A Newspaper Devoted

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CARTERET, N. J., THURSDAY," 24~ 1959 F.ntrrcd as in« 11m, w, »t I". (I., CnrtfTft, N I PRICE TEN CENTS

2, i-mTo Mark « jhanukah Festival £rms jW And it came to pass in those davs that \hPvP< m A J t, went. out. a decre. e fromH Caesa r Augustusaays, thamat tal theiel the, 10, And the angel said to them. Fear not: for, Observed by Jewry r, T , world should be taxed. behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which | J_ UlCllC-*^ shall be to all people. CARTKRET-Thr festival ol JiiriPmis fought overwhclmln-KJ - 2. (And this taxing was first made when Cy- .ChanukHh. mnrkrd by Klft-Klv-'ly superior foices und ultt- 11. For unto you is born this day in the city ol renius was governor of Syria.) \nu and thr lighting of a candle mately were victorious, insuilnFasu i Job David a Saviour, which is Christ the for rlRhi suocessivp clays, will the survival of Judaism. *~w K» 3. And all went to be taxed, every one into his ;be observed by thr Jewish com- The llKhtinst of candles will \JjLl 12 sha11 be At Rites own city.' ' a sign unto you; Ye shall jmunlty of Cnrteret beginning.symbolize the ancient celebra- nt mindnwn tomnrrow. tion In which the temple in Roads! By 4 And Joseph also went up from Oali.ee J™ CIUIITII Kil«'H Known as the Festival of the Jerusalem wa^s rededlrate,,u,„„,,„.d, „,,.aft-- li Lauds ht C lty Nazareth To Greet Maccabees and the Festival ofe, ns desecration bv the in- Park Department M °! l . !! °'. - |nK> JuitaM. unto the cityl 13. And ,,, . „ Dedication. Chnmikah roni.nite ' On each night of the festival On Snow Removal JeD| Jews against thc Syrian mon- CARTERET — With carols arch Antiochu^whosoughrto311 additional candle will be CARTERET - The taqr and feasting, with the Santa still fascinate* chlld- impose paganism upon them, ."ffhted. Many panics aie ouch's road dc-partmcnt wen i,,if)d everywhere. We watrh«d Led by the MassnbeanK, the'scheduled for the children. Into quirk action Monday night in1 man tn the red suit and after the winter blew into Car-f p ass a e l er ry o{ thr Christ teret a six-Inch snowfall, re-' ,,.nwy beard during the past 15 And il came P ^ s the angels were gonftip - J "^y f 6. And so it was, that, while they were there i ' gph1h 1 ^ , u days and found thnt he away from th?m inl heav Immed its task early Tuesday! the days were accomplished that she should be! away from th il° ™- the shepherds said one!revol!l t U.S.M.R. Gives with the result that motorists? : full of manic and a poison d ! stoiy of Christmas delivered. .here nvoided traffic ,! benevolent power. to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem andj tWUhta hic is come to 'so evident elsewhere. T. And *he taght forth her firstborn son, andi "* * * ^ V™< which the 'Lord JST? Servic Awards : Councilman Alex Such, chair-. ReitardleM of how adult* wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a hath made known unto us. calendar will begin at midnight ;man of streets and road* said] ,,. . , ,, ,,, , . tonight with festival Masses in tuny view the commercial manger; because there was no room for them in the I Street Commissioner Douglas i :»>rt.s of Christmas, to chll- 16. And they came with haste, and found Mary:the borough's Catholic churches To 39 Employes iZenobia put his crews to work, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger Und candlelight services in Pro- ,-i: m the Yuletide season of- inn. Jh d th b U CARTERET - Thirty-nine plowing all the streets '. rs nothing but unselftah- : And when the had of the. U.S. Metals-.'p AnH fh "• y mwd lnto wrvlce were ftve •:.••« as well as love and Joy. , And there were m the same country .shep-; them con-; small children. It will get TI<1 Iiefininc received garbagP trucks, ,lve sn0wplows herds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their known abroad Uie savin whicn was cerning this child. way in earnest at dawn < or j scivii-i' n wards this month. and a grader. Starting out be- 1 John Towers, plant manager. In face of many things flock--by night. earlieri when sleepy parent." are fore most people RO to work, 18. And all they that heard it wondered at those routed from bed to go Into ','ie • nniiounced that thn awirrtsithe street department had the • ;ii may happen and are un- 9. Aod lo, the angel of the Lord came upon :• vusant to adults, childhood things which were told them by the shepherds. living room and discover wint :WCIT presented to the em- ma|n arteries cleared thus .„ - ,„ , ,, , ISanta has left rlurinp the nUI't •ployn-s by their respective de- oldlnR tieups which were so ttift on blissfully believing them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about RV •partment heads. • numerous in adjacent muni- •I,lit the world 1» kind and them: and they were sore afraid. 19. But Mary kept all these things, and ponder-| And throughout thr day the -.xid It knows that u long ed them in her heart. • 'advent of the Saviour will be 45-Year Button jclpalities. an occasion lor family ^e'.-to-l Tnp awards of the month Tl<" park department under «• Santa U around, every- 1 'inn U |0lnR to be alright. 'Withers over tablps groaviiv,' ,went to S. Sumner Moore. 18 the direction of Edward Lau.s- Carols, Sermons [ Spirit Prompts PTA Being %ed with roast turkey and tradi- ;Ginnt Avenue, Carteret, who mohr, equipped with a jeep and tional Christmas goodies. ; received his forty-five year a small snow tractor cleared Here 1* a little girl before Happy in friendship and kin- jbutton. Moore is the supervlsorjthc snow from In front .nta Her face to beaming, jship, and remembering thej iof the Social Insurance De-jchurches. schools, post office To Tell Story [Pupils to Help the Needylo Back School jneedy. the sick, thp afflicted.I 45-YEAR SKRVICE; S. S« jiwrUucni,. ;and public buildings. ir Kladlr hop* on hU knee. y 1 •-, • Tkl (the neglected and the foiBitten, »er Moore, Social Insura *e> i Joseph Belchar. 17 School , ., h> quickly respond* to hit Carterel folk were re al :r t0 De artmrnt re- 8now c eBI WBS continurd , ,-stion*. Rapidly the Uttle CARTERET ~ Pupils of the I This holiday spirit at the j t,XDHnS10n FuMS ! P ^ ' ^ i P Supervisor, Street. Port Reading, received.ye,terdliy and lhr jnb ,.,n con. _._—,„ iColumbus School will celebrate school has been in force forj mark the day in the traditional ceived an award for :i wttinet her hopes. Of Christmas a thirty-five year button. Ha!ynue- today Effolts wiU bfl CARTER!^- The bu-th of (Christina* with the knowledgge many years, Mrs. Dowllng said.! CARTERET — Emeric Hol- manner. : five years of service, at the err else could any boy or the Prince of Peace in a manger is a Pipefitter First Class ln,madf t0 have thp snow clean,d thahtt theh y hhave done their part At one time, the Junior Red derith gave a report on the re- U. S. Metals Refining; Com- ,:: poulbly find such a in Bethlehem will be described the Mechanical Department. jfrom tnc vUsWt of the chuir|1 in helping needy youngsters at|croM did "it." When "that group cent convention he attended in Itetetier to confide In sermnoR and venture read- Tlllny VeBr WV«M Pins "^[before tonight when many home and the orphanage atjbecame inactive, thc children Atlantic City at the regular ings. In carol* during Christ- Hopewell. Pick Tarnowski jsivento: Stanley Cheslak, Asst,L> - outj meeting of the Washington Na- ople wK1 attend mas services tonight and to-! Starting Thanksgiving timej 6 P Jr jPayroll Supervisor, 35 Freemanj fort"""™ j than Hale P.T.A. iStreet, Woodbridge; Gabriel' "The street and park de- in » Mcond she U none and morrow. the students collected clothing ' Tie children brought Club President - Achievement mother bring* a tiny boy There will be a Solemn Mass and toys. They brought a bil St. - • " ' CARTERET-Stephen Tar- tier arm* up to the man and toys," „ o „„.„ . J Unit Holds should be compli- me Tlb 1 hlp is ow 657 i was elected president of | Roosevelt Avenue. Carteret;' i the red cult. With Just a night and Christmas Day "The distribution job Is rom-i ; ? ^ ^, - ' the men ted" Councilman Swh brought them to the office Robert Grame's "class was Iaud-! Ukrainian-American Citi-; CARTERET — The Junlorjjohn Nedzbaln. Blacksmith 1st lie she KU the baby in will be at «, 7, 8. 9, lOi . . , , , pleted by the time the students ens clu at annual me said. 11 and 12 noon iof th" P™1*"*1- Mrs' Mary ifti out tor iru'ir Christmas!led for 100 per cent parent^ n Jj '^ ^jAchievement Company, Car-jclass. Mechanical De.ot.. ..IA'* lap. The Uny face ing Sunday afternoon at Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret. At Sacred Heart Church;D°w"n« af. '.n." [membership. • '«•> up at the rtranfer. At jclubrooms on upper Roosevelt! Charles Anderson, v there will be midnight solemn Safety chairman Rudolph • there U Interest and fa*- Avenue. vaco Mineral Products Division chine Operator ocatfon : •ion. Then a luaty wall. High Mass tonight. There will Turner read a communication Others elected were Hai'ryjPM.C., held a plant sale ofjai Second Avenue, Port Read- be muni morning masses to- from Governor Meyner to ob-i 1 » i • Makwinski in (Breakfast Set Can , vice president; Myron their product, Starlight Sham- ing; Samuel Wlckley, Locomo- UTOTTOW rules .durrns 1 For - ita ohuctles. putti out a St. ;tlve Crane Operator 1st Class. •i: the Uny flit Then he re- several BMHI tomorrow. tjon meetings, gave a report on John day December 18, 19S9 and Fedak, sergeant-at-arms: Wi]j d Peterson, Broad Gauge En<-Vil| be at 11:00 to^Wht in "ic •Ma tt» young customer Candlelight lervk-es willbeinl CARTERET— Winter's flrntj CARTERET — The Hebrew the transportation and lunch very successful. To date liam Malovetz, George Kos^ gineer. H & T Dept.', 31 Pourth:Fi t Presbvterino Clnirch. Thi» - k to hit mother. And to It St. Mark'* tplKOpal Church, jmowfall wa« a rather pleasant room problems. one fourth of the total quota rs Men's Club will hold a break- ikoski and Micrmel Bobenchik, Avenue Port Reading; Joseph x-i. The line waiting to talk iZlon Lutheran Church and of Starlight has been sold by seni-e in"Uides nf sight, but Acting Chief of Po- fast Sunday morning, Decem- The P.T.A. was urired to takelcontrollers: Michael Dudlch, Syre, Locomotive Crane Brake- > tent* never demlnishei. Hungarian Reformed. the Achievers. Christmas carols, thp lice Charles Makwinski, speak- ber 27. in the Conuregation an affirmative stand on thejhouseman. man. H & T Dept,, 26 Ran-[ f the ChrWmns story, the A midnight masa will be held The Achievers' company, Car- o school expansion program, byj John Romanetz and Tarnow-i """> Aeniever dolph Street Carteret: Josephi-r.v rt»" "No Room for at St. Mary's Church with Inn what is in most everybody's|Brotherhood of Israel. 312 run mnn To be young at Christmas* |j.o Stlioi't tuUn aHanAeA fhnLr.J l,,«*nJ |k. nln/,fi^,, (ChemCO, Will Eckalewitz, Wire Bar InspectorJHim," and the Huhtlng of the mauet on Christinas Day. Avenue i lApril and then will ><:ite U to live In a world of 1st Class, H & T: 26 Randolph'candles Calvary Baptist Church will that It's a long time between solved. The profits will then be .th never quite attainable Of Chanukah, The Festival ojjcouncil of P.T.A.'s. They alspipresident. presented a detailed Street. Carteret: and Michaeli On 'gljnd Dwmber 27 hold rettv distributed to tlie more than | u an adult. P snowflake In thejughts. The breakfast is'suggested the candidate forum'report on the finances and ac- Regan First Aid & CrossingjthM.e wi]] bp t . 7:30 tonight and Christmas 100 share holders. Merry Christmat to all fall and the last stormy one in planned to follow a Chanukah be held before the board ofltivitiesof the club for last year, Man-Patrol Dept. 48 Chrome ,.,„ and n.M_ The mlnjster Day services at 10 A.M, to- education election. 'in which he was highly grati- Starlight Shampoo may be. Avenue Carteret. morrow. the spring. service to be held in the syna- purchased from any Junior '"•ill nve^h the sermon. "Peace Guests of the evening were 25-Year Awards Through' Strife." Church And in betWetn, probably a gogue at 9 AM. II was 1 Achievement member when Woodmen Unit Mrs, Mary Dowling, Mrs. Maryj announced that an Twenty-five year awards iSchool meets at 9:30 with long, tough winter — from the Alex Mangel, of Passaic, is|rjesmond" Quinri "andTjos7phjextensive membership drive is the vicinity is canvassed during were presented to: Arthur standpoint of moving traffic the coming weeks. classes for all. Children Feted scheduled to be the guest speak- Lamb, member of the board "of getting underway. Thompson, Department Head, jsmoothly and safely on local Scrap Plant, 172 Ol* Road, On Monday afternoon, Do At Installation er at the breakfast. Mr. Mangel1 education. ! cember^B, from 1:30 until 5:30 r-ARTERKT - White Car-i istreets and surrounding high- Attendance awards went to Post Office Closed Sewaren; Jose Gago, Mechani- At Holiday Party jways, particularly during bliz- 1B an active member of the 'al, 68 Atlantic Street, Car- In the Westfield Presbyterian |r, :in Orove *34 Woodmen 1 Mrs. Conlon. of the Washing- i m n T St. Elias Church Church there will be a special CARTERET — The JewUhi'zards. sleet storms, or after Hebrew Men's Club in Passaic /IH Utt l teret: Frank Harczuk. Me- le met Sunday afternoon, , , ,, ton School, and Mr. Gasior, ofj y OttlorrOW meeting for all candidates and ch rfin of Ca rt ret chanical, 62 Louis Street, Car-i <>dd Pellow* Hall. Mrs. Anna! "i . _ « attendedideep snowfalls. and is on the executive • com- the Nathan Hale School. Mrs.! CARTERET—Postmaster Les- t/imiitiai, U juua uu, al p»rtV «ive" by, ' Chief Maklnski, who recently teret; Geza StopVa, Mechanl-j^1 :nkoptvaIdenrprMldenkoptvaIdenrprMlded mittee of the national asso-JLorctta Algozzine was in charge ter Sabo said that all borough Lists Schedule Church vocations. At this meet- tnp cal, 12 Hudson Street, Car- allowing the ritualistic ! United Hebrew Sinterhoodjwarned drivers to be prepared jof tl]e Christmas Choral group. {postal employes will enjoy a CARTERET—Rev. Augustine ing Larry Reinertsen, son of 0 rtetf 1 tne ciation of men's clubs of Ye- teret; William Comba. Scran (ing InaUllaUon of officer*! ' C» < »' Brotherhood for thecoming of difficult driv- County Pounders Day dinner holiday tomorrow — Christ- Medvigy, pastor of the St. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Nils Reinertsen of IsrMIi l s th eathel shiva University. Plant, 107 Edgar Street, Car- heI d "They"are"" Mri Eliwil Synagogue thii s wee*k .in'"n" *'weather' , wseess ththee recenrecentt will be 'held at the Roger Smith mas Day. Greek Catholic Church has an- jot 46 Hermann Avenue, will A 1 ndc teret; Michael Dolezsar, H & T •i Kovac* pa*t president*' P™*™ "' " r ^ direc-^iewfall as a timely warning pan>nts are urged to remind Hotel, in New Brunswick on The post office, he said, will jnounced the following Christ- be taken under care of Eliza- ! 110 Dept. 54 Warren Street, Car- A.uu Blomko, president; " »' Rabbi Norman Lobe!, for

lyn Brown, Terry Chodosh. refreshments. Mrs. Samuel I Falcon Hall Social Harvey O&mza, Ron^d Issacs.jBreslow, Mrs. In'ing Lerttz. Club Elec[u Staff Jay Lebow, Melvin Levltz, MarkjMrs. Al Spiegel and Mrs, Sam- CARTERET — A mttjtjting ofRader, J erald Rosenblumjuel CJevlrtzman help«d serve. Louise 8afren and David tfl- chanukah bags will be di*- GOOD the Falcon Hall Social Club man. tributed to all those attending was held Friday evening De- Refreshments wt re served Junior Congregation at the cember 18, at the clubrooms. and breidels given out to all Brotherhood of Loving Justice Harry Brandstren waa elected children present. Mrs. Sidney Synagogue Saturday ^t 10:30 NfWS! president; Edward Toale, vice- D. Roth was In charge of theiA.M. ^ Ipresident; Thomas Price, treas- urer; Henry Rzasa, secretary and Joseph Horvath, sgt-at- ULIANO'S Barber Shop arms. It waJ announced that reser-, 1176 Roosevelt Avenue vations for New Year's evej Wishes a!! our inenas Merry Christmas must be made by Sunday. De- gcember 27. A social followedi HIGHER and patrons 8| the meeting and- refreshments "l || were served. A Very t l| and a I: Children Feted DIVIDENDS (Continued from Page 1) y Kravet, David Marshall, Neil,\ Price, Richard Greenberg, Allen ^ Happy New Year Lebowitz, Mark Nyman, Rob-j\ ert Rader, David Shlain, Mark;' TO OUR SAVERS Rudnick. Mark Weisman, Marl-j From All I Beginning January 1,1960 of Us... To All of You!

Thiougli all oi Chibtendom millions of candles cast their gldW and th«ii dancing /I shadows thesfe winter nights, tlip light from their multitudes reminiscent oi a Stco which one night hung high in the heavens to herald the coining oi a Messiah ... The spirit and the faith which were borne COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY on that Star, will outlive the centuries, because they lie deep in the hearts oi men. i •ffre smallest light reminds each oi us that we i are spiritual brothers, each dedicated to the ifiay all good ideals of living, which God — f athei of us Savings Made on or Before the 20th of Any Month all — gave to us for our guidance. things find the path to At Christmas-time, we recall once more our Will Earn Dividends from the 1 st of the Month hopes for each other — our wishes that we all can be worthy of our priceless heritage. u your door through the We reaffirm our willingness to abide by that I pattern for living which was designed on a MEMBER: FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM Savings insured "i coming year. ft foundation oi faith, hope and charity. It is our FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION to $10,000 b) U i Federal Saving-. ^ hope that these three greatest qualities given SAVINGS AND I^IAN LEAGl'E Loan Insiira)» > to mankind, will dominate every We - every- t NEW JERSEY SAVINGS AND LO^.N LEAGIK Corp. I where — through every day of every y*ar.

SOKLER'S All of the Officers, Directors and Employees Quality Furniture 67-69 Roosevelt Aveuue, Cgrteret Wish to Extend Our Sincere Wishes SOL SOKLER GEORGE YUHASZ to All Our Friends for A STEVE KOPIN liJQIA McJUNNEY | BILL KUZMA (In Service) FRANK l'AGUARO MERRY fr 1 ItOBERT SHOVEY WILLIAM NAGY

'TV 1 rirst Bankandihist Company United Roosevelt Savings and Loan Association Member Federal Dqxwlt Insurance Corporation 17 COOKE AVK. KI 1-5445 CARTERKT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 13B9 PAGE THREE uid WIVPS of thr mnmbers will hr Bursts of the evnnlnu. publican Advisory Board of Chapter Honors Founder of Mrs. Dalton. A reclt Edison and the fltcphenvllle Mrs Hilda CoURhlln Is Natal Reserve Training Vulcan Appoints was also held and the Civic Club. chnlrman of the affnlr assisted who took part were by Mrs. Edith Lecher and Mr. of Hadassah at Session Shorecrest Hoyle, Laurie Roman, Dan Welch, Center Promotes Four Plant Manager CARTERET -At the remilarmembRrshlp. Pledges are being leen Dalton and James SKWAREN — The Vulcan Guests included were Mr. itinPtlnR of the CmtPiTt Chnp-|(i«Tptod by the donor commlt- Personals Hungarian Church Detinnine Division of Vulcan Mrs. Jnmes Lynch and daug 1,-r of Hadassflh In the Syna-'tec Mrs. Philip Drourr, Mrs.| MBS. JEAN COMBA Materlnls Company has pro- C tub ter Karen; Mr. and Mr*, JJsts Activities KI 1-4431 man and daughter Robin (Tonne Brotherhood of Israel,lElobwt, R. Brown, Mm. Joseph' moted I,, c. Wichmann to the Hie chapter Joined In a world- Belafsky, Mrs. Betty Van Wal- CARTERET -• Serviced on and Mr». Hoyl, also the position of plant manager of Son born to Mr. and Mrs. wide celebration of the 100th lendael and Mrs. Jerome Vogel. Deopmber 27th will be accord- Dalton children David, Cynti Alex Sohyada of 57 Thornal Here's wishing all the resi- anniversary of the birth of The new donor pledge visual! Ing to the regular Sunday its Sewaren Plant, effective and Thomas. Street, at the Perth Amboy dents of the Shorecrest area A Henrietta Siolrt, founder oftald will be presented at the schedule In the Hungarian Rr,r January 1. Mr. Wichmann suC- Qeneral Hospital, December 16 A speedy recovery to Hndftssah. who was epitomized formed Church, Dr Andrew Mr. H. R. Mcllhenney, Merry Christmas and A Happy January 28th meeting by Mrs New Year. [Dolores San Pllllppa of 5 • by the president, Mrs. Jack Julius Weismnn, chairman. Harsanyi, Pastor announced. Rnliwny. in this position. Daushter born to Mr. and gon Avenue who will retil Worship service will be con- Welcome Home Plrln, as typifying the spirit of Mrs. Philip Chodosh, mem- Born In Tellurlde, Col., he An, Jesus Rivera, 11 Union home Wednesday from ducted In English at 10 A.M., Private Bob Maslo son of Mr Tnith and freedom because of bership chairman, announced attended Kansas 8tate College street, at the Perth Amboy Margaret Hague Hospital •in Hungarian at 11 o'clock. h-r life of service to mankind. the first integration tea will be and mwluated from Oklahoma!General Hospital, December 16. and Mrs. Bill Maslo of 13 Jersey City. Sunday School and Confirma- Mir.. Emanuel Ijefkowitz, elect- held Monday evening, January State University as a Chemical [Chestnut Street returned home tion Class will begin at 9 A.M. MTK. Blanche Kolibas of, ed board memoer, spoke of the 11, at the home of Mrs. Morris Engineer. He is presently at- Daughter born to Mr. and this week for a two week leave Colgon Street wa» hostess' author, Irving Plneman, who In Ulman. Also the preservation The congregation will also tend Iti K Rutgers University Mrs. Anthony Wawrzynski. 31 from Ft. Gordon, Georgia. OnSdRy for the Wednesday writing a biography of Henri- of a life membership to Mrs worship" together at the close night sessions for his Masters Edwin. Street, at the Perth Am- January 11th he wlll graduate A Christmas party fM etta Szoid, Isidore Brown by her husband of the year: New Yenr'fi Eve Degree In Business Admlnis >oy General Hospital, Decem- from the Provost Marshal Gen- and Santa Claus arrived, tration. >er 16. One of the features of the In honor of her birthday. A re- service in Hungarian at 7 P.M.. eral School. After that private .rlbuting gifts to each meeting was the kindling of port on Youth Allyah World in English at 8 P.M. In 1944, Mr. Wlchmann Maslo wlll be going into the Mrs. Louise Lu&kasiuk Son born to Mr, and Mrs. 82nd Alrborn troop for para- 100 candles by the membership Jewish Child's Day was pre New Year's Eve Pnrty at worked for the Gates Rubber .he dark horse prtte. The Coley, 26 Emerson Street at the troops. the Slmcha birthday onkp 'sented by Mrs, William LeBow .Bethlen Hall sponsored jointly Company, Denver, as a De- meeting will be held In 1» 'by th« Junior Women's Oulld Perth Amboy General Hospital. Mrs. Herbert Harris and .Mrs and Mrs.Garnon Gmhln.chair- vrlopinent Engineer, and in Birthday greetings to Mr. ary. and the Men's Club. Dinner December 17. Snm Oevlrttman, Medical Cen- men. 194B joined the Tin Processing Bill Maslo of 13 Chestnut wlll be served at 10 P.M. Reser- Street who will be celebrating a tor co-chairmen, aiTanged- the Mrs. Al Carpenter and Mrs. Corporation In Texas City, Daughter born to Mr. and NAMED BY HONOR vation!) must be made by De- ROY ,1. GOI1KRSTAD CHARLES IIKMSEI, birthday on December 28th. A went. The evening prayer was!Benjamln Kiang, Jun|or Ju. Texas, as Senior Research and! Mrs, William Vargo, 69 Hud- CARTERET — cember 28th. ; family dinner will be held in ,ead by Mrs. Harold Stem, an • sor, at the Borough Hall on Monday,! 1960, WM approved by the Falcon Hall. The husbands fy Ladles Aid Society of the of oUancina January 4,1960, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.| Hungarian Reformed Church Carteret, N. J. wlll have a Hungarian style Teenage Ballroom Class Now Forming sausage sale on Tuesday, De- WILLIAM GREENWALD, HIRIAK'S Flower Shop cember 29. Sale .starts at 12 For Information Call KI 1-5295 o'clock at Bethlen Hall, ASK FOR MRS. KAY SYMC1UK, DIRECTOR Tax Assessor.! Lowell Street, Corner of Blanchard, Carteret Advance orders should be RONALD MARHOFFER 12 Blocks WMt of Borough Hall) placed with Mrs. William Bill, President, or Mrs. Alexander Ronald Marboffer, 63 But- George M. Paul, 547 Cedar like L,arteret School of «A'ancu C. P, 12/24/59 Phone Toth. Treasurer. ters Avenue, ColonU has re- Avenue, Woodbridge won his ceived his promotion to Sea- promotion to Seaman at the 128 Edgar Street, Cartwet KI 15465 Wider European consultations man at the Naval Reserve Naval Training Center, Perth urged by Britain. Training Center, Perth Am- Amboy, last week. Paul has Flowers and Decorative Greens boy. Marhoffer has been been active in the Naval Re- For The Holiday Season. active in the Naval Reserve serve (or two years. Last We Carrya for the last (wo years. He is summer, he sewed aboard tbe Wishing All Our Complete Selection of a Senior at Woodbrldfe High US.S. Ityne, Bestioyer Es- tnfported & Domestic School. He is a member of cort, on a two week training Friends and Customers WINES & LIQUORS (he U.S.N.R. Surface Division cruise to Halifax, Nova 3-40 and plans to enter Scotia. Paul intends to enter Free Delivery commissary training when he the Medical Corps of the "Season's DIAL KI-1-5975 toes on his two years Active Navy when he begins his two 99 Duty tour, years on active duty.

Greetings ROCKMAN'S U, N, unit to study effects of, Business leaders are confi- LIQUORS llsupersonic planes. dent, survey shows. M MWIMMMWMMMM I ^^^HB ^^^WJ^^^W ^^^^K ^^^^W ^^^^l ^^^^R ff Randolph St. and Aw- Carteret Hold It! Helen Slinsky ffl eiru While We Wi»b FLORIST- The management and employees Christmas of the Westvaco' Plant of Food Grave Blankets Merry PLUM6INS; Machinery and Chemical Cor- A PRESENT FOR ALL- (Place Your Order Early) .SANTA ClAUS LEFT potation extend to their friends VON HIS CHRISTMAS Christmas EVE CALL Complete line of nd neighbors in Carteret best "Mike" Toth and Family Wreaths, Center-Pieces and Plants wishes at this Yuletide season. Telephone KI 1-5002 , We hope you will have a very Toth Photo Shop 16 Larch Street Carteret, N. J. • Merry Christmas and a safe, prosperous New Year. 64€ooke Avenue, Carteret ' SAClSZAK PLUMBING/ HEATING \ KIM BALL 1-6985 WARNING! 3O WUfl«IAH St. Cdrteret. NJ More Snow Coning- § ffleiTii ( Li.ilmui Si* Srr "Mike" Kqiicll for • Snow Tires • Heavy Duty Batteries •'Chains (Alls«»)

FREE Pick-up and Delivery H Muy C(uiiiUiius Uriiia you "'Peace on Karth, t.ood Will Jjj nil its nui.it pieiMdUN Kifth to All hUtts" ihe an^eis mug g . love utiU friendship ... Day and Night Service ' i£ r'ood huullh iiud good and Wise Men came to iliK chirr . . . happiness and warship u Holy Babe. May Call KM-6752 jjj uolitt'ilttllt'iit! the infinite jtly of the No Money Down - Kasy Budget Payments . first Christmas abide in our I MARY DOLORES hearts. KEPICH Beauty Salon | 98 Washington Avenue § W FOOD MACHMJtt and CHEMICAL CORPORATION (turner of l.uHtll) M ome i CARTKHET, N. J. » E. N. BIZIJB . F BBiZUB ESSO SERVICE Tel. $ 150 W«hliiii{jl«»ii AvfiiiH-, (iirlerel Kl l-tm — 1-2814 » 94 Wheeler Avenue and Sharot Street Mary Duloren atnd Family vt Carteret, N. J. •>„.. . (-...lint!* to All Our Kriends" <„ froprietom *|i« :'AOF; FOUR

plies, Is a member of the Jones'sons, Samuel, Avenel: Joseph.! Banks ( i oil Plalnfield; Herman. Wood-| and Woodruff famlliei, two of Sports Quiz oW«on, Rahiray'* oldest. bridge; Jack, Avenel and Ed-j NEW RECORDS Wet; to score yourself: Mark panella. OBITUARIES Besides her husband, Mrs. ward, Fords. | By FeHx (The Cat) Brown Here are aeveral 45'i we've your cholWS 1-2-3-*. YOU get Jones also leaves three ions, She la also survived by eight holds th. listened to, and which rate ten polnto for a correct first MTHAN R. VICKERS and thf lUriUn yalley En-I^bert L. Rahway: Stanley W. grandchildren and three sisters, time. Can you mentlonlng pick, five for second, three for cni/ivi.\ Nathan B virk-Hneen. Besides his wife. Ellen. *•• Scaradate. N. Y.; and David, Mrs. Dora DerabUng, Mrs. yetta| a third, »nd one- point for number of safe 1 A ele Callf two slIt r Dembllng and Mrs. Ida Maut- _The prettiest is simtile — (-1 ?W Y\ died he leaves two sons. WUliami ^ '«g,». •: * »' jenriof.t fourth choice. Twenty 3 091) tne Marian and Ida Kapp'i Wai It I)»y. Was II :, \"!: x General Hospit*I.|»n-,' (,;> wife. Mrs. Minnie JONES grew K i Hugh Duffy ( i Ted Wll- and Frank H. Western-" Mrs JeJeanett* PP HelHelslelerr 8989 ofof Newberger, Congre- one sid""e- an~~'d "'Soun d" of' Music |linms i > Tris Speaker. VioKers. he leaves a RABWAY - Funeral services!^'- »?'^ ' ? ' - ian on reverse. Nellie Lutcher sings Sterling Drive, Colonia ', •t Babe 1 First Presby-; ;i M^: viand: two sisters, wrday »1 J PAI to the Pettit The family asks that flowers You have probably already nti tli < ) Lou Oehrig < > Joe terian Church, officiated. Mrs! . heard I've Gotta Have Yon by Max Baughan. orjiaT Mr* Mnv Wolfing. New Yort.'runerii Hocn* HI West pleaw be omitted and dona- DlMajrglo ( ) Joe Oordon. in the Tommy Sands, good. Then (all oenttr, nude 17 tackles lr Still V Alvln Dark ( ) Mel The f737 Sf"i?i«» SING WITH CHOIR mended. Ed Townsend does a Cincinnati Re hnmr, >7 Wert Milton Avenue, ol Newark. She died Saturday] on ( )Dale Long. play 13 eiMbttlon Hnlixay the WOODBRIDGE—Miss Dorc good vocal job on Be My Ix>ve jRahway chapter, Lady Forest- thy M. Rader. 45 Green Street, (Stan Applebaum orchestral. 4. Can you name the Na- agaUat American League a long iQnesa. !ers of America, and of thejwill perform with the 40-volce tional Leaguer who hit the larg- Wil.UAM JOEL. SR. Mr* Jones IU ln Capitol also rates mention next •prlni. They wll Order of Eastern Star, Rahway Onion Junior College Olee Club wnonBRlDOE—Funera«'Woodbrt Grossman,|The Fontaine Sisters. A west- wn, organijt and choir mister of thr rhurch, U shown carolers sing, children a member of the Lions Clubifirm distributes Industrial sup- yesterday afternoon at her who both came to the Garden ern-flavored San Antonla Row1, above playing thf new rhimrt. lintaflation was made pos- laugh, friends/extend home. Widow Benjamin; City campus from Flushing, N, by Buddy Merrill is worthy of sible through the fllorti of the church choirs in presenting Stem, she Is survived by concerts and cantatas. cheery greetings. We're dauthter, Mrs. Joseph A. the 1859-60 Adeyphl College"0^, II • 1—^ ' * T — •••-— - --w» joining in to wish (or Kwfnt, San Diego, Calif.; five.Varsity squash team. Imperial has a different- of which we've heard. out in Jimmy Rogers Wiatfal sounding thing out In^lg Rim ATCO hai a slow, blues-type Willie — an ovel yttnhlETET you a most Joyous Noel, by Ernie Freeman. Pleasing. rocaJ m Love Is A Many Spen- Willie — a novelty thing. Atlantic has come out with dored Thing by Iinda Hopkins, j - eace on C*artk*.. Joe Turner doing a good blues worth mentioning, and a wild IN TRAINING TEST version of Tomorrow Night, AVXNEL — Specialist Four and sends us excerpts from 45 In Run Red Bui by The Chris Connor's long-play album Coasters, who really go. Horst G. Reuter, son of Ml*. Witchcraft, good, but not all Roulette has a Christmas try Belene Zorn, Avenel, recently It Is our fervent hope that this participate with th* »UJ In- Christmas will bring us CHOPER'S fantry Dlviskm'i Bth Medical closer to the fulfillment of that M Battalion In Army training J Woodbridge and lselin bright promise of Peace on tests in Germany. Earth for which men of Good Will have never ceased to strive. May yours be a Contented We offer our most / and Peaceful Christmas. sincere greeting* to friends and From Vour patrons for * Joyful ChrUtaaa and a Hippy New Year, tool GREINER Funeral Home AUGUST F. GREINER, Director \ -,: • •11 i^i^H^_ * 44 Green Street Woodbridge |||| B f 1 X^s. Shoppe 76 Main Street, Woodbridge leas Christensen's 1959 "The Friendly Store" ' u ; i:

"Lo the Lord of Heaven hath to mortals i CHRISTMAS a Christmas Message... given life for evermore!" 1859 1 •;IJ "This is a faithful saying, and worthy, of e hope that this Qiristmu bring* I all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the ^nlfiltment of your every wish and that it find* $ Ifey Your Heart Be Light... J . world to save sinners." (I Tim. 1:15) I 8 And Your Home Be Bright How rightly rose the praises you happily surrounded by the thing* jj 'Of heaven that wondrous night, i.,. as we wish forj you all the Joys of a happy Holiday When shepherds hid their faces Season. and people you love. For this is what !! In brightest angel-light! makes for contentment - and nothing is more \ Come now, and view that manger— There is something about kh,e serenity of the season I The Lord of glory see, ' that brihgs forth to us the full splendor of having friends I precious! And if our greetings nrere to add one \ H houseless, homeless stranger, JUce youi This friendship is the cornerstone of our business. In this poor world for thee— It has enabled ug to prosper and grow. iota to your enjoyment of the holiday, ! Bless'd Babe! Who lowly liest ; th|en our ChriMmait will be happier too! i In manger-cradle there! Thank you for your friendship, your patronage, your Descended froip the highest, x confidence in us. We think you deserve the finest that life Our sorrows all to share. If has to offer. Oh, strange yet fit beginning ' The wish we send is old ... though ever new. Yet, it Of all that life of woe, i TOWNSHIP of WOODBRIDGE In which Thy grace was winning cornea at a very special time... and in a very special way. Poor man his God to Iqiowl \ I • • \ K "MidtUewx County i hirge$t, Host Pro^retuve Municipality ': The love that bore our burden \ On the accursed tree, Would give the heart its pardon, I And set the sinner free! CONTRACTORS, INC HIG1T B/QUIGLEY, Mayor -J. N. DARBY I • L Ray Alilmni • Edward kath "For the wages of sin U death; but the Gift 9 Cwnmitteeaun, Third CaMMlttMuan, Flftl Ward >t God is eternal life through Jews Christ our I •|>"l."- (Romans 6:2.1) g • k>on RUiichurd t R. Richard I CommilUenan, 8««oa4 Ward a g • Thomas Coslello • L Charles Mangione jj •.Cfiri.sten.sni' Ward . rfrit Wart 1 Stair t • Elmer Dragos • David Miller, Sr. g j g Comsalttteman, tobi W»rtf CrauBlfoNMn, ftltb Ward H I • John Evanko, Jr. • Peter Schmidt \ ^ i'omMiiteeman. With VVar4 CtnMltlwnun, rowth Ward | PAGE FIVE MEW JERSEY'S MONEY-SAVING SUPER MARKETS • ... Mifial again it proud lo bring yon America's proven bosl tur- key, the 'Butterball/' the turkey that possesses all the flavor, all the tenderness, to grace yoir holiday table. DELICIOUS EATING ... For A Wonderful Holiday Feast With Deeper in the breast... more while meat! Leg tendons removed . , . easier to carve! I Beautifully Dressed... legs ticked in! Simply Delicious It's the best turkey money can buy... it's a 'Bitterball' turkey from Mitial! holiday turkeys

fa i 4

**> '

Pricei IIKUTI thru iiturdi; Nljhl, December 2«. W» ttwrrt the Tijht to limit quintltiei, Nat responttble for typomptalcil errors. Member of Twin Count; Gioceri. None Mid to dMlm

. **i-«^na


19 TO 22 c POUNDS OVEN-READY Ib 45 10 TO 12 POUNDS TURKEYS OVEN-READY Ib 48 ARMOUR'S STAR-G0V1 GRADE 'A' BROAD-BREASTED TURKEYS Pound* ,48c i ALL-WAYS SIMPLY DELICIOUS MEATS! READY-TO-EAT Season's Greetings Good Health, Good Fortune to you and SMOKEDHAMS 39 49yours from the entire staff of Mutual.

FLAVORFUL, JUICY - BONE IN SCHICKHAUS or HYGRADE'S - PURE PORK Chuck Roast -39 Sausage Meat 29 GOURMET'S ChucDELICIOUS ~ CENTEk SteakR CUT s .79' StuffinA. ##" g BreaW\ dA 2f\ •»« 29^^\ - DELICIOUS, BONELESS FlAVUKfUL,, NUIKIIIVJUJNUTRITIOUS,, VELIVIWVDELICIOUS* • ••• ^^ Cross Rib Roast 79C Ham Steaks 79 YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT MUTUAL! °PPosite Mutual Super Market? at Main St. Towi,Jflll PAGE SIX innswer lies in making your own the show was run over by a Loretta YOUIIR'K ERSUT Sundaj1 Rlvribo.it. . . . Both Rosalind ;oill«l "French petticoats." outlook. Wagon Train In the Wednesday^how will bo H repent, of Thr Russell nlid Jcfr Chandler hnvr ....•> t/AIID UHMC nifiht ratings. ... J^kie Glea-i Road," the hour-loiiR episode been stRned for Startlmr- apr- AKIJIJI |lJlj|\ llUIVlL It can be done with the use m In Fashion Now — TODAY AND TOMORROW son will dDnpflr in Lel&nd Hav- wit'" h* whic—i.>»>h- sh-u~e opene^.n.,dj th»..,e. cur...... - dais^i^i... Missn...s- Russeloi.t.t.^ili probablm-Aivihiyv tno MIIWW of translucent glass which can- ward's "Fabulous Fifties" spe- rent season. do a straight dramatic piny, not be seen through yet per- David Niven and Dan O'Her-;™d Chandler a comedy. . . cial along with Rex Harrison By FRANCES DEM. mits the light to come in It| Tournament of Roses Parade iQsoucho Marx has plans for can be enhanced still more by I Lucille Ball Is now conslder- and Julie Andrews. . The lihy will each do a .lime Ally- 'starring 1M "You CniVt Take It Ing not one, but two properties on New Year's D»y. , . . Walt producers of The Rifleman, son Show episode. Robert flowers. rhinestones.nelM or fluted out u«> ii Wlth Y R and ribbon of all descriptions, popped off at the elhow The,, for her Broadway debut next Disney Present* planning "This Tne piain8man and Robert Stack, pleased at the recep-jneROtlRte°"'d " by pr(1(lliwr Hrnry stvled In the manner of the th(, w)(|(, "You will be delighted by thewldoned. shortened sleeves arr- fall and has yet to make a IB Your Life Donald Duck" as Taylor's The Detevtlves have a tlon of The Untouchables, has the oil under CBS's Telebislon City Jlma. Merle Miller's "Story of smoke, is finally, after a long The Alaskans Involves Efrem ."However, all too often, ihe kinds, the than beanies and are miniature silhouette J Mrs. Multlklds-I never pun I for their growth, Is usually per- nis to be In order. in Hollywood. The network is Ira Hayes," a Marine's hero of battle, seeing the show via the (77 Sunset Strip) Zlmballst Jr. lsh my children. Its decidedly picture window looks out on treasueres worked In rich fabric The fliUff bias cut will be"'very fect. {tanning to dig a hole to look the Iwo fighting, is scheduled facilities of, neighboring KTVcJdolng a guest-star appearance ugalnst my principles. anything but a olcture. It may and jewels to achieve an air of popul A deep planter can be built oriental opulence. for It. NBC's hour-long for Sunday Showcase March Ensign, Kansas. ... A se.rlwun an upcoming episode. . . . Mrs. Moreklds—I wonder howf . the street, your neiahbors 2? and may betaped on the Pa- ft( f across the base of the window I»rael, In U. N., asks talks on special for January 10 will be based on the flies of the Army Bill Bendix will do a test film You will see a group of fi™.;ArBb V" "• you can expect to manage them.'dothes line or open service whPrf vines can grow and be '.'Hedda Hopper'p s Hollywood." cific Island and in Arizona. Counter Intelligence Corps, for a new hour-long Revuej Se- ly stitched chiffon berets and Mrs. Multlklds - I tell my yard. Facing the side of a house trained to trail across the Sort of a hat trick. Bess The new hour-long Line-Up Shadows of the Sphinx, is be-lrfesf , Overland a sort off I Myerson and Ronald Reagan will leave CBS early next year ing prepared in Hollywood by updated Wagon Train. If, It husband wnen tbey ;«»;;s srs-is? -;, .s:» — „.««,«Ihats fo-r th*„e holida=y .seaso -n; lscapltalJ:r . «==•«,. „ I,, to host ABC's coverage of the after only 18 episodes. Seems producer William Kozlenko,.. . goes, It .may replace the leaking'and he larrups them. privacy, but not beauty. Theare

' V\ * *eason'sBest

You Must Be Pleased with Every Meat Purchase at Safeway!

Hygrade's Original Semi-Boneless West Virginia Ham Whole or Smoked Hams Either Half 59 Hygrade 8 Ib Canned Hams Ready To Eat can 5.49 < Safeway fine quality 11b Pork Sausage excellent for stuffing roll 29 Lfift L^trtifieahi TURKEYS ... 01.. V"f.« Gift! Grade A Turkeys Toms; mixed Grade & Sizes ' U.SO. A.inspected aid Graded A...You'll Find Just the Size You Need At Your Nearby Safeway

Fancy Tom It, Young Hens Beltsville Limit 1 per customer 18 Has. & m Ib. guaranteed to please! 8 to 16 lbs. 7 under 8 lbs. Ib. 49 Available for Turkeys, Hams Perfed foriim witf, Turkey \ Hawaiian Pineapple of $1.00 - $5.00 - $7.50 - $10.00 denomination* a refreshing drink Cranberry Suce ] Dole Juice 29 St« Your Siftwty M*n«g« i Table Napkins so.. ^ 45« 2 Chicken Noodle, Beef Vegetable. 2 29 !»» iflu Mushroom or Onion Soup Mixes Crushed Wheat Bread 1U Lipton Soup \7* 33' .Mum * Bel-air Pies for broiling A lull TIMI 59. sizeU"x 240" pkg Muenster Cheese 0»Mrt Kaiser Foil Lucky Whip to 39. 39 GtMt Strawberry :;: 29 \ Large White Kraft Cheese Red Raspberry T 33 fuu (Uvcn Breakfast Gem doz Libby's Pumpkin ^ 29. rude A Eggs Poput* OMMTI Christmas Caridies 49 Royal Gelatin Ainxltd 37» Delicious R & R Plum Pudding flM Cherries a^t'L* ';; 49, mixed fruits 12 Mince Meat sS 31 oi 9 oi Cherries a«oil10'^ ;; 49c C 2 43' .Satin Mix ••*»».";; 57« • 'X'29' Pitted Dates u Filled Mix ^^ °' W< gallon Crown Pumpkin Pie Spice Colony Ribbon Mix ^^ "£ 39. 0 C KHSIM Cinnamon Crisps O\6 Fashioned Mix «•«•* 'V; 29« CrictVl i*g 5 Tomato 46 o SUUIHM Christmas Stocking, *•«»*• Hydrox Cookies CfMm hUi 12 OI ;:25< lull rich flavor can 0 Fancy Chocolates D :"."! Potato Frills 7 Dl Del Monte Juice 25 Tatty R ilA b Asst. Chocolates «^» b'o J.59 Shady Lane Thin Pretzels *,*, pkg Christmas Canes w., tl"")^ delicious flavor Ib Nabisco Chippers ry Butter rtMh Cookit <*« 67' W Kyi Ihini 10 oi Triangle Thins Httoue CiKkwi Fantasy Cookies Iwry'i lib Fruit Cake Pk| 69' Curtsy D« lux* Gefilte Fish Si 2 Ib 2 Ib, ukt 99 2.98 Mixed Nuts u^69 AIM Mrs. Wright's Fruit Ring 'ZtW *t^ 2.98 iwiu L- _ S«,e ulna, Faye lor bxito Gold tond Coupon Gruyere Cheese PAGE

.re called upon to treat holiday ;ye. The point to be stressed f older children are In the home gift* for Christmas, as well as tartar and vinegar. Boil without!ually. Add eggs, flour and vanil- Ananlt and Bntche ficddenta. iere Is that parents must sert- here Is the constant danger of normal parental supervision at stirring to the brittle stage — la. Arrange by teaspoonsful on The errand boy was Children are particularly msly consider the dangers In- mall objects or parts of toys all times. Sarah Anne's 356 degrees. Pour on nlled „ lightly buttered cooky sheet, by a ministry inspectofl tor Talk prone to accidents, particularly volved and take it upon them- ibout on the floor arid natural- marble slab or tray. Cool, lift Spread thin with a knife dippedl found that a small piece at Christmastime, and many of lelves to see that their child Is ly, all guch objects will be pick- We Abo Wonder Cooking and pull, keeping grain all one In cold water. On each cooky at the bottom of the me B. RKMBERT, M. l>, the accidents are due to pur- properly Instructed In the use id up by the infant and then A farmer was losing his pa- way. Add flavor during pulling. put raisins, almonds, blanched not completely severed." chases made unwisely by their of his rifle and stressing the next Into the mouth—aw allow- tience and temper trying tol When candy Is too rtlff to pull, and cut In strips, pecans, cut tended that this made the| irlstmas season Is all parents. This Christmas thou- Kir at dangers to all If Improp- ing of these objects cah prove drive a team of mules Into a stretch Into a long rope V4 Inch In pieces or citron cut In small a joinj t and not chops. i now and most people sands upon thousands of chil-erly usel. quite dangerous, particularly If field, when the local parson It Is easy to buy your holiday ln)ck Cut wlU) lnto|pi«es. Bake In an oven 375 de- London Nesw ChronicleChil . :|oake», cookie* and candies, but|^' j"{ r purchnnlnK glfta for dren will receive air rifles—and Roller-skates and bicycles Rophageal obstruction mult* came by and said, "Don't speak ft gree* about 8 minutes. Idren and friends. I only a few, If any, of these and removal Is made necessary like that to those dumb anl- t Is fun to make them. And go ' sugar and coat w Gutted Nats ft Frnlti His Reputation will probably out-number al to help Santa on his merry way, Judge—Do you consld« tfter of gifts for chll- happy children, will receive anj other gifts given this year, but Of even greater danger Is the mals; they can't understand When dry, store In a Jar, cover V4 cup white corn syrup t I want to brlrm to Instruction In the necessary there are a variety of Christmas!and keep In a warm place for defendant a reliable mac parents should give one or both possibility of such small objects what you say." % cup sugar he a good reputation for| ntlon. Much fun and safety measures that must be being aspirated into the lungs [recipes. several days. of these gifts to their children "You're Just the man I wan 2 tablespoons hot water jand veracity? it can be had by nil 1 observed If tragic accidents an only If the necessary area and the serious consequences to see," said the fanner. Tell Mints '•*• Christmas CooKles t care in taken lnt( to be prevented. The one organ Boll sugar, imip and water Witness—Well, to be nearby for their enjoyment that may result. me, how dl dNoah get these 2 tups sugar - 1 cup butter with yon, your honor, tha tlon. From a medica of the body that is most often Please do not let a tragic ac- things in the Ark?" boiling water % cup sugar until syrup brittle* Instantly In it. I have a certain All these possible accidents llias to get somebody else I Injured by the pellets from cident ruin your holiday season cream of tartar 2 eggs, well beaten cold water. Keep hot In double his pigs at feeding time.l r this and all specla these small rifles Is the eye— and many more can be prevent- One last reminder Is to Hobo: "Boss, will you give mi pon vinegar IVi cups flour boiler. Dip In nuts and fruits won't believe him. lerlods of the year, fo and as so often happens, re very careful and ever on th ed if reasonable care is taken a dime for a sandwich?" Tew drvps oil of peppermint 1 teaspoon vaniUa one at a time, taking out on the acli ono thousands suits In partial, If not complet alert If Infants are in your by parents — this requires good Marine: "Let's see the sand Pdwderid sugar Raisins, nuts or citron point of a fork and laying on Adenauer ami Brandt | loss of vision In the affected is across the country I home in the crawling stage —I"common sense" In purchasing wlch." Mix Bugkr, water, cream of Cream butter, add sugar grad oiled paper. Ichange In Berlin. to uou from SAFE WAY

This Coupon Gopd For 50 Extra Gold Bond Stamps Wilh tlie I'uK.liusB of 1 In. or larger FRUIT CAKE limit I—Valid only al Sal.way—Void Afur Dtc 34

3 More Nctu Modern Store Hours Christmas Week All fresh new crop 11b. SAFEWAYS Opened this Month A holiday special at OPEN 'til 9 P.M. bag 49 New Rochelie-125 North Avenue Mixed Nuts Eastchester-503 New Rochelie Rd. Fiushing-171-50 Northern Blvd- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd Baby Fancy Emerald Diamond Closing at 6 P.M. Christmas Eve., Dec. 24th Walnuts 29

DukhMiK pW 22 oz. ^J WWm Zippy whole 32 oz. Sliced Cheese Vtrittm % lew. sweet mixed ar ^*M kosher dills Mrs. Wright's Biscuits Ovw 8< Pickles ( 39 jar Shrimp Cocktail MSw Mdi MM or Krtft Swiss Cheese Nthni Temtee Manzaniila 7^ or they're always welcome j Asparagus Spears 39* ar Oultk Stuffed Olives Baby Gouda Cheese Mil ttn. Wrtghfi English Muffins (••Ry Wklou* 0*0. Town House fancy Mrt Wrtehl'i u a popular favorite Stuffing Bread Unslktd £ 27 ChoM Sweet Peus 2 29 Cod Fillets Frown Cheese Blintzes 139* Nob Hill; full rich flavor Strawberries rwfflMUM WnOiB 'A 49c grind it as you buy it fir* f(oi»n Green Peas Fresh Coffee Brussels Sprouts 2^45* Coldbrook; so economical XMding a tasty delicious spread California Figs Al Pr*ih Slock 21545.

Melrose Cookies Sugir m U«M Margarine

Beef Pies hum 2i£45- Apple or Cherry i Chok* , Finest quality Fish Sticks FrOM« 21S69- Drolnmi Breaded Shrimp Frou* Bel-air Pies Stamps For the finest Produce • • • ail you need remember is Safeway I

Bright green large rich in vitamins bunch Apple Cider Town House one Fresh Broccoli 25 toast the holidays gal. 59< igg Nog Lucerne; all mixed : quart JL C Brussels Sprouts 19 and ready to use carton ^ ^

Washington State Kleenex Tissues Delicious 400 to Fancy Apples 239 package 2 49'

iw»it holiday lavotif Wildorf CaMornla Navel Oranges Ldiilurma 7 49c White . 3 29 River White Rice Dates Niiimioui, Juicy Ripa Serve rice often 2 Ib. fc Sweet Potatoes delicious 3 25 Anjou Pears a tails treat 2 39 A delicious food pkg. 29 cello bag ,' 39 Advertised prices effective thru Saturday, December 26th

Bel-air Fresh Frozen Orange Juice Party Pride Ice Cream Holiday Fruit Aisortad Flavors pint package half allon SAFEWAY 9 95« 5«" 69< Snow Star Ice Cream *—'«»«•«» Uviu* PA OF FTOHT GUYS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 11 P.M. 5 ROUTE 9, WOODBRIDGE OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE UNTIL 9 P.M. — "HT^J | READY- FOR - THE - OVEN - DOUBLE BREASTED

Govt. Inspected t 14 to 20 lbs. TURKEYS 43 Ib. Best Quality—Reody-fo-Eaf i I BUTT HALF.. 45c CENTER CUT SLICES.. 65c I

) SWIFT'S "ALL BEEF' Mf\c SWIFT'S . f\£ S FRANKS 49 SAUSAGE MEAT Id :» BREAD FOR STUFFIN> G 2 GUYS- 2 for 27c • Shanks of LAMB c ib. 29c • Freshly Ground Chopped BEEF ib. 35c • Juicy, Tender, CHUCK STEAK ... • Shoulder VEAL CHOPS = . « ib. 59c SI •f * . Boneless VEAL STEW . ... ">. 67c • Rib VEAL CHOPS . , , Ib. 69c 3 • Shoulder,or Rib LAMB CHOPS... "• 77= • Loin VEAL CHOPS . ib. 79c

• Lean & Juicy Ground CHUCK ...•*> 63c • Boneless CHUCK POT ROAST u r. Ib. 67c lb C . Loin LAMB CHOPS . . . . • 9J • Imported Polish PICNIC HAM .• • Ib. 63c • Unox Imported CANNED HAM 2ib.can 1^79 s 3-lb. can 2.6 5-lb. can .... 4.39 • Hormel Canned HAM 5 ib. can 3.99 - 3 ib. can 2.69

18 a- ••_. K ! s r U. S. No. 1 MEDIUM {RED RIPE I PASCAL |SNO WHITE s ! POTATOES 15»»25o I TOMATOES MM COIN — -10c I MUSHROOMS - 35I

TANGERINES Sweet—Zipper Skin .35 TEMPLE ORANGES oi 6 »r 25c .ONIONS • • 3-1•5A

TWO GUYS SOUTHERN GRADE A SUN BUTTER SOLID ORANGE JUICE FROZEN • CHEDDAR CHEESE With SALAMI 8-02. Pkg. 25c PIE Morton's Fresh Frozen 22-th. Pkj; 39.5 Borden's Slictd Yellow and White (•01. Pkji. 41c l'r*»h- • BORDEN'S AMERICAN CHEESE Swiss - Chtuau - Pimento 2 • BIRDSEYE "Corn-on-the-Cob" Cyprus Gardens • CITRUS FRUIT SALAD 9-Oz. Jar 47c • GORTON'S FISH STICKS Fresh-Frown VITA LUNCH HERRING 16-oz. Jai. , 39c Ever Fresh * Fresh Frozen VEGETABLES by iUklr) • BORDEN'S BISCUITS Ret. and Buttermilk—8-61. pk{. 2 for 15c MIX OR MATCH SALE if VITA HERRING PARTY SNACKS .. 8-01. Jar feat, Peat and CarroU, French Frfed KrtBkic for $ I Cut Potato*. Chopped m Leaf Spinach, BMMH IDA MAE PIZZA PIES Larit Sk«—10 W- 49c s All Flivors—»^-o«. CM 5 ftf $1 || LUCKY WHIP TOPPING : STRAWBERRIES - Ever Fresh no. ««. 5} ' HEIGER'S APPLE CIDER 9-M. eont 23c EGG NOG For Christnua Ch«*r Ot. 59c ?}

PILLSBURY BEST JACK FROST or DOMINO LIBBY KLEENEX Enriched 4ti-Oz. Can FLOUR SUGAR TABLE NAPKINS |bs TOMATO JUICE 5 39° f°r I re Eastern, OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES MO Can 2 29c 1-I.H SPICED HAM or LADY JANE POTATO CHIPS I LADY JANE PRETZEL STIX ,.:,:;; 39c LAND 0' LAKES AMERICAN CHEESE MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE ', (ial. 49'. ' ANNA MYERS KOSHER DILL PICKLES 49c CHOPPED HAM 51l.rH SluArd Miuiluill*. fun. OIlTei — ll-Ut. Ju 1-l.b. , LADY JANE PRETZEL TWISTS Uniiittei 54c SWISS CHEESE Castanet OLIVES 59; MIX OH MA1HI M-Oi. * "2 GUYS" MIXED NUTS " Cm 59c CAPICOLLA HAM ib. 1.09 SWEET MIDGET GHERKINS Il-Oi. Bucklt MARISCHINO CHERRIES 11-01. i" I'lict-t, fclttrvlivtt i'hru December 26tb 3- We Hewrvc Rif ht ff^_ v0: i^^B-iyv «„ T»wwrspbtc»Trpofr.pblc.1l EErrorr * ^ PAGE NIJ

2 .GUYS ROUTE 9, WOODBRIDGE OPEN DAILY HARRISON Directly Across from 2 Guys Former Location 9:30 A.M. TILL 11 P. M



It's Holiday Party time in one of these exciting and Intriguing dresses' Pastel shades, solids ind with tbat Spanish FOR prints. % sleeves. Loose and touch. Oenerously three-wSy belted styles. Ny- flared. So right for lon and embroidered trim. holiday fun. Choice of colon. Sizes 12 to 20.

'iO 95 SLIPS iND PETTICOATS. In sheath and flouncy styles. tyi LADIES' 3 Values GOWNS in waltz and long sleeves. $J BABY DOLL PJ's. Reg. and X-large sizes in all the desirable colors. MEN'S 9^ Values COTTON USf- GIRLS' 25.00 Values HOUSE MEN'S 22.95 Values DRESSES GOAT and SLACK SET COATS

You can please him better with In handsome tweeds All wool tweeds, solids a sweater, the gift that will caihinere aud wool solids serve the answer to every man Many, many styles and1 col- and novelties. Some and fancies—wool meltons with fur trims. Sizes and more. on your list. Choose from our Heavy 10-oz. quilt lliilnts. eye-taking collection. In many ors to choose Just the gift 3-6* Inclusive. Grays, browns, blues, that to always welcome. charcoal. colors and all sizes. Sizes 36-46. GIRLS' 5M Values BOYS' 1095 values HOODED


I ant* .u<: thuu&iwuLi ui L;^!rli u tluHj&u lioin In the nuwvfei WDVIMI plaids, novelties, two- innt'f). Ivy kutjue, wti.sli 'n' wear flannels, sport ami IUUB- slucve wlilie ilrefs shirts Hv«iy Milit a product of » fniumis maker. Ml i-oiiird jvalliilild." rtl/.«j H-M-l, XL,

Silk and cotton* nylons and Water repellent, snugly lined UJIeUs In aolld.s and nov- with sturdy wool. elties. Detachable hood, handsome Pastel colors in skes 3-6x toijgle closing. tor girls and 1-2-3 for tod- Two ruomy pwkets. dler*. GOOD FOR ANY ITEM IN THE STORE NO DOWN PAYMENT • MONTHS TO PAY PA OF TF.V I RlGHTKNKI) AWAY (Fellowship Hall „[ „ at. $1 '0. HIHI Mrs.1 hl mid Mrs. Violet] WOODBRIDOK - A thletjPreshyterian ,!„„,, "\l • was evidently frightened away bridge. Awards we,'-',„,.,"'"'" Kushnor will receive $120. .from .Ileus. Tavern rarlv ves-lee cream mut ...... ' '"'TI. four hours daily as cashiers from JIBRS. Tavern early ye«-|i"" eream HIln <-nnriv P. r| Named as substitute cafe- Vice President terday mornhiR when the own-,«nd SanU rjbir '°''' 1 j8hn Cnee B Smlth stlpe Prizes li-rm workers tGE Achilles:* "- & - ti needed. Hi $120. «'ere Doprriter. Mrs. An" Wpblos said Mrs Anna Damiano, Mrs, of Robert HHII saw man run sen ted the den n,,',' nladvs Uil*. Mrs. Anna Pi- Clothes "His"election was an-laway. The tavern had been ..If u they had mnrii ! The Crow's Nest nounced bv Harold RosnerJransacked and a quantltv of singing „»» »|,.n rlli,lv, / ' "' rii-yi. Mrs. Ellen Meshrojd.Mrs. president of the 300-store liquor had been sUcked In the Saturday .in cuhs •.., "'' ' it the Typewriter: Dorl< Burns,Vlothlnd chain. center of the floor. Randolph, Mrs n mother* vlnttrri n, i We hpvi- 'rowed some nice Mr Sttyker, whose association to being carted away. Some •'ark Horn, Mrs Rarlon OeU. \.Vftes. alnni: with donations to with the company dates to the1 money was taken out of the runs. .« v>r Effective January 1. Mrs, e •v;»|. ,,,,(, I ilw CliriMmn.-i Fund. One comrs chain's formation in 1941. was cash register and a cigarette ed the me Gertrude Concannon was ap- ; rom Cub Scout PHCk 38 which an orlulnal director of the eom-;rnnchlne was broken open. rookies \i( pointed school nurse at $3,800. p,,,i- I mids as follows: "The commit- pany and had been vice presi- Mrs. Concannon will replace a bf Mo; I•'« of Cub Smut Pack 3R. sj>on- dent nnd treasurer. He began nurse on leave. ?o. •ored by School 18 PTO >Iselin> his business career with the itc- I jtas elected to pivr thf enclosed New .1 a n 11 o r s were also Pack projects I OTitrlbiition of $15 to assist in 'named, to be assigned by thf '« In lurrying forward the worthy Isnipeivlsnr of janitors. They | tftuse which you represent., are OeorRc Mako. Steven Estok. rip to Y. I 'lease accept this donation as Mr. Ivster Miller. Thomas O'- col .ONI A Cub Scout Pack WC |.» smnll token of our sincere ap- Mnlley and Francis Ferrlse. I id held Its Christmas pnrtv irlvr preciation of the sprvice you Mrs Delia Hslton was named Mundnv niKhl Rt School !20 with tint- ,»'ction. o|,. j.) v 111 n» I/lave used for a party. We are School 7 Head l*l.in-- were made foi * Puck '''•!> ,ij$ppy to do this!" ... Thanks, SO THAT OT1IKRS MAY HAVK A MHKKY CHRISTMAS: Above are some nf the members of the Honor Society of iii)> to Nru York Jmiuary 16. J. r COIT ijdds. We Rot a lovely box of ho" Woodbridsf llieh School who helper! to wrap Rifts for the needy to tie distributed today through The Independent- WOODBRIQGE—Mrs. Doro- miIU-Id ifi>n ! bthe ehel Blud eFebruar and Goly d jidmi in- "d !'gifts for the needy from Mrs Leader ChriMmus Fund. I-fft to right, Warren Jenssen. Miss Ruth Wolk of the Independent-Leader editorial Miff: thy D. LudewtR was appointed on J.tnniMV ;ftohn Connolly, 39 West Hill Kathryn Clark, 'William Wieland, president nf the Honor Society and Stuart Trooskin. 'iRoad. Colonia, who made sev- principal of School 7, Fords, by the Board of Education Mon- eral little girls' dresses that ex peart very cute «nd styttsh. She , ,„ Uw Tovnl Committw hud, 'very H* "'day. The appointment becomes C I- ftftl R0a(kYo™sed the rough grading TOIMV TIIHI ItTI i .'tlso made a number of rag Visi in these industries to ser\e ««HI1 «li»* in , dolls and re-dressed several i would be done by January l and wig has ( fht Ktlirr.iHr.i i „., .noils with lovely dresses she "we should not be quick to «|on the advisory group and w«steacher for'several years criticize before the date of the turned down.^ ' teachers for the ACHIIXKS SfVKKR » Si nil r ll#t-r •!() u made herself. Thank you Mrs, Delay Target 'Open House Name<1 w Itrlntrd Illllllfl, Shrlljih ipromise." l.rrfnrt PKk • \\r\,. , jConnolly. . . . remainder of the school year nf S D Leldes- WOODBRIDGE — The WOODBRTDGE — Close to were Frieda B. Barhash, ti.-\^orf w 1926 and switched to re- "BELOVED At Random: .Committee was taken to tasfc: 12.000 parents visited the vari- School Lunch 400: Mildred Bernstein. $4,100 tailing in 1936 by joining .Sam- 1 were as- ous Township schools during and A,. Richard Granholm, i4.- uel Stores as comptroller. Herbert W. Head, 54 ClarkjMonday by School Commis- work would be done Ki.lifrl Mllihum . lm,, l , ,, „ Place, Avenel, has been pledgedlsioners Ruth Kahree and Clydej^'months ago"?""Mr "idrington recent open houses, Superin- 500. Named to succeed him a« |U» Phi Kappa Theta at Wor-JEdrington for failure t» con-lggked -we were promised the tendent of Schools Patrick A. Aides Named Appointed to elementary Robert Hall's treasurer was Boylan reported to the Board The Wonderful Country fester Polytechnic Institute,|struct the Panning Street road!road would be ta for the coaching positions at an addi' Bernard Silbert, former comp- of Education Monday. •Worcester, Mass. . , . George A.jleading to the new Fords Juniorjto ^ built x the tieavy WOODBRIDGE — In prepa- tlonal »250 a year were Mat- troller Mr. Silbert, in turn, was M'NIMY. WISIHI 11 I-IIM ! \II-Htl »hn« In I . ., (Shnlta, 260 Main Street, Wood- High School. ' woul(J pack the dlrt down.. "It shows that people are in- [ration for the opening o( thejthew Jago, Neil O'Donnell, An> succeeded by Joseph Daks, who 'bridge, a freshman at Glassboroi Mr. Edrington pointed out' Mr Vogel expressed optim- terested in our schools". Mr, Junior High Schools several|Rei0 Aromando. moves up from the post of as- "The Nearsighted Boylan said, "and I hope theyjcafeterla workers were appoint- sistant comptroller George .State College, Is home for the tha- t fo- r the past "2- 2 monthEJis•• ' m the road would be com The appointment of Louis \S\> IHSNKV S were pleased with what they led by the Board of Education Mr. Magoo" IChristma'iChristmas recess. . . . Stuart TT.. |vw,ec llovhavce 1CMUciitcu constructiowiauuvwn pleted in time and Mr. Edring- freshman football|Smith took over Mr. Dak's -J t IlltS l» VNTtHC in > s l leftst l '"Turner, 257 Main Street, is onlof a road, and up to this minute ton"^t*"him"a tu7ke7dinner°it| ^'- * haven't heardjon an hourly^basis^The sUrUng|cogC"h at |250 wu confirmed; former position as assistant i.the Dean's List of the College not one spade of dirt has been|would not be done by the first any adverse comment." {date to be determined by of Frank Capraro comptroller. ftp TMAS! In ',of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers|turned." of the year. Norman Gardner, "who plansjcafeteria supervisor as assistant varsity foo*»H OPEMU "1001 ARABIAN VK.HT - ' ; University. .. . Army Pvt. Ter- *im \nd-KI4t Out lot Ki. k, Both the Fords and Iselin to run for the Board of Educa- The appointees and thelrlcoech was increased from $300 TO GIVE RECITAL •THF. n.VISCi HlNTU\l. iirell M. Essig, son of Mrs. Kath- Junior High Schools have been tion, said he had visited the|houriy rates are: to $400. Herbert Hollowell was WOODBRIDGE—Seven-year- ?** lerlne H. Payne, 680 Woodbridge school in his area and was scheduled to be opened around Head cooks, Mrs. Ruth Ahern appointed coach of Indoor old Susan Macaulay, daughter » iiAvenue, Avenel, participated January 18. deeply gratified with what hej Betty'Jones, six;hours.\track at $250. The annual com- liwith the 101st Airborne Divi- LAFAYETTE ESTATES ft and MrS of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Macaulay It was revealed two pieces of saw. jjslon's 327th Infantry in Exer- $1.60. coiite, Mrs. pensatlon of athletic manager Orady Drive, will give a piano equipment had been brought to "It is apparent we have a ,,cise Ranger Bulldog at Camp SHORECREST at FORDS Catherine Christeruen and Mrs. .-as set at $600 recital Christmas afternoon at RITZ Theatre the site on Monday, but it is ,Breckinridge, Ky., December 8- high calibre of teachers", he|piOrence Baumlin, six hours, Two contracts were awarded her home for a small group of expected, with the heavy snow- commented. "If we have the Carteret, N. J. KI 1-S»M FORDS :• 11. The 20-year-old soldier is a $1.40: ,to W. J. Patten Company, for friends and relatives. The little fall, no road work can be done. —Welcome to Dr. and Mrs same type teachers in the other 1957 graduate of Woodbridgej Appointed at $1.30, were Mrs.ljanitors' equipment at $6,251.82 girl also plays tht organ. NOW THRU SATURDAY PLAYNOBSE Commissioner Robert Vogel J. Seltzer and daughters at 205 schools we have an excellent High School. He attended Mon- Margaret Andrews cashier- and for janitors' supplies for •i Arlington Drive. Dr. Seltzer is system as far as the personnel ; mouth College.... The skipper cook, four hours; Mrs. Ruth three new Junior high schools "BLUE DENIM" with a merry face and content- associated with Dr. Wllsen Field is concerned." BLACKOUT IN AVENEL THURSDAY, DF.( ?i jof Sea Explorer Ship 237 sent Sorensen. baker, six hotirs.iat $2,917.20. The firm was low AIM ed heart. Our life on it, but|on New Brunswick Avenue, WOODBRIDGE — At press jithis open letter: "Will the Howard Kay. Colonia, asked $1.30;' ' j bidder. your Christmas shall be merry Perth Amboy. ime last night emergency CLOSED young lad who borrowed our, the Board if it had ever con- Named at $1.20 an hour foil The low buio for cafeteria "ULYSSES" and your New Year a happy sidered asking industry to con- rews of Public Service were boxing gloves please return —Mr. and Mrs. John Schwing five hours daily as generaljequlpment. was also accepted- and CARTOONS one! So may the New Year be entertained at a Christmas par- tribute to the cost of school | t work jn Avenel and part of FRIDAY Thru SATl Rim 'them? These gloves are an im- cafeteria workers were Mrs J. F. Collins, Co.. 149 Mulberry Millne* litnnU; at I P. M. a happy one Lo you, happy to ty at their home on Arlington 'construction. Colonia, which were entirely .portant part of our program. Edith Fricke, Mrs. Pauline Street. Newark. $5,070.50 and many more whose happiness de- Drive. Present were: Mr. and "It would make for good pub- dthout lights. You,see. many who need them Kitchen, Mrs. Margarey Com- SUN., MON., TUES. 'They Came to Cordura pends on you! So may each year Mrs. Dan Green, Mr. and Mrs. lic relajjons", he declared. "It1 Flagstaff Food Corporation, now have to do without. Should fort, Mrs. Leonard Fisher, Mrs.i M With Gin (ooprr .mil be happier than the last, and|John Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. was done in Hillside." ' 538 Fayette Street, Perth Am- j you return the boxing gloves) Gloria Hess. RIU H»ymorth not the meanest of our breth- Frank Dawney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank WukoveU. Board Pres- boy. $1,289.96, Announcing the opening "-30 I and feel you wnat to use them AIM "GOLDEN AGE (OMUiV 'sometimes you are welcome to ran or sisterhood debarred their Chris Danday, Mr. and Mrs.jident, stated, he had approach- Miss EUa May Reedy and of ARMY GRADUATE "TEENAGERS FROM | comes to'our base and do so 'rightful share in what our Cre-|BilBill Gross, and Mrs. and Mrsjed three of the largest indus- Mrs. Elisabeth Woodruff will SATURDAY MATINKt ator formed for them to en-UohJh n CCMearaM . Itries on the subject and it "wasjwork for lour hours daily ISELIN - 8er«eant First OUTER SPACE" ! Vital Statistics: joy.' ... So here's wishing yoti Class Melvin R. Long field Jr., CAMEO AND CAETOONS" 'Francis anil the M j Born at Perth Amboy General all, from the bottom of my whose Barents live at 257 MatlaM luadaj at 1 P. M. "GOLDEN AGF OK ! Hospital: from Woodbridge, a heart, the Merriest Christmas! Lincoln ^Highway, graduated COMEDY Ever!— RW. ; from the Army Information^ Antique Shop WED. THRU SATURDAY j son to Mr. and Mrs. James Ben- ISELIN DEC. 3(, SI, /AN. 1, \ BUrtini at M>« P M ( nett, 119 Harriet Street; a son School at Fort Slocum, N. Y. 200 Freeman Street BUS. THRt • to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cos- Merry LAST TIMES TODAY "HOUND DOG tello, 212 Freeman Street; GRADUATES Woodbridge "Beloved Infldel daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- j "ODDS AGAINST WOODBRIDOE - Joseph J. MAN" With Grffor) Pn-k *nd : ert Schultz, 1^4 Wedgewood; Christmas TOMORROW" Takacs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aiti^es-Gifts-Cirlos and Deborah Krrr I Avenue; .. . from Fords., a. son front all of us at the -AUo- John Takac* of 213 Fulton A. GUoi ME 4-U22 "ALLIGATOR PEOPLE" EVERT WEDNT.MiW ) to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrell, Street, graduated from recruit AND CARTOONS "THE JAYHAWKIRS" : 51 Hearthstone Avenue; a training at the Naval Training Mailnte S»tur«ijr at I P. M. MllfiARIAN SHOW I daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Law- Center, Great Lakes, 111. !«ence Withirm, 164A Fifth1 REO Closed All D»y Thurwlaj. i tttreet; a son to Mr. and Mrs. December 24 Reds accused of plot to "lib- (Marion Garvin, 58 Brandywine DINER erate " Puerto Rico. : Road; a daughter to Mr, and FRIDAY THRU TUESDAY MAJESTIC | Mrs. John Manseld, » Eberlt DEC. 25 THRU DEC. 29 6-5529 j Place; . . . from Hopelawn, a OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE Fabuloiu F»bi«n HOLiDAY^ : MOWI CONTINUOUS PEMOIMANCI son to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jor- (ALL NIGHT) i dan, 38 Loretta. Street; a son to May the infinite blessings Reader & Advisor 1 Mr .and Mrs. Peter Palmblad, of the first Christmas be on all affairs of life A FABULOUS WORLD . 68 James Street . . . from Se- CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY yours to cherish now and "Hound Dog Man" I waren, a daughter to Mr. and! BELOW THE WORLD! always. ai?R Reopen Saturday, December 26th Abo, Robert Taylor In By Mrs. Annette WARNINGL I Mrs. George Rybak, 33 Pleas- "HOUSE OF 7 HAWKS" iant Avenue . . . from Iselin, a AT 5:30 A.M. at 298 Penning Avenue, , —- U£S VERNE'S | son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles STARTS WED,. DEC. 3* Carteret Don't \A>\ Fret*h S|iotw ami : Messina, 17 FalmoutH Road ' HAT BAR I yj J Last But Not least: REO DINER For appointment call SpilU S|i«il Your tjirjM-l! K Main Street | % I"Summer Place" . KI 1-4634 '.' .A friend received ;a novelj 392 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge — AUo — I Christmas card—a ^iece of 9:»0 A. M. to t:M P. M. : puebment bearing prints of "PIER 5, HAVANA" FREE SPOT REMOVAL | Mkrrie olde England and a copy I of A Christma~ s Blessing byj, ! Charles Dickins. It is worth re-.J INFORMATION & FIRST AID TIPS I peating here: "Reflect upon < your blessings, of which every! The MAYER brothers... ! man has many, not on your past Ready for New Year's Eve! On I'mteniiiK the Ufe of ^ our | misfortunes, of which all men! I .have same. Fill your glass again,: Wish all their friends The Log Cabin Lounge's tar|nt During the Holiday*! a very Beautiful New STATE ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION THEATRE erru COLONIAL Woodbridge, N, J. a and a .', WED. THROUGH SAT. WHATSOEVER! DEC. 23 THROUGH 26 Happy - Healthful - Prosperous ROOM Gregory P«ck. With Accommodation* You Needn't be a Customer Deborii.h Berr in for "THE BELOVED I lew vjear or Even Give Your INFIDEL" and cordially invite them to a ... 400 Persons! Shown A HAS and 3:00 P. M. Continuous ( liri»Uii«* Day JUST DIAL PA Ml55 Dancing to"Liv<>" Music! SUHMI, »I will rtuu Extra Special Kiddie Gala NEW YEAR'S EVE Celebration Noisenwktrs . . Favor* Ami A*k for Spotting Deul. Matinee and a Thursday Dec. 31st. al .-JKrld*) ind SMturdaj at KIDS N(W YEAR'S WX .l)B STKAK Kruin KI I ««h»nif (IperaU* 2:00 F. M. EVE MATINEE (fUBfiATt "SABU & THE MAYERS' IIINNKK LIKE MOM AND DAD Daily Fick-ii|»N Throughout MAGIC RING" All J D

JOHMOnJ To New Year's Parties Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ROUTS U. 8. #1 CALL FU 1-8787 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. >?2^»&W3£!^^ PADR FOimTEEN llarrun Library Gives Party for Children W(X)DBRIDGE — The 11- hrnrinnfl and trustees of the Run-on Public Library Rnve A Christmas parly Snturday lo tlir children who hold cardf nti tlm library. Approximately 40 yniinKRlcis (lttendod. Soatlnit n round n lamr Christmas tree, the children, listened to stories told by'Miss• (iernldlne O'Brien nnd the ynuiiRstei s sang their favorite Chrlstmns soncs. Cookies were: sewed nnd each child was given n candy cane. Mrs. Ed- wnrd Springer was In charge of; arrangements and she was' assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Whit-' worth. HOLLYWOOD NEWS There's quite n romance' gnin» lietwmi Kusnn Kohner and Rawhide's Kile Flemmlni!.!

(ilFT FOR MODHRATOK: Rfv Rnhfrt Mum, 1« shown rfCflrlni i »lf| frnlt) I,e.slie Caron Rets $15,000 for| staff mrmbrrs of St. Orrlla* Vrrt Catholic Library. I»Hln, at a Chrlntman naru i three days work ptaylnsr Marie to ri»ht .Mrs. John Rakaiukas. Mrs. Frank Knderlfln, R*v. Mayer Mm Al Wnlenski, Napoleon's mistress Maizuk »nd MIM Jane Podntowskl, "'W in "Austerlitz." with Gerard:. . Phlllpe, Ulll Palmer, and Vit-| ] . at point matters move along TO it.M) MASONIC! LODfiK: Above are the newly-lnrtalled offloen of Amrricm lodee, F. A A. M., WoodbridKC Front row, left «o rlxht, Niels E. M. d hft(J R c011slderftb e de tn woman who is called or- v, torltorio de SlcaSlca . Oarbo played this - d!t fhndkchif fil Kjeldsfii, Robert C. Seel, Charles H, Kuhlmnn, Howard V. Tune, Valdemar W. Lund, Christian J. Brtms, Stephen (omba, Oenrge I. Baker. Second row, Rrec of sincerity, honesty andjto a four-handkerchief finale. and suffer greatly. Ti,,, .,*,.. role in "Conquest" for \ Gregory Peck appear* a* Benjamin I. Kantor, Philip S. 8eltMt, George J. Kufus, Herbert P. Nielsen, Stephen Shaffer, Harold T. Drexler, Russell E. Ely. Third row, Stanley A. Thc movle arc glamorous, and S Plttgerald, and Deborah Ken l«!romantlc semes arr Laddie, L«ror Maddj, Anthony F. Moscarelll, Hartley F. Field, Mitchell Cairns. plav CUff Robertson is her lovely, patrician self as alquite a tender everything to save his marriage of John Jewkes, now in charge believe romance. B. of E. Election with Cynthia Lemmon. H»i , of school cafeterias. loves their baby, and doesn't! The two-hour story tells of Carteret Post Number 263 Lund Installed as Head (Continued from Page 1) Commissioner Wlnfleld want to part with either. Re- the |ove affair of a beginning, The American Legion vlty. It is known, however, that Finn's term also expires, and is cently back from four months!«"ngitlous, hard-driving movie Sherman Jay Umansky, Commander BP columhlst and a has- for Sometime the Colonla resi- said to have told several In- In Yugoslavia, he goes into and dents have been considering been novelist, who 1* In Holiy- timates he does not Intend to "Caves of Night" at Columbia. Of Local Masonic Lodge backing a slate. It his been jwood trying to write screen The Auxiliary Unit of rumored that Lloyd McChesney run for reelection. Effort! to Hugh O'Brian, who thinks pl«rs in order to «am enough Carteret Post No. 263 will be Mr. Kuhlman's 23rd WOODBRIDOE — Valdemar other officers art Howard V who has appeared frequently at. reach Mr. Finn on the tele- he's the fastest gun. challenged money to keep hU hopelessly Mrs. Clifford C. Cutter, President W. Lund, Fords, was installed Tune, lenior warden; Chrlitlan year as treasurer and Mr. Com- Board of Education meetings phon„„„_ e wer„„e. fruitless„ . He di„d Audit Murphy to a duel. Audleim wife In a mental asylum as worshipful maste rot Atnerl- J. Brems. junior warden; bat 13th year at secretary. The as a representative hi the not attend Monday's session of thought It over and sent backed his daughter in boarding Merry Christmas cus Lodge, F. & A. M.—the 70th Charles H. Kuhlman^ trea- word, "Of course. We'll use llvej»chool. Mason to be elevated to that membership of the lodge totals council, will be one of the the Board. Happy New Year. surer; Stephen Comba,. secre- ammunition." That was the They are brought together at M,IV post since Masonry was organ* tary; Leroy Maddy, chaplain; 88 Sand is one of the largest candidates. Prom all indications, it will the Blessings of The fifth petition was taken not be surprising If there are last he heard about a contest. a dance, and their resulting lzed In Woodbridge in 1868—91 Benjamlnl. Kantor, senior dea- lodges in the district. upon our nation out by Henry Strubel, Colonla. 10 or more candidates in the _ . . . . , , Idyll is disrupted from time to years ago. con; Stanley A. Laddie, junior grace and happim who would not say whether the field this year. Today's picture review: |l|ne by Ht8gerti,i', periodic Mr. Lund succeeds Anthony deacon; Stephen Shaffer, sen- petition was for himself or an- BELOVEt) INFIDEL | alcoholic bouU. After one par- upon your family. F. Moscarelll, Woodbridge. ior master of ceremonlei; Har- Quiz Answers other party. Sheliah Graham's account ofticularly violent set-to during Niels E. M. KJeldsen, Hartley old T. Drexler, junior master , Camilion Pascual of thc For Ntw Vnr'i tit Dtnncr-Ptnnce Krwrritloni n til H Of the incumbents Prankjwashliwton Senators pitched her »ftolr back in the Thirties which he chases, hits and tries T. Field and George I. Baiter, of ceremonies; Oeorge J. Kufus. (Continued from Page 4) p«r couple, cm m inn, xi i-rn, KI \-;m, u , . with novelist, F. Scott Pitz- to kill her, she leaves him. From : u all past masters of the lodge,Igenior steward; Herbert P. 1. Hugh Duffy of the Boston Wukovets and Clifford Han- L^ shutouts during the Amari- derhan will run for reelection e»n League season, conducted the Induction cere- Nielsen, junior steward; Russell Braveratnus Iin 1894lftdl , » mofiy. for the full term of three years,; %&&f!&as&^^ Ely, marshal; Mitchell Cairns, 2. The New York Yankee* Joe DIMaggio. and Robert Vogel, a recent ap- The largest win price paid tyler; Robert C. Seel, organist: 3. The former Pittsburgh pointee, will run for the one- during the 1>S9 Monmouth ; School Pay Philip S. Seltzer, historian. star Dale Long hit home runs , ,T , Park meeting was $143.80 for a year unexpired term. Mr. Vogel $2 ^^^ m BehMd j^t Junft J. Blair Einstein, Hartley P. in eight consecutive games in (Continued from Page 1) was named to take the placets. from Port Reading, urging con- Field and George I. Baker will 195S. 4. Ernie Banks, the Chicago struction of a new school in serve as trustees. William B. that area, declaring the prox- Cub inflelder, hit eight in 1866. imity of Hess Trading and Burner begins his 26th year u 6. The great Ty Cobb heads r Transport, Inc. near the pres- proxy to the grand lodge. This the list with 4,191 bate nlU ent site constitutes a hazard. Mr. Wukovets explained that Season's Greetings efforts had been made to sell School 9 to Hess, hoping that &$i£Sl sufficient money could be real- ized to build another school. "We received a definite an- 1 imes change and we with - swer last week that Hess is not interested," he related. -"That time - but not so the age-old .exhausts our thoughts on the To you and yours, we extend our best custom of extending Christmas subject. We are willing to meet wishes for a joyous Holiday Season and with you again. MayVyou a Happy New Year. have some thought* on the mat- Greetings to those whose good to." For ourselves, we make this pledge: We will do a*, we can to merit your will and friendship *we cherish The spokesman said that he continued confidence—for your confi- ,had nothing new to? offer but dence it the measure of our success. - felt that the situation was such " We wish we could send a specW HoM- and hope to maintain. , that the construction of a new day Greeting to each friend wtfw mad* school should be taken out of this year. Instead, we take thi* means -phase 2 of the school construc- This year as always, we are tion program, moved up to to wish you all a Happy Hottd|t tmd • •phase 1 and included with the Fruitful New Year. , % happy to send you the Greet- 'new senior high school. 83 MAIN STREET . The suggestion will be re- WOODBRIDGE: ings of the season - with our ferred to the Board of Educa- tion consultants. DANNY'S SPA sincere wishes for good health Fanners are warned on feed- 68 Main Street, WoodMdp " and joy at Christmas time and ''grain surplus. MR. and MRS. DANNY O'BRIEN and Family... throughout the New Year. BUI and Shkb, Bob and

WMioawitttiiwiiiawMi^^ A wish so big we couldn't put it in the mail


We hope foMiW , that Y

for of Holiday Season* &yv the Happte** jm etru Lhridtma.i • +..« Let the joyous holi- day bells ring out our bright and happy Christmas greeting to | all our wonderful ...4. friends and patrons. May this season of cheer find you enjoy- ing all the health MNIINQ BOUllli MONDAY-nUKiPAY I A. M.-l P. H. - FRIDAY ILM.-IML and happiness In the world. May your Mer- ry Christmas be rich In all the best in life. The PERTH AMBOY Roberts Savings Institution SHELL OIL COMPANY Quality Jwden 88 Smith Street SAVERS :> i N ' SEWAREN, NEW JERSEY Perth Amboy PAOE FIFTEEN ment was made through legis- "hlporV Effects Told lation fixing a tlO fee for such t»KR, and a conference between DRIVE SUCCESSFUL r senators and Ned .1. Pnraeklan. OOLONIA-The Annual Boy Mothers Circle n Anquish to Meyner State Director of Motor Ve- 3v W«oill>ilikr I.mlgr II I' 111. Florida has become the firsl has plagued New Jersey for Hospitality was arranged by kowski, Senior Patrol Lead •nd 400 Jet airplanes landing state to have Its motorboai over two years, Governor Mey- Mrs. Ambrose and attendanc. presented gifts from the ' and taking off dally. A Morris numbering system approved bj ner revealed It has been sug- prizes won by Miss Santina the U. S. Coast Guard. Thi to Harold Hlbell, Sr., County editor told the Gover- Frederick Boyle. The Bu gested that an efficient county ;antamessa and Mia. William Coast Guard has ceased num nor such an airport would di- Patrol also gave gifts to I assessor be set up In each Enoch, )ebatcrs Score berlng pleasure motorboats use< rectly affect every municipality leaders. county to promote uniform The next meeting will bi principally in Florida. Boat ac within a 13-mile radius. assessments within the county. January 29 with Miss Canta- cldent reports are now made U The next Scout Meeting Alter listening to the story, High in Contest Office costs and salary would messa, 304 Midland Avenue the nearest Florida count; be Thursday, January 7, | /Governor urged that all WOODBRIDGE-Five mem- be borne by all the munici- Metuchen. sheriff Instead of the Coas which there will be an insp fact* concerning the airport be ?rs of the Woodbridge Debate palities In the county. Creation Guard. tlon of uniforms. evaluated before any definite oiincil scored heavily in an of such a position could only decision ii reached. Up to the ON COMMITTEE trmporeaneous speaking con- be through legislation, the Gov present time, the matter Is COLONIA — Mrs. G. Clark •st held last week at Red ernor said. In answer to merely presented for discussion Stover, Jr., Warwick Road, was ank High School. Fifteen Na- questions, the Governor said If by the staff of the Port of Nlw on the dance committee for the onal Forensic League contest such a measure Is made option- York Authority, he said. The "Holiday Dance" held last nigh olnts were at stake for each al, he would favor it. noise factor at the. airport at the Elizabeth Town ant idivldual speaker in the event Low-number tags can only be Country Club. This Christina; wo out of the five local secured through approval of oancc is dne of the oldest sub ltrants attained the perfect MMWWMNMMMM the 8tate Senator, Governor scrlptlon dances for youni :ore, Harriet Bernstein and ridtmai '.Meyner explained, In answer to people held annually in Unto :artin Staum. They received [another question, The arrange- County. uperior ratings in each of . May you, this year, :ielr three rounds to compile «••••'.•••••• nla score. rediscover all the Gerry Kuzma, Ellen Levine, shining wonder of nd Faith Longstreet each alned 13 points out of the Christmas, nsslble 15. In a contest of this so dear to your lature, each entrant Is given a election of nine topics based childhood ... recap- n current events and Is asked ture In your heart all speak for five minutes on hree of these. The speeches the infinite joys and MERRY CHRISTMAS ire judged on organization, ELKS SPONSOR 1ULE PARTY: Woodbridge Lodge, BPOE, held its initial Christmas blessings of this We with for our fricndi content, and general speaking party for the townshlp'g crippled kiddies at the Trinity Church parish hall, Sunday aft- ibillty of the contestant. happiest time of all! •t Chriitmat tke listing giftt of good ernoon. In the photo above, from left to right, are Santa Claus and two of the children, *i kwllh, happintu and food fortane.' Irene Toth and Thomas Petersen. Albert Mundy, chairman of the affair, is on the right. Warm and glowing with oursl | REAL YULE SPIRIT thanks for jour patronage,! ISELIN —Cub Pack 48'of was named president for theJanuary 12 to 14. Holy Nairn Iselin visited the Veterans our with* for Chrlitmu JoyS Home, singing Christmas carols 10 merrily forth to you. i Slate Appointed second successive year; Wil- members will participate WOODBRIDGE liam Leahy, vice president; and distributing Christmas gifts the procession on the 14th. Frank Dl Leo, secretary; Mi- to each patient. Accompanying NEW YORK * For Holy Name chael Yavor, financial secre- Members were reminded th the boys were Cubmaster War- IUG CUANING CO., INC. tary and Charles Podraza next hour of the Nocturnal ren Rees, George Albertson, AVENEL — Appointments of Charles Benz, Mrs. Hamilton FUR SHOP RESTAURANT I A VS. SOUTH AMBOY, H. 1. treasurer, oration Society will be he! officers of the Holy Name So- Billings, Jr.,' Mrs. James from 3 to 4 A.M. January 87MainStnct lulltuts ol Rui CluMta ciety of St. Andrew's R. C. Rev. Eagan announced at the O'Rourke, Mrs. Curtis Camp- 522 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge Woodbtidf* Church was made by Rev. John December Meeting the forty- at St. Mary's Church, Pertt bell. Lynn Campbell played an *••••••••••••••••••••» accordion solo. vmmmmoMmmc Eagan, pastor. Philip Micell hour devotion will be held Amboy, ^ttftft&K»^^

Merry Christmas To All...

and to alt a Good Night. As the sandman sends toasle-headeJ \ [tikes off to dreamland, Santa takes over! Softly and • . swiftly he moves through the night, working 4^'^-f^-iupc in every home, in every heart...bringing j •"' joy and laughter...the pleasure of receiving

'••••'•• ' f . " : v the happiness of giving...all wrapped up in the Wonder of Christmas! TTTUTTSnAY, DFCEMHER ?A, PAGE SIXTEEN that the January 27 meuum, will feature Jan Audllta, hyp- ISELIN PERSONALS jnotlst, furnish entertainment Squad tSighlless Sewaren Man for the evening. —The Sons and Daughters of Elects |Llberty, Liberty Bell Counoll AVENEI, — Alki .• \Given OutstandingAward By OUDVS fc. ia, nuui OTX...U^, 245 met Tuesday at the home was electelected preside M 497 Uncnin Hlglii .the annual Christmas family of Mrs. Elster, Avenel, for their. Avenel-Colonl,,,.^,J1IJ a First, by a Foundation for the Blind Alt! R(|1,, , ' SEWARKN—IrviiiR 0. Bent- Tel. U-8-167» I reunion party «t the home of annual Christmas party, Gifts at n recent mpetlng. scholarship. were exchanged, I en, win of Mr. and Mrs. Otman Robert Mauceri, son of MrMr. . and,Mrs. William Christ Also elects (ienlspn, 10 Central Avenue, a The Captain Brown award Mllltown. —Iselln Lions Club transport- WPrp nd Mrs. .Joseph MRiicerl, Bird -Iselln Lions Club transport-mtronejlntrone., viovlc r Jnr ;\nd past, the sodftlKts will sored by the P.T.O. of Iselln w 'i (ate for a doctor's degree in ;in 'in |in,,., ..... |anany reason.. HuHamm Salby, secon11Vd1 lliinn, ' entered the glass manufactur- 8chool 18 wishes to thank all tnithemntirs at Rutgers. In the !(!";tribute them at. tl^, *Ienlo who participated In making the Tyndale—I felt sure someone and Mr. Chapman, third n ing and Jobbing business. Hr l';uk Diagnostic Center. Mem- tenant. ' ''uifldemic yenr 1958-59, his firsf Glass BfTair a success He announcedihad left you without It. • it Ruturrs Graduate School. joined Pittsburgh Pint iicr.s will bring the cockles and -A. •si :| Jentsen rerelved "l's" In all ofCo. In 1898 and rose to prc; :i hand decorated coriwlncr to , w courses. A mark of 1.0 idens t and director of that firm jtlw- kitchen of the school cafe- lin 1915. Jci in A prlw will be awarded j lie highest grade at Rutgers.. 1 : I for the best containo i Mr. Robert Barnett, execu- j -Mr. nnd Mrs. R. ', DouRh-j ijSye dirpcUir of the Amerlcnn Chain O'Hills irrty, Trcnto Street arlft Mr. and j Foundation for the Blind, pre- |Mrs. Robert C. Sc*nk, Llnci the final touch A MEDAL FOR DADDY: Two-yoar "Id Jimmy Bentsen nets a close look at the cold (ented the Captain Brown Highway, nttended a wedding Clubwomen Elect modal a»;>rdcd to his father. Irvine 0. Brntsrn, lofl, as (tip outstanding hlind student Medal to Bentsen In the office nnniversary party > the homei» , ISELIN—The "Chain O Hills .^ ^ , „,,, Modal nf the Amorlonn Foundation for tlio Blind if Rutgers President Mason W. Vni{rd S(a(( s rllf ( Brown of Mr. and Mr'w Ellsworth X for your iWoman"s Club held its annual] ^ ,,t d to Mr. Bout sen by Rutgers president Dr. Mason W. Gross, right, as Mrs. ' j3ross. YVUUUWlo v,.,u ... prPse f IXiugherty. Scotch Plains. Hon- « (election' of officers and Christ - Bentsen, oonter, looked on. Mr. Bentsen, whoso parents live at 10 Central Avenue. Se- Mr. Brntsen, married and the the LOR Cabin.| ored wore Mr. an'/ Mrs, Russell ig 1 mas party at waren, graduated from Hobart College in 1954. won his master's degree at the Vniverslty •,'fhthcr of a son, James, 2, Is 'Iwoodbrideea , recently. Eleck-dj Skaling. Roselle fark who ob-js New Year Treat •J1954 graduate of Hobart Col of Rochester and was a mathematics Instructor at Hobart College In 19S4, won his served their 20t'i wedding an-!S ' were Mrs- Walter Andrews. master's degree at the I'nlverslty of Rochester and was a mathematics instructor at 'lege...»-. He received- his master's'president; Mrs. Robert Deerin. nlversary. R Hobart for two years before entering the Rutgers Graduate School as a candidate for —Mrs, Jolm inderson. Tren-1 • (degree In 1956 from the Uni-ivlce pi-fKident; Mrs. William • Iverslty of Rochester and was o Thompson, secretary; Mrs the doctoral degree, I to Street, ww, gueat of honor* 8 at a lamlly dinner In her home, s 'fUll-tlme instructor in mathe- Constant Shlsslas, treasurer; Montciair. Public Service of Maplewood mce Mr »nd Mrs. Paul Andersoin I I tnatlcs at Hob&rt for two years iMl.5 Jonn D. Williams, Jr.. Mrs.Mellett Receives > oil analyst for Esso 6tandard M and Mrs and children, Helen, Robert. [before entering the Rutgers! Jevkes, executive board. mmvii• i ./,,.^.,,,,nvtvnix, „_, ...... ,.„.^ ^ ••^> —Me])et t jome- d thp com„_ Oil of Linden and assistant IBM and children, 5 jgrnduate School, It was voted to donate $10 to ISELIPromotionN — Elme r byF. Mellettja Firmfimys IBearlieM rmanager this year. ,H servine hags supervisor for Western Electric and Linda, Colts Nock and Mr New | the Independent-Leader Chrlst- John Anderson were guests. I Now a resident o[ jAvon Terftce. has been ap jstudied in several IBM schools Co., Kearny. A veteran of World I mns fund. Mrs. Francis Burns and has had previous experience; War II, lie has been Fire Com —Mr. and Mrs. James ,'Brunswick, the former Sewaren [pointepointed tabulatinmuuiHuiiKg directouiitxiuir ouiionf u n« HUM ,..»..„,.., ^.. _, .. r jO'Rourke and sons, Gary and SS jtnan has been totally blind will be chairman of n member- ship drive to start early in theBankers National Life Insur-'as assistant IBM supervisor forlmissioner for the past five years (Since the age of 19. He attend- I ( new year. Mrs. Shissias, chair- icd the Now York Institute forj Puritan man, announced the success of 'Jibe Education 6*f the Blind the "Jingle Bell Hop1', teen-age Jfrom 1946-50 and received the Christmas dance, held at I High School Regents diploma. School 18. A final report on the > At Hobart, he was elected to square dance was given by Mrs. STARTS SATURDAY Phi Beta Kappa In his junior [Anthony Strada. year and was graduated with Entertainment at the party t honors. which followed the business ji Mr. Bentsen is the 30th re- meeting was directed by Mrs. I 'jciplerit of the Captain Brown Thaddeus Brzes^nskl. Partid a i; Medal, which Is awarded to thepating were "Mrs' . ~Thomas |i student doing the most out- O'HareOHare, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. i standing work in a course of Deerin, Mrs. Robert Bongart, E66 NOG i i! college training made possible ME WEEK ONLY! Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence, Mrs. i [Bernard Somers, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. H. L. Campana, Mrs. Alex- i ander Wertz, Mrs. Richard Van i Lenten, Michael Calabrese, and Ted Brzezinski accompanied the show on the piano and ..guitar. John G. Schreiber, Jr., ||arranged the special lighting. j 5 S

Merry Christmas! t)nce again we pause as an- other joy-filled Yuletide sea- son arrives, to wish our Jiany patrong and friends He Went Out to Get prosperity, health, content- Another Delicious jaent and peace this Christ- Ready to Serve... Hot Pastrami inas Day and throughout the SANDWICH EVERY SHOE M STOCK Jear to follow.

Famous Imported and American h(k a pair of shoes—any size, style or , Let joy reign unconfljied! It's another CHAMPAGNE and SPARKLING BURGUNDY color. Fay us the regular priqe. Then pick f New Year... time, once again, (or us to another pair (of equal value)—dress shoe, Seagram's 7 Crown...4.79 •% express our sincere appreciation of 4 work shoe, casuals or sports—for one-half Schenley Decanter.... 4.79 /5 your ioyal patronage and to wish you Seagram's V.0 6.40 *k tin- regular price! What a wonderful way (Decanter) to build up the family wardrobe at a saving, ^ and your family a bountiful Pour Roses Decanter 6.00 Qt. Hennessey Cognac ... 7.50 % snare of all Ufe'i greatest Taylor Wines 1.60 % 4 blessing* throughout Christian Bros. Wines 1.55 % Also Selection of Imported Wines Men's Shoes • Women's Shoes • Children's Shoes and all the yean to come. Hennessey and Martell Rubber Footwear • Steppers • Bags • Hosiery Cognac Uacaidi Puerto Rtcan RunV Light and Dark 4.60 *i Smirnoff, 80-Proof .... 4.25 % Smirnoff, 100-Proof 5.00 %

A Large Selection of t Imported SCOTCH and VODKA

All Popular Brands of Beer Imported and Domestic • VERMOUTHS PURITAN * CORDIALS

Fruit Flavored Brandies - Gin

FREE DELIVERY SPECIAL til A M to !) P. M. Olllyl <;iFr PACKS DAIRY (all AND BASKETS ME 4-1889 MAD*. 10 OUUKK "The Home of Cream Top Milk"

Ol'KN DAILY vim: oiFr WRAPPINC; SKKVICK |: 10 A M. TO 9 P M. Fayette & Wilson Streets WOODBRID(;E I LIQUOR STORK | PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Mary AudratcUt, i'tup. CARTERET SHOPPING CENTER AMBOY AVKNUK, WOODBRIIH.K Phone VA 64200 Ol'KN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 10 F. M. CARTERET, NEW JERSEY JL 24, 1059 PAOK SJ mlo a rhnpi'l train. HIT Qurni Miss Loretla Lewis i Klizfthclh rnllni' was trimmotl 'Drnirsilnrs mry Pete's Diner, LEGAL NOTICES | jwith soqulns and sorri iirnrls. S|I>fBellB's Const, over West Cnr- Jayvecs Beaten {Railway Inn Girl* Darabs Win 1stSt. Demetrius NOTICI Hr t.liiTf-ttriTd crnwn wiifi lilso toret Esso, Mattlo's Sunncn overj TAKE NOTICE, that the I Bride of Helton srod pearls and spquins. She Al Michael & Sot). Kneel. TIIF RAN BRAU IN rnrrlrd n bouquet of whtU1 ("Rr- By One Point byjWin 2 Games pnratlon of the flta'e nt Game in Senior 5 Opens Season wy, 1ms Applied to the Mafj nntions and stcphanotls. A. Shaner (DeBella'st 197 Cimncl! nf the Biroush of ~ Mrs. nnrbnra Edwards was L J. Ferraro (DrBrlln's) 184. Nrw Jf rpey, for n transfer of 1 "ong Branch 5 |()ver Shoprite Rr,t«tl Conmimpt'.on Llcrnoe matron nf honor. The niides- HiKh Set Basketball Loop With 27-20 Win 29. lwifd tr» Ofnr^c A Br< msiitl.s WI'IT the Misses Ardplia CARTERET — The Cflrtcret CARTERET The Railway A. Shnner (DrBcllas) 512 THE RAN-I1R.M' INN. *nr hlffh school four-Kfime wlnnlnc Inn girls went. Into second plncej CARTERET — The Darabs CARTERET—The 8t. j fir^n of Moluclipii and Qer- 1 won their first game In the lus basketball team opened! -""'"'* •""'" l.iuflr- Cook of Perth (streak was snapped Mondayjby postlnn nn Importanp t two- Senior basketball league by de- n i Amboy.inight at the local Rym when he season in the Junior Rec- ^ ', n ;i Rym when, (?ame victory over the third The bfRt, man was Jerome 1 feating the A. A. C. tossers by eatlon League by nosing OUt nn» or mnt« prr rrnt of tti the Blue and White tosscr* place Star's Shoprtte. The twojBreza Bus Team Krvrs. Ushers were Kenneth a one-sided 53-31 score at the he Magicians by 1 tn 9(1 nt SBlrl P dropped B one-point decision teamR, battling for first place to IK Cinfifl.sim BIHI Jamrs high school gym this week. core this week, I A nnowv. Pr all of Klt7nbpt.il. Usl\erlnR were :o a plucky and hard flRhtltiR are currently, separated by one Long Branch jnyvee club. The Takes 1st Place Four of the Darab players hltj Hawk set the pace for thei' .Jimmle Hriwkes and Wllbert ull game. Both clubs are ffinal score was 42-41, with the double figure mark for the it. Demetrius tram by scoring STEPHEN W SAVDOR. Flill ,)i , of Carterrt. Mrs. Lena pressing the league Irndlng De- Lonsi BrancB h winning the ball night as Joe Lucas, Dennis Yar- A-<^CJ Pni.snn, aunt of the bride, ren- Bella's Construction pinners lne point., with Kahora run-! » ££{£ In the final quarter. In Slovak Loop cheskl and Paul Sweda each dered two solos. who dropped a costly 'two-name Ing a close Bpcond with eight 2 Cnollriir Avtme. Car?T«| Both teams went into the, final CARTERET — Synowlecki's totalled 12 points. Steve Bllin- wlnts. Stewart led the nhlrrtlnnt If atlT. »ho riif couple will take a trip defeat, to Mullet's Insurance. stanza all tied up at 29-29. slipped out of first place for theski followed closely with eleven lth six points. mn/tp ininT'llatply In writ! to WiiKhirmton, D. C. For trav- The McKnlghts Dairy won first time, this season and goints. pi'orn'». BoroH rlinj'. the bride wore a tan coat' Long Branch held a slight three over Frank and Joan's The same was close right uplcftr'tciM.' New Brew's Bus assumed league The Darabs took a three- inttl the final period when ttir with racoon collar and dark upper hand in the opening Pizzeria as Shirley Kaufman ol THE BAN BRAO command In the First Slovak point lead In the first period, t. Demetrius five rallied to hrown accessories and an or- round, leading by 11-fl. Car- Frank and Joan's hit R big 191 Citizen's Bowling Leagua as the12-9, Increasing their advan- utacore the Magicians by 9 to chid corsage. The bride In teret reversed the tables by game. D«c™h»t isth. former league leaders dropped tage to 22-13 at the halfway ll/lfl eniduaU1 of Carteret High at.d the same margin In the second The team standing follows: Going Into the final stanza I.-L. quarter to tie the count at 20- jtwo games to Muller's Insurance! mark. The winners sewed up he Saints were ahead by only the New Brunswick Secretarial DeBella Const 25 U NOTICE all at the midway point. while the Breza Bus Service the contest with a big 17-4 rally wo points, 18-16. Rrliool. and Is employed by the Rahway Inn 33 16 took full Advantage of the sit- ThQ annual meeting of Dennis Kopln net the scoring In the third quarter. The box score: bent of the UnlWU Boo9«v»| Rosenthiil Lumber Co., New Sltars Shoprite 22 17 uation with a sweep triumph pace for Carteret with a total The box score: and Loan Association Hnmswlrk. Her husband Is Mullera ins 20'/j 18'i over Joe's Market. St. Demetrius' (27) Iheltt at the office of the Audi !!i iiduate of the Thomas A. Edi-of 16 points, while Alan So- Invincibles DARABS G F p 11-15 Cooks Avenue, Cartcrell 20 Va 18 V2 The honor roll this week In- on the evening of JantmTj hayda was second with twelve 80 son UIKII School, Elizabeth, ar.d Pine Arts 20'/a cluded Mike Skercheck 215, JoeSwed! a 2 12 •Cahora 3 2 11960, »t 7 o'clock lor the tallies. i.s employed by Rogers Clothes, Carteret Nov. Dress.. 20 19 Geles 212 and. Walter Rose 211 Blllnski S 11 Sherman * 0 0 0 of electing directors, and «'io| Yarcheskl n^buslness us mny properly ecj lnr . New Brunswick. Carteret Jayvees (41) Prank & Joan Plzi... 19V 19 Mi The team standing: 4 12 Hawk 4 1 " i fore the meetinK Polli will Sharkey, R 0 i _ a F Reo Diner 18 21 W L 0 Sarzlllo 1 0 2ifrom 7 to 8 P. M. Makkal .; 0 0 0 R. Sharkey 3 0 McKnlghto Dairy .... 17 22 Breza Bus 28 Saakes 1 0 UNITED ROOSEVBLT HM Koy 0 0 0 Lucas AND LOAN AS30C1ATIOJ Canadian Club 17 22 Synowteckl's : 26 5 2 l: azworskl 2 0 (Clubwomen Hold Zagleski 0 1 EMIL E. MUDRAK, Serrf Tony's Plumbing 17 22 Muller's Ins 22 C. P. 12/24. 31/99 21 11 5: Beam 0 1 iWlelgolinskl Ins 17 22 Joe's Market 22 12 3 27 Flnnegan . 3 0 A. A. C, FIRST NATIONAL RAl| (Christmas Fete 1K1 Gold Jewelers 16 23 Slovak Club 20 Maiiclam (20) IN CARTl'RET Kite 1 Kopln ET.1. 7 2 16 Sahulclk Builders 28 OPT NOTICE OF ANNUAL ME* AVENEL — Members" hus- Sohftyda 4 4 12 CARTERET IANES W. Ward 4 OF glURKHOLDERll ! Greenwald's Ins 17 Stewart ;... 3 o 6 bands were the guests at the Rosal 3 The Annual Meeting off Porter 0 1 1 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Pete's Diner 15 Pettus 2 0 4 Avenel Woman's Club Christ-' 27 Rozanakl 0 holders of the FIRST Mellck 1 2 4 DeBella .Const 24'A 11 Vb Williams 2 1 S BANK IK CABTHRET, K J mas party at the First Aid Lockman 0 B & C Decorators .... 24 12 Joe Garaglola tells this one Potrer 1 1 0 heW at the office of the 1 Squad building. A buffet «up- Quails , n|Coolte Avenue, Carteret, 15 It 41 Ma'ttie's 8unoco 23 13 about his buddy. Yogi Berra. Toblassen 10 Tuesday, January 12th. 1M0, per was held and an exchange Long Branch Jayveea (42) A. Michael & Son .. 20 16 On a' recent trip to New York, Hannon Zareva 0 0 A. M.. for the election of O] of gifts featured. Mrs. William ,Keys for the cnsuliiK year, aisn J^ GPP Pete's Diner .. 18 18 Joe telephoned Yogi at 3 A. M. transaction of, any other Kuzmlak took the part of Galllna Ideal Liquor .. _ 15 21 "Did I get you up, Yogi?" asked 20 that may properly come bei Santa Claus, distributing the Conklin Joe, "No," came trie reply. '1 14 3 meeting. The polls will open| 6JKeplch's Esso 15 21 Score by periods: A M. and femaln open gifts. Walker A. C. it Son 15 21 had to get up anyway to an- Darabs, 12 10 17 14—5 St. Demetrius' .4 8 9—27 hour. Pantomime acts were per- Farrow 6 6 18 Aly's Dress Shop .... W/2 22Vi| A. A. C. • 4 4 14—3 Maglctans ...... 4 4 4—20 JOHN P. MULVIHIl formed by Mr». William Han- Hyres 1 0 iWeet Carteret Esso.. 13 Vice President and | MRS, HELTON J. PRYOR Johnson says budget Ignores will re Asians seek to spur French- Dated: Cnrteret, New Jer?i sen, Mrs. Oeorge Mroz, Mrs. Slosberg 1 1 Three-game winners: A. c. & , December 10, : Samuel Albrecht and Mrs. Jo-Goldberg 1 0 2 Bon over Ideal Liquor, Kepech's Algerian harmony. |C. P. 12/11, 18, 23. 30/59; CARTERET Miss Lore tta; ye tie .Street, Elizabeth, Satur- Mph Radowskl. Raymond La •IESSO over Aly's Dress Shop Iz-wli, of Mr. and day at 2 P. M. Rev. Elijah BurrLargo, guest entertainer, played 15 12 42 Two-game winners: B & Mr». Frank Johnson, 35 Mer- officiated. the • o co r d I o n. He played cer Street, became the bride of The bride, given In marriage Christmas carols with all join- Bt-lton J. Pryor, son of Mr. andjby her father, wore a MWn of| Ing In song, Dancing was ac- Mrs. Frazicr White, 1028 Lafa-lwhlt« velvet which extended companied by his accordion. HMpltallty committee Mr I. lohn Mahon and Mrs. Ray- mond Helnrich were in charge. Just Out rhe next meeting will be Janu- iry 6 at the First Aid Squad mllding. 16 for Spewak Woodbridge Stores As Blues Win CARTERIrr — Dave Spewak WUlfie set the scoring pace as he rolled up 16 points to lead Carteret to an Impressive SI to 45 triumph ALL DAY SATURDAY over a stubborn Long Branch We'll Be Happy to Exchange Any Gifts quintet Monday night «t the hlih school gym here. For the Blue ftttd White, It was their We {eel genuinely pUawd and fourth victory In five start*. privileged to ixtend sincere The game was close for three Holiday greeting! to our Oftfip rlods with Carteret holding a of LOW PRICES that Set Nf IV VALUE SUHDAR friends. In the spirit of appre- one-point edge, 33-32, going ciation for the confidence you Into the final period. Then have shown In ui, we wish you Spewak, aided by "Bugs" Bla- NEW Low Priced all a very Merry Christmas and lowarctuk dropped in a couple a Happy New Year! of baskets to put Carteret out "Designer" TV! In the lead. The Blues held a better-than six point advan- Fult-Power Transformer, High WOODBRIDGE tage during the last four min- Power Chassis, Front Speaker utes of the game. ...these Important Sound for Balanced Fidelity, Spewak Bank six baskets for Width Control, Lightweight Con- BUSINESSMEN'S a total of IS points. Carmichael NEW Features in the ctaled Hand-Crips for Easy Carry- and Medvetz each had eleven ing, 5et-&-Forg«t Volume Control.^ points, , / NEW 1960 G-E Models! ASSOCIATION The box score: to Brlnglnf You Bluer CARTERET (11) and BetUr Values In 1960" Carmichael, t 5 I 11 Medvetz, f 4 3 11 TRANSFORMER Ward, f 1 0 2 Modal [ Spewak, c 8 0 16 SETt FORGET W Overall D.IJ. Meas., lbi 14, in. Blalowarczuk, g _ ' 3 0 VOLUME CONTROL Schreck, g 2 1 PUBLIX PHARMACY Wf IV-INCREASED 23 5 SENSITIVITY LONG BRANCH (45) NEW 21 Table Model Open Christmas Eve Roblruon. f - a IKIY-"NEW YORKER" a Wright, f 6 that Performs Like a Console! and Ingram, f 2 CHASSIS Slim Silhouette Styling, New High Musello, c 4 4 12 Itff IV—PRECISION-ETCHED Christmas Day 'til 10 p.m. Manna, g ...» „ 1 0 2 Powered Chassis, Full Power Plna, g -__. 1 1 2 Join Our CHRISTMAS CLUB " CIRCUITRY Transformer, Width Control, Full With a Wonderful Selection of Fidelity Up-Front Sound, Washington, g 0 0 0 RIGHT NOW and EARP( DIVIDENDS! NEW-DAY-BLUE "0° 17 11 45 " ALUMINIZED TUBE LAST MINUTE GIFTS! Score by periods: Carteret 11 12 10 18—51 -DRAMATIC STYLING Long Branch 10 14 8 11—45 PER For Her • •. Referee, Dlnguardi; umpire, Migleca. YEAR All Nationally Advertised Ghana upholds strong curbs Anticipated FREE COSMETICS to fight plotters. 90-DAY AND i You Get Your RILL SAVINGS TVSERVICE NEW Low Price for a 21 PERFUMES I, by G-E Factory-Trained Fx- CHRISTIAN Ultra-Vision Console! HOLIDAY BOXED PLUS DIVIDENDS with NO CHARGES perts at G-E service depots CHOCOLATES SCIKXCK on all 1960 Portables find Slim Silhouette Styling, New High Tablo Models (when pur- Powered Chassis, Full Power In Novembtr jon rtctht ALL GIFTS BEAUTIFULLY MONITOR chased from your authorized ' Tranifonner, Width Control, Full 25.00 G-E TV dealer). Slight charge Fidelity Up-Front Sound, Built-in WRAPPED FREE OF CHARGE! for 90-Day "in-hom«" »«rvlce Antenna. 50.00 an Consolti. For Him.. 0 Good Reading 100.00 for the • Electric Shaven 150.00 TERMS! • Ggarette Lighten Whole Family 250.00

GIKIUJtl. •£?• I HCTBirj uJnl V1C34J9 Ullll VUIUII • Shaving Sets 500.00 8JI Illlhf 21' Uvulll O\*t Men, •News .bi sq. In. fulifie •I (lilt Si|n • Camenu 1000,00 Vi •Fads Yov'rs Worry-fKO When You Buy G-EI PUBLIX PHARMACY • Family Features Plus Dividends Thi chriitlop SA, PAG I' FiOHTFKN Jayvffs Win llh PA(i! Spewak Scores 26, Ho!v Family Wins, j Speaking About SportsIn Row 1)\ 41-Ji), Sohayda Stars Will, 50" CARTERET The Javver- 37 live just keep on winnine They y came to llff andi As the year 1959 slowly draws to a close, let us their fourth r-tr,u«hl , Anlr^,,- „Diuid IMWAKI Terebetski Stars Hie «nme In CarteretY tinned G look back over the sports horizon for the past year jwin'Vf tlie wason by defentm? of I Wes , sun "1 The box score: .. 1 1-, nirt the fine with 32 fouls beins committed.; • " •• ••- JMetuchen. 41-35. at the local [nvor. Carmichael it.sen. 1"CAK1 !•::( Carterel 179) The Blues, never undaunted JMedveU . 1 T.V TfrpbftPlcy.!24 of them by the home club and see what events stand out for the year. 'court last Frldnv night rlnil in ilo,)Iln, ; 20 1 name | d the rally Into thejward 2 five de- Thf half saw the Cavterci;Zaglc5ki to this corner, it seems to me that the win- the 23rd strnicht win 0]lt Iluf V In al I" ir.ily fielt1 1 rlcd nd outacwfd thr 12 < CYO'team jump off to a quick ten- Kalitan .. 0 Blue mid White boys when he dumped in 12 1"" f* * 8pewak Arrirnv 191 Alan Sohavd, who has been $" ^ \J fvee throws In houie team£»-» to win the^owarczuk .. I yL yore point advantage, and from then Hamorskl .....;.. .. 8 iwn Men- Avcll(,| v,,. :)1S 73 !.' 01 Matefy 0 on the locals were never head- Yursna _ •.. 0 by Coach Dougy King's eleven was the standout •nil; leading the Jawew xm-m 26 point* to set the pace ball ^ej-a'Uy pn :innu]iS| W(,ni; Under the boards, the local S.W Wlegollnske i . 2 8 tied with .. 0 1 F nd: 3 event of the past year. The Blues, beaten twice 2 "" Three nr was prewed by the »u- B. Wiegolmstl 1 i Kopln for hlali uclr(vllu ^ Ulr team ":gh-scoun.: the ]™ .. 0 0 during the regular season, nosed out Highland " h but the Patrick with eight points ;game at Clark The final score 1(1 slu(lrftfteirt t-. • .11 27, 18 family team he.d 1U own Ter^y Park for the sectional grid championship on the Carteret team led bywa s 60-37. /Ir Brut,(jjify tt.j,-., 2i ... 1 the end of the first pe-| After a clow first half, the Clark (J71 •f fm1 iiailptH «•••' 0 basis of the Colliton ssytem ratings.'^By far, the b (ra for tllr Blue nd •iod and by 22-16 at the haH-iBlue and Whltr. *>**«* > >' * G 0 Blues played a much stiffer schedule than did Chincha, . , .. , 1 1 •M.-iyod in Avenel' The Holy Family independ- Bohanek ;ime marK. The Blues main-jspewak s spectacular shootlnR, team The pnnii 0! M»rU . . 1 rncl-tnmble affair ent record now stands at 2-1. Palinkas Highland Park, tained the upper margin until' Hatnar 1 ;he finish. 33 13 79 Otherwise, Wes Spewak is again rolling up a very The box score: Helen Kelly and Ramblers Trim Beylort - 5 Avtnel' 151) iBiancht . 4 suueessful season with his Carteret High School Carteret 141) Q F T T Sllber .'... 0 Trim Hamorski's Goal 0 F Monaca 2 0 4 basketball team. It seerns that for the past few Pat Petroski in Falcons,46-14, Slct 2 1 . 1 0 2 Jones 0 0 0 Makkal Vlert .. 0 years Wes has done amazing work with his teams 0 54-30, Wins for Holv Ooodman 5 0 10 . 1 at the Washington Avenue institution. .. 2 6 itrd i 1 0 2! Pin Games In Junior bop 14 1 •dal to 10 , 0 201 Of course, the opening of the brand new 32-lane Stars family Five, 26-25 Sn 2 Ftnnegan * 0 Kelly rtilhier: :Zellner 2 6 bowling a"Hey near the shopping center was a new 0 . T! r c.irterei CARTERET—The Holy Fam-, hek ' 2 1 5 Hamorskl 0 OSS. Vorf mark for interest in the pin sport in Carteret. 2.' week" gwnes in the Hill Junior Lea.ue by the one-.lded n ;-riv s-"intlily five edited out the Globe-.p^,, , 2 0 4 Kopin 3 Mr. BIT Sohayda 4 0 WomenWomen's LaLeagueg , rollins margin of 46 to>U •in-pi- i»asnr by trotters in the final ten seconds. Strve Kondrk. former Car Jier fit 51 Porter 0 0 game seU of 511 and 505088 St Kndr •!:—)v" f^- rp-of the eame by a 26-25 score: 24 So successful have been the basketball clinics 2 ns (' Mellck 1 0 respectively. Individuadiidl l high teret High School grid star, dldj|Be Resumed Here ;e. He nii»-s;d-'ri 54-30 'n the Junior League. ; ^ .: during the past months that the Carteret Recrea- rere recorded by Pauline;most of the scoring for the, r\ The Globetrotters led by 8 to free in core, 19 202 Kay Douglas 186,:Rambler» as he ram up a total;JJfl ^ hov< took an 0 In the first period, but the tion Department has decided to continue the rslty (if ) The Helen Bauerband 181. iElale of 14 potnti. Johnny Hudift. ll-tlme 111 17 it hilf time'Holv Family contingent was not Mftuchm 135) clinics, beginning tomorrow, for the Cub and girls' lOJDorko IK and Catherine Per-pother football lUr. *aa sec- CARTERET — • Thf ?• in front until theito be denied as it fought des- PAL LuU ,.- 5 itlcs at. leagues. 4 ran) 180. ond with eleven point* ttlon Department h»- fon >-;s coached byi^rately to tie the count at the |Sergent ...!: 0 In the only three-jame «weep Ruel acoird t»n points luncfd th« r»«mnpr: • ^ougy Kii". Hantke ~ 1 o'the Hill Bowl won over Oreen- the losers. 'basketball clinics (or t-. Now a Mid w •/•'• ''!•• of 22 points The third quarter was close News Everyone seems to be making this week a short Hager 0 .iwalds, , ! Jhe Rambler, ttarted alowlyiand glrU, sUrtir.? « h 't"st into a om- with Holy Family holding a iKarten , 1 •uiiswick.o turn t " Bj BENN1 one, so without further ado, let me wish all my The Hill Bowl Bar is current-1 b)jv^. moowntum as theiSaturBay momum -''v one-point edfte. Both teams lYoung 0 __jly Veadlng by one full game. an has ilete rcn friends and readers a very Merry Christmas season. tame continued. In the mcondl Tomorrow nwmin! net- Mie f Can B ••!. v.nf'liigli scorer were deadlocked in the final 38! The team sUnding period the Ramblers outacored|high school iym, !r« s anza 13 tin- NP the ( •' bovs with a' * . °ut Ronnie Hamorskl popular Recreation bas- 1llLL BOWL WOMEN'S their opponent* by 13 to J. wdjAM. to 10.30 AM, th» 01- points on eiaht'*-urned tne '"^ wltl1 8 basket il of 1 fi clinic for all grade Score by periods: LEAGUE in the third period by H-l. Injthe Cub L«a«ue No. 1 om lfMfi- in the flnal ten seconds of the-school boys will be held once Carteret 12 10 136-41 W L the final round the FUcooilPVt- From 10.30 ball game. Mttuehen 2 14 109-35 noon, all the players to t. * C IRII Rch( Carteret Wain at the high school Satur- Carmichael Lead iHill Bowl Bar 39 16 were blanked. 11-0. t Hobarl Hamorski also led the scoring day morning, and players ii Hill Pharmacy 28 17 Leafue No. 2 will part.. ,, G Rambler* (M) hi Bota •vith a total of nine points. Cub League No. 1 will report Baumgartners 28 17 The* clinics will be h*W >••- 1 O P ;nr and The box score: at 8:30 A. M. to 10:30 A'. M Hill Bowl 274 17'J Saturday morning ur.:.: . 3 jHawke* 4 0 onors. land players in Cub League No John's Texaco 26 19 ther notice. The clinic < . 0 Holy Family 126) Carteret to Hudak 4 3 Mr. Ben,.Iiifh1 i 8 T;2 win have their clinic from JOirenwaW* 18 27 rtp primarily to iA 1 G 33 Kondrk i 4 piont of^ 5!10:30 A. M. to noon. CARTERET — Spotting Me- .second high scorer with a total jprices Ladies 12 younfsters in kamir.. 4 Zagleski 1 Outclasses Five Belitz . . 1 0 tedal. wh 0 The girls' clinic will be held I Walt & One's 334 fundamental* of the ti~> 0 Kalitan 0 tuthen a 19-11 advantage in!of 13 points, Walko . . 1 0 ,udenl d-1™"1? *!December 30 at the Nathan the first period, Carteret's tall1 The box score: The OlrU Clmlc will y 10 Kopin 2 1 Drugis . . 1 0 ;andinp ' 1 Hale School. Girls in the sixth. basketball team came from be- Carteret (61) toilers, 55-27 Ion December 30 at th* S'v 3 1 2 16 ^o°tz 0 5 Kahora . 0 1 in " " 1 seventh and eighth grades are hind to whip Metuchen by a RET - Vic 8 q. Wielgolinski .1 Team Wherle . 3 0 g|Hale school iym. AD r-'l< jternet tasked to report at 6:00 P. M.wid. e 61 to 40 score last Friday 0 \ Wielgolinski 1 [C'rm'ael, f the 5 Wonders in l6th, 7th and 8th jrad the high school girls will night at the local gym. l to be present! Yursha 0 Medvetz. f Recreation Basket- • 19 4 9 from 8:00 Carteret outplayed the vi«l- Iward. f lie by a lopsided ?M. to »:30 PM. Thr T Hamorski ... have their clinic Fakona <14) will be picket! - - —ip—\f.. M.. toro noon. The girls'^tors by 21 to 9 in the second i Spewak. of 55 to 27t this week O P 0 8 26 BTrezuk. from attending Uw cUr. 9 i leagues will be picked from the | stanza to move into a narrow Billy Koy set the pace forj JToth 1 0 0 1 Lead in League The Junior league nC ;\. Globetrotters i25> 'clinic . l^ad. 32-28. From then on theMatefy, g Iwinners by Rathering 14 poinU. Marttnyak . 0 0 0 13 | Carteret club continued to pile second round gao^ ' G F ^ This weeks junior league while Jim Lukach was a close CARTERET —The Research Koby . 1 0 j 9 it on, outscoring Metuchen by afternoon jt»rtir.« o Dacko ?am«s will be played in theIk Ull, UUC isecond with 13 point*. For thelDinners are currently leading Ruela . 5 0 1 _. n .... M.II.L. k~ -~.,:. .. «.>n n..4lun BnllM 6\fakkai - ! afternoon at the high school 17-5 In the third quarter losers it was Mellck nwho waths e U.S.M R Handicap Bowling Slsko 0 oi'pji- 2 Sullivan *:?yin, starting at 3:00 P. M. Theby 12-7 in the final round whenj high scorer with 15 points. league., with a one-half game Fisher . 0 0 0 Tne slate follow*: 28 5 61 2 C. Belitz •jfirst game Will be the Ramblers •Coach Wes Spewak used mostly! Vic Tanny's jumped into, a lead over the second place i™**'n ' .0 0 0 l«t |MB*-I P-M- Metwhen I4li _ Nagy .vs. the Globetrotters: second!Ihis resen-e strength. I big 11-6 lead in the first period, Rockets. The GianU follow LehoUky _... . 0 0 0 Kondrk'i vs. Olobetn>U«ri :00 P. M. between St.j Eddie Carmichael was thej closely in third position, only 30 Rusnak r widening their advantage to 27 Carico . 0 0 dgUM4PM Skiba . and the Pakons:|outstanding star of the night.iRicn f at the half-timei After that the one full game behind the lead- 8t. Demetrius vs H1«OM at 5;00 P. M., Fivc'as he romped over, around —•»- ' - 1 ers m a close three-team race Masculln two teams tast marked time l tame-t V3L 3 22 10—54 1 Turkey shoot winners last until the finish Score by periods: 5 Wonden TI Holy Pamflf 0 2 rt-30 Jts g meat6:00P.M.be-ia.toUl of 22 points on ten. 1 jweek included Mike Doteur 10 5 The box score: Ramblen _ 8 13 14 U-MJtth »»M 2 18 iJohn Pidich, Mike Mlgtea Tannrt Score by periods: .een the Magicians and Vic^and twojouls^ ! 1 5 Vic Tanny's 155! ilPalcons G F TlJohn Bryer, Dick Coffey and - llrc Syracuse football team. Holy Family ..- 0 14 I 0 6 Z Hi«h. School basketballistrength under the basket, was S 4 4iJim Vezeris. "Dnce agfenked No. 1 in the nation, was Globetrotters .. 8 6 ,„ . ..IKoy 2 4 The team standings: nthp,. jnnamed ycft-^rday to receive the —— teaveamm wo*unn twi»ou mor.umet s game«""s """!,and , A , 1 ICarteret 0 4, . W touchdovvr Club's annual The New York Rangers holdjhas a record of four wins and .Medvetz. Pe 2 n im ione loss. On Friday evening. Senior League results: -iMetttchen 19 9 5 Sohayda 2 0 4iResearch - 25 • f trophv as the outstanding col-the National Hockey League - _.. trach's over Darabs, 44-39;, Referee. Nowtek: umpire Van inany fiege eleven of 1959. Athletic record for consecutive non-^Metuchen was overpowered by Lukaoh 6 1 UJRockets 24 iBirector Lew Andreas will ac- shutout games — in. "rh^u .uiiu-iin" ^< Pascul 4 1 jiQianU SCT 65 to 49. and Koke's beat _p,lt 0,.fept the trophy at the club's streak began, on November 2,t ret WOIli 61 w 45 wjtrt Ed Kuhn 1 0 ilSki-Boya rqepi tne iropny at tne cmos sireau Began un ni»t'»"-' -jteret won, bi w w, wun tu ember 64 to 28. Stankan „. 2 1 jjlMain Office mas annual aw:r;d? banquet on Jan-. 1940. and ended on Dec carmichael scoring 16 points. Next Tuesday's schedule j *-uary 16. .31,19*2, . , . - .The Jay Vees and Freshmen g I Bald Eagles .... also won their games. Carteret the Senior League: First game 23 9 55 I at 6:30 P. M., Ambassadorors vvss . A---O IJeU won its fourth game in five ch ve. UUCIla 5 Wonden fMt«i t>«. Columbus School' iiiney deserve aim umcimc umw -B—— -, contingent, defending champs, peace in your heart as ^underrated. As'in football, our which should beat Uetudm ibyl a 41-21 score, as Art Me- 10 7 27 CLEANESS . . . TAILOftS . . I i candidate was Bobby Bialowar- Look for Carteret- and, Perth Score by periods: on Page 17 wan |,czuk;who was a valuable olfen-Amboy Saints to reach the Mahon, star of the game, rolled MM Kahway Avtnae. ArtmA r you celebrate this joyoiis jup a total of 19 points. SsivS'sive and defensive star. AAtt finalsnals De Decembec r 30. Price's best was the Holy; Christmas season! A thou- I present in basketball, another A reminder to alal Carteret Family five, 33 to 15, as Eddie I valuable player is also being Teen-Agers: the Pal Auxiliary sand blessings upon you Mantle IU high scorer with Sjless mentioned and has played free dance will be held Tuesday eleven points and Milak scored J fine baU We mean Dennis at St. Demetrius' Center. and al! your family, now six for the loaers. j and always! Thank you ^he St. Joe's No1. 2 team wu| he winner in the final game, for your patronage. defeating the Hoffman All OPEN Stars, 44 to 15, in (a one-sided ;ame. Depallo had twelve points! tor the winners. ' '' BOWLING' St. Joe's No. 1 ....: 1 TEDS Tailor Shopf Price's 1 ON ALL ALLEYS . . . _r. Joe's No. 2 1 ME 4-38^438^6 I Oolumbus School ...... 0 Monday « P.M. to SMI CLOSED Holy Family 0 To Our Patrons Hoffman Ail Stars 0 Saturday FromJA-M Christmas En Sunday Fr«m 1 P. It uai jfpaMUf3«gxa«mt SpecM Ktduerd itttct lor CbUdten Christinas Dsy Thb k the time of year for MHrafag Uci»> Siiurdjjs 9 A. M. to I P. M. BOWL-MOR LANES ing*. Among ourt, ionc k more dearly km* 453 Amboy Avenue Tel. ME 4-96*2 Woodbri*ie •rcdliuntbf frkncbhipof those whomwf «• privileged to «erve. Not to be meMnred to

dollars and cent*, this ii by far our tnott pr*> l-\»r (iifts dou» poMCMion. To continue to deserve it aiul Decorations y g May your Christmas it our constant aim,. CALL ME-4-8140 dreams all come true 111 a sleigh-full of the It's not too late to come in and joys thftfr BUtkjt thii Arotuulic kvi-i'^reens and I — For Holiday Toasts — 1 Otln'i Holiday Greenery SCOTCH • RYE • BOURBON the most wonderful JOIN m I960 CHRISTMAS CLUB WREATHS BKA1NUY • IIOUEUR • WINES season of the year. porrgD PLANTS Dome«tic and Imported CHAMPACNE S* "Our 36th Year of Uninterrupted Servin- to (lit I'eople uf Carteret and Yicinit? j^ BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS THE Muubef Doiuealic Hud Imported BEER »5 __ PLANTERS FLORISTS^ CORSAGES TELEGRAPH Holiday Wrapped ji named and tur those departed, DELIVERY Attractive Grave Covers FANCY BO1TLES iii Agency Carteret Bank and Trust Company pm Cenur. Blake an Ideal Gift! leal Estate Banim* Hour»-M Cooke Ave 111! Dully 8 A M to i r M D«Uy 10 A I" * p M \J>omerA Irlower J4ouie FruUy il A M. U> 6 P. 11 CUE!. H J. "tot tMag GUt»" VOGEL'S Oquor Store M KHKSMAN STKEET • WOODBR1DQB B 82AUinSlr«et Woodbridge «:=

•SKIS r THURSDAY. DKCEMDER 24, R >!) PAOE NINETEEN (iapitol Dome this time. . . . Farmerranm-iss Iin the-mniwie-mmn subjecsuojcat off officiaofficiall MII.IT- i-misumns (••in r>.»,i.. „ , , , 13 counts of North Jersey will «tl«m durlnR 1960. . Bubhle-.chlckcn , th -on, ' i, . OKI I) O : m,.> i. .;, i, li.-cii a mat \»u i'Minintird from Edit Page* if l)i' -old i)'! fJiiiirtuy but llir snlc "Not ni nil d:-r • ' tlv receive from $5.71 to *5.93 per (top swlmmlnf? pools arc nil tnfistnte Depnrtmrnt JERSEY JIGSAW:--Gover- hundredwelnht for their No-jraKe in Atlantic City this *i!i-innnounncs nf HeaiLn of SKI ^-or :s nn (he Sahh,u.h n nride ri ,3licd w»tli (i ccpiivc nor Robert B. Meyner extends vember milk production. Jamuiry lias taboo under n rrcrnt rulins »l :\\e"tn •ss. "it \vi^ those hull' -: CLASSIFIED: Of 28 949 buses, trucks;been officially proclaimed as Attorney General Furmm, ciclert. of-a Merry Christmas The proposal of the Attorney Hint. Sept me from -naiieis clocked on.New'Mnreh ot Dimes Month ny,The Principal Keeper oi tin- RATr» - INFORMATION and a Happy New Year to Oeneral to raise an additional recently by Governor Robert B. Meyner. . . . New Jerwy Stite Prison docs residents of New Jersey. $3,884,842 In revenues from state troopers, II M for 15 word* Deadline for ads: Tne were found The college bond Issue of $66.- not expect any habitual prison- Thp.Cincinnati Reds have i<-. No Lenon Today The majestic 60-foot-tall Amer- motorists Is raising a rukus in to be excecdliiK the posted t* each additional word II A M for Ihc tame «Mk i| 800.0(10 h«R boon sold to a \yii-:nrs tiMPtinn iiiiniptrilR Clirw-MCttFd" tlirlr worklnR auree- Vml(1 bettcr Bsk lnc lltUr it-an Holly tree near Palermo all parts of the State. , . . speed limit. . . . Poods have In- man ln thP I* In idranri pnblleaUon dieat•' •e hende• d by the Chase mas. mPnt8 with the Seattle and frmlne-trlmmrd on the Garden State Parkway County prosecutors seek the creased 15S.9 per cent In price Manhattan Bank of New York Havana teams for 1960. "«d suit if you want any advice NOTR: No duriflwJ «di Uken a?rr phnnr: is KftHy decorated and lighted right to seize personal property, in New Jersey since pre-war City. TV quiz finure tells of help about gnrdenlnR this week. matt N tent in for the Christmas holidays. . , Including a motor vehicle, if 1 1939, the State Department of in bldulng. West Germany'* Olympic, , ,.an llUo a u , , f Ttlfpbonf MErrnrT 4-1111 Attorney General David D the property has been shown Committee sold this week that.,, Labor and Industry reports, . . .' CAPITOL CAPFRS- The; On their lioiieymoon, no comment" when I knocked Kiirman hopes the Christmas to have been used In a ftam- the athletes from both East nnd Investment funds of the fltatp State Office of Milk Industry on ti- nt the h'ory tower hnll'iys will not produce a rash bllng operation. The pio- jrroom took hi.- bride by thc'Wrst Germany will mnrch to- ... of New Jersey held $830,879 373 recently imposed a $200 fine. B Ul reporter's time-honor- df Ivnfflr deaths to auKment Imnd nnd said, "Now thin were ROthn. M]inA „ sprcifll flBg flt ' ' posed new jet airport In Morrlsipar value of securities on No ft New Brunswick milk dealer ed question, "What's new?" • FEMALE HELP WANTED • • SKRHCES the 715 deaths by cars up tnCounty Is expected to be thejvember 3d' married, rienr, I hope you won't'nrxt year's Olympic (james In " " New Jersey for giving away refrigerator! mind if I mention a few little:Rome Thr ivory tower Is of course the ft WOMAN WANTED, to work KTTCHEN and DINT home of the givers of garden from your home at your con- knowledge i CHAIRS RE-COVERFP venlence. Telephone solicitation! nd "U gc, ,IP ^ oh By the way. I ,,ow have some n Woodbridge-Cartcret area £",, u^.j^s 12 171 advici,-i™e nf mvy nown,i-,, . n™'Don't W««J.Iknock. cRn easily earn 11.50 p*r on an Ivory tower unless you hour. Must be able to work HANDYMAN. Insured, sp wear mittens. Ivory l« that 3 to 3 hours a day Write Box;; g In all typeyp s ol ;rmrd. 28. C'O this newspaper or phone;work, leaders. Riitters, slnt«| Once inside, I found the Mr. Inch, MUrdock 1-0370. ipnlrs and Rlwt BUSINESS DIRECTORY lcarnod doctors, swathed In 12 23lHl 2-8087. 12/3 - lj their black academic robes, :LERK-TYPI8T With some QETTINO ENOUGH decking the hall with garlands knowledge of switchboardjWATER? Will guarantee of holly. And ever mindful of operation. Apply in writing to store your HOT WATER. their educational mission, the Box 27, eo this newspaper. Ings up to 70% of replaces - Accordion School _ professors had nfflxed- at ap- Fuel Oil — Moving & Trucking -I- Plumbing & Heating - - Roofing 12/23jcost. Work done on pr Printing ipropriftte spaces slant their " Twelve years experience. HELP WANTED # garlands, neatly printed Iden- 8CHAIBLE LJMESCALE HENSCH'S MALE AND FEMALE JOHN J. BITTING Move "IDEAL WAY" tifying eards reading "Ilex MOVAL; SERVICE, ADan WATTS opaca." ACCORDION SCHOOL Phone FU-B-3014 WOODBRIDGE EARN $35 OR MORE a week In 4399 for free estimate, Mobil BROTHERS But A Timely Message spare time, supplying demand AfiENT NATIONAL VAN Plumbing & Heating "Who wants a gardening les-!for well-known product*. One Christmas Special! LINES Cartert-t, N. J. on Ctrlstmas Eve?" ]full time opening. Write W T IT YOUIV DRINKING (live a chord organ that Thus spake the chorus of Rawlelgh Co.. Dept. NJK-llB- come a problem, Aicoti 1286 St. Oeorge Ave., Avenel will be enjoyed for years • Remodeling FREE ESTIMATES black-clad figures, the tassels 1107, Chester, Pa. 12/10 -12/31 Anonymous\an help you. I 3-4 Rooms—$20, $25, $J0 to come. FUEL OIL on on their mortar boards slightly -• BI 2-1515. or wrlH P. O.| 5-6 Rooms—$35, 140, $50 • New Installations • ROOFING MISCELLANEOUS • 253, Woodbridge. Over "Hi \>ar« of aqulver. It was an honest only $ 139.50 • HOT ASPHALT proclamation that they are noi FOR SALE 12/3' A Small Deposit Will Hold • Gas and Oil Burners Friendly Service • SHINGLING match at this season for visions Your Instrument SACRIFICE. 9x12 tweed rug, HAVWQ TROUBLE with | Call ME-4-3046, HI-2-7312 • LEADERS * GUTTERS of sugarplums or even of Mar- never used, with pad, $35.00. 172 BROWN Ml., ISF.1JN ME 4-0012 "" ley's ({host. sewerage? Electric Sewe ME 4-5606 Other sizes. Q.E. vacuum, $20.00. • removes roots, filth, L. PVGLIESE - A. LIPO "Just wish all the gardeners 100 Fulton Street Kl 1-8467 Imported Oriental Klrman pat- and stoppage from clo a Merry Christmas." terned rug. Also tool hooked YVondhridge pipes, drains and sewer* i But then, in the barest rugs. FU 8-2028. - Caryeitry - Masonry - digging, nofdamages — j whisper, like a professorial 12/17-12/31 I- Service Stations - FOR QUALITY and efficient. Call footnote In the finest of type All Tjrpet of - Funeral Directors -- Music at the bottomo t the page: FOR HIRE Plumbing and Heating. on - "And tell them to keep plenty 8007. 12/3 -1 CARPENTRY Charles Farr FIVE-PIECE BAND, "THE In Woodbridfe It's the I of water in the Christmas tree and V ALLEGROS". All occasions MOTHERS — Save ftU holder and don't let the poin- Plumbing & Heating TOM GARAGE Reasonable, Call Alan Porter at precious huors shoppir MASONRY Frank KreUel J. F, Gardner A Son settta sit in a.draft.") KI 1-4193 alter 5:00 P. M. your angel's birthday partjl Electric Sever Service 8o today's nieiwage is simple tiprrt MUSIC STUDIO 485 AMBOY AVENUE DIAL 12/11-12/31 furnish everything from a| Synowiecki and sincere: "Merry Christ- LICIOUS BIRTHDAY Worknumhlp. Telephone: Woodbridge Lmas." We've Setn 'Em TO DECORATIONS. Part; Rruonabl* Funeral Home • In India the lowest caste ol 10 children $11.98 con MErcurr 4-3640 ME 4-/1111 -2-3 Bcilnnrri MErcurj 4-0584 people are known as untouch- LITTLE FOLKS BIRT P!»n. We're Specialist! In Printed Pattern ables. We, have untouchable PARTIES, FU 8-2SH-. • CONSTRUCTION 621 LINDEN AVENUE 56 Carteret Avenue No lnstru- No Job Too Largo here, too, but they are high • ALTERATIONS • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN- Carteret, N. J. mmti to Woodbridrt, N. J. MENT and BALANCE 9099 DOLL caste — usually running banks. • ADDITIONS Buj: —Brunswick Pilot. Only 700 persons turnei • BRAKE SERVICE or Too Small for the opening of Atur Custom Hornet Telephone KI-1-5715 All Mikfs o( Accordlom October orders Increased fo: Race Track on Septembe Built it Yoor ipMltlciUoai Sold and Yes, call today ... no machine tools. 1894. Ripaltcd - Radii ( TV Service - No Job Too Urie Jit Loweit Tailoring fee for estimates. We'll MMWMMWMMMWMMtMl Or Too 8m«1| . , . Prices! rush a man to you to Fully Iwnrnl Call ME 4-0750 MEN'S SUITS help you plan, show- Nt (h«ue or OblitaUon ing you money-saving KEEP UP WITH YOUR JERRY HUGHES MADE-TO-MEASURE For btliutn FLYKH ft SON Rnroll Your Child Now for TV Sales & Service Now you can afford a made- short-cuts. Print* l.fisoni on the FUNERAL HOMES 889 Green St., Iselin to-order «uit for lest than HOME TOWN NEWS KiUbUibed M Vrtn • Accordion you'd pay for a medium Vincent Keller t (iuitar — Specializing in — price ready-to-wear suit! 421 East Avenue • Trumpet CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TOUA? Builder Complete Service on Perth Amboj • Huophon* • Hundreds of fabrics to Folders • Pimo TV - RADIO choose from—or you may WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING. CO II Ford Are., Fordi • TTombont rbont Ft • Drumi HI-FI - CAR RADIO brinr in your own, 18 GREEN STREET* VA-6-QJM • Glbun (Julurs & Ampllflrri Billheads • Eicflilor Accordioni • Guaranteed perfect fit. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. • Muilcal Acceiwrlei Phone ME 4-6202 • Completely hand-tailored. lelicatessei • Studtnt RenUl PUn • Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year •'or Information Call III 2-«MI Dally 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Tour old double - breitted Jacket remodeled Into new Letterheads subscription^ to: •lnglt-breaitcd, narrow lapel SAMMY RAYS itjlf. • INDEPENDENT-LEADER TREAT SHOPPE Music and Repair Shop Programs • CARTERET PRESS 8AM LAQVADRA, Prop. WE DO REAVING 111 Rahwar Avenue Set Need Q EDISO1WOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON Woodbrldfe itEPAIR? I Opt. Wkiu Chunk) WNTER BROS. Call AVENEL TAILOR SHOP Booklets To be sent tdV—- ME 4-4360 BILL B0KOR '• SALADS at Their Beit WiysMe Fun. Slop GUITAR LESSONS Custom Tailor Since 1332 NAME • 8ODA FOUNTAIN Half Year Clearance ART'S RADIO S63 Avenel St., Avenel Invitations • FRESH BAKERY GOODS Sale Tel. ME 4-4490 ADDRESS NOW GOING ON & TELEVISION Open 7 A. M. lu 10:30 P. M f (U«l4rBti SALES and SERVICE Post Cards TOWN INtLLOING SUNDAYS flan im • 155 Avenel Street, Avenel U- Wash Machine Service -|| • • Bluer Viluo • lop Brindi doted WedoealaM AU Day • B "dOLDIN CUB" I UNTINKNTAL VAN SlKVKK. • AVENEL in the INI1. PHOTO Kuoflm, Metal Cellini 1 Keeneland Breeders' Futurity, ParU and Ktpaln ou Is highly regarded by his train- UfUlU Huuou lur SU>ia«a J47 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge *n(l Furnace Work • ISELIN "WICK," •••!." "IANUL«V" CRATING • HACKING er, B. 8. Wlngfleld CALL t etheiv Pbone ME 4-1851 "They might outrun him, but SHIPPING open u to «. M«B. ti en. «ui» 588 Alden Street Directory Ads Carteret Pres thty won't outblatt him," says liirlaJmed Furnltun of itl Woodbridge, N. J. Wlngtleld. Toray's Brother was RUDYS OUtet and Warelioiu* Head Thr he first stakes winner to arrive ME 4-8355 Phone Kl 1-5600 Telephone MErcnrj 4-1M6 Bring it Htaleah for the winter racing 34 AtUntk 8tr«et, Flahillf TMkle A season. Tel. XI 1-5540 ur Kl tit UanrtM St., IUUW.J Dircclory Ads good Wdt


HESS Inc. HESS Fuel Oils TRADING and TRANSPORT, Inc. Perth Amboy, New Jersey Refinery - Port Reading, New Jersey