of Pergamum,

a Greek physician, catalogued experiments performed by Alexandrian physicians from 300BC, on differences between sensory and motor nerves and tendons.

129 - 199

0125 150 175 200 1250

Landmarks in Animal Based Research Key Moral Statements St Thomas Aquinas

declared in his Summa Theologiae that humans were unique and opposed the use of data based on vivisection on the grounds that all other animals were incapable of because they possessed no mind. 1260

Andreas Vesalius

Illustrated public lectures of anatomy with systematic non-human vivisection.

1514 - 1564

12501275 1300 1325 1500 1525 1550 Engl this o

Ro 162

The first people to r subjects were profe

Rene Descartes

exaggerated the Christian centered prevalent humanist attitude into a mechanistic philosophy, the concept of beast-machine, which provided a convenient ideology for early vivisectionists. 1595


lectures of Demonstrated the of blood using stematic animals, extrapolated the results to humans and ection. showed the value of vivisection for comparative physiological investigation.


15501575 1600 1625 1650 1675 Alexander Pope Marshall Hall 1688-1744 1709-1784 pioneered welfare issu by proposing t cal procedures be reg that took into consider English essayists and poets who argued that animals may feel pain and that suffering of animals. this ought to be taken into consideration. 1790

Robert Boyle Hooke Richard Lower Humphrey Primatt 1776 1824 1627-1690 1635-1703 1631-1691 extended the principle of justice beyond the UK Roya sphere of humans, to include all animals. The for the pre anthropocentric world view was being challenged of Cruelty by the notion that animals ought to be protected Animals fo rst people to record their genuine concern for the welfare of some of their experimental for their own sake. Whether an animal had a soul cts were professional physiologists based on a moral objection to perceived cruelty or not was no longer an issue.

Jeremy Bentham August Comte

The beginnings of the theory Development of Positivi of utilitarianism. Shift from an differentiation between anthropocentric world view empirical investigation towards animals’ capacity to and ethical values. suffer.

1748 1798


D a m p v


Francois Magendie

Determined that many bodily nd processes resulted from the ve cofunctioning of several organs. This was the basis of modern physiology and set in train numerous invasive animal-based 1783 experiments.

17001725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1875 l Hall The UK House of Commons was presented with a Bill aimed at regulating d welfare issues from within vivisection, and a contrary Bill allowing for a regulation-free environment by proposing that physiologi- resulting in the appointment of a first Royal Commission of Inquiry to edures be regulated in a way investigate laboratory procedures involving animals which found no into consideration the instances of animal abuse but recommended that animal experimentation of animals. be regulated. The Cruelty to Animals Act received royal assent in 1876.


UK Royal Society Publication of The for the prevention Descent of Man and of Cruelty to Selection in Relation Animals founded. to Sex and Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. 1871 omte 1847 1871 1906 ent of Positivism: RSPCA changed its British Association for the Continuous lobbying by anti-vivisection societies tion between position to objection Advancement of Science resulted in the Second Royal Commission on nvestigation to painful procedures published guidelines that aimed to Vivisection. However, due to medical advances al values. being performed on minimize suffering and discourage described and the advent of World War I which animals. conducting experiments of focused the UK society’s attention in other dubious scientific merit. directions, the public were less keen to condemn all experimentation.

Crawford Long 1902

Discovered the Extraction anaesthetic of the first properties of hormone. ether.


Claude Bernard 1882 1920

Demonstrated that a precise Discovery of bacterium Frederik Banting approach to experimentation responsible for tuberculosis. must involve the study of one Charles Best parameter while holding other Discovery of diphtheria variables constant. antitoxin which reduced Isolation of insulin. infant mortality from 813 40% to 10% .

William Morton 1909

Further work on the Chemical anaesthetic properties of treatment ns. ether led to technically for syphilis. n sophisticated surgical procedures. ased 1847

1825 18501875 1900 1925 1950