AVERAGE DAILY CIBCULATION THE WEATHER for the Month of November, 1981 Poreoaet of C. S. Weather Barcas Hartford

6,193 Member ot the Andlt ziiFn inii imprtiiD Fair snd colder toalght; Wedoee-

Bntdha et Clronlatteae day generally fair.



Souvenirs of Sixth Avenue “El’s” Last Trip






Washington, Dec. 0— (A P )— -a . nation That Three Specific j Future Arm y aviators at Ran- dolph Field, — the "West Anxiously Awaits GoYemments Recogniie As Point of the air"—are learning 14 MI NERS DIE, Items Appear As Thongh' to fiy with the assistance of toy Decision by Davey airplanes. Definite Present Bonnda- Lines Had Been Erased.' • A ir Corps officials said today MANY INJURED that model airplanes “ are all the ries And That No Terri- rage’*^ among student officers. Bridgeport. Dec. 6 — (A P ) — Who not only have a cheap hob- IN NOVA SCOTIA by but also are learning things ' torial Qnestion Exists; Thomas N. Cooke. New York and wWch may prevent disastrous Greenwich real estate broker, ad- crackups. nitted under cross examination to- String Of 26 Cars Carrying Convinced Relatioiis Con- that some entries In a ledger ‘SSil stitute Element Of Peace. inS^uced by the state aa an ex- 250 Workers Breaks hibit in the conspiracy trial of G. Leroy Kemp, former state land CUT IN TAXES agent, had been altered. Loose And Flanges Out Paris, Dec. 8 — fA P ) — France Defense Counsel John Keogh, call- aad Germany today signed an ne- ing the witness’ attention to three cord, widely termed a ” arar re- specific items In the ledger asked SEEN AS GOOD Of Control Into Wall. nunciation pact,” which pledged If it did not appear as though those lines were erased “ aa if by ink them to amicable discussion of diffi- culties instead of resorting to arm- eradlcator." BUSINESS PLAN A souvenir-hunting crowd rode th* last trainee operate over New York’s Sixth Avenue elevated, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Dec. 8.— (!ooke replied: ed force. now abandoned and soon to be tom doi.n along a route duplicated by n new nuinlcliial niiliwny line. Here ’’Yes.” (Can.sdian Press)—Fourteen men The agreement declared the tarn are some of the celebrants collec. ng nigns, straps and bulbs—and feeling better about the whole thing Keogh then ok ed the w itn te than the 600 employes who lost their Joba. were known to have been killed and governments recognised as definite the present boundaries between whether It wasn't "fair to aay” that Ford Believes Incentive Tax- many others seriously injured today his own name waa a "substitution In Nova Scotia's wojst coal mine them end that no French-Oermaa territorial question exieta. for something else which had been dl.snstcr in 20 years. written in the ledger. ation To Aid Employment It said the governments arere con- Cooke replied that he wasn't Fourteen bodies had been brought vinced “pacific relations aad gnnd familiar with the txrokkecplng en- SUGGESTS DUAL EIGHT VENIREMEN JOIN to the surf.Tce two hours after a nelghborllnesa” between them oen- tries. but added: Might Lead To Very string of 26 mine cars carrying 250 stltute an easential element oi "con- " It’s po.ssiblc." workers broke loose and plunged solldation ot the European altna- Judge McEvoy interrupts Dilficnlt Consequences. PATENT POLICY out of control down a mile-long In- tion" and the maintenance o f gener- Judge Frank P. McBvoy Inter- GROUP OF CHALLENGED i llne Into the wall of the main deep. al peace. rupted at one point to ask whether It was feared, however, that other Foreiga Mlaietacs Hgn Pact bodies remained In the wreckage at Foreign MlnUtera G e o rm Bop* It wouldn't be easier to call the per- Washington, Dec. « — (A P ) — Ed- AS POSSlBIUn son who bad made the entries the bottom of the shaft. net of France aad Joimhimehim Von Rib- rather than to ask Ckioke, In view sel Ford told the Senate Profit-shar- The tragedy oerurred In the Anna Marie Hska bentrop of Germany elgned ttfi Number Accepted For Duty WOMAN NAMED of Cooke’s statement that he wasn't ing Committee today that a reduc- Prlncesa rolllery of the Nova Scoll.'i agreement, on cream-colored■ e h e e B of vellum containing French familiar with bookkeeping proce- tion in federal taxation would be Arnold Believes Government .Steel and Coal Company as a shift BLIXETINI dure. was riding down to work. i German texts. "as good an incentive” to business ('< liiinlius, O., Dec. 6.—-(A F ) Keogh replied that Cooke bad Haulage Cable Snape ' i On his arrival from Berlin un- FEDERAL GRAND Gov. .Martin L. Devey saM to- usual guard precautloGS wrere taken been examined ‘’exhaustively" on as anything the government could Might Work Ont Plan Fdr A haulage cable snapped as the : do. day he had deeided not to la- on behalf of Von Rlbbeatrop, wtw entries in the ledger ^nd " I ’m call- string of cars, knowm aa a riding tervene In the sehednled execu- ing his attention to some names and The slender son of Henry Ford after signing the accord, bagia rake, was going dowm a 10 per cent tion tontorrow night of Aana figures which have been altered.” testified that he believed incentive Different Treatment Of Court Adjourns For Lunch JURY FOREMAN grade. The cars gathercl momen- diplomatic conversations with Marie Hahn, condemned U a- French statesmen. The entries under discussion were taxation to encourage plant expan- tum rapidly, but some men were rinclnnatl poison slayer. 'The French government has maia- made In 1936 and In each instance sion, purchase of equipment and able to jump In the first few sec- i^gularizatlon of employment Large And Small Business tained that tha Kgalng ot the ac- listed sums of money chargeable to onds. Most ot these escaped seri- "might lead to consequences diffi- Waterbury. Dec. 6— (A P )- Se- cord. which occurred thL. afternoeii' Cooke himself. Fair Sex Also Ontnnmber ous Injury. Columbus, O., Dec. 6— (A P ) -— cult to handle." lection of a jury to hear the Water- in the famoua clock room eC the In two of the entries, CJooke baa Resell# workers brought out the Blonde Anna Marie Hahn, once "You feel, then,” said Senator Washington, Doc. #— (A P )-.- A s- Forelmv Offjea, would opao a nskr testified previously, under direct ex- bury conspiracy case ran into an- Men On Panel As Judge 14 bodies and returned to the pit. snatched from death through eotart amination, a check was issued to Vandenberg (R., Mich.), "that in- sistant Attorney General Thurman other lull today a., eight veniremen era of Europmn relatloae fhvoratll centive taxation might create more They said It was Impossible yet to Intervention, anxiously awaited to to the solution o f acuta extsttap him, cashed, and the proceeds given Arnold suggested today that the say how many more bodies might nroblems than we could solve by joined the long list of men and day a decision from Gov. Martin L. problems. tc Kemp, as bis "half” of Parkway it?" f.ovemment might work out a dual women challenged since the start of Thomas Appoints Mrs. still be In the wreckage of the rake. A t the same Ume Frtnoe appro- land deals. Davey on which bangs her hope of "1 feel that Is right,” Ford replied patent policy to provide different the trial a week ago. Survivors and miners from other priated about $888.000,(X)0 fdr 1989 Keogh obtained permlseion from escaping electrocution, scheduM to- quietly, When court adjourned at 1 p.m. shafts took the lead in rescue work. mlltlary and naval needs. Increas- Judge McEvoy to ^ o w the ledger treatment for large and small busi- Robinson To Head Group. morrow. Bellevaa In High Wages for the luncheon recess, the numlier OwapllalMl By Ceilings ing such expenditurse |2SO,000,00() to the jury and they passed it along nesses. Survivors said that some men tn Daniel S. Earhsrt, executive sec- Ford said the Ford Motor Ck>m- of jurors thus far accepted remain- retary to the governor, said Davey over 1988. examining the entries under ques- He advanced the possibility In ed at four, all of them chosen last the wildly plunging rake, seeking pany believed in profit-sharing Hartford, Dec. 6.— ( A P ) — For would begin this morning the study The pact provided that Prageit tion through a magnifying glass. questioning William S. Knudsen, week. to follow the few who leaped at the through high wages. He added that president of General Motors Cor- of B factual report he has prepared and Germany srara reeolvad ”uadsr Three Bankers Witnesses he believed the high wage scale had Of the eight examined during the the first time In the history of the start, stood up and were decapltat- Cooke resumed the stand for poration, who told the Federal on a clemency hearing held lost the reaerva o f thetr piullcular rela- prevented any ’’serious” labor trou- morning seaaion, two were women. United States Dtstrict Court in Con- week for the condemn^ Cincinnati tione with three poarers to remaia la croaa examination before the atate bles in Ford plants. Monopoly Committee that the pro- Oonferenoes Interrupt Examination (CODiinued Oa Page Pwo) tection patents given Inventors Is necticut, a woman was appointed poison slayer. contact oa all queetlons iatareettiv introduced banking records of G. "W e try to be more than fair to Two conferences Interrupted the more valuable to small than to foreman of a Federal Grand Jury To Decide From Beport their two countrlaa and to annsnit LeRoy Kemp and his realty firm our employes.” Ford said. “ We try examination of veniremen. Both, here today, marking the opening of The governor, returning from a through three bankers presented as large business units. mutually In com future develop- to pay just as high wages as we Knudsen said that even if the lawyers said, were concerned with the December term of United States week-end trip, has said he would de. mente of these queatians should risk witnesses. The bankers were George can and produce at as low a cost as procedural matters. Court. * JAPANESE OCCUPY clde from the report whether to R. Johnson, auditor of the Fidelity patent laws were abolished General leading to international dlflleultlas.” Special Prosecutor Hugh M. A l- Special significance was also at- commute Mrs. Hahn’s sentence to Title and Trust Company, Stam- Motors would continue Its research The three-minute ceremony o f (Conttnued on Page BlgbL) corn appeared impatient today at tached to the occasion when, for the life imprisonment or permit her to ford; H. Raymond Sturdevant, book- program but, under questioning, the alowneas with which the task first time, women outnumbered men become the first woman to die in keeper in the South Norwalk Trust observed that small manufacturers IMPORTANT PORT (Coatlaaed esi Page Fight) would be greatly handicapped if of choosing a Jury was proceeding 12 to 11, on the Jury panel. Women Ohio’s electric chair. Company and Eugene Levesque, they could not protect their mono- as the trial of Mayor and Lieut. flr.1 t were called for Jury service in Earhart said he had made no head bookkeeper. Merchants Bank, polies. Gov. Frank Hayes ano 21 others, recommendations in the report, pre- ASSERTS PRIMARY Hartford for the December term a Norwalk. Exercises No Monopoly charged with conspiracy In an al- pared from testimony of defense at- Johnson and another banker, year ago and have been heretofore Strengthen Hold On Canton torneys, prosecution representatives He asserted General Motors exer- leged fraud that coat the city of greatly outnumbered by men. FLASHES! Harry H. Wakeman, Bookkeeper In Waterbury “ more than »1,000,000," and the 32-year-old mother's son, the Stamford Trust Company, also PURPOSE IGNORED cises no monopoly on Its patented Judge Edwin S. Tbomas appoint- Oscar, 12. (Late Bullettne ea the A P Wl/s) Inventions. Other witnesses before opened its second weei;. identified banking records ^ the ed as foreman Mrs. John T. Robin- By Action In Taking Mrs. Hahn waa convicted Nov. 8, the Committee have brought out Defense attorneys’ questioning of realty firm of Samuel H. SUberman, son. Mrs. Robinson, pmminenl Hart- 1937, of slaying Jacob Wagner. 78- DIHCABD TEBRORIST THI IV that one of the chief reliances jf the first venireman examined to- ford social leader, la the daughter of Stamford broker under indictment day, and the 58th since the trial be- year-old gardener, for his small for- Bucharest. Dee. B—( A P )— ^ uUca the small manufacturer for con- the late Judge Albert C. Cox. who, Possession Of Kongmoon with (Jooke, Kemp and six others. Wolyerton Accuses TYA Of gan, waa punctuated by frequent tune. toolght dlsoarded thalr earlier tinued economic existence, on the for many years, was judge of the Johnson, in addition to identify- other hand. Is his right of monopoly objections from Alcorn that the theory that aa aatwaoMle aecMmt United States Circuit Court of Ap- ing deposit slips and ledger cards of over his patented inventions. prospective Juror—Gladys M. Seat- In which dnstlee M laM sr Vleler peals in New York, and sister of Hongkong. Dec. 6— (A P ) — Jap- the Kemp company’s accoimt also 0Teriookni|[ Congressioii- Senator O'Mahoney (D.. Wyo ), tle of CHieshlre. mother of two chil- Jansuidl aad hia wife wasa lajaied Judge Altiert C. Cox Jr., of the anese reported today they had oc- was due to a terrorist atteaipt oa committee chairman, asked Knud- dren—waa being aaked repetitious cupied Kongmoon. important treaty RISE OF RIVERS (Continued on Page Bight.) questions. i T'nited .States District Onirt In New the minister's fife. Msdsaie damsa- al E£ct On Buikiing Dam. sen what would happen to General York. port 35 miles northwest of the Motors If some one made a revolu- " I think he (Benjamin Slade of di's injuries were serleos. The pe- Retire To Secret SeiMlon Portuguese colony of Macao, further tionary invention which would take the defense counsel) has exhausted strengthening their hold on Canton. nce sold Inveotlgatleo shswed the After receiving Instructions from CAUSES UNEASE mlalster’s car bad shidoed aw a wot that subject," Alcom told the court They previously had occupied Washington, Dec. (A P )__ (Uonttniied On Page tw o) at one point. Judge Thomas, the jurors retired rood end em shed lnto„naothsr ear. NAZI CONDOR SINKS RepresentaUve Wolverton (R., N. KowKong. to the north of Kong- Challenged By Defense into secret session to consider evi- moon. and were reported moving f J.), accused the Tennessee Valley The defense challenged Mrs. dence on which to bring indictments, ON SIT-DOWN STRIKE Authority today of "overloqklng’- southward toward Hunwel, famous Beattie after a half hour's ques- presented by Assistant United SUtes home town ot many thousands of Some Streams Already Ris- Detroit, Dec. 8— (A P ) — Pallee IN MANILA HARBOR what he called a congreasional edict tioning and three other veniremen Attorneys I»u ls Y. Gaberman of overseas Chinese. reported today that 8M empleyee of that Norris dam be constructed pri- ROOSEVET CALLS were examine,! during the first Hartford and Arthur T. Gorman ot Konkmoon. which waa proclaimed the Nash-Kelvlaater O e ^ hsre marily for production of power. hour of the trial without adding to New Haven. The jury will complete a treaty port In 1904. was said to en To Point Of Impeding were engaged la a sltdewa stsUm Sherman M. Woodward, chief 'o f the four jurors picked last week. Its work today, followed by assign- be the 21 at treaty port to be oc- called by the MechanW T V A ’s water control section, had ENVOYS TO MEET Eighty-three veniremen of the ment of cases tomorrow by Judge cupied by the Japanese during the al Sfwicty of America, aa ladepead- '*S^}oable To HoM AMiide Aft- just told the TV A Investigating i Travel By Pedestrians. original panel of 172 answered the Thomas. 18 months of hostilities. rat union. L'aloe leaders told poitoa committee the dam had baen built When the list of available jurors Martial l-aw In Effe<-t the strike was called heraase a shop for flood control and navigation. roU call after the start of the trial er One Of Four Motors had been delayed 15 minutes while was railed this morning by Clerk Martial law now Is In effect in stewisfd was snspeaded after aa BomIs Ssetioa Of Act Hartford. Dec. 8- lAP) -- Resi- Session Desiribed As Dis- the court, Ajeom and Defense A t- Charles E. Pickett of New Haven, the entire Chungshan district with argument la the plant. Reading a section of the TVA act thousands of refugees pouring Int'x dents of this region today cast un- StaOs Plane Lands In Bay requiring that a dam be construct- torney George W. Crawford confer- 27 answered to the roll call, causing caa\- eyes at Cpnnectiu fs rivers red. No statement waa n>ade about Judge Thomas to excuse four to Macao. It was believed the Japan- BF.ATINa CAUSES DEATH ed "to develop maximum primary cussion And Exchange Of ese, having carried their military and streams, some of which iiave Saa Diego, OsHf.. Dee. • — (A P ) power.” Wolverton asked. “Why their conference which was under- come within the 23 llmll allowed for iiready riser, to the point of imped- stood to deal with procedural mat- Jury service. occupation to the .very borders of —Six-year-old Leonard BseOmaH Manila, Dec. 6— (A P )—Unable to didn't TV A follow the edict of the the British grown colony at Hong- ing pedestrian travel. died today from wrhat poBee said ters. "This is the first time In ten years The Weather Bureau In Hartford hold altitude after one of its four law?’’ Views On World Situation kong. Intended to do the same for wao the effect of a hiallag Satur- Miss Eleanor H. Little of Gull- this has happened," the judge com- warned this morning that the Con- motora stalled, the big German Con- ‘I don’t understand that it means the Portuguese colony across the I day. aad Sheriff Braeot Dart asked mented. "usually there Is an under I nectlcut river, which eleven weeks dor monoplane made a forced land- primarily for power,” Woodward broad Canton river. that the dktHct sttomey prepare a replied. **rhe law says It should In- (Uoattaued oa Page EIgbt.) supply." ago tomorrow began its devastating ing and aank in Manila harbor to- Washing^xm, Dec. 6 .— laP)— Military observers expressed the murder complaint agshist the clude power.” rise, would probably reach a stage day as it neared the end of a non- President Rooeevelt celled a con- opinion the Japanese now might in- near 20 feet at Hartford. 15 feet at child's fester-mother. SCiw. Oorothy "It seems to me,” Wolverton vade the extreme southwestern cor- stop flight from Tokyo. Its crew Springfield and eight feet at Hol- Boelhauir, 29. Hoepltal reports said commented, "The T V A is so anxious ference with State Department of- ner of Kwangtung province through koyc sometime Thursday. Sixteen the boy had a basal fractas* of the (Uoattaaed Oa Page Two) to avoid the suspicion of building ficials and American diplomats for Pakhol, striklnfA into Kwangsl skull and his body was bsalwd aad power that it attributes everything feet ia considered flood stage at mid-aftemoon today for—what area Treasury Urges Spending province. The Japanese Navy waa battered. Mro. BsflhsaP h M sho to flood control aad naviotlon. Hartford, although the water does reported concentrated between struck the bey with a tight ruler Ton have overlooked the fact that described aa a general discussion not begin to creep into State street and exchange o f views on the In- HMnan Island and Kwangtung, near and that he fell agafawt a bathtub the original act required the dam Pakhoi. until the river height is well above 5 A F € T y S O N N E T S temaUonal aituatton. Policy Be Conservative 20. later. be built for power." , The rapture of Pakhol, virtually Those invited to attend were In Unionville. every effort la being The congressman submitted esti- on the border o f French Indo- MARKETS AT A GLANCE. mates that reservoirs to be created Sumner Welles, acting secretary of made to keep the temporary foot- ’Washington, Dec 6.— (A P ) — A tary, while not expected a balanced china. would bring the Japanese in- New York City. Dee. 8 .-.< A P )~ by four dams alone— GuntervUIe. sUte; Hugh R. Wilson. WUllam bridge from being carried away by usually well-informed person Indi- budget next year in view of the vasion to the door of another third Cblckamauga, Pickwick and Wheel- Phillips, and William C. Bullitt, the Farmington river. Stocks—Firm; alrciafla load cated today that the Treasuiy was projected national defense program power’s rolonlal interests. raUy. er—would flood atreage with an ambassadors respecUvely to Gei^ Sandbagglag Bridge s urging a conservative spending pol- many, Italy and France. wants to reduce the deficit whicn Tile bridge was doeea to pedes- 8. Oovem- annual crop production worth S3,- icy on President Roosevelt for next AIR R.AIDft EFFECTIVE 136,000. Arraaged After Betura is scheduled to reach 14,000,000,000 trians at 8 a. m. today and Arute ments lead reoovery. year In oppoeltion to the spending Shapghai, Dec. 6.— (A P )—The The conference was arrariged this fiscal year. b;-otbers have a gang at work sand- Curb—Higher: aviatlsae fatored. Not Familiar With Esttnwte. views of Chairman Marrtner S. Japanese Army spokesman said to- shortiy after the President arrwed The Treaaury bead and hia new bagging the b ri^ e and taking out Foreiga Exchange — Stead): AafTtgia aaaw saw on vs4 C Woodward aaid he waa not famil- Eccles of the Federal Reserve day intensive air raids against Chi- from (3uq>el HIU, N. C. In an ad- tax adviser. Undersecretary John planks to lessen the strain, should sterling aad franc sMghtty ap. tAMOaCAOe AWO WdWUM iar with the estimate. He con- Board. nese troop concentrationa south of tended that TV A waa trying to pro- dress tbers late yeeterday. he de- W. Hanea, a recent recruit from a thi water rise above the walk. Oottew— Advaaoedi Dmanth- Secretary Morgentbau hinted at Wall street brokerage bouse, are Lake Tungtlng, Hunan province, Pumpe and ether equipment have aad ferdgn trade hoytam tect the Tennessee Valley from clared the United State# wae *1iot this dlaagreement yesteiday when bad shattered (^nerallaelmo (jhiaag floods and to prevent damage In the only the largeet and most powerful kaown to believe that steps to wipe been taken from the excavation at 8*esr--iUBproved; tniae seaport. asked about a apeecb in whicn Kai-Shek’s attempt to organize a. Mlssiaslppi vaUay as well. The lat- democracy In the whole world, but out the deficit would help buaineaa the north pier of the proposed new Ceffee — Flramr; Eccles advised against premature by heightening "confidence.” counter-offensive against the To- bridge. hewM bnytag. ter, be said, waa more fertile aad many other democracies look to us reduction of federal expenditures. Eccles. a one-time miaoionary chow and Pingkiang sectors. The river et the Ootmectlcut Bad a "tremendoosly greater" crop for leaderMdp that democracy may "Goveroor Ecclea ia'chairman of value. survive." who became one of the leading The spokesman reported the Chi- Power Ck>mpany dam in UnlonviUe TRKASCBT BAUUICB the Federal Reserve and I am sec- baakera of Utah, argued in New nese were digging in around Ping- ‘H liat’a a brand new csm.” Wol- Mr. Roosevelt conferrsd with I* about five feet high and the same retary ot the treasury," said tue York Friday that it was too soon kiang in an effort to halt the Japa- WeehhigUm. Dee. 8.— (A T )— The verton mapped. T never uwler- Wilson and PhlUtps during his two depth is reported at the OoUias com- tall "geatlcman farmer” from New to cut down the extra public pur- nese drive. poeltiaa o f the Bib S: I awaaia-MscKn aaiucat atood that before. You are juM- sreeks' vaeaUoa at Warm Springs, pany dam in CoiUnevilte. A alow Ttosaatf York. chasing power created by deficit Foreigners et Nanking confirmed rise is reported at both poiirta. Reeeipte. 114 spea- mv cwiamM** «a«uf lyiag the daatnicUon of Tennessee On., on the peraecutloa o f Jews and WeoU Bedaoe DeBctt. «H>cad1fig end that a premature ex- reports that a squadron oT Chinese The Farmington-UalaBTlIe road v a l ^ lands to snv* nwrs vnlaaMs A .petaoo c)oee ,to Margenthau. IB tbs pendlture reduetloa sfight eonse an- a tkat tha MGSt- -m Pam l«a.» r - ^

:W lG B T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6.1988 MANCHESTER EA’ENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,193!) PAGE • 1- IGE a oomlng meeting of the Manches- JVDOE REMEMBERS ean retlalim, but that In wartime ter Improvement assocIsUon, at CHRISTMAS ON SUNDAY she was unable to speak. (%NTRAL BUYING which north end rceidenta will regis- BOARD PASSES OVER CHURCHMEN CALL 14 MI NERS DIE, SUGGESTS DUAL OVER 100 PRESENT Fort Wayne Attacks Housing Problem Qualified spokesman on both A Wimierlli ter their approval or disapproval of I Scranton. Pa., Dac. 6—CAP)— N. Y. Stocks Recreation sides, however, quIcVfly squelched the project. j It looked like a pretty sad SOQAl JOR CHOICE rumors the Insurgents and the gov- ’ ISIUROWNDOWN A bond of $1,000 waa filed by Christmas for John Sheridan FOR SOLlDARin ernment might agree on a united Against C<||ds Town Clerk Samuel J Turklngton MANY lIU ftE D when Judge William R. Lewis PATENT POUCY Adams Exp ... AT CHURCH PARTY With $900 Homes For Relief Clients Center Items foreign policy concerning the Medi- and accepted by the Board. The sentenced him to spend bia wcek- Charity Department Worker terranean. security Is a surety bond. I ends In Jail for tha next two Air Rediic...... Not Yet Picked;. Outside E.AST SIDE. All battlefronta remained quiet, Sdectneo ^ 5-2 Vote Re- Seek Opinion IN NOVA SCOTIA ’ ■months on a drunken driving AS POSSIBILITY Alaska Jun . . . . By PAUL FRIOGENS although Insurgent bombing raids The Board voted to secure the j charge. Then the judge recalled Allegheny Factor In Decision. N E A Sendee Staff Correspondent Today: Treatment Of Jews Decried continued. S C E N T S Yonnf People’s Society Of The women's swimming classes opinion of the Town Couiuel as to (CoattBoed frem Page Ooa.) I that Christmas falls on Sundav, | (OMnmiaS from Page .Om .) Allied Cbem ... ject Pircbasing Agency its liability to give redress to Felix i and fixed everything. He told , Am C a n ...... Selection of a charity department Fort Wayne, Ind., De?. 6.— A will meet aa follows; In Report At Opening Of Kazevleb of Tolland turnpike who fd by lha jagged celling. Others re- i Sheridan to "take the holiday : the market away from Oencral Mo- Am Home Prod social worker to replace Mias Elea- Concordia Lntheran Ob* brand-new home put together In 24 7:00 to 7:45, Beginners. STUDENTS PARRY DEAN'S claims that a roadside well has been mained on their seats and wart ' olT''—and spend It with his fam- i tor*. Am Rad St 8 .. nor Pregent, resigned, still is a 7:45 to 8:30, Intermediate. Pahlia Proposal; Hear Protest problem confronting the Board of hours on a $1 lot and renting for A private plunge period for men ■aaday* polluted hy street surface dralnege. hurled In tha wreckaga at tha train " I f there was a revolutionary In- Am S m elt...... National Conclave. feet Off crashed. - ...... #1i Selectmen It waa explained last $3.50 a week Is Fort Wayne's an- will he from 8:30 to 9:30. Kszevich claims that since recent vention," Knudsen said, "It would Am Tel and Tel serve 40th Anniversary. ILL WIFE TO SAFEH leeend < regrading and oiling nf Tolland The roar of the. erssh echoed Am Tob B ...... night. The Board's charity commit- swer to the problem of low-coat re- The night school sewing class will ba Impoaalble for one manufactur- tee made a report of progress, but meet from 7 to 9 o'clock. St Salaebnan Itidiard Uartln's pro tuidiplke, his water supply has not through the ahafta and elopes that •r to taka all tha business. Am Wat Wka . lief housing. Buffalo, N, Y., Dec. 6 —(A P ) —A r level off at a depth of 1.480 feet, far nothing more definite than that The junfor boys’ remm will be open New Haven. Dec. 6 —(AP)— pasal to aatabUah a central purchas been usable. He .asked that the Anaconda . . . . More than 100 former members, Into this home has moved the below the waters of Sydnty har- BOLTON "Nobody could taka all tha bust- Armour III .... could be brought In, It was explain- from 6 to 9 o'clock. national committee of churchmen Berkeley Divinity School students situation be corrected, or that a guests and those at present anrolled city’s first relief family and short- tog agency for the buying of all bor. nasa, bacausa thara la too mueb of Atchison ...... ed, as local officials still are await- In the Young People's society of The small gym will be open for today called for solidarity among carried Mra William P. I>add. In- cash settlement be made. ly 49 other families will occupy town departmental aiipplles was de- Selectman I,.awrence Converse The shaft through 'vhlrh the cars It. If all tha automobilaa wara mada Aviation Corp . ing word aa to the acceptability ol the Concordia Lutheran chuixh, at- handball trom 5 to 7 o'clock. Clirlstlana In a world dominated by valid wife of the dean, to safety NOTCH by ona man than averybody would similar prefabricated dwellings put The small gym will be reserved (aatad by a S to 2 vots last night stated that if tha town la held liable plunged Is only 11 feat In diameter Baldwin CT qualifications of applicants who tended the 40th anniversary ban- "new Cne.sars, who Incarnate In last night when a two-alarm fire OSCAR W. ANDERSON gat sora." up where ramshackle buildings were for boxing from 7 to 9 o'clock. aftar the Board of Selectmen had for Some settlement, he would favor and many men who were thrown Balt and Ohio .... have so far regUtered for the va- queat last night, and spent a thor- them.selves the role of prophet and damaged the l.op floor of the Ladd cancy. tom down. Troop 3 Girl .Scouts will meet at board Martto ask that the plan at cash, with a release of responsibil- from tha cars wera tarioualy hurt. Dowdy’s Filling Station Would Work Savea NIghta Weakly Bendlx ...... oughly enjoyable evening. law giver." home resulting In the rescue of one 867#, Maneheater A single bouse costs $900, 8 o'clock In 'o Rec room In Frank- laaat ba girsu a try, to be discarded ity, rather than an attempt to cor- The crowd at the pithead grew Undar quaatlonlng bv O'Mahonay Beth Steel ...... It waa noted that the Board de- The flowers, decorations and can- Treatment of Jews abroad waa fireman and Injury to two others. Strong, sturdy bodies are bsttei financed by FH A insured mortgage. lin. Ister If no benefits were derived. rect the alleged condition, which, rapidly aa naws of tha tragedy tha witneaa said that if aoma "revo- Borden ...... sires to employ a social worker dlestick favors were In blue and deerled In a report on the state of The students, noting Mrs. Ladd’s able to resist colds and other infec- If the owner ever wants hls land The Wildcats will practice basket- The plan aa proposed required that time might prove, cannot be over spread, but there was hardly a The new bridge at Bolton Lake lutionary davalopment" were pat- Can Pac ...... whose qualifications as such will white. The head table was fur- the church prepared for preaenta- plight owing to smoke In a first tlons. back the city will return It for $1 at ball from 5 to 6 o'clock. IIon at Ihe opening nf Ihe National all purchasing for departments ex- come. The latter course, ('onversc sound except for the occasional on Route 44 Is nearly completed and ented and other automobile manu- Case (J. I.) ...... meet with W PA and state require- ther adorned by the 40th anniver- floor study, removed her In a wheel Fath.er John's Medicine lias bee* any time, dismantle the house in The Shamrocks and lleighta will Conclave of ihe Federal Council of capt tha school board, should be held, might run Into unending trou- voice of a child, as relatives wait- will be open to tramc in a short facturers w.ere unable to obtain li- Cerro De P a * ...... ments, so that the reports and find- sary cake. The waiters and wait- chair to the nearby home of Prof. used for 84 yearn as a treatment (oi quick order and move It onto a new practice from 6 to 6:45. Churches which claims to represent dons by Town Treasurer Osorge H. ble and difficulty. ed for some word from under- while. A t present traffic has to be cense for Its manufacture "you Che* and O h io ___ ings Of the local InvesUgotor will resses were boys and girls from the iiiililfcw i^tw «»ii Fleming James of the ;ch')ol. I colds and as a body builder. It eon- Intermediate Luther League the $1 lot. The Rec senior basketball league 24,fM)n,0()0 rhurchgoers. Waddell on requisition from the The Board approved the appoint- ground. There was little to do but detoured over a temporary bridge. would sea a lot of people working Chrysler ...... carry weight with federal and state I tains no Injurious dnigs. church. Mothers of the commit- Thus Fort Wayne, growing Indus- 1: will open the season. Games are A committee headed by President NEED S.\FF,TY KIM ( ’.\TION T^ou s department headw It i^'ts ment nf William A. Andrulot to be wait. No definite plans have yet been seven nights a weak until we found Coca Cola .. .•...... offlclala. It could not be determined I It Is rich in vitamins and helps do- ognize As tee members prepared the meal trial community, faced with Increas- scheduled as follows: John A Maekay, Princeton theo- claimed thet ssvcrsl economies Special- constable for the Park Com- Deep Sllenoe Among Crowd made on building a new dam at Bol- •omething." Col Oas and m . .. up to last night If such qualifica- One of 50 low-eoat modern honwa for relief families of Fort Wajme, Ind. This fonr-room dwelling cost 1 velop strength, algor and 'VltAUty. ComI Inv T r ...... which Included roast turkey with ing land values which have kept its Green A. C. vs. Center Billiards, logical seminary, asserted: Waahington. Dec. 6. — (A P ) __ would result, and that better inven- mission. The question of setting off Each time a rescue squad ap- ton Lake. Many of the residents tion is held by applicants to date. $900 to bnlM, rents for $2JM) a week. "What would ba the effect," Coml Solv ...... The charity committee reported dressing and gravy, mashed pota- poorer classes under-housed, expects 7:30. Must Maintain Solidarity Analysts of safety programs In the t Bomida- tories of euppUae could be main- certain public highways for coast- peared at the mine mouth there around the take will miss their skat- O'MiUiOney asked, " If you worked Cona Edison ...... that it expects an answer to its toes and turnips, celery, olives, to solve one of Its n.ost pressing P. A. A. C. vs, Paganl's Barbers, "Chrlalians of the world must nation’s schools reported today that tained. ing was tabled after It was asserted was deep silence smong the crowd ing there this year. aavan nights a week and still didn't 8:.30. Cons O H ...... probleYn shortly. ergnberry sauce, rolls, coffee and problems and set an example which for the lot, agreed to pay all coats maintain solidarity, whatever hap- the need for safety education Is The proposal was defeated by the that the town'e liability In case of aa they waited for the tragic Iden- The first new 4939 car purchased find anything?" pumpkin pie. of transfer and title. West Sides, 9;.30. pens tn the nations to which thev "desperate.” No Terri* baUef that tha idea would, in its tification -Of bodies. Con Can ...... may be followed throughout the Read The Herald A d ra accident had not been determined. bv k Bolton resident this year waa "'Vary-bad," Knudsen replied. Pastor as Toastmaster. Then the W PA was called In. belong.” operation in such a small political All available doctors and nurses Com Prod ...... United States. It had been proposed that the coast- bought hy Samuel Alvord. The General Motors president, Del Lack and West Pastor Karl Richter woa toast- Workers were assigned to assemble WERT RIDE Without naming any nation, the unit aa this town, result in much ing street be patrolled by men work- were sent to the pithead. Hescue NAZI CONDOR SINKS The Idea was bom In 1936 when report declared: I Exists; The W PA project of Manchester who rose from the ranks to his Douglas Aircraft .. master. William Custer, prealdent the Indiana state planning board, the houses in sections at a low-rent Today: red tape, and that the aavings would ing as a W PA project. To establish crews descended as soon as newa of Is cutting up all the blown down of the church board, and Mra. Cus- "Dark abyssea of unexpected the accident reached the surface present position, was assisted tn Du P o n t ...... working in conjunction with the factory. Meantime, other W PA 6:00 to 7:30, Junior basketball not offset the extra work connected aucli a project It was claimed by trcee on the aide of Camp Meeting testifying by James McEvoy, di- Eastman Kodak .. ter were among the guests, as wgi cruelty have been unveiled In he tions CoB- With the agency. It was also held Officials said that although they IN MANILA HARBOR state fire marshal's office and state workmen tore down slum buildings practice In the gym. Town Treasurer George H. Waddell, Hoad. Thia section waa hard hit by rector of General Motors patent Elec Auto Lite .... Charles Melnke, one of the fli standing on the acquired lota, pre- human heart. Hoat.s of persecuted that the town departments now are had been told at least 30 were killed division of public health, pointed to 7:30 to 9:00 Junior ping pong and would take some three months. the hurricane. A crew of nearly 200 sections. Knudsen spoke In a low Oen Elec ...... officers, who gave a short hlsta paratory to the actual new con- games. Jews and Chrlsllan.s are treing driv- functioning economically, and that The Board deferred action on a a reasonably accurate estimate of (UoDttnoed from Page qne.) of the society's beginnings 40 yjKti i V ^ need for better, more sanitary en into Ihe valley of the shadow of Of Peace. Is working there an have a saw mill voice and usually leaned forward Gen Food* ...... 15^-cost bousing. stmetton. 7:30 to 10:30, Badminton In the Tin the centralisation of the purchasing petition submitted hy the Manches- dead and Injured could not he made ago. A hLatorical report o f'th o death' demonic forces seem to con- until men from the first aid crews (in the lot which Is making lumber to talk directly Into the loud speak- Gen Motors ...... Simple Plans gym for men and women. power might detract from the rights ter Construction company asking If of all the good maple. er microphone before he replied to Gillette ...... of five and one passenger were un- society's first year was read by University Product 7:30 to 9:30, Two howling alleys trol the destiny of mankind." returned to the surface. injured. This constmcUon is simple. Spe- As.serling that a belief In God wn.s of department heads. Its Midvale tract might enjoy util- Due to the ground not being a question. Hecker P r o d ...... Miss Catherine Wlnzler and of the Work was begun on the first pre- are reserved for the Children of H ’) — Fr»ne« doser Obook The accident, one of the worst In past year by MIsa Freda Roth. cifications call for a four-inch con- more needed than ever before, the ities pipes Installation under some frozen hard some farmers have been Interested In Ford Policy. Hudson Motors . . . As the plane began settling in fabricated low-cost house in the Marv. Igaad an ae* Nova Scotia's long coal mining hi.s- Community singing was followed crete slab "floated" on a gravel fill. committee ccii.sured rhiirch life In In opposing the measure, Select- VVPA project. More Information digging out parinips. Int Harv ...... shallow water about ?00 fie t off country at Purdue University. Sev- For a atan Joseph Pero stated that he tory, came just a year after three Some committeemen avldenctd by an entertainment which consist- To this floor are secured 35 phenol- general aa being "smug and complac- i “ war ra- was asked. miners had been killed and two In- Floyd Williams who recently pur- Int N ic k ...... shore the six men clambered out on eral months later It was finished local ag would, nevertheless, be In favor of considerable interest In the Ford ed of aevergl vocal numbers by a resin bonded plywood panels of 4iETS NEW IIOOPRKIKT ent" and pointed out "that Ihe id) pledc^ It was voted to request Town jured In a similar accident In the chased a small Bantam car did not Int Tel and T e l ___ the wing and were reacued by na- and moved to Indianapolis on trial. curbing haphasard purchasing of Motor Company’s p<^cy of giving tives in small boats. trio composed of Albert Roth. Er- identical size to form exterior walls churrhes a.s we kno-w them, are at a' have ber aaton o f diffl- Cbunsel William 8. Hyde to enquire same colliery. In that case a runa- Johns Manville .... Fort Wayne took the tip. organ- auppUas by various unofficial per* mind the big snow-storm so much as any other manufacnirer without Kennecott ...... nest Tureck and Edward Fischer; and partitions. Panels are held to- great (ll.sadvantage In the new of "low ■tlDf to ana- Into the possibility of purchase of way string of 14 coal cara struck ho only has to dig a path to get his charge the right to use any of Its Fuel Line Trouble ized the Fort Wayne Housing Au- New York. Dec. 6 (AP)--Wear- gonsgas within the depsrtmenu, Lehigh Val Rd ... Heinz Jiinge, director of the Vincent Diana played two accor- gether by steel tie rods which run spiritual conflict that begins to loom aowbere a strip of land from Mrs. Madeline the group aa they were walking car out now. patented processes or appliances. thority, a public body under Indiana Ing a new Iron hoop.skirt, the statue before us In the world today." Baro aald that buying should be Cheney Olcott so aa to effect a wid- Llgg and Myers B . Focke Wulff Airplane plant and pas- deon solos, Albert Roth gave a law, non-profit, tax-exempt, with horizontally through tops and bot- ired the two back to the surface after their shift Mr. Eaton Is having hl.s barn re- They suggested the system might of Liberty will emerge Dec.'lS from recognto 4om by departmentIspartn heads or rs ening of St. James strset. It was Loew’s ...... senger aboard the ahip wbicb re- monologue entitled "Give Back the right of eminent domain. The Au- toms of the units. id aa deflalta was over. modeled over Into a modern home he used much more widely as an aid Money," and Ray Kulpinsky fol- a temporary retirement of several tial mat toonabls ofttolala ,tj said that the purchase. If such were Lorillard ...... cently completed a goodwill flight thority gets its mqning 'expenses The house comprises four rooms ea betwaea Broken Rope Blamed at South Bolton. to industrial expan.'lon and com- lowed with a humorous political months made necessary by repairs. ttha proposal made by Theo- made, might be deducted from Mont Ward ...... from Berlin to Tokyo, was brought from the city and Is In other aspects including bath. One room, 20 by 12 SPANISH FOES LAMENT this cov 'anch-Oermaa First account of today's disaster No more reports have been heard petition. f- speech. The hoopskirt It supports the cop- ore C. Zimmer that .Packard street taxes now owed the town on the Nash K e l v ...... to Manila In a commercial amphib- feet, serves as a living room, din- This la the type shack that la be Ing replaced In Fort Wayne under margin, Ma. Indicated a broken haulage rope was as to who filled Richie Morra's new Remarks were made by Ernest an agency of the city. per folds of her classic gown was catended to Hartford road, sc- property. the cause. Tostlmony before the committee Nat Else ...... ian plane sent to the scene. He re- ing room and kitchen, is equipped the new bousing program. i ' nta ware coa* car's gas tank with mud and small Reichenbach, the newly elected Immediately after organization, only one of several replacements rrAUAN-FRENCH CLASH CORONA and whli ns and gopd waa daferred to the next maet- Taxpayera Proteat About #00 men are employed In yesterday brought out that most .Nat Dalrv ...... fused to discuss the mishap except with a coal and wood-fire stove for stones recently at the roller skat- suto manufacturers employ patents Nat Distill ...... president for 1939, and a list of William B. F. Hall, chairman of the needed by Mias Liberty after 52 ever aac !B tbaiu ooa- at which time additional Infor- Rayntond and Sherwood Bowers Princess colliery. to say the plane encountered fuel cooking and heating, and a porce- chiefly to protect their Inventions N Y Central ...... the presidents who have served the Authority, asked the Federal Hous- 50 houses. Rental la expected to minimum income groups. This will years In New York's harbor. To make it th* merrint ChrUtmie ever, IcU Sent* to brii4 osaat et *eoB- . atloa aa to oosta wlU be preaented. appeared before the Board as pro- The pithead quickly became a ing rink at the Rainbow. It cost line trouble., causing one motor to lain sink. Hendnyc, France (A t the Spanish the who several dollars to have it fixed. against exploitation and that they North Am ...... society smce its organization In ing Authority if it were possible to pay all expen.'ksa and ambrtlze the decrease coats to the community for Dpaaa altna- Itimmer asked the extension over a testing taxpayera, asking the steps acene of tragic activity, aa doctors stall and make the big ahip lota al- A bathroom, 4 by 8V4 feet, con- Frontier). Dec. 6.--(AP) — Both you e 1939 Speedtin* Corooe portebl* typewriter. Model* U In th< Frank Lombardo reported the gas were generally willing to have, them Packard ...... 1898 was read. erect model homes like that built at 4>4 per cent mortgage, over a period fire protection, public health serv- laca o f gemt’’ ' ago, but estimated costa of the to collect assessments against re- and nurses prepared to care for vic- titude. tains a wash basin, lavatory, 30- CONFER ON CA.MHAION sides In Spain united today In la- than $2( lank on hla car wm filled with used even by competitors. Param P lc t ...... Purdue. The idea struck the FHA of 20 years. ices. charttlea." oject ware always high, and no ae- cently Installed sewers In the south tims and relatives of the men who The plane had flown from Tokyo gallon hot water heater and stubby menting that Spain was torn by to ft ell puiee*. No extra cberg* lor eerryliit eee* end tyg< gravel and stones when he attended Penn ...... tavombly. No Rival To Private capital The Fort Wayne authority be- civil war at a time when Italy Is *r state Ugm Paet on was taken by the Board. Now end of the town be mndc. The pro- had gone down on the rake gathered In 10 houra and 53 minutes. tub. Two bedrooms, 12 by 7 feet, Washington, Dec. fl._ (A P ) I Phelps Dodge .... Before long Fort Wayne Author "Every effort has been made, lievea its collapsible houses will cut bringing the question of Mediter- iof ioatnasiora. Pay a law easts a day II daairad. lemplatr 3aorma Boo* is claimed by Zimmer that the testcra claimed that moneys had seeking news. the Men and Women's club at Bol- Labor lenders who hope to swing ! Phil Pete ...... The Germans radioed a. 3:30 p.m. TODAY AND W EDNESDAY Ity representatives went to owners 8 inches, complete the living ac- jiowever," says Hall, "to avoid cx>m- relief costs. And If the first 50 ranean territory to the fore In her lilni Von IUb> Dtlra job can be done for about one been taken from the town's general Early reports from the pit gave ton Center one night. lomes a. j Pub Serv N J . . . (2:30 a.m., e.s.t.) that they were of vacant lots and lots on which commodations for a family of four. petition with private capital. The homes meet expectations another 1,300,000 textile workers Into A FI. clash with France. » aignad tte Itath it previous estimates. It was fund to pay for the town's share of the names of nine dead: William The Men and Women's club of over Cavite and experiencing trou- THE NEW unions conferred today on an or- tlon. Me MacDonald, a .Sydney mines town Bolton will meet tonight at 8:00 I Radio ...... were located old homes and slum The Federal Housing Authority program alms only to provide neces- 150-unlt will follow. These may Insurgent and government sources T H E DEW EY-RICH M A N C O mlorad ehaapi indicated that tf this Is so, favorable certain W PA sewer projects, and ble. Searching planes later found ganization campaign which may continue Fraach aM councillor; Murdock MacGregor, o'clock. A new ping pong set has Local Stocks Rem Rand ...... shacks. The Authority offered $1 insures a blanket mortgage on all sary shelter and sanitation for even rent for $2 per week. at the border agreed that Spain In Jewelera — Stationers — Opticians ketlon might be accorded the proj- this money had not been replaced by the Condor down In the bay, off the have an Important effect on the Malcolm MaePhee, John Hollins, been bought so every one can have Republic Steel . . . peacetime would demand that her unventili ect by the Selectmen. , the making of Individual assesa- Rev Tob B ...... village of Rosario, about 20 miles CIRCLE AFL-CIO split. n Berlin toi- Tabled was the question of instal- Joseph Major, George Brown. Dick a great time. word bo heard on any Medtterran- aaoai menta— i mente against the property owners Dixon. Dick Morrison and hii aon, Fiimlahed by Miller and Whitney Safeway Stores . . from Manila and only a short dis- ls wars takan lation of new and more powerful who benefited from the utilities in- SUPER GIANT murder charge. Attorney Robert betiaes o tbantrop, wlk> D. J. Morrison. 48 Pearl Street Schenley Dls .... tance from the Cavite navy yard. north end atraet Ugbta until after stallations. Sears Roebuck ... SHOW NIGHT ST. BRIDGETS TO HOLD SAYS HE WAS HOME Doyle of Nashua told the Jury that governm icord, bagia Hartford. Conn. K. OF C. TO HOLD the defendant, whom the state haa tlons with As a result, the Bowers brothers The last bad disaster tn Cape William E. Martin Shell Union ...... "^ e German Condor monoplane A Big Four Hqur Shew! der gove claim, the north end has to share In RAINBOW GIRLS READY Soconv Vac ...... described aa the "trigger man" In Breton coal pits was In 1918 when l.oral Representative which sank In Manila harbor today CHARmr CARD PAR H AT TIME OF SLAYING pervteioii the expense of work ng, 42. of Hanover, who also Is rooM at tha Bid August. Four of the Condor crew Raymond Peters, 26. of (Jlareraont, ability t SAM YULYES ed water department, which oper- Mishaps In which more than one j Rchetirwil On Thursday St Oil Cal ...... were aboard the Brandenburg on Dec. 12— Proceeds To Go To charged with murder In the first de- 1 opaa a a ^ Aetna Casualty ...... 109 contended today he was at home gree. YOU Slili das* DM SHOE REPAIR SERVICE ates In the southern half of Man- miner was killed have been relative- Nig-ht For .Affair To Be Held Aetna Fire ...... 44'i St on N J ...... the United States trip. Affair To Be Held As Usual Fill Christmas Baskets. Iona favoratib Tex Corp ...... last April 22 when Dennis W. Kun- tehouAin outa a a is tt^ 701 M ain S tre e t chester. The Board took the com- ly rare since then. On Fridny Evening. Aetna Life ...... 2.5 Timken Roll Bear flulos waa killed during a holdup of Clothes, properly hung aqd plaints under advisement. However, Nova Scotia mines In Automobile ...... 31 '4 hla atore. W* hi Trans America . . On New Year’s Eve At Michael Benevento and Mias Mary brushed often, require leas fre- Franoa appro- earlier dcciides suffered several Conn. General 2.5 condtUoi severe disasters. In 1873, flO men Rainbow girls who have a part In Hartford Fire ...... 73'-j Union Carbide . . . DEMOCRATIC SENATORS McGurk, heading the committee Outlining Peters' defense on a quent pressing. FiNEif (|ii,ii,rn 0,000 (dr in » the Minstrel .show Friday evening at Union Pac ...... hav* Ini aads. Incraas- w'ere killed at the Drummond rol- Hartford Steam Boiler ,50 The Rainbow. arranging for the annual card party JAPANESE OCCUPY llrry and In 1891 a .Sprtnghlll dls- the Holllater street school, are ro- National Fire ...... flO'4 Unit Aircraft .... ment a$| «M 0,000,000 Tie.strd to attend rehearsal at the Unit Corp ...... TO DISCUSS PROGRAM of St. Bridget's church, have named yWWWMWWWWWMMfWWWMnKSHiiiMMaiiMMSlHKSKSKSKWIHWSMI Bigger Car. aster took the Uvea of 125 men. Phoenix ...... 78 their aides. The party la given each finding Masonic Temple, tomorrow night at Travelers ...... 44.5 Unit Gas Imp .... that Fraapa IMPORTANT PORT 7 o'clock. The final rehearsal will U S Rubber ...... H. Francis Coleman U general year to raise funds to purchase be built, RANGE and Public rtnitles Hartford. Dec. 6—(AP)—The 17 Christmas baskets for the needy. IN K V I'liV laolvad “undar he held Thursday evening at the U S S te e l...... nM« MMt chairman of the committee named Conn. Lt. and Pow. . . .54 Democratic members of the 1939 In past years over $100 has been a thouu articular ral^ FUEL OILS MINISTER CRITICIZES srhool hall. Vick Chem ...... NYYCR • FAYE by Campbell Council, K. of C., for a to raaiaia la (Continued from Page One.) Conn. Pow...... 45 state Senate will meet here, Friday raised by such parties. The affair dred, foi The romniltlee fi-oni the advisory Western Union .. •-Also- T 2 AMCCHE the annual New Year's eve party aa iatarastiiv 24-HOUR SERVICE board has been able to secure for Hartford Elec. Lt. ... 00 night, presumably to select a party this year will be held December 12 never to West El and Mfg . will be held at the Rainbow Dance In St. Bridget s hall. This year ad to aonoilt plsne* bombed Japanese military JIMMY’S CONTRIBUTIONS the ahow such well known comed- Illuminating Shs. ... 55>3 Woolworth ...... leader and to dlscusa a legislative "PASSPORT HUSBANDS* agency | PHONE 6320 conrenlratlons at the former (Chi- Hartford Gaa ...... 32 program. hall, Bolton. members of the committee have been F R A D I N ’S siN(;i,i; DKi.Aii, Lura davalQi^ ians ss Bill Dnion. and the popular Elec Bond and Share (Curb). With t This Is the fifth annual ball and Informed there la need for more habit of ns should risk nese capital on Dec 3 and 4. The Anderson brrlftier.s. An-ly Anderson. So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 149 Handicapped by the lack of STUART ERWIN amount of damage was unknown. Waahington, Dec —lA P l A Western Mass...... 28 >4 strong, veteran material Democratic dinner sponsored by the council. All baskets and for that reason a spe- bathrooi U dlflleultlaa.* Oscar Anderson and William Ander- of the previous affairs have proved BOLAND This marked the first Chinese air Washington minlater who relied on son Oscar Anderson will be the In- Industrials loaders were making no predictions cial effort Is Velng made to provide trlflcatl: earamoajr of Income tax retuma aa his baaja PLUS . . SHORTS GALORE! successful. for a larger gathering. The commit- raid ngnln..t Japanese positions in terlocutor and the other* will shine Acme Wire ...... 28 ROOSEYELT CALLS at this time, although S ta to r GIFT UNDIES Lower Price rone gal CJommittee* to take care of the many weeks anct was considered as crltlclzad Jamea Roosevelt, the as end men. Am. H ardw are...... 27 Pierre J. Paramee of WUllmsntlc is tee met In the church ball last night to nght) OIL CO. decorations, assignments for tables, a possible prelude to renewed aerial rrealdent's son. today for apparent Arrow H and H, Com. 89)4 and completed all the necessary de- It haa The whole program is shaping up being menuoned as a Ukely choice music and all of the other detaila The glamorous gift undies all women de- Great New Engineering Advances Make activity with new Soviet planes re- neglert to make ch'urrh contribu- well and It would seem to be one Billings and Spencer. 4>4 ENYOYS TO MEET for floor leader. tails. a Midw tlont . have been named. Dancing will be cently reported flown In. Chinese of the beat entertainments so far Bristol Brase ...... 37 Popular Shows at Popular Pries* light in . . . priced to fit your Christmas The Rev Howard .Stone .Anderson, Republicans. meanwhile, were enjoyed from 9 o’clock In the eve- This Great Plymouth the Year’s Best Buy! 100,000 planes also were »ald to be coming this season Colt'a Pat. Firearms. 80 turning their attention to the fate budget! Shimmering satins, pure dye in effeilivo nunihera from a new minister of the First Congregation- (Contlnned from Page One) ning until 2 o'clock in the morning OU get more car—more ac- the fun< Eagle Lock ...... 15 >4 of the Hartford County Republican THE NEW and a good orchestra has been se- crepes . . . lavishly lacy, tailored or em- Furthermore, it’a the smooth- fESf factor^' at Yuanan. Hupeh province al church here, and th# first of a Fafnlr Bearings...... 90 JURY CONTINUES PROBE Ing pro Association, which. It now appears broidered! tual value— than ever be- Tiding, ka AT Wt/a) serlr.4 of "affirmative " witnesses be- other racial and religious minori- cured to provide music. A full K Y est easiest handling low- Gray Tel Pay Station 10 12 ties in Germany and other totali- Is also uncertain. course dinner will be served during gin Is a fore the House committee InvestI CUBS GRANT U Z Z E R I Hart and Cooley .... 150 fore, yet this new Plymouth is priced car you ever drove I NARROMXV ESCAPED DEATH tarian states. Opposition to the reelecUon of CIRCLE the evening and as the number that IN SMUGGLING CASE GOWNS AND PA JA M A S ...... $1.98 to $2.98 need Is Mahieu's Shanghai. Pec 6 (AT) — A gating un-Amerlca'fi activities, said priced even lower for 19391 IT THl IV Hendey Mach., B. ... 8 Bullitt. who Interrupted a Maj. Kenneth F. Cramer of Weth- can be accommodated at the dance i Fasy to own.. .your present 183 Spruce Street In a st.itenienl which wn.a entere-i Landers. Frary A Clk. 25 DANCETTES SLIPS PANTIES pie to I -(APl—.uUco Doinei i.lapnneee newaageneyi dla- Bahamas vacation to join the Presi- ersfield as president of the Associa- and dinner Is limited reeervations ify______Pljinouth isbigger, with bril- p:il(h fi.-m H.inkow said today Chi In the record: AN OUTRIGHT RELEASE New Brit. Mach., Com 24 THUR8. - FRI. car will probably represent a to help thalr aorHer dent the last few days of hls Warm tion has been started by a group are now being made. $1.25 $1.00 to $1.98 50c-$1.00 ST AND ADO EQUIPMENT on “ Da Luaa" Wheat ies. I KuoChen, ch.alrman of the Japan- "A young man of great political do., pfd...... 95 TABLEWARE TO LADIES! New York, Dec. 6—(AP)—A fed- liant new Functional Styling, large proportion of Plymouth’s NEW AMOLA STEXL CoO Spring prominence. i Jamea Roosevelt i. Springs stay, rode back to Wash- who want to glv# the post to "MY LUCKY STAR” Tickets for the dance and dinner eral grand jury continued Its Inves- models at no titra coat—Perfected Re- As re Malar Viator I (-.“. -Kjioi'.aored local government, North and Judd...... 23'4 Square and V-neck types! Prin- mote (>mtrat Shlftlo* wtih All-S4lent new High-Torque Engine Per- low delivered price...balance daaltn In tha Induaoy.glra Plymanth IM pkg...... 10c with exceedingly large Income, re- Former Yankee Star Saya He ington with the Prealdent's party. former Senator Austin D. Barney of With have been placed on sale and can tigation today Into the activities of cess. dIjTidl and bolero nighties wondarful new ride. Standard aqntpnMa* pearing wara lajaiad : and Ins wife narrowly escaped death Peck, Stow A Wilcox 8 Au (o-Maah TnuiMnlMlon. M ueb aSaier. cently censed his Income tax re- Also To See Labor Offlclala Farmington. SONJA HEINE - R. GREENE be secured from members of the Albert N. CThaperau, who Is ac- . . . all with full sweeping formance and new economy. in low monthly instalments. on"loadUn*“ and "Da Uiaa” asdak. It attanipt aa ‘ at the hands of an s.«aailant last AAanta To “ Shop Around” ; Russell Mfg. Co...... 34 college Circle \V. Coffee, : night. ports for several years to be print- The President also arranged to- council or by calling the councH’s cused of hoping a state Supreme skirts! Embroidered slip and Filled riility Role. Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 24*4 "SPEED TO BURN” home. vl.sion c Mb. pkg...... 17c The assailant taking advantage ed. Since they were printed at hie Sllex Co...... 11 >4 day to confer with Secretary Per- court justice's wife smuggle French pantle sets . . . d'ancettes! request, T suppose there Is no ob- klna and Chairman Warren J. Mad- The announcement of the ball and finery Into the United States pink. Sizes to 44! Shop for hur ! ol ttn I.Iaikt'Ut • aused h\- a .Nt"p- Dhlcago, Dec. (A P t—Tony Stanley Works ...... 39)4 dinner Is made a little later than Get the Benehtof Fancy Grapefruit Sec- j l-iige .,1 I ;---trieitv, attacked the jection to a comment on them do, pfd...... :... 27>4 den of the National Labor Relation* SAT. ONLY' Cbaperau waa held In $20,(X>0 ball today! Univers daed aa a wat "One thing Interested me as a Lazzerl. the "mystery man" of the Board. usual this year, but Mr. Coleman, tions, 1 w j«ouple aa ttiey slr|-t. .stabbing both Chicago Cubs, wired owner P. K. Torrington ...... 25'.% "CIPHER BUREAU* With and Jdrs. Elma .v. Lauer, wife of minister. In not a single year had Members of the Board have stated the chairman, has informed mem SHOP TOMORROW GreatEngineering Is the c : of th* m Neither was wiruPded dan- Wrlgley for hla release today and Veeder Root ...... 40 Leon Ames - Jogn Woodbury Justice Edgar J. l.auer, was expect- 18-oz. c a n ...... 1 1 C ■ geroiialy he contributed to a church And they were opposed to any attempt ROLLER bera of his committee that there OPEN ALL DAY! tical te It was granted Immediately. New York Banka already Is an indication that there ed to surrender shortly. 1. G reater S iz e — 114-inch KE The eh trl'-ity Stoppage was in only one year did his gifts out Bank of New York to amend the labor law. "YODELIN KID FROM The I I P ) -> Pallaa Fresh Prunes, of Income running high into five Lazteri. used as a ptnch hitter Secretary Perkins recently aald PINE RIDGE* will be a large number present. Wheelbase. "SO BEAlTinX von WONT BELIEVE caused hv ixhaustion of coal sup- and utility Inflelder hy the Cuba Bankers Trust ...... 41'4 Ml e n playea of 2 largest can.s... figures, exceed $28 per annum" she saw no resson at this time for Auto parking grounda are avall- ITS A LOW-PRICED CABl" lo'w tyy 25c I phi'.x Wh:. >1 foiced the Bnti.'.h Elec- through the 1938 season, recently Central Hanover .... 79 SKATING (,i •" ii>.,( th" rr-niTiittee has arrang- 2. Thrilling High-Torque ; trie ('■ini|iany to shut down il.-i Cha.se ...... 29 changing the act. but thia was up SUN. AND MON. four pe Informed owner Wrlgley he might ed to have the cars guarded by Bol- Engine Performance with rtfiha Pink Salmon, power plant Hankow was without Chemical ...... 40'4 to Congress which created the ".MAIN EVENT* Deaths Last Night Tt Is RISE OF RIYERS "shop around" for another job and Board. . . •! .luring the time that New Economy. itSi. 1-lb. tall can .... I light.-- h*Ml .an-l even its restricted a.-iked whether he would have any City ...... 22 With there ai lie ; eineigen-y water service. The only other engagements the oihvy uic parked until they are difficulty obtaining hit release, Continental ...... iiu. Reid’s Auction R. PAIG E - J. W ELLS llriven away the following morning. 3. New Coil Springs of spe- Shortening, Com Elxchange ..... 46'4 President set for hls first day In Paria— Paul Morize, 64, editor of 5 United CAUSES UNEASE rlgley replied he would not stand Washington in more than two the newspaper Le Matin and an 1-lb. pkg., In hla way. First National...... 1600 "TITANS OF THE DEP* cial Amola SteeL seem li ad after a « I.FG.AL .NUTK’PJS Guaranty Trust ...... 228 weeks were with Secretary Ickes Auditorium author of numerous plaj-s and oper- 2 pkgH...... The Cub* signed Lazzerl late In and Secretary Morgenthau. A press ettas. 4. Perfected RemoteControl blnatloi 25c (OmHnoed from Page One) Irving 'Trust ...... 7'; Bolton TUBS. - WED. l.im OH I’StHMIT 1937 after he had been released by conference was scheduled for late MASSACHUSETTS VOTERS Dresden. Germany— Hugo Van Gear Shifting. kitchen vori)(-. OS' 4 i-i-i.irATio> Manufact. Trust .... 3# 8 P . M . SUPER GIANT SHOW! DEATH Carnation Milk, the New York Yankees, with whom this afternoon. Admigflion 35e Den Berg, 100, builder of three ter hei Tt - ' ' n.itl.-. that 1 Crank waa atm open to traffic late this he had starred for more, than a Manhattan ...... 14 ".MARIE ANTO INETTE* B. New All-Silent Auto- Oae. ( A P I small c a n ...... '■ --"n- f' ! I IddrMge «tte«i, ilab- morning. N T Trust ...... 78)4 railway bridges over the Rhine, and many a 4c ■■:ie»t. r i .nii . hav« nie.l an ai-pllc.i- decade. There were rumors that WIthN. SHEARER WILL CHOOSE MAYORS Id IlirthaaH The water level had reached the Title Guarantee ...... 6 prominent tn early railway con- M esh Transmission. Miracle Whip, n ilaieU -4 . { I'-.'emher, r-.l« with Tony might ultimately become TYRONNE POWER struction. caUed : pohee oaid t.‘i- I,..)uer * .n-.roi i'.)mmleiten for shoulders of this road just west of Public National ...... 27 B. New Streamlined Safety manager of the Cube. But Gabby "RICH MAN. POOR GIRL” Lexington. Ky.— Richard A. Cur- eomfori «attog Satur- pint j a r ...... a t^a- k.iae ■; I'.tnitt for the aale Farmington center. U. S. Trust ...... 1530 Boston. Dec. 6—(AP)—Voters In 26c _f_!l,-^.h.'l'. iiqiii.r .in ihe premleea ef Hnrtnett took over when Charlie tis, 66, once known aa the "boy ’ Headlamps. Ing. It ft Dart asked Grimm waa replaced aa pilot and five Massachusetts citle* chose nay prepare a Fancy Blue Rose T'.l -'r-at. M triehe.ter. <^onn. trainer" In trotting horse circles 7. Ingenious new “Safety on a bi Tl ■ t.ii.ii;-.. I. . -.-ned hy Frank Lazzerl reportedly waa not consid- NO mayor* today, electors in three oth- and rated one of the best drivers on agahiat the Rice, 3 lbs...... ci-nn'i-.-r.- of .- Kldrlrtaa .treet. Man- ered for the post. ers filled minor offices and one Bos- Signal” Speedometer. Wayne 16c or.-t.r. - nn .nil mil h. cr.n.l.ieted STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE ADVANCE TODAY AND the grand circuit Mra. Dorothy V. Af. C. A. Notes He played brilliantly In utility ton ward selected a councilman. 1 raparta said hy Sr.tnk 'liiinir-r.. ..f 3 KIdridaa IN ■ AaeacaTga ■■ TOMORROW Chicago—Dr. Wilson Ruffin Ab- B. Time-Proven, Double- will 00 Jack Frost Sugar, a q • . ^t . . l - . . r . 1 - .nil . role* during the opening weeka of STATE Attleboro, Gloucester, Haverhill, ractom of the rer- Today: PBICES HARTFORD bott 65, an authority on diseases of can be the season hut after that was uaed NEAR FRENCH EMBASSY MATINEE AND EVENING Peabody and Quincy elected mayors the heart and chest. Acthm Hydraniic Brakes. la toMaed and 10-Ib. cloth bag.. t OC FRA.S'K ('.I’ lNIPKRiy #:00- Milkmen's banquet Card# I ep.Aringly and waa not particularly and filled mhior offices while off- Kansas Chty—Mr*. Jennie J. It U iMt Bold she 3rd of l>»c . wdll he played In the second floor | effective at the plate ON OUB year balloting was held at CThicopee, Stengel. 79. mother of Casey Sten- i borne* a tight mier social room after the banquet. 1 ;______J______I STAGE Rome. Dec. 6 —( A P ) — A Fa.*cl*t Newburyport and Taunton. In Boe- gel. manager of the Boston Bees of anc* pi ■St a bathtob firOO Junior girl» gymnasium 1 BATEESE ton, 17 candidates vied for the coun- ati;denta' anti-French demonstration H E E M S E I.F A N D CO. the National League. apartra in the streets of Rome reached its cil seat left vacant by the death of Locust Valley, N. Y.—Mrs. Ju- ' •i 4.5 C. R. Burr bowling league ! BOTH HEARST PAPERS IN PERSON Peter A. Murray. per mo ASCK. 6:45— Intermediate "Y" girls climax today In the declaration of dlth (Barrington Stettiniuo. m other; / N ew I9J* PLYMOUTH "ROADKiNC” 3-Door Touring Sedan with completely rnat-proofed Safety-Steel body, gymna-sium period. a Fascist party leader that the NBC RADIO STAR of Edward R. StetUntus, Jr., chair- or $10 a. g _ ( A P ) ~ RENEW YOUR LIVL\(; room for "Detroit delircred pricce** Include front and rear bumpeea, hamper *——*■. apata wbaal. lira rcrafta lead 7:30-8:30 Center Springs club CONTINUE PUBUSHING Italians would go to Tunisia, STILL UNCONSCIOUS. man of the board of trustees of the - pi* to France’s North African protector- Muter CoBiic of the and lulw, foot control for hendllahc beam with Indlcatar on Inatnunant p-aTt. aah-tmp la meeting. United States Steel Corporation. I front and rmr, aun eieor. aalecy alaea and M* trunk epoca (1«.i cubic faat). Ptyaaouth if Fort V THE HOLIDAYS ate. French-CBiiadiBii Dialect Hartford, Dec. 6.— (A P ) —Harold Her husband waa asatotant secre- EASY 8. Oesam- 6:30-7:30— First Aid class with E. hint" modrle atart at IM.S; "Da Lure" mojela are elidki^ hidher. Prlcaa Inclada aO tadml be wlK Gerry Tracy. Chicago, Dec. 6.— ( A P )—Charge* "■There is no need 6f talking of C. Kelsey, state deputy dairy and tory of war under President Wll- i W»W-«AP1TT HCNAL" Spaadnw taaee. TraneporiaUon and atata, locnt taiaa. If any. not Inclndcd. Soa yonr Plymonth daeSe* and counter-charges from opposing Tunisia—we will go there!" shouted food commissioner, still was uncon- Lay Away A tlaaa (atored. Our Christmas Gift To You 1 7:30-8:30— Women's gymnasium - O N T H E S C R E E N ------son. •car* Ugbt ebdirsire** amber er for locnJ delircred prlcee. PLYMOtrm Dl VISION OP CHRYeua GOOPOtUTION, Detrett, lory yi union chieftaina developed t(3day as Andrea Ippolito. provincial secre- scious and In a critical condition at I Evening Bags • wsmteg red, accordta^ fegeed. > — M e a d ) : play with Mias Tinker. Individual Gift A Day At TO BU Y TUIII IN MAJOR BOWES* AMATEUR ■OUR.C.B.S.NnwaiM.liniM.BTB lBP.H,I.a.T. ty la *1 and corrective setting up exercloes. the strike of Chicago Newspaper tary of the party in response to St. Francis hospital today. Mr. ‘Giftieat of Gifts" Guild members against the Herald see tha w handsome otto.max to .mat c h 8:00— Phi Beta Sigma card party. students’ cries of "Tunisia!" Kelsey Friday night fell down an BL.\MES POISON UQUOB Brocades Gold Fradln’e. I t and Examiner and the American The students, several hundred elevator abaft. SUver Black that tti 9 INCLUDED At No Extra Charge!Hiss Mary McGuire In charge. entered its second day. strong agitating in support of Ital- Worcester, Maas., Dec. $— (A P )— aupport. 8:15— South Methodist bowling Makes Gift would ' N * Down Psymeat Before 1989. league. Both of the Hearst newspaper con- ian claims to French territory, were KINO SENDB MESSAGE What Medical John C. Seed Beads— tinued publication after th* walkout . o f g * t t Work b O sarutM d For s Tears. 8:30-9:30— ^ Ito n group gymna- turned back .by police when they Ward described as poison liquor PssTls 8 equina $ 1.00 Giving Easy. sium period, tried to. reach the French embassy. e • • . Freddie Bortheloaew Balfast, Dee. 6 — (AP) — King took the Ufs of on* man sorly this home, Rev. Alfred Kline In ploye# participated. The manage- A similar demonstration was George sent a meoeage to tlie new PLYMOUTH BUILDS ' ooeh p charge. Judy Oartond morning and tent hls companion to uurcH ment of the newspapers estimated staged at Genoa, where SOO univer- sfoslon of the Ulster Parliament to- PARLOR FURNITURE CO. hi *U B TE N O AB U N G ” City hospital in critical oondlUon. Tta«a the total number o f emploirea be- sity students shouting "TuidMa; day saytof he hoped the new Anglo- P H O N E 6018 Beattie. Wiahihgtop. require* tween 3.200 and 8.300. John (Tosnas died to tb* ambulance NEW*‘ROADKING‘* ^^ftaleral hr O * aofi Mato Btoaeto that oil beef, lamb and mutton oold Corsica:” went to tha French con- Amerieoa trade .agreement would on th* way to tha hodpltaL Or. Maarkeetor. ( The Guild annou))ced plana for sulate. They were dispersed by po- 8TABT8 <1 within the city UmiU must be 8k .VS promote entoloyment and help the Wgrd* sold Bylveatsr Kuhowokaa pieketlngeln Haont Squor*. Ue*. but groups eontiausd th* IHUBBOlATl en d ed mad Mkmpod. «*U #n picluU pondid ■ - northem IretaBd Unen todiMtry. probably ooo|d not Hv% FRADIN’S NEW *^DE LUXE** wWiWlKGS STORM OVER BEN G AL GREAT GARS 4


Uon ml(bt, ooDCSlvably, build Ua«lf agree should bs done forthwith, and clsati out of tbs depression. that la the total prohibition of the H e a lt h a n d D ie t FDR TO CONTINUE Male of scrap metal to either Ger- SERIA L ST O RY n ew o rk • • • Ettrttin^ Heralb many, Italy or Japan. I N Y coffYNioMr. lass U/L\ a. 't^ o 6 e PROBATION A d v ic e LOVERS A WEIGH NBA BBRV1CB. INC LIBERAL PROGRAM Gifts rUBUUHCO BI TIM ______By OEOROE ROHH' <^tlmea, more ingenious wizards than By DB. rB A N B MeCX>T kU> PIUNTINQ OOUPANT, IN a It la to be gathered from the NH E, BUT W H Y? B Y BET TY W A LLA CE I I BttMlI atrMt newspaper reports of a talk given New York, Dec. A.— Doctor Bau-, those artists who dress uv a stage. ItoMhattar, CoBn. sage and his Five Pork Chops Is the One department atore dlaplays a OAIX BLADDER TROUBLES BY SIBRID ARNE raoMAi rBRauioif at Hartford yesterday by New We have read the text of the name of a new "Jive" band that has virtual St. Uorltz, with a constant CAST d r CHARACTERS a«B*rai MaD>a1 th* Prison Aaaoclallon that HMward 1’. as warm, presenting as roseate a Uver In which bile Ls stored and con- She said despairingly, “ We’ve ceee. Is imhappy with her stop- * PRII PARKIN* VttBt date* Bt MBnehBBUr, Conru, bb color of condor and friendliness as rather rtrlking, since nobody knew and spectacular exhibits. ^ DAVIOBT C AM PB R IX — ambl- Flifit-Bruce mother, the Queen. So the fairies tom •Beead CIbbb Mali Mattar. Mulrooney, the commissioner, was cantrated. When It get out of or- come a long way from what we that the Fords cared for any kind From a Fifth Avenue buatop, tt Hona Heutenaat. He faced a choice oarry her to Santa's To^lsnd. tion Of Democracy.” latwrinp under a slight misappre- almost all of the President’s pub- der a number of symptoms may between hla wife and dnty. started with. I didn't mean to— a lUDGIT PLAN aOmCRIPTION RATES of music other than symphonic la a brilliant parade of wonders and to eay what I did. Whether It’s bb hension. He was awaking In fa- lic utterances have from the time arise. The patient may be ailing JACK HANIjEY—flying tailor. O Taar by Mall ...... ft-M scores or square dances in the bam. flashes of bisarre colors, and New true or not, whether you realize It CHAPTER TW6 r*r llontb br Mall ...... t vor of a state administered, state of his flrst Inaugural and then, But If Papa Henry engages In Yorkers now tour that avenue as for years, seldom feeling really well He faced a teat of a patient love. BarUi Stasis Copy ...... J ®* or not. doesn’t matter. I’m en- The Msgte Aboard Roosevelt Train En Route a SHOP IVENING S OUR STORE is a shopper's dream of the perfect Yuletide. Five spacious O^rarad Ona Tsar...... la.CO thinking It all over, we have been old-fashioned American music lore, though they were attending the lat- MARVEL HA8TTNOS—navy , . Btetea controlleil and state supported pro- and may develop such aymptoma a ' wife. She f«w d the teet ef being , to Washington, Dec. 6— (A P ) — iby oppolntmantl floors buiging with gifts for the home. Gifts impressive and large; ex- trying to figure out why It -wa.s de- his son and heir, Fdsel, Is up to the est hit on Broadway. the following; first, digestive misery Just this side of T&yland the wind aougtat MCMBBR o r THE ASSOCIATED bation system which the Prison As- a good sailor. President Roosevelt, pledged to a PRESS minute. It seems that Sausage and such as gas, an uncomfortable feel- ______'because I married her first, fairies dropped softly doom through quisite and small— and not a gee-gaw or useless gimcrack among them. tlan aa sociation, It appears, will seek to livered at all; and we haven’t got Sth Avenue Pond Th* AiioclAt.a Pr»». li .xclu.lv.ly his Pork Chops (a more quaint or- ing after meals, nausea, bloating, 'Mowly. "That’a all It la. Santa’s big forest of Christmas trees continuance of a "liberal” domestic onti-Jes the an.swcr yet Now the Ice-akatlng has begun Yeaterday: The ideal g ift for everyone on your list. And anything that you select onUtl.d to t)ie u « ot rrpDbllr.tlon have established at the forthcom- chestral name we’ve never heard) and so on. Second, occaalonsi at- to the ground. Hulda felt her stock- program and world leadership for on Am* at all B.wi dt.patc)).. or.nd Is where the I month ago. We have It on the word scene In a hurley-hurley of the bad dwindled quickly to ashes. Jack had. Jack was alwaya so Come in now— for there are only 16 shopping days till Christmas. aeonomi PubllBhert R«pr*i*nt«tlvei: Tti« times the patient notices that the wide and hung with festoons of Congreas and American envoys to Icing ill JuUub MathBWa Soaelal Aranny-.s'» «• President a.ssiires hlg hearers that i of Prof Sausage himself that what metropnila. He said, “ I ’m sorry, Judy. Sorry careful tn what he said, ao con- the totalitarian states abroad. York. CblcBXO. Oairolt and Boalon. have an opportunity to experiment aymptoma will partially clear up for holly. Smoke rose from the big at(xis. tycoon For«l anid was: "W e’ve had I said those things. Of course I siderate of her feelings. But chimneys. All around were snow The chief executive paused en dTis In a Held of virgin poll." and be-I he la "a believer in the rapltall.atlc a time, when ht feels fairly well, Dwight barged blindly on, saying Foi MEMBER AUDIT ntTHEAU OV all aorta of hands here, hut this one Sidewalk Flop . couldn’t expect a girl like you to covered hills dotted with clumps of route to the national capital from I eiiiiae thia atale "has no |iaal tra- | .aystem. ' but they riaually return later. the things he wanted to say, not Germ aRCUUATlO.NS. is the fir: t hanil that didn’t hore us ’Three lads were kneeling on a sit around and wait while I— pine trees. Hulda looked. But she Warm Springs, Oa.. late yesterday agreed One of the fairly common trou- white I came to my senses." His caring how they hurt. Tha Harald ITInlliit Company Inc., j'dllloijs with whirl) to rerkon In the A Ide from these gentle and to di’fvlh ” And what makes It more subway grating. They held atringa seemed worried. She said, "What to reaffirm In an address at (Chapel Jact to bles affecting the gall bladder l.i an mouth twisted. "W e all find out She turnsd the key In the Igni- asaomaa no nnanrlal raaponalbiMiy | development of an adequate proha- smiling reassurances all the rest of unusual Is that this outfit Isn’t, one with nails attached at the ends. about my father, the K ing?" Hill. N. C„ hia belief In a liberal craea w acute catarrhal Inflammation re- there Is no Santa Claus. We all tion. "Shall I drop you anywhere?'_ for typosraphtcal errora appearlna In Uon service ” This de.spllc the the speech appe-ars to be a mere of your genteel swing contingents, They tt’ere fishing for something. "Don’t worry about him,” aald government, alert to changing so- pawn , aaaartiaeinrnta In tha Maneheatar hut a Ilenionlacal combination of Tommy Riggs, the radio star, came ferred to aa acute catarrhal chol- discover we can’t undo the mis- she asked. W <5RAGIOUS.'XDU MUST BE FREEZINGr Bvanlng Ilarald. fact that we have had a prnh.vllon ringing of changes on the Idea that ^ the fairies, "you will find him some cial and economic needs. without Stuff Smith, the .Schnlckrlfrltzers along and asked what they had tost. ecystitis. Tht patient may complain takes we made. But I wish—God, I wasn’t going any place.^ Will Propose Reforms ordered suppose I’ll go back to the shl ( ^ y . And to make you more happy ------£. system for many years. the President Isn't so very rndlcal and the KIcloodlers. Yes, that’s in They admitted they hadn’t lost any- of chills and fever, headache, and how I wish—I had seen things Speaking In capacity-filled Wool- G O VER N O R W IN T HROP DESK at Baal TUESDAY, DFCEMBER 8 considerable weakness. The gall clearly. I wish 1 had married She couldn’t resist asking. KjWa you wralt. eat this blueberry.” One of the points Mr .Mulrooney a fellow after all Fngllshl thing, but evidently somebody had. \SuIda took a blueberry the fairy len gymnasium of the University of But I tiecauac there was a 2S-cent piece bladder may be swollen and tender. you!" The violence of his words Is M arvel?" were of made was that “a stale administer- Well, we never Ihoughl he was. held out and popped it between her too small a hols when a fox chased ermine who had been sewing, "won’t North Carolina, where he received .Shop .Shows at the bottom of the grating. The small ducts associated with the shook him. And then he was •On Tennant’s yacht, I guess. I Include! HOUSES FOR $900 We never believed, for that matter, red Ups. It tasted good and she me, and I’m caught." you take this needle It’s a magic one an honorary degree, he made It ed probation service divorced IjDm Fifth Avenue now la aglow with For an hour they had been trying fiver and gall bladder through which reaching for her, pulling her Into don’t care." clear that New Deal upsets In the $3^.75 real eat But that wasn’t true. He did smiled. Then the fairy said, "Now, "Why, certainly,” said Hulda. She my great-grandmother, found in the For fix years federal, state and the administration of local courts that he was much more than half Myriail (fhrlstmas displays In glnin- without success to get It out. Tom- the bile is carried, may snare in this his arms. "I love you," he said November elections would fall to iaga an care. She said gently, "You turned what Is your name?” tugged and pushed and alipped on woods years ago. It can sew any- as much of a genuine liberal as he ciroiis shop windows. The pc'cle.alrlan, my offered to try hla hand at It. He catarrhal trouble. In which event over and over. "Now that I can’t deter him tn proposing reforms, United local agencies all over the country and politically elected judges would have you, It's too ^rat\ to bear. I to me because It was a salve for "Why, Hulda," said the Prlnceaa. the ice until aha cut her cold, little thing.” strolling the most luxurious thor- was promptly given the three they will close off in such a way when deemed needed, to the 76th tlfaUai have been Addling with the prol)lem be apt to >>e more free from politi- sets up to he And If the Presi- want you. I need you." your pride, Dwight. I think you're “ And where ffid you come from ?” feet. But ahe freed the ermine. He “But, b u t.a ta m m e r e d Hulda, oughfare In the world, Is alTonloil a strings. So he tried for fifteen min- that the bile can not escape through Congress.. All axpotod parts ara qanulna Honduras Tha . dent Is really looking for a third She should have pushed him still crazy about her.” “Why, a-a-a-,’’ hesitated Hulda, gave hla paws several anxious licks, feeling that she shouldn’t take any- of ‘low cost housing" and getting cal control and political pressure belter show than any he rould pay them. "It is only the unthinking liberals man marea i utes and had no success Then Tom- away. But she bad hungered for A moment ago you accused me 'T didn’t come from anywhere. I’m and then he sat up on bis hind legs thing so valuable. But she saw how ihogan^ , proof of which is on tha label Bowhere. Though It la universally than would he possible under a sys- term nomination maybe It would he This closing effect Is due to the In this world," he said, "who see Amarlo for In a theater. my reached Into hla pocket and his arms so long. To be close o f marrying her for her money.” here to five at the Toyshop." The and said, "M y gracious! I didn't anxiously the lady ermine held out it boars '‘ Mahogany Association.” Dust- recognised thst the greatest poten- tem where politically elected Jtidges fully a.s wise to reassure the liber- For window displays ceased be- handed each of the three lads a half inside of the ducts being stopped up nothing but tragedy In the slowing Amarlo by the mucous membrane becoming against his heart, to feel the rise But she knew that though this fairies smiled. You see, they had realize it, but you must be freezing. the needle. So she pinnet It firmly proof case. Autom atic hingas. . S*cr*t drawlai were the administration of proba- als of his party as t/i calm the fears ing haphazard plllng-iip of mer- dollar. He didn’t want them to be up or temporary stopping of liberal tial market for "heavy goods ” in swollen and by an excess amount of and fall of his breathing, to have was true, it did not prevent him given her the blueberry of forget- We have something for you. Walt a in the front of her white dress and compartmants. Autom atic support for oa faaj o' the conservatives, herau.se he chandise a long time ago. Display disappointed. Tommy’s chauffeur progress. this country, by an Immeaaiirsble tion service" mucus. You olxserve a similar effect his pleading in her ears like this from really loving Marvel; from fulness so she wrouldn’t remember minute." He whisked off and Hulda curtsied. drop lid. H aavy b ra u handles and ascut- oald Uh miglil (tos|^ily win rcnomlnallon men must be showmen and, some- then led him back to the limousine. was so sharply sweet, that for a being affected by her beauty and .her father and weep alone at night. saw his little black-tipped tall dis- "Now,” she said, “ I must go rap "It Is only the unthinking con- margin. Ilea In the fleld of housing, Somciwily In the Prl.aon A.s.socla- during an acute catarrhal inflamma- servatives who rejoice when a sodnl chaons. Claw and ball feat. Tha finest bUftMOl without the latter but not possibly tion of the nose which you call a moment she remained qidescent, her lure. ‘Fleaae Help Me’ appear down a bole In the ground. on Santa’s door. But do come to sec Intaraat and whUa It has been demonstrated llon might Just as well have lipped still. But then she put her hands I guess I’ll get out here,” ho "Now we must be off,” said the In a twinkling the whole family of me." or economic reform falls to be UM) Governor Winthrop wa have ever been without the former cold, when the nose stops up. A hmt ever and over again that almost the New Yorker, before he got jp Dutch proverb: "De beste stuurlul against his chest and stirred. said, reaching for the door handle. falrtea, "but we’tl be back. Hurry to ermine followed him out carrying a "Oh, we will," said the ermine. per cent successful. able to offer at the low price of $39.75. When the common bile duct or "It Is only the (what shall I call tha Mai the whole of the housing shortaga to speak, to the circumstance that It was a nice speech, but— to he ataan aan wal,” which means "the "Don’t, Dwight. It’s no use." Don’t I ’ll drive you to the tha Toyshop or you’ll catch cold in load of ermine skins. "But be very careful. Never go ort Few KIBITZERS CLUB beat pilots stand on the shore." the hepatic duct Is affected by this them) —the possessors of 'headline' enttrelv practical -what gocxl was Why must she deny the Are In pier.” the snow. CJoodby.” They flew up •Be Very Oaretal’ alone in the dark of the moon. We Cham la In the zone of rentals of less we don’t elect Judges In Ponnectl- I Rockefeller founded the club last acute Inflammation, with the bile mentality who exaggerate or distort It’ being unable to escape as a conse- her own blood? V ^ y must she She ahould have realized that it through the air and Into the clouds. Her friend sat up again on hla have a feeling there is an angry dlcatad than $20 a month, not one federal ciit even If they do In New York month at the current excavation at the true objectives of those In this quence, the bile will back up Into pride, exacting Its toll? pride that was better to let him go her*. But Hulda watched them until she could hind legs and said, "You must have Queen somewhere who wants to flim a n or state project an.vwhere has con- the center after he had been ordered nation who admit the fact ol change stale BUSY WRITERS the liver and Jaundice Is thus pro- must be satlsfled, that wouldn’t she had never been one to foi$sce aee them no more. Then she started these. W ell make you a suit in a hurt you." NazU o to move away from a knot bole m and seek to guide Into the right C ele n io l H ig h b oy lemplated the erection of such It was not Mr. Mulrooney alone, duced, with yellowing of the skin let her yield to him, that wouldn't the sharp eyes, the delighted gasps, to step carefully over the ice and minute. My wife ts a very fine seam- "A Queen?” said Hulda. "1 don’t Mean channels that change to the greater lomes as a self liquidating proposi- the boan, fence through which he and whites of the eyes. admit those sobs and those tears of other people. Gossip always epow: The wind whistled through stress.’’ So Mrs. Ermine sat down, believe I know any Queens.” You tng flrn however, who talked about the ne- was watching the digging. glory of God and the greater good In most cases, this cStanhal In- he had caused her? caught her unaware. her white dress and her long, yellow pulled a tiny gold needle from ber see. she had completely forgotten pany au tion. Meantime millions of fsmtlles re.salty of provliling a prnt>atlon W ash in g t o n Fo. the ronvenience of others as Without her own volition, words So when they stopped at the of mankind." Memtiers Send Rockefeller flammation will clear up within a curls. She Bllpped and caught her- apron pocket and fell to work. A l- her stepmother. Just as the fairies Uon" i continue to live In hovels. In dark. service administered throughout were tumbling forth. "You were In a direct comment on last curious aa himself. Rockefeller had few days. The patient should go to pier, and Dwight got fcut. she did self on a fallen log. And what do most aa quickly aa it takes to tsll. had planned. 'You remember' they Mannhe alwaj’.s ambitious, Dwight. You month’s voting, the chief executive imvenUlated cells calleer plumbing, elee- salaried office holders to make a [ have very much the soft consistency "I never did anything under- receivership action against McKes- agreed today over the probable ef- world democracy may survive.” a gove: RIU.H.I to .USk prlTTlhii^lt-n Ullll lO awoke one day last fall to find ven airport station, would be added economic problem child, holds the He reiterated America’s external triflcatlon. playground coc)rtB and llvinK out of th* problem of law i the nionry. If TV.\ wants to Ihem.selves the bewildered Inheritors of Jelly. These masses may clog up handed. I never used puU— ’’ son and Robbins, Inc., chsrglng fect of a Supreme court decision to the Weather Bureau's airport must ( waste and mismanagement. power this week of boo.stlng or policies were directed on the aide ol bonk*, rose gardens. hn’aklnjf, la a bjlnoiia proBp«*( t at t'oy ncun* at ruag* nm\ind a dam of a ll.ROO.OOO fortune-and they the duct leading away from the gall "You wouldn’t have hesitated, if station here sometime this month. U. S. District (Jourt Judge Edwin that the National Labor Board had blasting the almintstratlon's farm peace and were "exerted more quire i« bf’Ht. Dollvpr \\n from having th»* ^ nlmply gnf'H out to Iniy it, awoke tixlay to discover the hitch bladder and produce an attack of you had had It.” Hamden—Adolph Gustave Berger, program. It has remained for a college and "Pull Is an asset. Why shouldn't S. Thomas named Thomas J. Spel- erred by Invalidating an A F L con- strongly than ever before toward I» at prnvuird It «1 an loose .Home In the too-good-to-be-true story. colic, leading the patient to believe 70 and a retired blackamith, was Three separate regional ballots a Midwest city of not fnr from tirlinile denBiuns of ron^pletelv that possibly he ha.s a gall stone. a man use it If he has It? " lacy, mayor of Hartford, and Abra- tract. the self-preservation of democra- Jawi to I r.)i>ney from anine fund untitT tla The usher, William Reilly, work- found dead 4n hla home, hanging next Saturday will determine and cL pHyrholoptoal ipie.HtlonH niS'lf' on a In tomorrow’s article I shall go "Y’ou’re a climber, Dwight. You ham S. Weiaaroai. of New Haven, While A F L leaders Joyfully ac- cies through the assurance of 100,000 populstton to fully realize i'»ntiol It ilni'.sn l h;»\t t< 1 a.Hk ron- ed at the Roxy theater, and the from a atalrcaae rail guard. Medi- whether cotton, rice and tobacco peace." was bri ba.Hlf* of peal tmtntnR ^ruH^lonal a»ithr>rity dancer. Rosalie KnI.akem, at the on with the dLscusslon of chronic were always. Mother tried to tell temporary receivers yesterday after claimed the decision as an l.oportant the fundamental tr\ith In this hous- cal Ehcamlner Sterling P. Taylor ot farmers want marketing quotas for As at Ck>lumbla, S. C., earlier in welfare Radio City Music Hall, About the gall bladder inflammation. Look for me. Jack tried to tell me— but I Dennis submitted affldavlU purport- triumph In the factional dispute, a North Haven, acting for Hamden, those crops next year. ing problem—that the place to be- ing to substantiate his allegations ■pokeaman for the rival CIO con- the day where It rained steadily pointed . n e x l h l l l t y only thing they had in common It In this newspaper tomorrow. was blind." said the death was suicide. From these referend.a will coine who d«: That hurt. He cried, "Oh Han- concerning the $87,000,000 Maryland tended It would not pecessarily pre- during a two-hour visit, the Presi- gin Is at the bottom, where the PresMenl Roosevelt advanced was that they were kind to a little Hartford—The Connecticut Flor- answers to questions more sharp- 1:L for MIMTIONS ley told you. did be! Just be- holding company. vent Invalidation of similar coo- dent found It pouring when he ar- neecl Is greatest and where the peo- 111- idea for Incorporating TVA, ask. old lady who, clad In the nistllng QUESTIONS AND ANSAVKR.S iata’ AaaociaUon decided at a meet- ly stated and with a more direct IMg m a ines.sage to ( ’ongress In cause he’s a hardworking fool The litigation does not reflect in trseta In the future. rived at C?hapel Hill to apeak under ple to he house are the lesst able the hl.Htortr .^Ixth Avenue Kle- silks of a forgotten mode, visited ing here to hold Its first annual con- bearing on administration policies !tO..'l that the agenev he formeil as a their respective theaters on mild who’s crazy about some dimwit any way on the concern's solvency. A majority of the court decided the auspices of tbs university's stu- (Pains In Chest) vention In January, either In New than some presented by the Novem- WARR to help themselves. vated Railroad atnu'lure, which I "corporation clothed with the power little pleasure excursions. Idea that won’t ever amount to a It was pointed out that auch actions yeaterday that the Labor Board im- dent-operated Forum, the Clarollna Question* .M. D. O. wrilc.s: "liease Haven or this city. ber election. has been familiar to every viattiu of Government but pos.sessed ot the Then, last September, the little tell me In .vour column what causes hill of beans. Six and a half mil- may ba brought by stock or bond- properly had ordered abrogation of political union. As related In a news article ap- New Haven—Samuel Lelbowitz, The farmers will be asked. In ef- fie.Ml ility an.I initiative of a private old lady died. pains in the chest after eating, and lion dollars for a dirigible that holders and that equity reeetver- a collective bargaining contract be- This necessitated a transfer of th*- M! pearing elsewhere In this Issue the to \fw York for two prncr atl >nn, widely knowm criminal lawyer, pre- fect: Do you want to go ahead with ^ cnterjirlsc " She was Mra. Edna Bill ‘.t. an what causes hands to become sud- goes dpwn In any little blow.” ahips are brought only against solv- tween the C^onaolldatcd Edison Com- ceremonies from Kenan stadium, Upholstered Choir Is tn b.' ninvrtl to <*hlTw\ and dlsltab- sided at a mock trial conducted by efforts to get more for wbat you college Wlilc h worked cait the- prc. j lliaaiis,' il has the "power <>1 obscure millionairess, and she will- denly red. and then white and cold. "Battleships cost sixty millionz,’’ ent oompanlea. pany and the International Brother- with a seating capacity of 24.000 to the Barristers’ Union of Yale Uni- grow by holding dowm production? vd.sion of a really low . cist house fit ule.l over the t«‘rra>n of that un- I I iovernmc'iil to gel Its money ed her fortune to the usher and to Is this a form of Indigestion?" she said. "And dirigibles don't go Spellacy and Wclssman filed s hood of Electrical Workers (AFL). the stuffy Sports hall with a seatifig At the same time, however, the versity. He took the opportunity to Two-TUrds .Must Favor Plan Found for human hatill.ntlon was Purdue h.appy lanri In the form of .shrapnel from till- Ireasury at Government the danrer. Answer: You have partially an- down In—” Joint and several bond for $100,000. and standing capacity of between court declared the ^ a r d had Juris- instruct second year law students In I f two-thirds of those voting an- Inch ahell.H, air bomba. Innka and all the I Interest rates or no Interest at all. .Another ( ’lulnunt .Appears swered your own question abo'jt 7,000 and 10,000. I t was Jammed University and Fort M'avne Ind .. diction over the labor relations of proper procedure. swer "Yes,” quotas will be set for $29*75 It IS giving the local power coni- But yesterday. Just as the will pains In the chest which come on with scores sitting high up on win- O ut Is the city which has put It to prsc- ’Iniplenientatloii of war- companies like the big New York the amount of cotton, rice and three ‘ panu-s no >>nd of a run for a place was to be probated, another claim- after eating, as such pains may be dow sills and on the floor. fare. f)r. some f 11 )>«-rhftpa Mill, in I fin .in utility. types of tobacco to be sold next Brid g e T a b le and Foldin g C h a irs flea I test. ant tn the fortune appeared — the result of Indigestion. When due A fter receiving hla cap and gowu ^ Hut the thing may also give an First Direct Reversal year. These quotas are figured on na-al shell, and torpediiea to tie George K. B. Morss of B.artleavllle, to this cause, the pains will prob- the basis of the total crop and are at a side door, the Presldeqt wa.s Soft, comfortable lounge chair. Solid mahog The result Is a four nym bunga- Insight into - what the President yvl > 1 1.: I;l. r luIiTwwoU u L'li.ici w our The portion of the decision relat- ALTERATIONS FEATURE Nised against our Okla., a traveling printing sales- ably appear at Irregular Intervals escorted to a flag-decorated rostrum irdy matal table and 4 folding chairs. low type cottage, decently housing thinks of the feaalhlllty of Oov- W ATKINS BROTHERS ing to the contract was the first divided first among the states, next any carved feat. Covered in rich tapestry. Jnha D. Rockefeller, Jr. man. by Frank P. Graham, president of Upholstered seats and backs. Washable. day. finnteni ownership of this and and wifi tend to flit from place to direct reversal given the Labor among the counties, finally among O nly two of more than 100 chairs all types, four people, costing $900, He said that he was Mrs. Elliott’s place, and wifi also seem to be lo RECEiniY IN BUILDING the farmers. Those who plant or the university, to the accompani- $9.95. O ther sets as low as $6.95. C ard - $9.95 i The old structure wss -.fid at that fils statement about TVA women shoppers. etenographere, cousin, next to kin. and sole sur- Board In a formal Supreme court cated within the chest wall and not produce more than their quota will ment of a noisy ovation. all sizes, all different. And avary one aa Tt la not a home of luxury - hut ; v.oul.t indicate he believed that rlerks, actors, tour' ts. viving relative—and entitled to the opinion. tables (with wooden tqps) from $1.95. ^auction yesterday - with no provi- deep within the cheat. The queatlon FU N ERAL SERVICE aiceptional Christmas buy. there are millions of families In the i Govcrniiietit agencies which are Here are a few of the suggestions $1,.V)0,000. Charles Faby, general counsel for be taxed on the amoun* they sell sion whatever In the sgiein.enl ,if about the hands turning very red Repairs Of Hurricane Damage outalde the quota. Ortalr, other United Ststes to whom It would operated uniler the usual Govern Whistle Or Gong Before Blasts Hl.s lawyers filed a motion to pre- Uhe Labor Board, contended the .sale to prevent Its lieing converte.l tt-cnl rules ate not "pos.sessed of A whistle or a loud gong tiofore and then turning white and cold 1s Established 1874 section was "decided on an extreme- Sweii Aiterations And Ad- beneflta. Including loans and subsi- ASSERTS ESPIONAGE seem luxurious. It has a tilg rom- vent the probate and have a Jury Into military srrap, and since It the fiexibllity and Initiative of a every blast. (A diamond setter .and trial of bis claim. The attorneys not so easy to answer. These i^mp ly narrow ground, was one of pro- ditions; $50,115 Total. dies to cotton farmers, will be con- blnatlon firing, dining room i\nd pi Ivste enterprise. " toms indicate some form of circula- R. R. ANDERSON. D1REC1X)R tlflued. ;was bought for $80,000 hy a Wi-st a stenographer whose boss get.s apo- said that Mrs. Elliott never had cedure and does not affect the APPEARS WIDESPREAD Bundhor Lu stra Rugs kitchen, a real bnthronm with wa- Kurh things ns this are being plectic iM'cause she keeps her nose known Morss personally—he claims tory disturbance, which might be Board’s right to act on such con- If the producers say "N o." they C'oast speeulstor named \Vel"«. threshed out In the serious or non-serious. The best 142 E A S T C E N T E R S T R E E T Building permits totalling $50,115 may plant and sell all they wish. ter he&ter, and two bedrooms. In ] congresslon.al | pressed against the window of an to be the son of her mother’s broth- tracts." These oval gems will bring color and beauty to any haiim,. and since all We.-t f'.'sst Invesllgatlon of TVA now In prog-1 offire In a nearby building had this plan would be to report to your William Green, president of the worth o f authorized construction, on The price will be left to take care Loe Angeles. Dec. 8.— (A P )—Lor- many ways It la not at all what is ; er—and that she had an idea he PHONES: OFFICE 5171; R E S I D E N C B 7494 which feez ol $125 wras collected, room. Thare is a wide choice of attractive designs scrap Is now bought hv the Jaiei- ress. To get any fun out of th.ot ideiii. wna a cousin only by adoption. family physyclan and have him ex- American Federation of Labor, so- of itoelf In a market that already ts rln Andrews, lawyer appointed by called modem. But It Is hygienic, i hearing you have to have a physlrs A special section for short people, amine you. aerted the decision would force the were noted tn a report for the swaying beneath surpluses. (?otton the Federal court defend Karl A l- in tha noval oval shapa. m .se and paitleularlv .since Mr. II will be a month or more lieforc to comfortable, decent and good look- hook In your hand, together with Better lights st night, the cose comes to trial—a trial to Board to reverse Itself in all caaes month of October, eubmitted to the farmers would get no loans. Bene- len Drummond. 21. against spy- I Weisrtiaum refused any statement a digest of electric power rst< s .\n arm railing for leaneis. In which I t has illegally abrogated Board of Selectmen last night by fits would be trimmed for rice and charges, said today that from what Ing. It rents for $2 SO a week, built see whether the "fairy godmother" (Foods Containing Phosphorous) 27” )(40' *9.95 36 x66 $17.95 as to the ultimate destination of throughout the solid South. i Special tours for out of townera; was too good to bs trus or not. Question: H. A. B. ./vanU to contracts entered Into bistween em- Building Inspector Edward C. El- tobacco growers. Drummond told him "there appears on a basil of fifty In a lot Fort ! ------and a moving sidewalk to go around the structuril steel and rails—It is know: "W ill you please tell me what ployers and A F L unions." liott. An unusually large number Those ar* the most easily appar- to ba a widespread espionage con- Wayne expects Its next lot of UiO i \ Mateh j the whole excavation. foods contsin phosphorous?" "The supreme court has knocked of alterations and addltlot-s to ent things that would happen. But spiracy that has existed up and a perfci-tly ife, conclusion that It ’K«r*$9*n" Se*H«r NugH-* will cost enough less so thst they There are ocraslonol non-tech- j A loud speakers system so the Answer: Some of the foods which the props out from under the dwellings and outbuildings features the underlying significance runs dowm the Pacific coast for a year or $p*ci*l 22”i4‘ jw1!l he shipped to Japan for ron- nlcal moments. One day. Wendell i sidewalk superintendents can do EIGHT MEN ARE HELD are rich In phosphorous are the fol- Board’s arbitrary, prejudicial and the October permit account, this much deeper. An adverse vote more." can be rented for $3 a week. D, Wlllkle, president of Common- $7.75 tnd $12.00 I version Into munitions, some vocal kibitzing. lowing* kale, bran, fiver, tnifflca, grossly unfair positioD toward the type of undertaking being due to would Jar the whole theory of con- He termed Drummond, accused of Ardn It U a far, far cry from such wealth and Southern, the princi- Heat—these auggeations range radishes, pumpkin, pike, cucumber, AFL with regard to union con- the ravages of the preceding trolled economics that has been attempting to sell Army and Navy Am*rte*'i finctf Oritnf*! j The city oj .New Y’ork saves quite pal foe of TVA. was retorting blt- AFTER STILL RAIDED Fred ] bomea to tha rehousing slum dear- from a pot-bellied stove to air con- chee.ie, Swiss chard. lettuce and egg O P E N tracts,” he said. month’s hurricane. Thirty-four ouch built up by the New Deal. airplaneTwereta to Japan, "merely a r*preductioni iiictiy gift- farmer, a lot of monev by the transaction. Ingly to cross-examination by ditioning. yolk. L^ePreaeman, general counsel of permits were granted for work with mechanical means or agent, and pos- boi*d. ance projects that set out to create : a t cxp.-c* Francis Biddle, the Investigating sibly only one of many.” today V to he able to aell Swivel chairs for the superintend- Hartford. Dec. 6— (A P ) — Eight the d L O , said the decision “ can a total eeUmate of $12,500. Larg- home o! committee’s attorney. Riddle non- ents on the sidewalk. men arrested In connection with Andrews said he wrould not decide apartmenU renUng for if, a room j the junked K1 at all, im !er the a l- (Exresslx-e Gas) give but cold comfort to labor or- est single Item was application of CONDITIONS INDICATE He Uve chalantly put a cigarette In his Hostesses and refreshments seizure of a large quaivtlty of ganlxatlona seeking to advance how to advise hU client to plead per month and, rrs. wind up with an $8|verUsed I ...... ter,ms...... whUh mak. the- I--.-pur- mouth and began a fruitless .search Question: M. vf. A. P. Inquires: Louis Bayer for changes at 48 Pur- AAalked Eight Blocks To Kibitz paraphernalia on a Wlnsted farm "For some time Father has been themaelves at the coot of the work- nell place costing $1,800. The ma- "until I have beard all of hla story." or $10 wntxl. There are many peo- I chaser responsible for the speedy 1 * mateh. Without missing a "Why no work on Saturdays?" police said housed an Illicit alcohol T O N I G H T Drummond informed Federal era by obtaining preferential treat- jority of the others involved bums TEMPORARY TRUCE pla to whom life In one of these removal of the material, and was P**^*-^ce^An hishia reply.reply, Wilkie reached suffering from gas in the stomach. Judge Leon R. Yankwich yesterday wrdte one man In complaining illstlllery, were held today under ment from employers.” of about $250 on an average, al- Fort Wayne bungalows would not Intp his pocket, pulled out a pad bonds ranging from 11.000 to,$500. This affects his heart and gives him he did not want counsel, but the prepared to pay for its demolition tones. " I walked eight blocks to do terrible headaches which last for though there were eight permits Flint,. Mich., Dec. 8— ( A P ) —Ap- of matches, flipped open the cover an hour’s kibitzing and no one was U. S. Commissioner William J. Jurist appointed Andrews, after re- KEN W O O D BLA N KETS be wholly practicable or aatlsfac- and carting away. and handed them to Biddle. Even hours. He also compiains of sharp for building in excam of $500 each. proximately 21,000 motor factory on the Job." Wholean of this city fixed bonds of MAKATBON WKKCKEB minding the defendant he faced a tory yet whose rent paying capaci- the Icy-voiced Biddle smiled. palna in the low Inteatlnea. Can you Seven new dwelUngs were mutbor- wrorkers wer* ac! eduled to go back But It is blood money Ju-st the Still another man suggested $1,000 each In the cases of Eklward possible maximum prison sentence ty la sUU smaU. We ahould like to A t another time WlUkle burst Perrottl. 20. his brother. Caesar, 23. tell me what causes this?” U N T IL 9 loed St a total coot o f v34,065. Four to work today under condiUou In- of 20 'years. If convicted. Judge Tha wonrsan who racaivo* KEN W O O O S for Christm as k same. And every ciollar made by changing the luncheon hour from New York—^The ambiUoo of out: "When a kilowatt Is Intro- Answer: I would suggest that you of the houses are In the $4,000 dicating the strike In Fisher Body ■00 tha plans and speclflcatlons noon to 11 a.m. so that office work- both of Woodbrtdge and Jack Harold Snyder, IS, to test hla Yankwich postponed the date for sura to ba pleased. Luxurious warmth without heavy araight Americana In scrap metal sold to duced into a power s>’stem, even send for my 3 articles on EXCES- range, while twro are for approxi- Co., plant No. i bad been aetUed ers could see the men at work. Cealno. 22, of New Haven, following •a a driver brought him— and oev- pleading until next Monday. that that raalistlc group at Purdue nations planning to use It In ag- the Almighty doesn’t know where SIVE GAS which will provide some mately $5,000, and one la to cost only temporarily. and lovely soft colors. Two law clerks wont women with their presentation with the others era! other astonished motorists— to would produco to meet the problem It goes." ■ hints as to diet and will also ex- $8Jk)0. Nine new garagee, mostly gresatve wars la stained by mur- long feathers in their hats bar- last nlghL grief. Local 581, United Auto Workers BE SPECIFIC. BOSH! o f getting the moat out of tl.BOO a •’.Shall we eay," suggested Rep. Bon^ ot $500 each were fixed In plain the causes of flatulence. Send two car structures, wore permitted, of America (CIO), voted last night RELIANCE der. Jenkins, Ohio Republican, "that red. . . . Police who arrested him as a thr cases of Joseph Ricco. 24. Fred your request In «are of this news- this account totalling $2,700. Aver- to return to their Joba at once, but Oklahoma City—Enmeshed In de- 75% wed .... »7.50 ..... *1A95 home, tha moot out of 13.000, for Whatever may or may not he nobody but the Almighty knows AVell, a bulletin board has been In- Juveoila delinquent mid tha bqy Cusano, 35, Edward Lewis, 42, paper and enclose a larga, self-ad- an coot la alighUy in exema of decided to call a new atrike if the tails of a buoy staff meeting, Brew- ARONDAC where tt goes!” •tailed and a warning whistle now borrowed a aeighbor't ea- wrltiiout dona in tha way of amendments to Negro, all of New Haven, arretted dressed. etamped anvelope. WATKI NS $850. Mlacellaneoua outbuUdlnga Fiaber Body plant wrage dispute U ster Gallup, park depaitment drafts- 100% wool . . . *8.95 ..... *13.95 •hrUks bsfors s blast. And some permission and wrecked It, six other Thaa v s shoiild Uks to saa th* at the scene by a group of federal, totalled $850. Fern collected on not oatUed by Friday. OI eUmlnatlon of the Neutrality 39,000 membership cards have been antomobUee and two trueka tn a man, callod for “ twoMablata.” teflanU tiw ln g nuthorlUas oonM out Sound producing, equipment state and local authoritioa, and Lack o f sufficient Vitamin A, BROTHERS tradeaa ea’a Mcanam war* IU4JI0. by tha next Congreas, thar« la distributed, not only bore, but wild ride ot lem than a mile la Tha otrtka was called loot Friday. .An officiant secretary promptly Koawaad WhHo RlaakaH-^ RrMal *MI, S2f P«|p will be butaUad tn the new Brit- Ralph Caaella and Anthony Oi says the Bureau of Homs Ejeonom- M t h i* tn aos and begin to adjust [ thing to which probably win* ish stsnnuhlp Mnuretanls to pro- among psopls ssBdliig rsquests from tigliL It Involved 8,400 workers directly, entered with two aoplrln agd * glaoa FLIN T -B R U CE Pools., taken into cuato^ tn Wood- Ics, may cause partial "night Gold produetioa la the PhiUp- but 14,000 Bulek employes soon H ASSOCKS—RaeaJ aaJ soaaig I t o t o s P n r d u s trldo antortadnaMBt tn all ports ot as for away aa Tsgtea and Call- He waa cut oUghUy about tna of water- Gallup downed them In and ninoty-nlns Americans brt^o, after yaaterflay*t raid. Mtsdnsss” failure o f the ayes to taa lateada aat a naw high neotd Murs kSs Jor lock of a t ^ iwttef. ooa gulp. ihaMs la aadom aiM O ilaaM the (nns rmdto, ginphopliMia, act a haaitag ) tha ear fln a ^ Jolted to a )03 AsyiiiBi StTMt and 150 'TmiBball Strmt to ------oatput Tol- body wofkacBiai Thaa ha riiaaiflhwad it m * wnt- PJ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1988 FAOE8EVIN ;e n vE ' PAOSSni MAiN CHESTER EVEJiTTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1988 CARTOONALITIES By Paul Aceto 01 ASK HOW DECREES EIECTRICAIAPPUANCE IGARNER’S FRIENDS. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM PRINTERS CHOOSE TOWNS ACCEPT Uses Air Conditioning TUBSOAY. DECIMSER • (Ontral-Eastara Standard Tima—P.M.) FIVE-DAY WEEK RESERVOIR PLAN To Treat Rheumatism AFFECT AMERICANS START 1940 BOOM News From Manchester’s Neighbors fOkengm tm Uttinge Due Se Ketvork Cerreettoue Toe Lets te tneereoratet Ml Netai AU programa to and basic ohalna or sroupa tasroor unltoa spsel- KEMPS, INCORPORATED li ooaat to ooaat (a to e) dealznaUona ineliid* Si ivallablo ataUons. NBC-WBAF (RB9) NSTWORK MO'JNT.—kror kgsm kli kob ksl ksve Vote Almost Two To One \\ New York. Dec. 6— (A F )—Tbsahas made It rnsHhIa $0 forestall hASlO -> aatti wear wnae wue w]ar kfb’a Redding And Weston Accept use at air conditioning as a new^these relapses, Barton D, Pearl To Take dsr tha auspices of the club naxt sermon Sunday at tha Hebron and COAST-kna boln kfpy bv! kite key CoB^r Officials Seek In* Boyhood Pals Ronnd Up wtas wesa krw wfbr wre wey wben karat kbbo kgaib Uro kgar treatment for rheumatism wtas an- Charge; Haa Had 14 Years February, at the time of their regu- Gilead Congregational churches. An wcae wtaB ww] cbm wdel; Midwttt! nounced t(xlay. STAFFORD ked wmaq wbo wow wdaf wire lutp; Coni. EasL Against Proposal To Settlements From Bridge* OUABD PIUNCX PACl. Experience In The Rusiness. lar meeting. ahthetifi 'Sweet Hour of Prayer" Meuntalni aoo adyl; South: wmbg wab The report waa made by Albert terprelatioB Of New Anti* Texan Folks To Laonch It waa planned to ask the Men’s was sung at the Hebron church. ANNUAL emr MEETING wino wamb wjdz kpre wbre: Paaiflc; 4:00— 4:00—Muila for Pun In Concert kfl k fw komo khq li^ 4:30— 4:30—Lorraine end Her Lyriee G Young, .\I,D., of Corey Hill hoe- London, Dec. 8,— (A P )—A strong Kemp's Incorporated, local fumt' SPRINGS ! club to furniah the dinner on that 4i4S— ti44—cnildran'a Cireua ierial— Loosen Union Regulations optional STATIONa (operato W- eaet; Benea fer you—west port Hydraulic Company. pltai, Brookline. Maee., to the Amer- squad of Scotland Yard datsetlvw ture dealer, and agents for Frlffl' occasion. Tha naxt regular meeting on either RJED or A qe ican Society o f Refrigerating En- Jewish Restrictions. Ticket Heading Movement JOHN C. NBTTO I of the club will be held at the church Botworin); East) wbro wool wfea wl tiOO— 1:00—l*rats>Radis Newt Period ■aw Prince Paul ef Yugoslavia off dalre, Bendlx, Delco oil burners, and TO BE HELD TONIGHT work weky waai waao ebf obi weal; 4:04— 4:04—Id Tnergarean Sporte — ESaptaincd uo cau gineers. He said that In two yaara, 473. Stafford I during the last week in December. wabe; Oaneing Time-network Indianapolis, Dec. 6 — (A P ) — Bridgeport, Dee. 6 — (A P )—The for horns today. A t tbs aame tlms. other electrical appltan^, have re- WILLINGTON Mntralt won wttnj wtba wday kzbx 4:14— 4:14—Hawle Wins B Aviatian Some 60.000 printers of tha United BASCBAtU use at the hospital of air condlUon- cantly opened a completeete electrical A t a meeting of the executive kelo ksoo wbow wood'webe wzbf 4:10— ttW4-aeb Trout Abeut "Today" town# of Redding and We»ton hod Berlla, Dec. 6. — (A P )—XTnlted Detroit. Tex.. Dec. 6.— (A P ) Funeral of John Ghldlnelll, 58. committee of the Tolland County Y. wgl koam; South: wapo wlak wtar 4:44- 4:44—Sonat from Barry Wood States and Canada, organised in the 1930 accepted today aettlementa In con- appliance department. The depart- MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH aesistaat pastor wiu officiate. Burial wptr wll wjaz w(la-waun wlod wsoe International Typographical Union rheumatic (aver. Btatee eooaulmr offldali today —Boyhood frlende o f John Nance M. C. A. held at the OinnecUcut wfbo wwno woeo wava warn Irvoo wky 4:00— 7:00—Te Ba Anneuneed ( I I m.i nactlon with the Bridgeport Hy- hta vlalt in London bseauss o f a re- ment will Include all domestic and who died at hia home in Stafford Voters To Be Asked To Ap* wiu be in St. Bernard's cemetery. ■lit— 7i14—Jtmmia PIdler an Holly. (A F L ), will continue to observe a Thia form of rheumatism attacks ■ouctat official Oorman latarpraU- uiUe wbap woal ktha Udra Kske krzv weed—baale; Te Be Anneuneed—w draulic Company's proposed Sauga- ported warning that Croetlaa tar- commercial appliances, as well as a Gamer, who waa bom In a shanty Btata College at Storra, Franklla C. Auxiliary Meeting M a ktok ktsm wala wrol ktbe kark hard-and-fast work week of flvs tlon as to what affect the newest Hollow, Sunday aftamoon, will be The annual sals and supper apon- OiKH- 7il0—Helen Menken'a Banal— tuck reservoir but the latter, anti- children principally and la credited roriata were an rout* from New fully equipped service department. and rose from a frontier lawyer to Harlow, the president, announced There wUl be a meeting of the Mbe: Meuntalni kzlr kshl ktar kob baale; Ceneela Rafleeilent—weat eight-hour days as a result ef a anti-Jewlsb restrictions night have held Wednesday morning at 9-3o *7ed by the Ladles' Aid soclatv Kihf Udelipra kiel^tfl; Peelfle: kfbk cipating rajacuon of three amend- with about a 40 per Cent death rata. York to “gst” him. Burton D. Pearl, a resident of among the committees: for finance propriate Foods To De- Hathaway MlUer Unit, American kw* ktnj kem k*u kmed 7:00— SiOCH-adwerd CL Reblneen Play referendum held Nov. 38. on American Jews holding property vice-president, rounded up the folks with a requiem high mass at at. 7:30— S iS ^ A I JOleen ana Shew—to e The fatallUee are not Immediate, Manchester the past thirty-two chairman, W. Hojrt Hayden of Tol- tan wii***'h “ >a WUUng^ Legion Auxiliary of Ellington at the CenL gast. 1:00— g; ! 06-'- - - - They voted, 31,303 to 18,846, menta, appropriated $7,500 with of northeast Texas todav for a ral- Edward's church. Rev. Henry Cha- ton Hill church. The sale will in- home of Mra. Charles Bancroft thia :06-W a Tha People Pros,' which to wage a legal battle. but result several yeaxa later from Th* much dsslrod "psa-grsen In Germany. year.', will manage the clectrlral de- land. 4:10— (:S0—>lteli Armitron* — east; 4:30— iiSO—Ooedman Swing—also eat against a proposal to looaen union liquidation of those holdings st- ;Iv that will formallv Iniinrh the bot win officiate. Burial will be tn patterns fray Expenses For Com- evening. A t this time plana for the *.'00—10:00—Jean Herehelt Serial—to e Redding residents voted 120 to hearU going bad on account of the color” of alfafa baa UtU* to do partment. Mr. Pearl has been In- To Se Anneuneed—west laws to aUow a six-day or four-(lay nady is under way and many Amer- ■Earner - for - President movement St. Edward's cemetery. Mr. Ghldl- made by the members and a mls- Cbriatmas activities will be com- 4:44— 4:44—Little Orphtn Annie— 4:30—lOilO—Jack Bereh and tonga— 4B last night to accept a cash pay* rheumatiara. with the actual quality o f the bay. terested In the electrical appliance throughout the nation. _ eaet; Clark Dennis, tenge—wait eaet; Jimmie Pidler—weat repeat week under certain condiUona. ican Jews have cleaned up their af- nelll was bom in Italy, Nov. lo. "■“ '■‘ want of useful and pleted. 4:45—10:44—Viewpeinta of Amerleena ment of $30,000 and oonatructlon of Produce .Artificial CUmsto business for the past fourteen years, Thousands of the faithful—from ing Year; Other News. 4 :0 ^ 4:00—Orehettra, Cherue—weaf; Woodruff Randolph, aecrstary-trsas- fairs in Germany during the past 1883. the son of Thomas and Mar- which are contrlbut- Funeral . haklnoff, Vielln—network 10:00— 11:0(k—Newel Oaneing (1 bra.) a new road to replace the discon- About the only treatment. Dr. It ' and spent the ;M t seven years In the youngsters who aspire to hia GILEAD ed. The committee Is Mrs Henrv •i14~ 4:14—Mileolm Clairo—network urar, announced at ITU headquar- few days. garet Ghldlnelll. He came to this The funeral of Mra. Fannie KOhn, NSP-WJ! (BLUE) NETWORK tinued portion of Route 57 aa set Young said, haa been rest In bad veUevee The newspaper Deutsche Allge- : Hartford, with one of the largest rsreer of high public sero-lce to the MRS. CHARLES FISH LaBohte Mrs Fred Service a^d was held on Monday at St. Bern- 4:24—Priie-Nadlo Newt Period ters here last night the vote on this country S3 years ago and had been • > e ^ 4:S^-The Angler and Hunter BASIC — Beeti wll wbf.wbee wbal anc other propoaiUona put to refsr- _ HIS ANKLC forth In the terms ot settlement. and warm, dry climate. Air condi- meine 2Seitung estimated at J3.080,- exclusive appliance stores In the oldsters who remember the aameat Mrs. Galtap Service. A roast beef P.ockvUle, Dec. 6— (Special)—The ard's church. Rev. Edward Quinn, COLDS, a resident of thia town for the past 86-5, W U Itm antl* •|44— t:4 ^ 0 le k Todd a J, Crawford wham kdka ware wltn weyr wmai will enduro by the September Intarsa- .C PRACTlCINC FOR Reeldenta ot Weston, however, tioning produces this climate arti- 000,000 the total of Jewish wealth '.'oung lawyer as the best shortstop supper will be served by Mrs. Jo- pastor of the church officiated. i00— _ 7:00—Amoo , — ' . Andy—oeit only waby webr ofefcf whk wmff wiwepil wean five yaara. Ha was a member of the annual meeting of the City of Rock- •I'w:1I — ■7:1^Vooal ...... Verlotleo by Choral wlco wieu; MIdweet: wenr w li hwk koU ttonal conventoln In Birmingham. C harlci W raised the cash payment to $60,000 ficially in tha hospital. Fever and which “ must be moved" under the Red River county ever produced— ^ph Dimock, president of the La- Burial waa in 8L Bernard's ceme- ! 1V(C I d LOCAL MlOH Italian Benefit society of Stafford Rev. Berl Lewis, minister at the ville will be held this evening At 7:30—Quite by Aooldant—wear wren wmt kae wowo kma wrtn well A union law provides for a maxi- ^LL TTAM/ and demanded hunting and fishing ooonomica ministry decrees author- have heen called to meet at nearby Springs. Besides hia widow, Mrs tery. The bearers were WiUiam P it- . wmaq: Xavier Cugat Oreh.—ehain wMf wibm wjlm: Saulhi wrM wmpi The first attack of rheumatic Headaches Gilead Congregational church had eight o’eiocl: in the Town Hall. A t 7:0^ 4:q^Ruea Morgen a Oroheetra wjbo wdiu waga wesn kzye: Meuntalni mum eight-hour day and flva-day rights fCr towmspeople on company ising liquidation of Jewish posses- Detroit to form the first GSrher- K Moore. Thoee who ney, Loula Pitney, Charles Bata, (ever. Dr. Young explained, seldom ^leeia. TefeUte, Santlna (Vercelllnl) Ghldlnelll he Is for the theme of bis sermon, Sun- the meeting the voters will be ask- 7>S0— 4:10—“ Par Mon Only" Program klo kvod kute: Paeme: kgo kfad ktma week. property, the guarantee of 8,000.- SalT*. Xase Drege sioos. for-PresIdent club. survived by three sons, Thomae, wish tbr contribute to the sale can Elmore Bats, Stanley Pbilllpa and •!'??— •:®?“ The Battle of tho iaxee kez kaa kaoa kjr 000 gallons minimum flow per day causes irreparable heart damage. Foreign Jews Not Affected The meeting place is only a few day morning. "The Hope for a Sav- ed to appropriate funds to defray Carl Kellner. • '*0— 4:10—PIbbor MeQet’e Program NOTE: See W EAP-NBC for epUonal The proposition was for a maxi- The groat danger cornea with recur- John and Aldo all of Stafford Hol- contact the church social commit- mum six-day week, but with a local below the dam aa agalnat I.OOO.OOfi Try "ReV-Xr-Tlaa”—« WaoSertei German press commentators miles from the mud-chinked log ior." The Misses Allene and Char- the expenses of the city fpr the year Golden Wsddtag 4:0^10:00—Bob Hopa'o Variety Show Met o f it a t ( o n a rence*. The air conditioning, hu said, low. also three daughters, Mrs. '0:3^Unele Sire Skit—alee cat union bound to reserve th* gallons and the waiver ol all rights Llalaiant agreed foreign Jews were not sub- eahin where Gamer was bom. lotte Warner aang a duet "Let the Service" OaZp ending November 15. 1939 as recom- Mr. and Mra. Gustave A. Bplefman Kemper end Co. CenL EaiL atm BORN>5CFrf/,/9(0 Raymond Skopek of Staffordvillo Savior In " mended by the Common Council. 10:0(^11 namot Orohoit.—oeet: 4:30— 8:30—Den WInilOw of Navy— right to require members to ^ r k PHItAOfLPHlA.PrN/V. to condemn Weston property on ject to provisions of yesterday’s de- Will Stress Frontier Virtnee and M lsiei Jenney and Alice Ghldl- Brigham Service, Nell Ctaodrich of Longview, Rockville, obaerved' tte eG-ealled weat branch of the crees which forbade Jews to sell or Kenneth Ellis spent the week-end The recommendations are aa fol-, -n repeat for wool eaet: Smiling Ed McConnell—wait only flvs days when subatltutaa were G ftA D lW itD pfeoM MANCMFSTRi Resolutions to be submittad to neUl of Stafford Hbllow, and a Soil Mathews attended the their golden wedding Saturday ■< 1:14—Dance Mueic (141 bre. ) 4:44- S:4^Tom Mix’e ikiteh—eaet: Saugstuck fGr reservoir purposes pawn Jewelry or other valuables at the home of his atster and broth- lows for tha various departments: available. In practice, Randolph the rally will stre.ss the frontlar brothar Bartello Ghldlnelll of lu iy. S9th Ckmnectlcut Older Boya Con- their home. During the aftemodi'J CB8-WABC NETWORK Vaughn do Laath'o Sluoo—watt until necaaslty wraa proved. without a government permit and In-law Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bragg Public Works. IS8,6(X) which In- 1:00— 4:0" 4:(X1—Newel ■■ Q.- Oerdon - Oreh. explained, a member would have \l'm American virtues of thrift, self-re- James Rotkovltch. 44, of Burling- ference in D.mbury Friday and and evening they received lASic — Baati wabo woke weao wool 4:30— t:K L-Adrlin PolllnI'i Eneemblo worked flvs daya and hired ■ sub- IMPLWCa -1* CHANCE-V/OUCHT (3ov.-Elect Raymond E. Baldwin, ordered them to deposit all securities In iSaston, Pa. Saturday. cludes $500 for skating: Department liance and hard work exemplified ton. Vt.. who waa stricken with a from rolatlvea and frlenda, ____ i^bw wkro w)r wdre wesu wjae 4:44— 4:44—Lowoll Thamao — eaet: stitute the sixth. • AlRCftAPT — C. MARirORD counsel for the town bf Weston, at Banks. Douglas Porter. Wilbur Porter of Police, $13,650, this having an flowers and gifU . Mr. and J R £ 0 wibl wjev wgar: MIdweet: wbbm Tom Mix tketeh—repeat for wait hy hl.s life and polttleal career. haart attack Sunday night while Stanley Soukup o f New 'York Kmbo kmoz wbae kfab bmt 4:00— 7:00—Baay Aoee 4X1—1100 eat Th* proposed law would have urged acosnUnos of th* hydraulto But some sections cf the press and Joseph Barraaao members of Item of $600 towards a new auto- Spielman are Ufe long realdoffis of SICOND-LICimrNAKTSiCOND-LICUrfcNAKT ^ Political friends have a ready an- riding on a bus bound for New spent the week-end with hia par- ■AwJ^wbne wpg whp whee wore efrb 4:15— 7:15—Mr. Keen a Loot Peroeno authorized unions to adopt a four- under pl v ...company------saying___ , __ that there were of the opinion foreigners were the 4-H Club, attended the sight- mobile for the department: Lighting RockvlUa and both are enjoying ekae Wlbz wmaa woes wkbn whip wgbi 4:30— 7:30—Now York Program —w ji; •ufx-Mt HOWmrTR COf-JIlOUGHr - sign swer to the question of whether York, waa dlachargad from the Department, $13,300; Fire Depart- whrk wabx wado wrobf wgan Oaoar Shumoky, Violin—network day week for not longer than 00 li.i ...... JWElCKf DIVISION’^CHSN&V W wTaa UtU* reason to believe the con Included in the baa on Jews owning Gamer would accept a presidential seeing trip to Hartford, with the at^DeJerille” ** Soukup, good health. Mr. Spielman has been Dixia — wgat wafa wqam wdod klra HAU a.m. Johnson Memorial hospital Monday ment, $8,705; Health and Sewer De- 4 :4 ^ 7:44—Ruth Lyon, tango—chain days during emergencies Ilka news- cere wTOuld agree to the amend- pre* real estate and industrial undertak- nomination If If were forthcoming. Tolland County 4-H Clubs Saturday Tha examination for postmaster employed for more than 35 years at wreo wlao wwl wtoo krid ktrb ktaa 7:00— 4:00—To Bo Annaunead (10 m ) paper suspensions and conaoUda- mafita. ings and it was this angle that morning. Rotkovltch waa stricken partment, $13,700; Salariee, $4,950; the M. T. Stevens mUla and la at waco koma wbt wdae wMs wdbJ wwva 7i3(k— 1:30—Information Ploeeo, Quit tars "Well." one old-timer put It, "he on the bug while going through Mrs E. E. Foote, Mre. Charles of West Wllllngton will take place Mlacellaneoua, $18,175, making a wall wmbr ktul weoa wdno wnox kwkh t:0(k— 4:00—Mary end lob, Dramitie tlons, with consant of tbs ITO Churches, thrs* spsaktrs. WOR GSO OSD GSC 08B BSL London Tha Btata'B next governor told United States officials were inves- preasnt a watchman. He la a char- wmmm wjno weba wpar wmaa wcoc For Eyesight Uom ha.sn't said yes - hut he hasn’t .said town. He waa Ukan to the local Fish and son Calvin called on Mrs. Saturday In Stafford Springs. Ed- total of $99,980. 4:3(5— 0:3(5—Eugene Coronlay, ‘ The Tenor executive council. MBS— 1:48 a. m. Chariss R. Hook 6:40 p. m. Scrapbook for 1908 ; 3RO those aassmbled ha wrould b* imable ter member of the Maple Grove so- wrdw wapi wdbo 4:00—...... I0!00-Ca- It -TInnty'a Intarvlewo pap« Ugatlng. no." A. H. Post In East Hartford Sat- ward Bradley has been acting post- The voters will be asked to pro- MIDWEST Union members voted, 86,404 te on "Making America Cdck.” Rome 7:80 Light muslo; TPA4 Parts The American Chamber of Com- hospital In the ambulance. At first ciety, Which celebrated Its 60th an- — wmbd wlin wlbw kfh t:30—l6 :S ^ L in n y Gray A Rhythm to rsprssant th# town tn further a urday. master since the death of Postmas- vide for a reserve fund, such a sum wkbb wtaq wkbh wcca wabt kae) wnez 0:45—10:45—Comment by Dr. Jeetrow 10,556, to forbid renewal of piece or Some Wednesday abort wtavoa: 11:80 Rscord ooncsrt. litigation on the reservoir project meree sKpresssd the belief that few his condition waa critical but ral- niversary a year ago. He la alao a woo whib lislo kdib weoa wmfg gov» lied during tha night and was able Mr. and Mra. Floyd Fogll and ter Hana M. Hansen In March, 1937, aa will result from a one-quarter 10:015—11:00—Newel Oaneltig (1 bre.) bonus pay sealea now tn effect and Americans could be involved since member of the German Sick society. ture to be about tho following morning. children speni Saturday In Walling- and haa given excellent servlet. mill tax on the grand list next to be set up a scale based altogether on Amerleaa Jsws have been with- Mr. and Mra. Spielman had aeven Saving take Ha waa attended by Dr. Alfred ford the gueata of Mr. and Mra. A l- The Ladlea Aid will meet again completed. time after Jan. 1, 1041. drawing from Germany as rapidly children, Arthur of Windsor, M ra rand' SchlavetU of Stafford Springs. bert Doran. Mrs. Fogll also vtaited this week Wednesday at tha Wll- The matter of drawing $4,88S.04, ward O. Robinson and Claire Tra- as feasible. A Hamburg dispatch Harold Lyons of Manchester; Erwin, tlon. William White, 33, of Furnace her sister Miss Florence Doran who llngton Hin church. Mre. WllUam tha balance of the War Memorial vor. said the last two Amsrlean Jsws in Albert and Miss Angelina Spielman 77 avenue was given a 30-day suspend- la a patient at the New Haven hoa- Davia will make clam chowder and Fimd from the Savings Bank by tha 8:30— A I Jolaon Show — Martha husinsss thsrs had liquidated their of RockvlUa Herbert and Walter WTIC men: BurtoB D. Pearl ed Jail sentence and fined $5 and pltal. aerve the luncheon. At 3 p. m. the treasurer to be ueed tn the comple- Raye, Parkyakarkas, Lud Glua- interosta a fsw days ago. who fought In the World War died arm« Attended by over 300 cItUana, tha costa of $13 81 on the charge of Mrs. Bertha Hubbard and son study of the mission book will be tion of the War Vim orial tower wUl Tiavtitrt Broadeasttag Bervlea, kin’a Orchestra. Amerlogn Jews la Frankfort on State of Connecticut, where all lead- several years ago. There are several 9:00— Wa The Peopla. wbei adjourned town meeting held In the hreach of the peace, whan arraign- Richard of Jackson Heights, Long continued. alao be brought before the voter*. RADIO ^y Are You Familiar With The the Main liquidated some time ago. ing’ makes of refrigerators, ranges, grandchildren. Hartturd, Uooa. 0:80 — Ctamel Carayaa — Benny Ues 1 ehurch community house at North ed Monday morning before Judge Island, called on Hart E. Buell. Sun- The Cheerio Sunday school class The voters will be asked to ratify BOfiOO W. 104b K. C. S8F ai. ------Day Few American Firms Jewish washing machines, radios and table Coventry Saturday night voUd to day. has voted to purchase a new sink a resolution adopted by the Com- Goodman’s Orchestra. ■ulta Chamber of Commerce hgures in- appliances were sold and serviced. Bernard C. Hanley In the Stafford Bastora Standard nme. 10:00—"Dr. OirtiUan” — starring Th approve tha annual budget of the Mr. and Mrs. Avery West of East for the kitchen of the Wllllngton mon Council recommending that ac- Eattom fltaadart niaa. Mr. Pearl is secretary-treasurer ot Springs borough court. Being un- Jean Heraholt. eat t dicated there were few American Selectmen and Board of Education Hampton were dinner guests at the Hill church with funds acquired tion be deferred In the matter of Tax Laws In Connection tha 'Ace Council of Electrical Sales- abla to pay the fins and costa he 10:30— Jack Barch. accoi firms remiUnlng in Germany wrhlch practically aa presented by offtclale. waa taken to the county Jail. Whit# home of Mr. and Mre. Wlnthrop from their entertainment and food laying a tax rate until the second NORTH Tnesday, Dec. 6. New York, Doe. 6—Phil Bakar, Nasia could classify as Jewish. men' of Hartford, an organisation 10:46—American Vtawpolnta. the ■ The Selectmen were also author- waa arrested Sunday by State Po- Porter. Sunday. aale. Tuesday In June 1039. absent from radio alnee lost spring, Meanwhile, the century-old bank- which he helped to form three yeare F. M. 11:00 — Esso Reporter — News, Bern ised to borrow money as needed for licaman Leland B. Cable after caua- I Mr. and Mra. Morgan Stedman The topic of the sennon Sunday Tha appropriations made last 4:00—Backitag* Wife. 1^111 be back with hia (mme^-ac- ago In the Interest of tha public and COVENTRY Weather. Thi ing firm of Mendelssohn and Com- current expenaee. The matter of Ing a disturbance at the home of and children of West Hartford spent at Memorial church was "Glad year for tae FUteratlon Plant sur- 4:15— Stalls Dallas. cordlon when tha new /ear gets un- With The Settling pany succumbed to Nasi “ Aryanlsa- the industry. ,11:06—Main Street — Hartford. frequ repairing the dam at Lake Wan- Samuel Kaba on West .Main street, Sunday at their home here. Obedience," and at the Wllllngton vey and the South Street Sewer pro- 4:80—^Vie and Sioda. * der way. tion" when Rudolf Loeb, Frits Kemp’s Incorporated, have bad ject were not used up entirely this Tha treasurer of the Sunday : 11:30— (Tbarlea Baum’s Orchestra. vlew'i gumhaiig waa tabled. Town aid late Saturday night. White Is al- Howard Martin spent the week- Hill church "Communion." The 4:46— "G irl Alone". HU return will start hU seventh year, and as these two projects are 11:80— Glen Miller’s Orchestra. accor Mannheimer, Paul. Kempner and unusual success in tha selling of money will be expended on roada In Itged to have gone to the Kaba end at hia home here returning to Communion meditation waa tho school reported the net proceeds of 6:00— "Dick Tracy” . year on the air. It la set for WABC- Frau Marla von Mendelssohn left Frlgldalres in thte vicinity, having not completed, and It u necessary 112:00— Sammy Kaye’s Orchestra. CBS for January 14, whlob la Sat- to a I tho aoiitheaat part of the town. In- home where he made a false threat New York. Monday. fourth based on the 33rd Psalm, the Annual Thank Offering was 6:16—“Ysur Family and Mins’’. 13:30 a. m.—Henry King's Orches- the firm. Robert snd Julietta Men- been the leading dealer for the past topic, "He Restoreth My Soul.” to make a new appropriation, $1500 6:80—"Jack Armstrong''. urday night. HU last series was on Of An Estate? UOD C cluding Pucker street and Flandare to shoot Thomas Kaba, son of Sam- Mrs. William Hibbard and daugh- $51.33 which Is considered splendid tra. lah p delasobn were delegated by the seven years Over ona thousand Road, beginning at the Pcrklne Cor- uel Kaha. Prayer meeting will be held for the completion of the FUteratlon 6:46—"U tU s O r p )^ Annie". Sunday nigbta. ter MIsa Leora of Manchester called Plant Survey and $l,40o for the considering the damage from the Tomorrow’s Program Th( acoaomlea mlnlatrv to wind up the Frlgldaire Inatallatlona have baen ner bridge, alao lx>lh ends of South At the same session of court Thuraday evening at the home of 6:00—News and Weather. John Royal, NBCa program vice Ar« yen familisr with the InheriUnce Tsx? at the homes of Mra. E. E. Foote completion of the South street hurricane to gardens, etc. The same eompaay's affairea Vby Jaa. 1 made during this period, including street Klattie A. Karl of New-porl. New Deacon James Service and Mrs. 6:16— The Blackboard Session with A. M. president, U headed for South and Mrs. Charles Fleh Saturday af- Sewer la Included in the amount Sunday school voted to give $6.00 to Kelioi Reporta from Vlenaa aatd 8,000 many commercial Instalatlona auch I’ropo.sala hy the Coventry Tax- Hampshire, was fined $10 and costa Service in Weat Wllllngton. A Cifwy**. 7:00— Shoppers Special. America to be present at Uma, ternoon. recommended for the Health and the Ministerial Christmas Fund and 7:66 — Esso Reporter — News, Peru, while the Pan-American Con- Are you famiUhr with the Income Tax phase of settling an aatate? WI U- Jewlah boys between the ages of as Pero’s fruit itoraga, tha Alr-Oon- payers Association to drastically re- of $11,.30 after pleading guilty to hymn sing is planned and attend- 6:80—WrlghtvUls (Clarion. 4 and 17 would be permitted to Mr. and Mra. Fred Way and chil- Sewer pepartment. $15.00 to Ned Smith In China to sup- 6:46—Connecticut Hall of Fame— Weather. ^ess U In aeasion. Two years 0|^ room dlUonlng Installation at tha Man- duce several Items It. the budget driving a car without a license. Be- dren of West Hartford spent Sun- ants can select their favorite leave for England and The Nether- chaiter Electric Company and many hymns. Francis P. Smith port our orphan boy. The Christian Ralph della Selva, director. 8:00—Shoppers Special. he waa In Buenos Aires i heu r.x| were voted down after a aplrlted de- ing unable to pay the fine and costs day at the Wellesway Farms. Francis P. Smith, 31 of 14 Nye Endeavor voted another $15.00 for Do you know about several other taxes. Including the State Penalty Tax? landa Thursday on apecl.U trains others. A most Intelligent type of Mrs. Burr, the state president, 7:00—AmCs 'n' Andy. 0:00— Richard Maxwell. congress met there. He will take Gci bate between members of the As- he was taken to the county Jail. Mrs. A. H. Post and Louts Twin- street died on Monday afternoon at their orphan Chinese boy also. The 7:16—Vocal VarieUea. 0:15—Montana Slim. charge of the schedule of broadcaata provided by the Jewish cultural or- eervlce has been maintained In this eoclutlon and adherents of the towTi Karl was arrested Sunday by Slate waa unable to attend tho W. C. T. bgntr ganisation. ing of East Hartford and Mr. and his home following a long lllnea*. Sunday school baa given $35.00 to 7:50—The News Raportars. 0:36—Nawa Service. planned by NBC un'Ol the meeting field and this same kind of service administration. Much dlacuajlon Policeman V John Labecky. U. meeting as expected Wednes- Do you know that the Gift Tax If made retroactive may seriously impair the value bargi One thousand will be sent to a Mrs. Fred Soblelo of Manchester He was a native of Rockville and the church already this year and 7:46—Four Stars Tonight. 0:80— Girl Interne. closes . . . a aeries of saJutea from outsit will be available to all purebaaers centered around tho town deficit and day. afternoon, due to Illnesa. Mra. voted $25 more which will cover the of an estate? training camp near Hanvich, Eng- were Sunday callers at the Gilead waa well known In musical circles S:00—Johnny with Russ Morgan. 9:45— Tropical Moods. overeeaa to the New York World's Th( of electrical appliances at Kemp a. the terminology luyd in preaentlng Game Farm. Lillian Clark gave a talk on Fran- having played with several orches- amount of auppllea (or this year. 8:?.l— For Men Only. 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. Fair will keep tha ,VBC, CBS and 'and, and the rest to various parta A Kitchen planning service will also ces Willard and Mrs. Norman Bur- cord I of lim Natharlanda fur instruction It In the town report. Mre. Clarence J. Fogll accom- tras. The white Christmas o-ee will be 0:b0J-"Battle of the Sexes” with Ju- 10:16— Us on a Bus. MBS networks busy for a half hour "Bt be available to anyone Interested in gess gave an Interesting monologue Chances are that you are not familiar with any of theae things and are not neces- In farming and handlc^Uy The Taxpayers Association, of TOLLAND I panled her son and daughterUn-law Mr. Smith leaves his wife, Mrs. held Dec. 18 at 7:30 In tha church. lia Sanderson and Frank CrummIL 10:46— Stepmother. each of the 16 Sunday aftamoona modernizing their kitchen or those in costume on the life of Frances fairs * Batlmats of WaaRKr which () H. .Smith of Lakevlcw MRS JOHN H STEELE .Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Fogll of Man-' Christine (Murphy) Smith; a aon. Everyone la given the opportunity S:S0»Fibber McGee and Molly. 11:00 — NaUonal HlUbllty (Cham- beginning January 1. Making the sarily expected to be. eo we suggest that you consult tha Trust Department of planning• i Tni new homes. Terrace. Lake Wangurabaug, la Willard. Both were from Hartford. Robert Francis Smith; five brothers, at this time to carry out the Mas- 10:00— vaitaty Program Featuringatu: pions. salutes will be foreign rulers and Von 1 In its eatlmata of Jewish waaltb 839-4. Rockville cheater spent Sunday at Point- this bank in drawing up a will or name this department executor of your prealilcnt, alreased the fear of an in- o-Wooda. All former atudenta of Windham John Smith of Passaic, N. J., ter’s words "It la ^ tte r to give Bob Hope. 11:18— Dorothy Stone — (Console Btateamen, Pres. Lebrun of France affair: Deutacha AUgamalna Zeltung said In the this total (7,700,000,000 marks i evitable large Increase In the towns High school and their guests are to Andrew and Anthony of Rockville; than to receive." A t thia aei^ee 10.SO—Uncle Elzta'a Radio Station Variatlea. to start the schedule. estate to avoid legal entanglements that may be very embarrauing. their took in 3,000,000.000 billion marks WILL DISCUSS UGHTING tax rate unless the budget la cur- The regular meeting of Tolland be welcomed at a dinner dance to Joseph of Washington, D. C., and the gifts WTSpped in white will be FrZ-R-A. 11:80— Big Sistar. Tuning Tonight: tailed Their recoinme.idatlon to Orange will be held at the Com- be sponsored by the high school Michael of New Orleans, La.; six placed upon the tree. Theae gifts 10:46- Jimmy Kemper it Co. 11:46—Aunt Jenny’s Raal U fe Talka—Founder's Day dinner for what la real estate and working capital 11:00— News and Wrather. ($1,160,000,000) and that the re- limit the road account to $2,.50U for munity House this evening. The alumni association this month. Na- slater*, the Misses Martha, Julia, are sorted and arranged in baaketa Stories. Leon Blum colony in Palestine, 'Vm. In Pai CHANGES AT NORTH END the year. Inalead ot the $10,000 ask regular officers will be host during than Gatchell of Andover, presi- Anna and Elizabeth Smith, all of to be distributed to the sick and 11:16—Polish Orchestra. 13:00 noon—Mary Margarst Mc- Green presiding: WJZ-NBC 10 Laon The Trust Departmant of this bank la fully acQualnt* "Th mainder waa in "other wealth." HEBRON 11:46—Lou Breeza’a Orchaatra. The decree announced yesterday ed by the adiiilnlatratlon. was one the social hour serving the refresh- dent of the association, will act Rockville, Slater Anita Marie of ■but-lna and others to help make a Bride. Blum from Paris and Leopold 8. TRY an I.E.S. LAMP Germ. ments. as toastmaster for a speaking pro- Pasaalc, N. Y., and Mrs. Mary Con' Christmas for others. 13:00—^Richard Hlmber'a Orchestra. P. M. Emery from London; WABC-(CB8 ed with theae situations and this la our buaineaa convit stipulates that Jews no longer can Improvement AwsoHalion Will ot the highlights of the meeting The Rev. Howard C. Champe. for- A. M. ill gram during the dinner. don of Hartford, also two nieces. Committee for program; Mrs. 13:16— Her Honor, Nancy James. 10:45, Mra. F. D. Roosevelt and KOI .1 aeli or pawn any valuablat without A spe. iai apprc.priation of $200 was -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neff and two mer pastor of the Hebron and Gil- 13:80— Waynt King's Orchestra. to look after yours. a government permit, that they Consider Street Illumination voted for the Windham Community sons of Elmweod, were week end Mrs. Christopher Vogel enter- The funeral wUl be held on Friday Arthur J. Vinton, Rev. U H. Austin 13:80— Romance of Helen TrenL Oiunt De Salnt-Quentln. in your own home and C ead Congregational churches, now 1:00—Silent. must deposit securities within Proposals. Memonal ho,spltal, and of $100 for guests of Tolland relatives. tained the Cheerio class last week morning at 8:30 a. m. at his home and Miss Sylvia Smith; decoration 13:48— Our Gal Sunday. WEIAF-NBC—8 Johnny Prsaenta; esjwnt 1:00 — Eaoo Reporter — News, 8:30 For Men Only: 6 Battle of -he banks, and that they can not ac- the Manchester Memonal hoapltal pastor of the Lebanon church, was at her home In Weat Wllllngton. and at 9 a. m. at St. Brenard’s committee. Miss Esther Koehler, tlon o Charles Johnson had a.s recent Weather. Sexes; 9:30 Bibber McGes; 10 Bob quire real estate Much Inti-iesl is being shown hy J. LeKoy Schw-eyer served as mod- guests relatives from Bristol. called to Dublin, Indiana, by the After the business meeting a so- CathoUc church. Burial wUl be In Gilbert Storrs, Christopher Glenney Tomorrow's Program of the and John Kingsbury, Jr. 1:05—Strictly Swing. , Hope; 10:45 F(x>tball award to P empowers officials to order resldenU of the Eighth School and erator for the meeting, and L. A. sudden death of his father, John M cial time was enjoyed and refresh- St. Bemard'a cemetery. Frlende A.M. DiHlnt Louis Vesley of Rockville was a ments were served. may caU at the home alter noon on The (Community Christmas tree 1:15— U fe Can Be BeautlfuL Davey O’Brien of T. C. U. Jews to sell or liquldat# real estate Utilities District in the outcome of Kingsbury, clerk. Sunday guest of Tolland friends. Champe, Saturday, Dec. 3. 6:00— RovelUo with Jake and (Cart, AT NO COST "Th and cth*r possessions wherever it Wednesday and until tha funeral. will be held Dec. 22 at 7:30 p. m.. 1:30— Main Street — Hartford. WABC-CB8—8 Edward O. Robin- the meeting of the Manrhester Im- A special town meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clough ot The elder Mr. Champe waa 75 gumsts. con.spf ■was h»ia necessary for the national provement Association to be hi ld to- years old. He bad been In the mer- Mlsa Mary lawyer In the Church Community House. 6:80—"Sunrtao Speotal” 1:45— This Way Is Ours. son play; 8:30 A1 Jolaon; 9 W * Tha THE aoiiure two weeks ago at which the aelect- welfare. A trustee may be ap- New London, wore recent visitors in Mils Mary Dwyer of 133 Prospect The program will be presented by 7:00*Mornl&c Watch. 3:00— Nadine Stanley — Songs. People; 9:30 Benny Goodman aad ^ morrow night at the Y M C A men were authorized to continue to cantile bualneas for many years. TGU amy ass for yaarsoU what a rectloi pointed for an owner living abroad town, where Mr. Clough owns the street, died at the Rockvtlla City the '7th and 8tb grade children di- 6:00—Nows and Waathar. 2:15—PoaUc Strini Prof Quiz. cotinlr I The first matter called to the at- carry on the W P.A. sewing, bridge, farm recently acquired by the death He leave# hia wife, a daughter. Mlsa WAPPING 'JP dlfferSBO* It makso ta yoar reading who declines to seli. I tentlon of the association was con- hospital on Monday night following rected by Mrs. EUleen Winch. The 8:16—Bradley Kincaid. 3:30— American Sc]chool of the WJZ-NBC—7:15 Mr. Keen; 8:80 state 1 and cemetery projects. ^ of hia parents, the late Mr. and Mrs Mary Elizabeth of Dublin, and hia MRS. W. W GRANT Air. I cerning changing of the type of son. He also leaves three grand- a abort llIneM. She waa a native of g ift and tree committee la composed 8:50— Radio Bazaar. Information Please; 9 Mary and Bob . eoaafort te hava proper Ught, by q’Jf.tli A daughter. Patricia Gall, waa Earl Clough. 8809, MancbaaUi 8:00— Indianapolis Symphony Or- drama; 9:30 Cal Tinnay Intervlawa; MANCHESTER I 3. Vamon and cams to RockvUl* ten of Ruth French. Miss Grace Reed. 8:46—“Jan* Ardon” , dramatic oalag oar FREE T R IA L plan on aa In sn- light now In use in the huslnese sec- bom last week to .Mr snd Mrs. A l- children, John. Grace and Ruth, of chestra. Sunday. Dec 25 will be Christmas Lebanon. yaara ago from Maneheater wbara Mrs. Gilbert Storra. •iMtch. 10:30 Eugene Conley, tenor. »mnly WARM RAINS ASSISTED I tlon When this question wa.s con- fred G Cn.-kmore at their home on What to expect WednesdayWednesday: L B. S. Lamp. Soor or taU* modela. ! sidere.1 other matters also were Sunday at the Federated church, The Rev. Mr. Champe ofllclatea The Young Peoples Society of she had lived for many years. She The Mothers' club will meet 0:00— Muoleal Intailud*. th-lr < High street with pageant service in the eve- leaves a aUter, Mlaa Catherine Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 3:30 p. m. at 0:06—Band Gooa To Town. WEAF-r7B<3—1:15 p. m. Let's : taken up .\.-< a result. Attorney at two services and the funeral of the Christian Endeavor met at tha extabll ■The L-adii's .\-.aoci.ition «111 meet ning. Dwryar. the home of Mra. Ernest Davia. Each 0:16—Food Nawa. Talkalk It Over; ScSclS Ma ftarklna; 8:80 TRUST GO. A fter you bay* aattsSod yoorsoU MEN DIGGING DITCHES I Raymond Bowers last night ap- a parishioner Sunday, leaving early Community House last Sunday eve- MURDERER OF BOY Wc.lru.sday afternoon in the church December 18 will be obserx’ed oa Monday morning froni Hartford, The body waa brought to the W. ona la to bring a word about aome- 0:30— Gretehen McMullen. MuHc U My Hobby. WABC-CB8— that yon aoad better Ughttag with peared beti'ie the «clectnu-i. relnt 0:46— 'The Wtfo-Saver". vestry for Ihcir Chrlalnia.s I’.irty White Sunday when gifts will be and attending hia father’s funeral ning and all motored to the Flrat P. Qulah funeral home, 335 Main thing they have found interesting 3:15 Raymond Moley on ‘The Elec- Member Federal Depost Inanranea Corp. aa L E. S. lamp, select the stylo and Ing to the claim made hy the toon and covcrc.l dish luncheon The ■treat, Manchester, for burial. pertaining to parents and children. 10:00—Mra. Wlgga of tha Cabbage tions;” 3 IndUnapolU brought for the Christmas baskets. at 3 p. m. today. Congregational church of East TO PAY WITH LIFE price that anlta yon, at your doalor'e Found Frost As Deep As Eight owned water supply for extension of .M.'tlu-r and Daughter Banquet to be Tha funeral will be held Thursday Word haa been received of the Patch. 5 March o f Games. the new pipe lines The All Day meeting of the East Local relatives of Mra. John B Hartford where they met with the 10:00—John's Other Wife. ■tore or at ear showroom. Uboral Inches Before Rain Thawed hcM Thurs iay evening by-the Cov- Central Pomona Grange will be held morning at '8:50 at the Qulan death of Rev. Harry C. McKnigbt 13:80 Farm and Home Hour; 3 There has been a fea-lmg that Welles of East Hampton attended Young Peoples soclatles of the funeral home. Maachaatar, and at 9 who passed away at the home of hia 10:30—Just Plain BllL Your Health; 4 Federal Council at term* of payment are available. entry League of Women Voters and at the Tolland Grange Wednesday. Concord, N. H., Dea 6.— (A P )— Out The Ground. ^ there should he R.'n;elhing given to her funeral today at 3 p. m. Hartford Bast Association in a o’clock at St. Bridget's church. Be- aon Wallace, In Wellaburg, N. Y., 10:46—The Woman In White. Barring executive clemency or a Su- the South Coventry Oir) Scouts will The Biennial election of officers will Violets and blue myrtle are being joint meeting. Rev. Mr. Story of the i the resid^ts of the town not served he .s,>rveil by the C E. society of the cause Thursday la a Holy Day there suddenly, Sunday morning. Funeral 11:00—David Harum. preme Court appeal, Howard Long ' by the w-ater cotnpnnv to replace take place at that time. If time per- picked here, in blossom and bud. South Methodist church waa the 11:16—Lorenzo Jones. mHMsa Work on ls>mg of water mains I’.'iigregallotial church. An attend- will be no requiem maee celebrated will be held Thursday morning at will mount a New Hi-mpshlre scaf- i«ho9« what was k>st ir. the wav of Income mit# the lectmer. Mrs. Lucy BirdsaJl Tha warm rains which washed away speaker of the evening. on Thuraday, the body being brou^t 10 a. m. in Nsw Haven. Mr. Mc- 11:30— "Young Widow Brown". under a town wide WPA project has ance of 70 Is expected almost the last vestiges of snow fold before the new year to pay with from taxes when the water supply will present a program Ronert Kahan, a member of Ver- into the church to be bleised. The Knigbt lived for many years In 11:45— "The Road of Life” . ftttyf, been helped by the rain. At the monthly meeting of offi- revealed these flowers preserved hia life for tha sex slaying e f a ' w-as owned hy Chen, v Brothers Tolland membert of the Rockville non Orange, won the first place m burial will ba In the family plot in Coventry having been pastor of the 13:00 Noon— Noontime VarieUea The men working on Bralnard cers and teachyi^of the Congrega- from the onslaughts of gero tem- F. M. young schoolboy—a crime winch hrp«. There are other in iMirtant n;.-it- Fish and Game club enjoyed a veni- the speaking contest In East Cen- St. Bridget's cemetery and the Second (Congregational church for LOOK FOR THE Place found froat In some places as tional Siinda^^ school last night produced prevonUv* changes tn ters that w-.r. he , ..n.«:di i e.1 |..m..r- son supper served at the club hpuse perature. funeral mass will be celebrated on several years. He wraa bom InD Els : i - . 13:15— "Hilltop House” . deep as eight inchea, but In other plnns wen- f ^ l c fur the Christmas Miss Florence M. Jones, Hebron tral Pomona Grange No. 3 Monday neighboring Masaachusetta' penal GIFT SUGGESTIONS row mght on Mile Hill, Saturday evening. ®Hday, In St. Bridget's church, 't-SO— "M yrt and Marge". places where the snow had been evening, which waa held at Suffleid llngton. He la survived by oneI and judicial system. 1 r. •> to be held I'eccmber 23rd. Be- Mm. EveljTj Price and daughter Grange lecturer, has arranged for Manchester. Wallace and two grand ehtl< "Bingin'Sam". plowed to the aide of the road there Grange. His selection wraa: "The Under sentence to dU on the ginning la.‘ t Sunday morning the Thelma entertained out of town a poster concert on "Highway Safe- No Inquest Kathryn and Ruth all of Lellabtlibn^i idJO'—News and Weather. PINE W A X C ^ , DRESSER SETS was h-.:» four to si.x inche.« The rain hour tor the Sunday school seaalon ty," to be conducted tn the public Soliloquy on the Death of Hamlet." morning of Dee. 30, the 83-year-old I I. E. S. TAG Medical Examiner Dr. Thomas F. N. Y. l;16'-Hl-Boyi. of Saturday and .Sunday washed EXPECT FLDOD STAGE guests at their home Sunday after- As bis reward be will represent this 1 - 10 o'clock Instead of 12 aa form- noon schools bare. Posters must be O’Loughlln, after reviewing the Mias Flora Riemer of Wethers- 1:30— Mikrjorie MUla. former proprietor of a combination away mo.-t of the snow and also al- erly. the children to remain for the handed in t»y Dec. 10. Pomona Grange at the State Grange 3:00—W P A String Enaembla. filling station and grocery store In ' A N D L E A T H E R G O OD S It la your aaaorance that the lamp that baara It ia eertUM Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson c;’’cumstancee connected with tha field spent the week-end at Mr. and GIFTS lowed tr.- frost t. come out of the opening exercises of the church Mr. and Mrs. (Jharles C. Sellers session at Bridgeport next January. 3:30— Jake and (Carl. Alton win be the first person hanged ground. AT HARTFORD THURSDAY and family had as Sunday dinner death of Dr. Edward Joseph Bren- Mra Gilbert Storra as correct for reading and study. service and the Junior Sermon were present at a conference of the The pupils enumerated In the 3:46—Plano Recital, Laura C. Gau- Here’s an Interesting aalaetlon ot Inexpensive gift Items guests out of town friends. nan, 43 of 116H Grove street stated Mrs. Edgar Storra of Spilnghlll, by the state In 30 years, and the G'jcxi f .eogress waa made In open- Owing to the closing ot the Booth Connecticut Chapter of the League town of South Windsor between tha det. 12tb since 1812. ing the ditch until the rain pre- The Tolland Grange will sponsor on Monday there would be no In- spent Sunday .with her son and fam- that should help yon In planning your Christmas gift Hartford. Dec. 6—.AT- The Dlmock Library, meetings of the of American Writers in New Ha- ages of 4 and 16, total 538 aa com- quest. aa death waa due to aecldent- ily Mr. and Mra. Gilbert Storra. 3:00—Tha Story of Mary Marlin. Still stole, Ixmg baa been in vented men from working further. It Weather Bureau office in Hartford a whist party at the Community ven Sunday afternoon and eventing, pared to 533 a year ago. and 500 two 3:15— Ma Perkiiu. UaL rnw has oeen opened aa far aa Main Girls Club will be held at homes of al drowming. Dr. Brennan's body Miss Priscilfa Miner of Po- solitary confinement ainoe hU con- Issued this flood warning bulb tin House Friday evening, Dec 9 when with dinner. Governor Wilbur L. years ago. Of this total 463 are efi' 3:30—Pepper Young's FamUy. See the foUowinar dealers: line Ni •tceet. With the la>*ing of the pipe members until farther notice. The waa found in the Hoekanum River quonock Bridge haa returned heme viction a year ago on a charge of at 10:15 a. m: The Connecticut river the public Is Invited to Join in the Ooss and Professor Odell Shepard on Sunday morning. Tho body wraa 3:46—"The Guiding Light" Deal the men who are now working on next meeting Dec 13th will be held rolled In public schools. 9 In InatitU' after spending a few days with her murdering 10-year-old Mark Neviue Is expected to reach a stag ♦ ’ He-ai at the home of Miss .Adeline Hoff, soda! event of the evening. Prises of Hartford were among the speak- tlons and 53 are below the school taken to New Haven for the funeral slater Mrs. Arnold McKinney. Laurel Bralnard Place will be transferred ers Jensen cm a lonely wrodda road a few 20 feet at Hartford, 15 feet at president. are to be awarded and refreshments entrance age. The town will receive and burial. Mr. and M ra Arnold McKinney The J. W . Hale Corp. Blrtl to a similar project on Porter street. Perfect attendance puplla at the miles from the boy** home in La- Springfield, 8 feet at Hoivoke served. aa a state grant $335 for each child Emblem Onb Social and twro children David and Barbara and Ml Plans are under way by the Boys Gilead Hill school for November conia. 5Iaas.. acme time on Thursday' The Ladles Aid society of the enumerated. The RockviUe Emblem Club wtU ■pent the wreek-end at Poquonock Gold Filled Coral Brooches .. ,.. ll.SO and up ’ street BURNED TO DEATH Club for a New Years Eve dance to were George BoarotU. Harold Loathar Bill Folds...... $1.00 and up Watkins Brothers Adm be held in the town hall. Federated church will eerve the De- hold a member’s aeclal on Wednes- Bridge at Mra McKinney's bonM. MERRIM.ACK RISES cember supper at the church Fri- Sehatz. Angelo Preddo, WUbur Por- About twenty-five friends and day afternoon at tha Elks Home oa Three Piece Dreaaer Seta 100 El Andover, N. H., Dec. 6 — (A P )— A t tha morning aervtoe at tha ...$7.75 and up day evening with Mrs. Emery ter. Rina Borsottl, Mary Cordani. neighbors gathered at the home at Prospect street Mra Fannie Lavltt Second Congregational church Rev. Ovamli^t Bats In Lasthar Casaa...... $1.50 asch Kemp’s, Inc. Freebu Fred B Thompson. 69, retired Lowell, Mass., Dec. 6.— ia PI — Virginia Hooker. (Sertrude Sherman Frank C. Stoddard Friday evening. ARMY COMIUNDAMTS Disc Clough. Mrs. Frans, Mrs. Young and and Mrs. Molly HeUer wUl be In L. H. Austin apoka cb ‘n'elling Tncktite B ags...... $1.25 and up farmer, waa burned to death early Two days of rain, continued mild White school: Marion Hodge, In honor of hia birthday. In addition charge of the social. fraziei today when fire destroyed his small POLICE COURT Mrs. Frank Kalaa aa the hostesses. Jssua* Mra. A. J. Vinton and Mra Zippar Brlaf Caaaa...... $1.00 and up Benson Furniture and Radio temperatures and fast melting A t the last buslneaa meeting ot Carolyn Sagllo, Rina Paracchlo, to four lighted birthday cakaa. Mr. Itaiaar Wednesday Kenneth Slmma sang "The Old Rug- Freacol home on the outskirts of this town. W llfr ^ Smith. Ernest Emlth, Ron- Tmaday, Dse. 8 TRANSFERRED IN P im S Cigarette Lighters ...... $2.00 and up snow today c.vised a rife In the In town court last night the case the Ladles Aid society it was voted Stoddard received many gifts. Cards The Sewing Circle of the First ged Crosa” aa a duet. Tha flowers Walter He lived alone. ald Sagllo. P.M. Watdi Chains...... $2.00 and op Cens Merrimack nver ’ of drunken driving lodged against to collect fruit. (Nothing end food to were played and the prises went to Lutheran ehurch will hold their an- wroro a basket o f yellow "Mums'’ ■ Potterton’s Mr. and Mra. Blair Thompson of Washington, Dee. 6.— (A P ) — Knitting Bags^ : Dewey E. Nolet, 37. of Bristol, waa be packed and eent to needy fami- Mra. Earl Stoddard. Mrs. Charles nual basaar and eatsrtalnmeat In given in memory of Hannah Amelia 4:80—Thos* Happy OOmaaa. .$1.00 aadi Cambridge, Mesa., were week-end 4:46—or Men and Books The War Department announced Camaras...... $3.00 and up : continued for two weeks pending lies tn town for their Cbristmaa Andnilot, and Eugene Platt, all of the church social rooms on Wednes- Kingsbury by her family. Montgomery Ward the Issuance of a finding by Coroner viaitora at the home of the former s Wapplng. and WllUam Weber of day. The basaar will start at thrse Mlaa (Cora Kingsbury led Chris- 5:00—Ad Uner — Dane* Pro- today the transfer of Maj. Gen. Locket and Chain . . . .$4.50 and up cheer. Mtaa Miriam Underwood waa brother-in-law and sistar. Mr. and Frank E. Healy. Nolet waa driver RockviUe. thirty o’clock and thsra wrOl be gram. William H. Wilson, commandant In yellow gold llUeiL Add and haart aliaped loeloRa, an- Pan and Panefl Bats...... |8.50 elected chairman and waa voted to Mra Charles P. Miner. tian Endeavor Sunday evening. Mias of a car which bit one tn which Mr. an^ Mrs. Harry Maclean of fancy wrork and food on sals, witn June Loomis will bo tha loader nort 6:80—Hartford Public School Sar- of the First Corps Arsa at Boston, graved and englaa turnsd. In tba nsw ahadsa by Watarmaa. Wayidde Furniture have her select her co-workera. The Rev. H. R. Keen gave a ser- Why America Arthur Holcomb. Jr„ of Weat Hart. West Haven, the parents oi Rev. luncheon being served. In the eve- Sunday. iaa—Washington Straot SchooL to the Hawaiian Islands whers ha Tolland Federated church wraa mon on the history of the Bible at 6:45—The Mighty Show. wUl assume command o f the Ha- , ford was a passenger. Holcomb was um ning there will be aa entertalameat Tbs annual (Christmas sal* and Fancy Boxes of Writing P ^ a r ...... $1.00 and up Elactrle Raiora ...... $15.00 represented at the 300th anniversary the morning service at S t Peter’s Donglss V. Maclean attended waiian division. ’ killed. program. chicken pie supper will be held Fri- 6:00 — Eaao Reporter — News. In tha battar gradse. 34 ebseta. S$ aevelopee. A gift tbat any nun wm apprsdata.’ Fahy goaraatod*. ceiabratlon of the Union Congrega- Episcopal church Sunday. The day Community church servlcee last Wea^^. Osnaral WUaea win sail ffom Looks South Alleged to be tntozlcatad and ua- Mr*. StsMsIsw KakM day. Dec. 9 at tha Church Com- OR tioaal church Sunday afternoon and waa observed by many churches as Sunday morning. 8:06—Danea Tima Nsw York, Feb. 7. otfts Selieesa Now Wm Be UsM Uatfl ■ fit to appear in court, Harrtaon WU- East Central Pomona Grange wUi M ra Scphle Jaklel. 5S. o f 60 High munity House ^ the Coventry Frag- Otfla SsIseOsi Naas WB Bs HsU USM < Democigaeg of the new world have sent dele* . aon. of 15 Earl street waa locked up evanlng. Bible Sunday. Mr. Keen also an- street, wife of Stanlslaw Jaklel, died 6:16—Howie Wing. Maj. Gen. James F. Woodruff, Mr. and Mra. Frank Morganson ot nounced that the drive for funds hold its regular meeting tomorrow. ment society. Mrs. Emil J. Koehler 6:80—'Today” with Bob Trout present commander tn HawaU. rs- Just before court opened. He was The members will meet with Tolland at her home on Monday following a la chairman of the supper. gates thig week to the Pan-American conference due to be presented last night on a Crystal Lake were Sunday gueata for the Windham Community Me- year's Ulnssa She wras bom in 6:46—Tour Quarter Hour Seren- placea (Seneral WUsoii at Boston. N of Tolland relatives. morial hoapltal wUl begin this Grange. It Is to be the biennial elec- Mias (Cora Kingsbury spent Sat- ftde. at Lima, Pern. It will be their first meeting since I charge of intoxication previously Poland on May 15,1860 and came to urday evening with Mr. and M r^ The AAanchester Electric Division I lodged against him. Continued to The weekly reading club met Mon- week. Aa usual a deficit haa to tion of officers. The meeting opens RockvlUs about 40 ysars ago from 7:00—"County Seat" starrhig Ray TO JUNK BERENttAJUA the George Potterton being 'heir dinner gteto* Moniefa conference of the old world. But that I Friday night waa the non-aupport day afternoon at the home of Mra. be made up by outside help. Many at 10:80 a. m. ToUand Grange wiu Chleopes, Maaa (Colltna. of the townspeople here favored an serve tha dinner at noon. guest Miss Suala Andrews of Gl^.a- 7:15—Jimmy Fiddler'a Hollywood Southampton, England. Dse. 6.— isn’t the only reason why tha United States is case oS Hugh McIntosh o f tbs Sal- Erita Gometz. 8hs was a member Of S t Josepb'a tonbury eras also present oc Impropriation by the town to take Oosatp. The liner Borwigarla, one* on* ot THE DEWEV Pair w iu block. A t the last meeting of the Child Catholic church and the S t Helen's RICHMAN CO looking sooth for big news.i Morgan Beatty tells care o f the usual drive - but the caaiOD waa In honor of Mlaa Study club with Mloa Ebba Olaon. Tber* are about 10 times aa society of the church. burFs birthday. 7:60—Hataa Msnekan la "Sseoed tho Snost and largaat ships afloat JEWBLER8 — STATIONERS AND OPTICIANB mi yoB why aesias starting tomorrow. Scientists in food research have the president In charge, plana were propoattkm was voted down at the many radios tn farm homes in tha The funeral wtU ba bald on F ri- today aaUad oo hsr last voyago—to last town meeting. S;00—"Big Town” — starring Ed- a new teono for tniulmaw or tsB- made for the first Annual Mother United States today as there wtt;h day morning at 8;S0 at har boaM FsrttUaer MmuM tho scrapyard at Jarrow. ‘'H m Ho^ for a Saviour'’ waa in iSSfi, a mamp i v tha iHirass ad ''"m m PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER *, 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,19S8 PAGE NDOB BUACK SHEEP'S WOOL [ B E E T H O V E N C A N N O T OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN TURNS OTHER tX>lA>lM I ______CHARLES M ARSHAU DISTURB THE PEACE I Washington. Dec. «.— (A P )— I San Francisco, Dec. fl.— fA P ) BY ROYAL NEIGHBORS ! A black sheep, it appears, isn't Added Luxury in New Pl3rmouth for 1939 COT IN TAXES I — "Beethoven", said Judge Her- I black. AS CUES! OF HONOR I bert Kaufman, "cannot disturb I John Cooper, director of a the peace." ^ j Mra. Ma» RobliMon T« ChoMn I aheep experimental laboratory on ' I So he freed Rudolph Ramat, SEEN AS GOOD Armstrong Knocks Out Manfredo In Third Round As Oracle; Namea Of Other I the N av^o Indian reservation at 69. and blind, of a charge of dis- I Officers Chosen. I Fort Wingate, N. M., advised the Employes Of Watkins Bros., I turning the peace by playing bU { Federal Indian Bureau that a | ! accordlan on Market street. BUSINESS PLAN I black sheep's wool is a g ra y ' "Your honor", Ramat pleaded ALUMNI MAY HELP PA*s To Start Defense ALABAMA RETAINS Manchester Camp No. 3640. j shade and sometimes turns to Arrange Banqnet For Him ! yesterday, "I have worked all my (OratlaiMS from Page Om ) Royal Nelabbors. at its meeting: held ; life. 1 don't want any pension. , At East Hartford PETEY SCALZO FLOORS brown in rugs. last night at the home of Mrs. 1 play my accordion, maybe n o t' posolble, thus creating volume pro- ATHLETES AT PO T Jamea Findlay of McKee (treet. At The Hotel Sheridan. well, but only the classics. Us- duction." Of Rec Honors Tonight F001BALL LEAD IN ten ..." elected the following officen to Ford laid his company hod paid ARCHIBALD IN SECOND aerve the camp during 1939: And he played Beethoven's In Non-League Contest COOKE SAYS SOME $77,566,000 in profit-sharing. In ex- Tba PoUsb-Amerteaiia open de-ztwo games slated each Tuesday Oracle, M n. Mae Rohinson: rice (Tiarles F. Marshall and Mrs. "Moonlight .SonaU" for the : SAYS SCHOOL HEAD FIVE-YEAR SURVEY orade, Mr*. Carrie Toratenson; cess of the established wage seal*' fens* o f their Rso Senior Lsogue night, regular quarters will be play' .Marshsll were guests of honor at a Judge. I for toe motor Industry, from 1914 bail streaks Id the land belongs to ehanc^or, Mra. Ellen Findlay; re- — ------champlonohip at toe East Side Rec ed Instead of dividing each game ENTRIES IN LEDGER banquet given In honor of Mr. Mar- to 1919 inclusive. In 1920, be ex- Western Reserve of Cleveland, conMng secretary, Mrs. Rachel tonight os toe cage circuit swings Into fifteen-minute halvM as was whose schedule forbids its inclusion Welter King Makes Seceii Munsle; receiver, Mrs. Elizabeth shall'a twenty-first anniversary with plained, the company changed to a Clarkemen To Seek Third Into Its 1938-39 campaign with four the case last year when six teams Interest in the special prosecutor's nCERS TURN BACK Chancellor Declares His In the llat of so-called major Duffy; marshal, Mrs. Jane Crockett; HAD BEEN ALTERED Watkins Brothers by the store em- system of cash bonuses, paying out teams In action. The PA's, holders were entered. Crimson Tide Has Won 40 ployees at the Hotel Hherldan last political affairs would not affect hU $6,750,000 in bonuses for 1919 and schools. Western Reserve’s ^ five- Defense Of Tide h Two inner sentinel, Mrs. Marie Holland; Judgment In the cose. 1920. Straight Triumph Friday of toe title for toe post twn> years Although the entries have been year record shows 43 victorleo. nutcr sentinel. Mra. Nieolina Ander- evening. During the course of an and towm chomps as well for toe (Oonfinned from Page One.) enjoyable evening of enlerUlnment, Sternberg sold he would prefer THE EAGLES, 46-24 Amateur Code Does Not reduced, toe league Is expected to Games, Lost 4, Tied 3 For three defeats and two ties for a son; managers, Mr*. Agnes Messier, The compeny insUtuted a $6-*^ some period, play In toe nightcap furnish plenty of clivsay competition percentage of .933. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall were pre- not to eerv4 oa the Jury because hla day wage scale In 1020. Weeks And Wins Eis Sts Mis* Emma Merkel, Mias Nellie wife woe 111. Against Old Riral; Signs at 8:80 o'clock against a quintet as the personnel of toe competing Rock. testified that the defendant rented sented with a radio by their friends The five-year records of toe 50 Malntalna Investment Plan Prevent Outside Help For repreeentlng Pogonl’a Barbers, teams Includes a host of the leading .909 Average; Pittsburgh leader* among the The installation of thi above of- a .safety dep ^ Ia r meeting tomorrow monthly for working several hours Man switched to Durham. football. the Rah Rah Girls a fine showing. Rodok bout before gaining rocogni- "The two governments will use in ssld, he deducted Kemp's share of a menu and tryout* In the crowd-ap- audience roaring during bis entire In 1935-36 and after dropping six proved a big handicap to Glenney'* contrast to the lengthy examination ter—and It's on El <3oofo himself night at the clubhouse. 9 3-10 14 a day. The athletea would not com- Among the 110 schools whose rec- All of the local girls are asked to tion. ron.sequence all their strength to romniissinn as an expense In report- peal sports such as boxing; exhibi- time on toe stage. He has ap- straight to the McGrathmen from ment. although Joe Aceto and Frank WU. SMure the developments In this di- of the defense which sought to learn LO.YN W.YGES TO OWNERS . . M ---- Seems a sports writer up there Objections To Duke ords figured in the compilation. report at 7:46 so that their meas- Bcolao, however, tossed a conoid- ing his Income tions by profeBslonal stars in can* peared in toe largest theaters 1932 to 1935. son carried on nobly but their w o rf rection of relations between their what ahe knew about the case and * wanted to Interview the Latin from The Second Congregational Wom- (.'enter Springs (48) Hard To Understand Temple led all the rest In number urement* for new suit* and Jackets erable-stoed monkey-wreaclf into the 151111s then askt-d whether "you Junction with amateurs; direct soli- throughout the country as a mem- failed to offset the barrage of points countries. The two government.^ Its principals. Worcester, Mass . Dec. 6— (AP> — the Yankees, made an appointment en’s League will meet tomorrow af- OLABTONBUBV LEAGUE Dumpy Hoglar wo* a guard and of ties—nine in the lost five years. may be taken. A t this time there buslneaa with his kayo win. R e dldn t report to the Federal goi-ern- citing of funds from the sports-lov- ber of the team of Joe and Ba- tossed into toe hoop by Parley ^ t - will be a abort business meeting. state that between their countries no She said ahe had not followed the The quick reopening of the Whittall by phone, and arrived with a ternoon at 2 o’clock at the church. 1 Kennedy, rf .. ((Barter Oak Alleys) teammate Of Caldwell In 1836. Like One o f the moat remarkable foot- weighed 137% to Archibald’s 184%. ment that he divided eomml.ssions ing public; distribution of pins, but- teese, and for several years radioed lar and Ernie Weiss in the neoond question of a territorial order n^ats carpet mills—and consequent Jobs stranger in tow---- After Ulking The hostesses will be Mr*. Mabel M. from a Boston atation. 3 Duggan, rf .. Dr. Jock Butoerlond of Plttaburgb with Kemp on the parkway deal. rase In the newspaper* or on the ton* and other tokens; the issuance half and Cliffords went on to win. In aurpense and they recognize sol- radio and "I know there I* thl* caee for 1.100 person*, the majority of with Lefty for an hour or so, the Spencer. Mra. J. 8. Risley. Mrs. F. Last Night *s Fights 0 Blucber, rf .. P. M. ( 8) and Morton Koer, Southern (Toli- Geogh objected and the question of epeclal Olympic stamp*, and W’riter said, “Weil, Mr. Gomez. I've E. Reynolds andMr*. J. J. Strick- He has considerable experience 0 Modeiui, If .. J. Anderson ...120 111 93—824 The Manchester Plumbing A Sup- emnly as the definite border between agaln*t Hayes but I haven't read whom are more than 40 years old on toe networks, having worked fornU's All-America quarterback of their countries such a.s It Is nctuallv was excluded by the Judge. many other*. a confe.sslon to make. Pd read so land. T. ManfredI ... 88 127 9'J— 807 ply Co. and the Hollywood Service the particular* whatever " appeared certain today after with Lowell Thomas and A1 Pearce’s By ASSOCIATED PRESS 0 Smith, If ___ 1928, he did not play football until HOCKEY estahll.shf at Boeton. nil.salon* and she replied Wait'll some of those bench Jock- land and other eastern states. Leonard Driggs, Eddie Fraher and p!Uon.-) Interesting their two "No. I'm afraid I'm nut ' eys hear that one. Lefty. .Ole Miss Joe Toman did the aharp-shnoting originally were aasigned. Almost Lou Ambers, 136 8-4, Herkimer, N. 0 Borst rg . . . . J. Tolly ...... 86 95 87— 267 Just what does a club hove to do New York, Dec. 6 —(A P ) — AidedtCtate-MIchigon rlval^. Incidentat- No games eeheduled. countries and to consult mutually In To another question asking If she Brownsville, Tex., Dec. 6.— (A P ) all reported that, because of the isn't worried too much about toeing Ever Ready Circle of King’s Y „ former irghtweight champion, for toe Hollywood Five but Mickey Valiant If ... J. M aggi .131 102 104— 827 to qualify for toe Rose Bowl? Off- Welaa, Frank Plah and a last min- ly, haa averaged 06,000 spectators ca.»e the future developments of was "rather anxious' to serve on —The Federal government today In- change in venue, they had been All-America Bullet Hail....The Daughters will holif ita annual stopped Frankie Wallace, 189 1-2, 1 chlefly by a alx-week etretch of 0 Geer, Ig ...... D. Collins . . 96 90 100— 286 hand, I srould say tost toe Blue and irte basket by Ruosell Duke helped per game since the Buckeye stadium Wichita at Koaeae City. these questions should risk leading DALADIER USES NAVY the Jury. Mrs Beattie said: dicted Gen. Roberto Fierro, former able to reduce their budgets. campus grapevine sfiys Johnny (Thrlstmas sale, bridge and tea to- Cleveland, (6); Petey Sarron, 134, n*ar-p«lrfect weather In toe east, at- 0 Turk, Ig ___ ! H. Bemordi , 93 109 101— 808 White accomplished toe ultimate toe Plumbera to victory over the was built in 1932. MinneapoUe at 8L Paul to International dl.ffieultles "No, not particularly. It doesn't Sixteen sport*. Including gliding Hovlus. who comes up from the morrow afternoon, in the directors' O BIT U ARY Birmingham, former featherweight tendance St college football games head of the Mexican Army Air H. Angelo . .110 123 113— 346 In oompleting a nine-gam* echedule Hollywood Five by a very close The 103,390 who saw the Army (No games scheduled lest eight). "The two government* have make any difference one way or the Corps, six other Mexicans, two for the first time, will be on the freshmen next year, will make room of the Whltoo Memorial II- rhamploo, outpointed Hike Ga- TO HALT SHIP STRIKE 49 unbeaten, untied, and unscored on. margin of five points. for 1938 showed a sharp increase play Navy in toe middies' "home" signed the present declaratfon. other." program at Helsingfors, while the them forget all about the Bullet.. nrary. Bridge will begin promptiv mier#, 135 1-2, Cleveland, (10). 1-8 Americans and a Mexican^ avlatloif 604 619 604 1527 And V. P. L, Davidson, Colgate, Phimbtag B 8npply#<48). over 1937 figures. game at Itolladelphta and the 101,- SEEKS OWN FAME e.'hleh becomes Immediately effec- However she 'Said that If given an winter games schedule will be the at 2 o'clock and will be all pivot New York—Pete Scalao, 137 1-4, company for conspiring to violate DEATHS P. Georgia Tech, Wok* ForeoL North FG F Tot. An Aeaoeiated Prte* survey baa- 000 for Southern Collfornla-Notre tive made In two copies.' In the option "I would serve, yea" but she aame except for the likely omlsMon Is Frankie Frisch interested in with prizes at each table. Afternoon Mew York, knocked out Joey Ardil- the neutrality act of 1935. tea will be served. 1 Caosonarl, rf-e Breekslda (8) (Toroliaa, Byracuae, North (Carolina V. Taggart, I f ---- ___ 3 0 4 ed on figure* submitted by 69 rap- Di.me were the top marks for aingl* Los Angelea. — French and German languages ' Pans. Dec. 6 — (AP) — Premier Insisted she was not especlallv of skiing a* a competitive sport. No one of the International League WlUlam R. Dunn ^ d . 134 1-3, Pawrtucket, I t I., "Tn.medlatelv after the ceremonv Daladler, determlne-t to break the anxious to do ao. 2 Murphy, If-rg . Jo* M...... 86 136 100—811 State, and PltUJnirgh wreren't PUh, rf ...... ___ 4 4 12 reoentsUve major colleges in sU sec- contests. Th* Duke-PIttsburgh turn- brother of movie star agreement ha* yet been reached be- franchisee?---- Biggest field ever U W'llilam R. Dunn. 82. of 94 tions of to* country dlacloeed on 11 out of 52,300 set a new high in the French and German diplomat's shipping strike at Le Havre, order- likely to go after that T(W G’s In The Ladles' Aid society wUl meet 0 Wilson, If . . . . Alfred C. ..101 108 103— 806 ocUy Humpto-pOmpty*. McNeill, e ...... ___ 1 0 3 pie, played tackle for th* 1 DispoMsl Of Qulrkly tween the International Olympic street, a resident of Monchq licago—Billy Marquart 185, per cent rise in average attendance anuthern football history. me \-.-u to an adiointng conference ed 2.59 sailors to man the liner Parts The next three veniremen were the Santa Anita Handicap this win- tonight at 7:30 at the (Concordia 0 Rice, c ...... Arnold J. -.114 83 103— 308 In Duke, 'Tournament of Roees Eagleson. e ...... ___ 1 0 3 MlUl■■ t a r yf rInetltut* team tola falL <3ommltte* and the International 67 years, died yesterday s f * WhuSipeg,. Man., knocked out Hank per home game. Tha total attend- room to begin diplomatic conversa- tcHlay and take her to New Y'ork on disposed of In short order. Frank ter---- Drew a Hat of about 115 Lutheran church. Mario C. ws vlaltors win see an outfit wlto a 0'<5onnell, e ...... ___ 8 0 6 Feels Younsr at 68 Ski Federation, which insist* that In Manchester Memorial hospital Pershing, 134 1-2, Cleveland, (2). 0 J. Brown,'>g-c . ance for 861 games in 1988 was 8,- tions. aehedule. Stevens, a school Janitor from East probable starters—but only one Bat ...... !m 133 104— 882 matchless defense, one of toe M. Welsi, ig ...... ___ 6 3 12 where he bad been a patient sine* - Louisville— Sammy A n g o t t, 1 Sullivan, ig ... 146,124, compared to $7,886,333 for Haven being excused by the court coaches and instructors be regarded Seabiscult---- This Is the week Mary Bushnell Cheney auxillarv Rich O...... — 132 103— 324 Duke, rg ...... ___ 1 0 3 Sources close to the government as amateurs. October 27to. Born in New Boston, ' 188 1-3, Louisville, outpointed 1 Holmes, Ig . . . . sllckeot kickers la history In Eric 353 games a year ago. This vear’e indicated Daladler had decided to when he said he had formed an when the bicarbonate comes in U. 8. W. V. No. 13. wlU meet to- Tipton, end. If George McAfee’* The delegates last night also en- Moss., on November 17, 1856 be Freddie Miller, 128 1-3, ClnclnnsU. average was 33,308 or 3,284 better HOSPITAL NOTES keep all French traosatlanttc liners opinion on the case. handy around this towm___ The morrow evening at 8 o'clock in toe 811 666 810 1 1587 foot mende In time, a trim left 17 8 40 dorsed Detroit'* bid for the 1944 spent bis early years in West Ran- Washington— BiU Boyd, 183 1-4, 5 ------3 0-8 4 Hnl1.rweo4 Bstviue (88) toon to* 1937 figure. moving with .N'aval crews and re- Oarence Palmer, clerk of the Heisman trophy dinner (Davev State Armory. The sUte depart- Bach’s Centers (1) hander, likely to run and pass any gamea This now must be submitted dolph, Vt., coming to Manchester in Birmingham, Ala., knocked out Score St half, 38-2 Center Springs. FO F Tot. Twenty leading eastern ochoois quisitioned stewards. If necesaarv, Hamden sewer board and an Insur- O’Brien"* show) tonight, the Lam- ment preaident, Mr*. Mary Mathieu 1871 when he entered the employ of n*o. L...... 96 94 111— 299 man's football array very dlxzy In- PAJAMAS Discharged yesterday Mls.s Ar- to the I.O.C., which considers all Buck Bhrerett 183 3-4, Washington, Referees Kosak sad Grysb. Carney, rf ...... ___ 0 0 0 reported toe biggest sectional im- to break the strike. ance agent, was accepted by the de- bert eastern championship banquet of WllUmanUc Is expected, to give a Cheney Brothers as a carpenter. He Chos. L ...... 77 deed. line Nelson. 43 Ridge street such InvIUtions. The Detroit bid (1). ----- 77 Fitogcrold, I f ...... • • * • $ 2 2 provement. With toe weather Three destroyers arrived at Le fense after a flve-mimite examina- for Carnegie Tech tomorrow, the short talk on toe council .neetlng in reUred in 1928 after completing 56 Pete C ...... 117 The Los Angeles protests are Death: Wllllsm Dunn, 81, of 94 has the full support of all of the Holyoke, Maas.— Romeo Du- T EAGLES 5IEETINO. 118 113— 848 Driggs, c ...... • * * 0 10 favoring spectators along toe At- i Havre early today with aallora from tion but the state challenged him fight writers’ affair Thureday. and Meriden last week. After toe bual- years of aervice.v ore something In the wray of a new Laurel street at 3:43 r ni. city's civic organzlations and its chorme, 155, Ekistoampton, Maas., Pete A...... 106 96 ;101— 803 Fraher, rg ...... 6 0 10 lontlc seaboard until toe last t'wo { the CSierbourg haae. .More asllors, without asking a single question. Jake Ruppert's party for the year’s neas a social will be enjoyed, with In 1883 he was married to Miss high for being choosy. Birth' A son. yeeterdav. to Mr. major industries. drew with Danny Buckley, 153, The Y. M. C. A. Eagles or* hsvtag BUI R...... 97 100 '• 9 0 — 3 8 7 Toaaon, Ig ...... ,..6 1 13 weeks o f to* seoaon, 116 games In i all specialists trained to handle mer- The state used another of its 176 No. 1 coach Saturday... .Bring on refreshment* served by Mr*. Sophie Mstbilde Brink of this town who BuL then, similar squawks were tad Mrs. O orge Meuael t'o Pt. .John challenges on the next venireman thoi^ steaks, b o y *.... Grabowski. chairman; Mrs. Ethellne ' Holyoke, Mooe., (8). a meeting tonight at 7:80 at the Erminlo C. . . . . — 84 101— 196 tola territory drew 3,13SA66 cus-1 chantmen In time of war. were call- died in 1931. heard In L m Angeles when Wash' street also, William G. Schielke, South- L«wls. Mrs. Annie Weber and Mrs. 'Miami Beach, Flo.—Bobby Brit- " T " about basketball Joeketo.^All tamers for on a ven g * Incrsooe per | SHIRTCRAFr ed from other tia.se*. He leaves two doghters. Miss Isa- ington and Jefferson went to Pasa- 16 8 55 Admitted totiay: Dixon Burdick. bury laborer, after only brief ques- INJURY DELAY.8 TK1.\L Mildred Tedford. ton, 149, Miami, outpointed Frankie player* ore urged to be preoenr 491 60S 614 1431 game of 40 per cenL Loot seoaou, i Clemson'8 line roach Frank How- belle A. Dunn of 94 Laurel street dena, Jon. 1, 1923; on the occasion Clifford’s (83). 190 East Center street, William Leat the strikers attempt to In- tioning. I ard put a piece of change on the Blair, 163 1-3, Camden. N. J., (10). when the weather wo* correspond-! and Mrs. J. Henry (Florence) Thorn- of Alabama's first excursion; Co- FG F Tot. Sman Mjric and coaifbct is Freebum. 28 Griswold street. terfere with the sailing of the Paris, Aleom gave further evidence yes- Portsmouth, N. H.. Dec. 6.— tA P ) line with a pal some week* ago, Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, dial 4567, wUI Provtdence, R. I.—Ralph Zonnel- tngly bod, 2,083,430 fans witnessed Discharged today: Mrs. Ruth ton; two grandchUdren. V ir ^ ia M. H. Frey, If ...... 8 0 13 •ewR into thaaeias the government ordered the Navy terday that he was anxious to avoid —An automobile injury to City betting Tennessee would take respond to emergency caUa tomor- H, Provldane*, stopped Frankie lumbia’s tndasion; and Pittsburgh’s 118 games. Frazier. 32 Hawthorne street Allen to soil her to Cherbourg where she and Robert H. Thornton; a brother lost vlilL E. Wets*, r f ...... ,4 0 8 Tbe southwesL which bod toe longer trial than necessary when he Marshal Leonard H. Hewitt means Mississippi by more points than row afternoon. B ritt Fall River, Moss., (4). ....4 0 8 paieiaa>.Lronttiow6bcki Freocott. 365 Middle Turnpike Plaat will pick up meet of her tranoatlon- Andrew J. Dunn of Brookfield street (Weighte not given). And they on managed to do fair- R. Runde, c ...... biggest increase In 1937 over 1936, I said he would oppose any attempt a month’s delay in the trial of Her- they kayoed Kentucky. .. .The Vols and several nieces and nephews. Moriartys Ready To Play T. Morin, rg —___ 8 2 8 in disdeetive aew deeisee.;^ Walter Pyka. 33 Main .street. tlc passengers by tender tomorrow to declare an extended recess over Newark, N. J.—Mott Perfettl, ly well. placed second this year with a 16 ! Census: Fifty-one patients. bert W. Sprague of Portland, Me., manhandled Kentucky 46-0 and it The funeral wUI be held tomorrow e P. BuUer, Ig ...... 7 0 14 and leave for New Y'ork. The usual the holidays. on a charge of murdering elgbt- looked bad—till thev topped Ole NO CHOICE 138, Amsterdam, N. Y., outpointed per cent improvement despit'e toe { at 2;(M p. m. in Watkins Brothers B. McKinney. Ig .. ___ 1 0 S fact oil-conquering Texas Christian,; port of aoillng for the Parts U Le Reports had gained circulation year-old Barbara DrlscoU lost Sept. Miss by 47 Saturday... .Barney Willie Skidmore. U3, Newmi^ (8). Texes Tech Big School Havre. Funeral Home. Rev. J. Stuart Nein, Grid ^nale This , Sunday WKh GOt Edge BwMwi with a Isos attractive home sche- that the court might suspend opera- 4. The trial was to have opened next Ehveii from Lancaster, Pa., one of LoulsvlUe—J. Erie DsvU tried to 35 3 S3 rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Don Rogers, chairman of th* dule, reported a drop. Southern a t- tions for ten days during the Cffirlst- Monday unUl Hewitt suffered a frac- the top schoolboy track sees onv- be considerate when he phoned for church will officiate, and burial win Otewsej** (44). mos-New Year's period. ooenm T 0U7B lkaocb Cotton Bowl Atolstic Association, tendance picked up 14 per cent, mid- CHRISTMAS S \LE AND tured kneecap. Judge Francis W. where for the past couple of veoro. help after hla automobile caught be In toe East Oemetery. The fu- Hi* ouddea ire^iead thaw oadAMt Nsbo with neorty a foot of now FO F Tot. Ts OORKEaPOXDC.Vr DIES. Judge CoUs Conference will do his stuff for Penn S tate.... fire at his home. found that when no other ocbool la western returns toowed on 8 per CHICKEN PIE Sl'PPER Johnston of Claremont yesterday neral home win be open for friends haavy rain of yeoterday, today and it- • lookeo - oa though toe aeries D. Fogarty, If ...... 3 0 4 Judge IngUs caUed state and de- Notebook reminder: Send congrats "I dhnt wont toe whole fire de- The Oountiy dub Bowling Leegue avollabl*. there 1* always Saint cent improvemenL and the PocMc Washington, Dec. 6.— (A P ) — ordered the pootponement until Jon. Tuesday evening. will continue their aehedule tonight brought bright prospects of reoum- wrould wind up a stoadoff. Frlzell, If ...... * * * eO 0 0 coast, helped by tost 100, 000 turn- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 fense Uwyere into his chambers for to Ole Push 'Em Opp Tony Loz- partment." be sold. thought may- Mary’s, but Dallas could have lined ft •**•*•*•***___ 1 0 3 Paul Y. Anderson. 45, noted Waab- a conference after two more venire- 9. Trial wUl be held at Exeter. * at Forr'a oUejra at 7:80. The league tag the annual town title football The snow hoe disappeared rapid- out for Southern (?silfornia-Notre Sapper 5:30 to 7:.3fl P. ,M. Rimaa S. Hart xerl—he's 34 today....D on Park- be you hod a motorcycle wlto a tire up a worse attraction for Jaa. 2 R. Helm, rf ...... ,5 0 10 lington correspondent for St. Louis men hod been examined and ex- er, the Daily Mirror sports ed, standing is as fbUowa: Mrtaa at ML Nabo QUa Bundog of- ly. however, during the post few than th* Gonoping Gaels sad Texas Dome, showed a 3 per cent increase. I newspapers, died today, as a result cused. extinguisher In toe oldecar you could toraooa la order to sotti* tb* ehom- days sod Moriorty Brotbera loath Aceto, 0 ...... 7 0 14 Contributing roost bsavUy to the CHURCH COMMUNITY NewhoU, Calif.. Dee. 6.— (A P>— FORMER JUDO INDIES writes that Adam (Seven Mule) send." W. L. Toeh. T. Wllaon, I g ...... 6 0 12 of what on osaociate said was an In the final pair examined before Hackers apfcinlldp questloa for 1888. Mori- to let to* iaoM bong fire unUl next tremendous eastern lncreo*e were HOUSE WiUlanj 8. Hart, who hasn’t ridden Walsh may transfer from Bowrdoin "Sorry," replied toe fireman. "Fire ,16 Winaors o f 10 consecutive ooo- F. WUsoa, r ^ ...... 8 0 13 overdoco of sleeping tablet*. And- the conference was Albert P. Stem- to take E ^ e Anderson's coaching Hookers ...... 12 12 orto Brauien sad th* Orloloa or* •eosoo, or* axtreaaely anxious to teeta, th* Texas Tech Red Raiders Yale, which hod on attendance of FREE $100.00 erson, a Pulitzer prize winner re- to the rescue ot a dnematic maid- Chicago, .Dec. 6— (A P )—Georg* engines is all w* have, take ’em or tlaa at ooe victory aploca and the NORTH COVENTRY b e n o f Hew Haven, who oasened he Job St R oly Crooo. Duffers 11 18 take up tlw bottle la a gome this finiahed toe campaign with 274 283,800 for rix gomes this season garded by fellow workers as one of en for many a yoor, is 68 years old Aaderaon Otwke, 69, former dbief leave ’em." * •oath eadari are eager to play the S3 0 44 compared to 380,000 for . seven !■ ! M om: Cklekea Pie . Riee with hod been a Republican "ever since I today, "but as lively os ever." Justice o f the niinois Supreme court Sllcers 9 15 Sunday aftoraooa and are proceed- potate to SB for tlwtr opponents In the moet brilliant newspaper and could pull a lever." Davis took ’em. third gaow 0* they*!* ofiafldiat of gomes e 'y e o r ego; OohunMo, with g t t M gravy carrots sad peas • Hart Uvea in retirement on his and sUte repreoenUUve, died at hU RETIRED BONIFACE DIES lag under the gawimptloa toot th* ______matrliae that took them to nine with wvtty t i e | magazine w rlu n in the country, Asked If he lecoUed that Aleom eroerglM oa top. 128,000 In five gawiee compated to I - celery - ottvas - hilltop ranch here, many mllca from home today. H * was a momber of Oitoloo ore oiao ready to engage w otetoia They repelled, among, oto- - rolls- waa token to a hoopltol by ran for governor four yeore ogp, Norfolk, Dee. S— (A P ) — Seth H. Ih* Oftoto*. it wm be -tmiw •IJMO la etx, and Harvard, whleb HoUywood. the Buprem* court for nlna yeorK In brmi la not con-1 FLBfTr or ALTRCIW g iU hoetmtlea It th* woothor holds •re. flonaags, Daquemm, LoyoU of ^ OTfoAl, who worked with him Sternberg replied: Moseley, retired New York hotel hcred. ffoMNd too opeoor by the WRESTLING Jumped from 210,000 to 385.000. OUMreatte. " U f Bt. Louis StorTiffica Bureau "M y phoaa number to 31 and realgBlag to 1918 to practice tow in aldored ordinary food, but a m *. THE FLORIST out No word boo eoBo.out of tb* New Oileeiw, end Marquette. " I worked dam hard for blm." that's Just half my age." said Bart. operator, died during to* night at If oas et. «Mf MlhVBtllM*.—WbBtoW hMBfi ottw BMigto of T-B. ThwMertaitya Ortoiio’ eoiip 00 yet but •• tor 00 In the middle waet the BT Jwra Chicago. He waa chief Justlo* is dai g ift from Ood; uatiJ 1S44 it > nppMit. rirHv Tamtr. They have ooe of the aetion’e la general exceeded Ita 1887 1 *T mt amm. thaU* teier aU I fiad." IBU Otol IBU, hU booM, to* Blackberry River was Bot aoide bnt only given o rj MorqiMtte'a eoM hstoi the fUlowtog weak to th* Ooe ~ better bseke to T l w Tarboc. or...... while Ohio Bute, with 814.1 Glenit! XJ ttwlr T4 * XMU^Ioe OOR, sn, PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6.198§ PAGE BLSPBlt lgb N m s BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES TskI TskI ______By M ARTIN T DEAR Y B b ? V t S .A O O M TRY 1bL)»^tR«>TAMO’ -V)l\.\..»AOSr OP boors 'Yt«»l)*!E.<9 TO Wdw.bocnb’" r Va)OL)LX)IO'T Ffc'fcX. TOdn SENSE and NONSENSE IT \s rvotks. ora. ^RfeObMk)., bu r Wcra.% om floor, all modem improvementa, A LONG EXPENSIVE TRIP with brown ears. Franklin Wells. street, 131 Park street, rear 29 ■ ■% modern apartment. Write Box L, steam heat, garage. Inquire 62V ing Past 5 Years, General AND GETS SEASICK. U. S. government agents abroad IS ’ .' g 7' 4 9 Taleottvllle. telephone 4556. Figures As Eyidence In North Falrfleld street. Rent rea- Herald. Center street, upstairs. t’f report commercial Inquiries from Wins Eiflir, sonable. Inquire Morlarty Brothers. Fattier—WeU, Junior, I received Czechoslovakia concerning the pur- Toonerville Folks r: chase o f American-made bubble By Fontaine Fox .M E N -W rm THE following back- FOR RENT— 6 ROOM duplex, locat- Sales Manager Announces ' Trial O f Singer. n note from your teacher today. ht Situtioi AUTOMOBILE.S FOR SALE 4 ground: lat—That you have been ed on Woodbrtdge street, steam Junloi^Is that so, DadT Give me gum. MOTORCYCLES^ w a quarter and I won’t breathe a ______T h e l i T T L E S c o r p i o n s * C l u b 1938 NASH SIX seh Charge 10 and 12 30 only, at Hotel Sheri- against Germany—to prevent the Ilcanova put in at Le Havre, Sept. Wrestle with them with the spirit of A PI6HT % CoBSCcutlva Days ..j 7 c(a| • cti Hartford, Manchester, Kockvtlie toilay at hl.s Bnicasow ^tate, which 840,012 used cars soles,” said Mr. TO SHAVE TH ' lee. A crowd oi dan, Manchester, Conn. See Thomas BUSINESS LOCATIONS wanton persecution of a whole race 19 and remained until Sept. 22. the a conquering chief! Remember thl* WITH t CoBsacutIva Days .. t cta| 11 cla Phone 626U. 68 Holllater street. FOR RENT 64 Chancellor Hitler presented to him Holler. “ During this same five year statement from Epictetus: “God, P9REI6M LEOIONf lamplonshlp bout 1 Day ...... ^1 n o t a l U e t a Cardello. period Chevrolet dealers sold 842,519 —would be completely Justified." day of the disappearance. Ass a ssin a tion Eleva t ed an all-star card All ordara for Irragular tnaertiona on his 85th birthday. Truck Carried Pocking Case Uke a trainer of wreatlera, baa '7 / ” FOR RENT—STORE, comer of trucks, and this exceeds by 260,016 India’s little Nationalist leader, News’ ISth an- will ba ehargad at tha one tima rate. Hitler ag'aln sent congratulations writing In hla weekly newspaper, A tmek owned by the. Soviet em- matched you with a tough and stal- A r t h u r to Pre sidency Spaelal rates for tong 'arm every REPAIRING 2.3 Eldridge and Spruce, suitable for to the field marshal, whose pic- tnick sales any previous five year wart antagonist that you may prove charity boxing SITUATIONS WANTED— called Germany’a anti-Semitic cam- bassy In Paris arrived on the dock* PH E S T E R A LA N ARTHUR first day advertising given upon request. shop, repair shop or package store. turesque figure is now seen leas and truck Bales In the 27 years’ history a victor of the Great Games.” Ada ordered before tha third or ntth A trro TOPS. CURTAINS luggage, of the company. paign without parallel In history and In the evening carrying a largt won his spurs in the law In MALE .39 245 Spruce street. Tel. 7571. le.ks In public. | mother victim at day will ba charged only for tha ae* dog collars and narneae repairing Means Cooperatoin recommended that the victims try packing case. th* famous Lemmon case of New ng attack at the tual number of times tha ad anjirar- Von Maokensen won some of Ger- First Actor— Did you make good ads oiiarging at tha rat# earned but Chas Laktiig, 9wn eaily to the fifth day. WE SPECIALIZE In rooting ana FOR RENT- SINGLE HOUSE with Rumania. selling, and Is a testimony to the Lenigrad. of the fugitive slave law. So At spent his last No **tll) forbids'*: display lines not Biding Workmanship guarit .ea my livelihood there, I would claim them on the manager to make him sold. all Improvementa and garage. In- cooperative selling ability of 8900 Germany aa my home, even as the The same truck had been seen be- skillfully did Arthur marshall hi* the ring vainly rime payments arranged. Paint- fore a bouse rented by the Soviet come across with our money. Tbs Herald will not ba raaponaibla DOG.S— BIRD.S— PETS— 41 quire 41 Strickland street. Phone Chevrolet dealers In the United tallest Gentile may, and challenge evidence that be won e verdict rd off the eham- for more than one incorrect insertion ing and carpentry. A A. Dion Inc embassy, within a few hundred 6405. States.” Asked how this all-time him to shoot me or cast me Into a UNFORTUNATELY YOU HA’VE from New York’s h ip est court unches. of any advartlaamant ordered for 81 Wells street. Phone 486U. CANARIES FOR XMAS. Your CURB QUOTATIONS peak selling record was achieved yards of the spot where De Miller more than one time. dungeon. I would refuse to be ex- TO <3UT DOWN ON THE THINGS that any slave being transported ever kwoeked eff\ choice of white, yellow, buff, varl- SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM had his last rendezvous with Sko- Tha Inadvertent omission of incor* Mr. Holler replied—“ When funda- pelled or to submit to discriminat- YOU ENJOY IF YOU WANT TO from one slave state to another tras wobbly when root publleatton of advertising will be gated and green. Young birds In single houses, also two family fiats mental policies are established that bline. ing treatment.” SAVE MONEY. became free while in tha boun- the bout. The ^raotlflad only by cancellation of the HELP WANTED— full Bong. E. Scott, 194 Center St. In excellent locations. Apply Ed- By .ASSOCIATED PRESS are fair and equitable to a dealer darie* of New York. i 184 8-4 and Man- <*harga mads for the service rendered. FEMALE .3.-> ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches- organization- and then they are ns's U g names All adVartisamanta must conform CANARIF:S 81.00 up. select one for Am Gon ...... 48i Too bad they have to come back: During the Civil War itself A r- In atyla. copy and typography with ter 4642 or 802.5. carefully and conscle>itiously ad- And when these are brought through KENT SAYS WINDSORS thur won wide recognition for hla orlea over Clove- WA.NTED — RELIABLE middle- a Christmas gift. Cages and acces- Am Sup Pow ...... ---- 4 Scientific Man — The wireless ragulatlona enforced by tha publiah- (*H.s Scr>' ...... ministered year by year—accumu- the Regions and National Ckimmlt- waves are burled through the ether, work as quartermaster general of last night's imp- ara and thay raaarva tha right to aged woman for general house- sories. Next door to Larraoec a .... 6 ’i FOR RENT-.33 PARK ST. eight Cit-s Serv., pfd ...... lated confidence and selling strength teea In Detroit they become nation- strike the moon, and the moon New York sUte. In 1871, partly •dltf ravtaa or reject any copy con- work In small family, home nights. Barber Shop, 17 Pitkin street. Tele- .... 43'Vi TO RETURN TO ENGLAND room house, completely redecorat- El Bond and S h a re...... bears results not obtained by al policies which iramednately affect throw* them back to the earth! as a reward for his long Repub- Boxing Assoda- ald^ad objectionable. Write Box Z, Herald. phone 7625. ---- lO 'i O O filN O HOURS— Classifled ada ed. oil burner, gas stove, gas re- Ford Limited ...... 3Ti any other temporary activities or the sales policies making them most Radio Listener— You can’t won- lican political activity, he was ht chiunpion, Bol- to.ba publlshtd same day miiet be re- frigeration. Inquire Manchester plans. We attribute this alx year- practical In field operations. OLACE V O R . ' klyn, N. T - 168H, Nlag Hud Pow ...... 7»i Openhagen, Dec. 8.— (A P )— der at it sometimes. named collector of the port of ceived by 1 1 o'clock noon; Saturdays WANTED-HOUSEKEEPER com- Trust Co. Trust Dept. record of results, obtained in only round verdSet over 10:14. panion In small adult family. Write Ponn Road ...... ---- l»i ”1116 newspaper Nationaltldende to- New York by President Grant HiS WOUWDSs LIVE STOCK- five years, to the Quality Dealer LIFE’S A STAGE . . . It U not IS 1-4 In an over- Box H, Herald. Segal Lock ...... 84 day quoted the Duke of Kent as re- Four years later he was reap- VEHICLES 42 Unit Ga.5 ...... Program, with its elimination of plying, “ Yes, yes, sure," when ask- ven ua to know why we were bom pointed, but subsequently was re- e latter emerging TELEPHONE YOUR HOUSES FOR SALE 72 .... 2 -'i over-packing of dealers and its sci- REHABIUTATION GROUP th a broken nose, W ANTED— 5!OTHER~8 helper to Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 2 'i ed whether his brother, the Duka to this world . . . But we were moved by President Hayes over (6 UM, Vt Fartataa fas) WANT ADS Util Pow and Lt ...... entific appointment of dealer loca- ‘placed here to play a part In the ht champion Lou assist In small family. Pleasant FOR SALE—PIG weighing about FOR SALE —FIVE ROOM single .... H of Windsor, intended to return soon e disagreement as to civil service Ate srs seospt.d car th. t.I.phon. tions, with consequent strengthen- GATHERS AT HARTFORD to England. drama of life, and oow la the time reform. oer, N. T.. 138 3-4, work. Address Box D, Herald. 300 lbs. Telephone 7674. house, all modern Improvementa, ing of the entire Chevrolet mer- —4 ths CRAROE RATE given sbov. "Will he stay In England T" th« to do it . . . TTie character we por- But Arthur was not long out of S( ORCHY SMITH Shore Leave round technical aa a oonvanlanca to advortlsera, but lot 50x140 In Zephryhllls the Pure chandising structure as It deals with By JOHN C. TERRY WANTED GIRL FOR general FOR.MER JUSTICE DIES tray la left for us to choose . . . politics. In facL he moved up to Prankle Wallace, CASH Rates win be accepted aa Water City, on main road to Tam- the buying public. Hartford, Dec. 6—(API — Voca- duke waa a sk ^ by a reporter dur- N i x r M0«NIN6, -rU€ MONITION* er featherweight TUluL PAYMENT If paid at (ba bual- housework and care of i hlld Call ing a ten-minute stop at Copen- L et’s be wise enough to make It a the vice presidency, where he WttL.LAP, HERE IT UX 5 K 5- WE RE LAVIN' HERE THAT MAKES one AUTIC1.es for sal e 1.') pa. Florida. l» w price tor ca.th. In- "The ultimate consumer has al- tional rehabilitation repreaentatlves nobel one . . . ANCHOR IN SOUTHPORT HARBOR- o o f Birmingham, ntaa offica on or bafora tbe aavenih 4614. Provlilence, Dec. 6—(API — For- hagen airport laat night. waged a powerful Influence in WE ARE - HOW 0065 IT LOOIC5 U K 6 FOR A WHILE, BUT YOU OMHT TMINO r « S day fallowing tha first Insertion of quire 447 Main street, Manctie.ster. ready discovered that the Chevrolet of the Connecticut State Employ- THE OtP 0 .5 .A. ed Hike Oamlere, F’ O R S A L E - 6 FT. CANDY show mer Associate Justice J. Jerome Dealer is a permanent establish- “ Yes. I think so,” Kent was quot- patronage matters, culminating in HOME - I CAN CAN 6 0 A5HOR£ - TH C ooHE-so um t •I,.*!''*'’’'.'** ">• CHAHUK ease; also Glen wood Insulated gas FCR SALE--SIX ROOM single, cor- Hahn of the Rhode Island Supreme ment Service gathered here today ed as replying. SUa*— Did Jake Boggs tell the resignation o f two m em bm LOOK VO SO O ? HARPLY WAIT RATE —111 b. eoll.ct.d. No raapon.l- ment In the community, with his that that bargain mule he sold you 0OAT'5 R6APY N O W - LAD- BBirOP Wlltr fop srror. In i.l.phon.d *d. range, large size. Inquire at 123 ner lot. low price, small deposit, court died today at his home 323 for a training Institute session. The duke, youngest brother of of the Senate. Then Praaldent V O o e r Will ba d^iiBiad and their accuracy growing strength, financial Inde- waa a terrible kicker? LUCK VO YOU“ lYOEO Spruce street. Telephone 6862. monthly payments. Act quick. See Angell street. He was 70, born at pendence and merchandising and Announced by Labor Commission- the former King lEdward V m , was Garfield was shot and Arthur im- A5HOR6 :. 8— (A P > — The cannot ba guaranteed. Albany. N. Y,. on Ang. 20, 1868. er Joseph M. Tone yesterday, the en route to Oslo to represent the Cyrua—No, he didn’t exactly say mediately succeeded him. William Kanehl, telephone 7773. service reputation. "Such other that. But be threw In a couple of amplqpshlp, which INDEX OF policies as the planning partnership n>eeting got under way with an att- British royal family at the funeral Hardly had he taken office, open affair ever ELECTRICAL dress by Major Leonard J. Maloney, Thursday of Queen Maud of Nor* bottles o f liniment. I Uiink Jake however, when he reversed his EMERGENCY TO DISCUSS ROADBUIUMNQ —where there is a committee of ten means to be fair. strong gave It up, CLASSIFICATIONS APPLIANCES— RADIO 49 dealers on new car planning and ten head of the Service. Hla talk was wray. political efforts. He swung from «-for-slI than ever followed by a panel discussion of th* old partisanship to a full rec- Births ...... * RRE WHIPPED BY WIND dealers on used car planning In Noodles— A man told me I ought Scalso, from New En*.*.m«nts ...... « Middletown. Dec. 6 .— ( A P ) — ”1716 “ Selling the Handicapped Applicant ognition of the great cares o f his RADIO BARGAINS—Several re- every one of the 45 zone* In the WONT REDEEM NOTES to be In the Ananias club. , in the forefront Msrrl.,,, ...... I>ossessed table and ronstjle models second of a series of county meet- to the Employer.” office. Tariff legislation and de- Deaths ...... ,, United States—enables Chevrolet Doodles—Why, what grudge can CALLS — I’hllco, Zenctli and Admiral, J9.H.’) ings of the Connecticut League of Five Interviewers of the Employ- Wellington, Dec. 6 .—(AP)— New velopment o f the navy were the Card of Thanks ...... ” k CONSUMES 3 BUILDINGS dealers to transmit directly the he have against tbe Ananlaa club? smashing r^ b t In Msmorlam ...... »■ to 859.9.5. Brunner’s. Phone 5191. .MnnlclpaliUcs will be held here to- practical merchandising plana and ment Service were scheduled to Zealand suspended redemption of main highlights o f his term. The and llatteaM- Jbevjocy Lott aad Found ...... i Open until 9 p. m. night and a diseiisslon on roadbnild- take part in this discussion which reserve bank notes In sterling today President is shown here on a Oak Bluffs. Ma.ss., Deo. 6. ( A P I programs that they feel are necea- I f you cait do It, the best .'way to vtucket, R. I „ in Announcsmsnta ...... • ing 1s planned. The League’s Wind- nary for their own Interests and the was to be followed by an open aea- and announced control of Imports stamp of tha new U. S. regular ae- hlbald Is recoirais- Psraonala ...... | — Fire whipped by a strong east slon. handle your obligation* 1* to pay P OLICE ham county branch met last week. Interests of their owm communities: -and licensing for exports. them. ries, enlarged. by the New Tork Aat.a.kllrs wind consumed three buildings in (Cepjrrisbt. m e. NBA Servlea. la a ) Automobllsa for Kal...... « FUEL AND FEED 49-A the center of the hnstne.ss district nmlsslon, and the Automobile! for Ezcbiinse . Association rates Auto Acce.eorles—Tires ...... • 4343 FOR .SALE —SEASONED hard today and damaged two others, de- op-mght, although Auto Repalrinc— I“alntln« ...... 7 wood, cut any length 84.50 1-2 spite the effort.s of a hundred fire- have to. boat the Auto Schools ...... 7 .^ cord load. t.'all"8893. Leonard L. men. FRECK IaKS AN D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser ■JL Autos— Ship by Truck ...... s By aydk rreddy MUar-Lso Gigllo. No official estimate of the dam- WASHINGTON T1FBBS By ('rane OUT OUR WAY Autos— For Hire ...... t HOLD EV ERYTHIN G Lawls By Williams e gaining racogni- phrases—Servlco—tStorise . . . . . to FIRE age was available Immediately, but FLAPPER F A N N Y ^ By Sylvia firemen feared the loss might run A OOUBLe-BAeCEceD^ HOfHOHO! Motorcycles— Bicycles ...... n ONE HALF CORD four foot aeB- -COM. I fM ev NtA stevioc. Mt.. T. n feto. t f.M T . err,- AMTtquE, FOR VOUR I CaUESS TH CT r, tossed a eoasld- TVsnted Autos— Motorcycles . . . . 73 SOUTH auned wood, sawed stove length aa high a.s 8250.000. p lU ee «LAo 3b (THAT VES Oicrr BACM FROVi ' COWPUWCHSR WHO ( « ley-wrenclf Into the Frotra.lossl Ser.lre. 85 90 delivered. L. T. Wood Oo. • rva 3b u m o n i y l b COLLECriOM. 1 CAM'T A GOOD TOWK) A W ' W E'Oe RUIKJEO SIX Business Services Olfered ij ■ kayo win. R e 4321 Phone 4496. euy PRffOCLBS A UMDERSTAUD VT. NW •50KE OM A-HAV19U’ PAWCAKES •OsJIVES AW' THBEB Household Service! Offered QIRISrMAS «l|*r./ ______Archibald’s U 4H - Bulldlns—Contractlns ...... 14 Xr,tr 09 BRANCH MAMA(56R UAiNSOM.’ TH IS 8AAWIOIW’. ... FORKS O J A loote w Florists— Nursirtes ...... 15 •NORTH 4 / y Shopping Doys ^ 1*0 RATMCR PROMISED TO 0E - HE’S PUT TH ’ S TO ve STOVE LID HAS Funsrsl DIrsotors ...... is HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 08/ TVRffff »AR N rr MYSttP/ UVER IT tVl Hsstlbs—Plumblns—Roofln* ... 17 DimNm rr ir wiu. MMca 3V« PERSOM. Insurance ...... m 5432 HUNDREDS OF USED F'limltiire ID Till Christmas Millinery—Dreeemaklns ...... ] ly MaMffS PMSCMT MffAM SO :k£Y bargains. .3 nxims furniture 875. i Movins—Truck In*—S tirs *. . . . . :o AMO s t t MUCH M O Rt / Public P.ti.nc.r S.rvlc...... : v \ ICasy terms. Phone or write for a 4TBD WMATk Pslntln*—Paperln* ...... «i "Courteay Auto”. Alberts Furni- Prof.etlonal S .rvlc...... ;3 A M B U L A N C E momm o v > R.palrln* ...... j j ture Co., Waterbtiry. Conn. Tatlorin* —Dyeln*— Cleanin’* st (IK)UGA.N) Toilet Goods and Service ...... 24 F'OR SALE— KONVERTO auto- IVanted— Builnr.s Service ...... :« 5630 matic gas hot-water heater—very Edaratlo.el economical; Chambers gas range; Coureee and Cla.sei ...... 7 Private Inetructlor.e ...... ;s (IIOI.LORAN) miscellaneous household elTecU. naas c ity . Dhoein* ...... Apply 14 Park atreet. Tel. 3030. 8 L Paul ^tslcal— Dramatlo ...... ledulsd last night). Wanted— Inttructlone ...... >0 3060 t'lnanrlal M.VCHINERY AND Borda—Slock*—M ’rt*a*re ((R ’lSII) WN rAjnc JSeft- Builnear Opportunltlce . . . ! ! ! . ] TOOLS 52 HO-HO.' HE TM0U6HT THE PERSON Morey to t.oan QtalY X CAM'T SEE AMNTHIU6 PUUMV ^ ''ER JJ I 4340 F'ORDSON PARTS, saw rigs, Cater- WAS AU ASSASSn4-HMN HMM HAW* Hrlp aad SKoatlaaa IN CotJTRoLOF Musso l ini ABOUT that. CARIOCA’S A \ «GRETTABLE star Help Wanted— Female ...... pillar tractor*. Dublin Tractor Co., AMD HAD HIM ARREST ED! PWSMD OP MIME. HE WAS DOlMO/MIfiSTAKE. BUT for the I Help Wanted—.Male ...... Wllllmantlc. f OOKINO BACKTOCHMST- team this faff. Saleemer. W. nted ...... | H O S P ITA L MC A PERS0t4At FAVOR. ytKM l WORRV, MAC Help Wanted—.Wale or Fe'miu” MAS 18 irEARS AGO— 0U> BQY-1>OOIFO A*ante Wanted ...... «7- V Italy was rumored in control of PE LACUCARACHA, SItuatlone Wanlt I—Kernilw ROOMS MTTHOUT Mussolini. . . . Three Inventors T Sltuatlotie Wanted—Male ...1!!^ 5131 4WEEL FREE HEEM Employment Agcncice 1 4o | BOARD 59 were demonstrating novel “ talk- ing movie’’ almost simultane- JIAMEDiATELV. — Feta—raaltry— Tehlrlee FOB RENT—ONE FURNISHED Do**— Blrde —Fete ...... 4, ously. . . . Announcement that Lie# Stock —Vehicles , 4- W ATE R D E PT. room, alao small atore. Apply Sel- electric light current Instead of Poaltry and Supplle...... J w lU Block, Apt. 1. batterie* might toon b « used for Wanted— Pets— Poultry— Stc.k 44 their receiving set* added to Per **le— Mlacellaaea** 3077 Artlelea For 9a)a ...... 4J holiday cheer of radio fans. Boate and Acceeaorlea ** 4s ( AfterS P. M.) BOARDERS WANTED 59-A . . . Administration concerned Bulldln* Matsriale ...... FOR RENT— FURNISHED rooms, over bootleg boom. . . . New • 1 - 0 Diamond*—Watch**—Jewelry ' 4k York radio amateur picked up Xlectrle*! Appllaccea— Radio .. 49 7868 •ultablc for two. Board optlonti. Fuel and Feed ...... e9-A M l Pine street. program from Vancouver. “Something tells me you ain’t doin’ that trick right, boea!" , “Then it musta snapped at him first! He never picks a fight.' aarden--Farm — Dairy Prodjcte 10 Bonsebold Good* ...... n M A N C H E STE R adcoalbniB Maehlnary and Tools ...... 4Tra'Mati<*t»-e3 Mnaleal Instruments ...... {• ito thasaias Office and Store Equipment . . . . ti W ATE R C O . \JB* — oaea.«*iaav MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE The Plot Thickens g o o d l i k e w e s s a-t ariows t iAtici 8 p*cla.’* at th* Storee ...... tc By THOMPSON AND COLL wsarte* Apparel—Pure ...... *7 ALLEY OOP Wanted— To Buy ...... 5974 Forgive anld Forget By HAM LIN Hweme— Beard— Ualela— Reaort* GOME T ) LOVlCS ru. (SO, BUZZ-'lOU'O IT WAS JU S T U K E SOMETHIIO& &UZZ AND Bestaaruta DQESSXJOr ODOM- MR. HOLLAR-1 J l WHY, THE COO&Sl usteviL' Im TUB ftpwrr ™ WHAT’S A U - D W •t cpante orrcHfcH. Rooms Without Board . 19 aCTTEC. sw MERE AtiO roeVA A MOVIC OCRIPT.' nAisij MAPPEMED *tD 1?M SORRY ABOUT A AW, THA’S OKAY- WHAT DVA AAEAW WE QUICKI / BBSM M A ILIO SOMETHIM(»‘S I RUMPUS? GOOD OOSM, SLAarTED lizard oprw me Boarders Wanted ...... ” t9-A LOOK TVE MAJOR* WERE 'DRlUKIKi& TEA. MEAKi- THIAIK-PERHAPS BBHW40 rr IMAT OOUNTBa THIS, OOP- BUT SOME- ) DOWT BLAKA& AIK/T FTllEMOS? JUST Country Board—R**ort*...... G AS C O . SHUT.' MOYIAia B u r A S LOFM A S KAKKYiS MMEO UP ‘PORE I HAPTA BUST Hotal*—Beatanrant* ...... 41 OME KEELED r-ir- WHILE, HE WSMT IMTO MSIOE/ TIMES KAKKY SORTA J KAKJCV/ ME bbcause we had a W anUd— Rooms— Board ...... «: RIGHT POMOSa. HIS PRA/ATE Ib u T M *n«YIM6 l b CiTTS OUTA J —V4MOWS 'iCU’Kl LfTTbE TIFF? SHUX- nr^ CU T OUT PRBCKLSS Roal Ratal* Fat Boat 5075 THEMAJiMrS PflOJECTIOM r HAWO! r (me AHO'T FRIEWOS C'MON UP AH' HAVE A Apartmaata. Flat*. Tentment* .. ti MYSTERIOUS —1 BOOTH M SSO O SCY, I e u c s s AlslV MORE Roalnaa IskeaUoD* for Rant . . . «i >8« U . MAVff l b MAKff SPOTTATSA WITH How* For Rant ...... nSAPPCAR* ME, FOR OLD taburbaa For Rant ...... *« AMCEm. IT • OMSTHINS P fU m V ■nraraer Bern** For Rent «7 NIO I TIMES^ SAK E .Wanted to R«nt ...... «, E LE CTR IC C O . Baal Batata Far Bala aparUBast BuUdln* for Bal* ... ** Bvaioaaa Property for S a l * ...... t * 5181 Fanas and ^ d for B a la ...... n •t for BaU ...... Ji XeOta for Bala ...... VI X*M rt Proporty for Bala ...... u bsbttrbsa for Balo ...... TS Evening Herald Rati Eaiau tor Exthaac* 71... 74 ^ W * ’~ Kw l Batata ...... tj 5121

efiaOtr Veifi: -v_

PMSTW EliVB flanrbratnr iEvm ino VrruUt TUESDA7f DECEMBER 6| 1988

Tbe Young People’s society of The regular monthly session of vites its friends to enjoy with ^em the Zion Lutheran church wlU meet the Court of Honor of , the Boy TO PRESENT MONOLOGUE this unique entertainment. ABOUT TOWN at the church tonight at 7:16. After Scouts of America will be held al Manchester the meeting they will go to Rock- the South Methodist church this OSleara for tli« coming year viill ville. having been Invited to attend F'rlday night at 7 o’clock. All Date Book AT SOUTH METHODIST HALE'S SELF SERVE N alaetad at tbe meeting of St. a Chrlatmaa party by the Young Scouts who plan to apply for merit PUBLIC RECORDS Brl4cet’s Holy Naoe aoclety to be People’a^soclety In the church there. badges or other awards must file Tonight held Friday nlglit. their applications In the Scout box at the store of C. E. House and Son, Dec. 6.—Annual Fair at Center Mrs. Norma C. Bargesa Of AND HEALTH MARKET The Royal Arch Maabna will con- church—“Caledonian Market.” Permit A claanup of federal commoditlea not later than Wednesday night. Hartford To Give Her Reci- fer the Past -Ma-ater'a degree tomor- Tomorrow A permit for the erection of a will ba effected here Friday when row night at 7:30 In Masonic Tem- tal On Thuraday Evening. TTie Manchester Pigeon Club will Dec. 7.—Chrlatmaa Bazaar by single dwelling with attached ga- buttar, beana. cereal, grapefruit ple on a class of professional men Ever Ready Circle. Klng’e Daugh- rage, to be located on Porter street, from Manehester. I.ouls C. Vander- hold a meeting Thursday night In Wednesday Specials Julca, evaporated milk and flour are ter*, bridge and tea, Whlton Me- On Thursday evening at elgflt has been awarded to George Forbes given out. The preaent atock on haiul I Brook will be In charge and a large Oisnge Hall. Officers will be elect- ed and selcc tion of dates for old bird morial Library. o'clock. In the Amusement Hall of of Delmont street by Building In- will ba cloaed out. and next week attendance Is expected. Kelresh- 'Thl* Weeh new ahlpmenta will be received, it ^ menta will be :( I races will be made. The club will the South Methodist church, Mrs. spector Edward C. Elliott Cost 1* estimated at $5,000. Store Open All Day! waa atated. ; the work. I fry to fly by conrmirse with racers Dec. 9—Minstrel and Dance ot Norm* C. Burgess of Hartford, will j of Meriden. New Britain, Hartford Rainbow Girls, Hollister street present the monologue, "The Un- j and Mlildletown. school. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Dec. to.—Bazaar at Pulaski hall, crowned Queen", In costume. This [ The regular monthly meeting of by SI. .John's Junior Sewing Circle. monologue Is being given all over the .Nutmeg Oamera Chih will he .Next Week the United States during this cen- OINIR JIL Ml ILICTRIC . held Friday evening at 8 o'clock Dec. 11.—Recital by Angela Mor- tenary year of Frances E. Willard. CANNED GOODS SALE! NOW...AT PINEHURST the home of .John E. Oaugl, 34 West gan, poet, at North Methodist Mrs. Burgess has already given It In No. 2(/| Can (Halves or Siloes) Center .street. .Members of the club church. Meriden. Waterbury and Wllllng- STRAINED AND SEEDLESS JAMS w1M bring prints on the subject WASHERS Dec. 13.—Pythian Sisters enter- ton and during the next week Is to 'Work' for next month's Infer-elub tainment at Olid Fellows hall. give It In Middletown and Stafford Peaches Doz. Cans $1 #39 FOR THE BABY ! rompetltlon. Members are urged to Dec. 14. - Bridge-tea at M. C. Springs. REQUIRE NO OILING bring a prospective member. A., auspices Memorial Hospital auxi- Incidental songs wUl be aung by St. Lawrence Every child loves the sweet- liary. ness and fnilfiness »f .a good The change of meeting nights of a woman’s quartet Miss Ruth M. $ 4 6 . 5 0 and up Thl* Montb Nyman, Mrs. Estelle K. Olson. Mrs. r pure .lam. I .Manchester Lodge A. O. tt. W. from Golden Bantam Corn IDLE BABY , the first .Monday of the morflh to Dec. 18 - Carol service by chapel Marlon L. Burr and Miss Grace M. and senior choirs al Emanuel Lu- Legg, with a solo by Mrs. Mildred Six xarlelles l*rmie, ; the first Tuesday will he made at Do’z. Cans C r.ra|>e. BImk KasptM-rrv, j the meeting of the lodge to he held theran church, 7 p. m. S. Wllles. Mrs. Marlon R. Eddy 'will Tkt R K H A I ^ COM 95 Currant, and llasplwTrs and I tonight Dec. 18— 'IVadlUonal Christmas be the accompanist. Mrs. William St. Lawrence carol candlelight service, S.M.E. Rush Is In charge of the musical .\prlrof. The Luther t.«ague. of the Eman- Church at 7:30. program. uel Lutheran church will hold Its Dec. 21. — Fifth annual High The Manchester Woman’s Chris- Tomatoes Doz. Cans 95c school concert and carol sing at Glass jar 10c annual meeting and election of offi- tian Temperance Union cordially In- cers tonight at 8 o'clock and a large High schtxil hall, three ehoruses and No. 2 Can SL Lawrence Tender

iilTendnnce of members Is hoped for orchestra CHRISTMAS SALE, TEA VVe have a full line of Clapp's Strained and Chf>p|>ed Bab.v The program will be In charge of Dec. 31.—Legion's New Year's AND CARD PARTY Foods, iJ b ^ ’s Baby Foods and Beech-Nut Babv Ko

.‘tllk City Tent. The Marcabees. G. E. WILLIS & SON. INC, PIVOT BRIDGE, 2 P. M., Sauerkraut Doz. Cans 89c Center Cuts of I>ean and Tea, 85c. Prizes! Chickea will meet Wednesday evening as POLICE BOARD MEETING t Main S t Tol. 8126 PORK CHOPS. Ih. . . . usual, when plans will be perfected All Welcome! St. Lawrence Golden Wax CHOP SITET for the Christmas party the last Me Ttib Cuts itt lb. week of the month. Officers will HAS BEEN POSTPONED PORK TO ROAST or tie rho-sen at the meeting tomorrow or Cut Green Beans Fresh Spare Bibs ivening. Cook w ith Kraut, lb. .. Eckhardt’s Chairman Johnston Injures Doz. Cans The Ashury group of the Wes- 95c FBAN’ K r r R T S Freshly Chopped PinehursI His Back Working At His Agent For GROUND BEEF. qq leyan Guild will have a Christmas No. 2 Can Burt OIney’s Diced KlIArT...... IK 9c party at the .South Methodist Home Causing Postpone-

(2 lbs. .V'rc.) Special! l.b. i S O C church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 ment. Members are rcquesteil to furnisr, bPPERS Carrots Doz. Cans 95c

TANGERINES SPECIAL FLOUR a in rent gift. .Mrs Bertha Dowd The meeting of the board of police Burt OIney lender of the group, henils the com 22c and 25c doz. Genuine Old l''n«lili>ned lliic-kiv bent rommlssloners schedii'ed for tonight mlltee of arrangements. has been postponed. This was be- cause of the Illness of Jame.s H. Applesauce ~~ Doz. Cans 95c Extra Large Size Whole Wheat Flour OKE Lady Roberts Lodge. Daughters Graham Flour Johnston, chairman of the board. a Florida of SI. George, will meet tomorrow Mr. Johnston has been working at I’eerles. Paltry Flour evening at 8 o'clock In Contc.t JUICE ORANGES R. I. .lohnny ( nke Meal his home, which is being rcmotle'ed church house. Plans will he made Dr. Jaekson'* Health .Meal Cereal and yesterday injured his bark. He No 1 Potatoes 15-Lb. Peck 25c 33c doz. at this meeting for the annum made an appointment to drive to a $12-75 Chrlstmns get-together. doctor's office for treatment but if- FAMOUS Prwito (with plate) DeaU Now In. MM PKR TONTO Last Day of ter getting ready found he cou'd not JL TN T Popcorn — RIk ItuMcr Pop- CASH Birds Eye Special! ram . walk. The doctor was called to hta Delivered. BRISTLEC' Grapefruit 6 for 17c home and has ordered that he take ! LIMA BEANS or TRIX (<’hccsc Toasted C'om Buh- hlcM) ...... lOc a complete rest. THIS POPULAR STRAWBERRIES, 23c St. Bridget*s X fuller Plnehurat opeai all day Wednesday . Note Birds Eye LT.Wood Co. HEALTH MARKET 61 Blssell St. Strawberries will be 57c starting Thursday buv todav at the TeL 4496 FLESH 23c special price and save 4r. Charity Card BRUSH Walter N.Leclerc Link Sausage Lb. 28c

Funeral Service

TU/nthu/rst Qrocejn/Sne. Party 269 No. Main St. Phone 5269 $,CORE A hit/ Lb. / D1ALAI51 ^ 302 MAIN STREET ST. miinilET’S HAI.I, Frankfurts 28c


Decent her 12 LV Sausage Meat 19c With egch package e? three Fvller

(regulorerprefeuional) Tooth Bruihe«,

BENDIX we will give you a lorge con of Puller

Thr SuccrAMir to the Tooth Powder or o tube of Fuller Tooth Honeycomb Tripe Lb. 18c Service and Qualitv 3.11 WafthlnE Machine fotle — FREE. Fuller Tooth Bruthei I mltrella Repair Service BROW NIE hove nature/ unb/eoched bristles . . . SHOP WASHES — RINSES PRICES FROM $ i UP they lost longer ond retoin their firm* n MMtKMr/l old riiihrelliis .Made New. .Ml SIsen. ness when wet. DA.MP-DRIES Peeltegtd — 3 for ff« i.on s PAi.rzzi AUTOMATICALLY 4 for Sl.fS 4fi HIsvdl Stri'ct Th.JW.HALC COM KEMP’S herl Time Offer — Sbeee er Write BRIGHT IDEA yeur Fuller Seeler TO*SAT MANCHiSTiii Conn* 1 Films Finishing: KEMP’S, Inc.

76S .Main Street ^RONALD JONES f N O . 1 59 Il^h Street .Manchester Christmas Sale, Supper and TeL 4297 Entertainment

J A R a i n c o a t St. Murv’s I'arlHh House Thursday. Iter. 8. I I’. ,M <,n Popular \'isplr<'s Ladles’ Guild. Range and Fuel Oil i For His Christmas Hospitalization 24 HOUR SERVICE 4 Community Plan By GEO. HOLMES '4 / Market Decorative Upholsterer Telephone 3873 Don’t be unprepared for the 855 Main Street TEXACO CRYSTALITfi RANGE OIL r\()enses of areldrni or sli-k- Rubinow Building neax. Gur Plan provides ac- TO ALL HOMELOVERS! i rainc6 ats V. F. w . tual exiienses not exceeding; •WHERE THRIFTY a SHOPPERS SHOP" $3.00 per day Hospitalization MORIARTY RROS. I For Men and Bo>s In any Hospital for S6 da;-* 301-315 Center St, Cor. Broad St BINGO for any one disability. WEDNESDAY ,\nd More V. F. \V. HOME 36.no per day for (iraduate i $2.95 .'lanche.sler (ireen I Nurse while not In Hospital for a limit of 36 days. :fisiisiisasnsi*i»twaaMasw»MaaMaawMt«Maa»ca^ KN EHY WED. NIGHT! SPECIALS .U S OThtek 316.00 for .\naesthetlr and Op- Open All Day Wednesday

Door Prizes! Sweepstakes! erating or Delivery Room. During December.

.\dmission 25c. $6.00 per day 6tatemlty Case llospItallzatliMi up to a limit I’lenty of Parkinjt Space! 20 — Games — 20 of 14 days eonflnement after 10 months from original date Pork Chops

USED CAR o( the policy.

Cost Annually...... 810. ' No need to have worn, moth* 19c lb- Plans available to Groups, eaten upholstered furniture. SPECIALS Incllvhlaiils and Families. FRESH or SMOKED REPL.VCE shabby, worn,

1938 Chevrolet New Do Luxe Call 3013 out-of-date fabrics with our Shoulders new fabrics, selected for Sport Coupe...... Sli95 BENJAMIN CHENEY comfort and quality. Dial 176 East Center Street 1937 Chevrolet Do Luxe Town 'Nodan S19.") 15c lb. 3230 3 Pc. Set 1936 Chevrolet Tow n Sedan ...... '<395 Clean, Luralurtable Car! Courteou* Service At .All Tlmea! Re-Upholstered Salt Pork Like New. Your Choice of 1935 Chevrolet De Luxe Coa ch ...... S325 Special Offer oinQ ^aHtlma Fabrics.

1933 Chevrolet De laixc Coach . . .S175 CITY TAXI THIS WEEK ONLY! Pure Lard WHAT SHE THINKS OF JOHNS-MANVItlE All Thew Cars Carry the ( hevn.Ut .:(i-D:)\ t;u.ir.inlee! DE.VNLS .Ml RPHT, Prop.

3 Pc. Living Room Set 9c lb. $32-00 ROCK WOOL HOME INSUtATION 1934 Ford Coach ...... _.... .8125 Recovered Repaired

Moth-Proofed • It ii inexcuMble to live in a cold drafty ° Pay Only $1.00 Weekdyt 1933 Ford Station Watjon ^.....8150 Woodwork Rednlshed Make Your Selec- No Down Payment! house in winter. Johns-Manville Rock W ool .All Work Guaranteed for S Years! Pigs Feet keeps heat in — makes rooms warmer and 1930 Willy.'s Sedan, new tiros _...... 845 tions Now From We are In a position to furnish best of references In your own FREE! FootatooL 2 extra cozier, saves up to 30% in fuel. In summer Sauer Kraut the Most Complete town or In Hartford. pillows with every order. 1927 Chevrolet Pickup _ ...... 825 rooms sre up to IS* cooler In hottest weather. Line of PRICE: Furnished in factory made 5c lb. Free Estimates! 1933 Dodge Panel .. .. $32.50 ______• • ^ 1 2 5 FREE! A Footstool and 2 extra Phone 7351 or 3615 “Batts” of correct thickness mis lei nm tseti CHRISTMAS PUlowB for Divan with every j ^ ! and density. Easily install- “* ^ 1933 One and One Half Ton Chassis Our Work of Superior » m ------„ FLORIDA ORANGES ed. Insist on the name Johns- with cab, new t ir e s ...... 8245 CARDS ONE YEAR TO PAY! Quality! see^ groOtl r tUv Msnvills. tiaUSI 8w4 l»4 Um In Town c ISe dor. Our Charming Fabric* Only

JUST PHONE HARTFORD A Few Dollars More. See These Cane .\t XMAS WRAPPINGS 7-97M AT OUR EXPENSE! TANGERINES THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. SEALS AND TIEINGS 17 Years 2 dor.' 29c Csel. Emaber. Msso m’ SmtpUes, Palat Tour Local Upholsterer! RILEY CHEVROLET 33* N*. Mala St. ^ XW. 414* CUSTOM MADE F. E. B R A Y Hand Picked

GREENING APPLES Manchester GULF STATION Btete Theater BnUdkig Upholstering Co. Coc. ^Uin and Ford Sta. 1 Telephone 3926 737 3Ula Street . U p h o ls te r in g Co. 6 lbs. 2Sc IS School Streat