Parish of Ewhurst Annual Church Meeting 2020 Sunday 27th September 2020 at 10.20am

St James the Great TN32 5TD Glenys Griffiths Glenys Ewhurst Parish Annual Church Meeting St James The Great Ewhurst and St Mark’s

Glenys Griffiths Glenys Sunday 27th September 2020 at 10.20am in St James’s Church, Ewhurst Green AGENDAS Annual Meeting of Parishioners 1. Opening Prayer. 2. Appointment of Churchwardens.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 1. Apologies for Absence. 2. Minutes of Meeting held on 31st March 2019. 3. Matters arising from minutes. 4. Election to the Deanery Synod of up to 3 Representatives. 5. Election of representatives to the PCC. 6. Appointment of Independent Examiner. 7. To note the report on changes on the Electoral Roll since 2019 APCM.

8. To receive Annual Reports of the proceedings of the PCC, (including Fabric of the churches, proceedings of deanery Synod), together with activities of the parish and statement on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. 9. To receive the audited Financial Statements of the PCC to 31 Dec 2019. 10. Priest-in-Charge’s report. 11. Report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod. 12. Date of next Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Closing Prayers.

Short Meeting of the New PCC 1. Elect the Hon Treasurer and Hon Secretary, Electoral Roll and Safeguarding Officers together with 2 deputy churchwardens of St Mark’s. 2. Appointment of the sidesmen/women. 3. Agree date next PCC meeting. 2 Minutes of Annual Meeting of Parishioners of St James the Great, Ewhurst Green and St Mark’s, Staplecross held on Sun 31st March 2019 at 10.30am at St James the Great, Ewhurst Green TN32 5TD

Present: The Revd Canon Christopher Irvine (Chair), Liz Moore, David Nibloe, Suzy Nibloe, Ana West, Jeremy Stephenson, Heather Smith, Anne Moore-Bick, John Moore-Bick, Helen McGill, David Bowles, Pat Smith, Peter Smith, Sue Stephenson, Glynne Topham, Judith Barnes, John W. Barnes, Dennis Farnsworth, Val Farnsworth, June Stainsfield.

Christopher said an introductory prayer. He thanked the many people for all their kind help in the Parish including organist Richard Karn (before he had to leave for another service elsewhere), and especial thanks to the sacristans and the people who wash and keep the communion linen so clean and fresh. Christopher said the PCC had adopted the Bishop’s Safeguarding policy and was very grateful to Pat Smith for being our officer. 1) Apologies: Rosie Irvine, Ann & Jonty Driver, Ruth & Wally Close and Jeff Moore. 2) Minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2018. Accepted as a true record signed by chair after the meeting. 3) Matters arising from the minutes - none. 4) Election to the Deanery Synod - Dennis Farnsworth Proposed by John W. Barnes and seconded by David Young. Duly elected. Christopher thanked Dennis for his most conscientious work; it was much appreciated. 5) Election of PCC Jo Goodwin, Peter Smith and Dennis Farnsworth (ex Officio), John W. Barnes, Glynne Topham, David Nibloe, Jeremy Stephenson, David Bowles, Heather Smith, David Young and Liz Moore. All duly elected. 6) Appointment of Sidesmen/women Jo thanked the many people who are on The Rota and she was delighted to report that there are 2 new volunteers: Glynne Topham and Heather Smith. 7) Appointment of the Auditor Richard Farhall appointed. Letter of thanks to be sent. 8) Electoral Roll Christopher reported in David Young’s absence that every 6 years we have to delete everyone on the Electoral Roll and start again. This had been duly done and there are 73 on the roll this year, which is down from last year, but that is understandable as some have moved away etc and there are other people who worship regularly but who have not signed this year. The list without addresses had been published on the noticeboards of the two churches. 9) Churchwardens’ annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and activities of the parish generally. The report by Jo Goodwin was circulated. She pointed out that there was an omission – David Young was Deputy Churchwarden of St Mark’s together with John W Barnes. She said that the Tea Station has required a vast amount of paperwork and form filling to apply for Faculty and she and Peter have been so very grateful to Christopher for his support and help, without which we would not have progressed as far as they have. Please see attached report. 3 10) Financial report for 2018

General Fund Receipts and Payments Account

2018 2017 Receipts £ £ Church Collections 7,111 5,474 Freewill offerings (Alms) 4 21 Gift Aid donations 24,874 23,007 Fees 1,389 3,492 Interest on deposit account (Grave Accts) 101 101 Held on deposit 65 32 Tax refund on Gift Aid donations 5,226 5,934 Hall Hire 3,072 3,162 Functions 1,363 2,027 Grant 1,000 1,000 Other Misc Income 317 4,349 Magazine Income 10 198 Total Receipts 44,532 48,797 Payments Diocesan parish contribution 21,748 25,213 Clergy expenses 1,332 193 Rectory Expenses 6,110 6,314 Events 805 593 Insurance 1,976 Heating and lighting etc 3,450 2,878 Churchyard expenses 1,344 2,150 Charitable donations 1,242 2,075 Upkeep of services 509 61 Sundries & Repairs etc 4,692 4,997 Organist etc 860 911 Magazine Costs 10 198 Total payments 44,079 45,582 Excess of Receipts over Payments 453 3,215

Bank current and deposit accounts at 1 January 2018 16,832* Bank current and deposit accounts at 31 December 2018 17,284*

* Figures amended following APCM on 31st March 2019

In David Young’s absence Christopher asked the group to reserve questions until David’s return from Australia. He said the above shows we were about £500 in credit for our running costs having paid off £2000 of the arrears to diocese. We have a reserve fund because people had donated monies for specific purposes, in which we have £11K for the tea station and £5K for repairs to the organ. We have just had a survey done on the organ and it is in need of some attention. If anyone wishes to see the full accounts, please can they email David [email protected]. 4 Christopher continued, we are indebted to John Moore-Bick for having instigated the Churchwardens’ Parish Giving Scheme which now means that the parish is on a solid foundation Report 2019 financially and he thanked him very much indeed. John Moore-Bick said he found the accounts difficult to work out whether we Incumbent: Canon Christopher Irvine were all paying sufficiently each month. It Churchwardens: Mrs Joanna Goodwin was agreed that next year APCM papers (re-elected March 2019) Mr Peter Smith would be circulated by email in advance of (re-elected March 2019). the meeting. Deputy Church Wardens St Mark’s: Mr John Barnes, Mr David Young. 11) Report by Priest in Charge: Deanery Synod Representative: Mr Dennis Christopher read out his report, please see Farnsworth. attached. Additional Elected Members March 12)Deanery Synod Report: Dennis 2019: Mrs Liz Moore (Hon Sec.) Mr David Farnsworth’s report was circulated. Please Nibloe, Mrs Heather Smith, Mr Jeremy see attached. Stephenson, Miss Glynne Topham, 13) Date of next APCM: Sunday 29th Mr David Young (Hon Treasurer) and March 2020 after the Sunday morning Mrs Frankie Dunlop retired from the PCC service in St James’s church. due to ill health in March 2019. 14) Following a prayer and the Grace, meeting closed at 11.30am. The PCC met on five occasions during Enclosed reports: Synod Representative’s, 2019 and there were two meetings of the Financial Report (see above), Priest-in- sub-committee to review and discharge Charge’s, Churchwardens. [These were our duties as elected members for the published in hard copy and distributed parish of Ewhurst. The Wardens and the at the meeting on 31st March 2019, but if PCC continue to be extremely grateful for you wish to receive copies, please contact all the work Canon Christopher Irvine Liz Moore on [email protected] or puts in. There were five baptisms and two telephone 01580 830642]. weddings.

Church attendance: There were 75 parishioners on the Electoral Role and attendees were as follows:

St James The Great Holy Communion 44 (average) (37 in 2018) Good Friday 22 Easter Day 73 Carol Service 76 by Glenys Griffiths Glenys by Christmas Eve 27 Christmas Day 66 Remembrance Day 53 Harvest Festival 5 Church attendance St Mark’s Wildlife Trust bought his bat boxes for us all (2nd and 4th Sundays) to try as dusk settled on the churchyard at St Holy Communion 10 (average) James’s. Morning Praise 11 (average) The talks are open to all - donations are Holy Week Service 7 requested and are given to the charity of the Remembrance Service 10 speaker’s choice. We are extremely grateful to Bonfire Society’s Carol Service 84 all those who came to speak.

Parish Giving Scheme continues to be the Ride & Stride: Alastair Neill cycled round backbone to cover our daily expenses, and the the churches raising money for both Ewhurst PCC are extremely grateful for this support parish as well as the Historic Churches Trust. and the weekly Collection. However they The PCC are very grateful for his annual discussed revisiting the donors to review their effort on our behalf. monthly donation - particularly in the light of the 3% increase in our parish contribution. Christmas 2019 Last Christmas we collected When the tea station is installed it is hoped a for the Food Bank’s Christmas appeal programme of events will bolster our income. advertising St James’s as a daily drop-off point as well as Staplecross Stores. This year we Talks @ St James’s continued in the warmer delivered to the The King’s Church Collection months only, as the Church is too cold in Point on the Ridge in . winter. At the Carol Service, the congregation was Once again a wide-range of subjects were given a strong lead by the Cantemus choir on the programme, covering theatre lighting who also performed some choir-only pieces. - an enlightening talk by Patrick Stevens This year the format consisted of some bible who sparked infectious enthusiasm in us readings interspersed with secular topical all. An introduction to The Friary Gardens, readings. The new format proved popular, run by the Parchment Trust, a not-for-profit and the service was followed by mulled wine organisation, given by Kelly the manager. and mince pies. On a completely different tack, we listened to the hunt for the Royal Indian Marine Church Fabric - St James The Great troopship, the Warren Hastings which Much of the year we have been subsumed by disappeared on a journey from Cape Town to trying to get Faculty for the tea station. Mauritius, losing many passengers and crew, I think it is fair to say that at every stage there as well as all the regimental silver of the King’s have been delays. Royal Rifle Corps. Brigadier Hugh Willing We are very grateful to Christopher who had been involved in one of the search parties at critical moments has helped us find a way for his regiment’s silver, so we heard about it round the seemingly impassable. Faculty was first-hand. still not granted by the end of 2019, but we are July 25th is the patron saints day of St hoping it will arrive in time for the builders to James, and to really celebrate the festival we start at the end of March 2020. had a talk given by the Rev. Jonathan Meyer Works suggested following the who had walked the Camino to Santiago de Quinquennial Inspection in 2017 have been Compostela. As well as this we were spoilt by on hold, but the moment that Faculty is given, a feast of tapas organised by Ana West. The we will be able to concentrate on these. A list last talk of the year was on the fascinating has been drawn up prioritising the order of subject of bats. James Duncan from the the work. 6 Church Fabric - St Mark’s Ceiling plaster coming from all sides. The PCC are very in the Church Room necessitated repairs by grateful to Linda Stevens and her deputy Kate Cloute & Sons. The external noticeboard blew Bearcroft for continuing to produce such a down in stormy weather and was beyond superior magazine. repair. A new notice board was purpose- made and erected, and was made possible Churchyard Brian Scowen continues to mow by Ewhurst Parish Council giving a grant the churchyard through the summer months. towards the cost of boards for St Mark’s and On the first Saturday of the month he is St James’s. helped by enthusiastic volunteers who prune, strim and generally keep the churchyard Bellringers It was with great sadness that in the fine order to which we have become we learned of the death of Alan Sawkins who accustomed. We are grateful to the Parish was the Tower Captain of and Council for their help in funding this, but we instructed us at Ewhurst. It is a great tribute also thank Brian and his merry men. to his incredible patience that the troupe is not only continuing but are now joined by Thanks If you have read as far as this you will four learners. We are grateful to Alan for all realise that both churches in our parish would the time he put in ringing for so many years at never be able to function without the input of St James’s. so many generous volunteers. We can never offer enough thanks, but held a Thank You Goods and Ornaments of the Parish A full lunch in September to try to say how much inventory was taken and everything found to we appreciate all the help. be in order. Jo Goodwin and Peter Smith The Churchwardens St James The Great Parish News The magazine goes from John W. Barnes strength to strength with compliments Deputy Churchwarden St Mark’s


I confirm that the PCC has complied with its duty and has regard for the House of Bishop’s guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We have a Safeguarding Policy and Christopher and I attended a meeting at the Vicarage in Brede on 23rd July 2019, where our documentation and practice were checked and verified.

Jeff Moore Jeff Pat Smith Catching up with friends and neighbours in July Safeguarding Officer 2019, after the Talk @ St James’s about the Camino Ewhurst Parish de Santiago given by Rev. Jonathan Meyer. 7 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st December 2019 Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December 2019

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total Total Units Funds Funds Funds Funds 2019 Funds 2018 ASSETS £ p £ p £ p £ p Fixed Assets Freehold Property

Investments (Value at 08/1/2020)

CBF Investment Fund 1,150.15 1,150.15 966.58 60

CBF Fixed Interest 2,510.03 2,510.03 2462.08 15.32 Securities (see Note1) 0.00 3,660.18 3,660.18 3428.66

Cash Assets

Deposit Accounts 11,687.57 942.78 884.55 13,514.90 13,414.07 Cash in Hand Santander 8,317.47 3,869.84 (Note 4) 8,317.47 20,005.04 942.78 884.55 21,832.37 17,283.91

Other Assets

0.00 25,492.55 20,712.57

LIABILITIES Chichester DoF (Note 2) 7,272.00 7,272.00

Assets less Liabilities 18,220.55 13,440.57

Note 1 - Investments in respect of the Dawes and Steele Grave Trusts.

Note 2 - Outstanding contribution payment to Chichester BoF.

Note 4 - Reconciled Santander Balance. * Not shown in Santander Acct as held on deposit 8 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st December 2019 Parochial Church Council of Ewhurst, Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31st December 2019

General Fund Receipts and Payments Account 2019 2018 Receipts £ £ Church Collections 6,481 7,111 Freewill offerings (alms) 0 4 Gift Aid donations 21,085 24,874 Fees 1,661 1,389 Interest on deposit account (Grave Accts) 101 101 Interest of Deposit Accounts (Not in Income * 101 101 Tax refund on Gift Aid donations 4,032 5,226 Hall Hire 3,277 3,072 Functions 1,328 1,363 Grants/Donations 9,136 1,000 Other Misc. Income 143 317 Magazine Income 0 10 Total Receipts 47,344 44,568

Payments Diocesan parish contribution 20,536 21,748 Clergy expenses 2,008 1,332 Rectory expenses 3,661 6,110 Events 701 805 Insurance 2,023 1,976 Heating and lighting, etc 4,066 3,450 Churchyard expenses 1,923 1,344 Charitable donations 760 1,242 Upkeep of services 241 509 Sundries & Repairs etc 5,635 4,692 Organist etc 1,243 860 Magazine costs 0 10 Total payments 42,796 44,079

Excess of Receipts over Payments 4,548 489

Bank current account 1 January 2019 3,971 5,982 Less Deposit Transfer 0 (2,500) Bank Current accounts at 31 December 2019 8,519 3,971

* Not shown in Santander Acct as held on deposit 9 Independent examiner’s report Priest-in-Charge’s to the trustees of Ewhurst PCC Report I report to the trustees on my examination of the accounts of the Ewhurst PCC for the year ended 31 December 2019. There’s a real sense that the Church is here for others, and it is good to report that there Responsibilities and basis of report have been a number of occasions in 2019 when members of the parish, their families As the charity trustees of the PCC you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts and friends, have gathered in the Parish in accordance with the requirements of the Church of St James to mark the important Charities Act 2011 (‘the Act’). moments in life. We have celebrated the I report in respect of my examination of gift of life in a number of christenings this the PCC’s accounts carried out under section year; others have gathered to ask God’s 145 of the 2011 Act and in carrying out my examination, I have followed all the applicable blessing on those who have married, and Directions given by the Charity Commission extended God’s comfort to those who have under section 145(5)(b) of the Act. gathered in the Church to say their final farewells to a loved one. And all of these Independent examiner’s statement different occasions are opportunities for us I have completed my examination. I confirm not only to express something of Christ’s that no material matters have come to my welcome and care for everyone, but also an attention in connection with the examination opportunity for the Church to contribute giving me cause to believe that in any material respect: to the making of a sense of community in 1. accounting records were not kept in Ewhurst and our surrounding villages. respect of the Trust as required by section 130 This has been expressed in various of the Act; or ways, and for me there were two or three 2. the accounts do not accord with those highlights during 2019. Looking back, the records; or 3. the accounts do not comply with the celebration of the Patronal Festival at St applicable requirements concerning the James’s in July, with a talk on the Camino form and content of accounts set out in the pilgrimage to Compostella in Spain, Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations followed by the most delicious tapas, and 2008 other than any requirement that the a special service led by Bishop Nicholas accounts give a ‘true and fair view which is not a matter considered as part of an Reade certainly deserve mention, (see page independent examination. 11 for photo of the service). It was good to welcome a good number who joined the I have no concerns and have come across regular congregation for the Remembrance no other matters in connection with the Day service. Another highlight for me was examination to which attention should be drawn in this report in order to enable a the Bonfire Boys’ Carol Service at St Mark’s proper understanding of the accounts to be Staplecross. Many in the congregation reached. commented on what a happy occasion that was. Signed: The regular offering of worship, our Name: Richard Farhall coming together to pray for the wider world Address: 2 Banks Cottages, Mountfield, and all who suffer or are in need, is at the TN32 5JZ heart of what the Church is, and what it is Date: 21.2.20 that she is called to do. From the earliest 10 days, Christians have gathered together churchyard is a special place and I know for ‘the breaking of bread’, to hear God’s it is valued by the wider community. Our Word and to celebrate the Eucharist, and occasional talks at St James’s have also I would like to express thanks to all those been appreciated and draw many across who contribute to our worship, Sunday the threshold. In November we submitted a by Sunday. Yes, simply by turning up on petition for Faculty (planning permission) a Sunday, just being there is so important. to build a tea-station in St. James’s Church. But thanks are due to those who read the This had been a complex process as our lessons, who lead our intercessory prayer; parish church is a Grade 1 listed building, the servers and those who contribute to our and we must also express our gratitude to music and sing in the Occasional Choir, all who have contributed to the cost of this and again, we thank our splendid organist, development. Richard Karn. Looking beyond, it is good that St Mark’s Our Holy Week and Easter Day services continues to provide the space for the are really the climax of the Christian year, Staplecross Playgroup, and those links with as we are drawn more deeply into the the Primary School are growing again. death and resurrection of Christ. So, let us Finally, let the last word be one of thanks encourage one another and invite others for the generosity of those who contribute to join us for those very special services on so generously to the ministry of the church. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter The money you pledge and give not only morning. pays the bills (which are always increasing), We are, of course, extremely fortunate in but also supports mission ministry across having so many people who support our the diocese, especially in areas of real social churches in so many different ways, and need. Generosity is also shown in the thanks also must be given to the volunteers contributions members of the congregation who keep the churchyard looking so well make to the Food Bank. These are ways we cared for. Many quietly clean both churches can make a difference, and on that subject, week-by-week, and others, who take their let each and every one of us keep alert to turn to beautify the parish church with their the opportunities that may come our way flower arrangements. These are always quite to serve our neighbours and the wider stunning, and on Easter morning the inside community in which we live, and to which of the church, like the garden on that first are called to serve. Easter morning, was full of fragrance! Canon Christopher Irvine Like the church buildings themselves, the Priest-in-Charge, Ewhurst and Liz Moore 11 Report on Rye Deanery Synod Meetings 2019 Valery Inglebert Valery

The Deanery Synod meets four times a in Sussex’ spoke about modern slavery. year to discuss items which are of interest This organisation is a joint venture between and can influence the running of all the ‘The Church Urban Fund’ and the Diocese parishes within the Deanery. Through of Chichester. Diane’s work is connected this Synod meeting we are able to pass on with homelessness, loneliness and isolation, information, share experiences and so try to mental health issues and churches. Modern raise the profile of the churches within the slavery can be defined as something that community of the Deanery. coerces somebody into doing something Meetings are chaired by the Rural Dean, they would not normally do and many of who for Rye Deanery is Canon Christopher these victims are ‘hidden’ in plain sight. Irvine or the appointed Lay chairman. Each Victims are often reluctant to ‘escape’ as meeting has the usual routine business they are told that their families will be hurt matters to be dealt with such as approving if they do not work. There is a helpline for minutes etc. The meeting may also end with people to ring which is 0800 121 700 and Compline. there is also a modern slavery website. Some of the subjects discussed were: We were also due to have a presentation on the work of the charity ‘Caring and • Safeguarding and Safer churches Sharing’ by their Project Manager Julia training. Maling. However, she was ill and unable to • Data Protection. attend so our Lay Chair Angela Hawksley • The Deanery Plan. spoke briefly. She said that the charity’s • Mission in its widest sense. motto is “Live more simply so that others • Finance. may simply live’ and that it provided • Clergy Vacancies. funds and other expertise to small local • Books of condolence. enterprises in deprived communities In March the Right Revd Richard abroad. All donations go directly to the Jackson, Bishop of addressed us. project as admin costs are funded from a He introduced his presentation by saying different fund. that this meeting was part of an Episcopal More information can be obtained on Visitation which was at the time being held these and many other relevant subjects across the diocese. He asked the parishes by accessing the Diocesan web site www. present to consider ‘The One Thing’ they, please let me know were going to do to improve and bless the and I will try to answer any queries you may life of their parish. There followed a wide have. discussion and much lay feedback. Dennis Farnsworth In November Diane Watts from ‘Together Deanery Synod Representative 12