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ANNUAL REPORT Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010 – 2011

One university. Many futures. umanitoba.ca OOff aNaNcc uuEEll tt yy






Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management The University of Manitoba 102 Frank Kennedy Centre Telephone: (204) 474-9747 Website: www.umanitoba.ca/kinrec










BISON SPORTS ...... 21







PERSONNEL ...... 64

2010-2011 BPE GRADUAND LIST ...... 70

2010-2011 BKin GRADUAND LIST ...... 71

2010-2011 BRMCD GRADUAND LIST ...... 72

2010-2011 M.A. (in Recreation Studies) GRADUAND LIST ...... 73

2010-2011 M.Sc. (in Kinesiology) GRADUAND LIST ...... 73

2010-2011 SAHPER COUNCIL MEMBERS ...... 74



SECTION B ...... 77




The mission of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management is the discovery and dissemination of knowledge related to physical activity, human movement, sport and leisure to improve the health, well-being and quality of life of Manitobans, Canadians and citizens of the world.

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In 1933, a Director of Recreation position was created at the University of Manitoba. It was not until 1950, however, that a Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics was established. The purpose of this unit was to provide physical education courses for the various schools and faculties and to direct, organize and supervise the intramural and intercollegiate athletic programs. In February 1964, the Senate of the University approved the establishment of a three-year program leading to the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE) degree. In June 1966, the status of School of Physical Education was achieved. Senate approved the establishment of a Master of Physical Education degree program in May 1979. This degree is offered through the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Senate approved a Bachelor of Recreation Studies (BRS) degree in April 1981 and Faculty status was achieved in May 1982. In 1992, the Faculty established the Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute to facilitate, conduct and disseminate research of the highest quality in the areas of human movement and leisure studies, in order to contribute to an enhanced understanding of health and human performance. In 1990, the Master of Physical Education was changed to the Master of Science. In the spring of 1998, a four-year Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (BESS) degree program, a revised three-year BPE degree and a Master of Arts in Recreation Studies were approved by the Council on Post-Secondary Education (COPSE). Students entering the BESS degree program would choose to specialize in one of three streams: Exercise and Sport Science; Physical Activity, Health and Wellness; or Athletic Therapy. The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) accredited the Athletic Therapy Program in September 2000, making the AT program one of only five such accredited programs in . In September 2004, the degree designation of the Bachelor of Recreation Studies was changed to the Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development (BRMCD). In December 2005, Senate approved the recommendation to change the name of the Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science degree to the Bachelor of Kinesiology (BKin) degree, effective October 2006. In December 2006, Senate approved a revised undergraduate curriculum that began in September 2007. Students in all three degree programs (BPE, BKin, BRMCD) complete shared core courses as well as core courses specific to their degree program, and a variety of electives. Activity courses were replaced with new Experiential Learning Courses (ELC) that combine theory and practice in a variety of program related settings. For BKin and BRMCD students, courses are packaged as “areas of emphasis.” The transition to the revised curriculum was completed in 2009-2010. In May 2006, COPSE approved a multi-unit research-based Ph.D. in Applied Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba effective September 2007. The four participating academic units are: Nursing, Kinesiology and Recreation Management, Human Ecology and Medical Rehabilitation. In March 2007, the Board of Governors approved the recommendation to change the name of the Faculty to the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, effective July 1, 2007.

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Dr. Jane Watkinson, Dean

This year’s report of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management documents some exciting changes that will have a huge impact on the future of the Faculty and its role in the University. This seems to be a time of constant change. Our buildings, our fiscal resources, our administrative team, and even our staff complement are all undergoing ‘renovations’! We welcome new administrators in the Faculty: Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht has taken on the role of Associate Dean Academic, Dr. Michelle Porter is the new Associate Dean Research, Dr. Joannie Halas is the Chair of Undergraduate Programs, and Dr. Elizabeth Ready is the Director of the Applied Health Sciences Doctoral Program. Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko remains the Chair of the Faculty’s Graduate Programs, while Gary Thompson and Coleen Dufresne continue in their positions of Directors of Active Living and Bison Sport. The Faculty is continuing, with new people, places and processes, to move towards our vision of being known for our excellence in research and teaching, high performance sport, and recreation service. We are extremely pleased that Dr. Phillip Gardiner has been appointed as the Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Interim Scientific Director for the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) for a term of one year. Dr. Gardiner will be the first person from kinesiology to hold such a position. He currently serves as Chair of the IMHA Advisory Board and is a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity and Health Studies. He is a member of the Spinal Cord Research Centre, where he directs a research laboratory, and of the Neurodegenerative Disease Research Group. Dr. Gardiner conducts research on the effects of physical activity, aging, and spinal cord injury on the nervous and neuromuscular systems, and has published three books and over 100 articles in this area. His research has been supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council Canada, the Canadian Space Agency, and the National Institutes of Health in the . Phil will continue to be a member of the Faculty of KRM. The decision by the University Board of Governors to approve a mandatory student fee that will fund both a new Active Living building, and the normal operations of our Recreation Services and Bison Sport will allow the Faculty to engage every student on the University campus in Active Living! This will be a new challenge for our Active Living staff and our Bison Sport event staff, and a new opportunity for our students and professors to become involved in the knowledge translation process. Our plan is to find ways in which our senior and graduate students can support the activities of the Active Living/Bison Sport staff through applied research, and the sharing of best practice. In return these students will find opportunities for experiential education, learning the professional skills required for their future, and having opportunities to practice the delivery of recreation and sport programs and events before they graduate. We are once again welcoming new staff to the Faculty. Five new Assistant Professors join us this year and bring us new areas of expertise that will likely shape our undergraduate degrees and our research

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programs for many years to come. Their expertise in the biological, sociocultural and psychological underpinnings of our field will provide us with new understandings of current science/scholarship and its application of kinesiology, physical education, and recreation. We welcome Drs. Danielle Bouchard, Cheryl Glazebrook, Amanda Johnson, Moss Norman, LeAnne Petherick and Shaelyn Strachan. We have experienced so much change in our academic staff that professors who have been here for three years are now seen to be ‘senior’! We will be seeking three additional new professors this year. But these new positions are gained through the loss of long-standing staff members who have retired or moved to other institutions. We particularly want to acknowledge the many years of contribution by Dr. Janice Butcher, who retired this year. Janice has taught literally thousands of students over the years and has had an impact on the Faculty and the Province in many different ways: in the preparation of hundreds of physical educators, in the administration of the Faculty’s degree programs, and in the management of the province’s Field Hockey programs. Her contributions have been many and broad. We will miss her and her dedication to our field and to our Faculty. We will also miss longstanding faculty members Dr. Kelly MacKay and Dr. Jennifer Mactavish, who have moved to Ryerson University. Both have been instrumental in the development and stewardship of the Recreation Management and Community Development degree. They have had outstanding research programs that have had major impact nationally and internationally, and have made contributions to the Faculty and the University through their administrative roles. We wish them the very best. I hope that the following pages give you a glimpse into the many activities that have been going on in the Faculty in the 2010-11 academic year.

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July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 Dr. Phillip Gardiner, Associate Dean (Research), Director, Health, Leisure & Human Performance Research Institute, and Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity and Health Studies

January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, Acting Associate Dean (Research) Acting Director, Health, Leisure & Human Performance Research Institute

The period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 proved to be a very dynamic period for the Institute, characterized by significant changes in affiliate membership, and increases in media exposure, funding and other research activities. Phillip Gardiner was in place as Director for the first half of this reporting period, before beginning a six- month research leave on January 1, 2011. Summer/fall 2010 saw the attraction of several new research affiliates to the Institute, including: Dr. Amanda Johnson from University of Waterloo, who will begin January 1, 2012; Drs. Ted (Moss) Norman from Concordia University and LeAnne Petherick from Memorial University, who will begin July 1, 2011; Dr. Cheryl Glazebrook from McMaster University and University of Toronto, who began on January 1, 2011; Dr. Shaelyn Strachan from the University of Ottawa; and Dr. Danielle Bouchard, a Post-Doctoral Fellow from the Universite de Sherbrooke. In addition, Nicole Dunn arrived at the Institute as our new Associate Director (Administration) in August 2010. Some of the most exciting news from the Institute concerns the recognition of the work done by our affiliates from sources outside the University. Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht continued to educate the public on surviving water accidents – in September, televised segments of the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet and CBC’s The Mercer Report (shown at right) dealt with the proper way to exit a submerged vehicle. Also in September, Dr. Elizabeth Ready was interviewed on CTV News discussing the benefits of integrating physical activity into the health care system, and the potential role of kinesiologists in moving this forward. Liz also appeared in an article in the Free Press on September 15, 2010, discussing the cost of obesity and smoking on the health care system. At the end of September, Dr. Russell Field traveled to Toronto to be a major impetus in the Canadian Sport Film Festival, and the inaugural Winnipeg edition of this festival took place November 26, 2010, with a pair of screenings at the Manitoba Museum. Dr. Todd Duhamel was appointed to the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Committee in September, and was awarded grants from Heart and Stroke Manitoba and the Manitoba Health Research Council. Todd commented on energy drinks in the Winnipeg Free Press on August 9, 2010, and on CTV News on November 17, 2010. Dr. Sarah Teetzel appeared on AM 770 Calgary radio station in August, discussing doping and varsity sports. As well, Dr. Leisha Strachan discussed her research concerning children’s

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experiences in Mini-U on CBC Radio’s Up To Speed program in August, and CJOB’s Research Report in July. Dr. Jennifer Mactavish was awarded the Dr. & Mrs. D.R. Campbell Outreach Award (given to a U of M staff member who has shared their professional and scholarly experience through years of community service), and former FKRM Dean Dr. Henry Janzen was honoured with a Dean Emeritus designation (with both awards presented at Convocation ceremonies in June). Dr. Jennifer Mactavish also “teamed up” with Dr. Melanie Gregg (Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health, University of Winnipeg) to successfully apply for an Establishment Grant – worth $90,000 over the next three years – from the Manitoba Health Research Council. Dr. Mactavish was also appointed as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. In September 2010, HLHPRI affiliate Dr. Elizabeth Ready and Michelle Nelson, PhD candidate, helped draw attention to the need for increased primary prevention initiatives in Manitoba, through the release of a report – dubbed “The Cost of Apathy” – which placed a $4.7-billion value on the long-term cost of smoking, obesity and physical inactivity in the province. The report, entitled Making the Case for Primary Prevention: An Economic Analysis of Risk Factors in Manitoba, was funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, the Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Disease, CancerCare Manitoba, and Health in Common. (Ready and Nelson co-chaired the Steering Committee.) Among the report’s findings is the suggestion that a 1% to 2% reduction in risk factors per year could save the Manitoba economy up to $3.5 billion in direct and indirect health care costs, while reducing deadly chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer by as much as 50%. To read the report in full, see www.heartandstroke.mb.ca/EconomicAnalysis Dr. Phillip Gardiner was part of a research team (shown at left) from the University of Western Ontario that was awarded a $2.5-million grant to examine neural health and physical activity, and was also appointed to the Chair of the Advisory Board for the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA), one of the 13 institutes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). In January 2011, Dr. Phillip Gardiner began a six- month research leave and Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht took over the reins as Acting Director. A great research institute is built on its staff and students. Our complement of excellent researchers is growing quickly. We were thrilled to welcome Dr. Cheryl Glazebrook (from McMaster University) to her new office on January 1, 2011. She has begun creating her new Perceptual Motor Behaviour Laboratory. The faculty has also hired two more research professors in the areas of exercise physiology and exercise psychology; we expect them to start July 1, 2011. We were also pleased to welcome Val Myers in February 2011 as our new office assistant in the Institute’s front office. With this explosion of research staff has come an increase in the number of graduate students and the need for space. The faculty’s graduate program recommended 15 new applicants for Fall 2011. A new, dedicated graduate student laboratory/study space has also been allocated in the Frank Kennedy Building and will soon undergo the necessary renovations.

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Congratulations are in order for Dr. Leisha Strachan, who has become our Faculty's latest nationally funded scholar, having received a research grant for $27,500 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Drs. Strachan and Adrienne Leslie-Toogood (Canadian Sport Centre) have also received a grant from for $14,600 to work on a cognitive development component of the Long Term Athlete Development Model. Drs. Strachan and Elizabeth Ready have been awarded a grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) for a new research program, "Evidence-based kernels to promote healthy diet, activity, and weight in children from birth through age 12 at a population level: The Lifestyle Triple P - Positive Parenting Program.” The project is funded by PHAC and approved for Phase One for a period of 12 months in the amount of $211,646.60. Drs. Strachan and Ready are part of a team led by Drs. John Walker and Steven Feldgaier, Department of Clinical Health Psychology, Faculty of Medicine. In total there are 15 participants from a variety of U of M Faculties (Nursing, Social Work, Community Health Sciences, Human Ecology, Medicine) and government (Healthy Child Manitoba). Drs. Jon McGavock and Joannie Halas have received $151,000 in funding from PHAC for the first year of their project “Getting Better Together: Application of peer-based models for achieving healthy weights in Northern Aboriginal Communities.” This is truly an exciting and worthy project. Dr. Todd Duhamel (shown, at the Institute’s first Conversations in motion event) has received another grant, this time an operating grant from CIHR which provides funding of $400,000 for the next four years for work on cardiovascular health. Finally, Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht has been awarded a five- year $135,000 Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to continue our work on thermoregulation and control of voluntary and involuntary muscle activity. Internal University of Manitoba grants have also been recently awarded to Drs. Sarah Teetzel (UM/SSHRC International Travel Grants Program) and Leisha Strachan (Internal SSHRC Grant). Finally, the Institute is working on three new initiatives: 1) We will have our first Graduate Student Research Day in Fall 2011; 2) we recently implemented an Integrated Research Initiative in an effort to combine research expertise from our research professors and our ‘faculty providers,’ who include staff from our Active Living, Bison Sport and Athletic Therapy areas; and, 3) we are working on a process to change the name of the Institute to a shorter, more memorable and more brandable name to assist our constituents in recognizing the work of our researchers. We hope to make progress on all three areas in the near future. These are certainly exciting times!

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HLHP Research Institute Seminar Series 2010-2011

Dr. Wendy Rodgers, October 1, 2010 – University of Alberta. Title: The role of social cognition in exercise and other health behaviours.

Dr. John Spence, October 18, 2010 – University of Alberta. Title: Obesity and urban farm: Where you live and what you weigh ARE connected.

Dr. Michelle Porter, November 10, 201 - HLHP Research Institute. Title: The triumphs and challenges of carrying out a longitudinal study of older drivers - the Candrive experience.

Dr. Jessica Fraser-Thomas, November 22, 2010 – York University. Title: Keep kids playing. Help them grow.

Dr. Dean Kreillaars, January 13, 2011 – University of Manitoba. Title: Disability to ability: Physical literacy and participation.

Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, February 15, 2011 – HLHP Research Institute. Title: Get me outta here! Lifesaving conclusions from Operation ALIVE (Automobile submersion: Lessons In Vehicle Escape).

Dr. Kejian Xu, March 3, 2011 - University of Geosciences, Beijing China. Title: The Geoparks in China.

Dr. Gaylene Carpenter, March 22, 2011 – University of Oregon. Title: A study of leisure during adulthood 1987-2011.

Dr. Sharon Wall, March 29, 2011 – University of Winnipeg. Title: Nature, outdoor recreation and the Ontario summer camp: Does history have any lessons for the future?

Dr. Robert Ross, May 18, 2011 – Queen’s University. Title: The failure of Canada to manage lifestyle- based disease: Challenges and opportunities.

Dr. Jessica Fraser-Thomas (left) and Dr. Robert Ross (left) and FKRM’s Dr. Kejian Xu (left) and FKRM’s FKRM’s Dr. Leisha Strachan. Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht. Dr. Mike Campbell.

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Dr. Kelly MacKay, Associate Dean (Academic)

I am pleased to share highlights from another busy and successful year for the Faculty’s academic programs. Thank-you for the leadership provided to our graduate program by Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko and Janis McGonigle and to our undergraduate program by Karin Nowak-Bailey, Patti Dickieson, Jackie Elliott, and especially to Dr. Janice Butcher (shown, below right), who completed her term as Undergraduate Program Chair and retired June 30, 2011. Her enthusiasm for and dedication to our undergraduate students and programs are unparalleled. Our academic staff continues its evolution and growth. In 2010-11 we welcomed Dr. Cheryl Glazebrook on a three-year contingent Assistant Professor appointment and also confirmed appointments for five tenure-track Assistant Professors, Dr. Moss Norman, Dr. LeAnne Petherick, Dr. Amanda Johnson, Dr. Shaelyn Strachan and Dr. Danielle Bouchard, who will be joining us in 2011-12. Dr. Jennifer Mactavish was appointed Associate Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies for a one-year term. A major undertaking and accomplishment for the undergraduate program in 2010-11 was submitting our Bachelor of Physical Education and Kinesiology degrees for accreditation review by the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA). The on-site accreditation review visit occurred in November. The CCUPEKA accreditation ensures standards related to breadth and depth of curricula and qualifications of instructors/professors, as well as student support services (e.g., advising). I am happy to report that CCUPEKA approved accreditation of both programs at its June meeting. In addition, the Bachelor of Kinesiology Athletic Therapy Program received re-accreditation from the Canadian Athletic Therapist Association (CATA) for 2010 - 2014. With our ongoing commitment to curricular excellence, a number of course changes were approved to refine and expand our undergraduate program offerings. Wilderness Adventures, an experiential learning course, was offered for the first time in the 2010 summer session. Also of note is the addition of two courses on Coaching High Performance Athletes, and two new courses that focus on Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. This year was the second offering of PHED 3760 Diverse Populations Mentorship, an experiential learning course, which under the leadership of Dr. Joannie Halas saw an increased number of our Physical Education students enroll and work with the Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs at 13 schools throughout the inner city and north end of Winnipeg. A new course was also approved for our graduate program – Current Research in Physical Activity, Health, and Leisure: Psycho- social Aspects. This will serve as a companion course to the also recently added, Current Research in Physical Activity, Health, and Leisure: Physical Aspects, which has just been offered for the second time this year. Our Undergraduate Advisory Board membership changed this year. Thank-you to several members who completed their terms: firstly to the chair, Bruce Miller who ably and enthusiastically led the group since 2007, and to Jo-Anne Weir, Jaymi Derrett, Jim Hamilton, Rachel Cooley, Nick Dyck, Paul Huntington and Jennifer Westwood. Welcome to our new members: Nancy Militano, Syl Lemelin, Christian Robin, Tina Riggs, Audrey McIlratih, Michelle Williams, Jennifer Onyskie-Marcus and Wendy Stewart. Returning

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members are Karen Beck, Alain Couture, Michelle Meade, Jan Schmalenberg, Ted Bigelow, Laurel Hanna, Mark Clarke and Grant McManes, who assumed the chair. The Advisory Board provides advice on matters concerning our degree programs particularly as they relate to our relevance in the field, as well as a connection to professional networks and alumni as advocates for the BPE, BKin and BRMCD degree programs. Congratulations to Colleen Plumton (shown, in Kenya as part of the Faculty’s Sport without Borders initiative), who was KRM’s recipient of the University of Manitoba Outreach Award, and received the University Teaching Service (UTS) Teacher Recognition honours this year from BRMCD student Ann Mohammed. Two new awards for our Faculty were approved this past year. The first is the Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award, the purpose of which is to recognize an individual whose teaching has contributed significantly to our students and Faculty by creating a learning environment that focuses on excellence in teaching, learning and student engagement. The other award is a legacy of our Sport without Borders program in Kenya – the President’s Award for Mentoring International Leadership Excellence through Sport. This award is supported by the President of the U of M, our Faculty, the Canadian Swahili Institute, and the Kenyan Association of Manitoba for three renewal scholarships over a period of twelve years, beginning in 2011-12 to provide access to post-secondary education in physical education, recreation management, and kinesiology for Kenyan students who completed high school under sponsorship of the Terik Essential Programmes Agency for Development (TEPAD). Specific news on accomplishments and honours achieved by our graduate and undergraduate students, as well as program statistics, are contained in separate sections of this report.

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Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko, Chair (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011)

Program Update Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko (shown below, at right) began his term as Graduate Program Chair on July 1, 2010. Janis McGonigle continued to provide administrative support for the graduate program. The Graduate Committee met three times during the 2010-2011 academic year: At the November 8, 2010 meeting the following items were discussed/approved: (1) two new course additions in the psycho-social/humanities area; (2) discussion on program start dates; (3) new designation descriptions; (4) seminar attendance; (5) scholarship applications; (6) the Working Alone Policy; (7) an update on where changes in the graduate program are on the FGS queue; and (8) an update on ENREB. At the February 11, 2011 meeting the following items were discussed/approved: (1) course offerings for 2011-2012; (2) University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF); (3) update on changes to the graduate program in FGS queue; (4) Working Alone Policy; (5) Graduate Enhancement of the Tri-Council Stipends (GETS); (6) Career Expo. At the May 9, 2011 meeting the following items were discussed/approved: (1) graduate student funding; (2) supplementary regulation re: co-advisors; (3) course offerings 2011-2012; (4) graduate student space.

Student Enrolment and Progress Twenty-nine students were registered during the 2010-2011 academic year: fourteen in the MSc degree program, fourteen in the MA degree program, and one pre-master’s. One student withdrew from the program, and one student graduated in February 2011, leaving twenty-seven students registered in the program in total.

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Graduate Students — 2010/2011

Program/Student Advisor

Pre-Master’s (1) Downs, Michael L. Strachan

Master of Science ( Kinesiology) (14) Chen, Yijie A.E. Ready Chhin, Sopear J. Halas Davies, Kristin L. Strachan Hay, Jacqueline J. McGavock/A.E. Ready Hayward, Julie M. Alexander Kehler, Scott T. Duhamel Kolach, Dana M. Porter Lagimodiere, Chris L. Strachan Li, Yumeng M. Alexander Macdonald, Steven M. Heine, D. Hrycaiko Morissette, Marc T. Duhamel Rajan, Pavithra M. Porter Sinha, Juhi M. Porter Sran, Bhupinderjit G. Giesbrecht

Master of Arts (Recreation Studies) (14) Angus, Tanya K. MacKay Bates, Tonia C. Van Winkle Comer, Angela C. Van Winkle Du, Jiayun C. Van Winkle Durst, Olivia S. Teetzel Halowaty, Megan M. Campbell Homby, Chris K. MacKay King, Diana J. Mactavish Klimchuk, Tara S. Teetzel Lee, Hanjung M. Campbell/C. Van Winkle McKee, Jana J. Halas Richards, Alix C. Van Winkle Sun, Miao J. Watkinson Thingstad, Paul M. Campbell

Seven students successfully defended their theses during the academic year: five MSc students and two MA students. Six students presented thesis proposals: one MSc student and five MA students.

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Thesis Defenses and Proposals — July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

Thesis Defenses

2011 Angus, T. (2011, May). An exploration of campus recreation’s role in student engagement. Master of Arts Advisor: K. MacKay King, D. (2011, June). Through the eyes of children: Sport and its role in a public housing community. Master of Arts Advisor: J. Mactavish Sinha, J. (2011, March). Reliability in measuring the range of motion of the aging cervical spine. Master of Science Advisor: M. Porter 2010 Hnatiuk, J. (2010, July). Physical activity supports provided by health care providers to patients with type 2 diabetes. Master of Science Advisor: E. Ready Hurrie, D. (2010, August). Reliability and validity of body fat determination in elite female athletes and the implications. Master of Science Advisor: M. Porter Macdonald, S. (2010, September). Tensions in mentoring: A qualitative analysis of the structure, delivery, and experiences of the coach mentoring program instituted by Hockey Manitoba. Master of Science Co-Advisors: M. Heine & D. Hrycaiko

Woodrow, L. (2010, August). The effect of exercise training on 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor mRNA levels in rat lumbar motoneurons. Master of Science Advisor: P. Gardiner

Thesis Proposals

2011 Halowaty, M. (2011, June). Understanding tourists in Uganda: Exploring visitor motivations and assessing the basic nature of non-resident visitors in Uganda. Master of Arts Advisor: M. Campbell McKee, J. (2011, February). Community development and education: A collaborative relationship. Master of Arts Advisor: J. Halas 2010 Angus, T. (2010, November). Exploration of campus recreation’s role in student engagement. Master of Arts Advisor: K. MacKay Du, J. (2010, November). Local stakeholders’ perspectives of world heritage status: A world heritage site case study. Master of Arts Advisor: C. Van Winkle King, D. (2010, December). Through the eyes of children: Sport and its role in a public housing community. Master of Arts Advisor: J. Mactavish Kolach, D. (2010, August). The effect of park assist devices on the reversing behaviours of older adults. Master of Science Advisor: M. Porter.

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Information Requests and New Admissions

Approximately 100 requests for information about our graduate program were received from prospective students regarding the Master’s programs. Twenty-one applications were received for 2011/2012 (including two May start dates): nine MA and twelve MSc. Twelve applicants were accepted: five MA and seven MSc.

Graduate Student Scholarships, Grants and Awards

Congratulations to the following graduate students:

2010-2011 Award Recipients

Student Name of Award

Dana Kolach Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Pavithra Rajan Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Juhi Sinha Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Yijie Chen University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) (continuing) Marc Morissette Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (MGS) Diana King Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (MGS) Scott Kehler St. Boniface Research Centre Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (ICS) Studentship Scott Kehler Ruth Asper Scholarship for Physical Education and Kinesiology Jacqueline Hay Ruth Asper Scholarship for Physical Education and Kinesiology Kristin Davies Coca Cola Bottling Scholarship Jill Hnatiuk CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism & Diabetes Travel Award Lindsey Woodrow CIHR Travel Award

Graduate Student Research Assistantships

Second Year Students Advisor

Du, Jiayun (Master of Arts) C. Van Winkle Hayward, Julie (Master of Science) M. Alexander Thingstad, Paul (Master of Arts) M. Campbell

First Year Students

Bates, Tonia (Master of Arts) C. Van Winkle Comer, Angela (Master of Arts) C. Van Winkle Davies, Kristin (Master of Science) L. Strachan Durst, Olivia (Master of Arts) S. Teetzel Kehler, Scott (Master of Science) T. Duhamel

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Klimchuk, Tara (Master of Arts) S. Teetzel Lagimodiere, Chris (Master of Science) S. Strachan Lee, Hanjung (Master of Arts) C. Van Winkle Li, Yumeng (Master of Science) M. Alexander Richards, Alix (Master of Arts) C. Van Winkle Sran, Bhupinderjit (Master of Science) G. Giesbrecht

Course Offerings

Six graduate courses were offered in the Faculty in 2010-2011, plus six Directed Studies with individual professors.

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Graduate Courses Taught 2010-2011

PERS 7000 Research in Kinesiology and Recreation Studies – J. Halas Fall 2010 Enrolment: 13

PERS 7004 Current Research in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure: Physical Aspects T. Duhamel (Coordinator) Winter 2011 Enrolment: 3

PHED 7080 Individual Study in Selected Area Research in Sport Psychology – L. Strachan Fall 2010 Enrolment: 2

Technique Analysis of Skilled Players Performing the Bicycle Slide in Water Polo – M. Alexander Winter 2011 Enrolment: 1

Cardiac Rehabilitation Research – T. Duhamel Winter 2011 Enrolment: 1

Exercise Biology – T. Duhamel Winter 2011 Enrolment: 1

PHED 7130 Anatomical Biomechanics – M. Alexander Winter 2011 Enrolment: 3

PHED 7160 Topics in Sport: Social Sciences and the Humanities – L. Strachan, S. Teetzel, R. Field Winter 2011 Enrolment: 4

REC 7010 Leisure & Recreation: Concepts & Theories – Coordinator K. MacKay Winter 2011 Enrolment: 7

REC 7060 Issues in Tourism – K. MacKay Winter 2011 Enrolment: 1

REC 7080 Directed Study in Recreation and Leisure Studies Sport Ethics – S. Teetzel Fall 2010 Enrolment: 2

Community Development: Women and Adult Education – J. Halas Fall 2010 Enrolment: 1

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PhD in Applied Health Sciences

This program is a multi-unit initiative, involving Human Ecology, Kinesiology and Recreation Management, Medical Rehabilitation, and Nursing. Dr. Gardiner continued as Director of the program with Janis McGonigle continuing to provide administrative support.

Student Enrolment

Six students are currently registered in the AHS PhD program with advisors from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. Student Advisor Bedard, Andrea A.E. Ready/V. Menec de Melo, Lucelia A.E. Ready/V. Menec Klassen, Kristen J. Watkinson McDonald, Gerren G. Giesbrecht Parsons, Joanne M. Porter Walker, Darolyn J. McGavock/T. Duhamel

Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students:

Parsons, Joanne Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS-D) Walker, Darolyn Manitoba Health Research Council-Manitoba Institute of Child Health (MHRC-MICH) Graduate Studentship Award

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Dr. Janice Butcher Undergraduate Program Chair

Administrative Structure

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management offers four undergraduate programs: Bachelor of Kinesiology (BKin), Bachelor of Kinesiology – Athletic Therapy (BKin – AT), Bachelor of Physical Education (BPE), and Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development (BRMCD). The Undergraduate Program Chair is supported by Undergraduate Program Administrator Karin Nowak- Bailey, Academic Advisor Patti Dickieson, and Advising Office Assistant Jennifer Triggs.


In the fall of 2010, the Faculty admitted a total of 162 new students: 62 students to the four-year BKin degree, plus 22 students in the Bkin – Athletic Therapy program; 42 students to the three-year BPE degree; and 37 to the four-year BRMCD program. Of the 170 students admitted this year, 91% were from Manitoba and 9% from outside Manitoba. Of the students from Manitoba, 66% were from Winnipeg and 34 % were from outside Winnipeg. Total undergraduate enrolment in the Faculty in Fall 2010 was 461 students, with 249 in the BKin program (including Athletic Therapy), 113 in the BRMCD program, 97 in the BPE program, and two visiting students. A total of 100 students graduated from the Faculty during this academic year:

BKin BPE BRMCD Total October 2010 8 3 3 14 February 2011 6 0 3 9 May 2011 55 25 18 98 69 28 24 121

Three BKin graduates, one BPE graduate and four BRMCD graduates received the Degree with Distinction designation (degree GPA of 3.8 or higher). The Dean’s Honour List (DHL) designation is awarded in each of the three terms (fall, winter, summer) to students with a term GPA of 3.5 or higher and a minimum course load of 12 credit hours in the term. A total of 123 students (27%) were on the Dean's Honour List in Fall 2010, and 121 students (27%) were eligible in Winter 2011. Athletic Therapy graduates continue to excel in the Canadian Athletic Therapists' Association (CATA) certification exams.

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Career Expo

The Faculty’s third Career Expo was held on February 9, 2011. The event is designed to inform students about career and volunteer possibilities in the fields of kinesiology, physical education and recreation management, both for students enrolled in the faculty and for students (University 1 and some high school) who might be contemplating an application to the Faculty. This year, the Career Fair and the Fieldwork tradeshow (shown) were combined as many of the exhibitors are organizations that attended both in the past. Forty-eight exhibitors set up booths for the trade show and career expo, while 13 graduate students presented research posters to inform and encourage undergraduate students to consider graduate education. The 200 students who attended were very positive about the event.

Marketing and Recruitment

The academic advising staff attended three major events to inform prospective students about our undergraduate programs: Evening of Excellence (October 28, 2010), High School Info Days (February 23- 24, 2011), and the Rotary Career Symposium (April 6-7, 2011). They also attended the MPETA-SAG Conference and Recreation Connections Tradeshow (February 17, 2011). The Faculty website continues to provide information on featured graduates and job/career opportunities.

Honours and Awards

Several outstanding students received awards this year. The 2011 University Gold Medal was awarded to Peggy Hamilton (Kinesiology degree program) with The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Program Medals in Physical Education and BRMCD being awarded to Samantha Mcdougall and Ann Marguerite Mohammed, respectively. A complete list of awards can be found in the Student Achievement section of this report.

Sessional Instructors

Due to several faculty members being on research leave this past year, we were pleased once again to have many excellent sessional instructors in the 2010-2011 regular session: Byron Bahniuk, Amy Carpenter, Krista Carter, Jeremy Chopek, Wayne Copet, Lucelia de Melo, Dr. Joe Gordon, Dr. Chris MacDonnell, Angela McBride, Guy McKim, Michelle Nelson, Jessica Owen, Mary Page, Joanne Van Dyck, Faralee Wilson and Michelle Zurwaski. Additional 2011 Summer Session instructors were: Andrea Bedard, Rebecca Chartrand, Brad Gerbrandt, Kristen Klassen, Mick Lautt, Casie Nishi, Jessica Owen, Joanne Parsons, Mike Pierre, Blair Robillard, Faralee Wilson and Michelle Zurwaski. The annual special topics course in the BRMCD program was taught by visiting professor Dr. Brenda Robertson from the Acadia University (Leisure World of At-risk Groups).

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CRAL Diploma

The Community Recreation and Active Living (CRAL) Diploma proposal, a joint program with the University of Winnipeg, has passed at the U of W Senate and has been forwarded to the University of Manitoba Senate prior to COPSE for provincial approval. The CRAL program consists of ten courses, a combination of theory and practice (i.e. ‘experiential learning courses’) that provide meaningful and relevant course content for students interested in careers within physical education, recreation, sport and coaching. The courses are delivered in the community and are aimed at individuals working with community agencies (i.e., mature students), Aboriginal youth and/or recent high school graduates (including grads from the FKRM’s Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs), and new Canadians.

Undergraduate Advisory Board

The Undergraduate Advisory Board met in October and May. The primary mandate of the advisory board is to advise on matters of curriculum, to advocate for the profession and for KRM programs, to network with the community, and to assist with fieldwork placements and other professional activities. Undergraduate Advisory Board members include representatives from professional organizations, as well as 14 members-at-large from a wide range of sectors related to our three degree programs. Grant McManes is the new chairperson.

Supervised Fieldwork Experience

The Supervised Fieldwork Experience became optional for both BRMCD and BKin students in 2009-10 and moved from the winter term to the fall term. Students must have a degree GPA of 2.5 and have completed 90 credit hours of coursework to be admitted to the 12-credit hour course. A total of 57 students participated in KIN/REC 4630 throughout the 2010-11 year (48 during Fall 2010, five in Winter 2011, and four more in Summer 2011). Students were placed at the agencies listed below. 2010-11 Fieldwork Agencies: Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA), River Heights Community Centre, Youville, Rogers, University of Manitoba, Reh-Fit Centre, Effectus, Manitoba Theatre Centre (MTC), Manitoba Institute of Child Health (MICH), Winnipeg School Division, Canadian Sport Centre- Manitoba (CSCM), City of Winnipeg - Community Services, Canadian Sport Film, United Way, Manitoba Conservation, Manitoba Recreational Trails Association (MRTA), Team Canada Volleyball, Sport Manitoba - Marketing, Health Sciences Centre - Child Life Department, Acceleration Performance, , Travel Manitoba, City of Winnipeg - Police Services, Rehabilitation Centre for Children, First Choice Fitness, Pilates Manitoba, , Concordia Hospital, McDole Performance, Seven Oaks Wellness Centre, Sport Manitoba - Games, Manitoba Lotteries, True North Sport and Entertainment, Brandon University, St. James Senior Centre.

SAHPER (Students’ Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation)

This year’s SAHPER President was Melissa Smith. The Faculty supported two SAHPER executive members to attend the PHE Canada Student Leadership Conference at Camp Walden in Bancroft, Ontario. SAHPER supported the participation of several students to the Kinesiology Games in Guelph, Ontario in March, where students met peers from across the country.

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Ms. Coleen Dufresne, Athletic Director

Academic Achievements

At the completion of the 2009-2010 season, 74 of the 306 University of Manitoba student-athletes were maintaining a 3.5 grade point average or better in their field of study at the University of Manitoba. This is the third consecutive season that over 70 Bison student-athletes have earned this prestigious honour. This figure represented over 24% of the whole Bison Sports student-athlete total. Of the 74 Bisons earning the CIS recognition, 22 student-athletes reached this honour for the second time. University of women’s soccer and track & field athlete Jennifer Campbell completed her Bison career by earning this prestigious honour for five consecutive years. There are also six Bison student-athletes who have earned this honour for four consecutive Bison years: women’s hockey players Chelsea Braun and Erica Holmes; women’s soccer players Kathryn Ateah and Lianna Bestvater; men’s cross country/track & field athlete Barret Hildebrandt; and women’s track and field athlete Meaghan Woo.


The Manitoba Foundation for Sports, through Sport Manitoba, announced two student-athletes honored with the Milt Stegall scholarships for the 2010-11 academic year. The Province of Manitoba, in partnership with Sport Manitoba and the Manitoba Foundation for Sports, provides the Milt Stegall Scholarship awards to the top graduating high school student entering a post-secondary institution ($1,000) and the top student in their second or subsequent year in a post secondary institution ($2,000), The emphasis of the scholarship is placed on athletes who have competed at the provincial level or higher in the previous year and who have maintained a high level of academic standing. Applicants must also demonstrate a commitment to amateur sport through their involvement in coaching, officiating and volunteer activities. The High School winner was incoming women’s hockey player Michelle Pawluk. The Manitoba Foundation for Sports, through Sport Manitoba, announced scholarships for the 2010-11 academic year. This year’s recipients included: Bison women’s track & field athlete Amanda Gundrum, Bison women’s volleyball player Ashley Voth and Bison men’s volleyball player Chris Voth, along with the following incoming Bison athletes: Bison men’s volleyball player Zachary Duncan, Bison men’s golfer Scott Mazur and Bison women’s hockey player Michelle Pawluk. Mike Hellyer (shown at left) and Chantal De Spiegelaere of the University of Manitoba Bisons hockey teams were the 2010 recipients of the $1,000 R.A. (Sam) Fabro Scholarships, awarded annually by the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame. Incoming Bison football recruits Thomas Miles and Evan Gill were recipients of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers scholarship. The scholarships ($1,500 each) assist high school students entering university while combining academics with football skill.

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The annual Bison men’s volleyball Dr. Dale Iwanoczko Memorial Scholarship for the 2010-11 season has been named, and third-year Manitoba Bisons right-side player Dane Pischke earns the honour. The Bison men’s volleyball Dr. Dale Iwanoczko Memorial Scholarship fund is used to support a scholarship for a returning Bison volleyball player who best exemplifies Dale’s characteristics of leadership in volleyball and scholastic accomplishment. The available annual income from the fund will be used to offer one scholarship with a minimum value of $1,500 to an undergraduate student-athlete who is in his in the third, fourth or fifth year with the Bison men’s volleyball program. This is the second year of this Memorial Scholarship, which was established as an endowment fund at the University of Manitoba in memory of Dr. Dale Iwanoczko. The Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative has made a contribution to the fund. In the 2010-11 season, 161 of the 275 WHL Scholarship recipients are furthering their education while playing elite hockey in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Association. In Western Canada, 102 of these student athletes are playing in the Canada West University Conference and have combined their WHL scholarships with additional financial assistance from their universities to receive Western Canada’s Premier Hockey Scholarships. The University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) leads the way with 29 WHL graduates enrolled in full-time studies while 26 former WHL players are registered at the University of Alberta (Edmonton). The University of Manitoba has 13 WHL graduates attending full time classes and playing hockey. The Mike Ridley Awards were established in 2003-04 as an endowment fund for the University of Manitoba. For the 2010-11 season, there were 19 Bison men’s hockey players and four Bison women’s hockey players receiving awards based on exhibited superior athletic ability, good academic standing and high level of leadership as a full-time student. Each student-athlete will receive $1,000.

Year in Review


The Bisons football squad (2-6 Canada West regular season record) had their 2010 season end prior to the playoffs after battling a tough start to the season and welcoming a record number of newcomers onto the roster. Despite no post-season action this season, the Bisons were recognized when halfback Pete Adams was named to the 2010 Canada West Conference All-Star Team for his second consecutive season. Fifth-year running back Matt Henry ended his illustrious Bison career as the second leading rusher and second most touchdowns scored in the program’s history. Prior to the start of the 2010 season, the Bison football program’s impact could be seen as there were six former Bisons playing in the CFL during the 2010 campaign, while two former Bison coaches were on CFL sidelines. Former Bison star “Izzy” Idonije put up NFL Pro Bowl numbers for the Chicago Bears this year. Defensive tackle Eddie Steele was also selected by the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the third round (22nd overall). This was the second-highest Bison selection of a defensive lineman in the CFL Canadian Draft in over the last seven years. In the CFL Canadian Draft, the Manitoba Bisons have now accounted for the most university football players drafted during the last 11 years (2000-10) with 27. The Manitoba Bisons football team was awarded one of the five CIS football player awards for the 2010 season. Bison third-year linebacker Thomas Hall (shown, above left) was selected as the recipient of the

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2010 CIS Football Award. This is the second consecutive season that Hall has earned this prestigious national award, making him only the fourth player to win in back-to-back seasons. The Russ Jackson Award is presented to the CIS football player who best exemplifies the attributes of academic achievement, football skill and citizenship. It is named in honour of CFL Hall of Famer/Ottawa Rough Rider and McMaster University Quarterback, Russ Jackson.

Women’s Soccer

The women’s soccer team (1-9-4 record) had a transition season on and off the field. Off the field, the Manitoba Bisons women’s soccer program had a new head coach on the bench for the first time since the team entered the CIS in the Canada West conference starting in 2005. Outgoing Bison women’s soccer head coach Walt McKee stepped down from his coaching role due to medical reasons while Chris Lewis became the new interim head coach for the 2010 season. Lewis has an extensive background in soccer through his 20-plus years of experience as a soccer coach and educator. With the new stadium construction underway, the squad played all home games at Winnipeg Outdoor Soccer Complex (Waverley) for the 2010 season. On the field, there were a whopping eight rookies on the 2010 Bison women’s soccer roster with no fifth-year senior players on this year’s edition. Four of the team’s former Canada West All-Stars from the previous year graduated. After starting the season with a tie with Victoria, the young Manitoba squad was involved in three other ties, suffered five losses by only one goal, and produced one win. Bison Carrie Nash was named as a Canada West Second Team All-Star at the midfielder position. Nash was selected to a conference all-star team for the first time in her fourth season with Manitoba as she had a breakout season, becoming the leading scorer for the Bisons during the 2010 campaign. She was tied for tenth in Canada West, scoring seven points (four goals, three assists) and tying for fifth most conference assists at three. In the six year program’s history, Nash is now the sixth individual Manitoba Bisons women’s soccer player to be selected as a Canada West All-Star. One former Manitoba Bisons women’s soccer player was part of the Canadian National Women’s Soccer team, winner of the 2011 Cyprus Women’s Cup. The 12-team tournament ran from March 2-9, 2011. On Wednesday, March 9, 2011, Canada won the 2011 Cyprus Women’s Cup with a 2-1 (extra time) victory over . Former Bison midfielder Desiree Scott played in the Finals as she was subbed into the match at the 82nd minute and played 38 total minutes in the championship final. Scott was also part of the Canadian National Women’s Soccer team, winner of the 2010 Cyprus Women’s Cup.

Women’s and Men’s Cross Country

The Bison cross country teams finished their 2010 season at University of Sherbrooke on November 13, 2010. The Manitoba Bisons main highlight was fifth-year veteran Paul Carr’s finish in the Top 10. Carr completed his five-year Bison career in style as he finished in tenth spot (fourth best in Canada West) with a time of 33:03 in the 10km race to earn a CIS Second Team All-Canadian and Canada West First Team All-Star recognition. The last time Manitoba had a CIS All-Canadian was in 2007 (Kristjan Hunter was a First Team with a second-place finish). The Bison men’s team placed eighth overall, an improvement of seven places from last season’s 15th place finish, while the Bison women’s team completed the race in 13th place overall. This was the best team finish by the Bison men’s cross country squad at a CIS National Championship since the 2007 season (sixth place finish).

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The Bison men's squad also placed fourth in Canada West; after Carr, rookie Sam Vincent finished in 40th spot and earned a Canada West Second Team All-Star while running the Sherbrooke Country Club course in a time of 34:16. Second-year Calvary deJong ended up in 52nd with a run of 34:36; of the remaining Bisons, fifth-year Adam Penner finished 64th (35:02); third-year Elliott Cooke finished in 79th (35:33); fourth-year Colin Shepherd completed in 89th (35:55); and rookie Thomas Miller raced to a 93rd (36:02) finish out of 138 CIS runners. The women’s squad was also fifth in Canada West, and was led by fourth-year runner Melanie Gregoire, who finished in 33rd overall in the 5km race at the Sherbrooke Country Club course in a time of 19:34. Gregoire was 11th best in Canada West, which earned her Canada West Second Team All-Star for her second consecutive conference All-Star honour. Fourth-year Lacey Ginter was 51st overall in a time of 19:50 while of the remaining Bisons, second-year Sara Weselake finished 79th (20:24); third-year Alice Sherwin ended up 93rd (20:45); fourth-year Alex Bell completed the run in 96th (20:53); fourth-year Nicole Barrett was 103rd (21:09); and second-year Nicole Dubois ended up 114th (21:31) out of 128 CIS runners.

Women’s and Men’s Golf

The Bison golf teams competed in the three round, rain-shortened ’s 2010 Canadian University/College Championship at Kingswood Park in Fredericton, N.B., in June. The Bisons men's golf team moved up into ninth in the team standing after a completed three round overall total of 901 (+37), and made the third-round cut by leapfrogging four teams into the Top 10. Individually for Manitoba in the third round, third-year Bobby Wiebe fired the lowest round by a Bison in this tournament with a 71 (-1) score after posting five birdies in the round. Fourth-year Jesse Skelton shot a 73 (+1) while second- year Burke Wiebe had a 76 (+4) score. First-year Ryan Pitzel and second-year Riley Unger both fired a 77 (+5). There were 100 men golfers who completed the third round. After the three rounds, the top Bison male golfer was Skelton, tied for 26th place with a +7 (73, 77, 73). Pitzel (75, 74, 77) and Bobby Wiebe (76, 79, 71) were tied for 39th with a +10 while Unger (73, 79, 77) and Burke Wiebe (76, 77, 76) ended at +13, good for a 49th-place tie. The Bisons women's golf team finished in a tie for sixth place in the team standing, registering an overall total of 1026 (+162) after posting identical three-round team scores of 342. They just missed the third round cut, as they were 11 shots back of fifth-place University of Alberta. Individually for the Bisons in the third round, third-year Sarah Stebeleski was 19th after an 84 (+12) third round score and 246 (+30) overall score. First-year Lindsay Stewart fired an 81 (+9) and ended in 22nd with an overall score of 251 (+35), while fifth-year Lauren Rousseau finished with a 87 (+15) and tied for 31st with an overall score of 261 (+45). Third-year Anne Thorimbert had a 93 (+21) in the third round and finished tied for 42nd place with a 272 (+56), while second-year Chelsea Hummelt posted a 90 (+18) and was 46th with a third round overall total of 275 (+59). There were 52 women’s golfers participating in the third round. In October 2010, the Bison women’s golf team ended a successful season by winning the St. Cloud State University Husky Classic for the second straight year. This was the fifth tournament title in the 10-year Bison women’s golf program’s history. Sarah Stebeleski, Bri-ann Tokariwski and Lindsay Stewart all had Top 10 finishes in the final tournament of 2010. Manitoba began the season by finishing the two-day Concorida Invitational tournament (played at the Wildflower GC in Detroit Lakes) with an outstanding team total of 323 and an overall second-place finish. Mindy Lichtman and Lindsay Stewart led the team with second- and fourth-place results. In the Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) Mustang Invite in Marshall, MN (a continuous 36-hole event, due to weather), the squad finished in ninth place, with first year player Bri-ann Tokariwski leading the team with 13th place finish.

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The Bison men’s golf team started the Fall 2010 season at the Augsburg College Fall Invitational at Majestic Oaks GC (Minneapolis, MN), fielding two teams that ended up tied for sixth and 11th, with Bobby Wiebe and Jeff Bassey the top Bisons in a tie for sixth. At the next event in the St. John's Fall Invitational, the Bisons had one team entered and was a strong third place among 21 schools, led by Riley Unger in a tie for seventh. In the St. Cloud State University Husky Classic, the squad finished fourth out of 14 schools and the depth showed as Nathan Wazney was tied for third and Ryan Cook was seventh in the two-day tourney. At the NDSU Erv Kaiser Invitational, Manitoba placed second and sixth with Unger in sixth place and three more Bison players in the top 10. Despite injury to a couple of key players, the team produced an eighth-place finish at the Wrigglesworth Blugold Collegiate Invitational and a ninth-place result in the Twin Cities Classic to complete the season.

Women’s Hockey

The Bison women's hockey team (2010-11 season: 16-5-3; playoffs: 4-3) made history in Alberta this season. For the first time in 14 years of women’s hockey, the Alberta Pandas were swept in the Canada West conference final at home. Manitoba secured their second ever conference title (2008- 09, 2010-11 season) by winning game one by a 2-0 margin on February 25, 2011, and a 2-1 victory in game two on February 26, 2011. Earlier in the 2010- 11 season, the Bisons swept the Pandas in Alberta – for the first ever weekend conference regular season sweep by an opponent in Alberta during the program’s 14-year history – by scores of 2-1 (OT) on November 26, 2010 and 5-4 (OT) win on November 27, 2010. The Herd was the number three seed at the 2011 CIS Women’s Hockey National Championships, held at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario from March 10-13, 2011. The Bison women’s team was ranked in the Top 10 since the start of the season, which is 17 consecutive weeks, and the lowest they were ranked is sixth all season. Overall, Manitoba has been ranked in the CIS Top 10 poll for the last 68 consecutive weeks, dating back to February 27, 2007. Throughout CIS Top 10 rankings, they have been ranked for exactly 100 weeks since the 2003-04 season. This was the fifth appearance in the last seven seasons in which the team has reached the CIS Nationals, as they won a bronze during the 2004-05, 2006-07 and 2007-08 seasons. All appearances have occurred during the seven years of Bison women’s hockey head coach Jon Rempel’s tenure. The team qualified for the playoffs for the seventh consecutive season and defeated Calgary in two games in the Canada West Semi-Final at home. This was the fourth consecutive season in which the program hosted a Canada West playoff series. They also earned a berth into the Canada West Final for the seventh consecutive season. Manitoba capped their 2010/11 Canada West regular season with only 36 goals allowed (the lowest in team history since the inception of 24 conference regular season games in the 2006-07 season). The Bisons were second in the conference regular season standings for the fourth consecutive season. Over the last five Canada West regular seasons, Manitoba has 88 victories (an average of over 17 wins per season).

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Heading into the CIS Championship, the Herd rattled off seven straight wins (4-0 in playoffs). This was the first time the Bisons have gone undefeated in the conference playoffs. Since the start of 2011, Manitoba has won 11 of their 14 games played (counting regular season and playoffs). Regarding the make-up of the 2010-11 team: six active (seven overall) players on the roster are rookies, plus six sophomores, two third-year, three fourth-year and five fifth-year players. Four (captain and forward Amy Coates, alternate captain and forward Beeca King, forward Tammy Brade, and defenceman Chelsea Braun) of the five players (alternate captain and defenceman Kacey Funk, shown at right, played four years at Manitoba) who are finishing their fifth-year eligibility have now been a part of four CIS championship appearances during their five-year careers. Manitoba has several leaders. Alternate captain Addie Miles has had an amazing season not only in the conference but also at the international level. The Winnipeg native was the team’s top scorer for the fourth consecutive season and was tied for tenth in the Canada West scoring with 19 points (nine goals, ten assists) despite missing four conference games in 2010-11 conference regular season. She missed because she played for Team Canada and won a gold medal at the 2011 Winter in Erzurum, Turkey in late January. The Winnipeg native finished with seven points (one goal and six assists) and a +13 rating during the seven games played in the Universiade. During her four-year career, Miles was a second team all-star in 2010- 11 and 2009-10, first team all-star in 2008-09 and Canada West Rookie of the Year and All-Rookie Team in the 2007-08 season. Caitlin MacDonald followed her stunning rookie campaign last season by earning her second consecutive conference selection in her sophomore season (second team in 2010-11 and first team in 2009-10). The Winnipeg native was the team’s top defenceman, fourth among Canada West defencemen and eighth on the Bison in scoring with ten points (3g, 7a) in 23 of 24 conference regular season games. Last season, MacDonald was 2009-10 CIS and Canada West Rookie of the Year, plus conference first team all- star. Tara Lacquette began her second season with the Bisons and earned the starting goaltender role while capturing her first conference all-star selection in the 2010-11 season. Lacquette played in 17 of 24 conference regular season games and was fourth in Canada West with a 1.66 Goals Against Average, fourth with three conference shutouts, tied for third in Canada West with nine wins and fifth in conference with .920 Save Percentage in the 2010-11 season. Rookie Meagan Vestby was the hero in both Canada West Final games by notching the game-winner and game-winner plus series-clincher in game two. Vestby has scored three goals in the playoffs so far and all are game-winners as she added the game-winner in overtime during game one of the 2011 Canada West Semi-Final versus Calgary on February 18, 2011. Backup goaltender Leiette Klassen had five shutouts in her rookie campaign and produced an amazing shutout streak at 358:45 (almost six full hockey games) from end of October 23, 2010 to the middle of February 2, 2011. Miles had a five-game goal streak from November 19, 2010-January 14, 2011 while Amy Lee (January 15, 2011-January 30, 2011) and Kayla Duna (October 29, 2010-November 13, 2010) had five-point streaks in conference regular season. Rookie Michelle Pawluk’s brother, rookie Wes Pawluk, played with the Manitoba Bisons men’s hockey team, making them the first brother-sister combo to both play on Bison hockey teams at the same time.

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Men’s Hockey

The Manitoba Bisons men’s hockey team (2010-11 season: 13-9-6; playoffs: 0-2) did not accomplish their goal of back-to-back CIS Championship berths, despite a strong season in the 2010-11 campaign. The Herd lost two tough playoff games to eventual Canada West champion Alberta on the road in the conference semi-final best-of-three series. Manitoba was seeking their first playoff series win over Alberta for the first time in 40 years. Bison men’s hockey defenceman Jeremy Schappert was named to the 2010-11 CIS All-Rookie Team. Schappert earns his first season CIS recognition after being named Canada West Men’s Hockey Outstanding Freshman for the 2010-11 campaign. The 6’0, 195-lbs. blueliner had a strong rookie campaign with the Bison men’s hockey team. The Winnipeg native was fifth in the conference among defencemen – and eighth overall in rookie scoring – with 14 points (six goals and eight assists) while playing in all 28 conference regular season games. His six goals were tied for eighth, the most among CIS defencemen this season. Schappert was also named Canada West Men’s Hockey Outstanding Freshman for the 2010-11 campaign. In addition, goaltender Steve Christie, defenceman Dane Crowley, forward Blair Macaulay and Schappert were all selected as 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Stars. Schappert becomes the fourth member of the Bisons to earn conference freshman-of-the-year honors. He joins Manitoba goaltender Krister Toews (2004-05), Larry Dyck (1986-87) and forward Karry Biette (1994-95), who also won the University of Alberta Hockey Alumni Trophy, in receiving the award since it was first handed out in the 1978-79 season. Goaltender Steve Christie was named as a 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Star. This was the third time that Christie has been recognized with a conference all-star selection (2009-10: First Team All- Star; 2008-09: Second Team All-Star) during his five-year career at Manitoba. Christie started in 26 of 28 conference regular season games for the Bisons and was a leader in Canada West goaltender categories this season. At the end of the 2010-11 Canada West regular season, the Winnipeg native was tied for first in the conference with 13 victories, tied for second with two shutouts this season, third best conference average with 2.43 GAA and fourth best in the conference in Save Pct. at .909. The fifth-year netminder played the second most minutes in regular season with 1555 in Canada West this season, and backstopped the team to a fourth-place finish in the competitive Canada West conference. Defenceman Dane Crowley was in his first season with Manitoba and earned his first conference selection after being named a 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Star. Crowley was named alternate captain this season after being a red-shirt with Manitoba during the 2009-10 season. Crowley was just behind Schappert in defencemen scoring (tied for ninth in Canada West) with 13 points (two goals, 11 assists) in all 28 conference regular season games, plus he added one power play goal with 70 penalty minutes. Forward Blair Macaulay finished his second season with Manitoba and earned his first conference selection after being named a 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Star. Macaulay had a career year with the Bisons this season as he led the team and tied for third in Canada West scoring with 33 points (13 goals, 20 assists) in all 28 conference regular season games. He registered four power play goals, 103 shots on goal and 16 penalty minutes. The Winnipeg native also added a +14 plus/minus rating for the best mark with the Bisons and fifth highest plus/minus in Canada West. He was also the Canada West Hockey-WHL graduate of the month for January 2011. The team finished the first half of the 2010-11 season with a 7-3-4 conference record and second place in the tight Canada West standings. Manitoba has already defeated No. 1-ranked Alberta and No. 6-

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ranked Saskatchewan while registering an eight-game unbeaten streak (five wins and three losses out of regulation time) from October 30, 2010-November 26, 2010 and earned 13 of a possible 18 points over the last five weekend series. Manitoba was ranked as high as No. 5 in the CIS Top 10 poll and was ranked in 12 of 18 polls this season. Bison men’s hockey fifth-year player Riley Dudar suffered a potential season-ending injury when he lacerated about half of his spleen during the first week of conference action at the start of October 2010. He was told not to compete in any contact sports for six months, and not to lift more than 10 pounds for six to eight weeks until the injury completely healed. Dudar defied the odds by returning to the ice to play with the team during the holiday’s games in Thunder Bay, and had a regular shift throughout the second half of the season. Steve Christie was signed to an amateur tryout contract on February 15, 2011, by the Toronto Marlies, the AHL (American Hockey League) affiliate of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Christie was dressed but did not see action behind Marlies’ starter Ben Scrivens for two games (February 15 and 16). Then on April 11, 2011, the Manitoba Moose, AHL affiliate of the Canucks, announced they had signed Christie to an amateur tryout contract.

Women’s Volleyball

The Bison women’s volleyball team (2010-11 season: 10-8; playoffs: 2-2) won the Canada West Quarter Final best-of-three series on the road in Brandon on Feb. 18-19 by sweeping in two convincing games. Their road ended at the 2011 Canada West Final Four when they lost to eventual CIS champion UBC and Alberta and did not earn a conference berth to the CIS Championship being held at the University of Laval from March 4-6. Bison Ashley Voth was named as 2010-11 CIS First Team All-Canadian. This is the third time in her five- year career (she was CIS First Team All-Canadian in 2007-08 and 2009-10) at Manitoba that she has earned this CIS recognition. Along with Voth, left side Rachel Cockrell was named to the 2010-11 CIS All- Rookie Team. Voth (shown at right, in white) completed her fifth and final varsity year with the Bisons, having earlier received the 2010-11 Canada West First Team All-Star. The Winnipeg native finishes with three CIS All- Canadian selections plus being named 2006-07 CIS and Canada West Rookie of the Year. This season, Voth was first in CIS and Canada West in hitting percentage at .403 and tied for fifth in conference (18th in CIS) in blocks per game (1.0) in 2010-11. Voth started and played in all 18 conference regular season matches and added 163 kills with 96 digs, 70 overall blocks and 18 service aces. She played in several different (including middle) positions this season, as there were changes in the lineup. Cockrell had a strong rookie campaign with Manitoba in 2010-11. The Winnipeg native started most of the 18 conference regular season games and played in 68 sets out of 70 sets this season. On a veteran- heavy team, she was fifth in kills (127), fourth in service aces (16), fifth in digs (119) and third in total blocks (37), and was a power hitting from either side during the season.

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In addition to right side/middle hitter Voth being named as 2010-11 Canada West First Team All-Star, setter Sam Loewen and middle hitter Tricia Mayba were selected as 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Stars. This is the fourth conference all-star honour for Voth, the third consecutive season for Loewen, and the first conference all-star selection for Mayba. Mayba continued her strong season with Manitoba after playing with the national team prior to start of the 201-11 campaign. She earned her first conference all-star recognition after being fourth in Canada West and 10th in CIS in hitting percentage with .292, third in conference (fourth in CIS) in blocks per game at 1.23, and ninth in conference in points per game (3.51). The Winnipeg native started and played in 17 out of 18 conference regular season matches this season. With the new CIS women’s volleyball rankings released for November 16, 2010, the Manitoba Bisons vaulted from third to the number one spot in the nation, marking the first time they have been at the top of the CIS rankings since the end of the 2007-08 season (February 19, 2008). The team was ranked in all 13 consecutive weeks in the CIS Top 10 poll in the 2010-11 season. In conference regular season action, the team defeated four CIS ranked teams this season. Prior to the beginning of the 2010-11 season, the Manitoba Bisons women’s volleyball team knew they would be shorthanded: starting libero Nicole Hall would not be in the lineup, having suffered a season- ending injury at the end of the 2009-10 season in the gold medal match at the 2010 CIS National Championship versus UBC on March 7, 2010. In that final match of last season, Hall suffered a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) in her knee in the third set of the four-set match, and had to start the long road to recovery in the off-season. The Winning native had ACL surgery at the end of June and began the long process of rehab. Hall began practicing with the team around mid-November 2010 at almost ‘full out’ intensity and continued to do extra practices while preparing to get back into game action by the end of December. The third-year libero saw her first conference action, only six months after the ACL surgery, at Saskatchewan on January 14-15, 2011, and registered 36 digs while starting all eight sets for the Bisons. Three Manitoba Bisons women’s volleyball players were among the 48 athletes selected to attend the 2011 Women’s Volleyball National Team Selection Camp. The camp will run from May 16-20, 2011 at the U of M’s Investors Group Athletic Centre (IGAC). On the left side, fourth-year Bison Kristi Hunter will compete against 16 other left side participants, while fifth-year Bisons Amy Toews and fourth-year Tricia Mayba will compete at the middle position versus 13 other athletes. Former Bison Tammy Mahon was also selected at the left side position. In addition, Manitoba head coach Ken Bentley completed his 25th season in the Bison women’s volleyball program during the 2010-11 season.

Men’s Volleyball

The Bison men’s volleyball team (2010-11 season: 11-7; playoffs: 1-2) had a successful 2010-11 season, as they finished fourth in conference standings and hosted a playoff series. For the Bisons, this is the second consecutive season in the post-season and the last time they hosted a playoff round was in the 2005-06 season, when they also last advanced to the Final Four. In the 2011 Canada West Quarter Final best-of-three playoff series, the Herd fell just short as they lost a tough three-match series with a four-set loss in game three and did not qualify for the 2011 CIS Men’s Volleyball National Championship in Langley, B.C.

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The team was ranked in all 13 consecutive weeks and finished as high as five spot in the CIS Top 10 poll in the 2010-11 season. In conference regular season action, the team defeated two CIS ranked teams this season. Bison men’s volleyball setter Chris Komishon was named to 2010-11 CIS All-Rookie Team. Komishon earns his first season CIS recognition after being named Canada West Rookie of the Year in the 2010- 11 season. In his first year at Manitoba, Komishon played the setter position and he was sixth in conference (15th in CIS) with 8.52 assists/per game, and fifth in Canada West (ninth in CIS) in total assists with 571. The Winnipeg native started and played in all 18 conference regular season games and added 28 kills with 106 digs, 40 overall blocks and 11 service aces. In addition to Komishon being named Canada West Men’s Volleyball Rookie of the Year, left side Chris Voth was selected as 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Star. Komishon becomes the third Bison to win the conference rookie award (Chris Voth, 2008-09; Toon van Lankvelt, 2002-03). Chris Voth earned the first conference all-star selection of his three-year Manitoba career after being named as 2008-09 CIS and Canada West Rookie of the Year. Voth was tenth in Canada West with 3.12 kills per game (67 games/209 kills), sixth in service aces with 0.22 per game (67gp/15 aces) and tenth in conference points at 3.69 per game (67gp/247 points). The Winnipeg native started and played in all 18 conference regular season games and added 111 digs, 38 overall blocks and 17 assists. In his 30th season with the program, head coach Garth Pischke molded a spectacular beginning to the 2010-11 season with a fantastic 9-1 conference record (good for second in Canada West) and the team’s No. 6 ranking in the latest CIS poll at the holiday break. There were only five of 13 players returning from last season and the core was built on the young leaders of Chris Voth, Ryan Munt and Dane Pischke. The Bisons remain a young but experienced squad, as there are no fifth years and only one fourth-year player along with six first-year rookies for the Bisons.


The Bison women’s basketball team (2010-11: 8-16 regular season) battled to the end of the conference season and were two games short of a playoff spot when they finished tenth in the conference post- season system this season. The team won five games in the second half of the season to make a final push for the playoffs, and defeated top conference seed Alberta during the season. In the 2010-11 Canada West season, Kayla Klassen led the team and tied for 12th in Canada West scoring with 13.0 points per game, tenth in Canada West with 37.0 in 3-point FG Pct., and tied for third in 3-points made at 2.3 per game and first in conference minutes played at 33.6. Mubo Ilelaboye was fourth in free throw percentage at 79.5%. In conference regular season 2010-11 stats, Manitoba is tenth in team scoring at 61.6 points per game and 11th in team defence at 68.6 points per game (a point improvement of nine points from last season). The Bisons are fourth in Canada West free throw percentage at 70.0% and seventh in 3-point percentage at 31.7%. The Herd is fifth in 3-point defence at 30.2%, fourth in steals at 11.5 per game, sixth in offensive rebounds at 13.6 per game and seventh in 3-points made at 4.9 per game.

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From October 14-17, 2010, the Manitoba Bisons women’s basketball team designated a ‘Shoot for the Cure’ Garbonzo’s Invitational non-conference tournament to raise money and awareness for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. During this weekend tourney, 50% of gate proceeds were put towards breast cancer research and finding a cure, plus there were special limited edition pink T-shirts sold at Investors Group Athletic Centre for $10 each. The team has also set up a Facebook page with more info. The Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame announced the names of the individuals and teams who will be making up the Class of '11. Those making up the latest induction class include, from the Players category, Manitoba Bisons Terri-Lee Johannesson and Marjorie Kelly; the University of Manitoba Bisons Men (Western Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association champions in 1955, 1956, and 1957) and the University of Manitoba Bisons Women (CIS National Champions in 1995-96 and 1996-97) will be inducted into the Team category. The official induction will take place later this fall on October 1, 2011.

Men’s Basketball

The Bison men’s basketball team (2010-11: 9-15 regular season; playoffs: 0-2) had a growth in the second year under the helm of Bison head coach Kirby Schepp. In the 2010-11 season, Manitoba finished eighth in Canada West standings and earned a playoff spot for the first time since the 2003-04 season. The team tied the Bison mark for most conference regular season wins in a season in the last decade with nine (9-13 record in 2000-01 season). This was the first time captain and guard Eric Garcia played in the Canada West playoffs since high school, as he spent his whole five-year varsity university career at Manitoba. The team improved by five wins from a 4-16 record in the 2009-10 season. In Canada West final 2010-11 regular season stats, the Bisons were fifth in scoring at 82.3 points per game, second in 3-point made (9.5), second in turnover ratio (+3.42), third in steals (10.0), fourth in offensive rebounds (13.6), tied for fifth in assist/turnover ratio (1.0), sixth in assists (15.0), and sixth in blocked shots (2.8). Individually, guard and captain Eric Garcia (shown at left) led the team and ranked 19th in Canada West at 14.6 points per game, while fifth-year Sean Maxwell was second on Bisons and 23rd in Canada West scoring at 13.3. Kevin Oliver is third and Garcia is fifth in steals at 2.2 and 1.9 per game, Maxwell is third in 3- points made at 3.0, and Richard Reimer is tied for fourth in blocked shots at 1.0, while Garcia is sixth in assist/turnover ratio at 1.6. Reimer is also tied for fifth in offensive rebounds at 3.2 The team had six rookies out of the 13-person roster in this year’s Bison squad. Manitoba surprised many as they were ranked in the pre-season poll at No. 11 out of 13 teams in the Canada West to begin the 2010-11 conference season, but impressed with a strong 3-0 conference start. Since the merger of the Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) in basketball occurred in the 2001-02 season, this was the first 3-0 start by Manitoba men’s basketball in Canada West play. The Bisons had not won three straight games at any time in Canada West since the 2007-08 season. With a 7-3 conference record at the holiday break, the Bisons were tied for third in the Canada West standings. Since the merger of the Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) in basketball occurred in the

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2001-02 season, this is the fastest start to seven wins by the Manitoba men’s basketball in Canada West play. Over the previous nine seasons, the men’s basketball program had not even earned five victories prior to the completion of the first half of a season. In addition, Schepp was an assistant coach to inaugural Team Canada Cadet National Basketball Under- 17 Team Coaching Staff for the 2010 FIBA U17 World Championship in July 2010. Canada went 5-3 in the Championship and beat Lithuania for the bronze medal.

Women’s and Men’s

At the end of the 2011 CIS Swimming Championships at the University of Calgary, the Manitoba Bisons swim teams had four male and four female swimmers in the Nationals competition and had one swimmer make it twice into the top ten. Bison fifth-year Braeden Taylor completed his career with a fifth-place finish in the 50m breaststroke in a time of 28.71 on the last day of competition. The St. Andrews, MB native also won the ‘B’ Final and placed ninth overall in the men’s 100m breaststroke on day one of the championship on Thursday, February 24. Taylor swam to a 12th in the 200m breaststroke. Along with Taylor, fifth year Casey Gergely placed 34th in men’s 50m butterfly (26.32) and sophomore Riley Pickerl was 31st in men’s 200m backstroke (2:16.40). For the women, fourth year Kerri-Ann Bochen had her highest placing at a CIS championship as she was 14th in the women’s 200m breaststroke (2:36.90), 20th in the women’s 100m breaststroke (1:13.48) and 28th in the 50m breaststroke (34.56). Julie Therrien was 21st in the women’s 50m freestyle in a time of 27.20. For the first time in seven seasons, the Bisons could field relays teams for both women’s and men’s with four swimmers each (men: Taylor, Gergely, Pickerl and Eric Monteiro and women: Bochen, Therrien, Jolene Janzen and Kendra Garagan) on both teams. In team standings, the Bison men’s team finished 15th overall with 44 points (an improvement of 18 points from last season’s CIS Nationals) while the Bison women’s team ended up in 18th spot with 19 points (they did not field a full team last season at the CIS Nationals). At the completion of the 2011 Canada West Swimming Championship at UBC in Vancouver, B.C. (from January 28-30 2011), the Manitoba Bisons men’s swim team finished in sixth spot with 183 points (25.5 points better than last season conference championship total). The women's team was also in sixth spot with 133 points (12 points better than last season conference championship total) in the seven-team event. The Bison highlight of the three-day competition was the double medal performance by Bison fifth-year men’s swimmer Braeden Taylor. Taylor, 23, earned two conference bronze medals in the 50m breaststroke in a time of 29.47 plus third in the 100m breaststroke (1:03.32). He also finished fourth in the men’s breaststroke in a time of 2:17.31. In addition, Bison second-year men’s swimmer Riley Pickerl earned the CIS standard in the 1500m freestyle on the first day of competition on Friday, January 28 with an eighth-place finish in a time of 16:03.87. Pickerl was also ninth, won ‘B’ final, in the men’s 400m freestyle in a time of 4:01.75. Other Top 10 finishes for Manitoba were fifth-year Casey Gergely winning the ‘B’ Final and ninth overall in the men’s 100m butterfly in a time of 58.95 and third-year Julie Therrien was tenth in the women’s 50m freestyle (27.34).

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At the Speedo Western Canadian Championships, held at the Aquatic Centre in Kamloops, B.C. from February 17-20, 2011, Bison Braeden Taylor continued his fantastic fifth and final varsity season with Manitoba by setting a new provincial record plus three silver medal performances. Taylor completed another very successful weekend in the 2010-11 season by establishing a new provincial short course record during the men’s 200m breaststroke, with a second place finish in a time of 2:13.70 (breaking the old record of 2:13.91 set by Taylor in February 2009). Taylor joined fellow Bison club swimmers Dillon Perron, Artur Kroitor and Riley Pickerl to establish a new provincial short course record in the 400m medley relay, breaking a 21-year mark with a time of 3:49.06. (The old record was 3:50.68 set in March 1990). During the Western Canadian Championships, Taylor was also second in the 50m breaststroke in a time of 28.49 – losing by only .01 of a second to Olympian Mike Brown – and second in the 100m breaststroke in a time of 1:02.28. The fifth-year Environment and Earth student-athlete is now ranked second in the CIS in both the 50m and 200m, plus fifth in the 100 breaststroke events after the weekend’s results. At the 29th annual Prairie Winter Invitational (PWI), held at the Pan Am Pool from December 2-5, 2010, Bison Braeden Taylor returned to the pool after a one-year absence for his fifth and final varsity year and quickly set a new provincial record. Taylor completed a very successful weekend by establishing a new provincial short course record in the men’s 100m breaststroke by a half second, with a first-place finish in a time of 1:01.89 (breaking the old record of 1:02.39 set by Taylor in Feb. ’09). Taylor joined fellow Bison club swimmers Alex Johnson, Dillon Perron and Artur Kroitor to establish a new provincial short course record in the 200m medley relay in a time of 1:43.23. (The old record was 1:45.26 set in March 2001.) During the Prairie Winter Invitational, Taylor was also first in the 200m breaststroke in a time of 2:14.56 and second in the 50m breaststroke in a time of 29.52.

Women’s and Men’s Track & Field

On the final day of the 2011 Canadian Interuniversity Sport Track and Field Championships at the University of Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Que., the Manitoba Bisons men’s track and field team had two Top 5 finishes and ended up in tenth place overall with 23 points (an improvement from last season’s 11th place). The Bison women’s track and field completed the Championship in 20th spot overall with 4.5 points in 17 events scored for each team. During the third and final day of the CIS championship, Bison highlights included the Bison men’s 4x400m relay team finishing with a silver medal performance in a time of 3:19.76 (this improved from their eighth-place finish at last season’s CIS Championship). Fourth-year Zacharie Durand, second-year Joel VanKoughnet, rookie Dylan Ostberg and second -ear Jamie McMaster all become CIS Second Team All-Canadians as part of the Bison men’s 4x400m relay team and everyone but Durand captured their first medal at a CIS Championship. Other Bison results on day three included the Bison men’s 4x200m relay team placing fourth in a time of 1:31.27, and the Bison women’s 4x400m relay team placing ninth in a time of 3:58.12. During the second day of the meet on March 11, 2011, the Bison highlight was third-year Kieran Moolchan finishing fourth in the men’s 60m hurdles in a time of 8.42 (only .03 off a bronze). This was Moolchan’s seasonal best time for the 2010-11 campaign. In the first day of the Championship on March 10, fourth-year Lisa Wong was only .10 of a second off a

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bronze medal in the women’s 60m dash. She finished seventh in a time of 7.78. Rookie Arthur Buchanan was ninth in the men’s pentathlon with 3254 points. Fourth-year Zacharie Durand was 11th in the men’s 600m race in a time of 1:22.33 Also on day two, fourth-year Tyrone Welchinski finished sixth in the men’s high jump with a jump of 1.95m, while third-year Alex Allen was sixth in the women’s pole vault with a personal best jump of 3.65m. Rookie Wilfred Samking was ninth in men’s 60m hurdles in a time of 8.95. The men’s 4x200m relay qualified for the finals on Saturday with a time of 1:29.51 while the Bison women’s 4x200m relay team did not qualify for the finals in a time of 1:45.96. The women’s 4x800m relay team finished in tenth place in a time of 9:31.41 while the men’s 4x800m relay team was seventh in a time of 7:46.46. The Bison track & field team had 22 total athletes (13 men and nine women) at the 2011 Nationals. The University of Manitoba Track and Field program was the host of the 2011 Canada West Track and Field Championships from February 25-26, 2011, at the U of M’s Max Bell Fieldhouse. This is the first time the Bisons have hosted this event since the 2006-07 season. There were two sessions on Friday, February 25, starting with session one at 2 p.m. (women’s long jump and women’s 60m hurdles pentathlon), and concluding the men’s 4x800m relay. The final session began on Saturday, February 26, with women’s 60m (beginning at noon CT) and a full day of events until the men’s 4x400m relay at 4:20 p.m. There were over 250 athletes competing from eight different Canada West universities. Manitoba, Calgary, Regina and Saskatchewan fielded the maximum team of 44 participants, while Alberta had 41, Victoria 22, Trinity Western 22, and Lethbridge had seven. After the second and final day of the 2011 Canada West Track and Field Championships, the Manitoba Bisons men’s team finished in fourth place with 55 points, while Regina defended their title with 106 points. On the women’s side, the Herd ended up sixth with 24 points, as Calgary won with 113.5 points. During the second day of the two day conference meet, Manitoba earned five more medals and led individually with fourth-year Zacharie Durand winning a silver in the men’s 600m in a time of 1:19.98. Durand was also part of the bronze medal 4x400 men’s relay team. In addition, the women’s 4x400m and men’s 4x200m relay team earned bronze plus rookie Sam Vincent had a bronze medal performance in the men’s 1500m in a time of 3:57.20. During the first day, Manitoba earned three medals and was led by the gold medal performance of third-year Kieran Moolchan in the 60m hurdles in a time of 8.54, and followed by rookie Wilfred Samking, who came in second in the same event with a time of 8.71. Both Moolchan and Samking earned automatic qualification into CIS Championship in mid-March. The men’s 4x800m relay also earned a bronze medal with a third in a time of 7:43.42. Individually, there was one Bison (Kieran Moolchan) who earned 2010-11 Canada West First Team All- Star recognition, while Zacharie Durand and Wilfred Samking were named 2010-11 Canada West Second Team All-Stars. Zacharie Durand, Joel VanKoughnet, Dylan Ostberg and Jamie McMaster were earned CIS Second Team All-Canadian status. Claude Berube served as Assistant Coach of Team Canada Track & Field – NACAC U23 Championships in the summer of 2010.

Bison Alumni

In January 2011, it was announced that three community-minded NFL players would be recognized during Super Bowl week as finalists for the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. Nnamdi Asomugha of the Oakland Raiders, Madieu Williams of the Minnesota Vikings, and of the Chicago Bears

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were the top candidates for this year's award, named for the legendary Chicago Bears running back who died in 1999. Idonije is a former Manitoba Bisons football player from 1999-02. Now in his seventh season with the Chicago Bears, Idonije is a dominant force on and off the field. As a vital member of the Bears defensive line, Idonije was tied for the team lead in sacks and forced fumbles, tied for second in QB pressures and second in tackles. Idonije exhibits the same leadership, tenacity and determination off the field through his work with the Israel Idonije Foundation (IIF), which he created in 2007. He is present and personally involved in all activities associated with the Foundation and has contributed more than $300,000, along with other in-kind contributions. Idonije's First Down Attendance Program currently serves more than 600 economically disadvantaged students in five schools in Chicago and Manitoba. The program is designed to encourage and sustain students' regular school attendance, high achievement and good citizenship, through motivation and rewards. Participating schools have increased students’ regular attendance by at least 8%. Idonije’s Foundation, through its C.A.R.E. Africa program (Caring, Advancing, Restoring and Educating), extends to the international front by promoting education, self-preservation, humanitarianism, leadership and awareness. Idonije is a two-time NFL Walter Payton Man of the Year nominee and was the Bears spokesman for the United Way LIVE UNITED campaign in 2009 and 2010. The Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award is the only league award that recognizes a player's off- the-field community service as well as his playing excellence.


Bison Sports continued to offer webcasting for live Bison events during the 2010-2011 Bison basketball and volleyball conference games. Webcasting was done for Bison volleyball playoffs. Campus Radio 101.5 UMFM has been the home of all Bison Football live radio broadcasts for the last 11 consecutive seasons, and aired live Bison hockey games (four conference games each for women and men plus women’s hockey playoffs) in the 2010-11 season. Bison Sports continued to host Facebook and Twitter accounts to increase access to and awarenessof programs throughout the season. In addition, athlete blogs from all sports are displayed on the Bison Sports website throughout the season.

Duckworth Challenge/Bison Pride

The 20th annual Duckworth Challenge, pitting the University of Manitoba against the University of Winnipeg Wesmen in volleyball and basketball varsity competition, was captured by Manitoba in a 3-1 victory on December 2-3, 2010. Manitoba has now won the Duckworth Challenge in back-to-back seasons and improves the Bisons record to 10-5-5 in the 20-year traditional event. To mark the 20th anniversary, both universities held special ceremonies to honour the previous Duckworth Challenge Player of the Game basketball and volleyball recipients. In a quirky Duckworth Challenge stat, the Bison women’s and men’s volleyball team now hold an identical 15-5 winning record over the Wesmen. At the end of 2010, second-year women’s hockey player Caitlin MacDonald and fifth-year men’s hockey player Steve Christie earned recognition as nominees for 2010 Manitoba Athletes of the Year. Manitoba Bisons Women’s Volleyball has been nominated for Manitoba’s Team of the Year.

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New Staff Personnel

The University of Manitoba Bison Sports Athletic Department is pleased to announce the appointment of Adrian Honish to the full-time position of Strength and Conditioning Specialist. This is a new position, which began in January 2011; Honish’s role with Bison Sports is to develop, administer, and oversee the entire strength and conditioning program offered to Bison student-athletes. Honish returns to familiar ground, as he has prior experience with the University of Manitoba and with Bison Sports. The Dauphin, Man., native completed his Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (BESS) degree at the U of M in 2002, and his Master of Science in Sport Biomechanics in 2005. He is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and was part of Bison women's volleyball as assistant coach (2003-2008) and strength coach (2005-present). Honish has worked with over 30 different sports and has been a part of Team Canada at various international events including the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics, the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, and the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Throughout his years working with elite sport, he continues to be a strength and conditioning service provider for the Canadian Sport Centre - Manitoba, Performance Technologist for both the Canadian Soccer Association and Own the Podium, and the owner/director of a private athlete development corporation. He is one of few certified instructors for Dartfish Video Analysis in Canada and is also recognized by Own the Podium as a National Performance Technologist & Analyst.

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Mr. Gary Thompson, Director, Active Living

The Active Living area is comprised of Bison Recreation Services, Bison Children’s Programs and Bison Facilities.

Facility Development

This has been a very busy year for facility development initiatives. With the imminent arrival of the Bomber/Bison Stadium (2012) and The Active Living Centre (2014), there has been considerable energy and time devoted to developing the program and design for these spaces. Staff and users have been engaged in many sessions to ensure that the final product meets the multitude of needs that are represented at the University of Manitoba and in the community it serves. The following projects are included in the Active Living Centre Project:

• Active Living Centre (100,000 sq. ft.): construction scheduled to begin in April 2012 with an April 2014 opening • Two artificial turf fields: scheduled to open in August/September 2011 • Frank Kennedy Centre Locker Room Renovation: completion prior to April 2012 • Accessibility enhancements to the Joyce Fromson Pool: completion prior to April 2012 • Tunnel between Architecture and Extended Education: scheduled to start construction in Sept. 2011 with an April 2012 completion • Replacement of six outdoor courts: scheduled to be completed for Spring 2012 • New Throws area (discuss, shot put, etc.) completed The Recreation Infrastructure Canada (RInC) Project (see Simon Wang’s Facilities report) has begun and will be completed in March 2011. This project will allow us to better serve our customers and to reach out to some of those customers who are typically inactive (in particular, women and cultural groups). This project includes the creation of a changing space that will be gender-neutral.

Facility Priorities: there has been careful analysis of how the facilities are used, as well as by whom they’re used and how often. Attention has been given to trying to align our Faculty mission with our priorities for use. As a result we have been able to expand our Intramural Program, run a pilot project for Bison Junior Volleyball, and continue to offer more recreation space to U of M students. This analysis will continue as we align strategic priorities with space availability.

Professional Development

In April 2011, Active Living Staff attended the National Intramural Recreation Sport Association Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Strategic Planning

The focus over the last year has been on Bison Children’s Programs, which is well positioned as a leader in children’s programs in secondary institutions in North America. Our current challenge is to enhance the relevance of Children’s Programs to the Faculty and to the University of Manitoba.

Children’s Programs Mission Statement Children’s Programs: o Develops educated leaders in children/youth physical activity. o Provides excellent, inclusive recreation/sport and educational experiences to young people. o Promotes FKRM and the University of Manitoba as destinations for post-secondary education. o Contributes to the creation and dissemination of physical activity knowledge.

• Children’s Programs Vision o To be recognized locally and nationally as a leader in providing evidence-based programs while actively collaborating in the creation and dissemination of physical activity knowledge. o Children’s Programs develops excellent, innovative leaders and provides stimulating, quality programs for children/youth that reflect the values of inclusiveness, fair play and healthy development. Within this framework we will now assess programs, services, resources and operations as we move forward and continue to enhance the relevance of Children’s Programs to the University of Manitoba. The Recreation Services Team is currently undergoing a strategic planning exercise while the entire Active Living area will approach a strategic planning process in the fall of 2011.

Fund Development

The Active Living Fund was established last year as part of the Campus as a Community Initiative. This fund is designed to be used for Active Living initiatives (programs, equipment, facility development). Thank you to all of the donors for your generosity! This fall, we will launch the Capital Campaign for the Active Living Project with a target of $12.5 million.

Active Living and Research

Twenty-one representatives from the Active Living area met with researchers from the Faculty to begin to explore collaborative relationships for applied research and/or bringing service learning into the classroom. There were lots of “natural fits” sitting around the table together and it is hoped that a bridge has been built for people to pursue collaborations.


A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of the Active Living staff, who have been absolutely phenomenal (as is usual, but in particular over the last year). Each of you have continued to excel at your work even as you have lost spaces, and have spent a great deal of time planning new spaces and even more time designing and delivering programs as these new spaces become available. Your patience, expertise, wisdom, vision and sense of humor have been what has gotten us all this far. Thank you for going above and beyond in this process. Congratulations and great work! Your legacy will be felt for decades!

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Ms. Mandy Johnson, Director of Membership Services

Membership Services Team

As there were some changes to the staffing of the Membership Services Team in 2010-11, I have included an updated organization structure below:

Director of Membership Services

Coordinator of Coordinator of Fitness Customer Service Membership Membership & Testing & Supervisor Coordinator Customer Service, Joe Conditioning Doupe

Customer Service Full-Time CSRs / Part- Casual Student CSRs Exercise Physiologist Evening Coordinator Time CSRs

Casual Student CSRs Fitness Attendants

Personal Trainers / Fitness Testers

Some changes of note to the Membership Services (MS) area full-time staff complement: • Jared Ladobruk joined the team as the Membership Services Coordinator. • Michelle Hiebert vacated her role as a Fitness Attendant to join the Customer Service Team as a full-time Customer Service Representative (CSR). • Chris Dalton joined the Customer Service Team as a full-time CSR. • Charwin Dahl joined the Customer Service Team as a full-time CSR. • Oreleen Langlois joined the Customer Service Team as a full-time CSR. • Kaylee Roteliuk temporarily vacated her position as a full-time CSR to accept a position with Children’s Programs. • Brittany McMullen resigned her position as a full-time CSR. • Aubrie Schettler temporarily vacated her position as a full-time CSR to accept the Customer Service Evening Coordinator position. • Marcus Morrisey resigned his position as a full-time CSR.

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• Mark Firth’s position as a full-time CSR ended. • Chrissy Phillips resigned her position as a full-time CSR to accept the IGAC Building Coordinator position. • Christine Majury resigned her position as a full-time CSR to accept the Membership and Customer Service Coordinator, Joe Doupe Centre position. • The Director of Membership services position was vacant for five months as Mandy Johnson was on medical leave.

As you can see, for various reasons (vacancy management being one of note) there has been an ongoing turnover of full-time staff in this area in addition to the normal turnover of casual and part- time student staff that MS employs as CSRs and Fitness Attendants (FA). It should also be mentioned here that during the ongoing vacancy management, the student CSRs were called upon to fill in and replace what would normally be full-time, permanent positions. The staff that took on this extra responsibility should be commended and congratulated, along with those who supervised them. Although this was a very challenging time for all involved, we would not have been able to keep our doors open and our Customer Service Team running without the dedication of these individuals. Ironically enough, as our ability to adequately staff our Customer Service team was limited by vacancy management, the demands on our Customer Service area continued (and still continue) to increase. People and resources in this area continue to be stretched beyond capacity. Further, as we move toward a time of less strict vacancy management and look forward to having a complete Customer Service Team, we are still feeling the effects and aftermath of this struggle on a daily basis. One of the highlights for staff in the Membership Services Area has been the opportunity to have an active role in the design process for the new Active Living Centre. It is very exciting to know that our influence will be a part of such an important landmark at the University of Manitoba. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to be involved and I would like to commend all of the Membership Services staff for their hard work and dedication to the design of this project. They have definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty to research, prepare and share information related to this project and to collaborate with the design team on and off campus.


A total of 15,223 memberships were sold in 2010-11, for approximate revenue of $1.84 million. During this same period, we had a total of 11,188 memberships that were active at some point during this period. Our average renewal rate for 2010-11 was 59%. These numbers are reflective of both Fort Garry and Bannatyne Campuses. Membership prices were increased effective August 1, 2010 by 5% and are set to increase by another 5% on August 1, 2011. This will amount to a total increase of 15% over the last three years. Pushback from members with continued increases to price will likely be felt again this year. (See graphic on next page.)

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Year Price Increase Memberships Sold Active Members 2009-2010 5% 18,327 16,253 2010-2011 5% 15,223 11,188 2011-2012 5% -- --

The addition of the Circuit Training and Cycling Studios on the third floor of Frank Kennedy provides us with the ability to offer more services and fitness classes to our members. At this time, there is still an opportunity for us to explore how we can better utilize these spaces to serve our membership and sub- groups of our membership. A proposal was put forth in March 2010 to the Space Committee by Jared Ladorbruk, Membership Coordinator, aimed at revising the standards for Rec Use bookings in our facilities. The Space Committee has not reviewed this proposal to date. A membership survey was sent out in 2011 and approximately 900 members responded to our questions. This information will prove invaluable as we look forward to meeting the needs of our current and future members well into the future. A review of membership and access was conducted by Gary Thompson, Director of Active Living, Jared Ladobruk and myself. Feedback on membership and access-related issues was invited from the entire faculty. This feedback was compiled and the issues were identified. The report indicated the follow-up and recommendations made as a result of this process. The report was presented to Faculty Executive, endorsed, and is expected to go forward to Faculty Council in Fall 2011.

Member Services

A total of 5,025 locker rentals were sold in 2010-11 for approximate revenue of $176,000. Our average locker renewal rate is approximately 55%. These numbers include both Fort Garry and Bannatyne Campuses. It should be noted that continued issues with our current Class software system have limited our ability to maintain quality of service with locker rentals and, as such, we were hesitant to do any significant marketing or promotions in this area and continue with the goal of simply maintaining status quo. A total of 263 towel service rentals were sold in 2010-11, for approximate revenue of $11,800. Our average towel service renewal rate is 48%.

Customer Service

Again this year, vacancy management continued to create and perpetuate some significant challenges to our ability to provide quality customer service to the nearly 2.6 million visits per year to our facilities on the Fort Garry Campus. Our staff complement of front-line CSRs should normally be 7.5 FTE permanent staff and at time this year has been at 2 FTE permanent staff. Again this year, a number of student and temporary staff have stepped up to fill vacant shifts so that we can maintain operations. Given that our facilities are open from 6:30 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. on most days and are open seven days per week, staffing shortages, high turnover, a lack of permanent positions and the ability to post these positions in

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a timely fashion, make it very difficult to provide a basic level of service to all the customers in the various areas that we serve (including: students and members, adult program participants, children’s programs participants, facility rentals, special events, leagues, Bison/CSCM/TCVB athletes, University of Manitoba examinations, not to mention the various visitors and inquiries). This leaves the burden of making staffing ends meet with the remaining staff and this becomes very challenging, especially as it continues over time. I feel like a bit of a broken record in writing this section of this report as it reads very much the same as last year’s. However, the challenges faced last year still remain in this area. I would like to express my extreme gratitude and appreciation for all staff who have contributed to pulling through these difficult times and who have remained steadfast and determined to see things through. I cannot commend or thank them enough. The Evening Coordinator position was added as a project position to the Customer Service Team. Aubrie Schettler accepted the position in early 2011 and has shown great leadership of the student CSRs and the CS Team in general. The addition of this position is a large part of the reason our Customer Service Team has been able to continue functioning, despite staffing shortages.

Joe Doupe Centre

Christine Majury accepted the permanent position of Membership and Customer Service Coordinator, Joe Doupe in early 2011. We are very grateful and excited to have Christine’s wealth of knowledge and experience in a permanent role at the Joe Doupe Centre (JDC). Bannatyne Campus orientations and Sneakers in Motion Day continue to be hosted and put on by our Bison Recreation Services staff at JDC.

Fitness Testing and Conditioning

BRS Fitness Consultants continue to provide Foundations testing for hundreds of FKRM students enrolled in our faculty’s foundations class. We continue to pursue the positions outlined in the Career Proposal developed by Jen Bryant. A cancelled search was held earlier this year for these positions. Since then, further revisions have been made to the position(s) and once complete, the positions will be reposted. We were fortunate to have a placement student work with us in this area. Dave Kent spent much of the year with us, and has since developed a collaborative partnership between BRS and the University of Alberta as he facilitates an exercise component of a research project involving colon cancer survivors. Study participants will work with Dave here in our facilities, and are currently being screened by CancerCare Manitoba for study eligibility.


The Marketing Coordinator, reporting to the Director of Active Living, continues to provide BRS with marketing opportunities and strategies for its programs and services. In addition to this, Kerri Gregoire

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works in conjunction with our vendors to develop and produce both our Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter communication pieces. As we delve deeper into social media and electronic communication with our customers, Kerri has connected us with experts in this field who have provided training and services to help us meet our needs in this area.


Overall, consistent staffing remains our biggest challenge in serving students, members, our customers and the faculty. However, we continue to maintain a standard of service that meets the basic needs of these loyal members and customers. Despite these challenges, or perhaps in spite of them, we continue to look forward toward the vision of the new Active Living Centre and all of the opportunities to inspire the university and community that this new facility will bring.

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Ms. Tanya Angus, Director, Recreation Programs

Two years after the re-organization of Bison Recreation Services, I am happy to say that the glitches have been solved and many opportunities continue to present themselves. The Bison Recreation Services Team is working well together and has a created a positive culture and working environment. Serving over 33,000 participants (up by 3,000 participants from last year) within the programming area, the four Coordinators and Director are kept very busy.


Over the past year, Amanda Gill left her position as Coordinator of Adult Wellness & Leagues in September and Emily George joined our team in January. At Joe Doupe, Kerri Chase completed a year- long term as the Recreation Coordinator position in January 2011, and was the successful candidate for the continuing position that commenced shortly after. Kyla Ray has continued to be the Coordinator of Intramurals, Clubs and Special Events and Ulla Liljegren has continued as the Coordinator of Fitness & Lifestyles. We were also fortunate to have three of our Faculty’s Fieldwork students -- Gillian Chitty, Caolan Berg, and Brianne Hebert – in the Program Area from September to December 2010. Unfortunately the Graduate Assistantship program did not run this past year within our Faculty, therefore we did not have a graduate student this past year. Also in April 2011, Alyssa Peters joined us from Winnipeg Technical College as a Field Work student that assisted with six weeks of administration work for Bison Recreation Services. Ulla Liljegren received the annual Bison Recreation Services Impact Award at the Bison Recreation Services Staff Appreciation Banquet in February 2011. Well done Ulla!


From an administrative perspective we have had many highlights, which are listed below in point form. • Developed a consistent staff access policy for programs for full-time and part-time staff that is consistent within the Active Living area. • Implemented several risk management initiatives from Ian MacGregor’s Risk Management report within our Intramural and Club programs. • Continued to develop Cross-Campus partnerships with several faculties and departments including English Language Centre/International Centre for Students (e.g., Soccer Special Event) and Student Affairs for the Student 101 Publications. • Began looking at all the data we collect, and planned programs and pricing based on the findings. This included a thorough program evaluation analysis (e.g., how did you hear about us?, etc.), participant analysis (e.g., tell us more about you – to determine the status of our participants, etc.)

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and competitor price comparison analysis (which shows that we are at capacity for most of our programs’ prices). This information will be gathered and reviewed on a bi-annual basis for more accurate planning. So far we were pleasantly surprised that most of the program participants for the adult wellness area are students, with more staff participating in our specialty fitness programs. This information is very helpful in terms of marketing to these specific populations. • The planning analysis showed we needed to be more consistent, and that our Fall 2 and Winter 2 sessions were very poorly attended. To overcome this, we began modifying all program sessions towards consistent weeks (e.g., 10-week spring programs, 8-week summer programs, 12-week fall and winter programs). This analysis and follow through proved to be very successful with increase revenues in our Adult Wellness and Specialty Fitness areas, and less cancelled classes. • Pandemic Flu Planning prompted staff to have one on-line access point to all instructors, particularly for staff backups and sharing of instructors amongst staff. • Developed a consistent Program Task Timeline for all program Coordinators so that our marketing strategies will be consistent, and will occur at prescribed times before new sessions. This also prompted confirmation of all instructors in advance of brochure release, which allows Coordinators to have more control over upcoming sessions, with less last minute planning. • Developed a consistent format for policies and procedures (located on the shared folder for all full- time staff to access). • Developed a Staff Instructor Manual (draft format) for consistent training of staff. • Implemented two annual program team meetings with Children’s Program for effective planning and consistent transitions from their programs into Bison Recreation Services programs. • Participated in several campus orientations, including the Access program, International Centre for Students, U1, UMSU, Bannatyne, Housing & Student Life, Parents Program, and Info Days. • Staff participated in many RInC and Active Living Centre meetings and planning. Customers and staff were very happy with the new spaces within Frank Kennedy including the new Wellness, Cycle and Circuit Training Studios. • Participated in many faculty class presentations such as Colleen Plumton’s Program Planning class and Kyle Turcotte’s Foundations class. • Introduced a First Week Promotion at both campuses that significantly increased the number of participants and revenue of our Adult Wellness and Specialty Fitness programs. • Attended the Faculty Career Night and Fieldwork Student Recruitment. Developed a consistent Bison Recreation Services Casual Student Employment Opportunity hand-out, and consistent position descriptions to recruit students for fieldwork, employment and volunteer opportunities. • Staff Professional Development opportunities included the National Intramural Recreation Sports Association (NIRSA), Manitoba Fitness Council (MFC) Continuing Credits, and Lunch & Learns. These opportunities provide excellent networking, idea sharing, and motivation for staff to try new things.

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• Finished the final report and spending for the New Horizon’s Grant for seniors that allowed us to spend $10,000 on new equipment for our senior programs. • Once again secured the Pepsi sponsorship valued at $9,000 for the Intramural programs. • Created a new resource for first-year fall students with funds from previous intramural pocket schedules. This new resource helps inform new students of all the opportunities within Bison Recreation Services without requiring a full brochure. • Began to use our registration software system more effectively by communicating to our participants in advance of the programs through an Information Letter to enhance the participant’s experience. Information in the letter includes program start/end dates, list of items to bring to the program, parking information, any cancelled class notices and reminders that all program participants need valid photo ID before entering our program facilities. The Customer Service Team is also working hard at verifying participants’ photo ID with the program class lists to ensure only registered program participants are entering into programs and that PAR Q’s (health information) have been signed. • Coordinators met to examine our current activity and program levels in our software system for accuracy, updated course descriptions using Learning Reconsidered terminology, included all course instructors’ names/supervisors in the software system, and double- checked alert/confirmation texts for better information for our customers. We’re also working towards e-mailing participant receipts versus mailing paper receipts to be more cost efficient. • With the Director of Membership Services, we are fine tuning Bison Recreation Services core values and mission statement. Core value statements are close to being complete with further discussion required on our mission. • The main focus for the Program Team this past year has been quality. Coordinators are asked to walk through the facilities at least once per week, to check our website at least once per week, and to follow up with all program participants each term to enhance the overall quality of our programs. With increased participant numbers and revenue, we feel that this has been successful so far and we will continue to focus on quality.

Intramurals, Club and Special Events (Kyla Ray, Coordinator of Intramurals and Clubs)


The quality of the experience for University of Manitoba students has been enhanced significantly over the past two years in part by the re-organization of Bison Recreation Services (e.g., a Coordinator designated to Intramurals and Clubs without responsibilities of Adult Wellness and Leagues), consistent policies and procedures, and by providing two-day training for the Intramural Supervisors. The six Intramural Supervisors successfully oversaw their sports and made sure the program ran smoothly while individually learning a lot.

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The lottery registration system was once again implemented to avoid long line ups and enhanced customer service. In comparison to last year, intramural numbers have increased by close to 200 students and several students were wait-listed because of lack of facility space. New this season, Inner Tube Water Polo and Climbing were added to the list of activities. The season ended with the fourth Annual Intramural Wrap Up Event at Degrees on April 7, 2011, drawing the best turn out yet with 140 participants. With assistance from the Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management’s fieldwork program, we were fortunate to secure a student that was able to use their education in a practical environment by planning this event. Two scholarships were handed out to intramural participants: the Intramural Supervisor of the Year and Intramural Fair Play Participant, both awarded $175 gift certificates for the Bookstore, while awards for MVP (Most Versatile Player) were handed out to the male and female who participated in the most intramural programs within the year. The MVPs each received a University of Manitoba backpack and gift certificate for the Bookstore. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below by season and sport.

Fall 2010

Sport Teams Male Female Participants

Co-Ed Basketball 8 51 27 78 Co-Ed Dodgeball 12 67 33 100 Co-Ed Soccer 14 105 41 146 Co-Ed Volleyball 36 164 130 294 Co-Ed Inner Tube Water Polo 8 32 20 52 Co-Ed Climbing 5 10 7 17 Floor Hockey 12 90 4 94 28 334 23 357 Soccer 8 85 1 86 TOTALS 13 938 286 1224

Winter 2011

Sport Teams Male Female Participants

Co-Ed Basketball 10 51 36 87

Co-Ed Climbing 14 95 49 144

Co-Ed Dodgeball 36 140 125 265

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Co-Ed Inner Tube Water Polo 11 84 0 84

Co-Ed Soccer 8 72 0 72

Co-Ed Volleyball 7 0 28 28

Basketball (Women’s) 4 15 14 29

Floor Hockey 6 12 11 23

Ice Hockey 12 108 1 109

Soccer (Men’s) 26 298 17 315

TOTALS 134 875 281 1156 2380


The Club program is the largest it has ever been with eight programs and 551 participants, up by 200 participants this year. We are looking at two new Clubs to be introduced next year – Rugby (men’s & women’s) and – as we have some funding for new tables. Club Executive training was also implemented for the first time and proved to be very beneficial. Inquiries from students interested in starting a club are received on a weekly basis. The 2010/11 year was the first year of Clubs having its own budget and proved to be very valuable. Further resources need to be allocated to part-time staff assistance, risk management and equipment purchases as there is an opportunity to expand within this area but our current resources are extremely limited. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below by season and sport.

Fall 2010

Clubs Male Female Participants

Badminton 59 18 77

Basketball 60 4 64

Climbing 23 11 34

Soccer 44 1 45 Synchronized Skate 1 19 20 Tennis 20 6 26 Volleyball 20 5 25 Wrestling 19 1 20 Totals 246 65 311

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Winter 2011 Clubs Male Female Participants Badminton 61 20 81 Basketball 0 0 0 Climbing 31 7 38 Soccer 29 0 29 Synchronized Skate 1 17 18 Tennis 23 2 25 Volleyball 23 10 33 Wrestling 14 2 16 Totals 182 58 240 551

Special Events

There has been a great response for this area over the past two years, and there is a trend that students are looking to participate in non-traditional activities that do not require previous skills. New this year, many non-sport-based special events were offered to this population such as Wii Madden Tournament, Board Game Olympics, UnAmazing Chase, and Exam Jam – Minute to Win it Challenge. Once again we will work with the English Language Centre and (new this year) the International Centre for Students on the World Cup Soccer Event. This event is designed to facilitate networking and socialization between International students and Canadian students through sport. Dodgeball was another successful event this year. Lastly, we offered a qualifying curling special event this year in which one of our own Men’s Curling Club Team advanced and placed second at Nationals. Special Events is an area that can expand to enhance the University of Manitoba student experience but more resources are required as apparent below. Participant numbers in the special events area are down this year by 80 students in comparison to last year. Without resources for marketing these events, the events end up being cancelled. Next year we hope to work more with UMSU, the Office of Student Life, residence and student councils to increase awareness of our special events. New for this year, special events had its own budget which allowed for more accurate tracking. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below by program.

Special Events Teams Participants

World Cup Soccer 8 60 Dodgeball 14 91 UofM Curling Championships 4 16 Cancelled - low Madden Xbox 0 reg Cancelled - low Amazing Chase 0 reg Cancelled - low Board Game Olympics 0 reg

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Cancelled - low Minute to Win It 0 reg Totals 26 167

Fitness and Lifestyles (Ulla Liljegren, Coordinator, Fitness & Lifestyle Services)


General Fitness classes remain large and we currently offer approximately 27 classes a week, during the peak of the academic year (Sept-Dec. and Jan-April). There are roughly 16,165 participants in our Fitness programs. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below by month.

Fitness Classes Participants January 1,542 February 1,652 March 2,040 April 1,164 May 991 June 859 July 910 August 828 September 1,400 October 1,795 November 1,885 December 1,099 Total: 16,165

Employee Wellness

We saw a decline in our sessions this year due to the negative economic situation many companies experienced. From previously running three Manitoba Hydro sessions, we ended up cancelling all of their sessions. However, we did end up introducing a new group, All-Fab, in which we provided employee wellness presentations and individual fitness assessments to their staff. It was very successful and we received positive feedback. We also facilitated a team building session with the Department of Student Affairs with over a hundred participants.

Specialty Fitness

New this year, we offered circuit training and cycle classes in our two newly-renovated rooms. Cycling classes are going well and new classes had to be added because they were filling in record time. Circuit training classes are not as popular as the cycle classes, but still participants are very happy with the two new rooms and programs. In working closer with Manitoba Fitness Council and their new Executive Director, our Fitness Theory courses are filling up with double the participants in comparison to last year

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which will help us fill fitness instructor positions. Morning Boot Camp classes are still popular, with around 30 participants, as are our Actively Aging classes. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Specialty Fitness Classes Participants Spring 2010 111 Summer 2010 5 Fall 2010 158 Winter 2011 245 Total 519

Sneaker Day and Summer Active

Successful Sneaker Day and Summer Active activities were again held in June at both the Fort Garry and Bannatyne Campus. At Fort Garry (shown), over 350 participants joined us outside for Sneaker Day and over 175 participants were part of Summer Active (from May 30-June 24, 2011). Summer Active participants were provided the opportunity to try FREE sessions including Aqua Boot Camp, Pilates, Belly Dance, Hip Hop, Circuit Training, Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Urban Poling, Weight Training Orientation, Wushu and Zumba. New this year, we added three team activities including bocce, knackers and walleyball. Sneaker Day committee members include representation from U1, Alumni, Human Resources, Advancement and Development Services and Public Affairs.

Occupational Testing

Occupational Testing has been very busy, with contracts with Winnipeg Police, Winnipeg Fire/Paramedic, Canadian Armed Forces, Manitoba Conservation Officers, Northwest Law Academy, Security Services and two new contracts -- Criti Care, similar to the Paramedic testing, and Police Services Auxiliary Cadets testing, similar to the Winnipeg Police Services. The growth in this area continues to put significant strain on our staffing in finding testers, and impacts other areas such as Fitness Attendants and Personal Training. A Career Proposal has been approved for 2.5 continuing positions to assist with these areas as well as Population Health and Exercise Physiology, but finding qualified staff for our current rate of pay and inconsistent hours has also been a challenge. Occupational testing has also been affected by the economy: the WPS-PAT was postponed until January-February 2011 (they were not hiring more officers, as current employees were delaying their retirement due to the current economic situation). Similarly, Fire/Paramedic testing was on hold, but as of Spring/Summer of 2011, large recruitments are again taking place. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Occupational Testing Participants Spring Summer Fall Winter Conditioning Camp 68 52 16 NWLE 55 28 27

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Auxiliary cadets 160 123 37 Security Services 6 6 Criti Care 51 29 22 Canadian Forces 330 60 120 86 64 Paramedic 110 53 57 Firefighter 7 7 MB Conservation 17 17 Total Participants 804 130 272 288 114

Winnipeg Police Service Participants Spring Summer Fall Winter WPS Testing 202 202 WPS Orientation 114 114 Total: 316

Adult Wellness & Leagues (Emily George, Coordinator, Adult Wellness and Leagues)

Adult Wellness Programs

There were 1,098 people registered in our programs, which include all Dance, Martial Arts, Recreation and Wellness programs (including ‘Learn to Activities such as climbing, kayaking, skating, cross-country ski, snowshoe, guitar, photography, and Pilates, yoga, and tai chi). This is an increase of over 220 participants and approximately $20,000 in increased revenue in comparison to last year. We continue to monitor our competition in the community and on both of our campuses. Some Adult Wellness highlights include the following:

Fall 2010

• First Week Free promotion offered in September and January to encourage participation and to allow potential participants the opportunity to try a program before purchasing. • Moved towards four consistent sessions; 12 weeks for Fall/Winter and 10 and nine weeks for Spring and Summer, respectively. • Increased revenue in comparison to the last few years; highest revenue thus far in this area • Record numbers in Hip Hop, Muay Tai, Zumba, (shown) • Registration numbers in general were good for Fall as we also tried some new marketing techniques, such as distributing a two-page info flyer to all staff on campus, e-mailing current and past program participants, the U of M e-news, etc., to promote classes that paid off.

Winter 2011

• Record numbers in Hip Hop, Muay Thai, Zumba, Judo and guitar, once again.

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• Offered new classes in cross-country ski, snow shoe, cardio fitness dance, beginner ballroom dance, a second Zumba class, nutrition, climbing for fitness, Wushu, sikaran arnis, women’s self-defense, and Capoeir,a and fine tuned our kayaking classes.

Looking Ahead: Fall 2011 & Winter 2012

• Looking at one new class (Boxing Fundamentals) and focusing on the quality of our existing programs. • A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Season Participants Spring 2010 165 Summer 2010 113 Fall 2010 466 Winter 2011 354 Total 1,098


UMHL (Hockey League): The League was full again and the Fair Play Policy is serving us and the players very well. Teams must maintain a 3.0 Fair Play rating (out of 4) to be eligible for the playoffs. We had a few suspensions that were handled well, and plan to increase officials’ wages to be more consistent with our competitors. New: on-line registration for the 2010-2011 season. We hired Gillian Chitty, one of our Kinesiology Fieldwork Students, to continue on as the League Convenyor while in transition with full- time continuing staff. Feedback gathered from participants was very positive and the only area of concern was the quality of the officials therefore we are looking at options for the upcoming season. We still pay our refs substantially lower than our competitor leagues within Winnipeg. (Roughly 526 participants.) UMSL (Soccer League): Due to the field renovations, we did not run the soccer league this season. NEW! UMBL (Basketball League): New this year, we ran a competitive men’s basketball league with ten teams on Sundays in the New Gym. Feedback gathered from participants was extremely positive and we look forward to expanding the program next season. (Roughly 180 participants.)

Bannatyne Campus (Kerri Chase, Joe Doupe Recreation Coordinator)

Joe Doupe continues to be very busy serving the Health Sciences Complex (HSC) and Bannatyne Campus. There continues to be a strong interest in the group fitness classes, yoga, kickboxing, CPR/1st Aid and proper posture clinics for health care providers.

Fitness Classes: The fitness classes continue to be well attended with approximately 8,500 participants. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Fitness Classes Participants January 902

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February 727 March 928 April 678 May 759 June 747 July 530 August 559 September 703 October 780 November 704 December 490 Total: 8,507

Adult Instructional and Specialty Fitness

Both areas have seen an increase in participants (by over 100) and revenue (approximately $6,000) in comparison to last year, through creative marketing to HSC staff, 30% off sales for members with eight- month memberships, and matching prices with HSC fitness facilities. The Bosu and Body Bar classes continue to have good numbers. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Adult Instruction & Specialty Fitness Participants Spring 2010 40 Summer 2010 86 Fall 2010 160 Winter 2011 154 Total 419


Joe Doupe’s intramural program has grown this past year with roughly 30 more participants (Fall: 154, Winter: 156) for a total of 310. Due to the hectic schedules of the Medicine, Dentistry and Medical Rehab students, there was previously a problem with a general lack of structure, and many games were being defaulted because teams were not able to show up for all their games. This past year we implemented a $50/team default fee (after consultations with participants) and this considerably reduced the number of defaulted games and made for a better student experience. A breakdown of participant numbers is listed below.

Fall 2010

Free Agent Sport Teams Male Female Participants Players

Basketball 1 7 37 13 50

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Soccer 2 6 74 21 95

Badminton 9 0 6 3 9

TOTALS 12 24 117 37 154 Winter 2011

Free Agent Sport Total Teams Male Female Participants Players

Floor Hockey 1 3 28 7 35 Soccer 2 45 20 65 Volleyball 31 25 56 Badminton 0 TOTALS 3 20 104 52 156

TOTAL F/W: 310

Personal Training

Although there has not been a lot of interest at Joe Doupe for this, we did have four participants involved in personal training last year from January-May.

Sneaker Day/Summer Active

The Joe Doupe Sneaker Day event on June 10, 2011 (shown), was a huge success, with 250 participants and $1,500 raised for an inner city basketball program. This was an increase in $600 raised and 50 more participants from last year. Summer Active events included bocce ball, horse shoes, mini-golf and fitness classes offered on Wednesdays (June 16, 23, 30 and July 7) over the noon hour.

Partnership with William Norrie Satellite Campus

Our partnership with the William Norrie Centre (Faculty of Social Work, satellite campus) continued for another year based on a successful grant application through In Motion. The grant allows us to oversee the staffing of a Fitness Instructor three days per week, and for equipment purchase and payroll of FREE fitness programs for students and staff at the centre.

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Ms. Tracey Nyczai, Director

The Bison Athletic Therapy Centre remained busy in 2010-2011, treating Bison athletes, staff, students and the general community. With a full complement of KINREC Athletic Therapy Certification Candidates working alongside the therapists in the clinic, the year seemed to fly by. Byron Bahniuk supplemented his work in the clinic by teaching the Athletic Therapy Skills Course in the faculty and will be doing so again this year. Mandy Los attended the Canadian Athletic Therapists Conference in Banff, Alberta in May 2011. This coincided with the World Federation of Athletic Training Conference thus was a valuable educational experience. Tracey Nyczai attended the World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness and Sport in Monte Carlo, in April 2011. It was an incredible learning experience with speakers from all over the world. Once again the BATC celebrated National Athletic Therapy Month (NATM) in June at the annual Sneaker Day event at the Fort Garry Campus. Awareness of brain injuries andconcussions was the theme for NATM and the Concussion awareness obstacle course that we set up was a big hit! Trying to navigate obstacles and throw a ball at a target while wearing vision impairment goggles took more than a few of us by surprise! We will be submitting our NATM celebrations and promotions to the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association Contest in hopes of receiving an award again this year as we have in the past. The BATC continues to offer early morning appointments (starting at 7:30am) as this seemed to meet staff needs. Massage Therapy will be offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30pm – 5:30pm this year starting September 2011. The BATC is also excited to start offering direct billing services to U o f M students with the UMSU Health Insurance Plan starting in September 2011. We hope to bring more students into our centre by removing the financial burden of having to pay up front for our services.

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Mr. Jay Gamey, Interim Director


Children’s Programs continued to encompass a wide variety of dynamic and educational programs for children between the ages of 2 to 16 years. Approximately 11,000 children participated in these programs and over 300 University students received invaluable employment and training experiences.

Summer Programs

In its 32nd year, Mini-University continued to be the largest summer youth program in North America. In the summer of 2010, registrations decreased from the previous year with approximately 5,900 children attending a wide variety of programs. The programs are broken into three main categories: 1) Sports Camps, 2) Special Interest Camps and 3) Bison Ice Camps. Mini-University is non-profit and would not exist without the continued financial assistance from a variety of city, provincial and federal government bodies. This past year, student employment programs from the federal and provincial government subsidized employment opportunities for approximately 110 University students. Funding from Winnipeg School Division #1 was allocated to sponsor180 “at-risk” children to attend various programs. Financial support from Manitoba Hydro allowed in excess of 100 economically disadvantaged children to attend these programs. The continued support of each of these institutions is very much appreciated by both the University and the community, and is essential for the ongoing success of these programs.


For the first time, Children’s Programs introduced a Donate TWO Research campaign that was developed to raise funds for children’s physical activity-related research in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. The community was encouraged to ‘Play 4 Your Health’ and purchase a t- shirt for $10. Two dollars from each t-shirt sale was put towards this newly-created research fund. Approximately 1,000 t-shirts were sold during July and August. Researchers Dr. Leisha Strachan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, and Kristin Davies, Research Assistant, led a study to explore the sport experiences of children in a variety of sport contexts. Another main focus of this study was to engage children in the research process through a unique methodology that empowers them and allows them to have more of a voice. These results will help to provide an exclusive view into sport programs which help to shape the physical, psychosocial, and emotional growth of children.

Fall/Winter/Spring Programs

The fall/winter programs include Movers and Groovers early years basic movement skills course, Judo, , Karate, Learn to Skate, Rock Climbing and a variety of hockey skills programs.

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Our 28th Spring Break Camps ran with great success. The programs saw children attend a variety of physical education programs for a week-long day camp. Programs included Learn to Skate, Hockey & Sports, Shooting and Scoring, Bison Goalie Training, Fun, Sport & Fitness, Fun, Dodgeball & Fitness, and a Bison Cheerleading program instructed by our very own Bison Cheerleaders.

School Programs

School programs saw tremendous growth this year. In the fall, In-service days ran for the fourth year. In-service days run when the Louis Riel and Pembina Trails School Division have no school. An average of 35 children attended the 16 different days. Approximately 100 schools participated in field trips to the University. In addition 10 schools (including two home-school groups) participated in swimming lessons. The total number of children attending school programs this year was in excess of 5,500 children.

Swimming Programs

In its 14th year, the “I CAN SWIM” program continued to be extremely popular. Over 2,000 children participated in the popular swimming programs and most programs filled to capacity within the first few days of registration. The “I CAN SWIM” program incorporates all ages regardless of level of skill or ability. Progression through the program occurs at each child’s own rate and they can excel in areas where they are strong. Other programs offered include: tots, Mini-Bisons (semi competitive swimming programs for children who will improve their swimming ability by aiming for speed swimming stroke technique), diving, Bronze Star, Swim Patrol, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross and adult learn-to-swim programs.


A team of University of Manitoba Lifeguard/Teacher staff entered and finished in first place at the Manitoba Provincial Lifeguard Competition. This competition tests standard lifeguarding skills such as emergency response skills and procedures, swimming abilities, etc.

Professional Development and Representation

Travis DeLaronde, Drew Sheffield and Ashley Gagnon represented the department at the Play It Fair conference in Winnipeg. This full-day development session was put on by the International Centre of Human Rights Education and focused on teaching children basic concepts of values and ethics through games.

Strategic Planning

Gary Thompson completed a proposed Strategic Plan for Children’s Programs. This document was circulated to the Faculty for feedback. After review of the collected feedback from many Faculty members it was suggested that we focus on making changes to the mission and vision statements to start. Motions to make changes to both the mission and vision statements were approved at Faculty

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Council June 2011. Progress on further strategic planning items for Children’s Programs will continue during the following year.


Brenda Krueger retired from the University July 2010. Drew Sheffield was appointed as a temporary Assistant Program Coordinator for three months (July – September). Jay Gamey’s appointment as Interim Director was extended until October 2011. Stewart Thiessen resigned from his position (August 2010) as the Sport Program Coordinator to enter into the Faculty of Education to complete his second degree with our University. Amanda Devion returned from maternity leave September 2010 and replaced Stew as the Sport Program Coordinator. Ashley Gagnon’s temporary reclassification was extended until March 2012. Evan Zarecki was hired as the as the Special Interest Coordinator September 2010 then resigned three weeks later for a permanent position outside of the University of Manitoba. This position was reposted and Travis DeLaronde was appointed October 2010. Amanda Devion resigned from her position February 2011 to stay home with her two young children. Kaylee Roteliuk was later appointed into the Sport Program Coordinator position effective March 2011. Travis DeLaronde resigned from his position effective August 2011 to pursue a permanent position teaching. Kate Amey was appointed into a six-month temporary position as the Special Interest Program Coordinator. *All Children’s Programs employees are in project or temporary positions at this time due to developments of the strategic planning document.


Overall, Children’s Programs continues to enjoy tremendous success in 2010-11. With some exciting new program ideas the programs can only continue to maintain the excellent quality that our customers have come to know and appreciate.

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Mr. Simon Wang, Facilities Manager

Facility Usage

Bison Athletic Facilities is pleased to report there was an increase in the utilization of the University’s recreation-athletic facilities by community groups for a sixth consecutive year. Overall community usage increased by 10% as compared to 2009-2010, which resulted in a 6% increase in rental revenues.

Number of community client groups:

Sport Manitoba 36 School Divisions 17 Community Centres 70 Private Groups 100 Total 223

Number of rental contracts:

Internal Contracts 1062 External Contracts 510 Total 1572

Special Events

There are many places on the University of Manitoba’s two campuses that are suitable to host events. The University’s recreation-athletic facilities in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management have a long history of hosting successful major events, from national sport championships to tournaments, symposiums and concerts. The following are notable events that took place in the recreation-athletic facilities this past year:

Frank Kennedy Centre

• Bison Men’s Volleyball High School Tournament, October 2010 • Mid Can Masters Swim Meet, November 2010 • Racquetball Manitoba Keystone Classic, February 2011 • Junior Bison Girls Volleyball Tournament, April 2011 • Seine River School Badminton Tournament, May 2011

Max Bell Centre

• Canada West Track and Field Championships, February 2011 • Boeing Indoor Classic Track and Field Championships, March 2011 • Special Olympics Manitoba Kinsmen Track Meet, April 2011 • Manitoba Schools Science Symposium, April-May 2011 • Special Olympics Manitoba Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition, May 2011

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• Iron Man, Iron Woman Pow Wow, May 2011 • Rhythmic Gymnastics Manitoba Provincial Championships, June 2011

Investors Group Athletic Centre

• Canadian Gymnaestrada, July 2010 • Team Canada Volleyball Women’s National Team Challenge Cup, July 2010 • Men’s National Basketball Championships, August 2010 • Chinese Moon Festival, October 2010 • Team Canada Volleyball Women’s National Team vs. Cuba, October 2010 • National Basketball Coaches Clinic, October 2010 • Provincial High School Volleyball Championships, November 2010 • Bison Women’s Basketball Tournament, December 2010 • Manitoba Association of Cheerleading, December 2010/February 2011 • Elite Canada Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, March 2011 • Team Canada Volleyball “Volley Jam”, March 2011 • Junior Bison Boys Basketball Tournament, April 2011 • Kang’s Taekwondo Can-Am Games, April 2011 • Manitoba Schools Science Symposium Awards Ceremony, May 2011 • Basketball Manitoba Club Championships, May 2011 • Talent of Manitoba Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition, June 2011 • Team Canada Volleyball Women’s National Team vs. , June 2011 • Manitoba Marathon Wellness Expo, June 2011

University Stadium

• Provincial High School Track and Field Championships, June 2011 • Manitoba Marathon, June 2011

Thanks to success in years past, many of the aforementioned events (and others too numerous to list here) have become regular annual events. The success in hosting these events is made possible by the hard work and dedication of each Building Coordinator and the student Facilities staff. I would therefore like to thank Jeff Gushulak, Frank Kennedy Centre Building Coordinator; Ken Snider, Max Bell Centre/University Stadium Building Coordinator; Christina Phillips, Investors Group Athletic Centre Building Coordinator; and Tyler Yellowega, Joe Doupe Centre Facilities Attendant.

Facility Upgrades

Frank Kennedy Centre

Through the Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) Program, the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management received $240,000 in funding towards a renewal project to upgrade community used recreation-athletic facilities in the University’s Frank Kennedy Centre. In addition to the $240,000 funding, $25,000 was received from the Physical Plant Department towards accessibility portions of the project. The upgrades included:

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a) New Gymnasium completed April 2010. b) New full court basketball hoops installed in Gold Gym, April 2010. c) Renovated Wellness Studio completed January 2011. d) New Circuit Training Studio completed January 2011. e) New Cycling Studio (shown) completed January 2011. f) New Family Changing Room substantially completed April 2011. Safety upgrades to the handrails and guardrails in the main stairwell used to access the Gritty Grotto, and the second, third and fourth floors of the building were completed in July 2011. The project was funded by the Physical Plant Department. The hardwood flooring in the Gold Gym was re-coated in April 2011. This marks the first time the flooring has been re-coated since the gym was renovated in 2008. Construction of a new office located in the Grotto Strength and Training Room was completed in May 2011. The women’s sauna received a complete renovation in September 2010. At the same time, new bench seating boards were installed in the men’s sauna, even though it was renovated in 2009.

Max Bell Centre

The Alumni Lounge received a fresh coat of paint in January 2011. This has enhanced the look of the room considerably. Upgrades and repairs to the infield dividing curtains in the Fieldhouse were completed in June 2011. The upgrades included new motors, new drive/pull cables, and new lift cables and pulleys. The old propane ice resurfacing machine used in the Arena was replaced by a new model in February 2011. The new machine will not only improve the quality of the ice, but more importantly will eliminate the frequent breakdowns experienced with the old machine. The new machine was purchased by the Physical Plant Department. Re-keying of the Frank Kennedy Centre was completed in March 2010, followed by the Max Bell Centre and Investors Group Athletic Centre in March 2011. Approximately 2,000 new keys have been issued for all three buildings since March 2010. I would like to thank Ms. Debbie Gajadhar, Scheduling and Key Coordinator for the Faculty, for the tremendous amount of time and energy she put towards looking after such an enormous and significant project.

Investors Group Athletic Centre

Work to the centre court flooring was completed in December 2010, which included re-sanding, recoating, new FIBA basketball lines and repainting of a larger Bison head logo. Through the Indirect Costs Program, the Faculty received $50,000 in funding towards the installation of video conferencing to Conference Room 238. This completed the audio visual upgrades to the room, which also features a new ceiling mounted data projector, new screen, new wall speakers and new podium.

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Renovations to Lab/Room 234 were completed in April 2011. New switches to control lights and new drapery to partition the room into different testing areas were installed. Major repairs were completed on the gym west bleacher in May 2011. A complete inspection was done and mechanical parts were replaced.

University Stadium and Outdoor Fields

A new facility for throwing events for Track and Field was constructed in the northwest corner area of the University Stadium grounds. The facility is for the Discus Throw, the Hammer Throw and the Shot Put. Also included is a new 50-metre warm-up running track with Mondo Super X rubber sport surface. This new facility is replacement for the old facility lost to the development and construction of the new Bomber/Bison Stadium. Construction continues on the two new outdoor artificial turf playing fields located west of the Indoor Soccer Complex. Anticipated completion is September 2011. The field closest to the Indoor Soccer Complex will accommodate both football and soccer, while the second field will be for soccer only. However, both fields will have lighting, which will enable the fields to be operated and used longer.

Staffing News

Mr. Tyler Yellowega was hired in January 2011 as the Joe Doupe Centre Facilities Attendant. This is a 0.5 project position for 12 months. Mr. Yellowega comes to us after graduating from the Faculty in 2010 with a Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development degree with an emphasis on Facility Management. He also completed his fieldwork placement with the Facilities Department. Mr. Yellowega has proven to be a valuable addition to the team. Ms. Christina Phillips was hired in May 2011 as the Investors Group Athletic Centre Building Coordinator on a continuing basis. Ms. Phillips had been in the position since February 2010 as a project position. Her experience includes two years as a Supervisor in the Mini University Children’s Programs, one year as an Events Staff Crew Chief in the Facilities Department, and two years as an Events Staff/Customer Service Representative in the Faculty. We are excited to have Ms. Phillips join the team and I am confident she will continue to be a great asset to the Faculty.

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During the 2010-2011 academic year the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management consisted of the following staff members and part-time sessional instructors:

DEAN: Dr. Jane Watkinson ASSOCIATE DEAN (Academic): Dr. Kelly MacKay ASSOCIATE DEAN (Research): Dr. Phillip Gardiner (on leave Jan- June/11) ACTING ASSOCIATE DEAN (Research): Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Jan. 1, 2011- June 30, 2011) DEAN EMERITUS: Dr. Henry Janzen DIRECTOR EMERITUS: Mr. John MacDiarmid

Business Manager: Ms. Brandi Smith Confidential Secretary: Ms. Agnès Gagné Financial Assistant: Ms. Tracey Clifton-Hanslip Financial Assistant: Mrs. Linda Eliuk Office Assistant: Ms. Jennifer Triggs (on leave August 2010- August 2011) Mrs. Ramona Donaldson (August 2010- June 2011) Programmer Analyst: Mr. Glenn Deering Programmer & Website Coordinator: Mr. Andre Worms


Undergraduate Program Chair: Dr. Janice Butcher Undergraduate Program Administrator/Advisor: Ms. Karin Nowak-Bailey Academic Advisor: Ms. Patti Dickieson

Academic Staff:

Dr. Marion Alexander Mr. Ken Bentley Mr. Claude Bérubé Dr. Janice Butcher Dr. Michael Campbell Mr. Vlastimil Cerny Ms. Pam Danis Mr. Brian Dobie Dr. Todd Duhamel Ms. Jackie Elliott Dr. Russell Field Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht Dr. Cheryl Glazebrook (effect. Jan/11) Dr. Joannie Halas Mr. John Hayward Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko Dr. Kelly MacKay Dr. Jennifer Mactavish Mr. Stan Pierre Mr. Garth Pischke Ms. Colleen Plumton Dr. Michelle Porter Dr. Elizabeth Ready Mr. Jon Rempel Mr. Mike Sirant Mr. Kirby Schepp Dr. Leisha Strachan Mr. Rick Suffield Dr. Sarah Teetzel Dr. Christine Van Winkle

Regular Session - Sessional Instructors:

Mr. Byron Bahniuk Ms. Krista Carter Mr. Jeremy Chopek Mr. Wayne Copet Ms. Lucelia L. De Melo Dr. Joseph Gordon

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Ms. Amanda Johnson Ms. Kristen Klassen Dr. Chris Macdonell Ms. Angie McBride Mr. Guy McKim Ms. Michelle Nelson Ms. Jessica Owen Ms. Mary Page Mr. Greg Paseshnik Ms. Joanne Van Dyck Ms. Faralee Wilson Ms. Michelle Zurawski

Summer/Intersession – Sessional Instructors:

Ms. Andrea Bedard Ms. Rebecca Chartrand Mr. Jeremy Chopek Ms. Kristen Klassen Mr. Mick Lautt Dr. Christopher Macdonell Ms. Angela McBride Ms. Jessica Owen Ms. Joanne Parsons Mr. Steven Piotrowski Mr. Blair Robillard Ms. Faralee Wilson Ms. Michelle Zurawski

Dr. Brenda Robertson, Visiting Professor, Acadia University


Graduate Program Chair: Dr. Dennis Hrycaiko Office Assistant: Ms. Janis McGonigle

Graduate Faculty: Areas of Expertise/Research Interests:

Marion Alexander, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Sport biomechanics; Biomechanical analysis of movement - Anatomical biomechanics - Aging biomechanics

Janice Butcher, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Psycho-social aspects of physical activity/sport - Children’s physical activity and motor development

Michael Campbell, Ph.D. (Waterloo) - Parks and protected areas planning and management - Resource based outdoor recreation/education - Resources, hazards and recreation, resource conflict resolution

Todd Duhamel, Ph.D. (Waterloo) - Physical activity and chronic disease prevention: translating knowledge derived from the molecular discoveries made in the laboratory into messages that will improve population health.

Russell Field, Ph.D. (Toronto) - History of Sport - Sociology of Sport

Phillip Gardiner, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Exercise physiology - Neural and neuromuscular adaptations to altered activity

Gordon Giesbrecht, Ph.D. (Manitoba) - Physiology of exercise under environmental stress - Human temperature regulation

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- Hypo- and hyperthermia

Cheryl Glazebrook, Ph.D. (McMaster) - Motor control and learning - Motor skill assessment and movement performance in individuals with autism spectrum disorders - Relationships between perception and action in typical and clinical populations - Influence of multisensory stimuli on movement performance - Eye-hand coordination

Joannie Halas, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Cross-cultural pedagogy, access to post-secondary education for Aboriginal and racialized minority students - Quality and cultural relevance of physical education

Dennis W. Hrycaiko, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Psychology of sport - Performance enhancement, mental training

Kelly MacKay, Ph.D. (Illinois) - Tourism and leisure behaviour - Visuals and destination image - Information technology and tourism

Jennifer Mactavish, Ph.D. (Minnesota) - Recreation and sport for persons with disabilities - Family- and person-centred recreation and therapeutic recreation -

Michelle Porter, Ph.D. (Western Ontario) - Neuromuscular adaptations with aging - Strength training - Driving and aging

A. Elizabeth Ready, Ph.D. (Alberta) - Physical health benefits of physical activity in older adults - Physical activity guidelines, exercise dose- response and health benefits - Community-based physical activity interventions

Leisha Strachan, Ph.D. (Queen’s) - Positive youth development in sport, sport participation, children, youth, sport psychology

Sarah Teetzel, Ph.D. (Western Ontario) - Applied ethics (sport, health, physical activity) - Gender in sport - Doping and technology - Olympic studies - Philosophical, historical, and socio-cultural aspects of sport

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Christine Van Winkle, Ph.D. (Clemson) - Cognitive aspects of visitors’ experiences at tourism destinations and events

E. Jane Watkinson, Ph.D. (Michigan) - Participation of children in playful physical activity, especially those with disability or movement difficulty


Associate Dean (Research)/Director, HLHPRI: Dr. Phillip Gardiner (on leave January 2011- June 2011) Acting Associate Dean (Research)/Director, HLHPRI: Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Jan. 1, 2011-June 30, 2011) Associate Director (Administration): Ms. Nicole Dunn Office Assistant: Ms. Janis McGonigle Office Assistant/Receptionist: Ms. Valerie Myers (effective Feb. 14, 2011)

Research Affiliates/Associates:

Dr. M. Alexander Dr. D. Bailis Dr. Jockey Baker Nyakaana Dr. C. Blais Dr. John Bosco Nizeyi Dr. G. Bristow Dr. J. Butcher Dr. M. Campbell Dr. J. Chipperfield Dr. C. Dranzoa Dr. T. Duhamel Dr. R. Field Dr. D. Fitzpatrick Dr. G. Giesbrecht Dr. C. Glazebrook Dr. J. Halas Dr. D. Hrycaiko Dr. Consolata Kobonesa Dr. R. Kerr Dr. D. Kriellaars Dr. Z. Lutfiyya Dr. P. MacDonald Dr. K. MacKay Dr. J. Mactavish Dr. J. McGavock Dr. Joseph Obua Dr. M. Porter Dr. E. Ready Dr. M. Smith Dr. L. Strachan Dr. B. Taylor Dr. S. Teetzel Dr. C. Van Winkle Dr. David Walker Dr. J. Watkinson


Marketing Coordinators: Ms. Kerri Gregoire Mr. Andrew Paterson


Athletic Director: Ms. Coleen Dufresne Assistant Athletic Director: Mr. Curt Warkentin Office Assistant: Ms. Melinda Sasek Sports Information Officer: Mr. Christopher Zuk Event Coordinator: Ms. Jennifer Everard Strength and Conditioning Specialist: Mr. Adrian Honish (effective Dec. 13, 2010)

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Women’s Basketball: Ms. Pam Danis Men’s Basketball: Mr. Kirby Schepp Cheerleading (co-Coach): Ms. Carrie Robson Cheerleading (co-Coach): Ms. Nadia El-Gabalawy Football: Mr. Brian Dobie Assistant Football Coach: Mr. Stanford Pierre Golf (Co-Coach): Mr. Garth Goodbrandson Golf (Co-Coach): Mr. Ed Boge Women’s Ice Hockey: Mr. Jonathan Rempel Men’s Ice Hockey: Mr. Mike Sirant Soccer: Mr. Chris Lewis Swimming: Mr. Vlastimil Cerny Track & Field/Cross-Country: Mr. Claude Bérubé Men’s Volleyball: Mr. Garth Pischke Women’s Volleyball: Mr. Ken Bentley


Director, Active Living: Mr. Gary Thompson Director, Programs: Ms. Tanya Angus Director, Membership Services: Ms. Mandy Johnson Membership Coordinator: Mr. Jared Ladobruk Coord., Fitness & Lifestyle Services: Ms. Ulla Liljegren

Coordinator of Fitness Testing and Conditioning: Ms. Jennifer Bryant Coordinator Intramurals & Clubs: Mrs. Kyla Ray Coordinator of Adult Wellness and Leagues: Ms. Amanda Gill (until Oct. 13, 2011) Ms. Emily George (effective Jan. 5, 2011)

Coordinator, Recreation Services, Joe Doupe Centre: Ms. Kerri Chase Coordinator of Membership & Customer Service, Brodie Centre: Ms. Christine Majury Fitness Attendant (Joe Doupe Centre): Mr. Tyler Yellowega (Jan. 24, 2011-Jan. 23, 2012)


Interim Director, Bison Children’s Programs: Mr. Jay Gamey Program Coordinator (Sport Programs): Mr. Stewart Thiessen (Feb. 8-Oct. 8, 2010) Ms. Amanda Devion (Sept. 13, 2010-March 25, 2011) Ms. Kaylee Roteliuk (March 14, 2011-March 30, 2012) Program Coordinators (Special Interest): Mr. Kevin Gilbert (until Sept. 17, 2010) Mr. Evan Zarecki (Sept, 13-Oct. 9, 2010)

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Mr. Travis Delaronde (Oct. 26, 2010-Oct. 28, 2011) Program Coordinators (School Programs): Ms. Brenda Reinhardt (until July 30, 2010) Mr. Drew Sheffield (July 26, 2010-Sept. 26, 2011) Aquatics Coordinator: Ms. Ashley Gagnon


Customer Service Supervisor: Ms. Maribel Abrenica

Customer Service Representatives: Ms. Breanna Gilmour Ms. Kaylee Roteliuk (until March 13, 2011) Ms. Lisa Rowley Ms. AubrieAnn Schettler Ms. Michelle Hiebert (effective Dec. 8, 2010) Ms. Brittany McMullen (effective Dec. 13, 2010) Ms. Orleen Langlois (effective March 28, 2011) Ms. Charwin Dahl (May 2, 2011-May 1, 2012) Mr. Christopher Dalton (May 2, 2011-May 1, 2012)


Facilities Manager: Mr. Simon Wang Scheduling Coordinator: Mrs. Debbie Gajadhar Building Coordinator (Frank Kennedy): Mr. Jeff Gushulak Building Coordinator (Max Bell/Stadium): Mr. Ken Snider Equipment Technician: Mr. Phillip Charles Building Coordinator (IGAC): Ms. Christina Phillips (effective May 2, 2011) Building Coordinator (Joe Doupe): Mr. Timothy Brown (until Sept. 17, 2011) Evening Coordinator (Joe Doupe): Mr. Timothy Brown (effective Sept. 20-Oct. 28, 2010) Facilities Attendant (Joe Doupe): Mr. Tyler Yellowega (effective Jan. 25, 2011)


Director, Bison Athletic Therapy Clinic: Ms. Tracey Nyczai Athletic Therapists: Ms. Lori Nickel Ms. Mandy Los Athletic Therapist/Massage Therapist: Mr. Byron Bahniuk Office Assistants: Ms. Barb Hirose Ms. Shannon Ott

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Bachelor of Physical Education – June 2011

Samantha Kandera McDougall (with Distinction) - Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Medal (in Physical Education)

Beauchamp, Alain Norbert Joseph + Kampen, Aleah Jane Beaudin, Colin Wayne Joseph + Kojima, Nicolas Tadashi + Clarkson, Amy Orleane Kolba, Brett Kyle Fraser Colwell, Kylee Jae Neufeld, Blaine Thomas Delisle-Boughen, Thomas Brett Ollson, Chris Daniel Devries, Caleb Peter Ollson, Nicole Theresa Maureen Diboll, Zachary Norman Lloyd Reimer, Steffan Marc Daniel Drews, Kaytlin Joanne Rogers, Jake Emerson Foley, Bryan Keith  Simpson, Jessica Dawn Friesen, Heather Rae Smoke, Scott Matthew Friesen, John Christian Snelling, Carrie Kathryn Gamey, Parker Jay Toews, Amy Nicole Penner Geekie, Erin Noelle Wolfe, Colin Barry Groves, Garret Thomas

* as at February 2011 + as at October 2010 University College

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Bachelor of Kinesiology – June 2011

Hamilton, Peggy Ellen (with Distinction) – University Gold Medal

Ali, Jonathan Rasheed + Kent, David Edgar (with Distinction) Anseeuw, Chelsey Kristen* Kingston, Evan James* Arnott, Stephanie Amber Marie LaForrest, Jayme Allison (with Distinction) Berg, Caolan Daniel Walter Leung, Joeanna Botsford, Jordan Mark Lindenberg, Christine Anne Bugera, Eric Michael Lynn, Jessica Rheanne Champagne, Loressa Sue Priscilla Marie Maco, Glenney Lynn Chow, Ka-Ki Simon McCasin, Kelly Andrew Chu, Tracy Melissa (with Distinction) McNabb, Alexander David Cook, Taralyn Rae (with Distinction) Mikulik, Justin Michael* Cure, Cassandra Meghan Janelle Mirus, Mary Madeline Dalebozik, Candace Dawn Mullavey, Corlana Jenae Degryse, Aaron Christopher Nesbitt, Daniel Thomas Leonard + Dickieson, Lea Marie (with Distinction) O’Neill, Melanie Elaine Marie (with Distinction) Dumontet, Jacquelyn Nicole* Patenaude, Natalie Michelle Edwards, Sean Matthew Persoage, Keatelyn Anne Funk, Kacey Christina Lois Peters, Suzanne Julian Garcia, Eric Thomas (with Distinction) Pierrard, Louise Lillian Eleanor Garcia, Maria Theresa Cruz Prevost, Lindsie Lavina Gavrailoff, Lauren Paige Louise (with Distinction) Reimer, Janette Karilynn Geyson, Kevin Alan Robertson, Joseph Kieth Gillcash, Camille Marie Robson, David John + Gysel, Alyson Felicia Rousseau, Lauren Sara Harbinson, Patrick* Rumbaua, Gretchen Gayle Higginson, Liam Richard Smith, Melissa Morgan Horton, Tahnee Shannon (with Distinctinon) + Sposito, Matthew Mario Houston, Lyndsay Marie + Spryszak, Meredith Alexandra (with Distinction)  Hurtig, Elayna Wendy* Sweatman, Victoria Diane + Jack, Colin Ryan (with Distinction) Swift, Selina Dawn Jativa Alarcon, Esther Victoruk, Evan William Jestadt, Christine Amy Woods, Graeme Stuart Jorundson, Jonathan Daniel Woods, Sean Adam + Kehler, Dustin Scott +

+ as at October 2010 * as at February 2011  St. Paul’s College

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010-2011 Annual Report… page 71


Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development – June 2011

Mohammed, Ann Marguerite (with Distinction)* – Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Medal (in Recreation Management and Community Development)

Benson, Danielle Elizabeth Krulicki, Nathan Adam Bilous, Hailley Jolene Kruschel, Lindsey Nicole (with Distinction) Chan, Jocelyn Lap-Ying Mabon, Daniele Lynn Dawson, Jade Lisa Ramona McArton, Ian Harry* Doan, Melissa Anne McRae, Amanda Leigh Feng, Pierre Jing-Guo + Meade, Laura Brittany (with Distinction) Fouasse, Joline Yvonne Ramole, Jamaal Sekoe Asante + Grivicic, Marijana Christen + Siemens, Ian Scott Hamblin, Marina Joy Sinclair, Charlene (with Distinction) Hebert, Brianne Marie* Slijker, Samara Joelle James, Andrew Irwin Sowemimo, Olumayowa Herbert Klimczak, Kevin Richard

+ as at October 1, 2010 * as at February 1, 2011 University College  St. Paul’s College

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010-2011 Annual Report… page 72


Master of Arts (in Recreation Studies)

Name Thesis Advisor Robin, Christian + The Influence of Children on Vacation MacKay, K.J. Attraction Choice Sirant, Michael Paul + Hockey and Coach Education: Perspectives of Mactavish, J.B. Aboriginal Coaches from Manitoba’s Interlake Region

+ as at October 1, 2010 * as at February 1, 2011

Master of Science (in Kinesiology) – May 2011

Name Thesis Advisor Hammond, Thomas Gordon + The Effects of a Motivational General-Mastery Hrycaiko, D.W. Imagery Intervention on the Imagery Ability Gregg, M.J. (Co- and Self-Efficacy of Inter-Collegiate Golfers Advisor) Hnatiuk, Jill Amber + Physical Activity Supports Provided by Health Ready, A.E. Care Providers to Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Hurrie, Daryl Michael George+ Reliability and Validity of Body Fat Porter, M.M. Determinants in Elite Female Athletes and the Implications for Practitioners Macdonald, Steven Alan Roneil* Tensions in Mentoring: A Qualitative Analysis Heine, M./ of the Experiences of the Coach Mentoring Hrycaiko, D. (Co- Program Instituted by Hockey Manitoba Advisor) Sinha, Juhi Reliability in Measuring the Range of Motion Porter, M.M. of the Aging Cervical Spine Woodrow, Lindsey Elin + The Effect of Short-Term Endurance Training Gardiner, P. on 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C Receptor mRNA Levels in Rat Lumbar Motoneurons

+ as at October 1, 2010 * as at February 1, 2011

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010-2011 Annual Report… page 73



President Melissa Smith Vice-President, Physical Education Bryan Foley Vice-President, Kinesiology Alyson Gysel Vice-President, Athletic Therapy John Daman Vice-President, Recreation Management & Community Development Shawn Ward Secretary Isaura Clark Treasurer Karen Borbridge Professional Development Committee Chair Alyssa Hammerling Public Relations Committee Chair Adrian Theroux Recreation and Leisure Committee Chair Evan Victoruk Social Committee Chair Matt Gessell Graduation Committee Chair Janette Reimer UMSU Senate Representative Nick Shamanski B.R.M.C.D. Representative: Kendra Turl B.Kin. Representatives: Anthony Ferreira Delvinder Kaur Carlin Ritchie

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010-2011 Annual Report… page 74


Student Referendum

In February 2011 the students in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management held a referendum and responded with strong support for the Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management's Endowment Fund. Students voted to contribute $75.00 per student per year for 30 credit hours for a one-year term. Thank you to the students of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management for their continued support of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Endowment Fund!

Endowment Fund Allocations for 2010-2011

Program Item Amount Total Libraries Sport Discus &Event Management subscription $2,000.00 $2,000.00

Undergraduate Students/SAHPER Professional Development $6,000.00 Kin Games, Grad and lounge upgrades $2,000.00 $8,000.00

Graduate Students Professional Development $400.00 $400.00

Undergraduate Programs E-Prime Software Program $2,000.00 Anatomy models $8,000.00 $10,000.00

Bison Sport Camera $1,000.00 $1,000.00

HLHP Research Institute Research Group bulletin boards in Max Bell $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Active Living Straff training/Retreat $1,600.00 $1,600.00

Total: $24,000.00

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management 2010-2011 Annual Report… page 77




Bédard, M., Weaver, B., Man-Son-Hing, M., Classen, S., and Porter, M.M. The SIMARD screening tool to identify unfit drivers: Are we there NOW? Letter to the Editor, Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. (In press).

Bhambhani, Y., Mactavish, J., Warren, S., Thompson, W., Webborn, A., Bressan, E., De Mello, M., Tweedy, S., Malone, L., Frojd, K., Van de Vliet, P., and Vanlandewijck, Y. (2010). Boosting in athletes with high-level spinal cord injury: Knowledge, incidence and attitudes of athletes in Paralympic sport. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(26), 2172-2190.

Bruner, M.W., Strachan, L., and Côté, J. Developmental transitions in sport. In R. Bailey (Ed.), Coaching Children in Sport. (In press).

Cahill, F., Pretorius, T., Kalmar, J., Gardiner, P., and Giesbrecht, G. (2011). Whole body hypothermia has central and peripheral influences on elbow flexor performance. Exp. Physiol. 96, 528-538.

Campbell, J.M., MacKay, K.J. and Dranzoa, C. (2011). Enhancing rural livelihoods through tourism education and strategic partnerships: A Uganda case study. Tourism Analysis,16, (1) 5-17.

Carpenter, A. and Halas, J. (2011). Rec and Read Mentor Programs: Building on the strengths, energy and talents of Aboriginal youth. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 20(1), 20-24.

Chopek, J. and Gardiner, P. (2010). Life-long caloric restriction: Effect on age-related changes in motoneuron numbers, sizes and apoptotic markers. Mech. Ageing Dev., 131, 650-659.

Ferevik, H., Reinertsen, R.E. and Giesbrecht, G.G. (2010). Influence of intermittent exercise on cooling prevention in cold-water immersion suits. Aviat Space Environ Med, 81, 993-1001.

Field, R. (2011). To remember is to resist: An introduction. In Russell Field and Bruce Kidd, (Eds.), To Remember is to Resist: 40 Years of Sport and Social Change, 1968-2008. New York and London: Routledge.

Field, R. (2011). , Canada. In John Nauright,( Ed.), Sports Around the World: History, Culture, and Practice. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO). (In press).

Field, R. (2010). Who invited you? Party crashers or unwelcome guests: The legacy of social protest at the . In R.K. Barney, J. Forsythe, and M. Heine, (Eds.). Rethinking matters Olympic: Investigations into the Socio-cultural study of the modern Olympic movement. London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies, 192-202.

Field, R. Expressions of cultural identity within a dominant culture: The twentieth-century sporting experiences of immigrant Canadians. In Simon Darnell, Janelle Joseph, and Yuka Nakamura, (Eds.), “Race,” Ethnicity and Sport in Canada: From Racism to Multiculturalism and Back. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press. (In press).

Publications…page 1

Field, R. Stoic observers or fanatic fans? Women ice hockey spectators in 1930s North America. In Kim Toffoletti and Peter Mewett, (Eds.), Game Women: Sport and its Female Fans. New York and London: Routledge. (In press).

Field, R. Commonwealth Games, Canada. In John Nauright (Ed.), Sports Around the World: History, Culture, and Practice. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio. (In press).

Field, R. and Kidd, B. (Eds.). (2011). To remember is to resist: 40 years of sport and social change, 1968- 2008. New York and London: Routledge.

Field, R. and Kidd, B. (Eds.). (2010). To remember is to resist: 40 years of sport and social change, 1968- 2008. Sport in Society, 13(1).

Gardiner, P. and Edgerton, V. The sensorimotor system. In History of Exercise Physiology, Ed. By C. Tipton, Human Kinetics, Pub., Champaign, IL (In press).

Gardiner, P. (2011). Advanced neuromuscular exercise physiology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Pub.

Giesbrecht, G.G. and McDonald, G.K. (2010). Exit strategies and safety concerns for machinery occupants following ice failure and submersion. Aviat Space Environ Med., 83, 52-57.

Giesbrecht, G.G. and Steinman, A.M. Immersion in cold water. In ed. P.S. Auerbach, Wilderness Medicine Management of Wilderness and Environmental Emergencies (6th edition), Mosby, St.Louis. (In press).

Gonzalez, D.A., Studenka, B.E., Glazebrook, C.M. and Lyons, J.L. (2011). Extending end-state comfort effect: Do we consider the beginning state comfort of another? Acta Psychologica, 136(3), 347- 353.

Green, H.J., Duhamel, T.A., Smith, I.C., Rich, S.M., Thomas, M.M., Ouyang, J., and Yau, J.E. (2011). Muscle metabolic, enzymatic and transporter responses to a session of prolonged cycling. Eur J Appl Physiol., 111(5), 827-37.

Halas, J. (2011). Aboriginal youth and their experiences in physical education: “This is what you’ve taught me”. PHENex Journal, 3(2), 1-22.

Hnatiuk, J.A., Duhamel, T.A., Katz, A., and Ready, A.E. (2010). Physical activity supports in team-based primary care clinics as reported by health care providers and perceived by patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 35, S1.

Hurrie, D.M.G. and Porter, M.M. Validity of body fat determination in elite female athletes: Developing a new DXA based equation. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36, S608

Kah, J.A., Vogt, C. and MacKay, K. (2011). Placed-based information technology use on vacations. Tourism Geographies, 13(2), 209-233.

Publications…page 2

Ogborn, D. and Gardiner, P. (2010). Effects of exercise and muscle-type on BDNF, NT-4/5 and TrkB expression in skeletal muscle. Muscle & Nerve, 41, 385-391.

Porter, M.M. (2011). The validity of selected elements from the Roadwise Review CD-ROM. Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia.

Porter, M.M. and Webber, S.C. Mobility and health. Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. (In press).

Porter, M.M. and Tuokko, H.A. An evaluation of the Roadwise Review: A mixed methods approach. Traffic Injury Prevention. (In press).

Pretorius, T., Gagnon, D.D. and Giesbrecht, G.G. (2010). Core cooling and thermal responses during whole head, face and dorsum immersion in 17°c water. Appl Physiol Nut Met., 35, 627-634.

Strachan, L. (2011). Enhancing coach-parent relationships in youth sports: Increasing harmony and minimizing hassle - A commentary. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, 6(1), 47- 48.

Strachan, L., Côté, J., and Deakin, J. (2011). A new view: Exploring positive youth development in elite sport contexts. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 3(1), 9-32.

Strachan, L., Côté, J., and Deakin, J. Coaches’ perceptions of promoting positive youth development in elite sport contexts. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise. (In press).

Teetzel, S. (2011). Rules and reform: Eligibility, gender differences, and the . Sport in Society, 14, 3, 386-398.

Teetzel, S. (2010). Minimum and maximum age limits. In Rethinking Matters Olympic: Investigations into the Socio-Culturaal Study of the Modern Olympic Movement. Robert K. Barney, Janice Forsyth and Michael K. Heine (eds.). London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies, 340-347.

Teetzel, S. Review of Bigger Stronger Faster (2008). Written by Chris Bell, Alexander Buono and Tamsin Rawady. Directed by Chris Bell. Magnolia Pictures. Distributed by Videoville Showtime. 106 minutes. Journal of Sport History, 2 pages (In press).

Teetzel, S. Steroid use. In The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, Mary Zeiss Strange and Carol K. Oyster (eds.). Sage Reference. (In press).

Teetzel, S. Swimming. In The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, Mary Zeiss Strange and Carol K. Oyster (eds.). Sage Reference. (In press).

Teetzel, S. Steroid scandal. In Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, John Nauright (ed.). ABC-CLIO. (In press).

Teetzel, S. Triathlon. In Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, John Nauright (ed.). ABC- CLIO. (In press).

Publications…page 3

Van Biesen, D., Mactavish, J., Vanlandewijck, Y., and Van de Vliet, P. (2010).The ability of elite table tennis players with intellectual disabilities to adapt their service/return to specific spin characteristics of the ball. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 27, 242-257.

Van Winkle, C.M. Special event management. In R. McCarville & K. MacKay (Eds.), Leisure for Canadians. (pp. TBD). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. (In press).

Van Winkle, C.M. and Backman, K. (2011). Designing interpretive audio tours to enhance meaningful learning transfer at a historic site. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6 (1), 29-44.

Verret, C., Gardiner, P. and Beliveau, L. (2010). Fitness level and gross motor performance of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Adapt. Phys. Activ. Q., 27, 337-351.

Verret, C., Guay, M., Berthiaume, C., Gardiner, P. and Beliveau, L. (2010 Sept 13). A physical activity program improves behaviour and cognitive functions in children with ADHD: An exploratory study. J. Atten. Disord. [Epub ahead of print].

Webber, S.C. and Porter, M.M. (2010). Reliability of ankle isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic strength and power testing in older women. Physical Therapy, 90(8), 1165-1175.

Webber, S.C., Porter, M.M. and Menec, V.H. (2010). Mobility in older adults: A comprehensive framework. The Gerontologist, 50(4), 443-450.

Webber, S.C. and Porter, M.M. (2010). Effects of ankle power training on movement time in mobility- impaired older women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(7), 1233-1240.


Teetzel, S. (2011). Pass or answer. In University Teaching Services Path to Pedagogy, 19 (3), 20


Alexander, M., Hayward, J. and Taylor,C. Arm action in hockey skating - is it being taught incorrectly? Web Based Publication, Fall 2010 http://www.coachesinfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10242:armmov ementinhockeyskating&catid=133:coaching-articles-other-sports&Itemid=243

Alexander, M., Hill, D., Li, Y. and Hayward, J. The bicycle slide in water polo, a description. Web Based Publication, Fall 2010. http://www.coachesinfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10244:bicyclesl ide&catid=70:waterpologeneralarticles&Itemid=131

Alexander, M., Hayward, J. and Honish, A. Biomechanics of the water polo shot in water polo. Web Based Publication, Revised October 2010. Coaches Information.com http://www.coachesinfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=235:waterpolo wpshot&catid=70:waterpologeneralarticles&Itemid=131

Publications…page 4

Alexander, M. and Taylor, C. The technique of the egg beater kick in water polo. Web Based Publication, In revision Spring 2010. Coaches Information.com http://www.coachesinfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=231:waterpolo eggkick&catid=70:waterpologeneralarticles&Itemid=131

Field, Russell. (2011). The ties that bind: Ted Rogers, Larry Tanenbaum, and the Toronto sport elite, Working Paper No. 2, Centre for Sport Policy Studies, University of Toronto. http://www.physical.utoronto.ca/Centre_for_Sport_Policy_Studies/Projects_and_Publications/ Working_Papers.aspx

Teetzel, S. (June 2011). Conference report: Sport and the environment: Philosophical dimensions. H-Net Conference Reports and H-Sport.

Publications…page 5



Bentley, K. Did several different interviews with radio, TV and newspapers while attending the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences.

Bérubé, C. Did several different interviews with radio, TV and newspapers upon requests through Bison Sports office or while attending some of the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences. (All local TV outlets including Radio Canada, Winnipeg Sun, Winnipeg Free Press, La Liberté, UMFM Radio Sports Show, etc.)

Cerny, V. Did several different interviews with radio, TV and newspapers while attending the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences.

Danis, P. Did several different interviews with radio, TV and newspaper upon requests through the Bison Sports Office or while attending some of the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences (all local TV outlets including Radio Canada, Winnipeg Sun, Winnipeg Free Press, UMFM Radio Sports Show).

Dobie, B. Did a great number of print interviews (Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Sun, Toronto Globe and Mail, Vancouver Province, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix); radio show and interviews: CJOB, CBC Radio; TV interviews/shows (Shaw-Sports Talk, City TV – Breakfast Television, etc.); University of Manitoba Media (Campus Radio, The Manitoban); weekly Bison Sports Press Conferences.

Duhamel, T.A.CTV News National. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Health/20101117/energy- drinks-101117/ CTV National News: Jill Macyshon on the ban. High energy drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine are raising concerns in Canada and the U.S. The amount of caffeine in the drink has prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban the drinks. November 17, 2010.

Duhamel, T.A. Seeing red over some Bull: Did energy drink flout Health Canada Rules? Winnipeg Free Press, August 9, 2010. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/life/seeing-red-over-some- bull-100245714.html

Gardiner, P. Why warming up is important and how it prepares your body for activity. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Expert Alert, Let It Snow! CIHR experts offer tips for enjoying . Media release, Ottawa, Ontario, December 9, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Stranded B.C. woman wrote desperate notes (Inset: Survival Mode). CBC News – The National, May 9, 2011. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/05/09/bc- search-nevada-chretiens.html

Giesbrecht, G.G. “Prof offers lesson on flood danger”, Winnipeg Free Press, Tammy Karatchuk, p. A6, April 19, 2011.

Media Reports/Interviews…page 1

Giesbrecht, G.G. Death prompts expert to give lesson on flood safety. Interview on Global News Winnipeg, April 18, 2011. http://www.globalwinnipeg.com/Death+prompts+expert+give+lesson+flood+safety/46 35445/story.html

Giesbrecht, G.G. Interviews regarding demonstration of flood water and vehicle safety. CTV Television News (Winnipeg), CBC Television News (Winnipeg), Global Television News (Winnipeg), Discovery Channel, Daily Planet, Manitoba Cooperator (author Allan Dawson) online posting and hard copy. April 18, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Interviews regarding vehicle deaths on flood roads. Winnipeg Sun “Shock and Sorrow”, Tamara King, p. 4, April 12, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Interviews regarding vehicle deaths on flood roads. Winnipeg Free Press, “Preventing a tragedy from happening, p. A3, April 12, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Interviews regarding vehicle deaths on flooded roads. CBC Radio Winnipeg, Global Television News (Winnipeg), CTV Television News (Winnipeg), April 11, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Research on drowning. Interview with Meghan Ketchison, CBC Radio Winnipeg, February 1, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold stress during winter. Interview with Karen Black, The Drive, CBC Radio Winnipeg, January 18, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Live interview for “Beating the Winter Blahs Part 1 - How to fight the cold and debunking cold myths. Canada AM, CTV National Television, January 17, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Yes you can go out without a toque; heat loss through head flawed, study says. Toronto Star, P. A4, Elizabeth Haggary, January 7, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Featured in “Searchers take another approach; use pig carcass to try to find child’s body”, by Sandy Klowak, Winnipeg Free Press, A3, January 6, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Featured in “Pig cadaver ‘joins’ search”, by Jillian Austin, Winnipeg Sun, p. 4, January 6, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Quoted in “Pig carcass experiment in river search unsuccessful”. Global Winnipeg, January 6, 2011. http://www.globalwinnipeg.com/story.html?id=4064286

Giesbrecht, G.G. Professor Popsicle kills the old wives’ tale that once our blood thickens we won’t feel the big chill. National Post, Joe O’Connor, p. A3, January 4, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Quoted in “Chillers’ take polar plunge to stop cancer cold.” By Carolyn Thompson, The Ottawa Citizen, B12, January 2, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Vehicle breakdown in cold weather. The Road Show, CJOB Winnipeg, December 4, 2010.

Media Reports/Interviews…page 2

Giesbrecht, G.G. Featured in Daily Planet: The Ultimate Book of Everyday Science, Penguin Group Canada, by Jay Ingram, Discovery Channel Canada. Fall 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Surviving vehicle submersion. Commercial series for 60-second Driver, CTV, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Fall 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Quoted regarding cold weather safety and frostbite in Telemark Skier magazine, Fall 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Vehicle submersion. Featured guest on the Rick Mercer Report, CTV, September 28, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Coverage of vehicle submersions demonstrations. Evening news reports on CBC Winnipeg, CTV Winnipeg, Global TV Winnipeg, Shaw TV, July 13, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Vehicle submersion. Guest on The Road Show, CJOB Winnipeg, July 17, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Video recording for educational video productions regarding Safety and Vehical submersion. July 13, 2010.

Pierre, S. Numerous, including several interviews, and guest spots on sports talk shows on TV and radio (e.g., Sports Talk on Shaw, Breakfast TV - A Channel, Sunday night sports show, The Ace Burpee show).

Pierre, S, Interview on Sports Talk, Shaw Cable TV, July 2010.

Pischke, G. Did numerous interviews with radio, TV and newspapers while attending the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences.

Porter, M.M. “Miss Daisy Candrive” by Janine Harasymchuk, Research Life (cover story), University of Manitoba, Winter 2011.

Ready, A.E. Canada’s new Physical Activity Guidelines. Global TV interview, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 2011.

Ready, A.E. Health report: A $4.7 billion wake-up call. Interview for the Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 15, 2010. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/economy-of-scale-102937224.html

Ready, A.E. Economic analysis of risk factors in Manitoba: A case for primary prevention. Key findings. Presentation at media conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 14, 2010.

Ready, A.E. Economic analysis of risk factors in Manitoba: A case for primary prevention. CBC1 Radio interview, CTV and Global TV interviews, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 14, 2010.

Rempel, J. Did several different interviews with radio, TV and newspapers throughout the season while attending the Bison Sports weekly Press Conferences.

Media Reports/Interviews…page 3

Schepp, K. Interviews inTthe Manitoban. July 14, 2010, October 5, 2010.

Schepp, K. Interviews in print on several occasions over the past year (Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Sun).

Schepp, K. Interviews on the radio. CJOB, Campus Radio. Several occasions over the past year.

Schepp, K. Interviews at Bison Sports Media Conferences. Several occasions over the past year.

Sirant, M. Several interviews broadcast on CTV, Global T, and CBC television, and CJOB and U of M Radio. Also several articles printed in the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Sun newspapers.

Strachan, L. Press Release (short speech on behalf of the Faculty). Government of Manitoba Health E-Plan Web Launch, Wellness Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 21, 2011.

Strachan, L. Youth Soccer Association on the Right Track. Article in the Winnipeg Free Press, The Learning Curve, February 19, 2011.

Strachan, L. Interview. Soccer Set to be a Score Loser. The Winnipeg Free Press, February 9, 2011.

Strachan, L. Radio interview. ANANSI School for the Performing Arts. CBC Radio 1, the 204 with Ismaila Alfa, December 11, 2010.

Strachan, L. Radio interview. Mini-University photo study. CBC Radio 1, Up to Speed with Keran Saunders, August 2010.

Strachan, L. Radio interview. Research at Mini-University. Research Reports, CJOB, July 18, 2010.

Teetzel, S. The Casket, Vol. 159, No. 49. [Antigonish, NS local newspaper] Interviewed in the article “Sports Philosophers Gather” by Richard MacKenzie. Page 3A. Available: http://www.thecasket.ca/sports/sports-philosophers-gather/. June 29, 2011.

Teetzel, S. Quoted in the article “Coaches’ call to throw game ‘poor decision’” by Sarah Boesveld, National Post. Available: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/Coaches+call+throw+game+poor+decision /4393490/story.html. March 7, 2011.

Teetzel, S. Who’s doping and why in Canadian varsity sports. The Rob Breakenridge Show, Corus Entertainment Radio, AM 770 CHQR, Calgary, August 9, 2010.

Media Reports/Interviews…page 4




Campbell, J.M. Public attitudes to tourism and recreation based hunting: Implications for operators and DMOs. Keynote Speaker. Mission Impossible: Sustainable Hunting Tourism Conference, Roveniemi, , November 17-18, 2010.

Campbell, J.M., Fehres, P., and Jacobs, M. Changing behaviour in cottage country: Understanding cottagers’ intentions. Pathways to success: Integrating human dimensions into fisheries and wildlife management. Estes Park Colorado, September 27- October 1, 2010.

Campbell, J.M., Hedman, D., Hristienko, H., and Spence, M. Bear management strategies in Manitoba panel discussion. Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba, Norwood Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 21, 2011.

Chen, Y.J., Menec, V., and Ready, A.E. Relationship of objectively measured and perceived environmental factors to walking behaviour of community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults. Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Annual Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, August 2010.

Chopek, J.W., MacDonell, C.W., Power, K.E., Gardiner, K. and Gardiner, P.F. Comparison of rat extensor and flexor motoneurons to quipazine, a serotonergic agonist. Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2010.

Chopek, J.W., MacDonell, C.W., Power, K.E., Gardiner, K. and Gardiner, P.F. Differences in the excitation of rat hindlimb extensor and flexor motoneurons to quipazine- a serotonergic agonist. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Toronto, Ontario, November 3-6, 2010.

Courchene, M., Denysiuk, S., Fontaine, L., Halas, J. and Johnson, A. Celebrating strengths: Aboriginal youth and their stories of success in schools. Presentation at the Aboriginal Education Research Forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 28, 2011.

Duhamel, T.A. The relationship between physical activity and mental health: Capitalizing on it for cardiac patients. Reh-Fit Centre, Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 19, 2011.

Duhamel, T.A. Exercise: A potent medical intervention to improve heart health. Conversations in motion: Knowledge Mobilization Workshop, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 3, 2011.

Duhamel, T.A. Preventing the cardiovascular complications of diabetes using exercise. University of Western Ontario webinar series. November 24, 2010.

Field, R. To save a park: Environmentalism, public protest, and the failed Calgary/Banff bid for the 1972 Winter Olympics. North American Society for Sport History Conference, Austin,

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 1

Texas, May 2011.

Field, R. Donning ‘National’ jerseys: Nations without states at the VIVA World Cup. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, San Diego, California, November 2010.

Field, R. Who invited you? Party crashers or unwelcome guests: The legacy of social protest at the 2010 Winter Olympics. Tenth International Symposium for Olympic Research, University of Western Ontario, October 2010.

Gardiner, P.F. Adaptations of motoneurons to altered activity levels. Manitoba Neuroscience Network Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 13, 2011.

Gardiner, P.F. Exercise neuroscience: Speed bumps on the autobahn. Invited President’s Tutorial Keynote Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Toronto, Ontario, November 3-5, 2010.

Glazebrook, C.M., Wong, L., Safir, A., Welsh, T.N., and Tremblay, L. You hear faster than you see, but you can’t hear as accurately as you see. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). Burlington, Vermont, June 9-11, 2011.

Halas, J. and Kentel, J. What is culturally relevant physical education? An inter-active journey. International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education AIESEP International Conference, Ireland, June 25, 2011.

Halas, J. PHETE Sharing Circle: A roundtable response to emerging pedagogical issues and ideas in physical and health education. Roundtable presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 30, 2010.

Halas, J. What Aboriginal youth have taught me about culturally relevant physical education. Presentation at the Aboriginal Education Research Forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 28, 2011.

Hnatiuk, J.A., Duhamel, T.A., Katz, A., and Ready, A.E. Physical activity supports in team-based primary care clinics as reported by health care providers and perceived by patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, November 2010.

Lau, C., Spencer-Cavaliere, N. and Watkinson, E.J. The play space experiences of children with disabilities. 39th National Adapted Physical Education Conference, North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, November 5, 2010.

MacKay, K. and Vogt, C. Information technology and vacation planning, behavior, and satisfaction: A longitudinal panel study. Travel & Tourism Research Association International, London, Ontario, June 21, 2011.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 2

McCance, E., Baydack, R., Walker, D.J., Riewe, R., and Campbell, J.M. Understanding urban whitetail deer movement in a Canadian metropolitan centre. 17th Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Snowbird, Utah, October 2-6, 2010.

Porter, M.M. Mobility in older adults: Technology and training. Seminar at Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Auckland University, Auckland, New Zealand, May 6, 2011.

Porter, M.M. Driving data: An overview of the Candrive and Ozcandrive projects. Opus, in Wellington, New Zealand, May 2, 2011.

Porter, M.M. Using technology to study older drivers: A kinesiologist's perspective. Seminar at Monash University Accident Research Centre, Melbourne, April 28, 2011.

Porter, M.M. Driving data: An overview of the Candrive and Ozcandrive projects. Presented at an Ozcandrive meeting at the Monash University Accident Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, April 20, 2011.

Porter, M.M. The Candrive project: The challenges of using in-vehicle monitoring devices to record the driving patterns of hundreds of older drivers over several years. Transportation Seminar, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, January 31, 2011.

Porter, M.M. How a kinesiologist has been studying older drivers. Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, January 28, 2011.

Power, K.E., MacDonell, C.W., Chopek, J.W., Gardiner, K. and Gardiner P.F. (2010). Enhanced motoneurone excitability during locomotion: Insights from animal experimentation. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Toronto, Ontario, November, 3-6, 2010.

Spencer-Cavaliere, N., Perrs, D., and Watkinson, E.J. What's the difference? Wheelchair basketball, reverse integration and the question(ing) of disability. 39th National Adapted Physical Education Conference, North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, November 5, 2010.

Strachan, L. Examining children’s experiences in summer sport camps using photo elicitation. Presented at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity conference, Burlington, Vermont, June 11, 2011.

Strachan, L. Developmental differences in youth soccer players’ use of imagery. Presented at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, October 29, 2010.

Strachan, L. Promoting positive youth development in elite sport contexts using photo elicitation: Preliminary findings. Presented at the Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, October 28, 2010.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 3

Teetzel, S. The uses and abuses of animals in sport. Presented at Sport and the Environment: Philosophical Dimensions, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, June 22- 25, 2011.

Teetzel, S. Minimum and maximum age limits for competing at the Olympic Games. Presented at the 10th International Symposium for Olympic research, The University of Western Ontario, Ontario, October 28-30, 2010.

Teetzel, S. Breaking sport rules that ought to be broken. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport, Rome, , September 15-19, 2010.

Teetzel, S. and Weaving, C. Explorations of a doping culture in Canadian university athletics. Presented at Body Enhancements and (il)legal Drugs in Sport and Exercise – Human and Social Perspectives, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, November, 10- 12, 2010.

Van Winkle, C. M. and Comer, A. Festivals and information technology: Stages in diffusion of innovation. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, May 19, 2011.

Woodrow, L.E., Sheppard, P., Gardiner, K. and Gardiner, P.F. (2010). Exercise alters motoneuron mRNA levels: Potential mechanisms for enhanced excitability. Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Woosnam, K.M., Walker, J.R., and Van Winkle, C. Utilizing the Festival Social Impact Attitude Scale (FSIAS) to assess residents’ perspectives of a rural Texas cultural festival. Paper presented at the 2011 National Extension Tourism (NET) Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, March 10, 2011.


Alexander, M.J.L. Presented Intro to Competition NCCP Theory Courses to coaches during the past year (2010).

Alexander, M.J.L., Hayward, J., Smith, G. Analysis of eggbeater kick during three positions of a weighted vest. Presentation to coaches September 2010.

Alexander, M.J.L. and Hayward, J. Analysis of the water polo shot using a weighted and a non weighted ball. Presentation to coaches, September 2010.

Chhin, S., Schulski, S., and Halas, J. Rec & Read Mentor Programs: Engaging youth leaders in an after school physical activity program for children. Manitoba Physical Education Teachers’ Association, Special Area Groups (SAG) Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 22, 2010.

Danis, P. Guest presenter at Basketball Manitoba Coach Clinic, October 2010.

Elliott, J. Athletic Therapy. Seine River S.D. Career Symposium, Lorette, Manitoba, April 27, 2011.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 4

Elliott, J. Athletic Therapy. Career Mentorship Program, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Various dates from January 2011 to June 2011.

Elliott, J. Athletic Therapy. Career Mentorship Program, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Various dates from January 2010 to December 2010.

Field, R. The politicization of the Olympics: Domestic change, geo-political independence, and international sport. Guest lecture in HIST 1260 New Directions in History: Inquiries into the Cultural Basis of the Modern World, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 26, 2010.

Gardiner, P. Acute and chronic plasticity of spinal neurons in response to altered activity. St. Boniface Research Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 15, 2011.

Gardiner, P.F. Participant at the CIHR Café Scientifique on “Use it or lose it: Mobility and aging. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2011.

Gardiner, P. Neural adaptations to exercise training. Invited presentation at the International Graduate Course in Exercise Physiology, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, October 25-29, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Goal setting: Lessons learned from 100 winter nights on Lake Winnipeg. Presentation to a community service group, hosted by MLA Myrna Drieger, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 27, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Vehicle submersion: The human problem. Navigator 2011: Annual meeting of the National Association of Emergency Dispatchers, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 20, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Hypothermia, prevention and treatment. Annual meeting of South East Regional Emergency Medical Services, Sitka, Alaska, April 15, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold stress physiology and pre-hospital care for human hypothermia. Canadian Forces Operational Aerospace Medicine Meeting and Flight Surgeon Update 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 25, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold water boot camp: Wear your lifejackets. For Transport Canada at the Mid-Canada Boat Show, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 4, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Baby it’s cold outside. Friendship Force of Winnipeg, Explore Manitoba Theatre, The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 18, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Get me outta here! Lifesaving conclusions from Operation ALIVE (Automobile Submersion: Lessons In Vehicle Escape), Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute, Research Seminar Series, HLHPRI, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 15, 2011.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 5

Giesbrecht, G.G. 25 years: Is the term Christian Scientist an oxymoron? Dinner with the Docs series by the Christian Medical and Dental Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 10, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Chair of WMS Guidelines for Treatment of Cold Injury. Wilderness Medical Society Winter Conference, Park City, Utah, February 7, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Panel discussion: Hypothermia. Wilderness Medical Society Winter Conference, Park City, Utah, February 7, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Winter clothing, dress for the cold. Wilderness Medical Society Winter Conference, Park City, Utah, February 7, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Hypothermia. Wilderness Medical Society Winter Conference, Park City, Utah, February 7, 2011.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold water safety course for SERE instructor (Survival, Evation Resistance and Escape) for CFFSAT, Canadian Military, Springer Lake, Manitoba, December 13- 14, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Lecture, content advisor and consultant for instructional DVD presentation for Beyond Cold Water Boot Camp Canada, November 16-18, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold water immersion. Lecture at Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, November 10, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Ice road safety. Blockbuster session at Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, November 9, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold water vehicle submersion. MidCanada Snow Conference for municipal and provincial road maintenance employees, November 2, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Treatment of hypothermia. InterAct Conference on EMS Care, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 23, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Importance of PFDs in preventing death from cold shock. Canadian Safe Boating Council Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec, September 25, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold water physiology, survival and recovery. All day seminar, Canadian Safe Boating Council Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec, September 24, 2010.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Taping for safety video on prevention and treatment of cold injuries. For Martin Lesperance of Safety-Speaker.com, August 30, 2010.

Glazebrook, C.M. Motor skills and autism spectrum disorders: Strategies for working with children with an autism spectrum disorder. Invited presentation to the Preschool Physiotherapy Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 4, 2011.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 6

Halas, J. and Moose, G. Rec and Read Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs: Building sustainable community-University relationships one game at a time. Native Studies Colloquia, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 1, 2010.

Halas, J. Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs. Invited presentation to the Mentoring Network, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 21, 2010.

Liljegren, U. Employee wellness session. All-Fab Building Components, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 30, 2011.

Liljegren, U. Employee wellness session. All-Fab Building Components, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 23, 2011.

Liljegren, U. Employee wellness session. All-Fab Building Components, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 10, 2011.

Liljegren, U. Employee wellness session. All-Fab Building Components, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 9, 2011.

Liljegren, U. Employee wellness session. All-Fab Building Components, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 10, 2011.

Liljegren, U. Employee Wellness session. Student Affairs, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 1, 2010.

Liljegren, U. Employee Wellness session. Middle Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 1, 2010.

MacKay, K. Guest lecture in REC 3200 Advanced Program Planning and Leadership, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 28, 2010.

Mactavish, J. Invited presentation. Faculty of Graduate Studies: What you need to know as you launch your career at the University of Manitoba. University Teaching Services, New Faculty Orientation Series, University of Manitoba. July 2010.

Pierre, S. Presented a Level 1 and Level 2 NCCP football clinic, Football Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2009-2010.

Porter, M.M. Canadian sedentary behaviour guidelines for children and youth. Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 18, 2011.

Porter, M.M. Panelist at the CIHR Café Scientifique on “Use it or lose it: Mobility and aging. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 21, 2011.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 7

Porter, M.M. Guest lecture in PERS 3350 Introduction to Research, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 25, 2010.

Porter, M.M. The triumphs and challenges of carrying out a longitudinal study of older drivers: The Candrive experience. Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute Research Seminar Series, Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 10, 2010.

Porter, M.M. How to analyze driving data with an accumulated distance that would take you to Mars. Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 27, 2010.

Porter, M.M. Physical Activity Guidelines Roundtable. Public Health Agency of Canada. Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 29, 2010.

Ready, A.E. Canada's new physical activity guidelines. in motion at the Library, Millenium Library, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 15, 2011.

Ready, A.E. Opening Remarks. Conversations in motion Series, Linking physical activity and positive mental health: Sharing the evidence. Millenium Library, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 3, 2011.

Ready, A.E. Regulating kinesiology in Manitoba. Kinesiologists Coalition of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 17, 2011.

Rempel, J. Ran several practices for bantam girls and pee wee boys. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2010- 2011.

Schepp, K. Coaching presentation/clinic. Manitoba Basketball Officials Association Annual General Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 22, 2011.

Schepp, K. Coaching presentation/clinic. John Taylor Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 8, 2011.

Schepp, K. Coaching presentation/clinic. Maples Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 29, 2010.

Schepp, K. Coaching presentation/clinic. St. James Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 9, 2010.

Schepp, K. Coaching presentation/clinic. Dakota Collegiate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 25, 2010.

Schepp, K. Presenter at Basketball Manitoba Super Clinic, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 23, 2010.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 8

Sirant, M. Guest Speaker at the Western Canada Bantam Hockey Championship, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 2011.

Sirant, M. Guest Speaker at the Seven Oaks School Division Coaches’ Appreciation Dinner, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2011.

Sirant, M. Hosted and presented at the Winnipeg AAA/AA Hockey Coaches Clinic, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 14, 2010.

Sirant, M. Presenter, Hockey Manitoba High Performance Coaching Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, August, 2010.

Strachan, L. The ABC’s of sport psychology. Guest Speaker, The Running Room, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 2, 2011.

Strachan, L. Psychosocial development through sport. Guest Lecture in PERS 1200 Physical Activity, Health, and Wellness, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba. April 2011.

Strachan, L. Using photo elicitation in research with children and youth in sport. Guest Speaker, Sport Psych Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. January 17, 2011.

Strachan, L. Positive youth development in sport. Guest Lecture, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba. January 14, 2011.

Teetzel, S. The uses and abuses of animals in sport. Human Rites/Animal Bodies Interdisiplinary Colloquium, Histories of the Body Research Group, University of Manitoba, March 3, 2011.

Teetzel, S. Privacy, doping, and applied ethics. Guest lecturer in EDUA 7840 Qualitative Research Methods in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, February 16, 2011.

Teetzel, S. Gender issues in physical activity and leisure. Presentation in PERS 3460 Sociology of Physical Activity and Leisure, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 29, 2010.

Workshops/Seminars/Presentations…page 9



Carpenter, A., Chhin, S., Streit, D., and Halas, J. (2010). Rec n' Read: The cultural relevance of the Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs in teacher education. Abstracts. PHE/nex online journal, (2), 2.

Chopek J.W., MacDonell, C.W., Power, K.E., Gardiner K, and Gardiner, P.F. (2010). Differences in the excitation of rat hindlimb extensor and flexor motoneurons to quipazine- a serotonergic agonist. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 38, S17.

Duhamel, T.A., Epp, R.A., Morissette, M., Kehler, D.S., Susser, S.E., and Long, Y.J. (2011). Exercise training prevents diastolic dysfunction and the pathological remodeling of sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins in the diabetic heart. 2nd Canada-Cuba International Heart Symposium Conference Proceedings. (In press).

Duhamel, T.A., Susser, S.E., Epp, R.E., Long, Y.I., Jassal, D.S. and Tappia, P.S. (2010). Physical activity attenuates the pathological remodelling of the Type 2 diabetic heart. Proceedings of the Canadian Institute for Health Research Young Investigator Forum.

Epp, R.A., Morissette, M., Kehler, D.S., Susser, S.E., Long, Y.J. and Duhamel, T.A. (2010). A cellular energy sensing protein, which is called adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), appears to regulate the functional characteristics of calcium-transport proteins in the heart. 1st Annual Undergraduate Life Sciences Conference Proceedings.

Epp, R.A., Morissette, M., Kehler, D.S., Susser, S.E., Long, Y.J. and Duhamel, T.A. (2010). The role of AMPK for regulating SERCA2a function in cardiac tissue. Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Conference Proceedings. (In press).

Glazebrook, C.M., Wong, L., Safir, A., Welsh, T.N., and Tramblay, L. You hear faster than you see, but you can’t hear as accurately as you see. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 33, S69-70.

Halas, J. and McRae, H. (2010). Critical autoethnography as a teaching tool in physical and health education teacher education. Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Abstracts. PHE/nex online journal, (2), 1.

Hnatiuk, J.A., Duhamel, T.A., Katz, A., and Ready, A.E. (2010). Physical activity supports provided by health care providers to patients with Type 2 diabetes. International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health Conference.

Kehler, D.S., Horne, D., Arora, R.C., Kaoukis, G., and Duhamel, T.A. (2010). Impact of physical activity on depression after cardiac surgery (IPAD-CS). Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Conference Proceedings. (In press).

MacKay, K. and Vogt, C. (2011). Information technology and vacation planning, behavior, and satisfaction: A longitudinal panel study. Proceedings of Travel & Tourism Research Association International, London, Ontario. ISBN 978-0-615-49436-4.

Refereed/Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings…page 1

Mactavish, J., Abernethy, B., Van Biesen, D., Gregg, M., and Thompson, W. (2010). The Impact of Intellectual Functioning in Olympic and Paralympic Sport. Advanced Abstracts of the 2011 ACSM Conference.

Paddock, N.R., Sheppard, P. and Gardiner, P.F. (2010). The effect of seven days of daily treadmill exercise on gene expression in large and small lumbar dorsal root ganglion neurons. 378.2. 2010 Neuroscience meeting planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online.

Power, K.E., MacDonell, C.W., Chopek, J.W., Gardiner, K., and Gardiner, P.F. (2010). Enhanced motoneurone excitability during locomotion: Insights from animal experimentation. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 38, S38.

Susser, S.E., Epp, R.A., Morissette, M., Kehler, D.S., Long, Y.J., Jassal, D.S. and Duhamel, T.A. (2010). Exercise therapy prevents the development of diabetes-induced diastotic heart failure. Exercise Physiologists of Western Canada Conference Proceedings. (In press).

Teetzel, S. (2011). The uses and abuses of animals in sport. Sport and the Environment: Philosophical Dimensions Abstracts, p. 23.

Teetzel, S. (2011). An argument for the fair use of animals in sport. In Sport and the Environment: Philosophical Dimensions Conference Proceedings. C. Weaving and G. Tymowski (eds.). Antigonish, NS: St. Francis Xavier University. 10 pages. ISBN: 978-55131-146-3. (In press).

Teetzel, S. (2010). Breaking sport rules that ought to be broken. In Foro Italico: International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 38th Annual Meeting Abstract Book, p. 103.

Teetzel, S. (2010). Canada’s Olympic basketball teams, 1952-1960: An analysis of amateurism, rule bending, and eligibility. In 2010 North American Society for Sport History 38th Annual Conference Proceedings, p. 79.

Teetzel, S. and Weaving, C. (2010). Explorations of a doping culture in Canadian university athletics. In Body Enhancements and (il)legal Drugs in Sport and Exercise – Human and Social Perspectives Abstracts, p.10.

Van Winkle, C. M. and Comer, A. (2011). Festivals and information technology: Stages in diffusion of innovation. 13th Annual Canadian Congress on Leisure Research Conference Proceedings, St. Catharine’s, Ontario.

Williams, K., Duhamel, T.A., and Khaper, N. (2011). Oxidative stress and inflammation in type 2 diabetes. Proceedings of the Northern Health Research Conference.

Woodrow, L.E., Sheppard, P., Gardiner, K. and Gardiner, P.F. (2010). Endurance exercise training alters spinal motoneuron mRNA levels: Potential mechanisms for enhanced excitability. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab, 38, S110.

Refereed/Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings…page 2

Woosnam, K.M., Walker, J.R., and Van Winkle, C. (2011). Utilizing the Festival Social Impact Attitude Scale (FSIAS) to assess residents’ perspectives of a rural Texas cultural festival. 2011 NET Annual Conference Proceedings, Charleston, South Carolina: National Extension Tourism.

Refereed/Non-Refereed Abstracts and Proceedings…page 3



Alexander, M.J.L., Hayward, J., and Li, Y. Analysis of swimming technique of members of the Manitoba Canada Winter Games team, December 2010.

Alexander, M.J.L., Hayward, J., and Smith, G. Analysis of eggbeater kick in three positions of a weighted vest. Instructional CD and analysis prepared for each athlete filmed and analyzed (6), September 2010.

Alexander, M.J.L. and Hayward, J. Analysis of the water polo shot using a weighted and a non weighted ball. Presentation to coaches, instructional CD and analysis prepared for each athlete filmed and analyzed (6), September 2010.

Alexander, M.J.L. Basketball free throw shooting analysis of elite Manitoba Basketball players (80). Instructional CD and analysis prepared for each athlete filmed as part of the ShotLoc study, May- July 2010.

Comer, A. and Van Winkle, C.M. (2010). Information technology use at festivals: Festival focus group summaries. Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute Report.

Ready, A.E. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, CancerCare, Health in Common, Alliance for Prevention of Chronic Disease. Economic analysis of risk factors in Manitoba: A case for primary prevention. September 2010. Co-Chair of Steering Committee.

Robillard, B., Carpenter, A. and Halas, J. (2011). Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program: Final Report 2010-2011. Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management.

Sterdan, M., Amell, M., Bemrose, S., Betteridge, D., Kwiecien, K., Lambert, R., Ouellette, G., Schmalenberg, J., Swanson, G., Teetzel, S., and Williams, M. (2011). “Stage 2: Engaging the Community.” Winnipeg Community Sport Policy. Winnipeg: City of Winnipeg, 10 pages.

Sterdan, M., Amell, M., Bemrose, S., Betteridge, D., Kwiecien, K., Lambert, R., Ouellette, G., Schmalenberg, J., Swanson, G., Teetzel, S., and Williams, M. (2011). “Stage 3: From a Common Goal, Through Community Consultation, to the Development of a Shared Policy.” Winnipeg Community Sport Policy. Winnipeg: City of Winnipeg, 55 pages.

Technical Reports…page 1



Alexander, M.J.L. Editorial Board Member. International Journal of Coaching Science.

Alexander, M.J.L. Reviewer. Journal of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy Canada.

Butcher, J. Grant Reviewer. Nuffield Social Science Programme (U.K.).

Campbell, J.M. Associate Editor. Leisure: Journal of the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies.

Campbell, J.M. Reviewer. Environments.

Campbell, J.M. Reviewer. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.

Campbell, J.M. Reviewer. Forest Policy and Economics.

Campbell, J.M. Reviewer. Journal of Ecotourism.

Campbell, J.M. Review Panelist. Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba (PPARFM) 2011 poster and paper awards.

Duhamel, T.A. Reviewer. Journal of Applied Physiology.

Duhamel, T.A. Reviewer. Experimental Physiology.

Duhamel, T.A. Reviewer. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Field, R. Film/Museum/Media Section Editor. Journal of Sport History.

Field, R. Grant Reviewer. Community of Research Excellence Development Opportunities (CREDO) Grant , University of Lethbridge.

Gardiner, P. Associate Editor. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology.

Gardiner, P. Associate Editor. Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology.

Gardiner, P. Associate Editor. Science et Sport.

Gardiner, P. Associate Editor. Science et Motricité.

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Journal of Applied Physiology.

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Experimental Neurology.

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Journal of Physiology

Editorial Boards & Review Panels…page 1

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (APNM).

Gardiner, P. Reviewer. Muscle & Nerve.

Gardiner, P. Grant Reviewer. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).

Gardiner, P. Grant Reviewer. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Giesbrecht, G.G. Editorial Board Member. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Reviewer. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Reviewer. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Reviewer. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.

Glazebrook, C. Reviewer. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association.

Halas, J. Editorial Board Member. PHE/nex online Journal.

Halas, J. Editorial Board Member. Physical and Health Education Journal.

Halas, J. Reviewer. PHE/nex online Journal.

Halas, J. Reviewer. Physical and Health Education Journal.

Halas, J. Grant Reviewer. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Halas, J. Grant Reviewer. Saskatchewan Establishment Grants.

Hrycaiko, D. Reviewer. Perceptual and Motor Skills Journal.

Hrycaiko, D. Reviewer. Sport Psychology in Action.

MacKay, K.J. Editorial Board Member. Journal of Travel Research.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Journal of Travel Research.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Tourism Management.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Tourism Geographies.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Annals of Tourism Research.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Event Management.

MacKay, K.J. Grant Reviewer. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs / University of Guelph Research Program.

Editorial Boards & Review Panels…page 2

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer of conference abstracts for the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research.

MacKay, K.J. Reviewer. Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Dissertation Award 2011.

Mactavish, J.B. Associate Editor. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.

Mactavish, J.B. Reviewer. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

Mactavish, J.B. Reviewer. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Mactavish, J.B. Reviewer. Journal of Tourism Management.

Porter, M.M. Associate Editor. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism.

Porter, M.M. Editorial Board Member. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Journal of Aging Research.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Experimental Gerontology.

Porter, M.M. Reviewer. Gerontechnology.

Porter, M.M. Member of Review Panel. Centre on Aging, Research Fellowship.

Porter, M.M. Grant Reviewer. University of Manitoba Research Grants Program.

Porter, M.M. Grant Reviewer. Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant.

Porter, M.M. Member of Review Panel. Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), Institute on Aging, Catalyst Grants (2011).

Porter, M.M. Review Panel Member. Foundation of Registered Nurses of Manitoba Inc. Scholarship and Award Selection Committee, Faculty of Graduate Studies (2011).

Strachan, L. Reviewer. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.

Strachan, L. Reviewer. The Sport Psychologist.

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Strachan, L. Reviewer. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise.

Strachan, L. Reviewer. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching.

Strachan, L. Reviewer. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.

Strachan, L. Reviewer. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Strachan, L. Grant Reviewer. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Teetzel, S. Reviewer. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy.

Teetzel, S. Reviewer. Leisure-Loisir.

Teetzel, S. Reviewer. Sport in Society.

Van Winkle, C. Associate Editor. Event Management.

Van Winkle, C. Reviewer. Event Management.

Van Winkle, C.M. Reviewer. Journal of Heritage Tourism.

Van Winkle, C.M. Reviewer. Canadian Congress on Leisure Research.

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Alexander, M. Analysis of technique of the Manitoba Winter Games Swimming Team. Swim Manitoba. Fall 2010. $1,200.00.

Alexander, M. Analysis of the bicycle slide in water polo. Manitoba Water Polo and Bushido Water Polo Club. Fall 2010. $1,200.00.

Alexander, M. Analysis of eggbeater technique in water polo using three types of weight vest during training. Manitoba Water Polo, Summer 2010. $1,000.00.

Alexander, M. Technique analysis of elite Manitoba water polo players. Bushido Water Polo Club, Spring/Summer 2010. $1,000.00.

Alexander, M. Effectiveness of the ShotLoc shooting device to determine if it will improve shooting technique in elite Manitoba Basketball Players. Hoop Innovations Inc. Spring/Summer 2010. $7,000.00.

Campbell, J.M., MacKay, K., Walker, D. and Shoesmith, M. Enhancing rural livelihoods in Uganda through sustainable community tourism. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 2006- 2012. $999,500.00.

Campbell, J.M. Enhancing bear smart behavior: Research and education. Sustainable Innovations Fund. 2006-2012. $69,600.00.

Dixon, I., Walley, K. and Duhamel, T. Integrated and mentored pulmonary and cardiovascular training (IMPACT) program. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategic Training Program in Health Research Grant. April 2009-March 2015. ($325,000/year) $1,950,000.00.

Duhamel, T. Insulin signaling proteins and their role in regulating sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-pump (SERCA) function in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). April 2009-March 2014. ($25,000/year). $125,000.00.00.

Duhamel, T. The role of physical activity to enhance myocardial calcium-transport for the prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. July 2010 to June 30, 2012. $100,000.00.

Duhamel, T. Exercise biology and cardiovascular health laboratory. Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC). July 2010 to June 30, 2013. $100,000.00.

Duhamel, T. Does AMPK signaling regulate the pathological remodeling of sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins in diabetic muscle? Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). March 2010 to February 2014. $391,224.00.

Duhamel, T. AMPK regulation of SERCA. University Research Grants Program (URGP), University of Manitoba. January 1, 2010-December 30, 2010. $7,500.00.

Eby, D., Molnar, L.J., Rothman, E.D., Gwinn, D., Marshall, S. and Porter, M.M. Using vehicle instrumentation to better understand the transitioning process: An exploratory study. Michigan

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Center for Advancing Safe Transportation throughout the Lifespan Research Excellence Program.2009-2010. $67,000.00.

Field, R. Resisting the dominant international sport model: European participation in ’s GANEFO. UM/SSHRC Research Grants Program, University of Manitoba, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011. $6,499.57.

Field, R. Sport and the political economy of identity politics: Expressions of “national” identity at the 2010 VIVA World Cup, University Research Grants Program (URGP), University of Manitoba, January 1, 2010-December 31, 2010. $7,500.00.

Field, R. The Olympic movement’s response to the challenge of emerging nationalism in sport: An historical reconsideration of GANEFO. Postgraduate Research Grant Programme, Olympic Studies Centre, International Olympic Committee. January 1, 2010-December 31, 2010. 7,700 Swiss francs (approximately $7,700.00 CDN).

Gardiner, P. Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity & Health Studies. Canada Research Chair Program. July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2016. ($200,000/yr). $1,400,000.00.

Gardiner, P. Aging of alpha-motoneurones: Electrophysiology, gene expression, and caloric restriction. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). January 1, 2006-December 31, 2011. ($85,394/year). $426,970.00.

Gardiner, P. Responses of dorsal root ganglion cells to increased and decreased neuromuscular activity. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). April 1, 2007-March 31, 2012. ($55,235.00/year). $276,175.00.

Gardiner, P. Activity-related adaptations in neuronal gene expression and functional properties in rat spinal cord. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). May 1, 2007-April 30, 2012. ($121,259/year). $606,295.00.

Giesbrecht, G.G. Cold-induced decrement in voluntary and involuntary muscle activity, and influence of head on thermoregulation and heat transfer. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Discovery Grant. 2011-2016. $135,000.00.

Gregg, M. and Mactavish, J.M. Sport psychology and athletes with intellectual disability: Lessons for life on and off the field. Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC). $99,572.00.

Halas, J.M. Toward a theory of culturally relevant physical education. University of Manitoba Study/Leave Research Grant. January 1, 2011-June 30, 2011. $10,000.00.

Halas, J.M. University of Manitoba “Rec and Read” Mentor Programs. Public Health Agency of Canada. 2011-2013. ($25,000.00 /year). $50,000.00.

Halas, J.M. Aboriginal Youth Healthy Living Mentorship Program. Public Health Agency of Canada. 2010- 2011. $15,000.00.

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Halas, J.M. Mah-eh-coon Okimaw (Cree) or Ma’iingan Ogimaa (Ojibway) Wolf Leader (Aboriginal Youth Mentor) Program. City of Winnipeg. 2009-2010. $35,768.00.

Halas, J.M. and Grift, J. Aboriginal Youth Healthy Living Mentorship Program. Public Health Agency of Canada. 2008-2010. $30,000.00.

Halas, J.M. and Silver, J. Community Recreation and Active Living Pilot Course. The FACT Coalition. 2009- 2010. $5,000.00.

Halas, J.M. and Watkinson, E.J. Aboriginal Youth Mentorship Program. Sport Manitoba. 2008-2011. $5,100.00.

Halas, J.M. and Watkinson, E.J. Aboriginal Youth Healthy Living Mentorship Program. Healthy Living, Government of Manitoba. 2008-2010. $30,000.00.

Halpenny, E., Van Winkle, C.M., Arellano, A., George, E. W., Das, M., Verbeke, M., and McKercher, R. The golden fleece: Studying the impact of world heritage status on tourism at World Heritage sites and their regions. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Research Development Initiative. April 20, 2009-April 20, 2011. $34,780.00. Leslie-Toogood, A. and Strachan, L. Examining psychological literacy through the LTAD. Sport Canada. April 1, 2011-March 31, 2012. $14,600.00.

Mactavish, J.B., Watkinson, E.J. and Songok, M. Sport without borders: Mentoring international leadership excellence. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) International Opportunities Fund: Development Grant. $25,000.00.

Man-Son-Hing, M., Marshall, S. and Porter, M.M. CIHR Team on Older Person Driving (CanDRIVE II), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 2008-2013. $5,578,735.00.

McGavock, J. and Halas, J.M. Getting better yogether: Application of peer-based models for achieving healthy weights in northern Aboriginal communities. Public Health Agency of Canada. 2010- 2011. Phase I funding. $151,000.00.

Menec, V., Chipperfield, J., Everitt, J., Hallman, B., Milgrom, R., Racher, F., Ready, A.E., Segall, A. and Taylor, L. Age-friendly communities: Active aging research alliance. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/SSHRC CURA. 2007-2011. $1,000,000.00.

Parminder, R., Wolfson, C., Kirkland, S., Menec, V., Ready, A.E., et al. Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2014. $23,500,000.00.

Passmore, S. and Glazebrook, C. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. Canadian Institute of Health Research. June 1, 2011-December 31, 2011. $5,000.00.

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Pfister, G., Teetzel, S., Weaving, C. Doping in sport – An issue of gender and society. Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation. January 1, 2007-December 31, 2011. 5,411,000 Danish Kroner = $1,081,696.58.

Polgar, J., Bédard, M., Hagler, P., Johnson, M., McAuliffe, J., Michaud, F., Porter, M.M., Shaw, L., and Vrkljan, B.H. Enhancing safe vehicular mobility in older adults. AUTO21. 2010-2012. $180,250.00.

Porter, M.M. Determining data analysis procedures for the Candrive common cohort project. The Canadian Driving Research Initiative for Vehicular Safety in the Elderly - CanDRIVE: (summer studentship for Glenys Smith). 2010. $6,500.00.

Shen, G., Bruce, S., Dean, H., Gardiner, P., Ludwig, S., Morris, M., Murray, R., and Sevenhuysen, G. Prevention of obesity and diabetes in women and children in First Nation communities through exercise and dietary education during and after pregnancy. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). January 1, 2006-December 31, 2010. $239,110.00.

Shoemaker, K., Gardiner, P., Hachinski, V., Heath, M., Melling, J., Noble, E., Petrella, R., Rice, C., St. Lawrence, K., and Suskin, N. CIHR team in physical activity, mobility, and neural health. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2015. $2,500,000.00.

Strachan, L. and Côté, J. Promoting positive youth development in elite sport contexts. Sport Canada/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). August 1, 2008- August 1, 2010. $10,000.00.

Strachan, L., MacDonald, D. and Côté, J. SCORE! Using technology to design and deliver positive youth sport programs. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). March 15, 2011-March 14, 2012. $27,572.00.

Strachan, L., IRCOM (Immgrant and Refugee Communities of Manitoba), and Community Vibes Incorporated. SUPER! Engaging new immigrant youth in physical activity through a positive youth development program. University of Manitoba/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). May 1, 2001-April 30, 2012. $5,600.00.

Strachan, L. Click! Examining children’s sport experiences through photo elicitation. Office of the Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, Summer 2010. $5,000.00.

Teetzel, S. To present a paper at “Body enhancements and (il)legal drugs in sport and exercise: Human and social perspectives” conference. University of Manitoba/Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) International Conference Travel Grants Program. January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. $943.00.

Teetzel, S. Ethics Research Fellowship: Ethical issues in mandatory drug testing in Canada: Implications for student-athletes. Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of Manitoba. January 1, 2012-June 30, 2012. 3 CR teaching release.

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Teetzel, S. The historical context of eligibility rules in sport. University Research Grants Program, University of Manitoba. January 1, 2010-December 31, 2010. $5, 267.45.

Teetzel, S., Weaving, C. and Pfister, G. A sociocultural analysis of gender and doping. World Anti-Doping Agency. January 1, 2008-January 1, 2011. $34,110.00.

Van Winkle, C.M. Information technology use by festivals and events. University Research Grant Program, University of Manitoba. December 8, 2009-January 31, 2011. $7,160.00.

Vanlandewijck, Mactavish, J.M. Burns, Van Biesen, and Van de Vliet. Enhancing Sport for Athletes with Intellectual Disability: Classification Research. International Paralympic Committee & International Sport Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disability. €45,000 ($70,400.00).

Walker, J., Feldgaier, S., Boyd, L., Chartier, M., Cohen, B., Ducharme, J., Embry, D., Fieldhouse, P., Murdock, L, Ready, E., Sanders, M., Santos, R., Serwonka, K., and Strachan, L. Evidence-based kernels to promote healthy diet, activity, and weight in children from birth through age 12 at a population level: The Lifestyle Triple P - Positive Parenting Program. Public Health Agency of Canada. January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011. $211,646.60.

Woodgate, R., Halas, J.M. and Schultz, A. An ethnographic study of adolescents’ conceptualization of cancer and cancer prevention: Framing cancer and cancer prevention within the life-situations of adolescents. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)-Manitoba Regional Partnership Program (RPP) Funding. 2008-2011. $99,363/year.

Woodgate, R., Ripat, J., Linton, J., McKay, V., Queskekapow, R., Saunders, C., Trout, Z., Leach, J., Avery- Kinew, K., Borton, B., Rempel, G., Moffatt, M., Elias, B., Halas, J., and Martin, D. First Nations families of children with disabilities. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 2009-2012. $529,081/year.

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Field, R. To present research at the North American Society for Sport Sociology 2010 Annual Conference in San Diego, California in November 2010. HLHP Reserch Institute Travel Award, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba, September 2010. $1,000.00.

MacDonald, S., Clare, K., and Ready, A.E. Building the University's commitment to disadvantaged children. Academic Enhancement Fund, University of Manitoba. April 1, 2010-March 31, 2011. $75,000.00.

Rankine, T. and Giesbrecht, G.G. After Boot Camp. (Instructors video package for Cold Water Boot Camp). Search and Rescue (SAR) New Initiative Fund, Government of Canada. 2010-2011. $250,000.00.

Teetzel, S. To present a paper at the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport Conference in Rome, Italy. Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute Affiliate Travel Award, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba. September 2010. $1,000.00.

Van Winkle, C. Cultural Tourism Blended Learning Course. University of Manitoba Extended Education Summer Session Innovation Fund. April 1, 2011-December 31, 2011. $2,000.00.

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Dr. Marion Alexander, Professor – has been serving as a member of the Selection Committee for the Women to Watch grant program of Sport Manitoba for the past ten years. The committee meets quarterly to select a recipient of the two monthly $500 awards to female coaches and athletes. Dr. Alexander also serves as an NCCP National Master Learning Facilitator, assisting in training and evaluating Manitoba course conductors; as a Manitoba Master Course Conductor for the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Theory Program and a member of the Learning Facilitator Committee, Coaching Manitoba.

Mr. Claude Bérubé, Head Coach, Track & Field/Cross-Country – Coach Bérubé is currently serving as the President, CIS Track & Field Coaches Association and was the Associate Head Coach, 2010 NACAC U23 Track and Field Championships. Mr. Bérubé has also been involved with the Sports without Borders group working on projects between our Faculty and with Kenyatta University in Nairobi, the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the Terik Community Group.

Mr. Ken Bentley, Head Coach, Women’s Volleyball – is actively involved in many aspects of club volleyball. Notably, he serves as a Mentor Coach and coach for the programming by the Winnipeg Minor Volleyball Association (WMVA). He participates as a guest coach in a variety of fall volleyball camps that emphasize skill development at all levels, as well as mini volleyball for children ages 6-12. He coached the Junior Bison U18 team in the past year and is involved with the Junior Bison Program and coaching one of the 13U Teams at the Western Canadian 14U championships. Coach Bentley also organized and administered the 18U Provincial Championships in conjunction with the Manitoba Volleyball Association this past spring and also coached a volleyball skill camp and a volleyball elite camp in August 2010.

Dr. Janice Butcher, Associate Professor – has been actively involved as a member of the Research Support committee for the Winnipeg in motion physical activity promotional program, as well as the Faculty representative to the Manitoba Physical Education Teachers’ Association (MPETA) and the Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba (PACM).

Dr. Michael Campbell, Professor – is the Chair of the Travel Manitoba Sustainable Tourism Committee. This committee is charged with advising Travel Manitoba in its efforts to enhance the financial, social and economic sustainability of the province’s tourism products. This committee engages with all levels of the tourism sector and provides a strong link between the industry, government and the University. Dr. Campbell is a Co-chair of the Parks and Protected Areas Research Forum of Manitoba (PPARFM). The 9th Annual PPARFM, From Border to Border: Common Themes in Parks Management Research was held in Winnipeg on January 20-21, 2011. The forum provides tremendous opportunities for students to present their work, to engage with professionals in the field and to learn about the process of research and knowledge mobilization. Since its inception the Forum has grown to be recognized as the key provincial event for parks and protected areas professionals and has directly led to the development of similar fora in and Alberta. He also serves as the Project Director for the CIDA Tier II. With responsibility for organizing Stakeholder Networks in Uganda, the project Advisory Committee, the project Steering Committee (Co-chair), Dr. Campbell also assists partner communities in establishing their own governing organizations and provides advice and oversight to their community initiatives. He recently brokered an agreement with Friends of Banff National Park to partner with one of the communities in the sale of community crafts in the Friends of Banff National Parks’ flagship store in Banff National Park. Dr. Campbell has also recently been appointed as a member of the Canadian

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National Committee for Geoparks and the Advisory Board for the University of Manitoba’s Itapu Paraguay Project (Sustainable Tourism).

Mr. Vlastimil Cerny, Head Coach, Bison Swimming – Coach Cerny is a member of the Manitoba Swim Coaches’ Association which acts as a technical arm to Swim Manitoba (PSO), is the Co-Chair of the Manitoba Swim Coaches Association Committee and conducts coaching at Manitoba Team camps and competitions four to five times per year. He is also a member of Swimming Canada’s carded coaches group which provides technical feedback to the CEO of Swimming Canada (NSO). Mr. Cerny also has been a volunteer at the Siloam Mission, and served as a volunteer for the Norberry/Glenlee 9A1 hockey team as treasurer and for the Norberry/Glenlee AA baseball team as parent liaison. The Assistant Coach, Mr. Craig McCormick, coaches high performance swimmers in the Manitoba National Triathlon Centre.

Mrs. Pam Danis, Bison Women’s Basketball Coach – This past year Pam Danis presented at numerous public speaking engagements, conducted various player development clinics, serves on the board for the Junior Bison Women’s Basketball club, oversees the implementation of the program and serves as an advisor to all the coaches in the program. This program consists of developing youth basketball players starting at the age of 6 and developing them until they are in university. Mrs. Danis is also involved with the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association and with their “Drive for the Cure” initiative to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. Last year they collectively raised approximately $100,000.00. Pam Danis is also involved in fundraising efforts for the Bison Women’s Basketball Program through activities such as Bison Night (wine and cheese) and the Bison Golf Tournament. She continues as the advisor to the “Running with the Bisons” youth basketball program in the Skownan First Nations. Coach Danis is also involved with CareerTrek in their implementation of a school based basketball program in at-risk communities

The Bison women’s basketball team continues to promote education and sport among Aboriginal youth and their communities in Skownan First Nation through participation and involvement in sport. Each year the team attends a retreat in the community and provides some sporting equipment as well as host the community on their annual visit to the city. The Bison women’s basketball team also organizes the largest high school women’s basketball tournament in the province and continues to be involved in the community by volunteering at the Siloam Mission and the Bison Against Bullying program.

Mr. Brian Dobie, Head Coach, Bison Football – Coach Dobie serves as President of the Canadian University Football Coaches' Association (CUFCA), Chair, CIS Football Competition Committee and is a member of the - 2011 Advisory Committee. Mr. Dobie continues to be involved with the U19 and U16 Bison Football Camps and the Mini U Football Camp. He also continues to host Thunder on the Prairie, an annual high school-midget spring camp football jamboree, involving approximately 700 high school age student athletes. He also speaks at numerous high schools, community and business functions each year and is invited as a guest coach at various high school and club programs. As an NCCP Master course Conductor he conducts several NCCP Level 1-3 clinics each year. Nationally, Mr. Dobie provides an instructional camp in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Mr. Dobie is also responsible for the Bison Football Alumni Dinner and the Bison Football Alumni Golf Tournament, two annual fundraising events for the Bison Football Program.

Ms. Coleen Dufresne, Athletic Director – was elected Vice President - Sport of the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) in June 2008 and is also a member of the CIS Board of Directors. She serves on the Board of Directors and as Vice-President and Chair of the Sport Committee for Canada West. Mrs.

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Dufresne is also the Head Coach of the Acadia Junior High Grade 8 boys, a Board Member – Canadian Sports Centre Manitoba and a member of the FISU International Control Commission (CIC).

Dr. Todd Duhamel, Assistant Professor – is currently a member of the Manitoba in motion Research Group and is a contributing member of the Sports without Borders initiative in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management. Dr. Duhamel also serves as a provincial consultant for Active Healthy Kids Canada an organization that advocates the importance of quality, accessible, and enjoyable physical activity participation experiences for children and youth. He was also invited to attend the Canada Network Initiative, a CIHR meeting designed to discuss priority areas to guide public health initiative in Canada and India. Dr. Duhamel contributed in the field of kinesiology and cardiovascular health. Dr. Duhamel was also a member of the Cardiovascular Health Research in Manitoba (CHaRM) group to provide expertise in the field of kinesiology and cardiovascular health. The CHaRM group was created to improve the care and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular disease through multi-disciplinary, investigator-initiated research, and to provide a forum for continuing education about research proposals. The aim is to merge scientific rigor with clinical relevance, within the constraints of feasibility and available resources.

Ms. Jackie Elliott, Instructor II – shares her expertise in Athletic Therapy with her continued involvement provincially with the Manitoba Athletic Therapists Association (member MATA, MATA Ad Hoc Committee – CATA Examine Preparatory Committee, MATA Athletic First Aider Program-Instructor) Arctic Star Wilderness Medicine Inc. (First Responder (Industrial Level 3) Instructor, First Aid (Level I and II) Instructor, CPR (Health Care Provider) and AED Instructor/Consultant). Nationally Ms. Elliott is a member of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA); the CATA – Accredited Institution Meeting (AIM); and the CATA – National Examiner Committee.

Dr. Russell Field, Assistant Professor – is a Member of the Manitoba Historical Society and is the Executive Director of the Canadian Sport Film Festival (CSFF). In the fall of 2010 he organized the 3rd Annual Canadian Sport Film Festival in Toronto, Ontario.

Dr. Phillip Gardiner, Professor and Canada Research Chair – served as a member of the College of Reviewers for Canada Research Chairs, and a member and Chair, Finance Subcommittee of the Institute Advisory Board for the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health & Arthritis (IMHA), CIHR.

Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, Professor – through his research, has been involved in significant public education efforts that have been ongoing for a few years. Dr. Giesbrecht has been feature on, and consulted for, Cold Water Survival, a television program yet to be aired, by Goldi Productions, Ltd. He has also been involved with the production of a new project entitled Beyond Boot Camp, an in-depth sequel to Cold Water Boot Camp. Dr. Giesbrecht also serves as a member of the Board of Governors, Providence College and Seminary.

Dr. Cheryl Glazebrook, Assistant Professor -–is on the organizing committee for the 2011 Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology Conference to be held in Winnipeg in October 2011. Dr. Glazebrook is also an Executive Member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association – Paediatric Division and serves as co-Director of Research and co-Newsletter Editor.

Dr. J. Halas, Professor – has developed relationships with the Seven Oaks and Winnipeg School Divisions in developing an Aboriginal youth mentorship program. This initiative is designed to “recruit and retain students from Aboriginal and other under-represented backgrounds.” One Aboriginal mentor

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coordinator position and undergraduate students, many of whom are in under-represented groups, are hired as university mentors to work within the school communities to “deliver culturally relevant after school physical activity programs in Winnipeg’s diverse inner city and north end neighbourhoods." A university mentor team is assigned to each school site and works in collaboration with interested high school students to design and deliver an after school physical activity mentorship program for early years children at neighbouring schools. As university role models, part of the university mentors’ responsibilities is to communicate to the high school students the opportunities available for study within the fields of physical education, recreation, kinesiology and athletic therapy. The Aboriginal youth mentorship programs, which were initiated through a SSHRC funded community-based research grant, have realized numerous outcomes. The mentorship program received funding from Sport Manitoba, the Department of Healthy Living, Government of Manitoba, the Public Health Agency of Canada, , and the City of Winnipeg to support programming for the 2010-2011 academic year, which involved 13 urban schools. Aboriginal Youth Mentor Programs were also piloted in two rural communities in 2010, involving another four schools.

Working with the Inner City Social Work program, the fitness classes at the William Norrie Centre were expanded to include yoga; with support from an ‘in motion’ workplace grant as well as funds raised at the 2010 Summer Active faculty fundraiser at the Brodie Centre, classes were offered four times per week for most of the fall and winter term.

Mr. John Hayward, Instructor – serves as the Grassroots Representative to the Manitoba Baseball Association for Boni-Vital Baseball.

Dr. K. MacKay, Professor – is currently serving as a member of the Winnipeg/Manitoba in motion Steering Committee representing the University of Manitoba Partnership in the initiative. Dr. MacKay is also a member of PEO, an international philanthropic educational organization that provides educational opportunities for women through fundraising for scholarships, awards, loans and bursaries. She currently sits on the finance committee of the provincial chapter.

Dr. J. Mactavish, Professor – is a Member of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Sport Science Committee and a Member of the International Paralympic Committeee (IPC) and the International Sports Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disability (INAS-FID) Working Group, Founding Member of the Intellectual Disability, Exercise & Active Living Research Group (IDEAL-RG). Nationally, Dr. Mactavish serves on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Athletes with Intellectual Disability and the CAAID and SOM Collaborative Re-Structuring Committee for Sport Canada, Swimming/Natation Canada and the CPC. Dr. Mactavish has also taken the lead with the Sports without Borders group working on projects between our Faculty and with Kenyatta University in Nairobi, the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the Terik Community Group.

Mr. Stan Pierre, Assistant Coach, Bison Football – was involved with the development of the Junior Bison ID and Development camps and with hosting the Thunder on the Prairie High School Spring Camp Tournament. Mr. Pierre also is an active member of the Bison Football Alumni, including activities such as the sideline club and the Bison Football Scholarship dinner. In the spring of 2011 he served as the Head Coach of the Charleswood Broncs 10-12 year old girls tackle football team. The team played in the inaugural season of the Manitoba Girls’ Football Association, which is the first league of its kind in Canada. The Charleswood Broncs went on to win the championship.

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Mr. Garth Pischke, Head Coach, Men’s Volleyball – Nationally, Mr. Pischke serves on the CIS Coaches Committee.

Mrs. Colleen Plumton, Instructor – serves as Chair, Awards and Recognition Committee for Recreation Connections Manitoba; she is also a member of the Sport without Borders Research Committee.

Dr. M. Porter, Professor – is currently serving as Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) representative to the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults (ALCOA) and is part of the Research Working Group of the ALCOA. ALCOA is a national organization that has several national, provincial and regional organizations as members (see www.alcoa.ca). Dr. Porter is a board member of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and is Chair of the Knowledge Transfer Committee.

Dr. Elizabeth Ready, Professor – is a member and Chair of the Research Committee for Manitoba in motion and Winnipeg "in motion". Provincially, Dr. Ready is a Board Member and member of the Research Committee for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, member of the Manitoba Exercise Professionals Association, Co-Chair of the Kinesiology Coalition of Manitoba and Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Manitoba Business Case for Primary Disease Prevention (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba, CancerCare, Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Disease, Health in Common). Nationally, she also serves on the Board of Directors and as a member on the Board Oversight Committee, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

Mr. Jon Rempel, Head Coach, Bison Women’s Hockey – Coach Rempel is involved the Bison Sports Golf Tournament, and recruits 28-25 golfers to play for women’s hockey every year. Mr. Rempel also served as the Camp Coach at the ’s Under 22 selection camp in August 2010.

Melinda Sasek, Bison Sports Secretary – is a Board Member, Richmond Kings Community Centre, May 2006 – present; Richmond Kings Community Centre Pre-Teen Dance Coordinator - 2010-present.

Mr. Mike Sirant, Head Coach, Bison Men’s Hockey – Coach Sirant is involved with the L’il Moose Program, teaching hockey and life skills to inner city children, and with CANU, a project which brings inner city children to the University of Manitoba campus weekly to receive athletic coaching, meals and nutritional information, and academic tutoring. Mr. Sirant also serves as a Coach Mentor with Sport Manitoba working with minor hockey coaches in a First Nations community in the Interlake region and runs a practice for the minor hockey players.

Mr. Kirby Schepp, Head Coach, Men’s Basketball – Coach Schepp is a member of Basketball Canada's Coaching Development Committee, which is working to develop NCCP curriculum and evaluation procedures and serves as a consultant with Basketball Manitoba's technical committee. He is also involved with the Junior Bisons Program, which provides affordable coaching and athletic development for youth from 10-18 years old. Nationally, Mr. Schepp is a member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches. He is also an Assistant Coach with the Canadian National Team Program (17U, Cadet). His team won the Bronze medal at the FIBA World Championships in July 2010 and a Bronze Medal in the FIBA Americas Tournament in June 2011.

Dr. Leisha Strachan, Assistant Professor – is a board member of Community Vibes, a group working to engage youth and young professionals in the community. She also assists in coordinating the ANANSI School for the Performing Arts, an arts-based group teaching African and Caribbean culture through music, dance, and drama.

Outreach Activities/Community Service…page 5

Dr. Sarah Teetzel, Assistant Professor – is a member of the Substance Use in Sport and Health Committee of the Sport Medicine Council of Manitoba. The committee is working to design seminars for young sports participants to address doping, body image, nutrition, and recreational drug use. Nationally, Dr. Teetzel is involved with the True Sport Movement - True Sport Champion to promote ethical sport. Internationally, Dr. Teetzel was elected as a Member-at-Large on the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS). She is a Humanities Network Advisory Board Member for H-Sport, is an International Network of Humanistic Doping Research senior member and is involved with the World Anti-Doping Agency Social Science Researchers Network.

Mr. Kyle Turcotte, Instructor – is an active member of the Kinesiology Coalition of Manitoba seeking the legislation of Kinesiology as a licensed profession within the province of Manitoba and also served as Chair of the Manitoba subcommittee for the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Health and Fitness Program.

Dr. Christine Van Winkle, Assistant Professor – is a Board Member and Vice-President for the Gas Station Arts Centre, a community-cultural centre that provides arts-based programming, venues, presentation, production, co-production, education and support services. Dr. Van Winkle is also a Committee Member on the Faculty of Agriculture Farm and Food Discovery Centre Programming Committee. The Farm and Food Discovery Centre is an interpretive centre intended to provide the public with the opportunity to learn about modern farm practices. She provides the Centre staff with insight into programming to enhance the visitors experience. Nationally, Dr. Van Winkle is a Board Member on the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies (CALS) and internationally, she is an active member on the World Heritage and Tourism Research Network and the Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Technology Committee.

Curt Warkentin, Assistant Athletic Director – is a Board Member of the Manitoba Basketball Hall of Fame, a member of the Canada West Planning Committee, and a member of the Manitoba Basketball Coaches Association. Mr. Warkentin is also a member of Home Street Mennonite Church and Co- coordinator of the Home Street men's slo-pitch teams, and serves as Flag Football Coach for a team of 8 year olds.

Development Office

Our Fundraising events continue to attract numerous alumni and friends of Bison Sport to come out and support our athletes at various events throughout the year. Fundraising Dinners, golf tournaments and wine tasting evenings support various sports on campus. Bison Booster Clubs, the Adopt a Bison program and fundraising efforts totaling over $255,000 were received for athletic scholarships and awards in 2010-11, all being matched by the MSBI grant. Bison Sports held successful fundraising dinners for men’s football and for men’s and women’s hockey

University of Manitoba Athletes Council (UMAC)/Outreach

Bison athletes had a big impact in the community as they continued the “Bisons Against Bullying” program. The extensive program completed the sixth edition in 2010-11. Over 60 Bison student-athletes visited over 30 schools with a focus on Grades 4-6. Bison athletes visit a school, perform a one-hour presentation that defines bullying and provide some strategies for people who are getting bullied or

Outreach Activities/Community Service…page 6

who witness bullying. “Bisons Against Bullying” has presented to over 5,000 students throughout the five editions. The Bison student-athletes expanded their volunteering at the Siloam Mission with all teams assisting for a week during spring break for the sixth consecutive season. Bison Sports continues to have “Tin for the Bin” events during selected Bison events and have donated several food hampers to Winnipeg Harvest during the year. The Bison women’s basketball team and the Skownan First Nation continue to grow their partnership with the “Running with the Bison,” an initiative that revolves around friendship and bison. The team fostered community outreach with Skownan, which included a basketball camp and a retreat. Within the last few years, cancer has directly struck the Bison men's hockey team on more than one occasion, prompting the squad to start an annual game night event to raise money for prostate cancer research. The team has been raising money throughout the month of November during their ‘Movember’ effort of growing mustaches for the full month. Each ‘Movember’ there is a challenge to men to change their appearance and the face of men's health by growing a moustache. The moustache is the ribbon, the means to raise awareness and funds for prostate cancer research. Over our lifetime, one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and a startling 4,300 will die every year from this disease in Canada. On Saturday, November 27, 2010 at the Max Bell Arena when the Bisons hosted the No. 1 ranked Alberta Golden Bears, there was a table set up to sell both moustache buttons and tickets for a 50/50 draw. All proceeds from the buttons and half the pot of the 50/50 will be donated to prostate cancer research. The first-ever annual Flag Football North of 55 camp was held at Burntwood Elementary School in Thompson, MB from May 28-29, 2011. It was a huge success with over 120 girls and boys aged 11-17 registered. Former Bison football player Kurtis Stolth conceived this concept and spearheaded the camp, which consisted of a BBQ and registration in Thompson on May 27, football drills, practices and certification on May 28, and a morning practice followed by an afternoon session of a round robin tournament to end the camp on May 29. Prior to the start of CFL camp, Winnipeg Blue Bombers quarterback Buck Pierce and offensive lineman Glenn January were guest coaches. There were be several current and past Bison Football players as coaches – LB Thomas Hall, DB Grayson Wells, QBs John Makie, Nathan Friesen, RBs Karim Lowen, Duane Allen, DL Matt Harper, DB Mike Howard, OLs Terry Watson and Stolth along with Student Athletic Therapist Stephen Fedus – plus Winnipeg Rifles players over the weekend. As 2011 starts, the Manitoba Bisons student-athletes have begun new initiatives in the community with the Bison Book Buddies and CANU programs. These two new programs strive to assist young students throughout the Winnipeg region. The University of Manitoba Athletic Council (UMAC) developed the Bison Book Buddies program as an initiative to increase and emphasize literacy in students in grades one to four. The program started at the end of January and runs through to March/April 2011. The idea is to create a fun learning environment where students are interested and motivated to read. The first visit to the schools involved inclusionary activities where the students and athletes got to know each other and practiced fun literacy activities. In the next visits, the athletes were available to be paired or grouped with students to read or be read to. A group of five to 12 Bison student-athletes per time slot (either morning or afternoon) visited four classrooms (Beaverlodge, Dalhousie, St. Avila, Royal) this year and hope to increase school numbers for next school year.

Outreach Activities/Community Service…page 7

The CANU on campus pilot project was spearheaded by Bison chaplain Roger Barrington and is now being implemented by Bison student-athletes. On every Tuesday late afternoon/early evening during this school year, U of Manitoba students from the Bison track & field and cross country teams, the Faculty of Education and the Department of Nutrition are invited to apply to mentor, coach and develop component- specific programs for a group of school children from Winnipeg’s inner city. Bison track athletes will be responsible for developing and executing an 18-week running and fitness program for 12 children who have not had formal track coaching or training but who have been selected for the CANU program in part because of a good athletic capacity. The goal is to deliver a fun, high-quality program which will expose these Grades 4-6 children to track & field and cross country, and will give them an experience at the University campus which will enhance their potential and opportunity to one day successfully study at a post-secondary level. Students in the other components of the program will provide mentoring in healthy lifestyles, nutrition and cooking as well as personal tutoring.

Bison Track and Field

The track and field team continues to work with the Terik program, which is a group of young Kenyan athletes, by providing some sporting equipment as well as making an annual financial donation towards a scholarship for school for some of their student-athletes. Bison Track and Field has also been responsible for organizing several track meets for the Louis Riel and Pembina Trails School Divisions. Several athletes on the team have been involved with the CANU project. This is a project that involves about 15 youth from the inner city who come to the University of Manitoba once a week to meet with students and instructors from the Faculties of Human Ecology and Education and to spend an hour receiving Track and Field coaching from athletes on the team.

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Bérubé, C. Appointed Associate Head Coach, 2010 Canadian team NACAC Under 23 Championships Miramar, Florida.

Butcher, J.E. 30-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Devion, A. 10-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Field, R. 2011-2012 HLHPRI Fellowship Award. Health, Leisure & Human Performance Research Institute, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba.

Gardiner, P. Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity and Health Studies.

Gardiner, P. Appointed as the Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Interim Scientific Director for the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA).

Gardiner, P. Appointed Chair, Advisory Board of the CIHR (September 2010-2013).

Giesbrecht, G.G. Elected as an Associate Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association (AFAsMA).

Giesbrecht, G.G. Nominated (with Mr. Ted Rankine) for National Search and Rescue Program Awards of Excellence in Education and Training.

Halas, J.M. 10-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Halas, J.M. Invited participant at the IndigenACTION: Community Fitness and Health through Sports and Recreation Regional Roundtable, February 15, 2011 at the Victoria Inn, Winnipeg. The Regional Roundtable was part of a national consultation led by Waneek Horn Miller and the Assembly of First Nations.

Hrycaiko, D. 30-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Kulik-Macaulay, Brenda. Fitness Leader of the Year Award, Manitoba Fitness Council.

Liljegren, U. 10-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Mactavish, J.M. 2010 Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell Outreach Award, University of Manitoba.

Mactavish, J.M. 2010 University of Manitoba, Merit Award (Research & Service).

Plumton, C. 2010 University of Manitoba Outreach Award.

Plumton, C. 2010-2011 University Teaching Services/UMSU Certificate of Teaching Excellence.

Rempel, J. 10-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Awards & Honours (Staff)…page 1

Rempel, J. 2010-2011 Bison Sports Coach of the Year.

Schepp, K. 2011 Coaching Manitoba, International Coaching Recognition Award.

Sirant, M. 15-year Anniversary Award, University of Manitoba.

Awards & Honours (Staff)…page 2



Allan R. Miller Scholarship Eric Pollard Athletic Therapy Student Association (ASTA) Scholarship Jayme Laforrest B.P.E. Graduate of the Year Brett Kolba B.Kin. Graduate of the Year Melissa Smith B.R.M.C.D. Graduate of the Year Laura Meade Bison Student AT Awards Jayme LaForrest Matt Sposito Juan Alonso Diaz Peter Tiessen Andrea Wazney Liam Higginson Stephanie Smith Joey Robertson Jordan Aube Camille Gillcash Stephen Fedus Aaron Degryse Ward Forsen Gretchen Rumbaua Michael Gobenciong Ashley Desloges Greg Pagdato Lauren Gavrailoff Laura Imhoff Theresa Garcia Leah Shewfelt Kevin Geyson Markus Von Hacht Tracy Chu

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Student Award David Kent Coca Cola Bottling Award Jacqueline Phalen Dick LaPage Scholarship Stephanie Dyck

Dr. A.W. Hogg Scholarship (in Physical Education) Krystal Skocylas Dr. A.W. Hogg Scholarship (in Kinesiology) Peggy Hamilton Dr. A.W. Hogg Scholarship (in Recreation Management & Jordan Driedger Community Development) Dr. Vic Corroll General Proficiency Award Lauren Gavrailoff

Student Achievements…page 1

Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation Studies Medal (in Physical Education) Samantha McDougall

Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation Studies Medal Ann Marguerite Mohammed (in Recreation Management & Community Development)

Gord Mackie Athletic Therapy Scholarship Jodi Reimer Herb Olsen Athletic Therapy Prize Jaime Dobrowolski Isbister Scholarship (in Physical Education) Krystal Skocylas Isbister Scholarship (in Kinesiology) Peggy Hamilton Isbister Scholarship (Recreation Management & Community Jordan Driedger Development)

Jeffrey S. Train Award Melissa Doan Jeffrey S. Train Athletic Therapy Award Camille Gillcash John A. MacDiarmid Scholarship Krystal Skocylas Joyce Fromson Memorial Award Patrick Boreskie Kinesiology Entrance Scholarship Andrew Stammers NFL/Budweiser Intramural Fair Play Award Andrew Sonnasinh NFL/Budweiser Intramural Manager Award Laura Meade NFL/Budweiser Recreation Services Student Training Award Jordon Driedger

PHE Canada Student Award Melissa Smith PHE Canada Student Leadership Conference Matt Hepner Haley Sigurdson

University Gold Medal Peggy Hamilton UTS Student/Teacher Recognition Ann Marguerite Mohammed (Outstanding Graduating Student - BPE)

Western Canada Recreation Studies Conference Scholarship Laura Meade University of Manitoba President’s Scholar Award Taralynn Cook

Student Achievements…page 2


Coca Cola Bottling Scholarship Kristin Davies Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management Graduate Student Research Assistantships Jiayun Du Julie Hayward Paul Thingstad Tonia Bates Angela Comer Kristin Davies Olivia Durst Scott Kehler Tara Klimchuk Chris Lagimodiere Hanjung Lee Yumeng Li Alix Richards Bhupinderjit Sran

Ruth Asper Scholarship in Physical Education and Kinesiology Scott Kehler Jacqueline Hay

Manitoba Graduate Fellowship Marc Morisette Diana King University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (continuing) Yijie Chen St-Boniface Hospital Research Centre’s Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (ICS) Studentship Scott Kehler

Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Dana Kolach

Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Pavithra Rajan

Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) (continuing) Juhi Sinha

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism & Diabetes Travel Award Jill Hnatiuk

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Travel Award Lindsey Woodrow

Student Achievements…page 3




2010-2011 Bison Sports Female Athlete of the Year Ashley Voth W Volleyball

2010-2011 Bison Sports Male Athlete of the Year Braeden Taylor Swimming

2010-2011 Bison Sports Female Rookie of the Year Leiette Klassen W Hockey

2010-2011 Bison Sports Male Rookie of the Year Chris Komishon M Volleyball

2010-2011 Bison Sports Team MVPs:

Women’s Basketball Kayla Klassen Men’s Basketball Eric Garcia Women’s Cross Country Melanie Gregoire Men’s Cross Country Paul Carr Football Matt Henry Women’s Golf Bri-Ann Tokariwski Men’s Golf Bobby Wiebe Women’s Hockey Addie Miles Men’s Hockey Blair Macaulay Women’s Soccer Carrie Nash Women’s Swimming Kerri-Ann Bochen Men’s Swimming Braeden Taylor Women’s Track & Field Alex Allen Men’s Track & Field Zacharie Durand Women’s Volleyball Amy Toews Men’s Volleyball Ryan Munt

Student-Athlete Leadership and Community Development Award Meaghan Woo (Female Recipient) Track & Field

Student-Athlete Leadership and Community Development Award Thomas Hall (Male Recipient) Football

Men’s Hockey:

Canada West Rookie of Year & CIS All Rookie Team Jeremy Schappert

Canada West All Stars 2nd Team Steve Christie Dane Crowley Jeremy Schappert Blair Macaulay

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 1

Women’s Hockey:

Gold Medal as a member of Team Canada at the 2011 Winter Universiade in Erzurum, Turkey Addie Miles

Canada West All Stars 2nd Team Tara Lacquette Cailin MacDonald Addie Miles 2010-11 Canada West Champions

Women’s Volleyball:

CIS 1st Team All-Canadian Ashley Voth

CIS All Rookie Team Rachel Cockrell

Canada West All-Star 1st Team Ashley Voth

Canada West All-Star 2nd Team Sam Loewen Tricia Mayba

Selected as National B Team Members for 2011 FISU Games (China) Kristi Hunter

Selected as Senior National A Team and B Team member for 2011 Tricia Mayba FISU Games (China)


2010 CIS Russ Jackson Award (Football) – two time winner Thomas Hall

2009-10 CIS Desjardins Top Eight Academic All-Canadian Thomas Hall Canada West Male

Canada West All Star – Defensive Back Pete Adams

2010 CANADA WEST WOMEN’S SOCCER ALL-STAR PLAYER Position Team Carrie Nash Midfielder Second Team


2010 CANADA WEST MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY ALL-STAR PLAYER Team Paul Carr First Team Sam Vincent Second Team

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 2


2010-11 CANADA WEST MEN’S VOLLEYBALL ALL-STAR PLAYER Position Team Chris Voth Second Team


2010-11 CIS MEN’S VOLLEYBALL ALL-CANADIAN PLAYER Position Team Chris Komishon Setter All-Rookie

2010-11 CANADA WEST MEN’S TRACK & FIELD ALL-STAR PLAYER Team Kieran Moolchan First Team Zacharie Durand Second Team Wilfred Samking Second Team

2010-11 CANADA WEST MEN’S TRACK & FIELD CHAMPION PLAYER Event Kieran Moolchan Men’s 60m hurdles

2010-11 CIS MEN’S TRACK & FIELD ALL-CANADIAN PLAYER Team Zacharie Durand Second Team Joel VanKoughnet Second Team Dylan Ostberg Second Team Jamie McMaster Second Team

2010 MANITOBA SPORTSWRITERS AND SPORTSBROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION FINALISTS Manitoba Female Athlete of the Year Nominee Caitlin MacDonald – Women’s Hockey

Manitoba Male Athlete of the Year Nominee Steve Christie – Football

Manitoba Team of the Year Nominee Manitoba Bisons Women’s Volleyball

2010-11 University of Manitoba Bisons CIS Academic All-Canadians (as of July 26, 2011, there are 90 Academic All-Canadians – this is the highest number in our school’s history!)

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 3

Men’s Basketball Ali, Amir Dickey, Ian D. Garcia, Eric T. Miller, Nicholas J. Milosevic, Marko

Women’s Basketball Balasko, Allison L. Carmona-Galdamez, Sheree I. Eyer, Robyn A. Pyke, Samantha K.

Football Bone, Bryden A. Coombs, Anthony J. Delisle-Boughen, Thomas B. Hall, Thomas Kochan, Andrew F. Kroeker, Lauren S. Ralko, Jared N. Schwean, Bradley G. Turnbull, Allan M.

Men’s Golf Barr, Bryce C. Bassey, Jeffrey A. Skelton, Jesse D. Unger, Riley Wiebe, Robert S.

Women’s Golf Hummelt, Chelsea L. Lichtman, Mindy S. Rousseau, Lauren S. Stebeleski, Sarah A. Stewart, Lindsay F.

Men’s Hockey Beller, Gregory M. Caligiuri, Joe D. Erb, Chad F. Hellyer, Michael R. Pawluk, Wesley Schappert, Jeremy G.

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 4

Women’s Hockey Braun, Chelsea M. Funk, Kacey C. Lee, Amy J. Minshull, Nellie H. Pawluk, Michelle J. Vigier, Danielle M.

Women’s Soccer Duthie, Jasmine R. Flintoft, Alison R. Haiko, Sarah J. Lacoste, Jaime E. Lafreniere, Julie R. Mackenzie, Rhoni D. Rocan, Danielle V. Smith, Meagan R. Welscher, Stefanie

Men’s Swimming Boreskie, Patrick E. Pokorny, Scott H.

Women’s Swimming Gergely, Sydney J. Janzen, Dena J.

Men’s Track & Field Berg, Kyle J. Boreskie, Kevin F. Campbell, Stephen J. Carr, Paul D. Durand, Zacharie M. Gardiner, John R. Hildebrandt, Barret J. Macaulay, Connor J. Sader, Nicholas A. Smook, Troy D. Tarleton, Peter A. Thacher, Eric W. Twerdun, Tanner

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 5

Women’s Track & Field Allen, Alexandra Y. Auger, Chantal M. Boila, Sarah N. Bordun, Kimberly-Ann M. Britton, Kristjana S. Cook, Taralyn R. Dubois, Nicole L. Ginter, Lacey R. Gregoire, Melanie R. Gundrum, Amanda M. Huebert, Sarah R. Kroeker, Kailey B. Lavoie, Michelle N. Ready, Richelle I. Rempel, Meaghan L. Sigurdson, Haley L. Twerdun, Deondra M. Woo, Meaghan R.

Men’s Volleyball Komishon, Christopher J. Pischke, Dane M. Voth, Christopher H.

Women’s Volleyball Hall, Nicole E. Hunter, Kristi M. Toews, Amy N.

Bison Student Athletes Achievements…page 6