Volume 17, Number2 October 28, 1982



CONTENTS Page I. ABSTRACT ...... • ...... 23 II. INTRODUCTION ...... 24 III. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY ...... 27 and ....•...... 27 Upper Cretaceous ...... 36 Lower Paleozoic ...... 40 IV. CRETACEOUS-TERTIARY PALEOECOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC HISTORY ... .41 V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...... 43 VI. REFERENCES CITED ...... 43

I. ABSTRACT gests that the base of the Jackson Forma­ The paleontology and biostratigraphy of tion may be at 270 ft, but sporomorphs indi­ Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Paleozoic rocks cate that the base of the Jacksonian Stage in the upper Mississippi embayment are in­ (upper Eocene) is possibly at a depth of completely known because marine about 350ft in test well1-X. Lithologic units are only locally present in these rocks. This of the Claibornian Stage (middle Eocene) study concerns material from two U.S. Geo­ here consist of the Cockfield(?) and Cook logical Survey test wells drilled in New Mountain(?) Formations and Memphis Madrid County, southeastern Missouri, as Sand, in descending order. The Claiborn­ part of earthquake hazard studies in the ian could not be subdivided using sporo­ northern Mississippi Embayment. morphs from cuttings, but sporomorphs Test well1 sampled lower Tertiary strata show that the top of the Sabinian Stage (top to a depth of 146ft; these strata were found of the lower Eocene) is at about 1,055 ft; to be late Eocene in age on the basis of lithologically, the top of the sporomorphs. Test well1-X, 29ft northwest (top of the Flour Island Formation) is at of well1, provided cuttings and cores from lower Tertiary, Upper Cretaceous, and 1U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va. 22092 lower Paleozoic rocks to a total depth of 'U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Co. 80401 2,316 ft below the Kelly bushing (at an 'U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. altitude of 288 ft). Lithologic evidence sug- 20242

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR THIS PAPER: NORMAN F . SOHL, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. WILLIAM E. STEINKRAUS, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. RONALD R. WEST, Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhatten, Kansas 23 24 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 17

1,048 ft. Sporomorphs suggest that the top II. INTRODUCTION of the lower Sabinian (top of the Paleocene) is within the Flour Island Formation at The paleontology and biostratigraphy of about 1,105 ft. The next major lithologic Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Paleozoic rocks break, the top of the Fort Pillow Sand at in the northem Mississippi Embayment are 1,186 ft, does not coincide with any detect­ incompletely known because marine fossils able biostratigraphic boundary. Lithologi­ are only locally present in these rocks. cally, the interval from 1,339 to 1,377 ft may Many of the lower Tertiary an~ Cretaceous belong to the Old Breastworks Formation; rocks were deposited in nonmarine envi­ dinoflagellates from cuttings indicate that ronments, and some marine units lack cal­ this interval is likely to be late Midwayan in careous fossils because of leaching (Lamar age and, therefore, correlative with the and Sutton, 1930; Shourd and Winter, 1980). Naheola Formation of the eastern Gulf The Paleozoic carbonate rocks are com­ Coast. The Porters Creek Clay extends monly coarsely crystalline, dolomitic, and from a probable top at 1,377 ft to 1,691 ft, and only sparsely fossiliferous. Many papers the base of the underlying Clayton Forma­ have been written on the taxonomy of spor­ tion (Tertiary-Cretaceous contact) is at omorphs (spores and pollen grains) from 1, 703 ft. Calcareous nannofossils, dino­ the lower Tertiary and Cretaceous of the flagellates, foraminifers, mollusks, ostra­ northern Mississippi Embayment, but much codes, and sporomorphs from continuous remains to be learned about the sporo­ cores of the Porters Creek Clay and Clayton morph biostratigraphy of these rocks. No Formation indicate that the upper half of papers have been published on the taxon­ the Porters Creek correlates with the upper omy or biostratigraphy of dinoflagel­ part of the same formation or perhaps part­ lates in this region. ly with slightly younger rocks in the eastern In this study, we examined Tertiary and Gulf Coast, the lowermost Porters Creek Cretaceous rocks for calcareous nannofos­ appears to correlate with the upper part of sils (Bybell, Smith), dinoflagellates (Ed­ the of the eastern Gulf wards), foraminifers (Gibson), mollusks Coast and with the Kincaid Formation of (Ward), ostracodes (Hazel), and sporo­ Texas, and the thin Clayton of the test well morphs (Christopher, Frederiksen) and probably correlates with only the lower part Paleozoic rocks for conodonts and verte­ of the thicker Clayton of the eastern Gulf brate remains (Repetski). The lithostrati­ Coast. Sporomorphs from McNairy Sand graphy is by Crone and Russ. (Upper Cretaceous) cores indicate Mae­ The material studied is from U.S. Geolog­ strichtian and perhaps latest ical Survey New Madrid test wells 1 and Age. Lower Paleozoic dolostone from 2,023 1-X, drilled in the autumn of 1978 as part of ft to total depth at 2,316 ft is barren of identi­ the Survey's Earthquake Hazards Reduc­ fiable fossils except for a probable fragment tion Program. One of the prime goals of the of the fish Anatolepis; the dolostone is prob­ wells was to obtain data about the active ably Late in age. tectonic stress field from in situ hydro­ The McNairy Sand of New Madrid well fracture stress measurements in the sub­ 1-X seems to have been deposited in non­ surface Paleozoic rocks. A second objective marine to nearshore marine environments; was to obtain good quality samples and the Clayton Formation and lower part of the modern geophysical logs of the strati­ Porters Creek Clay were deposited under graphic section in the New Madrid area. marine conditions during an early Paleo­ The stratigraphy and structure of this part cene marine transgression. A major regres­ of the Embayment are poorly known be­ sion followed that continued through the cause few deep wells and test holes have end of Porters Creek time and perhaps into been drilled. Finally, as mentioned previ­ Naheola (late Midwayan) time; the Sabin­ ously, relatively little is known about the ian, Claibornian, and Jacksonian strata in biostratigraphy particularly of micro- and southeastern Missouri were deposited pri­ nannofossils in the northern Mississippi Em­ marily or entirely in nonmarine environ­ bayment; sampling of the test wells pro­ ments. vided an excellent opportunity to study a No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 25

variety of fossils from the post-Paleozoic initially drilled to 142 ft; cuttings indicated rocks of the New Madrid area, to correlate the top of the lower Tertiary was at approxi­ these rocks with much better known sec­ mately 135 ft. Surface casing was set and tions elsewhere in the Gulf Coast, and to cemented to 140 ft. The well was then compare the generally nonmarine to near­ drilled to 1,388 ft, near the top of the Porters shore marine facies of the northern Missis­ Creek Clay (lower Paleocene); cuttings sippi Embayment with the more marine were collected at five-foot intervals from 140 litho- and biofacies of the Gulf Coast. to 1,388 ft. After the well was logged, eight New Madrid test wells 1 and 1-X are sidewall cores were collected between 255 located in SW '14 SW v. SE% sec. 32, T. 21 and 500 ft. The well was deepened to 1,400 N., R. 14 E., U.S.G.S. Point Pleasant 7'h ft, and a string of casing was set and ce­ minute quadrangle, New Madrid County, mented to that depth. Below the casing, Mo., just west of Missouri State Highway continuous coring recovered nearly a com­ 162 (fig. 1). Test well! is 323ft (98.5 m) N. 40° plete section of the Porters Creek Clay be­ W. of U.S.G.S. benchmark 283, and test tween 1,415 and 1,691 ft and much of the welll-X is 29ft (8.9 m) northwest of welll. Clayton Formation from 1,691 to 1,703 ft Sample depths are measured below the (1,696 to 1, 704.5 ft according to the core Kelly bushing, which was at an altitude of boxes). In the Upper Cretaceous section 288 ft. (Measurements in this paper are from 1, 703 ft to the top of the lower Paleo­ cited in English units to maintain consisten­ zoic dolostone at 2,023 ft, only seven 1- to cy with standard drilling usage). Small dis­ 10-ft intervals of clay, silt, and sand were crepancies of several feet are evident be­ recovered by coring, but samples of cut­ tween depths marked on cutting bags and tings were collected at five-foot intervals. core boxes and depths recorded on the The Paleozoic dolostone was cored from geophysical logs. In this paper, depths of 2,023 to 2,028 ft with minimal recovery, but fossil samples are those marked on the bags cuttings were collected from 2,028 ft to total and boxes whereas depths of lithostrati­ depth at 2,316 ft. graphic unit tops and bases are from the geophysical logs (see fig. 2), which are more accurate. Preliminary reports on the drilling history and stratigraphy of test welll-X were pre­ pared by Crone and Russ (1979) and Russ and Crone (1979), and a detailed description of the samples from welll-X is provided by Crone (1981). Test well 1 was drilled to a total depth of 237ft and casing was set at 146 ft. Cuttings suggested that, below the alluvium, the top of the lower Tertiary gray clay was at about 125-130 ft. The interval from 205-237 ft was cored, but the core barrel repeatedly snagged on the bottom of the casing as it was being re­ trieved. The casing had to be pulled, and the core from 205 to 237 ft was lost. Fortu­ nately, a thick mass of lower Tertiary mud­ stone exhibiting well preserved stratifica­ tion was lodged in the bottom of the casing; this mass represents a "core" within the interval between about 125 ft (the top of the preserved lower Tertiary) and 146 ft (the lower end of the casing). The rig was moved, and drilling com­ Figure 1. Location of the New Madrid and menced for test well 1-X. This well was Fort Pillow test wells. 26 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 17

1- ~ r---1 w MAJOR INTERVALS LIGNITE AND w W ITH NO SAMPLES CARBONIZED WOOD u. ~ SAND AND GRAVEL CLAY z (/1 0 (/1 [:=J ~ ~;:!; i= w :z: w (/1 w a. <( z SAND DOLOSTONE w (.!) ::J :..: 1- 1- ;:!; () <( (/1 1:C <(0 a: §:~:::j I I a:> w 1- a: 0 :r SILT UNCONFORMITY wcn (/1 (/)(.!) u. 1- ~t~".._T.f'1C:.RA\~~TYR~~~1; CONTAIN$ LIGNITE AND LIGHT WHITE-BROWN, FINE- TO VERY COARSE­ GRAINED SAND: GRAVEL COMMON NEAR BASE;

LIGHT-GRAY T O BUFF, MEDIUM- TO VERY FINE­ GRAINED, SILTY SAND INT ERBEDDED WITH UGHT­ GRA.Y CLAYEY S ILT; LIGNITE COMMON. 350? ~~~------< ,:,E LIGHT-GR.t.Y TO L IGHT-BROWN SllT AND CLAY ~ INTERBEDDED WITH MEDIUM- TO FINE- GRAINED g ~ SAND; LIGNIT E COMMON TO ABUNDANT AND MAY 0~ " OCCUR AS DISCRETE BEDS IN LOWER PART. f-"----l---+- 4 1 5? LIGHT-GRAY TO LIGHT- BUFF CLAY AND SILT: CONT AINS VARIABLE AMOUNTS OF SAND AND z w .. z w w z a: 593 z ...J a: 0 w c 0 () c ;;:"' 0 :iii ;;:"' ...J () w ...J () 0 () FINE- TO VERY COARSE-GRAINED, LIGHT N GRAY-WHITE, QUARTZOSE SANDt CONTAINS 0 PYRITE, LIGNITE AND ROCK FRAGMENTS. z >­ w a: () ..;:: a: ~ f---.4--+--~~-+---+- 1,048 1, oss±-j>,""':!------< ~0 MEDIUM• TO L IGHT-GRAY SILTY C LAY AND C LAYEY ~z 1,105±. 1-- ~ z X 0~ SILT CONTAINING THIN BEDS OF FINE• TO VERY ~~ "' .. 0 " FINE-GRAINED LIGHT YELLOWISH-GRAY SANDt a: ~!!! COMMONL Y CONTAINS L IGNITE, PYRITE, AND MICA. w z () 1, 186 0. iii ...J 0. FINE• TO VERY COARSE-GRAINED, QUARTZOSE ~ S AND: COMMONLY CONTAINS PYRITE, LIGNITE, w :::> ..(/) ~ " z ? ,!. ~ ~ ? ? ? g~~ jill 1, 339? 0 ,., 1 ,3 7 7? w z ...J a: >- .. w ..>- .. "'ww~~ •· 0. 3:: ~w .. 3:: ~~ " 0 3:: c ou COMMON; BECOMES CALCAREOUS, VERY FOSSILIF- ...J c - - EROUS, AND VERY GLAUCONITIC NEAR THE BASE. :iii i ~ =uLIGHT GREEN-GRAY, GLAUCONITIC, FOSSILIFEROUS ClAY-@\ ~ CLAY INTERBEDDED WITH GREEN-WHITE, VERY f-+--+--.J---1--l--~TON~....,~ 1 , 691 _L 1 696 : : : : g~~~~?NN~T!~:EO~~~~F=~~U$L~~~\~~ECALLY (/) OWL 1 , 703 -r-1 , 704. 5 ~l\ SAMPLES FROM THE OWL CREEK MISSING: BUT :::> \ 5 () ~ j£1 ~1 ¥ ~~PJ4,Z~ I~:~ELKO?s ~~~~~eTJLl~AJR ~~~r~~SEN T, 0 a: 0 w > N () w EZ~_:~~~-~ = FINE- TO C OARSE- GRAINED, GLAUCONITIC SAND; ~ 0. ~ C OMMONLY CONTAINS PYRITE, MICA, AND 0 ;; •~· (/) .. 0. CARBONIZED WOOD FRAGMENT$; TRACE 1- :::> z ;;; w w u ~=~~ GLAUCONITE; INTERBEDDED WITH STEEL- GRAY, ::;; a: ~ r=~:::; SOFT, MIC ... CEOUS, SILTY CLAY. () 2,023 () •· c z w WHITE TO DARK- GRAY, FINE- TO COARSE­ 0 a: z N .. w .. C RYSTALL INE DO LOSTONE; LOCALLY -REC RYSTALIZED; TRACE VUGGY POROSIT Y; 0 a: 0. bi "<> w 0. N DISSEMINATED PYRITE COMMON; TRACE ...J ::;;"' :::> z~ AUTHIGENIC QUARTZ CRYSTALS• .. 0 1 0. .. () L_~~--L__L~__ L_ __ ~_L 2,3 16_L__ ___J=L~------~ Figure 2. Diagram of rock and time-rock units below the Mississippi Valley alluvium in New Madrid test wells 1 and1-X. No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 27

III. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Kentucky (by R.H. Tschudy; see Olive, Eocene and Paleocene 1980). This paper confirms that the J ack­ Useful samples available from the upper sonian Stage also occurs in the subsurface part of the Tertiary section in the test wells of southeastern Missouri. consist of the "core" (casing) sample from The sidewall core sample from 350 ft 125-146 ft in well1 and sidewall core samples could be from either the upper Eocene or from 350, 395, and 500 ft in well 1-X. The the upper part of the middle Eocene, and sidewall core samples from 255, 270, 410, we tentatively place the biostratigraphic and 4 70 ft are barren or nearly barren of boundary between the upper and middle palynomorphs, and the sidewall core sam­ Eocene ( = the J acksonian-Claibomian Pro­ ple from 485 ft was not examined. Cuttings vincial Stage boundary) at this level (fi g. 2). from the upper and middle Eocene of the Lithologically, the Jackson and Cockfield test wells are difficult to use for sporomorph Formations are difficult to distinguish from age determinations because they are one another; however, geophysical log cor­ heavily contaminated with cavings of upper relations suggest that the formation contact Eocene material, and at the same time might be at 270 ft. The sidewall core sample many of the samples contain reworked ma­ from 395 ft is probably late middle Eocene in terial of early Eocene to Cretaceous age. age based on the occurrence of a fair Sixty sporomorph taxa have been identi­ number of specimens of Gothanipollis and fied in core samples from strata of the upper aff. Symplocospollenites of Tschudy (1973a) Eocene and the upper part of the middle and the presence of Hippocrateaceaedites. Eocene in New Madrid wells 1 and 1-X On the Gulf Coast, Gothanipollis is found (Table 1). However, the precise position of mainly in the middle Eocene and is only the upper Eocene-middle Eocene boundary sparsely represented in the upper Eocene; in the Gulf Coast is not easily determined by the form of Symplocospollenites in the sam­ sporomorphs. Many late Eocene sporo­ ple from 395 ft is similar to one found only in morph species are different from those of the middle Eocene to Paleocene of the Gulf the middle part of the middle Eocene Coast by Tschudy (1973a); Hippocrateace­ (Tschudy, 1973a; Elsik, 1974), but sporo­ aedites has previously been found in North morph assemblages of the upper Eocene America only in the middle Eocene of Cali­ are nearly identical to those in the upper­ fornia (Frederiksen, unpublished data). most part of the middle Eocene (Frederik­ The first downhole appearance of Gothani­ sen, 1980a). pollis in the cuttings is at 445-450 ft; this The "core" sample from 125-146 ft (Table sample also has the first probable Alangio­ 1) contains a rich sporomorph assemblage pollis. Like Gothanipollis, Alangiopollis is typical of the upper Eocene and the upper­ mainly a middle Eocene genus on the Gulf most middle Eocene. The presence of Coast; Alangiopollis is very rare in the up­ Momipites annulatus indicates that the per Eocene of that region. The sidewall sample is not older than late Eocene. The core from 500 ft seems clearly to be from the cuttings sample from 305-310 ft of test well upper part of the middle Eocene because 1-X probably includes cavings; this sample Celtis and Gothanipollis are fairly abun­ contains Parsonsidites conspicuus Frede­ dant in this sample, which also contains riksen 1973, which is only known from the probable Alangiopollis. Platycarya pollen upper Eocene and lower Oligocene. The may range to near the top of the middle youngest early Tertiary rocks exposed on Eocene on the Gulf Coast, but it is rare the surface in southeastern Missouri are as­ above the lower part of the middle Eocene. signed to the Holly Springs Sand or Forma­ The specimen of Platycarya found in the tion (Koenig, 1961), which is thought to be sample from 500 ft may be reworked; sev­ middle to early Eocene in age (references in eral taxa of reworked lower Eocene to Cre­ Keroher and others, 1966, p. 1784-1785). taceous sporomorphs occur in this sample. However, the Jackson Formation was ten­ Several specimens of Graminidites (grass tatively identified in the Fort Pillow test well family) were also found in the sample from 55 mi to the south-southwest of the New 500 ft. This pollen form probably does not Madrid wells, in Lauderdale County, Tenn. range far below the top of the middle (fi g. 1; Moore and Brown, 1969), and the Eocene on the Gulf Coast. The possibility J acksonian Stage has been identified on the cannot be excluded that the grass pollen basis of sporomorphs in southwestern grains in the sample could be modern con- 28 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 17 taminants. However, the only occurrence borne Group could not be subdivided bio­ of grass pollen in the cuttings was at 490-495 stratigraphically on the basis of sporo­ ft; similar contamination of two samples col­ morphs from the cuttings. Undescribed lected and processed separately seems un­ species were seen that are probably middle likely. The gradual change in the sporo­ Eocene in age, but the relatively few morph assemblages from 125-146 to 500 ft marker species and genera for the middle suggests more or less continuous deposition Eocene listed by Tschudy (1973a) and Elsik across the upper Eocene-middle Eocene (1974) were not found. boundary in the area of the test well. Reworked lower Eocene and Paleocene Dinoflagellates were examined from the sporomorphs are consistently present in the "core" sample from 125-146 ft, and the fol­ upper and middle Eocene samples, but the lowing taxa were found: reworked material is only a small per­ Chatangiella sp. centage of total sporomorphs. At 1,055-1,060 Fibrocysta bipolare (Cookson & Eisenack, 1965) ft, the cuttings sample contains quite a few Stover & Evitt, 1978 specimens of Platycarya platycaryoides. lsabelidinium acuminata (Cookson & Eisenack, This species is rare above the lowermost 1958) Stover & Evitt, 1978 Odontochitina costata Alberti, 1961 part of the middle Eocene and has its peak Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricum (Deflandre & occurrences in the lower Eocene; there­ Courteville, 1939) Davey & Williams, 1966 fore, we take the top of the lower Eocene as The specimens seem to be quite oxidized being at about 1,055 ft. and represent a reworked Cretaceous as­ Lithologically, the contact between the semblage. The known range of 0. costata is Memphis Sand (lower part of the Claiborne from Campanian to Cenomanian; the as­ Group) and the underlying Flour Island semblage seems to be late but not latest Formation (upper part of the Wilcox Group) Cretaceous in age. in the New Madrid well is placed at 1,048 ft. On the basis of lithologic correlation be­ In the Fort Pillow well in , the tween New Madrid well 1-X and the Fort lower part of the Memphis Sand contained Pillow test well (Moore and Brown, 1969; sporomorphs typical of the lower part of the Crone, 1981), the Claiborne Group in the Claiborne Group (middle Eocene), whereas New Madrid well is tentatively divided, in the upper part of the Flour Island Forma­ descending order, into the Cockfield For­ tion had sporomorphs found in the Wilcox mation, Cook Mountain Formation, and Group (lower Eocene to upper Paleocene; Memphis Sand (fig. 2). However, the Clai- R.H. Tschudy, in Moore and Brown, 1969).

Table 1. Sporomorphs in cores from the upper Eocene and upper part of the middle Eocene, New Madrid test wells 1 and 1-X. Depth in ft. Test well I Testwelll-X 125-145 350 395 500 Chrysophyllum brevisulcatum (Frederiksen, 1973) Frederiksen, 1980 . X Ephedra hungarica (Nagy, 1963) Frederiksen, 1980. X Juglans nigripites Wodehouse, 1933 X Lymingtonia cf. L. rhetor Erdtman, 1960 . . X Planero? thompsoniana Traverse, 1955 . X Tilia instructa (Potonie, 1931) Frederiksen, 1980. X Triatriopollenites sp. (Comptonia type). X llexspp...... X X Intratriporopollenites stavensis Frederiksen, 1980 X X Liliacidites tritus Frederiksen, 1973 ...... X X Platanus sp...... X X Quercoidites microhenricii (Potonie, 1931) Potonie, 1960 ...... X X Symplocos contracta Frederiksen, 1980 . X X Ailanthipites berryi Wodehouse, 1933 . X X X No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 29

Test well t Test weii1-X 125-145 350 395 500 Caprifoliipites tantulus Frederiksen , 1980 ...... X X Cupanieidites orthoteichus Cookson & Pike, 1954 ...... X X Momipites annulatus Frederiksen & Christopher, 1978 . X Myrtaceidites parous Cookson & Pike, 1954 ...... X X Nyssa kruschii (Potonie, 1931) Frederiksen, 1980. X X X Rhoipites angustus Frederiksen, 1980 . X X X Tetracolporopollenites lesquereuxianus (Traverse, 1955) Frederiksen, 1980 X X X Tetracolporopollenites longipollinius (Traverse, 1955) Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X Triatriapollenites sp. (Myrica type) ...... X X X Alnus vera (Potonie, 1931) Martin & Rouse, 1966 X X Araliaceoipollenites granulatus (Potonie, 1931) Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X X Carya (large grains) X X X X Cupuliferoipollenites spp. X X X X Momipites coryloides Wodehouse, 1933 X X X X Momipites microfoveolatus (Stanley, 1965) Nichols, 1973 . X X X X Platanus occidentaloides Frederiksen, 1980 X X X X Polyatriapollenites vermontensis (Traverse, 1955) Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X Pseudolaesapollis ventosa (Potonie, 1931) Frederiksen, 1979 ...... X X X X Quercoidites inamoen us (Takahashi, 1961) Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X Rhoipites latus Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X Salixipollenites parvus Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X Siltaria pacata (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Frederiksen, 1980 .. X X Siltaria cf. S. scabriextitna Traverse, 1955 X X X X Tetracolporopollenites megadolium (Potonie, 1931) Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X X X X Ulmipollenites undulosus Wolff, 1934 ...... X X Verrutricolporites spp...... X X X Rousea monilifera Frederiksen, 1980 ...... X Araliaceoipollenites profundus Frederiksen, 1980. X Casuarinidites cf. C. granilabratus (Stanley, 1965) Srivastava, 1972 . X Cyrillaceaepollenites megaexactus (Potonie, 1931) Potonie, 1960 ...... X Ephedra claricristata Shakhmundes, 1965 ...... X Ericipites aff. E. ericius (Potonie, 1931) Potonie, 1960 ...... X Hippocrateaceaedites sp ...... • ...... X Liliacidites vittatus Frederiksen, 1973 . X Symplocos gemtnata Frederiksen, 1980 . X aff. Symplocospollenites of Tschudy, 1973. X Cyrillaceaepollenites kedvesii Frederiksen, 1980 X X Gothanipollis cockfieldensis Engelhardt, 1964 X X Alangiopollis spp. Betulasp...... X Celtis sp...... X Eucommia type X Gleicheniidites senonicus Ross, 1949. X Graminidites gramineoides (Meyer, 1956) Krutzsch, 1970 . X Lycopodium homulatum (Krutzsch, 1959) Frederiksen, 1980 . X Platycarya platycaryoides (Roche, 1969) Frederiksen & Christopher, 1978 . X 30 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol.17

However, the sporomorphs in the upper rather certain not to range above the Paleo­ part of the Flour Island Formation of the cene. In short, this sample is Paleocene but Fort Pillow well have rather long ranges probably includes cavings from the lower and thus are not the most useful taxa for Eocene. Basopollis obscurocostata, Fagus­ biostratigraphic correlation. In the New pollenites sp., Insulapollenites rugulatus Madrid hole, the lithologic boundary at and Paraalnipollenites confusus are not 1,048 ft between the Memphis Sand and the known to range below the upper Paleocene Flour Island Formation coincides well with (lower Sabinian) on the Gulf Coast. the contact between the middle and lower Eocene determined probably to be at about Moore and Brown (1969) divided the Wilcox Group (which corresponds more or 1,055 ft according to sporomorphs. less to the Sabinian Provincial Stage) of the The top of the Paleocene in New Madrid well1-X is probably at about 1,105 ft ; in the Fort Pillow well, in descending order, into the Flour Island Formation (mainly silt and cuttings sample from 1,105-1,110 ft, the fol­ lowing sporomorphs have actual or ap­ clay), the Fort Pillow Sand, and the Old Breastworks Formation (mainly silt). In parent range tops: Basopollis obscurocostata Tschudy 1975 (2) New Madrid test well 1-X, the top of the Faguspollenites sp. of Frederiksen 1980b (3) Fort Pillow Sand is at 1,186 ft, and the Old Insulapollenites rugulatus Leffingvvell 1971 Breastworks Formation was tentatively (probable) (2) identified as extending from 1,339 to 1,377 ft Momipites tenuipolus group, cf. Platycarya (1) on the basis of cuttings and geophysical Momipites strictus Frederiksen & Christopher logs. The biostratigraphic contact between 1978 (possible) (4) the Eocene and Paleocene in the Fort Paraalnipollenites confusus (Zaklinskaya 1963) Pillow well could not be determined, but Hills & Wallace 1969 (3) Pistillipollenites mcgregorii Rouse 1962 (2) sporomorphs suggested that at least the Retitrescolpites anguloluminosus (Anderson lower half of the Old Breastworks Forma­ 1960) Frederiksen 1979 (4) tion is Paleocene (R.H. Tschudy, in Moore Tricolpites sp. (3) and Brown, 1969). In the New Madrid well, The taxon marked (1), Momipites tenuipo­ the contact between the Eocene and Paleo­ lus group with affmities to Platycarya, is cene falls within the Flour Island Formation probably an early Eocene form. Taxa (fig. 2). Thus, the lower Eocene part of the marked (2) range from the lower Eocene to Wilcox Group in the New Madrid well is the Paleocene. Taxa marked (3) have much thinner than the upper Paleocene ranges that are not yet defmitely estab­ part of the Wilcox. Similar relative thick­ lished, but thus far they have not been nesses of the lower Eocene and upper Pale­ observed above the Paleocene in the Gulf ocene are found throughout the Gulf Coast Coast, whereas taxa marked (4) are those (Bennison, 1975).

Table 2. Dinoflagellates and other plankters in cuttings from 1,340-1,405 ft in New Madrid test well1-X. 1,340- 1,350- 1,360- 1,370- 1,380- 1,390- 1,350 1,360 1,370 1,380 1,390 1,405 Cordosphaeridium gracile (Eisenack, 1954) Davey & Williams, 1966. X Spiniferites spp . . X X Spinidinium densispinatum Stanley, 1965 ..... X X X Small peridinioid forms X X X X X X Reworked Cretaceous forms (Chatangiella, Cyclonephelium, Spongodinium delitiense, Odontochitina costata) . X X X X X X Pediastrum ...... X X X X X X No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 31

Palynomorphs were examined from cut­ of the Fort Pillow well. Furthermore, on the tings representing 10-15 ft intervals from basis of its stratigraphic position and the 1,340 to 1,405 ft in order to determine, if dinoflagellate data, the interval seems possible, the position of the boundary likely to correlate with the upper Midwayan between the upper and lower Paleocene Naheola Formation of the eastern Gulf (Sabinian-Midwayan Provincial Stage Coast. In short, study of the New Madrid boundary) in the New Madrid 1-X well. samples suggests that correlatives of the These cuttings contain defmite Paleocene N aheola Formation may extend as far north sporomorphs, but the Paleocene species as southeastern Missouri and that the Old are few in number, and all have long Breastworks Formation in the New Madrid ra nges. Therefore, sporomorphs do not in­ well, and presumably also in the Fort Pillow dicate whether the Sabinian-Midwayan well, may belong to the Midway Group boundary is within the interval studied. rather than to the Wilcox Group to which Table 2 is a list of the dinoflagellate taxa the formation was assigned by Moore and found in these samples. The specimens are Brown (1969). poorly preserved, but all six samples con­ Core samples from 1,417 to 1, 702 ft were tain similar dinoflagellate floras consisting examined for calcareous nannofossils. Five mainly of small peridinioid forms and re­ of these samples, from 1,417to 1,537.5 ft, are worked Cretaceous specimens. IfSpinidin­ barren. Eleven samples from the lower part ium densispinatum is indigenous in these of the Porters Creek Clay at 1,544 to 1,671 ft samples, its presence suggests a Midwayan contain an assemblage (Table 3) from age; this species has been found in the Martini's (1971) Zone NP3 (Danian), and Naheola and Clayton Formations (Mid­ two samples from the Clayton Formation at wayan), but not in the Tuscahoma or Nana­ 1,698.5 and 1,702 ft contain an assemblage falia Formations (lower Sabinian) in east­ possibly from Zone NP2 (Danian). Bybell ern Alabama and western Geoq~ia (Ed­ (1980) examined calcareous nannofossils wards, 1980, and unpublished data). If the from the type area of the Midwayan Provin­ interval from 1,339 to 1,377 ft is Midwayan, cial Stage (lower Paleocene) in western then it may belong to the Porters Creek Alabama. In that area, the upper member Clay, and the Old Breastworks Formation of the Porters Creek Clay,' the Matthews may be missing from the New Madrid test Landing Marl Member, can be placed in well. However, the interval correlates in Zone NP4, the upper member of the Clay­ stratigraphic position, and generally in lith­ ton Formation, the McBryde Limestone ology, with the Old Breastworks Formation Member, can be placed in Zone NP3, and

Table 3. Calcareous nannofossils in lower Paleocene core sample from New Madrid test well1-X. Depth in ft. Porters Clayton Creek Formation Clay 1,544·1,671 1,698.5-1,702 Zone NP3 Zone NP2? Chiasmolithus consuetus (Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961) ... . X Neochiastozygus concinnus (Martini, 1961)...... X Braarudosphaem bigelowi (Gran & Braarud, 1935) ... . X X Cepekiella aff. C. lumina (Sullivan, 1965) X X Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich, 1877) . X X Cruciplacolithus tenuis (Stradner, 1961). X X Ericsonia subpertusa Hay & Mohler, 1967 ...... X X Lanternithus sp. cf. L. duocavus Locker, 1967 . . X X Markalius inversus (Deflandre, 1954) ...... X X Thoracosphaero spp...... X X Zygodiscus sigmoides Bramlette & Sullivan, 1961 X X Braarudosphaera discula Bramlette & Riedel, 1954 . X 32 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol.17 the lower member of the Clayton, the Pine corded below the Wills Point Formation in Barren Member, can be placed in either Texas (Alexander, 1934), and the assem­ Zone NP3 or NP2. Therefore, the lower blage (Table 5) is different from that of a part of the Porters Creek Clay in the Mis­ reference sample from the middle part of souri core is correlative with at least the the Porters Creek Clay of western Ala­ upper part of the Clayton, and perhaps also bama. Thus, the test well sample from with the lower part of the Porters Creek 1,670.5 ft seems to be correlative with the Clay, of western Alabama (fig. 3). The lower part of the Porters Creek Clay or the Clayton Formation in the Missouri core, on upper part of the Clayton Formation the basis of calcareous nannofossils, may be (McBryde Limestone Member) of Alabama correlative with the lower part of the and eastern Mississippi (fig. 3). The assem­ Clayton in western Alabama. Reworked blage in the sample from 1,686.5 ft (Porters Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils were Creek Clay; Table 5) suggests that this sam­ also found in the core samples from 1,698.5 ple is no younger than the faunal assemb­ and 1, 702 ft, including Arkhangelskiella lages from the Kincaid Formation of Texas cymbiformis Bekshina, 1959, Micula stauro­ or the Clayton Formation of the eastern phora (Gardet, 1955), and Zygodiscus spi­ Gulf Coast (Alexander, 1934). The Clayton ralis Bramlette & Martini, 1964, which samples from 1,697.3 and 1,699 ft contain an range from the Maestrichtian to the upper early Paleocene (Danian) assemblage that Campanian in southwestern Tennessee, indicates correlation with the lower part of eastern and northeastern Mississippi, and the Clayton Formation (Pine Barren Mem­ western Alabama. ber) of western Alabama and the lower part Ostracodes were found in 11 samples of of the Kincaid Formation of Texas (Alexan­ the Porters Creek Clay and Clayton Forma­ der, 1934; Hazel, 1968; Smith, 1978). tion of New Madrid well1-X (Table 4), but Thirty taxa of foraminifers were found in identifiable specimens were recovered only the Porters Creek Clay and Clayton Forma­ from four samples between 1,670.5 and tion (Table 6). All were benthic forms ex­ 1,699 ft (Table 5). The sample from 1,670.5 ft cept Globorotalia compressa at 1,670.5 ft in (lower part of the Porters Creek Clay) con­ the Porters Creek Clay. This species has a tains several species that have not been re- known range from the middle of Blow's




Figure 3. Tentative correlation of Midwayan (lower Paleocene) formations of New Madrid test well I-X with lithologic units of the Gulf Coast. Thicknesses of units not to scale. No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 33

(1969) Zone P3 to the middle of Zone Pl. The benthic foraminifers in the Clayton This range is considered by Hardenbol and samples from 1,697.3 and 1,699 ftin the New Berggren (1978) to be equivalent to calcare­ Madrid test well are Midwayan in age but ous nannofossil Zones NP4 through NP2, or have rather long ranges in the Gulf Coast; earliest Thanetian to late Danian. Many of most of the species are known from the up­ the benthic species in the two Porters Creek per part of the P orters Creek Clay (Mat­ samples from New Madrid well 1-X have thews Landing Marl Member) to the lower been reported from both the Porters Creek part of the Clayton Formation (Pine Barren and Clayton of the Gulf Coast but do not Member). extend up into the Naheola Formation, Only three species of mollusks were which overlies the Porters Creek. Detailed found in the lower Paleocene core samples published foraminiferal biostratigraphies of of test well 1-X. Ledina smirna (Dall, 1898) the Midwayan are largely lacking, but sev­ was found at 1,543, 1,567, and 1,608 ft, eral of the species found appear to be re­ Nucula sp. at 1,543 ft, and Gryph.aeostrea stricted to the Porters Creek and the up­ pulaskensis (Harris, 1894) at 1,686.5, permost part of the Clayton; they include 1,694.5, 1,695, and 1,699 ft. However, the Clavulinoides midwayensis, Anomalina two taxa identified to species level have well midwayensis, and Robulu.s cf. R. rosettus. documented stratigraphic and geographic On the basis of these species, it appears ranges. Ledina smirna has been reported most likely that the New Madrid 1-X sam­ from the Kincaid and Wills Point Forma­ ples from 1,670.5 and 1,686.5 ft are equiva­ tions (Midwayan, lower Paleocene) of lent to the Porters Creek or uppermost part Texas (Gardner, 1933), from Midwayan of the Clayton of the Gulf Coast and not to strata of Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, the lower half of the Clayton of that region. and Alabama (Harris, 1896), and from the

Table 4. Protistan and animal fossils in lower Paleocene core samples from New Madrid test well1-X. Depth in feet Lith~logy Mollusks Foraminifers Ostracodes Others 1,456 Clay, carbonaceous 1,470 do. 1,479 Clay Fish scales 1,499 Clay, slightly Scarce silty 1,509 do. Scarce, small 1,543 do. Common Scarce, very small 1,567 do. Fragments Scarce, small, Scarce, small, fragile fragile 1,577 do. Fragments Fragments 1,608 do. Some Few, poorly Few, poorly present preserved preserved 1,646 do. Trace Rare 1,660 do. Small, in pockets Echinoid spine; ftshscale 1,664 do. Scarce, fragile Scarce, fragile Fish scales 1,670.5 Clay, silty, Common Common glauconitic 1,682 do. do. Fragments 1,686.5 do. Co nuno n do. Common Fish scales 1,694.5 do. do. do. do. 1,695 do. Fragments common do. do. 1,697.3 Sand, glauconitic, do. do. do. fme 1,699 Sand, glauconitic, Abundant Abundant Abundant mediwn to coarse 34 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol.17

Matthews Landing Marl Member of the Dinflagellate taxa in core samples from Porters Creek Clay in Alabama (Toulmin, 1,417 to 1,698.5 ft are listed in Table 7. 1977). This species is found mainly in silty Dinoflagellates from 1,417 ft are poorly pre­ and clayey strata (Porters Creek lithofacies) served, and most specimens are reworked rather than in sandy strata (Clayton litho­ Cretaceous forms. For example, the speci­ facies). Gryphaeostrea pulask.ensis occurs mens of Chatangiella have omegaform in the Kincaid Formation of Texas (Gard­ periarcheopyles and 3I endarcheopyles; ner, 1933), in Midwayan units of Arkansas, such forms are known only from the Cam­ Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and panian to Santonian (except in the Arctic) Georgia (Harris, 1896), and in the lower part according to Lentin and Williams (1976). of the Clayton Formation (Pine Barren The genus Dinogymnium ranges from Mae­ Member) of Alabama (Toulmin, 1977). The strichtian to Coniacian. Some of the other occurrence data for Ledina smirna and forms, such as Deflandrea cf. D. pannucea Gryphaeostrea pulask.ensis suggest a mid­ and the small peridinioid forms, may possi­ dle to lower Paleocene placement for the bly be indigenous to the Porters Creek 1,543-1,699 ft interval of the core. Clay: the ranges of these forms are poorly The lower part of the Clayton Formation known, but the specimens did not stain as contains reworked mol­ darkly as those of the obviously reworked lusks in many areas of Mississippi, Tennes­ species. The core samples from 1,433-1,435 see, and Missouri (Stephenson, 1955; Soh!, and 1,482 ft contain only a few dinoflagel­ 1960). However, these were not identified lates, mainly small peridinioid forms. The among the fossils from the Clayton in test samples from 1,544 and 1,591 ft are very well1-X. similar to each other in their dinoflagellate

Table 5. Ostracodes in lower Paleocene core samples from New Madrid test well 1-X. Depth in ft. Porters Clayton Creek Clay Formation 1,670.5 1,686.5 1,697.3 1,699 Eucythere midwayensis Alexander, 1934 .. X Hermanites midwayensis (Alexander, 1934) X Krithe perattica Alexander, 1934 .... X Opimocythere interrasilis (Alexander, 1934) X Paracypris parapiculata (Alexander, 1934) X Phacorhabdotusformosus (Alexander, 1934). X Acanthocythereis washingtonensis Hazel, 1968 X X Bairdiasp. X X Hazelina n. sp. A (= Repandocostasp. A of Hazel, 1967) . X X X Brachycythere plena Alexander, 1934 ...... X X X X Cytherella tumidosa Alexander, 1934. X X X X Acanthocythereis sp. X "Cythereis" cancellosa Alexander, 1934 ...... X Cytherelloidea sullivani Smith, 1978 ...... X Haplocytherideafornicata (Alexander, 1934). X Loxoconcha cf. L. perdecora Alexander, 1934 X Phacorhabdotus sculptilis Alexander, 1934. X Xestoleberis truncata Alexander, 1934 . X Hermanites gibsoni Hazel, 1968 . X X Clithrocytheridea sp. X Cytherelloidea truncata Schmidt, 1948 X Haplocytheridea macrolaccus munseyi (Hazel, 1968) . X Hermanites cf. H. hadrcrpleura Hazel, 1968 . X Opimocythere hazeli Smith, 1978 ... X Phractocytheridea ruginosa (Alexander, 1934) X BairdiasuborbiculataAlexander,1934. X X Hermanites aff. H . plusculmensis (Schmidt, 1948) .. X No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 35

floras, and the specimens are reasonably sporomorph flora that includes several ele­ well preserved. This flora is Paleocene in ments not known to range below the Sa­ age, but the species present either have binian (below the uppe r Paleocene) on the long ranges, or else they are new species Gulf Coast, including Paraalnipollenites whose ranges are not yet known in detail. In conf usus, Labrapollis globosa, and Mil­ contrast, the dinoflagellate assemblages fordia incerta. However, all the species from 1,646 ft (Porters Creek) and 1,698.5 ft found in the lower part ofthe P orters Creek (Clayton) can be assigned an early Paleo­ of the test hole have been found in the cene age; very similar floras are found in Clayton of the Gulf Coast except Margocol­ the Brightseat Formation of Maryland and porites cribellatus. Of taxa found only or in the Clayton Formation of Alabama and perhaps only in the Clayton in the New Georgia (Edwards, 1980, and unpublished Mad rid well, Interpollis paleocenica ranges data). throughout the P aleocene in the Gulf Coast, Six core samples we re examined for and Momipites fragilis may be reworked sporomorphs from the P orters Creek Clay, from the Cretaceous in samples from both from 1,417 to 1,646 ft (Table 8). One useful the Gulf Coast and the New Madrid hole. core sample was examined from the Clay­ Pre vious studies of the middle and lower ton Formation at 1,698.5 ft; the Clayton core Midwayan of the Gulf Coast and South sample from 1, 702 ft was barren of palyno­ Carolina also showed that the sporomorph morphs. The upper half of the Porte rs taxa particularly of early P orters Creek age Creek Clay in New Madrid well 1-X has a a re very similar to those of Clayton age

Table 6. Foraminifers in lower P aleocene core samples from New Madrid test well1-X. Depth in ft. Porters Clayton Creek Clay Formation 1,670.5 1,686.5 1,697.3 1,699 Clavulinoides midwayensis Cushman, 1936 . X Discorbis sp. X Ellipsonodosaria plummerae Cushman, 1940 . X Globorotalia compressa (P lumme r, 1927) . X Pseudoparella cf. P. exigua (Brady, 1884) . . X Anomalina midwayensis (Plummer, 1927) . X X Vaginulinagracilis Plummer, 1927 ...... X X Robulus cf. R. rosettus (Gumbel, 1870) ...... X X X Dentalina colei Cushman & Dusenbury, 1934 ...... X X X X Valvulinaria sp...... X X X X Cibicides alieni (P lumme r, 1927) ...... X Cibicides praecursorius (Schwager , 1883) ...... X Cibicides sp. A ...... X Cibicides sp. B ...... X Ellipsonodosaria sp...... X Eponides sp. X Gyroidina subangulata (P lummer, 1927) . X Marginulinacf. M. g!abrad'Orbigny, 1826. X Nodosaria affinis R euss, 1874 . X Pseudoglandulina pygmaea (Re uss, 1851) . X Pullenia quinqueloba (Re uss, 1851) X Globulina gibba d'Orbigny, 1846 X X Cibicides c f. C. neelyi Jennings, 1936 . X X X Guttulina proble= d 'Orbigny, 1846 ...... X X X Robulus midwayensis (P lumme r, 1927) ...... X X X Cibicides howelli Toulmin, 1941 ...... X Vaginulina longiforma (Plummer, 1927). X Virgulina cf. V . nah.eolensis Cushman, 1944 . X Globulina rotundata (Bornemann, 1855) . X Guttulina sp...... X 36 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol.17

(Herrick and Tschudy, 1967; Tschudy, Upper Cretaceous 1973b, 1975; Frederiksen, 1980b, c). Nine core samples from 1, 770 to 1,901.5 ft To summarize the lower Paleocene core in test well 1-X were examined for palyno­ samples (fig. 3), sporomorphs suggest that morphs (fig. 4). Sporomorphs recovered in New Madrid well1-X, the upper part of from these samples were compared with the Porters Creek Clay correlates with the those illustrated by Wolfe (1976) from the upper part of the Porters Creek and possi­ Upper Cretaceous of the Raritan and Salis­ bly also in part with the overlying upper bury embayments in the Middle Atlantic Midwayan Naheola Formation of the east­ States (dashed range lines in fig. 4); the age ern Gulf Coast. Data from many kinds of assigned to the New Madrid samples is fossils agree that the lowermost part of the based on the range chart presented by Porters Creek in the test well probably cor­ Wolfe. All nine samples have a similar paly­ rela tes with the upper part of the Clayton nological composition. Spores and pollen Formation of the eastern Gulf Coast and are generally abundant and well pre- with the Kincaid Formation of Texas. The entire thin Clayton of the test well probably correlates with the lower part of the thick Clayton of the eastern Gulf Coast.

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I!To•i<-uooBICPJF-11 "'llotor.k...,~u·..,, 0 IC3A-OI --·::::_:_:_::_r=:: llocu/osropno,.,colp/toooo. B (-1) Voc_..mo.....,.;ruoT..:hudy,l975 ------,- Boru,.coo/pDIIO"'tuoo.OIN0-31

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Figure 4. Late Cretaceous sporomorphs from samples between 1, 770 and 1,901.5 ft in New Madrid test well 1-X. The alphanumeric code in parentheses following each binomen is Wolfe's (1976) species designation. Dashed range lines are from Wolfe's (1976) range chart; solid range lines are from Tschudy (1973b, 1975). No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 37

Table 7. Dinoflagellates and acritarchs in lower Paleocene core samples from New Madrid test welll-X. Depth in ft. Porters Clayton ______C:: re=e:::k:..:C::.:I=•Y;______Formation 1,417 1,544 1,591 1,646 1,698.5 *Chatangiella spp..... X Deflandrea cf. D. pannucea Stanley, 1965 . X *Dinogymnium sp ...... X Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum? (Ehrenberg, 1838) Deflandre, 1937 .... X *lsabelidinium acuminata? (Cookson & Eisenack, 1958) Stover & Evitt, 1978 . X Spongodinium delitiense ...... X *Spinidinium vestitum? Brideaux, 1971 X Fibrocysta bipolare (Cookson & Eisenack, 1965) Stover & Evitt, 1978 .... X X Small peridinioid forms X X X X Achomosphaera sp. X X Apectodinium cf. A. homomorphum (Deflandre & Cookson, 1955) Lentin & Williams, 1977 X X Cordosphaeridinium gracile (Eisenack, 1954) Davey & Williams, 1966 X X X Deflandrea cf. D. darmooria Cookson & Eisenack, 1965 . X X Spiniferites ramosus granomembranaceous (Davey & Williams, 1966) Lentin & Williams, 1973 ...... X X X Cordosphaeridium multispinosum Davey & Williams, 1966 X X X Palaeocystodinium cf. P. austrolinum (Cookson, 1965) Lentin & Williams, 1976 . X X X X Veryhachium hyalodermum (Cookson, 1956) Schaarschmidt, 1963 . X X X X Cordosphaeridinium inodes (Klumpp, 1953) Eisenack, 1963 .. X X Deflandrea obscum Drugg, 1967 ... X X Fibradinium annetorpense Morgenroth, 1968 . X X X Andalusiella polymorpha (Malloy, 1972) Lentin & Williams, 1977 . X Danea californica (Drugg, 1967) Damassa, 1979 ...... X lmpagidinium sp. X Spiniferites cornutus (Gerlach, 1961) Sarjeant, 1970 . X Trigonopyxidium ginella (Cookson Eisenack, 1960) Downie & Sarjeant, 1964 X Deflandrea cf. D. diebelii sensu Drugg, 1967 X X Membranosphaera maastrichta Norris & Sarjeant, 1965 . X X Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum (Ehrenberg, 1838) Sarjeant, 1967 ... X X Palaeotetradinium caudatum Benson, 1976. X X Spiniferites septatus (Cookson & Eisenack, 1967) McLean, 1971 X X Adnatosphaeridium sp. X Deflandrea magnifica Stanley, 1965 . X Fibrocysta sp. A of Edwards, 1980 X Spinidinium sp. X Spiniferites spp...... X Thalassiphom pelagica (Eisenack, 1954) Eisenack & Gocht, 1960 X * = Cretaceous taxa. 38 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 17 served. Each sample contains assemblages late Campanian calcareous nannofossils are of two apparent ages (fig. 4). One assem­ found in the Clayton. blage consists of species indicative of a The Cretaceous pollen zonation for the Maestrichtian to latest Campanian Age; the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains was origi­ other assemblage consists of species indica­ nally established on the basis of strati­ tive of an early late or early Campanian graphic sections in the Middle Atlantic Age. States, and it has not been ascertained to Two hypotheses that can be advanced to what extent this zonation can be applied to explain assemblages of two different ages in the Mississippi Embayment. However, fig­ each sample are: ure 4 shows that if we assume reworking, all 1. The ranges of the species in the Missis­ nine samples appear to fall into pollen zone sippi Embayment differ from those in CA-6/MA-1 of Wolfe (1976). A vertical line in the Middle Atlantic States, and figure 4 suggests the oldest possible age of 2. Lower upper or upper lower Cam­ the samples, based on assumed reworking. panian deposits have been reworked The entire interval between 1,770 and into deposits of Maestrichtian to latest 1,901.5 ft in the New Madrid core would, Campanian Age. therefore, correlate with the Navesink For­ We accept the second hypothesis as the mation and Red Bank Sand of New Jersey best explanation because several forms and with the Severn Formation of Mary­ were observed in the samples that accord­ land. These East Coast units are considered ing to Tschudy (1973b, 1975) and others early Maestrichtian in age on the basis of have concurrent ranges only in Maestrich­ dinoflagellates (Benson, 1976; Whitney, tian to uppermost Campanian deposits in 1976; May, 1980a, b) or early Maestrichtian the Mississippi Embayment (Vacuopollis to late Campanian on the basis of mollusks munitus, Semioculopollis sp. A, Choanopol­ (Soh! and Mello, 1970). lenites consanguineus, Extremipollis vivus, Dinoflagellates and acritarchs, which are Interpollis cf. I. supplingensis, Interpollis generally indicators of brackish-water to paleocenica; solid range lines in fig. 4). Also marine environments of deposition, are included in these assemblages are a wide rare in all nine core samples examined for variety of triatriate forms of Momipites and palynomorphs from 1, 770 to 1,901.5 ft. Of Plicatopollis that are typically associated twelve core samples from this interval ex­ with deposits of early Tertiary or latest Cre­ amined for calcareous nannofossils, all but taceous age. Reworking of Late Cretaceous one are barren. The sample from 1,835 ft fossils continued for millions of years in contains Cruciplacolithus tenuis, Ericsonia southeastern Missouri; Maestrichtian and subpertusa, Markalius inversus, Thoraco­ Campanian palynomorphs are found sphaera spp., and Zygodiscus sigmoides, throughout the lower Tertiary formations of which are probably from Paleocene Zone the New Madrid wells, and Maestrichtian to NP2. However, this sample contains sporo-

Table 8. Sporomorphs in lower Paleocene core samples from New Madrid test well1-X. Depth in ft. Clayton Porters Creek Clay Formation 1,417 1,433- 1,482 1,544 1,591 1,646 1,698.5 1,435 Momipites dilatus Fairchild in Stover et al. , 1966 . X Momipitesfle:rusFrederiksen, 1979 X X Paraalnipollenites conjusus (Zaklinskaya, 1963) Hills & Wallace, 1969 . X X Trudopo!Lis plena Tschudy, 1975 . X X X Bombacacidites reticulatus Krutzsch, 1961 . X X No.2 New Madrid Test Wells, Missouri 39

Clayton Porters Creek Clay Formation 1,417 1,433- 1,482 1,544 1,591 1,646 1,698.5 1,435 Margocolporites cribellatus Srivastava, 1972 .... X X X X Pseudoplicapollis limitata Frederiksen, 1978 X X X X X Ulmipollenites krempii (Anderson, 1960) Frederiksen, 1979 . X X X X Betula infrequens Stanley, 1965 X X X X X X Choanopollenites alabamicus (Srivastava, 1972) Frederiksen, 1979 . X X X X X Choanopollenites aff. C. consanguineus Tschudy, 1973 . X X X Classopollis spp. X X X X X X X Momipites microfoveolatus (Stanley, 1965) Nichols, 1973. X X X X X X Momipites tenuipolus group. X X X X X X Pseudoplicapollis serena Tschudy, 1975 .. X X X X X Tricolpites asper Frederiksen, 1978 X X Momipites strictus Frederiksen & Christopher, 1978 X X Momipites coryloides Wodehouse , 1933 . . . . X X X X Aesculiidites circumstriatus (Fairchild in Stover et al., 1966) Elsik, 1968 .. Labrapollis globosa (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Krutzsch, 1968 .... X Choarwpollenites conspicuus (Groot & Groot, 1962) Tschudy, 1973 ...... X X X X Favitricolporites baculoferus (Pflug in Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Srivastava , 1972 X X X X Chenopodipollis spp. X Miljordia incerta (Pflug & Thomson in Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Krutzsch, 1961 . X Nudopollis thiergartii (Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Pflug, 1953 X Osculapollis? colporatus Frederiksen, 1980 X Choanopollenites discipulus Tschudy, 1973 X X X Interporopollenites turgidus Tschudy, 1975 X X X Nudopollis terminalis (Pflug & Thomson in Thomson & Pflug, 1953) Pflug, 1953 .. X X X Ephedra voluta type .. X X X Holkopollenites chemardensis Fairchild in Stover et al., 1966 . X X Momipitesfragilis Frederiksen & Christopher, 1978 . . X Interpol lis paleocenica (Elsik, 1968) Frederiksen, 1980 X 40 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 17 morph assemblages of Maestrichtian to reliable samples from the Owl Creek latest Campanian(?) and of Campanian interval. Ages and has no sporomorphs restricted to Marine to nonmarine strata of pre­ the Tertiary. The sample was a medium­ McNairy, Campanian Age and more than dark-gray, carbonaceous, very micaceous 100ft thick are reported in the subsurface of mudstone. We conclude that the nannofos­ southeastern Missouri by Grohskopf and sils in the sample from 1,835 ft are probably Howe (1961), but these strata were not iden­ from drilling mud infiltration. tified in New Madrid well1-X. However, no Lithologically, the Upper Cretaceous cores were recovered from the sand section strata recovered from New Madrid well1-X between 1,902.5 ft and the top of the Paleo­ are fme to coarse quartzose sand and subor­ zoic dolostone at 2,023 ft. Marine Campa­ dinate micaceous, carbonaceous clay, and nian rocks must have been exposed updip the whole recovered sequence is assignable from this area at least until late Eocene time to the McNairy Sand. In southwestern Ten­ because, as noted previously, reworked nessee and northern Mississippi, the Ripley marine and terrestrial Campanian fossils Formation can be diVided into members, are found in upper Eocene to Maestrichtian and the McNairy Sand Member is in the rocks of test wells 1 and 1-X. upper part of the Ripley (figure 3; Soh!, In summary, all of the Cretaceous rocks 1960). However, to the north, in Missouri, recovered in New Madrid well1-X are late Kentucky, and , strata of Ripley age Cretaceous, Maestrichtian and possibly are all nonmarine to nearshore marine sand latest Campanian, in age and are assignable and clay, similar to the McNairy Sand to the McNairy Sand; the Owl Creek For­ Member of the Ripley Formation to the mation overlying the McNairy, and Cam­ south, and at the northern end of the Missis­ panian rocks underlying the McNairy, may sippi Embayment all strata of Ripley age are be present in this area but were not re­ termed McNairy Sand. covered by coring. No paleontological evidence was found that the is present in Lower Paleozoic New Madrid well 1-X. The Owl Creek forms the top of the Cretaceous section in Nine samples of the lower Paleozoic dolo­ much of the northern Mississippi Embay­ stone in test well 1-X were examined for ment (Soh!, 1960) and is probably middle to conodonts and vertebrate remains. These early Maestrichtian in age (Soh! and Mello, samples included one core, from 2,027-2,028 1970); it overlies the Ripley Formation or ft, and cuttings from various intervals be­ the MeN airy Sand as far north as Crowleys tween 2,045 and 2,305 ft. The cored segment Ridge in Scott and Stoddard Counties, Mo. , is a medium- to coarse-grained, medium 50 miles to the northwest of theN ew Madrid gray dolostone. It is chiefly a dolomitized test wells (Stephenson, 1955). In contrast to grainstone and contains white sparry the McNairy, the Owl Creek is shelly and patches and stripes that probably represent distinctly glauconitic; on Crowleys Ridge, originally shelly material. These "ghosts" the Owl Creek is as much as 11ft thick, and are now dolomite and not identifiable. Each it is thought to be as thick as 100 ft in sample processed for conodonts and verte­ the subsurface of southeastern Missouri brate remains weighed between 0.75 and (Grohskopf and Howe, 1961). The base of 3.8 kg, and a total mass of 22.05 kg was the Clayton Formation in New Madrid well processed. 1-X is at 1, 704.5 ft according to fossils in the The only identifiable fossil recovered was core and footages marked on the core box; one pyritized fragment from 2,045-2,050 ft. the base of the Clayton is at 1, 703 ft on the This fragment is probably a scale-bearing basis of the geophysical logs (Crone and piece of Anatolepis Bockelie and Fortey Russ, 1979, Appendix 2). The logs indicate 1976, a genus that includes the oldest known that, if present, the Owl Creek Formation is fish (see Repetski, 1978). Unfortunately, the mainly silt or clay and is perhaps only 3 ft known range of this genus is rather long, thick in the New Madrid well (Crone, 1981). from early Middle to Late Cam­ Unfortunately, no cores were recovered brian, which spans the age range of dolo­ from 1, 704.5 to 1, 769 ft; thus, we have no stones in this part of the midcontinent No. 2 New Madrid Test Wells. Missouri 41

(Grohskopf, 1955). However, previous ex­ may be influenced as much by preservation perience in processing relatively large sam­ and difficulties of recovering specimens ples of midcontinent Ordovician and Cam­ from the indurated beds of the cored brian rocks for conodonts has shown that Clayton as they are by actual faunal diversi­ Cambrian rocks commonly are barren of ties in the formation. For example, only these fossils, whereas Ordovician samples three species of mollusks were recovered of this size normally contain them. There­ from the Clayton in New Madrid well1-X; fore, the lack of conodonts from all Paleo­ however, many species of bivalves and gas­ zoic samples processed from the New tropods have been collected in southeast­ Madrid test well suggests that the Paleozoic ern Missouri from the outcropping Clayton bedrock is Cambrian. A Cambrian age here (Matthes, 1933; Farrar, 1935), which repre­ is also wholly in accord with Grohskopfs sents a beach deposit according to Shourd (1955, Pl. III) geologic map of pre-Cretace­ and Winter (1980). The subsurface Clayton, ous strata in this region and with the re­ closer to the axis of the embayment, un­ ported presence of Late Cambrian fossils in doubtedly formed in deeper water than the a well in Lake County, Tennessee, only part of the formation in present outcrops. about 8.5 miles southeast of the site of test Assemblages of calcareous nannofossils, well 1-X (J. Bridge, in Grohskopf, 1955, p. dinoflagellates, foraminifers, mollusks, and 127). The fossils from the Lake County well ostracodes in the Clayton of New Madrid may be slightly older, but they are from well1-X suggest normal marine conditions below the highest Paleozoic strata there, of deposition in perhaps relatively shallow and that well is located nearer the axis of the water, but they are not defmitive as to water Pascola Arch. depth. The lower part of the Porters Creek Clay represents a widespread transgression of the early P aleocene sea (Stearns, 1957). In IV. CRETACEOUS-TERTIARY the northern part of the Mississippi Embay­ PALEOECOLOGY AND GEOLOGIC ment, the Porters Creek is a massive silty IDSTORY clay that locally becomes sandy in its upper Upper Cretaceous strata of the MeNairy part; in addition, fossils are more corrunon Formation (Maestrichtian and possibly up­ near the base than near the top (Caplan, per Campanian) recovered from New 1954; Stearns, 1957; Koenig, 1961; Moore Madrid well 1-X probably formed in non­ and Brown, 1969). The decrease in fossil marine to nearshore marine environments. abundance and diversity from the base of They contain only rare (reworked?) dino­ the formation upward is obvious from the flagellates, and they apparently lack cal­ sample analyses presented in Table 4. careous fossils. However, at least trace Shelly glauconitic sand and clay of the amounts of glauconite are found throughout upper part of the Clayton grades, rather the Upper Cretaceous strata of the test well, abruptly, upward into glauconitic silty clay and, especially in the lower part of the sec­ of the Porters Creek; the fossil content of tion, glauconite is common in some samples the Porters Creek decreases markedly (see Crone, 1981). Therefore, at least some upward as the silt and glauconite content of the Upper Cretaceous beds must be decreases. Upward decreases in species di­ marine. As noted in the section on biostrati­ versities of dinoflagellates (Table 7) and graphy, no strata were recovered from foraminifers (Table 6) are particularly no­ New Madrid well1-X that could be assigned ticeable. Fossil assemblages indicate a nor­ to the marine Owl Creek Formation, the mal marine environment of deposition, no youngest Cretaceous formation (middle doubt with shoaling water as Porters Creek Maestrichtian) of the northern Mississippi time progressed, represented by the core Embayment. samples as high as 1,670.5 ft and probably as The Clayton of New Madrid well l-X is a high as 1,544 ft, but the dinoflagellate as­ glauconitic shelly marl grading upward into semblages from the samples at 1,544 and a glauconitic shelly sand. Mollusks, fora­ 1,417 ft (Table 7) and the lack of calcareous minifers, and ostracodes are abundant par­ nannoplankton from samples above 1,544 ft ticularly in the marl (Table 4), but apparent suggest that the upper part of the Porters taxon diversities of the calcareous fossils Creek Clay was probably deposited in 42 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol.17 brackish water. The absence or rarity of recognized in the subsurface of the north­ planktic foraminifers in all Porters Creek ern Mississippi Embayment (Stearns, 1957) samples from the New Madrid well may but may exist there even though it is not reflect the distance of this area ofdeposition obvious from lithology or fossils. Depending from the open Gulf, may indicate that the on the age of the strata immediately overly­ Porters Creek sea was too shallow to sup­ ing the unconformity in outcrop, the uncon­ port depth-stratified planktic foraminifers, formity, if present in the subsurface, may be or may result from syndepositional or post­ at the top or at the base of the interval from depositional leaching. 1,377 to 1,339 ft in New Madrid well1-X; this Fewer than half a dozen dinoflagellate interval is probably late Midwayan in age species were found in the cuttings from and is tentatively assigned to the Old 1,377 to 1,339 ft (Table 2), the silty interval Breastworks Formation. probably of late Midwayan Age represent­ The absence of calcareous fossils and ing the uppermost part of the Porters Creek definitely indigenous dinoflagellates in sam­ Clay or the Old Breastworks Formation. ples from the Fort Pillow Sand (upper Pale­ Futhermore, small peridinioid dinoflagel­ ocene) upward to the Jackson Formation lates and freshwater algae belonging to (upper Eocene) suggests that this whole se­ Pediastrum are present throughout this in­ quence was deposited in nonmarine envi­ terval, also suggesting brackish water de­ ronments. Little has been published about position or at least a nearby source of fresh the location of the Sabinian (late Paleocene water. to early Eocene) shoreline; however, the The history suggested by the New Sabinian Stage, corresponding to all or part Madrid samples, of a transgression in of the Wilcox Group, is well known as a Clayton-early Porters Creek time, followed mainly nonmarine unit over much of the by a regression that lasted until the end of Mississippi Embayment. Porters Creek and possibly until the end of Stearns (1957) considered his " 1,400-foot Old Breastworks time, agrees well with the sand" (Fort Pillow Sand of Moore and paleogeographic maps and interpretations Brown, 1969, and of this paper) to be a of Stearns (1957). He shows the sea becom­ marine sand deposited during a transgres­ ing progressively narrower during deposi­ sion that covered the northern Mississippi tion of the Porters Creek Clay until, at the Embayment including southeastern Mis­ end of Porters Creek time, it occupied a souri. No marine fossils were found within long narrow bay that covered southeastern this interval in New Madrid well 1-X. How­ Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western ever, in the Fort Pillow well in west-eentral Tennessee, and southwestern Kentucky Tennessee (Moore and Brown, 1969), some and had only a very restricted connection glauconite was found in scattered samples with the Gulf of Mexico. from the Old Breastworks Formation, Fort The top of the Porters Creek Clay in out­ Pillow Sand, and Flour Island Formation. crop is a surface of considerable relief that Trace amounts of silt-sized, bleached, pale­ formed by subaerial erosion during Paleo­ green glauconite were found in samples cene time in southeastern Missouri (Farrar, from the Wilcox Group in the New Madrid 1935), western Tennessee (Parks, 1975), well, but the characteristics of the grains and southernmost Illinois (Wilhnan and suggest that they are detrital rather than Frye, 1975). The unconformity is generally primary glauconite (Crone, 1981). considered to divide the Midway and Stearns (1957) considered the contact be­ Wilcox Groups. However, in the outcrop tween the Wilcox Group and his "500-foot belt of western Tennessee, some strata im­ sand" (contact between the Flour Island mediately overlying the unconformity were Formation and the Memphis Sand of Moore tentatively assigned to the "Betheden" and and Brown, 1969, and of this paper) to rep­ "Fearn Springs Formations" by Parks resent a major unconformity. The Memphis (1975); MacNeil (1951) considered both Sand probably correlates with the Gulf these units to be correlative with the up­ Coast sequence from the lower part to the permost part of the Midwayan Naheola middle part of the middle Eocene (Moore Formation of the eastern Gulf Coast. Thus, and Brown, 1969). Unfortunately, the cut­ the unconformity may be within the Mid­ tings from the Memphis Sand were too poor way Group. This unconformity has not been to enable a determination based on sporo- No.2 New Madrid Test Wells , Missouri 43 morphs as to whether or not the lowest part gest that the dinoflagellates reported by of the middle Eocene (equivalent of the Tal­ Tschudy were reworked specimens and lahatta Formation of the eastern Gulf Coast) that the entire Eocene section in southeast­ is represented in the New Madrid well; in ern Missouri and southwestern Kentucky short, we cannot determine biostratigraphi­ may have been de posited in nonmarine cally the extent of a possible unconformity environments. between the Sabinian and the Claibornian The maximum northward extent of the in theNew Madrid well. However, a distinct middle Eocene shoreline in the Mississippi unconformity is present at this boundary in Embayment has not been established, but it the eastern Gulf Coast (Huddlestun, Mar­ is well known that this shoreline oscillated salis, and Pickering, 197 4; Bybell, unpub­ widely during several transgressions and lished data) and in the outcrop belt in the regressions (Fisher, 1964). Elsik (1974, Text­ northern Mississippi Embayment (Parks, fig. 6) suggested that the middle Eocene 1975). shoreline extended only as far north as cen­ On the basis of dinoflagellates in samples tral Arkansas and northern Mississippi. In from southwestern Kentucky, it has been the northern part of the Mississippi Embay­ suggested that various parts of the middle ment, marine Jacksonian invertebrate and and upper Eocene in that area were prob­ vertebrate fossils have been reported from ably deposited in brackish-water to marine southeastern and east-central Arkansas environments (R. H. Tschudy in Finch and (Palmer, 1939; Wilbert, 1953) and from Minard, 1966, Swanson, 1970, Finch, 1971, southwestern Tennessee (H. N. Fisk in and Lee, 1974). In contrast, none of the Eo­ Wilbert, 1953, p. 103; F. C. Whitmore, Jr., in cene samples from the New Madrid test Moore and Brown, 1969). Thus, present evi­ wells contains indigenous dinoflagellates. dence suggests that the maximum north­ One of us (L.E.E.) also checked for dino­ ward extent of the late Eocene shoreline flagellates in four samples from the Jackson was in west-central or northwestern Ten­ Formation (upper Eocene) exposed in the nessee, just south of the New Madrid wells Mississippi River bluffs in the NW \14 of and of the southwestern Kentucky outcrops. Oakton 7.5' quadrangle, Hickman County, Ky. (Lee, 1974), approximately 34 miles V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS northeast of the New Madrid wells (fig. 1). All four samples contain abundant sporo­ We thank N.F. Soh! and W.E. Stein­ morphs and many specimens of the fresh­ kraus, U.S. Geological Survey, for review­ water alga Pediastrum. One of the samples ing the draft of this paper and for suggesting lacks dinoflagellates altogether, two others improvements. contain rare, poorly preserved reworked Cretaceous forms, and the fourth sample contains the following assemblage: Chatangiella spp. VI. REFERENCES CITED Cyclonephelium sp. Hystrichosphaeridium sp. ALEXANDER, C.!., 1934, Ostracoda of the Mid­ Isabelidinium cooksoniae (Alberti, 1959) way (Eocene) ofTexas: Jour. Paleontology, v. Lentin & Williams, 1977 8, p. 206-237. Odontochitina costata Alberti, 1961 BENNISON, A.P. , 1975, Geological highway Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides map of the southeastern region: Amer. Assoc. Deflandre, 1935 Petrol. Geol., U.S. Geological Highway Map Small peridinioid forms Series no. 9. These specimens, also poorly preserved, BENSON, D. 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