Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase

Xuchen Yao 1 and Benjamin Van Durme 1,2 1Center for Language and Speech Processing 2Human Language Technology Center of Excellence Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, USA

Abstract bounded by the accuracy of the original seman- tic parsing, and the well-formedness of resultant Answering natural language questions us- queries.1 ing the Freebase has re- The Information Extraction (IE) community ap- cently been explored as a platform for ad- proaches QA differently: first performing rela- vancing the state of the art in open do- tively coarse information retrieval as a way to main semantic parsing. Those efforts map triage the set of possible answer candidates, and questions to sophisticated meaning repre- only then attempting to perform deeper analysis. sentations that are then attempted to be Researchers in semantic parsing have recently matched against viable answer candidates explored QA over Freebase as a way of moving in the knowledge base. Here we show beyond closed domains such as GeoQuery (Tang that relatively modest information extrac- and Mooney, 2001). While making semantic pars- tion techniques, when paired with a web- ing more robust is a laudable goal, here we provide scale corpus, can outperform these sophis- a more rigorous IE baseline against which those ticated approaches by roughly 34% rela- efforts should be compared: we show that “tradi- tive gain. tional” IE methodology can significantly outper- form prior state-of-the-art as reported in the se- 1 Introduction mantic parsing literature, with a relative gain of Question answering (QA) from a knowledge base 34% F1 as compared to Berant et al. (2013). (KB) has a long history within natural language processing, going back to the 1960s and 1970s, 2 Approach with systems such as Baseball (Green Jr et al., 1961) and Lunar (Woods, 1977). These systems We will view a KB as an interlinked collection of were limited to closed-domains due to a lack of “topics”. When given a question about one or sev- knowledge resources, computing power, and abil- eral topics, we can select a “view” of the KB con- ity to robustly understand natural language. With cerning only involved topics, then inspect every the recent growth in KBs such as DBPedia (Auer related node within a few hops of relations to the et al., 2007), Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008) topic node in order to extract the answer. We call and Yago2 (Hoffart et al., 2011), it has be- such a view a topic graph and assume answers can come more practical to consider answering ques- be found within the graph. We aim to maximally tions across wider domains, with commercial sys- automate the answer extraction process, by mas- tems including Google Now, based on Google’s sively combining discriminative features for both , and Facebook Graph the question and the topic graph. With a high per- Search, based on social network connections. formance learner we have found that a system with The AI community has tended to approach this millions of features can be trained within hours, problem with a focus on first understanding the in- leading to intuitive, human interpretable features. tent of the question, via shallow or deep forms of For example, we learn that given a question con- semantic parsing (c.f. 3 for a discussion). Typ- cerning money, such as: what money is used in § ically questions are converted into some mean- 1As an example, 50% of errors of the CCG-backed ing representation (e.g., the lambda calculus), then (Kwiatkowski et al., 2013) system were contributed by pars- mapped to database queries. Performance is thus ing or structural matching failure.

956 Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 956–966, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 23-25 2014. c 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics ukraine, the expected answer type is likely cur- al., 2013; Kwiatkowski et al., 2013) or distant su- rency. We formalize this approach in 4. pervision (Krishnamurthy and Mitchell, 2012). § One challenge for natural language querying We instead attack the problem of QA from a KB against a KB is the relative informality of queries from an IE perspective: we learn directly the pat- as compared to the grammar of a KB. For exam- tern of QA pairs, represented by the dependency ple, for the question: who cheated on celebrity parse of questions and the Freebase structure of A, answers can be retrieved via the Freebase rela- answer candidates, without the use of intermedi- tion celebrity.infidelity.participant, but the con- ate, general purpose meaning representations. nection between the phrase cheated on and the The data challenge is more formally framed as formal KB relation is not explicit. To allevi- ontology or (textual) schema matching (Hobbs, ate this problem, the best attempt so far is to 1985; Rahm and Bernstein, 2001; Euzenat and map from ReVerb (Fader et al., 2011) predicate- Shvaiko, 2007): matching structure of two on- argument triples to Freebase relation triples (Cai tologies/ or (in extension) mapping be- and Yates, 2013; Berant et al., 2013). Note that tween KB relations and NL text. In terms of to boost precision, ReVerb has already pruned the latter, Cai and Yates (2013) and Berant et al. down less frequent or credible triples, yielding not (2013) applied pattern matching and relation inter- as much coverage as its text source, ClueWeb. section between Freebase relations and predicate- Here we instead directly mine relation mappings argument triples from the ReVerb OpenIE sys- from ClueWeb and show that both direct relation tem (Fader et al., 2011). Kwiatkowski et al. mapping precision and indirect QA F1 improve by (2013) expanded their CCG lexicon with Wik- a large margin. Details in 5. tionary word tags towards more domain indepen- § Finally, we tested our system, jacana- dence. Fader et al. (2013) learned question para- freebase,2 on a realistic dataset generously phrases from aligning multiple questions with the contributed by Berant et al. (2013), who collected same answers generated by WikiAnswers. The thousands of commonly asked questions by key factor to their success is to have a huge text crawling the Google Suggest service. Our source. Our work pushes the data challenge to the method achieves state-of-the-art performance limit by mining directly from ClueWeb, a 5TB with F1 at 42.0%, a 34% relative increase from collection of web data. the previous F1 of 31.4%. Finally, the KB community has developed other means for QA without semantic parsing (Lopez et 3 Background al., 2005; Frank et al., 2007; Unger et al., 2012; QA from a KB faces two prominent challenges: Yahya et al., 2012; Shekarpour et al., 2013). Most model and data. The model challenge involves of these work executed SPARQL queries on in- finding the best meaning representation for the terlinked data represented by RDF (Resource De- question, converting it into a query and exe- scription Framework) triples, or simply performed cuting the query on the KB. Most work ap- triple matching. Heuristics and manual templates proaches this via the bridge of various interme- were also commonly used (Chu-Carroll et al., diate representations, including combinatory cat- 2012). We propose instead to learn discriminative egorial grammar (Zettlemoyer and Collins, 2005, features from the data with shallow question anal- 2007, 2009; Kwiatkowski et al., 2010, 2011, ysis. The final system captures intuitive patterns 2013), synchronous context-free grammars (Wong of QA pairs automatically. and Mooney, 2007), dependency trees (Liang et al., 2011; Berant et al., 2013), string kernels (Kate 4 Graph Features and Mooney, 2006; Chen and Mooney, 2011), Our model is inspired by an intuition on how ev- and tree transducers (Jones et al., 2012). These eryday people search for answers. If you asked works successfully showed their effectiveness in someone: what is the name of justin bieber QA, despite the fact that most of them require brother,3 and gave them access to Freebase, that hand-labeled logic annotations. More recent re- person might first determine that the question search started to minimize this direct supervision by using latent meaning representations (Berant et 3All examples used in this paper come from the train- ing data crawled from Google Suggest. They are low- 2 ercased and some contain typos.

957 is about Justin Bieber (or his brother), go to 1. if a node was tagged with a question feature, Justin Bieber’s Freebase page, and search for his then replace this node with its question feature, brother’s name. Unfortunately Freebase does not e.g., what qword=what; → contain an exact relation called brother, but in- 2. (special case) if a qtopic node was tagged as stead sibling. Thus further inference (i.e., brother a named entity, then replace this node with male sibling) has to be made. In the following its its named entity form, e.g., bieber ↔ → we describe how we represent this process. qtopic=person; 4.1 Question Graph 3. drop any leaf node that is a determiner, prepo- sition or punctuation. In answering our example query a person might The converted graph is shown in Figure 1(a), take into consideration multiple constraints. With right side. We call this a question feature graph, regards to the question, we know we are looking with every node and relation a potential feature for the name of a person based on the following: for this question. Then features are extracted the dependency relation nsubj(what, name) • in the following form: with s the source and and prep of(name, brother) indicates that the t the target node, for every edge e(s, t) in the 4 question seeks the information of a name; graph, extract s, t, s t and s e t as | | | the dependency relation prep of(name, features. For the edge, prep of(qfocus=name, • brother) indicates that the name is about a brother), this would mean the following features: brother (but we do not know whether it is a qfocus=name, brother, qfocus=name brother, | person name yet); and qfocus=name prep of brother. | | the dependency relation nn(brother, bieber) We show with examples why these features • make sense later in 6 Table 6. Furthermore, the and the facts that, (i) Bieber is a person and (ii) § a person’s brother should also be a person, indi- reason that we have kept some lexical features, cate that the name is about a person. such as brother, is that we hope to learn from This motivates the design of dependency-based training a high correlation between brother and features. We show one example in Figure 1(a), some Freebase relations and properties (such as left side. The following linguistic information is sibling and male) if we do not possess an exter- of interest: nal resource to help us identify such a correlation. question word (qword), such as what/who/how • many. We use a list of 9 common qwords. 5 4.2 Freebase Topic Graph question focus (qfocus), a cue of expected an- Given a topic, we selectively roll out the Free- • swer types, such as name/money/time. We base graph by choosing those nodes within a few keep our analysis simple and do not use a ques- hops of relationship to the topic node, and form tion classifier, but simply extract the noun de- a topic graph. Besides incoming and/or outgo- pendent of qword as qfocus. ing relationships, nodes also have properties: a string that describes the attribute of a node, for question verb (qverb), such as is/play/take, ex- • instance, node type, gender or height (for a per- tracted from the main verb of the question. son). One major difference between relations and Question verbs are also good hints of answer properties is that both arguments of a relation are types. For instance, play is likely to be followed nodes, while only one argument of a property is a by an instrument, a movie or a sports team. node, the other a string. Arguments of relations are question topic (qtopic). The topic of the ques- usually interconnected, e.g., can be the • London tion helps us find relevant Freebase pages. We place of birth for Justin Bieber, or capital of simply apply a named entity recognizer to find the UK. Arguments of properties are attributes that the question topic. Note that there can be more are only “attached” to certain nodes and have no than one topic in the question. outgoing edges. Figure 1(b) shows an example. Then we convert the dependency parse into a more Both relationship and property of a node are generic question graph, in the following steps: important to identifying the answer. They con- nect the nodes with the question and describe 4We use the Stanford collapsed dependency form. 5who, when, what, where, how, which, why, whom, some unique characteristics. For instance, with- whose. out the properties type:person and gender:male,

958 qword qword= what what cop nsubj cop nsubj qverb qfocus qverb= qfocus= is name be name det prep_of prep_of

the brother brother nn nn nn nn

qtopic qtopic qtopic= qtopic= justin bieber person person

(a) Dependence parse with annotated question features in dashed boxes (left) and converted feature graph (right) with only relevant and general information about the original question kept. Note that the left is a real but incorrect parse.

awards_won type …... person Justin Bieber place_of_birth gender male London person.sibling_s

dummy node sibling sibling

Jazmyn Bieber Jaxon Bieber

gender type gender type

female person male person

(b) A view of Freebase graph on the Justin Bieber topic with nodes in solid boxes and properties in dashed boxes. The hatching node, Jaxon Bieber, is the answer. Freebase uses a dummy parent node for a list of nodes with the same relation. Figure 1: Dependency parse and excerpted Freebase topic graph on the question what is the name of justin bieber brother.

959 we would not have known the node Jaxon Bieber 5.1 Formula represents a male person. These properties, along The objective is to find the most likely rela- with the sibling relationship to the topic node, are tion a question prompts. For instance, for the important cues for answering the question. Thus question who is the father of King George for the Freebase graph, we use relations (with di- VI, the most likely relation we look for is peo- rections) and properties as features for each node. ple.person.parents. To put it more formally, Additionally, we have analyzed how Freebase given a question Q of a word vector w, we want relations map back to the question. Some of the to find out the relation R that maximizes the prob- mapping can be simply detected as paraphras- ability P (R Q). | ing or lexical overlap. For example, the per- More interestingly, for the question who is son.parents relationship helps answering ques- the father of the Periodic Table, the ac- tions about parenthood. However, most Freebase tual relation that encodes its original mean- relations are framed in a way that is not com- ing is law.invention.inventor, rather than peo- monly addressed in natural language questions. ple.person.parents. This simple example points For instance, for common celebrity gossip ques- out that every part of the question could change tions like who cheated on celebrity A, it is what the question inquires eventually. Thus we hard for a system to find the Freebase relation need to count for each word w in Q. Due to the celebrity.infidelity.participant as the target rela- bias and incompleteness of any data source, we tion if it had not observed this pattern in training. approximate the true probability of P with P˜ un- Thus assuming there is an alignment model that der our specific model. For the simplicity of com- is able to tell how likely one relation maps to the putation, we assume conditional independence be- original question, we add extra alignment-based tween words and apply Naive Bayes: features for the incoming and outgoing relation of P˜(R Q) P˜(Q R)P˜(R) each node. Specifically, for each relation rel in | ∝ | P˜(w R)P˜(R) a topic graph, we compute P (rel question) to ≈ | | ˜ ˜ rank the relations. Finally the ranking (e.g., top P (w R)P (R) ≈ w | 1/2/5/10/100 and beyond) of each relation is used Y where P˜(R) is the prior probability of a relation as features instead of a pure probability. We de- R and P˜(w R) is the conditional probability of scribe such an alignment model in 5. | § word w given R. It is possible that we do not observe a certain 4.3 Feature Production relation R when computing the above equation. We combine question features and Freebase fea- In this case we back off to the “sub-relations”: a tures (per node) by doing a pairwise concatena- relation R is a concatenation of a series of sub- tion. In this way we hope to capture the associa- relations R = r = r1.r2.r3..... For instance, the tion between question patterns and answer nodes. sub-relations of people.person.parents are peo- For instance, in a loglinear model setting, we ex- ple, person, and parents. Again, we assume con- pect to learn a high feature weight for features like: ditional independence between sub-relations and apply Naive Bayes: qfocus=money node type=currency | P˜ (R Q) P˜(r Q) and a very low weight for: backoff | ≈ | qfocus=money node type=person. P˜(r Q) | ≈ r | This combination greatly enlarges the total Y ˜ ˜ number of features, but owing to progress in large- P (Q r)P (r) ∝ r | scale machine learning such feature spaces are less Y ˜ ˜ of a concern than they once were (concrete num- P (w r)P (r) ≈ r w | bers in 6 Model Tuning). Y Y § One other reason that we estimated P˜(w r) and P˜(r) for sub-relations is | 5 Relation Mapping that Freebase relations share some com- mon structures in between them. For in- In this section we describe a “translation” table be- stance, both people.person.parents and tween Freebase relations and NL words was built. fictional universe.fictional character.parents

960 indicate the parent relationship but the latter is much less commonly annotated. We hope that the 0 10 102 103 104 > 104 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ shared sub-relation, parents, can help better esti- 7.0% 0.7% 1.2% 0.4% 1.3% 89.5% mate for the less annotated. Note that the backoff Table 1: Percentage of answer relations (the in- model would have a much smaller value than the coming relation connected to the answer node) original, due to double multiplication r w. In with respect to how many sentences we learned practice we normalize it by the sub-relations size Q Q this relation from in CluewebMapping. For in- to keep it at the same scale with P˜(R Q). | stance, the first column says there are 7% of an- Finally, to estimate the prior and conditional swer relations for which we cannot find a mapping probability, we need a massive data collection. (so we had to use the backoff probability estima- tion); the last column says there are 89.5% of an- 5.2 Steps swer relations that we were able to learn the map- 6 The ClueWeb09 dataset is a collection of 1 billion ping between this relation and text based on more webpages (5TB compressed in raw HTML) in 10 than 10 thousand relation-sentence pairs. The total languages by Carnegie Mellon University in 2009. number of answer relations is 7886. FACC1, the Freebase Annotation of the ClueWeb Corpus version 1 (Gabrilovich et al., 2013), con- tains index and offset of Freebase entities within 100 even chunks. We ran 5 iterations of EM on the English portion of ClueWeb. Out of all 500 each one and finally aligned the 1.2 billion pairs million English documents, 340 million were au- from both directions. To symmetrize the align- tomatically annotated with at least one entity, with ment, common MT heuristics INTERSECTION, an average of 15 entity mentions per document. UNION, GROW-DIAG-FINAL, and GROW-DIAG- The precision and recall of annotation were esti- FINAL-AND (Koehn, 2010) were separately ap- mated at 80 85% and 70 85% (Orr et al., 2013). plied and evaluated later. − − Given these two resources, for each binary Free- base relation, we can find a collection of sentences 4. Treating the aligned pairs as observation, the each of which contains both of its arguments, then co-occurrence matrix between aligning rela- simply learn how words in these sentences are as- tions and words was computed. There were sociated with this relation, i.e., P˜(w R) and 10,484 relations and sub-relations in all, and we | P˜(w r). By counting how many times each rela- kept the top 20,000 words. | tion R was annotated, we can estimate P˜(R) and P˜(r). The learning task can be framed in the fol- 5. From the co-occurrence matrix we computed lowing short steps: P˜(w R), P˜(R), P˜(w r) and P˜(r). | | 1. We split each HTML document by sentences Hand-checking the learned probabilities shows (Kiss and Strunk, 2006) using NLTK (Bird and both success, failure and some bias. For in- Loper, 2004) and extracted those with at least stance, for the relation (mapping two Freebase entities which has at least one di- from film names to actor names), the top words rect established relation according to Freebase. given by P˜(w R) are won, star, among, show. | 2. The extraction formed two parallel corpora, For the by relation, some im- one with “relation - sentence” pairs (for esti- portant stop words that could indicate this re- ˜ ˜ mating P (w R) and P (R)) and the other with lation, such as by and with, rank directly after | ˜ “subrelations - sentence” pairs (for P (w r) director and direct. However, due to signifi- ˜ | and P (r)). Each corpus has 1.2 billion pairs. cant popular interest in certain news categories, 3. The tricky part was to align these 1.2 billion and the resultant catering by websites to those pairs. Since the relations on one side of these information desires, then for example we also pairs are not natural sentences, we ran the learned a heavily correlated connection between most simple IBM alignment Model 1 (Brown Jennifer Aniston and celebrity.infidelity.victim, et al., 1993) to estimate the translation proba- and between some other you-know-who names bility with GIZA++ (Och and Ney, 2003). To and celebrity.infidelity.participant. speed up, the 1.2 billion pairs were split into We next formally evaluate how the learned map- 6 ping help predict relations from words.

961 5.3 Evaluation and MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank), shown in Ta- ble 2(a). As a simple baseline, “word overlap” Both ClueWeb and its Freebase annotation has a counts the overlap between relations and the ques- bias. Thus we were firstly interested in the cov- tion. CluewebMapping ranks each relation by erage of mined relation mappings. As a com- P˜(R Q). ReverbMapping does the same, ex- parison, we used a dataset of relation mapping | cept that we took a uniform distribution on P˜(w contributed by Berant et al. (2013) and Lin et al. | R) and P˜(R) since the contributed dataset did (2012). The idea is very similar: they intersected not include co-occurrence counts to estimate these Freebase relations with predicates in (arg1, predi- probabilities.7 Note that the median rank from cate, arg2) triples extracted from ReVerb to learn CluewebMapping is only 12, indicating that half the mapping between Freebase relations and triple of all answer relations are ranked in the top 12. predicates. Note the scale difference: although Table 2(b) further shows the percentage of ReVerb was also extracted from ClueWeb09, answer relations with respect to their rank- there were only 15 million triples to intersect with ing. CluewebMapping successfully ranked 19% the relations, while we had 1.2 billion alignment of answer relations as top 1. A sample pairs. We call this dataset ReverbMapping and of these includes of birth, loca- ours CluewebMapping. tion.containedby, country.currency used, reg- The evaluation dataset, WEBQUESTIONS, was ular tv, etc. These percentage also contributed by Berant et al. (2013). It con- numbers are good clue for feature design: for in- tains 3778 training and 2032 test questions col- stance, we may be confident in a relation if it is lected from the Google Suggest service. All ques- ranked top 5 or 10 by CluewebMapping. tions were annotated with answers from Freebase. To conclude, we found that CluewebMapping Some questions have more than one answer, such provides satisfying coverage on the 3778 training as what to see near sedona arizona?. questions: only 7% were missing, despite the bi- We evaluated on the training set in two aspects: ased nature of web data. Also, CluewebMapping coverage and prediction performance. We define gives reasonably good precision on its prediction, answer node as the node that is the answer and despite the noisy nature of web data. We move on answer relation as the relation from the answer to fully evaluate the final QA F1. node to its direct parent. Then we computed how much and how well the answer relation was trig- 6 Experiments gered by ReverbMapping and CluewebMapping. Thus for the question, who is the father of King We evaluate the final F1 in this section. The sys- George VI, we ask two questions: does the map- tem of comparison is that of Berant et al. (2013). ping, 1. (coverage) contain the answer relation Data We re-used WEBQUESTIONS, a dataset people.person.parents? 2. (precision) predict collected by Berant et al. (2013). It contains 5810 the answer relation from the question? questions crawled from the Google Suggest ser- Table 1 shows the coverage of CluewebMap- vice, with answers annotated on Amazon Mechan- ping, which covers 93.0% of all answer rela- ical Turk. All questions contain at least one an- tions. Among them, we were able to learn the rule swer from Freebase. This dataset has been split by mapping using more than 10 thousand relation- 65%/35% into TRAIN-ALL and TEST. We further sentence pairs for each of the 89.5% of all an- randomly divided TRAIN-ALL by 80%/20% to a swer relations. In contrast, ReverbMapping covers smaller TRAIN and development set DEV. Note 89.7% of the answer relations. that our DEV set is different from that of Berant et al. (2013), but the final result on TEST is di- Next we evaluated the prediction performance, rectly comparable. Results are reported in terms using the evaluation metrics of information re- of macro F with partial credit (following Berant trieval. For each question, we extracted all rela- 1 et al. (2013)) if a predicted answer list does not tions in its corresponding topic graph, and ranked have a perfect match with all gold answers, as a each relation with whether it is the answer re- lation. For instance, for the previous exam- 7The way we used ReverbMapping was not how Berant et ple question, we want to rank the relation peo- al. (2013) originally used it: they employed a discriminative log-linear model to judge relations and that might yield better ple.person.parents as number 1. We com- performance. As a fair comparison, ranking of CluewebMap- puted standard MAP (Mean Average Precision) ping under uniform distribution is also included in Table 2(a).

962 Median Rank MAP MRR word overlap 471 0.0380 0.0590 top 1 2 3 5 10 ReverbMapping 60 0.0691 0.0829 # 3263 3456 3532 3574 3604 CluewebMapping 12 0.2074 0.2900 % 86.4 91.5 93.5 94.6 95.4 with uniform dist. 61 0.0544 0.0561 Table 3: Evaluation on the Freebase Search API: (a) Ranking on answer relations. Best result on how many questions’ top n retrieved results con- CluewebMapping was under the GROW-DIAG-FINAL-AND tain the gold standard topic. Total number of ques- heuristics (row 3) when symmetrizing alignment from both directions. The last row shows ranking of CluewebMapping tions is 3778 (size of TRAIN-ALL). There were under uniform distribution (assuming counting on words and only 5 questions with no retrieved results. relations is not known).

1 5 10 50 100 > 100 PR F1 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ w. o. 3.5 4.7 2.5 3.9 4.1 81.3 basic 57.3 30.1 39.5 R.M. 2.6 9.1 8.6 26.0 13.0 40.7 + word overlap 56.0 31.4 40.2 C.M. 19.0 19.9 8.9 22.3 7.5 22.4 + CluewebMapping 59.9 35.4 44.5 (b) Percentage of answer relations w.r.t. ranking number +both 59.0 35.4 44.3 (header). w.o.: word overlap; R.M.: ReverbMapping; C.M.: Table 4: F1 on DEV with different feature settings. CluewebMapping. Table 2: Evaluation on answer relation ranking Model Tuning We treat QA on Freebase as a prediction on 3778 training questions. binary classification task: for each node in the topic graph, we extract features and judge whether lot of questions in WEBQUESTIONS contain more it is the answer node. Every question was pro- than one answer. cessed by the Stanford CoreNLP suite with the Search With an Information Retrieval (IR) caseless model. Then the question features ( 4.1) front-end, we need to locate the exact Freebase § and node features ( 4.2) were combined ( 4.3) topic node a question is about. For this pur- § § for each node. The learning problem is chal- pose we used the Freebase Search API (Freebase, lenging: for about 3000 questions in TRAIN, 2013a).All named entities 8 in a question were sent there are 3 million nodes (1000 nodes per topic to this API, which returned a ranked list of rele- graph), and 7 million feature types. We em- vant topics. We also evaluated how well the search ployed a high-performance machine learning tool, API served the IR purpose. WEBQUESTIONS not Classias (Okazaki, 2009). Training usually only has answers annotated, but also which Free- took around 4 hours. We experimented with vari- base topic nodes the answers come from. Thus ous discriminative learners on DEV, including lo- we evaluated the ranking of retrieval with the gold gistic regression, perceptron and SVM, and found standard annotation on TRAIN-ALL, shown in Ta- L1 regularized logistic regression to give the best ble 3. The top 2 results of the Search API con- result. The L1 regularization encourages sparse tain gold standard topics for more than 90% of the features by driving feature weights towards zero, questions and the top 10 results contain more than which was ideal for the over-generated feature 95%. We took this as a “good enough” IR front- space. After training, we had around 30 thousand end and used it on TEST. features with non-zero weights, a 200 fold reduc- Once a topic is obtained we query the Freebase tion from the original features. Topic API (Freebase, 2013b) to retrieve all rele- Also, we did an ablation test on DEV about vant information, resulting in a topic graph. The how additional features on the mapping between API returns almost identical information as dis- Freebase relations and the original questions help, played via a web browser to a user viewing this with three feature settings: 1) “basic” features in- topic. Given that turkers annotated answers based clude feature productions read off from the fea- on the topic page via a browser, this supports the ture graph (Figure 1); 2) “+ word overlap” adds assumption that the same answer would be located additional features on whether sub-relations have in the topic graph, which is then passed to the QA overlap with the question; and 3) “+ CluewebMap- engine for feature extraction and classification. ping” adds the ranking of relation prediction given 8When no named entities are detected, we fall back to the question according to CluewebMapping. Ta- noun phrases. ble 4 shows that the additional CluewebMapping

963 PR F1 wgt. feature Gold Retrieval 45.4 52.2 48.6 5.56 qfocus=money type=Currency | Freebase Search API 38.8 45.8 42.0 5.35 qverb=die type=Cause Of Death | Berant et al. (2013) - - 31.4 5.11 qword=when type=datetime | 4.56 qverb=border rel=location.adjoins Table 5: F1 on TEST with Gold Retrieval and | 3.90 qword=why incoming relation rank=top 3 Freebase Search API as the IR front end. Berant | 2.94 qverb=go qtopic=location type=Tourist attraction et al. (2013) actually reported accuracy on this | | -3.94 qtopic=location rel=location.imports dataset. However, since their system predicted an- | -2.93 qtopic=person rel=education.end date swers for almost every question (p.c.), it is roughly | that precision=recall=F1=accuracy for them. Table 6: A sample of the top 50 most positive/neg- ative features. Features are production between features improved overall F1 by 5%, a 13% rel- question and node features (c.f. Figure 1). ative improvement: a remarkable gain given that the model already learned a strong correlation be- intelligence”: how much does it know what the tween question types and answer types (explained question inquires? We discuss it below through more in discussion and Table 6 later). feature and error analysis. Finally, the ratio of positive vs. negative exam- Discussion The combination between questions ples affect final F1: the more positive examples, and Freebase nodes captures some real gist of QA the lower the precision and the higher the recall. pattern typing, shown in Table 6 with sampled fea- Under the original setting, this ratio was about tures and weights. Our system learned, for in- 1 : 275. This produced precision around 60% stance, when the question asks for geographic ad- and recall around 35% (c.f. Table 4). To optimize jacency information (qverb=border), the correct for F1, we down-sampled the negative examples to answer relation to look for is location.adjoins. 20%, i.e., a new ratio of 1 : 55. This boosted the Detailed comparison with the output from Berant final F1 on DEV to 48%. We report the final TEST et al. (2013) is a work in progress and will be pre- result under this down-sampled training. In prac- sented in a follow-up report. tice the precision/recall balance can be adjusted by the positive/negative ratio. 7 Conclusion Test Results Table 5 gives the final F1 on TEST. We proposed an automatic method for Question “Gold Retrieval” always ranked the correct topic Answering from structured data source (Free- node top 1, a perfect IR front-end assumption. In base). Our approach associates question features a more realistic scenario, we had already evaluated with answer patterns described by Freebase and that the Freebase Search API returned the correct has achieved state-of-the-art results on a balanced topic node 95% of the time in its top 10 results (c.f. and realistic QA corpus. To compensate for the Table 3), thus we also tested on the top 10 results problem of domain mismatch or overfitting, we returned by the Search API. To keep things sim- exploited ClueWeb, mined mappings between KB ple, we did not perform answer voting, but sim- relations and natural language text, and showed ply extracted answers from the first (ranked by the that it helped both relation prediction and an- Search API) topic node with predicted answer(s) swer extraction. Our method employs relatively found. The final F of 42.0% gives a relative im- 1 lightweight machinery but has good performance. provement over previous best result (Berant et al., We hope that this result establishes a new baseline 2013) of 31.4% by one third. against which semantic parsing researchers can One question of interest is whether our system, measure their progress towards deeper language aided by the massive web data, can be fairly com- understanding and answering of human questions. pared to the semantic parsing approaches (note that Berant et al. (2013) also used ClueWeb in- Acknowledgments We thank the Allen Institute directly through ReVerb). Thus we took out for Artificial Intelligence for funding this work. the word overlapping and CluewebMapping based We are also grateful to Jonathan Berant, Tom features, and the new F1 on TEST was 36.9%. Kwiatkowski, Qingqing Cai, Adam Lopez, Chris The other question of interest is that whether Callison-Burch and Peter Clark for helpful discus- our system has acquired some level of “machine sion and to the reviewers for insightful comments.

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