GIS Solutions by

GIS Products GIS Tools GIS Solutions • ArcInfo • MapObjects • ArcFM • ArcEditor • Maplex • RouteMAP IMS • ArcView • NetEngine • ArcLogistics Route • ArcSDE • PC • ArcView Business • ArcIMS ARC/INFO Analyst • ArcPad • DAK • BusinessMAP ArcGISArcGIS Desktop Products ArcGIS Extensions Platform PlatformPlatform ArcView Spatial Analyst MrSID Encoder

Desktop 3D Analyst ArcPress Applications Geostatistical StreetMap ArcMap Analyst

ArcEditor Application Services ArcSDE DBMS ArcCatalog DBMS Gateway Coverages

ArcIMS ArcInfo ArcToolbox Internet Services

Files Key Features at ArcView 8.1

• New Applications – ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcToolbox • New Extensible Architecture – Designed for Windows • Improved Cartography • Enhanced Editing • On-the-Fly Projection • Improved Label Management – Annotation • Internet Enabled • And Much More ArcEditor 8.1

• Extends ArcView for Advanced Editing • Enables Full Support for Extended Data Models • Enables Multiuser DBMS Editing with ArcSDE Key Features at ArcInfo 8.1

• Storage of Raster Data in a Multiuser Geodatabase • Support 3D Coordinates and Linear Measures (Dynamic Segmentation) • Geocoding – Single and Batch Addresses • Internet Enabled • Improved Tabular Data Management ArcGIS Flexible Licensing

ArcView ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo (Single Use) (Concurrent) (Concurrent) (Concurrent)

Computer Computer Computer

Authorization File


License Manager

License File with Keycodes ArcGIS Flexible Configurations Desktop Administrator Tool Desktop ArcInfo Architecture

ApplicationsApplications (ArcMap,(ArcMap, ArcCatalog,ArcCatalog, …)…) Geo Data Objects

Personal SDE ArcSDE 8

CAD Grid

Tin Shapefile GeoDatabase GeoDatabase MS Access® Image Coverage Oracle® SQL Server® Informix® Sybase® DB2® ArcGISArcGIS DesktopDesktop ApplicationsApplications



ArcToolbox ArcMap

• Data Integration • Data Visualization • Data Creation • Map Creation • Map Analysis ArcCatalog

• Data Management • Preview Geographic, Tabular Data • View/Edit Metadata • Work with Tables ArcToolboxArcToolbox

•• SimplifySimplify GISGIS TasksTasks − Tools − Wizards •• DataData AnalysisAnalysis •• DataData ConversionConversion •• DataData ManagementManagement ArcToolbox and Arc Server

• Compose job with ArcToolbox on NT • Execute job locally or remotely – Execution near the data on UNIX UNIXUNIX oror NTNT Arc


Arcplot Compose job here Execute job here Customizing ArcInfo 8.0 • AML • ODE • Standard Windows customization – Move tools on GUI, etc. • Visual Basic for Applications – VBA development environment in ArcMap • Any COM compliant language • Create your own COM objects – CASE tool support (Visio, Rational Rose, …) ArcMap and VBA Development using COM architecture • ArcInfo 8.0 provides all the components

Feature IFeature IFeature : IRow Annotation: IFeatureAnnotation Extent: IEnvelope Shape: IGeometry

IFeatureBuffer IFeatureBuffer : IRowBuffer Annotation: IFeatureAnnotation Shape: IGeometry

IFeatureDraw IFeatureDraw : IUnknown

Draw (in drawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in display: IDisplay, in Symbol: ISymbol, in symbolInstalled: Boolean, in geometry: IGeometry, in drawStyle: esriDrawStyle, in unkContext: IUnknown Pointer) CASE support in ArcInfo 8

• Computer Aided Software Engineering • Used to design your • Requirements for the CASE tool – Must support UML diagram modeling – Must support the Microsoft Repository • Currently supported CASE tools – Visio Professional and Enterprise – Visual modeler Case Support Overview

COM Code Electric.dll 3rd Party Generator CASE Pole

MS Repository

Uml Object Electric.schema GeoDb Schema Model Pole Generator Planning Process Methodology

Data Gathering

Data Analysis

Alternative Formulation

Evaluation & Choice


Follow up Capturing Data from Different Data Sources

Paper maps GIS Digital data Data 480585.5, 3769234 483194.1, 3768432 485285.8, 3768391 484327.3, 3768565 483874.7, 3769823 Coordinates GPS ArcPad

• Mobile Geographic Information System

• Provides database access, mapping, GIS, and global positioning system (GPS) integration to users out in the field • Data obtained in the field can easily be uploaded into the master database in the office Manipulating different Data Types

Satellite Images Aerial Photos

Vector Data Rich Data Editing Tools

Scanning Data Table Digitizing

Edit tool Sketch tool Layer control Shared edit tool

Attribute Edit session dialog commands Task list

On Screen Digitizing Editing in ArcMap

• Display and edit in the same environment

Coverage Shapefile Geodatabase ادارة ادارة ادارةادارة ادارةادارة ادارةادارة ادارةادارة

ادارةادارة ادارةادارة

ادارة ادارة ادارةادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة

وﺣﺪة ﺑﻴﺎﻧﺎت ادارة ادارة ﺟﻐﺮاﻓﻴﺔ ادارة ادارة ﻣﺮآﺰﻳﺔ

ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة ادارة Multi-User Editing

Version A Version B Version C

• Enables multiple edit sessions and long transactions A • Just 1 database B C Data Modeling Geometry

Attributes Behavior GeoDatabaseGeoDatabase Rules


The need to abstract real world entities is an Intelligent Spatial Data Model Environmental Attributes Map Layer

Geology Hazard Areas Existing Land Use Noise Contours Floodplain Soils Vegetation Surficial Hydrology EIR Study Areas Planning Study Index Reference The GeoDatabase

• New in ArcInfo 8 – Stores geometry and attributes in RDBMS • Advantages • Single data store for all spatial data • Standard data management for spatial data • Other RDBMS benefits • Use ArcSDE 8 to extend • Database capacity • Number of users In case of huge , The Geodatabase is scaleable

Large - high performance uses ArcSDE Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase SQL Server

MS Access Small - inexpensive and easy Doesn’t use ArcSDE Geodatabase: Geometric networks

• Topology between feature classes – Dynamic - responds to edits as one • Model complex features – User-defined objects – Junctions – Edges • Trace solvers in ArcMap – Build your own Switch Gear Model A47 Geodatabase stores objects • Use ESRI supplied objects…

GeoDatabase Behavior Behavior

Points Lines Polygons Rules Rules canals Pipes Mains Drains

‹… Or make your own! Analyzing Data

ESRI provides many advanced analysis tools…

• Proximity Analysis • Overlay Analysis •Buffer Analysis •Intersection •Finding the nearest point •Union •Identity • Network Analysis • 3D Analysis

• Spatial Analysis • Demographic Analysis And much more…… Buffering industrial factories to show the pollution zones Overlaying different layers like soil, slope, vegetation,etc… to integrate all their information in a new resulting layer Analyzing utility networks (Roads,Water,Sewage,etc…) to indicate the network flow applying what if analysis Using GIS new technology to determine the optimum path between two or more points in the utility network Using ArcGIS 3D Analyst to perform 3D visualization of data accompanied with its database Samples of 3D analysis view captured from ArcGIS 3D Analyst UsingUsing ArcGISArcGIS SpatialSpatial AnalystAnalyst toto performperform RasterRaster analysis,Surfaceanalysis,Surface CreationCreation andand SurfaceSurface ModelingModeling UsingUsing ArcGISArcGIS toto performperform demographicdemographic analysisanalysis Alternative Formulation & Evaluation

•ArcGIS provides advanced insight into information • Enables to make better recommendations and decisions.

Finding the lowest cost path of the pipeline simply by choosing the Start and End points, the application starts to calculate according to a Spatial Model Evaluating alternatives for roads network planning according to site analysis showing an indication of alternative cost estimation Evaluating different planning alternatives, by the aid of ArcGIS By visualizing the 3D scene of each, showing relationships between urban entities Urban Management

ApplyingApplying enormousenormous numbersnumbers ofof differentdifferent queriesqueries toto retrieveretrieve anyany informationinformation fromfrom storedstored entities,entities, inin aa simplesimple interfaceinterface

Identifying attributes for selected features Performing attribute queries about stored features with specific properties Performing spatial queries, like the choice of towns within a specified distance from a selected road Providing high enormous Cartographic capabilities to improve map production quality

ArcIMS Distributed GIS for the Internet ArcIMS Components

ArcIMS Clients

ArcIMSArcIMS ApplicationApplication ArcIMSArcIMS ManagerManager ServerServer Internet Map Server

TowTruck Is Here MemberMember IsIs Here Here ArcIMSArcIMS ClientsClients

Custom Desktop Wireless

ArcInfo ArcExplorer

ArcEditor Custom Browser

HTML ArcView HTML and Java

ArcIMSArcIMS DataData IntegrationIntegration

Any client




ArcIMS ArcIMS EnterpriseEnterprise YourYour DataData DataData INTERNET/INTRANET GIS MinorMinor MinorMinor CenterCenter ArcGIS CenterCenter MinorMinor CenterCenter

ArcGIS Main Data Center ArcGIS MinorMinor Application Database MinorMinor Center Center Center Server Server Center


Client Minor Minor Minor Minor CenterCenter CenterCenter


ArcGIS ArcGIS Questions