Notre Dame Drumline 2017 Audition Information

Drumline auditions take place on Thursday 8/17 – Sunday 8/20, as a part of the Notre Dame Band Camp.


How many new students make the drumline? On average we have around 18 new auditioning students and 10 will make it (approximately 60%). We cannot predict how many will audition in 2017, but we will likely have about 10-11 spots open. Here is the current breakdown of possible open spots:

Snares = 2-3 Tenors = 1-2 BD = 1-2 = 2-3 Keyboards = 2-3

Please remember that some of the returning BD’s, Cym’s, and keyboards, will also audition for open Snare, Tenor, and BD spots. If they make it into those spots, their former spots will open up (so the total number of open spots remains the same). We had 37 drumline members in 2016 and return 25 this year.

What instrument should I prepare for auditions? This really depends on your level of experience and talent. Look through the warm ups that have been posted on the audition website. Here are the expectations:

Snares – Should be able to play all of the snare warm ups (including Flams at 105 bpm) utilizing traditional .

Tenors – Should be able to play all of the tenor warm ups (including Flams at 110 bpm)

Bass – Should feel comfortable sight reading the BD warm ups and need to perform the bass audition routine (not memorized) at 110 bpm. ***Anyone who wants to be considered on is required to play the Bass Drum Audition Etude with a metronome around 110 bpm (not memorized).

Cymbals – Should be able to play the warm ups and should memorize the crashes in the cadences.

Bells/Xylos – Should be able to play the warm ups (Eights, Doubles, TapAccent, Fred, Flams, Irish Warm up) and should feel comfortable sight-reading the rest of the /xylo audition music.

Can I audition on multiple instruments? Yes, but you should choose a primary instrument on which you feel most competent and prepare the materials for that instrument. For example, if you played tenors for several years and can handle our warm ups, you should learn the tenor materials. However, it would be a good idea to look over the warm ups for other instruments so that you can sub in on those instruments during auditions and be considered for them. We don’t expect you to learn parts for every instrument. You can still receive strong consideration on a secondary instrument as long as you can sight read the parts.

Do I need to learn the cadences? The expectation is that you will have the marchout cadences memorized on your primary instrument. Even if you end up playing a different instrument, memorization of the sequence will only strengthen your audition and help you on any instrument you end up playing. Bass Drums should have a general sense of how the cadences go, but don’t need to memorize all part (since you don’t know which drum you will end up on). We will have music available during marchouts on bass drums.

Do I need to memorize the warm ups? You should memorize the warm ups for your primary instrument (BD excluded), but we will have music on flip folders that you can use when trying other instruments. Bass drums should just be able to read the parts (since you don’t know what part to play).

What if I am unsure of which instrument to select as my primary? I (Sam Sanchez) am happy to talk with you on the phone to provide suggestions based on your experience.

Additional information: • Everyone will be required to do a brief sight-reading test (it is easy). • An indoor playing audition is not required, but will be allowed if you request one! (your work with the drumline during band camp serves as your primary audition) • The majority of time will be spent outside working on warm-ups, cadences, and marching fundamentals as part of the drumline. We also will march across campus (with the band) playing the march-out sequence. • Auditioning drummers are NOT required to do a final marching audition (this is only for wind players) • If you want to be considered for Concert Band, please let me know during your sight-reading test! • Bring some sticks that you are comfortable with for snare. We have tenor, BD, and keyboard mallets. • We do not have a front ensemble or pit. The /xylos are compact marching instruments on drum carriers that function in place of a front ensemble. • Attitude is an important part of the audition, so please bring a positive attitude.

Questions? You can email me (Sam Sanchez) at [email protected] or call 574-631-8817 The Drumline Section Leader for 2017 is Ben Vasquez ([email protected]).

We look forward to seeing you at Band Camp!

Sam Sanchez Assistant Band Director University of Notre Dame