numerative ombinatorics

A pplications Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7

Interview with Toufik Mansour

Gil Kalai received his Ph.D. at the Einstein Institute of the Hebrew University in 1983, under the supervi- sion of Micha A. Perles. After a postdoctoral position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he joined the Hebrew University in 1985, (Professor Emeritus since 2018) and he holds the Henry and Manya Noskwith Chair. Since 2018, Kalai is a Pro- fessor of Computer Science at the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science in IDC, Herzliya. Since 2004, he has

Photo by Muli Safra also been an Adjunct Professor at the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yale University. He has held visiting positions at MIT, Cornell, the Institute of Advanced Studies in Prince- ton, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and in the research centers of IBM and Microsoft. Professor Gil Kalai has made significant contributions to the fields of discrete math- ematics and theoretical computer science. Two breakthrough contributions include his work in understanding randomized simplex algorithms and disproving Borsuk’s famous of 1933. In recognition of his contributions, professor Kalai has received several awards in- cluding the P´olya Prize in 1992, the Erd˝osPrize of the Israel Mathematical Society in 1993, the in 1994, and the Rothschild Prize in mathematics in 2012. He has given lectures and talks at many conferences, including a plenary talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2018. From 1995 to 2001, he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Israel Journal of Mathematics. He is a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and the Humanities, the European Academy, and an honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Science.

Mansour: Professor Kalai, first of all, we choice. would like to thank you for accepting this in- Mansour: What do you think about the de- terview. Would you tell us broadly what com- velopment of the relations between combina- binatorics is? torics and the rest of mathematics? Kalai: Hmm, you have started with a dif- Kalai: I personally think that many flag- ficult question. Combinatorics is a very rich ships’ contributions in combinatorics are the and inclusive subject that deals mainly, albeit ones developed within the field itself: Tutte’s not solely, with discrete objects. Can we say, theory for enumeration of planar maps1, perhaps, that combinatorics to mathematics Sz´emeredi’stheorem,2 the graph minors the- is a bit like mathematics to science? Anyway, orem,3,4 etc. So I do not think that connec- whatever it is, it was my choice for my pro- tions with other areas are needed to justify fessional life, and I am very happy about this combinatorics. But still, there are beauti- The authors: Released under the CC BY-ND license (International 4.0), Published: July 27, 2021 Toufik Mansour is a professor of mathematics at the University of Haifa, Israel. His email address is [email protected] 1W. T. Tutte, On the enumeration of planar maps, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74(1) (1968), 64–74. 2E. Szemer´edi, On sets of integers containing no k elements in arithmetic progression, Acta Arith. 27 (1975), 299–345. 3N. Robertson and P.D. Seymour, Graph minors. XX. Wagner’s conjecture, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 92 (2004),325–357. 4L. Lov´asz, Graph minor theory, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 43 (2005), 75–86. Interview with Gil Kalai ful connections with the rest of mathemat- in math pretty early on, and I was also inter- ics; sometimes a result of a method in com- ested at a young age in other areas of science binatorics resonates with other areas, and at (largely because of excellent popular books I other times, methods from other areas are the read.) My mother gave me her calculus book only known ways to prove combinatorial re- from high school (she did not like mathemat- sults. These connections are beautiful as well. ics that much, but realized that I liked it), and Richard Stanley5, who was my postdoctoral I remember that trying to read it, I could un- advisor, found amazing applications in com- derstand various things (like functions) but I binatorics of commutative algebra, algebraic got stuck on the expression f(x+∆)−f(x). I geometry, and other areas. knew that x is a variable that represents num- As the field of combinatorics widens, it is bers but I did not understand how numbers also important to find relations between dif- could be added to triangles. ferent areas of combinatorics itself. I remem- Another source of information was a pop- ber that at MIT, I was quite happy to notice ular science journal called “The Young Tech- some unexpected connections between a prob- nician”9 that my uncle had. I remember that lem of Stanley, motivated in algebraic com- I read there about a young boy that had binatorics, and a method of Kleitman6 from completed two patents three months after his extremal combinatorics. eighth birthday. Since I was seven years old Mansour: What have been some of the main at the time, I was reassured that I had plenty goals of your research? of time, and need not worry about it. Then Kalai: I started with combinatorial aspects I forgot all about it until it was too late: at of convex geometry, Helly-type theorems, and the age of nine I stumbled upon it again, and the theory of convex , and up till today, I have still not written any patent. now, I keep thinking also about related prob- I had a similar experience with the analy- lems. In these fields, the g-conjecture7 for sis of Boolean functions. I thought that it spheres was my personal holy grail, but I would be nice to extend the theory to the could not solve it. I also wanted (and in- non-commutative representation theory, but I deed still want) to understand flag numbers of also thought that I should not start with such polytopes and related cellular objects. Later a non-commutative project before the age of on, I was influenced by Nati Linial to work 40. But then at the critical time, I totally with him and Jeff Kahn8 on a certain prob- forgot about it. lem on Boolean functions and, since then, Mansour: Were there specific problems that the analysis of Boolean functions has become made you first interested in combinatorics? a central part of my research together with Kalai: I became interested in problems I had applications to probability and computer sci- encountered in class. So in my first university ence. year, I took a seminar on tree enumeration us- Mansour: We would like to ask you about ing J. W. Moon monograph10 and I became your formative years. What were your early intrigued with enumerating trees and related experiences with mathematics? Did that hap- combinatorial identities. In my second year, I pen under the influence of your family or some took a convexity class and became interested other people? in Helly-type theorems11. (Talking about J. Kalai: My father showed me the formula for W. Moon, I was trying to find his picture on- (a + b)2 when I was very young and it im- line for my blog, but Google only gave me pressed me. I think I knew that I was good pictures of the moon. Any help would be wel- 5R. P. Stanley, Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra, 2nd ed., Progress in Mathematics, Volume 41, Birkhauser, Boston, 1996. 6M. Saks, Kleitman and combinatorics, Discrete Math. 257 (2002), 225–247. 7K. Adiprasito, Combinatorial Lefschetz theorems beyond positivity, arXiv:1812.10454. 8J. Kahn, G. Kalai, and N. Linial, The influence of variables on Boolean functions, 68–80, in Proc. 29th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1988. 9 10J. W. Moon, Counting labelled trees, Canadian Mathematical Congress, Montreal, 1970. Available at https://www.math. 11L. Danzer, B. Grtinbaum, and V. Klee, Helly’s theorem and its relatives, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 7, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I., 1963, 100–181.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 2 Interview with Gil Kalai come.) we met another expert in representations of Mansour: What was the reason you chose Sn that could help with the problem. the Hebrew University for your Ph.D. and Mansour: What was the problem you your advisor, Micha Perles? worked on in your thesis? Kalai: I was at the Hebrew University al- Kalai: I worked on the following conjecture ready as B.Sc. student and as an M.Sc. stu- of Katchalski and Perles12,13: If you have n dent and actually Micha Perles gave the two convex sets in Rd and no d + k + 1 of them courses I mentioned in the previous ques- has a point in common then the number of tion. Micha Perles was extremely generous (d + 1)-tuples that has a point in common and brilliant, and he was also very modest n  n−k is at most d+1 − d+1 . After I solved the and I liked it; I even tried to adopt some of problem, I went on to solve a more general Micha’s modesty in spite of my earlier reverse conjecture by Eckhoff14 on face numbers of disposition. nerves of families of convex sets in Rd. Mansour: How was the mathematics in Mansour: What would guide you in your Jerusalem at that time? research, a general theoretical question or a Kalai: I liked the atmosphere in Jerusalem specific problem? then and I still do now. There were many ex- Kalai: Largely, my research is problem- cellent students. As undergraduate students, oriented (and I like to invent problems). In our role models were mainly other students, some cases, like the study of algebraic shift- and I remember that in my years as a student ing15 and the analysis of Boolean functions16, we all heard about a legendary student Abra- pursuing the general theory got a life of its ham Neyman who was a great problem solver own. and studied a few years earlier. The faculty Mansour: When you are working on a prob- were very nice and also tolerated my tendency lem, do you feel that something is true even to jump over my head and were very gener- before you have the proof? ous in explaining things. Later in graduate Kalai: Of course. school, Noga Alon did his Ph.D. with Micha at the same time I did, Nati Linial was his stu- Mansour: What three results do you con- dent a few years earlier and Yaacov Kupitz, sider the most influential in combinatorics Ido Shemer, and a few others were also Ph.D. during the last thirty years? students of Perles at that time. Kalai: Three most amazing results during Here is a story about the atmosphere in the last thirty years were Keevash’s existence Jerusalem some years later. Uli Wagner vis- of designs, Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour, and Thomas’ strong perfect graph conjec- ited HUJI and one day we had coffee on cam- 17 pus and he told me that he had some problem ture , and Zeilberger’s enumeration of alter- nating sign matrices18. related to the representation theory of Sn.I told Uli that in the next five minutes we would For the first and last theorems, there are surely meet some local expert on the matter. already additional proofs, which is a good Two minutes later we met Avital and asked place to mention how important it is to find him, and he said that he knows quite a bit more and more proofs also to already proven results. about the representation of Sn but that his interest shifted to Hecke algebras. “No prob- Mansour: What are the top three open ques- lem” I said, “we still have three more min- tions in your list? utes.” Sure enough in the next minute or so, Kalai: Let me try: 12G. Kalai, Intersection Patterns of Convex Sets, Israel J. Math. 48 (1984), 161–174. 13N. Alon and G. Kalai, A Simple Proof of the Upper Bound Theorem, European J. Comb. 6:3 (1985), 211–214. 14J. Eckhoff, Uber¨ kombinatorisch-geometrische Eigenschaften von Komplexen and Familien knovexer Mengen, J. Reine Angew. Math. 313 (1980), 171–188. 15A. Bj¨ornerand G. Kalai, An extended Euler-Poincar´eformula, Acta Math. 161 (1988), 279–303. 16R. O‘Donnell, Analysis of Boolean Functions, Cambridge University Press, 2014. 17M. Chudnovsky, N. Robertson, P. Seymour, and R. Thomas, The strong perfect graph theorem, Ann. of Math. 164 (2006), 51–229. 18D. Zeilberger, Proof of the alternating sign matrix conjecture, Electronic J. Combin 3 (1996), R13. 19R. P. Stanley, Generalized H-vectors, intersection cohomology of toric varieties, and related results, In Commutative algebra and combinatorics (Kyoto, 1985), Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 11, 187–213, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 3 Interview with Gil Kalai

1) Is the toric g-vector an M-vector (for poly- HUJI, I took a game theory class by Michael topes)?19. Maschler, and I have liked Game theory since 2) Tur´an(4,3)-problem20: What is the largest then. In game theory and in other areas number of triples you can have from [n] = where theory meets practice, there is a lot of {1, 2, . . . , n} without having all four triples on room for discussions and debates which I like. some four vertices. Another area where the relation between the- 3) The polynomial Hirsch conjecture21,22 ory and practice is a great topic, is computer (about the diameter of graphs of polytopes). science, and my ICM 2018 proceeding paper23 I also like the problems of better bounds is largely devoted to this issue (as well as to for Roth’s theorem, better asymptotic bounds the connection with combinatorics, of course). for binary and spherical codes, and the dying Mansour: What advice would you give to percolation conjecture in 3-space. young people thinking about pursuing a re- Another nice problem is how to make the search career in mathematics? combinatorial, mathematical, and academic Kalai: The two major activities of a career in communities more diversified. mathematics are research and teaching, and Mansour: What kind of mathematics would it is hard for me to give universal advice on you like to see in the next ten-to-twenty years these core matters. I also cannot give general as the continuation of your work? advice on the very important matter of inter- Kalai: I don’t know; surprise me! action and collaboration. So let me mention Mansour: Do you think that there are core two things: or mainstream areas in mathematics? Are a) Learn to use, to master, and to enjoy com- some topics more important than others? puter programming; Kalai: I suppose that there are core and b) Learn to use, to master, and to enjoy the mainstream areas in mathematics. And, for English language. Here one can even add sure, some topics are more important than c) Learn touch typing. other topics. I must confess that I did not Actually, these are pieces of advice that I think in-depth about these matters, and I am would also give myself at present, and I hope not sure if importance is that important. they might be suitable for the elderly as well. Mansour: What do you think about the dis- Mansour: You have been managing a won- tinction between pure and applied mathemat- derful blog, Combinatorics and more24, since ics that some people focus on? Is it mean- 2008 and have published very interesting ingful at all in your case? How do you see notes there. What was your motivation for the relationship between so-called “pure” and it? “applied” mathematics? Kalai: Thank you! I think the main mo- Kalai: For me personally, at present, the ap- tivation was that I like to write about the plied flavor of a problem is very appealing, works of other people. I was also encouraged but perhaps 40 years ago I was charmed by by several people that are mentioned on the the idea of working on problems with no ap- “about” page and wanted to experience col- plications to “real life”. Still, overall, I work lective mathematical discussions. on similar problems to those I worked on 40 In a sense, it is Aesop’s litigious cat fable years ago, which are largely combinatorial in reverse. In Aesop’s story, a monkey helps problems that I have some idea (or fantasy) two cats divide a piece of cheese by repeat- about how to solve. edly eating from the larger piece. In my case, Generally speaking, I admire applied I think that I need to balance my blog and mathematics and statistics. to do justice to areas, problems, and people One more thing: in my (-1)th year at that I have not mentioned yet, and the more I 20P. Tur´an, Research problems, Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutat´oInt. K¨ozl.6 (1961), 417–423. 21F. Eisenbrand, N. Hahnle, S. Razborov, and T. Rothvoss, Diameter of Polyhedra: The Limits of Abstraction, Mathematics of Operations Research 35 (2010), 786–794. 22G. Kalai and D. J. Kleitman, A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter of graphs of polyhedra, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (1992), 315–316. 23G. Kalai, Three puzzles on mathematics, computation, and games, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathemati- cians (B. Sirakov, P. Ney de Souza, and M. Viana, eds.), 551–606, World Scientific, 2018. 24

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 4 Interview with Gil Kalai write the more I feel that work is still required and it is not known if f(d) ≥ (1 + δ)d, for to make the blog’s coverage (within subareas some δ > 0. The best upper bound on f(d) of combinatorics that I have some familiar- for large d is from 1988 by Oded Schramm27: ity with) sufficiently complete, just and bal- d(1+o(1)) anced. However, recently WordPress moved f(d) ≤ p4/3 . to an inconvenient editor, so this may be a sign from the universe to slow down matters d) I found a way to (perhaps) save the con- on my blog. jecture! Here it is for the finite case. (It can Mansour: Would you tell us about your also be stated for the general situation.) In other interests besides mathematics? rough terms, it says that counter-examples to Kalai: Besides the interest in family and the Borsuk conjecture are just coincidental. friends, I don’t have serious interests or no- You look at a finite set of points of diame- table hobbies. My wife and I like to dance ter 1 in Rd and let G be the graph of distance- (freestyle disco), but we almost only do it one edges. The original Borsuk conjecture as- when we host the dancing party ourselves, serts that G is (d + 1)-colorable. My “saved- which happened twice. Borsuk conjecture”28 is that if G is stress-free Mansour: Before we close this interview then it is (d + 1)-colorable. Here, stress is with one of the foremost experts in combina- an assignment of weights to the edges so that torics, we would like to ask some more specific every vertex is in “equilibrium”; and a frame- mathematical questions. Would you tell us work in Rd is stress-free of it has no non-zero more about the Borsuk problem in geometry, stress. which is known as Borsuk’s conjecture25? It Mansour: You have a long-standing conjec- was first proved affirmatively for several cases. ture in geometry, known as Kalai’s 3d conjec- But then, surprisingly, you and Kahn26 con- ture29. Would you tell us about it? What was structed finite sets showing the contrary. How the motivation behind this conjecture? What did you become interested in this problem? best results do we have so far? Do you want Did you also initially try to obtain an affir- to see a resolution for it soon, or would you mative answer to it rather than looking for a rather it remains a mystery for a long time? counter-example? Kalai: The conjecture asserts that every cen- Kalai: The problem asks if every set of di- trally symmetric d- P has at least ameter 1 in Rd could be divided to d + 1 sets 3d non-empty faces (P itself is considered a of smaller diameter. Let us write f(d) to be face). The d-cube, and, in fact, all Hanner the smallest integer such that every set of di- polytopes have precisely 3d non-empty faces. ameter 1 in Rd can be divided to f(d) sets of I think the best results as well as the moti- smaller diameter. Let g(d) be the same num- vation were prior to the conjecture. Stanley30 ber when you consider only finite sets. Let proved a much stronger result for centrally me make a few brief comments: symmetric simplicial polytopes and Fiegiel, a) Jeff Kahn and I believed all along that the Lindenstrauss, and Milman31 proved that ∗ answer is negative. log f0(P ) log fo(P ) ≥ γd, for some absolute b) It is not known if f(d) = g(d) and my constant γ.(P ∗ is the dual of P .) Sanyal, guess is that, except in low , they Werner, and Ziegler32 proved the conjecture are different. for d ≤ 4, disproved some stronger conjec- c) We proved that tures that I made in my original paper, and √ also discussed connections with Mahler’s con- f(d) ≥ (1 + δ) d, jecture. 25K. Borsuk, Drei S¨atze¨uber die n-dimensionale euklidische Sph¨are, Fundamenta Mathematicae (in German) 20 (1933), 177–190 26J. Kahn and G. Kalai, A counterexample to Borsuk’s conjecture, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 29(1) (1993), 60–62 27O. Schramm, Illuminating sets of constant width, Mathematika 35(2) (1988), 180–189. 28 29G. Kalai, The number of faces of centrally-symmetric polytopes, Graphs and Combin. 5(1) (1989), 389-391 30R. P. Stanley, On the number of faces of centrally-symmetric simplicial polytopes, Graphs and Combin. 3(1) (1987), 55–66. 31T. Figiel, J. Lindenstrauss, and V. D. Milman, The of almost spherical sections of convex bodies, Acta Math. 139(1-2) (1977), 53–94. 32R. Sanyal, A. Werner, and G. Ziegler, On Kalai’s concerning centrally symmetric polytopes, Discrete & Computa- tional Geometry 41:2 (2009), 183–198.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 5 Interview with Gil Kalai

To your second question: I certainly want and Schramm. it to be resolved. I would be happy to see it Mansour: In your research, you have ex- solved soon in an embarrassingly simple way. tensively used combinatorial reasoning to ad- Mansour: You claim that “quantum com- dress important problems in probability the- puters can’t possibly work, even in principle”. ory, theoretical computer science, etc. Do Would you briefly explain what a quantum enumerative techniques play an important computer is and why you think that it won’t role in your research? work? Kalai: I admire enumerative combinatorics Kalai: Yes, that’s correct and my claim ap- and I have a nice early result about enumer- plies not only to the ultimate goal of oper- ating high dimensional trees34 (in fact, my ating quantum computers but also to very master’s thesis was in enumerative combina- short-term tasks that people try to achieve: torics). But I am an amateur in this area, and Task A) To demonstrate “quantum computa- enumerative combinatorics did not play an tional advantage” in noisy intermediate-scale important role in my research since then. Of quantum (NISQ) systems. And course, the line between probabilistic meth- Task B) To build good-quality qubits based ods and enumerative methods is not so firm. on quantum error correction. This brings me to a general question about The short version of my argument is enumeration that I find (from an amateur Claim 1) Task A is beyond reach because of standpoint) very interesting. It is intractable the computational complexity power of NISQ to count certain combinatorial objects pre- systems. And cisely. Can you get some mileage by weighted Claim 2) Task B is harder than Task A. enumeration? Some years ago, I interviewed Now, my second claim is largely agreed enumerative combinatorics friends, and got a upon by experts. The first claim is largely few cool examples where this happens. The disagreed upon by experts and some research very last question I pose in this interview groups, including one in Google, claim that about Laman’s graphs is of this nature. they already experimentally achieved quan- Mansour: One of your most influential tum computational advantage. works is a joint paper with Jeff Kahn and So let me add three quick remarks: Nathan Linial, on Boolean functions. It a) In my view what was achieved by Google seems that this was an effort to apply Fourier and other groups could be regarded as spec- analysis for a problem in theoretical computer tacular mock-up demos, but not yet as re- science. Would you tell us about it? liable scientific experimental evidence for Kalai: In this joint work, we solve a prob- “quantum advantage”. lem by Michael Ben-Or and Nati Linial35, b) Impossibility in principle to achieve stable and among the three of us, I personally rep- qubits may ease the old-time tension between resented an effort not to use Fourier meth- determinism and free will. The free will prob- ods. The success of Fourier methods and hy- lem is an old philosophical problem that has percontractive inequalities in our work had some aspects in the interface of philosophy a great influence on me later on. What we and physics. proved can be stated as follows: Consider a c) It is an interesting experience to have a family F of subsets of [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, view/theory that goes against what most ex- and suppose that F is monotone, namely, if perts think especially since I personally know, R ⊂ S, and R ∈ F then also S ∈ F. Suppose like, and appreciate many of these experts. further that |F| = 2n−1. Then there exists an There are various places to read about my index k ∈ [n] such that theory in more detail. It is related to a paper |{S ∈ F : k ∈ S}| ≥ 2n−2(1 + C log n/n). I wrote in 2014 with Guy Kindler33 and to a theory of noise sensitivity and noise stability Another way to say it is as follows: mono- that goes back to my work with Benjamini tonicity implies that every element k ∈ [n] 33G. Kalai and G. Kindler, Gaussian noise sensitivity and BosonSampling, arxiv:1409.3093. 34G. Kalai, Enumeration of Q-acyclic simplicial complexes, Israel J. Math. 45:4 (1983), 337–351 35M. Ben-Or and N. Linial, Collective coin flipping, robust voting schemes and minima of Banzhaf values, In: 26th Annual Symposium on Founda tions of Computer Science, 408–416.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 6 Interview with Gil Kalai belongs to at least half the sets in the family reasoning only based on condition (*). We and our theorem asserts that some k belongs need now another definition: given a family to substantially more than half. F of d-sets a (d, k)-path between S and T is a An example where the bound is tight, sequence of sets S = S1,S2,...,Sm = T such 35 is Ben-Or–Linial “tribe example” . It is that |Si ∩ Si+1| ≥ k. very interesting to ask for which families this Step 2: Let us move from a S to T by bound is tight (for some value of the constant short (d, s) paths, and then move to the C). Ehud Friedgut36 has a very nice conjec- “links”. This improved the bound from 2d · n ture about it. to roughly √ Mansour: The union-closed sets conjecture, exp( n). posed by P´eterFrankl in 1979, is an elemen- Step 3: I considered some more complicated tary problem in combinatorics, but is still paths from S to T . Unfortunately, I do not open. Would you tell us about this conjec- remember it so well but only that it provided ture? What are the recent important related substantial improvement, an upper bound works in this direction? exp exp((log log n)2/3). Kalai: The problem is very simple to state: If a family F of subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n} is closed Step 4: Observation: Let us now move from under union, then there is an element k that S and T by various such paths that we con- belongs to more than half the sets in the fam- sidered before. Once we reach more than half ily. You may recall from the last question the vertices from both sides, we can move to that if F is monotone, then every k belongs the link of some vertex and get some new re- to at least half the sets. So Frankl’s conjec- currence relation which gave roughly ture asks for a weaker conclusion that applies d2 log n. to the more general and mysterious “union- closed” property. Step 5: (with Danny Kleitman): the “book proof” for Step 4 that also improved the con- Ilan Karpas37 used Fourier methods to stant from 2 to 1. prove that this is true if the family has more I often thought whether the thought pro- than 2n−1 sets, and this is a lovely result. cess behind the crucial steps, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Mansour: Would you tell us about your could be automated, and then perhaps im- thought process for the proof of one of your proved. This would be very nice! favorite results? How did you become inter- Mansour: Is there a specific problem you ested in that problem? How long did it take have been working on for many years? What you to figure out a proof? Did you have an progress have you made? “eureka moment”? Kalai: I already mentioned some well-known Kalai: Let me talk about the diameter of problems that occupied me over the years, so d-polytopes with n facets. Every vertex v let me mention three of my own problems that can be regarded as a d-set Sv indexed by the I keep returning to. faces. Two vertices u and v are adjacent if The first problem38 is from 1974. For a set |Sv ∩ Su| = d − 1. We know that d X in R , let Tr(X) be the set of all points (*) For every set R of facets the graph in- in Rd that belong to the convex hull of r duced on all vertices v such that R ⊂ S is a v pairwise disjoint subsets of X. Let tvr(X) = connected graph. 1 + dim Tr(X). Then Step 1: Try to relate it to f-vector theory, and X also to the expansion of graphs. This led to tvr(X) ≥ |X|. some nice results, but not to major progress r≥0 on the diameter problem itself. The second problem39 is a conjecture, by Next I tried to use purely combinatorial Friedgut and myself, known under the name 36E. Friedgut, Influences in product spaces, KKL and BKKKL revisited, Combinatorics Probability and Computing 13:1 (2004), 17–29. 37I. Karpas, Two Results on Union-Closed Families, arXiv:1708.01434. 38Section 5 of: I. Barany and G. Kalai, Helly-type problems, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear. 39E. Friedgut and G. Kalai, Every monotone graph property has a sharp threshold, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 2993–3002.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 7 Interview with Gil Kalai of the “influence–entropy conjecture”. It as- gives serts that for some constant C, if f is a nn−3 . Boolean function then 2 X X fˆ2(S)|S| ≥ C fˆ2(S) log(|fˆ2(S)|). Mansour: Professor Gil Kalai, I would like S⊂[n] S⊂[n] to thank you for this very interesting inter- view on behalf of the journal Enumerative The third problem is the following: A Combinatorics and Applications. Laman graph is a graph on n vertices with Kalai: I would like to use this opportunity, 2n − 3 edges such that every subgraph with Professor Toufik Mansour, to thank you for m vertices, m ≥ 2 has at most 2m − 3 the beautiful journal and interviews. This is edges. Find a (weighted) enumeration of a most valuable contribution to our commu- Laman graphs with n labelled vertices that nity.

ECA 2:2 (2022) Interview #S3I7 8