Evaluation of the Business Case for Using Analytics for Corporate Sustainability and Overcoming the Challenges in its Execution


Nihar Dalmia

Bachelor of Commerce St. Xavier's College, University of Calcutta, 2005

Master of Business Administration SaYd Business School, Trinity College, University of Oxford, 2013



JUNE 2014

D 2014 Nihar Dalmia. All Rights Reserved. LIBRARIES i

The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created.

Signature redacted Signature of Author: MIT Sloan School of Management May 9, 2014 Signature redacted Certified By: Matthew Amengual Assistant Professor Institute of Work and Employment Research MIT Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor

Accepted By: Signature redacted Michael A. Cusumano (I SMR Distinguished Professor of Management Program Director, M.S. in Management Studies in Program MIT Sloan School of Management


Evaluation of the Business Case for Using Analytics for Corporate Sustainability and Overcoming the Challenges in its Execution


Nihar Dalmia

Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management on May 9, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Management Studies

Abstract in an age where organizations across industries and sectors are placing increasing importance on sustainability, leaders are looking for more accurate information to guide their decisions on sustainability-related issues. Analytics and big data have been recognized as valuable tools to advance sustainability efforts both at a community as well as an organizational level. In the last decade specially, tools have been adopted by many organizations to gather and analyze data relevant to sustainability, to gain insights through business intelligence tools and to extend visibility through the supply chain. However, with opportunities come challenges and questions remain about the validity of the business case for sustainability analytics. As sustainability analytics gains momentum, understanding, identifying and addressing the challenges that come along with its adoption is going to be critical for companies to be well prepared to take their sustainability efforts forward. This thesis evaluates the emergence of sustainability analytics and the business case for its adoption, identifies the challenges that hinder its success and points towards shifts in current approaches to overcome those obstacles. Further, two of the assumptions about big data are that organizations are 'swimming in a sea' of data and thus the challenges lie in finding valuable insights, and that challenges associated with big data are primarily technical in nature. This work investigates these claims from the perspective of sustainability analytics and aims to identify the opportunities and challenges that organizations must be aware of to maximize its sustainability efforts using analytics. Various cases and interviews are cited to support the analysis and arguments presented in this paper. Chapter 1 opens the paper with a discussion of the link between sustainability and analytics and the emergence of sustainability analytics. Chapter 2 investigates the expected and realized value based on the business case(s) for sustainability analytics. Chapter 3 evaluates the challenges that can lead to the failure in realization of this value and addresses common assumptions that contribute to this failure. Chapter 4 discusses and recommends a shift in the finance function as a key ingredient to the success of sustainability analytics. The paper concludes with a proposed strategic framework in Chapter 5 that organizations must consider in their pursuit of overcoming the challenges of successfully adopting sustainability analytics.

Thesis Supervisor: Matthew Amengual Title: Assistant Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management

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4 Acknowledgements

To my wife, Ekta, for her eternal love and patience, my parents for their unending support and inspiration, and my brother for constantly pushing me forward

A special thank you to my advisor for guiding me through my research and nudging me forward when it was most required

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6 Table of Contents

Abstract...... 3 Acknow ledgem ents...... 5 Introduction ...... 9 1. W hat is the relationship betw een sustainability and analytics? ...... 11 1.1 Em ergence of Big Data and Analytics ...... 11 1.1.1 W hat is Big Data?...... 11 1.1.2 M ajor m ilestones ...... 15 1.1.3 The big data landscape ...... 17 1.1.4 The big data cycle - A system s dynam ic view ...... 18 1.2 Em ergence of sustainability analytics ...... 19 1.2.1 W hat is corporate sustainability? ...... 20 People (The social pillar of sustainability)...... 21 Planet (The environm ental pillar of sustainability)...... 22 Profit (The econom ic pillar of sustainability)...... 23 1.2.2 W hat is Sustainability Analytics? ...... 23 1.2.3 Sustainability Analytics Applications...... 25 2. W hat is the business case for sustainability analytics? ...... 27 2.1 Searching for the goals...... 27 2.1.1 M ethodology...... 28 2.1.2 Com pany 1: Pharm aceutical ...... 28 2.1.3 Com pany II: Autom obile ...... 29 2.1.4 Com pany Ill: Services ...... 30 2.1.5 Com pany IV: Technology ...... 31 2.1.6 Com pany V: Internet...... 31 2.1.7 Com pany VI: M anufacturing ...... 32 2.1.8 Com pany VII: Courier delivery services...... 32 2.1.9 Com pany Vill: M edical Equipm ent...... 33 2.1.10 Com pany IX: Chem icals...... 34 2.1.11 Com pany X: Retail...... 34

7 2.2 Analysis of the business cases...... 35 2.2.1 Ranking the business cases...... 36 2.2.2 Finding the insights ...... 38 3. W hat are the challenges of adopting sustainability analytics?...... 41 3.1 Tension betw een data collection and data analysis ...... 41 3.2 Phases in big data analysis...... 43 3.2.1 Data acquisition and recording ...... 44 3.2.2 Inform ation extraction and cleaning ...... 45 3.2.3 Data Integration and Aggregation ...... 46 3.2.4 Analysis ...... 47 3.2.5 Interpretation...... 48 3.3 Tension between technical vs. organizational challenges and technical vs. adaptive change... 50 3.3.1 Technical Challenges...... 52 3.3.2 Organizational Challenges...... 53 3.3.3 View ing sustainability analytics as a m ulti-stakeholder im itative ...... 56 4. W hat is the role of the finance function?...... 59 4.1 View ing sustainability analytics as a strategic initiative ...... 60 4.2 Integration of sustainability and financial analytics ...... 61 4.3 Using the right m etrics...... 63 4.4 Integration with business planning, and broaden the role of finance professionals ...... 64 4.5 Com bining financial and sustainability expertise ...... 66 5. Expanding the Three Vs ...... 68 5.1 Lim itations...... 70 Conclusion...... 71 Annex ...... 73 Annex 1: Innovation in data collection techniques ...... 73 Annex 2: Educate - Explore - Engage - Execute ...... 74 Bibliography...... 75 W eb sources...... 75 Papers and publications...... 78

8 Introduction

Big data and analytics are heralded as the next frontier of discovery, innovation and productivity. It is estimated that by 2020, one third of all data will be stored, or will have passed through the cloud, and we will have created 35 zetabytes worth of data'. Advocates claim that the numerous applications of analytics in different industries are opening up infinite opportunities for organizations to transform its practices and gain competitive advantages. This has led to rapid innovations in big data technologies resulting in some applications of data that might not have been anticipated by experts. One of these applications is the potential of big data to support and develop sustainability initiatives of organizations.

Organizations such as Nike, Ford and Novo Nordisk are beginning to harness large amounts of data related to sustainability to gain insights about their organization's environmental and social impact, deliver meaningful results for their sustainability initiatives and manage external risks associated with sustainability regulations. This new field of expertise called sustainability analytics has become a valuable tool in the hands of business leaders to manage the complexities associated with sustainability related data and to measure and achieve the triple bottom line impact that organizations seek.

Sustainability analytics has the potential to enable organizations to measure, manage and analyze sustainability performance, to turn insights into actions and to lend credibility to on-going sustainability programs.

Although several companies have adopted sustainability analytics as part of their sustainability initiatives, questions have been raised about its business case and its potential to make a significant positive impact on business and sustainability performance. While sustainability analytics has received praise from organizations that have found value in its adoption, these doubts have resulted from the

1CSC.com, "Big Data Universe Beginning to Explode", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Dec 5, 2013: http://www.csc.com/insights/flxwd/78931-bigdatagrowth justbeginning_to_explode

9 failure of several organizations to achieve the goals that were set for its implementation. Unfortunately, the reasons behind these failures and the challenges associated with the adoption of sustainability analytics have remained hidden due to several false assumptions made by organizations about where the challenges lie and some core strategic mistakes that organizations make when evaluating the characteristics of using analytics for sustainability.

In this paper, we will attempt to answer the following questions: (1) What is the relationship between sustainability and analytics? (2) What is/are the business case(s) of sustainability analytics and what are the challenges associated with its adoption? (3) What are some of the invalid assumptions that business managers make with regards to using analytics for sustainability and what are the necessary conditions for organizations to successfully adopt sustainability analytics?

In the thesis, I argue that necessary conditions for the successful adoption of sustainability analytics are

(1) A focus on and tackling the challenges associated with data collection as opposed to the emphasis laid on data analysis (2) Recognition of the organizational challenges that form a critical road block to success and (3) Integration of the roles of sustainability and finance functions. To tie things together, we will propose a strategic framework that extends the traditional 3Vs of big data and addresses the key issues exposed in this paper.

These arguments are supported by interviews with sustainability executives and research that revealed that there were some unique challenges being presented by the application of analytics for sustainability and that a fundamental shift in strategy was required to overcome the challenges that organizations were facing in their pursuit of maximizing the benefits of using sustainability analytics.

10 1. What is the relationship between sustainability and analytics?

In this chapter, to provide clarity about the meaning of sustainability analytics, we describe the relationship between sustainability and analytics. We start with a brief discussion of what big data analytics means, a review of the major milestones in the emergence of big data, the big data landscape and current trends (1.1). In 1.2 we explore the three pillars of sustainability and its value to organizations. To tie things together, we then discuss the emergence of sustainability analytics and what it means.

1.1 Emergence of Big Data and Analytics

1.1.1 What is Big Data?

Experts claim that big data is revolutionizing the 2 1 't century without many knowing what it actually means. There is no disputing that big data has the potential to offer unprecedented insights, better decision-making and more comprehensive risk management. However, there is a lot of confusion over the definition of big data. A research conducted by SAP revealed that of 154 C-suit executives who were asked about the meaning of big data, a quarter believe it to be "technologies designed to handle the massive amounts of data swamping organizations" 2. 28 percent defined big data as the "flood of data" itself. Another 19 percent equated big data with "storing data for regulatory compliance" while 18 percent thought that big data relates to the "increase in data sources, including social networks and mobile devices". This was confirmed during discussions with several senior executives in different organizations that revealed that there are as many definitions of big data as there are people talking about it 3 . This inability to understand the meaning of big data analytics is a problem - not only for

2 SAP.com 3 Based on interviews conducted with executives in organizations in various industries

11 people buying and selling analytical services but also for leaders looking for opportunities to innovate using big data. The word 'big' creates added confusion as data sets vary greatly in size and what is 'big' or 'complex' for one organization may not be the same for another. Moreover, 'big' data sets today will certainly be considered small tomorrow. A clearer understanding of the meaning of big data and what it entails is required for managers to be prepared for the challenges that the various applications present.

We attempt to provide clarity to the definition of big data in order to avoid this confusion in later chapters when we address its challenges.

Here are some definitions used by influential organizations:

Microsoft: "Big data is the term increasingly used to describe the process of applying serious computing power-the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence-to seriously massive and often highly complex sets of information." 4

Oracle: "Big data is the derivation of value from traditional relational database-driven business decision making, augmented with new sources of unstructured data."5

While the above definitions are generally true, in my research, I asked several executives to define big data as they view it in their organizations. The terms that were most commonly used to describe big data were: "analytics, large datasets, finding correlations and patterns, hidden answers, unstructured to structured data, real-time analysis and data mining". These terms relate closely to the definition of big data adopted by Gartner. In 2001, a research report published by META Group (now Gartner) analyst

Dough Laney defined data growth opportunities and challenges as being three-dimensional, i.e. increasing volume (amount of data), velocity (speed of data in and out), and variety (range of data types and sources). Many in the information technology industry continue to use this "3Vs" model for

4 TechnologyReview.com. "The Big Data Conundrum: How to Define It?", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Dec 8, 2013: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/519851/the-big-data-conundrum-how-to-define-it/ s Ibid.

12 6 describing big data . In 2012, Gartner updated its definition as follows: "Big data is high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable

enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization."7

In this thesis, we will use Gartner's definition to dissect the 3Vs of big data and apply the analysis to the

use of sustainability analytics.

We look at an infographic that reveals some interesting facts about big data and establishes the

tremendous momentum with which it is growing.

6 Gartner.com, Beyer, Mark, "Gartner Says Solving 'Big Data' Challenge Involves More Than Just Managing Volumes of Data", (2011), last retrieved from the web on Dec 5, 2013: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/1731916 Laney, Douglas. "The importance of 'Big Data': A Definition", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Dec 6, 2013: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigdata

13 8 Asigra.com, Infographic on big data, "A look at some of the astounding facts and figures behind big data", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://visual.ly/what-big-data

14 1.1.2 Major milestones

it is often assumed that the concept of big data is relatively new and that analyzing data has become critical for organizations in the last two decades. This leads organizations to believe that recent technological innovations have enabled data to be more easily accessible making it vital for businesses to find opportunities to convert that data into insights to gain competitive advantage. However, a careful look at the history of big data reveals that data has been a central business tool for many

decades and that big data as a concept has actually been existent for far longer than one might think.

This is important for our analysis as it illustrates how the various uses of big data have slowly started to

emerge into more complex applications.

We briefly look at some of the major milestones in the evolution of big data analytics.

1890: US Government decides to perform a national census. Herman Hollerith came up with a novel

new Pantograph tabulating machine symbolizing the beginning of the mechanized data collecting age9.

1944: Fremont Rider, Wesleyan University Librarian, acknowledged the idea of big data when he

estimated that libraries in universities across the US would consist of 200,000,000 volumes. At present,

Yale Library alone has over 12.5 million volumes'0 .

1949: Known as the "Father of Information", Claude Shannon researched big storage capacities for items such as punch cards. He also looked at the Library of Congress that measures over 100 trillion bits of


9 Siliconangle.com, Mike Wheatley, "Five Biggest Milestones in the History of Big Data", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://siliconangle.com/blog/2012/10/09/five-biggest-milestones-in-the-history-of-big- data/ 10 Hcltech.com, Daniel Tuitt, "A History of Big Data", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://www.hcltech.com/blogs/transformation-through-technology/history-big-data " Ibid.

15 1961: The "Law of exponential increase" was used by Derek Price to estimate that scientific journals had doubled every 15 years12

1965: The first data center was conceived when the US Government attempted to transfer all tax returns and finger prints to magnetic computer tape and storing it all on one big computer 3 .

1989: The World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee to leverage the internet to share and search for information. "The information contained would grow past a critical threshold, so that the usefulness [of] the scheme would in turn encourage its increased use," he wrote at the time 4.

1997: The term "big data" is first used by researchers M. Cox and D. Ellsworth identifying that the growth of data was becoming a problem for current computer systems's.

2001: Doug Laney publishes a research note "3D Data Management: Controlling Data Volume, Velocity, and Variety." These "3 V's" become the defining dimensions of big data16

2004: Hadoop, the free and open-source software program, is launched. "In the last eight years, Hadoop has become so big that it controls entire search engines, determining everything from which ads they show us, to which long-lost friends Facebook pulls out the hat, and even the stories you see on your

Yahoo homepage",17

2013: Businesses begin to adopt new in-memory technologies to analyze and optimize large quantities of data. Organizations view data as a business asset to gain competitive advantage and to identify opportunities and risks. The term 'internet of things' starts to become ubiquitous.

HcItech.com, Daniel Tuitt, "A History of Big Data", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://www.hcltech.com/blogs/transformation-through-technology/history-big-data Siliconangle.com, Mike Wheatley, "Five Biggest Milestones in the History of Big Data", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://siliconangle.com/blog/2012/10/09/five-biggest-milestones-in-the-history-of-big- data/ 14 ibid. is HcItech.com, Daniel Tuitt, "A History of Big Data", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://www.hcltech.com/blogs/transformation-through-technology/history-big-data 16 Ibid. 17 Siliconangle.com, Mike Wheatley, "Five Biggest Milestones in the History of Big Data", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Dec 20, 2013: http://siliconangle.com/blog/2012/10/09/five-biggest-milestones-in-the-history-of-big- data/

16 1.1.3 The big data landscape

There is definitely a lot of hype around big data. However, it cannot be denied that the amount of data

in the world is increasing exponentially, doubling every 18 months18. Experts claim that big data is slowly

but surely changing the way companies do business. It is unravelling abilities to work with data in different industries and unlocking its potential to make organizations more efficient, risk free and

profitable. One of the most striking trends has been the drastic increase in the number of Big Data companies in different categories. Not surprisingly, recognizing the power of big data to gain powerful

insights, several of these companies are finding applications of big data for sustainability. To understand the processes of big data analysis in the next chapter, we briefly discuss the vertical landscape of big data.

The big data landscape depicted below by Dave Feinleib, author of the website bigdotalandscape.com

attempts to put together some of the many hundred companies now in the 'business' of analytics. These are divided into different categories. Technologies such as Hadoop and Apache are open-source software frameworks that allow for the storage and large-scale processing of data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware. Infrastructure solutions provide the necessary tools to query the data that is stored. In the last decade this is where the focus was to innovate and to unlock the possibilities of big data. Finally, the applications are tools that convert unstructured data to data that can be used for decision making, visualization and operating intelligence. Today, the focus and potential to innovate is at the level of applications. From marketing to healthcare to legal services, there exist applications to

leverage big data for every industry.

1 ClO.com, Thor Olavsrund, "10 Real-World Big Data Deployments That Will Change Our Lives", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Jan 20, 2014: http://www.cio.com/slideshow/detail/92712

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1.1.4 The big data cycle - A systems dynamic view

Although data has been at the disposal of managers for several decades, it is only recently that it has become more accessible. Based on my research and literature review of trends in Big Data, I created a simple systems model (shown below) to explain why, both the amount and value of big data has been growing at a considerable rate in the last decade and why its various applications have been increasing.

As data is increasingly generated from everything - buildings, vehicles, transit systems, mobile phones, computers - there's a growing opportunity to capture it and make it useful. This opportunity creates requirements and demands for better analytics technologies that can not only store this data but also provide new insightful results. As new technologies emerge, data collection and storage techniques improve thus improving the efficiency of data. As data becomes more organized and easy to use, novel applications for big data are discovered in industries where data existed but was never analyzed. This in

18 turn increases the amount of big data being consumed and generated, thus closing the Big Data Cycle.

This reinforcing loop has led to the extensive growth of data over the last decade and continues to be the primary driver of growth in big data analytics. Further research can be done to extend the

boundaries of this model with questions such as what impact does the increase in efficiency of big data

have on profitability of firms, what is the impact on cost, what time delays are existent and is there a saturation point after which excess data becomes a burden.

Amount Of rl

Big Data p:

for Adoption Big/f Data in New technologies AdopionBi Dat fit~faster and better analytics different indstries Big Data Cycle f


Efficiency of Big Data

1.2 Emergence of sustainability analytics

To put the discussion about the value of sustainability analytics into context, we first briefly analyze the significance of sustainability to organizations.

19 1.2.1 What is corporate sustainability?

Globalization along with technological advances has created immense opportunities for businesses worldwide. While this has brought the world closer, it has resulted in shared problems that impact everyone around the globe. Some multinational organizations are realizing that their bottom-line is highly dependent on their sustainability goals. This is because dramatic changes in the global economic, political and social forefront not only impact the economic objectives of companies but also shift their goals from being primarily profit generators to also being sustainable organizations or socially responsible companies. This major shift has resulted in the integration of sustainability into the core strategies of organizations and the creation of the three pillars of sustainability: Environmental

Sustainability, Economic Sustainability and Social Sustainability. These three pillars combine environmental, social, ethical, legal, financial and political issues that are both internal and external to the company. They describe the drivers necessary for companies to set goals and milestones to address these issues. As a result, many fortune 500 companies are looking to implement programs that target a broad array of sustainability issues. According to a 2002 survey by PwC, "70 percent of global chief executives believe that CSR is vital to their companies' profitability"' 9.

Another way to look at this is the concept of triple bottom line - people (social pillar), planet

(environmental pillar) and profit (economic pillar). A case in point is that of Novo Nordisk that claims to have adopted the triple bottom line approach by taking a proactive stance on environmental issues.

According to Mckinsey & Company, Novo Nordisk partnered with local energy suppliers to realize energy savings that account for 85 percent of its global carbon emissions. They claim that in three years this initiative has eliminated 20,000 tons of carbon emissions and by 2014 green electricity will power all its

19 Vogel, David "Is There a Market for Virtue?", California Management Review, 2005

20 activities in Denmark. Using such initiatives Mckinsey claims to have helped Novo Nordisk not only reduce its emissions and cut costs but also build Denmark's market for renewable energy20.

Corporate sustainability therefore is a business approach that creates long-term consumer and employee value by not only creating a "green" strategy aimed towards the natural environment, but taking into consideration every dimension of how a business operates in the social, cultural, and economic environment. By emphasizing that business goals are inseparable from the societies and environments, within which they operate, corporate sustainability ensures that the three pillars of sustainability are integrated into the organization's long-term strategy.

We now analyze a few cases of each of the pillars of sustainability to show how the triple bottom line approach can be fundamental to an organization's long term strategy. It is important to note however that although many organizations claim to have taken initiatives related to sustainability, it is difficult to accurately assess their effectiveness. We use these examples to simply demonstrate the potential of integrating the three pillars of sustainability as a basis for our discussion about the business case for sustainability analytics. People (The social pillar of sustainability)

The social pillar focuses on balancing the needs of the individual with the needs of the group21 . For example, Walmart claims to have taken initiatives such as market oriented skills training for employees, sustainable food donations, worker safety initiatives and women empowerment programs22 . Nestle also has similar initiatives that focus on water scarcity, wellness of communities near their factories and land

20 Mckinsey.com, McKinsey Quarterly, Sheila Bonini, Timothy M. Koller, and Philip H. Mirvis, "Valuing Social Responsibility Programs", (2009), last retrieved from the web on Jan 25, 2014: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Valuingsocialresponsibilityprograms 2393 2 Truist.com, "The three pillars of sustainability", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Feb 5, 2014: http://truist.com/the-three-pillars-of-sustainability/ 22 ibid.

21 management that respects the rights of local people23. Another example is Verizon that is attempting to introduce energy saving technologies in schools, medical clinics and senior living facilities as well as supporting community efforts through volunteer grants, disaster relief programs and cause collection efforts where employees donate time, money and material goods24. Planet (The environmental pillar of sustainability)

The environmental pillar is aimed at processes, systems and activities that reduce the environmental impact of an organization's facilities, products and operations25. Herman Daly, a pioneer in environmental sustainability, suggested that

1) For renewable resources the rate of exploitation should be less than the rate of regeneration.

2) For pollution, the rate of generation should be less than the assimilative capacity of the environment

3) For non-renewable resources, the depletion should require comparable development of renewal substitutes.

Walmart claims to have integrated the environmental pillar through initiatives like increasing imports from 'green' factories, zero-waste goals, recycling programs and energy management systems 26 .

Similarly, Nestle manages its environmental sustainability initiative with a view on 4 priority areas: water, agricultural raw materials, manufacturing and distribution, and packaging. Verizon has built several programs related to telecom equipment recycling, energy reduction in offices, eco-friendly solutions for fleet, green packaging and many other initiatives27.

23 Truist.com, "The three pillars of sustainability", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Feb 5, 2014: http://truist.com/the-three-pillars-of-sustainability/ 24 Ibid. 2S Ibid. 26 Ibid. 27 Ibid.

22 Profit (The economic pillar of sustainability)

Economic sustainability involves ensuring that the business makes a profit and also that the organization's operations do not create any social or environmental issues that can adversely affect the long term performance of the company. McKinsey supported a triple bottom line model for businesses to address and tackle critical issues that lead to sustainable development28. They believe that companies that take a long term view use environmental, social and governance activities to create value in many ways that support growth, improve returns on capital, reduce risk and improve management quality2 9.

1.2.2 What is Sustainability Analytics?

Having explored the meaning and emergence of big data analytics and established the relationship

between sustainability and organizational performance, we can now shift our focus to the relationship

between sustainability and analytics.

In an age of greater demand for both environmental and corporate accountability and when organizations are increasingly focusing on sustainability issues, business leaders are finding that success

is being measured not just by financial results but also by social and environmental accomplishments.

The ability to manage sustainability performance requires a strong foundation that can measure the

environmental and social effects of a company's operations as well as analyze the data to find

opportunities to improve. The inherent complexity that this comes with requires that business leaders

are equipped with tools that can not only enable existing sustainable practices but also build new

initiatives. During my research3 , sustainability managers in several industries including apparel,

consumer goods, manufacturing and social networking, highlighted the importance of collecting and

Mckinsey.com, McKinsey Quarterly, Sheila Bonini, Timothy M. Koller, and Philip H. Mirvis, "Valuing Social Responsibility Programs", (2009), last retrieved from the web on Jan 25, 2014: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Valuingsocial_responsibility-programs_2393 29 Ibid.

30 Based on interviews with sustainability managers in various companies

23 analyzing data to measure and act upon sustainability key performance indicators and results. The common idea that they all agreed to is that there is a difference between a company that has a sustainability program and one that is actually sustainable. This difference according to my interviewees is measurement and the ability to find insights. Similar to other business goals, when there is data on the results, it becomes much easier to review progress, set targets and to take corrective actions when needed, especially when the issues at hand are both internal and external to the organization. Business analytics and big data tools enable organizations to measure, manage and analyze sustainability performance, and to identify actions that lead to their sustainability goals. Many companies are already capturing sustainability related data such as greenhouse gas emissions, distances travelled by employees and frequency of worker health hazards. The next logical step for these organizations is to implement and use data analytics capabilities that can convert this raw data into actionable insights such as the relationship of health hazards to profitability and the direct impact of reducing energy usage in plants on the bottom line, and thus create the ability to make informed decisions about how to approach the opportunity and risks that come with sustainability issues. Big data analytics can therefore, be seen as the potential key to unlocking this ability of businesses to understand and act on the environmental and social impacts that can be both, within and outside of their control.

Deloitte, who were amongst the first to use the term 'sustainability analytics', expect that the strong and growing interest in analytics, together with the increasing emphasis on sustainability issues such as climate change have led to a new field of expertise that integrates big data analytics with sustainability1 . They define sustainability analytics as "an approach that aims to effectively use technology to collect, disseminate, analyze, and use sustainability-related information across the

31 Deloitte.com, "Analytics for the ", last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom- UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/IMOs/Corporate%2Responsibility%20and%20Sustainability/usdsccfbu sinessanalytics_011711.pdf

24 n,32 enterprise. It is important to note that this concept is often misunderstood as 'green IT' by many organizations and experts. The difference between 'green IT' and 'sustainability analytics' is that while green IT focuses on reducing the IT function's energy consumption and thus reducing the organization's carbon footprint, sustainability analytics looks at the entire value chain, thus using technology as an enabler for sustainability throughout the value chain. Sustainability analytics views the organization as a member of a system of different inputs from where data is gathered for analysis and improvement.

1.2.3 Sustainability Analytics Applications

In 1.1.3, we discussed the big data landscape which consists of technologies that store and process data, infrastructure tools that query and analyze data, and applications that turn data into insights.

Technologies and infrastructure tools are generic across different applications of big data and therefore can be used for sustainability analytics as well. However, several applications focused on sustainability analytics are now on the market that help transform sustainability information into action. These applications integrate sustainability data to enable real time analysis and risk management which can

potentially help organizations save resources, proactively manage risk and continuously improve

products and solutions. They also can help organizations meet reporting, compliance, energy and

product safety needs and can be customized depending on different requirements of large and small


It is important to recognize here that these applications are only as effective as the data that is supplied to them. As discussed later in this paper, the efficacy of the data analysis phase is heavily dependent on

32 Deloitte.com, "Analytics for the Sustainable Business", last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom- UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/IMOs/Corporate%2OResponsibility%20and%20Sustainability/ussccbu sinessanalytics_011711.pdf

25 the data collection phases. Many organizations have implemented sustainability applications but failed to maximize its potential due to the challenges associated with data collection.

SAP as part of its analytics solutions offers various such applications that claim to improve transparency, help manage safety and environment, support regulatory requirements and unravel insights. The SAP

Environment, Health, Safety (EHS) management solution helps holistically manage operational, product, and reporting risks across facilities33. The Energy and Resource management solution helps in maximizing the return on the energy investments organizations make by correlating energy use with production and reporting on energy used per site4. The Product Safety and Stewardship solution provides insights to help design and deliver sustainable, safe, and compliant products, while meeting regulatory and customer requirements and managing supply chain collaborations. Similarly, Oracle offers solutions for risk and performance management, business operations and IT infrastructure that measure organization's environmental impacts, and provides insights on how to reduce that impact and manage risk36. Another vendor that is focused on sustainability solutions is SolidWorks that offers a tool that can integrate data to conduct life cycle assessments and assess the environmental impact of the design and production process 37. It creates a dashboard for executives to make real time sustainability decisions such as those related to materials sourcing and energy use.

33 SAP.com, SAP Sustainability Solutions, last retrieved from the web on Apr 1, 2014: http://www.sap.com/solution/lob/sustainability/software/ehs-management-overview/index.htm 3 ibid. 3s Ibid. 3 Oracle.com, Oracle Sustainability Solutions, 'Walmart Drives Sustainability with Oracle RightNow', last retrieved from the web on Apr 2, 2014: http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/green/it-infrastructure/index.html 3 Solidworks.com, "SolidWorks Sustainability", last retrieved from the web on Mar 10, 2014: http://www.solidworks.com/sustainability/sustainability-software.htm

26 2. What is the business case for sustainability analytics?

In this chapter, we investigate the business case(s) for sustainability analytics. We first analyze several examples of the use of sustainability analytics to build a repository of business cases or goals that organizations seek when implementing analytics for sustainability (2.1). In 2.2, we evaluate this repository based on expected value before implementation and the realized value after implementation and use of the tools. After ranking the goals and assigning scores to each goal we then look for insights that the research unravels to evaluate the success or failure of achieving the business case(s) for sustainability analytics.

2.1 Searching for the goals

Until relatively recently organizations found it difficult to understand the value of sustainability analytics. This is because the information required to get an accurate understanding of something relatively simple such as energy consumption was kept in different documents, formats and sites, making it difficult to integrate all this information. Moreover, many organizations simply did not have the capabilities to set up and measure sustainability indicators. Now, leading companies such as Nike and Ikea are trying to better understand how to embed analytics into their sustainability initiatives to achieve the triple bottom line benefits that were highlighted above. However, there are still questions that need to be answered about the benefits of sustainability analytics for when compared to its perceived value. As with any new technology and its application, the potential of big data analytics to resolve sustainability issues has been questioned by everyone including big data experts themselves, and a systematic evaluation of its business case is necessary to identify its opportunities and pitfalls.

27 2.1.1 Methodology

In order to evaluate the business case for sustainability analytics, I first researched the potential "selling points" of sustainability analytics through several case studies and interviews. This resulted in 8 variables or benefits that organizations look for when implementing big data for sustainability. We will explore these variables in this section. Instead of challenging the claims that these organizations make, we will use those claims to create a list of all "potential" selling points.

To investigate the expected and actual benefits realized based on these 8 potential benefits, I then conducted a survey of 12 companies in different industries that are currently using analytical tools for corporate sustainability. This resulted in the surfacing of the business cases for sustainability analytics amid the confusion there is about its value. We will explore this in section 2.2.1. While the sample size used was relatively small compared to the number of organizations who have implemented sustainability analytics, the results gathered show a clear trend towards some challenges that helps build a strong foundation to understand the challenges because of which some of the goals were not being achieved. A study using a larger sample size is recommended to further strengthen the results obtained in this paper.

2.1.2 Company 1: Pharmaceutical

A typical example of using sustainability analytics is Novo Nordisk, the Danish-based pharmaceutical giant. Novo Nordisk was named as one of the world's 10 most sustainable companies by Corporate

Knights in 201438. According to Susanne Stormer, Novo Nordisk's vice president of corporate sustainability and global stakeholder engagement, "It's about showing respect for people, the patients that we're serving, and the people who work at the organization." They claim that this triple bottom line

3 GloballOO.org, "Global 100 Index, Corporate Knights Capital", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Mar 24, 2014: http://globalOO.org/global-100-index/

28 approach has enabled them to integrate reporting from 200439. The company integrates financial

reports with their environmental and social performance. According to Stormer, this not only helps set targets but also keeps the organization accountable and makes sure that sustainability is a priority. "The

reason why we do that is because we think it's important that when you talk about sustainability, that you don't just [tell] the tree hugger stories and the compelling emotional part of why a company should

be sustainable, but ... to hold ourselves accountable to our stakeholders and to drive internal

accountability," Stormer said, "so that when we set a target, whether it's a financial target or an

environmental target, we work towards achieving that target and we can track our performance,

whether its progressing or stagnating."4 This is possible primarily because of the amount of 'big data'

that Novo Nordisk is able to collect and analyze. The ability to use big data analytics for sustainability

issues such as to find trends in C02 emissions from energy, to analyze the effect on communities of

selling cheaper insulin, to quantify the intangible results of efforts in developing countries such as

training of doctors and to find the direct economic benefit of their operations on societies, is the

primary driver of Novo Nordisk's sustainability programs.

2.1.3 Company II: Automobile

Ford Motors claims to be one of the pioneers in implementing sustainability analytics. They have been

building complex mathematical models to sharpen its competitive edge while reducing its

environmental impact 41 . They have developed a model that uses its 'big data' to project C02 emissions

39 Businessinsider.com, Max Nisen, " Why The World's Most Sustainable Company Publishes C02 Emissions Next To Its Earnings", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Mar 24, 2014: http://www.businessinsider.com/measuring-sustainability-is-essential-2012-12 4 Businessinsider.com, Max Nisen, " Why The World's Most Sustainable Company Publishes C02 Emissions Next To Its Earnings", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Mar 24, 2014: http://www.businessinsider.com/measuring-sustainability-is-essential-2012-12 41 Sustainablebrands.com, Jennifer Elks, " Ford Utilizing Analytics, Big Data to Guide Sustainability Innovations", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Mar 24, 2014: http://www.sustainablebrands.com/newsvandaviews/infotech/Jennifer-elks/ford-utilizing-analytics-big-data- guide-susta ina bi Iity-i nnova

29 generated by its vehicles on different roads for the next 50 years. Using this data they have been able to set fuel economy targets as well as be eco-conscious. They have also used analytics to make decisions between alternative engine designs thus building a case for the hybrid technologies that are not only less harmful to the environment but have also created a differentiation factor for Ford. Ford considers analytics and big data to be the next frontier in innovation, competition and productivity42. Innovations such as the Ford Fusion Energy plug-in generate 25 gigabytes of data every hour and helps in improving fuel economy and reducing emissions43. Some other innovations that they have been working on are

'Green Routing', an analytical system that optimizes routes to reduce vehicle emissions near hospitals and schools, life-cycle analysis tools that measure energy and water use associated with different materials, and statistical analysis of vehicle usage data that gives insights about adoption rate of electric vehicles4.

2.1.4 Company III: Services

Another example, one that is cited by Deloitte45, is of a company with 80 facilities around the world that implemented an analytical solution to track its sustainability metrics. By collecting and analyzing data related to the energy usage in different facilities and the travel time of its employees, it was able to identify conspicuous consumption of large amounts of energy and higher than average travel times of employees. The data also revealed insights that indicated opportunities to reduce this consumption, thus enabling the company to reduce costs as well as its carbon footprint.

42 Sustainablebrands.com, Jennifer Elks, " Ford Utilizing Analytics, Big Data to Guide Sustainability Innovations", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Mar 24, 2014: http://www.sustainablebrands.com/newsandviews/info-tech/ennifer-elks/ford-utilizing-analytics-big-data- guide-sustainability-innova 43 ibid. 44Ibid. 4s Deloitte.com, "Analytics for the Sustainable Business", last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom- UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/IMOs/Corporate%2Responsibility%20and%20Sustainability/usdsccfbu sinessanalytics_011711.pdf

30 2.1.5 Company IV: Technology

IBM uses big data analytics in its environmental, social and governance programs such as its Small and

Medium Enterprise (SME) toolkit to develop a good reputation with local stakeholders such as government officials and NGOs . In partnership with the World Bank's International Finance

Corporation, IBM provides free web-based resources on business management to small and midsized enterprises in developing countries. All this not only improves IBM's reputation in new markets but also

helps develop relationships with future customers. Further, by focusing on sustainability programs, IBM

has also been able to create new business opportunities through new analytical products such as green data centers solutions47. IBM partners with the Nature Conservancy to develop 3D imaging technology to help improve water quality. This program uses IBM's sensor capabilities to provide decision makers with summary information to help in water management. While this is addressing environmental issues,

it is also building IBM's capabilities.

2.1.6 Company V: Internet

An interview with a sustainability manager at a large online social networking service revealed that

sustainability analytics can even be used by internet companies. By analyzing large quantities of data

related to energy consumption in their data centers, this organization is taking several initiatives to cut

down on energy usage and find opportunities to better utilize and expand its data centers. Data centers

consume 1.2 percent of global power8- a staggering number. The number of data centers built around

4 Deloitte.com, "Analytics for the Sustainable Business", last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom- UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/IMOs/Corporate%2Responsibility%20and%20Sustainability/ussccbu sinessanalytics_011711.pdf 47 Ibid. 4 Triplepundit.com, Richard Jenkins, "The Sustainable Data Center of the Future", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Mar 25, 2014: http://www.triplepundit.com/2013/02/sustainable-data-center-future/

31 the world is expected to double by 2016 49and while data centers are becoming more energy efficient, this is a huge increase in power consumption along with heat and C02 emissions. This company is addressing this issue by collecting large amounts of accurate data that can empower decision makers to make changes proactively and in real-time. Also, by integrating these results in financial metrics, they are being able to monitor and manage financial compliance, measure asset capitalization timelines and strategically forecast. Their goal is to ultimately use the power of analytics to build data centers that are self-sustainable and that can drastically cut down costs as well as their carbon footprint.

2.1.7 Company VI: Manufacturing

An interview with a global electronics manufacturer revealed the use of sustainability analytics in the supply chain. By collecting data about the different materials used in different products and their properties, this company is analyzing their carbon footprint from bottom-up. Gaining from insights about the recyclability of materials used in different products, the location of suppliers and the environmental impacts of each material upon sending to landfill, this company is able to make decisions about switching to more environmental friendly raw materials. Further it is also being able to cut down large amounts of costs related to transportation and recycling50 .

2.1.8 Company VII: Courier delivery services

FedEx, using sustainability analytics has been able to decouple growth and resource consumption through sustainability initiatives that serve the environment as well as business. Using the data gathered from millions of deliveries in each city, they have developed an Eco-Driving program designed to lower vehicles' effect on the environment by helping drivers change their daily driving habits. Moreover, FedEx

49 Triplepundit.com, Richard Jenkins, "The Sustainable Data Center of the Future", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Mar 25, 2014: http://www.triplepundit.com/2013/02/sustainable-data-center-future/ 50 Based on data gathered during interview conducted with a multinational electronics manufacturer

32 has also implemented programs that lead change at a community level. In Mexico City, FedEx partnered with EMBARQ51 to create an environmentally responsible transportation system that eliminated 114,000 tons of carbon emissions every years2. FedEx's strategy to overcome the 'capability trap 3' is to have a seamless overlay of sustainability goals on top of the traditional business goals of maximizing profit and shareholder value, and creating product differentiation. This is especially relevant to the courier industry that is suffering from volatile fuel prices and high operating costs leading to shrinking margins and a necessity to continuously differentiate. Several initiatives with the help of sustainability analytics have led to significant cost reductions for FedEx through savings in energy consumption, fuel usage and landfill costs.

Interviews conducted with DHL and UPS revealed similar sustainability initiatives with the help of analytics that makes their business more productive and efficient. UPS for example, installs sensors throughout their vehicles that generate data that help plan smarter routes and educate drivers about fuel-efficient driving techniques. Each night they upload the day's driving data to find opportunities to get more efficient and to optimize vehicle maintenance schedules to keep them running clean and safe54.

2.1.9 Company VIII: Medical Equipment

Varian Medical Systems, a Silicon Valley-based company that creates technology for treating cancer uses

SAP's sustainability solutions and product life cycle management tools to analyze the chemical composition of its products to redesign them, eliminate hazardous substances and comply with

51 Environmental Leader.com, "FedEx to Fund Transportation Projects in Mexico, Brazil, & FedEx", (2011), last retrieved from the web on Apr 6, 2014: http://www.environmentalleader.com/2011/12/21/fedex-to-fund- transportation-projects-in-mexico-brazil-india/ s2 FedEx Earthsmart website, last retrieved from the web on Apr 6, 2014: http://earthsmart.van.fedex.com/ s3 MIT, Repenning and Sterman, "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened", (2001), California Management Review Vol. 43, No. 4, Summer 2001 s4 Urbantimes.co, UPS Corporate Responsibility, "Continuous Technology Innovation Infographic", last retrieved from the web on Apr 6, 2014: http://urbantimes.co/2013/01/brown-is-the-new-green/

33 regulations. Using sustainability analytics has not only helped them be more environmentally friendly but also safeguard their revenue in the European Union where regulations are much stricter than the

United States. They are now re-engineering products at a faster pace and predict that the ROI from the use of the SAP solutions is anticipated to be $2.5 million55. Further, it has helped them understand and meet the expectations of different stakeholders.

2.1.10 Company IX: Chemicals

Dow Chemical, the second largest chemical manufacturer in the world, uses SAP's Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) management solution to integrate latest regulatory, product and cost information that helps them be more agile with changing environments. Besides cutting down on costs, it also helps them standardize processes through sustainable allocation of resources based on the insights gathered from the data 6.

2.1.11 Company X: Retail

Walmart, the largest retailer in the world, has adopted Oracle's 'RightNow' sustainability solution, to capture the data from their various sustainability initiatives. This cloud based solution gathers data throughout the supply chain and not only helps executives make decisions with regards to cutting down on energy usage and evaluating the carbon impact of each product, but also manage supplier relationships through wider transparency and easier communication57

ss Smartplanet.com, Rachel King, 'Varian Medical Systems explains how it is using SAP software to support both its sustainability and compliance efforts.', (2012), last retrieved from the web on Mar 25, 2014: http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/smart-takes/sap-publishes-sustainability-report-touts-compliance-methods/ 56 SAP.com, SAP Sustainability Solutions, Dow Chemicals, last retrieved from the web on Apr 1, 2014: http://www.sap.com/solution/lob/sustainability/software/ehs-management-overview/index.html s7 Oracle.com, Oracle Sustainability Solutions, 'Walmart Drives Sustainability with Oracle RightNow', last retrieved from the web on Apr 2, 2014: http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/green/it-infrastructure/index.html

34 2.2 Analysis of the business cases

The following goals/benefits/selling points/business cases were identified based on interviews with sustainability managers and the cases researched including the ones identified above: i) The ability to cut costs through the use of innovative sustainability analytics tools - Cost reduction ii) The ability to identify internal and external risks related to sustainability within an organization -

Risk management iii) The ability to create a differentiating factor and find opportunities to create new products and enter new markets - Differentiation and Profit building iv) The ability to make decisions and select different courses of actions that address sustainability issues - Decision Making v) The ability to understand and anticipate the relationships between economic, social and environmental factors that are connected to an organization's value chain - Preparedness vi) The ability to allocate resources within the organization effectively in order to have the maximum impact - Resource allocation vii) The ability to understand the different requirements and expectations of stakeholders within the larger community, and to design programs that address all those issues - Stakeholder management viii) The ability to measure sustainability key performance indicators and to detect the efforts that are achieving the desired results - Measurability

35 2.2.1 Ranking the business cases

Sustainability leaders in 10 organizations58 were then asked to rank these 8 'business cases' based on their organization's perceived (before implementation) and actual (after implementation) value of using sustainability analytics tools. The respondents were instructed to indicate a score of 0-10 for each of these variables. They were explicitly asked to indicate a score of 0 for goals that were not realized or not expected. The survey was followed up with a conversation with some of the respondents to understand the reasons why some of the expected values were not realized. The interviews resulted in the following order of ranking based on expected and actual value for the 8 business cases. Upon aggregation we compare the perceived and realized value to identify the goals that were achieved or not achieved.

Rank Rank Perceived Value Realized Value ased b an Goals of based on before after Goal on expected implementation/Benefits implementation implementation Achieved/Not actual exece of adoption (Cumulative (Cumulative Achieved value score) score) The ability to measure sustainability key performance indicators 1 1 and to detect the efforts 89 92 Achieved that are achieving the desired results. (Measurability) The ability to identify internal and external risks 2 2 related to sustainability 84 85 Achieved within an organization. (Risk Management) The ability to create a differentiating factor and find opportunities to 3 7 create new products and 47 75 Achieved enter new markets. (Differentiation and Profit Building)

5 The organizations that participated in the survey were medium and large companies of at least 300 employees, 8 public and 2 private companies and with mature corporate sustainability programs.

36 The ability to cut costs through the use of 4 3 innovative sustainability 78 64 Not Achieved analytics tools. (Cost Reduction) The ability to make decisions and select 5 5 different courses of 60 52 Not Achieved actions that address sustainability issues. (Decision making) The ability to allocate resources within the 6 4 organization effectively in 61 50 Not Achieved order to have the maximum impact. (Resource allocation)

The ability to understand and anticipate the relationships between 7 7 economic, social and 59 40 Not Achieved environmental factors that are connected to an organization's value chain. (Preparedness) The ability to understand the different requirements and expectations of 8 6 stakeholders within the 58 30 Not Achieved larger community, and to design programs that address all those issues. (Stakeholder management)

Total 536 488 Not Achieved

37 2.2.2 Finding the insights

The survey results led to some interesting insights about the value of sustainability analytics as

perceived and actually realized by organizations. As seen in the value chart below, three goals -

measurability, risk management, differentiation - were met. This was true for all the organizations that

responded. However, none of the other 5 goals were realized. This was also true for all the organizations

that responded.

Value Chart

100 90 80 70 60

- Value 50 50 "* Perceived Value 40 40 "* Realized Value 30 20 10

0 -- -- - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Goals/Benefits ranking (Realized value)

The results indicate that the ability to measure key performance indicators related to sustainability

programs, the ability to manage risk associated with external elements and the prospects of cost

reductions were the primary objectives of implementing the analytical tools. This was confirmed by

respondents during debriefing who found these three as the primary triggers for their organizations to

approve a budget to implement sustainability analytics.

38 An interesting insight was that the goal with the third highest score of realized value and that was achieved (differentiation and profit building) was in fact the least expected objective before implementation. Upon discussions with some of the managers, it was discovered that although profit building was not an initial expectation from the tools, organizations were quickly able to find opportunities in new markets and products due to the insights gathered from sustainability analytics.

The analytical tools were able to unlock clues about potential opportunities that were not apparent from the sustainability programs in place by itself. This suggests that managers initially do not understand the triple bottom line approach of sustainability and do not recognize that sustainability programs and tools not only support the social and environmental pillar but also the economic pillar of sustainability. Sustainability managers must take into consideration the contribution of sustainability analytics in business development and profit building when making decisions about implementing new tools. This awareness can not only lead to a better evaluation of the different tools on the market but also ensure that the business is prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that surface.

We observe that the overall objective of implementing sustainability analytics was not met. This was confirmed upon discussions with the respondents, majority of who believed that the overall expectations from sustainability analytics had not been met. Although the top two goals were achieved, majority of the others including the third most anticipated after goal - cost reduction - were not met.

Given the number of successful cases cited by vendors and organizations using analytics, including the ones identified in this paper, this result was unexpected and might sound biased. There could be several possible reasons for this variance. Sustainability analytics is usually one of several sustainability initiatives implemented simultaneously. As organizations discover the need to strengthen their sustainability benchmark, initiatives are implemented to benefit the entire value chain - many of which are not related to sustainability analytics. This can blur the individual results of different initiatives - a sort of free riding problem that many organizations face when adopting several tools all at once. It is

39 also possible that since cases published in the press and on company websites are aimed at showcasing sustainability initiatives and building organizational reputation, the success of sustainability analytics is exposed to bias. Another reason for the possible variance is organizations' preconception that since a tool is successfully working for another organization in the same industry or situation, it could simply be a case of adjusting expectations in terms of timeline and level of benefits expected. Finally, there could also be a case of survivor bias by sustainability managers who only concentrate on the goals that were achieved, inadvertently overlooking those that did not because of their lack of visibility. Moreover, a survivor bias by vendors and the media can lead to the false impression of a universal success story of sustainability analytics. All these reasons can contribute to the lack of publically open stories about failure of sustainability analytics. Individual discussions with sustainability managers are required to determine credible results and to get a better understanding of the success or failure of sustainability analytics that is yet to become a mainstream tool for sustainability.

In the next chapter we analyze the critical challenges that contribute to the failure of meeting the goals of implementing sustainability analytics and the factors that sustainability managers must consider in order to overcome the obstacles of adopting these tools.

40 3. What are the challenges of adopting sustainability analytics?

In this chapter, we identify the challenges that can lead to the failure of sustainability analytics in enhancing the sustainability initiatives of organizations. In 3.1 we analyze the tension between data collection and data analysis that can lead managers to making incorrect assumptions about where the obstacles lie and where innovations are necessary to overcome those obstacles. To substantiate this discussion, in 3.2 we explore the different phases of big data, their individual challenges and possible solutions. In 3.3, we address another assumption made by sustainability managers about the technical and organizational challenges that are faced when using sustainability analytics. We compare this tension with that between technical and adaptive challenges to establish the complexity of sustainability analytics as a multi-stakeholder initiative.

3.1 Tension between data collection and data analysis

As discussed in chapter l and in the discussion of the emergence of sustainability analytics in chapter 2, the promise of data-driven analysis and improvement of sustainability programs is now being recognized broadly, and there is growing enthusiasm for the notion of "sustainability analytics" or "big data for sustainability". While this promise is real, for example, according to research59 conducted by

SAS almost 46% of C-level executives believe that analytics can have an impact in the area of sustainability, there is currently a wide gap between the expected and realized potential of sustainability analytics. This was indicated in chapter 2 by demonstrating that although managers claim that some of the major goals of implementing analytics for sustainability were achieved, analytics failed to deliver the overall expectations from its application.

59 SAS, BusinessWeek Research Services, "White paper on Emerging Green Intelligence", Business Analytics and Corporate Sustainability, (2009)

41 The statistic that 90%60 of the 2.7 Zeta bytes61 of data that exists in the universe today has been created

in the last two years and that 80%62 of all data is stored by enterprises, suggests that we are awash in a flood of data today. The big data cycle is resulting in the doubling of the volume of business data every

1.2 years. Trillions of sensors and data recorders everywhere from electric bulbs to vehicles to software

capture structured and unstructured data that can be analyzed for different purposes. All this has

created the presumption that the challenges with sustainability analytics lie in data analysis. This results

in many organizations focusing solely on overcoming the challenges of the analysis phase while

neglecting the obstacles that the data collection phases present. Interviews with sustainability managers

after the survey revealed that the primary reasons for not being able to effectively use sustainability analytics to make accurate decisions that could lead to cost savings or efficient resource allocation was

not because of a lack of understanding of how to analyze the data but due to the failure to capture

relevant data effectively, the inability to convert unstructured data to structured data and the lack of

understanding of how to handle uncertainty, and error due to noisy or heterogeneous data. This is further discussed in later sections. For example, a large internet company indicated that the inability to gather data from thousands of equipment installed in different data centers was the key issue facing the sustainability group. A sustainability executive from a luxury apparel company expressed major concerns about the "lack of understanding by the organization's different departments to locate, capture and aggregate sustainability related data".

Even in the analysis phase, there were complexities that were not understood well. Upon data collection, several executives found it difficult to aggregate dissimilar data to find valuable insights.

6 Baselinemag.com , Dennis McCafferty, "Surprising Statistics about Big Data", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Apr 4, 2014: http://www.baselinemag.com/analytics-big-data/slideshows/surprising-statistics-about-big- data.html 6 Wikibon.org, "A comprehensive List of Big Data Statistics", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Apr 4, 2014: http://wikibon.org/blog/big-data-statistics/ 6 Baselinemag.com , Dennis McCafferty, "Surprising Statistics about Big Data", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Apr 4, 2014: http://www.baselinemag.com/analytics-big-data/slideshows/surprising-statistics-about-big- data.html

42 Manual collation and interpretation of the data was time-consuming and led to several


This tension between data analysis and data collection exists in every organization that has

implemented sustainability analytics. An understanding of this tension prior to adopting sustainability

analytics will enable sustainability managers to be better prepared to face the challenges that the tools

present and to take advantage of the opportunities that the solutions can unravel.

3.2 Phases in big data analysis

To analyze the causes of failure to meet the goals set for sustainability analytics, we take assistance of

the distinct phases of big data analysis. These phases apply to all big data applications, whether

sustainability or not, and allow us to independently analyze the challenges that each phase inherently

introduces along with the issues that arise due to its specific application of sustainability. Although

organizations tend to have their own specific processes in place depending on industry, geographical

reach, size of operations, etc. to collect and analyze data, these phases summarize the overall process

that all organizations go through.

The following are the distinct phases of big data analysis:


63 Adapted from The Computing Research Association, Big Data White Paper, "Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data", (2012)

43 3.2.1 Data acquisition and recording

The data acquisition and recording phase deals with identifying the data generating source and establishing the process to gather and store data. For example, a hospital gathers data about the heart rate of patients to better understand the effectiveness of various procedures, a manufacturing firm collects data about the presence of toxins in the air in factories and a retail store collects data about the amount of energy used by each of its refrigerators.

All this data generated from just a single data source can easily produce terabytes of raw data every day.

Much of the data gathered in the data acquisition phase might be of no interest and can be filtered and compressed using database tools". However, the challenge here is to define these filters in a way that the useful information is not discarded. For example, if the energy usage data from one refrigerator within a store is taken as representative for the purposes of analysis, how can we be sure that other variables such as location within the store, the number of times the refrigerator is opened, the kind of food stored, etc. do not matter? In addition, the data collected is often spatially and temporally correlated (e.g. traffic sensors on the same road segment) 65. Innovative data analysis techniques are required that can reduce the size of data to a limit that users can handle while not missing the needle in the haystack66 . Further, organizations such as the CRA have stressed about the need for "on-line" analysis techniques that can process data on the fly since organizations cannot afford to store data first and then reduce to analyze67 . These problems are often experienced when using sustainability analytics tools. Interviews with sustainability managers revealed that although the location of the data source

6 The Computing Research Association, Big Data White Paper, "Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data", (2012), Page 5 65 Ibid. 66 Ibid. 67 Ibid.

44 was easy to detect, it was not clear what filters to apply so that the right quantity and quality of data was captured given the limitations of data storage.

Another challenge with the data acquisition phase is the ability to automatically collect data. While it might be easy to collect energy usage data from devices in a data center, it is extremely difficult to identify data sources to collect accurate data related to employee satisfaction levels and impact of manufacturing operations on surrounding areas. There are also several technical obstacles with regards to collecting data from sources that are not compatible to existing technologies. To make sustainability analytics more effective, the human burden of gathering data has to be reduced.

Finally, the scale of data is another challenge. The name "big" data is given to analytics for a reason.

Managing large and rapidly increasing volume of data is an issue. Although storage space is inexpensive, it is important that organizations anticipate and budget for the expansion in storage capabilities over time. Further, the 'bigger' the data, the more storage space is required. Storage space in the form of data centers consume large amounts of energy to keep the systems turned on and water to cool the facilities. This 'side effect' of sustainability analytics is often ignored and can be significant enough to totally invalidate its initial business case. Sustainability managers must understand these impacts on the larger system within which their organization sits and evaluate the amount of data that can be stored for the investment to be worth it.

3.2.2 Information extraction and cleaning

Often the data that is extracted is not in the format that can be analyzed. For example, consider the data that is in the form of images or diagrams or geo-positional location. Important data in these forms cannot be left in their source formats. This phase extracts data, pulls out the required information and expresses it in a format that can be analyzed. Achieving this task is a difficult challenge. It requires a thorough understanding of the kind of data and its requirement. Research indicated that sustainability

45 managers were not considering important data in different formats due to the cumbersome exercise of cleaning it to an understandable format. Further, organizations often think that sustainability data simply means environmental data such as energy usage or carbon emissions. Data related to the social impact of organizations such as health hazards, treatment of workers, contribution to community development, etc. are often ignored and fail to make it to the data analysis phases. Organizations need to create systematic data entry points related to environmental, social and employee performance to capture and assess over sustainability performance. Some vendors such as Cloudapps offer solutions that can effectively collect raw data from multiple sources (See Annex 1).

Also, it is often assumed that data always tells the truth. However, this might not always be correct. For example, questionnaires or surveys collected from customers, employees and suppliers might not be clear. Also, people might choose to hide information and provide inaccurate records. This human obstacle of gathering data was a common feedback from many organizations that were interviewed.

Hence, extracting the most relevant data in a format that is reliable and that can be analyzed is critical for data analytics to achieve its desired results.

3.2.3 Data Integration and Aggregation

Humans can comfortably collect and integrate information that is highly heterogeneous. However, analytical tools expect homogeneous data. Therefore, data has to be carefully structured before it can be analyzed. Further, heterogeneous data that is collected might not have any value unless it is combined with other data that it is related to. Simply throwing it into a database is not enough for the users to make sense of the information. The data integration phase aggregates and integrates the data points into meaningful information that can be analyzed by users.

46 The challenge here is to maintain heterogeneous data in similar formats that can be aggregated.

Different data points can have different levels of structure. For example, surveys collected from factory workers are far more unstructured than the data collected about energy usage in offices. Also, data can differ across geographies. For example, due to differences in standards of units and the format of storage in various locations across the world, an organization that was interviewed found it difficult to make comparisons when data was unformatted.

Automation of this process is important to driving greater consistency and accuracy, as well as yielding cost savings. A challenge to automating sustainability performance management is addressing data governance for sustainability related data. To overcome this challenge it is important that automation is viewed as an end-to-end process from initial acquisition of data to presentation of information to users for analysis -just like any other financial data.

3.2.4 Analysis

The analysis process requires a good understanding of the data that has to be evaluated and the acquisition of tools that can be used for effective analysis. Several business intelligence tools currently being developed and sold by software companies such as SAP and Oracle have the capabilities to analyze the data and provide insights. One of the challenges is to pick the right tool that fits the requirements of the organization, the amount and type of data being collected and the skills of users that will use the tool. Although most of the tools provide similar capabilities, a closer look reveals that certain tools might be more suitable for specific industries. For example, Sedex offers a tool that allows for data exchange between organizations and their suppliers in order to ensure sustainable and ethical supply chains6.

6 Sedexglobal.com, Home page, last retrieved from the web on Apr 4, 2014: http://www.sedexglobal.com/

47 Another challenge with analysis is that even after data cleaning and aggregation, there can be some level of data incompleteness. This incompleteness can be managed at the analysis stage by making appropriate assumptions and using probability analysis.

Scale of data is also an issue for the analysis phase. The larger the scale, the more processing power is required. Although there have been significant innovations in processor speeds, the high energy consumption of powerful processors and sheer increase in size of big data across organizations has raised debates about the benefits of sustainability analytics as compared to its costs. To overcome some of these problems, organizations such as EMC are offering cloud computing analytical tools that are cost efficient and consume far less energy.

Finally, the larger the data set that there is to analyze, the longer it will take. Analytical tools must be designed to effectively deal with size of data. This is important when the results are required instantly.

For example, organizations trying to act upon potential health hazards to employees require fast analysis of the data that is collected. Although there have been many advances with indexing databases to deal with this issue, managers must be aware of the size of data that is being analyzed and set appropriate limits.

3.2.1 Interpretation

Big data analysis, whether related to sustainability or not, as little value if the intended users cannot understand the analysis. Interpreting the results is important for making decisions. This involves examining the different assumptions made along the different phases and tracking the analysis. Often, it becomes increasingly difficult for users to evaluate assumptions as far back as the data extraction phase.

This requires proper documentation of the process and an efficient knowledge transfer process. Thus, simply providing the results to the decision make is not enough. This should be accompanied with

48 supplementary information such as how the result was derived and what were the limitations considered.

Further, visualizations make it easier to interpret large sets of data. Tools that can enable meaningful visual representations of the information can add considerable value to the decision making process.

Finally, it is important for the ultimate user of the data to be able to drill down into the input data behind the analysis. This assists in understanding the raw data and its source, and in overcoming incorrect assumptions.

Finally, as the authors of a "The Parable of Google Flu: Traps in Big Data Analysis", explain, there is the problem of "big data hubris"69. David Lazer and his colleagues explain that "Big data hubris is the often implicit assumption that big data are a substitute for, rather than a supplement to, traditional data collection and analysis". Google scientists in 2009, announced that "...we can accurately estimate the current level of weekly influenza activity in each region of the United States, with a reporting lag of about one day"70. The assumption that google made was that people with the flu (the influenza virus) will probably go online to find out how to treat it, or to search for other information about the flu. So

Google would be able to track such behavior, hoping it might be able to predict flu outbreaks even faster than traditional health authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Ironically, just a few months after announcing Google Flu, the world was hit with the 2009 swine flu pandemic, caused by a novel strain of HIN1 influenza. In fact, Google Flu was wrong for 100 out of 108 weeks since August

2011. A critical mistake that Google made was to assume that it is as easy to predict and interpret the future as it is to analyze the past. The problem was that most people who think they have "the flu" do

69 "The Parable of Google Flu: Traps in Big Data Analysis", David Lazer, Ryan Kennedy, Gary King, Alessandro Vespignani, (2014), Sciencemag.com 70 "Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data", Jeremy Ginsberg, Matthew H. Mohebbi, Rajan S. Patel, Lynnette Brammer, Mark S. Smolinski & Larry Brilliant, (2009), Nature.com 71 Forbes.com, Steven Salzburg, "Why Google Flu is a Failure", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Apr 30, 2014: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2014/03/23/why-google-flu-is-a-failure/

49 not. The vast majority of doctors' office visits for flu-like symptoms turn out to be other viruses. CDC tracks these visits under "influenza-like illness" because so many turn out to be something else. To

illustrate, the CDC reports that in the most recent week for which data are available, only 8.8% of specimens tested positive for influenza. When 80-90% of people visiting the doctor for "flu" don't really

have it, you can hardly expect their internet searches to be a reliable source of information.

From the above analysis of the phases in big data analytics, it is clear that the challenges associated with its use lie in both data collection as well as data analysis. A common mistake that organizations make is to ignore the challenges associated with the data collection phase on the presumption that data is ubiquitous and ready to be analyzed in the form that it is sourced. This leads to many of the failures in achieving goals set for sustainability analytics as outlined above. It is imperative for organizations to be aware of these challenges so that they are better prepared and equipped with the skills necessary to tackle both data collection and analysis phases.

3.3 Tension between technical vs. organizational challenges and technical vs. adaptive change

Another lens to look at the challenges that organizations face while implementing sustainability analytics tools is from the perspective of the type and intensity of the complexities. Similar to the tension between data collection and data analysis, the assumption that many organizations make is that big data and analytics tools are highly mechanical and therefore the challenges associated with it would be primarily technical in nature. While it is true that technical challenges are amongst the tallest hurdles in the use of sustainability analytics, it is the lack of ability to view the organizational challenges that come with using big data analysis that often lead to its failure.

These organizational challenges are further accentuated when analytics is used for sustainability.

Interviews with sustainability managers revealed that the questions asked by CEOs and CTOs while

50 building a business case for sustainability analytics were almost all related to the technical preparedness of the organization's IT function. This was apparent from the budgets allocated to enhancing IT skills when evaluating these tools. Considerations such as the ability to adopt change and overcome resistance, the ability to understand data, privacy and coordination between business functions were not discussed prior to implementation. It was only after the tools were implemented that the organizations encountered issues related to change management, user privacy and internal collaboration that exposed the organizational weaknesses and the inability to tackle adaptive challenges.

It is vital for sustainability managers to differentiate organizational challenges from technical challenges.

An alternative view to look at the root cause of this tension is by understanding the differences between technical changes and adaptive changes. Using big data analytics is often considered as technical changes within organizations. The decision to implement analytical tools usually lie with the CTO. This was confirmed by 3 interviewees who indicated that the recommendation to use analytics was made by the sustainability managers but the decision was made by the CTO on the basis of the budget allocated and skills available within the IT function.

Technical change involves people putting in place solutions to problems for which they know the answers or for which technical skills can be developed. While this is difficult, it is often not as difficult as adaptive change, which involves addressing problems for which they don't know the solutions yet.

There is no authoritative expertise or standard operative procedures to solve these problems73. These adaptive changes involve changing more than just routine behaviors or preferences and challenges, people's habits, beliefs, and values74. It demands people to take a loss and experience uncertainty. It can

Adapted from Fullan (2003, 2005) who cites Heifetz and Linsky (2002) 73 Ibid. 4 Adapted from Fullan (2003, 2005) who cites Heifetz and Linsky (2002)

51 result in the transformation of the system. This is a reason why there are organizational resistance to make these changes.

While it is true that adopting sustainability analytics is a technical change as it heavily engages the internal IT group and external technology vendors, it also involves a major adaptive change. According to Fullan (2005), "Addressing the problem of sustainability is the ultimate adaptive challenge". Unlike traditional financial tools, sustainability analytics tools are dependent on the assumption that stakeholders are aware of the value of integrating sustainability into the core business strategy. It assumes that people are on board and prepared to store, collect and analyze sustainability related data on par with any other financial data that is being analyzed in the enterprise. This assumption is not an easy one to make once organizations understand that the requirements for success of sustainability analytics differ significantly from the requirements for success of financial analytics. The success of sustainability analytics is therefore as dependent on overcoming organizational challenges as it is on addressing technical challenges.

3.3.1 Technical Challenges

Most of the technical challenges have already been discussed. These include heterogeneity of the data, incompleteness of information, scale of data, effective filtering, real-time data analysis, automation, timeliness, data governance and selecting the right tool for analysis. There is considerable amount of research in place to overcome these challenges. Software companies such as SAP and Oracle are constantly pushing the envelope to design the next generation of big data tools that are equipped to handle the increasing technical complexities of analyzing big data. Sustainability analytics shares most of the challenges of big data analytics and will seek to benefit from these innovations in order to build a better business case for its adoption as well as to realize the anticipated goals of implementation.

52 3.3.2 Organizational Challenges

While sustainability analytics shares similar technical challenges with other applications of big data, organizational challenges of adopting sustainability analytics are unique and arise from the increasing realization that unlike the adoption traditional financial analysis tools that are primarily technical changes, adoption of sustainability analytics is an adaptive change and requires a good understanding of the organizational challenges that it presents.

It is important for organizations to recognize that big data tools present different challenges depending on its applications. Interviews with a sustainability manager in a large luxury apparel company revealed that one of the biggest reasons for the failure of sustainability analytics was the lack of preparedness with regards to the unique challenges that big data solutions present when used for sustainability as compared to its use in traditional financial analysis. These differences arise due to the nature of the problems. The following table lists some of the differences between technical problems and adaptive challenges75. We use these differences to analyze the unique organizational challenges of adopting sustainability analytics tools.

Technical Problems (Traditional financial Adaptive Challenges (Sustainability analytics) analytics)

Financial problems are easy to identify as there are Sustainability problems are difficult to identify (or defined datasets such as statement of accounts, easy to deny) as there is no defined dataset. cash flow, etc.

Often lend to quick and easy solutions such as cost Require changes in values, beliefs, roles,

7s Adapted from Ronald A. Heifetz & Donald L. Laurie, "The Work of Leadership", (1997), Harvard Business Review, January-February 1997; and Ronald A. Heifetz & Marty Linsky, "Leadership on the Line", Harvard Business School Press, (2002)

53 benefit analysis, analysis of financial ratios, etc. relationships and approaches to work. Challenges

are more embedded within the organization.

Usually can be solved by an authority or expert. People with the problem are the ones usually

trying to solve it.

Requires changes in one or a few places and is Requires changes in a number of places and usually contained within the organizational usually involves cross organizational boundaries. boundaries.

People are usually receptive to technical solutions. People resist adaptive challenges related to

sustainability due its inherent uncertainty.

Solutions can be implemented quickly. Creating solutions is time-consuming, requires

experiments and new discoveries.

Benefits of overcoming technical challenges are Benefits of overcoming adaptive challenges are often seen in the short term. usually observed in the long term.

The above differences highlight several organizational challenges unique to sustainability analytics compared to financial analytics. It demands a shift in mentality with regards to values and beliefs within the organization. For users of sustainability analytics to take the data and analysis seriously, sustainability goals need to be embedded within the core business strategies in line with the three pillars of sustainability. The decision to implement sustainability analytics should be made jointly by the executives who are responsible for generating the data and directly impacted by the use of the data.

The ability to recommend changes and propose solutions should be tied with the responsibility to analyze data.

Further, business managers should have a good understanding of the external elements that are impacted by and influence the organization's sustainability performance. This will make the data more

54 relevant for analysis and improve both, data collection and analysis phases. It is important that financial returns on the implementation of sustainability analytics should be expected in the long term and that the sustainability managers who are making the business case for these tools do not oversell their case, and hence risk losing long term credibility of taking these initiatives within the organizations. We discuss this in more detail in Chapter 5.

Privacy issues have also been expressed by some organizations. A sustainability executive from an internet company pointed towards privacy as one of the most critical issues when dealing with sustainability analytics. For certain kinds of data such as health records, there are strict laws governing what can and cannot be done. There is also great public fear regarding the inappropriate use of data, particularly in sustainability analytics where data is linked from different sources. For example, location based data tracked of employees is sensitive information that not all organizations are able to capture.

Human collaboration is another challenge that sustainability analytics faces. Effective big data analysis requires efforts from multiple experts in different functions to really understand what is going on. These experts maybe separated by space and time and it might be too expensive to assemble teams together for ongoing analysis.

Finally, one of the biggest organizational challenges based on the feedback from interviews is the resistance to change. The feedback from one manager was that "results of sustainability analytics are often unclear and can trigger negative emotions among users". A resistance to change within organizations can create roadblocks for the success of sustainability analytics and should be addressed before deciding to implement analytics.

55 3.3.3 Viewing sustainability analytics as a multi-stakeholder imitative

We use the framework by Sterman, Repenning, Kofman (1997) and Schneiderman (1988) to estimate the magnitude of organizational and technical challenge that the use of sustainability analytics tools

presents. We modify the framework to add conditions to identify level of technical complexity assuming that technical solutions that can be found in the short, medium and long terms have low, medium and

high complexity respectively.

76 Increasing Half Lives - 0.


E 0 Society-wide I U CFU * U Multiple

C organizations CU

Cross functional U CuO L_ 0


Low High Short term Medium term Long term solutions solutions solutions

Technical Complexity

Framework adapted from Sterman, Repenning, Kofman (1997), Schneiderman (1988)

56 As described in this paper, although there are significant technical challenges of successfully implementing and using sustainability analytics, the organizational challenges are the principle factor determining the realization of the potential benefits of sustainability analytics. Technical challenges with big data, although significant, can be addressed through upgrades, training and external support.

Further, the amount of research underway to overcome technical barriers suggests that organizations can be relatively confident that they can tackle these issues in the medium term. Hence, we assign a medium level of technical complexity to sustainability analytics. However, organizational challenges demand changes at a fundamental level throughout the organization across various functions. As we have demonstrated earlier, the organizational challenges that come with using sustainability analytics, extend not only to business functions within the organization (finance and sales, plant operations and corporate operations) and to multiple organizations (suppliers, customers) but also to society-wide stakeholders such as shareholders, communities surrounding business operations, government agencies and the general public, all of whom are generating as well as using the data that is ultimately contributing to the effectiveness of sustainability analytics. Further, although companies struggle with technical challenges of big data, a research conducted by Tata Consultancy Services77 revealed that the biggest hurdle to achieving success with big data initiatives was to encourage business units to share information across organization silos.

Therefore, organizations must view the implementation of sustainability analytics as a multi-stakeholder initiative that requires the active participation, consultation and coordination of several participants within and outside the business. Failure to recognize this characteristic can result in the lack of preparedness of the organization to make the decision to use analytical tools for sustainability ultimately resulting in the failure to meet the anticipated goals of adoption.

7 Infoworld.com, Thor Olavsrud, "10 big data trends changing the face of business", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.infoworld.com/slideshow/113454/10-big-data-trends-changing-the-face-of- business-223969#slidell

57 Recently, alternate stages of big data adoption have been recommended by organizations such as IBM.

In collaboration with the University of Oxford, IBM conducted a research of 1061 companies across the globe 8 . In an effort to streamline the implementation process, they outlined four phases of big data adoption which include educate, explore, engage and execute 79(See Annex 2 for more details).

Rethinking and adjusting the phases can help to reduce some of the complexities associated with data collection, analysis and organizational challenges. Further research is required to investigate whether the issues discussed in this paper are being adequately addressed through the innovations that are being made to streamline the process of sustainability analytics.

78 Forbes.com, Maribel Lopez, "The 4 Phases of Big Data", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Apr 5, 2014: http://www.forbes.com/sites/maribellopez/2012/10/31/the-four-phases-of-big-data/ 79 ibid.

58 4. What is the role of the finance function?

Although the business case for sustainability analytics makes it a compelling agenda for organizations, there is a demand for the finance function to be involved in the data collection, analysis and decision making phases. Most organizations currently assign the responsibility of collecting and analyzing sustainability data to sustainability managers and the IT function. As three of the world's largest accountancy organizations (CIMA, AICPA and CICA) recently put itso, 'To remain relevant, the accounting profession must take ownership and embrace business sustainability. Accountants can apply the necessary financial and commercial rigor to develop clear and measurable sustainability goals, 'decision- useful' and reliable sustainability reports and become change agents for a sustainable future.'"" CFOs and the finance function can give structure to the data and provide the incentives necessary to maximize its business value. Plenty of people can advise an organization on how sustainability performance should be measured. But few are as convincing as the CFO when it comes to demonstrating not only what should be measured but also how this creates business value.

Sustainability performance management and therefore sustainability analytics can be a key enabler of value when driven by finance professionals. The finance team has the visibility into every part of the enterprise and is ideally suited to own the sustainability data. A research conducted by Accenture in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), indicated that 'CFOs who nurture the cross-functional skills of both sustainability and finance professionals and find ways for them to work seamlessly together will see more opportunities to grow value for stakeholders. It is this marriage - of rigor and reporting on the one hand; and understanding the key attributes of sustainable practices on the other - that ensures a business is able to deliver shareholder value over the long-term.

Accenture, "Optimizing Sustainability Performance Management", (2009); 'A word from the president', Financial Management, January/February 2011 81 AICPA, CICA and CIMA, "Evolution of corporate sustainability practices: Perspectives from the UK, US and Canada", (2010)

59 But making it happen requires clarity, vision, leadership and a willingness to act' 2 . In this section, we analyze the role of the finance function in contributing to the success of sustainability analytics and argue that the marriage between sustainability and finance professionals is critical for the successful realization of the business cases for sustainability analytics.

4.1 Viewing sustainability analytics as a strategic initiative

Traditionally, sustainability analytics has been seen as a tactical tool adopted in response to increasing amounts of sustainability data within the organization. For example, as overheads such as electricity increases, finance managers attempt to gather the energy usage data to make a tactical decision about reducing consumption. However, most organizations do not make this process a part of strategic planning. Four interviewees who responded to the survey indicated that analytics was being used as a tool for reactive measures rather than proactive goal setting. The decision to implement these tools was triggered from their risk management function. This hampers the ability of sustainability analytics to influence business performance. Instead, these tools need to be aligned with key business drivers and financial processes so that they can become an integral part of the strategic planning process. Making a commitment to sustainability and its data is relatively common. In fact all the organizations interviewed faced almost no resistance by the senior executives to commit to analytics as a principle. However, very few organizations integrate analytics into their strategy and financial planning, and use that data throughout the organization for decision making. This integration is critical to close the gap between the expected value and realized value of sustainability analytics. It gives organizations the ability to quickly act upon insights gathered from the data and take advantage of the opportunities. The finance function must work with the sustainability managers to integrate sustainability analytics within their strategy.

82 CIMA and Accenture, "Sustainability performance management: how CFOs can unlock value"

60 An organization that has successfully been able to integrate sustainability analytics into its core strategy is Nike. Data analysis, future casting and scenario planning are helping Nike to decouple growth from constrained resources as part of its key sustainability initiatives83. Using analytics Nike claims to have reduced waste, developed a water-free dyeing technique and researched alternatives to cotton which is a water-intensive crop8". Further, Nike's Materials Sustainability Index (MSI) set up with the help of systematic data collection and analysis has set the standard for the footwear and apparel industry through its free use by designers, buyers and consumers who can now determine the environmental and social impacts of different materials. According to Nike's Hannah Jones, vice-president of sustainable business and innovation, this use of "smart data"85, has helped them achieve the business case for analytics through sustainable design.

4.2 Integration of sustainability and financial analytics

Another barrier to implementing sustainability analytics is the inability to quantify and then integrate the effect of sustainability factors into financial performance and to the impact on shareholder value.

This explains the survey result about the lack of opportunities to cut costs using sustainability analytics.

Upon discussions with the interviewees after the survey, the fact however was that they did find opportunities to cut costs but due to the lack of integration with the organization's financial data failed to build a compelling case to implement measures that could demonstrate an improvement in shareholder value. One respondent reported that although analytics helped them find opportunities to cut cost, they were unable to quantify the amount of savings. Thus, he was not able to convince the finance function to invest in the initiatives. This link between sustainability and financial performance

8 Theguardian.com, Rachael Post, "Ford and Nike use big data to make smarter sustainable design", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Apr 6, 2014: http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/ford-nike-big-data- smart-sustainable-design 4 ibid. 85 ibid.

61 becomes more important when investors start asking questions about risks and the value of sustainable

products or initiatives. Many of the executives indicated that organizations still manually compare

sustainability performance information to financial metrics. This is inefficient and prone to data quality

issues. Sustainability data to be effective must be gathered and shared across the enterprise. One way to do this is to incorporate sustainability metrics into management dashboards that are used to make

real-time decisions such as initiatives to reduce cost.

A company that claims to provide the capability of integrating sustainability analytics with financial

analytics is SAS. Their product, SAS Sustainability Reporting86, collects and analyzes the data, identifies the areas of highest impact, and helps make decisions about future impact. It also provides visual strategy diagrams that create compelling illustrations of the relationship between performance objectives established for various business units87 . However, it is important to note here that although analysis products such as SAS Sustainability reporting can provide valuable insights and create the ability for organizations to find opportunities in sustainability data, the entire process is still heavily dependent on the quality of data that is inputted. The use of solutions such as these does not reduce the

importance of the data collection phases as explained earlier. Several organizations have failed to

benefit from analysis products due to the lack of effective data collection.

An example of integration of sustainability analytics and financial analytics is that of Microsoft. On July 1,

2012, Microsoft created a new policy across 14 business divisions in over 100 countries making every division accountable for its carbon emissions 8. This ambitious project was successful due to the ability of managers being able to view their division's carbon emissions on a frequent basis and from a financial

8 SAS.com, SAS Sustainability Reporting, last retrieved from the web on Apr 8, 2014: http://www.sas.com/en_us/software/sustainability/reporting.html#section=1 87 ibid. CSRWire.com, Aman Singh, "Carbon Policy: Inside Microsoft's Efforts to Integrate Sustainability into its Financial Model", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Apr 9, 2014: http://www.csrwire.com/blog/posts/1012-carbon- policy-inside-microsoft-s-efforts-to-integrate-sustainability-into-its-financial-mode

62 perspective. TJ DiCaprio, Senior Director of Environmental Sustainability at Microsoft says that "By internalizing the otherwise external cost of pollution, the price of carbon is now part of the profit and loss statement across business divisions. We have now integrated this across the financial structure and engaged the executives and employees on our commitment to mitigating climate change and investing the funds appropriately"89 .

4.3 Using the right metrics

Linking financial and sustainability analytics is not enough. It is important to use the right metrics that can explain why sustainability matters and how it is impacting the organization. Sustainability analytics can help collect and organize data to make measurements such as material intensity (pounds of material wasted per unit output), energy intensity (net-fuel energy consumed to provide heat and power requirements for processes), water consumption (gallons of fresh water consumed), toxic emissions

(pounds of toxic material emitted per unit output), etc. However, these measurements do not have a business impact unless they can be compared to benchmarks, indices and standards.

There are various metrics, indices and approaches to measuring sustainability goals. Companies can use benchmarks set up by organizations such as the United Nations, International Water Management

Institute and International Fertilizer Industry Association. Indices such as Air Quality Index, Gender

Empowerment Index, Environmental Performance Index and Education Index are also useful as an aggregate sustainability indicator that combines multiple sources of data9". There are also several auditing procedures such as the ISO 14000 and the ISO 14031 that can be used to evaluate the

CSRWire.com, Aman Singh, "Carbon Policy: Inside Microsoft's Efforts to Integrate Sustainability into its Financial Model", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Apr 9, 2014: http://www.csrwire.com/blog/posts/1012-carbon- policy-inside-microsoft-s-efforts-to-integrate-sustainability-into-its-financial-model 9 Ibid.

63 sustainability performance of a company using various indicators 1. Finally, there are reporting standards being set up by the Global Reporting Initiative to standardize, model and monitor sustainability procedures. Thus, even when organizations are armed with sustainability data and the capability to analyze the data, a framework is required to be put in place that can use the right metrics consistently. Problems faced while setting metrics can be too much information, a lack of visibility into the different organizational functions and the failure to aggregate the relevant data that is required for different metrics. As Chen Ying of the Beijing Rong Zhi Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility explains, 'Measuring these outcomes is difficult. You either are too broad or too narrow in what you measure. Striking the balance is the challenge.' 92

The challenge of using the right metrics and identifying the data necessary to apply those metrics can be effectively met by the finance function. Finance executives are well placed to select and explain the right metrics and to compare performance over time. The CFOs department can understand how to prioritize information and to make effective decisions that impact bottom line results. Using metrics gives the finance function a yardstick to calibrate how well their company is doing in terms of their sustainability initiatives and to develop strategies for improvement.

4.4 Integration with business planning, and broaden the role of finance professionals

Another common theme that was raised by several sustainability executives was the contribution of the narrow role of finance professionals to the failure of sustainability analytics. Due to the inability of the finance function to make decisions based on the insights gathered from the sustainability data, the

91 CSRWire.com, Aman Singh, "Carbon Policy: Inside Microsoft's Efforts to Integrate Sustainability into its Financial Model", (2013), last retrieved from the web on Apr 9, 2014: http://www.csrwire.com/blog/posts/1012-carbon- pol icy-inside-microsoft-s-efforts-to-integrate-sustainability-i nto-its-financial-model 92 UNGC-Accenture, "A New Era of Sustainability: UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 2010", (2010)

64 expected value from sustainability analytics is not realized. There is a growing need to integrate sustainability analytics with business planning and to bring these two disciplines together. Due to the separation of the data collection and analysis processes from the business planning processes, finance professionals lack the relevant data to make decisions while sustainability professionals lack the adequate resources, expertise and decision-making power to make an impact. Integration of sustainability analytics with business planning can lead to the evaluation of sustainability initiatives with the same diligence that financial investments are evaluated and to a better understanding of the impact of sustainability initiatives on the bottom line, thus embedding sustainability into the organization in a meaningful way than simply creating compliance procedures for business units to follow. Further, this provides an opportunity to the CFO to discuss rigorously assessed sustainability performance along with other business metrics, with investors and stakeholders.

An organization that claims to integrate sustainability into business planning is Novo Nordisk. Novo

Nordisk has introduced explicit discussions of sustainability measures at meetings and road-shows to align sustainability with financial planning and reporting. We have done a lot in terms of investor education,' says Susanne Stormer, Vice President, Global Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Management. 'We have investor meetings where our mainstream analysts sit next to external environment, social and governance analysts. Cross-cutting conversations mean that the mainstream investors build understanding about what the ESG investors are looking for and ESG investors sharpen their way of thinking and learn about nailing sustainability down into something that can go into their analysis.' 93

This broadening of the role of finance professionals allows for embedding sustainability into the core decision making process of the organization, improving the data collection, analysis and reporting processes, and linking sustainability to business performance systems. All this creates more value through better decisions and makes sustainability explicit within the financial performance of the

93 CIMA and Accenture, "Sustainability performance management: how CFOs can unlock value", Page 14

65 organizations. Another organization that claims to work with the finance function to implement sustainability is Standard Chartered. They provide their frontline employees with guidelines to identify

environmental and social risks and support them with the bank's Sustainable Finance team, who provide technical advice and assistance. The aim of the bank's sustainability risk management approach is to

make the environmental and social risk assessment part and parcel of the financial transaction

process94. 'It's about bringing the rigor of running a business to running sustainability,' says Gill James,

Head of Sustainability 5 .

4.5 Combining financial and sustainability expertise

Although the broadening of the role of the finance function and the integration of finance and sustainability roles helps in improving the effectiveness of the data collection and analysis phases, deployment of the insights gathered from sustainability analytics requires financial and sustainability

professionals to upgrade their skills. Finance professionals need to understand the pillars of sustainability, its benefits and the drivers associated with the different pillars. Sustainability professionals need to be conscious of the requirements and process involved in creating business value from sustainability and making that process more credible.

A report from CIMA in partnership with Accenture recommends various measures to blend financial and sustainability expertise 96 . We examine these measures from the perspective of sustainability analytics.

i. Providing advice on how to integrate sustainability measures into management actions to

deliver results - This can help identify the appropriate data to collect and the type of analysis

required to achieve the expected results. It will also help build more credible results.

94 CIMA and Accenture, "Sustainability performance management: how CFOs can unlock value", Page 18 95 ibid. 96 I6bid. Page 21

66 ii. Training sustainability professionals with financial skills - This can help sustainability experts

understand why certain types of data are required for analysis and how to streamline the data

collection process. For example, it will help them understanding why it is important to find

monetary values for sustainability impacts.

iii. Building knowledge of finance professionals in sustainability -This can streamline the data

analysis phase by providing a clear understanding of the link between sustainability data

analysis and business value. For example, understanding how and why carbon emissions affect

scenario analysis.

iv. Building cross-functional teams between sustainability and finance -This can lend credibility to

the sustainability data and help in effective coordination in making decisions.

v. Integrating sustainability and financial reporting - This can add more credibility to sustainability

data, standardize the different phases and clarify the business value of sustainability analytics to

external stakeholders.

Novo Nordisk claims to have merged financial and sustainability expertise by integrating sustainability information into its annual reports with the help of a join editorial team consisting of finance, legal, operations and sustainability professionals9 7. Given the lack of internationally recognized standards in sustainability reporting, their goal is to 'integrate management system to develop this common understanding and framework. This applies not only to internal sustainability and finance professionals but also to the independent external verifiers.' 98

97 CIMA and Accenture, "Sustainability performance management: how CFOs can unlock value", Page 21 98 ibid.

67 5. Expanding the Three Vs

Looking back at Gartner's big data definition, the three properties or dimensions of big data - volume, variety and velocity - are universally accepted as the key characteristics for organizations to consider and prepare for when adopting big data tools. Sustainability analytics inherits these big data characteristics but poses several other challenges, as discussed in this paper that sustainability managers and organizations must consider to take advantage of its potential benefits. Integrating the discussions of this paper, in this section we propose a new framework with an extended set of characteristics that serve as an overarching strategy for organizations making the decision to adopt sustainability analytics. The diagram below shows how data volume, velocity and variety are expanding at an increasing rate to create pressures on big data applications such as sustainability analytics.

9 Datasciencecentral.com, Diya Soubra, "The 3Vs that define big data", (2012), last retrieved from the web on Apr 10, 2014: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/forum/topics/the-3vs-that-define-big-data

68 The characteristics of volume - exponentially growing amounts of data from Megabytes to Petabytes, velocity - increasing requirements on speed of data processing from batch to real time, and variety - increasing number of types of data, each present challenges they expand. Sustainability analytics tools will need to be able to manage large amounts of data, process data faster and aggregate and clean data effectively to overcome the many technical challenges associated with data collection and analysis.

We propose 3 additional Vs that are unique to sustainability analytics and must be a part of an organization's strategy when adopting sustainability analytics.

i. Veracity - Veracity indicates the reliability and authenticity of the data collection process. While

volume, variety and velocity address some of the major data collection challenges such as scale

of data, automation, limitation of data storage and heterogeneity, veracity refers to the process

of understanding and selecting the appropriate sustainability data that includes environmental,

social and employee information, applying the required filters, making the necessary

correlations, ensuring precision and standardizing the process of data collection through

documentation of assumptions. Veracity stresses on the importance of the data collection phase

to give credibility to the data analysis phase.

ii. Viscosity - Viscosity indicates the ability to process required data and transform it into action.

This represents the resistance to flow from organizational forces starting from data collection to

analysis and ending in action. Viscosity addresses change management issues within the

organization, the importance of getting employees on board with sustainability initiatives,

overcoming privacy and data governance issues and the need for effective coordination and

data sharing between departments.

iii. Vision - Vision indicates the business strategy that is required to successfully realize the benefits

of sustainability analytics. It refers to the need for understanding the three pillars of

69 sustainability and thus setting the appropriate expectations from sustainability analytics, the

ability to integrate sustainability within finance functions, making sustainability analytics a part

of the core strategy and enhancing expertise of employees to maximize the realization of

benefits from sustainability analytics.

While volume, variety and velocity remain core considerations, veracity, viscosity and vision form all- encompassing characteristics. Due to the lack of foresight on the part of leaders and false assumptions made by managers when implementing sustainability analytics these 3 characteristics become invisible and therefore lead to the failure of realization of expected goals of implementation. While each challenge is complex and there is no 'one-fits-all' strategy, organizations must consider all 6 Vs before making a decision to adopt analytics for sustainability.

5.1 Limitations

Writing this last chapter, my intention was to encourage a discussion to address the necessary conditions and best practices to successfully adopt sustainability analytics. I recognize that further investigation and an evaluation of a larger sample size of organizations would be required to substantiate the results and identify all the critical challenges facing sustainability managers. I hope that the issues identified and recommendation formulated in this thesis can serve as a basis for further research.

70 Conclusion

Businesses recognize that measurement is one of the keys to effective management. Collecting and analyzing data about how an organization should operate leads to knowledge that can improve decision making, refine goals and focus efforts. Big data analytics has the power to transform how businesses - the ones with biggest environmental impacts, but also access to large amounts of information - can take action on sustainability. A drive for data collection can also incentivize smaller businesses to be more responsible in their own operations, creating a domino effect1 '0. Measuring and understanding how doing business affects the natural world can open up new opportunities for bringing sustainability inside an organization: creating change, cutting costs and boosting long-term profitability in a resource- constrained world. We are already seeing the pioneers in sustainability such as Novo Nordisk leading the way, bringing suppliers and customers along for the journey. However, this isn't easy. There are several challenges associated with the successful adoption of sustainability analytics.

In this paper, after establishing the relationship between sustainability and analytics, we identified the business cases for sustainability analytics. Through a systematic investigation and comparison of the expected and realized goals of implementation, we concluded that the overall goals of using analytics for sustainability were not being met at least for some organizations. Several reasons for this failure were identified based on the false assumptions of organizations and data experts that the issues lie in data analysis and not in data collection and that the challenges associated with the adoption of analytics for sustainability are primarily technical and not organizational in nature. These were further examined from the lenses of different phases of data collection and data analysis, and of technical vs. adaptive challenges. The role of the finance function was then evaluated and the necessity for its integration with sustainability was made visible and established. Finally, a framework was proposed that extends the

100 Carbontrust.com, "Why Big Data will have a big impact on sustainability", (2014), last retrieved from the web on Apr 12, 2014: http://www.carbontrust.com/news/2014/02/why-big-data-will-have-a-big-impact-on-sustainability

71 original 3 Vs of big data to 6 Vs of sustainability analytics, to address the challenges associated with and to include all the characteristics unique to the adoption of sustainability analytics.

While there are mixed feedbacks with regards to the effectiveness of sustainability analytics and its

potential to achieve the ambitious business cases that it offers, this paper has shown that if organizations recognize the unique challenges that analytics for sustainability presents and are prepared to make the adjustments required in its strategy and execution of implementation, there are significant opportunities to maximize the return on investment.

To conclude, I would like to highlight that when it comes to information, it is not about what you know or how much you have, but how you use it. In the past, anyone who owned data might have been inclined to believe that they have a competitive advantage. Today and in the future, the success of sustainability performance will not lie in who implements analytics but in who uses it most effectively.

New technologies will enter the market and address many technical problems. However, setting clear sustainability goals and understanding how to manage and use the technologies to maximize the potential of analytics will be central to get the most out of sustainability analytics.

72 Annex

Annex 1: Innovation in data collection techniques

The CloudApps platform offers various mechanisms to address sustainability data collection issues and integration requirements'01

Raw Data Sources S&

as i oIwre& a soms 102

Bulk Capture: A "data import wizard" helpsa104 in rapidly loading data using .csv format files. It is an easy to use, wizard-driven solution that matches columns in the data file with requirements of the database.

Also included is a bulk data loader tool that can handle more complex and larger data loads103.

Easy Capture: This automates the data collection from remote sites with the help of easy to use web forms and ensures accurate and timely use through approval processes and reminders".

Direct Integration: This seamlessly integrates with back office systems and physical devices such as smart meters and can be called from a wide-variety of middleware solutions to push and pull datal.

Cloudapps.com, "Data Collection & Integration. Easy as 1-2-3", last retrieved from the web on Apr 12, 2014: http://www.cloudapps.com/product-overview/cloudapps-platform/data-lOading-integratiOn/ 102 Ibid. 103 Ibid. 104 Ibid. 105 Ibid.

73 Annex 2: Educate - Explore - Engage - Execute

In 2012, IBM conducted a research in collaboration with the University of Oxford that surveyed 1061 companies around the world 06 . The survey found that 28% percent of the firms were either piloting or

implementing big data activities107 . Based on their research, IBM recommended four phases of big data adoption. These phases can be applied to sustainability analytics as well.

Educate: Knowledge gathering and market research

Explore: Building a strategy and roadmap based on goals set by the business and anticipated challenges

Engage: Pilot big data initiatives to validate the business case and requirements of the solution

Execute: Deployment of several big data initiatives and application of advanced analytics

IBM also makes several recommendations to create value from big data analytics based on these findings08 .

Forbes.com, Maribel Lopez, 'The 4 Phases of Big Data', (2012), last retrieved from the web on Apr 12, 2014: http://www.forbes.com/sites/maribellopez/2012/10/31/the-four-phases-of-big-data/ 107 Ibid. 108 Ibid.

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