
MAY 22-28, 2020 / VOL. 42 / NO. 27 / LAWEEKLY.COM

L.A.’S MOST BADASS GARDENER SHARES LESSONS FROM NATURE BY SHANA NYS DAMBROT 2 WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM | May 22 - 28, 2020 | LA WEEKLY T seeds of whatseeds he envisions aforest as both les. And with that action he sowed small the own front Ange Los door inSouth Central - BY SHANANYSDAMBROT •COVER PHOTO COURTESY OFMASTERCLASS L.A.’s most gardener badass shares lessons from nature FREEDOM CULTIVATING RON FINLEY: walk and streetwalk the outside his strip side- the of between soil vegetable garden little inthe plantedRon Finley amodest en years ago, artist and designer Drive billboards asking “Y’all whether want And accordingtalk. to Sunset the Plaza fame with astratospherically popular TED and worked over all world the and shot to grains and sculptures. adhoc He’s lectured a lush garden of owers, vegetables, fruits, and arevolution. A decade on,A decade Finley’s HQ has grown into around why the and how of growing one’s interest Masterclass, inthe since it’s centered that pandemic conditions hadboosted in his garden, we asked he thought whether conferencevideo from sunniest the bench faculty. place on Masterclass the online academy has now genre-bending his taken rightful, to plant Finley some motherfucking kale?” When Weekly the caught up with himby many inner city regions around country. the — acommonneighborhood condition in lack, of fresh produce at stores inhis urban with availability, the or total the actually there are things you certain can’t buy.” are guring out value of true the shit, that are can’t realizing they eat diamonds. ey “Yeah, denitely,” he says. “Motherfuckers own at food home. He that is certain it has. Finley’s motivation in2010hadto do PHOTO CCOURTESY OFTHEARTIST Masterclass Masterclass Sunset Blvd Sunset billboard on on billboard Ron Finley’s Finley’s Ron Ron Finley Garden 3 LA WEEKLY | May 22 - 28, 2020 | WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM

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Maryland Ave. PHOTO COURTESY OF MASTERCLASS OF MASTERCLASS COURTESY PHOTO So what’s growing in his garden right garden in his growing So what’s - So exactly does Mas what 10-lesson his - com and ingenious his example For - chang see I’m to be that to able love “I grows garden at the how about See more But for Finley what a garden represents is represents Finley a garden what for But “e garden a metaphor. than more much and math persistence, and patience teaches all, teaches “it above and says, he science,” freedom.” growing not “What’s laughs. he “Well,” now? Pomegranates, now? right garden in my gooseberries, cape nectarines, stargazers, peppers, bananas, greens, collard apples, milk succulents, - cane, beets, sugar corn, just gs…You lemons, bush, weed, buttery missed the amaryllis!” Gardening” Finley Teaches “Ron terclass of subscribers, actually many teach course the new idea? to As presumably are whom talking people where to he’s says, promo its and any use make of to how about they are, they wherever or land every available of spot a pot. put can planters, dresser-drawer charming pletely been especiallywhich have on popular a good Finley thing enjoys social media. It’s because people online, with engaging all from proof with been inundated he’s being are lessons his that the world over learned. “ey Finley says. send lives,” people’s ing videos, especially and their pictures me see to I get Now gardens! dresser-drawer who seen has who or taking is the the class, are there And TED talk been and inspired. India, Africa, from people the Philippines, And it.” I love But crazy. Brazil...It’s Jordan, taller. growing keeps everyday it ron nley.com. “is experience also has an made me overlapping the with intensifying, Now food growing the idea of Finley, for And money,” just than more means “Resources been a powerful always has garden e And through that process he has become has he process that through And immersed in everything policy civic from to lands “public” food on growing regarding created, are in which communities the ways the e ects of to protected, and sustained the individual. on empowerment and sociologist, anthropologist, urban and clear-eyed his With says. he a psychologist,” food insecurity how and of understanding the health directly impact and food justice placed code, has he zip given a of well-being of the within spheres gardening the act of public economics, but agriculture, only not art, political self-determina- activism and tion. chains, food supply disrupted of contexts - inequi resource and a global health threat people are surprised more Finley isn’t ty, if,” “What agriculture-curious. becoming on being dependent of instead o ers, he life, your shape to forces corporate faceless be could your “you that, of if instead what chain?” foodown supply doesn’t a ords it the freedoms and home at advocate an is He line. the property at stop collectives the with neighbors forming for so that crops, your sharing block, your on everything of some with everyone up ends they need. neighbors, food and means “It Finley says. I hope so much ere’s air. dirt and means it - com that’s in the new world will be di erent live, to want you design can the life You ing. call. hope.” I a wakeup this is and poetic religious mythological, and cultural, societies. history and evensymbol across 4 WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM | May 22 - 28, 2020 | LA WEEKLY L FILM book she nds hidden insidebook of it belonging puppet-like purple backpack and a mysterious costs!) toall solve a mystery concerning her (Tip: Avoid “the Taco Snake” phone option at Kimmy must on her fellow call “mole women” princeglish here. But before that can happen Daniel Radclie, playing an naive equally En- down aisle the walks Potter with Harry himself, ourin which wonderfully wacky Miss Schmidt to happy(?) the everyone ending eventually, choices along way. the Most are likely to get providingtale multiple outcomes and viewer Schmidt: Kimmy vs.the Reverend is atwisted Bandersnatch choices best the on her own. Kimmy Kemper) (Ellie doesn’t always make forespecially hardcore fans know who that but is fun, story it makes for also some pressure, you’re not alone. is novel, choose-as-you-go you’ve hilarious the cast missed of Unbreakable ture-length and lm, we get to her fate. decide If the pandemic.the guide regularly as you shelter at home during streaming this Check subscription services. L.A.) to Video digital on Demand (VOD) and buzz that moved from theaters in closed (still blockbustersfect to movies new garnering vs. theReverendvs. |Netix Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy BY LINALECARO&CHUCKWILSON Al Capone, former rst lady Michelle Obama and more THIS WEEK WATCH TO WHAT Lapkusin Lapkusin Lauren and Spade David Like Netix’sLike groundbreaking Mirror: Black Quirky Kimmy fea- is new and back all inthis The Wrong Missy Wrong The art houseart gems to popcorn-per —fromelectronic devices indie lms available and sets on your TV Guide is your at look hottest the .A. Weekly’s (Streaming) Movie episode, Unbreakable Kimmy - , some gorgeous Hawaiian (Sandler loves locales dictable about 15 minutes in,but to thanks on ablind date from hell. It’s pretty all pre- frommagic one, scene two the when go leads ly slapstick-driven comedy works its wacky FarleyChris SNL inthe back castingthe reallyworks. unlikely romantic Sandler might lead have, and it choice. was a good Instead, Spade plays the but he is nowhere insight and that like seems are here all (, ) laugh-out-loud hit. Sandler’s usual suspects Spadevid and spastic the Lauren Lapkus, is a Missy Wrong has madefor Netix. But his latest, e ones his Happy Madison Production company hit the ories have miss, very especially been The Wrong Missy |Netix we got. got. we movie this so and its multiple versions are all Unbreakable Carlock. Robert minds of producers warped the Tina Fey and for an array of and from storylines Easter eggs disappointed.).be knows words the to “Freebird” and you won’t option the tip: Choose where Titus actually bike and hitting upbar (Another ahicksville women,the trekking by foot and pimped-out Titus bestie bodacious Andromedon to save groupnew of it’s so gals, up to Kimmy and her It might Rev have evil the abducted seems a Kimmy’s captor from last the few seasons. to “reverend,” the Jon Hamm’s leader/ cult Recalling the chemistry the actor had with actor the hadwith chemistry the Recalling In or past the decade so, mov- Final tip:Final Watch movie this more than once , starring straightman still-eective - Da LINA LECARO

the series is over, series the days,- sil this Josh Trank (Chronicle syphilis. In writer-director his daring lm, new mansion,ida lost to dementia brought on by aer spending years fading away inhis Flor sible for dozen of brutal murders, in 1947 died pack uppack his late neighbor’s house. Ahnhas an and his mother (Hong Chau) who’ve come to reluctantly alittle boy befriends (Lucas Jaye) Night from lm new directorthe Andrew Ahn(Spa at age 81,gives one of his nest performances in actorgi, Brian Dennehy, last month died who dimensions. enemies, out acting atragedy of Shakespearean Marco (Micheal Ward), lifelong turned friends ndswhich Timmy (Stephen Odubola)and rewarded be bywill an involving third, nal make a disorienting this But lm. persistent the to activate your screen’s subtitle option) can characters’ slang-heavy accents sure (be local gang war depicted, being combined with the since complex the necessary London-speci c Breaking is innovative fourth the wall but also hero, as narrator serving for that’s all to follow. Rapman sits on kitchen the counter of lm’s the writer-director, English the rapper known as In opening the of scene his debut feature as and nothing lands. Inside horror the of dementia, life is on repeat movingbe incircles, may which point. the be to next the fantasia, and aer to seems awhile, but don’t quite land. Trank is always dashing on two music-tinged early sequences on, impress missing money. Individual particularly scenes, reconciliation and FBI agents on trail of the awkward inclusion of a long-lost son seeking Capone for an Untouchables action epic on par with e work from afearless actor. gives aperformance that’s — ne eyes inthe all ordered. All grunts and chomping cigar, Hardy death by torture of an enemy that he himself hasbank to oer, Capone as when relives the puzzled by extremes the of what his memory en Capone’s bullying edges thoughhe’s clearly present.the up to create fantasies of what’s happening in as violent memories days from jumble his glory intojourney famed the thug’s fracturedmind, Capone |VOD Driveways |VOD |VODBlue Story take ontake life that’s “wrong,” so it’s right. straint make for and shockingly funny afull lack ofwhose boundaries, lters and self-re- by Lapkus, steals show who the here as awoman scream without an utterly performance electric . But none of it would such be a with alongside classics like Just With Go It and his vacay/island icks) one this ts innicely Al Capone, gangster century 20th the respon- In arole that must have felt to himlike agreat “Hey ho, letme introduce you to Timmy.” itselfe lm may disappoint hoping those To credit, their Hardy and Trank don’t so- ). Dennehy is Del, awidowed vet who doesn’t have much plot, despite the C.W. CHUCK WILSON ) sends Tom) sends Hardy on a L.L. - . Cinematheque, and screening online to bene t American the pretense of former the rst family. class, humor, the empathy the and lack the of is somewhat of watch awistful ifyou miss the her husband, aer entire the all.), documentary out man the for; has proven with he is obsessed Trump stu (Lord knows there’s alot him of call yet matter of factly. vote at –that’s all my trauma,” she says earnestly thatall work, just they couldn’t bothered to be Donald Trump to snag presidency. the “Aer fellow black women for not voting, allowing black woman and her disappointment inher sharing when as a her experiences especially Hillary series doc hot Clinton seat way the Hillary is inher Hulu althoughMrs. Obama is put never really inthe strength we achieve mightby all example. And are meant to show of kind the character and challenges and disappointments, of all which love with powerful and lled story ajourney chroniclea detailed of an life, extraordinary a Barack Obama’s production company —it is former rst lady and her husband President any perspectives. new particularly ofbecause any revelatory information or even way that’s fascinating of not subject, because the oftells story the Michelle Obama inapersonal we? —acesall. is trio things for these Still, we don’t acting, see the mother breaking traps. of free self-imposed underdeveloped, as ifhe couldn’t imagine the ate and apost-divorce arc for Grace that feels that’s son,the dialogue self-consciously liter gives his acecast,including Josh O’Connor as er-director William Nicholson (Shadowlands der.” Inspired by his own family’s story, writ- bitterness,eternal divorce the calling a“mur someone else. Grace is enraged and into sinks wife, Grace (Annette He’s Bening). inlove with versary, and Edward Nighy) (Bill leaves his good thicknovel.good director Nancy Kelly is like curling up with a top-tier this debut Cooper), Chris feature from velous love (featuring story adashing young historical drama that happens also to tell amar her father and sent to Afact-based America. woman is into who sold in 1880s the slavery by ayoung as Lalu, Chao superb Rosalind Chinese Thousand Pieces ofGold|VOD Becoming |Netix Hope Gap|VOD it seem epic.it seem long but inspires of afullness feeling that makes state explicitly. is movie is only 80-minutes details into narrativethose afuller not he need ground build — and that trusts will viewer the press out cigarette the his mother drops to the foreye boy —the using detail his sneaker to A little-seen gem from restored, 1990,newly ough Michelle doesn’t into deep digtoo the Made by Higher Ground Productions —the her memoirLike of same the name, Becoming One week from wedding 29th their anni- C.W. ousand Pieces of a Gold stars , she doesn’t hold either, back CHUCK WILSON C.W. L.L.

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V FOOD BY KAYVAN GABBAY battle with coronavirus Longtime Dan Tana’s bartender Mike Gotovac loses tachioed septuagenariantachioed with an acerbic wit distinctivelybartender to grizzled, the mus- transformation from anovice, budding young same. the be His longtime fans his witnessed never he madeoverfriends will decades the night lifewood and scene lives the of countless battle. He was 76years old. and on died ursday aer an insurmountable cake.) Sadly, he lost his battle with coronavirus visage emblazoned on rectangular, the layer restaurant inAugust 2018with his colorful ebrated at anniversary his 50th iconic the

AN ERA THE END OF It’s end the of an era where vibrant the Holly- hotspot Dan Tana’s. (He cel - bar ofthe West Hollywood for over behind ve decades presence aperennial has been eteran bartender Mike Gotovac the managerthe of was also Croatian descent. He Pedro up set with ajob at Dan Tana’s, where tight-knitin the Croatian community inSan desire tocrucial residing succeed. A friend Angelesto Los in1967without much but the teams on side). the He ultimately immigrated years children’s he would local coach soccer an unwavering, lifetime passion for (for soccer inCroatia village seaside where he developed dexterity.equal zingingwhile gut-busting with wisecracks inamatter dozen drinks a half of seconds of old-school bartenders that could whip up star.the He last the inalong was truly line entertainment of town celebrities, full he was no-nonsensehis gru, exterior. In aproverbial for ages the and warmest the of despite hearts He and was born up grew inbucolic Split, a

real-life his ardent restaurant the fans described as a there. Mike was reason the why aplethora of you with an slab extra of creamy cheesecake slipping you here, an drink extra or plying moltenparmigiana mozzarella, with gooey gy, doling whether out heaps of veal saucy he’d holler vociferously, “How’s your life?” sex of an assistant. If he hadn’t you seen inyears, Andbeat. he never hadabar nor back use the aer shot with customers not while skipping a one of few bartenders the would who shot take tiny restaurant bar he held over. court He was and new longstandingboth welcome inthe his vitality and zest for life, customers making his duties. Even later, decades he lost never shots, and to raceback then Tana’s to resume bar,the drop by Troubadour the for couple And inhis younger years he would hop over hittheir song “Lyin’ Eyes inacorner booth). Troubadourthe wrote next door (e Eagles chit chat with up and coming bands playing good-naturedly) to “Shut up and drink.” coupledelse admonition with the (obviously like nobody martini a sti, bone-dry serve lar —and Mike was reason the why. He could of sign bar a six regutimes a week true — the - cocktail). Someregulars would visit even the would assist of makings himinthe agreat cocktail knowledgeminimal (his customers bartenderthe despite his limited English and der his wing. Months later, he would become was nearingwho retirement took himon un- job in1968andlanded the bartender head the He was quite fount the of ener kinetic and drinks years, the Over he would serve Cheers. PHOTO BY DANNY LIAO - became hisfriends. close became surely atestament to his loyal customers who hard to come by City inthe of Angeles and is or is which quitepoor somewhere inbetween, visitedwho you his bar whether were rich, by is his unwavering friendship with people But what we might ultimately remember him ian-American and superb drinks. food those delicious, people stick-to-the Ital ribs serving - worldwide) acareer inmaking out of simply Angeles inLos bar scene (and perhaps even andbeers, enjoying game the with friends.” ’70s and in the huge ’80s,drinking Coliseum to go to played game Rams they when at the what to he liked dofor he said, fun, “I used children as possible. When Ionce inquired as much inhis time o hours with his grand- said. Andfamily heman was atrue spending Iinvitedso to them my year,” home every he customersclose didn’t have family inL.A., and laughter with Mike and his family. “Many would drop by for awonderful drinks meal, home to regulars without ahome to go to, who host alavish opening his anksgiving dinner: him were better the for it. year, Every he would was always order the of day. the seamlessly.scene Free-owing conversation Bartender, would who orchestrate a lively bar and unabashed the camaraderie of Mike the helpingshearty of copious richfood, drinks or jokes (“You’re homeless and hopeless”), where customers would come for o-col the - much more manageable, homey and friendly, quintessential joint that madeHollywood rsttheir upon landing at LAX. would make Tana’s still and avisit Mike to see rich cities such as New York and Chicago bar. Longtime customers from Italian food day dueopening to every guy the the behind rant’s 20minutes maybe bar was full aer inyears. hadnotsome they seen e restau- oldseats, met where and friends and they new THOSE SUPERB DRINKS. AMERICAN AND FOOD TOTHE RIBS ITALIAN DELICIOUS, STICK SERVING PEOPLE OF SIMPLYOUT MAKING A CAREER WORLDWIDE IN AND PERHAPS EVEN IN LOS ANGELES ON THE BAR SCENE IMPACTTREMENDOUS MIKE HAD A Mike hadatremendous impact on the He was larger than life. Yet, met who those It without goes saying it was that of kind Aer regulars all, there regular had their

5 LA WEEKLY | May 22 - 28, 2020 | WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM

Aer all, regulars there had their regular had their regular there all, regulars Aer kind of that was it saying goes without It those who met Yet, life. than larger was He the on impact had a tremendous Mike MIKE HAD A HAD MIKE TREMENDOUS IMPACT SCENE BAR THE ON ANGELES LOS IN EVEN PERHAPS AND IN WORLDWIDE CAREER A MAKING OUT SIMPLY OF PEOPLE SERVING STICK DELICIOUS, ITALIAN RIBS TOTHE FOOD AND AMERICAN DRINKS. SUPERB THOSE seats, where they met friends old and new they and friends and where met seats, old - restau e seen theysome not had in years. aer full was bar maybe 20 minutes rant’s behind the the everyguy to opening due day food Italian from customers Longtime bar. Chicago and York New as such cities rich see to Mike a visit and still Tana’s make would LAX. at landing upon their rst made Hollywood that joint quintessential friendly, and homey manageable, more much - the o-col for come would customers where hopeless”), and homeless (“You’re jokes or drinks rich food, copious of hearty helpings the Mike of camaraderie the unabashed and bar lively a orchestrate who would Bartender, conversation Free-owing scene seamlessly. the day. of the order always was would he Every year, it. for the better were him dinner: anksgiving his opening a lavish host who to, go to a home without regulars to home meal, drinks a wonderful for by drop would “Many family. his and Mike with laughter and in L.A., family have didn’t close customers he every home year,” my them to so I invited spending a true was man he And family said. - grand his with hours o time in his much as inquired I once When possible. as children used “I fun, said, he do for liked he to what the at when they Rams game played to go to Coliseum ’80s, drinking huge in the and ’70s friends.” with the game beers, enjoying and even perhaps (and scenebar in Los Angeles simply of out in making a career worldwide) - serving ribs Ital stick-to-the people delicious, those food drinks. superb and ian-American him remember ultimately might we what But peoplewith friendship unwavering his is by rich, were whether bar his you who visited in between, somewhere poor quite which is or is and Angeles of in the City by come to hard who customers loyal his to a testament surely became close friends. his - PHOTO BY DANNY LIAO DANNY BY PHOTO . Cheers He was quite the fount of kinetic ener of the fount quite was He Over the years, he would serve would he Over the years, drinks and gy, whether doling out heaps of saucy veal of heaps out whether doling gy, gooey with mozzarella, parmigiana molten plying or extra drink an here, you slipping cheesecake creamy of extra slab an with you of a plethora why the reason was Mike there. a as described fans the restaurant ardent his real-life shots, and then race back to Tana’s to resume resume to Tana’s then race back to and shots, never lost he decades later, Even duties. his making customers life, for zest and vitality his in the welcome both longstanding new and was He court over. held he bar restaurant tiny take shot who would the bartenders few of one a skipping while not customers with shot aer the use back nor had a bar never he beat. And in years, seen you hadn’t he If assistant. an of sex life?” your “How’s vociferously, holler he’d landed the job in 1968 and the head bartender thelanded and in 1968 job un- on him took retirement who nearing was become would he later, Months wing. der his and English limited his despite the bartender customers (his minimal knowledge cocktail a great in the him makings of assist would the even visit would regulars Some cocktail). - the — true a week times regu six a bar sign of could He why. the reason was Mike — and lar servebone-dry sti, a martini nobody like (obviously the with admonition else coupled drink.” and up “Shut to good-naturedly) playing bands coming and up with chat chit Eagles (e door next wrote the Troubadour booth). in a corner Eyes “Lyin’ song their hit over hop would he years younger his in And couple for the Troubadour by drop the bar,

He was born and grew up in bucolic Split, a Split, in bucolic grew up born was and He for the ages and the warmest of hearts despite hearts despite of the warmest and the ages for a proverbial In exterior. gru,his no-nonsense was he full celebrities, town of entertainment line truly was in a long the last He the star. up whip could that bartenders old-school of seconds of a half drinks dozen in a matter wisecracks with gut-busting while zinging equal dexterity. developed he where seaside village in Croatia soccer (for for passion lifetime unwavering, an soccer coach local would he children’s years immigrated ultimately He the side). on teams the but much in 1967 without Losto Angeles friend A succeed. residing crucial to desire in San community Croatian in the tight-knit where Tana’s, Dan at a job with set up Pedro He descent. Croatian also was of the manager eteran bartender Mike Gotovac Mike bartender eteran beenhas a perennial presence decades ve behind over for Hollywood West the of bar - cel (He Tana’s. Dan hotspot

- Holly the vibrant era where an of the end It’s

THE END OF END THE AN ERA AN ebrated his 50th anniversary at the iconic the iconic 50th his anniversary at ebrated colorful his 2018 with in August restaurant layer the rectangular, on emblazoned visage coronavirus with battle his lost he Sadly, cake.) insurmountable an aer ursday died on and old. 76 years was He battle. countless of the lives scene and wood life night the decades willfriends made over he never witnessedhis fans longtime His bethe same. young budding a novice, from transformation - mus the grizzled, to bartender distinctively wit acerbic an with tachioed septuagenarian BY KAYVAN GABBAY KAYVAN BY Longtime Dan Tana’s bartender Mike Gotovac loses Gotovac Mike bartender Tana’s Dan Longtime coronavirus with battle

FOOD V 6 WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM | May 22 - 28, 2020 | LA WEEKLY F MUSIC album 27 years aer release the of second Jellysh the wenteryone o and own didtheir thing. But psych-glam outt Imperial Drag, and- ev then regroupedinitially underrated as criminally the sh broke up; Roger Manning and Dover Eric closest comparison. down line. the Big Star would probably the be same level of reverence aquarter of acentury andtype commercial stature command the Five short years. And yet few bands of their BY BRETTCALLWOOD of e trio Jellysh veterans EP release anew MILK MILK CRYING OVER SPILT QUARTET AREN’T THE LICKERISH e members didn’t quietly retire Jelly when Spilt Milk 1990 and ’93,before splitting in’94. putting out two beloved albums in er-pop band Jellysh were together, that Bay Area psychedelic pow- ive years. at’s length the of time , 23years aer Imperial Drag - with our audience that was out we knew there proud of, and wouldn’t it great be to share that gether. We we had12songs realized we were all sessions, and piecemealing whole the thing to - at turned into alot of writing and recording and to wanted dosomething about to it. try awakening about how fast timewas ying by, Manning says. “So in2017Ijust had arude broke up we never so got achance to dothat,” Jellysh in the with them but scenario band the and Iwas pretty interested incollaborating singer/songwritersgood own intheir right — what are yagonna do?) (Yeah,Quartet. e Lickerish is Quartet atrio Tim Smith are together again as e Lickerish split, Manning and Dover plus Jellysh bassist “It was clear to me that Tim and were Eric debut EP, just— they hadn’t heard from us inawhile.” special and unique among the sea of everybody and unique amongspecial of everybody sea the make notice, peopletake and something also aren’t average. You’re always doing your to best you have stellar key these ingredients all that but you when do get there you better make sure that there’s no right way to get to nish the line, dierent styles,” Manning agrees. “I’ve learned many with so scenes dierent artists of many so heap before reconvening. ice Cooper. It’s inevitable a that learned they Crow,Sheryl Cheap Trick, Noel Gallagher, Al- diverse —Slash’s Snakepit, e Finn Brothers, over orpast the two are decades so startlingly artists that three of the have them worked with of creating Jellysh mark II.” better.even But we hadno intention certainly Jellysh and Imperial Drag fans in process, the trademarkinto sound. If very this it appeals to just one singer, lead and harmonies the addup have happening here where it’s like there’s not proud of Crosby, the Stills &Nash thing we our own sound with our three voices. I’m very DNA. that I think we’ve forged successfully that’s andstyles heroes. So songwriting inour we iswhen because were inspired all by similar aband started rstwe inthe all place way back and lyricist,” Manning says. “But reason the Andy [Sturmer], of singer course lead —the there are clear dierences. (and Imperial Drag) rejoice, fans will though known forall are present and correct. Jellysh and that ris odies musicians glam these are sidering talent the involved, infectious the mel- May 15saw release the of project’s new the “Certainly for me, having worked the behind ere was little chance of that happening. e “For one thing, there’s no presence from reesome Vol. 1.Unsurprising con- PHOTO BY JAY GILBERT Soundcloud playlists. Also, check out the new L.A. Weekly and Spotify house Spaceship,” available now. also is tet/Label The first Logic. single, “Light- Vol.1 claimer. We’ll just have to wait and see. he tantalizingly adds a“never say never” dis- e Lickerish as a Quartet studio project. But down is lied, touring is unlikely as he sees full plate thankfully.” EP out thereIhave as well. inbetween So a Plus I’m probably going to put another solo what done to needs be to get two those EPs out. records. In that between I’m editing and doing People —tracks to me les send play on their wider. Icontinue to dosessions from home. and get that hopefully shing net cast even fans the thank but stay intouch with them muchis away very that can people not only feelsstill frivolous and non-musical. Butit ble. whole thing the Generationally speaking, way best the - media possi ofmake use social says. “But we’re to doour to best reallytrying myall vintage synthesizers and keyboards,” he work from home inmy home cave here with although perhaps not as much as for some. by pandemic the and subsequent lockdown, band’sthe work has obviously aected been When that happens all is anyone’s guess — EPs and possibly an album forthcoming. tracks recorded, two more be and there so will convention.” an opportunity to explore outside of generic and experiments at and would them they love thatknew we could throw kinds of all ideas ing records over years,” the says Manning. “We by Ken Sluiter. Jeremyfriend on Stacey and drums engineered to guys the and jumped they at it.” broughtJellysh. idea, inthe believed Istill it Blues’ is from 1988/89, right as Iwas starting toback my college days. e song ‘Bluebird’s presenting to ideas group the that literally went as you thought. originally special Imean, Iwas resurrect anyou which idea didn’t feel was as getting that fresh opinion would suddenly some of most the on because fun journey this where it’dsee us. take In some ways, that was “If inspired they our we’d partners pursue it and we’dthem, share with them each other,” he says. lying around that, enough ifwe in believed toback late the ’80s. enhance dated Someof ideas them. all those bringeach to ideas table, the and they’d then was completely collaborative. would They they’re Leonard Maybe.” Cohen. suddenly media, enough clicks on social their artists with abasement studio. If they’ve got and brothers their recording are who so-called The Lickerish Quartet’s Manning says- also that, lock the when even “Fortunately, before lockdown, the Imostly Manning says that there are atotal of 12 are guys that all “ ese I’ve known from- mak reesome Vol.1 was recorded with longtime “We hadscraps and all bits n’ pieces of songs process,The songwriting Manning says, is outis now The Lickerish via Quar Threesome


P CANNABIS BY JIMIDEVINE E. Boyd Street con agration wasn’t potlab Approaches to Marijuana founder Kevin Sa- juana. “Pot is this on industry— you,” Smarter moment the used to ashot take at mari - legal wholesaler.” But damage done. the hadbeen address a“vape and marijuana accessories BHO lab Saturday night. as a scene the Captain Scott described Erik at wrote they time when the that since LAFD lives.”their had info best the they e APused AngelesLos that sent reghters for running location “a hash oil manufacturer indowntown ofkind business was operating at location. the inalittleblaze back over an hour and ahalf. injuredthe were treated. would ey beat the supporting cast of reghters inas was called as jackets burn and helmets melted. Amassive temperatures compromising equipment their escaping roof the to were extreme exposed statement. deteriorated,”idly said inaSunday LAFD the buildingthe and roof the as situation the rap- conditions and immediately exiting started sound. Fireghters identied changing the smoke and heard arumbling high-pitched reghters encountered pressurized increased inside, things quickly took aturn for worst. the improve visibility for reghters the working building,the helps which clear smoke the and from aone-story commercial structure. that helped battle blaze saw the smoke coming rstthe wave of eventual the 230reghters Boyd Street. Aer arriving within four minutes, responded to areported structure re at 327E. p.m., Angeles Los the when Fire Department discharged.being pital as of Monday night, with other the seven WHOLESALER WAS A SMOKESHOP DTLA EXPLOSION One of nation’s the leading antipot voices By Monday, the AP calling had started the On Sunday, Associated the Press the called Quickly, conversation the turned to what explosion, the During of reghters all the “As reghting operations continued, the Aer sending reghters to roof the to vent e horror Saturday started story at 6:26 ghters to hospital. the Street explosion that sent 11re- cannabis for industry E.Boyd the eople were quick too to blame the Four of 11 remain the hos in the - Explosives. Bureauthe of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and of what happened with support federal from contributed to Saturday’s blast. storagein a bulk commercial setting may have purchase individual the cans of butane, which $75,000 inlicensing fees. But peoplecan still to get that manufacturing is permit at least except manufacturers. to licensed e process of quantitiessale bulk the of butane unlawful on to point out aSeptember 2018law made Health.” Cannabis Control and Department of Public according to asearch at CABureau the of facturing or distributing cannabis products, nabis, nor didit have any for license manu- not happen at afacility that contained can- Tokes” facility indowntown Angeles Los “did noting explosion the and re at “Smoke the hash oil lab claims inaMonday statement, and state.by the DCR the both citythe would have hadto have licensed been any business manufacturing hash in legally told L.A.Weeklyexplosion DCR occurred. location with the sociated where Saturday’s cannabis application or records license as- replied. DCR the or vapor like butane, hexane and propane),” involves solvents that produce ammable gas volatile manufacturing (manufacturing that authorized by Department the to engage in city in nesses the ofAngeles Los have been manufacturing, currently, no cannabis busi- businessescertain to engage innon-volatile butanegal hash oil lab found being at scene? the Regulation hadheard ifthey any word of- an ille tweet remains.the dangerous consequences.” happened. blind Our acceptance of pot has legal reghters but survive, will never this should’ve aermath the of God explosion. the “ank said inaretweetbet of showing avideo the e city is conducting amajor investigation e marijuana organization advocacy went California NORML struck back against the noted also ite has DCR no commercial “Although Departmenthas authorized the We asked city’s the Department of Cannabis wasSabet informed of his mistake by me, but 7 LA WEEKLY | May 22 - 28, 2020 | WWW.LAWEEKLY.COM - - - - Golden Eye Bionics LLC Golden Eye Ph.D in seeks MEMS Engr. 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NortonLifeLock Inc has an opening for Software Engineer in Culver City, Job description California. for ana includes responsible lyzing, designing, debugging and/or modifying software; or evaluating, develop ing, modifying and coding to support programs software - - - - - Classifieds EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION Computer/IT: Avanade Inc. Avanade Computer/IT: seeks an Infrastructure Architect/Ca Security Mobility lead Avanade’s pability Lead to Com- Talent Infrastructure to in regards munity offerings Enterprise Mobility Microsoft and Security (EMS) within the U.S. Region of the Western Domestic and int’l travel to approx. client sites required 80%. Must live w/in reason able commuting distance of Los Angeles, CA. Position at least a bachelor’s requires and at least 5 years of degree experience. 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Avanade Computer/IT: ERP Business Mgr., seeks a Sr. - - - ALC, Inc., ALC, in Princeton, headquartered En NJ seeks Senior Software gineer for a position at com- CA. S/ location in Irvine, pany’s he will work on complex tech. including full stack projects, end and back end) (front and big data dev. software analytics. S/he must have, in at min, a Bach. degree Computer Science or IT and 2 dev/ yrs of exp. in a software including familiarity eng role, with SDLC; ability to create of API; knowledge server-side Golang, Node.js, Typescript, C#, and JavaScript; knowledge of Databases including SQL, and MongoDB, Aerospike, Redis; Experience with front end technologies Angular and React; and experience with bigdata solutions BigTable, Email and DataFlow. BigQuery, to resumes [email protected]. The Act-1 Group Inc. DBA Group Inc. DBA Act-1 The CA in Chatsworth, ATIMS Develop seeks Software ment Manager to oversee, supp/ prod’n impl & provide syst S/W syst mgmt. No Trvl; no tel’comm. Mail resumes Inc. to: The Act-1 Group Attn: HR, 21622 DBA ATIMS, Suite 210, Plummer Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311. Accountant: f/t; f/t; Accountant: info & Analyze nancial in Ac Master’s reports; prep or equiv Taxation countancy, Resume: P&C Group req’d; Blvd, #1070, LA, 3701 Wilshire CA 90010

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e horror story started Saturday at 6:26 at story started Saturday horror e vent to the roof to reghters sending Aer the continued, operations reghting “As the all reghters of During the explosion, what to turned the conversation Quickly, called the Press the Associated On Sunday, thehad startedcalling AP the Monday, By voices antipot leading the nation’s of One WHOLESALER WAS A SMOKESHOP A WAS DTLA EXPLOSION EXPLOSION DTLA pital as of Monday night, with the other seven the other with night, Monday of as pital being discharged. Department Fire when the Los Angeles p.m., 327 E. at re structure a reported to responded minutes, four within arriving Aer Street. Boyd 230 reghters the eventual of wave the rst coming smoke the saw blaze battle helped that structure. commercial a one-story from and the smoke clear which helps the building, working the reghters for visibility improve the worst. for a turn took quickly things inside, increased pressurized encountered reghters high-pitched a rumbling heard and smoke the changing identied Fireghters sound. started exiting immediately and conditions - rap the situation as the roof and thebuilding the LAFD in a Sunday said idly deteriorated,” statement. exposed extreme were to the roof escaping their equipment compromising temperatures A massive melted. helmets and burn jackets as called was in as reghters of cast supporting the beat ey would treated. were the injured a half. and hour an over blaze back in a little the location. at operating was business kindof in downtown manufacturer oil hash “a location running for reghters sent that Los Angeles AP used e they the best info had their lives.” LAFD since that the whentime they wrote at Erik described Scott Captain the scene a as night. Saturday lab BHO accessories marijuana and a “vape address had been the done. damage But wholesaler.” legal- mari at take a shot to used the moment Smarter you,” industry— on this is “Pot juana. Sa- Kevin founder Marijuana to Approaches E. Boyd Street con agration wasn’t pot lab wasn’t con agration Street E. Boyd JIMI DEVINE BY

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Must reference jobtitleand [email protected]. To apply, submitresume to experience mayberequired. of position,degree, and/or Depending onlevel/type and/or modifyingsoftware. lyzing, designing,debugging includes responsible forana California. Jobdescription Engineer inCulverCity, has anopeningforSoftware Inc. NortonLifeLock job ID:1648.6207. Must reference jobtitleand [email protected]. To apply, submitresume to and/or modifyingsoftware. lyzing, designing,debugging includes responsible forana California. Jobdescription Engineer inCulverCity, has anopeningforSoftware Inc. NortonLifeLock EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION Classifieds ------notice ofthechangemust property canbeeliminated, a rightofsurvivorshipto transfer cantakeeffect or revocation ofanonprobate an order ofthecourt.Before consent oftheotherpartyor transfer, withoutthewritten of property subjecttothe that affects the disposition probate transferinamanner transfer ormodifyinganon and 4)creating anonprobate for thenecessitiesoflife; usual courseofbusinessor of thecourt,exceptin of theotherpartyoranorder without thewrittenconsent community, orseparate, whether community, quasi- property, real orpersonal, in anywaydisposingof hypothecating, concealing,or transferring, encumbering, and theirminorchildren; 3) for thebene tofparties tomobile, anddisability, held age, includinglife,health,au- any insuranceorothercover changing thebene ciariesof transferring, disposingof,or borrowing against,canceling, of thecourt;2)cashing, of theotherpartyoranorder out thepriorwrittenconsent for thoseminorchildren with new orreplacement passport the stateorapplyingfora children ofthepartiesfrom from: 1)removing theminor mestic partnerare restrained you andyourspouseordo Orders. Startingimmediately, ing FamilyLawRestraining 478-1043. Standard Restrain Studio City, CA91604,(818) LLP, 12711Ventura Blvd.#200, 238567, Kermisch &Paletz are: William T. Kermisch, SBN: titioner withoutanattorney petitioner’s attorney, orpe and telephonenumberof 90012 2)Thename,address, 111 N.HillStreet, California County ofLosAngeles, Superior CourtofCalifornia, and address ofthecourtare: the otherparty. 1)Thename the courtwaivedforyouor of thefeesandcoststhat you topaybackallorpart form. Thecourtmayorder ask theclerkforafeewaiver cannot paythe lingfee, copy ofit.FeeWaiver: Ifyou who hasreceived or seena any lawenforcement of cer anywhere inCalifornia by orders. Theyare enforceable the courtmakesfurther a judgmentisentered, or until thepetitionisdismissed, spouses ordomesticpartners are effective againstboth 2: Theserestraining orders straining Orders are onpage bar association.Notice—Re or bycontactingyourlocal website (www.lawhelpca.org), the California LegalServices courts.ca.gov/selfhelp), at Online Self-HelpCenter(www. lawyer attheCalifornia Courts mediately. Gethelp ndinga advice, contactalawyerim fees andcosts.Forlegal to paysupportandattorney children. You maybeordered property, andcustodyofyour domestic partnership,your affecting yourmarriage or the courtmaymakeorders le yourResponseontime, not protect you.Ifyoudonot call, orcourtappearancewill the petitioner. Aletter, phone and haveacopyservedon (form FL-120)atthecourt on youto leaResponse mons andPetitionare served calendar daysafterthisSum 19STFL13407. You have30 HAWKINS. CaseNumber Petitioner’s nameis:JOAN below andonthenextpage. sued. Readtheinformation L. HAWKINS. You havebeen Notice toRespondent:ERIC led November8,2019. (Family Law) Summons FL-110 FL-110 Continued innextcolumn... ------to theproperty." written intotherecorded title property presumption tobe if youwantthecommunity should consultyourattorney property presumption. You and notthecommunity property) willbecontrolling, in common,orcommunity (i.e. jointtenancy, tenants characterizes howtitleisheld language inthedeedthat nity property isdivided, the the jointlyheldcommu this actionshoulddiebefore property. Ifeitherpartyto presumed tobecommunity partnership injointform is ing marriage ordomestic acquired bythepartiesdur legal separation,property domestic partnershiporupon dissolution ofamarriage or of divisionproperty upon provides that,forpurposes Information. California law 300-1506. Warning-Important Covered California at1-800- www.coveredca.com. Orcall For more information, visit quality, affordable healthcare. cost youpaytoward high- California canhelpreduce the Covered California. Covered If so,youshouldapplyfor affordable healthinsurance? in yourhouseholdneed ance. Doyouorsomeone to Affordable HealthInsur court costs.Notice–Access attorney tohelpyouorpay separate property topayan property, oryourown property, quasi-community ever, youmayusecommunity orders are effective. How made aftertheserestraining all extraordinary expenditures and accounttothecourtfor extraordinary expenditures prior toincurring these at least vebusinessdays extraordinary expenditures each otherofanyproposed other party. You mustnotify be ledandservedonthe Hawkins. November 7,2019byJoan divided bytheCourt.Signed, debts thatIknowoftobe There are nosuchassetsor quasi-community property. Court. 10)Communityand of tobecon rmed bythe assets ordebtsthatIknow property. There are nosuch Respondent. 9)Separate support toPetitionerand the Court’s abilitytoaward 8) Spousalsupport:Terminate on irreconcilable differences. Divorce ofthemarriage based tions 2200-2210,2310-2312) grounds (Familycodesec the followingorders: 5)Legal requests thatthecourtmake no minorchildren. Petitioner 4) Minorchildren: There are separation: 7years,3months. date ofmarriage todateof May 1,1998.Time from 3, 1991.DateofSeparation: Date ofMarriage: February Petition. 3)Statisticalfacts: preceding the lingof three monthsimmediately of thiscountyforatleast for atleastsixmonthsand been aresident ofthisstate requirements: Petitionerhas are married. 2)Residency 1) Legalrelationship: We led November8,2019. ofMarriage tion Dissolu for Petition FL-100 FL-100 LEGAL NOTICES Classifieds ------court. Bernal Judgeofthesupreme Date: 03/09/20.Margaret M. LA Weekly News. tion, printedinthiscounty: newspaper ofgeneralcircula the petitioninfollowing the datesetforhearingon consecutive weekspriorto least onceeachweekforfour Cause shallbepublishedat Show 3.A copyofthisOrder To SAME. 90650. MAILINGADDRESS: Norwalk Blvd,Norwalk,CA COURTHOUSE SOUTH12720 ANGELES. NORWALK CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOFLOS SUPERIOR COURT OF The address ofthecourtis: Dept: CRoom:312 Time: 1:30pm Date: 07/06/2020 NOTICE OFHEARING without ahearing. court maygrantthepetition objection istimely led,the be granted.Ifnowritten why thepetitionshouldnot the hearingtoshowcause be heard andmustappearat the matterisscheduledto least twocourtdaysbefore reasons fortheobjectionat objection thatincludesthe above must leawritten the namechangesdescribed ed. Anypersonobjectingto of nameshouldnotbegrant why thepetitionforchange below toshowcause,ifany, court atthehearingindicated matter appearbefore this persons interested inthis 2.THE COURT ORDERSthatall Rose Florida-MarieMarch. 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