Cultural Harmony Week Examines Identity, Real World Diversity Faculty

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Cultural Harmony Week Examines Identity, Real World Diversity Faculty Volume XCIII, Issue 8 Oct. 31, 2013 Cultural Harmony Week examines identity, real world diversity /NAO(NPDEBF4HDCD(AI!CDJ ?/@AB(@/CCBDEF/BBCG(4HDCD(AI!CDJ /NAO(NPDEBF4HDCD(AI!CDJ '8&(J&Q&+'K+$K(A-Q)RKL('8&)'&+(#K1Q)",G( EMMA BIXLER 35?*$)5?*572?& 47'#7231.& */"& (;C 54&/$1&27#53"%*1&'%&72)$13&2%9& ASST. 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SAT. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. GENESEO FORECAST 61º/52º 49º/37º 44º/30º 47º/33º 54º/42º 52º/39º 2 Contact the news editor at [email protected] Oct. 31, 2013 Campus-wide alert Parents Weekend ofers system tested insight into college culture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