Washburn & Mid-Wharfe Methodist Ministers for United Benefice Norwood &

Farnley, with Blubberhouses, Rev Shannon DeLaureal Leathley, Weston with Denton. 01943 430345

Rector: Revd Stephen McCaulay [email protected] The Vicarage, Askwith LS21 2HX Rev Tim Perkins Tel: 01943 513340 [email protected] 20 Far Mead Croft, Burley in Wharfedale. LS29 7RR 01943 864187 Hon Assistant Clergy [email protected] The Revd Michael Cleverley Tel: 01943 851234 Norwood Retreat Centre The Revd Stewart Hartley Norwood, LS21 2RA, Tel: 01943 464106 Tel: 07946 423309 Email: [email protected] [email protected] The Revd Barry Miller Methodist Chapels are in the circuit of Tel: 01943 467641 Wharfedale & Aireborough

Readers Websites: John Charman, Norwood Hall Cottage, Norwood LS21 2RA St Oswald's Church, Leathley www.leathleychurch.org Tel: 01943 466712 All Saints Church, Farnley

Fran Dale Tel: 01943 463020 email: www.farnleyallsaints.org [email protected] Fewston and Blubberhouses www.fewstonwithblubberhouses.org.uk Peter Wiggins, 32 Manley Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley LS29 8QP Weston Church Tel: 01943 609599 www.westonchurch.wordpress.com

Norwood Retreat Centre Churchwardens www.yorkshirewestmethodist.org.uk/ Blubberhouses & Fewston: people-places/norwood-retreat-centre

Pat Anderson, Tel: 01943 880284 Benefice Administrator Denton Ann Chadwick Hazel Pullan 01943 600 604. Hours Mon, Weds & Fri, 9.30-11.30am Farnley: Peter Goodwin [email protected] Tel: 01943 969953 01943 466098

Leathley: Terry Bramall CBE Tel: 07802 877799 Front cover image & Liz Webster 01943 468376 Title: Strawberries. July is the season of

Weston: Ann Chadwick Tennis (other sports are available) and 01943 600 604. strawberries. See the recipe on page 45. Credit: Anna Bowman Our Magazine see page 28 Email [email protected] : 11am. 9.30am. August 1st 11am. 9.30am. 25 11am. Time change. NB. 10am 18 change. Time NB 2pm. 11am. 9.30am. 11 2.30pm. 11am. 9.30am. 4 www.achurchnearyou.com will Allbe subject our services to Government guidelines please check on


th th th


July July July


25 11

th th

July at 2:30pm July at 3:00pm

July Services at Norwood ChapelJuly at Norwood Services Fewston Farnley Farnley Weston Blubberhouses Leathley Denton Farnley Fewston Weston Leathley Farnley

Ninth Sunday after Trinity Sunday after Ninth Trinity Sunday after Eighth Trinity Seventh Sunday after SundaySixth Trinity after

Church Services

for updatesfor or see the weekly bulletin.

July 2021 Trinity Sunday after Fifth

Morning PrayerMorning Holy Communion Holy Communion (BCP)Holy Communion WorshipMorning Holy Communion Family Baptism and Service Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong (BCP) Holy Communion Holy Communion

Email : [email protected] image. But what holds this picture in my mind are the thought bubbles that are that bubbles arethought mind picturemy the in this holds what image. But nice A his side. by dog his faithful with the water over out pier looking wooden ofmostoften is a retriever. It’s ofthe edge on ofa apictureman sitting a mind my in that stays picture thedog cocker but puppies working especially another. toget timeis right until the of arepictures of Most the spaniels, arethe pictures lifeof my keepinga way so in year dogs diedmylast spaniel areof full of some timelines know ofwill pictures Media you As My Social dogs. Stephen prayers. myand love With beauty.todayall its enjoy and TomorrowGod’sis in hands. be. Trymight what wonder it, than is,rather life as it more tocontentbe with try tomorrow. about to worry going than I’m day rather of each gifts enjoy the to try to going does. I’m God but bring, will months coming the idea what I haveno toLord. be withthe just content was Mary part. better the chosen had Mary while things many so by and distracted was worried Martha, poor that Martha, tells us Jesus But things! to organise had someone towardssympathetic Martha, say.to listen had toJesus what to and sit down been always I’ve opportunity took the Mary Meanwhile tomake was a success. sure the visit trying about running sheexcitedwas that so was Mary, Martha and Lazarus, Martha visitedhis friends Weto appreciatestop Jesus When and all struggle life. out! totime them dig find I can when and wonder see Ican all theweeds about think ofrather than the beauty arhododendron hardappreciateto very trying gardenand am atmy out looking Iam this writing ofwe beauty the miss I’m outon moment. As the all worrying, our planning, thinkingand our all with that is thedanger But thatis true. ofAnd course done. gets toworry, have tomake everything sure tothat to think, plan, have wehave But them. We after dogs. look for isalright arguecould that you it Now companionshipmoment. of the and beauty the on is focused thedog future. Whilst the happen in might not might, or that things allthe about thinking ambusy I described happening now. is what miss LikeI the in picture canman sometimes the I that is of all thisplanning thedownside But possible. mightbe what out work reality,enemy. alonethe let Still, totofuture; me the frame like helps I to plan; it with contact survive Army, seldom the in plans especially that me shown has and life, experience, in my Even though training. natureby and I ama planner isnice.’‘This man’sThe content. is is elsewhere,dog mind the tothe tomorrow.’way work tonight?’eat one; to has I going am dog ‘What The on isn’t bad be like to the going traffic tomorrow?’ is ‘Ihope weather whatthe wonder several; ‘I manThe has picture. the in of each characters comingout the

The Viewfromthe Vicarage

Email : [email protected] ~ Rev.~ Shannon journey, your for Blessings shoes. walking our weon time put every us for beso Maythis journeys. these along found can be and hope Healing as we walk? withus is God that othereach Are encourage there wecan ways Pandemic? celebratefromthe andblessings suffering and struggles joys the and we the reflect lament where on, a pilgrimage facilitate church help our buildings can what ways in possible, is If it mandatory! isnot worry, Don’t this pilgrimage? church your to for offer Isa it possible best. them suits that a date on service 18 set for Sunday Mission Rural thisyear’s offor pilgrimage theme chosen the Centre Rank has TheArthur a pilgrimage! on to going theregain by is much opinion, the divinewhisper. for and listening God on minds and In my hearts our centring (computer, inward journey take and photographs) a personal or magazines, a journey, on go toresources us arephysically the near still that use wecan weIf weare havea meal. unable a coffee share when or theholy can encounter mercy weIf we are place shaped the visiting. are have we others, with journeying God’s how reflect on we canown, quietly our on and If goodness handiwork. We appreciate athis can God’s marvel creationmorewhenevenwe beautiful wellexperiences. as shared as friendships pathcan deepen the along with others presence, weareloving more to open God’s Conversations voice. and movement moreawareness ofwith we travel when God’s mean that to that I understand this By you. change can itself journey the that pilgrimages saidabout It hasbeen that participated. those for meaningful very was thispilgrimage atchurch.each showed Feedback related Board and aprayer Notice to the Christ’son postedoutside all hours, last reflection readings,scripture ashort included which folks createdfor a pilgrimage churches the Addingham in During HolyWeek, buildings. otheror significant aroundone’svarious ofa pilgrimage atthe places stoppingworship village own makecan one In fact, journeys. away havetofar not be long, do pilgrimages But are buried. James, Apostle, allegedly the where remains of dethe Compostela St. Santiago in Cathedral the in spendtime to of seekSpain in ofpilgrims where all ages Camino the portion a small walking great ofpleasure I havehadthe meaning. streams)significant healing hold and sacred wells (holy churchesand associated sites saints, Catholic or Anglican where places holy to or Land’ be to‘Holy the can pilgrimages times Often increase thatone’s helps a journey on walking of awareness presence ofthe God. mean thisI By a pilgrimage? on ever haveyou been If so, enjoy walking? you Do Dearfriends,

News Chapel fromNorwood th

July 2021. Churchesto offer are 2021. July encouraged this

Email : [email protected] householders to return their envelope themselves rather than have only to distribute envelopes this year. That has meant asking because of the continuing restrictions, we have asked our collection team has affected people so much this past year, it isresult. a wonderful Also, Aid this year! Under the circumstances of the Covid I am delighted to that say we have raised locally over £2100** forChristian 7th 7th June May22nd Thank you! rejoicing with us. As Christian Aid "Love says, builds hope". Government at no extra cost to themselves. Ifknew, she Rose would be that an extra 25% (a will quarter!) go to Christian Aid from the audit. Also, givers many have offered Aid on Gift their donation, meaning ** I shall be able to announce our final total next month, after official Christian Aid to people in great need. generously.responded very Love as well as money has gone out through someone go from door

From the Registry From the - - Funeral, Phillip Livsey at Fewston

Wedding, Olivia Abbott and Thomas Booth at Fewston Christian 2021 AidWeek

- to - door to collect in the normal way. People have

Voluntary Local Organiser Local Cleverley Voluntary Michael


19 pandemic,19 which

Email : [email protected] of this month, this is because I am on holiday (if we can travel!). we (ifcan holiday on I am isbecause ofmonth, this this part for will have weTheeagle fewer noticedthat you have eyed among services Autumn. backthe in to ‘normal’ toget be would The plan whatispossible. out work to month wardensthis early Church-with allof our meeting I’llbe as we can. rotasoon more as permanent backtoHowever, and get a to of services number increase be good the would it Benefice. throughout the ashas aregular hasreintroduced service worked wellEvensong and services throughof much past year. the going rotaof services physical COVIDrota of Our totoDueChurchwardens,the ofable keep hardwork been we have our a regular Autumn. this Benefice the in Meeting aJulian interest,we planto start If wehaveenough Stephen 513350 (01943 know type ofprayer. areyou interestedif letit. So doing please to Weit by do learn prayer,Silent prayer,contemplative or is like called any other sometimes asitis other. each enrich group prayercan and personal lifeand how ofprayer their becomepart can prayer silent how interest is an seeing in common toto needgo churchdon’t in regularly, you have members that All atall. or to ofanyone cup are open a Meetings tea.and then with aprayer and end silence minutes of 30 ofby followed reading piece music or short a with start usually will prayer. tousing silent closerGod draw members to exist help meeting Julian A ofNorwich, Julian mystic, century the great 14th after named meetings, Julian you. for mightbe Meeting a Julian Then toprayer? in Are interestedcloserGod you drawing in ( Stepheninterestedemail by let eitherplease know are you if so Autumn this Benefice the in WeCourse Bible plan to the run itssee relevance life. todaily your toyou and help to better equipyou Bible read the and increaseconfidence your ofGod’s to you help will story course the us. This for love ofstory; onebig ofbooks areBible part the the all how see helpyou will Course Bible the sessions 8 Over can help. Course Bible the then whereto know start of lifedon’t but your make topart a bigger want If you Bible the frightening. be abit can us theBible Wouldyoulike tomoreknoware afraid many of Bible, butask? aboutthe toFor

[email protected]

Benefice Notices from Reverend Stephen from Notices Reverend Benefice Julian Meetings: Meeting in Silence with God with Silence in Meeting Julian Meetings:

Future Church ofEnglandServices Future

[email protected] The Bible Course The

) or by phone (01943 513340) 513340) (01943 phone by ) or


Email : [email protected] theinvestigation. police The is bullion purchasetosupportbulliongold inorder thetohave then victim been to directed catchthe urgesscammerfraudsters. The bankhelptoand the theyneed victim's conductingfraud major intoa theenquiry toldthreat.the areis The police victim activityaccountsontheirwhich are under they victim aremonitoring fraudulent informsthebe The police.theScammer phonereceivesThe call tovictim claiming pounds.formatThe is: scam havehundredslostof of thousands inwhichYorkshire the scam ofa victims We'vehadinNorth two veryreports recent safetobethan sorry thempleasetors remove afteruse. Better youusesatellitedo onyour trac-systems farmneara been Skipton.stolen from If satellitegpshave and operating tablets Warningfarmersthattoall 2 Starfire 6000 John DeerStarfire 6000 Stolen Please Government before check guidance may attending events change as rules

11 & 12 December & 12 11 December & 5 4 September 4 28 August & 22 21 July 2 Events for yourEvents for diary Andrew’s Blubberhouses St -

30 August August 30

Gold Bullion Scam

Weston Rota Cleaning Flower and

Community Notice Board

25 th Christmas Tree Christmas Festival Tree Christmas Festival Ceilidh TrailArt Nidd TrailArt Nidd Local Social


Official Notices July &1 July th

&18 4 th publication. after

July st th


July -

Mrs H Caton H Mrs - member, friend,member, bankpolice. theyour or youanyreceivespeakfamily toa calls immediately.Ifyouabout are everworried likethis, Ifyou call receivea hang up bullion.gold certainlywewill topurchasenever you ask money,toyourlie bankfamily and your, contactyou and NEVER you asktotransfer theyourRemember,or bank police will presentthemselveslegitimate. as to caneffort in doing everythingthey investlotofthese a andscammers time off mile toit,that fall victim a thespot you'd scam Youmightandread thinkthis you'd never bullioninpossession. their hundredsofthousandsofgold ofpounds nowhavemoneyagain andscammers the concluded.neverThetheir seesvictim untilplace investigation the has theythesecure keep safe, will ingolda tothehome,reassuringthe victim’s victim sends‘courier’ bya collected the scammer

Mrs A Ainley A Mrs -

Mrs J Cowgill J Mrs


Blubberhouses Church Blubberhouses Church Blubberhouses Church Blubberhouses Church Blubberhouses Lane TheHopper

andbut that case mightthe be

Email : [email protected] mostwelcome. be will cakes homemade or help Any Farnley Church, proceeds All toSaints All 4 till 11am from Hall Parochial Fewston July atSunday 25th Saturday & 24th on 01423 771393 771393 01423 on Ann or Margaret soon!) number (new 01943 468741; Joan 01943 466789; Sheila 464507; 01943 Mary 770281; Shirley 01423 880362; 01943 on a ring If youwant more any give Gillian info, the talk…!! giving It’s (yes, Knox whenGillian be Me!) will Tuesday Hall on 7.30pm at July 20th Group meets on the first and third third and the first on meets Group Study Bible TheValley [email protected] on details for Wood Peter Contact 2.30pm. Zoomat via meeting weare present, At month. the of Wednesdays pm. Come and join us at Fewston Parochial atFewston us Comeand join change may asrules events before attending guidance Government check Please “Valley Bible “Valley Bible Study Group Study

homemade Cakes Cakes homemade Teas, lunches and and lunches Teas, Fewston Foxy Ladies Fewston Foxy Seethere!you

Community Notice Board Community Notice




after publication. after

always got time for T&T! for time got always 880362 orGladys on880604 T&T,about on a ring Gillian give tomorehearwant If you person. per £2 Itisonly the 60s. over is for and Hall Social atNorwood meets T&T definite! See2pm you you. of waitingfor tea load andaheap chat ofThere cream, cups are jam, scones, and collection. booking Pat Contact for 880284 01943 on safereturn. depositwith £100 on hours, 48 for dows and win- Andrewswith walls Church) Stby marqueeHire(owned sizeable weather? British our from protection some outside, need Hosting

… and breathe…we’re back back breathe…we’re … and -

length of two trestle tables, £50 £50 oftables, length trestle two

Marquee for Hire for Marquee

a local event or family party party family or event a local

Tuesday6 in July!! in T&T T&T


July, for -


Email : [email protected] personal stewardship, advice and tips and tips advice stewardship, personal pack, a fundraising with sign up, you moment the from you alongside there be will Michael’s Saint from volunteers staff and And throughout. motivated you keepwill who Outdoors, Large from guides expert by theway step of every be supported will You Peaks. Three scenery andiconic stunning thein take you whilst newpeople and meet together get wayto a great it's family, or colleagues friends, work of groups individuals, challenge for A charity. care hospice local your supporting while hours, 12 under in Ingleborough, Pen of peaks the on and take stamina Testyour 2021. September 18th Saturday on Challenge Peaks Three Hospice Saint Michael’s Join to? forward look to something for Looking

challenge and raise funds localhospice for challenge andraise care? CanYorkshire's you Peak takeon Three iconic

- y - Ghent, Whernside and Whernside Ghent,

for a for

Avenue, , HG2 8NA. HG2 Harrogate, Avenue, Park Hornbeam House, Crimple address Registered (2121179). Wales and in registered guarantee, by limited company a is Care Hospice Spaces. Talking and Hospice Michael’s ‘B’, Saint Just Homecare, Hospice Herriot as operating ofservices family a with (518905) Wales and England in charity registered a is Care Hospice North Yorkshire moreinformation. www.saintmichaelshospice.org [email protected] Email: peaks.eventbrite.co.uk smhyorkshirethree- here: up Sign sponsorship. in £100 of minimum a raise to aims person each that we ask and 10, of groups for each £20 or £40, just of fee registration with a bookable isnow event This theprepare.on andto how day, need you’ll what to page, fundraising seta to up how from everything on ltur- https://

, ,

for for or visitor

Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]

PatAnderson Cheri from:available Tickets £15including Ticket welcome cash drink,supper, bar, Raffle Event will take place subject to Government guidelines guidelines to Government place subject take will Event Or Johnson Ann Ambulance, FewstonAmbulance, Blubberhouses and FRIDAY, 23 JULY 2021 @ @ 2021 JULY 23 FRIDAY, 01943 465977 refunded if cancellation is necessary due to COVID regulations. regulations. toCOVID due is necessary cancellation refunded if Proceeds equally to Yorkshire Air

HERITAGE BOYS HERITAGE 01943 880284 01943 880284 At Norwood Social Hall Social At Norwood

01943 880000


Churches [email protected]

7.30 7.30

– –

ticket money will be be will money ticket

11.30 11.30


Email : [email protected] 21:20)(5) allowedtooffer (Leviticus food toGod 19notwasAdescendant who ofAaron kingbeChronicles (1 11:3)(6) that17God promised him To would David mate,Yorkforexample, (13) Canterbury, 14Theunder pri- area ofa jurisdiction the 126:11)townhomeGideon’s (Judges (6) 11ofGezer(5)King (Joshua10:33) it’(Matthew (5) 10:39) 10‘Whoever Wilfredinsolution’Lawson ‘theDevil (7)as bythe Described 919th pardona Jesusreceives’momentfrom (8) ‘The3 vilest (Genesis8:8 reconnaissancemissionfrom Noah’s ark Sent 1 out ona three times Across

– — 12) (4) 12) —

whotrulythat believes, his life for my sake will findlifesakehiswill for my

- century MPSir century

Crossword Puzzle Crossword Puzzle

6:19)(4) Itdestroys7 treasures onearth(Matthew Corinthians(7) 4:8) notcrushed; perplexed, but innot ‘Wearehard6 pressedonevery side,but 15:27)(4) treeswherecamped Israelites (Exodusthe 21withAplace springsand twelve 70 palm everyday thancred considers anotheranother; man 20onesa- considers‘Onedayman more about(5) 10:41) manythings’(Luke 18‘Martha,Martha...and you are worried 16(anagram.)do (6)Real (7) 15parishinWherea churchsits choir the poused(8) dispensationalism 13Well 21:35)(3,3) Itthreatened8 (Acts Paul inJerusalem


known Reference Bible that knownReferenceBible es-

’ (Romans 14:5) (Romans (5) ’ forces (1 Chronicles(1forces 5:18)(8) 24totheRelating armed 23(anag.)gain(7) I me 1:5)(5) heshouldGod’ ask (James 22‘If any of you 3:5)Samuel(2son (5) Mother5 sixth ofDavid’s Paul(Philippians2:25)(6 What4 Epaphroditustowas incumbent(5) Church 2 ofEngland (8) Greek1 coins(Acts 19:19) Down (4)(abbrev.) 25Titleto2Down given

wisdom, —

’ (2

- 7) —

Email : [email protected]

Word Search Sudoku

Response Feet Hands Wounds Touch Support See Risen Baffled Where Afraid Father Confused Honest Feast Faith Doubt Saint Thomas Demanded Resurrection

God My Lord Worship

Email : [email protected] July Maze, Story, Puzzlesand colouring - in

Email : [email protected]

Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]

Email : [email protected] Proceeds for kitchen, toilet and disabled for disabled kitchen, and Proceeds toilet Saturday,4 Pat 01943 880284 880284 Pat 01943 access at Blubberhouses Church ataccess Blubberhouses Norwood Social Hall

Tickets including £15 supper Date Foryour diary Phoenix Band Phoenix from Alison 01943 from Alison 01943 880192, Deborah 07703592926Deborah or Cash bar,Cash raffle [email protected] th 7.30 pm 7.30

with September 202l September

Email : [email protected] that Belfast’s took Sunday Bloody 10 on ago, years 100 Also founded. wasParty Communist Chinese 1 on ago, years 100 It was: 40 years ago, on 4 on ago, years 40 (Suicide) Sea. and the TheMan Old Tolls,theBell Farewell A to and Arms, Whom For for; Literature. known Best Prizein ofNobel Winner 1954 the writer, story short died. novelist and Hemingway, that Ernest American 2 on ago, years 60 Also crash in1997) (Killeda in car of Princess Diana, Wales, born. was 1 on ago, years 60 Palestine.peoplewere killed. 91 for headquarters administrative British the housed hotelwhich bombed the right militant (a Irgun The Jerusalem. in place took DavidHotelbombing theKing 22 on ago, years 75 campaign. Victory’ for his ‘V Churchilllaunched Winston Minister Prime British 19 on ago, years 80 Toronto. of theUniversity at Charles Best and discovered FrederickBanting by was insulin hormone that the 30 on ago, years 100 Also homeless. injured. werepeople 2,000 left more than 70 peoplewereand killed 17 Atbattles. and gun least rioting sparking andbusinesses, homes set fireto and enclaves Catholic Protestantattacked place. loyalists

- wing Zionist group) Zionist wing th st

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poisoning, aged 27) aged poisoning, (Alcohol died. and songwriter singer British soul/R&B/jazz Amy Winehouse, 23 on ago, years 10 waslaunched. network, Twitter,micro the 15 on ago, years 15 2003) Edinburgh.Institutein (Died Roslin at the was born thesheep Dolly was born. mammal cloned first 5 on ago, years 25 StPaul’s London. Cathedralin at place took Spencer Diana and Lady Charles of Prince marriage that the 29 on ago, years 40 Also time. atthat single longest world’s wasthe officially It opened. Yorkshire was Lincolnshire, and linking Bridge, Humber that the 17 on ago, years 40 Also Toxteth riots brokeLiverpool. outin

- span suspension bridge bridge span suspension

- blogging social blogging th rd th

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th th

July 1981 1981 July 1981 July

Email : [email protected] to remove subsequent by it easier making loosens dirt where it maintenance, feather used for being hygiene, theirgeneral water. for is important It reasononly need birds However, the is not drinking continuously. and drink dip their beaks can which pigeons/doves exceptions here are The gullets. into their backheads to make it run throwwater their and then the into totheir beaks dip and birds need with, drink to implement anideal not beakis A wrong and create a splash! quite getbit ita bird (presumably) juvenile a see once I did sight, though bodiesflight in of water- surface waterscoop thefrom and swallows swifts leaves, whilst on forming stream anddroplets edges Typical or pond sources arepuddles, fromfood. theytheir need ofthemost water getInsectivores will eaters. are seed they primarily a dayif twice to least needat drink birdssmall many droppings,via so breathingand water by lose they do Birds but don’thave sweat glands, know….ter Idon’t sightlines it hasbet- because from or the house it’s because to whether location: away lo’it’s and behold a go become now house, and the from away bathfurther thegarden,bird- moved we recently of of our part a rearrangement As Birds Birdbaths and

quite animpressive The Birds in Garden Your

- and aiding waterproofing, whilst also waterproofing, and aiding whilstalso flexible of keepingthem its feathers surface the over the thenoil spreads gland and bird the rubsits against bill (theparson's a chicken). on The nose their tail uropygial underneath gland) (or the preen gland gland, called an oil mosthave In addition, arearranged. properly that they towards so working tip, the feather, and quill atthe starting ofbarbs the nibbles along each or a birdstrokes gently preeningDuring around severalfor minutes. splash will birds and some emptied, a fair andpreen.Even toes somewhere dry shakesand choos- off waterexcess the it finished, Once itswings. flicking thewater, by creates and a shower head into its dipping whilst and forth backrolls its skin, expose tofeathers water, Oncethe in its thebird fluffs preening. reducing bacteria and fungi numbers. reducingbacteria andfungi - sized birdbath soon gets birdbathgets soon sized

- secreting

Email : [email protected] easy to remove for cleaning. Shiney toeasy cleaning. remove for makeis perchthat will ahandy middle thein stone placed A stones. bricks or using it off raise could ground you the idea, or tois a good escape animals small toallow ramp a rim, significant a it has if though camouflaged, can be they buried, If partially job. the do will forth andso lids dustbin saucers, one, plant want tobuy youdon’t deep.If thancms 5.0 (2”) more no of choice andadepth, access giveeasy tosides sloping vesselwith are fussy.not a need is do they What birds concern, isapeople aesthetics far as abathSo isconcerned, regularly. topuse,it up you whichever prefer tobutt, but usefrom water our I though refilling, for OK is perfectly Tap afterwards. rinsethoroughly water again with birds: use for designed a product using alsoimportant, water.clean is disinfection Occasional with a thoroughby rinse followed be detergentneeds using if brush, a stiff scrubwith thebath agood Give be needed. will and toppingup well. Consequently, cleaning regular tobath intonext birdsthe or as poo and many intobath, the offair bit dirt a bring and goings thesecomings All

www.bto.org/gbw website BTOGarden the BirdWatch me or contact your visit garden, please of the countfeathered occupants and in likejoin to would beto and interest,of the youfind ofourIf lives garden birds anyonebelow. tonot endanger wellfixed enough a breeze, and to in not enoughsway bathfrom away windows the despair, a(securely!) suspended try don’t garden have no a flatin or alsoscareaway. them live you Should could movement indoors to the house, is too close it them. If for places hiding make down, sure there easyare no about well; bath cats as ifthe islow too. perching Think to preen is handy then and raptors marauding any escaping cover for nearby and some is important, clear view A 360° out. I found as comes positioning, Next discouraged bemay and footing afirm cannotget as birds are vessels ideal, plastic not Titles:Blackbird(left), (above) Nuthatch Photographcredit:Grey Mike Mike Gray Mike

[email protected]

heavy -

Email : [email protected] Church, and that ‘The Church is truly rich, far truly is Church ‘The and that Church, the of treasures true the were these people prefect that told the He crippled. poor and the of delegation small a along taking Rome, of prefect the to himself presented day, he third On the Rome. in poor the to possible it as much of as distribute to quickly, worked he time that During itgather together. to days three for asked He Rome. in Church the of wealth the Laurence of demanded they that martyred, Sixtuswas 258,after of was in Augustit so death.Christians And to the putting then and they discovered, Christians any of goods all the confiscating to taken had authorities how the Roman relates Carthage, of Bishop the Cyprian, St almsgiving. his for loved wasmuch he that know We also Valerian. Emperor the of the persecution during him before days afew martyred just who was II, Sixtus Pope with associated wasclosely he us that tells Martyrum, which Depositio ancient very infound the is His story 258. in martyred whowas Rome in Church Laurence a deacon ofthe was


the patron of deacons, chefs and firefighters Laurence of Rome of Laurence he wasn’t! est’ ‘assus you get ‘p’ the off leave If you martyred). fered/was (he suf- est’ was‘passus a martyr death of the announcing for formula the customary is because This enough. been have would letter ‘p’ the ofthe accidental omission later: years history the in copying by amonk mistake spelling asimple of about because came story gridiron on the roasting that the scholars many by is thought It decapitation. sword for the was at thetime punishment capital of weapon as the historic basis, no has story The side. on one done was he over’ when him ‘turn to captors his telling for and agridiron, alive on roasted being for is famous who course of Laurence, It was death. amartyr’s to condemned was Laurence and prefect, the with down well didnot go This emperor.’richer your than Photograph credit: Anna Bowman Bowman Anna credit: Photograph Laurence Fewston, St and Michael St Titles: Saints. for arenamed Churches Benefices of the Many

Saints day day Saints -

he was roasted. Only Only roasted. he was


16 th August August

Email : [email protected] an abrupt halt in abruptin halt an Marchlast year. Forestprogramme, towhichcame return ofLeaves and theLays of the sees our July long This RefreshmentsCost served. be will peculiaritiesitsand ing mysteries. interpretingtapestry, the highlight- ofthe idea ‘reading’and Cristinawillintroduce fought: was the which against Battleof Hastings and backdrop political cultural sourceunderstanding for the of Normandy, remarkablealsoyet a theofconquest William England by pictorialA Leeds. and narration of Studiesof atthe Universities complete PhD heron Medieval Universityof Yorkand proceeded to CentreMedieval for Studies, Medieval in Literatures the from CristinaFigueredo received MA her Tapestry The Bayeux TALK to new meet people. opportunity givenwarmbe a welcomean and atour help events,or many youwill likeour would in Tea toserve Room varietya of roles,whether you the Centre. contact please We offer team friendly ourof volunteers volunteers.wouldIf you like to join we welcomenew new members and enthusiasticvolunteers. As always, prepared byour teamof served and cakes, all legendary and food dropandin sample ourhomemade theofuntil end October. Please Sundays fromand Our

TeaRoom –

Friday 16 July167.30 Friday

is openis on Saturdays WashburnHeritage Centre 11am to 4pm to 11am

- awaited Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Twitter on us Follow - 9pm 9pm www.washburnvalley.org. –

[email protected] us at email 01943information on 880794 or the CentrePlease contact further for events.guidelines apply.Covid essentialfor allis Booking our Cancer Support. Macmillan All donations to Philip. go topleased honour hostitin of validatthis eventweand are givenSeptember outin 2020will be Coffeeautumn). vouchers morning (usuallyheldthe Morning in organised annual our Coffee ‘Big’ of and always supporter Macmillan a was much. He keen very him indied Mayand Philip we all miss friendof theCentre, Philip Livesey. ofcommemorate thelife dear a coffeespecial A morning to MACMILLAN toconfirmed)be (time COFFEE MORNING non £12.50 theCentre. Cost£10 and members at twolunchserved course Delicious stiles onthe 4.5 Many mile route. of theForest. boundary northern the alongPadside and Beck, pathscriss walk acrossA fields and thestart. Meetatthe Centre to sharecar to Boundary confirmed) WALK members. and non£7.50 members £6 –

TuesdayJuly27to(time be


- crossing the boundary crossingthe boundary – members.

Perambulationof the




Email : [email protected] the Annual Governance Statement Governance and theAnnual presented.acceptresolved to It was were 2020/21 for accounts The below.thedetails via Clerk the contact please location tosuitable as thoughts cost Any of various and benches. trees harder.locationis toinvestigate Clerk a suitable finding actually possibility a seem may this and while discussed life was of Philips celebration Prince respect ofan oak planting tree in Freegardfromin letter Askwith. A Mrs Denton.LanePot Moor on holes Lane Smithy on grid beforecattle the Thejust roadup Park. the breaking into wallat Weston has fallen which askedto NYCCcontact reference the was Clerk items the Underdiscussion Guidance. Councilor as classed thisbe and resolved that Marston Councilor seconded Bush proposedCouncilor councillors for description job Denton residents. A by tomaintenancebe done any and toasset list the add it MWPCwill that and resolved Shepherd Councilor BroderickCouncilorseconded wasproposed it discussion some After practical. wasand not excessive electric of cost light. The connecting NYCC that confirmed this own not did been Ithad light. Denton triangle the on reported Bush Councilor fittedThrostleClose Weston. at Nest Board been Notice had that anew confirmation theseincluded discussed, were Itemsmeeting previous the from Chairman. andVice as Chairman on were voted Shepherd Councilorboth Crossley ofCouncilor and Weston May 2021. 20th on Hall Askwith Village of meeting atwere MWPC held Parish,The andOrdinary Annual

was discussed and itwasand was discussed WashburnCouncil Parish midwharfedalepc.org.uk

7.45pm. at starting Hall Village atAskwith 2021 August is 19th meeting The next investigated. istobe painted.could This be Askwith box in tophone adjacent the theif seat asked Whitley Councilor business other any Under wereaccounts with. dealt Correspondence,and planning and resolved. discussed and invoices wereresolved. Accounts wereaccounts and adopted and the from werethisand as there issues no undertaken been had internal audit An signed. were Part and these 2020/21 2 duly of AGAR Exemption theCertificate

Nick Pullan Clerk to MWPC. toMWPC. Clerk Pullan Nick

[email protected] [email protected]


Email : [email protected] ring the bells of heaven" one Ralphby Hodgson "Twould One of myfavourite poems is the This months reader wrote. always hoped their retirement was was in in1998 INorthumberland. last to be broughtthe very to grass Yorkshire the pit inleft 1972 and teacher in The 1958. last inpony introduced to it theby English poem struck achord when I was ever saw the light of day. stabled deep mines. They were that ponies lived all livestheir in when I learned in Junior School the natural cherish and respect animals and small mixed farmand taught to As achild I was brought up on a


the mine and seldom if

world. I was taken aback

This Poetry Request

long and content. And little hunted hares ponies And wretched blind pit bears And dancing dogs and tigers For tamed and shabby prayers Knelt down with angry And he and they together And people came to theirs, If Parsons lost his senses The wildest peal foryear, Heaven ring T’would the bells of The Bells of of Heaven Bells The

Ralph Hodgson (1871



Email : [email protected] Method Method quartered 350f strawberries, hulled and 100g amaretti biscuits prosecco 100ml chilled champagne or 160g icing sugar 500g mascarpone Ingredients similar in wineseason, served goblets or most of the An summer easy treat to make the

Whisk together the

Serves 6 Serves

local strawberry local strawberry

Chilled Champagne Custard with with Custard Champagne Chilled

Amaretti and Strawberries Strawberries and Amaretti


• • • • •

the fridge until ready to serve Top with a biscuit and keep in glass Pour over the custard to fill the thirds full so the glass isstrawberry two top with some pieces of into the bottom of each glass, Crumble 2 Chill forat least 1hour to forma runny custard prosecco, whisking all the time Add the champagne or sugar to asmooth cream mascarpone and icingsifted (from a Sundaya magazine)(from Times


3 amaretti3 biscuits


Email : [email protected]

posted directly. delivered handby or £12 to have it have 12 copies theof magazine The magazine costs £5 toa year churches is on page 2 Contact information for all the Methodist circuit in the Wharfedale Aireborough& Norwood and Timble chapels are Farnley and St Oswald Leathley. Blubberhouses, All Saints Laurence Fewston, St Andrew Denton, St Michael and St are All Saints Weston, St Helen churches theof United Benefice Washburn Valley. The Anglican in the Mid Anglican and Methodist churches the communities theof The magazine was created to link prices advert and our reasonable yearly 01943 880000 to discuss your email Please contact Ann Johnson by rural parishes to advertise with us. tohappy provide a service in our We encourage business that are arrange delivery and payments 01943 465076 if wouldyou like to Please contact Paul Howarth Tel:

[email protected] How to How Subscribe - Advertising Wharfe Wharfe and lower History

or Tel:

[email protected] Printed by Sharon Press magazine/ g.uk/church www.fewstonwithblubberhouses.or online archive To see past issues we have an keep sending pieces in. Thank all the contributors please HG3 1SU Harrogate Fewston Church Washburn Heritage Centre C/O The Heritage Centre Office Or send in post by to; efice.org.uk magzine@washburnmidwharfeben Please email your contribution to: next issues are on the back cover. welcome. The Deadline for the would like to share. All are date like an anniversary that you messages thanksof or a notable photograph, astory or even a recipes, jokes, cartoon, paintings welcome Please send in articles, Items thefor magazine are always Bowman. McCaulay and the Editor Anna Paul Howarth, our Rector Stephen Distributers Cheri Beaumont and Treasurer Ann Johnson, The magazine is managed our by

Magazine Archive Magazine

Contributors Contributors

. Our printerOur




Email : [email protected] Strawberry(page45)byAnna Bowman Börner PitPonyin 1884byHeinrich 44(Page ) Photocredits

to theJuneto Issue

Answers puzzles

Email : [email protected] For more information about the magazine and how you can contribute subscribe subscribe can contribute you how and magazine the about more information For June EventsJune not on the notice board diary. eventsfor and notices this month or dates for your Please see the Community Notice Board on page 8 andtalks walks Centre heritage Washburn July 23rd Friday unmasked Boys Heritage Next Deadline: Contribution 10th August,10th 9th September, 8thOctober, 12th November

Email; Email; Puzzles colouring and inpull out section Date foryourDate Diary [email protected] or advertise please see page 28 page see please advertise or Edited by Anna Bowman EditedAnna by in thein centre 2021 2021 Deadlines;

page24 page12

- 9

9 th July

Email : [email protected]