M.J. & A.R. Bamford CONSULTING ECOLOGISTS 23 Plover Way, Kingsley, WA, 6026 ph: 08 9309 3671 fx: 08 9409 2710 eml:
[email protected] Rey Resources Duchess Paradise Project. Impacts associated with increased traffic; response to issues raised Dr M. J. Bamford 8th March 2012 BACKGROUND Rey Resources proposes to develop the Duchess Paradise Project in the Kimberley, about 120km south-east of Derby. This is a proposed coal mine and the project involves trucking coal from the mine, initially along an upgraded station road, and then along the existing Great Northern Highway and through to a port facility at Derby. One of the public comments concerns the impact of this road haulage as follows: “The proponent estimates there will be 60-80 trucks per day going from the mine to Derby. It can be expected that this traffic will have a significant impact on a range of species (e.g. many species of mammals, avifauna, frogs and reptiles) that inhabit roadside ecosystems in this region.” Rey Resources has asked Bamford Consulting to comment upon this concern. CONSIDERATION OF IMPACTS A number of factors need to be considered when assessing the likelihood that the traffic movements will result in significant impacts. These include: • Increase in traffic movements over existing levels. In this regard, important to note that the proposal consists of about 25km of an upgraded station road and about 140km along existing sealed highways which already carry commercial and private traffic. • Impacts are primarily through roadkill but roads can also be barriers, even for birds. This can be through the physical presence of an open, exposed area, but also through the movement of vehicles disturbing fauna.