1920 the Witness, Vol. 4, No. 55. September 11, 1920
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We still have a few cop ies of Donald Hankey’s If the date above is “The Lord of All Good earlier than October first, Life,” which may be had cut off this corner, and for $1.10, including post- mail with $1.00 for your renewal. FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH VOL. IV. No. 55. CHICAGO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920. $1.00 A YEAR Church Women To Have Church headers Attend Unity Day Oí Devotion Bishops On Return Discuss Conference At Geneva The National Committee of the Results Of Lambeth Church Service League has issued a $ 1 call to all the women of the Church Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 13, 1920 • relaxation. His presence here is felt to keep a corp orate day of devotion The White Star liner Celtic arrived a most, inspiring sermon on Christian The first day of the preliminary in every circle and his counsel is next Advent. Suggestions for this last week from Liverpool. brotherhood in faith and worship, World Conference on Faith and Or greatly respected. His attitude is des day of devotion are being prepared by Among- those in the first cabin' was during which he frequently referred der has just closed. No one would tined to exercise a most determining the sub-committee on Devotional Life, tlie Right Rev. Charles S. Burch, to the glories of the great Orthodox be bold enough*1 to forecast either'the influence on any contemporary move and will be ready in leaflet form in Bishop of New York, who was one Church of the east, and the victories direction the conference will take/ or ment for unity.; October. An outline of Bible read of the fifty-two American Bishops at which it has achieved for the Faith w hat conclusions it may reach. In .. Possibly the one who elicits more ings' for use during Advent is also be the Lambeth Conference. When even amid the great suffering which it the words of the chairman, “we do sympathy regard than any other pres ing prepared by the same committee. asked what had been accomplished at Lás endured under the Moslem yoke. not know where God’s spirit will lead ent is Dr. Sigmarin Schultze of Ber These, readings will be related to the the conference,. Bishop Burch is re He expressed the hope that the Cath us.” lin/ Fie* is yet a young man but he five-fold field of service, the parish, ported to have said: edral of St. Sophia might soon be But 'some observations - may easily was for two years the pastor to the community, diocese, nation and world.’ “The three most important .results restored, for that heavenly worship be made. Th'e two days'* conference Kaiser. When the war opened he dis These readings will later be followed of the conference were: First, the final which always accompanies the great just preceeding this which was called tributed peace literature, and. was con-:, by other outlines for Bible study. stand taken 'by the Church of Eng Liturgies of the east. After the ser by the Federal Councils of the world demned with 100 others to be shot. The Church • Prayer League leaflet, land regarding the relation between mon, the Bishop, descending from the 'for practical unity in common tasks Only at the last moment was he saved which has been used widely, especially capital and labor: second, a discussion pulpit, met Fr. Douropoulos in the both prepared the way for this con by the Kaiser’s secretary. He is one by the women of the Church, for a of the reunion of all Christehdom; midst of the chancel, kissing him ference and revealed some outstanding of Germany's. greatest scholars. His number of years, has been taken over third, the higher place fof women in three times upon the cheek, in ac personalities who are to remain. ' In spirit is most humble and gracious and by the National 'Committee of the the work of the Church. cordance with the Greek custom, and fact, without the previous conference despite the violent objection registered Church Service League as the com “In regard to capital and labor the in token of Christian, fellowship. Fr. and its Clarifying sessions, this ■ con by the' French deleegates against' the mon organ of the league. The'editor people generally have to recognize Douropoulos replied by kissing the ference would be overwhelmed by its seating of the Grman delegates until of the quarterly will continue her work that the world is facing a new-future, Bishop's ring. He then went into the almost impossible chasms of thought the invasion of Belgium should be under the auspices of the committee and co-operation and good-will must pulpit and delivered a n , earnest ex and tradition. One glance over the ■repudiated, Dr. Schultze is loved by on Devotional Life of which, she is govern everything. The stand of the hortation to his own people in the delegation of ISO men present tells the all as an outstanding Christian va member. The quarterly offers a Church is first, an appeal tp labor not Greek language, urging them to stand story of centuries of division within scholar. plan of continuous intercession for to make unjust and destructive de fast in those ideals of liberty and his the church.; Here are men from Frapce Yet none of the delegates are so the work of the Church, arranged for mands, and the same appeal will be toric Christianity which are the char and Germany and that distance no „picturesque'nor have such meaning by daily use.. ' ■ / *! ■ / made to capital. The attitude of the acteristics of Greek people. He re man can yet measure. But the de their presence here as the nine patri These announcements have been Church tp work for the suppression ferred to the Episcopal Churph, scendants of the reformers from Hun archal representatives of the Greek made in a Program just issued by the of the spirit of unrestricted competi Bishop Bury and the Rector o'f St. gary are here and so are the pa Orthodox church. They are surpris Church Service League which may be tion. John’s :n terms of the warmest af triarchs- from N.ublt and 'Constantin ingly eager for contact and fellowship 'secured by addressing the Church Ser “The second great matter dis fection. After the sermon, Fr. Dour ople and Alexandria. -One cannot .look and seek every opportunity to ex vice League, .81 Fourth Avenue, New cussed,” the Bishop continued, “was opoulos came t,o the chancel gates, upon this small group without deep press their-hunger for a total unity, of York City. The Program further an the question of reunion of all Chris where, standing facing the, altar, after emotion,'for/it is the first time the the church. They represent officially nounces that the sub-committee on tendom. The program adopted is the the Greek custom he prayed earnest Eastern Church has been willing to 130 millions of Greek Orthodox Chris Cooperation of the National Commit ' most advanced yet taken by any com ly for .all present and for the unity of r sit down in conference with Western tians. They have come with a definite tee suggests that ' th^ women of the munion since the Reformation. The all Christian people in the religion of Christianity since the clavage ot program of action to submit and will Church make* the supply department program takes as a basis the two sac Jesus Christ. The clergy then entered eleventh: century-. follow their proposal with the united^ of -the diocesan branches of the raments of baptism and communion the sanctuary, the rector of the Every country in the wold is rep- effort of the entire Easter nchurch in' Church Service League, or in dioces and takes the Bible as the authority to church and Fr. Adams standing on t resented except South America. securing' its realization. es where-there is norie y et organized, which all matters under dispute will each side of their Greek brother Eighty communions are represented^ If one-were- to express any hope for- •the supply department of the Woman’s -be referred- .Another basis is the -Priest, conducted- him to the Altar*, All Christendom was approached and' this conference the justification for the Auxiliary, their clearing house for all Nicene creed.: The fulfillment of this where the Bishop vested in his cope, only Rome refused to participate.' .hope would lie in the sense of hunger supply (or box) work."' In the same program is to be expressed almost stood to welcome him. The Te Deum Anglican and Puritan, Huguenot and for unity breathed in every utterance way all organizations interested in pro immediately by the interchange of was then Solemnly sung and, as the Lutheran, Quaker and Calvinist, Free from delegates of every land. Europe viding books and printed matter are pulpits and the recognition of the or clouds of the incense ascended, we Churchmen and Greek Orthodox are is afraid to wait, for terror sits in the asked to make the Church Periodical ders of other denominations. felt that it was verily and indeed a all here. Too much .cannot be said-for threshold of its tofnorrow. “Evil will Club their clearing house. Since the . “The Roman Catholic Church has united prayer of Thanksgiving, as breadth of view and patient travel and not wait and we must not wait,” cried Girls’ Friendly Society has specialized hitherto refused to reciprocate, but we cending to the throne of the Lanfl>, as correspondence ''of the Episcopal del a delegate from Bulgaria in broken in meeting the problem of lodges and are receiving a great dealof assistance the offering of two great peoples and egation that toured the World in ex English.