 카드를 4U 케이스에�설치�가능한 제품으로, 전용� 소프트웨어를� 통해 PLX PCI-E 스위치� 설정을� 변경하여 PCI-E 레인의 Topology를�유연하게�조정할�수�있습니다. 솔루션 또한�듀얼�임베디드 Omni-Path 100Gbps 패브릭이�한층�더�향상된�데이터 전송을�지원합니다. AI 및�딥러닝 4U 2 24 딥�러닝은�이제�거스를�수�없는�시대적�조류로서�인공지능과�차세대�컴퓨팅�시장의�가장�중요한 Form CPU Memory 키워드가�되고�있습니다. 또한�딥�러닝을�실행하는데�있어�필수적인�데이터들도�이미지, 사운드, 테스트 Factor Number Number 등으로�그�형태가�다양해�지고�더�방대한�양의�데이터를�요구하고�있습니다. 이렇듯�다양한�형태와�방대한 수량의�데이터를�네트워크�계통에서�활용하기�위해, 컴퓨터들은�더�많이�보고, 읽고, 대응할�수�있도록�복잡한 상황과� 환경에� 적응할� 수� 있어야� 합니다. 오늘날의� 컴퓨팅은� 기존과� 다른� 새로운� 제품과� 서비스, 처리� 로직을 필요로�하고�있습니다. RS720Q-E9 한편, GPU는�병렬적�작업�환경에서 CPU 대비 10~75배�이상�빠른�데이터�처리�속도를�보여주어�주�단위의�작업�시간을 일�단위로�감소시키는�등�더욱�복잡해�지는�딥러닝�환경의�새로운�해법으로�떠오르고�있습니다. GPU는�딥-뉴럴�네트워크 캐비닛�밀도와�전력�효율이�극대화된�효율적인�솔루션 기술�상에서 12배�이상의�학습�속도를�보여줍니다. RS720Q-E9 제품은�전�세대�제품�대비�더욱�향상된�최적화된�효율과 AI 혁명은�이제�목전에�와�있습니다. 오늘날�컴퓨터들은�단순히�학습하는�것만이�아니라�스스로�생각하는�수준까지�발전해 공기�배출�능력을�제공합니다. 또한�프로세싱�성능�극대화를�위해�최신 있습니다. 이러한�추세는�로보틱스�산업, 의료�산업�및�자율�주행�자동차�등�다양한�산업�군에게는�환상적인�기회라�할�수 CPU 기술이� 적용되었고, 손쉬운� 유지� 보수가� 가능한� 독특한� 모듈러 있습니다. ASUS는� 여러분이� 이� 경이로운� 변화의� 선두에서� 빠르게� 딥� 러닝� 어플리케이션을� 개발하고� 발전시키며� 시대를 디자인이�적용되어�고성능�컴퓨팅(HPC), 데이터�센터, 클라우드�컴퓨팅 주도해�갈�수�있기를�기원합니다. 환경�등�다양한�산업에서�최적의�성능을�자랑합니다. 2U4N 2 12 Form CPU Memory HPC: 고성능�컴퓨팅 Factor Number Number 고성능�컴퓨팅은�크게�두�가지의�유형으로�구분됩니다. "대칭형�다중�프로세싱(SMP, Symmetric Multi-Processing)"과 "고성능�클러스터�컴퓨팅(HPC, High-Performance Cluster)"가�그것입니다. 대칭형�다중�프로세싱�기반의�프로세서�아키텍처들은 ASUS의 RS720Q-E9 2U 시리즈�서버�등과�같이�다수의 CPU를�하나의�서버에�설치, 사용할�수�있도록�합니다. ESC4000 G4 그리고�모든�메모리들과�입출력�리소스들을 CPU와�공유�합니다. HPC 어플리케이션을�위해�유연한�확장성과�높은�성능을�제공하는 2U 서버 한편 "고성능� 클러스터� 컴퓨팅" 환경의� 클러스터� 아키텍처의� 경우 4개� 또는 8개� 이상의 GPU를 ESC4000 G4는 800mm 높이와 2U 규격�케이스에 "8+3"개의�확장�슬롯이 지원하는 ASUS의 ESC8000 및 ESC4000 시리즈와� 같이� 다수의 CPU와 GPU를� 설치� 가능한 장착된�유연한�확장성을�지닌�제품입니다. 다수의�서버를�통해�구현됩니다. 또한 듀얼�임베디드 Omni-Path 100Gbps 패브릭이�적용되어�데이터�전송 효율도�향상되었습니다. 이� 두� 가지� 아키텍처들이� 사용되는� 환경은� 매우� 상이합니다. SMP 아키텍처� 상에서 CPU와� 메모리의� 리소스� 배분은� 운영� 체제에� 의해� 결정되기� 때문에, 직접적인 2U 2 16 관리가�덜�필요하게�됩니다. 반면 HPC 아키텍처에서는 CPU와�메모리의�배분이 Form CPU Memory 사용자에� 의해� 수동으로� 조정되기� 때문에� 결과에� 대한� 직접적인� 조정과 Factor Number Number 수정이�가능합니다.

10 TS100-E9

극�저소음�디자인으로�교육�환경에�탁월한�선택! 교육용�솔루션 TS100-E9 시리즈는 26dB라는�우수한�소음�억제�능력이�돋보이는�제품으로, 8개의 USB 포트와 6개의�확장�슬롯을�포함한�다채로운�입출력�포트들을�지원합니다. 2016년까지�약 2,000곳의�교육�현장에�활용되고�있는�제품으로, TS100-E9-P14 모델의�경우�이러닝�환경에서�최대 40개의�클라이언트 PC와�접속이�가능합니다. 클라우드�교육�서비스 1 4 CPU Memory 클라우드�컴퓨팅은�원격의�호스트로부터�제공되는�다양한�서비스를�인터넷�상의�서버를�통해�한�번에�사용하거나 Number Number 다른�장비들과�커뮤니케이션�하는�등의�작업이�가능한�컴퓨팅�환경을�일컫습니다.

클라우드�컴퓨팅의�빠른�발전으로�인해�가장�큰�수혜를�입은�시장은�교육�시장이라�할�수�있는데, 이제�학습자들은 TS300-E9 원격으로�언제�어디서나�교육�서비스�제공자들의�서버에�접속하여�원하는�정보를�습득할�수�있게�되었습니다. ASUS의 RS520-E9 시리즈와�같은�제품들은�방대한�스토리지를�보유하고�있기�때문에 '디지털�도서관' 으로 이러닝에�최적화된�우수한�컴퓨팅�능력과�확장성�제공 활용이�가능하며, 학습자들에게�원하는�정보를�제한없이�제공할�수�있습니다. TS300-E9 시리즈는�교육�서비스의�운영용�시스템이나�어플리케이션 드라이브에�적합한�제품으로�서버의�작업�속도를�빠르게�유지시켜�줄�수 또한�교육�서비스�제공자들�역시�학습자들에게�최신의�정보와�서비스를�제공하기�위해�수시로�커리큘럼을 있습니다. 또한 ASUS PIKE II (옵션�제공)과 12G SAS를�통해�효율성과 업데이트하고�모든�유형의�학습�자료들을�서버에�저장하는�등의�융통성을�발휘할�수�있게�되었습니다. 안정성을�극대화할�수�있으며, 통합적인�원격�제어�역시�가능합니다. 5U 1 4 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number 정보화�교실(E-Classroom) 의�발전 RS300-E9 전통적인�교실들과�달리, '정보화�교실' 에서는�다수의�클라이언트�컴퓨터가�인트라넷으로�연결되어�학생들에게 정보를� 전달할� 수� 있습니다. ASUS의 TS100-E9 이나 TS300-E9 시리즈� 제품들을� 활용하면� 교사들은� 교육 시스템�상의�피드백�시스템을�통해�학생들의�학습�상태를�더욱�쉽고�정확하게�파악할�수�있고, 학생들�역시�학습 다용도의�확장�포트로�높은�가치를�제공하는�제품 자료를�온라인�상에서�더�쉽게�구할�수�있으며�이를�통해�교사와�학생�모두가�더욱�진화된�형태의�교육�서비스를 RS300-E9 시리즈는�두�개의�확장�슬롯을�제공하여�사용자의�다양한 향유할�수�있게�됩니다. 요구를�충족시킬�수�있는�제품�입니다. 사용자들은 M.2 SSD 케이지나 SATA DOM 등을�활용하여�다양한�형태의 OS를�설치, OS 드라이브로 활용�가능하며�디스크�스토리지�역시 4개의 3.5인치�핫-스왑�디스크 베이와 2개의�내장 2.5인치 SSD 베이(옵션�제공)가�제공되어�다양한 형태의�작업을�처리할�수�있습니다. 1U 1 4 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number


다수의�스토리지를�설치하여�유연하게�활용�가능한 2U 폼팩터�서버 RS520-E9 시리즈는 8개�또는 12개의 3.5인치 SAS/SATA 디스크�드라이브 베이를�장착하여�유연하게�활용�가능한�제품�입니다(고속의�데이터�전송을 위한 NVMe 역시�지원합니다). 핫-스왑이�가능한�드라이브�디자인으로�인해 유지�보수에�많은�시간을�할애할�필요가�없다는�점이�특징입니다. 또한 M.2 슬롯과�핫-스왑이�가능한 2개의 2.5인치 SSD 베이를�활용하여�다수의�운영 체제를�설치하거나�운영�체제�드라이브간�대체�작업을�진행하는�등의 다채로운�활용이�가능합니다. 2U 2 16 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number 12 TS100-E9

풍부한�입출력�포트와�저소음�디자인이�돋보이는�리테일�최적화�제품 TS100-E9 시리즈는 26dB라는�우수한�소음�억제�능력이�돋보이는�제품으로, 8개의 USB 포트와 6개의�확장�슬롯을�포함한�다채로운�입출력�포트들을 지원합니다. 또한�여러분이�유통업에�종사하고�계시다면, TS100-E9 시리즈가�제공하는�원격�관리�솔루션을�활용하여�더욱�효율적으로�업무에 임하실�수�있습니다. 1 4 CPU Memory Number Number TS500-E8

풍부한�확장성과�압도적인�퍼포먼스 TS500-E8 시리즈는�유통�및�리테일�환경에서�한층�더�만족스러운 엔터프라이즈�솔루션 성능을�제공할�수�있도록�설계된�강력한 2소켓�타워�서버�제품입니다. 제품을�사용하는�고객들이�주변�기기들을�쉽게�연결, 확장할�수�있도록 총 8개의 USB 포트와 6개의�확장�슬롯�등�다채로운�입출력�포트를 제공합니다. IT 보안과�시큐리티 5U 2 8 보안은�기업�규모를�막론하고�모든�산업�군의�모든�기업의�운영에서�가장�중요한�항목으로�떠오르고�있습니다. Form CPU Memory 기업의�네트워크를�구성하는�서버들은�이제�철저하게�검증된�보안�환경을�구축해야�하며, 안정적인�보안�솔루션이 Factor Number Number 설정되어야�합니다. RS100-E9

높은�에너지�효율과�컴팩트한�사이즈가�특징인 1U 서버 RS100-E9 시리즈는�공간�절약을�위해�랙�간의�밀도를�높인 컴팩트한�사이즈의 1U 서버�입니다. 옵션으로�선택�가능한 LAN 카드로�보안�어플리케이션�서버들과의�연결성을�높여�줄 수�있습니다. 1U 1 4 리테일�및�유통�시장 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number 리테일 POS(Point-Of-Sale) 시스템은�빠르게�변화하는�커머셜�환경에 효과적으로� 대응하기� 위해� 유저� 친화적으로� 설계되어� 있습니다. 일반적으로�상품�계산대�등에�설치된 POS 기기들의�경우�타워 서버가�설치되어�금융, 거래, 상품�재고�및�고객�정보�등�방대한 RS400-E8 양의�데이터들을�저장하게�됩니다. 현재� 많은� 유통� 업체들은� 소비자들의� 소비� 패턴을� 더 듀얼�제온® 프로세서와�전면 I/O 포트를�갖춘�컴팩트한 1U 서버 쉽고� 정확하게� 파악하기� 위해� 더� 많은� 정보들을 RS400-E8 시리즈는�제품�전면에 I/O 포트를�갖추어�서버�관리�솔루션에 요구하고� 있으며, 이를� 효과적으로� 저장� 및 이상적인�설계를�갖추고�있습니다. 2개의�온-보드 LAN 카드를�포함하여 관리할� 수� 있는� 서버� 시스템의� 중요성� 역시 총 4개의 LAN 포트를�제공하며�옵션으로�구매�및�설치가�가능한 10G 높아지고�있습니다. 메자닌�카드로�인해�다양한�환경에서�활용이�가능합니다. 1U 2 16 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number

14 RS300-E9

다용도의�확장�포트로�금융�솔루션에도�적합한�제품 RS300-E9 시리즈는 4개의 3.5인치�핫-스왑�디스크�베이와 2개의�내장 Lorem ipsum 2.5인치 SSD 베이로�소비자들의�요구를�충족시켜�주는�제품입니다. 또한 6Gb/s SATA와 12Gb/s SAS 스토리지를�지원하는 ASUS PIKE II (별매)를�탑재하여�통합적인 RAID 데이터�프로텍션을�제공합니다. 1U 1 4 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number RS100-E9 금융�솔루션 높은�에너지�효율과�컴팩트한�사이즈의 1U 서버 RS100-E9 시리즈는�다양한�랙�캐비닛에�쉽게�설치할�수�있도록�랙 간의�밀도를�높이고 15인치�섀시로�제작한�컴팩트한�사이즈의 1U 뱅킹�서비스�제공�업체 서버�입니다. 본�제품의�사용자들은 M.2 (듀얼, 최대 512GB x2)와 SATA DOM 등�다양한�스토리지�옵션을�활용할�수�있습니다. 또한 2 ASUS의�서버�시스템은�다양한�은행과�금융�서비스�제공�업체에서�활용되고�있습니다. 개의 3.5인치�디스크�베이�또는 1개의 3.5인치�디스크�베이와�최대 4 일례로�대만의�한�유명�은행에서는 ASUS의 RS300 서버�제품 1대로�개별�지사들에 개의 2.5인치�디스크�베이 (별매)를�통해�다양한�형태로�디스크 설치된 70개�이상의�개별�클라이언트들을�관리하고�있으며, ASUS Control Center(ACC) 스토리지를�구성할�수�있습니다. 매니지먼트�솔루션을�활용하여�관리�효율성을�높이고�있습니다. ACC 프로그램은�더욱 효과적인�운영을�위해�시스템의�전원�관리나�상세�설정�등을�원격으로�가능하도록�하는 솔루션입니다. 1U 1 4 Form CPU Memory Factor Number Number

증권�거래�시스템 애드-온�카드 증권�거래�및�분석에�사용되는�시스템들은�정확하고�빠른�데이터�분석을�위해�높은 ASUS는�서버�제품들의�스토리지�확장성과�호환성�제고, 다양한�고난이도�작업들의�손쉬운�관리를�위한�광범위한 정확도와�성능, 그리고�보안�옵션을�제공할�수�있어야�합니다. ASUS의 RS100-E9 시리즈는 RAID 컨트롤러�카드와�네트워킹�어댑터, 원격�제어�모듈들을�선보이고�있습니다. 이�제품들은 ASUS 서버들과 높은�효율을�자랑하는�고성능의�마더보드와 VGA 애드-온�카드를�장착하여�최대 4개의 완벽하게�호환되며�최고의�성능을�발휘합니다. 디지털�사이니지�디스플레이에�화면을�출력할�수�있으며, 이를�통해�성능의�저하를�막고 장비�구매�비용을�아낄�수�있도록�지원합니다. RAID 컨트롤러�카드 네트워킹�어댑터 원격�제어�모듈

데이터�구동�방식�어플리케이션을 가상화�환경에서�더�효율적이고 원격으로 BIOS를�업데이트하고�백업 위해 6Gb/s SATA와 12Gb/s SAS 안정적이며�우수한 I/O 성능을 및�복구�설정이�가능합니다. 인터페이스를�지원하는�최적화된 제공할�수�있도록�설계된 RAID 컨트롤러�입니다. 다재다능한 LAN 컨트롤러�입니다.


PIKE II 3108-8i

PIKE II 3008-8i PEB-10G/57840-2S ASMB8-iKVM

16 Coming 하이엔드 워크스테이션�솔루션 Soon 싱글/듀얼 CPU E800/E900 NVIDIA® 와의�긴밀한�협업을�통해 ASUS의�워크스테이션�제품들은�컨텐츠�개발과�미디어�스트리밍�등의 4 더블-덱 GPU 작업에서�발군의�성능을�자랑하고�있습니다. 또한�일반�소비자들의�다양한�요구를�만족시켜�주기�위해�더 많은 GPU, 그래픽�기술들과의�호환성을�테스트하고�있습니다.

메인스트림 ISV(Independent Software Vendor)들의�소프트웨어나�어플리케이션�들은�이제�많은�산업�군에서�중요한 싱글 CPU 요소로�자리잡고�있습니다. ASUS는 Adobe나 Autodesk와�같은�유명 ISV 파트너들과�함께�긴밀하게 E700 G4 2 더블-덱 GPU 협력하면서�호환성과�안정성에�대해�지속적으로�테스트하고�있는�중이며, 더�많은�고객들이�다양한�산업 환경에서 ASUS 워크스테이션을�안전하게�사용할�수�있도록�연구와�개발을�멈추지�않고�있습니다.

VR(Virtual Reality) 산업의�지속적인�발전과�함께�전문가들은�더�창의적이고�무궁무진한�가능성을�발휘할 엔트리�모델 수�있게�되었습니다. 건축, 기계�설계�또는�인테리어�디자인과�같은�특수한�산업�군의�종사자들은�이제 VR을 싱글 CPU 통해 360도�체험이�가능한�디자인을�고안할�수�있고, 제품의�본격적인�생산�전에�제품의�상세한�부분까지 ESC300 G4 ESC500 G4 ESC500 / 1 더블-덱 GPU ESC510 G4 SFF 모두�파악할�수�있게�되었습니다.

메인스트림�워크스테이션 Entry 워크스테이션

E700 G4 ESC500 G4 ESC510 G4 SFF ESC300 G4

2-way NVIDIA® SLI® 기술을�지원하는�온-보드 VR Ready 디자인과�향상된�다양한 I/O 옵션을�탑재 최신�기술이�두루�탑재된�스몰�폼팩터�워크스테이션 다양한�어플리케이션과의�호환성을�자랑하는 Entry BMC와 ACC 소프트웨어�제공 ESC500 G4는� 최신 Intel® 프로세서를� 탑재하여 ESC500 G4의 1/3에� 불과할� 정도로� 컴팩트한 등급의�워크스테이션 E700 G4 시리즈는 2개의 PCIe Gen3 x16 슬롯을 별도의�그래픽�카드를�설치하지�않더라도�최대 3개의 사이즈를� 자랑하는 ESC510 G4 SFF 제품은� 최대 ESC3000 G4는�특수한 PCI 슬롯�설계를�보유, 비디오 제공하여 NVIDIA®의�쿼드로�계열�그래픽�카드와�일반 독립된� 디스플레이에� 화면을� 출력할� 수� 있는 64GB의 DDR4 2400 ECC/Non-ECC 메모리를 서베일런스�캡쳐�카드나�산업용�컨트롤�카드�등�레거시 그래픽� 카드들을� 활용한 2-Way SLI가� 가능한� 제품 제품입니다. 제품에� 탑재된 HDMI, 디스플레이-포트, 지원하며, 32Gb/s의� 데이터� 전송� 속도를� 제공하는 디바이스� 들의� 수명을� 장기간� 연장할� 수� 있는� 것이 입니다. 또한�향상된�쿨링�성능을�위해 M.2 히트싱크가 DVI-D 및 VGA 포트� 등� 다양한� 출력� 옵션이� 이러한 M.2 포트를�탑재하고�있습니다. 그리고�다양한�고성능, 특징입니다. 또한�우수한�가격대�성능비를�갖춘 GPU 탑재된 2개의� 온-보드 M.2 슬롯과 2.5인치 SSD가 유연한� 활용을� 가능케� 합니다. 또한 NVIDIA®의 VR 고� 안정성의� 부품들을� 활용하여� 다양한 ISV들로부터 컴퓨팅�특화�제품이기도�합니다. 설치� 가능한 SSD 베이와 U.2 포트� 등� 다양한 I/O Ready 인증, Adobe나 Autodesk 등의 ISV로부터 안정성을�인정�받았습니다. 옵션을� 제공합니다. 그리고 Adobe, Autodesk 등의 안전성에� 대한� 인증을� 획득하여� 높은� 신뢰성을 1 4 ISV로부터� 다양한� 인증을� 획득하고 NVIDIA의 VR 보장합니다. 1 4 CPU Memory Ready 인증을�획득하였으며, 온-보드 BMC와 ASUS CPU Memory Number Number Number Number Control Center 프로그램을�통해�더�편리한�관리가 1 4 가능합니다. CPU Memory Number Number 1 8 CPU Memory Number Number 18 서버�보드 2 2 CPU CPU 표준�폼팩터에�적합한�다양한�서버 Number Number 보드들이�준비되어�있습니다 16 16 ASUS는 EEB, ATX, 마이크로 ATX, 미니 ITX와�같은�다양한�형태의�폼팩터에�적합한 Memory Memory Number Number 서버�보드�라인업을�구축하고�있으며, 표준�마운팅�홀�위치를�준수하여�제품을�설계하고 있습니다. ASUS의�고객들은�엔터프라이즈�환경에�적합한�랙�또는�타워�서버�케이스를 선택할�수�있으며�상황에�따라서는�좀�더�합리적인�가격대의 PC ATX 케이스를�사용하여 시스템을�구성하는�것도�가능합니다. ASUS의�서버�보드들은�이와�같이�다양한�설정, 사용�환경 Z11PR-D16 Z10PH-D16 속에서�더�쉽고�경제적으로�서버를�구성할�수�있도록�지원합니다. 데이터�센터�랙�컴퓨트�노드�및�클라우드�컴퓨팅 높은�밀도와�우수한�냉각�구조를�갖추어�다양한 환경에�이상적인�제품 비즈니스�환경에�최적화 Z11PR-D16은�유연한�활용과�비용�절감이 Z10PH-D16은�최적화된�냉각�구조를�갖추어�높은 통합적인�서버�관리 가능한�컴퓨팅�환경을�구축하여�여러분의 밀도의�컴퓨팅�환경에�최적화된�성능을�제공합니다. ASUS의 ASMB 시리즈(IPMI 2.0 규격�준수)는�원격 BIOS 업데이트, 독자적인 KVM/Java 유틸리티�사용, 비디오 레코딩�및 BSOD 캡처�등의�작업을�효과적으로�지원합니다. 아웃오브밴드�관리�형태를�기반으로 ASUS의�서버 비즈니스를�좀�더�발전시킬�수�있도록�하는 본�제품은�프로세싱�성능을�극대화하기�위해�최신의 보드�시리즈들은�운영�체제에�문제가�생기거나�작동하지�않는�환경에서도 KVM 모듈을�통해�즉각적인�진단을 다양한 I/O 포트들과�기능들을�구비하고 CPU를�탑재, HPC 및 IPCD 시장에�이상적인�컴퓨팅 내리고�원격으로�처치가�가능하며�모든�문제�및�에러�코드들에�대한�정보를�웹�기반의�유저�친화적인 있습니다. 특히�두�개의 M.2 포트를�장착하여 노드를�지원하며�고�밀도�프로세싱을�필요로�하는 인터페이스를�통해�직관적으로�제공해�줍니다. 메인�시스템�디스크로�활용하거나�데이터 다양한�어플리케이션들에도�최적화되어�있습니다. 액세스�속도를�향상시킬�수�있도록�메모리�캐싱 또한, ASUS만의�독자적인 ASUS Control Center(ACC)소프트웨어를�활용하여 BIOS 플래쉬, 소프트웨어�설치, 용도로�사용하는�등의�유연한�접근이 일정�관리, 원격�제어�및�전원�관리�등의�작업을�원격으로�언제�어디서나�진행이�가능하며, 이�모든�작업은 가능합니다. 간편하고�높은�가독성을�지닌 ACC UI를�기반으로�진행됩니다. 즉 ASUS 서버�보드의�사용자들은 ACC를�통해�더 효율적으로�작업이�가능하며�시간과�비용의�절감을�가져올�수�있습니다.

1 1 2 1 CPU CPU CPU CPU Number Number Number Number 4 2 8 12 Memory Memory Memory Memory Number Number Number Number P10S-M P10S-I Z11PA-D8 Z11PA-U12/10G-2S

꼭� 필요한� 기능만을� 갖춘� 컴팩트한� 디자인의 고밀도�컴퓨팅에�적합한 Mini-ITX 폼팩터�서버�보드 듀얼 LGA3647 소켓을�갖춘�서버�보드 고속의�네트워킹�성능을�갖춘 ATX 서버�보드 서버�보드 6.7x6.7 인치의�미니 ITX 폼팩터를�사용하는 P10S-I는 Z11PA-D8은 12x10.5 인치의�사이즈�내에 Z11PA-U12 / 10G-2S는 EEB 마운팅�홀을�갖춘 ATX 마이크로 ATX 폼팩터의�서버�보드로, 2개의 매우�슬림한�사이즈의�서버�보드로�소형�폼팩터의�서버 다양한�기능을�탑재하여 CEB 폼팩터�뿐�아니라 폼팩터�제품으로, 실시간으로�바뀌는�서버�비즈니스와 서버�그레이드�인텔® 이더넷을�갖추고�있습니다. 시스템이나�더�높은�밀도로�랙�캐비닛을�사용하게�하는 일부 ATX 케이스에도�사용�가능한�제품입니다. 기술�환경에�쉽게�적응할�수�있도록�지원합니다. 또한 6개의�네이티브 SATA 6G와 4개의 PCI 등의�이점을�제공합니다. 일반적인�서버�랙에�적합한 특히 SMB 환경에�이상적으로, 호스트�서버나 데이터�대역폭과�전송�효율을�향상시키기�위한�듀얼 Express 3.0, 그리고�플래티넘�등급의�전력 설치가�가능하도록 CPU와�메모리는�팬�주입구�바로�뒷 웹/메일/파일�서버, 스토리지�서버�및 SOHO 10Gb/s SFP+ 포트가�빌트-인�되어�있어 SMB나 효율성을�제공합니다. 이처럼�다채로운�이점을 편�쪽에�배치되어�있으며�이를�통해�발열�억제�및�쿨링 어플리케이션�등에서�발군의�성능을�자랑합니다. 엔트리�급의�스토리지�서버, 워크스테이션�그래픽 갖춘 P10S-M은�데이터�센터, SMB 대상의 성능�향상이�가능합니다. 프로그램�및�고속�네트워킹�환경에�최적화된�성능을 프린터/파일/메일�서버�등�소형�폼팩터�서버가 자랑합니다. 필요한�모든�환경에�적합합니다. 20 WS X299 PRO

워크스테이션�보드 오버클러킹�가능성을�극대화한�제품으로 3-Way 멀티�그래픽을�지원하는 워크스테이션�메인보드�제품�입니다. 최신의�인텔® 코어™ i9-X 시리즈 프로세서를�지원하며�인텔® Virtual RAID on CPU(VROC) 기능과�인텔® 성능�극대화를�위한�최고의�선택! 옵테인�메모리�기술, 3-Way NVIDIA® SLI™ 기술을�활용할�수�있습니다.

ASUS는 2슬롯�이상의�그래픽�카드를�최대 4개까지�설치�가능하도록�하는�유연한�설계의�다양한�워크스테이션 1 8 메인보드를�생산하고�있습니다. ASUS의�제품들은�이와�같이�압도적인�확장성을�바탕으로�모델링, 디자인, CPU Memory Number Number 시뮬레이션�및 3D 렌더링�어플리케이션이나�멀티스크린�게이밍, 라이브�스트리밍�같은�다양한�환경에서�강력한 성능을�발휘할�수�있습니다. WS C422 PRO/SE

사용자의�요구를�충족시킬�최적화된�성능과 3-Way 멀티�그래픽카드와 ASUS ASMB9, ASUS Control Center(ACC)소프트웨어를�통한�원격�매니지먼트가�가능한�제품입니다. 듀얼 디테일한�설정이�가능 M.2 소켓과 U.2 포트, USB 3.1 Gen2 전면/후면�커넥터�등을�제공하여�다양한 ASUS의�워크스테이션�메인보드�들은�초�고속의 I/O 디바이스들과�스토리지들을�지원할�수�있습니다. 온-보드 확장이�가능하며, 인텔® 제온�스카이레이크-W 프로세서�계열과 ECC 메모리를 M.2 소켓�및 U.2 커넥터들은�물론�전통적인�스토리지�디바이스들�대비�최대 5.3배�이상�빠른 32Gbps의�데이터 지원합니다. 전송�대역폭을�갖춘 NVMe SSD까지�다양한�형태의�장치들과�호환�가능합니다. 또한 USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-A™나 USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C™, 그리고 USB 3.1 Gen2 전면�패널�커넥터까지�다양한�최신 I/O 포트도�지원하여 번개같이�빠른�전송�속도와�폭넓은�확장성을�경험하실�수�있습니다. 1 8 CPU Memory Number Number

안정적이고�효율적이며�강력한�메인보드 X99-E-10G WS ASUS의�메인보드를�구성하고�있는�각각의�부품들은�모두�고�품질의�우수한�제품으로만�선별되어�높은�안정성과 내구성, 효율성을�보장합니다. PCIe 슬롯에는 ASUS만의�독특한�슬롯�보호�장치인 ASUS SafeSlot 기술이 적용되어�기존�슬롯�대비 1.6배�이상�향상된�내구성을�자랑하며 DDR4 슬롯�역시 DDR4 SafeSlot 기술의 차세대�듀얼�인텔® 10G LAN 포트와 4-Way 멀티�그래픽�카드�설치가�가능한 적용으로�내구성이�향상되었습니다. 또한 Dr. MOS, Beat Thermal Chokes, DIGI+VRM 및 ProCool Power X99-E-10G WS 제품은�그래픽�카드�활용률이�높은�프로그램�뿐�아니라�초 커넥터�기술�등�다양한�기술과�장치들이�탑재되어�발열을�억제하고 VR 효율을 90% 이상�향상시켜�줍니다. 고속의�네트워크�환경이�필수적인�상황에서도�안정적이고�생산적인 퍼포먼스를�선물합니다. 2 1 1 8 CPU CPU CPU Memory Number Number Number Number 12 8 Memory Memory Number Number Z270-WS

Z270-WS는�초고속의 NVMe 스토리지�디바이스와�온-보드�듀얼 U.2 포트, 듀얼 WS C621E SAGE WS X299 SAGE M.2 소켓�및�최대 4-Way 멀티�그래픽�카드�설치가�가능한�유연한�활용이 돋보이는�제품입니다. 모델링, 시뮬레이션�및�렌더링�어플리케이션에서�최적의 성능을�발휘하며, 전문적인�작업들�외에도�멀티�스크린�게이밍이나�라이브 WS C621E SAGE는�인텔® 제온® 스케일러블�계열의 WS X299 SAGE는�익스트림�오버클러커�또는 GPU 스트리밍�등에서도�활용이�가능합니다. 프로세서들을�높은�확장성과�초�고속의�스토리지 활용률이�높은�딥러닝, 3D 렌더링�프로그램들에 옵션으로�활용�가능하도록�지원하는�워크스테이션 최적화된�성능을�제공하는�제품입니다. 최대 18 메인보드�제품입니다. 또한 4-Way x16 멀티�그래픽을 코어를�활용하는�최신의�인텔® 코어™ i9-X 시리즈 지원�가능하며, 12개의 DDR4 메모리�슬롯이�탑재되어 프로세서를�지원하며 4-Way 멀티�그래픽을 1 4 CPU, GPU나�메모리�활용률이�높은�컨텐츠�제작, 지원합니다. 모델링, 시뮬레이션, 3D-렌더링�어플리케이션을�활용할 때�최고의�효율성을�제공합니다. 22

Model Name ESC8000 G4 ESC4000 G4 ESC4000 G4X ESC4000 G4S Model Name ESC8000 G3 ESC4000 G3 ESC4000 G3S

Processor Support 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) Processor Support 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3)

Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Inte® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family (145W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family (145W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family (160W) (up to 205 W) (CPU2/150 W) (CPU2/165W) (CPU2/165W) Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel Xeon processors family with Omni-Path QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s Architecture (up to 205W ) Architecture (CPU1/150W) Architecture (CPU1/165W) Architecture (CPU1/165W) Core Logic Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s Memory Total Slots 24 (4-channel per CPU, 12 DIMMs per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) Core Logic Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Capacity Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Memory Total Slots 24 (6-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM Capacity Maximum up to 3072GB Maximum up to 2048GB Maximum up to 2048GB Maximum up to 2048GB *Please refer to for latest momory AVL update *Please refer to for latest momory AVL update *Please refer to for latest momory AVL update *2400MT/s@1DPC only *2400MT/s@1DPC only *2400MT/s@1DPC only Memory Type DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LRtv-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS Memory Size 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM)

Memory Size 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 10 8+2 8+2 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) Slots PCI-E Slots 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM/RDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Slot Type Full-length/Full-height Full-length/Full-height Full-length/Full-height 8 x PCI-E 3.0 x16 (x16 Link) + 1 x PCI-E 3.0 x16 (x8 Link) 8 x PCI-E 3.0 x16 (4 at x16 Link or 8 at x8 Link) (Slot CPU1_PCIE2, 8 x PCI-E 3.0 x16 (4 at x16 Link or 8 at x8 Link) (Slot CPU1_PCIE2, Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 11 11 10 11 CPU1_PCIE4, CPU2_PCIE1, CPU2_PCIE3 auto switch to x8 link CPU1_PCIE4, CPU2_PCIE1, CPU2_PCIE3 auto switch to x8 link Slots PCI-E Slots if slot CPU1_PCIE1, CPU1_PCIE3, CPU2_PCIE2, CPU2_PCIE4 is if slot CPU1_PCIE1, CPU1_PCIE3, CPU2_PCIE2, CPU2_PCIE4 is 1 x PCI-E 3.0 x8 (x8 Link) occupied) occupied) Slot Type 8x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link) , FH, FL 4 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 Link) 4 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 Link) 4 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 Link) 1 x PCI-E x24 1 x PCI-E x24 Or Or Or - by riser cardx1 - by riser cardx1 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 8 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 Link) 8 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 Link) 8 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 Link) => 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) and 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) => 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) and 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link)

1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) , LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x24 (Gen3 x8 Link + Gen3 x16 Link) 1 x PCI-E x24 (Gen3 x8 Link + Gen3 x16 Link) SATA Controller Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 1 x PCI-E x24 (1 x Gen3 x8 Link + 1 x Gen3 x16 - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) - 1 x M.2 connector(support both PCI-E and SATA .) Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) ® ® ® ® SATA Controller Intel 621 PCH Intel Lewisburg PCH Intel Lewisburg PCH Intel Lewisburg PCH (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 - 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 2 x M.2 - 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 - 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 - 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) connector(SATA 6Gb/s connector(SATA 6Gb/s connector(SATA 6Gb/s & connector(SATA 6Gb/s & (Windows & Linux) & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) or 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 2 x NVMe + 2 x M.2 Intel® RSTe or 2 x NVMe(Option) + 1 x M.2 connector(SATA Intel® RSTe SAS Controller Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 6G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 6G RAID card Intel® RSTe Intel® VROC Intel® RSTe Intel® VROC ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 6G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 6G HW RAID card ( Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1 ) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (require at least 78cm mini SAS HD to mini SAS cable) (support with the PCI-E riser card) (support with the PCI-E riser card) Intel® VROC Intel® VROC (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1)

SAS Controller Optional kits: Optional kits: N/A Optional kits: HDD Bays I = internal 6 x Hot-swap 2.5" HDD Bays** 8 x Hot-swap 3.5" HDD Bays** 6 x Hot-swap 2.5" HDD Bays** ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card A or S will be hot- ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card swappable 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support Networking LAN 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT HDD Bays I = internal 8 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 8x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 2 x 2.5" internal drive 8 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port A or S will be hot- or swappable 2 x 3.5" internal drive Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: PEM-FDR PEM-FDR PEM-FDR Networking LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN PEB-10G/57840-2S PEB-10G/57840-2S PEB-10G/57840-2S controller controller controller controller PEB-10G/57811-1S PEB-10G/57811-1S PEB-10G/57811-1S 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Optional kits: PEM-FDR Optional kits: PEM-FDR Optional kits: PEM-FDR Optional kits: PEM-FDR Front I/O Ports - - - Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Rear I/O Ports 1 x Internal Serial Port 1 x Internal Serial Port 1 x Internal Serial Port Front I/O Ports 2 x USB3.0 ports 1 x 80port 1 x 80port 1 x 80port 1 x External Serial Port 3 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM) 3 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM) 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports + 2 x USB 3.0 port 2 x USB 2.0 ports + 2 x USB 3.0 port 2 x USB 2.0 ports + 2 x USB 3.0 port 3 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM) 4 x USB ports (Front USB2.0 x 2, Rear USB3.0x 2) 4 x USB ports (Front USB2.0 x 2, Rear USB3.0 x 2) 1 x VGA port, 1 x COM port 4 x Front USB ports (3.0x 2, 2.0 x 2) 1 x VGA Port 1 x VGA Port 1 x VGA Port Rear I/O Ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x USB 3.0 port 2 x USB 3.0 port 2 x USB 3.0 port 1 x COM Port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port Switch/LED - - - 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports OS Support Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Switch/LED Front Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED Windows ® Server 2008 Enterprise R2 SP1 Windows ® Server 2008 Enterprise R2 SP1 Windows ® Server 2008 Enterprise R2 SP1 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu 1 x Message LED Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: CentOS CentOS CentOS LAN 1-4 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED VMWare VMWare VMWare 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED (Subject to change without any notice) (Subject to change without any notice) (Subject to change without any notice) 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 2 x LAN LED 2 x LAN LED 2 x LAN LED Management Software ACC ACC ASWM Enterprise Solution OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 ® ® ® ® Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Out of Band Remote Management default 1 x ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet default 1 x ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet default 1 x ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, FCC(Class A) BSMI, CE, FCC(Class A) BSMI, CE, FCC(Class A) CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Dimension 759 x 447 x 130.6 mm (3U) 750 x 444 x 87 mm(2U) 750 x 444 x 87 mm(2U) VMware VMware VMware VMware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 29.2 Kg 19 Kg 19 Kg not included)

Management Software ACC ACC ACC ACC Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & 38.8 Kg 29.8 Kg 27.7 Kg Solution HDD not included, Packing include)

Out of Band Remote Management On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Power Supply 2+1 Redundant 1600W 80PLUS Platinum Power Supply; 1+1 Redundant 2000W 80PLUS Platinum Power Supply*; 1+1 Redundant 2000W 80PLUS Platinum Power Supply*; 100-127/200-240 Vac, 25.8/19 A, 47-63 Hz 100-140/200-240Vac,12.7-10.5A/10-9.5A, 50-60Hz ) 100-140/200-240Vac,12.7-10.5A/10-9.5A, 50-60Hz ) Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, FCC (ClassA) 1+1 Redundant 1620W 80PLUS Platinum Power Supply; 1+1 Redundant 1620W 80PLUS Platinum Power Supply; 100-140/180-240Vac,12-9.5A/9.5-7A,50-60Hz 100-140/180-240Vac,12-9.5A/9.5-7A,50-60Hz Dimension 798 x 439 x 175.6 mm(4U) 800 x 440 x 88 mm(2U) 800 x 440 x 88 mm(2U) 800 x 440 x 88 mm(2U) 31.50" x 17.22" x 3.46" 31.50" x 17.22" x 3.46" 31.50" x 17.22" x 3.46" Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD - - - - Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) not included)

Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & - - - - HDD not included, Packing include)

Power Supply 2+1 Redundant 1600W 80PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 1600W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 1600W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 1600W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply; Supply Supply Supply 1600W: 100-127/200-240 Vac, 25.8/19 A, 47-63 Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,12.9A/9.5A Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,12.9A/9.5A Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,12.9A/9.5A Hz, Class I ,50/60Hz, 1600W) ,50/60Hz, 1600W) ,50/60Hz, 1600W)

Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Speci cations condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing)

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 24 Model Name E700 G4 ESC510 G4 SFF ESC500 G4 SFF Model Name ESC500 G4 ESC300 G4 ESC700 G3

Processor Support 1 x LGA2066 Socket 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 Processor Support 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3)

Intel® Xeon series Processors Intel® Xeon ® E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family Intel® Xeon ® E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family Intel® Xeon ® E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family Intel® Xeon ® E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family Intel® Xeon ® E5-2600 v4/v3 and E5-1600 v4/v3 processors Intel® 7 th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors Intel® 7 th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors Intel® 7 th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors Intel® 7 th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors Next Generation Intel ® Core™ i7 processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Celeron™ processors Intel® Celeron™ processors Intel® Celeron™ processors Intel® Celeron™ processors

- - - Core Logic Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset Intel® X99 Express Chipset

Core Logic Intel® C422 Chipset Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C236 Chipset Memory Total Slots 4 (2-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 4 (2-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU)

Memory Total Slots 8 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 4 (2-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 4 (2-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) Capacity Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 128GB (UDIMM)/Maximum up to 256GB (RDIMM)

Capacity Maximum up to 512GB (RDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Memory Type 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400*/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400*/2133 MHz, ECC/ DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM UDIMM non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC RDIMM Memory Type DDR4 2666/2400/2133 MHz RDIMM/LRDIMM 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400*/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400*/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC *Memory frequency support also depends on the CPU installed. *Memory frequency support also depends (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support list) *Memory frequency support also depends on the CPU installed. UDIMM UDIMM (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support list) on the CPU installed. (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support *Memory frequency support also depends on the CPU installed. *Memory frequency support also depends on the CPU installed. (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support list) list) (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support (Refer to for detail memory AVL & CPU Support list ) list ) Memory Size 8GB, 16GB(UDIMM) 8GB, 16GB(UDIMM) 8GB, 16GB(UDIMM) / 8GB, 16GB, 32GB(RDIMM)

Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 16GB, 8GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB (UDIMM) Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 4 4 5 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) Slots PCI-E Slots

Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 5 3 3 Slot Type PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16/ x8 Gen3 Link PCIEX1_1: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link 40-Lane CPU- Slots PCI-E Slots PCIEX16_2: PCI-E x16 slot, x8 Gen3 Link, switched from PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16 Gen3 Link 5 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots PCIEX16_1 PCI_1 slot (x16, x16/x16, x16/x16/x8, x8/x8/x8/x8/x8 Mode)* Slot Type 48-Lane CPU - PCIEX1_1: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX1_1: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX16_3: PCI-E x16 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCI_2 slot 28-Lane CPU- 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16 Gen3 Link PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16 Gen3 Link PCIEX16_4: PCI-E x16 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX16_2: PCI-E x16 slot, x4 Gen3 Link 5 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (single @ x16 link, dual @ x8/x8 link) PCIEX8_1: PCI-E x8 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX8_1: PCI-E x8 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX1_2: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link (x16, x16/x8, x16/x8/x4, x8/x8/x8/x4 Mode)* 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) PCI_3 slot *When Installing 28-Lane CPU, PCIe 3.0/2.0x16_4 cannot Work SATA Controller Intel® C422 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Intel® C236 Chipset: Intel® C236 Chipset: Technology 15 support 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or SATA Controller Intel® C236 Chipset: Intel® C232 Chipset: Intel® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 (Controller 1 and - 1 x M.2_2 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 7 x SATA 6Gb/s with 1 x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link, 7 x SATA 6Gb/s with 1 x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link, 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 6 x SATA 6Gb/s with 2x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s 1 x M.2_2 Socket 3 with M Key, type 2242/2260/2280 storage Controller 2) storage devices support (PCIe mode)* NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) & PCIe Gen3 x1 link, NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) devices support (both SATA & PCIE mode) 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports (4 x Right Angle Connectors from ® ® - 1 x M.2_1 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280 storage Intel RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s ports Controller 1 , 4 x Vertical Connectors from Controller 2) devices support (both SATA & PCIe mode)** (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) *When the M.2 Socket 3 is operating in SATA mode, SATA port 1 1 x SATA Express port (gray, compatible with - 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports will be disabled. 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s ports) - 1 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device)* * M.2 Socket and PCIe X16_2 connector support PCIe mode and 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M Key, type 2260/2280 storage devices * Bandwidth is shared between M.2_2 and U.2. share bandwidth. By default, the device detection priority of the support (SATA/PCIE mode)* ** SATA Bandwidth is shared between M.2_1 and SATA 6G_1 system is as follows: SATA Mode M.2 > PCIe X16_2 connector *M.2 Socket 3 shares bandwidth with SATAExpress

SAS Controller - - - SAS Controller - - -

HDD Bays I = internal 3 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays 2 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays 2 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays HDD Bays I = internal 3 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays 3 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays 3 x Internal 3.5" HDD Bays A or S will be 1 x Internal 2.5" SSD Bays (Or switch to max. 2 x 2.5" SSD by cage) (Or switch to max. 2 x 2.5" SSD by cage) A or S will be hot- 1 x Internal 2.5" HDD/SSD Bays 1 x Internal 2.5" HDD/SSD Bays 1 x Internal 2.5" HDD/SSD Bays hot-swappable swappable

® ® ® Networking LAN 2 x Intel I210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller 2 x Intel I210 GbE LAN 2 x Intel I210 GbE LAN Networking LAN 2 x Intel ® I210 GbE LAN Realtek ® RTL8111H Gigabit LAN Controller(s) 2xIntel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller ® ® ® Audio Realtek Realtek Realtek Audio Realtek ® Realtek ® featuring Crystal sound 3 - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel MIC - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel MIC - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel MIC - Supports : Jack-detection, Front Panel Jack-retasking featuring Crystal Sound 2 - High quality 120dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) Jack-retasking Jack-retasking Jack-retasking Audio Feature : - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack- & 113dB SNR input (Line-in) support - High quality 112 dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out at - High quality 112 dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out at - High quality 112 dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out at - LED-illuminated design - Brighten up your build with the retasking, Front Panel MIC Jack-retasking - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* rear) and 104 dB SNR recording input (Line-in) rear) and 104 dB SNR recording input (Line-in) rear) and 104 dB SNR recording input (Line-in) gorgeous illuminated audio trace path. - High quality 109 dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out at - DTS Connect Audio Feature : Audio Feature : Audio Feature : - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and rear) and 104 dB SNR stereo playback input (Line-in) - DTS Headphone:X - Absolute Pitch 192kHz/ 24-bit True BD Lossless Sound - Absolute Pitch 192kHz/ 24-bit True BD Lossless Sound - Absolute Pitch 192kHz/ 24-bit True BD Lossless Sound greatly reduced multi-lateral interference * Due to limitations in HAD bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not sup - - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - Dedicated audio PCB layers: Separate layers for left and right Audio Feature : ported for 8-channel audio. 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under - DTS Studio Sound - DTS Studio Sound ® - DTS Studio Sound channels to guard the quality of the sensitive audio signals - DTS Ultra PC II Windows 10 - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors: Provide warm, - DTS Connect - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors: Provide warm, - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors: Provide warm, - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors: Provide warm, - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and - Top notch audio sensation delivers according to the audio - Top notch audio sensation delivers according to the audio - Top notch audio sensation delivers according to the audio greatly reduced multi-lateral interference - Dedicated audio PCB layers: Separate layers for left and right Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver channels to guard the quality of the sensitive audio signals equal quality equal quality equal quality headphone and speakers Graphic VGA - Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 Premium Japanese-made 12K hours capacitors Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz equal quality - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz ® ® - Supports Intel HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, - Supports Intel HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, Graphic VGA Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 - - Clear Clear Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort/VGA Video HD Technology, Insider™ Video HD Technology, Insider™ - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz - Maximum shared memory of 512MB - Maximum shared memory of 512MB - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy 2 x 5.25" media bays 1 x 5.25" media bays 1 x 5.25" media bays - Supports VGA with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz / Optical Drive) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW/DVD-ROM) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW/DVD-ROM) - Supports Intel ® HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, Onboard I/O Front: 2 x USB 3.0 Front: 2 x USB 3.0 Front: 2 x USB 3.0 Clear Video HD Technology, Insider™ 2 x USB 2.0 (or optional card reader support) 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 - Maximum shared memory of 512MB 1 x Headphone port, 1 x Microphone port 1 x Headphone port 1 x Headphone port Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy 2 x 5.25" media bays 2 x 5.25" media bays 2 x 5.25" media bays Rear: 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 1 x Microphone port 1 x Microphone port / Optical Drive) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW/DVD-ROM) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW/DVD-ROM) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW/DVD-ROM) 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports (Type C & Type A) Rear: 2 x USB 3.0 ports Rear: 2 x USB 3.0 ports 4 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports, 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out 2 x USB 2.0 ports, 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Onboard I/O Front: Front: Front: 4 x USB 2.0 ports (1 Supports USB BIOS Flashback) 1 x HDMI, 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI, 1 x DisplayPort 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 2 x RJ-45 ports, 1 x DVI-D 2 x RJ-45 ports, 1 x DVI-D 1 x Headphone port, 1 x Microphone port 2 x USB 2.0 (or optional card reader support) 1 x Headphone port, 1 x Microphone port 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports 1 x 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) 1 x 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) Rear: 1 x Headphone port, 1 x Microphone port Rear: 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 1 x USB Flashback button 1 x USB Flashback button 2 x USB 3.1 ports (1 port at TypeA, 1 port at Type C) Rear: 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out, 1 x HDMI, 1 x DisplayPort 1 x PS/2 keyboard (purple), 1 x PS/2 mouse (green) 2 x USB 3.0 Ports, 2 x USB 2.0 Ports OS Support Windows ® 10 Windows ® 10 Windows ® 10 4 x USB 3.0 ports, 2 x RJ-45 ports, 1 x DVI-D,1 x VGA 1 x LAN (RJ45) port(s) 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port *(Subject to change without any notice) Windows ® 7 Windows ® 7 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports, 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports, 3 x Audio jack(s) 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports, 8-channel Audio I/O Ports

Management Software - - - OS Support Windows ® 8.1 Windows 7 Windows ® 10 Solution Windows ® 7 Windows 10 64-bit Windows ® 8.1 64 bit, Windows ® 8 64 bit Out of Band Re - On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP - - ® ® mote Management Windows 10 Windows 7 32/64-bit Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, FCC, CCC, Energy star BSMI, CE, FCC, CCC, Energy star BSMI, CE, FCC, CCC, Energy star

Regulatory Compliance - BSMI, CE, FCC, Energy star BSMI, CE Dimension 423 x190 x 435 mm 423 x190 x 435 mm 423 x190 x 435 mm

Dimension 423 x 190 x 435 mm 410 x 96 x 330 mm 410 x 96 x 330 mm Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 12.653 Kg 12.653 Kg 11 Kg not included) Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD - 6 Kg 6 Kg not included) Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & 14.513 Kg 14.513 Kg 17.2 Kg HDD not included, Packing include) Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & - 7.5 Kg 7.5 Kg HDD not included, Packing include) Power Supply 700W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Gold 500W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Bronze 700W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Gold 100-240V, 10-5A, 50/60Hz, Class I 100-240V, 10-6A, 50/60Hz, Class I 100-240V, 10-5A, 50/60Hz, Class I Power Supply 500W 80PLUS Single Power Supply 300W 80PLUS Single Power Supply 250W 80PLUS Single Power Supply 500W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Bronze 300W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Bronze 700W 80PLUS Single Power Supply (100-240Vac, 6-3A, 50/60Hz, Class I) (100-240Vac, 6-3A, 50/60Hz, Class I) 100-240V, 10-6A, 50/60Hz, Class I 100-127/220-240V, 6/3A, 60-50Hz, Class I (100-240V, 10-5A, 50/60Hz, Class I) 300W 80PLUS Single Power Supply, Bronze Environment Operating temperature: 10°C ~ 35°C Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 / Non operation temperature: Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 / Non operation temperature: 100-127/220-240V, 6/3A, 60-50Hz, Class I Non operating temperature: -40°C ~ 70°C -40 ~ 70 -40 ~ 70 Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 / Non operation temperature: Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 / Non operation temperature: Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 / Non operation temperature: Non operating humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) -40 ~ 70 -40 ~ 70 -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 26 Model Name RS720Q-E9-RS12 RS720Q-E9-RS12-S RS720Q-E9-RS8 RS720Q-E9-RS8-S Model Name RS520-E9-RS12-E RS520-E9-RS8 RS700-E9-RS12 RS700-E9-RS4 Z11PR-D16 Z11PR-D16 Z11PP-D24 Z11PP-D24 Motherboard Z11PH-D12 Z11PH-D12 Z11PH-D12 Z11PH-D12 Processor Support 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) Processor Support 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) per Node 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) per Node 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) per Node 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) per Node Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family (Up to 150W) (Up to 150W) Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel Xeon processor Scalable family Intel Xeon processor Scalable family Intel Xeon processor Scalable family Intel Xeon processor Scalable family Architecture (supported on CPU2) Architecture (supported on CPU2) Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path Intel® Xeon ® processors family with Omni-Path UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s Architecture (supported on CPU1) Architecture (supported on CPU1) Architecture (supported on CPU1) Architecture (supported on CPU1) Core Logic Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s UPI 10.4 GT/s Memory Total Slots 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 24 (6-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) 24 (6-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) Core Logic Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Intel® C621 PCH Capacity Maximum up to 2048GB Maximum up to 2048GB Maximum up to 3072GB Maximum up to 3072GB Memory Type DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/ DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/ DDR4 2666/2400 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR-DIMM 3DS DDR4 2666/2400 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR-DIMM 3DS Memory Total Slots 12 (6-channel per CPU, 6 DIMM per CPU) 12 (6-channel per CPU, 6 DIMM per CPU) 12 (6-channel per CPU, 6 DIMM per CPU) 12 (6-channel per CPU, 6 DIMM per CPU) LR-DIMM 3DS LR-DIMM 3DS *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Capacity Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1536GB *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) Memory Type DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/LR- 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS DIMM 3DS 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (RDIMM) Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ 6+1 6+1 3+1 3+1 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) PCI-E/PIKE Slots 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 128GB, 64GB (LRDIMM 3DS) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Slot Type 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, HL (Default for 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, HL 4 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL 4 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL NVME4-OCuLink Card) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ 1+1 per Node 1+1 per Node 1+1 per Node 1+1 per Node 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL PCI-E/PIKE Slots 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) Slot Type Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Disk Controller IDE Controller - - - - 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP 2.0 Mezzanine (Gen3 x16 link) SATA Controller Intel® Lewisburg PCH Intel® Lewisburg PCH Intel® Lewisburg PCH Intel® Lewisburg PCH - 11 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 11 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector(SATA Proprietary Slot 1 Connector) Connector) connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) -2 x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 -2 x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 2 x M.2 or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 2 x M.2 Proprietary Slot 2 link) link) connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) ® ® ® ® Disk Controller IDE Controller Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) ( for Windows and Linux; Support software RAID 0, ( for Windows and Linux; Support software RAID 0, SATA Controller Per Mid Plane: Per Mid Plane: Per Mid Plane: Per Mid Plane: Intel® VROC Intel® VROC 1, 10 & 5) 1, 10 & 5) Marvell ® 88SE9230 LSI SAS3008 Marvell ® 88SE9230 LSI SAS3008 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 -4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (by 1 mini-SAS HD -8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (by 2 mini-SAS HD -4 * SATA 6Gb/s ports (by 1 mini-SAS HD -8 * SATA 6Gb/s ports (by 2 mini-SAS HD & 5) & 5) Connector) Connector) Connector) Connector) -2 x Oculink ports -2 x Oculink ports -2 * Oculink ports -2 * Oculink ports SAS Controller ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Marvell ® RAID LSI RAID Marvell ® RAID LSI RAID ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card Intel® VROC (Support hardware RAID 0, 1,10) Intel® VROC (Support hardware RAID 0, 1,10) 12G SAS Support ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, Intel® VROC (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, Intel® VROC 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, Storage Bays I = internal 12 x 2.5" or 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Device Bays 8 x 2.5" or 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Device Bays 12 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Device Bays 4 x 2.5" or 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Device Bays 10 & 5) 10 & 5) A or S will be hot- (4 x NVMe Supported) (4 x NVMe Supported) ( 4 x Default NVMe,4 x Hybrid NVMe/SAS/SATA, 2 x M.2 (22110, 2280, 2260, 2242) SAS Controller 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support swappable 2 x 2.5" Hot-Swap Storage Device Bays (Rear) 2 x 2.5" Hot-Swap Storage Device Bays (Rear) 4 x Hybrid SAS/SATA) (Support SATA/PCIe M.2,SATA RAID) (SATA HDD/SSD Only) (SATA HDD/SSD Only) 2 x M.2 (22110, 2280, 2260, 2242) *SAS support via PIKE Storage Bays I = internal 12 x 2.5" or 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 12 x 2.5" or 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 8 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays (8 NVMe 8 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays (8 NVMe 2 x M.2 (2280, 2260, 2242) (Support SATA/PCIe 2 x M.2 (2280, 2260, 2242) (Support SATA/PCIe (Support SATA/PCIe M.2,SATA RAID) A or S will be hot- (8 NVMe Supported) (8 NVMe Supported) Supported) Supported) M.2,SATA/PCIe RAID) M.2,SATA/PCIe RAID) *SAS support via PIKE swappable

Networking LAN Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Networking LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN controller controller controller controller controller controller controller controller 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port - - - - Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy / 1xslim-type Optical Drive Bay - 1 x slim-type Optical Drive Bay Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Optical Drive) Options :No Device/DVD-RW Options: No Device/DVD-RW Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy - - - - Front I/O Ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports - 2 x USB 3.0 ports / Optical Drive) 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port Rear I/O Ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x VGA port Front I/O Ports - - - - 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports Rear I/O Ports Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports Switch/LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED Switch/LED Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: Per Node: 1 x HDD LED 1 x HDD LED 1 x Drive LED 1 x Drive LED,1 x Location LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Message LED 1 x Drive LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x DriveD LED LAN 1-4 LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED LAN 1-2 LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 (x86_64) Windows ® Server 2016 (x86_64) ® ® ® ® OS Support Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 indows ® Server 2012 R2 indows ® Server 2012 R2 ® ® ® ® Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux ® ® ® ® Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server ® ® ® ® RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server CentOS CentOS ® ® ® ® SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu VMware VMware Fedora Fedora VMware VMware VMware VMware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Vmware Vmware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Management Software ACC ACC ACC ACC Management Software ACC ACC ACC ACC Solution Solution Out of Band Remote On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Out of Band On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Management Remote Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) Management Dimension 615 x 444 x 88 mm (2U) 615 x 444 x 88 mm (2U) 686 x 444 x 44 mm(1U) 686 x 444 x 44 mm(1U) Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (ClassA) 24.21" x 17.48" x 3.46" 24.21" x 17.48" x 3.46" 27" x 17.48" x 1.73" 27" x 17.48" x 1.73"

Dimension 800 x 444 x 88 mm(2U) 800 x 444 x 88 mm(2U) 800 x 444 x 88 mm(2U) 800 x 444 x 88 mm(2U) Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 24.55 Kg 19.7 Kg 16.8 Kg 16.5 Kg 31.5" x 17.48" x 3.46" 31.5" x 17.48" x 3.46" 31.5" x 17.48" x 3.46" 31.5" x 17.48" x 3.46" not included) Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 30.1 Kg 27.97 Kg 18.35 Kg 18.05 Kg Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD - - - - not included, Packing include) not included) Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 800W/550W 80 PLUS Platinum Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD - - - - Supply Supply Supply Power Supply not included, Packing include) region) Rating: 100-127/200-240Vac, 9.4A/4.72A, Rating: 100-127/200-240Vac,9.4A/4.72A, 47-63Hz Rating: 100-127/200-240 Vac, 9.4 A/4.72 A, Rating: 100-127/200-240 Vac, 9.4 A/4.72 A, 47-63Hz Class I or 240Vdc, 4.6A Class I or 240Vdc, 3.5A (800W) Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 1600/2200W 80 PLUS Platinum 1+1 Redundant 1600/2200W 80 PLUS Platinum 1+1 Redundant 1600/2200W 80 PLUS Platinum 1+1 Redundant 1600/2200W 80 PLUS Platinum 47-63 Hz, Class I 47-63 Hz, Class I (240Vdc Only for China) 100-127/200-240Vac,7A/3.4A, 47-63Hz Class I or Power Supply Power Supply Power Supply Power Supply 240Vdc, 3.5A (550W) (240Vdc Only for China) region) Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A, Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 50/60Hz, Class I 50/60Hz, Class I 50/60Hz, Class I 50/60Hz, Class I Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 on operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 on operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 60 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 28 Model Name RS720Q-E8-RS8-P RS720Q-E8-RS12 RS720-E8-RS24-ECP RS720-E8-RS12-X Model Name RS700-E8 V2 Series RS540-E8-RS36-ECP RS520-E8-RS12-E V2 RS520-E8-RS8 V2 Motherboard Z10PH-D16 Z10PH-D16 Z10PE-D16 Z10PP-D24 Motherboard Z10PP-D24 Z10PR-D16 Z10PR-D16 Z10PR-D16 Processor Support 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) per Node 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) per Node 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) Processor Support 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family (145W) (120W) Family (145W) (145W) (145W) (95W) Family (145W) (145W) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family (145W) (120W) Family (145W) (145W) (145W) (95W) Family (145W) (145W) QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s ® ® ® ® Core Logic Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Core Logic Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Memory Total Slots 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 24 (4-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) Memory Total Slots 24 (4-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) Capacity Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1536GB Capacity Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ 1 + 1 per Node 1 + 1 per Node 5 4+1 2 + 2 3 + 1 3 + 1 3 + 1 PCI-E/PIKE Slots PCI-E/PIKE Slots Slot Type 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, HL Slot Type Per Node: Per Node: 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), LP, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), proprietary* 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), proprietary* 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), proprietary* 2 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 2 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 2 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 Link), FH, HL 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)** 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 Link), LP, HL *Support for following ASUS add-on cards *Support for following ASUS add-on cards 2 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link) 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* * Support for ASUS PIKE II (optional) (optional): (optional): 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link) * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/ * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) ** Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s card) (optional) s Ethernet card) (optional) Ethernet card) (optional) PEB-10G/57840-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s PEB-10G/57840-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x4 link) Ethernet card) (opti onal) Ethernet card) (optional) Ethernet card) Ethernet card) Proprietary Slot 1 - - - - PEB-10G/57811-1S (Singe Port 10 Gigabit/s PEB-10G/57811-1S (Singe Port 10 Gigabit/s Proprietary Slot 2 - - - - Ethernet card) Ethernet card) Disk Controller IDE Controller - - - - Proprietary Slot 1 - - - - SATA Controller Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Proprietary Slot 2 - - - - - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS Disk Controller IDE Controller - - - - Connector) Connector) Connector) Connector) SATA Controller Intel® C612 or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS Per Node: Per Node: - 1 x M.2 connector - 1 x M.2 connector - 1 x M.2 connector Intel® C612 - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS Connector) + 1 x M.2 connector ® ® ® Intel® C612 Intel® C612 ® Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports Connector) Intel RSTe - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 or 5 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector or 5 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector & 5) 10 & 5) & 5) Intel® RSTe Connector) + 1 x M.2 connector & 5) Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, Intel® RSTe SAS Controller (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) & 5) ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card & 5) ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card SAS Controller Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support Optional kits: ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card Storage Bays I = internal RS700-E8-RS8 V2:8 x 2.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card 36 x Hot-Swap 3.5”HDD Bays, Support 2.5” HDD/ 12 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays, Support 2.5” 8 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays, Support 2.5” ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card A or S will be hot- 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support SSD (BP w/Expander ) HDD/SSD2 x Hot-Swap 2.5” SSD Bays, Support HDD/SSD swappable RS700-E8-PS4 V2:4 x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays, 2 x Hot-Swap 2.5” SSD Bays (Rear) 2.5” HDD/SSD (Rear) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) Storage Bays I = internal 12 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays, Support 2.5” 24 x Hot-swap 2.5" Storage Bays (BP w/ 12 x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays,Support 2.5” Support 2.5” HDD/SSD 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) A or S will be hot- 8 x Hot-swap 2.5" Storage Bays HDD/SSD Expander) HDD/SSD 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) swappable 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242 per Node) (3 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays per Node ) 2 x Hot-Swap 2.5” SSD Bays (Rear) 2 x Hot-Swap 2.5” SSD Bays (Rear) ® Networking LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242 per Node) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT controller ® 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port Networking LAN 1 x Dual Port Intel I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN 1 x Management Port Per Node: Per Node: controller 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-AM2 Gigabit LAN - - - - 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT 1 x Dual Port Intel ® I350-BT2 Gigabit LAN controller 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port controller 1 x Management Port Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB 1 x Management Port Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay / Optical Drive) - - - - - Options: No Device / DVD-RW Options: No Device / DVD-RW Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Front I/O Ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy - - - - 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port / Optical Drive) Rear I/O Ports 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) Front I/O Ports - - 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports Rear I/O Ports 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 1 x VGA port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 4 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port Switch/LED Rear Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x Power switch 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED Switch/LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Location switch/LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x Reset switch * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use 1 x HDD activity LED 1 x HDD activity LED 1 x Reset switch 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Message LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x Message LED 1 x Reset switch LAN 1-4 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED LAN 1-4 LED 1 x HDD Access LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Message LED OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED LAN 1-4 LED Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 LAN 1-2 LED LAN 1-2 LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 ® ® ® OS Support Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 ® ® ® ® Windows ® Server 2016 RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 ® ® ® ® Windows ® Server 2012 R2 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 RedHat ® Enterprise Linux CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server CentOS VMware VMware VMware VMware CentOS CentOS CentOS Ubuntu Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu

VMware VMware VMware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Solution Out of Band Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Remote On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Solution Out of Band Management Remote On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) Management Dimension 686mm x 444mm x 44mm(1U) 615mm x 447mm x 176mm (4U) 615mm x 444mm x 88mm (2U) 615mm x 444mm x 88mm (2U) Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI 27" x 17.48" x 1.73" 24.21" x 17.6" x 6.92" 24.21" x 17.48" x 3.46" 24.21" x 17.48" x 3.46" Dimension 750mm x 444mm x 88mm(2U) 750mm x 444mm x 88mm(2U) 615mm x 444mm x 88mm (2U) 750mm x 444mm x 88mm (2U) Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD RS700-E8-RS8 V2 : 12.65Kg 29.52" x 17.48" x 3.46" 29.52" x 17.48" x 3.46" 24.21" x 17.48" x 3.46" 29.53" x 17.48" x 3.46" 25.915 Kg 15.05Kg 14.80Kg not included) RS700-E8-PS4 V2 : 12.00Kg Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 39.92Kg 32Kg 15.66Kg 15Kg Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & RS700-E8-RS8 V2 : 19.05Kg not included) 34.95 Kg 22.15Kg 21.53Kg HDD not included, Packing include) RS700-E8-PS4 V2 : 18.30Kg Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & 43.92kg 36Kg 23.12Kg 24.5Kg Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 770W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 770W 80 PLUS Platinum Power HDD not included, Packing include) 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Gold Power Supply Supply Supply Supply Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 1620W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,9.9A/4.79A ,47- 1+1 Redundant 2000W 80 PLUS Titanium Power 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Platinum Power region) Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A ,50/60Hz, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A ,50- Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A ,50- Supply 63Hz, Class I Supply Supply Supply Class I 60Hz, Class I 60Hz, Class I region) 1000W: 100-120Vac, 12-10A, 50-60Hz, Class I Rating: 100-140 Vac or 180-240Vac,12-9.5A (x2) or Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A, Rating: 100-127/200-240Vac,9.4A/4.72A ,47-63Hz, Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 1200W: 100-140Vac, 12-10A, 50-60Hz, Class I 9.5-7A, 50-60Hz, ClassI 50/60Hz, Class I Class I Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 1620W: 180-240Vac, 10.5-8A, 50-60Hz, Class I Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 30 Model Name TS700-E8-RS8 V2 TS700-E8-PS4 V2 TS500-E8-PS4 V2 Model Name RS500-E8-RS4 V2 RS500-E8-PS4 V2 RS400-E8-PS2 RS400-E8-PS2-F Motherboard Z10PE-D16 WS Z10PE-D16 WS Z10PA-D8 Motherboard Z10PR-D16 Z10PR-D16 Z10PR-D16 Z10PR-D16 Processor Support 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) Processor Support 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family (145W) Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family (160W) Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family (120W) Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family (145W) Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family (160W) Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family (120W) (145W) (145W) (120W) (120W) Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2600 v3 Product Family QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s (145W) (145W) (120W) (120W) Core Logic Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s Memory Total Slots 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) ® ® ® ® Core Logic Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Intel C612 PCH Capacity Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 512GB Memory Total Slots 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM Capacity Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600 RDIMM/LRDIMM Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory Size 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB(RDIMM) Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 64GB, 32GB (LRDIMM) 6 6 6 *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update PCI-E/PIKE Slots Expansion Slots Total PCI/PCI-X/ Slot Type 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen2 x4 link), FH, FL (MIO supported) 2 + 1 2 + 1 2 + 1 2 + 1 PCI-E/PIKE Slots 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, FL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, FL Slot Type 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3x 8 link) 4 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, FL 4 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, FL or 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, FL + 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, FL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, FL link), FH, FL 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x OCP Mezzanine (Gen3 x8 link)* 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, HL 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link), FH, FL * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/ * Support for MCB-10G-2S (Dual Port 10 Gigabit/s or 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link), FH, FL + 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 Ethernet card) (optional) Ethernet card) (optional) s Ethernet card) (optional) Ethernet card) (optional) link), FH, FL Proprietary Slot 1 - - - - Proprietary Slot 1 - - - Proprietary Slot 2 - - - - Proprietary Slot 2 - - - Disk Controller IDE Controller - - - - Disk Controller IDE Controller - - - SATA Controller Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 SATA Controller Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports Connector) Connector) Connector) Connector) or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 1 x M.2 connector - 1 x M.2 connector - 1 x M.2 connector ® ® ® ® ® - 1 x M.2 connector - 1 x M.2 connector Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1) & 5) & 5) SAS Controller Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card SAS Controller Optional kits: Optional kits: ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS HBA card - - 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS HW RAID card Storage Bays I = internal 8 x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 12G SAS Support 12G SAS Support 4 x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays 4 x 3.5" Hot-swap Storage Bays A or S will be hot- 2 x 2.5" Hot-Swap SSD Bays (Rear) Storage Bays I = internal 4 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays, Support 2.5” 4 x Hot-swap 3.5" Storage Bays, Support 2.5” 1 x M.2 (NGFF 22110/2280/2260) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 2 x Hot-swap 2.5" SSD Bays 2 x Hot-swap 2.5" SSD Bays swappable 1 x M.2 (NGFF 22110/2280/2260) A or S will be hot- HDD/SSD HDD/SSD 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) ® ® ® swappable 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) 1 x M.2 (NGFF 2242) Networking LAN 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT ® ® ® ® 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port Networking LAN 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT 2 x Intel I210AT 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port - - - - - Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy 3 x 5.25" media bays 3 x 5.25" media bays 3 x 5.25" media bays / Optical Drive) (Options: No Device / DVD-RW) (Options: No Device / DVD-RW) (Options: No Device / DVD-RW) Auxiliary Storage Device Bay (Floppy 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay - - / Optical Drive) Options: No Device / DVD-RW Options: No Device / DVD-RW Front I/O Ports 1 x Headphone jack* 1 x Headphone jack 1 x Headphone jack 1 x Microphone jack* Front I/O Ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x Microphone jack 1 x Microphone jack 2 x USB 2.0 ports 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports - 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports *The Headphone jack and Microphone jack are only available when 1 x VGA port a audio card is installed. 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port Rear I/O Ports 1 x PS/2 KB/MS port 1 x PS/2 KB/MS port Rear I/O Ports 1 x External Serial Port (COM Port) 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x SPDIF port 1 x SPDIF port 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN ports 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports - 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN port 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN port 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 set of Audio ports (6 ports) 1 set of Audio ports (6 ports) 2 x RJ-45 GbE LAN 1 x VGA port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 4 x USB 3.0 4 x USB 3.0 1 x RJ-45 Mgmt LAN 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port 4 x USB 2.0 4 x USB 2.0 1 x PS/2 KB/Mouse port Switch/LED Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED Switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Location LED 1 x Power switch 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Location LED (Reserved) 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Reset switch 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED Rear Switch/LED: 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Power LED 1 x Power LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Power LED LAN 1-2 LED LAN 1-2 LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x Reset switch LAN 1-2 LED

1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Message LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED 1 x Location LED LAN 1-4 LED 1 x Q-code Logger button w/ LED 1 x Q-code Logger button w/ LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED * LAN3-4 for Mezzazine card use ® ® ® OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 OS Support Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 ® ® ® Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 ® ® ® Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 ® ® ® Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows ® Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 ® ® ® RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux ® ® ® SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Solution Out of Band Solution Out of Band Remote On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Default ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Remote On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP On-Board ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Management Management Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) Dimension 615mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 615mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 383mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 383mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) Dimension 455mm x 217.5mm x 545mm 455mm x 217.5mm x 545mm 455mm x 217.5mm x 545mm 24.21" x 17.48" x 1.73" 24.21" x 17.48" x 1.73" 15.08" x 17.48" x 1.73" 15.08" x 17.48" x 1.73" 17.91" x 8.54" x 21.45" 17.91" x 8.54" x 21.45" 17.91" x 8.54" x 21.45" Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD 10.93Kg 9.84Kg 6.73Kg 6.73Kg 17.68kg 17.20kg 15.11kg not included) not included) Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & 17.18Kg 16.10Kg 12.30Kg 12.30Kg 23.15kg 24.00kg 20.30kg HDD not included, Packing include) HDD not included, Packing include) Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 770W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Power Supply Single 1200W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply Single 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Single 600W 80 PLUS Gold Power Supply Single 500W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply Single 500W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 800W 80 PLUS Gold Power Supply Supply 1000W: 100-114.9Vac, 12-8A, 50-60Hz, Class I Single 650W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,8A/4A,50/60Hz, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,8A/4A,50/60Hz, Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,9.9A/4.79A ,47-63Hz, Class I region) Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,10A/5A ,50-60Hz, region) 1200W: 114.9-240Vac, 12-8A, 50-60Hz, Class I Rating: 100-240Vac, 10-6A, 50-60Hz, Class I Rating: 100-240Vac,9A/5A ,50-60Hz, Class I Class I Class I Class I Environment Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing)

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 32 Model Name RS300-E9-RS4 RS300-E9-PS4 RS200-E9-PS2 RS200-E9-PS2-F Model Name RS100-E9-PI2 TS300-E9-PS4 TS100-E9-PI4 Motherboard P10S-C/4L/SYS P10S-C/4L/SYS P10S-C/4L/SYS P10S-C/4L/SYS Motherboard P10S-M-DC P10S-E/4L P10S-X Processor Support Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family Processor Support 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 (80W) (80W) (80W) (80W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family (80W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family (80W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v6 product family (80W) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v5 product family (80W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v5 product family (80W) Intel® Xeon ® processor E3-1200 v5 product family (80W) (80W) (80W) (80W) (80W) Core Logic Intel® C232 Chipset Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset - - - - Memory Total Slots 4 (2-Channels) 4 (2-Channel) 4 (2-Channels) Core Logic Intel® C232 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset Capacity Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Memory Total Slots 4 (2-Channels) 4 (2-Channels) 4 (2-Channels) 4 (2-Channels) Memory DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM Capacity Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Maximum up to 64GB (UDIMM) Type *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Memory DDR4 2400 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM Memory Size 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) Type *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update *Refer to ASUS server AVL for the latest update Expansion Total PCI/ Memory Size 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) 16GB, 8GB, 4GB (UDIMM) Slots PCI-X/PCI-E/ 1 4 6 Expansion Total PCI/ PIKE Slots Slots PCI-X/PCI-E/ 2 2 2 2 Slot Type 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 link) + 1x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x4 link) + 1 x PCI + PIKE Slots 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x16 Link) 1 x MIO 1 x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x4 Link) Slot Type 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) Or 4 x PCI 32 bit/33 MHz 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen3 x8 link) + 1x PCI-E x8 (Gen3 x8 link) + 1x PCI-E 1 x MIO slot Proprietary x8 (Gen3 x4 link) + 1 x PCI + 1 x MIO - - - - Slot 1 Proprietary Proprietary ------Slot 1 Slot 2 Proprietary Disk Controller IDE Control ------Slot 2 ler Disk Controller IDE Control - ® ® - - - SATA Con - Intel C232: Intel C232: ler troller 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with Intel® C232: Intel® C232: SATA Con - 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242, PCIE 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242, PCIE 6 x SATA3 6Gb/s ports *1 6 x SATA3 6Gb/s ports *1 Intel® C232: Intel® C236: troller or or 2 x M.2 connector (2280/2260/2242) 2 x M.2 connector (2280/2260/2242) 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with ® Intel C232: SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable when M.2 SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable when M.2 is Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise(RSTe) Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise(RSTe) 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242, PCIE 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242, PCIE 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports is occupied) occupied) (For Liunx/Windows) (For Liunx/Windows) or or ® Intel RSTe (For Liunx/Windows) Intel® RSTe (For Liunx/Windows) Intel® RSTe(For Liunx/Windows) (Support Software RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 ) (Support Software RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 ) SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable when M.2 is occupied) SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable when M.2 is SATA signal) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Intel® RSTe (For Liunx/Windows) Intel® RSTe (For Liunx/Windows) SAS Control - ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card(Op - ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID (Support software RAID 0, 1) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) ler card(Optional) tional) card(Optional) card(Optional) SAS Control - Optional kits: ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID ler - ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card - card(Optional) card(Optional) card(Optional) card(Optional) ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card Storage Bays I = internal 4 x 3.5” Hot-Swap HDD Bays 4 x 3.5” Hot-Swap HDD Bays 2 x Hot-swap 2.5" SSD Bays 2 x Hot-swap 2.5" SSD Bays Storage Bays I = internal A or S will be 2 x 2.5" Internal SSD Bays 2 x 2.5" Internal SSD Bays 2 x 2.5" Internal SSD Bays 2 x 2.5" Internal SSD Bays A or S will be 2 x 3.5" Internal HDD Bays 4 x Hot-swap 3.5" HDD Bays 3 x Internal 3.5” HDD Bays hot-swappa - 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242) 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242) 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242) 2 x M.2 (NGFF 2280/2260/2242) hot-swappa - (Optional 1 x 3.5” HDD + 2 x 2.5” SSD) Optional ( additional 4 x HDD bays) 1 x Internal 2.5” Disk Bay ble ble Networking LAN 4 x Intel ® I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN 4 x Intel ® I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN 4 x Intel ® I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN 4 x Intel ® I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN Networking LAN ® ® ® - - 2 x Intel I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN 4 x Intel I210AT + 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x Intel I210AT Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB - - - Auxiliary Storage Device Bay 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay - - Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST1400 64MB (Floppy / Optical Drive) Options: No Device / DVD-RW / DVD ROM Options: No Device / DVD-RW / DVD ROM Auxiliary Storage Device Bay 3 x 5.25" media bays 1 x Slim-type Optical Drive Bay 2 x 5.25" media bays Front I/O Ports 4 x RJ-45 ports (Floppy / Optical Drive) (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW) Options: No Device / DVD-RW (Options: No ODD/DVD-RW) 2 x USB 2.0 ports (DVD-RW default for North America) 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x External serial port (Optional) Front I/O Ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo port 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x Audio out port (with optional MIO card) 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 1 x VGA port 1 x MIC in port (with optional MIO card) 1 x Microphone port (with optional MIO card) Rear I/O Ports 4 x RJ-45 ports 4 x RJ-45 ports 4 x RJ-45 ports 1 x Power Botton 1 x Headphone port (with optional MIO card) 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x Reset Botton 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 1 x External serial port (Optional) Rear I/O Ports 1 x External Serial Port 4 x RJ-45 ports 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port 1 x External Serial Port 2 x RJ-45 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo port 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo port 1 x PS/2 KB/MS port 2 x RJ-45 ports 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 2 x USB 3.0 ports 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x internal USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 2 x USB 2.0 ports Switch/LED Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x VGA port 1 x VGA port Rear Switch/LED: Rear Switch/LED: 1 x VGA port 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x PS/2 keyboard/mouse port 1 x Power switch 1 x Power switch 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 1 x RJ-45 ports (One for ASMB8-iKVM)(Optional) 1 x Power Switch 1 x Location switch/LED

1 x HDD Access LED Switch/LED Rear Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: Front Switch/LED: 1 x Message LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Power switch Front LED: 1 x Power switch/LED LAN 1-4 LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Location switch/LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x Power LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x Power Switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Reset switch 1 x Power switch/LED 1 x Location LED 1 x HDD Access LED Front Switch/LED: 1 x Reset Switch 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Location switch/LED 1 x HDD Access LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Q-Code/Port 80 LED 1 x Power LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Message LED 1 x Reset switch 1 x Message LED LAN 1-4 LED" 1 x Power Switch 1 x HDD Access LED LAN 1-4 LED LAN 1-4 LED 1 x HDD Access LED LAN 1-4 LED OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 1 x Message LED Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 LAN 1-2 LED ® ® ® ® Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 OS Support Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 Windows ® Server 2016 ® ® ® ® RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 Windows ® Server 2012 R2 ® ® ® ® SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 Windows ® Server 2012 CentOS CentOS CentOS CentOS RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux RedHat ® Enterprise Linux VMware VMware VMware VMware SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server SuSE ® Linux Enterprise Server Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer CentOS CentOS CentOS VMware VMware VMware Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Citrix XenServer Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Solution Out of Band Solution Out of Band Remote Man - Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Remote Man - Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-IP support - agement agement Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class A) Regulatory Compliance BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) BSMI, CE, C-TICK, FCC (Class B) Dimension 615mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 615mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 383mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) 383mm x 444mm x 44mm (1U) Dimension 380mm x 430mm x 44mm 445mm x 217.5mm x 545mm 423mm x 190mm x 435mm 24.21" x 17.48" x 1.73" 24.21" x 17.48" x 1.73" 15.08" x 17.48" x 1.73" 15.08" x 17.48" x 1.73" 14.96" x 16.93" x 1.73" 17.91" x 8.54" x 21.45" 16.65" x 7.48" x 17.13" Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM Net Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM 5.3Kg 15.0Kg 10.32Kg 10.64Kg 8.98Kg 5.96Kg 5.96Kg & HDD not included) & HDD not included) Gross Weight Kg (CPU, Gross Weight Kg (CPU, DRAM & HDD not included, 10.6Kg 18.9Kg 14.95Kg DRAM & HDD not included, 16.75Kg 15.09Kg 12.12Kg 12.12Kg Packing include) Packing include) Power Supply Single 300W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Power Supply 1+1 Redundant 450W 80 PLUS Gold Power Supply - Single 250W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Single 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Rating: 100-240V, 6/3A, 50-60Hz, Class I Single 400W 80 PLUS Gold Power Supply Single 250W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Single 250W 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply - Rating: 100-127Vac/200-240Vac,8A/4A ,47-63Hz, tion by region) Rating: 100-240Vac,4A ,50-60Hz, Class I Rating: 100-240V, 10A-6A, 50-60Hz, Class I Single 500W 80PLUS Bronze Power Supply Rating: 100-240Vac, 6.3-3A 60-50Hz, Class 1 Rating: 100-240V, 4A, 50-60Hz, Class I Rating: 100-240V, 4A, 50-60Hz, Class I tion by region) Class 1 Rating: 100-240V, 10-6A, 50/60Hz, Class I Environment Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operating temperature: 10°C ~ 35°C Operating temperature: 10°C ~ 35°C Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operating temperature: -40°C ~ 70°C Non operating temperature: -40°C ~ 70°C Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operating humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Non operating humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - ing) ing) ing) ing)

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 34 Model Name Z11PA-D8 Z11PA-U12 10G-2S Z11PA-U12 Z11PR-D16 Model Name Z10PE-D16 Series Z10PH-D16 Z10PR-D16 Z10PC-D8/SAS/10G-2S Processor / System 2 x Socket SP3 (LGA 3647) 1 x Socket SP3 (LGA 3647) 1 x Socket SP3 (LGA 3647) 2 x Socket P0 (LGA 3647) Processor / 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) Dual Intel ® Xeon ® Processor Scalable Family Dual Intel ® Xeon ® Processor Scalable Family Dual Intel ® Xeon ® Processor Scalable Family Intel® Xeon ® processor Scalable family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family (up to 165 W) (up to 150 W) (up to 150 W) (Up to 150W) QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s ® ® ® ® Core Logic Intel C621 PCH Intel C622 PCH Intel C621 PCH Intel C621 PCH Core Logic Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Form Factor 12” x 10.5” ATX, 12" x 9.6" (EEB Mounting Hole Locations) ATX, 12" x 9.6" (EEB Mounting Hole Locations) SSI EEB, 12” x 13” Form Factor SSI EEB, 12” x 13” Proprietary, 18.04” x 6.86” SSI EEB, 12” x 13” CEB 12” x 10.5” (ATX Mounting Hole Locations) ASUS FAN speed ASUS Fea - FAN speed V - V V V V V V Features control tures control Rack Ready Rack Ready (Rack and (Rack and Ped - V - - V V V V - Pedestal dual estal dual use) use) Rack Optimized Rack Optimized (Dedicated for - V V - (Dedicated for - - - V Rack) Rack) ASWM Enterprise V V V V ASWM V V V V Memory Total Slots 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 16 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) Enterprise Voltage 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V Memory Total Slots 8 (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 12 (6-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) 12 (6-channel per CPU, 12 DIMM per CPU) 16 (6-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) Capacity Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 512GB Voltage 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM Capacity Maximum up to 1024GB Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 1536GB Maximum up to 2048GB *2400/2133MT/s@1DPC only *2400/2133MT/s@1DPC only *2400/2133MT/s@1DPC only Memory Type *Please refer to for latest memory AVL update DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/ LRDIMM/ NVDIMM/ DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/ LRDIMM/ DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/ LRDIMM/ DDR4 2666/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM/ 3DS DIMM NVDIMM/ 3DS DIMM NVDIMM/ 3DS DIMM LR-DIMM 3DS Memory Size* 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) *Please refer to for latest memory AVL update Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 5 1 3 3 Memory Size* 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Slots PCI-E Slots (follow SSI 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) Slot Location 1 1 x PCI-E x24 (X16 + X8 Gen3 Link) Location #) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) 64GB, 128GB (LRDIMM 3DS) - by riser card*1 => 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) and 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ 3 4 4 6+1 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen3 Link) (MIO supported) Gen3 Link)** 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen2 Link) ; MIO supported Slots PCI-E Slots

(follow SSI Slot Location 1 PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) PEM-FDR Location #) Slot Location 2 - 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) PEB-10G/57840-2S, PEB-10G/57811-1S Slot Location 3 PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 2 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) - Slot Location 4 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link)(Auto switch to x8 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link)(Auto switch to x8 Slot Location 3 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) - - - - 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) Gen3 Link if slot 3 is occupied)(support riser) Gen3 Link if slot 3 is occupied)(support riser) Slot Location 4 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - - - Slot Location 5 PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) - - 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 5 - - - 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 6 MIO - - 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 6 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 7 - - - - Slot Location 7 - - - - Additional Slot 1 - M.2(NGFF) support (1 x2 Gen3 Link) M.2(NGFF) support (1 x2 Gen3 Link) OCP 2.0 module support (X16 Gen3 Link) Additional Slot 1 - - OCP module support (X8 Gen3 Link) - Additional Slot 2 - - - - Additional Slot 2 - - - - Storage IDE Controller - - - - Storage IDE Controller - - - - SATA Controller ® ® ® SATA Controller Intel® Lewisburg C621 Intel C612 Intel C612 Intel C612 - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 - 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 5 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 - 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS Connector) Intel® C612 - 11 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (8 by 2 mini-SAS ® x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen2 x4 link) x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link)*2 - 1x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen2 x2 link) - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 Intel C621 PCH Connector) ® ® ® 13 SATA 6Gb/s ports form C622 13 SATA 6Gb/s ports form C621 Intel RSTe Intel RSTe Intel RSTe x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen2 x1 link) - 12 x SATA 6Gb/s ports + 2 x M.2 connector -2 x M.2 connector (SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 ® (3xmini SAS HD + 1x SATA) (3xmini SAS HD + 1x SATA) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Intel RSTe (SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen3 x4 link) link) 1 x M.2 (Gen3 x2 Link) connector ; 1 x M.2 (Gen3 x2 Link) connector ; LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Marvell 88SE9230 Intel® RSTe (for Windows only; Support software NGFF Type 2280 NGFF Type 2280 (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) - 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) ® SAS upgrade Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Intel VROC (for Windows only; Support software Onboard LSI 3008 8-port SAS 12G Controller ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (2 Mini-SAS HD SFF-8643) ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card SAS upgrade Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Networking LAN Z10PE-D16/2L/10G-2T : 1 x X540BT2 +1 x I350-AM2 +1 ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card x Management Port ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card Z10PE-D16/10G-2T:1 x X540BT2 +1 x Management 1 x Dual Port BCM57840S 10GbE Controller 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT Port 2 x Intel ® I210AT Networking LAN 2 x Intel ® I210AT 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 4 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I350-AM2 Z10PE-D16/4L:1 x I350-AM2 +1 x I350-BT2 +1 x Man - 1 x Management Port 2 x 10G SFP+ LAN 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port with 2 x USB 3.0 ports 1 * Management Port agement Port 1 x Management Port with 2 x USB 3.0 ports Z10PE-D16:1 x I350-AM2 +1 x Management Port Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Aspeed AST2500 64MB Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Onboard I/O TPM header 1 1 - 1 Onboard I/O TPM header 1 1 1 1 Connectors PSU Connector 24-pin SSI power connector + 2 x 8-pin SSI 12V 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V Connectors PSU Connector 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V (85W or below CPU only) Management 24-pin SSI power connector + 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V + 8-pin SSI Onboard ASMB9-iKVM Onboard ASMB9-iKVM Onboard ASMB9-iKVM Onboard ASMB9-iKVM 1 x 20 pin power connector 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V + 8-pin SSI Connector 8-pin SSI 12V + 8-pin SSI 12V 12V 12V USB 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) (Support Both ATX & SSI Power Supply)*1 Connectors 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) Management 2 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 4 devices) Onboard ASMB8-iKVM Onboard ASMB8-iKVM Onboard ASMB8-iKVM Onboard socket for optional management card 4 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 2 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 2 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) Connector USB Connectors 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) Fan Header 8 x 4pin 6 x 4pin 6 x 4pin 9 x 4pin 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 1 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) SMBus 1 1 1 2 1 x USB 2.0 connector (Type A USB socket) Chassis Intruder 1 1 1 2 Fan Header 9 x 4pin 4 x 4pin 9 x 4pin 8 x 4pin Front LAN LED 2 2 2 2 SMBus 1 1x3 1 1 Serial Port 1 1 1 1 Chassis Intruder 1 1 1 1 Header Front LAN LED 2 2 2 2 Oculink Serial Port Head - - 2 2 - 1 1 1 1 connector er VROC header - 1 1 - Device Power - 1 - - M.2 Connector 2 (NGFF Type 22110) 1 (NGFF Type 2280) 1 (NGFF Type 2280) 2 (NGFF Type 2280/2260/2242) Connector M.2 Connector 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) Rear I/O External Serial - - - - Rear I/O External Serial Connectors Port - - - - Connectors Port External USB 6x USB 3.0 4x USB 3.0 4x USB 3.0 2x USB 3.0 External USB 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 Port 2x USB2.0 2x USB2.0 2x USB2.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 Port 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 QSFP port - - - - QSFP port - - - - IEEE1394 - - - - IEEE1394 - - - - Mic/Line-in/ - - - - Mic/Line-in/Line- Line-out - - - - out VGA Port 1 1 1 1 VGA Port 1 1 1 1 SFP+ - 2 x SFP+ - - SFP+ 2 x 10GbE SFP+ RJ-45 4x GbE LAN, 1 x Mgmt LAN 4x GbE LAN, 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x GbE LAN, 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x GbE LAN, 1 x Mgmt LAN RJ-45 2 x 10G BaseT 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN S/P DIF Out - - - - 2 x GbE LAN, 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN Management Software ACC ACC ACC ACC PS/2 KB/Mouse 1 - 1 1 Solution Out of Band S/P DIF Out - - - - Remote ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ASMB9-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise Management Solution Out of Band Monitoring CPU Remote Manage - ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet V V V V Temperature ment FAN RPM V V V V Monitoring CPU Tempera - V V V V ture Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 FAN RPM V V V V Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 condensing) condensing) condensing) condensing) Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 36 Model Name P10S-V/4L P10S-E/4L P10S-C/4L Model Name Z10PC-D8/10G-2S Z10PA-D8(C) Z10PA-U8/10G-2S Z10PA-U8 Processor / System Bus 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151

Processor / System Bus 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 2 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 1 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) 1 x Socket R3 (LGA 2011-3) ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 and E5-1600 v3 Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 and E5-1600 v3 ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family Intel® Xeon ® processor E5-2600 v4/v3 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family product family product family Intel ® Core™ i3 processors Intel ® Core™ i3 processors Intel ® Core™ i3 processors QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors ® ® ® Core Logic Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel Celeron™ processors Intel Celeron™ processors Intel Celeron™ processors Form Factor CEB 12” x 10.5” (ATX Mounting Hole Locations) 12” x 10” ATX, 12" x 9.6" (EEB Mounting Hole Locations) ATX, 12" x 9.6" (EEB Mounting Hole Locations) Core Logic Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C232 Chipset ASUS Fea - FAN speed V V V V Form Factor ATX, 12" x 9.6" ATX, 12" x 9.6" ATX, 12" x 9.6" tures control ASUS FAN speed V V V Rack Ready Features control (Rack and Ped - V V V V estal dual use) Rack Ready (Rack and Rack Optimized V V V (Dedicated for - - - - Pedestal dual Rack) use) ASWM Enter - Rack Optimized V V V V prise (Dedicated for - - - Rack) Memory Total Slots 8 (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) 8 (4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU) ASWM Enter - Voltage 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V 1.2V V V V prise Capacity Maximum up to 512GB Maximum up to 512GB Maximum up to 512GB Maximum up to 512GB Memory Total Slots 4 (2 Channels) 4 (2 Channels) 4 (2 Channels) Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133/1866/1600/1333* RDIMM/LR-DIMM *Please refer to for latest momory AVL *Please refer to for latest momory AVL *Please refer to for latest momory AVL *Please refer to for latest momory AVL Voltage 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V update update update update Capacity Maximum up to 64GB Maximum up to 64GB Maximum up to 64GB Memory Size* 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ Memory Size* 16GB, 8GB, 4GB 16GB, 8GB, 4GB 16GB,8GB,4GB 3 6 6 6 Slots PCI-E Slots (follow SSI Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ Slot Location 1 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen2 Link) ; MIO supported 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen2 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen2 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X4 Gen2 Link) 6 4 3 Location #) Slots PCI-E Slots Slot Location 2 - 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI 1 x PCI (follow SSI Slot Location 1 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz Location #) Slot Location 3 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E 8 (X8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E 8 (X8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 2 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - - (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 4 is occupied) Slot Location 3 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - - Slot Location 4 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 3 is occupied) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 3 is occupied) Slot Location 4 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) - Slot Location 5 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E 8 (X8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E 8 (X8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 5 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 6 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (X16 Gen3 Link) Slot Location 6 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (X8 Gen3 Link) ; MIO supported 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 5 is occupied) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 5 is occupied) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 5 is occupied ) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 5 is occupied ) Slot Location 7 - - - 1 x MIO (Only for Audio) Slot Location 7 MIO MIO MIO - - - - Additional Slot 1 Additional Slot 1 - - - Additional Slot 2 - - - - Additional Slot 2 - - - Storage IDE Controller - - - - Networking Storage IDE Controller - - - SATA Controller Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 Intel® C612 SATA Controller ® ® - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 * - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 x - 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 9 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 1 x Intel C236: Intel C232: M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen2 x1 link) x M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s & PCI-E Gen2 x1 link) M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s) M.2 connector(SATA 6Gb/s) Intel® C236: 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with 2 x M.2 (NGFF 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by miniSAS HD) with 2 x M.2 (NGFF Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe Intel® RSTe 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 2280/2260/2242, PCIE or SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable 2280/2260/2242, PCIE or SATA signal, gray SATA port will disable (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) when M.2 is SATA signal) when M.2 is SATA signal) LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10 (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) (Windows & Linux) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5)

SAS upgrade Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: SAS upgrade ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008 8-port SAS 12G RAID card Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card LAN 1 x Dual Port BCM57840S 10GbE Controller 2 x Intel ® I210AT Z10PA-D8 : 2 x Intel ® I210AT + 1 x Management Port 2 x Intel ® I210AT 2 x Intel ® I210AT 1 x Dual Port BCM57840S 10GbE LAN controller Z10PA-D8C : 2 x Intel I210AT 1 x Management Port Networking LAN ® ® ® 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port 4 x Intel I210 4 x Intel I210 + 1 x Mgmt LAN 4 x Intel I210 + 1 x Mgmt LAN Graphic VGA Z10PA-D8 : Aspeed AST2400 32MB Graphic VGA Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST1400 64MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Z10PA-D8C : Aspeed AST1400 64MB Onboard I/O TPM header 1 1 1 Onboard I/O TPM header 1 1 1 1 Connectors Connectors PSU Connector PSU Connector 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V (85W or below 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V (85W or 24-pin ATX power connector + 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 24-pin ATX power connector + 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 24-pin ATX power connector + 8-pin ATX 12V power connector CPU only) below CPU only) 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V + 8-pin SSI 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V + 8-pin SSI 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V 24-pin SSI power connector + 8-pin SSI 12V 12V 12V Management - Onboard header for optional management card Onboard header for optional management card (Support Both ATX & SSI Power Supply)*1 (Support Both ATX & SSI Power Supply)*1 Connector Management USB Connec - Onboard socket for optional management card Onboard socket for optional management card Onboard socket for optional management card Onboard socket for optional management card 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) Connector tors 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 2 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 4 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) USB Connectors 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 2 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 2 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 2.0 connector (Type A USB socket) Fan Header 6 x 4pin 6 x 4pin 6 x 4pin Fan Header 8 x 4pin 8 x 4pin 6 x 4pin 6 x 4pin SMBus - 1 1 SMBus 1 1 1 1 Chassis Intruder 1 1 1 Chassis Intruder 1 1 1 1 Front LAN LED 4 4 4 Front LAN LED 2 2 2 2 Serial Port Serial Port - 2 2 1 1 1 1 Header Header Device Power Device Power 4-pin power connector 4-pin power connector 4-pin power connector - - - - Connector Connector M.2 Connector 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) 1 (NGFF Type 2242, Capacity 16 ~ 128 GB) VGA Header 1 1 1 Rear I/O External Serial LPT 1 ------Connectors Port M.2 Connector - 2 2 External USB 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 Rear I/O External Serial 1 - - Port 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 Connectors Port QSFP port - - - - External USB 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 IEEE1394 - - - - Port 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 Mic/Line-in/Line- - - - - QSFP port - - - out IEEE1394 - - - VGA Port 1 1 1 1 Mic/Line-in/ - - - SFP+ 2 x 10GbE SFP+ 2 x SFP+ Line-out RJ-45 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN VGA Port 1 1 1 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN 1 x Mgmt LAN SFP+ - - 4 x GbE LAN + 1 x Mgmt LAN PS/2 KB/Mouse 1 1 1 1 RJ-45 4 x GbE LAN 4 x GbE LAN + 1 x Mgmt LAN - S/P DIF Out - - - - Management Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise PS/2 KB/Mouse 1 1 1 Solution Out of Band S/P DIF Out - - - Remote Man - Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Man- Software ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise agement agement Out of Band Monitoring CPU Tempera - Solution V V V V Remote Man - - Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet ture agement FAN RPM V V V V Monitoring CPU Tempera - V V V Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 ture Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 FAN RPM V V V Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Remark Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 *1 Minimum requirement of ATX Power supply: *1 Minimum requirement of ATX Power supply: - - 1) 500W 2) All +12V output ≧ 20A 1) 500W 2) All +12V output ≧ 20A Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing)

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 38 Model Name P10S-I P10S-X P10S-M-DC P10S-M Model name Z10PE-D8 WS Z10PE-D16 WS X99-WS/IPMI X99-M WS/SE Processor / System Bus 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 1 x Socket LGA1151 CPU LGA2011-v3 Socket for The Next Generation Intel ® Core™ i7 LGA2011-v3 Socket for The Next Generation Intel ® Core™ i7 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Dual Intel Socket 2011-3 for Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4/v3 Dual Intel Socket 2011-3 for Xeon Processor E5-2600 v4/v3 X-Series/i7 & Xeon E5-2600 v4/v3 and 1600 v4/v3 Processors X-Series/i7 & Xeon E5-2600 v4/v3 and 1600 v4/v3 Processors Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v6 product family Product Family Product Family Supports 22nm CPU Supports 22nm CPU ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v5 product family QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s QPI 6.4 / 8.0 / 9.6 GT/s Supports Intel ® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0* Supports Intel ® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0* ® ® ® ® Intel Core™ i3 processors Intel Core™ i3 processors Intel Core™ i3 processors Intel Core™ i3 processors * Refer to for CPU Support List * Refer to for CPU Support List * The Intel ® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 support Depends on the * The Intel ® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 Support Depends on Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors Intel® Pentium™ processors CPU Types. the CPU types. ® ® ® ® Intel Celeron™ processors Intel Celeron™ processors Intel Celeron™ processors Intel Celeron™ processors Chipset Intel® C612 PCH Intel® C612 PCH Intel® X99 Express Chipset Intel® X99 Express Chipset ® ® ® ® Memory 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 Core Logic Intel C232 Chipset Intel C232 Chipset Intel C232 Chipset Intel C232 Chipset DDR4 16 x DIMM(4-channel per CPU, 8 DIMM per CPU), Max. DDR4 8 x DIMM (4-channel per CPU, 4 DIMM per CPU), 3200(O.C)*/2800(O.C)*/2666(O.C)*/2400(O.C)*/2133 MHz, non- 3200(O.C)*/2800(O.C)*/2666(O.C)*/2400(O.C)*/2133 MHz, 1024GB Form Factor Mini-ITX, 6.7" x 6.7" ATX, 12" x 9.6" Micro ATX, 9.6" x 9.6" Micro ATX, 9.6" x 9.6" Max. 512GB ECC, un-buered memory(When installing Intel ® Socket 2011-v3 non-ECC, un-buered memory(When installing Intel ® Socket DDR4 2400/2133*/1866/1600 RDIMM/LR-DIMM DDR4 2400/2133*/1866/1600 RDIMM/LR-DIMM Core™ i7 X-Series/i7 Processors) 2011-v3 Core™ i7 X-Series/i7 Processors) ASUS Fea - FAN speed *Actual memory frequency diers from Intel CPU types and V V V V 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 2400/2133 MHz ECC, Un-bu - tures control memory module. * Actual memory frequency diers from Intel CPU types and Un-buered Memory( When installing Intel ® Xeon ® E5-1600 and ered Memory( When installing Intel ® Xeon ® E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 When installing E5-2600 v3/E5-1600 v3 CPUs: Rack Ready memory module. 2600 v4/v3 Processor) Processor) - RDIMM: 2133MT/s is supported at 1 DPC only (Rack and Ped - V V V V 2400MT/s is supported only when installing E5-2600 v4/E5- 8 x DIMM, Max. 256GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC, 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 2400/2133 MHz ECC, Register - LR-DIMM: 2133MT/s is supported estal dual use) 1600 v4 CPUs Register Memory( When installing Intel ® Xeon ® E5-1600/2600 v4/ Memory( When installing Intel ® Xeon ® E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 When installing E5-2600 v4/E5-1600 v4 CPUs: v3 Processor) Processor) Rack Optimized - RDIMM: 2400MT/s is supported at 1 DPC only 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Quad Channel Memory Architecture Quad Channel Memory Architecture (Dedicated for - - - - - LR-DIMM: 2400MT/s is supported 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) Supports Intel ® Supports Intel ® Rack) 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Quad Channel Memory Architecture * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) ASWM Enter - and Memory installed. and Memory installed. V V V V Quad Channel Memory Architecture prise Vendors Lists). * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics Memory Total Slots 2 (2 Channels) 4 (2 Channels) 4 (2 Channels) 4 (2 Channels) Vendors Lists). List) for details. Vendors List) for details. Voltage 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V Expansion Slots 40-Lane CPU- 4 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (Dual@x16/x16; Quad@x8/x8/x8/x8) Capacity Maximum up to 32GB Maximum up to 64GB Maximum up to 64GB Maximum up to 64GB 4 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (@x16 speed) 5 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (x16, x16/x16, x16/x16/x8, x8/ 2 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (@x16 speed) 2 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots (@x8 speed) x8/x8/x8/x8 Mode)* 3 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (40-Lane CPU: x16, x16/x16, Memory Type DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400/2133 ECC/non-ECC UDIMM 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slot (@x8 speed) * This motherboard is ready to support PCIe 3.0 SPEC. Functions 28-Lane CPU- x16/x16/x8Mode; 28-Lane CPU:x16, x16/x8, x16/x8/x4 Mode) * This Motherboard is Ready to Support PCIe 3.0 SPEC. Memory Size 16GB,8GB,4GB 16GB,8GB,4GB 16GB,8GB,4GB 16GB,8GB,4GB will be available when using PCIe 3.0-compliant devices. Please 5 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (x16, x16/x8, x16/x8/x4, x8/x8/ 1 x PCI Express 2.0 x1 slot Functions will be Available When Using PCIe 3.0-compliant Expansion Total PCI/PCI-X/ refer to for updated details. x8/x4 Mode)* 1 6 2 4 Devices. Please Refer to for Updated Details. Slots PCI-E Slots *When Installing 28-Lane CPU,PCIe 3.0/2.0x16_4 cannot Work (follow SSI Slot Location 1 - 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - - VGA Output ASpeed AST2400 32MB ASpeed AST2400 32MB Location #) VGA Port (with Bracket) VGA port (with bracket) - - Slot Location 2 - 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - - Supports VGA with Max. Resolution 1920 x 1200@60Hz Supports VGA with max. resolution 1920 x 1200@60Hz Slot Location 3 - 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - - Multi-GPU Supports AMD ® Quad CrossFireX™ Technology ® ® ® ® Slot Location 4 - 1 x PCI 32bit/33 MHz - 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) support Supports NVIDIA 4-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA 3-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA 3-Way SLI™ Technology* Supports AMD 2-Way/Quad-GPU CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD ® 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD ® Quad-GPU CrossFireX™ Technology *Supports up to 2-Way SLI™, When installing 28 lanes Processor. Supports NVIDIA ® 2-Way/Quad-GPU SLI™ Technology Slot Location 5 - 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) - 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) *3 Slot Location 6 1 x PCI-E x16 (x8 Gen3 Link) (Auto switch to x4 Link Storage Intel® C612 with Intel RSTe(for Windows Only; Support - 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) if slot 5 is occupied) Software RAID 0,1 10 &5) Slot Location 7 1 x PCI-E x16 (x16 Gen3 Link) MIO 1 x PCI-E x8 (x4 Gen3 Link) 1 x PCI-E x8 (x8 Gen3 Link) 8 x SATA 6Gb/s Ports (4 x Gray from SATA Controller , 4 x Black from sSATA Controller)* Intel® C612 with Intel RSTe(for Windows only; Support software Intel® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 (Controller 1 and Additional Slot 1 - - - - 1 x SATA Express Port (Gray@Bottom, Compatible with 2 x RAID 0,1 10 &5) Controller 2) Intel® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports from SATA Controller) 10 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (6 x right angle connectors from SATA - 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports (4 x Right Angle Connectors from Additional Slot 2 - - - - Rapid Storage Technology 13 support 1 x Discrete M.2 Socket 3* controller , 4 x vertical connectors from sSATA controller)* Controller 1 , 4 x Vertical Connectors from Controller 2)*6 - 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports Storage IDE Controller - - - - LSI MegaRAID Driver Supports Software RAID 0, 1& 1 x discrete M.2 Socket 3* - Supports Intel ® Smart Response Technology - 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M Key , Type 2260/2280 Storage SATA Controller ® 10(Windows & Linux)** LSI MegaRAID driver supports software RAID 0, 1& 10(Windows - 1 x SATA Express port (gray, compatible with 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/ Intel C232: ® ® Devices Support (SATA/PCIE mode) Intel C232: ASMedia SATA Express Controller*** & Linux) s ports) ® 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (4 by 1 mini-SAS HD - Supports Intel Smart Response Technology** 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports with 2 x M.2 (NGFF - 1 x SATA Express Port (Black@Upper, Compatible with 2 x * M.2 Socket 3 supports M Key and type 2260/2280/22110 - 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M Key, type 2260/2280 storage devices Connector) with 1 x M.2 connector (NGFF Intel® C232: Intel® C232: ** These functions will Work Depending on the CPU Installed. 2280/2260/2242, NGFF1 support PCIE or SATA SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports) storage device, and share bandwidth with SSATA4 support (SATA/PCIE mode)*7 2242, PCI-E Gen3 x 4 link or SATA signal, 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 6 x SATA 6Gb/s ports * M.2 Socket 3 Supports M Key and Type 2260/2280/22110 **LSI MegaRAID only support SATA Controller *M.2 Socket 3 shares bandwidth with SATAExpress *7 signal, NGFF2 only support SATA signal, gray SATA gray SATA port will disable when M.2 is SATA Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Storage Device, and Share Bandwidth with SSATA4 ***These functions will work depending on the CPU installed. port will disable when M.2 is SATA signal) signal) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) **LSI MegaRAID only Support SATA Controller Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) ***These Functions will Work Depending on the CPU (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) Installed. LAN 1xIntel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN controller 2xIntel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller SAS Controller 2xIntel ® i210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller 2xIntel ® i210AT Gigabit LAN controller 1xIntel ® I218-LM Gigabit LAN- Dual Interconnect between the Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: Optional kits: 1xManagement LAN ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3008-8i 8-port SAS 12G RAID card Integrated LAN Controller and Physical Layer (PHY) ® ® ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card ASUS PIKE II 3108-8i 8-port SAS 12G HW RAID card Audio Realtek Realtek Featuring Crystal Sound 2 Featuring Crystal Sound 2 ® ® ® ® - Separate Layer for Left and Right Track, Ensuring Both Sound - Separate Layer for Left and Right Track, Ensuring Both Networking LAN 2 x Intel I210 + 1 * Mgmt LAN 2 x Intel I210 2 x Intel I210 + 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x Intel I210 + 1 x Mgmt LAN Deliver Equal Quality Sound Deliver Equal Quality Realtek ® Realtek ® - Audio shielding ensures precision analog/digital separation and - Audio Shielding Ensures Precision Analog/Digital Separation Graphic VGA - High Quality 112dB SNR Stereo Playback Output (Line-out - High quality 112dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out at Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST1400 64MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB Aspeed AST2400 32MB greatly reduced multi-lateral interference and Greatly Reduced Multi-lateral Interference at Rear) and 104dB SNR Recording Input (Line-in) Support. rear) and 104dB SNR recording input (Line-in) support. Onboard I/O TPM Header 1 1 1 1 - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit True BD Lossless Sound - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit True BD Lossless Sound Headphone and Speakers Headphone and Speakers Connectors - BD Audio layer Content Protection - BD Audio layer Content Protection PSU Connector - High Quality 109dB SNR Stereo Playback Output (Line-out - - High Quality 109dB SNR Stereo Playback Output (Line-out - 20-pin ATX power connector + 24-pin ATX power connector + 24-pin ATX power connector + 24-pin ATX power connector + - DTS UltraPC II - DTS UltraPC II @back) & 104dB SNR Recording Input (Line-in) Support @back) & 104dB SNR Recording Input (Line-in) Support 4-pin ATX 12V power connector 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 8-pin ATX 12V power connector 8-pin ATX 12V power connector - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit True BD Lossless Sound - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming and Front Panel - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming and Front Panel Jack- Management - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - BD Audio Layer Content Protection Onboard header for optional management card - Onboard header for optional management card Onboard header for optional management card Jack-retasking retasking Header - DTS UltraPC II - DTS UltraPC II - Optical S/PDIF Out Ports at Rear I/O - Optical S/PDIF Out Ports at Rear I/O - DTS Connect - DTS Connect USB Connector/ 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 3.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-re - - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Header 1 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) 1 x USB 2.0 pin header (up to 2 devices) tasking (MIC) Jack-retasking (MIC) 1 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) 1 x USB 3.0 connector (Type A USB socket) - Optical S/PDIF out Port at back I/O - Optical S/PDIF out Port at back I/O ® ® Fan Header 3 x 4pin 6 x 4pin 5 x 4pin 5 x 4pin USB ASMedia USB 3.0 Controllers Express Chipset Intel X99 Express Chipset - 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Mid-board for Front Panel Support Intel® C612 Chipset - 6 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4 Ports at Front Panel, 2 Ports at Back - 6 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (2 Ports at Front Panel, 4 Ports at Back SMBus 1 - 1 1 - 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Back Panel - 6 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports ((2 ports at mid-board,4 ports at back Panel) Panel) ® Chassis Intruder 1 1 1 1 Intel C612 Chipset panel) - 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (4 Ports at Mid-board, 2 Ports at Back - 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (4 Ports at Mid-board, 2 Ports at Back - 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4 ports at back panel) - 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (2 ports at mid-board, 4 ports at back Panel) Panel) Front LAN LED 2 2 2 2 - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (2 ports at mid-board, 2 ports at back panel) ASMedia ® USB 3.0 Controllers ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Controller Serial Port Head - panel) - 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Back Panel(Blue) - 2 x USB 3.1 Ports at Back Panel - - 1 1 er Back Panel I/O 6 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports (blue) 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports (blue) 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 2 x RJ-45 ports for GbE LAN Ports 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports(1 supports USB BIOS Flashback, 1 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports(1 supports USB BIOS Flashback, 1 Device Power 1 x Q-Code Logger Button 1 x 8-channel Audio Jack - 4-pin power connector - - supports Q-Code Logger) supports Q-Code Logger) 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (Blue) 1 x Optical S/PDIF out Connector 1 x USB BIOS Flashback button 1 x USB BIOS Flashback button 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports(1 Supports USB BIOS Flashback, 1 Sup - 2 x USB 3.1 ports VGA Header - 1 1 1 1 x Q-Code Logger button 1 x Q-Code Logger button ports Q-Code Logger) 4 x USB 3.0 ports 1 x PS/2 KB port 1 x PS/2 KB port LPT - 1 - - 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 2 x USB 2.0 ports 2 x LAN (RJ45) ports (2 x Intel ® LAN) 2 x LAN (RJ45) ports (2 x Intel ® LAN) 1 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button M.2 Connector 1 - 2 - 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out port 1 x Management Port 1 x Management Port Rear I/O External Serial 8-channel Audio I/O 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out port - 1 1 1 8-channel Audio I/O Ports Connectors Port 8-channel Audio I/O Internal I/O 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector support additional 4 USB ports 1 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector support additional 2 USB ports (19- 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19- External USB 1 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 2 USB Ports 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 2 x USB 3.0 connectors (19-pin) pin) pin) (19-pin) Port 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 2 x USB 2.0 1 x USB 2.0/1/1 connectors support additional 2 USB ports 1 x USB 2.0/1/1 connectors support additional 2 USB ports 2 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 1 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 2 USB Ports 1 x M.2 Socket 3 1 x M.2 Socket 3 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) IEEE1394 - - - - 2 x SATA Express connectors (black) 10 x SATA 6.0Gb/s connectors 1 x SATA Express Connectors (Gray) 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray; 4 x Black) Mic/Line-in/Line- 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s connectors (4 x black,4 x gray) 2 x CPU Fan connector (4-pin) 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray) 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and - - - - 2 x CPU Fan connector (4-pin) 7 x Chassis Fan connectors (4-pin) 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and out 4-pin(PWM Mode) CPU Coolers Control with Auto Detection 7 x Chassis Fan connectors (4-pin) 1 x Serial Port headers 4-pin(PWM Mode) CPU Coolers Control with Auto Detection Support VGA Port 1 1 1 1 1 x Serial Port headers 1 x RAID key header Support 1 x CPU OPT Fan Connector (4-pin) RJ-45 1 x RAID key header 1 x ASMB8-iKVM connector 1 x CPU OPT Fan Connector (4-pin) 2 x GbE LAN + 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x GbE LAN 2 x GbE LAN + 1 x Mgmt LAN 2 x GbE LAN + 1 x Mgmt LAN 3 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) 1 x ASMB8-iKVM connector 1 x VGA connector 4 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and and 4-pin(PWM Mode) Coolers Control SFP+ - - - - 1 x VGA connector 1 x Front panel audio connector(AAFP) 4-pin(PWM Mode) Coolers Control Front Panel Audio Connector (AAFP) 1 x Front panel audio connector(AAFP) 1 x AUX panel header Front Panel Audio Connector (AAFP) PS/2 KB/Mouse 1 1 1 1 1 x S/PDIF Out Header 1 x System Panel header 1 x System Panel header 1 x S/PDIF Out Header 1 x TPM Connector S/P DIF Out - - - - 1 x AUX panel header 1 x SMBus headers 1 x TPM Connector 1 x 24-pin EATX Power Connector 1 x SMBus headers 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x 24-pin EATX Power Connector Management Software 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power Connector ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise ASWM Enterprise 1 x S/PDIF Out header 1 x Clear CMOS header 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power Connector Solution 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector 1 x Clear CMOS header 1 x TPM connector 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector Out of Band System Panel(Q-Connector) 1 x TPM connector 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector 1 x System Panel Remote Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet - Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet Optional ASMB8-iKVM for KVM-over-Internet 1 x MemOK! Button, 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power connectors 1 x MemOK! Button, 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) Connector Management 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power connectors 1 x ASUS Dr.Power switch 1 x 3-pin CHASSIS(Chassis Intrution) Connector 1 x TPU Switch (Advanced Two-stage Adjustments) Monitoring CPU 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_3 Power connector(s) 1 x System Panel 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) Connector 1 x EPU Switch V V V V 1 x ASUS Dr.Power switch 1 x PWR button 1 x Dr.Power Switch Temperature 1 x EZ XMP Switch, 1 x Power-on Button 1 x PWR button 1 x Reset button 1 x TPU Switch (Advanced Two-stage Adjustments) 1 x Reset Button FAN RPM V V V V 1 x Reset button 1 x Chassis intrution (2-pin) 1 x EPU Switch, 1 x EZ XMP Switch, 1 x Reset Button 1 x 3-pin Chassis(Chassis Intrution) Connector Environment Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 1 x Chassis intrution (2-pin) 1 x AUX Panel Header,1 x SMBus Headers Operation temperature: 10 ~ 35 ® ® Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 OS Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 32/64-bit / Windows ® ® Non operation temperature: -40 ~ 70 ® Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 32/64-bit / Windows Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condens - Server 2012 R2 64bit / Windows Server 2012 64bit ® ® ® ® ® ® Non operation humidity: 20% ~ 90% ( Non condensing) ® ® Server 2012 R2 64bit / Windows Server 2012 64bit / Windows WWindows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7/Server ® ® ® ® ing) ing) ing) / Windows Server 2016 64bit / Windows 10 64-bit / ® ® Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 Server 2016 64bit / Windows 10 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit / 2012 R2/ Server 2016 Windows ® 8.1 64-bit / Windows ® 8 64-bit / Windows ® 7 32/64- Windows ® 8 64-bit / Windows ® 7 32/64-bit bit Form Factor ATX Form Factor, 12”x 10” EEB Form Factor, 12”x 13” EEB Form Factor, 12”x 13” Micro ATX Form Factor, 9.6”x 9.6” ( 24.4 cm x 24.4 cm ) *EEB Mounting Hole Locations

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 40 Model Name WS X299 PRO/SE WS X299 PRO WS X299 SAGE Model Name X99-E-10G WS X99-E WS/USB3.1 X99-E WS CPU ® ® ® ® ® LGA2066 Socket for Intel Core™ X-Series Processors LGA2066 Socket for Intel Core™ X-Series Processors LGA2066 Socket for Intel Core™ X-Series Processors CPU LGA2011-v3 Socket for Intel Core™ i7/i7 X-Series & Xeon E5-2600 v4/v3 and ® ® ® LGA2011-v3 Socket for The Next Generation Intel Core™ i7 X-Series/i7 & LGA2011-v3 Socket for The Next Generation Intel Core™ i7 X-Series/i7 & Xeon Supports 14nm CPU Supports 14nm CPU Supports 14nm CPU 1600 v4/v3 Processors ® Xeon E5-2600 v4/v3 and 1600 v4/v3 Processors E5-2600 v4/v3 and 1600 v4/v3 Processors Supports Intel ® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0* Supports Intel ® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0* Supports Intel ® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0* Supports 22nm CPU ® ® ® ® Supports 22nm CPU Supports 22nm CPU * The Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Support Depends on the CPU * The Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Support Depends on the CPU * The Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Support Depends on the CPU Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0* ® ® ® Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0* Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0* types. types. types. * The Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Support Depends on the CPU ® ® * The Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 Support Depends on the CPU types. * The Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 Support Depends on the CPU types. types. ® ® ® Chipset Intel X299 Chipset Intel X299 Chipset Intel X299 Chipset ® ® ® Chipset Intel X99 Chipset Intel X99 Express Chipset Intel X99 Express Chipset Memory Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (6 cores and above) Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (6 cores and above) "Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (6 cores and above) Memory 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133* MHz, 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133* MHz, 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133* MHz, 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 3333(O.C)*/3200(O.C)*/3000(O.C)*/2800(O.C)*/2666(O.C)*/2400/2133 MHz, 3200(O.C)*/2800(O.C)*/2666(O.C)*/2400(O.C)*/2133 MHz, non-ECC, non-ECC, un-buered memory non-ECC, un-buered memory non-ECC, un-buered memory" ® ® 3200(O.C)*/2800(O.C)*/2666(O.C)*/2400(O.C)*/2133 MHz, non-ECC, un-buered non-ECC, un-buered memory(When installing Intel Socket 2011-v3 Core™ i7 un-buered memory(When installing Intel Socket 2011-v3 Core™ i7 X-Se - Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (4-core) Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (4-core) Intel® Socket 2066 Core™ X-series Processors (4-core) memory(When installing Intel ® Socket 2011-v3 Core™ i7 X-Series/i7 Processors) X-Series/i7 Processors) ries/i7 Processors) 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133 MHz 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133 MHz 4 x DIMM, Max. 64GB, DDR4 4133(O.C.)/3600(O.C.)/2666/2400/2133 MHz 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC Un-buered Memory( 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC Un-buered Memory( 8 x DIMM, Max. 128GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC Un-buered ® ® Non-ECC, Un-buered Memory Non-ECC, Un-buered Memory Non-ECC, Un-buered Memory ® ® ® ® When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600 and 2600 v4/v3 Processor) When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 Processor) Memory( When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600 and 2600 v4/v3 Processor) Supports Intel ® Supports Intel ® Supports Intel ® 8 x DIMM, Max. 256GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC, Register Memory( 8 x DIMM, Max. 256GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC, Register Memory( 8 x DIMM, Max. 256GB, DDR4 2400/2133/1866 MHz ECC, Register Memory( ® ® * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory ® ® ® ® When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 Processor) When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 Processor) When installing Intel Xeon E5-1600/2600 v4/v3 Processor) installed. installed. installed. Quad Channel Memory Architecture Quad Channel Memory Architecture Quad Channel Memory Architecture ® * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual ® ® Supports Intel Supports Intel Supports Intel ails. ails. ails. * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory installed. Expansion Slots 44-Lane CPU - 44-Lane CPU - installed. installed. * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) ** Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual ails. 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) ails. ails. 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) Expansion Slots 7 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (Single at x16 , Dual at x16 / x16, Quad at x16/ 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) x16/ x16/ x16,Seven at x16/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8 x8/ x8) 28-Lane CPU - 28-Lane CPU - 7 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (Single at x16 , Dual at x16 / x16, Quad at 7 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (Single at x16 , Dual at x16 / x16, Quad at * The PCIe x16_2’s Default Setting is in Auto Mode That Automically Optimizes 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) 7 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 Slots (Single at x16 , Dual at x16 / x16, x16/ x16/ x16/ x16,Seven at x16/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8) x16/ x16/ x16/ x16,Seven at x16/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8 x8/ x8) the System Bandwidth. The PCIe x16_2 will Automatically Run at x2 Mode with 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) Quad at x16/ x16/ x16/ x16,Seven at x16/ x8/ x8/ x8/ x8 x8/ x8) ASUS EX Card is Installed on PCIe x16_2. 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) ® ® ® 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) Multi-GPU Supports AMD 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology ® ® ® 16-Lane CPU - 16-Lane CPU - support Supports NVIDIA 4-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA 4-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA 4-Way SLI™ Technology 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x8 link) Storage Intel® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Intel® X99 Express Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technol - 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x4 link) Technology 13 support ogy 13 support 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) - 1 x SATA Express port (gray@upper, compatible with 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s - 1 x SATA Express port (gray@upper, compatible with 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s ports) Multi-GPU Supports AMD ® 3-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD ® 3-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD ® 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology ports) - 1 x M.2 x4 Socket 3 with M Key , Type 2260/2280 Storage Devices Support ® support Supports NVIDIA ® 3-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA ® 3-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA ® 4-Way SLI™ Technology Intel X99 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technology 14 - 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports* (4 x Gray from Controller 1, 4 x Black from (PCIE mode only) * Actual numbers of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic * Actual numbers of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic * Actual numbers of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic support Controller 2) - 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports* (4 x Gray from Controller 1, 4 x Black from Controller 2) ® ® cards. Please check with Vendor beforehand. cards. Please check with Vendor beforehand. cards. Please check with Vendor beforehand. - 1 x U.2 connector (support U.2 NVMe device) - Supports Intel Smart Response Technology** - Supports Intel Smart Response Technology** - 1 x M.2 x4 Socket 3 with M Key , Type 2260/2280 Storage Devices Support ASMedia ® SATA Express Controller*** ASMedia ® SATA Express Controller*** Storage Intel® X299 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technology Intel® X299 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technology Intel® X299 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technology (PCIE mode only) - 1 x SATA Express Port (Gray@bottom, Compatible with 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s - 1 x SATA Express Port (Gray@bottom, Compatible with 2 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s 15 support 15 support 15 support - 10 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports* ports) ports) - 1 x M.2_2 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices - 1 x M.2_1 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices ® ® ® - 1 x M.2_2 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices - Supports Intel Smart Response Technology** ASMedia SATA 6Gb/s Controller ASMedia SATA 6Gb/s Controller support (PCIe mode)* support (PCIe mode) support (PCIe mode)* * Due to Chipset Behavior, The SATA6G_78, SATA6G_910 Ports (Black) do not - 2 x eSATA 6Gb/s Port - 2 x eSATA 6Gb/s Port - 1 x M.2_1 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support - 1 x M.2_2 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support - 1 x M.2_1 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support * Due to Chipset Behavior, The SATA6G_78, SATA6G_910 Ports (Black) do * Due to Chipset Behavior, The SATA6G_78, SATA6G_910 Ports (Black) do not (both SATA & PCIe mode) (PCIe mode) (both SATA & PCIe mode) - 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports** - 8 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports - 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports ** These functions will Work Depending on the CPU Installed. ** These functions will Work Depending on the CPU Installed. - 1 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device)* - 2 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device) ® - 1 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device)* *** These SATA Ports are for Data Hard Drivers Only. ATAPI Devices are not *** These SATA Ports are for Data Hard Drivers Only. ATAPI Devices are not - Intel Optane™ Memory Ready ® - Intel® Optane™ Memory Ready ® - Intel Optane™ Memory Ready Supported. Supported. - Intel Virtual RAID (VROC) suuport for CPU RAID*1 ® - Intel® Virtual RAID (VROC) suport for CPU RAID* - Intel Virtual RAID (VROC) suuport for CPU RAID*1 ® ® * Bandwidth is shared between M.2_2 and U.2. LAN 1xIntel I210-AT Gigabit LAN controller 1xIntel I210-AT Gigabit LAN controller * Bandwidth is shared between M.2_2 and U.2. ® ® ® *1 Intel ® VROC is supported via RSTe, Hyper M.2 x 16 card, and Intel ® VROC_ * Intel® VROC is supported via RSTe, and Intel® VROC_HW_key. VROC_HW_ 2xIntel X550-AT2 10 Gigabit LAN ports 1xIntel I218-LM Gigabit LAN- Dual Interconnect between the Integrated 1xIntel I218-LM Gigabit LAN- Dual Interconnect between the Integrated LAN *1 Intel ® VROC is supported via RSTe, Hyper M.2 x 16 card, and Intel ® VROC_ HW_key. Hyper M.2 x 16 card and VROC_HW_Key are to be purchased Key are to be purchased separately. LAN Controller and Physical Layer (PHY) Controller and Physical Layer (PHY) HW_key. Hyper M.2 x 16 card and VROC_HW_Key are to be purchased separately * NVMe RAID type and function will depend on Intel® VROC_HW_key installed ® separately. Audio Realtek *2 NVMe RAID type and function will depend on Intel ® VROC_HW_key installed * PCIEX16_1 to PCIEx16_3 & PCIEX16_4 to PCIEx16_7 support Intel® VROC ® ® *2 NVMe RAID type and function will depend on Intel ® VROC_HW_key installed Sound 3 Realtek Realtek ** SATA Bandwidth is shared between M.2_1 and SATA6G_1 seperately - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal Sound 2 Sound 2 LAN 2 x Intel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller 2 x Intel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller 1 x Intel ® I210-AT Gigabit LAN controller, 1 x Intel ® I219-LM Gigabit LAN quality - Separate Layer for Left and Right Track, Ensuring Both Sound Deliver - Separate Layer for Left and Right Track, Ensuring Both Sound Deliver Equal - Top notch audio sensation delivers according to the audio co Equal Quality Quality Audio Realtek ® Realtek ® Realtek ® - Audio shielding ensures precise analog/digital separation and greatly - Audio Shelding Ensures Precision Analog/Digital Separation and Greatly - Audio Shelding Ensures Precision Analog/Digital Separation and Greatly Crystal sound 3 Crystal sound 3 Crystal sound 3 reduced multi-lateral interference Reduced Multi-lateral Interference Reduced Multi-lateral Interference - Power pre-regulator reduces power input noise to ensure consistent perfor - - Power pre-regulator reduces power input noise to ensure consistent perfor - - Power pre-regulator reduces power input noise to ensure consistent perfor - phone and phone and phone and mance. mance. mance. speakers Speakers Speakers - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal - Premium Japan-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural, and immer - - High Quality 109dB SNR Stereo Playback Output (Line-out@back) & - High Quality 109dB SNR Stereo Playback Output (Line-out@back) & 104dB quality quality quality 104dB SNR Recording Input (Line-in) Support SNR Recording Input (Line-in) Support - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - High quality 112dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & 104dB - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit True BD Lossless Sound - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit True BD Lossless Sound - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and greatly - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and greatly - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and greatly SNR recording input (Line-in) support - BD Audio Layer Content Protection - BD Audio Layer Content Protection reduced multi-lateral interference reduced multi-lateral interference reduced multi-lateral interference - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound - DTS UltraPC II - DTS UltraPC II for headphone for headphone for headphone - BD audio layer content protection - DTS Connect - DTS Connect and speakers and speakers and speakers - DTS Studio Sound - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking (MIC) - Supports Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking (MIC) - Unique de-pop circuit: Reduces start-up popping noise to audio outputs - Unique de-pop circuit: Reduces start-up popping noise to audio outputs - Unique de-pop circuit: Reduces start-up popping noise to audio outputs - DTS Connect - Optical S/PDIF out Port at back I/O - Optical S/PDIF out Port at back I/O - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural and - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural and - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural and - Supports jack-detection, multi-streaming, front panel jack-retasking (MIC) - Optical S/PDIF out port at back I/O - High quality 120dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & 113dB - High quality 120dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & 113dB - High quality 120dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & 113dB USB Intel® X99 Express Chipset - Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost Intel® X99 Express Chipset - Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost SNR input (Line-in) support SNR input (Line-in) support SNR input (Line-in) support Intel® X99 Chipset - Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost - 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Rear IO - 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Rear IO - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* - 8 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4 Ports at Rear I/O and 4 Ports at Front Panel ) - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (4 Ports at Mid-board) - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (4 Ports at Mid-board) - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (4 Ports at Mid-board) ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Controller- Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost ASMedia ® USB 3.0 Controller- Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost - DTS Headphone:X - DTS Headphone:X - DTS Headphone:X ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Controller- Supports ASUS USB 3.1 Boost - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking(MIC) - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking(MIC) - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking(MIC) - 2 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 Ports at Back Panel(blue) - 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports at Back Panel(blue) - 2 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 Ports at Rear I/O (Type A and Type C) ® ® - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel ASMedia USB 3.0 Hubs- Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost ASMedia USB 3.0 Hubs- Supports ASUS USB 3.0 Boost * Due to limitations in HAD bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not supported for * Due to limitations in HAD bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not supported for * Due to limitations in HAD bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not supported for - 8 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4 Ports at Rear IO and 4 Ports at Mid-board for front - 8 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4 Ports at Rear IO and 4 Ports at Mid-board for front 8-channel audio. 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under Windows ® 10 8-channel audio. 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under Windows ® 10 8-channel audio. 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under Windows ® 10 Panel Support) Panel Support) USB Intel® X299 Chipset Intel® X299 Chipset Intel® X299 Chipset Back Panel I/O 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (blue) 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button, 1 x Q-Code Logger Button 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button, 1 x Q-Code Logger Button - 6 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (4 ports @ rear, 2 ports @ front) - 6 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (4 ports @ rear, 2 ports @ front) - 8 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (6 ports @ rear, 2 ports @ front) Ports 2 x USB 3.1 Ports (Type A and Type C) 8 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (blue) 10 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (blue) - 6 x USB 2.0 ports (4 ports @ rear, 2 ports @ front) - 6 x USB 2.0 ports (4 ports @ rear, 2 ports @ front) - 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 ports @ rear) 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 2 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 Ports (teal blue) 2 x eSATA Ports ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Controller ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Controller ASMedia® USB 3.1 Controller 2 x Intel 10G LAN (BASE-T) Ports 2 x eSATA Ports 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port - 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports @ rear (1 x Type A; 1 x Type C) - 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports @ rear (1 x Type A; 1 x Type C) - 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports @ rear (1 x Type A; 1 x Type C) 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port, 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports - 1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 @ front (optional Type A or Type C) - 1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 @ front (optional Type A or Type C) - 1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 @ front (optional Type A or Type C) 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 8-channel Audio I/O Ports Back Panel I/O 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button Ports 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports (Type C & Type A) 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports (Type C & Type A) 2 x USB 3.1 Gen2 ports (Type C & Type A) Internal I/O 4 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (Blue) 4 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (Blue) 6 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (Blue) Connectors 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19-pin) 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19-pin) 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19-pin) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (1 Support USB BIOS Flashback) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (1 Support USB BIOS Flashback) 4 x USB 2.0 ports (1 Supports USB BIOS Flashback) 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 2 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 2 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports, 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports, 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports, 8-channel Audio I/O Ports 1 x U.2 Connector (support U.2 NVMe device) 2 x SATA Express Connectors (Gray) 2 x SATA Express Connectors (Gray) 10 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (6 x Gray; 4 x Black) 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray; 4 x Black) 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray; 4 x Black) Internal I/O 1 x Aura Addressable Strip Header 1 x Aura Addressable Strip Header 1 x Aura Addressable Strip Header 1 x CPU Fan Connector 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19-pin) 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports (19-pin) Connectors 1 x AAFP connector 1 x AAFP connector 1 x AAFP connector 1 x CPU OPT Fan Connector (4-pin) 2 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 2 x USB 2.0/1/1 Connectors Support Additional 4 USB Ports 1 x Aura RGB Strip Header 1 x Aura RGB Strip Header 1 x Aura RGB Strip Header 2 x Chassis Fan Connectors 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, Type 2260/2280 Devices) 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 port(s) 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 port(s) 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 port(s) 1 x High AMP Fan Header 2 x SATA Express Connectors (Black) 2 x SATA Express Connectors (Black) 1 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 2.0 port(s) 1 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 2.0 port(s) 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 front panel connector 1 x Water Pump Header 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray) 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s Connectors (4 x Gray) 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 front panel connector 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 front panel connector 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support 1 x Front Panel Audio Connector (AAFP) 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and 4-pin(PWM 1 x CPU Fan Connector (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and 4-pin(PWM Mode) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support (PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) 1 x S/PDIF Out Header Mode) CPU Coolers Control with Auto Detection Dupport CPU Coolers Control with Auto Detection Dupport (SATA & PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) (SATA & PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices 1 x T_Sensor Connector 1 x CPU OPT Fan Connector (4-pin) 1 x CPU OPT Fan Connector (4-pin) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices support (PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) 1 x TPM Connector 4 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and 4-pin(PWM 4 x Chassis Fan Connectors (4-pin) for Both 3-pin(DC Mode) and 4-pin(PWM support (PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) support (PCIE 3.0 x 4 mode) 8 x SATA 6Gb/s connector(s) 1 x 24-pin EATX Power Connector Mode) Coolers Control Mode) Coolers Control 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connector(s) 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connector(s) 1 x VROC_HW_Key, 2 x CPU Fan connector(s) 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power Connector Front Panel Audio Connector (AAFP) Front Panel Audio Connector (AAFP) 1 x VROC_HW_Key, 2 x CPU Fan connector(s) 1 x VROC_HW_Key, 2 x CPU Fan connector(s) 2 x Channel Fan connector(s), 1 x PUMP Fan connector(s) 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector 1 x S/PDIF Out Header 1 x S/PDIF Out Header 1 x FRNT Fan connector(s), 1 x REAR Fan connector(s) 1 x FRNT Fan connector(s), 1 x REAR Fan connector(s) 1 x AIO_PUMP connector 1 x System Panel(Q-Connector) 1 x Thunderbolt Header (5-pin) for ASUS ThunderboltEX Series Support 1 x Thunderbolt Header (5-pin) for ASUS ThunderboltEX Series Support 1 x PUMP Fan connector(s), 1 x AIO_PUMP connector 1 x PUMP Fan connector(s), 1 x AIO_PUMP connector 1 x Thunderbolt header(s) 1 x MemOK! Button 1 x TPM Connector 1 x TPM Connector 1 x Thunderbolt header(s) 1 x Thunderbolt header(s), 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector(s) 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector(s) 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x 24-pin EATX Power Connector 1 x 24-pin EATX Power Connector 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector(s) 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) Connector 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power Connector 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power Connector 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 1 x 6-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 1 x 6-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 1 x CPU OV Connector 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector 1 x 6-pin ATX 12V Power connector(s) 1 x EZ XMP switch 1 x PANEL 1 x RGB HEADER System Panel(Q-Connector) System Panel(Q-Connector) 1 x PANEL1, 1 x PANEL2, 1 x AUX_PANEL 1 x PANEL1, 1 x PANEL2, 1 x AUX_PANEL 1 x 5-pin EXT_FAN(Extension Fan) connector 1 x EZ XMP Switch 1 x MemOK! Button, 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x MemOK! Button, 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x 5-pin EXT_FAN(Extension Fan) connector 1 x 5-pin EXT_FAN(Extension Fan) connector 1 x MemOK! button(s), 1 x Thermal sensor connector(s) 1 x Power-on Button 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) Connector 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) Connector 1 x MemOK! button(s), 1 x Thermal sensor connector(s) 1 x MemOK! button(s), 1 x Thermal sensor connector(s) 1 x Power-on button(s), 1 x Reset button(s) 1 x Reset Button 1 x Dr.Power Switch 1 x Dr.Power Switch 1 x Power-on button(s), 1 x Reset button(s) 1 x Power-on button(s), 1 x Reset button(s) 1 x Clear CMOS button(s) 1 x 3-pin CHASSIS(Chassis Intrution) Connector 1 x TPU witch (Advanced Two-stage Adjustments) 1 x TPU witch (Advanced Two-stage Adjustments) 1 x Clear CMOS button(s), 1 x U.2 connector 1 x Clear CMOS button(s), 1 x U.2 connector 2 x U.2 connector 1 x BIOS Flashback Button 1 x EPU Switch, 1 x EZ XMP Switch 1 x EPU Switch, 1 x EZ XMP Switch 1 x CPU_OV jumper, 1 x COM port header,1 x VGA port header 1 x CPU_OV jumper, 1 x COM port header 1 x CPU_OV jumper, 1 x COM port header 1 x SLI/CFX switch (2/3-WAY adjustments) 1 x Power-on Button, 1 x Reset Button 1 x Power-on Button, 1 x Reset Button 1 x COM port header 1 x 3-pin CHASSIS(Chassis Intrution) Connector 1 x 3-pin CHASSIS(Chassis Intrution) Connector Operating Windows 10 PRO 64bit Windows 10 PRO 64bit Windows 10 PRO 64bit System Support Operating Windows ® 10 /Windows ® 8.1 /Windows ® 7 (64-bit supported only) Windows ® 10 / Windows ® 8.1 / Windows ® 8 / Windows ® 7 Windows ® 10 / Windows ® 8.1 / Windows ® 8 / Windows ® 7 Form Factor ATX Form Factor 12" x 9.6" ATX Form Factor 12" x 9.6" CEB Form Factor, 12"x 10.5" System Support Form Factor CEB Form Factor, 12”x 10.5” (30.5cm x 26.7cm) CEB Form Factor, 12”x 10.5” (30.5cm x 26.7cm) CEB Form Factor, 12”x 10.5” (30.5cm x 26.7cm) All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 42 Model Name Z270-WS WS C621E SAGE WS C422 PRO/SE Model Name P10S-M WS/IPMI-O P10S-M WS P10S WS

CPU ® ® Dual Intel® Socket-P/LGA-3647 for Xeon® Processor Scalable Family (205W) ® ® Socket 1151 for 7th / 6th Generation Intel Core™ i7/Core™ i5/Core™ i3/Pentium / CPU ® ® ® ® LGA1151 socket for Intel Xeon E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family ® UPI 9.6, 10.4 GT/s ® LGA1151 socket for Intel Xeon E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family LGA1151 socket for Intel Xeon E3-1200 v6/v5 Processor Family ® Celeron Processors ® LGA2066 Socket for Intel Xeon-W Series Processors ® ® LGA1151 socket for Intel for 7th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors Supports Intel Hyper-Threading LGA1151 socket for Intel for 7th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors LGA1151 socket for Intel for 7th/6th Generation Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors ® Supports 14nm CPU ® Supports 14nm CPU ® Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology ® ® ® LGA1151 socket for Intel Pentium™ processors Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0* Supports Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 2.0* LGA1151 socket for Intel Pentium™ processors LGA1151 socket for Intel Pentium™ processors ® * The Intel ® Turbo Boost & Hyper-Threading Technology 2.0 support depends on the CPU LGA1151 socket for Intel Celeron™ processors * The Intel ® Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 support depends on the CPU types. * The Intel ® Turbo Boost Max Technology 2.0 Support Depends on the CPU types. ® ® types. LGA1151 socket for Intel Celeron™ processors LGA1151 socket for Intel Celeron™ processors ® **Refer to for Intel ® CPU support list. ® ® Supports Intel 14nm CPU ** Refer to for CPU Support List Supports Intel 14nm CPU Supports Intel 14nm CPU ® ® ® Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology ® ® ® Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology Supports Intel Turbo Boost Technology Chipset Intel Z270 Chipset Intel C621 PCH Intel C422 ** Refer to for Intel ® CPU support list ** Refer to for Intel ® CPU support list ** Refer to for Intel ® CPU support list Memory 4 x DIMM, max. 64GB, DDR4 3866(O.C.) / 3733(O.C.) / 3600(O.C.) /3466(O.C.) / DDR4 12 x DIMM (6-channel per CPU, 6 DIMM per CPU), Max. 768 GB 3400(O.C.) / 3333(O.C.) / 3300(O.C.) / 3200(O.C.) /3000(O.C.) / 2800(O.C.)* / 2666(O. ® ® ® DDR4 2666*/2400/2133 RDIMM/LR-DIMM Chipset Intel C236 Chipset Intel C236 Chipset Intel C236 Chipset C.)* / 2400(O.C.)* /2133 MHz, non-ECC, un-buered memory 8 x DIMM, Max. 512GB, DDR4 2666/2400/2133* MHz, RDIMM/LRDIMM 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB (RDIMM) Dual channel memory architecture Quad Channel Memory Architecture Memory 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC UDIMM ® 32GB, 64GB (LRDIMM) 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC UDIMM 4 x DIMM, Max 64GB, DDR4 2400/2133 MHz, ECC/ non-ECC UDIMM Supports Intel * Memory capacity supported depends on both CPU installed and Memory Dual channel architecture *Maximum memory capacity support depends on CPU type Dual channel architecture Dual channel architecture * Hyper DIMM support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual CPUs. **Support DDR4 2400 MHz with Kaby Lake CPU only ists). **Support DDR4 2400 MHz with Kaby Lake CPU only **Support DDR4 2400 MHz with Kaby Lake CPU only Expansion Slots 4 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x16 slots (single at x16; dual at x16/x16; triple at x16/x8/x8; 48-Lane CPU 3 x PCIe 3.0 x 16 slots (@x16 link) quad at x8/x8/x8/x8 mode) 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (x16 link) 2 x PCIe 3.0 x 16 slots (single @ x16, dual @ x8/x8 link) 1 x PCI Express 3.0/2.0 x4 slot* (max. at x4 mode, compatible with PCIe x1, x2 and 2 x PCI Express 3.0 x 16 slot (single @ x16 link, dual @ x8/x8 link) Expansion PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16/ x8 Gen3 Link 2 x PCIe 3.0 x 16 slot (@x8 link) PCIEX1_1: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link, from PCH x4 devices) 1 x PCI Express 3.0 x 4 slot (x4 link) Slots PCIEX1_1: PCI-E x1 slot, x1 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX16_2: PCI-E x16 slot, x8 Gen3 Link, switched from PCIEX16_1 PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16 Gen3 Link ® PCIEX16_1: PCI-E x16 slot, x16 Gen3 Link PCIEX16_3: PCI-E x16 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH VGA Integrated Graphics Processor- Intel HD Graphics support PCIEX8_1: PCI-E x8 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH Multi-VGA output support: DisplayPort/HDMI port PCIEX8_1: PCI-E x8 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH PCIEX16_4: PCI-E x16 slot, x4 Gen3 Link, from PCH Supports DisplayPort 1.2* with max. resolution 4096 x 2304@24Hz / 4096 x 2304@60Hz Supports HDMI 2.0 with max. resolution 4096x2160@60/24Hz** VGA Output Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 Aspeed AST2500 64MB Integrated Graphics Processor x 1 Supports High Dynamic Range (HDR), Wide Color Gamut (Rec.2020), HDCP 2.2 Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort/VGA ® VGA Port (with Bracket) - Multi-VGA output support: DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort Supports Intel InTru™ 3D/Quick Sync Video/Clear Video HD Technology/Insider™ - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz Supports VGA with Max. Resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60Hz - Supports DVI-D with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz Supports up to 2 displays simultaneously - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz Maximum shared memory of 1024MB - Supports HDMI with Max resolution 4096 x 2160@60/24 Hz - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz * DP 1.2 Multi-Stream Transport compliant, supports DP 1.2 monitor daisy chain up to - Supports DisplayPort with Max resolution 4096 x 2304@60 Hz - Supports Intel ® HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, Clear Video - Supports VGA with Max resolution 1920 x 1200@60 Hz 3 displays - Supports Intel ® HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, Clear Video ** HDMI 2.0 60Hz resolution support requires necessary drivers update HD Technology, Insider™ - Supports Intel ® HD Graphics, InTru™ 3D, Quick Sync Video, Clear Video HD Technology, Insider™ ® ® - Maximum shared memory of 512MB HD Technology, Insider™ Multi-GPU Supports NVIDIA 4-Way/Quad-GPU SLI Technology * (with 4 PCIex16 graphics - Maximum shared memory of 512MB support card) Supports NVIDIA ® 4-Way SLI™ Technology Supports NVIDIA ® 3-Way SLI™ Technology AST2400 with 32MB VRAM - Maximum shared memory of 512MB Supports AMD ® 4-Way/Quad-GPU CrossFireX™ Technology* (with 4 PCIex16 graph - Supports AMD ® 4-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Supports AMD ® 3-Way CrossFireX™ Technology Multi-GPU ics card) * Actual numbers of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic cards. * Actual numbers of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic cards. NA NA Support AMD ® Quad-GPU CrossFireX™ Technology * Actual number of Multi-graphic supported diers per Vendors’ Graphic cards. Please check with Vendor beforehand. Please check with Vendor beforehand. support Please check with Vendor beforehand. Storage Intel® C236 Chipset: Intel® C236 Chipset: Intel® C236 Chipset: Storage Intel® Z270 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel Rapid Storage Technology 15 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 7 x SATA 6Gb/s with 1 x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s & 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 7 x SATA 6Gb/s with 1 x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s & 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports or 6 x SATA 6Gb/s with 2x M.2 (SATA 6Gb/s & PCIe support* PCI-E Gen3 x4 link, NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) PCI-E Gen3 x4 link, NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) Gen3 x1 link, NGFF 22110/2280/2260/2242) - 1 x M.2_1 Socket 3 with M Key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) Intel® RSTe (Windows & Linux) support ( PCIe mode only)** - 1 x M.2_2 Socket 3 with M Key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) (Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 & 5) support (both SATA & PCIe mode)*** LAN 2 x Intel ® I210 GbE LAN 2 x Intel ® I210 GbE LAN 2 x Intel ® I210 GbE LAN - 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s ports (gray) 1 x M.2_2 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices support (PCIe 1 x Mgmt LAN - Intel ® Optane™ Memory Ready*4 mode)* (Supports teaming function) (Supports teaming function) - Supports Intel ® Smart Response Technology*5 1 x M.2_1 (Gen 3 x4) socket3, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support (both SATA & (Supports teaming function) (and U.2_2 or Intel® C621 with Intel RSTe(for Windows only; Support software RAID 0, 1, 10 &5) PCIe mode)** USB Intel® C236 Chipset M.2_2) storages. 8 x SATA 6Gb/s ports (gray) 1 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device)* Intel® C236 Chipset Intel® C236 Chipset - 4 x USB 2.0 ports (4 ports Type A at mid-board) - 2 x U.2 connector (supports U.2 NVMe device) (U.2_2 connector***) ASMedia ® SATA RAID Controller* Intel® C422 Chipset with RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise - 4 x USB 2.0 ports (2 ports at front panel, 2 ports at back panel) - 4 x USB 2.0 ports (2 ports at front panel, 2 ports at back panel) - 6 x USB 3.0 ports (2 ports Type A at front panel, 4 ports Type A at back (and U.2_2 or 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports 5.0 support M.2_2) storages. 4 x U.2 Connectors - 6 x SATA 6.0 Gb/s Ports - 6 x USB 3.0 ports (4 ports at front panel, 2 ports at back panel) - 6 x USB 3.0 ports (4 ports at front panel, 2 ports at back panel) panel) ** The M.2_1 socket shares bandwidth with SATA6G_56 ports. When using M.2 1 x M.2 Socket 3, supporting type 2242/2260/2280/22110 (PCIe Gen 3 x4 and SATA mode) - Intel® Virtual RAID (VROC) suuport for CPU RAID*** - 2 x USB 3.1 ports (1 port at Type A and 1 port at Type C at back panel) ® ® PCIe devices in X2 mode, SATA_56 ports will not be disabled.When using M.2 PCIE “Supports Intel Virtual RAID on Chip (Intel VROC) * Bandwidth is shared between M.2_2 and U.2. Audio devices in X4 mode, SATA_56 ports will be disabled. *The functions will work depending on the CPU installed. ** SATA Bandwidth is shared between M.2_1 and SATA6G_1 Realtek ® Realtek ® Realtek ® *** The M.2_2 socket shares bandwidth with U.2_2 connector and SATA6G_1 *** Intel® VROC is supported via RSTe, Hyper M.2 x 16 card, and Intel® VROC_HW_key. port. When using M.2_2 socket with PCIe bandwidth, SATA6G_1 port will not be Hyper M.2 x 16 card and VROC_HW_Key are to be purchased separately. - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal disabled and U.2_2 connector will be disabled. When using M.2_2 socket with SATA **** NVMe RAID type and function will depend on Intel® VROC_HW_key installed quality quality quality bandwidth, SATA6G_1 port and U.2_2 connector will be disabled. When using U.2_2 connector, SATA6G_1 port will not be disabled and M.2_2 connector will be disabled. - Premium Japan-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural, and - Premium Japan-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural, and - Premium Japan-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural, and *4 Intel ® Optane Technology is only supported when using 7th Generation Intel ® pro- cessors. Before using Intel ® Optane memory modules, ensure that you have updated your motherboard drivers and BIOS to the latest version from ASUS support website. - High quality 112dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & - High quality 112dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & - High quality 112dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & *5 These functions will work depending on the CPU installed. 104dB SNR recording input (Line-in) support 104dB SNR recording input (Line-in) support 104dB SNR recording input (Line-in) support LAN (EEE) appliance - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound - Absolute Pitch 192khz/24bit true BD lossless sound Intel® I219-LM Gigabit LAN- Dual interconnect between the integrated Media Access - BD audio layer content protection - BD audio layer content protection - BD audio layer content protection Controller (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) 2 x Intel ® i210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller 2 x Intel ® i210-AT Gigabit LAN Controller - DTS Studio Sound - DTS Studio Sound - DTS Studio Sound Intel® I210-AT Gigabit LAN controller - DTS Connect - DTS Connect - DTS Connect ASUS Turbo LAN Utility - Supports jack-detection, multi-streaming, front panel jack-retasking (MIC) - Supports jack-detection, multi-streaming, front panel jack-retasking (MIC) - Supports jack-detection, multi-streaming, front panel jack-retasking (MIC) Audio Realtek ® tal sound 3 - Optical S/PDIF out port at back I/O - Optical S/PDIF out port at back I/O - Optical S/PDIF out port at back I/O - Power pre-regulator reduces power input noise to ensure consistent performance. Realtek ® - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both sound deliver equal quality - Realtek ® S1220A 8-ch HD, DTS ® Connect/DTS ® Headphone:X - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs - Impedance sense for front and rear headphone outputs Back Panel I/O - 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out - 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out - 2 x USB 3.1 ports (1 port at TypeA, 1 port at Type C) - Crystal Sound 3 - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, front Panel MIC Jack-retasking - Audio Shielding: Ensures precision analog/digital separation and greatly reduced mul - Ports - 1 x HDMI - 1 x HDMI - 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out - Impedance sense for headphone outputs - High quality 120 dB SNR stereo playback output and 113 dB SNR recording input (Line-in) ti-lateral interference - 1 x DisplayPort - 1 x DisplayPort - 1 x HDMI - 120dB SNR stereo playback output & 113dB SNR input(Line-in) support - Front panel audio connector (AAFP) for headphone and speak - - 1 x Dedicated GbE Management LAN port with 2 x USB 3.0 ports - 2 x USB 3.0 ports - 1 x DisplayPort - Power pre-regulator reduces Power input noise to ensure consistent performance - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* ers - 2 x USB 2.0 ports - 2 x USB 2.0 ports - 4 x USB 3.0 ports - EMI protection cover to prevent electrical noise to aect th - Unique de-pop circuit: Reduces start-up popping noise to audio outputs - Unique de-pop circuit to reduce start-up popping noise to audio outputs Audio Feature : - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural and immersive sound - 2 x RJ-45 ports - 2 x RJ-45 ports - 2 x RJ-45 ports - audio shielding ensures precise analog/digital separation and greatly reduced - DTS Connect - 1 x DVI-D - 1 x DVI-D - 1 x DVI-D multi-lateral interference - DTS Headphone:X - High quality 120dB SNR stereo playback output (Line-out@back) & 113dB SNR input - 1 x USB BIOS Flashback switch - 1 x USB BIOS Flashback switch - 1 x VGA - Premium Japan-made audio capacitors provides warm, natural, and immersive - Premium Japanese-made audio capacitors: Provide warm, natural and immersive sound (Line-in) support - 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) - 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) - 8-channel Audio I/O ports (6 x Audio jacks) - Supports up to 32-Bit/192kHz playback* - Separate layer for left and right track, ensuring both Sound deliver equal quality - Unique de-pop circuit: Reduces start-up popping noise to audio outputs - DTS Connect Internal I/O - 2 x USB 2.0 connectors support additional 4 USB ports (9-pin) - Supports : Jack-detection, Multi-streaming - Power pre-regulator: Reduces power input noise to ensure consistent performance - DTS Headphone:X Connectors - 1 x USB 3.0 connectors support additional 2 USB ports (19-pin) - S/PDIF Optical Out *Due to limitations in HDA bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not supported for 8-Channel audio. - Supports: Jack-detection, Multi-streaming, Front Panel Jack-retasking(MIC) - 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector support additional 4 USB ports (19-pin) - 8 x SATA 6.0Gb/s ports ® 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under Windows 10. - Optical S/PDIF out port(s) at back panel - 1 x USB 2.0/1.1 connectors support additional 2 USB ports (9-pin) - 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector support additional 4 USB ports (19-pin) - 2 x M.2 Socket * Due to limitations in HAD bandwidth, 32-Bit/192kHz is not supported for 8-channel audio. ® - 8 x STAT 6.0 Gb/s ports - 1 x USB 2.0/1.1 connectors support additional 2 USB ports (9-pin) - 4 x Chassis Fan connectors (4-pin) for both 3-pin(DC mode) and 32-Bit/192kHz is only available under Windows 10 ® ® - 1 x M.2 Socket - 8 x STAT 6.0 Gb/s ports 4-pin(PWM mode) coolers control USB Intel Z270 Chipset ASMedia USB 3.1 Controllers Intel C422 Chipset - 24-pin EATX Power connector - 1 x M.2 Socket - 1 x CPU OPT Fan connector (4-pin) - 6 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports (4 ports @back panel, 2 ports @mid-board) - 1 x USB 3.1 Type A port at back panel - 6 x USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (4 ports at rear, 2 ports at mid-board) - 6 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports @back panel, 2 ports @mid-board) - 1 x USB 3.1 Type C port at back panel - 6 x USB 2.0 ports (4 ports at rear, 2 ports at mid-board) - 8-pin EATX 12V Power connector - 24-pin EATX Power connector - 1 x CPU fan with PWM control (4-pin) Asmedia ® USB 3.1 controllers Intel® C621 Chipset ASMedia ® USB 3.1 Gen 2 Controller - CPU fan with PWM control - 8-pin EATX 12V Power connector - 1 x Front panel audio connector (AAFP) - 2 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 ports @back panel (1 x Type A ; 1 x Type C) - 8 x USB 3.0/2.0 Ports (4@ back panel, 4@ mid-board ) - 2 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 ports @ rear (1 x Type A; 1 x Type C) - Front Fan 1~4 - CPU fan with PWM control - 1 x S/PDIF out header - 1 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 port @mid-board (optional Type A or Type C) - 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 Ports (2@ back panel, 2@ mid-board) - 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 port @ front (optional Type A or Type C) - Rear Fan 1 - Front Fan 1~4 - 1 x 6-pin EATX12V_1 Power connector Back Panel I/O 1 x DisplayPort, 1 x HDMI port 2 x USB 3.1 (1 x type C & 1 x type A) 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button - 1 x AAFP connector - Rear Fan 1 - 1 x TPM connector Ports 1 x USB BIOS Flashback Button 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 ports (blue) 2 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 ports (Type-C™ & Type-A) - 1 x COM port header - 1 x AAFP connector - 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector 1 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 ports (teal blue, Type A) 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (1 supports USB BIOS Flashback) 4 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports (Blue) - 1 x TPM header - 1 x COM port header - 1 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power connector 1 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 ports (Type C) 1 x USB BIOS Flashback button, 1 x PS/2 KB port 4 x USB 2.0 ports (1 Supports USB BIOS Flashback) 4 x USB 3.0/2.0 port (blue) 2 x LAN (RJ45) ports (2 x Intel® LAN) 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out Port - 1 x Chassis intrusion header - 1 x TPM header - 1 x System Panel(Q-Connector) 4 x USB 2.0/1.1 port , 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) ports 1 x Optical S/PDIF Out port 2 x Intel LAN (RJ45) Ports - 1 x S/PDIF Out header - 1 x Chassis intrusion header - 1 x MemOK! Button 8-channel Audio I/O ports, 1 x Optical S/PDIF out 8-channel Audio I/O 8-channel Audio I/O Ports - 19-pin front panel connector - 1 x S/PDIF Out header - 1 x Clear CMOS button Internal I/O 1 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector supports additional 2 USB ports (19-pin) 1 x Aura Addressable Strip Header - 18-pin AUX panel connector - 19-pin front panel connector - 1 x USB BIOS Flashback button Connectors 1 x USB 2.0/1/1 connector supports additional 2 USB ports 2 x USB 3.0/2.0 connector support additional 4 USB ports (19-pin) 1 x AAFP connector, 1 x Aura RGB Strip Header - 1 x Aspeed VGA header - 18-pin AUX panel connector - 1 x DRCT(Direct Key) connector 1 x USB 3.1/3.0/2.0 connector supports additional 1 USB port 1 x USB 2.0/1/1 connectors support additional 2 USB ports 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 connector supports additional 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports - 1 x EPU switch 2 x M.2 Socket 3 (for M Key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 devices) 4 x U.2 Connectors 1 x USB 2.0 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 USB 2.0 port(s) - 1 x COM port header 2 x U.2 connectors (support U.2 NVMe device) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 1 x USB 3.1 Gen 2 front panel connector 6 x SATA 6.0Gb/s connectors (6 x gray) 10 x SATA 6.0Gb/s connectors (10 x gray) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280 storage devices support (SATA & PCIE - 1 x Power-on button 1 x CPU Fan connector (4-pin) for both 3-pin(DC mode) and 4-pin(PWM mode) CPU 2 x CPU Fan connector (4-pin) 3.0 x 4 mode) OS Windows 8.1/64 bit Windows 8.1/64 bit Windows 8.1/64 bit coolers control with auto detection support 7 x Chassis Fan connectors (4-pin) (5 x front, 2 x rear) 1 x M.2 Socket 3 with M key, type 2242/2260/2280/22110 storage devices support (PCIE 3.0 Windows 7 SP1/64 bit Windows 7 SP1/64 bit Windows 7 SP1/64 bit 1 x CPU OPT Fan connector (4-pin) 1 x Serial Port headers (COM port header) x 4 mode) Windows 10/64 bit Windows 10/64 bit Windows 10/64 bit 1 x Water Pump header 1 x VROC key header 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors 3 x Chassis Fan connectors (4-pin) for both 3-pin(DC mode) and 4-pin(PWM mode) 1 x VGA connector 1 x VROC_HW_Key Form Factor Micro ATX Form Factor, 9.6” x 9.6” (244mm x 244mm) Micro ATX Form Factor, 9.6” x 9.6” (244mm x 244mm) ATX Form Factor, 12” x 9.6” (305mm x 244mm) coolers control 1 x Front panel audio connector(AAFP) 2 x CPU Fan connectors, 1 x FRNT_Fan connector 1 x Front panel audio connector (AAFP), 1 x S/PDIF out header 1 x System Panel header (20 pin) 1 x REAR_Fan connector, 1 x PUMP connector 1 x Thunderbolt header (5-pin) for ASUS ThunderboltEX series support 1 x AUX panel header 1 x AIO_PUMP connector, 1 x Thunderbolt header 1 x TPM connector 1 x SMBus headers 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector 1 x 24-pin EATX Power connector 1 x Clear CMOS header 2 x 8-pin ATX 12V Power connectors 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power connector 1 x TPM connector (14-1 pin) 1 x 6-pin ATX 12V Power connector 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_1 Power Connector 2 x 8-pin EATX 12V Power connectors 3 x System panels 1 x System Panel(Q-Connector) 1 x 6-pin EATX 12V_3 Power connector(s) 1 x 5-pin EXT_FAN(Extension Fan) connector 1 x MemOK! Button. 1 x Clear CMOS Button 1 x PWR button 1 x MemOK! button, 1 x Thermal sensor connector 1 x EZ XMP switch, 1 x Power-on button 1 x Reset button 1 x Power-on button, 1 x Reset button 1 x 5-pin EXT_FAN(Extension Fan) connector 1 x Chassis intrution (2-pin) 1 x Clear CMOS button, 1 x U.2 connector 1 x 4-pin RGB LED header, 1 x Com Port header 1 x CPU_OV jumper, 1 x COM port header, 1 x VGA port header Windows ® Server 2016 64bit Windows ® 10 64-bit / Windows ® 8.1 64-bit* / Windows ® 7 64-bit* / * Windows ® 8.1 Support Windows ® Server 2012 R2 64bit 64-bit and Windows ® 7 64-bit are only supported when using 6th Generation Intel ® Windows ® 10 (64 bits) Windows ® Server 2012 64bit Processors Windows ® 10 (64 bits) Form Factor ATX Form Factor, 12”x 9.6” (30.5cm x 24.4cm) EEB Form Factor, 12”x 13” ATX Form Factor 12" x 9.6"

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 44 Model name PIKE II 3108-8i PIKE II 3008-8i Controller Broadcom (LSI) SAS 3108 Broadcom (LSI) SAS 3008 Interface PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 Ports 8 internal ports (by 2 Mini-SAS HD SFF-8643) 8 internal ports (by 2 Mini-SAS HD SFF-8643) Supported SAS/SATA Devices SAS/SATA Devices Device Data Max. SAS 12Gb/s Max. SAS 12Gb/s rate Max. SATA 6Gb/s Max. SATA 6Gb/s RAID Level 0, 1, 10, 5, 6, 50, 60 0, 1 ,10, 1E Supported (Max. Physical Devices : 16 or 240 by SKU) Embedded 2GB DDR3 / 1GB DDR3 (by SKU) N/A Memory Cache CacheVault Module (Optional) N/A Protection JBOD Mode Yes Yes Form Factor Dimensions 6.6 x 2.71 inch 5.81 x 2.71 inch

Model name PEI-10G/82599-2S PEB-10G/57840-2T PEB-10G/57840-2S PEB-10G/57811-1S

Speed 10Gbps Ethernet 10Gbps Ethernet 10Gbps Ethernet 10Gbps Ethernet Ethernet BCM 57840S Intel® 82599 BCM 57840S BCM 57811S Controller BCM 84833 Connection SFP+, Dual Port RJ45, Dual Port SFP+, Dual Port SFP+, Single Port Portt Host Interface PCIe 2.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 2.0 x8 Form factor Dimensions 4.72 x 1.77 inch 4.72 x 1.77 inch 4.72 x 1.77 inch 4.72 x 1.77 inch Features PXE boot PXE boot PXE boot PXE boot iSCSI boot iSCSI boot iSCSI boot iSCSI boot

Model name MCB-10G/57840-2S MCI-10G/X550-2T MCI-10G/82599-2S Speed & Ports 10Gbps Ethernet 10Gbps Ethernet 10Gbps Ethernet Ethernet BCM 57840S Intel® X550-AT2 Intel® 82599 Controller Connection SFP+, Dual Port RJ45, Dual Port SFP+, Dual Port Port Host Interface PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 3.0 x8 PCIe 2.0 x8 Form factor OCP Mezzanine Card OCP Mezzanine Card OCP Mezzanine Card Dimensions 2.68 x 4.33 inch 2.68 x 4.33 inch 2.68 x 4.33 inch Features PXE boot PXE boot PXE boot iSCSI boot iSCSI boot iSCSI boot

Model name PEM-FDR Controller Mellanox ConnectX-3 FDR Host Interface PCIe 3.0 x8 Connection QSFP, Single Port Port Data transfer rate Form factor Dimensions 4.72 x 1.77 inch

All specs are subject to change without any prior notice. 46