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Bazarov and Yaswen Breast Cancer Research 2011, 13:308

VIEWPOINT Who is in the driver’s seat in 8p12 amplifi cations? ZNF703 in luminal B breast tumors

Alexey V Bazarov1,2 and Paul Yaswen2*

Until now, however, the identity of the driver Abstract within this group remained elusive. Two recent reports identify ZNF703 as an oncogene driving selection of frequent 8p12 Articles amplifi cations in luminal B breast tumors. The estrogen- Two recent reports describe high-density array compara- responsive ZNF703 encodes a transcriptional tive genomic hybridization analyses of the 8p12 region cofactor that, when overexpressed, induces cell using independent panels of breast tumors and cell lines proliferation and interferes with transforming growth [6,7]. In one case, 1,001 primary breast cancers were used factor beta signaling. In MCF7 cells, increased ZNF703 to defi ne the boundaries of the minimal amplicon [6]. expression results in activation of involved Both sets of these comparative genomic hybridization in stem cell self-renewal – while in primary human results implicate ZNF703 as the main gene whose mammary epithelial cells, ZNF703 increases the ratio amplifi cation is selected for in luminal B cancers. Th e of luminal to basal progenitors. Expression of the evidence includes two tumors in which ZNF703 was the murine homolog of ZNF703 reduces cell adhesion only gene amplifi ed within the 8p12 region. High levels of and promotes metastasis. ZNF703 overexpression thus ZNF703 amplifi cation and mRNA expression were alters regulation of proliferation and diff erentiation in associated with poor outcomes in ER-positive and luminal B tumors. luminal tumors. Th e association studies are supplemented by experi- mental data obtained using cell culture models. Transfec- Introduction tion of ZNF703 resulted in transformation of NIH 3T3 Five major breast cancer subtypes – basal, luminal A, cells, and induced proliferation of both nonmalignant luminal B, ERBB2-positive, and normal breast-like – are human mammary epithelial cells and malignant MCF7 distinguishable on the basis of molecular profi ling [1]. cells. Holland and coworkers [6] further demonstrated Both luminal A and luminal B subtypes are estrogen that increased levels of ZNF703 resulted in decreased receptor (ER)-positive, but luminal B tumors are more expression of transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) metastatic [2] and have poorer prognoses [3]. Each of the receptor II and prevented TGFβ from inhibiting pro- breast cancer subtypes is characterized by a specifi c lifera tion of MCF7 cells. Binding of ZNF703 to the TGFβ pattern of genomic abnormalities [4]. Luminal B tumors receptor II promoter was demonstrated by chromatin often contain high-level amplifi cations of chromosome immunoprecipitation, and was associated with repressive region 8p12, and patients bearing tumors with amplifi ca- chromatin modifi cations. ZNF703 contains a single zinc tions in this region exhibit signifi cantly poorer outcomes fi nger domain and is unlikely to bind to DNA directly, than patients whose tumors do not contain such ampli- however [8]. Sircoulomb and colleagues [7] found that fi cations [4]. Th e most commonly amplifi ed 1 Mb seg ment ZNF703 forms complexes with DCAF7, PBH2, and in the 8p12 region contains only fi ve genes for which NCOR2 factors involved in transcriptional repression, in amplifi cation correlates with the gene expression: agreement with the proposed function of the ZNF703 ZNF703, ERLIN2, PROSC, BRF2, and RAB11FIP1 [5,6]. homolog Nlz1 in zebrafi sh development [9]. While the ZNF703 promoter contains estrogen- responsive elements and its expression is responsive to *Correspondence: [email protected] 2Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, estrogen, ZNF703 transfection led to reduced ER expres- USA sion and activity in MCF7 cells, indicating the existence Full list of author information is available at the end of the article of negative feedback regulation [7]. ZNF703 transfection, however, also resulted in reduced expression of cell cycle © 2010 BioMed Central Ltd © 2011 BioMed Central Ltd inhibitors p27 and p15, increased pRb phosphorylation, Bazarov and Yaswen Breast Cancer Research 2011, 13:308 Page 2 of 2

and increased E2F1 transcriptional activity. Based on possible to fi nd pharmacologically tractable points at these data, the authors of this work propose that ZNF703 which the eff ects of ZNF703 amplifi cation might be expression leads to a shift from an ER-regulated to an mitigated. E2F1-regu lated transcriptional program, characteristic of Abbreviations luminal B tumors. Additional data indicate that ZNF703 ER, ; TGFβ, transforming growth factor beta. expression leads to activation of pathways involved in stem cell self-renewal, and that it increases the ratio of Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. luminal to basal progenitors, suggesting that, in addition to promoting proliferation, its oncogenic function Author details includes altering diff erentiation kinetics. 1Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA. 2Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Th e new fi ndings in human tissues and cells comple- Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. ment another recent study showing that Zeppo1 (Zpo1), the murine homolog of ZNF703, reduces cell–cell adhe- Published: 25 May 2011 sion and increases invasiveness as well as proliferation in References three-dimensional cultures [10]. At the molecular level, 1. 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As ZNF703 is in turn involved in E2F doi:10.1186/bcr2873 signaling, these results may explain frequent coamplifi - Cite this article as: Bazarov AV, Yaswen P: Who is in the driver’s seat in 8p12 cations of 8p12 and 11q13 regions. By mapping ZNF703 amplifi cations? ZNF703 in luminal B breast tumors. Breast Cancer Research 2011, 13:308. connections to other biochemical pathways, it may be