
OCTOBER 2020 The First Word


In This Issue: Page 2-3: Pastor Joel’s message Page 4: Council News Page 5: Stewardship Page 6: Scandinavian Dinner Page 7: Financial Focus Page 8: Faith, Fellowship & Fun Page 9: Weekly Worship Schedule Page 10: Shoe Drive Page 11: Youth Message Page 12-13: Youth Ministries Page 14: Lighting Project Page 15: Women of First Lutheran Page 16: Love of the Altar Page 16: Music Ministries Page 17-18: Lectionary Readings Page 18: Notes & Media Statistics Page 19: Small Groups & Studies Page 20: Small Group Page 20: Confirmation Day & Work Day Page 21: First Foodies Page 22: An Evangelical Minute Page 23: Social Media & Day 1 Page 24: ELCA & Staff Page 25: Prayers of Caring Page 26: September Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 27: Calendar First Lutheran Church Hayward, Wisconsin From the Pastor's Desk

Back To Basics

I was privileged enough to have access to the old Metrodome before a Twins game with the Athletics. At the time, one of these two teams had represented the in the previous five . There was a ton of talent on the field. There is much that is unseen on TV, and even in the stands, that one gets to experience at the field level. Imagine my surprise when I saw a batting tee! In a dirt floor area under the stands, normally hidden behind padding, was a tee! I started out, like everyone in baseball, with tee-ball. At the tee was the best hitter in the American League, and working with him was one of my favorite Twins players from my childhood, . The best hitter in baseball was playing tee-ball with the best hitter in the 1960s! It would be like seeing the Pope singing Jesus Loves Me. It would be like Pavarotti singing Do-Re-Mi. I had created a logical disconnect between greatness and basics such that I could not imagine highly accomplished people doing basic activities. On the field, the Twins had called up a much anticipated new pitcher. Tom Kelly was drilling him relentlessly on covering first base on a grounder to the right side. Over and over again, they were fine-tuning his footwork in one of the most basic infield plays there is. And I mean over and over again. What about firing fastballs and mowing down hitters?

It struck me as surprising that athletes at the top of their game were fine-tuning their otherworldly skills with basics. The player I watched at the tee was working on keeping his front shoulder in, a hitting fundamental. I pictured state-of-the-art computers tied to ultra-expensive digital cameras micro- analyzing everything. Instead, I saw a , a batter, a ball, a tee – and a ton of sheer repetition.

My uncle, who coached many sports and was a college athletic director, said, “Practice does not make perfect! Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” Only perfect practice makes perfect. It is probably true: when I sense my bowling game going the wrong direction, I have a muscle memory drill that I do to bring back my timing, and it is so simple even a child can do it.

2 It is interesting how many revival movements in churches, or anything for that matter, have as their core a back to basics. Family counselors encourage families to start eating dinner together. Marriage counselors encourage couples to go for walks and talk with each other. No matter how many diet books there are and health programs with impossibly healthy and bouncy people leading them, the message is to eat smart and be active. Have you ever noticed that law is so complicated that it takes specially qualified people with expensive degrees to walk us through it, yet the Ten Commandments are so easy even a child can understand them? No matter how thick the theology book is and how curmudgeonly and obtuse the old German who wrote it, its ending message is God is love. No matter how dynamic and trendy the Christian speaker, no matter how much the ticket costs for the rally at the stadium, the message at its core is Jesus loves you.

I am convinced more and more that the people who try and make life seem scary and complicated merely do so in order to have power over me. I think that is how cult leaders have their power – make people scared and assure them that as long as they are with you, they have nothing to fear. Tell them life is hopelessly complicated and assure them that you hold the answers.

Life at times can seem terribly complex, but that does not mean the solution is. The complexity of the immense problem of Goliath David rationally reduced to its smaller parts and dealt with them in a logical order. It could be the solution to what plagues us right now is simply to have faith, forgive, be polite, and do good – much like we were taught when we were younger.

Pastor Joel

3 Council Notes


The council met Monday Sept 14th. The usual committee reports were reviewed and accepted. This included the financial report which indicated that our giving toward our regular budget through August is down $8960 from the same period in 2019. We feel that is really quite good news since we have not had “normal” worship for 6 months of the year. Thanks to all of you for your continued support through this very different time. Since we have not been using the building in the normal fashion some expenses such as utility costs are also less than last years.

Staff and committees reported on plans for return to inside worship and faith formation programing. It will be up to all of us to adapt to the new protocols as we move forward. We feel that we can do this safely if we use common sense and consideration for the well being of our fellow worshipers.

Per the approval to move ahead with the lighting project at our special congregational meeting the council authorized the lighting task force to spend $735 to purchase the materials required to fabricate and install the 6 wood light valences which will be installed between the laminated roof arches in the sanctuary. Volunteers will provide the labor.

Bruce Schmidt, Council President

First Lutheran Face coverings were ordered. Delivery should be around mid-October. Support First Lutheran and purchase one with a freewill donation.

Any profit received will go toward the completion of our Mission Statement art work in the Narthex.

4 Stewardship Message


“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Giving can take many forms. Giving is all around us; we just need to focus a little more to see it.

While standing in a long line to buy sweet corn from "Barronette Bob" and confirming that when it comes to corn, we are certainly 'Bob Snobs,' an interesting, giving moment took place. We arrive at the point of sale; a precious older woman asks for a half dozen ears already shucked. The vendor painfully told the woman that they could not take the time to shuck the corn. The men in front and next to us in line told her to bring the half dozen to his pickup truck, and he would shuck and rebag them for her. She profusely thanked him and related that she was not strong enough anymore to do the job.

To further promote this simple act of giving, Bob's corn vendor did not charge her for the corn. Anyone within earshot of this exchange was smiling. Surely it spread this act of kindness around as I am doing now.

God loves it when we justify our faith in Him and "make a life by giving."

Stewardship Committee Jeff Hubbard Bruce Schmidt Carol Knudson Ron Kirchdoerfer Pastor Joel Bacon

5 Scandinavian Dinner Friday, November 6th

Takeout Meal & Bake Sale

Though the traditional fellowship and meal of our Scandinavian Dinner cannot happen this year, First Lutheran WILL host a "takeout" version of the evening.

Watch the announcements for more information soon.

Contact Linda Gordon or Kris Neumann to volunteer or with questions.

6 This area intentionally left blank.

FOR SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS i.e. World Hunger, Lutheran World Relief, Malawi, ELCA Disaster Relief, etc., make the checks to "First Lutheran Church" with a memo notation of what they are intended for. Please do not include these gifts in the same check with your regular Sunday offering. All financial records are kept in the strictest confidence at the church office. Gifts to Habitat for Humanity and the Hayward Food Shelf should be sent directly to these organizations as these funds are not recorded on our financial records. The church office will assist in sending these gifts to the appropriate organizations.


7 FAITH, FELLOWSHIP & FUN Bike/Hike/Ski Club THEOLOGY ON TAP Hiking Season has begun! Let's meet at Tuesday, October 13th @ 7pm Hatchery Creek Park every Monday at Where: Comfort of your home - via Zoom: 6pm to enjoy the fall colors, enjoy https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85951980861? conversations, and hike the beautiful pwd=ZElEZDM0VyttaGVGdWZrUmc0cVI0d land! All are invited! z09 Please sign-up by calling the church Topic: potluck? tbd office or stopping by. Grab a favorite drink, your computer/tablet/phone and join a great ***watch for time/location conversation. adjustments***

Friday Night Movie Parent Squad Friday, October 16th, 2020 Tuesday, October 27th @ 6pm Location: First Lutheran Church 6pm All parents are welcome! Bring Medical transport driver your own beverage and snack. Vic is late, but it's not his Let's connect as parents for the fault. Roads are closed greatness of our youth! for a protest, and no one else can shuttle his Russian grandfather Purls of Prayer and émigré friends to Saturday, September 19th @ 9:30am a funeral. The new Location: First Lutheran Church route uproots his Love to knit or crochet? Need some scheduled clients, particularly Tracy, a fellowship? Join the Purls and help make vibrant young woman with ALS. As the prayer shawls! All are welcome! day goes from hectic to off-the-rails, their collective ride becomes a hilarious, compassionate, and intersectional portrait of American dreams. Cover Girls Filmed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A film Let the quilting commence! about ordinary people who are never All quilters are invited! portrayed in a Hollywood film October 8 & 15 from 9am - 12pm 112 minutes color, 2019. in Fellowship Hall. Sign up at the Welcome Center. No sharing of food or beverages.

8 Weekly Worship Schedule

First Lutheran offers 5 indoor/in-person worship services each week. Each worship will offer the same scripture readings, so you can attend whichever you are comfortable with each week. Those prefering to join remotely can do so. The 8am service on Sunday mornings will live-stream on Facebook and YouTube. You can watch as the congregation gathers or any other time. The 10am service on Sundays will broadcast live in the parking lot through the FM transmitter...pull into the parking lot, turn the radio to 99.9FM and listen in the comfort of your vehicle.

Mask wearing, physical distancing, and no congregational singing during Sanctuary worships. Wednesdays: 12pm: A worship with Bible, sermon, prayer, and communion. No music.

6:30pm: A contemporary, interactive worship. Today's christian music, word, prayer, discussion, and communion. Saturdays: 5pm: Traditional worship with word, prayer, and communion. Sundays: 8am: Traditional worship with word, prayer, and communion. Worship will stream live on Facebook and YouTube. 10am: Traditional worship with word, prayer, and communion. FM Transmitter broadcast in parking lot. Sanctuary Entry & Dismissal: The side aisle. The doors and middle aisle will be closed to help maintain distance and crowding.

Communion: The piano side will release first and walk to the altar up the window aisle, collect their bread/wine, move to the front where Pastor Joel will give the communion blessings, then return to seat by middle aisle. A request for 10 feet apart is requested (couples and families will take communion together). Once piano side is complete the band side will follow using the band side window aisle to the altar and then to the center and return to pews.

Offering: Offering plates will be placed outside the side doors of the sanctuary. Please place your offerings here before or after service.

Fellowship: To maintain distance and keep all safe, no fellowship time inside the church. After service all are asked to move to outdoors. This will also help staff sanitize and prepare for the next service.

First Lutheran continues to be creative during these unusual times. Remember our staff is learning just like you. Patience, kindness, suggestions, and comments are very important.

9 NHS Shoe Drive Now - October 31, 2020 Shoe Collection Do you have shoes that you no longer wear? If the answer is ‘yes’, you can help the Northwoods Humane Society raise money for animals that need extensive medical care.

“Our shelter is committed to meeting the needs of animals that come to us. A few come to us in excellent shape and with all the required medical care and vaccinations. Others come to us in such poor shape that we sometimes aren’t sure if they will make it. The monies raised from the shoe drive will be directed towards covering the expenses of medical care for the animals in crisis. If you would you like to help the Northwoods Humane Society raise money for emergency medical care, all you have to do is bring in your gently used pairs of shoes, boots, sports shoes, adult shoes, children’s shoes – fancy shoes or the good old work shoes. (No Ski boots). The shoes may be taken to the NHS Shelter on Hwy. 77 or to the NHS Thrift Shop on 3rd Street in Hayward.

Our volunteers will put rubber bands on the pairs and put them in bags of 25 pairs. At the end of the drive, November 1, 2020, a truck comes to pick up the shoes. The bags are weighed and NHS receives a check based on the amount collected from funds2orgs. We can’t collect too many shoes! Our goal is to collect 100 bags of shoes with 25 pairs in each bag. If we are successful we will be able to raise $1,250 for emergency medical care. The drive is sponsored by funds2orgs. This organization in turn takes the shoes to countries in need, creates jobs or they recycle them for other purposes. As the shoes come in, if there are new or unique shoes volunteers may pull them to sell in the Thrift Shop as they will generate more money for the shelter – which is our goal. If you know of businesses, organizations or churches that may want to designate a couple of days or a week for their employees or members, to bring in shoes for our drive, NHS volunteers will be happy to pick them up. Please give Gil Zych a call at 715-462-3617.

Please share the word with friends and family and other organizations you are involved with. The drive runs from through October 31. If you have any questions, call Deanna Persson at 715-634- 4543.

10 You Are Welcome A message from your Youth & Education Director

Who is welcome? Who is not? A friend of mine was having a ‘girls’ day’ get-together. She was conflicted about her guest list. Her friend list consisted of many different friends, and some did not necessarily get along with “new” people. I remember her apologizing to those she “couldn’t” invite. She was a mess. Her feelings were hurt. And by the time of her gathering, she didn’t want it anymore. I stressed for her.

This is not just an adult thing. It is a youth thing. A child thing. A people thing. We tend to have multiple circles of friends. Church friends. Work friends. School friends. Meal friends. Night out friends. Pet friends. Family friends. Neighbor friends. Okay…you get the point, and the list could go on forever.

When it comes time to have a get-together, we seem to pick and chose which friend circle we want to include. It can be very disheartening when you must pick and chose whom to talk to, whom to reach out to, whom to invite. It is hurtful to you AND to those not invited.

The argument comes to “well I can’t talk about my work stuff with my church friends” or “how to do I talk about family stuff to my school friends.” The list continues.

However, this truly comes as a disservice to you AND your friends. When you have to survey the area to see who you can talk to and what you can say, what does this honestly say about your friendships? Secrets? Is there trust? Is there respect? I would say no. If you can only talk, chat, or say ‘hello’ to friend A when friend B isn’t around, you are hurting yourself.

**Side note, YES, there are levels of friends and what types of conversations you have with them. This is not the point of this**

God commands us to love everyone. Be friends with everyone. Be everyone’s neighbor. This is not a pick and chose type of love. It is unconditional love for ALL of God’s children.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-13 gives the value of a friend:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king, who will no longer take advice. One can indeed come out of prison to reign, even though born poor in the kingdom. I saw all the living who, moving about under the sun, follow that youth who replaced the king; there was no end to all those people whom he led. Yet those who come later will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a chasing after wind.”

We are the church. Let us be the church. Love everyone as God’s children. Do not separate or categorize. Welcome, everyone, as your friend. Amen. Blessings ~ Tiffany Chipman

11 Youth Ministries Terrific Tuesdays: It is so great to see our church children again! The energy is back! The smiles! The squeals! The FUN!!!

Our K-5th Grade youth are jumping in and having fun! We eat! We play! We tell stories! We pray! All are welcome! We continue to dive into the Elements of Faith and doing so fun experiments!

ONLINE OPTION: Our weekly stories will be available on our YouTube page (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0jJ0IpoOB- 6q2VrSnjokhQ?view_as=subscriber) by 3pm each Tuesday.

Join in Worship! A time of praise to Our Lord and Savior. FAITH5 - Interactive Worship is just right for children, youth, families, and those looking for an extra spring in their step!!!

Every Wednesday at 6:30pm

Be sure to check it out!!!!

Confirmation - Middle School Youth:

Our feet are getting wet as we move into our new routine. Class time (breakout sessions) are engaging. This year the emphasis is New Testament. Youth are exploring the life and times of Jesus.

Virtual Confirmation is available via LIVE on our YouTube channel. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0jJ0IpoOB- 6q2VrSnjokhQ?view_as=subscriber) High School Youth:

A time to meet in person. A time for conversation and fellowship. A place to be YOU! All 9th - 12th grade youth! Join together! October schedule: ***each Wednesday starts at 6:30pm for Worship!!!!*** October 7th: Taco Time & Talking October 14th: Fields of Faith (High School Football Field) October 21st: Service Project October 28th: Halloween Scavenger Hunt

12 Youth Ministries Confirmation Class of 2020: (High School Freshman)

Faith conversations continue. Celebration plans come together. Confirmation is almost here! Mark your calendars: Sunday, October 25th at 10am!!!!

Confirmands continue to meet on Sunday mornings from 9am - 10am. This time is spent talking about our faith, listening to guest speakers, and building our foundations. Parents and mentors are invited during these times.

Weekend Retreat: ALL Confirmands (9th grade) should attend this weekend retreat. This will be a time of learning, serving, exploring, and more! October 16 - 18: Friday: 6pm - 9pm (Dinner provided), Saturday: 9am - 4pm (Breakfast & Lunch provided), Sunday: 9am - 12pm (Breakfast provide). Parents and mentors are invited!

Fields of Faith: Let's bring God, our friends, and our community together on the football field. Let's take time to praise God's name. Rejoice in His word. Share our faith.

6th - 12th Grade Youth - this is a night for YOU!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 @ 7pm

ELCA Youth Gathering 2021 The ELCA Youth Gathering 2021: Minneapolis is postponed until 2022. Though we were looking forward to heading off on another adventure next summer, we are given some extra time to fund raise, invite friends, and prepare ourselves! The new date for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering is: July 24 - 28, 2022!!!

13 Lighting Task Force

The big news regarding the lighting project is that on Sunday September 13th a special congregational meeting was held at which time the vote was unanimous to move forward with ordering the 6 main fixtures for the sanctuary at the cost of $29,100.

The council was empowered to approve any further expenditures for the project as the cash becomes available. Subsequent to that approval approximately $6000 was received for the lighting fund such that as of this writing we are only about $3500 short of fully finding the project. Thanks for your generous support.

The 6 main fixtures were ordered Sept 14th with a lead time of about 8 weeks. The council also approved the order of the materials for the 6 wooden light valances in the amount of $735. They will be fabricated and installed by volunteers so that they are ready for the contractors when the time comes. The timing of the project will depend on the actual lead time for the fixtures and the completion of the fund raising. Our best guess right now is that the main part of the work will begin right after Christmas.

Lighting Task force, Pastor Bacon, Jeff Hubbard, Bruce Schmidt and Randy Neumann (property chair)

14 Women of First Lutheran

October a time when our woodlands turn into a kaleidoscope of color. Our farmers are busy putting up hay and silage for winter feed; the granaries are full. The gardeners are canning and cleaning up the gardens and preparing them for winter. Our tourists have left, and school has begun. It is a busy time as another season ends, and another begins.

What a joy it is to live in a place where we have these seasons. Again I am reminded of our wonderful Creator. He leads us through all seasons. We are living in a time of seasons of fires, COVID, and political turmoil, but our God is guiding us. "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on us." Isaiah 54. He admonishes us "to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer." Romans 12.

We are all waiting for our "normal"; back to work, back in our churches, and our young people back to school, maskless and safe from worry and fear. We talk of light at the end of the tunnel. Jesus is our LIGHT. He will lead us out of the tunnel of darkness and into the light. And so as we wait for the changes to take place. Philippians 4 says: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--- think about such things." And Jesus tells us to pray without ceasing, pray for our teachers, our students, our leaders, the healthcare workers, our scientists to find the immunization for the virus, and for love and kindness to prevail.

Women of First Lutheran, I feel we are scattered, and I am planning to begin getting our studies, quilters, card ladies, prayer shawl, and circle groups back to a schedule again. We will follow the church guidelines. I think if we follow these, we can safely meet on the usual times, as before this pandemic. Please keep in touch with the church office if there are changes. We are a busy church, and we will still have the zoom studies and morning devotions that we can attend. We will continue having an online church service, as well as in-person. I will be sending out my emails to you before the meetings to keep you informed. We will follow the regular calendar as we did last February. Our circles will study from the October issue of the Gather Magazine and briefly cover the study in the September issue.

Morning: Peace Circle - 9:45 am on October 13th - Leader: Barb Klippel Afternoon: Faith Hope & Love Circle - 1:30 pm on October 13th - Leader: Linda Gordon Evening: Jubilee - 6 pm on October 20th - Leader: Rhonda Passolt Weekly: Koinonia will meet at 8 am each Tuesday at the church. They are watching a DVD series on the Old Testament.

"Let all that we do be done in love." I Corinthians 16:14

God's Peace, Linda Gordon FLCW Pres.

15 The Love of Our Altar Eternal Candle Sponsors for October

Michelle Forrester In memory of Warren Ogren Dick Gillis In memory of Shirley Gillis The Somerville Family In memory of Dana Somerville Schwartz

Please sign up on the Eternal Flame clip board if you wish to be a sponsor. Please give Jeannette the sponsor funds when you sign up.

There is room for more Eternal Candle Sponsors, please sign up and let the office know. Thank you!!!

Sanctuary Lighting Project

Goal: $49,576 Funds:$46,120

Sample of what lighting will look like -->

Music Ministry

The Spirit Within Choir: Worship Schedule: Members of the October 11 Choir will sing hymns October 25 at Sunday worships.

Practice every Thursday at 6pm Thank you for your help during a time of no congregational singing.

16 Lectionary Readings

October 4, 2020: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Preface: Sundays Color: Green

Prayer of the Day: Beloved God, from you come all things that are good. Lead us by the inspiration of your Spirit to know those things that are right, and by your merciful guidance, help us to do them, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. Gospel Acclamation: - Alleluia. Jesus says, I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last. Alleluia. (John 15:16)

Readings and Psalm: Isaiah 5:1-7 (The song of the vineyard) Psalm 80:7-15 (Look down from heaven, O God; behold and tend this vine. (Ps. 80:14, 15)) Philippians 3:4b-14 (Nothing surpasses the value of knowing Christ) Matthew 21:33-46 (The parable of the vineyard owner’s son)

October 11, 2020: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Preface: Sundays Color: Green

Prayer of the Day: Lord of the feast, you have prepared a table before all peoples and poured out your life with abundance. Call us again to your banquet. Strengthen us by what is honorable, just, and pure, and transform us into a people of righteousness and peace, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in God’s salvation. Alleluia. (Isa. 25:9)

Readings and Psalm Isaiah 25:1-9 (The feast of victory) Psalm 23 (You prepare a table before me, and my cup is running over. (Ps. 23:5)) Philippians 4:1-9 (Rejoice in the Lord always) Matthew 22:1-14 (The parable of the unwelcome guest at the wedding feast)

October 18, 2020: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Preface: Sundays Color: Green

Prayer of the Day: Sovereign God, raise your throne in our hearts. Created by you, let us live in your image; created for you, let us act for your glory; redeemed by you, let us give you what is yours, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Gospel Acclamation - Alleluia. Shine like stars in the world, holding fast to the word of life. Alleluia. (Phil. 2:15, 16)

Readings and Psalm Isaiah 45:1-7 (An earthly ruler as the instrument of God’s will) Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13] (Ascribe to the Lord honor and power. (Ps. 96:7)) 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (Thanksgiving for the church at Thessalonica) Matthew 22:15-22 (A teaching on giving to the emperor and to God)

17 October 25, 2020: Reformation Sunday Preface: Sundays Color: Red

Prayer of the Day: Almighty God, gracious Lord, we thank you that your Holy Spirit renews the church in every age. Pour out your Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep them steadfast in your word, protect and comfort them in times of trial, defend them against all enemies of the gospel, and bestow on the church your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Gospel Acclamation - Alleluia. If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Alleluia. (John 8:31-32)

Reading and Psalm Jeremiah 31:31-34 (I will write my law in their hearts, says the Lord) Psalm 46 (The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. (Ps. 46:7)) Romans 3:19-28 (Justified by God’s grace as a gift) John 8:31-36 (Jesus says, Continue in my word and you will know the truth)

Starting in October we will celebrate our birthdays and anniversaries during worship services:

Birthdays: The first weekend of the month Anniversaries: The second weekend of the month

The Outreach Committee and the Hayward Rotary Club would like to thank all of the generous people who helped make the School Backpack Program a great success. Several large boxes and bags of supplies were delivered to the LCO and Hayward schools just in time for the start of the school year. We are truly blessed to have such a generous community.

Facebook Monthly Stats: Last 30 days: Instagram Monthly Stats: 288 Followers Last 30 days: ***26% Age 65+ ***20% Age 35-44 29 Followers 94 Average Daily Devotion Viewers 132 Average Worship Viewers From inspiration to action shots - check out what is Share posts! Invite family and friends! happening. Comment or like posts. Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/flchaywardwi/


Men's Bible Study is back and studying Prophecies! Every Tuesday at 8 am in the Sanctuary. Bring your own beverage and snack (if desired). ***physical distancing and face masks are practiced for safety. ***No food or beverage sharing at this time.

Koinonia (a weekly Bible study group for women) is back and studying The Old Testament via DVD series by Amy Jill Levine! They meet every Tuesday morning at 8am in Room 4. ***physical distancing and face masks are practiced for safety. ***No food or beverage sharing at this time.

Online Bible Studies are available via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. We meet Tuesday nights at 7pm and Wednesday mornings at 10am. Both studies are different. Engage in both! Tuesday evenings are exploring the lesser known stories of the Bible and Wednesday mornings are spent talking about Parables! Jump on by yourself, grab your family, invite a friend. Exploring the Bible in a fun and laid back way. All are welcome. Both studies are led by Pastor Joel and have fantastic discussions. Tuesday Evening (7pm): Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82544654436? pwd=OXd4bmFkT2VYMTE2M0pjTExCZFFWdz09

Wednesday Mornings (10am): Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84874711501? pwd=cWlEbEdNZk1IeTBLc1VSNXZBdWl6dz09

Contact Tiffany in the church office with any questions.

Jubilee bible study will be a DVD type bible study which we are planning to work out either via zoom or in person at church. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we try to navigate these different and difficult times. At the time of this email, we have chosen Faithful, Abundant and True by Beth Moore, Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shirer. This is a DVD bible study which we will learn from the book of Hebrews. God's examples in faithfulness - challenge believers to be faithful in difficult times, learn to trust in the Holy Spirit. If you have an interest in joining our Zoom meeting or want to be a part of our conversation to join, please let Rhonda Passolt know. You can reach her at 715-563-2502 or 715-634-1062 or email her at [email protected].

19 Women's Morning Circle: Peace Circle meets Tuesday, October 13 at 9:45am. Join together in a fellowship and Bible study while exploring the articles of the Gather Magazine. Leader for October: Barb Klippel

Women's Afternoon Circle: Faith, Hope & Love meets Tuesday, October 13 at 1:30pm. Join together in a fellowship and Bible study while exploring the articles of the Gather Magazine. Leader for October: Linda Gordon

Confirmation Sunday Join us on Sunday, October 25th at 10am to honor our Confirmation Class of 2020. Micah Bacon Madi Bergschnieder Kallen Clifford Nessa Eklund Mackenzie Forrester Cassidy Judy Emma Kuczenski Alyson Reier Macey Reier Jace Schlapper Lauren Sisco We are so excited to have these amazing youth become voting members of First Lutheran! Congratulations!

Our work on Rally Day at Greenwood Cemetery was such a , we have decided to complete what we started! And help is needed!!!! Sunday, October 4th - starting at 12pm (NOON)

Grab your shovels, racks and gloves and lets complete the project. We will fill in sunken ground, straw and seed it.

This is a GREAT Cross+Gen Project! Be sure to come help!

20 First Foodies: Chicken & Dumplings by Linda Schloegel 6 C. water 3 chicken bouillon cubes 1 small potato, scrubbed and diced 1 small onion, diced 2 ribs celery, cut into 1/2" slices 2 carrots, cut into 1/2" slices (or a dozen baby carrots) 2 frozen chicken thighs or breasts 1 C. Bisquick 1/3 C. milk

Put the water and bouillon in a large saucepan on high heat. Add the vegetables as you get them cut. When the broth is boiling, drop in the chicken, cover the pan and turn down the heat to a slow boil. After an hour turn the chicken pieces over and cook for another half hour. Mix the Bisquick and milk, stirring 30 times, then drop onto the boiling soup. Cook, uncovered, for ten minutes. Cover and cook another ten.

Have a fun and tasty recipe for November? Sent it to Tiffany Chipman by October 15th!

Cook Booklet

Women of First Lutheran are putting together a short, current, easy cook booklet. Sales of the booklet will go to help the Sanctuary Remodel. Help be part of a great recipe book by submitting recipes to Connie Shield at [email protected] or leave a paper copy in the envelope on the clipboard at the Welcome Center. Submission Deadline: Sunday, October 4, 2020.

Wednesday Night Supper A community meal is served in Fellowship Hall here at First Lutheran Church every Wednesday evening at 5:00pm.

The meal is free of charge, or if you wish, you may make a free will donation. The meals are nutritious and are prepared and served by volunteers from the Church congregation, as well as volunteers within the community.

If you wish to help in this important ministry, please look at the sign-up sheets on the cart located on the left side of the Church as you enter. See who is in charge for the month and give them call or sign-up to help. September Weekly Meal Sponsors: Monthly Overseer: September 2nd Patty Treland September 9th: Patty Treland Patty Treland September 16th: Patty Treland September 23rd: Hayward Lions Club Thank you!!! September 30th: Beehive Botanicals

21 AN EVANGELICAL MINUTE Care for Creation

“If we truly want to experience heaven in the world today, Jesus tells us we need to embrace discomfort.” Our September issue of Living Lutheran includes an article, “Holy Discomfort,” written by Pastor Aaron Fuller, a bi-vocational pastor service as a Navy Reserve Chaplain.

He highlights perfectly what we face now: the adversity and discomfort of a global pandemic, the sins of racism, the abuses of power, the uncertainties of the future. He writes:

“If we truly want to experience heaven in the world today, Jesus tells us we need to embrace discomfort. Now is not the time to turn away from the suffering, fear, or white supremacy that plagues the nation. We’re called to face it---that is what it means to be Christian. May we be inspired by the words of this Franciscan blessings.”

“May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that we may live deep within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people to work for justice, freedom, and peace. May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, hunger, and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. And may God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world so that we can do what others claim cannot be done; to bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.”

“That is my idea of heaven---one worth living for.”

Our Holy Father, O’ how blessed are we to have an author such as Pastor Fuller reaching out with encouragement to us to work in God’s name on behalf of others.

In Christ, Amen

22 Social Media Check out our First Lutheran Church Website at: http://www.firstlutheranhaywardwi.org

Giving Options: Website Highlights: We have several online ways to contribute Upcoming Events to First Lutheran Church ministries. Be sure to continue to visit First Lutheran’s website for the latest in Give+ Mobile events that can be found in the box The Give+ Mobile app offers you a way to titled “Coming Up!” on the home page. make convenient credit or debit card donations quickly through your Android Daily Devotionals or Apple phones. Check out the home page: there is a new devotional every day by Pastor Joel The Give+ app is free, secure and easy to Bacon. Each devotion is posted around use. Simply go to the App Store and 9am or can be caught "live" on search for “give plus Church” to download Facebook at 7:30am. and start donating today. Weekly Worship Services Automatic withdrawal from your banking Worship services are available online account. You may set the amount of your through Facebook or our website every contribution, the date, the frequency. Sunday at 8am. Contact the office for more information. If you have additional ideas for our website or updates, please contact Sue Reinardy at [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pg/firstlutheranhaywardwi/about "Day 1" Radio Ministry

“Day 1”, a voice of mainline Christian Churches, presents messages by clergy representing mainline Christian faiths, including those of the ELCA. Peter Wallace, host for each broadcast, facilitates discussion with clergy on timely topics. This radio ministry reaches our shut-ins, visitors to the area, and others for whom regular worship and Church affiliation are not a part of their daily lives. The cost per broadcast is $30. We have First Lutheran members sponsor the “Day 1” weekly segments on radio station WRLS-FM (92.3). These segments air at 8:30am every Sunday. The sponsorship of a broadcast may be in honor of a person, or special occasion, or in memory of a loved one and is open to all. Day 1 Sponsors: September 13 in memory of Don Harms by Judy and Family September 27 in memory of Doug Wikum and Bill and Diane Weinstock by Jane and Family

23 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America God's work. Our hands. We are a Church that is deeply rooted—and always being made new. If anyone is in Christ... We are deeply rooted. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is still comparatively new as a Church body, and yet our roots are much deeper than our 25 years together. The taproot of our life extends through the histories of predecessor Churches in the United States, through the formative witness of the 16th century evangelical reformers and their confessional writings, to the Scriptures and the word of Christ. Our life is in Jesus Christ. We are deeply rooted in his word of forgiveness and the promises of God’s steadfast love and mercy. The word of Christ dwells in us richly. God nourishes us as one body in Jesus Christ with companions from around the globe who meet us at Christ’s table of grace. …there is a new creation We are being made new every day. In Jesus Christ we are not unchanged. What God does in Christ is as radical as the death and resurrection of baptism, where new creatures in Christ rise to live “no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them.” God is bringing that new creation to life among us in the ministry of reconciliation. In that service we no longer see each other as we did before. We are no longer strangers, competitors or enemies to each other. We are beloved companions in one body, restored to a communion where the rich diversity of our experiences, wisdom and abilities serve the common good in Christ. The new creation in Christ rises to life among us every day.

Office Hours: Weekly Bulletin: First Word: Monday - Thursday If you would like to submit ALL ARTICLES for the First Word 8:30—4:00 information for the weekly newsletter are to be sent to Friday bulletin, it is due to Tiffany Chipman 8:30—12:00 Tiffany Chipman by 4:00pm each by 4:00pm on October 18th for Tuesday the November First Word

Phone: 715-634-2141 Contact Us: Mail: P.O. Box 346 Hayward, WI 54843

First Lutheran Staff Joel Bacon Pastor [email protected] Jeannette Siemers Business Manager [email protected] Tiffany Chipman Youth and Education Director [email protected] & Office Administrator Ray Austin Building and Grounds [email protected] Patty Van Landschoot Choir Director [email protected] Rebecca Iverson Organist [email protected] Patty Treland Volunteer Coordinator [email protected]

24 Our Caring Prayers: Care Centers: Please Pray For:

Barbara Williamson Aspen Acres Water’s Edge Emily Hutchison 10214 Rock Creek Rd 11044 N State Rd 77 Kari Costa Hayward, WI 54843 Hayward, WI 54843 Gareth Nelson Irene Ahrenkiel Care Center: Todd Swanson Dorothy Hedman Irene Byerly Denise Leasure Ralph and Carol Cornell Raymond Gordon Vi Jacobson Pastor Paul Martinson Colleen Moreland Nels Beckman Care Partners Assisted Living Paul Pedersen Sharron Probyn 15497 Pinewood Drive Wallie Meisner Hayward, WI 54843 Assisted Living: Anna Suzan Clare Jacobson Hayward Health Center Karen Luebke 10775 Nyman Avenue Dennis Marquardt Hayward, WI 54843 Gene Nelson Joyce Zaspel Liz Webber Henry Aukee

Country Terrace 10260 White Birch Lane Hayward, WI 54843 Chronic & Long-term Illness: John Jaeckel John Bihun Ranee Bihun Dawn Saxum

25 Clare Jacobson Kathy McCoy Ryan Turner Robert Simons Ricki Opfer Ashley Martinson Ardie Littlefield Dave Sonby Ian Malcolm Carole Rusch Mary Doig Stephen Neff Marlo Schield Constance Olson Madeline Strapon Bruce Anderson Richard Buchman Leah Hawksford Lucille Peet Ray Austin Ianna Eklund Jim Onarheim Brooke Torstenson Logan Abric Kathleen Polich Erinn Bratley Nate Olson Diane Pierce Stacy Nowak Darren Clifford Jim Schreiber Mark Berquist Brady Campbell Kay Hawksford Bryn Hand Blaize Jerome Lori Thompson Jim Chipman Kyleigh Brueggeman Dave Dokkestul Kyle Fredrickson Beckett Treland Travis Hand

Jamey & Dee Arnold John & Rhonda Passolt Jim & Tiffany Chipman Kenneth & Lisa Schmock Randy & Kris Neumann Tim & Kirsten Strottman Jim & Barb Onarheim

26 27 Worship With Us! Wednesdays: Noon & 6:30pm Saturdays: 5pm Sundays: 8am & 10am Everyone is Welcome!

10680 Main Street Hayward, Wisconsin 715-634-2141 www.firstlutheranhaywardwi.org