Compensation Report 2008
compensation report 2008 Excerpt from UBS’s Annual Report 2008 Contents 1 Compensation, shareholdings and loans 2 Compensation governance 3 2008 compensation for the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board 8 Shares, options and loans for the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board (at end of 2008) 15 Compensation principles 2009 and beyond for UBS senior executives 19 UBS reporting at a glance 20 Contacts Compensation Report 2008 Compensation, shareholdings and loans The principles of compensation for UBS senior executives are designed to align their interests with those of shareholders – the creation of long-term value and sustainable shareholder returns. These principles are established by the human resources and compensation committee of the Board of Directors. Letter from the human resources and compensation committee of the Board of Directors Dear shareholders, Financial Market Supervisory Authority The firm explicitly sought to “alter the The global financial services industry is (FINMA) on a range of compensation UBS corporate culture” through its facing challenges of a magnitude not matters, including the new compensa- design of the new compensation seen for decades. These challenges had tion model and the amount of variable model. All members of the human a clear and widespread impact on the compensation to be paid to employees resources and compensation committee industry in 2008 and UBS and its peers for 2008. strongly believe the new compensation were no exception. Executive compen- model will play a central role in the sation is always a high-profile issue Although the financial services industry firm’s future success. Furthermore, due and, during 2008, this was debated by is facing a difficult period, competition to its explicit goals for long-term value the public, media and regulators to a for the very best talent remains fierce creation, the model inherently considers greater extent than ever before.
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