1920-05-00 Index
THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR MAY, 1920. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Amf rican Legion, New York County, request for ap- Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Municipal Civil Service Commission, 2675, 3204, 3206, propriation to defray expenses of Memorial Day Court of Special Sessions, 2814. 3207. observances, 3000, 3164. District Attorney, Richmond County, 2344. Parks, Department of, Manhattan and Richmond, 2677. Authorization to purchase various articles without Education, Board of, 3344. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 2680. public letting- Manhattan, President, Borough of, 2814, 3344. Public Charities, Department of, 2675. D strict Attorney, Richmond County, 3159. Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 2813, 3008. Police Department, 2675, 2676, 3204, 3207. Purchase, Board of, 3159. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 3162. Plant and Structures, Department of, 2677, 3204, 3205. Board meetings, 2703. Parks, Commissioner of, Queens, 2815. Queens, President, Borough •of, 3204. City Surveyors, appointment of, 3164. Police, Commissioner of, 2814, 3009. Street Cleaning Department, 2677, 3207. City Park, Brooklyn, restoration to original purposes, Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 3162. Taxes and Assessments, Department of, 2676. 3161. Richmond, President, Borough of, 2814. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Cod. of Ordinances, amendments of, relating to- Street Cleaning, Commissioner of, 2813, 3009. 2675. Aito trucks and trailers, 2999. Public hearings, 2803, 2859. Granting permission to management of the Greater New Discharge of small arms, 3166. Resolution requesting leave of absence for employees York Appeal for Jewish War Sufferers to collect Location and designation of public markets, etc., 2809. on Memorial Day, 3259. funds publicly, 2680. Licenses, by requiring owners of motor vehicles to Resolution adopted, 2695.
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