m - MAlfCmCBTEIt HgRALP. Toeaimf. Mreli H. ItfT


n itM i FMIMU ^ S R s r * eonv Chaney fegiiBSt WhatefB unabiB PMlfSlBVVi f ilWBiB WTiVOVV. w90, 9tVwW 8 VK Chfff. «>filt*. imim coo. SunrNo rw . M 0 9 HC Mortarly SroNiorw 315 InllBlaa one to handlB NofUa coming to MCC Cmtfwr St., iVfiVT»«it4d d v i * MS-5I3S.V' - - Ml VJ go— M gy ifgim, Airai- 14 tura, klfctMfi Itoimond mucn moro. Muft w (l Cbovy 19BS RtooMdo r by March 39. tIfffK n . Mckuo. 4 y 4, V-S outo, TOYOTA mod» moro. 5W,99& Cor- M r dWYTOlor. MBME4..r 'STSRSXTRACAB • Powerful 2.4 HterER engine WHITBTI TNucKg n r iig IS A w e e a v kCATutit AOPCAmNO e v c r y o t h e r CMC Jimmy 19BI 4 K 4, TUESDAY AND.THURWAV IN CLMSfrlED. MOST Of THESE AOS ARC Slarro GronM, V-ft. onto, IWV/niME 5T495. Conor Cbovrolot. • Roomy cab with inside stoiage space OEALBt ADS, BUT INOIVRNJALS WISHINQ TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARC S4SMSA»' TW IM tlroinHr • M M W BiCOUfMQCO TO RHONE S«-2f11 TO RLACC THEIR ADS... • Loads of standafd comforts and conveniences broHarroMy front to 9»ovv IMS ei Comlno bock. Coll MS-1392. CenoaNto oickoo. V-f, owto, o/c. LoodM 99995. Conor Cbovrolot. 646- 6464.V' Nissan 1986 sbertbed 4x4 , 9 foot onglo ptaw wNb Moida 1987 sbomwd. Ter-' Moido 1987 sberfbad, stonWrd transmission moonlino fromo and by- nodo sllvor, gray mtortor. Onde Mua,luxury pack­ wftb plow 018,508. De- WBdnesftay, March 11.1967 a c c e n t s droofles. S4E5. Coll f9l4) M enany Brotbers, 315 age, gray Interior. 3 te C e rm le r M eters. 643- 3g-W 5 , ovoningo J ______C o n k ir ^ ., Monebosler. cboosa from. Moriarty 4M5.^ S4B-5l35.t< TAKE A LOOK Brotbers, 315 Confer St., Chevy 1986 S-W Blcner, 4 X Moida NE9 03888 cob Monchesfer. 643-5135. w 4, Tahoe package, v-6, 5 tborlbod. Sunboom sllvor, Residents fuenmmpnmtm gray kiNrlor. Morlorty Ahesda 1 9 r B3OO0 cob spped. S11,995. Carter tMroet from Ford plus. Sunbeam silver, Chevrolet. 6466464^- Leaders expect EYotbors, 315 Cantor St., fo rd 1983 F158 W too gray Interior. Luxury Motor Co. Dotrolt, Moncboater. S43-S13S.»^ Sfyleslde pickup. 6 cy- G M C 79 f ICkup. 4x4. pockoge. Morlartv Brotb­ Hndsr, 4 speed, ed, excei- Mlcblgon. ers, 315 Centsr St., Mert- 04388. Caron Motors 367 TOYOTA oppose lent condition. S5395. Dil­ AN eon oro loodod oHb Ford 1983 R-188 V-«, auto, chester. 643-5135..' Ooklond Street. 649- oquipmont. Ho«o tow rnHoo po, aunroot, om/bn, gloM lon fo rd , 319 Mom Street, Manchester. 643-21<0.t>' 7888 ✓ ond eorry Mlaneo el cop, bbio, Lyncb, 5D0 W. M oido 1907 B3e08 SE5 #ord 4ronco iti. Loaded. Reagan to win lOciOfy worronlyt Cantor St. Moncboslor. sbertbed, California 08495. Caron Motors 367 |*M«EESS 7WS fSRMCN •ss w. CENTER s r a n r job shift 445^321.^. Chevrolet 1985 Astro, red, 88 SoMo LS Wag. 'K S M brown, beige Interior. Oakland Street. 649- m ON r o im o a a MANCHEETER v-6, automatic ps. Lyncb, 7888.I' SB Taurua 4 Dr. •12.M8 Moriarty Brothers, 315 r o u m io M L Y Center St., Manchester. 508 W. Center St., Man­ 8S SaMo LS 4 Dr. '14,088 chester. 646-4321.V' F o r d 84 B ro n c o II. RAID TOO AfifOHU’ 646-4321 By Ggorge Loyng Moida 19«r B3D88 S€5 cob 643-5135.W' Looded. 08iNS. Caron VA'iCHE^TFi? 'ON'i 86 Tompo 4 Dr. •8786 plus, ComOmla brown, Harold Raportor fight over aid Nissan 1986 pickup blue, 5 Motors 367 Ooklond bolgo mtorlor, lootbor M oido 1907 83868 SE5 plus Stre^. y9-7998.»' pockogo, PS. Moriarty 5 Sbertbed. Sunbeam speed. Lynch, 588 W. Cen- A plan to reorgonfxe the Man­ Brotbors, 315 Cantor St., silver, groy Interior. Mor­ fer St., Manchester. 646- dhevy 01 iloier. Loaded. Moriarty Bros. 4321.V' ______06995. Caron Motors 367 chester PubHe fforks Department, By Lowrtnce L. Knutson quested for fiscal 1068. Moncboslor. S43-51K.i>' iarty Brotbers, 315 Center to eMft the duties of the town Ussd Car Spacials S t., M anchester. 643- Oakland Street. 649- The Assoelotad Fross Many RepuMicans reluctantly SlSS.ro Monfo 1907 Sbertbed, hix- 7868.^ engineer to other emphtyees. was agree with that, saying their efforts 80 Monarch 2 dr. •CMS Moida 1987 B3088 SE5 cob ury package. Sunbeam erttieixed by residents Tuesday as WASHINGTON — Hours before a to sustain the aid progam have been silver. 3 to choose from. Toyota 1904 Corge von, S3 Dataun 2008X •5085 plus, Conol bluo, boMo an meftective way to address the House vote on delaying 040 million hurt by the turmoil of the Iran- 84 Cougar Loadad Inlorlor, lootbor pockogo, M oido 1907 B3600 SE5 cab Morlartv Brothers, 315 at, ps, coss cruise. 36K. plus. Sunrise red, gray Lyncb 588 West Center ‘Edie aLook problem of tilling the engineer In military aid tor Nicaragua’s Contra disclosnres. the recent 84 O-MarguN 2 dr. *i PS. Morlartv Brofbors, 315 Center St., Manchester. mtorlor. 3 to choose from. 643-5135..' Street. 646-4321..' poaition. Contra guerrillas.- President Rea­ resignation of popular and moder­ 70JOOP J20w/plow '4800 Cantor St., Moncboslor. Moriarty Brotbers, 315 gan’s national security adviser said ate Contra l e a ^ Arturo Cruz and 84 O-Margula 4 dr. 643-5135.tr Center St., Manchester. 1974 Ford Von,good condi­ speed. 49K. Lynch 588 "fteorganization won't solve the today that a break in the aid allegations of corruption—within 84 Bumt Rogal *8208 643-5135.I' tion. 01586 or best otter. Dotsun 1903 King cob West Center Street. 646- problem.” said J. Russell Smyth of pipeline would leave the guerrillas Contra ranks. 88 Mania RX-7 •10,800 07S6344J______4321..' Strawberry Lane. He suggested "a t the mercy of the Sandinista "That hasn’t helped ns.” said 87 Contlnonlat 4K •28,000 pickup 4 x4,4 cyl, 5 spood, M onfo 1987 B2660 SE5 M oido 1984 B2660 plekup increasing the salary ottered to the forces.” House Minority Leader Bob Mic)iel. S3 Alllanco 4 dr. •2808 PS, pb, sloroo cossotto, longbed, black, gray Inte­ lump soots. 05795. Cortor Mock. 2 to choosele from------town engineer by 018,886 If neces­ The House prepared to vote late R-Rl., speaking specifically of the 88 Mil. Qalani •13,800 rior. Luxuory package. 03495. Morlortv Brotbers, Tonneau, ps, stereo. 88 Cougar, bluo CbovrMot, 1239 Main St., Morfonly Brothers, 315 3866 miles. Lynch 566 sary to attract qualified in the day on holding op the money Iran-Contra affair. "I have to be Monchos1or.64S44M.tr 315 Center St., Mancbes­ it originally approved last year. realistic when I see votes slipping 81 Thundorblrd •4408 Center St., Mancbester. ter. 643-5135..' West Center Street. 646- candidates. 643-51K..' 4321..' GOP le i^ r s conceded a recent away.” Oodpo 1985 Corovon Lo “ Go after the best man. We need run of bad news had eroded support Democratics were divided about MORIARTY Wagon. 4 cyl, auto olr, M oido 1907 82866 cob plus Ford 1901 Chateau von. Mazda 1987 shortbed. a professional engineer.” he said. for the rebels. But leaders of both whether or not to take a stand on the storoo, luggogo rock. Dover white, wine Inte­ V-8, olr, ps, pb, cruise. Mock, gray Interior. Lux­ 011,295. Conor Chovrolat. Lynch, 508 W. Center St., The town Board of Directors parties predict President Reagan 040 million aid installment or to let rior. Morlartv Brotbers, ury pockoge. Morlartv will prevail in the end as there it proceed. BROTHERS 1229 Moln St., Monchos- Manchester. 646-4331..' Brothers, 315 Center St., postponed action on the reorganiza­ 301 Cantar S i 315 Center St., Manchester aren’t enough opposition votes in Sen. Christopher J. Dodd. D- 643-5135..' Manchester. 643-51M..' tion until its April meeting. Manefiaatar, C T M oido 1907 B2668 SE5 phis the House to override a presidential Conn., said a fight over that money Moido 1987 B3000 cob 5 Nwrlbed. Ondo blue, Moido 1987 shortbed, The town has been searching for veto of an aid suspension. would be a waste of energy and 643-S13S shortbod, light bolgo, Ford 19W window von, v-8, gray Interior. 3 to choose Dover wbHe, wine Inte­ an engineer since last summer As the vote neared, national political capital far better ex­ bolgo Intorlor. Mortarty auto, ps, 07895. Dillon from. Morlortv Brothers, rior. Morlortv Brothers, when former Town Engineer Wal­ security adviser Frank Carlucci pended on a final battle to kill Ford, 319 Mom Street, Brotbors, 315 Cantor St., 315 Center St., Manches­ 315 Center St., Manches­ NEW 4 WHEEL DRIVE ter Senkow was dismissed after he said after a meeting with House Contra aid once and for all. NOnCS TO GMOITOnO Moncboslor. 643-51».tr Manchester. 643-2145.V ter. 643-5135..' ter. 643-5135..' C0TATC Of LOUISE M. allegedly harrassed a female co­ Republicans that any cutoff of But House Speaker Jim Wright. ELLIOTT, LATE Of worker. funds “ obviously would create D-Texas, said a strong effort on the MANCHESTER, LX. DECEASEO CIVILIZATION DOESN T END enormous problems” tor the Nica­ $40 million is important to signal Tfio Hon. Wllltom E. flN- After the town failed to find raguan rebels. the White House that overall Contra Ooroid, Jodoo, of fho Court Autemetlve WHEN THE PAVEMENT DOES. qualified candidates, the maxi­ " ‘There are a number of people aid is in serious trouble, and that it of Rroboto, O i^ c f of Mon- IMISSAIM mum salary being ottered was inside the country who wient in might be wise for the administra­ choslor of o hoorlno hold on Here's one rugged 4x4 that doesn't ride like a stagecoach tion to change policy now. March S, 1907 ordorod IhM oil CMS Mazdc/s new 4x4 LX boasts plenty of power, with a big 2 boosted from 048.230 to 044,350. In based on a commitment from the dolnM must hoorotonfod to December, Thomas R. Currin was U.8. government.” Carlucci said. "What we’re demonstrating by fhofldud^ V on or boforo no SALE engine. Plus, you^ll find advanced suspension and luxury hired at 041.844. Three days after " It the rug is pulled out from under this vote is that the president Juno 4 1907 or bo borrod oi features that include prower steering, reclining bucket seats, by low providod. M AZDA - 636, 1901 Spons beginning work in February, he them, they are at the mercy of the doesn’t have the votes to get the Johanna M. Erudor, Coupo. Good condl- herringbone tweed upholstery, sport steer­ quit to return to private business. Sandinista forces and that’s a very 0105 million,” said House Majority Asflstant, tlon,0208O. 560-8348 ing wheel, an A M /F M ETR stereo radio, serious problem.” Leader Tom Foley, D-Wash. Clork wookdoys oftar 6 pm P215/75R15 radials and much more. Last week. Town Ro­ The House vote is on a measure to Wright and his Democratic allies Tho nduclorv It: ond wookondt.______Ooboroh O. Chollttorp bert B. Weiss proposed that the delay until September the 040 want the administration to drop SB9 Ourntido Avo., C-fl CA M A A 6— 1^4 L t , new town engineer's position be left million and to order the administra­ military support for the Contras East Hartford, CT061M beltod 60's, om/fm, NO GIMMICKS — JUST A GREAT DEALI vacant for the time being, with tion to account for all funds already and to instead pursue negotiations 91941 booster, chroma 1 . All Dealer Prep. 2. Undercoeting Tool (Tex A Lloenee | Public Works Director George sent to the Contras. with the Sandinistas. 3. Cleen A Wex 4. Hendllng end Freight Cherget. Exire) whoolt. Excallonl con­ Kandra assuming some of the The Senate Is expected to vote Michel and other Republican nOTICa TO CRgOtTORi dition. 02000/bost offer. next week on a regolutlon to cut off supporters of the Contras say ESTATE O f CHARLES A. M7-06S0. duties of the Job. Under Weiss’s Herald photo by Tucker MATRB,a/k/a.CH/^LCS plan, a civil engineer would be the money altogether. The dropping military aid would re­ MATRE, yiTE Of 6MIS/A6LStcopri ciot- hired to help, and an assistant million Is “ in the bank,” said move pressure from the Sandlnls- MANCHHTBR, slc 1905 loaded, axcol- Carear talk Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole. tas and eliminate any need for them DECEASED------UE“ lont condition. SM50. public works director position / M O R I A R y V b r o t h e r s / R-Kan. to negotiate. Tho Hon. William E. fllt- 951-3457 Hartford. would be created. Oorald, Judoo, of Iho Court Donna McIntosh, acting dean of the students had the chance to meet and Democratic leaders say they Reagan, meeting Tuesday with e6U6>n>': Tiir:sHvor, of Rroboto, District of Mon- The plan would result In no staff have a far better chance of killing congressional Republicans at the chostor at a hoorlno hold on 75K, olr, oulomollc, HOURS: Creative School of Hairdressing on Main hear professionals such as lawyers, March 5,1997 ordorod that all now tiros, om/tm sto- Equipped wHh: 6 speed. AM/fM stereo, ps, pb. Full 7 pass, seating, with 3rd Increases, and it would result in a Contra aid for future years, a White House, said of the Demo­ OPEN EVENINGS - Street, talks to ninth-grade students at bankers, veterinarians and physical crats: "Allth6yaretryingtodolsto clolmt mutt bo protontod to roo, 03208 or bast otter. seat. ALL standard equipment. Why pm more? ’TIL 9 P.M, 02.695 savings In salaries. prediction that will be tested over tho nduclorv on or boforo Satee Tax, Reglstroton, Title end Dealer ofllee fee extra. 301-318 CENTER STREET _ Bennet Junior High School as part of a therapists explain their jobs. break the commitment that Con­ Juno 9, 1997 or bo borrod at 6M-16S5. FRIDAY A SATURDAY the next several months in votes on by low providod. 'TIL e P.M. MANCHE8TER, CONNECTICUT 643-5135 However, Allen Lutz of Stephen career day program. This morning, the 0105 million Reagan has re­ gress made last year.” Johanna M. Srudor, Just bocouso you don't Street said Tuesday night that the Attltlonl, use on Ham doasn't moon realignment would not increase the Clark Iho Ham hot lost Its yoluo. DE CORMIER manpower to an appropriate level. Tho nduclorv It: MOTOR 5(11(5, IHC Moaollo Motro He said the move could create “ a Fair-rent advocates bring their case to directors IIS______Wott( ConNrI Stroot /VANS 285 BROAD 8T. MANCHESTER (EXIT 60 OFF 1-84) M3-4165 temporary monster” by leading to MonchotNr, CT ttOW n more engineering work being done by outside contractors because of By Gtorgt Layng 30 days let’s sit down and rectify real estate agent active In housing laws to regulate building on private ments have established fair rent property. commissions, her research INVITATION TO MO G M C 1902 1568 series, :staff shortages. Htrald Roporfer this problem,” said Robert W. affairs, urged the directors to 62,008 miles, 6.2 diesel, "Kaiser” Hershberger. "This Is appoint a citizens’ study committee Housing activist Robin Tracey of showed. These Include Prospect at Soolod Mdt will bo rocol vod full working cop with ; Lutz, who is a civil engineer Tenants, housing advocates and something that can be kicked made up of landlords, tenants and Florence Street said fair rent 8.3 percent, Newington at 20.7 In Iho Oonorol Sorvictt' of- rack, carpenter or con­ commissions set up in other towns percent, West Hartford at 20.3 nco, 41 Contor St., Monchot- recruiter, said another search for housing officials "Tuesday told the around over and over and over an attorney. Under his plan, the tractor special. Asking HOW DOES DILLON DO IT TRUCKS around the state only atop rent percent and Enfield at 22.4 percent. an engineer should be tried. He group would report back to the ttr.C T until March is, 1997 at price 05008.649-3436. town Board of Directors it Is time to again.” 11:90 a.m. tor tho folfowine: WE’LL BEAT ANY LEGITIMATE DEAL maintained that a candidate could create a fair rent commission in Hershberger last month wrote a board in one to two months. increases "in extreme cases." This Also speaking In favor of fair rent 111 ONE NEW 1-WHEEL at Iprobably be found without having to Manchester to help tenants when letter to the directors complaining "F a ir rent does not mean rent Involves meeting 13 different crite­ commissions were officials with the D RIVE ...... i'^oboV- * OVW...... control,” said Faucher, but rather ria, including such things as the Housing Resource Education Cen­ o u M R TTR1r u c k w i t h ON ANY NEW FORD CAR OR TRUCKI Increase the salary again. they have a complaint about rent alH>ut a 45 percent rent increase at NOTICE TO CR0PITOR9 CARTER condition of an apartment, and the ter, a Hartford-based agency that RLOW 8 f RAME ESTATE O f I. LAIRD Increases or the condition of their his Wetherell Street home. He said a way of ensuring that Increases D fURNI|H ^INSTALL NEWELL, o/k/o ISAAC CHEVROLET Weiss said another search could apartments. Tuesday a fair rent commission is are reasonable. "The first word rent paid in similar apartments. helps tenants and landlords In 29 i) I V I N O CARD LAIRD NEWELL, LATE O f NEW 1987 F-150 STYLESIDE -be held, and It could he expanded to The directors took no action but needed to help him and other basically says It all — fair to In addition, she said fair rent Hartford-area towns with housing RRAMES A T. SWANSON MANCHESTER, panels often prompt tenants and problems. 8 VERRLANK------KROOLS OECEASED PS, powsr brakes, sport wheel Large -parts of the country beyond the agreed to consider appointing a tenants that are subject to unreaso­ tenants, fair to landlords." Northeast. However, he said the study committee to look Into the nable rent hikes and who have had Some directors last month said landlords to work out their prob­ A fair rent commission would (» The Hen. William E. nti- covers, sliding rear window, lo-mount Oerold, Judge, et the Ceurt plan to create an assistant public difficulty urging their landlord to they were opposed to creating a lems before a hearing is held. There give tenants greater protection W AY"»«T% \“i mirrors, AM/FM stereo, auxiliary fuel Inventory I Issue. The committee would exam­ Tho Town of Monchatlor It . ef RreboN, Dlstrlcl of Mon- works director was separate from ine the need for a fair rent make repairs. panel that could Impose rent are 18 fair rent contmisslons against landlords who Impose un­ chester at a haorlna held en tank. Stock # A025B around the state, Tracey said. reasonable rent hikes, said Karin __iiniitToauol Wii,- .opportunWv March S, 1907 ordered thel ell Of the attempt to fill the engineer slot. commission and come back to the Hersljberger had handed out control. They argued that this aloyor, ond rodulrotpn omr- would Interfere with private According to information she NIgoi, the center's housing counse­ motl VO action pollqi tor all of dolmt must be proMnlod le Chevy board with a proposal. leaflets urging m ants to attend the IH Contractors ond VoMort the HduclWv en or before He said he planned to propose the However, those who testified said directors’ meeting. About 10 people enterprise. gathered, the percentage of renter- lor. Currently "people (In town) June S, 1917 or be borrod at *9,299** either have to move or pay the 10 condition of doino butl- by low provided. Tniekt, new position In his budget for quick action is needed. interested in the issue showed up, However, Faucher said this Is an occupied housing units in Manches­ wINi Iht Town, at por "ignorant objection.” He noted that ter as of 1080 was 41.1 percent. fodoraival Ordorwi —w. 11SN.. Johanna M. Bruder, Vent 9 .1987-88, to help in the management "What I ’m asking for is not six and four spoke. Sid forms, elont and t w ^ - Attlttanl, of the department. months from now ... but In the next Robert Faucher, a Manchester government already uses zoning However, towns with fewer apart­ Please turn lo page 8 collont oro ovollalM at tho Clerk, NEW19S7F-1S0 4x4STYUSIDE Oonorol Sorvicot' offlco. The nduclorv It: El Camlnot Town of Monchottor, Ct. Holon O. Ntwoll 5.8L, V-8, automatic, H.D. Front ' RoboHl. WoHt, IIILokowood CIrcIo Sou Oonorolil MonoaorMo Monchottor, CT09M0 suspension, super cooling, aux. 1987 CHEVY SIO PICNUPS Age Structure of Ihe Population TODAY’S HERALD 997-91 fuel tank, limited slip axle. Knitted 4 xx4 4 ExtondodExtended Cab Stock # 6366636e Psfosntsos Ghsn0S kom 0IS Cansus of Post-war baby boomers vinyl trim, and much more. Stock # AprtH.toeONJufri. A7M5 WAS •SWl**' producing another boom Chairman confident Claeh poeelble Connecticut's new Republican Congressional committees Inves­ NOW *15.790** Chairman, Robert S. Poliner, saye tigating the Iran-contra controv­ n o ,2 9 9 WASHINGTON (AP) — There are more That increase Is known as the "echo he’s confident the party, still ersy, hoping to avoid a public clash preschool youngsters in America today than effect" of the massive baby boom genera­ suffering from a divisive guberna­ with Independent counsel Law­ NEW 19SS E-3S0 PARCEL DEUVERV VAN at any time In the last 20 years, as the tion, occurring because theirparents, having torial primary last year, can get rence E. Walsh, are seeking a post-World War If "baby boom” generation completed school and started careers, are •4 FORD •1 CHEVY DieaBl, Automatic, H.D. Service back together. Poliner, a Durham compromise on how swiftly to grant 1987 CHEVY S-10 EL PICKUP produces an echo of itself, the (Census Bureau now settling Into marriage and childbearing. attorney and long-time member of limited Immunity to two former BRONCOH reports. The youthful population bulge does not LOAOBD E ■.wnimg ickage, 14' Body. Stock # C 4910 the Republican State Central Com­ Reagan adtninistration offictale. The under-S age group has grown by 10.9 constitute another boom, however, because mittee, was unanimously elected Story on page 7. W A S i W i m * - percent since 1000, totaling 18.1 million as of the actual rate of births remains low — it’s chairmen by the committee Tues­ last July 1, the bureau said in a new study Just that there are so many people In the day. Story on page 4. rndex *8995 I *6995 releaeed Tuesday. prime childbearing ages that tha number of NOW *15.995** During that same period, the baby births goes up, even though the rate of births M paeasi 4 taeMoiM $ 6 3 9 9 boomers themselves have made early per 1,000 adults remains low. 79 9NC I 919999 Advioe. 17 L6t t e r y _ AU VKHWIM aUBJtCr TO MUOa MALM stock #6137 middle age the fastest growing segment of Those new parents, meanwhile, are H C W f • 8R9IW9 Pricea Include up to *1000 Factory Rabatea society, ^hiie improved medical care has praising toward middle age as they move Business. 21 Obituirlee. d ■ 8 ■. LOAOBD helped the elderly increase their numbers into their late 30s and beyond. In the teene Classifisci _ 08-04 Opinion “4 GOOD PLACe TO RUY 4 CAR signincantly also. That aging, combined with the rapidly Comlos • III 16 FoopN. “ There are now more preschool-aged growing number of elderly, ie leading to a Tonight, clear and cold. Low in Connaollout _A -6 Sports. .0-18 *4200 i *8495 SINC children than there have been since July l, national population that is getting older. the teens. Thursday, partly sunny. Enisrtainmsnl 17 T M s v M o n _ 1 7 IKEVINCLYNCH 1933 CARTER 1007, when there were IS.Omilllon,” reported High In the lower 40e. Details on focus______13 U.8./Wortd AOflym OooMo m the study on the age structure of U.S. society. P te u e A im ta gage 8 paget. Loeal nows..0, 8 .7 ,10-10 CARON MOTORS, INC. OILLOn 1279 MAIN ST. MANCNESTIN*646-64M*0PEN Til 6 PM FN1 . TIL 6 PM 319 MAIN S T. (Across from Armory), M A N C H ^ T E R , C T 643-2145 r - WAWCinaTMt h e r a l d , Wwfawdtar, BTardi 11. im MANCHESTER HERALD. Wthwadav. March 11.1907 — I M W tf makm no proml$0§ WEATH 13 MoNclMWter/Arwa Tounm Jn BtW f Dyer pleads for Tew frills’ budgef THE WEATHER Cormactictft fortcast The Ac€u-Wealher'•ofweasi for 6 Wetfnesy. Mar. it CeMral,l Commission on Agbig talka youth By Ooorge Leyno make up another 2.88 percent, and Horofd Reporter program improvement accounta Toaight, clear. Low in the teens. ’Tlmraday, partly A program which gets seventh-graders involved in the "While the numbers, are big, the Job we have to 50 40, suaay. High in the lower 48s. for .88 percent. e m m m ity through an awareness of the elderly was the aabjeet do Is big," School Superintendent James P. “ The ‘thinga’ part of this budget Wow Gsasmf, Bass CssmM: Tonight, cfenr. Lew Manchester school officials Tues­ v w n ^ Commission on Aging held ita February meeting in the is really pretty lean,” Kennedy hmelewerinn. Thorsdsy, psrtlysBiiny. In the day urged Town Manager Bobert Kennedy said during a meeting of the town Mancheater Senior Citizens’ Center. said. lower 40e. B. Weiss not to cut their proposed Stwtems are volunteering at Meadows Convalescent Home as While not providing a Hat of Itema NoitBeeai HMto: Tonight, clear. Low around It. 831.8'mniion budget for next year. Board of Directors at Lincoin Center. "Saiariee, y ? grandparents program. Bonnet Junior High School that could be cut If neceaaary, he Thursday, partly sunny. High near 4e. WWIe calling the figure large, aaiariea salaries ^ I think that’s really the issue Frmci^pal Thomas Meisner and Ann Gallant, a Bonnet teacher, did list a number of program Board of Education Chairman i^oTk with the Meadows personnel in selecting persons of this presentation." Improvements that were grouped who qualify as grandparents. As part of the program, which Richard W. Dyer said the budget has “very little frills.” separately. These Include $28,000 Across the nation ’The Other “Bathe” ■tairied at Bennet about three years ago, two students are for another gym teacher, $18,000 for “ There’s a price to pay for this, Jackie Joyner-Kereee recently became the eighth assigned to each graidparent, and they spend time visiting and board — qnd decide whether to salaries and frin ^ benefits. “ We a groundskeeper, $20,000 for a Portions of Texas were threatened by flooifinf as but It’s a price well worth paying,” woman to win the Sullivan Award, given each year to writing letters. make any cuts as part of his overall set out to do one thing this year, and school social woker, 17,000 for a wot weather today extended firom the Padffe Dyer said. "This Is a maintenance America’s best amateur athlete. But will any female Speakers said the program helped strengthen relationships iHidget proposal to be released that was to significantly improve peraon to coordinatrand enc6urage Nordiwest to Mmitana. between young and old. budget — not an 8'xpansion March 28. teacher salaries.” he said. athlete ever measure up to Mildred “ Babe” Didrikson? budget.” volunteer activitled^and M,B00 for There were reports of more Qian two inches of Tbe spending plan drew no The $26.4 million to be spent on Ice hockey. rain failim in Terrell and Val Verde counties in At the 1932 Olympics, the five-foot tall, 105-pound "While the numbers are trig, the criticism from the directors, and salaries and benefits represents Job we have to do is big,” School Program ImprovemMiJfan^iated southweMem Texas on ’Tuesday afternoon, causing Texan won a gold medal in the javelin throw and D O T highway projects under way some asked if enough were being 85.88 percent of the proposed as “easentfal” InciudM $00,0D8L(or street and highway flooding. Superintendent James P. Kennedy spent on such items as program another in the 80-meter hurdles. Later, she excelled at Tw o highway construction projects in East Hartford will affect budget increase, according to fig­ two special education teachers, Warnings M gale force winds were posted along said during a meeting of the town Improvement and building mainte­ basketball, swimming, billiards, and golf. She once some Manchester motorists, a state Department of Transporta­ ures provided by Kennedy. He $20,000 for a achool nurse to deal the Central Atlantic Coast. Board of Directors at Lincoln nance Mayor Barbara B. Wein­ noted, though, that much of this will tion spokesman said. Center. “ Salaries, salaries salaries with the increased number of Cold temperatures and rain mixed with snow pitched to the Boston Red Sox in spring training. berg noted that the school budget be covered by state money pro­ Drivers are reminded that eastbound Interstate 84 traffic has — I think that’s really the issue of handicapped atudenta In the sys­ prompted livestock advisories in northwestern has been fully funded as proposed In vided under the Education En­ DO Y O U KNOW — What woman won last year’s , been diverted to the newly constructed roadway east of the this presentation.” tem. 125,000 for a reading teacher Texas through this morning. the past few years. hancement Act. Sullivan Award? Forbes Street overpass, continuing through the Manchester Weiss, though, said the three and 125.000 for books In the high Rain also was reported along the Oregon coast, in “ We do have a sensibility for your Among other budget items, pupil - portion of the highway. words he will bear In mind are "low school library. the San Francisco area and in northwestern TUESDAY’S ANSWER — The “800” prefix is assigned to needs and we will do all we can to transportation accounts for, 4.05 Also, the Robert Street-Silver Lane exit has been relocated taxes, low taxes, low taxes.” He If cuts are made, school officials Montana. squeeze out the dollars,” she said. percent of the total, while fuel and i toll-free hmg-vernor Street in East Hartford who want to gain approved last month by the school with Weiss at a budget workshop ^ forecast for today REGIONAL WEATHER during the six hours ending at 1 a.m EST. Heavier percent of the budget goes toward Supplies, textbooks and equipment tentatively scheduled for March 10. rainfall during the same six hours included three ; access to Robert Street-Silver Lane are advised to use Main ■ ^edicts rain in the Accu-Weather'“ forecast for Wednesday ; Street In East Hartford. quarters of an inch at San Angelo, Texas. A Newfpaecr fei EdMadoa Praw*"> Pacific Northwest Daytime Conditions and High Temperatures Temperatures around the patiMi at 2 a m. EST SpoMOivd by from northern Caii- ranged from 8 degrees below zero at Massena, N .Y ., The Manchester Herald Bolton studentt In state art show fornia throughout to 88 degrees at Key West, Fla. Bigger tax bite boosts phase-in case Today, much of the nation was to have high B O L TO N — Tw o Bolton High School students will represent the Washington to Idaho temperatures in the 40s and 50s. Highs were to reach school as part of Central''Connecticut State University’s By George Luyng legislation pending before the Gen­ fall to only 26 percent for commer­ most residents to pay 1800 to $800 and in a band along only the 20s and 30s across portions of the northern AliMBac statewide exhibit of student art, a school spokesman said. Herald Reporter eral Assembly that would allow cial owners. less than if the higher aaaeasmenU the Gulf coast from plains, the northern half of the Mississippi Valley, David Costello, a sophomore, is the son of M r. and Mrs. Don towns to phase in the higher Real estate property revalua­ were imposed Immediately. the Great Lakes, the Ohio Valley and the northern There could be a significant property assessments resulting tions are done every 10 years. Texas to central Costello of 180 South Road. He has a tempera and India ink DiBella said another meuure; half of the Atlantic Coast. Temperatures in the 80s painting entered in the exhibit, which was set up in conjunction Increase in the tax burden on from the revaluation. Manchester is scheduled to com­ being considered also would eaae Florida. Snow is and 70s were expected across Florida and from Today is Wednesday, March 11, said Politburo member Mikhail with the state’s celebration of March as "Youth Art Month.” residential property owners In Two state legislators who ap­ plete its survey for use by July 1, the burden on residential property Manchester once the revaluation of southern Texas across New Mexico, southern the 7«th day of 1987. There are 295 S. Gorbachev bad been chosen to Senior Michael Griffin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Griffln of peared before the board Tuesday 1988. It Is expected to show large owners. forecast for western taxable real estate property In town Arizona, western Nevada, California and southw­ days left in the year. succeed him as Communist Party West Willington, has a pen-and-ink drawing on exhibit. said the bill will probably pass the Increases in the value of taxable Under the other plan, towns could Minnesota to Idaho estern Oregon. Highs were to reach the 80s in the Today’s Highlight in History: general secretary. is completed next year, town Finance, Revenue and Bonding property because area real estate asseas commercial and residential The exhibit, open to the public, will continue through March27. Finance Director Boyce Spinelli Committee. and extending to desert Southwest. On March 11, 1888, a blizzard Ten years ago; More than 130 property values have increased property at different levels. Cur­ said Tuesday. “ I’m sure the legislation will Other reports; struck the northeastern United hostages held in Washington by dramatically over the last 10 years. rently, tax bills are based on 70 parts of Wyoming. Currently, residential property come out of the committee,” said — East: Atlanta 40 windy; Boston 15 fair; Buffalo States. In the days that followed, HanafI Moslems were freed after Regional group taikt about'AIDS While this is expected to allow percent of the aaaeaaed value. owners shoulder 72 percent of the state Sen. William DiBella. D- officials to lower the tax rate, the 11 fair; Charleston, S.C. 32 fair; Cincinnati 24 partly about 480people d i ^ as a result of ambassadors from three Islamic DiBella said the legialation would A Community Council of the Capitol Region breakfast forum tax burden as compared to 20 Hartford. who appeared at the tax-rate decrease will not be allow towns to set different aaseas- A:!, mu- clowly; Cleveland 17 partly cloudy; Detroit 20 the weather. nations Joined the negotiations. March 24 at Valle’s Restaurant, Hartford, will tackle the subject percent for commercial property meeting with Sen. Michael P. enough to offset the higher assess­ ment levels for different types of partly cloudy; Miami 59 fair; New York 19 fair; On this date: Five years ago: Protesting his O il-.in trfAIDS. owners. Spinelli said in a presenta­ Meotti, D-Glastonbury. ments. and taxes will still rise for property. Like the phase-ln, he said Philadelphia 22 fair; Pittsburgh 22 partly cloudy; In 1810, Emperor Napoleon of innocence. Sen. Harrison A. Willi­ tion to the town Board of Directors. DiBella. who chairs the finance most people. this would allow towns like Man- Portland 9 fair; Washington 27 cloudy. France was married by proxy to ams Jr., D-N.J., resigned after 23 “AIDS and the Region; Future Social Service Needs” will W.ishin^on |39 I feature Dr. Mary Chamberland, who works with the AIDS When the property reassessment panel, said that under the pfon. Manchester officials want to cheater to lessen the shift In tlM tax — Central: Bismarck 23 cloudy; Chicago 25 fair; Archduchess Marie Louise of years in office, rather than face is completed, an estimated 77 \\J program at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga. towns could choose to gradually - phase in the assessment increase so burden on realdenta. Ac> i W - . I Dallas-Ft. Worth 41 cloudy; Des Moines 27 cloudy; Austria. expulsion In the wake of his percent of all taxes will be paid by impose higher assessments up to Panelists will be Marla Borrero, executive director of the the that the financial burden is less. “ You may end up with more Indianapolis 22 cloudy; Kansas City 30 cloudy. In 1847, John Chapman — “ Abscam” conviction. homeowners, while commercial five years. Hispanic Health Council; Dr. Stephen Uranga McKane, director The expected benefit to a typical prerogative on the local level than better known as “Johnny Apple- One year ago; The Soviet Union property owners will pay 22 per­ Spinelli said if a phase-in were homeowner has not been calcu­ of Hartford’S' health department: and Dr. Richard Melchrelt, you anticipated.” he said. He seed” — died in Allen County, formally protested an American cent. he said. used, the burden on residential lated. However, Director Stephen coordinator of the state’s AIDS program. indicated after the meeting, how­ Ind. order to lieduce the size of Soviet Spinelli’s report was cited by property owners would only in­ T. Cassano said the phase-in for the ever. that there la less support for In 1881, the Confederate con­ missions to the United Nations, board members In support of crease to 74 percent, and It would last revaluation in 1977 allowed this bill. vention in Montgomery, Ala., calling the action “ unlawful.” Country club considers new, ramp adopted a constitution. Today’s Birthdays: Band­ Dlrecton OK It anyway PEOPLE In im , during the Civil War, leader Lawrence Welk is 84. Now that the snow has melted from the south end of the Union forces under Gen. William Former British Prime Minister clubhouse at the Manchester Country Club, architect Richard T . Sherman occupied Fayette­ Harold Wilson is 71. Civil rights Lawrence plans to look at the entrance to determine whether a ville, N.C. State poet leader Ralph D. Abernathy is 01. ramp can be built to allow bar Jicapped people to get into the In 1930, former President and Newspaper publisher Rupert Fogarty beefs about Cheney request building. Stanley Knnltz says being Chief Justice William Howard Murdoch is 80. ABC correspond­ Lawrence and Joseph Swensson Jr., both Rotary Club ent Sam Donaldson is S3. A town proposal to spend more make the bond proposal more put in an extra 100 feet of pipe, and named New York State Poet for Taft was buried in Arlington members, are members of a club committee to determine how a . include widening the southern side than $35,000 on sewer and water palatable to voters. He said town replace 200 feet of old pipe on the next two years doesn’t mean National Cemetery. ramp cguld be built and how much it would cost. Swensson is a of Hartford Road and Improving improvements in the Cheney Na­ officials intended to ask for more private property, he said. he is in the service of the state. In 1941, President Franklin D. Today’s quotes building contractor. the curb and sidewalks in front of “ On the contrary,” Kunitzsaid Roosevelt signed into law the tional Historic District drew fire money later. Kandra called the improvements Cheney Hall. Rotary meets regularly at the clubhouse. Lawrence said the from a member of the Board of "I feel suspicious about It,” he “ modest” and necessary to make in an interview published in Lend-Lease Bill, providing war “ ’This is perhaps the most club has found that some handicapped members and former today’s editions of The New York supplies to countries fighting the ambitious evidence-tampering Directors Tuesday night, but then said. as the area was being renovated. However, he said there la no need members would attend meetings if they could get into the was approved. to do this work now. Times. “ He defends the solitary Axis. scheme in the history of Jurispru­ Nonetheless. Fogarty and the Fogarty asked If the contractor building. board voted to approve the addi­ should have paid for the water-line Director Stephen T. Penny critic­ conscience as opposed to the In 1942, during World War II, dence.” — Lawyer Phillip . 8. ‘ Lawrence said that even if the ramp were built, there would Town Director James “ Dutch” tional expense. breaks, but Kandra said the breaks ized Weiaa and Kandra for pajdng great power structure of the Gen. Douglas MacArthur left Wood testifying before a House still be a problem because the bathrooms aren’t equipped for Fogarty said the request, made in However, town officials con-, occurred in lines that were only the bills before getting the board's Bataan for Australia. superstate. There is, I believe, an Public Works and Transportation handicapped people. addition to work paid for under a tended that there was nothing discovered after the work began. approval to do so. He said the town adversarial relationship between In 1954, the U.S. Army charged Subcommittee on the Federal $750:000 bond issue, was Just underhanded about the work. He^aid the contractor was liable administration should have notified the contemporary poet and the that Wisconsin Sen. Joseph R. Aviation Administration’s alter­ “ another attempt to get a few Public Works Director George A. for breaks that occurred in lines directors of the expense and, then state.” McCarthy and his subcommit­ ing work records of air traffic Directors postpone property sale bucks.’’ Kandra explained that $3,000 of the listed on maps before the work asked for the funds. Kunitz, 81, was to receive a tee’s chief counsel, Roy Cohn, had controllers who were fired follow­ During a Board of Directors expense was for water-line breaks began. Kandra. though, said some of the congratulatory handshake from used pressure to obtain favored ing a strike. The town Board of Directors Tuesday postponed selling a strip meeting in Lincoln Center, Fogarty that occurred while the contractor Town Manager Robert B. Weiss additional work was briefly menti­ Gov. Mario Cuomo this after­ treatment for Pvt. G. David of land off Richmond Drive to a Manchester developer after legal said it appeared to him that the hired was improving underground said that when the bond issue was oned when the bond issue was noon. He will receive $10,000 Schine, a former consultant to the questions arose. need to do the work had been known utilities. being considered, the Cheney Na­ formulated. He said it was noted at along with the Walt Whitman subcommittee. Lottery The land was originally set aside for use as a road but is no before the bond issue was ap­ In addition, $8,000 was spent to tional Historic District Commission the time, although never highligh­ Citation of Merit for Poetry. In 1985, a white Boston minis­ longer needed. proved. He suggested that the eliminate a syphon on Forest said that in the future, more work ted. that there would be expenses Novelist William 1(ennedy, di­ ter, the Rev. James J. Reeb, died The property, which measures 50 feet by 200 feet, is the only amount was not Included in order to Street, put in four new manholes. might be required. This would over the $750,000. rector of the New York State SYDNEY BARROWS SARAH FERGUSON ABBY HOFFMAN after being beaten by whites right of way to a 2.2-acre plot off Richmond Drive in northeast Writers Institute, called Kunitz . . . keeps her money . . . a lot of fun . . colleges behind during civil rights disturbances Connecticut daily Manchester. “ our senior statesman of poe­ in Selma, Ala. Tuesday: 887 Ernest J. Reed, who owns the rear lot, wants to build a Damato to appeal tax- review board rejection try ." The institute oversees the In 1985, the Soviet Union driveway to the property on the strip so that he can build a state poet’s selection. announced the death of its leader, Play Four: 9938 single-family home there, said his attorney, Joel E. Janenda. Raymond Damato, owner of Among other honors, Kunitz is consider Prince Charles, Diana’s celved as a result of her illegal Hoffman spoke at the school Konstantin U. Chernenko, and However, Vernon attorney MItchel E . Kallet said his client, The other appeal turned down a personal property assessment from $1,894,100 to 81.806.600. Lotto: 5-10-18-35-36-39 several apartment buildings in a chancellor of the Academy of husband and heir to the throne, activities. Tuesday night along with ’Ti­ John McGann of 77 Richmond Drive, has wanted to buy the land was by Marcel Goetz, who sought a for Vincent Diana. 1087-1097 Main • personal property of Andy’s of American Poets and a member of “ I ’m absolutely thrilled,” Miss for the past seven years because it abuts his property. Manchester, Will appeal a rejection reduced assessment for personal St., to $1,000. Manchester, 260 N. Main St., from the smartest member of the royal mothy Leary, the formqr guru of by the Board of Tax Review for a the Amercan Academy of Arts Barrows said of the ruling. The board discussed the matter for more than an hour, and then property at 899 Parker St. The • real property assessment for $146,780 to $96,780. family and Diana the least LSD use, and "gonzo” '^um alist reduction in the assessments on and Letters. delayed action after questions were raised over whether the town board was unable to reduce that Bob Riley Oldsmobile. 259 Adams a real property of Daniel and intelligent. Following disposition of her Hunter 8. Thompson. Highlights four of his apartment projects. case. Miss Barrows arranged for CAMBRIDGE REPORTS Is required by its charter to offer the property first to abutting assessment under law because St., from $595,140 to $445,140. Linda Devlin, 176 Saddlehill Road, Damato said today he has not had Goetz had not filed a declaration a real property assessment for by $4,000 to $40,970. movie and book deals about her Students in developing coun­ property owners. Questions were also raised about the value of a chance to discuss the appeal with Sarah more fun If s her dough tries are "out there in the streets, the property. listing his personal property. Robert Beck. 28 Markwood Lane, • motor vehicle of Elizabeth business. Miss Barrows said the Eating Habits his attorney. David Keith, but he by $5,000 to $50,590. fighting social injustice,” Hof­ ■ Town Attorney John W. Cooney was instructed to issue an Sadloski. 48 Hollister St., to 88,760 The Duchess of York is the most Sydney B id d le Barrows, total amount of earnings involved does plan to go forward with it. Damato had sought reductions a personal property of SCM ■ Do you eat three full meals a day— breakfast, lunch, and dinner— opinion to the board for its April meeting. on supplemental list. "fun” member of Britain’s royal dubbed the Mayflower Madam is about $250,000, about half of fman said. “ It’s happening in the for apartment complexes at 570 Corp., 41 Progress Drive, by ■ all the time, most of the time, once In a while, or never? The Board of Tax Re view decided Hilliard St., 1089 McKee St.. 179 family, says a poll that gives the after her prostitution-related ar­ which goes to Bill Novak, her streets of Manila, it’s happening ( $289,610 to $417,200. • real property of Andrew An- in Haiti, it’s happening in the against the reduction at a meeting Oakland St. and 143 Love Lane. In former Sarah Ferguson a higher rest, may keep money she earns ghostwriter. • personal property of Klock of saldi, 279 Bidwell St., from $258,700 streets of Seoul, it’s happening in Feb. 28 and released information on all, 71 apartments are involved, and rating in that category than even from book and movie deals about Bolton students tour nuclear plant Delaware, 1366 Tolland Turnpike. to $179,690. the mountains of Nicaragua. its action today. Damato argued that the asses- her husband. Prince Andrew. her escort services, an appeals "Some things are stirring in the B O L TO N — Twenty-eight Bolton High School students are ments for each unit should be Andrew, whose earlier esca­ court ruled. In all. the board heard 11 appeals wind on the campuses here. But expected to tour the Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power plant in and reduced the assessments in reduced. pades earned him the nickname Miss Barrows, listed In the Falling behind they’re way behind the rest of the Haddem Neck today. The students are in the classes of Robert N. nine cases. The nine reductions were; "Randy Andy,” was rated as Social Register as a descendant Dissent is not dead, although world.” White, physics and chemistry teacher. most fun by 50 percent of the l-,062 of Mayflower settlers, pleaded American college students lag far 'The idea for the trip came about when a student asked people queried in a nationwide guilty in July 1985 to a misdemea­ Hoffman, Leary and Thomp­ behind their counterparts in other questions about the plant’s operation. Connecticut Yankee Symbols of Friendship survey published Tuesday in nor charge of promoting prostitu­ son, who writes a weekly column countries when it comes to provides one of the few reactor tours available. The walking tour London’s Daily Express tion and paid a $5,000 fine. for the San Francisco Examiner, political activism, said radical Required preregistrauon and security clearance. for the "Irish at Hearf' newspaper. She ran three escort services — have lectured extensively on WALLPAPER SALE activist Abble Hoffman. Sarah was rated the most fun Finesse, Cachet and Elan — campuses, but this was the first by 55 percent, also topping which authorities said were Hoffman told a news confer­ time they a|R>eared together. Town clerk asks for more parking Princess Diana’s 35 percent rat­ fronts for prostitution. ence at the University of Wa­ " I came here because I thought 30% DISCOUNT ing. Only 3 percent said Queen The 8-0 decision Tuesday by the shington in Seattle that many Gordon LIddy would be here,” Members of the Manchester Democratic Town Committee Claddagh rings dale back more Ellcabeth II was the most fun, State Supreme Court’s Appellate young Americans “have lost Thompson said, referring to the heard a plea last week in favor of providing more space for the than 400 years to Galway, and 4 percent chose the queen’s Division blocks an attempt by the hope. ... They’re detached from convicted Watergate figure now Municipal Building. On many Ireland. Worn with the crown husband, Prince Philip. state Crime Victims Board to the rest of the young people also popular on the lecture Source: Survey ol Ihe U.S. adull populetfan by Cambridge Repatlt Cambridge MA Town Clerk Edward Tomkiel spoke on the subject at the toward the fingertips, it's a e IBS# Cambridge Rapofta. IrK Oiatribulad by King Ffalurea Syiidlcala FRIENDSHIP ring. Reversed, it's The British also said they seize money Miss Barrows re- around the world.” circuit. invitation of Democratic Town Chairman Theodore R. Cummings. Wallcovering’ a W E D D IN G ring, worn with Ihe Tomkiel said that town offices have been split between the crown towards the wrist. Municipal Building and Lincoln Center, a school converted to " IZeGULfiTION PLAIDS? tFf|i Manchester HeraM offices. "B u t town hall is still a 1924 building,” he said. Collections Sterling man's ring $34 Comics cv/e co«6 To ” 1 ran out of space seven years ago,” Tomkiel said, referring to Sterling lady's ring $31 USPS 327-500 Feb.16 - A M A J O R VOL. CVI, No. 137 the clerk’s vault and offices. He said the office of the registrars of Sterling pendant and chain $2 2 Sampler gOf/A/Fry 0 € voters is buried in the basement and workers in the office of the AAarch 29 Sterling matched pierced Published dally except Sun­ Suggaatad carrier rates era earrings $13 CfflON. 2IP- collector of revenue are "elbow to elbow.” In this space, samples day and certain holldayt by tbe •1.80 weekly. $0.80 for one eveeiBooy Manchaeter Publishing Oo.. 16 iiiuiiiii, V iw.cD lor tnonina, Town Manager Robert B. Weiss said in early January that he^ of new comics will be month, $10.28 for three moniha. 5H0U.O WEAR Bralnard Place, Mancheatar. 138.80 for alx months and $77.00 would ask for funds in the 1987-88 budget to expand the vault and ALSO AVAILABLE printed from time to Conn. 06040. Second claat U N IfO tlM tf for one year. Mall ralaa are other town offices. 14K GO LD time to get reader poataga paid at Mancheatar. available on requaat. He said plans to install an elevator in the building would be IN Conn. Poatmaatar; Send ad- postponed until a decision had been made on office space. reaction. Readers are drsaa ebangaa to the Manchaa- To place a claaaffladordlaplay CHAIN NOI INC U'OI D Invited to comment on ter Horald. P.O. Box SOI. advartlaamant, or to report e ON 14K PI NOANI Manchaeter. Conn. 06040. I. etory or picture Idee. any aspect of the He­ cell 043-1711______If you don't raoalva your 711. OffMe houre are Nursery school has openings rald's comics. Send HaraM by S p.m. waakdaya or 0:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. Center Nursery Schooi is accepting applications for September your comments to; 7:80 a.m. Saturdays, please Features Editor, Man­ tafaphone your carrier. If you're registration for a limited number of openings, said a school The Mancheatar Herald It a %cMiGhae&I At..*. Art m OOOC chester Herald, P.O. unabla to raacb your carrfer, call member of the Aeaoclated spokesman. E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. J 0¥¥elars Since 1885 subacribar sarvica at 647-8046 BRISTOL DANBURY' FARMINGTON HARTFORD MANCHESTER MEFHOEN Box 591, Manchester, Praat, the Audit Bureau of The school, located in the annex of Center Congregational by 6 p.m. weekdays for dallvory CIrculatlona and the New Eng­ Church on Center Street, is state-licensed for 3- to 5-year-olds. 723 Main St., Manchester \ MILFORD NfcWHAVEN SOUTHBURY TORRINGTON TRUMBULL WATERBURY 06040. ' In Menchaater. land Nawepapar AaeodaHon. The program is run two to three mornings per week. MtchMis Charge/Masler Cwd/VtSB/AmoncBn Eiprets Fo r more information call 647- 9941 or 844-2949. 649-4501 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. WcdiiMdav. Mircli 11.1M7 New chairman tries to pull divided GOP together •v Jwdd Cverhart who stepped down after four years Gerald Labriola of Naugatuck bad ous so this party can go forward, ^ The A M ocloted Press scattering of votes. In part bMause of the drubbing the enough convention support to qual­ Foley said after it became clear About a doien members switched party took in November. ify for a primary. that he could not win. The crowd their votes before the ballot was W ALU NO FO RD — Coimecti- “ Let’s look to the future,*’ Poiiner Belaga won the primary, but cheered. cut’s new Republican Chairman, announced and unofficial final said. "Unity is achievable, unity is ended up losing baAy to Demo­ It took about IS minutes to call the Robert 8. Poiiner, says he's confi­ totals showed Poiiner with 44.S attainable. Let’s not look to put the cratic Gov. William A. O’Neill. roil of the 79-member committee. votes, Foley with U votes, Franks D’Amore said he would do some dent the party, stili suffertm from a blame on anyone’s shoulders. "There are no more Belaga Throughout, it was clear the race political consulting and tend to his divisive gubematoriai primary iast with I.S votes and Lovegrove with \ HARTFORD (A P ) — An increape ’’This is a time for all of us to Republicans, no more Bossuto was between Poiiner and Foley. one. family’s real estate and insurande year, can get back together. in the 6ub6idy tor child dny care come together as a party," he said. Republicans and no more Labriola State Sen. Fred H. Lovegrove Jr. business in New Hartford. He did Poiiner, a Durham attorney and D’Amore, who held the post for could mean the dilferanco for some "There are no more camps. The Republicans,” Poiiner said. "A ll of Fairfield; former state Rep. not rule out a bid for an elective long-time member of the Republi­ four years, called Poiiner “a aingle parenta between welfare and 19M election is over." that there are, are the Pauline R. Keser of Piainville, E. office In the future. can State Central Committee, was quality guy" and said he was being able to get a Job, aaya the Last year, former state Sen. Republicans." Clayton Gengras of Bloomfield, confident the party, still fractured " I ’ll be back,” he said. ’ T m a unanimously elected chairman by aUte'a new commiaaionor of hu­ richard C. Bossuto of Watertown Foley withdrew after the first who ran for lieutenant governor after a divisive race for the political Junkie.” the cmnmittee Tuesday night after man reaourcea. won the gubematoriai nomination round of balloting among the six last year; and Waterbury Aider- gubernatorial nomination last D’Amore and U.S. Sen. Lowell a r 50ft •.*ir'f)|f iitnsPiKf \\ MftNCHtSHn C-1 0P040 attorneys for the arms dealer. Four minutes after the call, the They went right through the (exple­ Icould ease the labor shortage in 6 4 9 -5 5 5 9 6464)012 He made his decision after a moming-lbng hearing, and after robbery took place as a Loomis tive deleted) window.” [Connecticut by making child care 647-1oao talking with government attorneys and the CIA and State Armored Inc. truck backed up to Police: "O f 63 or 95?” •more available for employees. the rear door of the branch office. Department representatives in his chambers for part of the Caller: "63 or 65 or something A itudy by Caldwell that was a large or thick pan afternoon. Authorities have not recovered like that." AP photo issued earlier this year found 90 THE BEDROOM SPRING PREVIEW Vcgglc-Plus Plaza. the money, the car, its stolen „ Police: "Where are you at now?” percent of the men age 10 and older q/ uqI Assistant U.S. Attorney Holly Fitssimmons said the meetings license plate or the cloth money Caller: "No, no, I’m over at New West Hartford Police Sgt. Frank Gallagher (right) plays a in Connecticut are already in the Umtt ofw par euttomar par vMI. w ere held in chambers bMause there was some information the SPECIAL COUPON bags, Reynolds said. They had Britain Avenue. I don’t w an t... ” tape of a phone call that police believe was made to divert workforce, compared to 60 percent Nat aeoC on elhar opaeiaR. Ottor Judge needed to hear that was confidential and not available to identified no suspects and the Police: "Where abouts on New attention from a March 4 holdup at the Bank of Boston of women. Increasing the percen­ m hs zs eood toroue'* B/iirar tody the public or defense. •O R I CaiHionball with this coupon gat an additional armored car company has offered a Britain Avenue?” tage of men In the workforce by a large or Ihiek pan 4-. Connecticut. At left is FBI agent Dick Farley. Kd ■ ^ much is unlikely, Claldwell aaid, ao 'Hinii Plus 2 Pizza. Man found In van with dead woman employers need to make it more Orttssr Limit one par eualomar per vMt. A Nevipivw hi EdocatioB Program feaalble and attractive for women •TrifM Mirrar ^ Not good on olhor appals, OFF D EEP R IVE R — A New London man was arrested on a murder Union says troopers The Quiz to work. •DoiMt Door Wordroho offar good through 6/22/87 charge Tuesday after he was found in the back of a van with a The Manchester Herald "The quickest way to make a dent 20% OFF Expires 3/15 dead woman, state police reported. : in the labor ahorta^ in Connecticut •Nlghtstood COLD CASH A state police trooper on routine patrol spotted the van parked ' is to provide day care," (Tidwell any one single item you choose used as scapegoats i said Tuesday. $ L 7 5 Any ona item — Reg. price on the shoulder of Route 9 northbound at 3:40 a.m., a state police •van If that Item ia on aala atraadyl spokeswoman said. When the trooper looked inside the vehicle he Other bills pending before the & sale items included C oupon axpiraa April 12, 1987 found Johnnie Wynn, 31, with the body, the spokeswoman said. By Brant Laymon the night shift and one the day shift , General Assembly would: <*44 *1998 OFF The victim, Carla Davis, 25, of New London, died of a single Tha Assoclatad Prats — were responsible for patrolling • Increase the limit on the Sata good through March 17 Nota: Only ona coupon par Item, plana stab wound to the chest, according to the State Medical the section of 1-95 where Young’s number of cMMren that Can be Examiner’s irffice In Farmington. HARTFORD - Union officials carwas found theday after the Jan. watched at a day care home. JEFFERSON PINE ft OAK Cq/ uqI Lady • Eatabliih a bind to help family Wynn was being held on a $280,000 bond, state police said. say problems within state police 22 snowstorm. Hours — Mon, Wad 10-6 and not two troopers are to blame State Police Commander Lester ; day care providers pay for liability 647-8409 Thur., Fr110-9, Sat 10-5:30, Sun 12-S for the fact that a Rye, N.Y., man J. Forst acknowledged later that > insurance. O’Neill elgnt bank bill lay dead in his car for 24 hours certain state police procedures • Eliminate the fee to register before being found during a Janu­ need to be tightened, but insisted for family day care homes. ' In honor of SAVELI. 60 I SAVE f 4.96 HARTFORD — A bill shortening the time banks may hold a ary snowstorm. the two troopers should have • Provide support services to SAVE *14 check before a depositor can draw against it has been signed into Sgt. d ia ries A. Morrison, presi­ checked Young’s car. family day care providers. ST. PATRICK’S DAY, VITAMIN VITAMIN ALL law. Gov. William A. O'Neill’s office said Tuesday. dent of the Connecticut State Police " It came down to two troopers • And clarity the authority of the Lower Cholesterol The measure, signed Monday, reduces the period from four Union, said Tuesday the state that definitely had the opportunity ' state human resources commia- WO will give ■ days to three for in-state checks and from seven days to five for police barracks in Westport was and didn’t take it. ...” F on t sioner to ensure subtidies are Max EPA out-of-state checks. In addition, checks drawn on the same bank without its commander, short said.’’There was an adequate awared only to registered *S** « F T GERTIFUMTE providers. PLUSH staffed and operating with an number of troopers to do the Job C E must be cleared within a day, down from the current four days. The three committees also 1000 mg The new law takes effect Oct. 1. archaic communication system during this particular storm” Hie Tower Commission’s repoH on the iran-conira affair shafftly on all purchaooo 5 0 0 mg. 4 0 0 I,U, The W est^rt barracks was short ' planned a aeriea of public hearings during the storm. criticized former White House Chief of Staff DonaM Regan. A By Naturemadf b) Nafuremjde "V ery simply, I don’t think they one trooper the evening of Jan. 22 liieaday night in Vernon, Derby, few days ago, the President replaced Regan wHh former *2S** or Moro Four polloe officers Indicted can be held accountable for some­ because two called in sick and Norwich and Norwalk. ANIMALS (CHOOSE ONE Senate Ma|orfty leader. Speaker of the House) thing they had no control o v e r...." authorities only called in one Howard Raker, seen here svith Mr. Reagan. Offer good through March 17 * 5 . 9 9 , # ' ^ BRIDGEPORT — A federal grand Jury has indicted four New Morrison said during a news trooper as a reiriacement, accord­ Accused killer Haven police officers and a former construction company conference at union headquarters. ing to Morrison. :.99o *199 Soviet arms negotiators recently Reg. $19.95 employm on charges they conspired to submit false work claims "Instead of the department Lt. Cornelius Kerwin, com­ Matchwords Como and ooo our ALL NEW Rfg.’2.58 loo s Reg.'6.95 announced that they are now I* pOTvna vor VMcn cwfiVd tnvicfiy Vi PRICE to the federal Enrironmental Protection Agency, U.S. Attorney standing up and saying, 'Our policy mander of the Westport barracks, wiHing to discuss a separate rented chipper HAPPY LEO Colloctlon Rgq. ®36.6S -m CiipG - 8 M : < Stanley A. Twardy Jr. said. didn’t work, this is why and this is was on vacation when die storm hit, 1-disclosc a-watch I agreement on (CHOOSE ONE: The indictment alleges that Detective Donna Amato of New what we’re going to do to change,’ Morrison said. State police authori­ t • I Sale good through March 17 SDI testing, medium-range DANBURY (A P) - An airline Haven, and Officers Joseph Savino of New Haven, Thomas they have discifrtined two troopers ties should have'sent in another 2-replace b-connect PARKADi missWes in Europe). pilot accused of murdering his wife Nutqrangelo of Hamden and Anthony Zembroftski of New unfairly," Morrison said. commanding officer during the and chopping her body to pieces , v - Haven, each submitted claims for work not performed and Troopers Mark Piccirillo and storm, Morrison said, but instead A French court recently convicted 3-tie c-reveal told a rental agent he had aome ?niT HEALTH .N n lG a W receiv^ payments, Twardy said Tuesday. Joseph Santella last week were left the master sergeant in charge. terrorist Georges Ihnjhim Abdal­ : trees to d ea r when he rented a NUTRITION CENTER ^ REED*S, INC, The indictment says the payments occurred from November ordered suspended without pay for "They should have had manage­ lah of murrler. Offktak are now 4- observe d-prmish 2,TRS-pound wood chipping machine 1993 through January 1985 for traffic control Jobs the police a week and transferred to South- ment at (the barracks) and they afraid that other terrorists may on the day ahedisappieared, accord­ bury barracks for failing to find the should have a policy in effect that 5- penalize e-supplant ing to te^m on y In Superior Court. officers held at Spiniello Construction Co. sites. seek revenge for Abdallah’s Prasaat tkia ceawo BAHERY SUMMER LEAGUES body of 67-year-oId Arthur Young of would have allowed more troopers (CHOOSE O N E: 2S-year, IHe) Richard Oenami of Darien Rental to be on the road so this thing SAVING Rye, N.Y. The two appealed their sentence. Piopitwatcii/Sportliiiit Service Oo. said Tuesday that ______CLUB CARD New ffenafaif Legislature passes cable TV bill suspensions on Tuesday. wouldn’t have happened,” Morri­ Richard Crafts was in his store on Young, who died-of a cerebral son said. Scientists recently spotted a CONNECTICUT 1 former First lad yrerentty puH hhcd Nov. 14,1999, and arranged to rent 20% OFPt One tree battery each MEN • WOMEN • MUED MINORS HARTFORD — A legislative committee on Tuesday approved hemorrhage, was found in his car Morrison also released a chronol­ supernova 16),9M light years a book detaRing her stru ggle to over­ . the machine, which leases for $200 month for one year. a bill requiring cable television companies to renew their by his son about 1:30 p.m. Jan. 23, ogy showing that three other from Earth. A supernova is the FORO/ER 50 YEARS come alcohol aitd drug ricpertdency. A per day. Crafts picked up the franchises every 10 years, instead of the current IS. more than 24 hours after he left troopers who were not disciplined, ezplosion that signah the death recent television irtovie also dramatized chipper on Nov. 16 and returned ft tmIUme reeeterif M asrr stack far 89.40 ar laara. BOWL 3 GAMES work at CameraArts Inc., a West- passed Young’s car within hours of a (CHOOSE ON E: star, galaxy). No purchase. The bill represents a compromise from this year’s original her story. on Nov. 21, Cenami said. WITH INVESTMENTS port camera store. Young’s car was after he pulled to the side of the road ‘X>W SALE' fTEWS AM> ‘HV-SrOAE* SAFCfAlS EirCt4A>FO proposal, which would have required renewals every five years K>hn Demianjuk is on trial in Helle Crafts, 39, the pilot’s PAY FOR 2 WITH THIS parked in the westbound break­ during the storm. 2 Dionne Warwick recently won a tiaiir ONE cou^oti pea evsromee pen puncfiAse. and which was vehemently opposed by the cable industry. Israel for the mmrrier of tSARM Dardsh-born wife, was last seen No obligation. TOUCAN down lane of Interstate 95 on the One was on his way to another Grammy fm u ri for her song "Thai’s Nov. IS when co-woticers dropped A federal law that took effect Jan. 1 left state and local lews at a Nazi death camp. COUPON governments with no control over cable rates. The bill was Darien-Norwalk border. patrol, and the other two were so What Frienrh Are For,” a song that her off outside the couple’s home. mousANOS OF n r iF S t o c h o o s e Pick up your B e mian)uk’s defense against the (Good through March 31) FEELGOOD ABOUT Skate police policy calls for busy with accidents and cars raised $7S6,M6 for (CHOOSE ONE: the She was a night attendant with Pan IN OUR HUGE INVENTORY! drafted as a means of maintaining some control over the industry charges has been to plead troopers to stop and examine all stopped in the travel lanes that homeless, AIDS research). . American WorM Airways. card. when cable companies appear before the Department of Public EXFmeS 4/SO/97 ^ NortliMWt Savings abandoned cars. never got the chance to check (CHOOSE ONE: hrsanity, mis­ Cenami’s teaUnnony came on the U tility Control. 3 lackie foyner-Kersee recently became •RUNSWICK The two troopers — one working Young’s car, he said. taken iderttRy). first disy of a Superior Court the eighth female athlete to win the. Mancheater Parfcade OfNee hearing to determine whether tfiere PARKADE (Marahairs Mini Mall) SuRivan award, the top award given to.' is enoogh evidence to prosecute Radio /hack Winner has (CHOOSE ONE: amateut, track-and-, Crafts, 40, who worked as an L A i m = Monday - Friday 12-7 pm fit petoti H you can MamHy this field) athletes in the UnRed States. ' Eastern Airttnea pilot. rm m s 241-6382 or 646-9623 ( 5 ) n o regrets itharwrra) 4 The NCAA recently handed ord Its Also on Itwaday^ Mrs. Crafts’ 6 4 3 - 1 5 0 7 Mernbei FStiC______lad Noverttber, I was harshest penally ever for rt ciwRIng . attorney, Dianne M. Andenen ef BEAVERCREEK, Ohio (AP) - Bred from ^ay Job violaMons. TRUE OR FAISE: The NCAA Danbury, teatifted that her ctient A 18-yeareM Ugh school sopho­ after R was revealed ordered Southern Methodid UtriririRy feared Richard Crafla, whom she FR EE Jar Maftonlin more who won third inrise in a to sR m d o r^ footbafl season. knew to be having an affair. EVERYDAY national competition spent the funds frrtm the Iran ' She toM Jndge Howard J. Mo- 5 LaMavr Hoyt, srho won the American Shoa Craim value) equivalent of the prise money to arms sale to the : raghan that in a converaation with Manchester loogne’s 1964 (CHOOSE ONE: MVP. submit his entry on time, but be contras. Who am I Mrs. Crafts in early November, LOW PRICES says he has no regrets. I and on wlrat agerrey Cy Vorwig Aw or^, was sanpended for a "W e were diaensaint the fact that Choice of Colors, fiM season fee his repeated hwohie- there were loaded gam In the heme Ron Miller, who attends Beaver­ I I dM I serve rmtfl lad Men's — Women's with Minimum •8” * Purchase creek High School In suburban I I merd wRh. drugs. and She MM me if anything ShonM Dayton, won a $989 college scholar­ I cuFm vumumm I VOURROORC:9ttet6t —TOPROORC; happen M her, I shooM not assume & Children ship and a trip to Washington for 61 to 66 petals —CacaRs Id. rite 66 .6 ft was an SKxMent.” ONE PER CUSTOMER I I ; Crafts, a former pait-UmeSonth- Mirchagts Associaliai himself, Ms patents and his adenoe I I • Iti IT (coupon good PMOugh March 81) toacber as third-place winner In the 'hnry pcMoe officer, eiTttred the A Haircut 6 Style competition sponsored by Duracdl I I coBitroom far the hearing smiBng. I fire n e d In a Mne snR, he had Ma b e . I to suit you. Because some last-minute prob­ I I ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ ymndenffa removed hy a Sheriff’s lems developed. Miller missed the I I Jeaiaj SOIV-E !p*<>l 4|I»RH :iH!M11R04S/H31VIMITdOM ; Daribisty State’s AtMraeyWalMr he and his mother took an airplane I I West Middle Turnpike Parkado Barber Skop and hand-deltvered the inventloa to 20 P-S N-p sq-c sa-i !>-i rsanROWHMVW FUmgan has coaBrmed that le- fUaarUeal) 646-1807 I ANY ONE ITEM WITH ONE MARKDOWN Duracoll headquarters in Bethel, I RWHIOSlip Tpaias believed M be Mrs. Crafts’ I Not AppHoaM* To Prior Sal«9 or Spodals, I had fonnd bg HrreeUgsMrs In wood 649-6850 OPEN TUaaday through SOhaday Conn. I -*nMS|HMi|ieNarp|Mra|03iacua«nan:|wvNSXUN — Broad Street Ih o airfare and other travel Ultra Suadab and Shoaa. I lng to avoid fumb. They are anxious to conclude DEcisibNg/ a public clash with independent their probe by the end of die year. A compilation of crime statistics from counsel Lawrence E. Walsh, are Walsh, on ^ other hand, has no seeking a compromise on how municipal police departments in Connecticut, m c h time emstraints, and is swiftly to grant limited immunity to charged with investigating the while not drawing any conclusions about two former Reagan administration matter with an eye toward effectiveness of local operations, appeared to officials. proseenUon. make Manchester’s force look pretty good. Fake bolts "W e will do our utmost to avoid Poindexter, North and Secord this conflict with the counsel, and When towns of similar sise and resources have refused to answer questions I ’m sure we can,” Sen. Daniel voluntarily, claiming the Sth were compared, the 1985 statistics showed Inouye, D-Hawaii, the chairman of Amendnnent right against self- that Manchester spent more per capita on its may cause the Senate committee said .Tues­ incrimination. A limited grant of police force than most municipalities. day, a few hours after Walsh immunity would compel them to declared he would oppose any testify, but block Walsh from using Manchester had a higher number of police attempt to provide immunity for their testimony in preparation of a employees — 2.38 per 1,000 population — than real damage "at least 90 days.” criminal case against them. many other towns. And Manchester had a The congressional committees Walsh also is having trouble with >AFplwte relatively high “ clearance rate” for the and Walsh are investigating the Israel, which has refused to allow A giant salvage crane lifts the first WASHINGTON - Soldiers riding in certain secret sale of U.S. arms to Iran and him to question Israeli agents estimated 135 people died when the number of major offenses reported. Army trucks and armored vehicles better hope that ] the purported diversion of profits involved in the Iran-contra affair, articulated truck from the vehicle deck ferry capsized Friday off fhe Belgian Events since the beginning of 1987, 'unscrupulous foreign bolt makers always make from those sales to the contra LAWRENCE WALSH the Los Angeles Times reported of the capsized ferry Tuesday. An coast. however, make Manchester’s law- counterfeit fasteners as well as generals think they rebels fighting the leftist Nicara­ . . . possible clash today. The Israeli position is do. Otherwise, the steel bolts that hold the vehicles guan government. creating otmtacles to development enforcement effort look pretty bad. Walsh, the government’s prosec­ together could start popping loose. of a criminal case, the newspaper On Jan. 27, a young mother was shot to utor in the Iran-Contra affair, said Under any scenario, Inouye said said. Solvents avoid cleanup crews Counterfeit bolts have turned up in vehicles death in her Congress Street apartment. that if congressional committees It could be the end of May or later Israeli officials have acknowl­ made by four American manufacturers. The bolts before any principal players in the Police could not establish a motive and turned move before 90 days to grant edged participation in arms sales to By Robert Burns retrieved some of the barrels and Sunday with his wife, the DuebeM look like the genuine article but are made with low ' drama answers questions in a limited immunity to former Na­ Iran but have denied any role In The Associated Press would keep trying to scoop up the of York, and visited survivors in a up few clues. They did manage to identify two grade steel. public hearing. tional Security Adviser John Poin­ transferring profits from the deal to others. He said ’TDI was flammable local hospital. suspects, but the two men remain at large. The problem is that generals at Army Tank dexter and former National Secur­ Walsh argued his case for a the contras. ZEEBRUGGE, Belgium - Bar­ but not toxic, and he did not know Capitol Ideas As many as IM people died “ No new developments” is the dally answer to Command are convinced that counterfeits will do ity Counsel aide Lt. Col. Oliver 90-day delay before the House An Israeli Embassy spokesman, rels of a flammable solvent from a how many barrels were left behind. Friday n i ^ when the Herald of questions about the case. the job as long as temperatures do not climb above North, “ we would ... have to do committee Tuesday and arranged a Yossi Gal, said Israel "w ill cooper­ tractor-trailer truck that washed Officials denied reports that toxic 800 degrees. Above that mark, the low grade steels whatever we could to get ourselves session with the Senate panel today. ate fully with all the investigative out the doors of a capsized ferry are chemicals from the overturned Free Enterprise keeled over as it On Sunday, an 88-year-old woman was Senate and House committee left Zeebrugge harbor for the start turning to putty. as much time as possible to perfect bodies on a government-to- eluding salvage crews cleaning up vessel might contaminate the found strangled to death when a fire was set to The quest for fresh air our case.” leaders met Tuesday without Walsh government basis.’ ’ Congressional after the disaster that killed as North Sea. 85-mile crossing to Dover, England, Apparently the generals had not heard the latest cover up the murder in her Mayfair Gardens Walsh said "the danger is sub­ attending. investigators have agre^ to sub­ many as 134 people. At the nearby navql base, prepa­ Fifty-three bodies have been reco­ from experts at the National Bureau of Standards; vered, but 81 are believed trapped stantial" that granting immunity to Both panels were expected to mit written questions to Israel, but Workers aboard a giant floating rations were under way for a visit apartment. Since Monday, police have been By Lawrence L. Knutson The Capitol was far from They found two counterfeit bolts that were 25 inside the stricken ship. still have no windows in their either North or Poindexter ahead of vote for Immunity today for an such exchanges preclude the possi­ crane hauled the truck from 30-foot today by Prince Cliarles, heir to the saying “ no clues, no motive, no suspects.” 8 perfect, he exclaimed. percent weaker than normal — at room chamber from which, to view the his timetable would compromise unidentified person involved In the bility of the direct questioning of seas Tuesday, but its cargo of 25 British throne, who was to meet All 41 of the dead identified were With no arrests for murder, people who live WASHINGTON - A complaint, Why, the Senate’s new vagaries of nature. They have to temperature. So far, bolts of this poor quality have his investigation, which is expected affair. So far. Congress has voted to individuals, the newspaper said. drums of a solvent called TDI, or with those involved in the rescue British. Thirty-three of the bodies near the scenes of the crimes report a growing 106 years old and Ipng ago chamber, built only 20 years content themselves with viewing not been detected by the Arm y or the ' to result in criminal prosecutions. provide limited Immunity to at Meanwhile, House Republican toluene diisocyanade, apparently efforts. were taken back to England on least three people, including fear. The anxiety among residents of Mayfair rendered obsolete by technologi­ before, was so Imperfect it was themselves. manufacturers. But while a 90-day delay is longer Leader Bob Michel, R-III,, said slid back into the cold, murky The prince added the stop to a Tuesday. cal progress, was reviewed on the injurious to the health of senators. than lawmakers are seeking. Sen. North’s secretary. Fawn Hall. Tuesday he had told President water. previously planned visit to NATO Sea water rushing through the Gardens, a complex of housing for the elderly, The issue of immunity Is impor­ floor of the Senate the other day. It was, said Conkling. a stifling, ■ □ □ □ NEVERTHELESS, the generals were so Warren Rudman, R-N.H. said it Reagan that the Iran-contra con­ Hans Walenkamp, chief salvag­ headquarters in Brussels and lunch bow loading doors apparently could be 60 days at the earliest tant because congressional investi­ has led to speeded-up installation of security The 19th-century grumbling windowless "iron box from which concerned about fake bolts that they ordered the troversy has reduced support in ing officer for Smit Tak, the Dutch with Belgian King Baudouin. caused the vessel to capsize, but From his pulpit, which is realty before congressional Investigators gators say that they are not likely to (in gress for future assistance to lighting and overnight patrols of the grounds. was about hot air. neither sky nor earth nortree nor four vehicle makers to stop^ising them. But the company hired to raise the vessel, Prince Andrew, Charles’ younger investigators say they have not the desk of the president of the actually question the witnesses. learn the full story behind the the contras. said Tuesday night his teams had brother, came to Zeebrugge on found out why the doors were open. But those steps can do little to calm Mayfair’s The ancient complaint is one of any other of nature’s signs are Senate, the Rev. Richard C. generals weren’t worried enough to order residents. many memories being rolled out visible.’’ Halverson presides as Senate replacement of counterfeit bolts in existing It is alarming that as the days go by. there and re-examined by Senate Re­ In America, said Conkling. only chaplain. vehicles, or even to order an immediate halt to use Test drugs is less of a chance that either murder will be publican leader Bob Dole of prisoners In penitentiaries are His parlshoners are 100 of the of the potentially disastrous bolts. Instead, they Kansas these days as the Senate denied a glimpse of the outside gave the manufacturers two months to use up the solved. Police officers admit that If a suspect most powerful producers of legis­ Get a 1986 tax deduction and earn celebrates the bicentennial of the world and "fresh, common air.” fakes they may have in their Inventories. hasn’t been arrested within 48 hours of a lation and purveyors of political may be put FIfst IM eial Savings Constitution. . Even inmates of "mad houses" opinion in the land. In a Nov. 10,1080, memo obtained by our high, tax-deferied interest. crime. It’s unlikely police will ever be able to Dole takes a nioment of the had fresh air and a view, he said. And Halverson is prompt to associate Stewart Harris, Brig. Gen. Carl W. find a suspect. 1-YEAR TERM Senate’s time nearly every day to And only senators were denied remind them that they possess a Tipton granted the waivers to four defense on market 7^ amof^banks One reader of the Manchester Herald, dart in and out of the Senate’s them. privileged position. contractors so they could use substandard steel foibles, quirks and historic tri­ "Why is it that coming here in bolts until Feb. 1. The companies and the A rm y whose letter to the editor was not published In his opening prayer one day By Jarrv Estlll FSLIC East Hartford. Glastonbury. South Glastonbury, umphs and defeats, reviewing an the morning and feeling very well, vehicles they make are FMC Corp., MllSand because it was submitted anonymously, last month, Halverson warned The Associated Press Manchester. Vernon, Rockville and South Windsor event that happened on the day he after a short time we feel as If a Bradley Fighting Vehicle personnel carriers; BMY suggested that Manchester was becoming a against undue pride of place, is speaking sometime in the cord was bound tight around our focusing on his senatorial pack Corp., field artillery ammunition carriers and MOB WASHINGTON — Drug compan­ town of unsolved murders. " I f you ever ^ ^ Rale%Rale ^ % Yield Senate’s history. heads over our eyes?” Conkling and imploring; "Save them from recovery vehicles; Emerson Electric, M081 ies would be allowed to sell 700 723 thought about committing murder and getting experimental drugs to patients with He calls .these "Bicentennial asked. subtle, self-centered ego-swelling fire-support-team vehicles; and Oshkosh Truck, The new tax laws may affect your because of our high rate and away with It, Manchester is the place to do Minutes” He said he had determined that heavy, multi-use trucks. AIDS and other life-threatening forces which dally, relentlessly, diseases under regulations pro- IRA deduction for 87, but for tax FSLIC insurance (up to $100,000). And so Dole came, on Feb. 23, to the cause was the fact that the It,” the correspondent wrote. pursue those who have been given posed by the. Reagan year '86 the IRA is still the best it will remain one of the safest, Feb. 23. 1861 and a debate over Seqate air was too dry, too stale, OF THE FOUR contractors, only Oshkosh said it When that study of 1985 crime statistics the privilegeofthiselite, powerful administration. retirement tax shelter available. highest-yielding investments you whether the Senate should buy even though some relief had been discarded its stock of counterfeit bolts or sent them came out last week, Manchester police group.” The new regulations, which With an IRA, you can reduce your can make. land for a new library of Congress. obtained by "setting out pan after • Halverson’s perceptive back to its supplier. The three other companies would take effect 90 days after officials declined to comment on it. saying it accepted the Army’s reasoning that counterfeit taxable income for '86 by de­ At the time, the library was pan” of water in the basement to peroration: publication in the Federal Register So get the big tax advantages of an would require evaluation. wedged into quarters in the evaporate and raise the humidity bolts presented no problem — until after Feb. 1. ducting up to $2,(XX) from your "Save them from professional­ within the next few days, would, in Eagle IRA while there’s still lime. They were wise to withhold comment, Capitol itself, its books spilling off of the air in the chamber above. " I ’m appalled,” said Tommy Grant, the essence, recognize procedures al­ gross income — or up to $4,000 if ism — from being proud, pom­ Call any office of First Federal considering their record on major crimes this the shelves and piled in stacks on The New York member recalled ‘ pous, power-conscious, purvey­ country’s premier crusader against substandard ready used to make anti-AIDS drug you're married and both work. AZT available to thousands of Savings and find out more about year. the floor. the day when the Senate had been ors of empty promises.” bolts. " It ’s not the general who is going.to get killed patients prior to formal approval While the new tax laws may affect all the IRA options available to you Sen. Roscoe Conkling. R-N.Y., sitting behind closed doors for an To which some might add; if these bolts fail; it’s the soldiers.” thought it was a bad idea. impeachment trial while the Grant, a Houston-based bolt maker, has been b y th e Food and Drug your IRA deductions in the future, Open or add to yours before April “ Please” Administration. The library should stay put, he working on the counterfeit problem with the interest you earn with an Eagle 15th, take a 1986 deduction and temperature outside was “ one The decision to put forward IRA will remain sheltered and tax- • save on taxes now while saving for said, and the Capitol should be hundred and seven degrees in the Lawrence L. Knutson covers congressional and military investigators since last long-pending rules on expedited enlarged to accommodate it, even shade.” Capitol Hill for The Associated year. The counterfeit bolts originate mainly in handling of certain kinds of new deferred until withdrawal. Plus, the future. if that meant raising the Capitol’s " I remember that it took one P r n s . Asia. drugs apparently was made with a dome and building library stacks member of the Senate three years Also expressing shock was (Charles Wilson of the nudge from Vice President George beneath it. to rise from the blow which he Industrial Fastener Institute in Cleveland. He Bush, who Just returned from a Dole said that Conkling proba­ suffered on the occasion of that recalled a recent T V report in San Jose, Calif., on political foray to Iowa. bly was against the idea of impeachment.” Conkling said. Letters policy the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, in which a man A trio of government health officials outlined the proposal Tues­ building a new library building, Ultimately, of course, theinven- The Manchester Herald wel­ claiming to be a mechanic at FMC Corp. told how day at a hastily arranged news something that was done a decade tionofairconditioningtookcareof bolt heads on the Bradley kept popping off. Instead comes original letters to the conference that started shortly There’s stiU time of replacing the bolts, the man said, the bolt heads or so later, because his political the hot air problem. editor. after Bush’s press office announced enemies thought the move was a Senators may still get hot under Letters should be brief and to were simply glued back on to pass Army that a task force headed by the vice great idea. the collar. the point. They should be typed or inspection. president had directed the action. Continuing the history lesson. But the air around them is neatly handwritten, and, for ease In a related development, a Dole said that the record shows generally cool enough in the in editing, should be ­ AN FMC SPOKESMAN denied the accusaUon. House panel heard testimony Tues­ to get the big summer, warm enough in winter. " If the mechanic is correct,” Wilson said, "they day that AZT would cost the typical C 1M7 by NEA. Hk that when another senator de­ spaced. Letters must be signed clared that the Capitol was perfect And the humidity is Just about with name, address and daytime have a significant problem.” He said the breakage AIDS sufferer 87,000 to $10,000 a "OK, suppose we did stop the arms race. as it stood and should not be right. telephone number (for verifica­ could have been due to improper tempering by the year once it formally goes on the Then how would everybody make a LIVING?’’ deformed. Conkling erupted. But 106 years later, senators tion) . bolt manufacturer. market later this year. This raised concern that some lu X CKIVIIIITCigCS “ These bolts might have been full of thermal patients might not be able to afford stress,” Wilson explained, "and when subjected to the drug, which is not represented the first transient load during testing, the heads fell as a cure but has prolonged the lives Wallowing in success at the JJB dinner off.” of some AIDS patients. A Tank (fommand spokesman said it’s Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-Calif., of an impractical to test every bolt, and added that its nevertheless quick to impose rules on state parties. chairman of the Commerce health Polls closed at 8 p.m. Nov. 4 in the last state quality-control specialists have yet to find a subcommittee, told officials of Joyce Krinitsky of Plymouth said it’s hard to tell election, but victorious Democrats are still counterfeit bolt that fails below 500 degrees. Burroughs Wellcome Co. he could celebrating — as though the momentum will keep the national committee about problems when its not “ second-guess” their pricing Connecticut members rarely show up for As for the prevalence of counterfeit bolts, a growing and make the next test in 1968 a piece of spokesman for BM Y said the company identified decision on AZT because the Capitol Democratic State Central Committee meetings. So company has declined to make EnglelRA. cake. 250.000 counterfeits out of 750,000 supposed Grade 8 That was the feeling at this year’s there are a few brush fires that smoulder within the public the costs it incurred in Comments party despite its commanding position in the state bolts. Emerson Electric said it found none that developing the drug. Jefferaon-Jackson-Bailey dinner in Hartford, the would fail below 500 degrees. FMC’s spokesman Bob Conrad ^ just now. But he said, "W e can easily see traditional major fund-raiser, where a net take of said that between 20 percent and 90 percent of its large numbers of patients going 1285,000 set a record for the party here and the level • DEMOCRATS HOLD A LL of the cards, bolstered Grade 8 bolts were counterfeits in tests done before without this drug, which we would of euphoria was as high as it's ever been. tangibly now by the grand proceeds from this Feb. 1. Oshkosh found "six or seven” counterfeits all consider unethical and unaccep­ "The party’s coming back,” U.S. Sen. Chris table, and we’re going to have to year’S’dinner (Droney thanked the diners for the in tests of 170 Grade 8 boits. Dodd said to reporters before the dinner— coming monitor this situation very "blank check” they provided) plus a kitty of 150,000 back from the days of such superstars as Abe closely.’ ’ in ace fund-raiser George Hannon’s committee to RM Ny on Mgh Ribicoff, Ella Grasso and Bob Giaimo, with a new AZT, orazidothymidine, has been help Democratic campaigns ahead. Nepal, the tiny Himalayan kingdom of 14.5 young crop of leaders. Big Democratic Brother will be able to identify, undergoing clinical trials for 18 V^at they must keep in mind, however, is that million, was h o^essiy unprepared for the world It was the biggest bash the party has had in track down and nudge to the polls every likely voter months. there is no way to go but down when they are explosion in drug use, yet now it has an estimated Last week, the British gOvem- Connecticut, pushing out the Walls at the Parkview for the party’s candidates. perched on top as king of the hill. Conversely, there 18.000 to 15,000 addicts. Until 15 years ago, _ ment approved AZT for the treat­ Hilton to accomnnodate nearly 1,400 Democrats But that is tomorrow’s business. For now. the is no way to go but up for the currently bankrupt according to House investigators who recently ment of AIDS in that country. and a few Republicans who were, in most cases, dinner showed, there’s still time to wallow in Republican party in this state. visited Katmandu, there wasn’t even a Nepalese Authorities said it appears to lohhjrists sm art enough to know where the action oucesss. Gov. Bill O’Neill was crowing about the prevent the AIDS virus from And the impetus for either could easily be a word for drug addiction. Now, in addition to will be as long as these other guys are in charge on Nov. 4 blowout and how it refuted pundits and t reproducing although it is not a spinoff from next year’s presidential election — widespread drug use by natives and many of the Capitol Hill. others of weak faith who were premature with their cure. Wellcome is investing about tourists drawn to the remote, mountainous obituaries for the party after Ronald Reagan’s one over Which the state parties will have little Its million in Britain and the United control. So far. the Democratic field isn’t country, Nepal is also a major transit point for TH E J J B . as this social is usually called. showed landslide two years earlier. States on new plants to produce the especially impressive. One barometer; The carefril dope traffickers. again that nothing succeeds like success. So many drug, which is derived from the talent scout, Hartford’s Peter Kelly, says he’s still sperm of herring. ^ wanted to be there (translation: see and be seen in STILL, DEMOCRATS have a way to go before weighing possibilities. " I don’t want to be critical of you theoeheady suhoundings) that some 200 were they can expect 1968 to be automatically theirs. Is So Democrats cannot dwell too long on 1986 with because you are operating within denied tickets in the days just prior to the dinner. there a residue of feeling about TV>by M offett’s 1988 sneaking up. illaitrlipatpr Hrrald the system,” Waxman told com­ In these circumstances, it was easy to forget that challenge for governor last year? Leaders in the pany officials. "You’re benefitting political success must be renewed regularly at the United Auto Workers who had supported Moffett Fo u n d ed In 1981 from It, but you’ve done well for polls. State Chairman John Droney said, to that wondered when they arrived for the dinner and If you < society in producing this drug. But end, that much of the revenue from this year’s found their tables in a room distant from the Legislatcrs who are eager for five-nnonth PB4NV M. SIEFFOT... It highlighu the dilemma for us.” oouQLAS A. acvms.. dinner would be invested in “ sophisticated” ballroom. sessions in even years ought to knock off the line EwouHovEddw Although AZT has been availa­ ALEXANOEn QinGLU .. AnodSMEdXor equipment to keep the party rolling toward even And some repairs to ties between state and about easing their work load in handling a flood of ble, there has been no way under better days. national party organiutions need to be made. John bills in shorter sessions. It’sam ess ofthkirown oENtsE A. nooenrs..... existing rules that the developer ... ASiurtWng OkaoMr could charge for the drug. The new Under Droney. the party moves deeper into Sullivan of Manchester pointed out to the last doing, one they can fix by restraint, not by picking MAUK F. ASnAinS. .... B u U n w M e m o * SHELDON COHEN .. ..CompoUns M anigpr rule would allow drug companies to hightech operations, which were a priority of his policy board meeting that the Democratic National the public’s pocket to pay for longer sessions. The nooEnTH. HuauAwo... charge for certain drugs while they Committee, which hasn’t masterminded a ...SraMroom M m w s w Predecessor, Tim Moynihan (honored at the dinner state needs two more nranths in even years like the JEANNE Q. mOMERIH .. .. ClreuNMen Mu m u * are in the experimental stage. for his performance at the helm ). With nnore time. presidential election victory since 1968, is Capitol needs polka dots on its golden dome. o » — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. March 11.1987 ‘Hmn/ lob’ to m g A W ^'F K a , mKAW, Ww^rntn. WaavS » . m O - f Town GOP hails new state chairman SPORTS

B y O c e ro t Loyno mas H. Ferguson said this morning “ I think we need new Mood.” inevitaMe. ontf Andrew Yurkevtlcv he had similar problems with Bolton’s Mark Johnson and Co­ Johnson said he is still a candi­ MoncItMter Herald D’Amore. even though he thought ventry’s Gregg E. Batterson date in the May • election of two D’Amore did a good Job. The only dropped out of the race for state central committeemen from the 4th Menchester area Repubticana contact he ever had with the Whalers can’t handle party chairman at the last minute Senatorial District. Owen has an­ today hailed the selection of Robert Republican State Central Commit­ during Tuesday night’s meeting of nounced she will not seek re- S. Foiiner of l>arhain as interim tee was a quarterly letter asking for Republican State Antral Commit­ election to the committee, but state party chairman, and said they money. tee members in Waliinj^ord. John­ Agostinelli has not yet made up his hoped his selection will lead to Ferguson said Foiiner, selected son and Batterson. chairmen of mind. Joe Broder, a Glastonbury improved communication between ’Tuesday night, will ’’have a hard their respective town committees, RepuMIcan who is also running for explosive Nordiques local and state party officials. Job filling in for Tom D’Amore.” He were considered long shots in a field one of the two slots, sought the "He’s going to work on local said that coming after the party’s of 10 candidates for the state GOP’ s support of the Bolton GOP commit­ elections and I ’m looking forw;ard wide-ranging defeat in November, top post. tee ’Tuesday night. QUEBEC (AP)-MichelBerger­ Molleri were the other Quebec Canadiens. Hartford haa played to that,” said Manchester Town it will be difficult to rebuild the Johnson said this morning he Johnson characterized his chan­ on’ ! foture, aa well aa hia team’ a scorers. one less gawie. Chairman Donald K. Kuehl. While GOF. He said improved communi­ decided to pull out of the race after ces in the committee election as playofr hopea, miipit be under a The Whalers expected a strong Evans was eautious, however, he thought the former state chair­ cation is essential if this is going to seeing how it was shaping up. He “ very strong.” cloud. But the Nordlquea’ change. game firom the Nordlquea. about the lead over Oie aeeond- man, Thomas J. D’Amore, was a said that Nancy Gwen of Glaston­ I n ; the coming weeks, town aaw the proapect of clearer akiea in Former Republican state Rep. “ Quebec is to the point where it ia piace Montreal Canadlena. good leader, he complained that bury and Nathan G. Agostinelli of committees in Bolton, Manchester, Qoehep’a 8-4 victory over the there was little cooperation or Elsie “ Biz” Swensson of Manches­ do or die and they really came to ’’Even if we have a six-point lead, Manchester, the central committee Glastonbury, Hebron and Columbia Hartford Whalera contact with him. ter also complained that while she representatives from the 4th Sena­ play," aaid Kevin Dtneen, who it’s not that much and it’s never will choose delegates to elect the4th “ Don’ t be negative,” he told one Kuehl said that under party was in the legislature, there was torial District, had pledged their district committeemen. Manches­ scored his Slat goal. enough,” he said. reporter who noted that although PanI Lawless. Kay Ferraro and by-laws, town chairmen should little communication between D’ A­ support and were prepared to ter wilt name 13 delegates and The victory gave Quebec sole meet twice a year with the state more and GOP elected officials. Quebec outahot Hartford 48-28 and Stewavt Gavin also scored for the nominate him. Glastonbury will select 8. ’Two possession o f fourUi iHace in tbe chairman. While he asked for such However, she said she is hopeful broke a flve-game winleaa atreak, Whalera. Since Owen and Agostinelli prob­ delegates each will be named from race for the Adams Division’s final meetings with D’Amore. one was this will change. ably would have had to switch their the dub alao diaplayed ahaky The Whalers’ big line of LawIcM. Bolton. Hebron and Columbia. playoff berth. never scheduled, he said. “ He looks like a very personable votes on a second ballot. Johnson Batterson was not availaMe for defenae in Tueaday night’a victory. Dineen and Ron Francis had ITie NonHques now have 57 Republican Town Director Tho­ person.” Swensson said of Poiiner. said he decided not to delay the comment this morning. “ Thia waa 8 big victory for ua,” another good night with six points, points, two more than the Buffalo Bergeron aaid. “ Why do you want to giving them a total of 36 pointa in Sabres. Buffalo has played one less be negative?” their last four games. game. The Nordlquea fell into laat place Hartford coach Jack Evans ex­ GOP hopeful seeks Bolton support during the akid. raiaingthe possibil­ pected the Nordiques to apply seme Quebec is 22 points behind ity of missing the playoffs. Iwt offensive pressure, but the fero­ first-place Hartford, but as far as Bergeron, wlHwe Job is rumored to By Andrew Yurkovsky cious Quebec attack was more than MoIIot to concerned, the Nordiques said his own experience campaign­ years ago and continues to practice Herald Reporter members also suggested local be on the line, doesn’t want to hear even he bargained for. have the Whalers right where they ing for state representative would law in Colchester. Republicans, who now hold three of more bad news. ” I never thought we’d give up want diem. help GOP campaigns throughout Broder said Lou Rome, the BOLTON — A Glastonbury Re- the five seats on the Board of “ We’ re headed to calmer, clearer that many shots in the game.” said ’ ’We’ve done well against the the 4th Senatorial District. unsuccessful 1982 Republican gub­ jniblican seeking support In the Selectmen, play up the accomplish- skies.’ ’ he said with a smile "W e’ve Evans. "You won’t win too many Whalers an season, at home and in Bolton’s GOP Chairman Mark ernatorial candidate, is the politi­ May election of the GOP State ments of the present been waiting a long time for a good gannes that way.” Johnson is also a candidate for one cal figure he most admires because Hartford.” he said. ’’They’re the Central Committee was applauded administration. team performance like thia. It’s The loss was a rare one for of the two 4th District slots on the of his ability to take a stand and bis team we want to play in the by the Republican Town Commit­ Selectman Carl A. Preuss told AP photo Ideasant.” Hartford. Going Into the game, the central committee. Johnson, who unwillingness to equivocate. “ I playoffs. tee after his address Tuesday night, committee members that the plat­ Michel Goulet led the Nordlquea lost a bid for state GOP chairman always hoped that some day people team had lost only two of its ’’This really was a M g win for but local Republicans did not vote form should reflect the fact that with two goals, including the Tuesday night, was not at Tues­ would say that Joe Broder is like previous 10 starts. 08." to endorse him. most people vote their pocketbook. day's meeting. Lou Rome.” he said. Top Gun' on sale winner, in the third period. Jean- , The Whalers remain in first (Mace Hartford is Nn k in action toMgM Joe Broder. a member of the GOP “ The largest issue that we have is to Francols Sauve Normand Roche­ Nathan G. Agostinelli of Man­ In other business, the town in the Adams Division with 79 at home at the Civic Center against Quebec’s Normand Rochofort (l«ft) boards in th«ir NHL gam*Tueaday nfglit town committee In Glastonbury, face the relationship between the Production worker Ling Haii readies videocassettes of chester and Nancy Owen of Glas­ committee raised a number of fort. Mike Eagles and Randy points six ahead of the Montreal the Calgary Flames. asked for the support of the Bolton needs of the town and how much checks Hartford’s Doug Jarvis aiong the at Le Colieee. The Nordiquee won, 6-4. tonbury currently represent the 4th potential issuM for the party’s the Paramount movie, "Top Gun," for shipment from the party in his campaign to represent people are going to pay in July,” he District on the state committee, but platform in the May 4 municipal said. Beli & Howeli Coiumbia Video Services dupiicating plant the 4th Senatorial District on the Owen will not seek another two- elections, but the group held off James H. Marshall, school board In Northbrook, III., recently. The movie, with cassettes State Central Committee. He prom­ year term and Agostinelli has not adopting an actual platform until chairman, said the GOP ought to ised that if elected he would attend decided whether he will run again. priced at $26.95, will be on sale today. meeting again on Monday. make known the quality of the Flames continue at least half of Bolton’s town From 1980 to 1982. Broder was The committee considered as committee meetings in an effort to school system and the high level of stale representative from the 48th campaign goals a review of the stay in touch with the concerns of achievement by its students. He Congressional District, which at school curriculum and continued the local party. said that a review of the school that time included Colchester. commitment to Improving roads During a town committee meet­ curriculum would ensure that the Salem and Montville. He moved to and carrying out renovations to the road expertise standards of the school system are ing in the Community Hall. Broder Glastonbury from Colchester two Rent pitch begins community hall. Committee maintained.

Continned from page I cases from Manchester, the third By Kan Rappoport highest of towns served, according Tha Assoclotad Prass I OH pool late, but money Is ahead increase,” she said. to information provided by Nigoi; In Manchester. Nigol said there NULRommamp Most of these were for information The Calgary Flames currently are a significant number of retalia­ By John Mitchell or counseling about evictions, ren< have the best road record in the weeks ago. Moyer said $15,000 was the end of this month.” he said. zation’s open house and graduation tory rent increases imposed by Herald Reporter increases, and repair problems. NHL. and Washington’ s Mike committed from Lydall Inc., which Van Dine said the instructors on the Sunday before Memorial landlords against their tenants who Nigol and the center's executive Gartner doesn’t wonder why. w ill be paid in two $7,500 should be swimming in the pool Day. complain about conditions. Al­ " B ^ t e d by three donations in the installments. director, Susan Harkett-Turley, “ They fdayed an excellent road ItindBiB B, PonguinB t regularly before the season ends in Van Dine said the pool looked though she could not document this, past two weeks totaling more than appeared before the directors to game, th ^ were really aMe to slow Mikko Makela, Brent Sutter n d Tuesday. Moyer said Connecticut May. exactly as she pictured it would. she said that without a fair rent 830.000. officials building a pool for request that the town contribute the pace down and contrM us,” Duane Sutter scored ■ecood^erlod Bank and Trust Co. agreed to Volunteers for lOH are already ’ "They’ve always met the criteria of commission, complaints to a hous­ the handicapped at Manchester $7,000 this year to their operations. Gartner said following Calgary’s goals to lead tbe Islaoders ever donate $10,000 to the pool fund. This beginning to plan the opening the dream I had.” she said. “ It’s ing court can only be made if a rent High School will finish the project a Manchester currently contributes 6-3 victory over the struggling PIttMiorgta. will be paid in four K.500 blocks. ceremonies in May, which will be hard to believe the group could pull increase is retaliatory — something little past the projected date but nothing to the center, although towif Capitals Tiiesday night. PHUburgh bad taken a 1-6 la id 12 Construction of the pool, which held in conjunction with the organi­ off this event.” difficult to prove. with more money than planned. will measure 24 feet by 42 feet and is officials refer cases to them, they The victory was the second seconds M o tbe aecond period on a “ We’ re obviously pleased.’’ said attached to the existing swimming In 1986, the center handled 186 said. ! straight m i the' Flames’ recent power-play goal by Moe ManOu Dr. David Moyer, chairman of the complex at the school, began in eastern road trip and boosted their before tbe Islan dm turned Ok board of directors for Instructors of August. Town-8th meeting off overall record away from hnne to game around. TbegonlabyMaiwUi the Handicapped. “ It really puts us Jennifer Van Dine, a spokeswo­ 18-15-0,. The Smythe Division­ and tbe Sutter brotbera gave New in pretty good shape.” man for lOH, said the 30 instructors The meeting between negotiators said. No reason for the cancellation Preschoolers on rise leading Ednnonton Oilers, with a York a 3-1 lead and tbe lalandera lOH, a non-profit organization had a tag sale fund-raiser at the from the town of Manchester and was given. 17-15-1 mark, are the only other cHnebed it mi Ari Haanpaa’a goal that has been raising money since Army and Navy Club last weekend the Eighth Utilities District sche­ The two sides have been meeting NHL team with a winning road early in tbe tMrd period. 1986 to build the special shallow which raised about $1,300. "Over 60 duled for tonight at 7:30 has been since January to reach an agree­ Continued from page 1 growth rate, it trails the perfor-, record. Mike Bossy bad a goal, bis ITtb, pool, is still $40,000 short of the families donated Items.” she said. canceled. Mayor Barbara B. Wein­ ment on longstanding sewer ser­ mance of older Americans who; Hama pttolo by Pinto Tuesday night’s victory avenged and an assist as the Islanders ended 8334,900 cost oif the project. Of the “ It was really a success.” berg said this morning. vice and fire protection problems. overall — and the focus of society helped by Improving health care, a loss lo Washington last month in Pittsburgh’s two-game winning shortage, $10,000 is in pledge Officials had predicted the pool may well change to reflect that. are extending their numbers as Manchester High players congratulate each other after 8:15 at Glastonbury High School In . a second-round Calgary and sent the Caps down to streak. The Pengulna have not won money. would be open March 15 but Moyer Two weeks ago, both negotiating Census population expert Louisa lifespans Increase. Monday's 56-51 overtime victory over Simsbury High at their third straight loss. “ They more than two consecutive games Besides a $7,500 foundation grant, The meeting will be held either Class LL Division clash. didn’t play the same type of game since opening the season wftb a said it may take a little longer. teams began discussing proposals Miller commented. The nation’s second-fastest grow­ Clarke Arena. The Indians oppose Windham tonight at the organization received about two “ The pool will have water in It by next Wednesday or March 25, she each side made last month. As of July 1,1986, the median age ing segment is aged 85 and over, a they p la y ^ against us in Calgary,” team-record aeven atraigbt victories. of all Americans was 31.8 years, group increasing rapidly as the said the Flames’ JohnTonelll. “ Out meaning half of the people were national life expectancy lengthens. there, they played almost a perfect The victory gave the aecond- older than that and half younger. Miller said. defensive game. Tonight they tried place Islanders 70 points and a Obituaries The median age was 30.9 in 1980 and Nationally, the age 85 and over MHS faces Windham tonight at GHS to take it to us, and we were able to four-point lead on third-place Wa- handle it.” . sbin^on in the Patrick Divialon. has been increasing steadily since group increased 24.8 percent to 2.8 1971, when it was 27.9. million between 1980 and 1986. In other NHL action. It was the Pittsburgh missed a chance to Reflecting that, changes may GLASTONBURY — The Manchester High their first post-season win since 1981. The winner of tonight’s second round game New York Islanders 6, Pittsburgh move into fourth place and re­ husband of Ann (Withington) Ben­ and Agnes Meeks of Mount Cle­ vae of Vernon, Mary Jane Pasca- That big percentage increase ig occur in the development and sale boys’ basketball team, 13-8, embarks on its Manchester is the No. 8 seed in the region will advance to the Class L L quarterfinals 3; Quebec 6, Hartford 4. and mained fiftb, one point behind the Susan Bldwell nis and the brother of Elizabeth mens, Mich.; and two grandsons. relli of Manchester and Madeline helped by the relatively small total of products and services and in the next test In the Class LL State Tournament while Windham, a CCC East Division rival, is Friday at a site and time to be announced. Vancouver 7, Detroit 4. New York Rangers. Susan (Kerr) Bldwell, 84. for­ Lips of Manchester. She was predeceased by a, son, Cheverier of West Hartford; and number of people in the group. expectations of people and compan­ tonight at 8:15 against Windham HlglA at the top seed. Rookies Joe Nieuwendyk and merly of North School Street, died Besides his wife and sister, he is Walter G. Oakes. seven grandchildren. Miller pointed out, but it still is a ies, the study said. Glastonbury High School. ^ Manchester and Windham. 17-3, met twice The Indians are led by 5-11 senior guard Gary Roberts scored second-period this morning at a Manchester survived by a son, Timothy J. - The funeral will be Friday at 9:15 Thefuneral will be Thursday at II significant growth rate. For example, the McDonald’s during the regular season. The Whippets Rob Greene, who is averaging nearly 17 goals to rally Calgary. Their goals PanuefcB 7, Wings 4 convalescent home. She was the Bennis of West Haven; his mother. a.m. at theFarley-Sulllvan Funeral a m. at the Ladd Funeral Home. 19 fast-food chain currently is trying The game will be the second part of a defeated the Indians, 64-53, at Windham in tbe points per game. Bruce Rosenberg, a 6-5 gave the Flames a 3-2 lead they Third-period goals by Jim Sand- widow of George M. Bldwell. Beatrice (Therkelson) of Glaston­ Home. 96 Webster St.. Hartford, Ellington Ave.. Rockville. Burial to recruit older workers, a reflec- doubleheader with Hartford Public and first game of the year for both squads. senior who had a career-high 28 points never lost. ' ■ lak, Petri Skriko and Rich Sutter She was born in Manchester on bury; another sister, Lois Moriarty followed by a mass of Christian will be in Ellington Center Ceme­ fion of the shrinking supply of Hall damage Xavier High of Middletown squaring off in the Manchester gained revenge against Wind­ against Glastonbury in the regular season Nieuwendyk, a 21-year old center led Vancouver over Detroit in a Jan. 3,1903, and had been a lifelong of ^u th Windsor; and two grand­ burial at 10 a.m. in Immaculate tery with full military honors. youngsters to work the counters. opener at 6;30 p.m. ham with a 56-50 victory over the CCC East finale. Is averaging 13 points per game. who signed with the Flames last game punctuated by a brawl in the resident. She was a member of children. He was predeceased by Conception Church, Park Street. Calling hours are today from 2 to 4 Economic damage from hall lr( Between the 1980 national head The Indians defeated Simsbury.,56-51, in regular season co-champions on Jan. 30 at Windham is led by its 6-6 center Jacques Thursday after playing three sea­ third period. Second Cobgregational Church and his father, Joseph J. Bennis Sr. the United States, prim arily Hartford. Burial will be In Cedar p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. overtime Monday night at Clarke Arena for Clarke Arena. Ouimette. sons at Cornell University, scored The victory moved the last-place the Manchester Senior Citizens. ' count and 1986, the number of The funeral will be Thursday at Hill Cemetery. Calling hours are Memorial donations may be through destruction of crops, ex­ at 10:03 of the second period to tie Canucks within eight points of tbe She is survived by one daughter, Americans aged 35 to 44 increased 8:30 a.m. at the Keenan Funeral ’Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 made to the American Lung ceeds that caused by tornadoes. the score at 2-2. Roberts, playing In Los Angeles Kings, who occupy tbe Mrs. Joseph P. (Gloria) Knoff of Home. 238 Elm St.. West Haven, 29 percent to 33.1 million, the new p.m. Association. only his 23rd NHL game, put the last playoff position In the Smythe Bolton; three sons. George E. study said. followed by a mass of Christian Flames ahead at 13; 54. Division standings. Vancouver haa Bldwell of Ellington, Melvin T. burial at 9 a.m. in St. Louis Church And the younger members of the ArbutUB Bheppt baby boom group helped the Clemens threatens to sit out season Mike Vernon posted his 28th 10 games remaining and Loa Bldwell of Manchester and Kenneth in West Haven. Burial will be in St. EMERGENCY goaltending victory of the' season Arbutus (Cheverier) Shepps, 62, Stanley P. Zamulka 25-to-34 age group maintain its Angeles, 13. A. Bldwell of South Windham; 12 Lawrence Cemetery, West Haven. Fire — Police — Medical for the Flames, who equaled a club Stanley P. Zamulka. 71, of position as the largest single age Sandlak, a rookie right wing, grandchildren; and 14 great­ Calling hours are today from 4 to 8 of Ellington, died Monday at By Dave O'Hara Young Award winner would be In a “ I don’t see anything happening, dricks said that an option to sit out record with their 18th road victory. Connecticut Hospice in Branford. Hartford, died Wednesday in Hart­ segment at a total of 42.9 million in broke a 4-4 tie with hia 18th goal of grandchildren. p.m. The Associated Press Boston uniform very soon. In fact, but if I don’t hear from them. I ’ll the 1987 season Is being “ seriously Nieuwendyk said he had a lot of ford. He was the brother of Anne 1986. This group has grown by 15 DIAL 911 the season at 8:84 of the third ’The funeral will be Friday at 11 She was the wife of Paul R. Shepps Clemens and agents Alan and have to try to call them tomorrow.” considered” by Clemens, who led help from veteran Tim Hunter on Czarnota and Mary Nowicki, both percent since 1980. In Manchester period. Skriko added his second a m. at the Holmes Funeral Home. Bom in Vermont, she was a WINTER HAVEN. Fla. - While Randy Hendricks were ready to Boston General Manager Lou Gor­ the major leagues with a 24-4 record his goal. Mary Oakaa of Manchester. While that 15 percent is a strong goal of the game at 7; 48 on a paaa 400 Main St. Burial will be in former resident of Manchester and the Boston Red Sox were ready to strike back with a $1,500 daily man said Tuesday. In his second full season with the “ Timmy took out both defense- Mary (Smith) Oakes, of Hart­ Besides his sisters, he is survived from Sandlak and Sutter got Ma Buckland Cemetery. Celling hours had lived in Ellington for 12 years. fine pitcher Roger Clemens $1,000 a increase in their proposal rejected With a speaking engagement Red Sox. men, and I Just went in and picked ford, died Tuesday at home. She by two brothers, Bruno Zamulka second of the game, an empty-net are Thursday from 2 to 4p.m. and 7 She was a World War II veteran of day until he returns to training last week. scheduled. Gorman did not know Randy Hendricks, speaking for the puck up,” Nieuwendyk said. “ I was the widow of Walter Oakes and the Women’s Army Corps. and Andrew Zamulka, both of score with 28 seconds to play. to 0 p.m. camp, the 24-game winner said he Boston's offer was 8500,000. plus that the Hendricks were waiting to both himself and Alan, said that couldn’t ask for a better way to the mother of Mrs. Joyce Mack- Besides her husband, she Is Hartford; and another sister. Fran­ Referee Dan Marouelll lost con­ Memorial donations may be was set to sit out the 1987 season. incentive clauses totaling 8350,000. meet him if he wished, along with Clemens is “ determined, disap­ start. After a disappointing season owsky of Manchester. survived by a son, Bryan E. Jolly of ces Zamulka of Hartford. trol of the game in the last period made to the scholarship fond of her There seemed to be little evi­ H ie Clemens proposal was for $2.4 the Boston camp media, in pointed and insulted" at Cornell, where we didn’t make Besides her daughter, she is Vernon; a daughter. Arbutus Sey­ ’The funeral will be Friday at 11 and It took several minutes to finish deceased granddaughter; Linda K. dence Tuesday to indicate the million for two years — 11 million in Dunedin. survived by two brothers, Leonard the playoffs, this is a great the game, with five fights breaking Soto Scholarship Fund, care of mour of Sprin^ield. Mass.; three a.m. at the Rose Hill Funeral ^ B ^ o d l a n U 1987 and $1.4 million in 1988. In Gorman’s absence, the Hen­ American League M VP and Cy Please turn to page II opportunity.” out with five seconds to play. South Windsor Bank A Trust Co., Smith of Hartford and Edwin Smith brothers, Damase Cheverier and Home. 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill. ■OAR DENI Sullivan Avenue. South Windsor of St. Clare Shores, Mich.; three Edmond Cheverier, both of West Burial will be in Rose Hill Memorial 06074. sisters, Isabel Drabkin and Gene­ Hartford, and Nelson Cheverier of Park, Rocky Hill. There ore no Time to think of MARCH SPECIAL vieve Schmidt, both of Hartford, calling hours. Windsor; three sisters. Pearl Mil- sowing Flower A JoMph J. Btnnit Jr. Cemplala Lawn NCAA hoop tourney brings us March madness Joseph J. Bennis Jr., 54, of West Vegetable Seeds Care by Oraanvtaw March Madness is upon us. that’s about It for Knight’s crew. Figure one win, Illinois, East— Syracuse, Midwest— LSU, West— flaven. died Monday. He was the *Oraan Pro’’ •Burpee eHartt Otherwise known as the NCAA Basketball Tourna­ maybe two. before It’s all over for Indiana. UNLV. Bob Stowell, a teacher at Bennet filing Junior FUBUCNOnCB ! 4 bags; Pro-grean. ment. the 64-team field gets under way Thursday night High who is also a freelance photographer who la a Grata Prevanter A with games at four sites in each of the four reglonals. THE SOUTHEAST REGIONAL has Georgetown as regular at UConn basketball games, calls it; E a s t- ST. JUDE’S NOVENA SpriBg FHBg — A DMrid TMag | ST. PATRICK'S Food, Waad Con­ *1116 question which everyone wants to know Is T h o u g h t s the No. 1 seed. Need anything else been said. John North Carolina, West— UNLV, Southeast— George­ Thompson was named Coach of the Year in the Big MAY THE SACRED HEART OF TO BENEFIT EIGHTH DISTRICT FIRE DEPARTMENT I DAY trol A Food, Fall "w ho’s going to be NCAA champs in ’87?” A p L ^ t y town and M idw est- DePaul. JESUS BE ADORED, QLORt- Food We’re assured of crowning a new champion with East Conference for leading the youthfol Hoyas to the CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 19S8 | What’s your Final Four? FIED, LOVED AND PRESERVED SNAMROCKS Louisville not in the field. It appears to be wide open regular season and tournament championships and Lsn Austsr look for them to make the trip to New Orleans. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD FRIDAY. APRIL 3. 1987 > with some teams you’d think as among the best being bumped off by some lesser lights, or being bumped off Sports Editor Georgetown is Reggie Williams, but no one has been NOW AND FOREVER. SACRED ARMY 8 NAVY CLUB ! Reg. *75“ Anothtr blow by a substantial margin. really able to stop the 6-7 All-American forward and his HEART OF JESUS. PRAY FOR 1080 Main StraaL Manchaalar, CT ! . Take Purdue for example. The Boilermakers did not teammates are now providing him with support. Perry Carter Is going to Ohio State. The Universibr of US. ST. JUDE, WORKER OF TOYOTA MARCH QUALITY SERVICE BUFFET 7M P.M. I win the Big Ten title this year although many people Georgetown is 10-12 players deep; that’s because Connecticut's coveted recnilt,s whom Coach Jim MIRACLES, PRAY FOR US. ST. FRONT END •PECIAL ’ S#*® thought Coach Gene Keady’s crew would wind up on Thompson isn’t afraid to utlllxe those whom he Calhoun and ataff have targeted aince day out, JUDE, HELP OF THE HOPE­ DANCING 8;S0 P.M. to 12;M A.M. ! top. Ilia t honor went to Indiana, whom a lot of people own backyard In Syracuse. N.Y., while Purdue has the recruits. No team goes deeper. That should translate to announced Monday he was rejecting UConn's ALIGNMENT TO THE MUSIC OF DUBALDO BROTHERS I LESS. PRAY FOR US. SAY THIS s c o r n have underlooked. farthest distance to travel. Purdue and North Carolina another trip to the Final Four. overtures for the one from Gary Wllllanna at Ohio State. PRAYER S TIMES A DAY. BY $1420 o OonsHon $12.50 Per Porton ° ! Indiana is the No. 1 seed Midwest Regional while should wind up in the East Regional final with the Tar UNLV is the No. 1 seed in the West Regional, maybe Another blow to the UConn program; how elae can THE 8TH DAY YOUR PRAYER N.RagaMr'MAO. 4 Bag Full Seaton Program Purdue has been bracketed in the East Regional. Heels finding another way not to make the Final Four. deservedly so. But not much is really known about the you read it. Connecticut has come cloae to two WILL BE ANSWERED. SAY IT waai Ma ceapan. tapliaa 8-61-6T Reg. «79“ , The Midweet Regional lists Indiana as the No. 1 seed. Ruiinln’ Rebels in the east and the one team out west blue-chippers tMs year. Tim SlngMon out of Now FOR S DAYS. IT HAS NEVER PURDUE, DESPITE ITS one-sided loss in the The Hooslers of Coach Bobby Knight won’t be No. 1 in that opens my eyes is Iowa. The Hawkeyes have a solid Orleans who optad for Notre Danw deapito hia claim BEEN KNOWN TO FAIL. PUBU- ViCVE , 500 W . Cm Mw Si . pot NOW ONLY *69!™. regular-season finale to Michigan, should emerge as the region when it’s all said and done. That honor will starting five, an excellent sixth man in Jeff Moe, and that he wanted to play for Calhoun, and now the 4-7, CATKM MUST BE PROMISED. CXyiM OEE one of the elite "Final Four” heading for New Orleans go to Temple. Coach John Chaney haa done quite a Job some other weapons first-year coach Tom Davis can 230-pound Carter, who many call a “ franchlaa playar.’* P0RM3U! TOYOTA LYNCH for games at the Superdome on March 28 and 30. A with the Owls and they have the Ingredients to go quite call upon. They look like a Final Four club. Coming In aecond in recruiting ia like comkig In THANK YOU ST. JUDE. Tol. 648-4321 A w ® IWrRWRHBWB RURTSMOaBWIOE VANCHESTHR CONr^ humorous aspect is that Purdue must get past its a distance in this NCAA Tournament. Look for DePaul tooth. UConn haa continually come cloaa to getUng 6430474 first-round opponent. Northeastern, before it can make to provide the stiffest competition, but the Blue EVERYONE. OP COURSE, has his/her opinion on players. some really loud noises and that’s not going to be an Demons wont’ be able to topple Temple In the regional the Final Pour. Colleague Jim Tierney sees a totally Calhoun and staff have to turn the corner and got easy task. Northeastern is going to be virtually in its championsMp. Indiana will send Fairfield home but different Final Pour. His lineup reads; Southeast— some if it hopes to right the Connecticut program. W -MAHKHE8TEH HEBALP, ■M wehll.lir M A N C m E 8 Tg K W B ItA LP . SggdaMtor. MoffcE I I. I S E T - 11 SCOREBOARD Parrish pitch set for Phillia

By Til* AssDclDfBd F rn s — Pitcher tC R p IM iS UCLA,MAv5 CORMatMleMgNi,0 -7,f;a7 spring triumph in fonr games. Kirk McCasklll saM he will report -F re d Lyiin hit a two-nm homer Pim. CRtelwr LaiMK ParrlBh makes Ms Vhgtnta, 9 4 , V5 wyomta* 9 * lt:4t back to the California Angels today, as the BaKimore Orioles defeated H ockcv pitfA later this week to Join the T t IM I pm . ending his six-day holdM over a the Minnesota Twins 154 fer their 1 1 1 - 9 MMBy.NtaRB It Philadelphia Phillies while Boston -ry^l.Caiiory.OttolOfailloH, contract (Hspute. The Angels had first victory in fonr games. AtThaswi Afte. pitcher Roger Clemens may be loon, IM, vs. Santo Ctaro, 91* l^ypm. said they would fine McCasklll — Joel Davis became the lint JOorfnor, Lo o ^ttw), 13:43 (gpl. close to catching a plane home. and the player were willing to do II .088 a day beginning Monday. Chicago pfteber to work three ^^otamo^— PSocho^a, C 9 (hfpoBtgf, 5:43; Texou E IFBS0.9 A v5 A»tiooo,911,4a t Two of baseball's more promi­ SuMr, CM n n w ita l. r a Stoeons. woe what we’d asked.” " I can accept their latest offer,” irniings, allowing one run as the pm . nent spring soap operas took new (jy p w chockhig), 3 :9 ; NtacowL C 9 FWIKluigll, 257, vs. Morlst, » 0, 0:88 Parrish had asked his eld team, McCasklll said. When the pitcher White Sox edged the Pittsburgh (hojdhig) , 3 :9 ; WBaen. Cot (heehlng). pm. twisU Tuesday when last-ditch L T « the ligers. for |1.8 million and left camp last Thursday, he was Pirates 53. 17:33 Ohtahema 250, vs. TVtso, 257, 11:41 negotiations to avoM a grievance T s m Second Porto*-* WboNhitaii. Siewene p jn . turned down a $1.2 offer. He then given thie option of signing for — Mike Dias hit two home runs 0 9 M -n arbitration and enable the Phillies m WKJensw, GoBov), 4 « 4, Ootairv, broke off negotiations and said he $212,888 or having his contract and drove in five runs as another 9 n • « 10 WtyiweniMk i (itonler, Reborfs), iB iS & to sign Parrish collapsed, while one MY 9 a • M would never play for the Tigers renewed for $218,888. group of Pirates beat the Kansas C 0 g ^ , Roberts 5 (Moniar, btaeeun). ___ __ jOty.uiNi of Clemens’ agents said that sitting M 9 11 O 1:9. PBiitilHes Otto, C 9 (elbew*ig). UNLV-MNIo 9 . winner vp Ooergto- again. — The Toronto Blue Jays renewed City Royals 18-7. 9 9 • M out the 1N7 seastm is an option Moeoun. Col (MbhsIlcMng). 4:48; Kansas 9 . wtnnor If the Players Association wins shortstop Tony Fernandes’ con­ — Tom H err and Jack Clark each BMtav, M s (tatartorenee), 4:48; Mg- Vhutiito-Wyunitne winnar vs. UCLA- being "seriously considered" by 9 9 7 9 9t a its grievance, Hie ruling' would tract for an undisclosed amount. H ^ drove in two runs in a four-nm fifth c tn i^ Col nrtadtae), 13:11. Csnf. Mk'' the American League’s M V P and 9 9 f 73 a a TMrd Period- 3 Cotaorv, Reinhart 13 make Parrish a member of the had sought $888,888 and the team inning as the unbeaten St. Louis 9 9 t 9 a a (Mullsn). 7, WtaMitadton,HMMrlh3l Cy Young winner. 0 :0 . Phillies without any no-suit clause. offered $388,888. Cardinals beat the Detroit Tigers 9 9 * 9 a a (Murphy. Stsyens), 13:41. 3 Cetaory, Oktahomo-Tuisa wtaner vs. FIIMwrBh- T h e arbitration to settle the ~ 9 7 57 a a If the arbitrator rules against the "A s far as F m concerned, it’s 57. Clark finished with four RBIs g g taMil 11 (WMon). 18:33 3, CWBarv, dispute between Parrish and the M ta rd 34 (Moeoun, Pottarson), 13:33 UTEF-Artseno wtaner vp tawo* onta union, it still has the option of over," said Fernandes, who had and H err also had a solo . (en). PenoWles Ouihiei, M s (hetdino), Phillies is scheduled for Thursday Clara wtaner agreeing to the modification. asked Manager Jim y Williams to — Mike Sciowia’8 two-run single 9 9 f 9 a 3«1 3 :9 ; ProncescheWl, M s (MeheWching), in Tampa. Pla. The Major League 9 9 13 9 a M 3 :9 ; BuHord, CM (heMno), 3:9. Today is the day the Red Sox have keep him out of the first three capped a five-run second inning Baseball Players Association 9 31 • M a a »ots en boot Coleorv»5-ib-34. W* promised to be^n fining the un­ exhibition games. "There’s nothing that carried the unbeaten Los 9 9 9 M a a shbigtan 13-11-5—33 UNL V-ldoho St.-GworgtO'Konsos St. claims the Phillies agreed to a $1 signed and AWOL aemens fl,0M. 9 9 « Power pluv Opportanmee— Calgary Oof winner vs. Vlrglnlo-Wyoming-UCLA- else for me to say now. Now it is Angeles Dodgers to a 54 victory 3; M s h iiigtoii 1 of 3 million, one-year contract with free Clemens fired beck when agent time for me to play baseball. I have after the Atlanta Braves scored 41 9 5 9 a a O eohes COtaory, vsmen m shots-9 agent Parrish, the former Detroit Randy Hendricks said Tuesday to forget what has happened and do M 9 9 3 9 a a four times in the first Inning off saves). Mshingtoii. Peelers (33-13). Ofclahema-Tulsa-Plttsbvrgh-Morlst catcher, and then tried to insert a that "starting Wednesday, our M A— 1&413 what I love to do.” Fernando Valenxuela. T l P n a S L * * ^ 77 a a winner vs. UTEP-Artiono-towg-Sonto clause that Parrish would sue LWAWMM 9 9 • 9 a a RstOrso— Bob MoW.ssLineemen Rron Clara offer to the Red Sox will increase by Fernandes led the Blue Jays with — George Wright, one of several veiiMMwer 9 9 • n a a Bocoh, m t Dopune. baseball for alleged collusion $1,800 a day. I ’m tired of reading the i^enwjtwfpiovjfrbtrlfi a .318 batting average last season competing for Jobe left against signing free agents. Red Sox have the hammer. Other and his 213 hits were the most ever vacant by Tim Raines ai^ Andre Quatee 4, Hnrltanf 4 Phillies President Bill Giles said peo|de have hammers. t4».” in one season by a major-league Dawson, paced a 12-hit Montreal M.y. m awdiri «> PiiMiiutaH 3 1 the club never agreed to the CH ar» «> MbMilnatuii 3 Meanwhile. Dennis "Oil Can" shortstop. attack with a single, double and Yneow «fr 7, PfroW 4 _____ contrart without the no-suit clause. Boyd, sidelined by teixfinitis in his In his first spring game Tliemlay, homer as the Expos and Red Sox "Th is whole thing has been pitching shoulder, threw on the Fernandes had a double and a played to an 58 tie. ja a w 9 M.Y. M o n ^ , 7 :9 pjn. aggravating from the start. It’s A CpMn^ o* Horttor£7:9»jn. sideline for the second straight day sacrifice fly in Toronto’s 53 victory — Mike Schmidt hit his first been a yo-yo, and today (Tuesday) without apparent pain. fy iteai W ilB of Nm t Jangr, 7 :9 p.m. Ei IiMIIm M M iliip BXMf uiuni|mm VB. sovfnaiv* uwHWion over Boston. spring homer as the Philadel|dria Mowfrael of Wlnnlpoo. •:35 pjn. fvsiwawT unMiipaOTs wwa cfiVYipavfs was another part of the yo-yo.” he " I feel good. I think I ’ll be ready — Baltimore Mike ra llie s beat the Cincinnati Reds Toronto of 9 lnooooto, 3 :9 Pto. said. W -Utofi of CM eo^. 3 :9 pjn. to start pitching by the weekend," Young was to undergo surgery 157 for their first victory. Cincinna- ASSEEIC4US LEAGUE Giles said he was upset because Ootoofl of Edtoonton. ^ 9 p.in. W L Fct. EoshSeutheoet wtaner vs. Midwest-Weet Boyd said. today for a tinm ligament in bis ti’s Dave Parker also bomered. AFpiMto ■uMato of_Lo« /teoofw, W :9 p.m. Toronto 3 0 IMS winner, 9 :9 p.m. Don Fe h r. executive director of the ‘The Red Sox got some more good right thumb and will be out of action — Home rons by Jeff Kunkel and CMooao 3 1 .79 Players Association, refused to news when pitcher Bruce Hurst for at least eight weeks. Young was Red Sox reliever Joe Sembito leans on Roger Clemens Sf. Louti of Boston, 7 :9 p.m. Oossond 3 • 1 .799 Pete O’Brien paced the Texas Ousbsc of Plffsborot), 7 :9 p.m. Sjlllwoufcoo 4 2 447 SuccBBBful MCC basketball team NIT pafrhiia approve a modified version of the checked into the clubhouse one day hurt &mday when he tried to make Rangers over the New York Yan­ during an ««fly pre-season practice at Winter Haven but M.Y. Wonosii of ftMoOMpMo, 7 :9 p.m. SMnnoooOo 2 1 M r clause in (fuestion which was after he had to leave a game with a diving catch. kees ll-S. the Red Sox may not be able to lean on their 24-game Now Yerli 3 2 M negotiated between lawyers for the Toaos The 1M6-87 Manchester Community ment. Squad members were (from left): pain in his groin. — Seattle pitcher Scott Bankhead — Brian Dayett’s R B I single in i r il p M 6. WmWn 4 3 2 M club and Parrish. He said that wlnniBr this semon. He's not In camp, and hm threatened Boston 2 2 J 9 College men’s basketball team set a Front row: Ozzie Grant, Chris Qalligan, Morouetta, W-n. at Nebraska, 17-11, " I felt a twinge and we’ll keep it does not have any major shoulder the bottom of the 10th inning gave Ssamo 2 2 .ago 8 :9 p.m. Parrish’s agent. Tom Reich, and iced down for a coufde of days, but problems. Bankhead was sent back the Cliicago Cubs a 150 victory over to sit out the season. 1 3 > -4 oOVTWfNlfV 1 3 .29 school record with 28 victoria. The Donald Cost, Rick Knight. Back row: Utah, 17-n, at Boise Stole, 9-7, 0 :9 Phillies’ lawyers were in agree­ I’m hoping that all I did was break Kansas City 1 3 .29 to Seattle on Monday and examined the California Angels. California 3 3 3 -4 Cougars wound up with a fine 28-5 pm . ment on how to handle the no-suit • Porfoc^l, rtterd, Govln 13 Codtornto 1 4 .39 Mike Stowell, Mike Hardwick, Bernard Woshtagton, 1514, at Montana St., 21-7, an adhesion.” said Hurst, who by a rmliologist. rookie Devon White, who is nnount- (Tursoon, O. 3 :9 2. Quebec. Ootrett 1 4 .39 mark, being eliminated in the semifinais 9 :9 p.m. _ _ clause. missed seven weeks last season — Lee Massilli’s two-run homer in ing a strong challenge for the right Ctevotand g S 9 0 Ja m a , Paui Swartz, Tyrell Hartfield. SooooTfr ),17:9esp).3 "Don Fehr is the one holding it with a pulled groin muscle. the bottom of the eighth inning gave field Job, had his second straight OMitoRCr 5 (P. Sta^),13:S4. NA'nOIML LEAGUE of the NJCAA New England Tourna­ LeSelle,15llemtoneya,l5H,7:9p.m. Clemens threatens _Ponofitoi OPntin, Mwen, HOT, (reuehlng), :13; W L Fet. up." Giles said. “ Fehr is calling the "H e was a little sore, but all signs the New York Mets a 54 victory 5for-4 game, raising his spring Footes. Quo (roughing), : » ; ftapett. Her St. Louis 4 0 1.09 Rhode Mend, 9 0 ,o t FtorMe Stota, 15W, shots. Reich told our lawyer yester­ are very encouraging.” trainer over the for the average to .550 with 11 hits in 20 (hoWtng), 5:53; Goulet, Que (hlgh- Los Anastas 3 0 1.09 7 :9 p.m. Monirsol day (Monday) that, in essence, he Charlie Moss said. defending world champions’ first at-bats. stlcfclng), 3 : a Munyn, HoT (cross­ 2 0 1.09 (Wlbon7),GoldenSta1eM(Flovd15). Total Syracuse, 354vs. Georgia Soulhem,25ie, Ctavetand Stato, 847, V t T ennessee checking). 14:33. Son Otago 4 1 9 0 touts— Socromento 9 , (tolden Stole 9 . 9 :9 p.m. ,9 -7 ,7 :9 pm . to sit out the year Second Period 4, Quebec, Eoglss 13 CMcogo 3 2 9 0 Technical— Golden Stole lllegM defense. . . 312, at Arkonsoo-Lltlta Rock, Son rrondsLo (Picard. Cote), 3 :9 5, Horltord. Uowlesse 3 3 9 0 Baakatbafl A——WA14. ______M 230, 8:08 pjn. (M unyn, Perrore), 10:14. A Horltord, FlllsiMnyd 2 3 4 9 Akran,9*atllttaetsStota,9-12,8:3ep4W. 333 A t CharlsWs. M.C. Dtaeeii 31 (Lowless, Francis), 14:9 7, 1 2 N. CaronnfrPerm winner vs. ftow- CoRthMed from page 9 since both sides’ proposals were Quebec, Mollar 5 (Cote, Ogredniefc), r IIIIUUVIilINU 1 2 333 Jacksonville, 1 5 9 of VOndsrbllt, 1515, Attanto 1 Nfit 121,8allt1i 78 Mlchlgon winner Atlanta win streak runs to eight M:S5 PenoWles KlelnendBrst, Hor 3 .29 Notre Dome-Middle Tenn. winner vs. 8 :9 p.m. rejected and Clemens walked out of (roughinp), 15:9; Lambert, Que (reugh NSW York 1 3 .39 N8Attindlngs TCU-Morshon wtaner James Modlsan, 350, at Stephen F. In response to the Red Sox’ threat training camp during practice last inp),l5;9; Semenfco,Har,n«alor(flshtlng). Houston 0 3 .09 WASHtNGTON (73) Soitggy, March IS Austin, 9-7, 8 :9 p.m. of a $1,008 daily fine starting today NOTE: Spin-squad aarrws count In Jenesg3Gie,Catiedge440-13,M. Malone Friday. 15:9; Me Roe, Que, nrioler (ftahling), RASTRN CONFERENCB At Syroems, N .Y. Wrtagy, MarcA 9 unless Clemens emb his walkout, 15:9 itandtagi.ttesdonot 1-4344. Whotley 5111-311, J.Malone5134-4 Florldo-N.C. State vs. Purdue- SetenHoll,l5l3,atNtaoara,90,7:9pjn. However, he said he would be Third Partod-3, Quebec, Goulet 37 14, Vincent 4123-311, J. Williams 4-15 »0 13, NBA Romiifaip Hendricks said; "Starting Wednes­ agreeable to renewing the talks “ If NewYorfc MetsS, Houstone IN L Fct. GO Northeostern winner (tlMitor, Picard), :9 . 3, Horltord, X-Boston 45 M .79 BolMIHIO, Cook 4-140«13, Murphy 331-37. Arkonsos State, 9 -n , at Arkansas, 151* 8 day our offer to the Red Sox will TotolS 343711-14 73. p.m. the Red Sox change their position.” Ferraro 34 (Andsrson, Francis), 3 :9 PMtodtlpMa 34 a .50 11’A West VIrelnlo-W. Kentucky winner vs. increase by $1,500 a day." (PP). to, Quebec, Goulet 30 (Show, A. Chtcoge White Sex A Ptttsburgh (ss) 3 WasMngton 33 a Syrocuse-Georglo Southern winner MtaNssIpgl. 1513, at Southern Mtasta- He said the Red Sox so far have St.Louls3,DelreW7 .533 ir/i m w JERSEY (111) S to stn y), 14:31 (p p ). Penalties— Now York a 0 .30 slppl, 1511, 8 :9 p.m. By Bill Barnard He added; " I ’m tired of reading refused to discuss a two-year Somuelseon, Hor, (r o « M l^ ), 7:04; Him- Los Angeles 5, Attanto4 WWW0W JWf0VT 17 44 .2a a Woolrkta7-175713,B.WIIItams4-11341S, Thursduy, March 19 St. Peter's, 9-7,ot St. Louis,240,8:9p.m. the Red Sox have the hammer. tor, Que (reugMng), 7:04; Cote, Que Boston (ss) 3, Montreal A 3 Innlnes, tie Gmlnsk113-134-59, R. Williams 7-13 IM> 14, The Associated Press contract. Phltadelphtaie,Cinclnngti7 control Dtvtaten At Rost Rutherfsrd, N.J. Other people have hammers, too." , (holding), 3:0); Cote, Hor, (tripping), Dstrolt .447 ___ Brown57(M>10,Colemon34347, Wood3-7IM) N. Carollna-PenrhNow-MIchlgan winner Oregon State, W-W, at New Mexice, 259, Hendricks stressed that Clemens PlWsburgh (ss) W, Kansas City 7 40 a 7, Turner 57 34 13, Washington 53 2-2 4, 13:35; Lodouceur, Hor, (roughing), Attanto 41 21 9 1 — vs. Notre Dome-Middle Tenn.-TCU- 9 :9 p.m. The-Atlanta Hawks, winless in Hendricks said he hadn’t dis­ would not beg. Texas 11, New York YonkeesS Engler 1-3 (M) 3.Totols 5593 359121. Fullerton State, 17-12, ot Centomla, 9-14, 13:9: P. Stostny, Que (roughlno), Mllwoukss a a Ate 2'A Morsholl winner cussed the fine threat with Cle­ "If they're waiting for us to come 13:35; Semenko, Hor, double minor Teronto4, Boston (ss) 3 CMcogo 33 a .533 S Florldo-N.C. Stote-Purdue- 10:3l)p.m. their previous five trips to San (boordlno, roughlno), 13:9; Fron­ CMcogo Cubs 10. Colltomto3,10 Inningi 17 13 31 13- Northeostern winner vs. W. Vlrglnlo-W. Antonio, got out of town this time mens, but “I think it will harden his groveling to them, they have a very Son D i w W, MllwaukeeO Indiana a B .475 11'A 73 ds, Her, (roughing), 13:5); Otnoen, Hor, Ctevotand 23 a .371 IS Kentucky-SyrocuseOa. Southern winner with their eight-game winning positon." long w ait," he said. ’"They can wait (roughing), 13:53; PIcord, Que Oakland 7, Cleveland 4, 11 Inninos WBSTKKN CONFERENCE NOWJecsev 9 9 3 1 9 — 121 March M “ We understand the ctmsequen- (r o u g t ^ ), 13:9; GHIIs, Que (roughing), Seattle4, Son FronCIsce 3 3Polnt goals— Wood. Fouled out— Nor>e. . Mar ch 17 streak Intact. until next year.” NHdStaSl DtvWsn ces if he doesn’t play all year.” 13:9; Lswnbert, Que (roughing), 13:9; Delias a 33 .oa — Rebovrxls— Woshtoglon 49 (J. Williams I l l and Times TBA " I know this Is the first time I ’ve Hendricks ridiculed the Red OoeseWn.Que(leoylngthecreose),l3:9. Toronto vs. CIncInhalt at Tompo, Flo., 1 10), New Jersey 43 (B. Williams 14). ■ Hendricks said. "We realize we’ll p.m. Utah 33 a .541 6 At Burt Ruthertopd, N.J. won in this building." Dominique Sox’s offer of $350,000 in incentive Shots on oeaf-Horttord 11-»7— 24. Qu­ Houston a ^ a .514 7'A Assists— Washington 14 (Cook O , New Reglonol semifinal winners lose bargaining position and senior­ ebec 20-1A14-9. PItlsbureh vs. St. Louis otSt. Petarsburg, Donver a 37 4 9 14’A Jersey 32 (Wood 7). Totol fouls— Wilkins said after scoring 37 points clauses, which could push the Pewer-ptavOpportunttles Itarffordlof Fta.,1p.m. Son Antonio 33 40 .355 17'A Washington 23, New Jersey 17. ______11 in Atlanta’s 113-108 overtime vic­ ity. But he’s prepared to take the pitcher’s pay to $850,000. 3; Quebec 3 of 3. Los Angeles vs. Delrolt at Lakeland, Flo., Technical— Cottedge. FIrsi Re end Polrtags, SItas and Times TBA most punitive action he can. Let the 1:9p.m. Socromento W 42 .311 a tory over the Spurs Tuesday night, While pitching the Red Sox to the GoeAes— Hartford, Llut (9 Niots-O FocNIc Division »,K>4. ______9 Red ^ x understand their commit­ saves). Quebec. Gosselin (24-22). Chicago vs. Kansas City at Fort Meyers, x-L.A. Lakers 0 14 .778 _ At Birmingham, Ate. AtNow Yorfi the Hawks first win in San Antonio pennant last year, Clemens earned A— 15,a. Flo. 1:9p.m. Porttand a a .613 H)'/> 78ere100.Ctvillori91 New Drieans, 253, vs. Brigham Young, Tusedtaf. March 9 since the 1981-82 season. "When you ment to winning and putting good $340,000, including $120,000 in bonus Referee— Bill McCreary. Linesmen— Boston vs. Minnesota at Orlando, Ro., Secrtlle 33 a .524 16 9 - » , 1:07 p.m. players on the field." 1:9p.m. 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. come In here, the Spurs definitely nioney. Wayne Bonney, Gerord Gauthier. Golden Stole 31 33 .01 10 Alobonw, 254, vs. North Carolino AAT, Hendricks said that the Red Sox’s Houston vs. Montreal at West Ptam Phoenix 74 37 .303 74 PHILAaLPHIA ( M3) 245, 3:9 p.m. IVIOT%n 9B aren't going to lie down on you." "Th e ir proposal has Incentives Beach, Flo., 1:9p.m. L.A. Clippers 10 49 .149 37 Hinson 39 7-W 13, Barkley 1515 2-4 23, Illinois, 237, vs. Austin Peoy, 1511, offer of $500,000 for the 1987 season very difficult to achieve, particu­ Atlanta vs. ot Fort 9 p.r Atlanta led by as many as 16 ltlMidtri6.Ptngulns3 x-clinched playoff spot McCormick 59 5314, Wingate 1519 50 23, 8:07 p.m. was "ridiculously low” larly two years in a row.” Hen­ Lauderdale, Flo., 1:9p.m. Tuesday's Oamet Cheeks3105313, Roblnson5145314, Colter Providence, 21-8, vs. Aloboma- points in the third period, but Son Dtege vs. ChlcagoCubsolMesa.Arli., 7 p.r ’"They’ve got to get the mes­ dricks said. "They would Include M.Y. 3 3 3 -4 New Jersey 131, Washington 79 1-3512.Totols35S11537100. Blrmlnghom, 9-10,10:9p.m. trailed 101-99 late in regulation until 3p.m. Philadelphia 100, Cleveland 91 CLEVELAND (91) sage," Hendricks said. “ Roger is at $50,000 for World Series M VP, PHttoOIJ II 3 1 3 -3 Seattle vs. Cleveland at Tucson, Ariz., 3 , March 11 Wilkins hit a short Jumper with five R rif w ie tf— Mono. Ponottloo— Hrutfav, Detroit 114, New York 93 Williams 413 34 11, Hubbard 1-3 1-3 3, the head of his class. He Is not going $50,000 for A L Championship ^rie s p.m. ’ Seattle 19, Houston 127, 3 OT Dougherty 11-17 34 25, Bogley 2-5 50 4, seconds left, forcing the extra NY. oorved by Bossy (dtloy of oomo), 1:9 ; (Xifctandvs.MllwaufceeatChondler,Arlz., Clemson, 255, vs. Southwest Missouri to be made an example of. Ten M VP. $100,000 for A L M V P , $100,000 Curran, NY (ro i^ln a ), 3:47; Hannon, PIf Atlanta 113, Son Antonio 104, OT Harper52715119, Prlce3-51-14, Turpln53 period. The Spurs then committed 3p.m. L.A. Lakers 19, Denver 107 000, West51000, Ehio 1-3003, Lee51353 State, 9-5, 12:D7/p.m. years from now he doesn’t want (rouotiing), 3:47; DInsen, N Y (holding), California vs. San FrondscootScottsdole, Kansas, 2310, vs. Houston, 1511,3:9p.m. Rec basketball five turnovers In overtime and for the Cy Young Award, and t:17. Arlz.,3p.m. Golden State 19, Sacramento 114 13.Totols3537353791. people telling other players Roger $50,000 for making the All-Star * WffWS Phdadetahio 9 M 9 i o -i w Glenn Rivers scored seven consec­ Sscond Ptrlod— 1, Plffsburgh, Monffw 4 Texas vs. Baltimore ol Miami, 7 :9 p.m. Georgetown, 244, vs. Bucknell, 234, Clemens took this lousy contract, team. (Lomloux, Quinn), :32 (pp). 3, N.Y. Phoenix at Boston, 7 :9 p.m. Ctavetand is 9 9 14— 91 utive points for the Hawks, who are New York Mets vs. Philadelphia at Chicago at Phitadelphta, 7 :9 p.m. 3Polnt goals— Wingate 2, Barkley, 7:07 p.m. you can, too." Iflondsrt, Mokelo 31 (Trom w, Hoonpo), Cleorwoler. Ra..7:9p.m. Kentucky, 1510, vs. Ohio State, 1513, six percentage points behind first- ’’They’re like cherries and nuts 1:9. 3, Now York, B. Suffer 37 (Boyd, Milwaukee at Washington, 7 :9 p.m. Price. Fouled out— None. Rebounds— Adulta Hendricks said he has not at­ Detroit at Indiana, 7 :9 p.m. Philadelphia 41 (Barkley 15), Cleveland 9 :9 p.m. place Detroit in the NBA's O n tra l put on top of Ice cream. They’re not Trofflor),5:47(pp).4,NowYork,D.Su((er13 Seattle at Dallas, 1 :9 p.m. Second Round Gentle Touch Car Wash 118 (Steve tempted to contact the Red Sox a substitute for the ice cream .” (LoPonfoIno, Kromm),13:». Penolflos— B. Tundiy’s axhibitlon IlnncorN 40 (Williams 10). Assists— Philadelphia 19 •VYWOTyj fVNIrCn 14 ^ Division. Suffsr, NY (stashing), :17;Kromm,NY Utah at Denver, 9 :9 p.m. (Cheeks 5), Cleveland 22 (Harper 7). Totol Ayers 47, Phil Modore 9 , John Reiser Golden Stole at L.A. Clippers, 10:9 fouls— Philadelphia 19, Cleveland 17. At Btnwlnghom, Ate. 9 , Lenny Frenette 13) Manchester " It was a great win for us." said (high-sficking), 3:00; Frowlsy, PIf (hlgh- ProvIdence-UAB winner vs. Illlnols- sfleklng), 3:l»; Boyd, NY (roughing), 3:9; p.m. Technical— Philadelphia lllegol defense. Police 114 (Bob Charbonneou 9 , T .J. Kevin Willis, who had 24 points and Mttt 5, Aitrn 4 Thursday's Games A— 15,514. Austln Peoy winner Calabrese 9 , Peter Moffett 18, Mike RuskowskI, Pit (high-sticking), 3:9; New Orlecxw-BYU winner vs. Alobomo- Gagnon 14) 14 rebounds for Atlanta. "This is Bodgsr, Pit (holding), S:9; Morrow, Milwaukee at New Jersey, 7 :9 p.m. Phoenix at Cleveland, 7:9 p.m. N.C. AAT winner Irish Insurance 81 (Kim Bushev 9 , our longest winning string of the Dionne gets wish, NY (holding), 7 :9 ; Curran, NY, molor 39 9339—4 5 4 Son Antonio at Houston, 3 :9 p.m. Plttoni118,KnlGki93 Sunday, March is Ken Shoppman 14, Jock Hull 14, Steve season. We are going to try and (flghflng),14;33;Wllson,Plt, doublontlnor NOW York (N) Ml IN llx— At Atlanta (roughing, unsportsmonllke conduct), S W 1 Portland at L.A. Lakers, 10:9 p.m. Roscher 10) Sportsman Cafe 41 (Ernie make our move to win the Utah at Sacramento, 10:9 p.m. Georgetown-Bucknell winner vs. Scott 9 , Dean Frodel 17, Tim Hogan 10) 14:33. Darwin, Edwards (4), Kelley (4), Funk (7), DETROIT (114) KentuckyDhIo St. winner division." Third Period— 5,N.Y. Islanders,Haonpoo Enoel(3)andBolley,Wlne(4);Dorllng,Sltk Oanttev 30 510 15, Green 510 1-1 13, Kanso5Houston winner vs. Clemson-SW 5 (Bossy, Boyd), 4:32.4, Plftshurgh, Quinn (4), Orosco (7), McDowell (3) and Carter, SupsrSonIcs 138, Rockett 127 Lalmbeer 513 53 9 , Dumars 7-10 52 14, Missouri St. winner MIdgati Rookie Larry Krystkowlak traded to Rangers 9 (RuskovMkI, Bodgsr), 7:30 (pp). 7, Gibbons (7). W— Orosco, 1-0. L— Engel,51. Thomas530012, Johnson 15141-321,Salley •vifinnivn scored 10 of his season-high 20 pmaburgh,Qulnn9(Bodgsr), 9:».3N.Y. Sv— McDowell (1). HRs— Houston, G. 1-100 2, Mo horn 14 534, Rodman 341-2 7, Thursday, March 19 Lakers 9 (Scott Herman 4, Glen points in the third quarter as the Islpndors, Bossy 37 (Trottlsr, Kromm), Dovls(1),Cruz (D.NewYork.MozzlIll (2). SEATTLE (19) Campbell 00 52 2, Nevllt 1-3003, NImphlus Weeks 4. John Ahlberg ployed well) At Louisville, Ky. Spurs cut the 15polnt deficit to 81-74 AP photo NEW YORK (AP) - Marcel "It was a combination of a few 17:03.3, N.Y. Islanders, Kromm 11 (Troffisr, Chambers 142711-139, McDaniel 5141-1 I- 3(i03. Totals4B01259114. ProvIdence-UAB-llllnols-AustIn Bullets 31 (Debbie Burnett 3. Peter B. Suffsr), 13:9 (on). Ponolftss— (.smhioz. 19, Lister533413, Ellis1495435, McMillan Peoy winner vs. New Drlean5BYU- Julian), Eric Brosnan, and Jeff Moln- at the end of the period. San Antonio's Lariy Krystkowlak San Antonio. The Hawks won in Dionne got what he wanted. The things." Dionne said. " I had asked Pit (frtpplns), 1:33; LoFontolne, NY Expn8.Rad8ox8 1-5502, E. Johnson 1-7151013, C. Johnson55 NEW YM K (91) AlobomaN.C. AATwInner vllle played well) Walter Berry had eight of his 27 New York Rangers think they got the general manager to renegotiate (tripping), 3:10; DIduck, N Y , double- 347, Lucas 1-4534, Phelps53500, Young51 Oldham 5131-25, Walker 514 3431, Ewing Bulls 9 (O.J. Cromwell 11, Luis (M)0, Schoene501-21. Totols9-9534-919. points in the fourth quarter to help reaches across Atlanta's Qlenn Rivers overtime, 113-106. what they needed. (his contract) and could see that I minor (roughlno), 7:01; Boyd, NY (rough­ Boston (as) a M l 3)3-3 13 3 II- 23 45 9 , Henderson 412 OO 4, G. Wilkins ^Georgetown-Bucknell-Kentuckv-Ohlo Rivera 8, Don Carangelo 4. Jay Kra- ing), 7:01; Wilson, Pit (roughing), 7:01; 4153713, Sparrow4105311,Tucker39009, lenskl ployed well) San Antonio continue the rally. A for the ball In Tuesday’s NBA game In "Marcel is the man who can help was struggling a little bit the last Montreal a 9 1 313-3 13 3 HOUSTON (127) Lsmieux, PIf (elbowing), 7:01. (Gome celled after 3 brntags) McNealyOOOO0,Orr51OO0,E.WIIklns51OO winner vs. Konsco-Houston-Clemson-SW Nuggets 24 (Jeremy Burr 8. Grant free throw by Krystkowlak with the Rangers right now,” Rangers couple of months. McCray 531 7-9 9 , Petersen 517 50 13, O.Totals37-f3132D93. Missouri St. winner Cline and Mike Glacopossl ployed well) N lp ^ , Lollor (4), Manzanillo (7), 5:16 remaining tied the score at General Manager-Coach Phil Espo­ “ I didn’t have a chance to sit Shots on goal— N.Y. Islanders310-11— 24. Crawford (3) and Sox, Sullivan (4); Welsh, Olaluwon143915149,Mlnnlefleld5115013, ChomploasMp as Ja mes Worthy scored all 23 of his Mike Gmlnski had 30 points and 14 rebounds and rookie David Wingate Pittsburgh 104-7— 23. ReM5195O10,Harrls331-27,AAaxwell1-453 9 9 99-114 io lu i^ , MordiI 1 l l 8589, and the two teams traded sito said Tuesday In announcing the down and make m y point. I don’t Berenvl (4), Jones it), Sf. Claire (3) and 4, B. Johnson 1-1503, Leovell 510 3-4 17, points in the first three quarters rebounds and Buck Williams 15 scored a season-high 22 points In his Powor«loy Opportunities— N.Y. Island­ Reed, Teleda (8). HRs^oston, Greenwell New York 9 9 9 17— 9 At Leubvilta,______, Ky. baskets until the end of regulation. acquisition of the veteran center think I was going to go anywhere (in ers 1 of ^ Pittsburgh 2 of 7. Anderson 50000. Totols 51-1312331127. 3Polnt oools— Tucker 3, Sparrow. Regional semifinal winners and Magic Johnson collected a points and 16 rebounds against first NBA start. (1),Burks(1). Montreal, Wrlgtrtd). from the Los Angeles Kings. "O u r the renegotiation), so that’s why Ooolles— N.Y. Islanders, Hrudey (23 Fouled out— Salley. Rebounds— Detroit 59 season-high 20 assists against visit­ Washington. Ron Harper had 28 points and a shots-9 saves). Pittsburgh, Meloche (23- 9 * 19 9 13 17— 19 ((jolmbeer 19), New York 44 (Dldhom Transactions PMont 116, Knlcki 93 feeling is the Rangers have a the trade happened. I ’m still Heutton 9 9 1111 10 3— 19 ing Denver. team-record 10 steals for Cleve­ 13). Rangnll.YinkMiS 12). Assists— Detroit 9 (Thomas 7), New First Rouitd SonICE 136, Rockets 127 chance to win (the Stanley Cup) this surprised that it did happen, but A— 1493. 3Polnt oools— Chombers 3, Ellis 2, E. York 9 (Henderson, G. Wilkins 8). Totol Thursday, Morch II Bill Laimbeer had 20 points and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar had 22 land. and Brad Daugherty added 25 Referee — Ron Hoggorth. Johnson, Leovell 3. Fouled out— Leovell. fouls— Detroit 35, New York 17. At incNoiiapalls 19 rebounds as Detroit maintained points and A.C. Green 21, also in Tom Chambers had a career-high points. year or next year." sometimes you have to stand for Linesmen— Mark Pore, Roy Scoplnello. New York (A) S S 3 Rebounds— Seorttle41 (Chambers 13), Houv Technicols— New York Coach HIM. A— Mlssourl,249,ys.Xavler,Ohlo, 1512,13:07 To acquire the N H L ’s second what you believe, and I think It was Texas III 11 13 3 ton 9 (Ololuwon 17). Assists— Seattle 31 BASEBALL its slim lead over Atlanta with an three quarters of playing time for 42 points and Dale Ellis added 35, 10413. p.m. Amortcon Leogus all-time scorer, along with left wing time for me to go.” Loiter, Amsberg (3), Rlson (5), Guonte (McMillan 14), Houston 9 (Reid 8). D< Ike, 234, vs. Texas AAM, 17-13,3:9p.m. easy victory in New York. the Lakers, who were never threa­ and visiting Seattle outscoreil Cinucki 7. Rfd Wingi 4 Totol fouls— Seattle 9 , Houston 9 . A— — Announced thot Warriors 125, Kings 114 (7), Fulton (3) and Skinner, Espino (5); Dale Mohordc, pitcher, has ooreed to The Pistons, who play 16 of their tened in the second half after Houston 17-8 In the second Jeff Crossman, the Rangers sent But Dionne said he was sad to Guzman, Harris (4), Kllgus (7), Williams (3) 14,279. Hawka113,8pura106(0T| Auburn, 17-12, vs. San Dleoe,345,7;07p.m. center Bobby Carpenter and defen­ leave the Kings. and Slouieht. W— Harris, 1-0. L— Fllson,0-1. terms on a otto-year contract. Renewed final 23 games on the road, took Johnson had 18 assists while overtime. Joe Barry Carroll had 31 points 1 3 3 -4 the contract of Oddibe McDowell, and E ric Floyd added 23 points and seman Tom Laldlaw to Los An­ " It ’s one of those things," Dionne 9 HRs— Texas, Kunkel (3),D’Brlen (3). Likart143.Nugga1t107 Indiana, 244, vs. Fairfield, 1515,9 ^p .m . outfielder. control of the game with a 152 leading Los Angeles to an 8557 Reserve guard Eddie Johnson 9 1 3 3 -7 ATLANTA ( I It) First Period— ), Vancouver, Skriko 9 Wilkins 11-9 1517 9 , Willis 1514 44 9 , MINNESOTA TWINS-Named Rolph streak that extended a five-point halftime margin. had five points In the. final 28 15 assists for Golden State against geles. The Rangers also got the said. " I Just asked them if there was (Pederson, Lidster), 3 :9 (pp). 3, Detroit, DENVER (137) Koncak 1-3 44 4, WIttman 7-141415, Rivers Mday, Mwch 11 Houk vicepresli visiting Sacramento. Kings’ third-round draft choice In a possiblity for me to go somewhere 8lutJiyt4,RMl8ox8 At Rosemont, ill. lead to 82-64 with four minutes left Alex English had 25 points and seconds of the five-minute overtime Ysermon 27 (D'Connell), 10:9. 3, Von- English 11-19 34 9 , Schoves 1-3 00 5 W. 5103-313, Rolllns57504, Levlngston51500, OAKLAND ATHLETICS-SIgned Jose in the third quarter. Sidney Green to seal ^ e victory for the Sonics, Floyd scored 20 points In the 1989. else, and they looked Into it, and oouver. Hottason 3 (Skriko, Lidster), Cooper 24 50 4, Lever 313 54 8, Walker McGee373310, Battle 55504. Totols41-91 Temple, 31-3, vs. Southern U., 1511,1:07 Rllo, pitcher, and Stan Javier, outfielder, Blair Rasmussen 22 points for the 14:9. 4, Detroit, Kllmo 9 (Veltch, Boston (ss) 9 1 a 3 9 -3 3 3 30 3-215 Honzllk 1-5 53 4, Evans 37 0010, 359113. P.m. to ongyear contracts. had six of his 10 third-period points Nuggets, who are trying to hold on who overcame 38 points, 17 re­ second half as the Warriors won Fo r Dionne, the trade was obviously there were no problems. D'Connell), 13:33 (op). Penalties— Teronte 3 1 1 131 SSx— SAN ANTONID(IM) Georgia Tech, 1513, vs. Louisiana despite strong offensive efforts by something he initiated and some­ I ’m very sorry to have to leave Alarle50544, Rasmussen 15175333, Martin Stole, 21-14, 3 :9 p.m. during the spurt. to the eighth and final Western bounds and 12 blocked shots by Bridgman, Det (Interference), 7:9; 4 7 1 51151013,Smllh51000,Dunn1-3002. Totals Berry 1519 7-9 9 , Greenwood 38 45 10, ATLAN TA BRAVES-Sent Jeff Blttloer Reggie Theus, Eddie Johnson and thing that literally happened over­ here, but life must go on. and I had a Butcher, Van (holding), 13:13. Sellars, Rockford (4), Somblte (7), 439921-39107. Gilmore 48 53 10, Sundvold 511 1-3 11, St. John's,258, vs. Wichita Stole,2510,S;07 and Floyd Chiftor, pitchers, Ken KInnard, The Knicks got 26 points from Conference playoff spot despite Rockets center Akeem Olajuwon. Gardner (3) and Morzono; Johnson, L.A. LAKERS (M l) Robertson 518 33 19, Mitchell 1-7 52 4, p.m. outfielder, Carlos Rios, Intleldsr, and Patrick Ewing and 21 from Kenny Otis Thorpe. ThOus had 30 points for night. He said he called Kings pretty good career with the Kings. ..DjPoul, 25* vs. Louisiana Tech, 237, losing 12 of their last 15 games. 76ers 100, Cavaliers 91 Second Period— 5, Detroit, Gallant 9 Elchhom (4), Gordon (7), Henke (3) and Green 74 7-7 31, Worthy 1513 34 9 , Krystkowlok51549», Moore531-214lealy Todd Dewey, catcher, to their minor- Wfilk0r the Kings, but was blanked In the General Manager Rogle Vachon But now I have to look forward to 8 (Veltch), 1:57. 4, Vancouver, Sutter 14 Heorron, Do.Willis (7). W— Johnson, 1-0. 10:9 p.m. league camp for reassignment. Abdul-Jobbor 513 54 23, Johnson 48 3311, 1-1(HI5Jones1-3502,Dawklns51(MIO.Totals Nets 121, ,BullBtE 79 Philadelphia handed Cleveland fourth period as Golden State Monday night and asked to be going to the Rangers. (Sundstrom, Levie), 3:9. 7, Vancouver, L — Sellers, 0-1. Sv— Henke (1). HR— Scott 7-14 52 17, M. Cooper 34 53 9, M. 4140249104. SacMid Round PITTSBURGH PIRATES-Sent Gllberto LakBiB 143, Nuggets 107 Toronto, Barfield (3). Sotantay, March H Roea. catcher, to their mlnorJeogue its fifth consecutive loss as Charles extended a 9592 lead to 113-98 with moved before Tuesday’s trading Only Gordie Howe, with 1,880, has Sundstrom 31 (Tombelllnl, Tonfl), 11:9 Thompson 1-3524, B. Thompson 580013, Altanta 9 9 9 9 11—111 At Indtonogills New Jersey won by Its biggest (pp).3, Detrolt.Oollant 37 (Veltch, Ashton), Rambls354510, Branch0434 3, Matthews lonAiitonta 1199 9 8— 1M comp tor reoMlgnment. Los Angeles won its fifth straight margin ever in an N B A game as Barkley had 23 points and 15 5:46 left. deadline. scored more points than Dionne- 14:23 (pp). Penolltes— Banning, Von (stash­ 472410, Smrek 531-21. TotalsS3893341143. 3Polntgool— McGee. Foulsdout— Willis, Indlonp-Falrfleld winner vs. Auburn-Son _ __ BASKETBALL ing), 3 :9 ; Bridgman, Dsit (holdina), Berry. Rebounds— Atlanta 43 (Willis 14), Diego winner CotHtaoiital BoNietagl) AssoclaWoti Dukg'^os M M wInnerWMlssourl- 11:03; Bruce, Van (Interference), 15:9; . 9 99 34-183 Son Antonio 89 (Greenwood 10). Assists— Xavler, Dhio winner CBA Selling, Det (roughing), 13:9; Bruce, LJk.|jakert . 41411119-Hl Ahanto 9 (Rivers 8), Son Antonio 9 ftAMh^akO B9 _Announoed that Tompo Bov will move to van, double minor (roughing),13:9. Calendar 3Polnt goal*— Scott, M. Cooper. Fouled (Robertson 13). Total fouls— Atlanta 9, Son WlfMiT8 fVIVf«n |9 .ggjHd City, S.D., beolnnlno tor the out— None. Rebounds— Denver 48 (Ro5 Antonio 9 . Technicals— Atlanta Illegal „ . ^ At Rosemont, m. 197-9 r ------Four have-nots not ready to concede to NCAA powers Third Period—3, Vancouver, Sondlok 13, musten 9), Los Angeles 9 (Rombls 15). defense, Rollins, San Antonio Coach Weiss, Jotei 5Wlchlta St. winner vs. 5:34. 10, Vancouver, Skriko 9 (Sondlok), Assists— Denver9(Lever4), LosAngeles40 Son Antonio IHegol defense 3. A— 8,749. DePaul-LouWanoTech winner 7:9. 11, Vancouver, Sutter 17 (Sund- TODAY (Johnson 9 ). Totol fouls— Denver 29, Los _Gaorglo Tech-Lgutslono St. winnor vs. HOCKEY Tempta-Soulhem U. winner By The Associated Press Once inside, they got the sporting O ’Connor said. "And the $80,000 think it will be a very difficult going is Charlotte. N .C., and the we’ve had a lot of experience since 7 Strom, Tontl),l3:9(en).f...raiwlltes— Kocur, Boys Bosbolball Angeles9. A— 17,805. wiifiniMis fwffwma 7 Dot, nnalor (fl(ihtlng),4:9;; iCochrane, Von, , C lo u L L Olvislen BOSTON BRUINS— Traded Paul Boutl- version of the table nearest the (the school’s share of the first- game; but the kids will be up for it," team they'll be trying to pull then against top-ranked teams,” NCAA Tournamant palringa molor (flghhng), 4 :9 ;: Probert,Prot Det (detav Manchester vs. Windham, at Oloston- M a n d o n g li* Itar, detansemon, to the Minnesota North Was It fair to favor Fairfield? kitchen — first-round games round proceeds) Is not entirely Buonaguro said. something off against Is second- Lefkowitz said. "Again, I don’t of gome), 3^ :9 ; Butcher, Jher, Von (delav of bury High School, 3:15 p.m. Warrlara126.Klnga114 Stars tor o tourttHround pick In 197. against some of the top basketball athletic department money. In the “ Indiana, the top seed, in Indi­ ranked North Carolina. mean to sound like I ’m cocky or game),3:07; Banning, Van (hooklng),14;9: Indlona-Folrfleld-Auburn-San Diego EDMONTON OILERS-Traded Rolmo Idiotic to Invite Idaho State? winner vs. Ouk^Texos AAM-MIssourl- teams in the country. next week, we’ll be talking with the ana, in the Hoosier Dome is tough," “ We’re loose. We have no pres­ brash or confident, but I think we Sutter, Von (roughing, 13:37: Chtasson, T N U R a A Y Xovler, Summanen, left wing, to the Vancouver Pe(mliar to pick Penn? Silly to Det (rottahlng), (roughing), 13:9; Cochrane, Van Beys Bosbefboli f iiaarvMivy ifimvii la C o n u ^ tor Moo Lomoy, ted wing. sure on us,” Penn center Bruce can play with these guys." Thorpe 514 44 9, Tyler 515 53 14, Ohio winner select Santo Clara? But does that bother these administration about how It will be forward T im O ’Toole understated. (roughing 13;SS; BrMoman,Det, molor Class S Dlylslen At OtaliMo, N.C. HARTFORD WHALERS-AOOUM Pot Lefkowitz said. ’’They’re No. 2 In On paper, the guys facing the (IlghMnri, 13:9; Butcher, Von, motor Wheeler vs. Coventry, TB A Ktalne5115112, Johnson 1591-39, Theus Texas Christian, 9 4 , vs. Marshall, 355, St. Jehn'5Wtchlta It.-DeFoul-La. Tech Hughes, right wing, on wolven from the St. Like It or not, agree or not, teams? Not on your life. used. "We will go in and do our best." (fighting), 13;»; Probert, Det, molor- WIISM53513,Thompson34 12:07 p.m. 5 !X m 'T | -.«‘’ T*-»^^»-Ttanpta. Louis Bhios. believe it or not. these four "We’re going to enjoy this trip,” "But it will have a significant No concession of defeat, how­ the nation. They have a little Iggest test are the Bengals of gome misconduct (flghllim),. . ______13:9;______1 ^ , ^ ®' Pl'tofluv 14 503. Noire Dome, 157, vs. Middle Tennessee MONTREAL CANADIENS-Sent DovM Totals47-103159114. have-nots — with a combined Santa Clara Athletic Director Tom impact on athletics. We’re going to ever. That’s a theme sounded by (pressure) on them. ... I expect to Idaho State, 1518, who drew yo h molor-gome mlscotidiictilsconouct (fighting), tale, 254, 3 :9 p.m. Motey, right whig, to Sherbrooke of the coaches and players of all four top-ranked Nevada-Las Vegas in a 13:9; Norwood, Det, misconduct, 13:9; DDLDEN ffikTE (19) Now, 158, vs. Michigan, 1511, 7:07 M « « h 9 Amortcon Hockey Lo o m . record of 61-56 — are in the N CAA O ’Connor said of his team, the West put It toward some needs, and I ’d surprise a few people down on ,Pstorm , Von, misconduct, 13:9; Ool- p.m. K ■ At NEW Y M K RANOERS-Trodsd Rolmo Coast Athletic Conference tourna­ like to put It in some scholarships.” teams, who are anxious to prove Tobacco Road." Thursday opener. Radio, T V Regional semifinal winners Tournament will such haves os tant. Dot, molor-gomo miscenducf, 13:9; 151llT-1331,Floyd7-14512a,Mullln 7-9 34 North Carolina, 153, vs. Pennsylvania, ■ Helmlnen, contar, to the Minnesota North ment champs who will take an 1513 Mitch Buonaguro, coach of a they belong. Lefkowitz and crew surprised "Some people say It’s like David •tSSS^'. XP5i tnolor-gome misconduct 17, Bollard 54 54) 4,McDonold 1-3 55 5 1313, 9 :9 p.m. Stars tor future censiderotlont. Acquired Nevada-Las Vegas, North Carol­ f IT*89> M duv, Morch i i Stu Kulak, r I M wtag. from Ihe Edmonton ina, Indiana and Georgetown. record Into their game against Big Fairfield team that split 30 games, "We wouldn’t be very good Memphis State in 1888 when, as the and Goliath. It's like our football , ^ TOMIDMT At SyrocMO, N.Y. Otters to oompteto me trade modeOct.M The hav5 liots weren’t invited to Ten power Iowa on Friday at tried to put the best possible face on comp^itors if we didn’t think that 15th seed, they extended the llg e rs team playing Oklahoma.” Idaho cSiTi()!r5° ^ 7 :9 p.m. — Suns ot Celtics, Sport- Purdue, 9 4 , V5 Northeostern, 9-4, liaVrsPVvf IfIMWII n tor dotensemon Rollo Ruetsololnon. the Stags’ first-round assignment we could go down there and try to before falling 67-85. Memphis State State Coach Jim Boutin said. Pggor-gtay Opportunittes-Ootrolt 3 of sChonnel, W K H T N 9 9 9 - 1 M 13:57 p.m. At SoH U k o CRy, Utah Traded Tom Lotdtaw, deteneemon,ond college basketball’s biggest shin­ Tucson, Ariz. 4; Vancouver 3 of 3. 7 :9 p jn . — Bruins at Rangers, ______9 9 9 9—19 Florida, n-W, vs. North Carolina Stole, Georgia, 1511, vs. KeneasStole,1510,ini7 Bobby Carpenter, center, to the LMAnotos dig. They crashed the party os "W e’re going to spend some — No. 4 Indiana at Indianapolis. pull something off,” Penn Coach advanc^ to the Final Four that Idaho State almost played UNLV Oeqhw; potrott, .toforoet (13 shotM Channel 9 Fouled out— None. Rebounds— 1514, 2 :9 e.m. Kings tor Moreel Dionne, center, Jeff money on the trip and say thanks to "I think it is a tremendous thing Tom Schneider saicl. year. earlier this year, but lost to N avy In sovos), H o n ^ (1 :9 second, 9-17). Van­ SperomwifoM (Thm ^U),Golden StatoSO ^ Nevada-Las Vegas, 331, vs. Idaho automatic qualifiers from their 7:35 p.m. — FlomM ot Whalers, W TIC W ^ Iflh^ta, 9-7, vs. western Croeemon, left wtng, and LosAngetes' to play Bobby Knight in Indiana. I Where the Quakers, 1513, are " I think that the key thing is that the Las Vegas Classic. couver, Bredsur (101S) 3 p.m. — Top Rank Boxing, ESPN (L. Smith 14). Assists Socromento 9 KentuckY, 9 4 ,7:07p.m. State, 1515, 4 :9 p.m. thtr*round draft dwtee In 199. respMtive conferences. some people who have helped us." * — WAWCHEaWR HERALD. Wedawday. Mareii II. i m m m m m n WOMUf. March II. 1897 - if Dukiet and Nee have a reunion in NIT match-up F O C U S / F o o d BV Hie M eeeww F rm the Nth NIT. the nation’s oldest blistering Sooners but reftised to •■.,41 post-season basketball State nemesis from his dOys as Ctes fInisRed HUB in the regufsr- wilt in a record-breaking ns-f7less coach of Miho State Dnlverslty — nor WaniMtte Cowk BobDakfet tournament. NIT in NormM. Okla. season Wescern AflMIsftC Confer- m b Ifebraoko’i Doimjr Ifw. to- In other flrst-raund action. Utah and has been efliisive in praisfng VIKv lOVni^ RV CRC In^« Bl#ifo mectlBff iB tks Nathmal Oklahoma Coach BHIy Tubbs theBeoneos. play* at Boiae State and WasMng^ saluted Nee ibr trying. Dukiet round of flM' fremss Osmmament fa iBottaUm TwrBBWian will be a ton id at Montana State. ”A ksf of people tMttft Boise State wyom uig. MBb aelMol reuiihm of aorta. Oregon State at Now Mexico, and flgures to encounter esimilareffiMrt In Thuraday night’s games, it’s Rbllerton State at CaHfiaraio. from a determined team and fiery is the best team in the Big Sky wbfle an anlatant at Princeton La Sdihl at >nilaneva-, RhodOMand fConferencel. maybe In a fang Mashfagfon enters tonfgBrs UBlaeiBlijr. Dukiet ooee apoke at In his Srst year at NMIraOkB, Nee coach. game Ot BbienMB, Misnt., tsMir an at Ploiids State; ClevelandStateat tea reMmSed a spark wHIi the ”We will have to be ac our best time.” ArehWtrid said. ”flome one or Uto'a bwriwtball banquets TemwMee-ChattaBooga; Baylor at coaches say BoMe is the beet 10- f« record, white Montana Slate is Buftoc Nee’s coacbing days at a Cornhu^ers. Hie premised m up and have to get back on defense t ^ r Arhanaas-Little Rock; Akron at tempo type of boritetbMI and has because they srill come at us fMI man-fo-mar team on the West New JOrwy high schoirf. Rlinois State; Jacksonville at Van- Coast.” ‘Tve known Danny Nee fOra long come through despite lacfcingsome throttle.” said Dukiet. srhose team The Hasktes still haws s heigBf deiliilt and James MTadison at of the personnel he said would be Is 10-12. Boise State. 2^7, hosts the FM2 thtfe. and I know his team will be a Stephen T. Austin. atteantago sgai■Bt MsntsMi Bfste, reltectlon of Mm.” Duktet said, better-suf^ to the running game. Nebraska and Marquette have Utes at the BSD PavHfon. games srill be played Prfday To make his point that fast-break met five times previously but not ‘"nmy will be tough, aggressive to srrap up first-round action in the There are oidy fhree NTT teams •BOer MNre Roftesrs airt iHlI get after you.” basketball is what he intends. since the 1080-90 season. Marquette with better recordk and four with and 0 -f junior forwnrd Tom Ihn n-team fleld; Seton Hall at Nia­ Nebraska came out running with leads the series 9-2. The Marquette-Nebraska game gara; Arkansas State at Arkansas; reconte equal to Boise State, which mako, the Big Sky's scoring feadCr. at Ltncoln. Neb., is one of three nationally ranked Oklahoma ear­ Another coach familiar srHh his flMshed tied for first m the Big Sky ■ s*M BraBmlW Is^ran ffl^c Mississippi at Southern Missis­ lier this year. The 17-11 Corn- opponent in the NIT fehf is Iftah’s opening-night contests that kick oft sippi; St. Peter’s at St. Louis; regular season race srithf Motana -7-foot cente r Chrtetfan Wclfp and huskers couldn’t keep up srHh the Lynn Archibald. He’s an old Boise ftate. another NIT participant. The O-M PhH Zsvenhergen. Sporf iR Btu$ Oner felt a world figure skating title KofC Irish Sports Night Momtoy By Burry Wllnur wouM be,” Beftano, fbe three-time Thu Anoclotad Press American champion, taM "1 ex­ 94th Knights of Cohimbus IrMi Sports Night win be held m i pected ft to eome down to the N ^ a y night at the Knights of Cotumhus Home on Main Street. CTNCINNATI - Brian Orser freestyle between tte three of os.” TIte traditional corned beef and cabbage (Hnner will be aerved at knew what was coming, and knew it 0:90 p.m. would be special. fte only hoped the If Orser skates In the long Joy McCarthy, who ran the <8nner for 99 years, will be honored right people - the judges at the program the way he did Tuesday POBthumously. Eamon Flanagan, one of the Arectors of the World Figure Skating Champion­ nigM. be weuM seem unbeatable. Mjmhester Road Race Committee, win be guest speaker. ships — appreciated it. The three-time runwerup in tbe ’nckM are |S and are available at the door or by c a ll^ Ed They did. And m did a Riverfront worlds and I9M Olympic silver A Boland at 040-2M7. CoHseum crowd of 11,989 Twn^tey medaMst took tap-dance tessows to night as Orser put on a dauHng help wHb Ms footwork kw tbe short display of spins, jumps and foot­ progrsm, in wMcb there are seven BoHon holding youth tignupt work to win the short program. required movements. ”I was very confident about H,” Tbst choreogr spfiy, to clanicsl BOLTON - Signups for Bolton youth baseball and softball Orser said of Ms routine, wbfeh and swing music, was the differ­ p ra a m s win be held Thursday and Friday night from 6-8 p. m. at featured a triple-axel, do^e-toe- ence between the Brians. Boitano BmtM Town Han. There is a fS.M insurance charge and all loop cbmMnation and several intri­ was technically as strong, hut Ms registrants must have a Bolton Rec card. For farther cate spins, all done to perfectiem. connecting steps weren’t as Immmation, can Marc Schardt at 849-7086. "My adrenalin was pumping. I spectacular. knew before I went ont there It Two more Soviets were in ctmten- would be good. I can just feel H. It’s tion for the title. sHhougb they win Oakwood holds soccer skill contest a familiar feeling. need for tbe frontrunners to rsHer “I know my short program is the . Vladimir Kotin, skating to GLASTONBURY — The Coimecticot State Council Knights of best when (km up to par. I've had |ht nrasic as be played the Columbus and Oakwood Sports and Fitness Center in ------so much- positive------feedhiback on it. It’s a matador, and Viktor Petrenko, a Glastonbury will conduct the first annual Soccer Skills Contest on the best short I have had and that’s rising star whose footwork rivaled Saturday, April 11, with ah proceeds from the event going to the the way the judges saw it.” Orser’s, were fourth and fifth, Comwetlcat Special OIjrmpics. The nine J^ges gave Orser seven respectively. Boya and girls, ages 9-18, are eligible to compete. Contests will marks of 5.9 out of a posslMe 8.0 for Scott Williams of Redondo M conducted in 1) a juggling event keeping the ball airbom; 2) a technical merit, and six 5.9s for Beach. CaHf.. was eighth in tbe dribbling event against the clock; and 3) a shooting event artistic impression. He also got the short program and moved up to No. first standing ovation ^ the measorlng mlles per hour with a radar gun. Awards will be given 8 overall. Christopher Bowman of to divisimal and overall champs. Entry fee is $4 and all entrants competition. Van Nnys, Calif., was ninth Tues­ What bedidn’t get was the (werall day and stood 18tb overall. will receive a special patch from the Knights of Columbus. lead, wMch Alexander Fadeev of ’There will also be a special adult men’s and women's open the Soviet Union still held (tespite Earlier, tw<»-time world cham­ division and Over-90 division for the shooting event. The adult finishing tMrd In the short pro­ pions Natalia Bestemlanova and entry fee Is 91 and anyone can enter as many times as they like. gram, worth 20 percent of the Andrei BuHn et tbe Soviet Unkm For applications and further information, call 693-9689. won all three portions of the overall total. Fadeev won the compulsory dance.. They led compulsories. worth 90 percent, on Aapfwio another suiwrb Soviet c3 9 3 .9 ^ 5 plus parto plus p a rtt water to 3-1 /3 cu|k . Before sprinkling with cheeses, High Altitude Directions (3500to 6500feet): Stir in salad if desired. 6 servings. 7 can use — that our institutions... will have learned a good lesson ball Association. “I'm not here for ever used them. The last nine INCLUDR8: Wsme»i 8 Wspiaesi, I Broko Shoot, MocMno cream if desired. 6 to 8 servings. cover and bake minach mixture 30 minutes; sprinkle Noodles and vegetables with the Sauce Mix. Con­ from this episode,” Clemertts said. the money. This is an opportunity to months, you could count on the Pock Utarlnss, NtocMne Rotors. Drwmt, Ctoon Adivst AI with cheeses. Bake uncovered about 20 minutes do whM I do best, play basketball. I Inioocli tinue as directed except-cover and simmer 20 H i^ Altitude Directions (3500io6500feet): Increase Clements on Tuesday admitted by being one of those to fingers of one hand the number of H i^ Altitude Directions (3500to6500feet) .'htcrease longer. minutes, stirring (xxaskmally. authorize continued cash payments to players after some SMU feel good about that.” times I did drugs. There was so waterto3 1/2 cups and simmer time to 20 minutes. waterto3 1/2 cups and simmer timeto 25 minutes. officials discovered the btraster-financ^ program. And it is. the start of the road much time and distance between TUNE-UP Use ungteased 2-<|uart round casserole. back. Lenny’s dying and what I did. I used ”I want to be back in the NBA only a small amount.” 4 cyl. *34.M next year.” Wiggins said. "It’s a Then the lessons of rehaMlitatlon No. 1 food among not winnart realistic goal. I know the ban says a kicked in. 6 & 8 cyl. *44.85 two-year minimum but I am going "An aiMictonlyhastodoitonce,” SCOTTODALE, Arif. — Top-seeded Dianne Fromholtz- to petition for an earlier return. I Wiggins said, repeating soipetMng low, low TIrt PrIoM Balettrat of Australia and eighth-seeded Niege Dias of Brasil feel ggood abou.t my chances. I’m that the counselors dwelled on with 60 Month Battory ~ (SQ.K MatalM odvaiKted to the third round, however, isth-seeded Marcella building a foundation to get hack a him. ‘Tm an a(Mict. Drugs won't M e m r of n e Netherlands was defeated in a first-round match year early. I’ve done everything beat Mitchell, though. Once you ^ aa d ay at the |78,8M Virginia Slims of Aritona women’s tennis they asked. They can test me any make a mistake like that, there are ees mm mm smua ton filament. time they want. If I had disap­ a lot of ways to go. You can deny it MKNtorikMt 64MSM peared. thelne would be no basis for and disappear. I didn’t do that. I I M - MAWtHESTEK HEHAU). WtdiWitfw. March ll. itw MANCHESTER HERALD. W w tew to. MarOi II. i W f - I t Your NBlghbof^M KHchw Pakistani sweetens internationai test About Town John Greene-AI Berrgren; 3, Ann De Muriin-Mary By Money Poppas Altaf, the pharmaciat who owns heat for 40 minutes. Do not Im BIMt BHmlnar planiMd II plans a reunion for June of 1987. Members may family supper, Altaf said. “We Corkum. East-West 1, Tom Regan-Mike Frasklin; 2, contact Emory R. Sweigard, 1644 Linglestown Road. Writer's dub to meet Herald Reporter ' Crown Pharmacy Prescription cream boil. The heat will rimply David J Collins will start every day from scratch,” Frankie Brown-Moliie limreck; 8, Lesly WhHe-Faye Harrisburg, Peirn. 17110 or call 717-2868419. 'The Wit and Wisdom Writer’s Club will have ita Center on West Center Street. she said. “We peel and grind the promote evaporation and lead his "Walk Thru the thickening. Lawrence. regular monthly poetry meeting Saturday at 2 p.m. and Ofven tfie opportontty/ Sobails The couple has maintained garlic, chop the onions, grind the Bible” seminar at Trinity - Feb. 28; North-South 1, Jim Baker-Louise Kermode; Cut the baked cheese into rectaw' Covenant Church on Sat­ Hebert It ERc of the year its prose meeting March 28 at 2 p.m. at Whiten Aitsf eould ratisfy even tfie most close ties with the Pakistani way peppers, grind coriander seeds in gles about 2 inches by l inch. Pour 2, Mollie limreck-Peg Dunfield; 8, Mary Warren- Memorial Library. North Main Street. Original poems fneatleMe sweet tooth. The Pakls- urday from 6 a.m. to 5 Edith Boucher. East-West 1, Frankie Brown-Faye The Manchester Lodge of life. They are teaching their a coffee grinder, and do the cooked milk on top and refrigerate p.m. He Is an instructor and prose will be read and discussed. Refresfonents teiil sweets she prepares are children, Soineira and Arsalan, to cardamom seeds in a mortar and for three to four boars before Lawrence; 2, Irv Carlson-Sara Mendelsohn; 8, Murray of Elks has selected Hank will be served. with the Walk Thru the Powell-Tom Regan. Hebert of isS Pearl St. as intensely sugary, by American talk in the native • Pakistani pestle.” serving. Sprinkle with almonds Just Bible Ministries, based in standards, but delicious nonethe­ tongue. They serve primarily These spices are used in the before serving. Serves four to six,. Feb. 26; North-South I, Bette Marttai-Loulse Elk of the year. Georgia, and travels Hebert, an employee of less. “ The sweet desserts follow Pakistani foods at home, and they Kermode; 2, Ann De Martin-FIo Barre; 8-4, Jim preparation of the meat, usually throughout the country Baker-Hal Lucal; 64, Ethel Robb-Ann McLaughlin. Pratt ft Whitney, Is a 8t. Patrfek'e Day at day care our very spicy meals," Altaf are active in the Pakistani- beef, chicken or goat, as well as providing an overview of East-West I, Frankie Brown-Peg Dunfield; 2, Tom veteran of the U.A. Army Delmont Day Care and Jefferson House Adult Day explained on Tuesday. “It takesa American Cultural Association, the vegetables. Most popular the Bible in easy-to- Regan-MIke Franklin; 8. Mary Warren-Margaret and a recipient of the strong sweet to follow a spicy ilbderstand teachings. Care centers will celebrate St. Patrick’s Dayen March one of the sponsors of the among vegetables are eggplant, Boyle. Purple Heart. He has 17. There will be a party for the clients and the children m eat." international night. cauliflower, potatoes and green For more information, given his time to help She will prepare a large dish of call 6462658. in the morning. In addition, Altaf wears the peas, which are often prepared in iteasposn ledgartie AFif fruN M l« under way with many of the social Lunch will be corned beef and cabbage with a special one of her special desserts, ras traditional Pakistani woman’s combination. Several curried I smaH choppedleni«i < and fund-raising events dessert. After hmeh, Bert Johnson will conduct an Irish malai, for the international night garb every day. This consists of a dishes, rice and a number of I laMespeons vegetable oH Bridga club The Manchester chapter of American Field Service sponsored by tbe club. sing-a-Iong. planned Saturday at the Lowe dress worn well below the knees, condiments are generally offered M leaspeon salt llttt tcoret has been conducting its annual fruit sale. The Those imerested in attending are advised to call Program Center at Manchester known as a kameex, and a pair of at each meal. cap water fund-raiser, which supports international scholar­ Cantor offart 6462680 for an appointment. Community College. gathered pants inthesamefabric. But for the Herald readers, 1 peaim freaen paff pastry sheets Bridge scores for the ships, ends this week, but calls are still encouraged. To The event, which starts at 8:80 known as shalwar. The same Altaf offered two simpler recipes, Combine everything but the puff : Feb. 12-23 Manchester buy the various kinds of fruit offered, call Michael haalth clattat p.m., will feature Laotian, Scot­ pastry in a large skillet. Co(dt over AM. Bridge Club Smith for sale locations ai 6460632. Lamaia daaata offarad basic garmentsareworn in winter which require no spedal cooking medium heat for abouttirmlnutes, The first of a four-part tish, German, Polish and Indian and in summer, for elegant equipment. First isthedessert she include; David Collins Stop Smoking Workshop Lamaze childbirth classes, taught by ASPO-Lamase, or until all liquid has evaporated. Feb. 12; North-South l, traditional dances, an Indian parties and for housework, Altaf will serve on Saturday night, and Allow pastry to thaw at room Orange plant Saturday dinner will begin at the Senior certified instructors, begin every two weeks in the singer, and a Pakistani who plays Bette Martin-Louise Kermode; 2, Ann De Martin- Citizens’ Center on Mon­ greater Manchester area. Class size is limited. For said. second is a snack popular both in temperature for about 15 minutes. Phyllis Pierson; 3. Hat Lucai-Jim Baker. East-West 1. Manchester Grange will have a corned beef dinner at the classical sitar. day from 9;30 to 11;30 / more information, call 6464812. “Wejustmakeuptheclothingin Pakistan and India. Preheat oven to 8Mdegrees. Unroit Lesly White-FayeLawrence (overall winners); 2, John the Grange hall on Olcott Street Saturday at 6p.m. The During the program’s intermis­ a.m. Caroly Bountress, a Hank Hebert a different texture, depending thawed dough, then cut each ot the Kilbourne-Saul Cohen; 3, Frankie Brown-Peg cost is 68.80, and the dinner is open to the public. registered nurse with the sion, Pakistani desserts and upon the occasion or the weather. Rat malBl two pieces Into six triangto. You Dunfield. Tickets are available from any officer of the Grange American Cancer Society, will direct the series. American snacks will be served. It may be silkier, or in more vivid should have a total of 12 triangles. 'Feb. 16; North-South 1, Marry Warren-Edith or by calling Ruth Herbele at 643-5391 and Edith Schoell High school reunion planned 1 peiad ricotu cheese Additional sesisons will be March 23,25 30, all from 9; 30 That’s when guests will have the colors, for a big social event,” she Put a heaping spoonful of meat- Boucher; 2, Mike Franklin-Lesly White; 3, Eleanor at 528-8081 after 6 p.m. toli;30a.m. The New Britain High School class of 1982 is planning opportunity to sample Altai’s 2 caps sugar mixture into the center of each, fold Berrgren-Louise Miller. East-West 1, Tom Regan-Jim said. "It is not because It is quaint 4 caps haU-aad-half An exercise class will be held at the senior center a reunion Sept. 12 at the Holiday Inn in New Britain. unusual sweet, ras malai, which is that I wear it. It Is because It Is the dough over and seal tte edges, Baker; 2, Frankie Brown-Faye Lawrence; 3, Murray next week on Monday. Wednesday and Friday from Those interested in helping should call Angela Bianca V!i cap sUvered almoads using a little water as you pinch the Powell-lrv Carlson. Battalion plant reunion made from ricotta cheese and Very pract i c a 1, very Mix ricotta and sugar In a large, 1;30 to 2; 30 p.m. Additional date^ are March 23, 25. 27 at 2260175, Victor ArovinI at 827-8244 or Ronald Boehm dough. Feb. 19; North-South !, Carol Lucal-Hal Local; 2, The 863rd Signal Air Warning Battalion of World War and 30, all from l; 30 to 2;30 p.m. at 6663652. H«r«ld phoio by Tuekbr cream. comfortable.” non-stick baking pan. Place, unco­ Place pastries onto a cookie Altaf, a physician, came to If the clothing is streamlined, vered, In a preheated 428-degree Sohaila Altaf of Manchester serves ras malai, a dessert sheet, leaving room aroUnd each, Manchester from the Punjab the cooking of Pakistan is not. It oven. Bake 30 minutes. for expansion. Bake (or 18 minutes, that will be among the treats offered Saturday evening at region of Pakistan six years ago. takes an average of one to two Meanwhile, pour half-and-half turn over and bake 18 minutes oh the M C C International night. She had Just married Ahmad hours to prepare an everyday Into a saucepan. Cook over medium the other side. Serve hot. Menus St. Patrick’s THE CHEESE SHOP Bnfilor eltIZBna pudding served In Junior and senior Day s ^ ^consln Cheddar ., ** ^ e following lunches will be high schools. 2 When clock Is ticking away, Wednesday; Chicken nuggets, Naturally SiondsrMusnstsrCIwota .3 .M sfrved at Mayfair Gardens and New forfcar CheasoWPapparonl .2.99 l^athlll Gardens the week of dip. potato puffs, corn, bread and March 16 to 20 to Manchester butter, apple wedges, raisins. residents who are 60 or older; Thursday; Zitl. meat sauce, tuna puffs can save the day RIonday: Orange Juice, roast beef salad, bread and butter, fruited with gravy, mashed potatoes, zuc­ gelatin with topping. chini, white bread, pebble pudding. Friday; New England clam One of the Tuesday; Apple juice, corn^ chowder. French bread pizza, high for e to 7 minutes. Turn tuna gingerbread with topping. great American puffs at 2 minute intervals. bijet, boiled potatoes, cabbage and stand-by foods is Microwave soup, milk, and carrots, wheat bread, lime ice box tuna fish. There cfke. Bolton Bchoolt Is hardly a home cayenne pepper in a 4-cup glass M icrow ave measure at high for 2 to 2Vk ^Wednesday: Cranberry juice, The following lunches wil) be anywhere that Swedish meatballs in sour cream doesn’t have at minutes. Stir. Serve over tuna served in the Bolton Elementary K itclleii puffs. Yields 6 servings. giavy, noodles, green beans and and Center schools the week of least one can of tqihatoes, dinner roll. C!alifornla tuna on the shelf March 16 to 20: Marge Churchill Hot choMo tuna talad compote. Monday; Juice, cheeseburger, for emergen­ F a ra d a y ; Vegetable beef soup, potato salad, fruit cocktail. cies. lunches, 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese via! piccata. oven browned pota­ A®P last minute cas­ iS Tuesday; St. Patrick’s Day Irish 3 hard cooked e g p , chopped toes, buttered beets, rye bread, stew, Irish bread, shamrock salad. The Supermarket with Warehouse Prices seroles or just a (prepared conventionally) fresh fruit. snack. Wedneday; Half day. no lunch. Double Coupons and Quality, t€M> 1 can (7 ounces) tuna fish, Friday; Pineapple juice, fish, Thursday; Cook’s choice. There are an endless number of Combine eggs, milk, and salt. drained potato rounds. Oriental mixed recipes available for using tuna Pour over bread in baking dish. Friday; Juice, meat and cheese t tablespoons chopped green vegetables, wheat bread, ice pizza, salad, fruited gelatin. ’The ease and economy of dishes Chill for 8 to 24 hours. pepper cream. made with tuna have made it a Before microwaving, bring bread 2 tablespoons chopped onion family favorite for years. mixture to room temperature. 2 tablespoons chopped sweet MbrIs on WhBBit Coventry schoolt One-half cup of solid white tuna, Combine shrimp soup, sour cream, pickles .The following meals are to be . The following lunches will be packed in Water contains less than and salt in a 2-cup glass measure Vk cup mayonnaise served In the Coventry elementary Microwave at high for 3 minutes. served to Meals on Wheels clients ISO calories. This makes it a 4 toasted split bulky rolls the week of March 18 to 20. The hot schools the week of March 16 to 20; favorite with dieters. Nutritionally, Pour over bread mixture. Cover Combine cheese, eggs, tuna fish, Monday: Cheeseburger, french with waxed paper. Microwave at n6on meal is listed first, the cool tuna provides high-quality protein, green pepper, onion, pickle and evening meal second. fries, pickles, fruit. and is a valuable source of many medium for IS to 17 minutes. mayonnaise in a 1-quart glass bowl. Tuesday; Apple juice, pancakes minerals. Garnish with sliced eggs, paprika, Monday; Beef stew on a biscuit, Stir until blended. Microwave at wax beans, salad, applesauce. Cold and syrup, potato puffs, sausage Bo, how about some tuna recipes and chopped parsley. Yields 4 to 6 high for 3 minutes. Stir after 1 pattie. gelatin with topping. servings. HM ld photo by Pinto , turkey sandwich, orange, milk. for the microwaye? Sure, why not! minute. Tuesday; Beef roulades, rice Wednesday: Grilled cheese sand­ ’Tuna dishes prepared in the micro­ Note; This make-ahead tuna Let mixture stand for 1 minute wich, chips, vegetable chips, fresh casserole is Ideal for a busy day. pilaf, squash, salad, cake. Ham THE BUTCHER SHOP wave will be faster than those before spreading on hot toasted Like father, like eon sandwich, fruit, milk. fruit. p r^ ared by conventional methods, Two minutes of preparation the bulky rolii>lls. Yields 4 I sandwiches.1 Wednesday; Chicken a la king, Thursday: Meat and cheese ponKLom-mBsiDcon KEF FW-eomEW-HALVtSlIILB. and provide a taste treat that the night before, or early in the Ai I "> Jeffrey Nelson of Boy Scout Troop 25 is he weaii originally belonged to his cauliflower, green beans, salad, tacos, seasoned rice. Mexican com, Beef^ffi 098 whole family can enjoy. morning makes this recipe a Tatty tuna baka> cookie. W White Cloud ^ Whole 4 3 8 Save the recipes in today's winner. congratulated by his parents, Mr. and father, who was once a member of Troop pudding. Bologna and cheese sand­ f Friskies Buffet ^ Rib Eyes ib A wich, fruit cocktail, milk. Friday: Fruit juice, cheese pizza, Pork Loins ib M column for one of those days when a 1 can (3 ounces) french-fried Mrs. Richard J. Nelson of363 Spring St., 25. It was presented by William Auden of Cat Food I Bath Tissue ST. PnTWCKS SDAY FAWWITE FLAT CUT 178 LB. IM S PUK CHUCK ’narsday; Pot roast of beef with garden fresh salad, fruit. 1 wnpti*. _ _ _ can of tuna is all you have on hand, onion rings after receiving his Eagle rank. Boy wMora 4 4 3 Tuna pufft In tauca the Long Rivers Council during a special gravy, baked potatoes, zucchini, Corned Beef A 0 4 Fresh and the clock is ticking away. 1 package (7 ounces) macaroni, Scouting's highest award. The Eagle pin ceremony at home. I cup Instant mashed potato cooked and drained salad, pudding. Egg salad sand­ Coventry High School L 4 9 9 “^ Brisket bVO Qround Chuck i». I L 4 J BEEF CHUCK-CENTER CUT flakes 2 cans (6Vk ounces each) tuna, wich. peaches, milk. The following lunches will be Hot tuna bake Friday; Baked haddock square DOLE THIN SmOHETO on Ann Page Sliced Bacon pi.9 1 .7 9 Chuck Steaks or Roasts ® .1.49 1 can (8Vk ounces) tuna fish, flaked and drained served at Coventry High School the BEEF CHUCR'BONELESS SHOULDER Muellers B E E F -U B PRO 1 «e _ _ 8 slices bread (trim crust). drained 1 can (13 ounces) evaporated with newburg sauce, mashed pota­ week of March 16 to 20; Pineapple „4 0 9 London Broil Steaks ® .1.99 toes, carrots, salad, cookies. Cold A&P Meat Franks ,.,1.39 divided *eggs milk Juice 1 Elbows THICR SLICE0-J4-O2 PRO 3 S»-SLICEO BEEF RIB-BONELESS Thoushts roast beef sandwich, canned apri­ Monday: Beef-bacon burger on 4;*1 Vt cup butler 1/3 cup chopped celery 1 can (10V4 ounces) condensed sesame roll, vegetable, fruit. ICO 4aCr.lAMtt»CT.$MAUMCT EX LGE 2ICT REFRESHING Hygrade West Virginia B^on p*« 2 . 2 9 Rib Eye Steaks S I .3 .9 9 I can (7 ounce) tuna fish, drained cots. milk. 100S PURE ROUNO-MB. PRO OR MORE 3 tablespoons chopped pimlento cream of mushroom soup, Tuesday; Spaghetti with meat Pampers 099 Indian Summer JUIdBOBEEF-l-lB PRC i t * n d r t I cup shredded sharp Cheddar Most couples when asked to husband (this one was a bit harder and that ever-fleeting commodity Kahn’s Jumbo Meal Franks pig 2 .1 9 Fresh Ground Round .1.99 1 tablespoon Instant chopped undiluted describe the time when they were sauce, roll, green beans, fruit. „ " 9 9 * cheese onion 1 Jar (2Vk ounces) mushroom to muster the strength to ask). ’Then called time. A couple of suggestions * Manchedter hospital Diapers 0 Apple Juice < SPECIAl CUT OR MAPLE CURED KUME DE VEAU-FRESH dating describe what appears to Wednesday: In-service day. no mve*cT.aoLL MARINERS COVE NEV7 ENGLAND Shoulder Hade Chops .2 .9 9 S eggs, beaten Vk teaspoon salt pieces and stems, drained ask her to describe her dreams in that on the surface will seem The following dinners will be Colonial Sliced Bacon px« 2.19 have been a lot of fUn. They were life.” 1 always like a good challenge lunch served, Bounty Jumbo Towels J2 .3 9 Clam Chowder j?79‘ SLtCED-ASSORTEOWRMTTES plume DE VEAU-LOM CHOPS * H LB I cup milk Vk cup crushed com flakes 1 Jar (4 ounces) chopped pimlento simplistic; One. trade child-care served to senior citizens at Man­ .3 .9 9 both intensely interested in one — so I began dating my wife. time with another couple that has a Thursday: Hamburger on a roll, OltHDCTEROCNT STEMS t PIECES A&P Lunch^ Meats 2 *>*» 99* Fresh Veal Rib Chops Vk teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon crashed parsley Reserve half of the french-fried chester Memorial Hospital the barbecue sauce, bacon, onion rings, Ivory Liquid jf2.59 Mi. Laurel Mushrooms 2.‘.*1 ’I PLUME OE VEAU-STEW 3 M LB another. They did different things. The funny thing is that we are similar need. Two, go fora walk (or. ^ THEDEU I can (10 ounce) cream of shrimp 1 can (lOVk ounces) Cheddar onion rings. Combine remaining week of March 15 to 21. Meals are vegetable, fruit. LAUNDRY DCTEROCNT REGUl AR. MEAT OR MU^fRDOM Fresh Ground Veal .1.99 There were good times. Why does actually enjoying this time. We do do something else free or Inexpen­ L iHsionrs'AHfRiOM’?' *vi ARI f soup, undiluted cheese soup, undiluted onion rings with macaroni, tuna, seyved in the cafeteria from 4:30 to Friday; Pizza, salad, fruit. Liquid Cheer ’j;’ 6 .9 9 Prego Sauce j,’1.49 FRESN-ORADC "A” the fun have to stop when there is a not date as often as we would like, sive.) It is not the "bucks” spent! GREAT WITH PEANUT BUTTER GOURMET -LONGACRC Perdue Cornish Game Hens .1.39 Vk cup commercial sour cream 1/3 cup milk milk, soup, mushrooms and pi- marriage? It doesn’t! It may be a 6; 30 pm. MJ.ONNOS _ „ V* teaspoon seasoned salt Dash of cayenne pepper miento in a 2-quart casserole. Mix and sometimes we sit and look at that makes the date. Lastly, make ' Sunday; London broil with gravy, Maslw Blend Coffee j.’ 2 .2 9 Marshmallow Fluff ^•99‘ Turkey Breast . 4 . 6 9 bit different than those days in the VEGETABLE MPORTEO-BAUkRIAN I hard-cooked egg, sliced Combine potato flakes, tuna fish, each other wondering what to say; your spouse a priority (it takes tim2 RHAM high school* IHST»Nt HFAl 1M & Pt Atn > Alps ANP well. Microwave 10 minutes on past, but it is perfectly legal for fried shrimp, baked chicken with Maxwel House (Doffee J3 .9 9 Crisco Shortening 42.39 Swiss Cheese . 3 . 6 9 Gt-NFRAt MF RCMANPlSt Paprika eggs, celery, pimlento, onion, and but we are dating and basically to build a good marriage — but it The following lunches will be high, or until center is hot. stirring married couples to enjoy one having a good time. gravy. HdPORTEDfEELED TU64A SALAD 2.M LB Chopped parsley salt. Mix well. Form mixture into 12 also takes time to be involved in one served at RHAM junior and senior Pillsbury Brands Sale . 1 . 6 9 BONUS SIZE-100 4 2S FREE once. another. Honest! For the average couple there are Monday; Seafood newburg. chili Rosa Tomatoes o';69‘ Spiral Pasta Salad Spread bread slices with butter. balls. 2 inches in diameter. that is crumbling). Have fun. PLAIN OR SELF-RSm O ORIOINAL. UNSALTED OR LOW SALT Spread onion rings over casse­ I was challenged about a year ago some initial proMems to overcome, dbgs. sub by the inch, chicken high schools the week of March 16 to Buffeiin Place slices in an 8-inch square Mix corn flakes and parsley . Coat role. Let stand for 3 to 5 minutes. together! Parmesan. 20: Pillsbury Nabisco Premiums 4 99‘ k LENTEN SEAFOOD SPECIALS J to begin dating my wife again. such as those cute little things WISE-ALL FLMfORS Ibblets baking dish. Spread tuna fish and tuna balls with cornflake mixture. Note; For variation, substitute 1 Tuesday; Sausage and peppers, Monday; Chicken nuggets, hash FROZEN-HADDOCK. SOLE OR "Take her out for lunch and ask her called children; those pieces of Flour 41.19 GENUINE cheese over bread slices. Top with Arrange tuna balls in an 8-inch can (16 ounces) salmon for tuna. clam roll, quiche, braised short brown pattie, cornbread, corn, 79* Cottage Fries Potato CNps (Norton's Stuffed Saod S I2 .2 9 how her week has been. Ask her paper that seem to be growing more AU VAWrnES-BEAOV TO SP1WAD9 REGULAR OR L»GMTd*LUS DEPOSIT FROZEN-LIGHT RECIPE Bayer Aspirin remaining 4 bread slices round baking dish. Microwave at Yields 6 servings. Pastor Paul F. Knight rihs. pudding with topping. how she thinks I am doing as a and more scarce — called money; Trinity Covenant Charch Pillsbury .. 3 9 Stroh’s Beer 30 r. 9.99 Gorton’s Shrimp Scampi K ; 2 .9 9 SOFT Wednesday; Turkey divan, beef Tuesday: Tacos, lettuce and 4 CRUNCHY Diaparene Powder stroganoff. knockwurst and sauerk­ tomato cup. Spanish rice, pears, Frosting 1 Bachman Jax .’.9 9 ‘ r FRESHSEAFOOPS J BABY-OISPOSABLE ^ ^ _ _ raut, Lions’ Ferry sandwich. cake. IRC ORCAfFEWEFRElTAS.-PlOSOCPOSn FLOUNDER FILLET 4 7* LB Diaparene Wash Cloths c 1.29 Supermarket Shopper Fudge Brownie M ix .,1.29 Thursday; Veal cacciatore. Wednesday; Cheeseburger on a Coke or Diet Coke 6 1.89 Southern Calico Scalops ^ COOKWARE • ^ cheese ravicli, cheeseburger on a roll, fries, vegetables, ice cream. co o FKIET 3.H LB. Green (jfent Com 2 «8 9 * Keebler Toasteds Crackers « 1 . 2 9 Haddock Filet-Skin On ( ^ ) AvMlCie0 write for; IC1 cereal Price*eHeellWSim..Ww SihthruSW..Her.IWi.lSBT. ______tinmifnhirai and banana chips. Store in an M oidw to •»««• ‘‘"•^ “^ **’*****•“ ** *^ "^ "*^ ®*^**^^ ^ Ihis amenity seems to bp given a lot more d rd e from the bottom of M package. I atootaond that Baby Magic Stretch Mark C rane send the car ton CmCKEN HELPER II Refund oner, P.O. Box airtight container at room temper­ consideration in the South and West. And I have found Ught Support pantyhose was offering a retand to panel containing the Universal Product Oofo. 8268. P cy . Minneapolis. MN 86466. Thto offor uDeat beau anyone willing to compare their prodiict to L'eggs ature. Serve with milk. Makes good, clean facilities In the new l a ^ r supermarkets Inclade the dated sales receipt with the purchase expires April 36,1667, but requests for the form t/s walnuts about 5 cups. and superstores that are replacing inany of the smaller Sheer Energy. IWey asked fora label from the L’eggs price circled. Expires March 31,1667. must be received by March 15,1667. While waiting 1/3 pMed stores. package, so I sent Rie green side label with the L'eggs BROWN’N SERVE Refund Offa. Receive up to for the form, save the Universal Product Code Nutrition information per 1/S-cup bkhr Skippiiif ^ Birr Conitrs, Mnchistir Ih e men’s room I recently found in a new Schnuck logo. four 86-cent coupons good on any Swift P remium ^mbols from two packages of any variety of I/S serving (without milk): 66 cal., 8 g NOURW MONDAY thru PRRMVfo** ax* t o I t « P ^ superstore in St. Louis (yes. there was also a separate Francee will receive an autographed copy of my Brown’N Serve sausage pnxlact. Send the Chicken Helper. 14 CO* Med unnfiswer seeds pro., 12gcaTtm.,8gfat, Imgcbol., BATURDAT te * AM. TO to to P m ; MRIDAV td ll AJL TO te * PJL ladies’ room) was a lot larger than most restrooms I AjrviQV fo venpons mni iivivnuR. Ml ca cMpa. 46 mg sodium. U.S. RDA: l8 percent riboflavin, 12 percent iren. H - M AlfCm yfEK HERALD. WWliWlfinri TT,


WWATOO' r W 4 ) M6 W^^lTe5 «-gMTBP n i(« C f Z Y l oofofi ^ r p T O ' TAy PiOPM$ K C B A H'e K g m m . 1 < ^ 9 FOR'MMA'TOd Wlti4 A T i(V »T IR V I N l collided It and iRjuri "W e um Annoyed by a persistent n«y OwpUn vehicle or Peeping Tom, psychiatrist a Federal EHBOlMOVie:'Tlw Stei^anie Davis (guest star OawafOangr A fam ly ofor orpnanodorplianod cNkcrwdran onv DEAR Patricia Kalember) seeks help The crai bart( on a croaa-coumrv joumay that takas ABST: This THE s a p PRO SAYS thamtoHawaiiinssarchof anawKfa. An- from McCall, and their friend­ o f Newpoi ‘<£5, SIR ..I concerns “J.r. FOR YOU TO STOP drawMeCantiy.CnatllaFiakls, JannteOun- ship quickly leads to ro­ near the e u n p e r s t a n p . das. KNK. Im rt 0 in Vancouver, /MARCUIN6THR0U6H ALL mance, on CBS's "The Equal­ milen soul TNCMUirTOM k|r LM ^ilk « tr tany THE SAMPTIJAPS! (M A M IWOVNI: ‘ Naium of tha JarA' Wash.” who vi­ "T h re e Third Haiallmam of Gaorga Lucas' izer,” which airs WEDNBSDAV, MANCN 11. sited Munich, F ire Depe 'Sw Wars" trilogy rsunhes Luka Sk^ Germany, WITH Fm eN P» LiK S i o u walkar and Ms comrsdas for a final bsttfot w ere Iran where he took a BA BA m J with tha iv il Oslaetlc Empks. Mark HamM. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME not immei tour of eight o o M t r r 4 Harrison Ford, Carria Fiahsr. 19S3. Rstad ThepHo N B 8 P F6. model homes Aina said. 6 :O O F M (S H ) » » nem open to the pub- CD Thrna’f Compuny lic. He was Thoaeki shocked to find peraoimel CD Magnum. F.l. flight coni CGD Gknma a Briok that all the homea had bathrooms salesman must have been pulling (9 IMe«k and IWndy located about six feet from the front that tourist’s leg. I am not rare I ’ll bet the Bavarian nteanian la THE OmiZZWELLS"' by BM Schorr 9 M u m h v m door. On inquiring of the aaleaman, about Germany, hut I know for a sffll laogMng at that grtlM e Tank. 9 m *a*b *h 8:30PM CD 9 Hanqt ICC) A misun- fact that the building codes hi A.N.If. I'M m m A ofooom cm. (S Haws Liv*. rlsrstanding leads Nurse Duckett to believe (C N N ) N iwanight he was told that homeownera were thet Harry is in love with her. [E S P I^ Mazda BporiaLoek required by law to provide toilet Holland state that bathrooms moat DENTtW, TEXAS /WVOUTViDC/WUCKTVC ( 9 Chailla's Angela C H IC A( CD MHHon Dollar Chance of a Litatima (U BA ) Dragnet facilities for anyone who asked to be separated from the general j------I iS G id n e v mental ta 9 Novala; Eaa fifiuehaelta da Ojoa Cafe use them* living quarters by two doors for DEAR ABBT: I have traveled < ® Begeiw41 1 2 : 0 5 A M (X) Addarly Adderiy fears m o rn iiv ( (O fSl Danger Bay A deaf boy is frus­ thet hit beautiful former partner may be He asked if you had ever heard of reasons of privacy. These Iw- widely in Bavaria and never beard ; .l& M aeN eK- Lehrar Newahow trated over hfs diflKulty to communicate involved in an assassination attempt (70 such a thing and you replied. throoms are always located in the of such a "law ,” but I haven't been introverte t * ® Carol Buman and FrIanda with others, so Grant introduces him to a mm.) (R) front hallway. However, there Is no there in the last dozen yean , so I f the I •LONOie by Dm h Yoimc h Man Drafca ‘‘Never.” epeciat kind of friend, Mike the Chimpan­ law requiring a homeowner to open maybe a law was pas^ by a equivalen zee. 1 2 : 3 0 A M QD Oyneety Abby, I recently saw a TV • • KI irbuah * pilot ' and an orphanad runa- his door to a stranger from off the raburban mnnicfpalHy In the bMh typei O tfT ID CD Entefiafnment Tonight program showing several interiors HERB AND 1 AND I WANT TO SEE BLONDIB WATCHES HER ^ OAGtHOaO, VOU'RB >, way ara fercad to aurvive in die Canadian 9:00PM 3) MOVIE: 'Houston street. • meantime. WANT TO U K B TO THE COMEDY SPK iA l. SHOW HERE a n d TO O TSIE A 'NOfUUO- WWdamoaa aftar an emergancy landing. Knights' A pair of vastly dissimitar plsin- m ehm it Tammy by Swedish and Norwegian borne resea rch ( T H E e C E T H E SOeS HOME POR HERS r CLASS -€ " -*‘“11 I Doug McClura. Mchaal Sharren, Mari Du- dotbes pokce officers f i ^ crime on the ® MOVIE: 'OM Ac<|ualntance' A designers, and they bad indoor LEX BORGER, I know Bavarians, and they are “ Basics PIOHT SCRIBS PREOCAMBNT) IlMEOlATOR ; aay. 1976. streets of Houston. Michael Pare, Michael woman envies her writer-friend, so ihe be­ batbrooma by the front door, sO LAGUNA HILLS. CALIF. the world’s greatest tricksten. caffeine il ■ (E S P N ) Mazda SportaLook Back. Robyn Douglass 1987. comes a successful writer also. Iwiam maybe there is such a law abroad. with an almost perverted aenae of Hopkms. Bette Davis, John Loder. 1943 M eistant) (U S A ] USA Cartoon Expraaa CD 9 Dynasty (CC) Krystle asks Sarah LOUISE S. DEAR ARRY: Regarding the humor, eo one of this type aright Tuesday. to move into the mansion, MeVane contin- 9 9 Lata Night wlib DavM Lattarman perran who wondered why ba­ have told what they coneidered a 6:06PM ® Doctor Who ues to blackmail Adam, and a millionaire From April 1986: 8actor Tom Sallack, sir- EVERETT, WASH. throwa a gda party for Alexis. (60 min ) plane stuntman Jesse Woods snd jazz throoms in Bavarian homes were too-nosy vtsitew this tale with a 6:30PM CD WKRp In CInetnnatl CD MOVIE: A (Man CaRad Intrapfar saxophonist David Sanborn make appear­ IffiAR AHBY: Being German, I built so they were accessible to the straight face. GB 'T CD ® ABC N e w ances (60 min) (R) In Stereo. public; I don’t know the official Based on WMiam Stevenson's book about would like to pul my 2 cents in about Practically every German town ® Bonaon Attied espionage operations during World 9 Alfred HKehcoefc Prssams '* rearan. However, having been born NEWYi the model homes in Munich. A has public t^ e ts that smell to Mgh ( 9 8 C T V Warn David Niven, Michael York, Barbara 9 R4ora Real People in Bavaria. I suspect that the executive: Hershey 1979 Part 2. Vancouver visitor was shocked to heaven, but they are available to 9 Too Cfoto for Comfort 1 9 Gene Scott centuries of beer drinking have set stand: ® Peter. Paul and Mary - 25th Anrrtvar- see the bathroom located near the the bladder-deficient piririic, and in ‘ 9 9N8CNo«va primipted the town fathers to •ary (iR) In Stereo [ESPN] Worid Cup SkHng Mon's Dowm entrance of the house. It is not a a country that idollzn the manufac­ Edw ard f : 9 NIghtfy Buainoao Raport hill from1 Garmisch,GarmiscI Germany (90 min.) (R) legislate an oasis of comfort for (CN N ] Larry King Live ‘ ’bathroom” with a shower and tub; ture, gale and consumption of beer, “ I frani ® NoOctoro Univlafon [USA] Edge of Night emergencies. fp IS ] MOVIE: 'The Roots of Ooofy' Gary It is simply a toilet and a washbasin that’s a sizable populace. Newa P re ® Lova Cotmoetfon Owens traces GoOfy’s f^tly tree to find 12:35AM [MAX] m o v ie : -u sax — to accommodate guests, so they HELEN WATKINS. said in a I ON THE PAETNACK by BIN Holbrook Anyway, no well-bred German i (C N N ] Showbiz Today out what makes Goofy goofy 1984. Shop' Couples aiiempt to keep up with do not have to go into tlie family’s MISSOULA. MONT. A ll thre fast-changtng sexual mores. Claude Berri, would think of asking to get into a I (E B P N ] InaMo tho FOA Tour (E 8 P N ]T o p»Rank l Boxhig from Atlantic living quarters to use the facilities. diminisbli Chy, NJ |2 hrs., 30 min ) Live, v^ltei Berto, Jean-Pterre Marielle; 1973 DEAR ABBY; It is my impres­ private home to relieve himsMf. [ 7:00PM CD CBS Newa Rated R There is no such “ law” requiring long-term [TM C ] MOVIE; Love Me or Uava Me' homeowners to let strangers In to sion that" J.F. In Vancouver” got a He’d rather be arrested behind a • CD ® » M*A*8*H A Chicago gangster discovers a dime-a- budget. TI 1 2 ;4 0 A M [TMC] fiSOVIE: -Richard use the toilet. I know; I have lived stufrid answer to a stupid question. I bush than be embarrassed by • I.C D 9 v V h a o l of Fortune dance hostess and tries to force her into III' Shakespeare’s classic of the mad king, asking a stranger to open his toilet all three i the big time James Cagney, Doris Day, all my life in Germany. spent seven years in Munich, and ' CD 9 8100.000 Pyramid filmed in Spain and England. Sir Laurence door. Few Germans would let a Last we Cameron Mitchell 1955 In Stereo CHivier, Sir John Gielgud, Sir Ralph Richard­ BOHN GERMAN. no, you do not have to let strangers ® Jafforaona new rouni (U SA ) MOVIE: 'Uttle Oforia . Happy at son. 1955 PORT ST LUCIE. FLA. Into your home to use the bathroom, stranger Into their home to use the ' (B) Boat of Saturday Night Laat'‘ The true story of the notorious 1934 telei^one — much less the toilet. percent b 1 :0 0 A M CD l Love Lucy kitchen, broom closet or anything 9 fiSaeNafi-Lahrar Nawthour chHd'Custocfy cate of 10-year-old heiress (Nor would any New Yorker!) President IT) Joe Franklin Show DEAR ABBY; Having lived In else.. The architect put the ba­ 9 Bamaiy MRIer Gloria Vanrterbift. Bette Davis. Angela throom near the front door because WORLD TRAVELER Lansbury; Christopher Plummer 1982 9 Twilight Zone Holland for eight years. I think the j - 9 Hollywood Squaraa Pan 2 , ® Novala: Cima da Loboa 9 Maude Acc 9 :1 5 P M ® National Geographic Spe­ [CNN] Croaifire • 9 Nightly Bualnaaa Raport cial The behavior of wild tigers is explored BOULD up close in this special fHmed in two of [D IS] MOVIE: Young Baas' Romanti­ ' I D Matt Houston cized story of the young EKzabeth t, focus­ Doctor should check growth parents ol India's national parks (75 min ) I (CN N ] IMonayfina ing on the ten years beginning with King for the crl ‘ ’ (E8PN] SportaCanler 9 :3 .p P M 9 Odd Coupifi Henry's death Jean Slrhmons Stevvart contribute to your sleeping prob­ Granger, Deborah Kerr 1953. D E A R DR. the defeiM (HB01 How to Rslas a Strsat-Smart Ml) Muy Etpaclal: Padrito Fernandai lem; so might other diseases, (U SA] Search for Tonnorrow OOTT; My II- Jeffersf ‘ Child Police officiels and child-abuse e«- 1 0 : 0 0 P M Nawa including dejpresalon. t parts offer advice on education children CE) year-old son's told polic Arthur Hallay'a Hcrtal (CC) A sex 1 :1 5 A M (X) MOVIE: Beyond Evil' penis Is the size If your doctor bas checked you ' Aout the dangers of abduction and as- CD 9 Newlyweds move to a tropical island and tavern laa A stro g ra p h \ aault. Commentary by John Walsh, lather researchef seduces one of his aiiractive of a 1-year-old’s. out and found you to be normal, I case studies, Peter's niece unexpectedly find that iherr mansion hides voodoo, de­ opened M • of Adam Walsh, who was abducted in mons and (error. Lynda Day George, John He had a groin suggest that you aak him or her to ' _ 1981. Host: DanielJ. Travanli. (fiOmin I In comes to live with him and Christine consi­ D fa G o tt But Mil Saxon, Michael Dante 1980 hernia opera­ change you from Restoril to Stereo ders an appointment to a labor relations testify thi board (60 min.) 1 :2 0 A M [H BO ] MOVIE: The Clair tion at 2 months. Peter Qott, M.D. another sleeping medicine. There [U SA ] AlrwoH are many available — for examirie, Wentz, wl CANCER (Juno 21-July 29) Make an ef­ NORTH ALLEY OOP ®by Dave Graua ® INN News voyant’ A young an student draws Could this ac­ fort to get proper remuneration for aer- 7:30PM (X) FM Magazine .. sketches of three murder victims before "H e w iI (’iftiur 4 A B 7 S (3) Police Story count for the Benadryl, an over-the-counter an­ vlcea rendered today. If you are a poor t1 DIP mA 1.11LITTLE IU.C i/ii9iainM3DISeiNG v/TsON THIS 1 SEE! WELL.THANKS/ IT'S f f l CurraiTt Affair the murders have been committed. Perry tihistamine, often Is useful for feet, and Y Q J 7 6 5 9 9 Nuclear Power- In France it King, Elizabeth Kemp, Norman Parker. lack of growth? <«rthday collector, the bill could go unsettled for yUONMUS FOR YOU! HE LIVES LIV E A FOR THE INFOR- / RIGHT Tuesday. ♦ - - - MtW MILES SOUTH OF■■ HERE "" = OFF NATION! MOW WHAT HERE, ; CD 9 Jeopardy Works 1905 Rated R f Insomnia. You may have to try quite a while. » 4 K 10 5 3 DO I OWE YO U ? J ON TH' Entsrtainmant Tonight several types before you find one "Y o u betl OF E7E...HAB A LAB ON HISiPROPERTV ■ .. CD 9 Local News 1 :3 0 A M CD smart DEAR : QC INN Nawt matlon. that could be treated that agrees with you. M iller Thuraday, March 12,1N7 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your abilities as WEST EAST 9 Honaymoonars dD INN News READER; Hernia surgery should an organizer. are much better today S 9 9 Canon's Comedy Claasict HD Kratkin'a Quatt not In any way affect the size of the without surgery. Remember that Insomnia often dellberatf 4 10 9 3 4KQ642 ® Bizarre In tho year ahead you will be treated for­ than they were yesterday. You'll get penis. Perhaps your son is slow to reflects underlying tension and of the Dul Y10 9 2 48 | w . 9 Bamsy Millar [C N N ] CNN News [CNN] Newsnight Update tunately In several areas which have things done without ruffling anyone's ♦ K J4 8 AQ832 mature. Have him checked by a DEAR DR. GOTT; I ’m 75, male, anxieties. It Is best to address these • * 9 9 Newlywed Qama 1 0 : 0 5 P M [H B O ] MOVIE: A Night­ [U SA] MOVIE: Bedlam' In England dur­ bean rather arid In the past. The most feathers.In s ♦ Q972 464 pediatrician to make sure that hypertensive and have trouble concerns, rather than to rely too VIRGO (Aug. tS-Bepl. 22) Try to be I * 9 NHL Hockey: Boaton Brulna at Nbw mare on Elm Street' A group of friends ing the 17th century, a woman risks her life noticeable Improvements will be career • , Yoik Rangers (2 hrs., 30 min | share a common dream that they are being there is no glandular cause for his sleeping. My doctor prescribed heavily on sleeping pills Wh more watchful than usual today of those SOUTH to make reforms in a notorious mental in­ and material oriented. stalked by a long-dead child murderer stitution Boris Karloff. Anna Lee, Jason Restoril. but It leaves me with What is cholesterolOla: ani;l|now can It who come under your charge. Your 4 J • ® Novala; El Prado da la Fame lack of growth. WASHII PttCRE (Fab. 20-March 20) There are John Saxon, Ronee Blakely. 1904. Rated Robards 1945 ‘‘sleeping-pill hangover.” Are be controlled? For more informa­ indications you'll do something excep­ alertness will spot and lend off potential 4AK43 ‘ 9 Wild, Wild Worid of Animals R. 1600 Peni problems or complications. ♦ 109 7 6 5 [C N N ] Croasflra 2 :0 0 A M CD MOVIE: -separata Ta- DEAR DR. GOTT; I am 77. have there any alternatives? tion, write for Dr. Gott’s n te Health tional today which will win you the re­ 1 0 : 3 0 P M ® INN Newt outside th LIBRA (Bspl. 23-Ocl. 23) A cherished 4A J8 blea' Individual drama envelops the guests myasthenia gravis and pernicious Report. Understanding Cfiblea; spect of your companions. It won't be 1983 NCAA Final Four Hlgh- of a British seaside reson. Deborah Kerr, old friend you haven't seen much of ghilghts of the 1983 final lour col­ 9 National Geographic Special: Uont anemia, have had two periods of D E AR READER; Insomnia is a terol. Send |1 and your name and benefits a ecay to pull off. Get a lump on life by un- Vulnerable: Neither of the African Night A pride of 40 Ilona Is Rita Hayworth. David Niven 1958 deratandlng the influences which are lately Is eager to hear from you. Call or lage basketball teems - North Carolina unconsciousness recently and have common complaint and it has many address to P.O. Box 91428, Cleve­ About ] Dealer: Bast State, Houston. Georgia, and Louisville. studied during a night in the jungle (60 GE) MOVIE: 'Love Letters' An amnesia governing you in the year ahead. Send drop by his or her place today. min.) an apparently incurable facial itch. causes. If you are taking medicine land. OH 44181-3428. Be sure to Service f THE BORN LOSER ®by Art Banaom [TM C] MOVIE: 'The Sky Above, Tha victim is accused of murdering her hus­ m your Astro-Graph predictions today. SCORPIO (OcL 24-Nov. 22) A way can 9 Honaymoonara band. Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. An­ I also cannot read any longer and for hypertension, the drugs could mention the title. Tuesday i be developed today to strengthen your Weit NoHk Eesl Soeth Mud Below' A seven-man espedltlon Mali t1 to Astro-Graph, c/o this news­ 1 4 ita Louise 1945 wonder if a cataract operation " I thin) economic foundations. The start may Dbl. m 6U FroSED TD'STAMP UP; ^ MOIMII06ABDOr, I ioumeys through the uncharted regions of 9 Noticlaro Univlalon paper, P ,0. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 1 NT 2 4 3 4 4 Y HD Twilight Zone and I thin not be too auspicious, but It has I Dutch New Guinea and uncovers primitive [D IS ] Newl Animal Worid would help. 44101-3428. Be sure to state your zodi­ 4 0 6 Y Pass Pass I Stone Age cultures of headhunter trlbes- [ESPN] Skiing: U S Pro Ski Tour union org a c sign. potential. Pass ■ 2 men still unlemlllar with modern clvlllza- 11 :0 6 p M CD CD 9 9 Newt Slalom downhill racing from Pico, Ver­ BAOITTARIUB (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) DEAR READER: The presence Cinema Associatii AMEB (March 21-Aprll It) Don't be ; lion. 1962 CD Lata Show: Starring Joan RIvart |R| mont (R) negative regarding the outcome of an Something of consequence can be ac­ of both myasthenia gravis (adefect unhappy, Opening lead: 8 4 I 7:35PM [D IS] Mouaeterplece Thea- with which you've been toying. If complish^ today, especially It you use CD Carol Burnett and Frianda 2:10AM [M AX] MOVIE: Emman In the movement of nerve signals survive a 9 Odd Couple put to the test today, you'll discover a lesson you've learned from a past, ! ualle 4' Fearful of encountering an abusive between nerves and muscles) and HARTFORD _ . MANCHRITRR The off! __ Magnum. _ P.l . Magnum’s former lover, the sexual adventuress un­ your tears are groundless. painful experience. ' 8:00PM CD 9 Falcon Cratt pernicious anemia (a lack of ClnraiB City — Angel Heart IR) 7:10, UA Thetnen R m l— Angel Heart (R) demonstr CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 10) Suc­ ‘ plans for a romantic weekend with Cynthia dergoes extensive plastic surgery to f :30. — Decline of tha American Empire 7:15. f:30. — The Oelden Child (PO-11) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Don't leave 9 Hogan'a Haroat create a new face and body. Sylvia Kristal, intrinsic factor in the stomach to cess Is In the offing for you today, but it FarrellFerrell goi awry when he gets embroiled in (R ) 7:20, ?;SS. — A Room With A View 7. 7:», *:1S. — Sfar Trek IV: The Vevd«e why can’ Important matters dangling today. Con­ I case (60 min.) 9 Newt Live Mia Nygren 1964. Rated R process vitamin B-12) suggests that — Children of a Latter Ood (R) *:40. — Home(PO) 7,9:15. might not come too easily. If you find a macaore i because t clude them to your satisfaction, even If A daring 9 Tales of the Unexpected you are suffering from autoim­ Radio Dovt (PO) 7:40,,9 ^ :5- 0 . you have to work longer and harder yoursell against the wall, that's the time X MOVIE: 'Butch Caatldy and the 2:30AM 9 Twilight Zone Bundiutca Kid' A couple of legendary out­ 9 M*A*B*H mune diseases. This means that than you anticipated, to realty start pushing. slam [CN N ] Sports Latenight VRRNON laws refuse to surrender to a changing 9 El Vldanta (60 min.) you have become allergic to certain o n is m (May 21-June 20) Any serious AQ U A^E (Jan. fO^eb. 10) You have >'America. Paul Newman. Robert RedforcT, [E S P N ] BportiCsntsr c ia e I f f — Llaht of pay (FO-13) 7, j Inc normal parts of your body. If the agreements you make today must be more friends in your comer today than By James Jacoby Katharine Ross. 1969. IBIBCTV ■MtwTraVilb’r Cinema — Light Of 9 :1 0 .— The OoOoldtn Chlld(Pd-13) 7:10, 2:35AM (X) CBS Newa NIghtwatch autoimmune reaction involves 9:30. WASH! fu r to both parties. Be sure they're de­ you may realize. Several pals will be try­ ( B 9 Parfoct Sttangai* ICC) Larry end 9 lata show: Starring Joan Rivera Joined In Progrett ing to solve a problem lor you that FRANK AND E R N EST ®by Bob Thavoa % e ir& llJm iS ’Pah A Cinema — The signed so tne terms can't be altered After South's takeout double in to­ Balkl hope to impress two altractiva [CN N ] Monayllna blood vessels as well, it can cause Golden Child (PO-13) 7:30,9:30. raise the you've been unable to solve yoursell. 1 women by joining a heellh club. |R) 3:00AM 9 Kayt to Success day's game. West anticipated that [DIS] Beat of Oztla and Harriet strokes, poor circulation and vision Shewcate Clnemat l-9— Outrooeout Zlm *Trf—^ o Slden Child (Pq-ti) the meas [CNN] News Overnight PoHuneme (RIK ) 1:30,i : jo , 7:35,9:40.1:39. v:mi. — "Croco■ i.r o c v 7,9:30. — Th# Bedroom Window (R ) 7, North would have values to bid.'West |,(D Newa problems. higher m NUCLEAR POI^R PLANT A p o u N « > [MAX] MOVIE; 'Strippw' Six women [D IS ] MOVIE: "The Roots of Goofy' Gary Cataract surgery will help — if d lle' Dundee “ ------IPO-'?)- 9:30. decided to bid one no-trump first and r ,® MOVIE; -Mirage' An amnesia victim talk abmt their lives end livelihood as they Some Kind of Wonderful (PO-13) 1:50, The H( ’’ hires a private detective to help him find Owens traces Goofy's family tree to find then bid spades at the two-level, a prapare to compete at the First Annual out what makes Goofy goofy 1984 you have cataracts. However, you 7:45, to.—Lethal Weown (R) 1,7:40.10. WILLIMANTIC confereet • out who he really is Gregory Peck, Diane StHpper'a Convaniion in Las Vegas. Ja­ need a thorough medical examina­ — Hootlert (PO) ~ Jllltea laaara Cinema — Leth____ al good way to show his limited values. MATTep Baker, Kevin McCarthy. 196b. [E S P N ] Top Rank Boxing from Atlantic Nightmare on Elm Street Port3: Dreom Weapon (R) 7:25, 9:15. — Radio Dove agreed tc netta Boyd, Sara Cotta. 1966 Rated R tion by an internal-medicine diag­ arat l.AR M 8A __ BlMAeaetot «iik PoDy*s Pointers Note what happened. North intended ■ 9 McCloud: Encounter With Aries City. NJ (2 hrs I (R| W o rrib ri [ R h :4 5 ,1 ,10. — Plqtopn iR ) (PO) 7:35.9:25 — Flofoon IR) 7,9:10.— was the r [USA] Alfred Hitchcock Hour nostician to discover if your ail­ 1:15.7:10,9:40. — Monntauln (PO ) 1:55 Angel .H*or!.6SES'? NNORLD IS TH ESE DAYS. sahies on a South Seas' island. Joan .jack to West’s qoeen and dummy's briMent blind student fights a seemmgly- Oarlie Chan solves a murder and turns up alonal baake Easter eggs and other chocolate ' Qraenwood. Michael Craig. Michael CsRan. losing battle to enter medical school. Marc a gang of gold smugglers. Roland Winters. Whoro tho moBt dollclout king. Now another spade was trant^^ "Tail Elk” ere the ihiBg.) TMs Is e treats. Tlie recipes are in Polly's 1961 S k ^ . Kay Lent. Joseph Campanelta Miamian Moreland 1948. tow. Declarer cash^ the heart ace, ■aya the ret eby c e s iy kde hy nlalxtag newsletter “Ranmiade Chocolates.” 9 Nowla: U Qteria y at tnltamo raffed another diamond and raffed 3:35AM [M A X] MOVIE: Mountain- pita In tho world oro ONLY Black Hills I aada leteeia gar syiep that ceeteta Send t i for each copy to POLLY'S 9 Natfonal Geographic Spacial (CC| (2B) Hogan e Heroae top Motel Massacre' Guests take a risk dummy’s last spade with his heart simple matti W e fwenve oi me Wmne POINTERS, in care of this newspa­ Scientists w o ik ^ to save the^zzly from IB ) News when they check into a motel, and the king. A low dob to the 18 allowed him extinction are mterviewed. (BO min.) In innkeaper is a loony lady who> handy with But South I the syrap te per, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH [C N N ) Bports Tonight mado fTMh E V E R Y M Y I to play dummy’s remaining high Steirao. a sfcVIe Bin Thurman, Anknna Chappy, Wilt era aee leglzi very Iseny. 44181-3428. Be sure to inchide the [D IB ] A PnM a Horn* Companfon TOfo- hearts, and the club ace was his 12th 9 Mack OoM Awaada Rhythm and bkies Mitchell. 1986 Rated R. day by Bra ly Is thee peered eat oate a title. BpacUl Humorist Gamson K a t e trick. satiate are honored in the fuuith annual imparts his fsvorite stories about Lake 4:00AM (E MOVIE: visions of potentially d ivhereRhardees.tNhea cater hit awanla preaantstion. Scherkfied perform­ P o f/y w ill said you a Polly Dollar Wobogon, Minnesota in this tstovision Death' A clairvoyant professor warns tho OUR RMRCM tPEaiUL tim ber, m the Mside ef the ceady leeks Jest ances by Bunny DeBsige. New Edition. vstaion of his radio show. (BO min.) skeptical Denver police that he has had K / y i) If she usesvoar favorite Printer, It’s too bad that West stock in that -Owen Guthrie. Melba Moots, the MRs Industries. ■geesBaate. [EBPN] BpomContor mental images oT somone planting explo­ COCONUT CREAM NE Peeve or Problem In her cohatm. one no-tramp bid, since that caused Brothete. the Spinners and Deniece W*- sive devices Barbara Anderson. Tefiy Tha bill, ' ill the recipe I toeed ke the Write PtXXYVPIH SIW iSIn care ri declarer to play him fOr the dob lams. Hosts: Lou Rswfs, Natafie Cole. |2 11:36PM fX) EtWan alnmont Tonight ^vslas, Tim Conway. 1972. UAACBKB hyjmUtNM I Drsyfuss about his ‘t M y C eekhieh" (1070; this newspaper. qneen, bnt nmira of ns, hoMing six »l ET folks with RkJtard r [C N N ] tarry Kina Ovomight Mounds of whipped^ high-card points and hearing onr part­ -ICNN) (ncoffongmovies "ffots," "TinMan," and Oktp-)- Aether hBI- ■%wkaout". 4:0SAM (X) Make Room for DarMy celk M “Pelry Chedy.” ner open m bidding, would think the (D IS ) Edfoon Twins Nitraglycerfa opponents were about to hid a slam? (CSRN ) NCAA ToumamaiN BpntdaMBO 11 ;4 0 P M |HBO) MOVIE: 'ITwQufok 4:30AM [D iS] Nawl Animal VltotM Smooth Yonllta t W4n.) anB tha Dead'(CC)['(CC) A tough cowboy« must rlafand a famly agaktst outlaws and Indi­ According to the Second World Al- A new book by Janies Jacoby and his ■ MBOIMOIVK; 'Rw.DwpkvJ * * * tllHno. \ Probate < la a h H *- IC O Whia Han Solo and Princess ana In tha IB(X>s Sam Elliot. Tom Conti. Oaver inac Bo m of father, the late iJswakI Jneohy, is now a rte tfw h*|p of Lando CNrtwjan » KsfoCapehaw. tSB7 Qrt«n Country Flaky pta crutt-m-m-i conferenc chemist Ascanio Solaro prodneed ni­ available at bookstores. It is "Jacoby 5f t : ■ haB. Vneever i IWHIt tha ev* ampira, Lt*e ayw sA a^ 12O 0AM (I) Kofak Twenty-om counties in eastern from %: M troglycerin in 1847 by slowly pouring on Card Games, "published by Pharos ktswuctad by the mystkit teedtw (X)*RghtHle Okiabonna combined to make up an 20 Varlofios torvo 0-10 Thursday m n MinrtBg, coak ever \ a small amonnt of glycerin into a Books. Y ^ MarkkMamlll, Itamlll, Harriaoo “ Ford, Carrie FlOhar 1880 Rated PG In Stereo 9 R w r W « k organization called Green Country. ments s ta 388 Begreea. GradnaBy lower heat mixture of nitric acM and snlfnric 9 TWaa «4 W« Unaiwaeiad Eiwatetar ta preveM acid . It resulted in a dangerous explo­ (M AX) MOVIE: TB a - N * * <>*«»• IliiB area consists of woods, telephone W w ' I t e t e diarruaiees the We * o n ^ streams, rivers and man-made sion. Hie Nolid hrothen later Med to 9 Kay* 901 I t S t d M l t t Olympic hero Jaaaa Owaiw. Oorjan lakes, nieae lakca have moremiica Willian reduce its auuitivity, and one hrMh- I k e of the GahoneK Re­ wood, Georg Stardord Brown, Ban Var- I . W wtlwi 1 4 7 4 IS 1 Jud| er, Emil, was killed by an ensuing al 3834 38th Street NW, aan. 1BB4 9AdkDr.Nath of riwretine than man-made lakes D.C. (UMIMNM* B)N eM 4a: ta any other Mate. lTAWC31B8Tglt HERALP. ^ ■ - MANCHECTEit HCTALP. WwfcMMdtoy. MarcH II. \m r. i;.s./iv!ofMAiBrf^ I Children say parents doing a good jobi Protests rise along with city skylines By Rich Homptow is no development,’ there’s not tloD that no bafldftw stand taller Bv Horry F. Rosonfhol sis on almost all these tilings.” Tlw Aaaoctafad Fraaa fflueb you can say.’’ than die statue of William' Penn t y reaediv agninat i YObT-^ POLL RESULTS Three killed In helicopter crash Tho Assocloted Press The young people s u rv e y ^ were An unprecedented demand for atop <^y Ran bat been shattered atot-glasB box H ^ r f s n ~ '*'*®P®Uc*li«Hcopter*|»uiwilii*a ftolencar asked to chooM from a list of things NEW YORK — The skyscraper, new ofllce space in older M g cities by the eonstnietion of one shy*- ing bistorieal detail.______coraded late Tuesday, killing three officers in one of the copters W A S H IN G TO N - Through the that would make their home life I I t I one of AmericaB arcWteetim^a to pMUng deveiopera and revenue- eraper and plans for three others. Bargee "have prompted • eyes of kids, American parents are better. Leading the list with 10 Ofli greateat aeWevemeata, haa be­ hungry eity offlciala against prea- The resoMagopmar spnm d devel­ in Amerienii m i^Jnring two offlcers aboard the other, officials said. doing a much better Job of raising percent of those polled were: 137% come ofie of biggeat headaehea far ervatioaista, environmentalists opment of a Oster City Plan to eraper arcMtecture," Bten "W e understand the two police helicopters were in pursuit of a them than the adults themselves gettiiy along better with brothers American areMtecta. In the central and aeighbortMod residents. protect downtown neig^rhoode Rs pointed to re M Ie or a suspect during a low-level flight,” said Tom m y Aina, believe, a new survey shows. and sisters and talking openly with eftlea where it waa bom, controv- Once praised by arcMtect Lonia and preserve City H airs views and a Federal Aviation Administration sptAesman. "Philosophers have long debated parents. eray foilowa baigbt aa aurely aa Snlllvan as "a proud and soaring vistas. _The crash involving helicopters from the Orange County cities the meaning of happiness, and they Younger children were most form foUowB function. tbing,” the tall office bulldlBg to ArcMtects sueb aa Johnson are in of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa occurred about 10:20 p.m. have yet to find one,” said the study "Th e troiM e ia moat of tbeae wi accepted a'perUealafly todl one-on-one interviews across the ASPCCrSOF HOME USE not immediately known. differed with adults was in family iWmesanMiS Tlria year, after a four-year annasi ofllce eonetruction over the parameters are outrageoua,” says todetogni.71 ~~ The pHots were flying visually, without the use of instruments, country with youngsters age 8 to 17, size. Roper found in 1805 that adults struggle with architectural preaer- aext 14 years to only 47S,0flfl square arcHtectoral Mstorf an James Mar- feet of otflee and store i A ina said. shows children approve of the feittt the ideal family size was one or vationlata and community reri- feet — tlie size of one medium-staed ston Fiteb. "There can’t be any much as the Em pire Those killed or injured appeared to have been law enforcement emphasis that parents place on two children. denta, JMmaon waa replaced ae iNrilding. arcMtectural sointhms to (btriM- log’s — next door to the < everything from school grades to ■S3% deaigner of the aecond pbaae of the • In Manhattan, a West Side ing) programathatareaoboatileto browaatones of Back Bay and fba pnonnel from the two agencies, said Aina. He said a low-level The kids, whocome from families hobbies, friends and television. New England Life Insurance Co. community group has raised the city. It aeriousiy distorts the arcMtectural masterpieces of Co­ f l i ^ could be any altitude below l,0M feet. averaging 3.1 children, felt three or "Yet interestingly enough, par­ WHERE SSIOULD SEX headquartera ia Boaton. fllflfl.flflfl to flgM developer Donald values of the profeesion.’' pley Square. more to be ideal. EOUCAWON EE TAUGMI7 ents themselves — and the larger rrm IS1% "It’a a problem we’re Anding Trump’s proposed Television City, Robert Stem, Johnson's repiaeo- Some crides saM JMMaon'e asks- Cafftin# hurts liitrovsrts, study says adult public — do not agree with Bum s W. Roper, whose organisa­ every place.’’ says John Bargee, a c o il^ io n of skyscrapers on the ment in Boston, had only praise for don, two 85-story bnildiafs, young people’s assessments here,” tion conducted the poll for the Johnson’s partner. "The Mg pro­ Hudson River that would include the flfl-year-old deanin of American "twin tombotones." wbilo CHICAGO — Impulsive, extroverted people perform complex the poll said. “ A 1984 Roper survey American Chicle Group, said it was jects are getting shot at. When the world’s tallest building. arcMtects in Ms iflflS PuMic Broad­ likened them to a pair of old 1 mental tasks more easily after a shot of caffeine from their of adults found that, when asked the the first time such an in-depth people say, 'The best development o And in Philadelphia, the tradl- casting Service series, "Pride of radios. m om iiv coffee or tea, but the early Jolt hinders thoughtful, same question, parents fault them­ survey was made among children ACICCMGmw aWKWCuOt introverted types, two psychologists say. selves for placing too little empha­ and teen-agers. Stwret: Tf» nepar Ottmimon me If the mental task is simple, however, caffeine in doses equivalent to one to three cups of coffee helps the performance of AIDS in clergy a dilemma for church ' i bMh types of people, the pyschologists said they have found in research during the past seven years. Authorities break up airport drug ring B y Frank Boiok the Baptist to the Jewish faiths, more or less strong tendency AIDS-stricken priests. Most are “ Basically, everybody tends to get better the higher the dose of T h e said the Rev. Ronald Sunderland, ordered toward an intrinric moral tranaferred Into relative obecurtty, NEW YORK (AP) - AOl.Sbillion Kennedy, officials said. after 22 Eastern Airlines em- Assoclotad Frost caffeine if the task is extremely simple,” Kristen Anderson, an people were the system, and they AIDS chaMsin at Houston’s Insti­ evil.’’ often at tbelr own request. cocaine ring masterminded by a There was no apparent link became corrupt.’’ ployees and one Mexicana Airlines ' • Msistant professor at Colgate University in Hamilton, N. Y., said AIDS has struck ministers, pri­ tute for Immunological Disorders Most prieris "cannotcome public "Usually, they leave the l former Pan Am employee used between the rings and organized worker were indicted on charges of Tuesday. Pan American World Airways, ests and rabMs, forciiM relifiotn and a co-founder of Clergy Consul­ with their sexual identity i f their long before they die and go fo I trusted airport workers to bypass crime, the government said. smuggling cocaine from Colombia which cooperated with the investi­ denominations to look b ^ o n d min­ tation on AIDS, an interfaith group. identity is gay," Lynch said. other part of the comtry,' customs in Brazil and New York; ” It is a case of white-collar through Miami International H ^ n a Marla Robinson, 17, hoitto her aacond child, gation, said safety was not affected istering to the afflicted and toward "In the main, this has been a said. authorities said in announcing people, passenger service agents, Airport. CBS facM quMtIont about Htelf by the smuggling. No pilots were Kenny, recently at her home in Kalamazoo, Mich. confronting the uncomfortable problem that has been dealt with "TH E Y HAVE TO fear M,” added charges against 45 people. who in effect are the system at the Authorities said the large ring "The church hierarchy to among those charged. Robinaon was the center of a national abortion of homosexuality within the (in major religions) Mr simply McNeill, who contended that most Nineteen of those charged were concem ed about homoeexual prl- N E W Y O R K — T h e firings of 214 C B S News staffers have news airport, who corru^ed them­ "Those Pan Am employees used couriers to pick up the cocaine denying the facts,” said Sunder­ Catholic religious orders will ac­ part of the ring that imported an selves” to smuggle narcotics, said in Brazil and check It as baggage on controveray when she was 11 years old and pregnant by ests and tryiiM hard to g e tO e m to executives past and present wondering whether the network that charged today represent only a church is fearful that Ha land, whose group of about 88 cept homosexuals who agree to be estimated 200 pounds or more of Robert Stutman, New York chief ol a regularly sebeduied flight to New rape. seek help,’’ he addsd. t set standards for the industry can live up to the legacies of very small segment of the com­ reputation would be harmed, so clergy ministers to AID S patients in celibate. Officially, church leaders cocaine a month during the past six the federal Drug Enforcement York, where they would sim|dy get Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite. pany's work force at Kennedy t b ^ would like to keep it private,” Houston. do not acknowledge such a policy. a priest who contracts years through Kennedy Interna­ Administration. off the plane and walk away> ”I frankly despair for the future of CBS News,” foimer CBS Airport,” Martin R. Shugnie, chief said the Rev. John McNeill, a New The disease is "forcing people to No authoritative data exist on A ID S has Hkely been tional Airport, authorities said. The "Usually, we’re trying to catch Sometimes, all evidence that tbs' News President Bill Leonard, retired and living in Washington, executive officer of Pan Am , said in York priest and acknowledged deal with Christian issues that how many U.S. (Catholic priesta are others charged were part of people who are trying to beat the courier toiAc the flight would be said in a telefriione interview Tuesday. a statement. Young rape victim homosexual who was dismisted by never in any historic period of the gay. Aeeaee "threatem to smaller rings also based at system," he said ITuesday. "These erased from airline computers. All three broadcast networks are faced with projections of The charges come six months the Jesuit order for speaking out on church has it dealt whh,” said the Former teaching brother Kevin Hfestyle in ways Ihau diminishing growth in advertising revenue but are stymied by homosexuality. Episcopal Rev. Donald R. BHticks Gordon, who dIrecta a New York- urt, arguing that a IM l himself from top-level Irish counsel and treat victims of the Catholic doctrine goes further, priesta have died of AID S In the part told police that Terrence and Marie Duffy were shot at their politics. sitould, be compelled to have an U.S. Supreme Court decision re­ deadly vims reported more than a hMding that sex outside heterosex­ I T IS T H E church’s mission to two years In tbe ArcMBeceae of tavern last November by defendant Kennth A. Miller, whose trial FitzGerald, 61, made the surprise atertion. quired states to create tribunals to decide if immature, pregnant mi­ dozen cases of AID S among the ual marriage is a sin and requiring comfort and console the sick, New York, wMcb haa no mlntotiv to opened Monday In this southwestern Montana ranching town. announcement at a party meeting Helena Marie Robinson became But Miller's attorney, Edmund Sheehy, told Jurors Miller will nors should receive abortions. nation’s 57,088 Catholic priests. The priests to take a vow of celibacy. including AIDS victims, especially A ID S victims. He waa assigned by the day after Charles Haughey, who an anonymous celebrity in 1981, In October, the Vatican issued a when they are its pastors, accord­ his order, the Society of African testify that the Duffys were shot by the other defendant, Sean A. On Oct. 20, 1981, U.S. District church keeps no national figures, won last month's general election, fajnous but unidentified In news pastoral letter gay Catholics term ing to Catholic officials. Yet the Missions, and has minlatered to Wentz, who faces trial later. Judge BenJaniSn Gibson ruled that but at least nine priests have replaced him as prime minister. aocounts, a pre-teen in pigtails Who reportedly died. the “ Halloween Encyclical” that Vatican has left it up to local AIDS-stricken priesta as well as lay "He will tell you Mr. Wentz pushed Mr. Duffy, backed up six Halstead Had violated the girl’s The resignation means FitzGe­ JOLT... w is old enough to be pregnant but The vim s haa stmek clergy from calls homosexual Inclination "a bishops to decide what to do with victims. constitutional rights by refusing to feet, and shot him ," Sheehy said during his opening arguments rald no longer regards himself as a Judged too young to decide whether address the issue. He ordered Tuesday. "M r. Wentz then turned the gun on Miller and said, candidate for prime minister in tabe a mother. Halstead to make a decision in "You better not narc on me, or I’m going to kill you, too.” Ireland’s next election, said party ' ‘I was scared,” Marie says now. 0 N E A 4 A Y FLINT8T0NE8 three days. Miller and Wentz, both 19, are accused of two counts of spokesman Peter White. sitting in the chilly living room of a Marie was about six months deliberate homicide, robbery and assault in the Nov. 18 slayings White told The Associated Press dilapidilapidated house on this city’s WITHIN COMPLETE pregnant. ' of the Duffys, who ran a cocktail lounge. that FitzGerald would -remain in inApoverished north side. ” I was Halstead appointed an attorney Parliament as an opposition back­ thinking it was all my fault. They to represent the fetus. At Juvenile bencher. The front bench is occu­ kept saying, 'It ’s not your fault.’” Court, after a closed hearing during White House guards go on strike pied by the party leadership. She gave birth Feb. 6,1982, and a which dozens of reporters crowded In the Feb. 17 election, FitzGe­ few months later mother and infant W ASHINGTON — The men and women who guard the gates at the corridors, Halstead ruled that rald's party fell from 70 to 52 seats daughter were placed In separate 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue say they’ll return to demonstrate an abortion was not in the girl’s best You Can Feal at Home With Us in the 166-member Parliament, but foster homes. The public spotlight interests. • MANCHESTER • ROCKVILLE • WINDSOR outside the White House unless their demands for better pay and FitzGerald had given no indication blinked off. The case took a stunning turn in • EAST HARTFORD • HARTFORD (2) benefits are heard. since then that he Intended to quit. Life went on, however, for Marie, the summer of 1982, when the • CLINTON • OHOTON • PUTMA8------KM R89. *5.99 Rsg. *6.39 About 100 officers of the Uniformed Division of the Secret Peter Barry, who served as now 17. " I ’m happy, I guess. Except Michigan Department of Social Service paced, up and down in front of the White House on FitzGerald’s foreign minister, is for having to give up my daughter,” 100 Tablots 00 Tsblots Services charged 12-year-old Marie Tuesday to bring attention to their cause. widely favored to become the new she said. " I think the president is entitled to the best security possible, leader of Fine Gael. with emotionally neglecting her infant daughter. Marie temporarily and I think he gets It," said Peter England, president of the local FitzGerald won international ac­ RAPED BY A MAN who lived SUDAFED KAZ KAZ lost custody. ACTIFED union organizing the march, the Unifoiined Division Officers claim as a peacemaker in 1985 when with her mother and younger sister, N ull DNMgWtlflt UHrMMle HumlMiri MoM Hn I Fid Association. "Looking out his window, he has to see that we’re he signed the Anglo-Irish agree­ Marie was the focus of national B O T H CASES, Marie as neglect­ unhappy, but I don’t think he knows how difficult it is for us to ment, which gives Ireland a formal publicity after a Judge refused to ful mother and as neglected child, survive as family men.” consultative role in the running of grant her an abortion, triggering a remained under court Jurisdiction The officers, who were not on duty nor in uniform during the British-governed Northern Ireland. series of court hearings. until last November, when Marie demonstration, toted signs that read: “I’m a target every day, FitzGerald, an economist and Since then, she’s dropped out of permanently lost custody of her why can’t I get better pay?” and "The president can sleep former airline executive, became school and enrolled again, lost daughter and her own status as leader of Fine Gael In 1977 and because the U.D. doesn’t." custody of one child and had a court ward was severed. revamped its archaic machinery. second, left her foster home and “ I never see her. That was my In June 1981, Fine Gael defeated moved back with her mother. Now, daughter. Her birthday is Feb. 8 »39»» Rsg. *54.95 Increase In speed limit predicted Haughey’s Fianna Fail party and on the brink of adulthood, she’s on and I ’ll want to see her. But they Rag. *2.79 Rsg. *4.15 »12“ FitzGerald became prime her own. won’t let me,” she said. ‘T i l always 24 Tsbists 24 rsb/sfs Modol4000 5 roar Warranty / Modal HF 700 W ASHINGTON — A Senate leader in the fight to allow states to minister. ” I ’d like to go to college, get a think about her.” raise the speed limit to OS mph predicts the House will approve FitzGerald lost to Haughey in Job,” she said. "It's my dream, to Today, Marie says she’s glad she ROBITUSSIN ROBITUSSIN DM ROBITUSSIN PE ROBITUSSINCF the measure next week, an action that likely would make the February 1982, but regained office REDUCING TYPE SIZE AND COLUMN SIZE!■■■ get a Job and try to live regular didn’t have an abortion. higher maximum speed inevitable. nine months later as the head of a lives. I don’t feel right the way me ”I don’t believe In it. I Just don’t The House vote was made possible Tuesday when House coalition government. and m y sister and my mother live. believe in It.” conferees on the bogged-down highway and mass transit bill The coalition collapsed in Janu­ THE MANCHESTER HERALD We should start trying to turn She remembers in remarkable agreed to a Senate request to break out the speed issue, which ary over a budget dispute, forcing things around.” detail the dates and developments was the major obstacle left to compromise highway legislation. FitzGerald to call an election with Pretty, slight, with close-cropped in her case, and she has definite his popularity at a low ebb. REVERSES THE TREND WITN: Sen. Steven Symms, R-Idaho, who led the Senate fight for the hair she cuts herself, the girl sits on opinions on its pivotal figures: FitzGerald’s supporters, many of • On Pelletier: " I think he tried higher speed and who sought the House vote, said, ’T m placing a sofa next to Kenny, bom last them middle-class urban liberals, September and fathered by her to do his best.” 4 or m y chips on the House because with all the publicity on this issue, 4 or 8 or 4 or 8 or 4 or B or had hoped he would make peace in boyfriend. Shy at first, she gradu­ • On Halstead, who has refused the elected representatives of the people will vote yes.” Northern Ireland, cure the econ­ ally opens up. public comment on the case since it $ ] ^ 4 9 $ 2 3 9 $ 2 4 9 $ 3 9 9 $ 2 4 9 $ 3 9 9 $ 24 9 5 ^ 9 "There is tremendous pressure to complete this bill,” said Rep. omy and relax the Roman Catholic Her favorite television shows are began: "At the time I thought he James J. Howard, D-N.J. Church’s grip on the country’s "Crime Story" and "Miami Vice." was mean. Now I don’t even think Rsg. *1.98 Rsg. *329 Rsg. *3.20 Rsg. *5.29 Rsg. *3.29 Rsg. *5.29 R#g. *3.29 R#9- *9.29 family law. her favorite singers are Phil about him ." Collins, Whitney Houston and Janet • On Alvin Zackery, now 88 and Jackson. She plays the clarinet and serving seven-to-18 years in prison A L L B EE CHAPSTICK DIMETAPPI Tribe may get Black Hills sings. for raping her: “I hate Mm." Z-BEC WITKC PetrolBum Jslly Plui Dimeld|ip EUXER FREE ZAPPER ADS CONTAIN LARGE CLEAR TYPE, Pelletier, reflecting recently on VITAMINS Flixii . W A S H IN G TO N (A P ) - Sen. Bill duced in the House by Rep. James Blood Pressure S H E D R O P P E D O U T of school the case, said the girl was victim ­ Bradley, a O-foot-5 former profes­ J . Howard, D -N .J., would cede 1.3 for a year, then enrolled in adult ised by a system unequipped to deal sional basketball player known as million acres of federal land to CLINIC - BY NURSE THEYWE EASIER TO READ AND education night classes. She says with her situation.i "T a ll E lk ” to his Indian friends, eight tribes, totaling about 100,000 EVERY THURSDAY she pulls C ’s and Is two years from "E v e ry district, probate and $3991 $ 3 9 9 $ 2 6 9 says the return of South Dakota’s members. her high school diploma. circuit Judge is elected, and he or 5-9 REALLY STAND OUT IN A CROWD... In February, shortly after speak­ she certainly Isn’t going to take the Black Hills to the Sioux tribes is a Rsg. *6.99 Rsg. *6.89 R99- *3.79 simple matter of Justice. Bradley, D -N .J., said he came to LIGGETT PARKADE PHARMACY ing with a reporter for the first time initiative and rule on whether - But South Dakota's elected lead­ appreciate "the haunting, yet very PARKADE HEALTH ind about her case, Marie and her son somebody should have an abor­ poignant quality” of the region and moved from her mother’s home tion,” he said. "There has to be a 4 or. ers see legislation introduced Tues­ NUTRITION CENHR 80 rahfsfs 100 Cspsufsf day by Bradley as divisive and its spiritual importance to the tribe. PARKADE • 404 W. MIDDLE TPKE. COMPARE: into a nearby house, where they live mechanism for doing that." potentially disastrous to the state’s on welfare payments of $402 a Marie says she’d advise another timber, mining and tourism month. She recently tried to get a girl in a similar situation to be industries. Job at a Wendy's restaurant, but strong. REGULAR STYLE struck out. " I ’d tell her everything Is going to The bill, which also was intro- 345 Main St. 646-9887 Mancheotar In late 1981, Kalamaioo lawyer work out for the b a t." FREE Nelson Pelletier was appointed to Marie vows to finish school. She 1979 L'TDi Ford Landau - represent Marie and her sister In says she’d like to become a Blood Pressure and Hearing Teat 7L000 mllst. Good candl- 1079 LTD Ford Lan­ neglect proceedings against their beautician, get a regular paycheck NOTICE tton. Call after S pm. dau - 71,000 milea. mother in Kalamazoo Juvenile and live a normal life with her son. Now carrying a full line of: 643-9279. Court. The charges were brought But she said ihe turned down her by a Registered Nurse Probate Court U open for Good condition. Call WEDDING INVITA’nO N S A ACCESSO after a doctor diagnosed Marie as boyfriend’s marriage proposal. conferences with the Judge after 5 pm. 643-0279. (10% ofT all Wedding Inviltliona) pregnant, apparently by a man who " I said, 'What? I ’m too young.’’’ from 5: M P.M. to 8 P.M. on lived In her house. Friday, March 13"* Thursday nights. Appoint­ SgiridWig in handwaJa ’’cntMtitched" Rindwater Pillowa. Pelletier said the psychologists Cartata and Itawawbranea Plaquea for lhal ifiecial day. ments suggested. Night Call The Manchester Herald and social workers who dealt with EMERGENCY telephone number: M7-SS27. We aiao haw a floral ihalffne aratlalde. by aigninlmenl. wboae the ^ rl recommended abortion, Fire — Police — Modlcal "Wetty AaoNtaTiSliHowenangricad (nomatter whgi ytnir adviaing that a full-term pregnancy William E. Fittgerald hwdHi) i«al tl tor d>* Bride lobe end her anendanla Classified Department for would be too traumatic for an DIAL 911 Judge of Probate Oea 1W .S«. la aw. ■ t y.w. / Ihan. 11 aw. - 6 a.w. more information 643-2711 11-year-old. In Manohafltar SALE STARTS TODAY — ENDS MARCH 20,19S7 ^^^^^^jenl^^o^arkinj^vailabj^^ Kalamazoo Juvenile <>ourt Judge r' ■ It - MAWCHggnnt HERAU). Mmrdh II. l9tT

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REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK DON’T CDs given to ntinois not taxable fttbufntP R e a l t y w o r l d ® — F r®eh«it® AttociatM O u e S T IO N ; crack down on families wbe the AFH. The IRS peilYNise aw LET THE We purchased transfer CDs, stocks and otber AFRikH every maaOk five $ 1 , 0 0 0 cer­ income-producing items tocMidiwn 17 the feveeeersgM whadef peer FREEI FREEI FREEI tificates of dep­ wko are In low tax brackets, arransamsnr, yeeVBeewBwIwIB osit, one for ln V C B tO T B ’ thereby reducing famlHes'tetai tax IIK.milVliMtewewA SMwv Um Urn NEXT each of our Mils. SPBtiBBVBYfVCNiPMi* COMPLIMENTARY MARKET EVALUATION Ik^ ASM grandehildren. G m f « impm MV B f W m lOTMmpMVIPiF IVr ’The tax bile on tboee CDs camoC ^^6 Mmwmw djBSNMf 1 How can we w E lW W O fflNNW iiw MBV w O O E U E < Bearer is entitled to a professional market evaluation of avoid paying in­ William A. Doyle be poatponed until your gr amlclilW - AFR. his/her real property by a R EALTY W ORLD* agent. There is HOME come tax on the ren become aduMs. However, as­ interest accru­ suming thoae CD* are in gift to RVRSTfON; The N O obligation for this VERY IM PO R TAN T information. Re­ ing on dteee CDs minors act form and your gnmd- intereat ow leaee U> tita wM f turn this certificate or call TO D A Y for an appointment. REALTYWORLD. | BUYER each year? Our cMhfren don’t have large aonreea of DOM plan Is to oversee tMs money uMii income tax return and who has other income, their annual tax bffla Redaction Act of t$a*. lewNfeeltM each grandchild reaches majority. so-called ’’unearned income.” such will be modest or aonexlstent. of lea* gkan He.MS te • membar of This offer is good indefinitely! Retain this vaiuable certificate ’The total tax on the interest shoold as interest, divkiendS and capital my famSy I* M 2. That koee la j*wC SNEAK gUBRTION: I wouM Hke to pay with your household documents. then be paid by Mm or her. gains, of less than $1,989 and no DOW DBIBp pWMI Off m a I 73 West Center St. other income owes no tax and off the 11 percent $40,400 mortgege Were ieterat-free loom A N tirC R ; If you made the doesn’t even have to file a return. on m y daiMhter’s home and g i n before NSf? □ Y m , I would Ilk* ■ m*rk«l •valuation □ Yea, I am thinking of relocating. Manchester, C T her a zero interest mortgage for the of my horn*. AWAY! miftake of buying the CDs in your ’The new tax law changes thinfs □ Yea, I want to know more about namea, there's no way you can for 1987 and feture years. A child’s same amount. I intend to requeat ANgWBR: Yea. Before JMw a, □ Y«a, I am thinking of aolllng my Inveating In Income property. legitimately avoid paying tax on first $800 of unearned income will monthly payments of |$M, with $84 lOet, when that prorlalee taoh 646-7709 being apMied to inaurance and real horn* or buying a n*w horn*. □ Yee, I am , itereated In a real eatate career. the interest. In that unfortunate be taxaMe at his or her marginal effect, no section of the lanreei situation, you are required to add rate, but be or she will have a $800 estate tax on the property and the Revenue Code specified any tax Advertise your listings herel remaininf $290 to nOaee the i MY NAME me PHONE NO. I« the interest to your other taxable standard deduction. conaeqissncea for Intereat-free awd mortgage principal. income and pay whatever income For a cMId under 14 who is low-interest ioena. tax apphM. elig^Me to.be claimed asa depeikL WouM this procedure be accepte- Yotfre hi the elear on two eonata. T R l« VALUE CERTIFICATE Let’s hope you did the sensfMe ent, unearned income wiR be taxed hle to the Internal Revenue You made the loee in MCI and fhn If yow praawtj^eunvnHy M M wHfiaaraMr, pMM< dlirsawd me oftar. It to not our tnwntlon to Mllen itw thing and had each CD registered In at his or her |»rents’ marginal rate Service? hwn w n for an amomM bMow oftaring* of offior nEALTOne*. WO oro hippy w oorti wHh ihom onO oooporMo ftiPy. con 643-2711 gift to minors act form-— in an — better known as “tax bracket” — $ 10, 000. adult’s name, as custodian for a which is probaMy higher than the AraiW ER : Nope. You woidd run ARlKMMh many f amflfoa of rate- ask for Debbie child, under your state’s ^ f t to child’s. afoul of the nde that says, if you tiveiy modest means nnsd sere minors act. In that case, the tax If the child is ISor older, his or her don't charge at lent llO of the hiterostloaiMtobentflfotnxnnn — liaMIHy — If any — Is each unearned income will be taxed at "appHcaMe federal rates" of in- and’Ifo rumored aomostffl da— flw youngster’s. Ms or her marginal rate. terst — AFR, forrtwrt— onloantof nrie aims to prevonllng that tax D.W FISHeji;.., For 1998, a cMM who IS taken as a The purpose of this very compli­ $10,000 or more, the IR S wffl dodge by wealthy -efana and dependent on a parent’s federal cated section of the new tax law is to "impute” interest at 120 percent of bntinesan. COVeNTRY *1Sf.SOO QradotM 8 room Colonlil in mOvo-ln eonOKlon. Loeatod In praangloua Homloek Fofni, imp homo onpfp 4 Birp, 1M batfn, flrppHMO, Kwily dock off farndy Reagan’S foible common among CEOs room, ona ear garaaa, full aaaamant. Wtuaiad on 2 aeraa of In fact, Jennings said, “ be urth stralglstraight rounds of at 1128 Main St. In Willlmantic. Gary Stevens Joined the firm in years — from 238 In 1070 to 88 In as fair," Belous said. "Without concessions, using the threat that Ih, May 1986 and acted as a buyer-broker ln*the NERAC Inc. 1988. But the number jumped back 1988. reaching that point ii harder. If A 28-day strike against American otherwise they’ll shut down. SPRING IS JUST acquisition. up to 69 last year, as more than halt you’re a personnel manager or SMASHING DECOR!!! ‘WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES!’ Telephone Telegraph Co., a "Workers and unions are resist­ Th is townhouse condo al Forest Ridge is not Financing for N ERAC Inc. was provided by James N. Ladd Jr., a million workers either walked off k union negotiator. It makea you a lot AROUND THE CORNER... ■Ix-month work stoppage affecting ing concessions now because their only spotless bul it’s decorated beautifully! vice president. Savings Bank of Manchester. or were locked out of their jobs, more nervous that next week and will ibis yard look great with the beautiful 22,000 Steelworkers that the union experience leads them to believe It Large apacious rooma, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, compared with just a third of a somebody else will get a better deal in-ground pool in the rear yard opened up • 3 million a year earlier. called a lockout and U S X Corp. won’t save their jobs,"Craypo said. central air, walk-out basement to patio, and you’ll have to answer why to bedrooms, 2 full baths, coal stove. Quiet Blanchard & Rossetto Business women’s group to meet “ The unions feel they’ve come to called a strike, and a five-month " It ’s those two forces that are appliancei[ices, plush carpeting, and more! ScrI^ your boss or your members.’ dead-end street in Ellington. *132,900.00. the end of the line on givebacks and combination strike-lockout affect­ colliding." REAL ESTATE 646-2482 ailMat Dlwaeeis The American Business Women’s Assoclation-Robln Chapter *158,900.C1.00. concessions; they want back whet ing n.OOO members of the United Just as big a factor, Craypo and Such internal political considera­ will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at the Holiday Inn, 363 they gave up and they’re a little Auto Workers at Deere $t Co. other labor economista agreed, is tions have always been a m ajor Roberts Street, East Hartford. Social hour Is 6:30 p.m., and more restive,” said Leo Troy, a accounted for more than half of the the breakdown In so-calM "patt­ bargaining factor for uMona, whoae dinner is at 7:00. professor of labor economics at days Idle. , ern bargaining" in which one — leaders have to stand for re-election G. Anyone interested in attending the meeting may call Roz. Rutgers University. In all three cases, the companies usually the lead — company every one to five yeara. The currant Joyce Epatein REALTY WORLD Roberto at 280-7924. "On the other hand,” Tro y said, were demanding further wage and reaches a settlement in a particular wave of corporate takeovers alM "economic conditions are still benefit cuts, elimination of annual Industry and the others quickly has made Internal political postur­ 34t BAST cBNrea 8 r. Real Estate (?(UI R4 R 7 7 nq ’ 3 Wp -;! O n lP i Slfpni MANCHESTBR riprltpllp A«5«;oriRlp«; Manrhp«;|pt f'T ORP.in Merchandise trade deficit surges working against them, particularly cost-of-livIng adjustments, or an agree to the same terms. ing more necessary on the managt- end to restrictions on their ability to Pattqm wage floors have con­ ment side of the table, according to WFGFT R E S U L T S in manufacturing — just look at the 647-8896 [jjg g ® W ASHINGTON — The nation’s merchandise trade deficit from trade balance with Japan — and farm out work to non-union stantly been eroding In the airline Belous. October through December swelled to $38.4 billion, the largest I "A bTvitTON OrfHOMAS k . BENOIT ENTEHPfllteB" WHERE THE INDIVIDUAL GETS ATTENTION quarterly imbalance on record, the government said today. I The Com m erce Departm ent said the deficit was up 3.3 percent Commuter airline from the $37.1 billion deficit posted in the third quarter. BOLTON The record deficit in the fourth quarter helped to push the seeks protection Wz‘re in the neighborhood! Full Shed, Dormered Cape. .79 Acrea of property. 1>A baths, full merchandise trade imbalance for the entire year to a record baaement. *117,900 $147.7 billion, 18.7 percent higher than the $124.4 billion deficit BO STON - (A P ) Gull A ir sus­ registered in 1988. pended operations Indefinitely and filed tor bankruptcy protection one There’S an Allstate Agent In a location near you. Coma In and compare our Dollar mixed In European trading day after the small commuter products and price. Come In for a review of your Insurance naeda. . . and aaa If airline accua^ giant Texas Air Allstate can give you the protection you need at rates you can really LONDON — The dollar was mixed in quiet European trading Corp. In a lawsuit of trying to drive today. Gold prices rose slightly. It out of business. appreciate. * ' J Foreign exchange dealers said market participants were Gull Air, which files to about 20 continuing to wait for a new trend for the U.S. currency. cities in the Northeast, Florida and For more Information on tha following Alletata protection eervicea: In Frankfurt, the dollar was slightly higher against the West the Bahamas, said most Its 228 German mark, which some traders said indicated a possible employees would be laid off while it general movement upward. ■eeka to get back In operation. n Auto n Rantara CH Life D Motor Club MANCHESTER poaaibly by affiliating with a major Nicely Decorated Colonial. Fenced rear yard. 3 bedrooma, par­ In Tokyo, where trading ends as Europe’s business day begins, lOONINO FOI lOTS OF iOOM TO ROAMTtTT carrier. r~l Homeowners [U Condo Cl Finance O Mobllahoma tially rinlahed rec room. $128,900. . You can have Ihia and more with the enormout yard and apadoua the dollar fell to a closing 183.84 yen, from Tuesday’s 183.88 yen. “Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To Us!“ Ralaad Ranch. Tha houaa faaturaa a great tlraplaeed family room Later, in London, It was quoted at 163.S8 yen. In filing under Chapter 11 of U.S. for antartalning or |uat living, two full batha, low haating coata, and Other dollar rates at midmoming, compared with late bankruptcy law Tuesday, the $•• or Call Ut: many othar axtraa. TM a proparty la baing offarad at |188,900. Give Tuesday’s ratei; HyannlB-based airline listed asseU ForMt Hills... STRANO REAL ESTATE ua tha opportunity to ahow you thia homa todayllllll • 1.8894 West German marks, up from 1.8828 of $9 million and deMi of $19.4 Kelvin L. Dear a Jose ArnwHm Lovely L-theped 3 bedroom renoh In the Foreet Hlllseeellon 1.8S17 Swiss francs, down from 1.8S20 million. Agents of Menoheeter. Cethedral ceiling In living room with beauti­ IM E. CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER. CT. S $.1826 French francf, up from $.1868 The last person to fly Gull A ir was ntMCsalartt ful full well flreplaoe. Offered at I 164.S00. 2.1008 Dutch guilders, up from 2.8128 the lone pasaenger aboard the 1 CALL TODAY - 647-“ SOLD” f e (203) 646-7709 1,319.80 Italian lire, up from 1,318.80 p.m. flight from Boston to Hyannis. 643-6286 And 1.33378 Canadian dollars, down from 1.3382 Gull A ir tickets will be honored by >illstate* other airlines. MASCHCTTgH HBBALP. Wednaadny. March IL JiB L -IL

KfTtrCAW.VUdWyUsryWrMIH Supernova discovery Feds get out of golf biz after profit CLASSIFIED ADS 643-2711 boosts blast theory •v Mark Frits offenoee. A third cwowner remains Tlw Ansnelofod ProM "This is probably ons of ths m ors unique atapUee. WMy ft IT Ab^oCN AS Under federal ownersMp, ttogoU MBR lAP6ietS U » AIVGCLES (AP> - Tie Mentor, Ohio; and in a mine in Pisces of property the governm ent owns, theory (hat eayl^eg etara KALAMAZOO, Mieb. (API - coarse last year greeasd ^ W ,m NoIIgm Japan, said Sohel, a memhar of because it’s a golf course.” he said Tuesday. and had expenses of |Mt,M0 for a 'IbAooMAbefT HEL7WA6Ta iH E lP W A W ra EDNELPWARTa EDNELPWMTfD ■pawn new etara and entire the team that rana the Ohio The government Is getting out of the proflt of M1,M5. There are still As a cenditlen arsesaent to lalaxiea waa bolatered when detector. goH coarse badness, selling a lusb LAWN Coro-Evororoon about MM,goo in loans and Hens on the plecomont of onv edvsr- Clerk typist-full flm t op- devicea in Ohio and Japan The pnrticies were detected set of links buiH by drug dealers and tisine In (he Monchester He- ACCOI Lawns has oponino for thing In Olastonbury detected particles ahot into aboot fise hoars before tele­ then seised and operated for more between $1 million and fl.S million, News and Carlos Santana con­ the property Inherited from (be roia, AOvertlser hersfev hordwerklno lown core ter exptrltncsd typist OOMPilTiR SttpuIlM oeraos to arotect, indemnlfv N*w position in Earth by a anpemova nearly 1 scopes first obaerved visible than a year by Uncle Sam at a neat be SOM. tinued to record at Plant Slodlon owners, Kendall said. spoclallits. Y to r round (Sthrpm) position. In- Wholoialo beauty dis­ Even though the government and hoM hormtns the Man­ imall businoss for tmploymantayallabls, volvts typing, record PERSON minion trillion milea away, Hght from a gargantnan aoper- profK of gll,«N . Under the IfM Comprehensive under (be government’s ownership. chester HeraM, Its effleen tributor oooki oxparl- phyaieiata aay. never got around to renewliM tbb dogrood Aoeountimt compotitlyo wooes and keeping andvsentrot nova at a relatfvefyeloae IW,5W Tbe IP-bole Thomapple Creek Crime Control Act, the govemmem Hie law baa been an unexpected bonotits. Wo win train. iMMidlitalyl oncod outilda oalas Detection of the anbatomfc course’s liquor license, business - . T nobility, Ion or with 1 to 3 y**fs ox- ottlee duties, Ooed sa­ to 17P,00P Hght years from Golf Coarse, IM wooded and rolling can confiscate just about anything economic boon for federal narcot­ Good drivino record lary and all btnsflts. In medsm phsrmaey. As­ ptroon to 9011 ouppllat par ticlea, if conRrmed, meane Earth. was good at the picturesque courae, oxponto, Incluoino otter- irltno*. Rstponil- to boiuty 9110(19. indl* acres in rural southwest Michigan, believed to have been purchased ics agents, Kendall said. "A few nova' IMS, orlslns from Blltl*9 tnoludo In- and htoh school dt- Call Sut 01699-2666. sistant to pharmaelttg. "the aeientific commtmity will will be aoctioned March SI, said with racketeering and drug profits. years ago all the drug squads and which Includes ponds and streams, eloimt et imtoir (rods oroctl- plomo roqulrod. 649- vidusi mu9t bo i isH The aopemova is theclooeat to voivomant In cash Will train. PItgssnt «rark- 9tsrtor and aggrtsslyt. have quite a bit to rejoice John Kendall, U.S. marshal for the Last year, the government im­ narcotics teams were on tight said manager Bill Rlggln. cos, Intrlnosmsnt of (rods- g$67 botwoon 9 ond S. SECRETARV/Rtcapflonl Earth sinee one seen by the merhs, (redo nomn or pot- bookk**plng, bank St— Pull tima to work Ing eonditlont. Fringe Position calls for por* aboot,” University of Ariaona western district of Michigan in pounded ISIS million In planes, budgets. This has opened up a great "We bad people from Ohio, KNDCK Out Crime- aatrophyaiciat Adam Bnrrowa German astronomer Johannes •fits, vloletlon of riohts of rsoonolliatlon and closely with busy reel bonoffig. Apply at onool son to so# sstsbilsliad Grand Rapids. homes, cars, businesses and other avenue of resources that we never Illinois and Indiana who just orivocv end Intrlnosiwnt ot oorn 96 to 910 per hour aaid Tneaday. Kepler in IMf. eollaotong. ^ tstote executives In ot- aoeounts and eanvas* "This is probably one of the more wanted to see what it was like." eoovrlotit ond oroorlotorv cm one ot our program Liggett Pharmacy "We're all very excited,” said Detection of the neutrinos property, Kendall said. had." riohts, unfair eempotltlon Group Iniuranoo- traetlvs deemtown et- sing. Good growth po- coordtnotort. Per por- tlcs. All phetts ot ot- 404W. MIddloTpkO; . phyaiclet Henry W. Sobel, of the provides strong evidence for the unique pieces of property tbe Current acquisitions include a The golf course was built six Doug Helmer, who helped build ond llbol and slondsr, which tonol Interview coll ttntlal. Must hsvs tran­ may r«sult from ttw puMIco- /Bonaflts program. ttes work. Strong Manehoator University of Catifomia at Ir­ theory that coHapsIng, dying government owns, Imause it's a "tremendously profitable'' brass years ago by businessmen later the course’s greens in 1580 and has Rltasocallforanap- 569-7400 osk for Mr. sportation. For Intsr- stars emit the particles Just as (lon ot onv odvoriltmsnt In typing and figures a vww osll: vine. "It’s probably one of the golf course,” he said Tuesday. foundry in Milwaukee and a Boeing linked to a multimllUon-dollar drug maintained them since then, said p .tMf th« Monchnter Hsrold hv Joffrles, 9om through they start to exidode imo polntmont, Mond*] mutt. Lemboed Asso- moat exciting tlrings that's Kendall said tbe government, in 727 now used to transport prisoners, trafficking network that brought he feared the course would go out of qdvsrtitn, Indudlno odvsr- through Friday, Sf Clotss. 646-9730) AmtrkaB iaaaly supernovas, Sobel said. seising the course in January INO, he said. marijuana Into the area during the business after his former employ­ nswiwnts In onv trs* distri­ SBCRBTARY/Rocoptlen SECURITY — Monchot- happened to os in oar careers in bution publications pub- to 12:30,2:30, Pragu*Prao G omwowM aw i physics.” had planned to take it on long In August, the government aucti­ late ItTOs and early 1580s, authori­ ers were arrested and the govern­ 1st to 16K • Doslroblo tor, Vernon, Ellington The theory also holds that the llshod by tho Monchostor Sho* Company Ad- orooi. 95.25 per hour. Barsta of the tiny particlea, shock wave from supernovas enough to reorganise Its debt- oned one of the nation's top rock 'n' ties said. ment took over. Horold. Ponnv Slottort, front desk position with Puzzles PubllshOf.______trotlvo, 282* growth potential for DIETARY Pull timo, 10 pm to 6 Jaa Narlaeei caned neatrinoB, were detected compresses the material ridden finances and prepare it for roll studios, in Sausallto, Calif., for Two co-owners of the course, "It took awhile to get aome am. Port time 5:30 pm resale. 1585,000. Its former owner pleaded now professional Glas­ 2664767 at 11:35 p.m. PST on Peb. 22 by ejected by such blasts to help Michael J. Shields, 57, and Robert answers after those guys went to tonbury company. Dl- MANAGER to 10 pm. All ihltts devices in a salt mine near form new stars and galaxies. The course, now operating in the guilty to narcotics offenses. Per; D. Farnsworth, 35, were convicted jail and the marshals looks us lO IT ' LITTLE iRM orfiFInL- wotkends. Mutt be Is currtntly occoptlno vorilfted rtspontlblll- SALES Person— Days, black, has been appraised at formers such Huev Lewis and the in November 198.5 of various drug over," said Helmer. ACROSS 44 0lvttlw AmyrOr to PrtvIotM Puiilo AwramiD tles Include typing, F o rt Tim e over 19, neat ond de­ aan applications ter assist­ pendable. Coll 527-0225. Harvey's Dresses and OIZIOO nDDO ant monoatrs. No ox- some word processing, Sportswear. 64A-3100. 1 Ctwnfint 47MuMtudo □non DGinD q dd light reception. Speed D ie ta ry Manager. MUtW 60 Actron IM POUNDED - Fomato, porloncb nocoisory. □GDODDDdD nGB Labrador. 4 yoars old, writing o plus. POo Weekends only, lom- kbLl-tloAi' coilir^ fo CLhANINd personnel- 7V«m Km Mutt bo M or older. work cotmotlc and util­ □□□□□ □□□□□□□ block. Ruttell Stroot. Ploxiblo hours, day paid. Coll Hilary Cuttt, 4pm. Fold holidays port time Manchester U.S. tooth count rises, but decay continues, study shows 13 Olottv ptM 63 CMcory □□ □□ DDB Business Personnel As­ ity counter. Expe­ area. Eventnos Mon­ 66 Moioogtio Pleoso coll ttio Mon- shift. Deed odvonco- 14 ImqttHiMt □□□ □□□□ nnoG sociates, 659-3511. and vacation. Know- rience with Invontorlos day through Saturday. IB HitniiMt 66 Timo of yoa chostor DOo Worden at mont potential. Coll many trouble spots because they 67Seb«luM ::q c ] q o d Itdge of quantity or utilities systems Is To p wooes. Bxpe- ■v Warren E. Leary which ended last March. aduhs. permanent teeth while only 2 percent of the seniors. In addition, 15 OtpMili 643-6642. ' 646-4300.______iitXBTARY io Ilk - 66 StHfenurg □□Quem oonintDO cooking and thsro- preferred but not ne­ rltnced preferred. 742- The Associated Press The adult survey results, com­ percent retained the full number. 77 percent of the younger subjects have fewer teeth left. 17 OMWhid* CLERK tor gontrol loBs dcpeildine on expo- CUIOC! □□□□ dOd rionct. Congenial East cessary. Oonorous 5633. ______bined with those of a similar 1980 O N LY 4 P E R C E N T of employed The majority of all adults showed and 95 percent of the older group However, almost 95 percent of the ISConttmpo. DOWN DEDC] d O B O . In small mochlnt shop. putlc ditts. Pay rots wooes bosod on oxpo- W ASHINGTON - The nation's signs of periodontal, or gum, decayed areas in both groups had W II Include some Hartford soles office S9.00 per hour. national study of school children, adults surveyed were missing all had at least one site in the mouth 1 BrilM lup SDDDDBO nncod offers diversified posi­ rienco. Apply now at been filled, indicating a very high 20 Aeem. 2 I715806418 morklne ports, pock- tooth count is rising as more reveals a dramatic drop in the rate their teeth, and half had lost at most disease. This condition causes a showing lost attachment tissue. □QD DQQD BBDO tion. Good typino, tlg- Arthur Drug, 942 Main Americans keep their teeth through of tooth decay over the previous only one tooth, said the report range of symptoms from inflam­ There was a clear difference level of dental care, the report said. 21 SasMnetol ttw ground □DO DDOn niZOD ootno, working with St„ Monchostor. DELIVERY person- nHm floor sJTJ^^O^oiruSnmo shipment schedule and uro apNhido, opportun­ Meotlews Metier middle age, but decay and gum decade for the majority of the released In Chicago at the annual mation of the gums to destruction of between the age groups when □□o □□□□ □□□□ Holiday Hoolth mom- ity to learn word m a n O p a c t u r i n o — needed Immediately I 24ltren(( 3 Signal ipood seme various office 333 Bldwsll St. Pleasant working con­ disease remain widespread despite population, Loe said In an meeting of the International Asso­ the tooth roots and their, attach­ looking at severe periodontal des­ unit borthlp. Coll Judy bo- processing. Excellent small company - full (comb, fonnj 38 Exit type duties. Benefits. Manchester ditions In modern phar­ regular visits to the dentist, a Interview. ciation for Dental Research. ment to the underlying bone. truction and resulting loss of tooth LargMl totbBrg AUttlodovil 42 SoTMtom foro 7pm 654-6M6. Aftor bonotits. Poe paid. Coll time, 7:30 to 4, port 2710CMW Cell 643-SS49. nmt, 9 to 2:30, conve­ macy In largo shoppino federal survey says today. "This is solid evidence that the The percentage of toothless Dentists probing the gums of attachment, the survey found. The largest iceberg ever re­ 6 Dottrtuto 43 aRbv of 7 749-66M. Hilary Cutts, Business 31 T V i tailing flCMIiCtt Personnel Asseclotos, nient to bus lino, stort­ contor. Apply at once: "Tbe news is encouraging,” said dental health of the country is adults under age 65 represents a participants for signs of bleeding, Dentists found more severe disease corded was some 200 by 60 miles. hong (2 Liggett Pharmacy, 7 Judge 44 Pfcipitttton BABYSITTER-Needed, ing pay 84.75 per hour, Dr. Harald Loe, director of the Improving,” he said. “ We are doing significant drop in tooth loss which can be an early indicator of in 24 percent of tJie employed adults wdt.) 6 Mode of 46 Odd (Scot) PART Time— Become o M m raise otter 1 month. Porkodt shoppina con- National Institute of Dental Re­ compared with a 1971-74 survey, gum problems, and looking for and 68 percent of the elderly. 32 EH responsible adult to something right, but we can still do (»uH| 47 HMom« Community Roproson- watch three pre- Coll 646-2920. ttr, 404 West Middle search. "Americans are keeping when the number was almost twice areas of attachment-tissue loss In the categories of tooth decay 33(}uloftht V rPOOun of miNaploMiTa MISTER Tpke. better." totlvo. Nolghbor to looguo (aabr.) OpMS tchoolert In my home. t 6 0 I M i N 't their own teeth longer.” Detailed examinations con­ as high. around teeth found that both the and Cavities, the survey found little EMERGENCY wiy gfo^tosSTwoHdyTYo^ Nolohbor hot eponinat Dporoters needed for 35 Actor - 10 Profit 46 Fumte* Bower's school area. iE C i t i t A l t Y - ftKom In the most comprehensive study ducted at 800 business locatlonsand However, the survey found, toot­ prevalence and symptoms of peri­ difference among younger and Fire — Police — Medical IIPIMO tolophono, our custo­ In many oroo towns ter DONUT Tuesday through Fri­ bull doxer ond bock hoc High School, Hebron to DuNm 46 fite« of quollttod person to of tts kind, nearly 21,000adults aged 200 senior centers located through­ hlessness remains a major problem odontal disease increased with age. (rider adults. Employed adults had 12 Formorly 61 6motl bird mers, your schedule. 0 Excellant day. 1:15 to 4:00. 6 « - related work. Expo- work with administra­ I I to 103 were examined (or the out the continental United States among Americans over age 65. an average of 23 decayed or filled DIAL 911 36 Qypniffl typo IBModitva 52 Lttt|h Coll 649-4233 or coll welcome new residents 9M2eventnes. riencod only. Full flmt tion ond special educa­ year-long, $3.2 million National B LE E D IN G GUMS were found in tooth surfaces and seniors about 20, 40 Itaion ftmtiy Melissa 526-0M9. Into your own com­ employment employinont with sto- tion. Must hove oxcol- showed toothlessness has been About 42 percent of the surveyed In Manchester 41 Broko wen) 5 A L i S Survey of Adult Dental Health 43 percent of working adults and 47 with older people having not as 54 DomiKttrtzod munity. For more In­ ODportunIty. bio company, benefits. Icnt typino skills. For nearly eliminated in middle-aged seniors were missing all of their 28 43 Eloetilcoi unit tono (tbbr.) formation colt 246-2434. Person/Ettlmotort— Moture adults full time poiltlont Coll 742-5317. application coll 221- 9474. BDE. 7 6 • 10 11 12 BanUiqii ~ Full time needed for 1-2 V available with orowina TELEMARKETERS— Immedloto Medical service company. second shift — assist­ Core Center ot Mon- nights per wonted. 7 positions R B C t i v i h — 14 i Good salary. C all open In East Horttord. Woroheusemon posi­ Chess wiz ant supervisor in Chester hot on openine week. Please Everereen Lawns. 649- proof qnd transient for o port time Medical Eorn up to N.OO per tion available. Pull or 16 call 646-9277. 8667. port time. Exptrlenco department. Machine roceptlonitt. Prtviout hour. Coll Marie at medical office ox|»o- SECRETARY— Needed 29^7306. pretorrod, but not ne­ 20 operation and recon­ wins 28 rlence Is very holptul. TRUCK Driver- tor busy Manchester cessary. Inoutro Em ­ ciliation. Monday Hours ore every ether Outstanding opportun­ Real Estate firm. Must pire Tool Mtg., Co. through Friday, 3 p. Saturday 0 to 4:30. We it y to work tor hove aood technical 647-1431 osk tor At. and communicotlon TH E EASY W AY to Ibid O at once 24 26 26 m. to 10 p.m. Sat­ otter competitive preoressivo growing Kldg6tl6HI§t- stortino solory plus o company. Benoflts In­ skill for varied chffi- coHi buyer tor no-loneir- urday 12 p.m. to 3 lenolng activities. This nosdi d hewsohetdm ms ls Moturo, cenaonlol. 31 weekend ditterentlol. clude; mcdicol, dental, Good totophono end p.m. Call 04S-I773. EOE Interested oppticonts ond profit sharing pro­ 35 hour sertory positon wNh o wont od. Dial ,;g{t9rs security, paid 643-2711 to ptaoe Your typing skills. Coll Tvos- F O R E S T PARK, III. (AP) - The 33 please contact Joanne grams; 5 day work daythreughPridoybo- youngest U.S. chess grandmaster at 721-7393 between 9 week, overtime re­ vocation and holidays. qulck-octlen od. Please submit written twoon 9om and Itnoen. began celebrating his 2Srd birthday 36 REAL Estote— we hove ond 4. quired. Applicant must t7t-a361. hove class 11 license resume to ; Julie Pel­ early today by finishing off 31 you can put expanded ond now UNIQUE letier ot ERA Blan­ hove room for respon­ and 2 veors drivino simultaneous opponents, beating POSITION chard a Rossetto Reol- 38, including a computer, and sible, hlohiv motivated experience. Routes In­ 43 44 46 46 INiB U nw paoRIra tar otfleo tors, 169 West Center JOB holding the others to draws. experienced soles peo­ clude New Jersey, New worker wiM is oMo to fit in a York and New Eno­ St., Manchester, Ct. Joel Benjamin walked from ple. Professional at­ all your eggs 50 61 62 mosphere. Coll for con­ amnll, Iniiy office in the land. Pleose apply In OPPORTUNITIES board to board in the exhibition that fidential Interview. MaiKliefter ni«a. General person to; Syndet Pro­ Body shop openlno- began Tuesday night, taking any­ 66 Kternon Reoitv. 649- office OnUee from (IHng to ducts, route 6 Bolton, Colltslon body person. at tha where from five seconds to two 1147. ______bookkeeping. Specialist - i L ______Pay occordine to skill. 67 Heritooe Auto Body of minutes to advance a piece. in one basket... DRIVER — Fuel on need not apply. We will pay "It was a reasonably difficult well for Uw rlg M pereoa. Andover, Incorporo- J Truck-clots 11 license tlon. 742-7693. field," said Benjamin, who ex­ required, dependable Word precooUng, typing 6 A TTE N D A N TS — service HanrlfPBtpr Wrralii plained that such multiple matches fuel oil dellvorv oast of filing skllU a mast. station, hill and port I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME river. Experienced Excellem benefits package. time. Apply In person. help keep his wits quick and !• by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee COOKS only, full time, Insu­ Send resume to Bex 1313, Uniforms furnlihod. (Ibxible. ‘The largest field he has ImmedHte openings for competed against had 80 people in Unscramble these four Jumbles, rance and benefits. Manchester, Ot. 0S060. 252 Spencer Street. PART TIM E one letter to each square, to form Coll 647-9137.______6ody Drench by Nervoll - Pert Time Cooks. it. four ordinary words. X—RAY Technlclon- Kenneth Marshall, secretary of bWNER bperotor- Unbelievable lotions •5 AM to 1 PM immedlote Mcdtcol marketed to Indoor Weekends AD TAKER the Oak Park-Forest Park Chess s/Troefor Trollers— Care Center ot Man­ NAIPO. Needed to run New tonnlno salons, ntnoss ePald Holidays Immediate Opening. In our demlWed de- Club, organised the exhibition ahd chester has on openlno centers ond beauty Enoland to Phllodel- tor o toll time roots- and Vocation paittnent. Monday ttmi Friday, • A.M. to 3 was one of the skilled amateur ^ J phlo. Home everyday. shops. Just one distrib­ P.M. Muat poasaaa good typing akina, apal- players beaten by Benjamin. tered X-roy Techni­ utor wonted In this •Stortlna rote » Light loads. No touch. cian. This position ling aWWa-Knowledgaot computer Input da- "1 could have resigned after the 1-600-523-8702. Bob oreo. Coll F rid a y SS.03/HT. eighth move,” said Marshall. “ He offers o full pockoee of through Monday only: alrable, but wm train. Good telephone men- DIFOR Lone. benefits, conipetitive Must have oxpeiionco had me beaten and I could have 510-273-1055. ttGi GGGGmIRI. rO f BDpOVnfUIBni DIBBSS RENTAL AGENT— Port starting solory plus o in quantity cooking phone 9:30 A.M. to 8 643-2711 aek tor given up then, but I stuck around time, some beokkeep- weekend ditterentlol. and knowledge ot because I wanted to make it at least n Ino. no experience ne- Denlae Robeite. We also hove port ttme Theraputlc Diets. Able $1 a move. After all. It cost $15 to cessorv. We will troln. evenlno and weekend compete.” UNGOAT Flexible hours and hours avollobte at our NURSERY - workers. to Suporvlee. WHEN L.OOION® good benefits. $6 Wethersfield and East Pull time. Hop River The exhibition at the community FOR BARSAIN5, Nursery, Route 6 , Bel­ Ptoase apply — RARTT1MB center in this Chicago suburb was hourly to stort. 871- Hartford centers. In­ YOU MI®HT 2644. ton. Come In or coll small potatoes compared to the terested oppllconts SO THERE. PART Time-flexible contact Joanne at 721- Jim . 646-7B99. National Open in Las Vegas, Nev., 7393 between 9 ond 4. S n M N M I t t Extra ceMi can be yours If you're available where Benjamin will be competing RACCES hours, workino with Now arrange the circled letters to orders tor photo- DRIVER-to do deltver- r,C T. aome early afternoons. We need reeponel- (or a first prise of up to $4,000 /■'Y Y '' form the surprise answer, as sug­ ^ A A > orophv studio. Joan, les and pickups. Also M A TU R E - responsible, Me people, male and tomBle, to help meert beginning Friday. gested by the above cartoon. 9:30 to 2:30. 643-7369. cleonino and odd lobs Benjamin has been playing chess core giver wonted to CARPENTER'S Helper - edvertlelng tupplements Into our diily NURSES Aides — for machine shop. work In Infant ond seriously since he was 8, and experienced In remo- paper. Experlenoe not neoeesary ae we wW Currently occeptino Must be 16 or Older. toddler room. 647-0768 dellno. Coll Robert tiwn. Good houriy wagee. Pteeee cell 647- competed in his first tournament at applications for our 643-5549. or 649-9220.______Jarvis, 643-6712. 10. He won his grandmaster's (Answers tomorrow) Nurse Aide trolnlnq **♦*****♦♦♦***♦♦ , aek tor Bob. Jumbles: FRIAR ELDER EITHER HELMET TELEPHONE -Operotof- SECRETARY - tor one rating last year. Joining only about Yesterday’s class that will beam k Wo opo Booking peo­ /Typlst - seeking o full man omce. Short hand 20 other Americans at the elite Answer: What that stag was forced to run for — soon. Also taking appli­ time telephone opera­ "DEER■' LIFE cations for C. N. A.'s. required. Call 646-2426, level. ple to work tore Rro- tor. Mustpossesseftec- 9 to 5 weekdays. FA R T TIM E Unlike some other grandmas­ We otter excellent tosslonol cleonino k starting wage ond be­ tlve telephone skills, COAST <>uard • has a ters, who use the same opening at eorvlco. Wo oftor our k typing 35 - 50 w.p.m., limited number ot op- nefits. Please contact: optitude for figures each board in multiple play, CELEBRITY CIPHER Director Stott Dovol- own trolning, full ond k enlnos for o special 2 Benjamin used a wide variety of part tlrno hours and and basic oTtIce skills. year preoroml Stop­ Celebdty Clph®r ctyptoorimB w® crMt®d from quotation* by famou* opment ot Cresttlold k Apply In person, Mon­ openings during the 4>A-hour paopla, piatt and praaam. Each lattar In tha dphar stand* for Home/Fenwood compotRIvo wooes. ping drug frame and manner and good 9 anothar. Today’s efuo: A aquaM 0. day through Friday, k exhibition. Manor. Monday Intervtows now boino search onO rescue ore apeaking voloe a muat. You are our contact t:M to 4 :30 ,Prooue only 2 of the lobs we do "It reduces the boredom factor," through Friday. 7am to taken. k Shoe Company, 200 Plt- between our oarriera and our cuatomara. he explained. "It lets me play as 3pm ot 643-5151. EOE. oveiydoy. High school k k ln Street, East grads or GEO , ooed 17- Houra: Monday thni Thursday, 3q0pm- many games as possible at once. It “J AK LIKGM L SLYD- con 643-1461 2S, good phvsicol con­ 7:30pm, Friday, 3:q^m-7H>0gt|^ S a tu t^ also keeps me from facing the exact When the basket contains a full range of local CLERICAL - Pull time dition. Coll 203-240-4257 7qO«n-lOKX)am. aak tor same defense at table after table. *****'*'» trira****** office position, 40 collect It necessary. AKFBR MSJROP LNI KBB PART t im e Help— That really drives me up the wall.” news, sports and happenings. How can you go hours per week, Mon­ RECEPTIOH1ST- The first of Benjamin’s oppo­ Experolnoe helpful but MECHANIC— Golf cor. day through Friday, 0 MJWB. J MSTJEB KB L Some bond toots re­ Aflernoens, Spm-Tpm, nents 1\iesday night resigned after not needed. Apply at am to4:30pm. Reliabil­ wrong? Aside from the convenience of having Aide's Ptzto, 133 quired. Will train. Monday through F ri­ 8 It moves. The youngest opponent, ity and occurocy Im- day. Non-smoker. R M IT lIM t 8LYD-NSLKINJN ILNUOTKGRA Spruce Street, Bruedon Corporation, portont. Experience Marc Wilson, 10, was checkmated Manchester at your fingertips, state and regional Manchester. route 85, Bolton. 647- Write Box E E c/oMon- using adding machine. choster Herald, 16 In 25 moves. The oldest, Vic 1774. Contoct Fred. Apply In person Swanson, 7(, of Oak Park, was one C8JYB J’W CKTUJRO." — CONStRobTlOH ^Ite Brolnord Ploce. If you Nka aatoa, and have a dear apeBMng news is up-dated in minutes by our AP wire service Work Superlntondont Prague Shoe Com­ of the most tenadous, only resign­ pany, 200 Pitkin Street, KEN N EL pereon - full voloa you oo«M be earning $% In our aoiaa U Y Y lY L P P . needed for Commer­ time. Dependable, ing after 40 moves. It took Ben­ to bring to your door the latest coverage possible. cial Building Contrac­ R ECB FTIO H IST — full East Horttord.______daparimawt M -H tw e. 6:30^:30, Bat. 90-2. jamin only 37 moves to checkmate motiveted - duties ore PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "In most every pre-nuptlal tor. Civil enolneorlno, time. Busy veterinary Wanted - service man for animal core, hcnvltol wm Tram. McwlyFlaa'bomiaaai CBN Suaan the computer, which was operating For information and convenience, it pays to agreement I've seen, the marriage ends in divorce." — surveying and ooulp- office, Glastonbury. service deportment. cleaning, asslstlna 647-6646 on a complex German-designed Marvin MItchelaon. ment operotlna expe­ Good telephone skills Pull or port time. Will doctors. Hours; Mon­ 7 chess program. put all your eggs in one basket.,. rience a plus. Pull time, and the oblllty to work train. Apply Blon- day through Thursday, "Only one player really gave me benents. Send resume with the public q mutt. stein’s Campino Cen­ Sam to 1 pmond 2pm to trouble,” Benjamin said. "He had to Box II, c/o the Typing, flllno «nd ter, Route S3, 6 pm. Friday, t am lo me on the ropes, and if he’d played Manchester Herald, 16 other tiertoal duties. t7S42f11. noon. Roforoncos. RANT TUBE the next logical move, he’d have Ours! Brolnord Place, Must be good around Glastonbury Volerl- Manchester.____ animals. Dopondobll- M A ItJR E noryHoipWql.«83G9IS. had me, but he got greedy and made ity and inltlotlveessen- another move before the necessary ^ ! a ^ ^ ^ A D 6 : CONSTRUCTION She Su- porintondont for cost- tlol. Hours: Monday, SALES L E T YOUR newBpoper Excellent oppotfutilly tor raMteae, sBudeMa, one. That set him up for something orn Ct. based oonoral Wodnosdoy, Thursday PERSON help you keep fruit tors moma. Appnoximetlay 20 houra ear weali, he hadn’t foreseen, and I beat him EVERY contractor. Spoclallz- ond Friday and every sparkling clean and sweet etoik with youM edulis agaa 90 fhni 95. the second Soturdoy morn­ easily.” DAY Ino In commercial smelllna. Wash lors, dry ing. References re­ F o r ChildTeii’s Spe­ Monday thru TW a d e y 4;30pm-6.'30pm, Depending on the ranking organi­ AND work. Must hove of comolelety then pot a Saturday I0am-2pm. Raliabla tranapoite- sation, Benjamin is listed as either wemder IN least lOvoors construc­ quired. Write P.O. Bex ciality Shop. Apply laroe piece of newspaper the sixth-best or fourth-best player tion oxporlenco anO G , Manchester HeraM, in person. Inside the lor and put the tlon a must. If you have the abWly to m cil- 16 BralnarO Place, vaia young eduRs end have eome eMae in the United States. WAYS proven track record at lid on. The paper will worker """ lobo cempletod within Monchester, C T 06040. absorb onv moisture. Let ilanrlieHkr MrraUi schodulo and budoot. bRIvth— Trailer Truck- M a ri-M a d s a classified od In your unUthRad. Baaed on m n S tm oommlae ManchesterHerald Send rtsumo to Box II, Petroleum products. newspaper find a cosh Call Suaan, ClroulaMenlion Oaparimawt, B57- 757 M ain St. Five people were shot dead in c/o tho Monchtstor He­ Exporlonood only. Pull buyer tor most onythlne 6 4 3 . 2 7 1 1 “ ______^ ' Manchester 1975 during an antl-Ku Klux Klan rald, 16 Brolnord time. Inturonce and you hove for sole. demonstration in Greensboro, N.C. Place, Monchostor. bonafHs. Call 647-9137.