The End Of The World

Bible Prophecies Revealed Kevin Lucier


Copyright © 2014 by Kevin Lucier

ISBN: Softcover 978-1495921896

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2 The End Of The World : Bible Prophecies Revealed is the second edition of a book I wrote and published in 2009 called The End Of Time. It contains much more information and has footnotes added. The End Of Time was originally written in html to get information to people all over the world as quickly as possible, and had hundreds of hyperlinks to other web sites for documented evidence. Time is running out and the End of the World is here. This book is intended to help people understand what is happening, to expose deception and intentional disinformation, and to help people personally know their Eternal Creator through His revelation of Himself as Jesus Christ. In early 2014, I still have a website with this book at and at where you can find additional helpful information, and also music that I have written and recorded over many years. Many thanks to the numerous people all over the world that have provided pieces of information and insight that went into this book. Most of all, thanks goes to Almighty God who reveals Himself as Jesus Christ, and who moved me to write this book for the salvation of those who read it.

3 Time has an end and beyond that is eternity. No one knows for certain what they will be doing five minutes ahead. Circumstances beyond our control determine what will happen next. But God knows the end from the beginning because He makes it happen. He has given us a manual to help us through life’s uncertainties. The Bible foretold thousands of years ago with astounding accuracy the events happening in the world right now. It told us of the coming New World Order and how they will create an evil empire enslaving the human race through false religion, tyrannical government, and a one world currency. They have slowly brainwashed the multitudes through mass media, entertainment, education, and false religions. The End Of Time exposes the plan of these sinister masterminds, and identifies who is hiding at the head of this ancient conspiracy. God has allowed the architects of evil to cause tremendous suffering in the world in order to allow everyone to see the consequences of rebellion, and to willingly turn from sin back to obedience to God. This life is short but eternity never ends. Where you will spend eternity is determined by the decision concerning sin and Jesus Christ that you make in the short time that is left before time runs out. As the world is slowly destroyed by those who have sold their souls for what does not last, this book explains what the Bible says will happen next and how we are to respond. Without an anchor, a ship is tossed by every wind and wave. This book is meant to give you an anchor for your soul as the worst events in human history are about to occur leading to the End of the World.

4 This book explains:

 How the UN agreement on September 25, 2008, to form a one world government by the year 2015 signaled the beginning of the tribulation  The Roman numeral in the name of Pope Benedict XVI is 666 revealing him as The Antichrist  How the UN fulfills the description of the Beast from the Sea  How ancient Babylonian religion is the mother of all false religions  How the Antichrist will set up the Abomination of Desolation  How something like a comet will begin the punishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist and signal the rapture of Christians  How Roman Catholicism and Islam are related  How Satan is the mastermind of the coming one world religion and government  The plan of the NWO to destroy the international economy and set up the Mark of the Beast  Satan’s plan to enslave humans and depopulate the planet  How Jesus will be victorious  How to receive salvation through Jesus Christ

And more





More than 35 years ago, I read the Book of Matthew in the Bible, turned from my sins, and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I received peace with God, and the Holy Spirit living in me to lead me. Because of what Jesus did for me, I have the assurance of eternity in Heaven no matter what the circumstances may be. My life was changed forever. I began reading 20 chapters of the Bible a day and sharing the good news about Jesus Christ with everyone I met. I became devoted to living in obedience to Jesus Christ and putting away things that were not pleasing to God. For many years I worked full time preaching the Gospel in the inner cities, jails, prisons, missions, and now online and around the world. I also preached the Gospel through music.

Although I have studied the Bible countless times through and was familiar with world history, I was never interested in studying the things concerning the end of the world because I thought I couldn't understand it. That was true until on Sept 25, 2008, when for the first time all the nations of the world agreed at the United Nations to fulfill the Satanic Luciferian Agenda 21 of the New World Order by the year 2015. I saw

7 it happen and knew about the prophecy in Daniel 9:27 of the seven year agreement beginning the tribulation. I began to research, and the more I studied the more the pieces fit together showing that this was prophecy being fulfilled. People asked me for the information, so I posted information on my web site. As I continued researching, I updated the information. There was an urgency to sound the alarm about what is happening. As I got the information out, other people from around the world gave me more information filling in the different parts of the puzzle.

The agreement on September 25, 2008, of all nations of the world at the UN to fulfill the Millenium Development Goals of a unified global government and religion of Lucifer in seven years by September 25, 2015, officially created a one world government. The independence of nations was removed and all nations are in submission to the Luciferian agenda at the Vatican in Rome through the UN. The New World Order global propaganda in the mass media and educational systems keeps this hidden. Pope Benedict XVI entered the abominable temple of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in 2009 and met with Muslim and Jewish leaders under his leadership. He also sat in charge of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in 2008.

8 I have pictures in the online version of this book showing these events. Both current popes have sat on a throne modeled after God’s great white throne between the cherubim, declaring themselves to be God. The Global March To Jerusalem ( of Muslims organized by the UN has been established, and the Rabbinic Jews (secretly led by the Jesuits) at the Temple Institute have announced that they plan to sacrifice a red heifer that will reveal their Messiah (the Antichrist). There are two popes at the Vatican fulfilling the two horns on the false prophet in Revelation. The depopulation method of plague has been set up through world vaccination by a Level 6 pandemic declaration at the UN. All nations are in readiness to take orders from the UN to start vaccinating (depopulating) the population of the world. The UN Fatima Statue set up by the Vatican in Rome has been travelling the world being promoted as something that must be worshipped in order to bring world peace. The implantable RFID chips are developed as a global currency and enslavement method, and are waiting for the planned global economic collapse in order to become the mandatory method of buying or selling. The Bitcoin global digital currency is also being put in place. Everything the Bible prophesied would happen during the tribulation has been happening. The global persecution and

9 depopulation when the global financial collapse occurs, along with forced worship of the idol of the beast and the announcement of the Pope as the world emperor is not far away. Already people have been willingly taking the RFID chip implants, but the RFID chip global currency will soon be mandatory in order to buy or sell. The Bible warns everyone severely not to take the Mark of the Beast and not to bow to the image of the Beast under any circumstance. The Gospel must also be preached to all nations.

Within nine months, by June 2009, I had written a book that was published, translated into other languages, online, and distributed around the world. I continued to update occasionally, but circumstances prevented me from adding more information exposing the secret organization, plans, tactics, methods, and sociological tools of the New World Order. However, this book gives you a foundation for researching the truth of the globalist conspiracy to unite the world in one government and esoteric Luciferian religion under the Pope through depopulation, mind- controlled slavery, and deceptive propaganda. Jesus Christ said the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

Satan works through deception and secrecy. During the Old Testament, Satan’s leaders often

10 posed as Jews in order to try to make the truth look bad and to lead people astray. Since the New Testament, Satan’s leaders often pose as Christians. His master deception is Catholicism. Catholic means Universal, and Catholicism is over all of the non-Christian religions throughout the world. In 1986 and 2011, the Pope brought all the religions of the world together in Assisi, Italy, and declared that they all worship the same god. That god is Satan. Among the religious leaders are those who openly claim to worship Satan or Lucifer. The United Nations meditation room has an altar dedicated to the god that man worships under many names and in many forms.1 The meditation room is overseen by Lucius Trust, which was formerly called Lucifer Publishing. The Lucius Trust website has a page explaining that they believe Lucifer descended to Earth to bring light to mankind.2 3 There are many roads to eternal destruction, but the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6, Matthew 7:13- 14). The religions of Lucifer are in opposition to Jesus Christ. Religion cannot save you, and no one has a monopoly on Jesus Christ.

The Jesus Christ of Catholicism is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Pope claims to be the Vicar of Christ, which makes him the Antichrist (1 John 2:22-23). Jesus is the Savior and not

11 the Pope. Real Christians follow Jesus Christ, and not a mere man who claims to take the place of Jesus Christ. The Jesuits at the Vatican are the Illuminati (Alumbrados) that control the Vatican and the secret orders (including the New World Order) from behind the scenes. They are espionage experts and pretend to be what they are not in order to infiltrate, control, and destroy anyone that effectively exposes the lies of the Vatican. The Superior General of the Gesuits in Rome is the Grand Architect of the plans of the New World Order. There is no letter ‘J’ in Italian. When you study the Jesuits and who they control, then you see the organization of the Luciferian New World Order. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” is used by occult esotericists on the currency that is the standard of the world, and it can mean either New World Order or New Age Order. It was used in a first century BC poem by Virgil that talked about a revived empire of the ancient gods (demons). It is a temporal empire owned by those who rebel against the eternal God. In this book I refer to it as the New World Order, because that is the term most commonly used by world leaders when referring to the occult globalist empire structure. However, some occult leaders also call it the New Age when referring to the spiritual aspects of the occult globalist empire.

12 In this book, I showed how the Bible prophesied that in the middle of the seven years the abomination that causes desolation would begin, but that those who trust in Jesus Christ will be caught up to Heaven before the wrath of God is poured out on the world. Lot was rescued before God's wrath was poured out on Sodom and Gomorrah, and Noah was rescued by boat from God's wrath on the people of the world. The Greek word for rapture is translated into English as "caught up" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) and means to be stolen away. Those people who are trying to build their kingdom on this planet and whose hope is in this world will lose their soul for eternity. Jesus said in Matthew 16:26, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” As Christians, our hope is in Heaven where Jesus sits on the throne of God. We look forward to His eternal kingdom where there is no more sin or problems. In this world, we are God's ambassadors to share the good news of His atoning sacrifice and resurrection so others can know Him and be saved from eternal destruction.

The 1290 day after the one world agreement was Passover of 2012. According to what is written in the Bible, I expected a staged conflict in Jerusalem with troops surrounding the city. I also expected the Rabbinic Jews to sacrifice a

13 red heifer on the temple mount and announce the Pope as the Messiah and Emperor of the world. Just before Passover 2012, the UN (Palestinian Authority) held a Muslim March to Jerusalem, but it was not aggressively promoted in the media ( . Also at Passover 2012, the Rabbinic Jews (controlled by the Jesuits and Freemasons) sacrificed a goat in Jerusalem, but on a basketball court instead of on the Temple Mount ( I expected the globalist Luciferian religion to takeover, with their RFID global currency, but this is still being set up. I also expected the Christians to be raptured after global persecution, by the Feast of Ingathering (aka Pentecost), but this did not occur. However, one week before Pentecost in 2012, there was an annular solar eclipse, which was described in the Bible when it said that before the coming of that day the sun would turn black like sackcloth and the moon would turn red like blood (Joel 2:31). Although everything did not happen exactly as I expected, some of what I expected did happen but on a smaller scale. It seems to have been a dress rehearsal for what is about to come.

After taking some time off to sort out a devastating tragedy in my life, I am now writing this second edition of The End Of Time. It is now titled and subtitled – The End Of The World :

14 Bible Prophecies Revealed. It is mostly the same as the first edition, but with substantial additional information, and with exact future dates removed. God’s delay and patience means salvation for more people.

It is no coincidence that the Pope wears ’s mitre representing the Pontifex Maximus of Paganism, and that Lucifer Publishing (Lucius Trust) is part of the United Nations. Satanism is esoteric in which the people at the top intentionally deceive those at the bottom. The secret they hide is that they are enslaved by demons that want to destroy everyone. This is why the rulers of this world are dead serious about keeping top secrets. Satan is the master liar and deceiver, and those who don't know Jesus Christ are easily led astray and trapped by Satan's deceptions. Only Jesus Christ can set you free.

The Bible prophesied long ago with amazing detail and accuracy events that are now happening, and that Jesus Christ would rescue His own out of this world before the wrath of God is poured out. Jesus Christ is how God the Creator of all things speaks to us face to face. The rulers of this world use many methods to lull people to sleep while they organize to rob, kill, and destroy you. May this book open eyes and

15 wake people up before it’s too late. It’s as if there is a train coming and people are sleeping on the tracks. Time is running out and we must warn people while time is still left. May your faith be in Jesus Christ alone because He is true to His word and will not let those down who have their faith in Him.

1 2 3 3 descent_and_sacrifice


“I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.” John 14:29

On September 25, 20081, all 193 recognized nations2 (194 now3) of the world, including the Vatican4, agreed at the United Nations in New York to form a one world government over the next seven years by the year 2015. This plan is known as the Millennium Development Plan, Agenda 21, or Sustainable Development. This high level event was extremely significant because it fulfilled the Bible prophecy in Daniel 9:27 about the seven year world peace treaty, and reveals that we are living in the tribulation at the end of the world (Rev. 7:15). The Lord Jesus Christ referred to this period of time as “the beginning of birth pains” (Matt. 24:8, Mark 13:8 ). The timing of this agreement lines up with the Jewish calendar, and with solar and lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015 pointed out by Mark Biltz in his information on the blood red moons.5 Daniel 12:4 states, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.” The prophecies concerning the end of time were sealed and could not be understood until the time of the end. The seals have been removed so that we may understand the events that are now taking place.

17 Many passages in the Bible tell us that Jesus will come like a thief in the night to those who are asleep, but that we should be awake and aware of the signs of the second coming of Jesus and not be unaware like those who are asleep (I Thess. 5:1-8, Matt. 24:43, Luke 12:39, Matt. 24:32-33). There are numerous signs occurring, accurately fulfilling Bible prophecies and warning that we are in the tribulation period. The power of the truth is holding back the Antichrist from coming out in the open (2 Thess. 2:6). However, according to the Bible, the power of the truth will be broken and the Antichrist will rule with a worldwide genocide (Daniel 12:7). It will only last a short time and then Jesus Christ will return to defeat the Antichrist forever (Rev. 12:12).

This book presents the facts and shows who is behind this, how it fulfills Bible prophecies, what the Bible says will happen, and how to stand firm through what is coming. There are many events occurring that are arranged and orchestrated in unison to establish a unified global communistic platonian luciferian utilitarian New Age Antichrist dictatorship through eugenics and total mind control. Occultists may call it harmonic convergence, but the Bible calls it rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23). This book shows how all the puzzle pieces fit together in fulfillment of Bible prophecies. As Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

18 Although I am adding some references, I am not putting in references for everything because in this age of information, the confirmation is easily and readily available to those who want to know the truth and search for it themselves. I hope that you will search out the truths presented here to verify everything for yourself.

This book uses quotes mainly from the New International Version 1984 English translation of the Bible. The html has links to where you can read the Bible in many translations and languages online for free. You can also download the Hebrew and Greek with study tools for no cost at

My website also has this book with pictures included, at and at

1 2 3 In 2011, Sudan split and became North Sudan and South Sudan. In 2012, before any Palestinian government was in place, Palestine was added as an observing nation to the UN. Palestine only exists at the UN because the UN has covertly controlled Palestine since the end of WW2 and is the Palestinian Authority. 4 5


2 Thess 2:1-3 says, “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.”

One of the visible signs occurring is the appearance of the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness, who is identified in Revelation chapter 13:17-18, “so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man's number. His number is 666.” When the book of Revelation was written, Roman numerals were in use. The Roman numeral for 666 is “DCLXVI”. The Roman numeral in the name of one of the two current popes of Rome (Benedict XVI) is also “DCLXVI”. The equivalent of “the” in Italian (which is the language of the Vatican) is “il”. The first two ‘i’s in “Benedictus il XVI” are excluded because of their incorrect placement for a Roman numeral. The number of his name is “DCLXVI”, which is 666. This is no coincidence. Since Julias Caesar, the emperors of Rome have

20 also been the Pontifex Maximus (pope, high priest, pontiff) of the Pagan religion of ancient Babylon, which is the mother of all false religions. The Pagan emperors learned to control people by becoming the spiritual rulers or gods to the people. This fulfillment of Bible prophecy points to Pope Benedict XVI as the Antichrist, the man of perdition, the lawless one who deceives the whole world (2 Thess. 2:1-9).

All authoritatively accepted translations of the Bible translate the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18 as being the number 666. This is because in the original Greek, the three letters of the Greek alphabet representing the numbers for 600, 60, and 6 were used. Like the Roman numbers which were represented by letters of the Roman alphabet, Greek numbers were also represented by letters of the Greek alphabet. Some scholars claim that the earliest known copies of the text use the Greek symbol for 10 instead of 60 and that the number should be 616. This is refuted by the second century author named Irenaeus, who verified that the number for 666 was what the Apostle John had written down. Either way, the numbers point to Pope Benedict XVI as the Antichrist. The Roman number in the written name Benedict XVI is DCXVI which is 616, but the Italian spoken name Benedictus il XVI contains the number DCLXVI which is 666. It is apparent that the Bible wanted us to know that Benedict XVI is the one being spoken of. The popes choose their own papal name. Pope Benedict XVI is from Germany and participated in Hitler’s youth army.

21 His real name is Joseph Ratzinger, which is similar to the name of his predecessor Josef Retinger who pioneered the Bilderberg Group and the movement leading to the European Union.

The belief is not new that the Antichrist would be a pope of Roman Catholicism. The Christian scholars of the Reformation period declared in the footnotes of the Geneva Bible that the popes are the antichrists and the Vatican is the Harlot of Babylon. The Geneva Bible was first published in 1560 by the assistants of William Tyndale, who was persecuted and burned at the stake in 1536 by Catholicism for translating the Bible accurately from the original Hebrew and Greek into common English for people to read. Until that time, Catholicism used corrupted Latin Bibles so the people would not know the truth. When people read Tyndale’s Bibles and learned the truth about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ they left Catholicism. Because of this, the Catholic Queen Bloody Mary Tudor ordered that all of Tyndale’s Bibles be confiscated and burned, and those who assisted Tyndale be executed.

2 Corinthians 11:14 says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. The popes wear the hat called Nimrod’s mitre to show that they are the emperor and high priest of Babylonian paganism. There are pictures on the internet of Pope Benedict XVI (the Antichrist) standing on the Temple Mount in front of the Dome of the Rock from May 2009, where he entered the Abominable Temple1 (Dome of the

22 Rock)2, and also met with both Muslim and Jewish leaders (Daniel 9:27). He is always standing in the center when in pictures with world leaders because they all submit to him. There are also pictures of Benedict XVI sitting on a white throne between cherubim angel statues, imitating the great white throne of God in Heaven which is between real angels3 (Isaiah 37:16, Isaiah 14:13, Revelation 20:11, Psalm 99:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:4). There are recent pictures of Pope Francis on the same papal throne as Benedict XVI. The popes call themselves the Vicar of Christ, which means Christ on Earth, and thereby deny that Jesus is the Christ. The Bible says that whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ is the Antichrist (1 John 2:22). Jesus forbade His disciples from being addressed by any special title that puts them in the place of God or that exalts them over others (Matthew 23:7-11). Jesus is God showing Himself to us, and accepted titles of divinity such as Son of God, Lord, Master, Savior, Teacher, I AM (YHWH), and My God, because He is God. It was Jesus that suffered and died once for the sins of the whole world and rose on the third day for the salvation of all who have faith in Him, and will come again as King of kings and Lord of lords, but the popes want the glory and credit for crucifying Jesus Christ.

By definition in the Bible, an antichrist is someone who denies that Jesus Christ is the Savior (the Christ), they deny the finished sacrifice of Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation, and they deny Jesus Christ as Sovereign Lord (I

23 John 2:22, I John 4:3, 2 John 1:7, 2 Peter 2:1, Jude 1:4). An antichrist is also someone who declares himself to be the Christ and God (2 Thess. 2:4). Although there are many antichrists, the Bible identifies one person as the Antichrist. 1 John 2:18 says, “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.” The Bible says the Antichrist will speak boastfully, slander Christ and the Christians, declare himself to be God, and wage war against the saints. (Dan. 7:20-27, Rev 13:5- 8). The popes are the spiritual and political emperors of the Roman empire, claim to be Christ on Earth, and are considered to be above God in the Roman . Article 100 4 5 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church claims the Pope has sovereign authority and lordship over the Bible. That implies the Bible does not have authority over the Pope!

The Catholic Catechism clearly denies Jesus as Sovereign Lord and puts the Pope in that place instead. Catholicism denies the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus once for all the sins of mankind, and claims to command Him to come out of Heaven repeatedly to suffer and die in their ritual called the Mass. They ignore the power of His resurrection and claim that they literally eat His body and drink His blood. They use crucifixes to claim their power to crucify Christ, and they insist that He is a piece of bread that they keep in a box. They hold up a piece of bread in a monstrance that is a symbol of the Pagan sun god, and insist that people worship it.

24 The Roman Catholic Mass is a satanic mockery of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world! It is a method of total mind control by forcing people to believe what their senses tell them is not true. Then they make people believe that they will suffer in Hell if they do not do whatever the priests tell them. Throughout history they have killed those who have denied that the popes are Lord and denied that the bread in the Eucharist is the literal body of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that if you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that He rose from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

Catholicism is a satanic religion pretending to be Christian, so many Catholics turn to Atheism, Satanism, Witchcraft, and other pagan religions under the false belief that Catholicism is Christianity. They don’t know that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and not through religion and rituals. The Jesus Christ of Catholicism is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. It is a false Christ. Jesus is the Christ, and not the Pope. The Pope claims to be the Vicar of Christ on the Earth which points him out as the Antichrist. Those who think that Catholicism is Christianity are easily led away from salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Roman Catholicism was created by the Roman emperors. Around 70 BC, Julias Caesar was the first Roman emperor to be anointed as the Pontifex Maximus of Paganism. All succeeding Roman Emperors were also the Pontifex

25 Maximus of Paganism, including Constantine in the fourth century AD. Constantine also claimed authority over Christianity and created a cult. He changed the names of the gods, goddesses, and festivals of Roman Paganism to Christian names to try to control Christians in his empire.

Paganism uses different names and forms in different places but is still Paganism. Changing the names of the Pagan gods and festivals did not make it Christian. Real Christians were still persecuted under Constantine and were told to give up their Bibles and to join the cult or be put to death. Constantine knew which books belonged in the Bible because Christians were willing to die for them and would not join his cult. The statue of Jupiter became the statue of Peter, Saturn became Jesus, and the Magna Mater became Mary. The Roman Emperor was still the Pontifex Maximus. Saturnalia was celebrated at the winter solstice as the birth of the sun god on December 25 from the time of Julias Caesar around 70 BC. It was celebrated by pagan revelry and materialism. Constantine changed the name of the holiday to Christmas, but continued the same pagan practices. During the early formation of the USA, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas because of its licentious practices. Easter was a Pagan celebration of the Spring Equinox, and of the goddess of fertility known as Ishtar or Astarte. Centuries later, Catholic monks forged documents to claim papal succession back to Peter (study the history of the Liber Pontificalis). Peter was never the head of Christianity. Jesus Christ has always been the

26 head of true Christianity. Real Christians are led by the Spirit of Christ and not by any religious leader (Romans 8:14-17).

"Vatican" means a soothsayer or false prophet - someone who predicts the future by omens. A search for the origins of the Latin word “Vatic” will prove this. Revelation 13 describes the second Beast as a False Prophet having two horns, and that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The two horns of the False Prophet symbolize the two popes that are now at the Vatican City. Horns represent people with power, and horns with crowns represent people with political power. Pope Benedict was said to have been sent into retirement, and the first ever Jesuit pope put in his place. Pope Benedict XVI was sent to a convent of cloistered nuns, which is a brothel for priests in which the women are tortured and used by priests, other nuns, and other guests, until they die. The cloistered nuns are secluded and cutoff from any contact with the outside world. They are told that their suffering is saving souls from purgatory. For more on the subject, research the testimony of Sister Charlotte who successfully escaped from a cloistered convent.

The new pope is the first Jesuit pope, and the Jesuits are the Luciferian Illuminati that run the New World Order and tell the popes what to do. The Jesuits are masters of espionage, manipulation, and propaganda, and pretend to be what they are not in order to gain control. They run the organization of the New World

27 Order through secret orders and secret organizations. They lull people to sleep and then quietly sneak up and attack without warning. There will be more on this subject later in this book.

There are some who incorrectly say the Antichrist will be a Muslim, citing Bible verses about the Assyrian. They are deceptively setting the Pope up to be world emperor by using propaganda, and staging and orchestrating an event in which the Pope magically rescues the world from a Muslim attack on Jerusalem and a world war. The following verses refer to the time when the nation of Israel went into exile during the reign of the Assyrian and Babylonian empires:

Isaiah 10:5 “Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the club of my wrath! “ Isaiah 14:25 “I will crush the Assyrian in my land; on my mountains I will trample him down. His yoke will be taken from my people, and his burden removed from their shoulders." 2 Chronicles 32:21 “And the LORD sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king.”

When the Christians are raptured out of this world into Heaven to be with Jesus, the Antichrist will have finally established his kingdom on Earth, but in chaos, with many enemies, and with only a short time to reign. He will be powerless to fight against the wrath of

28 the true God and Creator of all things. His kingdom will be of iron and clay, which does not mix and is weak (Daniel 2). The iron represents the Roman Empire, and the clay represents the Muslim Empire. Later, this book will show how Catholicism created and controls Islam. The Bible says that the United Nations will burn the Vatican City with fire and destroy it. Revelation 17:16 ‘The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.”

Afterward, Jesus Christ will return as King of kings and Lord of lords with His followers and defeat the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and everyone left at the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21). Because the Pope has a title that also belonged to Nimrod (the Pagan emperor of ancient Babylon and Assyria), when Jesus Christ returns He will defeat the Assyrian (the Antichrist who is also figuratively called Nimrod) as foretold in Micah 5:4-6: “He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And he will be their peace. When the Assyrian invades our land and marches through our fortresses, we will raise against him seven shepherds, even eight leaders of men. They will rule the land of Assyria with the sword, the land of Nimrod with drawn sword. He will deliver us from the Assyrian when he invades our land and marches into our borders.”

29 The Pope is uniting all religions together, including Satanists and Luciferians, and claiming that they all worship the same God. Satan’s lie is that the Creator God is to blame for the sin in the world. Nevertheless, Satan is the one that rebelled and caused all the destruction. Sin causes eternal destruction and only God can make things new. There is only one way to Heaven and that is through faith in Jesus Christ alone (John 14:6). No mere human can be the Savior for you. Jesus Christ is God showing Himself to us in human form (Colossians 1:15). No religious works can save anyone. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world (John 3:16). He is the only one that ever could or would. He is the only one that was ever perfect and sinless (Romans 3:23). If there was any other way for us to be saved, then His sacrifice for sins in our place was in vain (Matthew 26:42). He left the throne of God in Heaven and came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). Because He is God and His sacrifice in our behalf for our sins was acceptable, He rose on the third day and ascended back to His throne in Heaven.

The rulers of this dark world want others to serve them. They want fame, fortune, and pleasure for themselves. The things of this world do not last, and there are eternal consequences for living for them. God has the best plan for your life and for your eternity. He created you for fellowship with Him forever, and He has a special plan and purpose for you. His

30 will for you begins with turning from your sins, and receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, trusting in God’s forgiveness and new life through His finished work in your behalf (John 6:29). Whoever calls on His Name will be saved (Romans 10:13).

1 27&version=NIV 2 uses-muslims-argument-to-muslims/ 3 4 5


Revelation 13:8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.

Another sign of the end of time is revealed in the identification of the Dragon and the Beast out of the Sea, which are explained together here because of their similarities and connection. In Revelation 12:3-4, the Dragon is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads. He is declared to be Satan in Revelation 20:2. He is cast out of Heaven to Earth because of his rebellion against God, and he deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). Similarly, in Revelation chapter 13, the Beast out of the Sea is described as having seven heads and ten horns, but ten crowns on his horns. On the Beast out of the Sea, the crowns have moved from the seven heads to the ten horns. The Beast comes out of the sea (the abyss, Revelation 17:8), and is worshiped just like the Dragon (Rev. 13:8). Revelation 17:15-17 explains that the sea the Beast comes up from represents people from all over the world.

In Daniel 7, Daniel had a dream of four separate beasts, each one different from the others. The first beast was a lion, the next a bear, the next a leopard, and the final one had iron teeth and ten horns. These four beasts represented the

32 empires of Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece, and Rome. All of these four empires, together with the earlier Egyptian and Assyrian empires, and the latter Ottoman empire, have ruled over Jerusalem, the place that the LORD chose as His throne on Earth (Jeremiah 3:17). These seven empires ruling over Jerusalem at different times in history represent the seven heads of the Dragon. In Revelation 13:2, the Beast out of the Sea is described as being part lion, bear, and leopard. This shows that the one world empire of the Antichrist will include those former empires.

Rev. 17:8-14 “The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come. This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords

33 and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."

This passage in Revelation 17 explains that the seven heads of the Dragon and the Beast are seven hills and seven kings. They are seven empires. At the time Revelation was written, five had fallen, one was currently in power, and one was yet to come. This identifies the seven heads of the Dragon and the Beast as the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Mede-Persian, Greek, Roman, and Ottoman Empires. The seven crowns signify that the heads have authority as rulers. The eighth king is the Beast out of the Sea, and is a returning head of the Dragon. The Beast rules over all the people of the world. The Beast is led by the Antichrist who commands everyone through the Beast (Revelation 13:5-6, Daniel 7:24-25). The authority of the Beast is divided between ten simultaneous rulers who rule the Beast for one hour each. This is symbolized by the ten crowns on the ten horns on one of the heads (Revelation 17:12). The fourth beast in Daniel 7 also had ten horns, indicating that the Beast from the Sea is led by the returning Roman Empire, which was fatally wounded but healed. (Rev. 13:3, 13:12). Both the Dragon and the Beast are worshiped, and both represent Satan‘s rule on Earth. The Beast from the Sea is the one world empire of Satan, which was (at the Tower of Babel), then was not, and now has come again.

34 The United Nations Security Council, which claims authority over the entire world, has ten temporary heads which each serve alternately as president for one month at a time in two year terms. This fulfills the prophecy of the Beast having ten horns that each reign with the beast for one hour (Revelation 17:12-14). The ten temporary presidents are chosen from the General Assembly. The President of the UN General Assembly at the time the first edition of this book was written, H.E. Mr. Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, represented Nicaragua, but was also a Roman Catholic priest. The Bible prophecies indicate that when the Vatican City State becomes a full member of the UN, the Pope will subdue three of the temporary presidents (Daniel 7:24) and declare himself to be God (2 Thess. 2:4). It is likely that the Vatican will then become the sixth permanent head of the UN Security Council with the seventh head being the ten temporary heads from the General Assembly. There are already five other permanent member nations on the Security Council. This fulfills the description of the Beast out of the Sea in the book of Revelation. According to Christopher Collins (aka John Todd) who was a top ranking witch, the Illuminati has councils of 13 in which 12 seats are filled and an empty seat is reserved for the Antichrist. This would explain why the Pope would only want a total of 12 nations (instead of 15) plus the Vatican on the UN Security Council, and why the Bible says that the little horn will displace three of the other horns (Daniel 7:8). For more

35 information on the organization of the UN, see

There is a systematic and secret organizational structure in the plans of the one world government. The Roman Empire changes the names and organization of its governing bodies and institutions whenever politically necessary to hide their plans. Until recently, the supreme world court of the UN was called the Roman International Court of Justice. The rulers of the world system pay indentured devotees to have positions of power globally, and to have their names on public and private organizations, in order to hide who is really controlling everything. When someone appointed to power turns against them and exposes them, that person usually mysteriously dies or disappears.

Who created, runs, and pays for the United Nations is intentionally kept a mystery to the general population. The mass media and other propaganda methods are used to hide the truth, and to deceive and distract. All 194 nations of the world are fully represented in the United Nations except the Vatican City State, which is currently an observing member. This is because the Vatican secretly runs the UN. The Vatican is by far the most wealthy and powerful organization in the world. Catholics and New World Order devotees all over the world swear allegiance to the Vatican above the nations that they are citizens of. All of their assets and positions of power are at the disposal of the Pope. The Palestinian Authority is now part of

36 the United Nations as an observing member, but since World War 2 the United Nations has always been the Palestinian Authority. The Rothschilds manage the money for the Vatican and, under the Jesuits, transferred the power over Palestine from Great Britain to the UN after WW2, but the general population is kept unaware of what is going on. The Rockefellers are part of the Rothschild family syndicate as is shown later in this book. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the diabolical Kaiser Wilhelm Institute that ran the Nazi Death camps in WW2, and then supplied the land for the UN building in NY after the war.

The real motives of the UN are kept hidden under a pretense of goodwill and a mask of deception through controlled propaganda. The depopulation and eugenics philosophies of the Jesuits, Thomas Malthus, and Francis Galton (the cousin of Charles Darwin) were always part of the agenda of the United Nations. Nicholas Rockefeller has been videotaped speaking about his belief that the world needs to be depopulated. WW2 was used to depopulate, and to motivate people to welcome the creation of the UN. The UN, the CIA, and Operation Paperclip were all created at the end of WW2 by the same people that ran and supported the Nazis. Operation Paperclip gave amnesty to the Nazi doctors that performed torturous and live experiments on prisoners, and gave those doctors jobs under the CIA. IBM supplied the first programmable computers for the Nazis to keep track of the Jews and others through a census and numbers tattooed on their bodies.

37 Then, Bill Gates made money from his allegiance to IBM. Now, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds the UN GAVI program to depopulate the world through inoculations and vaccinations. Bill Gates has admitted on public video at a TED conference that depopulation is the goal of the inoculations and vaccinations. Warren Buffet contributed billions of dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for GAVI, which is not unusual since Warren Buffet made his money from the Rothschild owned and controlled Wall Street Stock Exchange. The NWO uses computer databases to track information on everyone, and uses propaganda to encourage participation. People are being programmed and prepared to accept RFID tracking and remote control implants that have been being developed for almost a century. The technology is in place, and propaganda is used to gain worldwide acceptance. The Bertelsmann Group is a multinational conglomerate, and ran the Nazi propaganda in WW2. After WW2, they joined with the Japanese to form SONY/BMG, which is known for their control of the international music industry. The Rothschilds and Bertelsmanns also own the Christian music and television industry, which is why Christian mainstream media is moving toward a global religion and away from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Eugenics and depopulation is subliminally promoted in order to create a manageable and superior race of slaves for the world leaders. Propaganda is used to convince people that in a new age of reason, they must become total mind controlled slaves, and be killed for the good of the whole.

38 The man made philosophy of utilitarianism argues that law should be based on what makes the population happiest overall. This was practiced in the mob violence of the ancient Roman Colosseum. Depopulation promotes the idea that world rulers are gods and must be made happy at the expense of all others. It is an elusive happiness that relies on the whimsical laws of man instead of on the unchanging eternal laws and Spirit of God.

The UN is based on Luciferian occult philosophy. The UN meditation room is used for occult worship. Luciferians prefer to call Satan “Lucifer” because Lucifer was his name before he was banished from Heaven for rebellion. Occultists claim that Lucifer was not banished, but humbly came to Earth to enlighten people and help them evolve into gods. According to the Bible, Satan is the master deceiver who himself wants to be god (John 8:44, Isaiah 14:13). Satan caused the problems in the world by inciting rebellion against the laws of God. The occult writings of Alice Bailey were foundational for the UN. Alice Bailey created Lucifer Publishing which was renamed as Lucius Trust. Lucius Trust became the publishing house of the United Nations, is an NGO of the UN, and is said to be in charge of the Meditation Room at the UN. Through demonic channeling, Alice Bailey also wrote methods to abolish Christian values and family morals. This can all be seen at The UN agenda is also based on Plato’s philosophies of total government control through destruction of the

39 family unit, and dumbing down and deceiving the general population.1 Plato taught that children should be raised by the state, that women are community property, that children should not know who their fathers are, that people should not own property, and that a handful of intelligentsia should control everyone. Homosexuality, abortion, and women’s liberation are part of the demoralization and depopulation agenda.

Catholicism is the head of the Pagan occult religions of the world. In 1986, Pope John Paul united leaders together from religions all over the world in Assisi, Italy, and said that they are all worshipping the same god. Yes, they are all worshipping the false god - Satan (Lucifer) - in different forms and names. The God of the Bible does not allow images, idols, symbols, or other gods to be worshipped or prayed to (Exodus 20:1-6). Benedict XVI brought world religious leaders together in 2011, again in Assisi, Italy, where they prayed at the tomb of Francis of Assisi. Prayers to the dead are part of necromancy, which is part of Paganism. The UN also has a one world religion agenda and organization called the United Religions Initiative. Their web site is The UN Meditation Room dedication text says about their black stone altar at: – “We may see it as an altar, empty not because there is no God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it is dedicated to the God whom man

40 worships under many names and in many forms.“

Various regions of the world have been united to prepare for the global government, but all the nations of the world are brought together at the United Nations. Joseph Retinger was a Roman Catholic, had ties to secret orders, founded the European Movement leading to the creation of the European Union, and founded the Bilderberg Group. Early promotional propaganda for the European Union headquarters called the EU the modern Tower of Babel. The design of the headquarters building was made to resemble an artist’s conception of the Tower of Babel. The EU Constitution was signed in front of a large statue of a Pope in Rome. The Club of Rome was organized to speed the process of a global government through dividing the world into different regions of control. In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI took the front seat as world leader at the UN assembly in New York. The Pope is leading the push to fulfill the New World Order agenda by speaking out for the global currency, carbon tax, and global New World Order. Those who think that the Vatican is not the control center of the Luciferian New World Order are being deceived. The Jesuits work in secret, through secret orders and secret organizations, to keep the truth from being known while enslaving the world to the Pope. They keep the negative attention off the Vatican so they can continue to work in secret and make the Pope look like the answer for the world.

41 Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The rulers, authorities, and powers of this dark world control this world for their own self- interests in an organized rebellion against the true Eternal Creator God. They use many methods to enslave and control the masses, but the supreme tactic is to promote propaganda and lies to deceive people. In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler (who was Roman Catholic) is credited with saying that if you repeat a lie frequently enough then people will believe it. Satan is the master deceiver. The spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms that the world rulers look to for guidance are the demons and Satan himself. Jesus Christ said that the truth will set you free (John 8:32). The truth of God’s word in the Bible is always under attack by those who want to suppress the truth in order to make slaves of everyone else. When you sin, you become a slave to sin and to Satan. Religion cannot save you. World leaders cannot save you. Your own limited intelligence, talent, and efforts cannot save you. Only through faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice for your sins once for all can you be forgiven, made right with God, and set free from Satan’s control. Then, through the power of His Spirit living in you, you have assurance of eternity in Heaven and can fulfill the eternal purpose for which God made you. Through faith in Jesus Christ we are

42 not perfect in this world, but we are forgiven and accepted by God. We are a new person led by God’s Spirit, and are becoming all that God created us to be. Jesus Christ is the supreme authority to whom everyone must give an account at the Final Eternal Judgment. His will for you begins when you turn from your own ways, have faith in His forgiveness, and give your life to Him calling on Him in prayer. (Romans 10:13). Then you will know the truth and be set free (John 8:31-32).

Pictures Below in the online version: 1) UN Lady of Fatima,2 2) EU Tower of Babel promotional advertisement,3 3) EU Constitution signing in front of pope statue,4 4) Pope Benedict XVI addressing the UN in 20085


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There is one more key player in Satan’s kingdom that needs to be identified - the prostitute that rides the beast.

Rev. 17:3-6 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

How did the Vatican inherit the title of Babylon the Great? Revelation 17 refers to the prostitute as a city in whose hand is a cup of abominations, that rules over the kings of the Earth, and that has killed the saints. What city has claimed to be the keeper of the sacred chalice of blood, rules over the kings of the Earth, and has killed more saints than the Vatican City? Roman Catholicism has often been portrayed as the keeper of the Holy Grail. They claim to magically command Christ to come out of Heaven to be sacrificed over and over, and claim that people must drink

45 His literal blood from their chalice, and eat his literal body from the hands of their priests. World leaders often pay homage to the Pope, and make concordats with the Vatican for favor and power. For information on the history of how Roman Catholicism has persecuted, tortured, and murdered countless Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ, read Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

The Vatican City Center in Rome includes the Circus of Nero, where countless Christians were murdered, crucified, and burned. Historical accounts say the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down in St. Peter’s Square by Nero in AD 64-67. An occult obelisk from Egypt was moved to St. Peters Square in the area where Peter was said to have been martyred. Countless multitudes of Christians and others were tortured and killed by the Roman Religious Empire during the Early Church, the Dark Ages, the Protestant Reformation, and the Holocaust. Dave Hunt made an excellent video on this subject called “A Woman Rides The Beast”.

Revelation 6:9-11 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.

46 Satan wanted to be god and led a rebellion, so he and other angels were banned from Heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). Angels were created to help humans for God’s glory, but Satan wanted to control humans for himself (Hebrews 1:14). Adam and Eve listened to Satan instead of to God and were told that if they rebelled against God, then they would be gods (Genesis 3). Instead they became slaves to Satan and to sin, and were separated from God. Because of sin, all of mankind lost the blessings of God that were given to us in the Garden of Eden. God offered them a way back into eternal fellowship with Him through repentance and faith in the coming Messiah that would be a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. People continued to rebel against God. Satan inspired religions based on man’s self-righteous works and religious rituals that kept people separated from God and in bondage to sin. The worship of a mother goddess predates the Great Flood. The human race became dysfunctional, and the first child born into the world murdered his brother.

The world became so wicked that God destroyed everything by flood, but saved Noah, his family, and the animals by a boat. A team of Chinese explorers videotaped the inside of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in 2010, and the video can be seen on the internet. The Ark is encased in ice and volcanic rock, but the monumental find has been downplayed by the global media. All over the world, different civilizations have kept accounts of the Great Flood in which one family was saved through having a boat. Ancient Sumerian and

47 Akkadian clay tablets with accounts of the flood and written not long afterward are known. The Book of the Dead in Egypt and the Epic of Gilgamesh from Babylon are two notable records. Moses had access to all the literature of Egypt, and the Jews kept meticulous genealogical and historical records. After the Ark landed on Mount Ararat at the top of the Euphrates River, the people moved down the Euphrates, back into the same region around Babylon and Uruk. They rebuilt the same rebellious Pagan religious temples that were destroyed in the flood, but with brick instead of stone, as the Bible says (Genesis 11:3). Archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Uruk prove this.

After the Great Flood, Noah’s great grandson Nimrod conquered and united the world with one language so the people would not be spread out over the world. His main headquarters was in Babylon. Nimrod is also known by archaeologists as Sargon the Great. Akkadian (Assyrian, Genesis 10:10) was the lingua franca of the empire. The Pagan priests also used the ancient Sumerian language. In rebellion toward God, they built the Tower of Babel for the glory of man (Genesis 10 & 11). Ancient historians and archaeologists report that when Sargon the Great died, the people went back to speaking their own languages. This agrees with what the Bible says about the languages being confused, and the people spread out over the Earth (Genesis 11:9). The dispersed families carried with them the Babylonian religious practices of

48 having pyramids, chanting, sacrifices to appease the gods, praying with candles, beads, bells, and prayer wheels, worship of a mother goddess and other gods and images, worship of the sun, moon, and stars, emperor worship, self- mutilation, esotericism, and more. The names of the gods and goddesses of Paganism were changed in different areas to suit the different languages and practices. Over time, the head of the global Pagan empire was relocated to different cities including Rome.

In the fourth century A.D., the Roman Emperor Constantine, as Pontifex Maximus of Paganism, created a new cult by changing the names of the Roman gods and festivals to Christian names to claim control of Christianity too. Changing the names of Pagan rituals and objects of worship did not make his religion Christian. The Bible says that Satan poses as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). Satan’s messengers sometimes pretend to be Jews or Christians. Catholic means Universal, and is Satan’s masterpiece deception. Real Christians throughout the empire continued to be persecuted for not joining the Emperor’s cult, and the Christian Bibles were confiscated and destroyed. A corrupted Latin translation was made, and false teachers were sent out to keep people from the truth. However, there were still groups of Christians around that had the truth.

In the 16th century AD, the Jesuits became the official espionage agency of the Vatican to control the plans to bring everyone under the

49 Pope. They travel throughout the world incorporating their religious practices into the various religions of the world in order to bring everyone under the Pope. The Jesuits secretly run the globally organized secret societies and secret orders. They organized and control the Freemasons to have a temple for Satan in Jerusalem and a global empire for the Pope. The Jesuits use a regimented hierarchy of people who swear progressive oaths of secrecy and allegiance to the cause. New initiates of the secret societies are sometimes known as pledges or apprentices, and become bound by contract. People at the lower levels of secret societies, and other occult organizations and religions, are kept unaware of what the agenda and plan is at the top. They swear increasing levels of punishment on themselves for betrayal as they move up the ladder and are given more power and knowledge of the plan. These secret orders, especially Freemasonry, include world political leaders, wealthy business owners, and world religious leaders who have established many cult religious movements and organizations.

Freemasons founded or influenced such religious movements and organizations as Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists, Thelema, Ordo Templi Orientis, the Golden Dawn, Church of Satan1, Temple of Set, EST, Theosophy, the KKK, the Italian Mafia, and more. There is no letter “J” in Italian, so the headquarters of the Jesuits in Rome is called the Church of the Gesu. The Superior General of the Gesuits is the

50 Architect of the plans of the New World Order and runs the Freemasons, so the Freemason logo has a letter “G”. Joseph Smith, and his family and friends, founded a Freemason Lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the rituals of Mormonism are derived from Freemasonry. Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science and was a close associate of Henry Steele Olcott who was a high ranking Freemason and who with the occultist Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society. L Ron Hubbard founded Scientology and was a close associate of the OTO. The OTO is associated with Aleister Crowley who founded Thelema witchcraft and was an infamous Satanist. Crowley was also associated with many Freemasons and with the Golden Dawn which was founded by Freemasons. All of these cults have Freemasons closely associated with them, and they are built on Freemason and occult rituals. Anton Lavey used some of Crowley’s ideas in his Church of Satan. General Michael Aquino was a high ranking officer in the National Security Administration of the USA, and was a close associate of Anton Lavey. Aquino founded the Temple of Set which was charged with ritual child abuse. Aquino avoided prosecution because of his power in the government. He was connected to a child abuse ring in which children were used to blackmail politicians through favors. Aquino was highly ranked in mind control techniques and in computer information gathering for the NSA. There are many secret orders built on secret satanic occult rituals that have high ranking world leaders in their upper ranks, including the

51 Bohemian Grove, which most US Presidents in the past century have belonged to. The KKK was founded by Albert Pike who was a high ranking Freemason. The Italian Mafia was founded by Giuseppi Mazzini who was also a high ranking Freemason. The connections between satanic rituals, secret societies, world leaders, and Freemasonry show that the secret these organizations are all hiding is that they all worship Satan. They are esoteric, and people outside of the inner circles are all intentionally lied to. The Jesuits at the Vatican are the Illuminati at the top of the pyramid that all the secret societies and world leaders work for.

The Jesuits are masters at secretly infiltrating organizations to control and overthrow them in order to bring everyone under the Pope’s control. When researching various occult religions and religious movements, major business organizations, and world rulers, it doesn’t take long to find the Jesuit secret occult influence and control. The World Council of Churches was created at the end of WW2, and its national branches are run by the Vatican. It is established to bring everyone under the Pope’s control. Although the Vatican is not officially declared to be a member, they have agreements with the individual members of the organization. The Ecumenical movement, Interfaith movement, and Charismatic movements were established by the Vatican to control everyone. Most high ranking world leaders have been trained by Jesuits and/or answer to Jesuits. A search of world leaders who have attended Jesuit

52 colleges and universities, or who are members of secret orders and secret societies, or who are close associates of Jesuits and secret society members, will open your eyes. There are hundreds of Jesuit schools, colleges, and universities worldwide, and a list of world leaders, kings, presidents, politicians, corporate executives, royalty, famous media personalities, and other famous people from each school would take an entire book to fill. Even Shimon Peres, President of Israel, attended a Jesuit school, and was given a Freemason Knight of Malta status by the Queen of England. Himmler was in charge of the SS in Nazi Germany and was trained by Jesuits. Joseph Stalin was trained at Tiflis Jesuit University for seven years.

The worship of the ancient Babylonian pagan mother goddess is part of uniting all the world religions together under the Antichrist. When I wrote this book in 2008, the UN was keeping a giant statue from Italy of mother and child in storage in New York with plans to set it up in 2013. I said that the statue could be the idol of the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in the Bible. Now the UN is globally promoting a statue of Our Lady Fatima. See The vision of Our Lady Fatima was a propaganda plan of the Vatican in 1917 to strengthen their control over Muslims. In the 1950s, a Catholic television personality named Bishop Fulton Sheen also promoted the manufactured vision of the Virgin Mary that the Muslims were told was a vision of Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed and

53 Kadijah. Kadijah was Mohammed’s first wife, had been a Catholic nun, hired Mohammed in her business, and had two husbands before she married Mohammed. The Vatican created Islam, as I will show later. For more information on this, read How the Vatican Created Islam, by Alberto Rivera.

The worship of a mother goddess is found in pagan religions all over the world. It predates the Great Flood, and was also practiced in ancient Babylon when Nimrod rebelled against God to make himself world emperor and a god. Archaeologists have reported that the most common idol of ancient Babylon was that of a mother goddess with a crescent moon symbol. Catholic priests are using goddess statues to unite Pagan religions together.2 The practioners are accustomed to paying homage to a goddess. Nuns are also common in different pagan religions of the world, such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, that came from ancient Babylonian religion.

The Roman Catholic Pope is the Pontifex Maximus of all Pagan religions, and cults that pretend to be Christian. As such, he is also the head of the one world government that is taking control of everything in this world. Although Satan is the leader of this revolt against God, the central organization and control is at the Vatican in Rome. The reason so many immoral behaviors are allowed to be promoted, taught, and publicly paraded, even when the general population is opposed to it, is because the

54 Luciferian rulers of this dark world are the ones behind it. They have the hidden agenda of depopulation and total enslavement, and use propaganda to induce destructive behavior. Homosexuality, abortion, and women’s liberation are promoted because they are part of the depopulation and demoralization agenda of satanic world leaders.

On the internet, and at my websites and, are pictures of Pope John Paul II having a meeting with world religious leaders at Assisi in 1986, and also of Pope Benedict XVI with world religious leaders on October 27, 2011, at the crypt of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy. Also is a picture of Shimon Peres, President of Israel, receiving the status of Knight of Malta from Queen Elizabeth. Knight of Malta is a degree of Freemasonry, but was also another name for the Knights Hospitalier - the military order of the Vatican that was given charge of the assets of the Knights Templars by the Vatican.


Although Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t want to admit it, The Watchtower Society placed an occult memorial pyramid at the grave of their founder Charles Taze Russell, who is buried with many Freemasons. The cross and crown logo at the top of the pyramid is the same as that of 33 degree Freemasons of the York Rite, also known as the Knights Templar degree, which also has the IHS slogan of the Jesuits on it. There is also an occult obelisk to mark the grave of Ellen G. White who founded the Seventh Day Adventists, and whose writings were filled with occult references3.4 The Seventh Day Adventists ran the Health Care System of the Nazis in WW2 that put millions of Jews to death. They are also currently involved in strategies to have everyone implanted with RFID tracking and control chips through the globalist healthcare systems. They insist that the RFID hand and brain implants and the Bitcoin global currency is not the mark of the beast, but that the mark of the beast is worshipping Jesus on the first day of the week. There is also an occult obelisk from Egypt in front of the Vatican in Rome.


Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

These occult pyramids and obelisks used as gravemarkers cannot save a person’s soul when you die. The Jesuits believe that the end justifies the means. They teach and believe that any evil done for the cause and the organization will be justified if it is for the greater glory of their god, who is Satan. Satan is the father of lies and evil (John 8:44). Satan is already defeated and condemned and cannot save anyone. Making an allegiance to a religious

57 organization cannot save you. Where you spend eternity will be decided by whether you respond to God’s offer of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ alone or not. Only a personal relationship with God, through turning from sin and trusting in Jesus Christ alone as your Lord and Savior, can save you (Mark 1:15).

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Genesis 3:4-5 ‘You will not certainly die,’ the snake said to the woman. ‘For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’

Satan was banished from Heaven and cast down to Earth because of rebellion against God and wanting to be god. He deceived Adam and Eve with the lie that they would be gods if they too rebelled against God. He seduced them with covetousness, greed, and egotism. God gave them everything and told them only one thing that they were not to do. They were not to take what did not belong to them. They could obey God and submit to His will and eat from the tree of life, or they could sin by choosing their own free will and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which results in death and separation from God. Satan made them believe that God’s one prohibition was keeping them in bondage, but later Satan made religions with hypocritical ritualistic rules to keep people in bondage and separated from God and His Spirit. Satan wanted everything for himself. Satan persuaded them that there would be no consequences for committing sin, and that they could make their own standards of good and evil. Satan also accused God the Creator of keeping them in ignorance. Satan was claiming to bring them secret knowledge, enlightenment, and empowerment. His secrets are lies that

59 cause eternal destruction. Because Adam and Eve listened to Satan instead of to God, they sinned. Then they hid from God. They were ashamed, guilty, separated from God, spiritually dead, cursed by the consequences of their sin, and driven from the Garden of Eden and from God’s Presence. They brought consequences on the whole world. Although God made them to be over the rest of creation, they became slaves to Satan and to sin. They were created to have God’s Spirit living in them and leading them, but because of sin they became slaves to spirits of the world. God made a way for them to be forgiven and restored through turning from sin and having faith in the coming sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their forgiveness.

Satan creates false religions to keep everyone in bondage to him instead. Without God’s Spirit leading them, people are led astray after false teachers and worldly spirits to live for the temporary and empty things of this world. God wants you to have a right and personal relationship with Him through faith in His love and power, and not a hypocritical self-centered ritual based religion. God has a plan for your life of eternal value, but Satan wants you to live for the things of this world that are temporary and cannot bring fulfillment or lasting satisfaction. Satan gives you rules, rituals, and false promises to follow, so you can feel good temporarily while you continue to be separated from fellowship with your Creator and your real eternal purpose for existing.

60 Common symbols, hand signals, repetitive prayers, rituals with beads, bells, and chanting, and mindless unquestioning obedience to religious leaders, is common in Pagan religions. Hand signals are used to secretly identify each other and to make secret statements. The repetitive chanting and rituals reinforce the lies in the participant’s mind, and open a person to demon possession. Open displays of hypnotism and demonic possession are often seen in cults and false religions. For more information, watch the YouTube video called “666: The Cult of Saturn” by xJohn xRevelator. You are created to know and live for God your Creator, but without Him you are led astray to live for empty temporal pursuits, causes, and pleasures, that do not satisfy and lead to destruction.

All the false religions of the world originated in ancient Babylon. After the Great Flood, Noah and his family landed on Mount Ararat at the top of the Euphrates. The people went down the Euphrates back to where they had been before, and rebuilt the same Pagan temples that were wiped out during the Great Flood. Nimrod, in defiance against God and another great flood, built a ziggurat pyramid (known as the Tower of Babel) for the glory of man. The Tower of Babel, was later rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar as recorded by the ancient historian Herodotus. Nimrod wore a fish hat (mitre), and is also known by archaeologists and historians as Sargon the Great. Inspired by Satan, he conquered and ruled the world through a united government

61 and religion based on man’s efforts and collectivism.

The Babylonians had many false gods that they worshipped to give them the worldly things that they thought could make them fulfilled. According to Alexander Hisslop’s book “”, their primary gods were a father god (the emperor Nimrod), the mother goddess represented by the symbol of the moon (his wife ), and the reincarnated sun god (Tammuz, the son of Semiramis). Tammuz was a counterfeit of the Messiah that was prophesied to Adam and Eve would come to sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world.

God confused their language and caused the people to spread out over the Earth, but they took the religion of Babylon with them. Pyramids and ziggurats throughout the world were modeled after the Tower of Babel, as was the current European Union headquarters building. They were living for worldly pleasures and looked to signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and other omens for guidance because they did not have God’s Spirit. Those who wanted power and control motivated them to worship created gods instead of the Creator. As the Bible foretold, there is again a movement to unite a global government and religion that enslaves and depopulates, based on man’s efforts to save himself instead of on God’s love and power.

Pagan1 symbolism is seen throughout society today, declaring the control of the occult.

62 Symbols include the crescent moon, the sun, various stars, the all seeing eye, obelisks, pyramids, triangles, and other idols and symbols. According to Alexander Hislop, priests of Babylon wore special robes, were celibate, and cut their hair in circular tonsures representing the sun god. Nimrod wore a mitre2 like the Pope does now. There were temple prostitutes devoted to the temples. Confessionals were used to gather information to control people. Today, we are flooded with censuses, applications requesting personal information, and tracking through audio, video, and other electronic devices that we use and are subjected to. Babylon had idols of winged fantasy animals, and of Semiramis3 who was called the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven. Pagan religions have goddesses modeled after the same idol, but with different names and forms in different locations. Satan is considered to be a hermaphrodite in some Pagan religions, as seen in the Goat of Mendez, and is known by different names using idols or pictures of either male, female, or both. He is also represented in Pagan religions by stones and other idols from nature. People in Pagan religions are often deceived into believing they are worshipping God the Creator, when they are actually worshipping Satan.

The Pagans created religious rites and festivals as guides at the times of the solstices and equinoxes, and at phases of the moon, in their quest for fulfillment in their lust and worship of the created and temporary things of this world.4

63 In the Garden of Eden, Satan blamed God for making a rule against taking what is not yours. Then Satan inspired rituals and rules to enslave people through their guilt from sinning against God. People want to feel better about themselves and their empty lives, while they continue to reject God’s will for their lives. These Pagan festivals are times of pagan revelry, orgies, drunkenness, materialism, and hostility. Santa Claus is a Pagan god of materialism. Mardi Gras, also called Fat Tuesday, is an example of this Pagan revelry as the celebrants get drunk and give prayer beads for acts of immorality before the 40 day Fast for Tammuz, known as Lent in Roman Catholicism (Ezekiel 8:14). Suicide rates rise during these celebrations because people are disappointed in their expectations of what they think these empty rituals should bring. Fasting, gift giving, and other religious rituals cannot take away your sins. Ritualistically chanting the Bible cannot save you, but reading it will help you know God better if you have a personal relationship with Him (John 5:39-40). Reading the Bible was my first real encounter with knowing who Jesus Christ is, and being able to trust Him as my Lord and Savior. Occult means secret. Satan does evil in secret and uses secret symbolism and rituals for control. Occult religions are based on rituals, but real Christians have a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ only. The Bible testifies that only a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ can save you.

64 The idea that God is both good and evil, light and darkness, male and female, was part of the lie of Satan in the Garden of Eden (1 John 1:5). God temporarily allows evil, but does not cause it or commit it (James 1:13-14). There are consequences for evil. God wants you to willingly choose what is right and to reject the evil.

Occultists seek to achieve godhood and immortality by looking inward and obeying their inner demons, while displaying an outward mask of reasonability and goodwill. Alice Bailey, wife of a high ranking Freemason, was a student of the occultist Helena Blavatsky, wrote books as she was led by demon guides, was a member of the Theosophical society, founded the Arcane School, started the Occult Triangles movement of the UN, coined the term “Goodwill” used by the UN, influenced the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in the USA, and founded Lucifer Publishing - which is now called Lucius Trust, is an NGO of the UN, and was the Publishing House of the United Nations. This should make it clear who the rulers of this world are working for. s_and_articles/the_esoteric_meaning_of_lucifer

Many Pagan religions and Pagan organizations have a strict hierarchy. Participants must perform religious rituals and mindlessly obey leaders to work their way up a ladder to get closer to their god or to become a god. They are also called mystery religions because only the

65 people at the top know the secrets of the religion. It is a way for those at the top to make total mind controlled slaves of those at the bottom. They use the proverbial “carrot on a stick” to get people to do as they want. This is also seen in educational systems and the mass media, which are controlled by the same globalist organization. People are led to believe that because it is taught in school or on TV that it must be true. The world rulers use propaganda and subliminal messages to control the herd mentality and lead the masses however they want. Some people become hypnotized and demon possessed. For information on Kundalini Spirits, watch the video series by Andrew Strom.

Secret mystic orders such as Jewish Cabbala and Catholic Rosicrucianism started around the same time as the Jesuits. They are occult religions under the Vatican, claiming to have hidden knowledge. Freemasonry came into existence after the Jesuits, has secret rituals, and claims to have secret occult knowledge. It is esoteric, and those at the bottom are kept from knowing the secrets at the top. Freemasonry is a secret organization of the Vatican run by the Jesuits. High ranking Freemasons have started many occult religions and cults that pretend to be Christian.

The letter ‘G’ in the symbol of Freemasonry is taught to initiates to mean 1 God, the All Seeing Eye. As they progress up the ladder, they learn that it means Geometry with 2 angles, and they learn the hidden meanings on different levels of

66 various occult symbolism. The two sided generative and hegalian principles are taught. Then they learn that it means 3 the Grand Architect of the Universe. For those that go farther, there is a riddle taught – “Letters 4 and Science 5”. Letters 4 means “Gesu”. Italian does not have a letter “J”. Gesu is the Italian word for Jesus, but it is not the Jesus of the Bible that they are referring to. It is a false Jesus. The Church of the Gesu in Rome is where the Superior General of the Jesuits, also known as the black pope, is headquartered. He is the Grand Architect of the plans of the New World Order. The Freemasons get their orders from the Jesuits, and the Jesuits are under demons. The final revelation of the symbol “G” in Freemasonry, is 5 Science – “Gnosticism”.5 The word “science” means knowledge, but gnosis is secret occult knowledge learned from demons. Gnostic means someone with secret occult knowledge, as also do the words Illuminati, Alumbrados, Arcane, and Luciferian.

The top levels of the occult consciously worship Satan, but prefer to call him Lucifer because they believe that he came to give light to the world. They believe they are gods because they are inspired by demons. Satan blames God, but his lies are what caused all the sin and destruction in the world. Most world leaders are involved in secret societies and the occult in order to gain power, prestige, and pleasure. They sell their souls for what is temporary, cannot fulfill, and leads to destruction.

67 The Bible warned that in the last days Satan would mislead people with deceptive signs, miracles, and wonders (Matthew 24:24). The Bible also said that in the last days people will gather around them teachers to tell them what their itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). People that join these occult religions, occult organizations, and cults pretending to be Christian, are led to believe they are something good. As they become more involved, they discover that Satan is at the top and comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Satan is the father of lies, and hides his evil behind a pretense of goodness (John 8:44). The Bible says that Satan appears as an angel of light, and his messengers pose as messengers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Truth is used with lies mixed in to get people to follow and be led astray. The way to spot a counterfeit is to know the real thing, so deceivers keep people from the truth of the Bible and from experiencing God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Jesus warned us that many false teachers, false prophets, and false Christs would come to deceive even the elect if that were possible (Matthew 24:24). This is particularly true as we approach the end of this age (2 Peter 2:1). The Bible specifically warns us of a particular Antichrist (1 John 2:18) and a particular False Prophet (Revelation 19:20) at the end of the age. As we approach the end, we see many leaders being promoted as idols through the New World Order controlled mass media and music

68 industries. They are promoted as idols to be worshiped in place of God, and are made to look humanitarian, although they have self-serving motives. The occult also teaches that everything must be destroyed in order to make a way for a New Age where people evolve into gods. They want people to sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole. This is also the premise underlying the New World Order depopulation agenda. Cult leaders that have taught this philosophy have led their followers into mass suicide through poisoning.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy you, but Jesus came to give you eternal life. Satan wants everything for himself and does everything he can to keep people from knowing the truth of the Gospel. Evil is made to look like something good through staged productions, lighting, smoke, mirrors, and makeup. Evil lures you, traps you, bites you suddenly like a snake, puts a death grip on you, and won’t let you go. Satan is an entertainer and magician that uses distractions to keep you from knowing the real truth and being saved. Most people prefer the temporary illusions of Satan, and ignore the eternal consequences. The truth is available to those who want it enough to break free from the emptiness of the world system.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power

69 through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

Jesus Christ is how God shows Himself to us. He humbled Himself to leave His throne in Heaven to save fallen mankind. He lived a perfect life of love, and gave Himself once for all to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world so that those who renounce their sins and put their faith in Him as Lord and Savior are forgiven, and have a right and personal relationship with God forever (John 3:16, 17). He rose from the dead on the third day to give us new life with Him, and then ascended back to His throne in Heaven and sent His Spirit to live in everyone with faith in Him. You can never do enough works to have assurance of Heaven because you have done wrong, have fallen short, and are inherently sinful (Romans 3:23). What you need is God living in you and through you (Galatians 2:20). There is only one way to know for certain that your sins are forgiven, to receive God’s Spirit, and to have assurance of eternal life in Heaven, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for your sins alone (John 14:6). Then you are set free to know God and to fulfill your eternal purpose.


Picture of an ancient ziggurat pyramid at Ur of the Chaldeans near where the Tower of Babel was. Archaeologists have found many ancient ziggurats in the area. Abraham left Ur to worship YHWH the Creator in the land of Canaan where God told him to go.

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Revelation 2: 12-13, 17 To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. I know where you live – where Satan has his throne. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.

Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt Nimrod’s Tower of Babel in Babylonia in the sixth century BC, as described by the historian Herodotus1 in the fifth century BC When the Mede-Persians conquered Babylon several centuries before Christ, the priests of Babylon escaped to Pergamum2 in Asia Minor. With them, the Babylonian religion was transferred and a black stone3 set up in the Temple of Zeus, which was called the Throne of Satan.4 People were sacrificed to the emperor there5.

In the second century BC the center of the Babylonian religion moved from Pergamum to Rome. When the worship of the Babylonian mother goddess (known in Rome as Cybele, the Magna Mater) was moved to Rome, what actually was moved was the black stone. Julias Caesar became the first emperor of Rome to also be the Pontifex Maximus6 of the Babylonian religion. After Jesus Christ came, the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman empire weakened the emperor’s power. Around 300 AD,

72 the Roman emperor Diocletian tried to burn all the Bibles in the Roman empire, but Christians such as the Donatists in North Africa refused to give up their Bibles even under penalty of death. For this reason, there are still remains of Alexandrian Bibles from the first and second centuries AD. In the early fourth century AD, the Emperor Constantine changed the names of the Pagan gods and Pagan festivals of Rome to Christian names in an effort to control Christianity, and his cult religion was called Catholicism. This is why Catholicism prays to idols and celebrates the same festivals as other Pagan religions. Constantine ordered that Christians give up their Bibles or be executed. The Romans knew which books belonged in the Bible because Christians were willing to die for them.

The Bible has had more of an impact in the world than any other book in history. Scrolls made of papyrus were first used around the time of Moses when the books of the Old Testament began being written around 1450 BC. Maybe it was discovered that clay and stone tablets, along with the law, would be broken (Exodus 32:19). The Old Testament was meticulously copied by Jewish scribes, who also painstakingly kept records of Jewish genealogies because of the promise of the Messiah coming through the Hebrew race. The Old Testament was canonized by Ezra the Teacher around 450 BC. Codices (books written on parchments of animal skins) were first used in the first century AD when the New Testament was written. In 2 Corinthians

73 6:7, the Apostle Paul spoke of having weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left. He was most likely referring to having the Old Testament scrolls to study, and the parchments to write the New Testament on (2 Timothy 4:13). The New Testament was canonized by John the Apostle around 100 AD when he wrote the book of Revelation (Rev. 22:18-19), the Gospel of John (John 21:25), and his three epistles (2 John 1:12, 3 John 1:13). In the fifteenth century AD, the first books printed on a printing press were Bible translations.

The temple of Cybele7 in Rome was closed in the fifth century AD and the black stone was moved. The center of the religion of the black stone8 and the crescent moon was relocated to Mecca in Saudi Arabia9 by the Vatican to control the southern part of the empire. According to the ex- Jesuit Alberto Rivera, Rome needed to create a new religion among the Arabs that would burn Bibles and kill the Donatist Christians in North Africa without putting the blame on Rome. The name of the moon goddess was changed to Alilah, which was later shortened to Allah. The crescent moon symbol was part of the worship of Allah, and is seen on Muslim temples today. Pagans in the Roman empire devoted Friday to the fertility goddess known as Frigg, Freya, or . This is the reason Islam calls Friday their Sabbath day. Mecca was never mentioned in any ancient documents anywhere until the fourth century AD10 It wasn't until the fifth century AD that the Kaabah was described, when the black stone was moved from Rome. Contrary to what

74 Islam claims, Abraham was not a Pagan worshiper of the black stone, and never traveled to Mecca. About 2000 years before Christ, while Abraham was living in Canaan and Ishmael was still a teenager, Ishmael and his mother Hagar were sent away from Abraham’s territory (Genesis 21).

Genesis 21:8-10 The child grew and was weaned, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a great feast. But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking, and she said to Abraham, "Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."

Ishmael was also not the father of the Arabs or the Muslims as Islam claims. There were already people living in the area of the Arabian peninsula during the time of Abraham. Ishmael’s mother Hagar was an Egyptian (Genesis 16:1). Islam did not become a religion until the 7th century AD, about 3000 years after Ishmael. Not all Muslims are Arabs, and not all Arabs are Muslims. The majority of Muslims or Arabs could not have descended from Ishmael.

There is also a black stone altar in the occult meditation room at the UN dedicated to Lucifer. Here is a statement from the United Nations Spiritual Caucus about the black stone altar in their meditation room - “But the stone in the middle of the room has more to tell us. We may see it as an altar, empty not because there is no

75 God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it is dedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.” – From the UN web page at:

There are consequences for sin, and in this world they are often delayed because this life is temporary and God gives people chances to turn from their sins. In this world, the righteous are sometimes injured while the wicked go free. However, the righteous who trust in Jesus Christ have eternal hope and help in time of need. The consequences for sin in this world are warnings of the eternal consequences to come, and God’s eternal judgments are always right. God is patient and gives everyone a chance to repent and turn to Him so they can be saved, but time will run out. Do not mistake God’s patience and mercy for His permission. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Where you spend eternity is determined by the choice you make today. The Bible says that it is appointed for people to die once and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). God’s word says that all have sinned and fallen short of the standard of Heaven (Romans 3:23). Only through repentance and receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior can you be saved (Mark 1:15).

Below in the online version: Picture of the meditation room at the UN, with the black stone altar to the god of their universal occult religion. Lucius Trust admits that god to be Lucifer. The

76 black stone at the UN is called the largest magnetite stone in the world, also called a lodestone in metaphysics (witchcraft). Lodestones in the occult are used to gain power

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Daniel 11:17 He will determine to come with the might of his entire kingdom and will make an alliance with the king of the South. And he will give him a daughter in marriage in order to overthrow the kingdom, but his plans will not succeed or help him.

In order to gain control of the South, the King of the North gave a daughter in marriage to the king of the South (Daniel 11:17). Mohammed’s first wife, Khadija, was from a wealthy Catholic family and had been a nun. She hired Mohammed (a pagan idolater in Mecca) to work in her business, and then married him as her third husband. An interesting account of this is found in ex-Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera's testimony of “How the Vatican Created Islam”. The marriage1 of the pagan religion of Mecca with pagan Roman Catholicism resulted in the religion of Islam.

Before Mohammed was born, the Catholic monks and priests began telling the Arabs that a great prophet would arise from among them. Then they trained Mohammed to be that prophet. Mohammed was illiterate and was unable to read or write any book. The work was the result of the influence of Catholic monks who were creating a religion that would kill real Christians and Jews, burn Bibles from Jerusalem across North Africa, control the Arabs, and keep the blame off of the Vatican.


Islam and Catholicism have many similarities, and sometimes have their religious meetings in the same building. Islam includes prayers toward the black stone, circumambulation, the symbol of the crescent moon, the veneration of the immaculate mother goddess, prayers using beads and bells, chanting prayers, kissing relics, and the clothes of nuns and priests. These are common rituals of many Pagan religions, including Catholicism. For more than a millennium, Catholicism held all their religious rituals in outdated Latin so that no one would know the truth. The religious rituals of Catholicism are not in the Bible. They come from Paganism. Biblical Christianity is not based on rituals like Paganism is. The third sura of the Quran teaches the immaculate birth and sinless life of the perpetual virgin mother (a teaching that came from Babylon and Rome). Catholicism declares that Muslims are saved because of their monotheistic claims (paragraph 841 of the Catholic Catechism2). Mohammed commanded the people of Mecca to worship only the moon god Allah, because claiming monotheism was part of the Vatican’s strategy to overthrow Christianity. However, Catholicism still practices praying to many idols. Muslims pray toward a stone idol in Mecca and are commanded to make a pilgrimage to walk around the stone and kiss it. Circumambulation is an ancient practice of Paganism, especially among Wiccans. Some Pagans, such as those from the Findhorn Foundation, call it sacred circle dancing. Islam

79 forced itself on the Arabs just as Catholicism forced itself on Europe. Although both religions3 claim to respect Jesus and the Bible, both religions reject the authority of Jesus and the Bible. Both religions have their own teachers and teachings that they claim are superior to Jesus and the Bible. Both religions deny the finished work of atonement in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all. Catholicism claims to command Jesus Christ to come out of Heaven to be crucified again and again in the Mass, and Islam claims that Jesus never died on a cross for the sins of the world. Catholicism has kept people from reading the truth of the Bible since its beginning. They destroyed all the earliest copies of the New Testament that they could, and made a corrupt Latin translation that no one could read. They destroyed more accurate translations and early copies of the Bible than any other religion. In comparison, the Quran of Islam declares that their own god Allah is the best deceiver (Quran 3:54, 7:99, 8:30, 10:21, 13:42). Why would someone follow a god who declares in his own book that he is the best deceiver? Jesus Christ said that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). Satan is known by many names in different religions and is a deceiver. Allah is one of his names. Muslims are told that the Bible is corrupt and to avoid it. The Bible was inspired by the Spirit of Christ, and is understood by those who have the Spirit of Christ living in them (1 Corinthians 2:14). The Spirit of God comes and lives in those with faith in Jesus Christ so we can understand the things of God (John 14:16–17).

80 Biblical Christianity is a personal relationship with God, and you don’t need a human priest to go between you and God. Walter Veith has an excellent video entitled the Islamic-Catholic Connection4 in his Total Onslaught series that reveals the similarities of the two religions.

According to Alberto Rivera, when the Vatican created Islam they gave the Muslims authority to conquer North Africa and Jerusalem, but wanted the Muslims to give Jerusalem to the Pope. Instead, the Muslims kept Jerusalem for themselves. This resulted in the Crusades between the Knights Templars and the Muslims that lasted for centuries, and was prophesied accurately in the Bible in the book of Daniel chapter 11, six centuries before Christ. The Knights Templar were soldiers and bankers of the Vatican, and organized corrupt insurance practices in which pilgrims paid for protection to Jerusalem. The Muslims had control of Jerusalem, and the Knights Templars became wealthy, corrupt, unruly, and openly nefarious. The Muslim Ottoman empire became the seventh head of the dragon (Revelation 17:9,10). The Muslims did conquer North Africa as the Vatican wanted, but were stopped at Portugal. A deal was made allowing Muslim mosques in Europe, and Catholic churches in Africa and the Middle East.

In Daniel 2:33, the statue representing the empires foretold in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream had feet made of iron and clay. Because of this

81 mixture, the kingdom is weak. The iron represents the Roman empire, and the clay represents the Muslim empire. In Daniel 11, the King of the North is the Catholic northern leg of the Babylonian religion, and the King of the South is the Muslim southern leg of the same religion. The two empires of the same Babylonian religion battled for control of Jerusalem, which is where the throne of the LORD’s Kingdom is on Earth (Jeremiah 3:17). Since Satan wants to control God’s throne, he strives to control Jerusalem. A seven headed dragon will have battles with itself until one of the heads gains domination.

The Pope wanted Jerusalem, so the Knights Templars were disbanded. Their wealth was given to the Knights Hospitallers (Knights of Malta). The real Christians were succeeding in spreading the truth of the Gospel to the common people, and the Vatican was losing control. A need for a more covert operation to control the empire led the Vatican to use a more secretive, disciplined, and cunning group of spies and assassins. The Society of Jesus was created and its members were known as Jesuits.

At - Pictures of the black stone of Mecca, Muslims circumambulating the Kaaba, and a Muslim kissing the black stone (part of their required rituals).


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2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves.

To understand how the New World Order operates, it is essential to understand the Jesuits since they run the New World Order. They are the Catholic priests that secretly run the Vatican and the global operation to bring everyone under the Pope’s control. When popes fight against the Jesuits, those popes mysteriously die. Although the Pope is considered the head of Catholicism, the head of the Jesuits is called the Black Pope and leads the Vatican and the secret orders.

Ignatius Loyola is called the founder of the Jesuits, and was a member of the Alumbrados, which is another name for Illuminati. Loyola was a determined soldier of Catholicism. He was involved in witchcraft, and his Spiritual Exercises1 were total mind control and demon possession techniques. He became the leader of a small secret group in 1534 with the plan of destroying the Reformation, and covertly bringing all people under the Pope. The Bible was being accurately translated and distributed in large quantities in the languages that people could read, and people were leaving Catholicism

84 when they learned the truth. William Tyndale was captured through someone pretending to be a friend, and was burned at the stake in 1536 for accurately translating Bibles so that people could read them. In 1537, Loyola’s group asked to be made an official order of the Catholic Church. In 1540, Loyola’s group, known as the Society of Jesus, was officially given charge and authority by the Vatican to bring everyone in the world under the Pope’s control. In 1546, at the Council of Trent, ten years after Tyndale was murdered, 14 books were added to the Catholic Bible. William Tyndale never translated any of those Apocryphal books.

In the early 1500s, while the Bible was being distributed in common languages and people were leaving Catholicism, the Spanish Catholics were conquering the southern Americas. The Jesuits were advancing, and in Spain they were initially known as the Alumbrados. The Jesuits and Catholics in Spain were making slave trades with the Muslims who conquered Africa. After the British Queen Bloody Mary Tudor persecuted the Christians and burned Tyndale’s Bibles, Queen Elizabeth became Queen and favored the Christian Reformation. She fought against the Catholic slave trade and conquest of the Americas by pirating their ships. Her sister, Mary the Catholic Queen of Scots, tried to take the throne away from Elizabeth but failed. Mary Queen of Scots had a son James who became king of England in 1603. It is not known for certain who James’ father was, and Mary is suspected to have had her own husband

85 murdered. When Elizabeth died, James became king of England and commissioned the KJV Bible in 1611 to silence the Geneva Bible and Tyndale’s translation. He persecuted the real Christians, and some fled to North America. King James also made deals with the Spanish. From that time on, the Jesuits had control of England.

The Jesuits incited and manipulated wars to spread Catholicism and conquer Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas, and put them under the control of the British Empire for the Vatican. The knights of the Roman Empire had become the Freemasons under the Jesuits, and were given positions of power based on their allegiance to the secret military plans and occult secret orders of the Vatican. The Monarchs of England are over many of the highest ranks of Freemasonry. On the official websites of the York and Scottish rites of Freemasonry, it can be seen that the 33 degrees are given titles of knighthood, and Babylon is acknowledged in the degrees because the Pagan occult authority of the popes has its origins in ancient Babylon.

The Jesuits planned the French Revolution to regain control of Europe and took complete control of England and other nations in Europe through the Rothschilds. In 1785, an Illuminati courier was found to have documents detailing the Illuminati plans for the French Revolution, but Adam Weishaupt, who was the head of the Jesuit Illuminati plans, evaded arrest. Great Britain and the Jesuits failed in their attempt to

86 control the USA during the American Revolution because of the American Christian influence. The Vatican then began moving Catholics, particularly among the Irish, French, and Germans, into North America. Read the book by called 50 years in the Church of Rome. They attempted to gain control of the USA again through the American Civil War by their control of the South and slavery, but President Abraham Lincoln, who was a born again Christian, stood against them. Lincoln was assassinated after the war. The Pagan celebration of Christmas began being celebrated in the late 1800s in the USA, and the Jesuits used WW1 to create the Federal Reserve in the USA through President Woodrow Wilson, by legislation passed during a Christmas break in Congress. Woodrow Wilson later said that he regretted having destroyed the nation by helping to create the Federal Reserve. The Jesuits created the United Nations at the end of WW2, and the British empire began taking a back seat in their plans.

The members of the Society of Jesus are known as Jesuits and are a secret organization of espionage. Through Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises and teachings, Jesuits and other Catholics are trained to believe and obey their superiors mindlessly without questions. The Jesuits take secret oaths to kill at their superior’s command.2 Their secret extreme oath can now be found online. Jesuits are trained to infiltrate churches, organizations, and governments, to overthrow them, and take control. When people are

87 effectively preaching the Gospel or exposing Catholicism and the Jesuits, the Jesuits secretly get involved and cause divisions and scandals. They get close to gather information, and try to make leaders fall through sin and blackmail. Then they try to publicly destroy that person’s reputation. Finally, they assassinate the person. For more information, read the testimonies of Alberto Rivera, Charles Chiniquy, and others through Chick Publications. Keith Green of Last Days Ministries wrote four scholarly tracks in the 1980s exposing Catholicism before he suddenly died in a plane crash. After he died, the four tracts were removed from print. It is common for people to suddenly die after successfully exposing the Vatican and the Jesuits. Alberto Rivera himself died from food poisoning.

Another method of the Jesuits is to pose as ministers of Christian churches in order to introduce false teachings and cause divisions. They rehearse false testimonies of salvation, and even publicly denounce the Jesuits and Catholicism from non-Catholic pulpits in order to pretend to be what they are not. They believe that the end justifies the means. They commit acts of evil, confess to their superiors in the Jesuit order whom they obey mindlessly, and believe that they are justified because of their intentions for the Vatican. They are masters of deceit and manipulation, and run the many secret orders, secret societies, secret agencies, and top leaders around the world.

88 The Jesuits are also educators with schools and universities worldwide. Many of the world dictators with the worst history of atrocities against mankind have been trained by the Jesuits, commanded by the Jesuits, or were Jesuits. Thomas Malthus, a leading philosopher in depopulation, was educated at Cambridge by Jesuits. Karl Marx was trained by Jesuits in England and commissioned by them to write the Communist Manifesto. Vladimir Lenin was trained and financed by the Jesuits in Geneva, Switzerland. Joseph Stalin was trained at Tiflis Jesuit University for seven years. Heinrich Himmler studied to be a Jesuit Priest in Munich. The list of Jesuit schools, colleges, and universities, and their alumni who are world leaders, is eye opening. Even Shimon Peres, the President of Israel, was trained by Jesuits and is a Freemason in the Order of the Knights of Malta. The Jesuits are at the top of Satan’s global hierarchy, and can only be getting their orders from Satan himself. After becoming a born again Christian, a woman named Svali testified in a lengthy and detailed radio interview that she had been initiated into the Illuminati as a young child through a human sacrifice under the Vatican in Rome. After the radio broadcast, she suddenly disappeared. Svali’s testimony can be heard at

By 1773, the Jesuits were banned from nearly every nation in Europe for starting wars and overthrowing nations. In 1776, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt changed the name to the Illuminati, and used the Freemasons to carry out plans. The

89 Church of the Gesu in Rome is the headquarters of the Superior General of the Jesuits. The word “Gesu” is sometimes used to designate Jesuit churches and schools. There is no letter “J” in Italian, so the letter “G” in Freemasonry is used for the Gesuit. The Superior General of the Gesuits in Rome is the architect of the plans of the New World Order. There are informative books on the Jesuits published by Jack T. Chick, such as “Smokescreens”, which can be read free online at

The Jesuits tell the world leaders what to do. There is a lot of information available showing the connections between the Jesuits, Freemasonry, secret societies, and world leaders.3 The Jesuits control wars from all sides. They use the mass media for propaganda to intentionally control people’s ideas, opinions, and emotions. An International Day of Peace or World Day of Peace has been celebrated each year by the UN and the Vatican every September since the early 1980s. The Pope called for a cease fire in all wars around the world, and there was a cease fire for one day on all sides. He could not do that if the Jesuits weren’t controlling the wars from all sides. The Rothschilds manage the money for the Vatican and capitalize on the wars at the Jesuit’s directions. The Jesuits at the Vatican run the United Nations and plan to depopulate the world for their own power, just as they did in Nazi Germany. Ban ki Moon, spokesperson for the UN, when making a speech at St. Louis Jesuit University, was praised by the University for

90 promoting the ideals of the Jesuits at the UN. His speech linked population growth and global warming to world hunger. 4

Catholicism pretends to be Christian because Jesus Christ is God, and they want to lead people away from the true Jesus Christ. The inner circles at the top of Pagan religions intentionally lie to the lower ranks and to outsiders. This is called esotericism. The Jesuits control the world religions, the educational systems, the mass media, the world leaders, and the world currencies. The mass media programs people to think they have freedom to choose, while they are being programmed what to believe and how to act. The mass media and the educational systems program people to believe that they can do anything without God, and that anything from the Bible is something to avoid.

The coming global religion and empire of Satan was prophesied in the Bible, but the defeat of Satan forever by Jesus Christ was also foretold. Jesus Christ will save those with faith in Him. Religious organizations and world leaders cannot save you. Only faith in Jesus Christ, who is God eternal, can save you. Don’t be afraid to read the Bible and to ask God to show you the truth.

1 2 3 4 climate-change/UPI-90931258374834/


Daniel 11:20 "His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor.

In the 1700s, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, a German named Mayer Amschel Bauer, was trained by the Oppenheimers to loan money to governments in order to gain control. Bauer then assisted Adam Weishaupt (a Catholic Jesuit priest) in the plans of the Illuminati1 (which was a secret name for the Jesuits). Mayer Bauer changed his family name to Rothschild to represent the red hexagram Star of Saturn that hung on his family’s door, and which was a common symbol among the Khazar2 Germans who called themselves Jews. The Khazars were probably the Babylonian priests that fled to Pergamum when the Mede-Persians captured Babylon, and who later migrated to Germany. The Jews at the time of the Mede- Persian takeover either remained in Babylon or returned to Israel. The Khazars always had connections with the Roman emperors and popes, and switched to Talmudic Judaism around the 8th century AD. The Talmud is a collection of the antichrist teachings and occult traditions of the Jews who crucified Jesus Christ.

Adam Weishaupt in the 1770s, masterminded the plans for the French Revolution in order for the Vatican to regain control of Europe and Great Britain. Napolean was trained and controlled by Jesuits. With backing from the Vatican, the

92 Rothschilds loaned money to the European nations to fund the wars that the Jesuits started. In 1815, the Rothschilds took over England through a stock market manipulation when Napolean lost the war. Nathan Rothschild in England received the news of the end of the war a full day before the King, and was able to buy all the stock in England for almost nothing through stock manipulation.

The Jesuits run the Freemasons and other secret societies for the Vatican agenda, and the Rothschilds manage the money for the operation. USA President George Washington fired the French Freemason, Pierre Charles L'Enfante, that designed Washington D.C. in 1791, because he demolished a prominent citizen’s house to build an occult design. The Rothschild’s first US central bank was disbanded by Andrew Jackson, whose picture is now on the $20 bill. Their second central bank was defeated by Abraham Lincoln, whose picture is now on the $5 bill. The Rothschilds sent Jacob Schiff to the USA to create a cartel and establish the third central bank in the USA The Rockefellers, JP Morgan, E.H. Harriman, Andrew Carnegie, and others were brought into the operation through Jacob Schiff, and the Federal Reserve was created and given control in 1913. The Federal Reserve is a cartel of private international bankers that own and control the money supply in the USA. This is unconstitutional in the USA, but they succeeded anyway. The occult secret societies and schemes, along with the Vatican’s financial backing, makes their illegal operations

93 possible. Through the secret societies and control of the money, they appoint politicians and tell them what to do. They printed the Eye of Lucifer and the Star of Saturn on the back of their one dollar bills, claiming the Illuminati power. The owl representing Molech is also hidden on the one dollar bill. On the one dollar bill are the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means New World Order, or New Age Order. The Rothschilds now own and control all the money supplies worldwide. The occult symbolism on the currency that has been made the world standard reveals it as a means of control by the New World Order for the New Age occult empire. Some people sell their souls to get it.

The Federal income tax in the USA was created to pay the rental and interest on the loan of currency that is printed by the USA Treasury at the dictates of the international bankers who claim to own the currency. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie together organized the takeover of charities in the USA by giving money to charities under the condition that someone they appoint is on the board of directors. They also give income tax exempt status to charities as long as the charities obey their rules.

The Rothschild’s national banks own other major banks. They also own and control the stock markets, major conglomerates, and major corporations in every industry. Organizational charts of the largest organizations and banks leads to the Rothschilds at the top, who secretly

94 take orders from the Jesuits at the Vatican. History shows that if these international bankers were to betray the Jesuits, they would suddenly disappear or be killed. In a book by Charles Chiniquy, US President Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying that the Jesuits were the cause of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln opposed any Central Bank by the Rothschilds in the USA, so he obtained funding for the war from private citizens. Lincoln was assassinated. American President John F. Kennedy spoke publicly about the globalist conspiracy, and was taking steps to eliminate the Federal Reserve through signing Executive Order 111103, which authorized the US Treasury to issue silver certificates backed by silver in order to run the federal government without loans from the international bankers that own the Federal Reserve. JFK was assassinated five months later and the silver certificates were withdrawn from circulation.

After creating the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds created the Council on Foreign Relations in 1917 as a think tank for controlling the mass media information flow and the minds of the people. The name of the CFR was coined by Edward Bernays, who was a nephew of Sigmund Freud, and is called the father of modern day propaganda. He developed techniques to control the herd mentality to cause the masses to believe and obey whatever they are told in the mass media. As a result of recommendations by the CFR, strategically chosen newspapers were bought and managed

95 in order to control the mass media. They also did this in Europe.

Although originally from Germany, and taking orders from the Jesuit priests of the Vatican, the Rothschilds and others are deceptively advertised as being Jews but are part of the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9, 3:9). The Illuminati gives wealth to people who are unquestioningly loyal to the agenda of the Jesuits, to have their names on organizations so the attention is kept off of the global Luciferian conspiracy that is organized from the Vatican.

The Zionist movement was created to take control of Jerusalem away from the Ottoman empire and give it back to the Vatican in Rome. At the end of WW1, the Ottomans owed the Rothschilds for money borrowed to fund the war, and the Rothschilds received Palestine as debt payment. This fulfilled the Bible prophecy in Daniel 11:20 saying that the King of the North would take the kingdom back through a tax collector. They put Palestine under control of the British Empire, which they already controlled. This is documented in the Balfour Declaration. The Monarchs of England are high ranking Freemasons, and take orders from the Jesuits. The Star of Saturn was put on the flag of Israel by the Rothschild funded Zionists, and the Supreme Court of Israel was built with occult symbolism. Jews were prodded through pograms to move to Jerusalem, and the British were commanded to help the Zionist cause.

96 The blame for the problems in the world is pushed onto the Jews and Christians through NWO controlled mass media. Catholicism is called Christianity in the mass media, although Catholicism is actually Paganism pretending to be Christian. The Illuminati funded Hitler (who was a Rothschild4 and a Catholic) during WW2. At the end of WW2 they created the United Nations, and the Rockefellers donated the land for the UN building in N.Y. The Rothschilds ordered Great Britain to give Palestine to the UN. The UN has controlled Palestine and Jerusalem since that time, but this is kept secret in the mass media. The Palestinian Authority only exists at the UN because the UN is the Palestinian Authority. The Vatican is the only observing nation at the UN, because the Vatican runs the UN. The New World Order is the returning Roman Empire, but this time is taking control of the whole world for the occult worship of Satan.

The Rothschild syndicate of bankers loan money to governments and profit from both sides of wars, while the Jesuits control the wars from both sides. The Rothschilds were entrusted with the Vatican’s global financial empire. They expanded to create national central banks throughout Europe and the world. They also control the World Bank and the IMF at the United Nations. They own the currencies throughout the world and can pull all of the money out of the system to cause an international collapse, so they can implement their planned RFID implantable chips for total control of the world

97 population. Nicholas Rockefeller was quoted by Aaron Russo as stating that is the plan. In the 1970s, Christopher Collins (John Todd), an ex- Illuminati witch and occult priest for the Rothschilds, became a born again Christian and gave some excellent lectures exposing the Illuminati, but mysteriously vanished. He said that the plan of the Illuminati to destroy the international economy in order to build a system of world slavery was written in the book “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand who was a mistress of Philip Rothschild.

The Jesuits plan to stage, organize, and control a fight between Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem, and elevate it through the media so they can present the Pope as the answer to the world. More information can be found on this in the Bible, at which is run by the UN, and at which is run by Freemasons in Jerusalem posing as Rabbinic Jews. Messianic Jews recognize Jesus (YHShua) as the Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

Luke 9:25 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? Money, secrecy, lies, assassinations, and controlling the propaganda cannot save anyone on the day of eternal judgment. Religion and rituals cannot save you. This life is short and is an opportunity to turn from your own ways to God and to put your faith in Him. Only Jesus Christ can save your soul.


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Revelation 13:3-4 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

A seven headed dragon will fight with itself until one of the heads gains domination. The Roman Empire was losing control because the Muslims dominated Jerusalem, and the Christians were using the printing press to distribute accurate Bible translations that the people could read and understand in their own languages. People were leaving Catholicism when they realized that it is Paganism pretending to be Christian. People were becoming born again Christians with faith in Jesus Christ, and were standing up against the lies of Catholicism. The period was known as the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation also led to scientific advancement as the scientific method was developed and used, instead of the ancient occult philosophical science methods based on the imagination and dictates of world rulers and philosophers.

The Vatican wanted a way to counter the Reformation. In 1540, the Jesuits were given authority over the agenda of the Vatican to bring

100 everyone under the Pope’s control through espionage. They created an organized hierarchy, totally mind controlled through rituals, training, and proven allegiance, that works in secret to infiltrate, overthrow, and control. Secret oaths, secret rituals, and secret handshakes, help them to identify each other and to assure that no one is given information of the plans who is not devoted unto death. The secret orders, secret societies, cults, and occult religions are esoteric. New recruits are lied to and kept from knowing the secrets at the top. Nevertheless, over time information leaks out, is declassified, and becomes public knowledge.

The Freemasons were created as a secret order by the Jesuits to organize people who could help build a temple for Satan in Jerusalem and a New World Order for the Pope. The Knights Templars and Knights Hospitallers had lodges as safe havens for travelers, and so did the newly organized Freemasons. The Freemason hierarchy includes degrees called Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and a youth organization called Demolay (the last leader of the Knights Templars). Most world leaders are secret high ranking Freemasons, or are members of other connected secret organizations that are controlled by the Jesuits. High ranking world political and religious leaders take orders directly from Jesuits, other high ranking Catholic priests, or high ranking members of other secret religious orders. A list would be too large for this book, but there are many compilations of lists and photos readily available.


The Jesuits control nations by controlling world leaders and populations, starting wars, and controlling both sides. They destroy anyone who gets in their way. They loan money to governments to finance the wars, and profit from both sides. By 1773, the Jesuits were banished from most nations in Europe for causing wars. They changed the name of their operation to the Illuminati, and recruited the Rothschilds to help with control of the money.

In order to keep the attention off the Vatican, and to give negative attention to Jews, they pretended to be Jews. It is likely that some of the German NWO leaders are descended from Babylonian priest Khazars that migrated from Turkey to Germany, and that always had alliances with the Roman Emperors. This explains why the Throne of Satan from the Temple of Zeus in Pergamum, and the Gates of Hell from Babylon, were excavated brick by brick and relocated to the Pergamum Museum in Berlin, Germany, in the early 20th century. The Bible says that a person is not a Jew if they are not of the faith of Abraham (John 8). They are Gnostic Luciferians, claiming to have occult enlightenment. They are part of Satan’s Pagan occult world empire control center at the Vatican in Rome

The Vatican sights were set on regaining control of Europe, of Great Britain, of Jerusalem, of the United States and the New World, and of the entire world. They regained control of Europe

102 and of Great Britain through starting and controlling the French Revolution, by loaning money to the nations, and by manipulating the stock market. The Rothschild family members were sent to strategic nations to start central banks for loaning money to nations, and for working together to control Europe. Government leaders signed concordats with the Vatican for assistance in rising to power. The civil war in the USA was started through Jesuit control of the South, as President Abraham Lincoln testified to in Chiniquy’s book called “Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome.” There are letters and other documents that show the Vatican’s involvement in the war. They wanted to create a central bank in the USA to control the money supply, but Abraham Lincoln stood against it and was assassinated. The Rothschilds sent Jacob Schiff to the USA to organize a central bank with help from major industrialists and bankers, and the Federal Reserve was created. The Zionist movement was created to move Jews into Jerusalem in order to take back control from the Muslims for the Vatican. The interfaith movement brought religions all over the world under the control of the Vatican. Control of the world currencies, the mass media, the educational systems, and the world rulers, has given complete control to the Vatican. Propaganda is used to blame the Jews, to make people think that Catholicism is Christian, and to make people think that real Christians are frauds. Pagan occult symbolism reveals who is really behind the New World Order.

103 Albert Pike was a high ranking Freemason with inside information, and wrote about the plans to create three world wars to unite the world under the Vatican. WW1 was used to gain control of Israel through a loan repayment from the Ottoman Empire to finance the war. Central control of the information flow through the mass media was then organized through secret Councils in the USA, Europe, and elsewhere. Control of Russia and Germany was used to start WW2 to massacre Jews, and prod them to move to Israel through pograms. The word “holocaust” means a burnt sacrifice. According to, the Jesuits strategically located the death camps in Poland in the shape of a Pentagram with a temple of Cybele in the center and ley lines extending toward major cities. The holocaust was a burnt sacrifice to Satan as the victims were thrown into large ovens alive after being sedated in gas chambers. The Zyklon B gas used was invented at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The Axis Power nations, Germany, Italy, and Spain were predominantly Catholic. The Nazi symbols were all from the Catholic church, and were also used in the Roman Empire and occult religions worldwide. Propaganda was used through the mass media to control the views of populations on all sides. The Vatican had a concordat with the Nazis, and publicly supported them until the war was about to end. Then efforts were made to cover up the Vatican support. Information on this can be found in “Smokescreens” by Jack T. Chick. The war created public support for creation of a central

104 world government at the United Nations. Various areas of the world were united together in preparation for a global control center. Great Britain was told to give control of Palestine to the UN, and the Beast out of the Sea in Revelation was in operation by the Vatican, who is the Prostitute that rides the Beast (Revelation 17).

The Jesuits use the charismatic movement, the ecumenical movement1, the interfaith movement, and the World Council of Churches to bring everyone under the Vatican’s control. Although it is said that the Vatican is not a member of the World Council of Churches or the National Council of Churches2, agreements are made between the different denominations with the Vatican, and the Pope is treated as if he were “His Holiness”3. They create new religions from old religions by secretly getting control and mixing the practices of Catholicism into the other religions, uniting the two religions together. Many Christian churches are beginning to eat the Lord’s Supper in a manner that is not according to the Bible. They are using a Catholic form modeled after the mass in which the people come to the front and take it one at a time. Some preachers in Christian churches are claiming that it is the literal body and blood of Jesus. The Vatican killed many people during the Reformation for not bowing to the Eucharist, and for not saying that it is the literal body of Jesus Christ. Some Christian churches are being led into celebrating Pagan holidays with worldly dances and Pagan parties held where the church

105 meets. The Freemasons use a religious book to take their oaths on. It may be a King James Bible, a Quran, a Talmud, or any other book that is a part of the culture that the lodge is in. Freemasons and Catholics are taught to keep their allegiance to the Freemason or Catholic organization above the culture that they are in, but to fit in with the culture. The Vatican accepts any other religion as long as they submit to the Pope. The Jesuits are uniting all religions and governments as one occult organization under the Pope to make slaves of everyone. However, the Bible says that Jesus Christ will return to defeat the Antichrist, who pretends to be the Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:1-4 Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Jesus Christ is God and came to set us free from Satan’s lies and control, and from eternal destruction (Romans 8:1-4). Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). There is no way to Heaven except through Jesus

106 Christ. Obeying religious rituals cannot save anyone. Only through faith in God’s finished work of salvation through Jesus Christ can anyone be saved and have eternal life with Him. Satan has blinded people’s minds through layers of lies and mind control. Satan does not want you to know the truth. When you turn to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you experience the truth, and the truth sets you free (John 8:31-32).

God does not force Himself on anyone, but desires that we love Him because of His love for us (1 John 4:19). Satan tries to force people to worship himself, or he uses bribes of the temporary things of this world (Matthew 4:8-9). The things of this world do not last, and do not satisfy. The things that Satan offers come with an eternal price that far outweighs any temporary pleasures. Jesus Christ came to give eternal life to everyone that comes to Him. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Which do you prefer? Jesus Christ is the one that everyone must give an account to on the Final Judgment Day. God will not tolerate wickedness forever. Those that reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will spend eternity separated from God in torment forever.

Daniel 11:32-35 With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him. Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or

107 be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them. Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time.

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Daniel 11: 20 ‘His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. In a few years, however, he will be destroyed, yet not in anger or in battle.

The Vatican has again gained the upper hand as the ruler of Jerusalem. The hexagram on the flag of Israel is an occult symbol called the Star of Saturn, and is also known as the Star of Remphan or the Star of Chiun (Amos 5:26). It is a symbol for the false Christ1. Its symbolism and origins in the occult are described by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site2. It is common in many Pagan religions including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Wicca, and even Rabbinic Judaism. It is a symbol that unites the occult religions. The Israeli Supreme Court was financed by the Rothschilds and is full of occult design. Satan’s symbols are declarations of his control, and they are often hidden in plain sight . At the end of World War 1, they obtained Palestine from the Ottoman Turks through a loan to finance the war. This fulfilled the Bible prophecy of the King of the North taking back Jerusalem through a tax collector (Daniel 11:20). The Rothschilds gave charge of Jerusalem to Great Britain,3 which they already controlled through a stock manipulation at the end of the French Revolution. Soon after launching the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds,

109 with the help of Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, created the Council on Foreign Relations in the USA to take over the mass media, to control the population through propaganda, and to hide the truth. They used WW2 to move Jews to Jerusalem through the Zionist movement that had been financed by the Rothschilds, in order to take back control of Jerusalem for the Vatican. The Muslims also joined with the Nazis in WW2 because of the anti-Jewish agenda. At the end of the war, the UN had control of Jerusalem and moved Jews into Jerusalem, and then allowed the surrounding Muslim nations to come in temporarily and massacre more Jews. The Vatican wants complete control of Jerusalem.

In 1993, Shimon Peres, President of Israel, secretly agreed to give the Vatican the majority of Jerusalem at the Oslo Accords. However, the Vatican already controls Jerusalem through the Jesuits, the UN, and the secret societies. Shimon Peres himself was trained by Jesuits and is a high ranking Freemason. The Rabbinic Jews that run the Temple Institute had a Freemason painting on the wall during a live internet broadcast and discussion in 2012. The Muslims and the Jews in Jerusalem both met with Pope Benedict XVI when he visited the Temple Mount in 2009.

The Vatican controls all sides of the conflict in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and uses the mass media for propaganda. Jesus Christ warned not to worry when there are wars and

110 rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6). The plan is to secretly create a problem and make everyone alarmed, angry, and fearful about it. Then they present their solution to the problem and get everyone to support their plan. Their real agenda is concealed under a facade of good will. People are subliminally made to believe that their freedoms are increasing, when they are actually becoming total mind controlled slaves to a sinister plan of world power, greed, and destruction.

We can expect a war in Jerusalem over the temple mount in Jerusalem between Jews and Muslims, in which the Pope is called on to resolve the conflict and set up a global religion and one world empire. The Antichrist empire is established on lies and evil. Those who do not stand for the truth are willing to compromise. There will be global persecution of Christians, and a worldwide depopulation before the second coming of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:9-25). Everything is already being put in place and is fulfilling Bible prophecies about the Antichrist. This must happen before the return of Jesus Christ to rescue His own and to defeat the Antichrist and his global empire forever (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety’, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor

111 pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Satan, the Babylonian occult, the Roman empire, the Vatican, and the Jesuits were around for a long time before Mayer Amschel Rothschild joined the organization. Satan has always wanted to destroy the Bible, the Jews, and the real Christians. The world leaders create wars to make everyone want peace at any cost. They make empty promises and have ulterior motives. They are promoting a false peace and a false hope. Satan is a deceiver and promises worldly rewards for evil, but his rewards are not worth the eternal consequences that result. Time is short. Turn to Jesus Christ while you still can and receive eternal life.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.


1 2 s%20Seal.aspx 3 See a copy of the Balfour Document


Genesis 3:4-5 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Since the beginning, Satan (aka Lucifer) rebelled against God to try to exalt himself above God. When Satan rebelled, he was cast out of Heaven to Earth. He promised people that if they disobeyed God that they would become gods, but instead the people were separated from God and became slaves to sin and to Satan. People are made in the image of God, and while submitted to God they are given authority over the angels and creation. To gain control, Satan needed people to follow him in rebellion. Pretending to have secret knowledge, he lied and persuaded them to believe that God is dishonest and that His rules were enslaving them. By seducing them to rebel, Satan enslaved the human race. If he can keep you from believing and learning the truth of God, then he can get you to believe his own lies and make you his slave. In return for worship and obedience, Satan offers illusions of temporary pleasures, which cannot satisfy, and lead to eternal torment.

Since 1935, the words “Novus Ordo Seclorum” have been on the one dollar bill of the Federal Reserve currency in the USA, which is used as the world standard for currency. The bill is full

114 of occult symbolism. The secret society that put the words on the bill have often over the past century referred to their coming global occult empire as the New World Order, or the New Age. The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum can mean either. However, it has its origin in a Roman first century BC Latin poem by Virgil which exalts Cybele, the Magna Mater (mother goddess), and speaks of a returning age of the rule of the ancient gods (demons) of Paganism.1

Satan’s domain has an organizational hierarchy and center of control working in secret. For those seeking temporal power, status, and pleasures, there are many secret societies2 working for the Vatican. One of the most exclusive and prestigious is the Bohemian Grove3, which includes the most powerful men in the world; including, U.S. presidents, other world leaders, and heads of media, television, movies, corporations, banks, militaries, military equipment producers, oil companies, etc. Meeting every year at the Bohemian Grove, they practice mock or real human sacrifice to Moloch, the god of the underworld. The ceremony of Moloch worship at the Bohemian Grove was videotaped by Alex Jones. They also pray to the Catholic patron saint of silence, St John of Nepomek. In these secret societies, members vow upon penalty of torture and death to never disclose their secrets. These cults are also called mystery religions because the plans of Satan to create a one world government and religion are hidden from members at lower ranks. This international network of world leaders works

115 together to create and control wars, international financial crisis, propaganda, and other social problems, to promote their agenda. Their mission is to create a one world government, economy, educational system, and religion controlled by Satan.

Many of the world’s leaders are top ranking Freemasons. Freemasonry is a secret organization of the Vatican controlled by the Jesuits. There is a strict hierarchy in which members must prove loyalty and obedience in order to be entrusted with more secrets and given more power. When a Freemason reaches the 32nd degree, they consciously worship Lucifer and are eligible to become a Shriner. In Freemasonry a Bible is usually placed on their altars. When they become Shriners a Quran is used. Even though the Shriners use the Quran and the symbol of the crescent moon, they are also controlled by the Jesuits at the Vatican. These false religions and secret societies use an outward facade of good works to hide a corrupt agenda.

Luke 10:18 Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.“ Some claim that the black stone of Mecca that Muslims bow to is a meteorite that fell from Heaven. A meteorite falling to Earth would resemble lightning. Muslims are commanded to travel to Mecca to circumambulate and kiss the black stone. By doing this, they are actually worshipping Satan. In Acts 19:35, the goddess Artemis () is also said to have fallen from Heaven and is

116 another form of Satan. The worship of Moloch or Baal in secret orders such as the Bohemian Grove, is also part of the satanic worship of ancient Babylon in the form of a horned owl, calf, or goat. Satan is worshipped using different symbols, beasts, and male or female idols. The symbols of Babylon can be seen in the logos of corporations and governments throughout the world. Satan works in secret, and much of what he does is hidden in plain view. The Babylonian symbol of the obelisk is seen in Washington D.C., the Vatican in Rome, and Mecca in Saudi Arabia. There is a black stone altar in the meditation of room of the UN, which is overseen by Lucius Trust, who openly acknowledge that the universal god they worship is Lucifer. Their plan is to create a genetically superior race of total mind controlled slaves, implanted with RFID chips that facilitate the slavery of the human race. Aaron Russo quoted Nicholas Rockefeller as admitting that is their plan. The Bible prophesied this long ago as the Mark of the Beast.

There are many organizations and think tanks that have been created for the purpose of uniting the global effort to establish the one world empire of the Antichrist. Among them are the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, and many more .

117 When the one world agreement was made by all nations at the United Nations on September 25, 2008, the authority of individual nations officially ceased. The New World Order is keeping this secret until they have everything set in place to administer the Mark of the Beast and declare the Pope as emperor of the world. The UN and Lucius Trust are already writing about what the “post-world” agenda will be after September 25, 2015, their designated target date for uniting the world under Agenda 21 and the Millennium Development Goals.

Here is the plan of the New World Order in their own words: vities/world_goodwill/purposes_objectives They admit the pope is the Antichrist.

The power of the Antichrist and the New World Order cannot begin to compare with the power of the Creator of everything, who reveals Himself as Jesus Christ. The power of the resurrection, the Spirit of God, and of the Kingdom of Heaven, is infinitely more powerful than the power of death, demons, and sin.

1 2 3


Revelation 12:1-4 A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.

The description of the woman with sun, moon, and stars is similar to the vision of Joseph given in Genesis 37:9 and shows the woman to represent Israel. Israel received the promise that the Messiah would come through them. Lucifer has been trying to establish a one world government and religion on Earth ever since his banishment from Heaven for mutiny (Isaiah 14:12-15). When he was banished from Heaven, his name was changed to Satan. One third of the angels rebelled with him and are called demons. Satan’s control of mankind in the Garden of Eden resulted in the human race being banished from God’s Presence and cursed.

After the flood in the days of Noah, Nimrod (Sargon the Great) attempted to build a tower to Heaven in Babel to unite the world in rebellion

119 against God. Nimrod wanted to be a god at the top of the tower (Genesis 11). Everyone spoke one language, Akkadian, but the Bible says that God confused their language and scattered them throughout the world. Ancient historians say that when Sargon died his son took control, and the people rebelled against the emperor and went back to speaking their own languages.

When Jesus was born into the world, Satan tried to kill Him through King Herod, but God sent Joseph and Mary with Jesus to a place in the desert for three and a half years to be protected until Herod died. It is estimated that the census taken under Quirinius was in 8 BC, and Herod died in 4 BC (Luke 2, Matthew 2). Adjustments in the Julian calendar caused the birth of Jesus to be slightly off from 0 AD. In the 20th century, Satan tried to annihilate the Jews through the Nazis in order to establish a millennium reign, but again was unsuccessful because the Christians helped them. Because that didn't work, the Dragon is enraged and is plotting to establish his rule by eliminating the true Christians (Revelation 12). The worldwide persecution of Christians is the sign that Jesus is about to return (Matt. 24:9).

The United Nations is planning a worldwide genocide. They claim that most of the world must be depopulated to make the world sustainable. There is already an increase of the persecution of Christians worldwide. Christians in many nations are being executed and their meeting places burned. In the USA, Christians

120 are on a terrorist watch list, and laws are being implemented to keep Christians from meeting privately in homes apart from government control. Alice Bailey, founded Lucifer Publishing, which has influence over the spiritual direction of the UN. Her New Age ideas also influenced the USA Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, that had Lester Rolloff unconstitutionally arrested in 1975 for operating Christian homes for the needy without a government license or government control.

Tactics used in WWII are being used again, but the plan is more developed. Propaganda was used to make people believe that the Jews were controlling the money and causing problems. The Vatican was actually controlling the money secretly through the Rothschilds who work for the Jesuits. The Nazis had a concordat with the Vatican for power. The Nazi symbols were Pagan symbols derived from the Catholic Church. Hitler was a Catholic in good standing when he died. At the end of WW2, Franciso Franco praised Hitler as a son of the Catholic Church and a soldier of Christ.1 The Nazi plan was called the Millennium Reign (or Third Reich), and the UN plan is called the Millennium Development. They are pretending to fulfill the millennium reign of Christ on the Earth, but their plan is for the Antichrist, not the Jesus Christ of the Bible (Revelation 20:1-4).

A great deception called World Hunger Relief2 (From Hunger To Hope), is presented as hope for the world. Demonstrations are organized to raise

121 support of this plan, which appears to help those in poverty but is a plan of world food control. Their depopulation agenda teaches that there are too many people and not enough resources, and that the people at the top need to depopulate the planet. The governments in many nations make laws and pay money to prevent small farmers from growing food, while major corporations like Monsanto and General Mills are given substantial amounts of money to produce food with harmful substances. Through Codex Alimentarius, the UN is dictating what people can and can’t eat, but educators are proving that they are promoting what is unhealthy. In the USA, the Department of Agriculture is overstepping their jurisdiction boundaries and paying politicians and judges to take away the rights of landowners to manage their own properties as they want. In particular, they are trying to take control of the world’s food supply and create a shortage so they can depopulate and control the people through hunger. In the Nazi death camps of WW2, the people were given very little food, and the contents of the food was uncertain. Until recent years, the San Joachin Valley farmers were a major producer of food for the United States. The USA alone was able to produce enough food to feed the entire world. Laws were passed to shut down the supply of irrigation water to the San Joachin Valley in order to make a wildlife preserve for animals that are not even on the endangered species list and are now multiplying in detrimental numbers. Mismanagement of money has led to problems for both the farmers

122 and the wildlife. Now that many of the farms are having to close down their operations, the NWO controlled mass media is blaming everything on a lack of rain. As in times past, if people would turn back to God the Creator through Jesus Christ and pray, God would send the rain needed (Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 11).

The Illuminati creates problems and rumors to sell their own worldly answers to the problems. By creating an international economic crisis and publicizing it through their media, the Illuminati promotes their own solution of a global totalitarian communism. By starting wars and rumors of wars, they cause fear and hostility, and the willingness of some people to do anything for peace. They are promoting the claims of Thomas Malthus and the eugenicists that there are too many people and not enough resources, and therefore it is reasonable and necessary for the government to severely reduce the world population. This is the strong delusion talked about in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.

God is able to help you in any situation, and the answer is to turn to Jesus Christ. Satan wants to control everyone, and causes problems to make people turn to him instead. Satan’s scheme to rule the world includes the Abomination of Desolation and the Mark of the Beast. Although the Millennium Development goals of the United Nations appear on the outside to be humanitarian objectives, closer examination reveals they actually have at their core the same motives as the Axis powers of World War II -

123 world domination, depopulation, and slavery of the human race. The United Nations World Food Program is meant to seize and control the world food supply and resources3, the Educational Program goals are to eliminate the family structure and replace it with state run child training4 to control and indoctrinate the global population5, the Medical Program is to coerce doctors and force abortion and genocide through vaccinations and inoculations, to create a genetically superior race of slaves for the world leaders6, and to have everyone identified and remotely tracked and controlled with RFID chips7, and their goal to achieve a sustainable environment is planned through euthanization and relocation of a majority of the world’s population.8 This can be seen in the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development, and Agenda 21 at the UN website.

The UN claims that the rule of law will govern with them, but it is man’s laws and not God’s laws. They claim that a few people should completely govern everyone else. Their laws promote themselves and enslave others for their own greed. As in past world empires, the goal of the people at the top of the hierarchy is to make total mind controlled slaves of the world population for their own ambitions.

Religious rituals are used to control people’s minds through repetition. Since Jesus came and fulfilled everything, there is no longer any need for the festivals or sacrifices of the Old Covenant (John 4:21-23). People who receive God’s

124 forgiveness and fellowship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, receive His Spirit living in them to lead them. Pentecost was a mandatory Jewish festival that foretold of the Holy Spirit being given to those with faith in Jesus Christ. Since the Spirit of God came through faith in Jesus Christ, there is no longer a need to celebrate the ritual of Pentecost. Pentecost is no longer celebrated by Jews, but is celebrated by Catholics.

The Rabbinic Jews are led by the Vatican, and claim that the red heifer sacrifice is necessary for the purification of the temple. The red heifer sacrifice is found in Numbers 19 of the Bible, but was for purifying people who were in the presence of a dead body. The ritual was meant to teach people not to practice necromancy, which is practiced by Pagans in different forms; including prayers to the dead, and prayers to preserved and displayed bodies of dead popes in Catholicism.9 The Rabbinic Jews claim that the person that sacrifices the red heifer will be the Messiah, because they reject Jesus as the Messiah. That means the person who sacrifices the red heifer will be the Antichrist. They claim to now have two perfect red heifers, and plan to start sacrificing Passover lambs and to build a temple in Jerusalem.10

The Muslims are also led by the Vatican and have the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. The Vatican will likely stage a war between the Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem over the Temple Mount, and then the Pope will

125 sacrifice the red heifer revealing himself as the Antichrist. Jesus said that when you see Jerusalem surrounded by troops, those in Judea should flee to the wilderness.

The mainstream media, books, TV, news, movies, music, etc, is all controlled by the rulers of this dark world for their own agenda. People are dumbed down to believe whatever they are told in the media and schools, and to not see what is happening to them. People sell out for greed, fame, and power to promote the lies of the New World Order. The global kingdom of the Antichrist was prophesied long ago in the Bible. As the Bible foretold, there is an increase in wickedness, with the mass media and educational systems deadening the moral conscience of the people. Only those who become aware of the eternal consequences of the evil enough to seek the truth and stand up for it are able to break free and be saved through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s Kingdom is eternal, and He will help those who trust in Him and seek to do His will.

John 3: 19-21 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in God.


1 2 3 See the millennium development goals at 4 See information on Plato’s philosophy of government 5 See the millennium development goals at 6 See the history of population control 7 See the Aaron Russo interview of Nicholas Rockefeller 8 See the history of the Rockefeller Foundation 9 10


Revelation 6:8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Martial law1 provisions in the USA were passed without the public's awareness throughout the Clinton, Bush, and other administrations. When the president declares martial law, the constitution is suspended, and the federal government seizes all roads, airlines, waterways, utilities, food supplies, state and local offices, etc., and unduly detains citizens to search, seize, imprison, send to work camps, and execute. Under the UN, this will happen globally. Barak Obama is a puppet that was appointed to demoralize the nation, promote depopulation, create a tyrannical dictatorship, submit the USA to the UN, and incite hostility against the Bible and Christians. We are witnessing this happen.

Martial laws were already put in place when Hitler took office2 in Germany, just as in the US now. Hitler’s Gestapo burned down a government building one month after he took office so he could declare a national emergency and become dictator. Barak Obama is submitting the US to the UN and pushing their Agenda 21, which gives the UN control of the world and will

128 authorize them to carry out genocide3 based on their propaganda that there is not enough resources and too many people. It is a war that is being fought through propaganda and brainwashing.

Under the FEMA plan4 called REX 845, many known concentration camps are already set up around the USA. Large numbers of coffins and cremation bags have already been distributed by FEMA. The excuse that this is being set up for uncontrolled disasters is disinformation, intended to cover up the sinister plot of enslaving the world. The Illuminati starts problems and chaos to convince people that it is good for their freedoms to be taken away.

The fear of a global swine flu epidemic is also being used to implement martial law, to depopulate the world, and to establish a one world empire for the Antichrist. In June 2009, Level 6 Pandemic was declared at the United Nations. 6 This is a perpetual declaration which put all nations under global martial law and readiness to take orders from the UN. Barak Obama declared Martial Law at that time based on the Level 6 pandemic even though no pandemic existed 7. 8 It is treason for the President of the USA to take orders from a foreign organization or government. It is also unconstitutional for the President of the USA to hold office or accept a title in any foreign organization, yet Barak Obama sat as President on the UN Security Council in September 2009.9 This is not surprising since the same powers that

129 control the UN also put politicians in office and use the mass media to hide their control. Studies have revealed that the swine flu pandemic of 1918 was largely spread through the vaccinations that were given to supposedly protect against it. People are being programmed to willingly submit to the coming worldwide holocaust.

As we approach the time when the Antichrist destroys the international economy and seizes the world food supply, it is important that Christians feed the needy and help each other for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. As you help others, God will help you. We must pray with people who are struggling with the issues that life is throwing at them. People need to know that God loves them and has eternal hope for them if they trust Him. Satan wants people to get greedy and fight each other for limited resources. The mass media programs people to panic, become greedy, to mock the Bible, Jesus, and Christians, and to become violent, but Jesus told us that as the love of most grows cold we must demonstrate His love (Matt. 24:12-13).

On December 18, 2009, Barak Obama spoke to all the nations of the world at the United Nations Global Warming Summit in Copenhagen called COP 15 in record breaking low temperatures.10 The United Nations provided for 45,000 demonstrators to come and demonstrate in favor of the UN carbon tax, which is a tax on breathing and an excuse for global depopulation. However, there were only enough hotel rooms in the area

130 for 15,000 during the freezing weather. Barak Obama declared his intention to push the carbon tax on the American people. While the media was concentrating on the news of the summit, on December 17, 2009, in the middle of the night, Barak Obama quietly signed an executive order giving INTERPOL global police 11 the authority to arrest Americans on American soil without any documentation or warrant. This news was not in the media.

Although the New World Order thinks they are unstoppable, the Bible shows that many plagues and devastations will come upon the kingdom of the Antichrist (Revelation 16), but those who trust in Jesus Christ will be caught up to be with the LORD in Heaven just before the wrath of God strikes (Revelation 15). Then, at an undisclosed time, Jesus Christ will return with His followers to defeat Satan and set up the Kingdom of Christ on Earth for a thousand years (Revelation 19).

131 _United_States 2 3 Publication_introduction.pdf 4 5 documents-published-subprogram-rex-84/ 6 phase6_20090611/en/index.html 7 8 emergency-declaration-is-martial-law-unfolding/ 9 10 global-warming-protesters 11 state


Revelation 6:8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a quarter of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

The United Nations was created by the Vatican through the Rockefellers1 who are part of the Rothschilds syndicate. John D. Rockefeller Jr. supplied the land for the UN complex in New York. The UN was created in 1945 as a result of the loss of World War II by the Vatican controlled Axis Powers. Through the horrors of WW2, the Jesuits (Illuminati) at the Vatican were able to gain public support of a one world government at the UN. Although Emperor Hirohito2 of Japan wanted to rule the world, he worked together with the Vatican controlled Axis powers in Europe. These self-absorbed egotistical madmen want to be worshipped as gods through force, fear, and murder, and do not want competition. Hirohito may have agreed to divide the plunder, but the Vatican wants it all and kills those rulers who threaten their dominance. ` Eugenics and depopulation3 were policies being promoted from even before Thomas Malthus in the early 19th century, who learned from the Jesuits. The depopulation leaders suggest that

133 the world population needs to be reduced to under 500 million people from the current seven billion. This is written in stone at the Georgia Guidestones. Bill Gates and David Rockefeller have stated their depopulation goals in conferences on video. The Bible says in Revelation 6:8 that the Antichrist and the Beast out of the Sea will kill one fourth of the world's population. Both Germany and Japan performed live human experiments in concentration camps to develop mass killing methods through biological warfare, and methods for total mind control.

Japan's Unit 7314 was especially notorious for the atrocities committed against humanity. They also experimented on entire communities by giving contaminated food and clothes as gifts, spraying and bombing with diseases, and contaminating water supplies. After World War II, the doctors that performed live dissections and tortured prisoners were given amnesty by the UN in return for the findings of their hideous experiments. Emperor Hirohito was honored like a god after all this. In Japan, the doctors that committed these heinous crimes went on to own pharmaceutical companies and work in high offices in government. Green Cross Pharmaceuticals5 in Japan was owned by one of these doctors, and in 1975 was found to be contaminating blood products with Hepatitis C.

From the beginning of the UN's creation, depopulation was a major goal.6 In 1974, Henry Kissinger7 suggested in an official report (NSSM

134 2008) to the United Nations that their plan for depopulation could be best carried out through vaccinations. The NSSM 200 report, the Unit 731 atrocities, the live human experiments in Germany, and political immunity for the doctors, was kept top secret until the late 1980s. Through an organization called GAVI9, the plan that Henry Kissinger outlined is being carried out worldwide. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the major contributor of the UN GAVI plan to depopulate the world through vaccinations.

The 1918 swine flu virus that killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide was spread through vaccinations. In 1976, the mass media spread fear about a swine flu epidemic and 45 million people in the USA were vaccinated. Only one person was reported to die from the flu, while almost 30 died and many thousands more were disabled from the vaccine. Mandatory inoculations of preschool children has increased dramatically, and the mercury in the shots is known to cause autism, brain damage, and death. Other experiments with radiation have been performed on children en masse that resulted in the death of a substantial number of subjects. 10

The current push for mandatory vaccinations and quarantines is a plan of the United Nations to depopulate the world, and to dumb people down to willingly become slaves. RFID chips are used as tracking devices for merchandise, and are being advertised in propaganda as being useful

135 for monitoring diseases, finding lost people, and giving artificial intelligence. The idea of gaining intelligence through brain implants may be a reason the Bible says some people will receive the mark in their forehead. The RFID chip implants are known to cause cancer and yet are approved by the FDA. The Bible specifically warns against receiving the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 14:11).

Mandatory vaccination and RFID legislation is being implemented all over the world. Mandatory digital implant identification is written into Obamacare Healthcare laws in the USA. It is inconceivable that Barak Obama himself devised and wrote the comprehensive laws in Obamacare. No one really knows how many pages are in the Obamacare Bill but estimates are from 2,000 to over 20,000 pages11. Propaganda is programming people to willingly receive the RFID implant tracking chips. Laws are being passed to quarantine citizens into concentration camps who refuse the vaccinations under Fema Plan REX 84, and busses are already manufactured for transporting people to quarantine camps.

Since the Vatican already controls all the currencies in the world, the motive they have is complete world domination. According to the report of Aaron Russo, who interviewed Nicholas Rockefeller on the motives of the New World Order, Nicholas Rockefeller declared that their intention is to use fear to cause everyone to receive an RFID chip implant so that their chip

136 can be turned off if they don't cooperate and obey. It becomes obvious that their plan is to make people unable to buy or sell unless they bow to the one world emperor and his satanic religion and government.

The recent global H1N1 pandemic propaganda is a major part of the NWO plan for global takeover and genocide. In June of 2008, 350 homeless people in Poland were given what they were told was a regular flu vaccination. However, the vaccination contained bird flu which killed 21 of the experimental subjects.12 No one was prosecuted in the incident. In February of 2009, the first batch of the swine flu vaccination was distributed to many nations in Europe. A lab technician in the Czech Republic unexpectedly tested the vaccinations on lab animals before distribution. All of the lab animals died as a result and tests revealed that the vaccinations contained bird flu. This was reported to the World Health Organization of the United Nations. After the WHO investigation, a recommendation was made that stronger veterinary laws be passed to forbid testing on animals. Jane Burgermeister13 then lost her job as an investigative journalist when she brought criminal charges against the UN, the WHO, Baxter Pharmaceuticals, and several politicians for bioterrorism and an attempt to commit mass genocide. A judge in Austria later dropped the charges. Baxter Pharmaceuticals was the company that made the vaccinations, and Barak Obama owned stock in the company.14 Some believe that the bird flu virus will be slowly

137 increased in the H1N1 vaccinations to cause increasing numbers of deaths, and to claim mutation of the virus and the need for more vaccinations. Vaccinations and inoculations also contain mercury, squalene additive, antifreeze, and preservatives that that cause several types of serious complications, autism, and death.

Since the plan of genocide was exposed and the vaccinations were impeded, the propaganda of the NWO mass media was suppressed. Nevertheless, the WHO of the United Nations proclaimed a level 6 pandemic in June 200915 in spite of no pandemic existing. By declaring a level 6 pandemic, the WHO officially took control of all nations and activated martial law provisions throughout the world. The nations are in readiness to take orders from the WHO. In July 2009, the WHO ordered the USA Center For Disease Control and other agencies to stop counting the number of H1N1 flu cases. This means that all mass media reports of numbers of cases are false and are intended to promote the vaccinations. There are thousands of cases being reported of deaths and serious physical damage from the vaccinations which are not reported in the mass media at all. There was also a CBS investigative news report16 showing that more than 90 % of the reported swine flu cases were not even the flu, let alone the swine flu.

In spite of the absence of any swine flu pandemic, in October 2009 Barak Obama (who owned stock in Baxter Pharmaceuticals) declared a national emergency. Barak Obama was later

138 given a seat as President of the UN Security Council, which is unconstitutional. Presidents of the USA are not allowed to accept offices or titles from foreign powers without approval from Congress. To accept a position which compromises the President’s allegiance to the USA, and to take orders from foreign powers is high treason. When he declared national emergency based on an H1N1 pandemic, he officially activated all the executive orders that pertain to martial law in the USA. Under UN Level 6 Pandemic, the nations are perpetually waiting for the order from the UN to declare martial law and begin the global genocide that the Bible calls the Abomination of Desolation (Matthew 24). The Bible says in Daniel 9:27 that the Abomination of Desolation will occur in the middle of the seven year agreement. God’s patience means salvation for more people as the Gospel is proclaimed, but His judgment will come (2 Peter 3:15). In the meantime, the NWO is getting everything in place, programming people through propaganda, and testing reactions.

The owners of the patents for the H1N1 virus (New Zealanders Robert Webster and Richard Webby) 17 were the directors of the WHO virus laboratories. They were also on the payroll at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital for work on viruses. This undeniably identifies them with the Vatican. The organization that is calling the shots and taking over the world are the owners of the H1N1 virus. They hide their diabolical plans behind a mask of humanitarian goodwill and political correctness.


Other known methods of depopulation, experiments on populations, and population control, include chemtrails from planes intentionally released into the air, and the contents are often top secret. The government has been told in courts to cease from this activity. Fluorine is one of the deadliest substances, and was the main ingredient used in Atomic bomb production at the end of WW2. It is now used in water supplies and has been proven to be harmful to health. Fluoride is fluorine combined with other chemicals and is found in many household products including Teflon, toothpaste, and medicines, some of which have warnings on their labels about the poison nature of the substance. Wars are used to kill off large populations. The CIA has also experimented with radio waves for mind control and other effects.

The propaganda of the New World Order is designed to cause fear to motivate people to submit to their plans. You don’t need to fear anything if you have the assurance of eternal life with God in Heaven through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to defeat them and take His rightful seat as loving Lord of all (Revelation 20:9-11).


1 2 3 4

55 win-259-million-yen/ 6 A&index=1 7 8 9 10 ates#Human_radiation_experiments 11 regulations-in-just-one-day/article/2524020 12 ess-people-die-after-bird-flu-vaccine-trial-in-Poland.html 13 charges-against-who-u-n-and-several-highest-ranking-government-and- corporate-officials-for-bioterrorism-and-attempts-to-commit-mass-murder/ 14 baxter-labs-when-he-signs-the-checks-for-a-major-percentage-of-their- revenue-well-he-do 15 ase6_20090611/en/index.html 16 17


Revelation 13:16-18 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

What is the Mark of the Beast? The Mark of the Beast spoken of in Revelation 13:16-18 is a one world currency set up in Satan’s one world totalitarian monopoly. The mark is something the Bible says is received in the right hand1 or forehead, and without which no one can buy or sell. The Bible says that whoever receives it in his hand or forehead, or worships the beast and his image, will be tormented forever. This is something to avoid even at the cost of execution. From the text, the Mark of the Beast represents the name of Pope Benedict il XVI, or the number of his name which is DCLXVI or 666.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips are being manufactured for implanting in human hands, and also implanting into brains for remote total mind control. Walter Rudolph Hess and Jose Delgado were doing experiments for the world leaders using radio frequency transmitter receiver implants in the brains of animals and people to control behavior,

142 thoughts, and emotions, as far back as the 1920s.2 Digital Angel3, now known as Veriteq, manufactures this technology which is being used to track and record4 merchandise, animals, and people. People are considered as merchandise and as animals to be enslaved and tracked just as the Jews were in WW2. Nicholas Rockefeller has been quoted as saying the goal is to implant RFID chips in everyone, so that when people don't obey then their chip can be turned off. The chips can also be used for torture.

Radio frequencies are being used to track, control, and enslave. Remote monitoring systems track and record every movement of animals and pets with the chips through internet and computer technology. RFID chips have been approved for use in humans by the FDA, which is paid by and run by the NWO. NWO controlled stores, such as WalMart, are pushing RFID technology for tracking merchandise and consumers. RFID technology is being used in merchandise in stores and in books at libraries, with scanners at the registers and doors. It is in cards used for mass transportation, on toll roads, at credit card scanners, and more. RFID is being used in cell phones to pay for items. Passports and other forms of identification are equipped with RFID technology. Portable scanners are being used to read RFID from long distances in order to locate and identify people, and to know their personal information. Doors and elevators in some buildings are being controlled by RFID. People in some parts of the world are being required to have RFID implants

143 in order to work at certain places. Cars are also being designed with RFID technology.

Everything is being put in place all around us, and propaganda is being used to get everyone to accept the idea of the implantable chips. RFID chips are being promoted as a way to monitor diabetes5 and find lost people. These and other excuses are pushed using the mass media to influence people to willingly accept the tracking and control of everyone as slaves.

The coming holocaust will be worse than in WW2 according to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:21. REX 84, Sustainable Development plans, and concentration camps are already in place all over the world. The Bible says the consequence of accepting the Mark of the Beast or bowing to the idol of the Abomination of Desolation is eternal torment. Those who trust in Jesus and refuse the Mark of the Beast will be resurrected to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

Revelation 16:2 says The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The painful sores represent tumors and cancer. Although the Verichip6 RFID human implants have been approved by the FDA, they were already known to cause cancer. Microwave frequency military weapons are also available, and microwaves can cause RFID chips to catch on fire, which would be very painful to people with RFID implants. Radio waves such as

144 produced by HAARP may also have some effect on RFID chip implants, especially mind control chips.

The bowls of wrath in Revelation 16 and the trumpets of judgment in Revelation 8 – 9 coincide for a reason. By describing the judgments on the kingdom of the Antichrist twice, God is declaring that his judgments are firmly decided and cannot be stopped. This also happened in Genesis 41:32 when Pharaoh had two different but coinciding dreams and Joseph interpreted them. The Bible says that in matters of judgment, everything must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6). God has shown that His judgment is irreversible on those who reject Jesus as Lord and Savior, and who receive the Mark of the Beast. People have been warned. There will be no more delay, and nothing can stop the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. The Antichrist who claims to be the Christ (Messiah, Savior) must come before the return of Jesus Christ.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are part of the United Nations which is controlled by the Vatican through the Rothschilds family of international bankers.7 The ownership of all the national central banks, major banks, and world currencies can be traced up channels through the Rothschilds to the Vatican. The Vatican and the UN have announced their objective for a one world currency, and this was prophesied long ago in the Bible. Their goal is to

145 make everyone dependent on them and to destroy the international economy so they can make slaves of the world population for their own greed. The UN Population Information Network (POPIN) 8 clearly shows the organization of the depopulation and control agenda of the UN. The Pope is always pushing the UN depopulation and control agenda.9 The Popes have publicly declared their desire for a New World Order through the UN, a global currency, and a carbon tax.

There are many excuses being formed as motivators for people to accept the RFID chips including identification, location, medical records, and global currency. It is also being promoted through transhumanism philosophy as a means of obtaining supernatural intelligence.

Total mind control has always been a goal of the Luciferians since ancient Babylon and Egypt. In the 1930s, Dr. Jose Delgado in Spain began researching and experimenting using electric radio frequency signal transceivers implanted into brains to remotely control emotions, thoughts, and behavior. After WW2, when the CIA and the United Nations were created by the Illuminati, Operation Paperclip transferred many Nazi mind control scientists to the USA. Jose Delgado continued his mind control research with funding from the CIA.10 The real reason for implanting RFID chips into human brains is for mind control. RFID digital implant identification is written into the Obamacare healthcare plan in the USA.11

146 Sharp Medical Care in San Diego, CA is using right hand bioscanners for patient identification at the receptionist desk. It is currently voluntary for patients but mandatory for employees. Through infrared scanning, they take pictures of the veins inside your hand and record the information in a computer database. Then you are told this is your identification from now on. There is no explanation, and no consent form is offered for you to sign. It’s easier for them to control people who are unaware of what is going on. The scanner is able to xray where an RFID chip will be placed.

Alliance Imaging, which is another name for the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and which works for the United Nations, is involved in xrays, transplants, and these hand scanners. A medical doctor told me that the coming global genocide will be used to harvest transplant organs. The Nazis in WW2 took a census, and then tattooed the Jews with numbers that were put into IBM provided computers in order to keep track of the prisoners, who were then experimented on and killed.

Besides RFID, CIA funded MKUltra mind control projects have included the use of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs to control populations, religious programs involving physical and sexual abuse, and subjecting people to repeated audio and visual messages, and hypnosis. These are methods that have been used in Pagan religions for thousands of years. Hypnotism and ritual is

147 used in the occult to subject people to complete control by demons, and is also seen in cults that call themselves Christian.

The Mark of the Beast is something that must be resisted. Your faith must be in Jesus Christ as the Luciferian New World Order seeks to make total slaves of the world’s population through eugenics, propaganda, and RFID implants. If you have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you know that you are right with the true Creator God. You are ready to die for the truth and what is right because you know that you have an eternal inheritance and reward waiting for you in Heaven. God will help you in your time of need. The true Christians are considered enemies of the global empire of the Antichrist. Our home is not in this world. We are here passing through as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven to invite people to faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and through Him to have a personal relationship with God the eternal Creator. Jesus Christ is how God shows Himself to us. God is patient to allow people time to repent and to receive eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, but time will run out and He will bring eternal judgment on those who live for the evil and temporary things of this world.


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Revelation 13:14 - 17 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

Satan is the father of lies and false religions, which have the common underlying goal of enslaving people in rebellion against God for the worship of Satan. He is an expert at counterfeiting. To recognize a counterfeit you must know the real thing. If he can get you to doubt the truth of God, he can get you to believe his lies and be his slave. One tactic Satan uses to prevent people from learning and believing the truth is to claim possession of special knowledge of secret mysteries. He creates Pagan cults that claim to be Christian, and uses propaganda to mock at Jesus and the Bible. Satan does everything possible to prevent people from studying the truth of the Bible, and knowing Jesus Christ personally. Unlimited illusions and deceptions are pushed through teachers promoted as authorities.

Satan’s most deceptive counterfeit religion is Roman Catholicism. The Vatican created the

150 World Council of Churches, and the ecumenical, charismatic, and interfaith movements to unite all religions under the Pope. In 1986, and again in 2011, the Vatican organized and led a one world religion summit 1 in Italy. The Pope proclaimed that all religions worship the same god. The informed know that god to be Satan. Pagans - including Wiccans, Satanists, Luciferians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and more - all worship and pray to idols and demons using different names and rituals. It is all rebellion against the one true Creator God. It is worship of the created instead of the eternal Creator. Jesus Christ declared Himself to be the only way to the Father (John 14:6) because Jesus is how God shows Himself to us and talks to us face to face. The Pope claims to be Christ on Earth2, which makes him the Antichrist (1 John 2:22). Jesus is the only Christ of God. He is the only one who could and did give Himself as a sinless and acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the world so that we can know God and be set free from sin and Satan. The Pope and priests cannot command Jesus Christ to come out of Heaven to be crucified again and again, although Catholicism claims that they do. Christ’s sacrifice once for all was sufficient (Hebrews 10).

In 1993, the United Nations appointed a priest, William Swing, to establish a one world religion. The result was an organization of world religions called the United Religions Initiative. Their web site is at The Spiritual Caucus of the United Nations is the organizational network

151 of occult endeavors at the UN. Their web site is The symbol of the UN is the world inside two olive branches. This is the shape of the sun god inside the crescent moon, a common phallic symbol for the Pagan religions.

In fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the Pope will proclaim himself to be god, and order the massacre of all who refuse to bow to Satan‘s one world religion (2 Thess. 2:4). There is a false peace being promoted by the Pagan world leaders. There can be no real peace when there is sin and rebellion against the one true eternal Creator God. They cover up their inner evil with outward appearances. They sacrifice humans to the demonic gods of nature. The leaders start wars in order to make people want peace at any cost. Then they make themselves look like the answer to the world’s problems so that people will willingly submit as slaves. This is called the Hegelian Principle.

Expect a world crisis between religions to happen in Jerusalem so that people will look to the Pope for a solution. Expect the Pope to sacrifice a red heifer in Jerusalem as world emperor, to set up an idol of the mother goddess, and to move the black stone of Mecca to the idol in Jerusalem. The Bible said that they will set up an idol in honor of the head of the beast that was wounded and healed (Revelation 13:14). The head that was wounded and healed is the Roman Empire, so the goddess idol should be that which they call Mary. The United Nations Catholic Fatima

152 Statue is already being used worldwide to unite religions together in prayer 3 ( Archaeologists have reported that the most common idol found in ancient Mesopotamia was the mother goddess, with the crescent moon symbol.

The Bible says to not worship idols (Exodus 20:4-5). The black stone was moved by the Babylonian priesthood from Babylon to Pergamum to Rome and then to Mecca.4 In Rome it was on the idol of Cybele the mother goddess (Magna Mater). It was moved to Mecca when the Kaaba was set up, and the name of the god was changed to Alilah, but was later shortened to Allah. In witchcraft, metaphysical lodestones are used to attract demonic energies. There is also a large black stone (lodestone) magnetite iron altar in the UN meditation room dedicated to Lucifer (Satan), the god of Paganism. Wicca is a major part of Paganism, and that is why Catholicism and Wicca share the same holidays.

The New Age one world religion includes Satanists, Luciferians, Catholics, Atheists, and more, who are declared to be worshipping the same god. Pagans accept atheists into their religion because they worship the creation instead of the Creator. Only Jesus Christ of the Bible is excluded, because He is the true Creator God. Paganism includes the worship of nature and prayers to the gods of nature which the Bible calls demons. The environmental movement is led by these Pagan religions and is

153 controlled by the Vatican. Yoga is also being pushed through Western civilization as a way to open people up to demons called spirit guides. At first, yoga is advertised as physical fitness and heath, but those who know yoga well are aware that it opens a person up to possession by demons.

The UN has a room dedicated to New Age occult meditation which is said to be overseen by Lucius Trust. Both Lucius Trust5 and the UN are already talking about what the world will be like in the post-millennium when they plan to achieve their New Age agenda by September 25, 20156, which is exactly 7 years after the seven year agreement made at the UN on Sept 25, 2008.

If you are a born again Christian, you have no reason to fear anything because you have the assurance of eternal life through Jesus Christ and are above Satan and his demons. However, you should not be involved in demonic brainwashing techniques. Our kingdom with Jesus Christ is eternal. The truth shines in the darkness, but those who love the darkness hide from the light. Remember the three men that were thrown into a furnace in Daniel 3 in the Bible for not bowing to the image that Nebuchadnezzar commanded everyone to worship. They were rescued by Jesus Christ. They were unharmed by the fire because they trusted in the one true God and refused to be unfaithful to Him.

154 In John 14:6 Jesus declared that He is the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other way to Heaven because Jesus Christ is how God speaks to us face to face. Whoever rejects Jesus Christ, rejects God. Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. All other gods are manmade. God made us to have fellowship with Him and to have His Spirit living in us. Satan is a created spirit and wanted people to serve him instead and promised that they would be gods if they rebel against the true God. But instead, people became separated from the true God and became slaves to Satan. Satan pretends to be what he is not. He pretends to be an angel of light, but comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Greed, lust, and ego cannot satisfy or fulfill. Only faith in Jesus Christ and living for His glory can fulfill you and give you eternal hope and peace.

Pictures in the online version -

Below is a photo of Muslims and Catholics together idolizing a statue of the Pagan virgin mother goddess. The statue is another representation of Satan, who rebelled against God to get worship for himself. Jesus Christ is in Heaven on God’s Throne and is the only image by which God shows Himself to us (Colossians 1:15). The Bible warns to not pray to images or idols or to the dead.


December 15, 2010 in Damascus.

From priest-mary-brings-catholics-and-muslims- together/

Below is Pope Benedict XVI holding up the piece of bread that they call Jesus in the ancient monstrance of the Roman sun god Saturn. Also is a procession of Catholic priests parading the bread they worship as Jesus in the monstrance of the Pagan sun god Saturn.


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Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The number of systematic lies and frauds being promoted all over the world is astronomical. Entire philosophical and religious systems are developed for the intentional purpose of leading people away from the truth and to enslave them. False religions, false sciences, false environmental concerns, misleading media, secret government, brainwashing education, false promises, distractions, behavioral conditioning, mind altering drugs, subliminal messaging, and more, are being fed to the masses to fatten them as cows for the slaughter. The Vatican Illuminati, using the Rothschilds, owns and controls the mass media. Their occult symbols are seen in the logos of major corporations. They own the world currencies and the major corporations, and control those working in information dissemination.

The entire evolutionary system of belief is founded on fraudulent deceptions of so called fossil finds1, which have been manufactured by taking a few pieces of skeletons from known animals and humans, and then concocting a story and manufacturing an entire skeleton and species, and imaginary pictures from that. Why

158 would they suddenly claim to find tons of dinosaur bones in specific private offlimit areas around the world when they had never been discovered before? There is a lot of money given for these supposed finds. Richard Owen2 was the first Superintendent of the British Natural History Museum in the mid to late 1800s and coined the word “dinosauria”. He spoke about and described dinosaurs before anything was ever claimed to be found. He was trying to imagine missing link animals. He was apprenticed to a pharmacist in 1820 and was given single animal bones which he imagined to be prehistoric extinct animals and drew what he thought they looked like. He was paid by the British Association to write works on how a few bones that were found were a different kind of animal, something extinct, and how animals must have evolved. He sculpted dinosaurs from concrete for Prince Albert and the British Museum to show what he thought they should look like, and his ideas became the basis for what dinosaurs are thought of today. 3 People were made to believe that the sculptures were of real extinct animals. It is public information that the Rothschilds gave large amounts of money to the British Museum to support this work. Evolution, dinosaurs, overpopulation, and eugenics were all being taught in the 1800s before any supposed real fossils were ever claimed to be found. It is all based on imagination and not on the scientific method. The dinosaur skeletons in museums are mostly made of plaster or plasticine.

159 This has developed into a multi-billion dollar industry as the New World Order rulers pay people to create believable frauds. People have been led to believe through false education and media that so called missing link fossils and dinosaur skeletons are actually real and complete. Even some of the scientific community is easily fooled because their living depends on these frauds. It has been promoted by proven hoaxes, and taught in classrooms as though it were truth. People have been brainwashed to believe it or be ostracized.

Paleontologists are trained experts at creating fossils using plasticine and other materials. There is a large amount of instructional material available on how to create fossils. Dinosaur skeletons are manufactured and confirmed by scientists for a large sum of money for display in museums. There are companies that advertise this service. The carbon dating system used to validate claims of millions of years old fossil finds is also proven to be fraudulent and inaccurate.4 It has been shown to be completely unreliable in test after test on trees and other things of known age. Read Winkey Pratney’s work on “The Fossil Record”. Carbon dating is a fraudulent method used because there is no other evidence for their claims. Forensic science experiments show that bones do not last very long before turning to dust. Anything covered in lava would be burned, or not be found.

Sculptors make money to create dinosaur skeletons from their own creativity. They claim

160 that the bones of the dinosaurs are millions of years old, but that they need to use plaster to cover the bones so that they will not deteriorate. For lists of the admitted frauds of evolution go to:

The illustrations drawn as facts of evolution and dinosaurs have been created without any real evidence at all. Pagan mythology is full of strange animals and imaginary stories of the gods. It is used by those who want to appear to be knowledgeable. Satan wants you to believe his lie that if you bow to him and rebel against God that you will become a god and can do anything you want without consequences. The imaginary and fraudulent evolutionary claims concerning man and animals (dinosaurs), and the declaration that there are too many people on Earth, are taught in order to program people into accepting a world in which the leaders are evolved into gods and everyone else must be completely dominated and kept in ignorance. This agenda among world rulers goes back before the Great Flood, and afterward in the Pagan empires including ancient Babylon and Egypt, as revealed by archaeology and ancient historical records.

Science has proven evolution to be false. Real science is based on observation of the real world and what happens all the time, and is not an attempt to prove something that has never been observed. Ancient science was often based on philosophy without proof. Evolution has never been witnessed and no proof exists, yet it is

161 taught as science even though it is imaginary. Why are people always trying to find a missing link to prove evolution? If evolution were true, the evidence would be everywhere.

Evolution is not real science. Some will argue that microevolution happens, but it is not a change of the species, nor even a more superior example of the species. The new generation is sometimes a defective example of the species. It is not evolution, because the genes of the new generation have always existed in that species. Recent progress in cloning has found that when you take a cell from any organ tissue in a body and try to clone it, you do not grow that specific organ, but a full clone of a member of that species. The programming for that species is in every cell of the body. Scientists do not yet understand how each cell in a body knows what to become in order to form a complete body. It has also been proven through experiments that even if you can mate two different species, no seed exists to keep the new species going. This is true with mules and ligers. They cannot reproduce because it is not a real species, but is a perversion of nature. The Bible says that God created each species with seed to reproduce its own kind (Genesis 1:11-25). The existence of breeds, and that they can mate together, proves that every different variation within a species existed in the first pair of that species. Living systems depend on every part of the system. You can’t have partially developed gills or lungs and survive for long. Frogs and butterflies metamorphose during their life because that is

162 what their species is programmed to do. The change happens in a very short span of time or they could not survive. Without the right food sources, people and animals couldn’t exist. Without a complete system of earth, water, and sunlight already existing, plants could not survive very long. A plant could not live without a completely developed system. It couldn’t evolve through generations if it was not already fully developed. The idea of evolution is an imaginary speculation without any evidence to base it on. Fraudulent evidence is created in order to show what evolutionists think things should look like. This all proves the Bible to be true and that only a literal seven day completed creation could have produced everything. Science without God is incomplete.

The very laws of science and order prove that there must be an eternal Creator. Spontaneous Generation was taught by ancient Pagans as an idea that new life organisms suddenly appear out of nowhere. It has never been witnessed. It is also used by some evolutionists to base how everything originally began. Evolutionists believe that life ultimately came from some accident out of non-life. It is completely opposed to the idea of intelligent design. Everything was either created by accident, with no intelligent design, totally at random for no purpose and no destiny, or everything was created by intelligent design, with an intentional purpose and destiny. Louis Pasteur, using scientific methods, proved that life can only come from life. This is known as the Law of Biogenesis. God told us in the Bible that

163 He is life, has always existed, and that He is the source of all life (John 1:1-4). It has been scientifically proven and is not mere imagination, philosophy, or conjecture. Life must have always existed. The Bible says that God is invisible, eternal, and immortal (1 Timothy 1:17). He has always been and will always be, and He has no limits in intelligence, power, space, or time. He is the life that created all life. The Bible also says that God finished His work of creation on the sixth day. There are no new species being formed or created.

The second law of thermodynamics has been proven in every case and is also called the law of entropy. It states that anything left by itself will eventually wear down, break apart, and not improve unless it is acted on by something with the intelligence and power to make it improve. Energy cannot increase unless something with more energy acts on it. Energy will eventually dissipate unless there is an infinite source of energy acting on it. This proves that there must be a Creator who is infinitely intelligent and infinitely powerful enough to make and sustain everything that exists, or everything would decay into complete disorder. Scientific observation and proof shows that without God everything would cease to exist.

The complexity of creation could not have happened by accident. Anything that exhibits complex design could not have resulted from a random accidental explosion. This book could not have written itself. This book is not anywhere

164 near the design complexity of living beings or of all creation. To create a living being from nothing, or even from basic earth and water, takes infinite intelligence and power. Just as there are physical laws, there are spiritual laws. Because of the law of gravity, if you jump off a high building you will hit the ground and be seriously injured. If you break God’s moral laws there are also consequences, and there are no exceptions just because someone is in a position of power. The rulers of this dark world promote the lies of evolution as an excuse for their sins, mass murder, and slavery of the human race. The Nazis were adamant evolutionists. The occult teaches evolution, and that a few evolve into gods over everyone else. God is in control and will not tolerate their rebellion forever. Forgiveness, and new and eternal life from God, can only be received through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone as Lord and Savior (John 14:6).

The first thing God did in creation was to turn the lights on by creating light, but the darkness hates the light (John 3:19-21). God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). He is the eternal source of light and life (John 1:1-5). Without an infinite limitless eternal source of life, intelligence, and power, nothing could exist. Everything that did exist would breakdown into chaos, be destroyed, and cease to exist. Some so-called scientists estimate that the known universe is 500 trillion light years across, but they believe the sun will only last 500 million years. These are obvious guesses based on

165 imagination and not on any facts at all. If a star only lasts 500 million years, then at the speed of light it could only travel 500 million light years in distance before it completely burned out. How could the universe then be 500 trillion light years across? The Bible says that God spoke everything into creation. We have His written record. He spoke and it was. It was done in an instant of time. It was the only way that anything could have been created because nothing living could survive for even a year in an incomplete state. Everything had to have been made together in a reasonably short time. This is proven in that no new species are ever being created. Everything was complete in six days. The scientific law of biogenesis proves that life could not come from nonlife. The scientific law of thermodynamics proves that there must be an infinite and eternal source of life for life to exist.

Contrary to what some people are brainwashed to believe, Atheism is not science, but is a religion. It relies on frauds and imaginary speculation which it promotes as truth but which contradicts true science and the scientific method. Paganism accepts Atheism as part of their religion because Atheists worship the creation instead of the Creator. Many Atheists insist that God does not exist, but they teach their children to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and fairies that are all part of Paganism. The fraudulent claims of fossil finds of dinosaurs and ape-men, and phony diagrams of evolution, have been repeatedly and

166 consistently proven to be intentional frauds, yet are still taught as truth in science classrooms and the mass media. A search for information on the supposed discoveries of different stages of human evolution will show them to all be proven and admitted frauds.6 Dinosaurs, evolution, eugenics, overpopulation, and other fanciful speculations began to be promoted during the 1800s as an attempt to silence the truth of the Bible that was freeing people from the tyranny of the popes and their pagan priests and monarchs who were pretending to be Christians. Isaac Newton was not only a great scientist, but a Christian theologian who studied the Bible to learn scientific truths. He is credited with discovering calculus and the laws of gravity, motion, and light.7 It was the freedom of thought gained by studying the truths of the Bible in opposition to the popes during the Reformation that led to real scientific advancement. Christopher Columbus8 wrote in his diaries that the Lord God showed him that he could travel around the world. He believed the world was round in opposition to Pagan thought and much ridicule, because the Bible declares that God is over the circle of the Earth (Isaiah 40:22).

Going backward in time through population growth studies by the United Nations reveals that there could only be a handful of people on the Earth at the time of Noah’s ark. The world of that time was wiped out by a flood except for those people and animals that were on the ark. Elephants, giraffes, and other large animals must

167 have been on the boat. There are written historical accounts from ancient documents of the Great Flood that happened almost 5,000 years ago. Sumerian and Akkadian tablets existed at the time of the flood, and had recorded accounts of it. Most civilizations on Earth have an account of the Great Flood in which one family was saved by boat.9 The inside of the ark was recently videotaped by Chinese explorers who found it buried under volcanic rock and ice on Mount Ararat in Turkey.10 The video can be viewed at The mass media does not report this even though it is one of the greatest discoveries of our times. Evolution, dinosaurs, and overpopulation have all been promoted by frauds and brainwashing to discredit the Bible, and for the world rulers to promote themselves as evolved gods over the people. It is an unfounded excuse of world leaders for killing people and treating them like animals. Even Jeffery Dahmer admitted in an interview that his belief in evolution allowed him to commit unthinkable cannibalism and experiments on his victims.11

The Bible teaches that God made our bodies from dirt and water, and it is true that everything necessary to create a living body is in the dirt and water (Genesis 3:19). God also created spirits and souls. People who have been declared brain-dead in hospitals have had out of body experiences. Your soul is who you are, and will go on forever in eternity. The Bible says that God breathed into us the breath of life, and Jesus said that those born of the Spirit of God

168 are like the wind. It is the breath that causes the body to begin functioning as it was created to function, and it is the Spirit of God that gives us our purpose for living. This subject of man’s nature is something that I must reserve for another book. Will you be at one with your Creator, or will you be in torment and separated from Him forever?

Transhumanism is being promoted as the notion that mankind can evolve into something greater through his own efforts. People are being deceived and brainwashed through the mass media, false religions, and false sciences to accept RFID microchip implants in their brains to supposedly increase intelligence and power. However, toward the end of his life even Jose Delgado seemed to have regrets about how so many experiments to control thoughts and behavior through RFID brain implants went seriously wrong.12 Jose Delgado admitted that if he didn’t do the experiments, that they would find someone else who would. Patients in hospitals, and minority children had brain implants sometimes forced on them, or done without their knowledge or consent.13 The experiments have been used to develop a system in which brain implants are used to induce sexual and aggressive behavior remotely through satellites, and controlled at computers. Destron Fearing14 has demonstrated the tracking of animals with RFID through the internet, but the goal from before Jose Delgado was to use the RFID microchip implants to remotely control behavior.15 Transhumanism philosophy is

169 another way for the rulers of this dark world to make people willingly accept the brain implants. The Bible warns that anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead will be eternally tormented (Revelation 14:9-12).

Some people and organizations are made to look like authorities so they can lead people astray, and NASA is one of those organizations. Some people say the moon landings were a Hollywood production and could not have happened. I have seen the evidence for their claims, including Neil Armstrong’s speeches on how the truth must be hidden, and that he would not willingly declare on oath that he walked on the moon. I do not have an opinion on the subject except that the NASA program must have been aided by Nazi rocket scientists through Operation Paperclip. The NASA web site contains evolutionary propaganda that programs people to believe that we are evolving into becoming gods without a need for God. Could the space program be another Tower of Babel in which the Luciferians that run this world are trying to defy God and become gods by leaving the planet and going into Heaven on their own? You cannot get to Heaven in a rocket ship. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. He is the Lord of Heaven.

The rulers of this dark world pay people to promote lies that will enslave people and keep them from the truth. Global warming 16 is a lucrative business for those who promote its errors. It is a contrived basis for the

170 international carbon tax on breathing, and another phony excuse for depopulation of the planet. The global warming hoax is a sidetrack to the real issues of sin in the world. While fraudulent environmental issues are promoted under a pretense of virtue, the FDA has approved substances17 for human consumption such as MSG, aspartame, and fluoride, which are known and proven to be poisonous and deadly. The dangers are concealed by those making money from their use. Fluorine was the major ingredient used in the atomic bombs in WW2, and is used in many household products.18 The FDA has also approved for use in humans the implantable RFID microchips19 which are being used to track and record every movement of animals20 and will soon be used in tracking and controlling humans.21 For some time, experiments have been performed on mental patients and other hospital patients, by implanting RFID stimoceivers into their brains to control their sexual behavior, anger, and other thoughts and emotions remotely through satellite by computers.22 One goal of MKUltra mind control is to create total mind controlled assassins and sex slaves who act without regard to conscience. The Nazi regime treated humans as cattle, as will the one world government about to be revealed. Owned by the New World Order, the mass media has been intentionally hiding the development and motives of the globalists. Everything has been kept top secret.

The general population of the USA is programmed (through the schools and media)

171 that it is OK to read any book but the Bible. People are afraid of reading the Bible and becoming social outcasts of this evil world. Jesus said that if you are ashamed of Him in this evil world, that He will be ashamed of you before the Father in Heaven (Luke 9:26). When we say this is the year 2014 AD, we are saying that it has been 2014 years since Jesus was born into this world. AD means “Anno Domini” – the year of our Lord. Jesus Christ has had more influence than any person throughout history, but the schools are now calling it the Common Era in order to make people forget that Jesus Christ is a significant and real historical person.

Because of the power of the Gospel in the Bible and in the Name of Jesus Christ, many false religions and cults claim the Bible and Jesus Christ as part of their teachings. However, they reject Jesus Christ as Lord and reject the authority of the Bible. Instead, they have their own books that they claim are superior to the Bible, and they have teachers that they claim are superior to Jesus Christ. Wherever the Bible is honored there is freedom, but these teachers want to enslave their followers for their own selfish gain. The Bible was written as men were led by God’s Spirit, and only those who have God’s Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ can understand the Bible. You need Jesus Christ, and not some priest, to help you understand the truth of God’s word (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). The mass media and the schools are controlled by the Vatican and occult through the money, and brainwash people into believing that Catholicism

172 is Christian. Some false religions have their own Bibles which they have intentionally mistranslated in order to reinforce their own false teachings. They claim that their own Bibles are the only true translation, in order to impede people from studying more accurate and plain translations, and the original languages. Some false religions add extra books to the Bible or take books away from the 66 books of the New Testament and Old Testament. The Old Testament was canonized by Ezra23, and the New Testament was canonized by John the Apostle.24 During the first centuries of the Early Church, many people were put to death for having the books that we now have in the Bible. The Roman Empire knew which books belonged in the Bible because people were willing to die for them. The entire Bible testifies to man's need to repent of sins, and to the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all for the sins of mankind. According to the Bible, God isn't interested in enslaving people through religious rituals and false covers for sin. God wants all people to repent of the wickedness of their hearts, and to trust in His finished work on the cross of Christ for forgiveness, salvation, and new life with Him forever (John 3:16-17).

When this life is over and people have to face the eternal consequences of their life, most people will regret forever that they did not take eternity seriously. God created us for eternal fellowship with Him and gives us a chance to participate in building His eternal Kingdom in the lives of others while we are here. Everyone has

173 gone their own way, so He came as Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for your sins so that you can be set free from slavery to sin, and live for Him as you were created to do. Only through knowing Him and fulfilling the purpose that He created you for can you have lasting peace. He has the best plan and purpose for you because He is the one that made you. Through His sacrifice on the cross 2000 years ago He made a way for your life to be redeemed and salvaged if you turn from your own ways and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Through His sacrifice for your sins and His resurrection, He has provided you the power to be set free from the control of those who want to rob, kill, and destroy you. Satan seeks to control you through your mind by lies, but with God’s Spirit living in you through faith in Jesus Christ you can have your mind renewed by the truth (1 Corinthians 2:16).

How long will people continue to rely on lies, frauds, speculation, and imagination? Disasters happen that are beyond human control, but God is in control. He humbles the proud and exalts the humble. Those who look to Him have a source of eternal help, but those who fight against Him will be destroyed. I myself was kept from reading the Bible until after I graduated from high school and was on my own. When I read the firsthand accounts in the Bible about Jesus Christ, I realized that He must be God and that I needed to change. I put my faith in Him and received His Spirit and the assurance of eternal life. I have a personal relationship with

174 God and He speaks to me every day in different ways. He talks to everyone, but most people don’t listen to Him. I have seen His miracles and that He is faithful to His word. Why wouldn’t the eternal limitless Creator of all things give us a written account by His Spirit to reveal Himself and His will to us? Complicated electronic and mechanical devices come with user manuals. Why wouldn’t God give us a manual to help us know His will for our lives? Even better is that He wants to have a personal relationship with you and help you with your life now and for eternity.

Sin separates people from knowing God, and so they have difficulty believing in God and understanding His ways (Romans 3:23, 6:23). Sometimes they make up their own ideas of God to fit their own agenda (Isaiah 55:8-9). The occult teaches people to seek immortality and divine knowledge through looking inward until you become a god. The problem is that people, without the redemption that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, are controlled by the things of this world and by demons (Romans 3:23). Looking inward opens people up to increasing depravity. God shows Himself to us as Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15). When you turn from your own ways and look to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you receive a new life led by His Spirit and are sealed for eternity in Heaven with Him (Ephesians 1:13-14). We were created to have God’s Spirit living in us, but the demons rebelled and live in willing people instead (Jude 1:6). When you have God’s Spirit living in you, then you can listen to Him for guidance (Romans

175 8:14). You can experience God’s forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ right now by talking to God in prayer, being sorry for your sins, thanking Him for His forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and asking Him to show you His will for you and to help you to do it (Romans 10:9- 13).

Throughout this book I am adding links from the internet as support, but this information can be found in many documents, pictures, videos, and other recorded history. I don’t expect anyone to simply believe what I’m saying, but I want people to research this information on their own. I don’t have time to go into the details of every subject, but I am showing the connections so that people can learn the truth, wake up, and be set free before time runs out. People who have been brainwashed don’t even realize what has happened to them. They have based their lives on lies and can’t accept that they have been led astray. They are kept from knowing the truth that would set them free. Sometimes there are many layers to the lies that they have been led to believe, and they are blocked by peer pressures and mental conditioning from even considering that they have been lied to. It is like the child who has been taught to believe in Santa, Easter Bunnies, and fairies by those he trusts, and he is unwilling to accept that those Pagan gods are fantasy. They are pressured by social programming to believe what they are told, and to act in accordance with the group norms or be social outcasts. They are also taught through fantasies of dinosaurs and

176 evolution to avoid the truth of the Bible that will set them free. There is a real war between the Creator of all things, and Satan who rebelled. Satan does not want people to believe that he exists, or for people to realize that he is behind the evil in the world. Those who love evil lie to hide their deeds so they won’t be caught, or they try to make excuses for what they do. Jesus said that Satan is a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44). If you have ever lied or taken what is not yours no matter how small at any time in your life, then you have sinned and have fallen short of God’s standard of the perfection of Heaven. Only through the salvation that comes through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ can you be made right by God and receive eternal life.


1 2 history/biographies/richard-owen/index.html 3 f/ frederick_york,_mastodon_and_p.aspx 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 of-jose-delgado-and-his-stimoceiver/ 13 expert-on-the-doctors-children-military-research 14 15 explosive-court-case 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 htm 24 canon/prophets-and-apostles.htm


John 16: 1 - 3 All this I have told you so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.

Rebellion against God resulted in the terrible problems in the world. Satan shifts the blame onto God and prevents people from reading the Bible and knowing the truth. Throughout history, numerous attempts have been made to burn, discredit, outlaw, and change the Bible1, and to kill those who maintain and proclaim it. Nevertheless, the Bible2 has been preserved in its original Hebrew and Greek text for thousands of years. The Holy Spirit of God lives in those with faith in Jesus and still reveals the truth. In spite of Satan’s attempts to silence the Bible, it has been translated into more languages, and more copies have been printed than any other book in history. The first papyrus scrolls were used for the Old Testament. The first codex books on parchment were used for writing the New Testament (2 Timothy 4:13). The first book printed on a printing press was the Bible. Wherever the Bible is honored there is freedom, peace, and prosperity, but where it is silenced there is tyranny, evil, and oppression. God has given anyone who really wants the truth the accurate historical account of how mankind fell

179 into sin, and how God redeems people back to Himself through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Some people are saying not to read this document because I didn’t use the King James Version of the Bible. William Tyndale3 was burned at the stake by the Vatican in 1536 for translating the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek accurately into common English for people to read. Just two years before Tyndale was betrayed and arrested by someone pretending to be a friend, the Jesuits were formed to be the espionage agency of the Vatican. In 1540, the Jesuits were given control of the plans of the Vatican to secretly bring everyone under the Pope’s control. At the Council of Trent in 1546, the Vatican declared 14 books of the Apocrypha to be part of their Bible. William Tyndale never translated any of the Apocryphal books, but followed the Christian canon as established by the Apostle John around 100 AD. People were reading Tyndale’s Bibles and realizing that Catholicism was not Christian at all. They were receiving God’s salvation through Jesus Christ by faith and were set free from the Pope’s control. Catholic Queen Bloody Mary then persecuted and killed those who helped Tyndale, and she tried to burn all of Tyndale’s Bibles. Some assistants of William Tyndale fled to Geneva for protection under John Calvin, and helped publish the Geneva Bible in 1560. The Geneva Bible was the first to have chapters and verses. It also had footnotes exposing the Vatican as the Harlot on the Beast,

180 and the popes as antichrists. Catholicism has always opposed John Calvin and the reformers. The Jesuits even change recorded history and falsify documents in the cause of their counterreformation.

King James was a homosexual who also practiced beastiality and believed in the Divine Rights of Kings to do evil. He commissioned the KJV to silence the Geneva Bible and Tyndale’s translation. The 1611 KJV followed the Catholic Bishop’s Bible, contained the Apocrypha, and intentionally mistranslated words using “unicorn”, “satyr”, Holy “Ghost”, and “Easter” to mislead people and to promote Paganism. In 1620, the Puritans on the Mayflower had the Geneva Bible and fled from persecution by King James. The KJV was the only Bible authorized by King James to be read in his kingdom. The first and only copies available of the KJV were chained to every pulpit so that Tyndale’s Bibles and the Geneva Bibles that the people had could not be used. Many cults, especially those started by Freemasons, insist on the King James Bible only. The English of the KJV was also not in the common vernacular, was intentionally difficult to read, and was misleading. People that insist on the KJV only, are promoting a book with intentional Pagan mistranslations, and are discouraging people from seeking out the Bible in its intended meanings and original languages of Hebrew and Greek.

When the Puritans came to America, they passed laws establishing schools to ensure that people

181 could read the Bible. All of the early universities in America were founded as theological seminaries. In 1963, under a Roman Catholic president, reading the Bible in American public school classrooms was outlawed. The very school systems that were founded to promote the Bible have been changed to program people to avoid reading the Bible, and the nation is being deliberately demoralized and dumbed down. School systems program youth to reject the Bible by enforcing rules against reading or teaching the Bible. Any other books or religions are permitted except the Bible. Homosexuality and witchcraft are now taught in the schools, but the Bible is not allowed. Whenever laws promoting homosexuality are voted on by the people, homosexuality is voted out. Then the laws for homosexuality are passed anyway using the courts and legislators, and money is given to groups to demonstrate in favor of immorality. Unfounded systems of lies are taught as truth, and enforced by grading systems, in order to oppose the Bible. Teachers are given money and positions for teaching things against the truth, and are reprimanded or terminated for teaching the Bible.

One world education is a goal of the NWO, being used to program their agenda. The Bible and prayer were removed from American public schools in the 1960s during the presidency of the Catholic president John F. Kennedy. Although JFK was born into a Catholic family, he openly spoke about the global conspiracy, turned against the hidden government, and was

182 assassinated. Recently, American public schools began promoting witchcraft through using Harry Potter books in the curriculums. Witchcraft and Paganism practice the worship of nature, and prayers and sacrifices to gods of nature. This is strictly forbidden in the Bible (Galatians 5:19- 21). The ancient philosopher Plato promoted the idea that children should be taught by the state, that fathers should not live at home, that children should not know who their fathers are, and that women should be collective property. The Luciferian New World Order pushes this same programming and seeks to destroy the family unit. The public school systems and government agencies seek to undermine the authority of the parents, and the TV and other electronic media become a babysitter to program the minds of the children. The TV or other electronic media is the god of many people, controlling their behavior, and even opening them up to demonic possession.

Peer pressure is used to control people. Psychology has been used to program people into desired “normal” behaviors in order to control them. People and organizations such as the television, radio, schools, world leaders, religious leaders, NASA, and others posing as authorities, and the promotion of psych drugs, intentionally dumb down and mislead people into believing the lies of the NWO leaders through propaganda aimed at controlling the herd mentality. People that refuse to love the truth are easily deceived and enslaved (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Sigmund Freud’s

183 nephew, Edward Bernays4 is called the father of modern day propaganda. He used Freudian philosophy aimed at the animal instincts in human nature to develop propaganda techniques for influencing the masses to follow the agenda of the world rulers and their corporations. He gave the name to the Council On Foreign Relations that was organized by the Rothschilds in 1917 for the purpose of taking control of the mass media in the USA to control how people think and act. They also created similar organizations in Europe and elsewhere.

Edward Bernays5 was the mastermind that used the mass media to create the drive in women to be independent, to smoke cigarettes in public, and to push for self-sufficiency and abortion rights. He was also used to aid in propaganda promoting wars and actions against world leaders and groups that opposed submission to the New World Order. Different ideologies and techniques to control people were used in different nations and cultures to bring about an intended result. His propaganda was used in nations around the world to control the way people thought and acted on both sides of wars. Bernays developed words and slogans that made evil agendas sound appealing to human nature and triggered emotions. Words are used to hide the truth by giving them false, secret, and double meanings. He made people into idols that would help promote the ideas, agenda, and products sold by leaders and rulers of the NWO. People are programmed to buy certain products and live a certain way still today. TV shows are

184 called “programs” and people sit hypnotized staring at a TV screen.

TV is used to create social norms and behaviors for everyone to follow, and those that don’t conform are shunned. Torturous psychiatric hospitals and diabolical methods such as shock treatment and lobotomies were used on those labeled as insane. Dr. Walter Freeman was famous for using icepicks to perform brain lobotomies. RFID6 brain implants were developed to induce sexually deviant and aggressive behavior.7 LSD was used in hospitals under CIA MKUltra programs in experiments to program behavior. One notable doctor performing the experiments for the CIA in Canada was Dr. Ewen Cameron. People began to rebel against the establishment of psychiatric norms and products, and doing your own thing was promoted. Then the masses were herded into false religions as they sought to find happiness in other things. They were directed away from the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Bible was banned from public schools.

The mass media is used to make people think they can do anything they want without God and without consequences if they buy specific products and do suggested activities. People are led to believe that they can find lasting happiness if they buy products or participate in worldly activities. They are programmed by paid phony TV personalities to either believe that anything that is of the Bible and Jesus Christ is

185 something to be mocked and avoided, or to glorify and follow those false prophets into destructive behavior. An interesting and informational documentary on this is The Century Of The Self at There is just enough morality on TV to keep people watching and being controlled. Increasingly worse immoral behavior is being programmed into people who spend their time hypnotically controlled by the mass media. The focus of TV is to keep people from reading the Bible, to lower their moral conscience, to make them dependent on the world rulers, and to keep their attention off of what is really going on behind the scenes. Entertainment is used to make people feel that they are part of something bigger so that they won’t sense and react to the void in their life from not knowing their eternal Creator. Not only does sin have consequences, but the emotional boost from the temporary and materialistic wears off. Only a right relationship with your eternal Creator can give you true lasting peace and happiness. The world leaders want to control everyone for their own personal greed, and they know that people will be set free if they turn to a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Just as magicians use distractions, the mass media is used to divert people from the real truth, to let their guard down, and to control their behavior for a greedy agenda.

While the mass media uses subliminal messages to control people and to keep them from the truth, synchronized religious, philosophical, and

186 activist movements (and demonstrations) are used to move people into the programmed behaviors that the world leaders need in order to fulfill their own egos, lusts, greed, and agenda. Facades, lights, smoke, makeup, and mirrors are used to make people think that happiness can be found in the things of this world, but those who have the things of this world are still unfulfilled and unhappy on the inside. Many people who have been made to be idols in this world have committed suicide from the emptiness of their lives. People are made to believe that they are getting more freedom while they are actually having their freedoms taken away, and are being programmed into becoming total mind-controlled slaves. People are programmed to pursue worldly gain and fleshly pleasure instead of their own special God-given eternal purpose, and to ignore the eternal consequences and their ultimate destiny. When their lives are broken and empty from worldly pursuits, people are herded into programs and pharmaceuticals that they are told will help them overcome the pain and emptiness so they can continue in their empty ways. God is patient and allows people time to repent and to receive forgiveness and eternal life, but judgment will come.

Religions and governments teach people to avoid the Bible, sometimes under severe penalties. Cults pretending to be Christian tell people that the Bible is not as superior as their own books, or they tell people that they can’t understand the Bible unless they have someone interpreting it for them. Some cults have their own Bibles that

187 are changed to try to fit their own teachings. Some cults either take away parts of the Bible such as the Old Testament, or they add to the Bible with such books as the Apocrypha. The Apostle John warned against this when he finished the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John and canonized the New Testament about 100 AD (Revelation 22:18-19). The entire Bible testifies of the sinful nature of man, and God’s eternal salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ only. Throughout history, there have been countless millions whose lives have been changed forever through the Gospel, and who laid their lives down for the truths in the Bible. The life changing power of the Gospel is very real. The Bible warned that in the last days, there would be an increase of false teachers to tell people what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3).

Throughout history, the Vatican has tried to silence anyone effectively declaring the truth of the Gospel and pointing out the evil of the Vatican. People have been tortured and killed in gruesome ways for not submitting to the evil of the Pope and the priests. For more information about the Catholic persecutions of Christians throughout history, read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.8 People are intentionally misled to believe that Catholicism is Christian. Catholicism was formed by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth century AD by changing the names of the Pagan gods and festivals of Rome to Christian names. Catholicism has been responsible for killing more Christians and

188 burning more Bibles than any organization on Earth. It has always been Paganism pretending to be Christian. Catholicism has never been Christian and has always had at its core to destroy the Bible and the Gospel in order to enslave everyone to the Roman emperor, also known as the Pope. True Christianity is a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, and has nothing to do with rituals, priests, religious works, or adhering to the beliefs and commands of a church or other religious organization. Through religious rituals, lies and sin are repeatedly programmed into the minds of the people to put them into bondage.

Anyone who successfully exposes the Vatican or the Jesuits as the architects of the demonic New World Order becomes a target. The usual method of the Jesuits to destroy such a person is to tempt them to sin, to destroy their reputation, and then to kill them openly or covertly. The Jesuits swear an oath to pretend to be what they are not in order to secretly infiltrate and cause scandals and wars, to overthrow, and to kill at the command of their superiors.9 The oath of the Jesuits can be read and examined in many places. The Jesuits are programmed to believe that any evil is justified if it promotes the Roman empire and the Pope. For more information on this read the writings and testimonies of the Ex- Jesuit Alberto Rivera.10 People making large amounts of money in the mass media, TV, radio, and books, may expose many aspects of the New World Order, but they never tell the truth

189 that the Vatican is in charge of the satanic plot against the Gospel of Jesus Christ which sets people free.

Witchcraft is highly esteemed in Satan's false religion because they pray to false gods which are really demons. Wicca and Paganism even go so far as to sacrifice humans to try to gain control of nature and the world. Christopher Collins (John Todd)11 was a member of the Council of 13 highest witches, and working directly for the Rothschilds delivered commands to world leaders. John Todd became a born again Christian in the early 1970s and exposed the New World Order until he was imprisoned and then mysteriously disappeared. Witchcraft and Paganism are behind the environmentalist movement supporting the agenda of depopulation laid out in Agenda 2112 and on the Georgia Guidestones13. But the real motive of Satan in depopulating the world is not just sacrificing humans to try to gain control over God and nature, but to reduce the population of his slaves to be more manageable. Human nature without the Spirit of Christ tends to regress into increasing moral depravity, and those with worldly power and resources tend to throw off all moral restraint and hide their perversion behind a mask of hypocrisy. Only Jesus Christ can set you free from slavery to sin and Satan. When the Hebrew slaves in Egypt multiplied into millions, Pharaoh of Egypt became worried about losing control and began killing off the male children (Exodus 1:9-22). God sent Moses to lead the Hebrews out of

190 slavery in Egypt and into the promised land, but many of them rebelled against God. The word “Holocaust” was used by the Nazis in WW2 and means “burnt sacrifice”. It was a burnt sacrifice to Satan and was designed by the Jesuits, as proven at by someone who studied at a Jesuit university. The five main death camps in Poland were built in the shape of a Pentagram with the ley lines across major key cities, and a temple of Cybele in the center. The gas chambers were used to weaken the prisoners, who were then thrown into ovens while still alive.

Mind control techniques14, including the use of trauma, drugs, peer pressure, and hypnosis, have been developed by occult leaders throughout history. The mind control research of Joseph Mengele (known as the Doctor of Death at the Aushwitz Nazi death camp) was continued after World War II through the CIA, and by Mengele himself. The creation of the UN, CIA, and Operation Paperclip was used to transfer the Nazi doctors and scientists to the USA under a cover of secrecy. Techniques were developed through diabolical human experiments to create mind controlled assassins and sex slaves to carry out their maniacal schemes without question.15 This is known as Monarch Mind Control, or MKUltra. Yoga and other Eastern religious techniques are being promoted under the pretense of increasing fitness, but actually open the participant to demon possession. False religions are introduced as something harmless and beneficial, but those who are more deeply

191 involved know about the spiritual purposes. The real agenda at the top is kept secret from those at the bottom.

Fear and hostility are instilled through mass media and educational systems in order to condition people to willingly accept the coming new world order, to surrender their freedoms, and to accept the implantable tracking and mind control chips. The plan progresses slowly to prevent revolts on a mass scale. Monitoring systems poll acceptance of the agenda of the NWO. Simultaneously, truth is being silenced. The Bible and free speech are gradually being outlawed. Laws are being passed in the United Nations and the US Congress to prohibit free speech and the rights of citizens to bear arms.

Wherever the Bible is freely read and proclaimed, people live in freedom. Wherever the Bible is outlawed, freedoms are trampled. We need to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ while we still can so that those who haven’t heard will be able to receive eternal life before it is too late. The right to freedom of religion in the USA Constitution is the first amendment because Pagan Catholicism in Europe was persecuting people for reading the Bible and for living according to the Spirit of God. The Bible is outlawed or discouraged by tyrannical governments throughout the world.

Matthew 5:10 - 12 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when

192 people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

2 Thessalonians 2:6 - 7 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

The Bible talks about putting on the full armor of God in order to fight the fight of the faith. It talks about wearing the helmet of Salvation which means being right with God through faith in Jesus Christ. The belt of truth keeps you from being ashamed. The shield of faith protects us from the evil that Satan sends against us. The shoes of the Gospel of peace take us to the lost. The sword of the Spirit is the word of God and is our offensive weapon. The Apostle Paul talked about having weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left hand (2 Corinthians 6:7). He may have been referring to having the Old Testament scrolls and the New Testament parchments. All of it testifies to Jesus Christ. The best weapon that we have against the evil is to pray for people, and to boldly share the truth in love to those who have never heard so they can be set free (Ephesians 6).


1 2 3 4 The four hour documentary on the History of Propaganda. It is being removed from the internet by the BBC. 5 Video Documentary called The Century of the Self 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 56CE0B35FE2ED64D&index=0&playnext=1 14 15 Most of the information here can be found in many places, but for an overview of The History Of Mind Control see - &index=1


I could write an entire book on this subject, but time is running out in this world and so I feel it necessary to add a chapter here to explain the Nature of God. Satan wants everyone to be confused about the nature of the one true Creator God because Satan wants to control everyone and be god.

Catholicism began in the fourth century AD when the Pagan Roman Emperor Constantine changed the names of the Roman gods and festivals to Christian names and demanded that the Christians join his cult and give up their Bibles. Constantine claimed to be in charge of Christianity. The Roman emperors dating back to Julias Caesar were the high priests of Paganism, and so was Constantine. Changing the names of the Pagan gods to Christian names did not make the religion Christian. Temples and rituals are essential to Paganism, but real Christians follow Jesus Christ and have God’s Spirit living in them to teach them. Jesus Christ has always been the head of the true Christians, and not some mere human leader such as the Popes. By His Spirit, Jesus Christ lives in everyone that has faith in Him. The reason that the Vatican knew which books belonged in the

195 Bible was because the Christians were willing to die for them dating back to the Apostles who were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. Ezra canonized the Old Testament hundreds of years before Christ. John the Apostle canonized the New Testament around 100 AD. Much later, Apocryphal books were added in Jerome’s intentionally corrupt Latin Vulgate translation for the Vatican. The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, and not in Latin or King James English.

Christians studied the Bible as their source and standard of teaching from God, and did not bow to the Roman emperors and Pagan priests. For that reason Constantine continued the confiscation and burning of Bibles in the Roman Empire, and the persecution of everyone that had them.

Councils were brought together consisting of the Pagan priests that were to lead Constantine’s new Pagan cult pretending to be Christian. They wrote creeds that told people what they must believe about God and who their authority was for spiritual matters. The Catholic creeds were manmade teachings. Instead of teaching people to learn the Bible and to follow Jesus Christ, the Roman religion taught the people to learn their creeds and to follow what the priests and pope told them. They wanted people to follow them, and not to have a personal relationship with God

196 through knowing Jesus Christ. Biblical Christianity does not have offices of priests. All who have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are priests of God in the New Testament Covenant (Rev. 1:6, 5:10, 20:6).

The creeds have an unbiblical and incorrect interpretation of who God is. Paganism has many gods, and so Catholicism declared the God of the Bible to be three separate people. As I will prove, the Bible shows that God is one Person manifested three ways. The Catholic Church claims that people will be eternally condemned if they do not submit to the teachings of Catholicism. Catholicism is built on deception. Real Christians are led by Jesus Christ personally, and not by some self-exalting organization. Even many professing Christian churches insist that people must adhere to the same erroneous creeds (instead of learning the Bible) or be ostracized from fellowship. People are told that they cannot understand what the Bible says about God, and that they must believe and recite what the creeds say. The Catholic Church is not even Christian, and it does not have power over what real Christians believe about God. Real Christians are led by Jesus Christ and not by some religious organization. Real Christians have the Spirit of Christ living in them and are able to understand the Bible as God’s Spirit teaches them. There is only one

197 thing by which the Bible says that you will be condemned, and that is not putting your faith in Jesus Christ alone as your Lord and Savior (John 3:18, Mark 16:16). Cults teach that works, rules, and rituals are necessary for salvation, because they want you to follow them instead of following Jesus Christ. If your own works could save you, then Jesus Christ died in vain (Matthew 26:39-42, Galatians 2:21). You need faith in Jesus Christ alone and in His finished work for you, so that God can live in you and through you.

The God of the Bible is not three people (three persons) as the Catholic creeds declare. The God of the Bible is one Person manifested three ways. I am about to show you what God says about Himself in the Bible, and to give you an illustration to help you understand the nature of who God is. Many people who have been brainwashed by creeds and teachings outside of the Bible have a programmed resistance and do not even want to know the truth. It is a satanic evil that people in Catholic created religions such as Islam reject Jesus Christ because they think that Christians worship three people. It is for this reason that I must cover this subject here. Catholicism prays to many deities in the form of statues, paintings, and dead people. Catholicism is not Christian, and never was Christian.

198 The Jesus Christ of Catholicism is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Pope is not Christ on Earth as he claims. 1 John 2:22 declares that because the pope claims to be the Christ, that he is the antichrist. Jesus Christ will come to defeat the antichrist who pretends to be the Christ. Jesus Christ is also not a piece of bread that the priest holds up to be worshipped in a monstrance of the sun god Saturn. Jesus Christ is not a piece of bread that the priest says people must eat to be saved, or a baby in a manger, or a statue, or a painting. I will now show you who that God says He is through the Bible and by His Spirit.

The Bible reveals God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but the three are one (Deuteronomy 6:4, 1 John 5:7). The Bible says that God is immortal, eternal, and invisible, and that God is Spirit (1 Timothy 1:17, John 4:24). God is everywhere at all times and He is the eternal Spirit that has always been and always will be. He is the infinite and eternal source of light, life, wisdom, intelligence, and energy without whom science has proven that nothing could exist. The Bible says that He is light and life (John 1, 1 John 1:5). The absence of God is darkness and destruction. Light always existed before the darkness. God does not cause or commit evil, but he allows it so that we can appreciate the good, and willingly live for Him.

199 He allows the darkness so that we can appreciate the light. Because He is invisible and lives in unapproachable light, no one can see Him (1 Timothy 6:16). God is the Father and Creator of all things (James 1:17). He created us to have fellowship with Him, but in order for us to be able to see Him, he made an image that he could speak to us through (1 Corinthians 1:9, 1 John 1:3, Colossians 1:15).

Jesus Christ is how God made Himself as part of His own creation. Jesus Christ is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). Jesus is God and has always been God (John 1). When God shows Himself to anyone it is as Jesus Christ, such as when Moses spoke with God at the burning bush. God forbade anyone from making an image of Him, because Jesus Christ is the image of God. Although God is not limited by space or time, as Jesus Christ He can only be in one place at any given time. There is only one Jesus Christ. When Jesus is on Earth, He is not in Heaven, and vice versa. For this reason, Jesus said that the Father is greater than He is (John 14:28). God is able to be everywhere at once, but at the same time to appear as Jesus Christ, so that we can see Him and talk to Him. Jesus said that He who has seen Him has seen the Father (John 14:9). The Bible also calls Jesus the Lord of all, and says that the Lord is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17, Acts 2:36). Jesus originally

200 had an immortal body, as He also has since His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15). He took on human mortal flesh when he left God’s throne in Heaven and was born into this world to die for all the sins of the world (Hebrews 10:5, 1 John 2:2). Jesus also has the soul of God (Matthew 26:38). Jesus felt all the eternal condemnation for the sins of the world when He took the penalty for our sins on the cross (Matthew 27:46). Although his body was created and is limited, He is still God and is how God shows Himself to us. The image that God lives in is created, but God is not. Jesus is the firstborn over all creation and was with the Father before anything was made, but He is God and has always existed (Colossians 1:15-18). As the Son of God, He represents God to us. He came into the world through an act of God and not of man (Luke 1:35). As the Son of Man, He is the high priest who offered Himself as a sinless sacrifice in our behalf to God. God not only speaks to us as Jesus Christ, but He demonstrates to us how to live by His example (John 13:34).

Twice in 2 Corinthians, the Bible says that Jesus is the Spirit. In John 4:24, Jesus said that God is Spirit and those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. When someone turns from their sins and receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through faith in Him, then they receive the Spirit of God, whom

201 the Bible also calls the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of truth, and the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit is the essence of who He is, and He can be everywhere at the same time. He lives in everyone that lives by faith in Jesus Christ. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, You must be born of God’s Spirit (John 3).

The Bible shows that humans are a soul in a body, and have a spirit that leads their life. The physical body is temporary and we will receive an immortal body when this physical life is over (1 Corinthians 15). Jesus Christ is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). The Bible says that people were made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26). We were made in Jesus Christ, but because of sin we were separated from Jesus Christ and no longer in God’s image. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins so that when a person turns from sin and turns to God through faith in Jesus Christ, they are again in the image of God because God’s Spirit lives in them. We were created to have God’s Spirit living in us, but when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they received demonic worldly spirits leading them. God created us with emotions to help move us, but they only function properly when we are led by God’s Spirit living in us through faith in Jesus Christ.

202 Angels are created and limited spirits and were created to serve those humans who have God’s Spirit (Hebrews 1:14). Angels can only be in one place at a time. God is the only eternal, unlimited, non created Spirit, and humans are created to have God’s Spirit living in them. Angels are not supposed to live in humans (Jude 1:6). Demons are angels that rebelled and who live in humans, but the humans must give the demons permission through sin. Humans were created to be above all creation through being led by God’s Spirit, but Satan wanted to be god and took control of humans through inciting them to sin against God (Genesis 3:4). Only through faith in Jesus Christ can we be set free (James 4:7).

Jesus is how God shows Himself to us. The Name “Jesus” is the English transliteration of His Greek name that the Apostles wrote “Iesous”. The Greek “Iesous” is the transliteration of the Hebrew name “YH Shua”, which comes from a passage in Isaiah 43:11 in which God declares that He is YHWH and there is no other Savior. YHWH is the covenant name of God and means I AM. “Shua” in that passage in the Hebrew means “The Savior”. The Name of Jesus means “I AM The Savior”. This is God’s Name that He exalts above every other Name (Philippians 2:9- 11) and desires to be known by. It is said that the reason the Name YHWH cannot be spoken is

203 because it is aspirated. The “Yah” is breathed in, and the “Weh” is breathed out. The letter ‘J’ is not used in Hebrew, and was not used in English until about the 17th century A.D., so it is generally accepted that “Jehovah” is not the correct pronunciation of the Name of God. Jesus declared Himself to be God when He told the religious teachers that “before Abraham was, I Am”, and so they picked up stones to stone Him for blasphemy because He claimed to be God (John 8:58-59, John 10:33).

Here I will give an illustration of who God is that many will automatically be unwilling to receive, but it explains how God could talk to Himself. It is not unusual for someone that is alone for long periods of time to talk to themself, and God was alone from all eternity. Jesus said to His disciples that whoever has seen Him has seen the Father, and that the words He speaks are not His own but are the Father living in Him (John 14:9, 10). So the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all the same person. There are not separate personalities, characters, or intelligence. All three are the same person manifested three ways. It is possible with God. The illustration that gives a clear understanding is when a puppeteer operates a puppet for an audience while being behind a curtain where he cannot be seen. God is invisible and cannot be

204 seen, and He is also infinite and eternal. The puppet is an inanimate object that comes to life when the puppeteer begins to work the puppet. In this case, the puppeteer puts his right hand into the puppet and gives the puppet the words to speak while controlling the actions. Isaiah 53:1 when talking about Jesus Christ says, “To whom has the arm of YHWH been revealed?” The puppeteer represents God, the puppet is the created body, and the puppeteer’s arm represents the Spirit of God moving the body of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ can talk to the Father, but it is the Father talking to Himself. Is it the puppet talking, or is it the puppeteer? Jesus said that the words that He speaks are not His own but they are from the Father living in Him (John 14:8-10). Jesus told Philip and the disciples that whoever has seen Him has seen the Father. We cannot see God, so God talks to us as Jesus Christ. When we see Jesus Christ, we see God. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is in (Greek word “en” could also mean “on”) the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 1:20). When Jesus was about to leave His physical body on the cross, He prayed to the Father, “Into your hand I commit my Spirit” (Luke 23:46, Psalm 31:5 “hand”). Jesus Christ left the body when God’s Spirit was withdrawn. He returned three days later, and His mortal body was transformed to an immortal body (1 Corinthians 15).

205 Another illustration is a live feed hologram. When you look at a hologram, it appears that you are looking at someone, but the person that you are communicating with is actually somewhere else. You are seeing an exact image of what that person is doing, and you can communicate with that person who is not there as if they were. God is everywhere all the time, but in order that we can see Him, He appears as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ can only be in one place at any given time because the created image is limited, but He is still God and is everywhere at the same time.

When we see God on the throne, it is Jesus Christ that we see. God is seen as a rainbow of light encircling the throne (Revelation 4:3). It is Jesus Christ that sits on the throne so that we can see God. The seven spirits in front of God’s throne are seven angels. They are limited created spirits but God’s Spirit is not limited. God’s Spirit is seen living in everyone that has faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 3:8).

Jesus Christ led by example and was baptized in water. He set the example of prayer and the example of love. He said that He gives us a new command to love others as He has loved us (John 13:34). God had now demonstrated to us how to love by example. When Jesus said that

206 the Son does not know when His return will be, it is because it is the Father living in Him that knows all things, and it was not for us to know when the exact day or hour of His return will be. God didn’t want the disciples to know. God demonstrated to us how to live in this temporary limited body while experiencing all the pains that we do, yet He was perfectly submitted to the will of God. Because of this, He was able to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world, that whoever repents and receives Him as Lord and Savior receives eternal life (Hebrews 4:15). His Name is exalted above every Name in this age and in the age to come (Ephesians 1:19-23). He is Lord of all (Philippians 2:9-11). Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and we who live by His Spirit are the image of Jesus Christ, although an imperfect reflection for now (1 Corinthians 13:12, 2 Corinthians 3:18).

John 1:1-3 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

In this passage, the Greek word “Logos” is translated as “Word”. Jesus Christ is the Logo of God. A logo is a symbol that represents a company. A company can be considered legally as a person that is seen through the business of

207 the company. The company has a logo symbol that represents the company, and is usually the name of the company written a special way. The company is seen wherever the logo is. The logo may be on a shirt, stationery, signs, equipment, etc. Jesus is the logo of God. When you see Jesus, you see God. A person may wear a logo on a shirt, but the person only truly represents the company when they are following orders from the company. Jesus is the boss of the Kingdom of God, and only those in submission to Him actually represent God. In the Old Covenant, the Jews represented God externally through external sacrifices, regulations, rituals, genealogies, etc. In the New Covenant, we represent God by His Logo written in our hearts. The Old Covenant pointed to how Jesus Christ would come as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant and established the New Covenant through faith in Him. Only those with faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are sons of God (John 14:6). Through faith in Jesus Christ we are adopted and have the authority of children of God (John 1:12). It is the spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ that matters and not mere external claims (John 4:24). An allegiance to a church or organization or to a belief system or religious works cannot save. It is a personal relationship

208 with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior that is necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are many passages in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible that clearly say that Jesus Christ is God. Jesus was accused of blasphemy and crucified because He claimed to be God (John 10:30-33, John 8:58, Mark 14:60- 64). John the Baptist quoted from Isaiah when he said that he came to prepare the way for YHWH (John 1:23). John came to prepare the way for Jesus (YHShua). YHWH and YHShua are the same. Jesus never claimed to be merely a prophet, but did claim to be the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door, the Light, the Alpha and Omega, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Bread of life, the I Am, the Resurrection, the source of living water, the one that Moses testified of, etc. Jesus also claimed to be the Judge of all men (John 5:22). There are many sources that lay out the claims of Jesus about Himself, and such a discussion would take another book to cover. Here are just a few passages where the Bible says clearly that Jesus Christ is God: Isaiah 9:6, Romans 9:5, Titus 2:13, Matthew 1:23, 2 Peter 1:1, John 1:14, John 8:58, John 14:9, John 20:28, 1 Timothy 3:16, etc.

It is impossible to cover this whole subject in one short chapter, but I have laid a foundation

209 for people to understand the truth of who God is. This is very important for people to understand, but Satan wants to keep people in the dark. Jesus Christ is God showing Himself to us, and if you reject Jesus Christ you are rejecting God. He is Lord of Heaven, and if you reject Him as Lord, then you are rejecting Heaven.


Daniel 9:27 “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. "

It is miraculous that over 2500 years ago Daniel accurately prophesied the world events leading up to Christ’s birth, life, and sacrifice for sins, the crusades, and the events leading up to the return of Jesus. In verse 27, Daniel was told that at the end of the world, the Roman emperor will make an agreement for one seven (7 years), and that in the middle of that seven year agreement an abomination that causes desolation will be set up on a wing of the temple.

Daniel 11:45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.

Satan wants to claim God’s authority by setting himself up in Jerusalem. Since the Jews did not rebuild the temple according to God’s specifications in Ezekiel after their return from Babylonian captivity, Herod built up the temple that Jesus visited. As Jesus prophesied, that temple was torn down by the Romans in AD 70. Currently in Jerusalem, there is a Muslim temple called the Dome of the Rock at the site of

211 Herod’s temple. According to Revelation, and many other passages throughout the Bible, Jesus does not need a temple built by human hands (Rev. 21:22, Acts 17:24). The original tabernacle built by Moses was a tent and was a representation of Heaven to show that the way to have fellowship with God is through repentance and sacrifice. It prophesied that Christ would come to be the perfect sacrifice to take away sin once for all so that we can enter into perfect fellowship with God. The Bible says that the Antichrist will set up tents. There does not need to be another temple built before the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ already fulfilled the law, the prophets, and the requirements for sacrifice that the temple revealed. We are called to fellowship with God as part of His temple in Heaven through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all our sins, and not through some insufficient sacrifices and temple in this world (John 4:23-24). We are called to worship God through His Spirit by offering ourselves as living sacrifices to Him in Heaven (Romans 12:1).

Both the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the UN complex in N.Y. can be considered abominable temples of the false religion of the Antichrist. Since the Antichrist uses the UN as a vehicle through which he will control his one world government and religion, he will reveal himself when he takes his seat as leader of the UN. Daniel 11:45 says that he will also pitch his tents in Jerusalem. Pope Benedict XVI did take the main seat at the UN on April 18, 2008. He

212 also entered the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem on May 12, 2009, and met with both Muslim and Jewish leaders. Pope Benedict XVI also has used a white throne with statues of cherubim on each side, which is an attempt to imitate God’s throne as described in the Bible (Revelation 20:11, Isaiah 37:16). Although popes normally each have their own throne, Pope Francis used the same throne. The popes claim to be Christ on the Earth (Vicar of Christ) and are thereby denying that Jesus is the Christ. According to 1 John 2:22, this makes them antichrists. In Article 100 of the Catholic Catechism1, the popes claim to have authority over the Bible. They claim that the pope has authority even over Jesus Christ, and use a crucifix to symbolize their claim of authority to crucify Jesus and to make Him bow to them.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

What is the Abomination of Desolation? An abomination is something sinful, detestable, filthy, rebellious, disgusting, repulsive, and abhorrent. Desolation is the absence of people and can result from many causes. In this case, the abomination is a rebellion of Satan setting himself up and proclaiming himself to be god. The Bible says that an image will be set up, and those who refuse to worship the image will be killed (Rev. 13:15). Whatever the image is, it will represent the religion and government of

213 Satan. It is likely that the black stone of Mecca will be placed on the image to cause the Muslims to pray to it. People involved in many false religions are already conditioned to bowing down to such images. The black stone was once on the idol of Cybele in Rome. There is also a large black stone altar in the occult meditation room at the UN. The image will be used by the NWO as a way to eliminate opposition. True Christians do not bow down to images and will refuse to worship the beast or his image even at the cost of execution (Rev. 13:10). The wheat will be separated from the chaff (Matthew 13:36-43). As followers of Jesus Christ we have our hope in Heaven forever, so we have no reason to fear. The true Christians will be harvested to Heaven before God’s wrath comes on the kingdom of the Antichrist.

The Vatican has also put countless numbers of people to death for not bowing to the piece of bread that they hold up in a monstrance, which is a symbol of the ancient Pagan sun god. The priests insist that it is the real body of Jesus Christ, and anyone who denies that a piece of bread is the real body of Jesus is considered cursed (anathema) according to their Council of Trent and must be put to death. It is an abomination to God for anyone to think that a piece of bread is Jesus Christ and must be worshipped. They parade the piece of bread in the monstrance through the streets. This practice was not followed for a long time in the USA because most people mock at the idea. In recent years, Paganism has become more widely

214 practiced. This may also be part of the world depopulation method. Many churches that once ate the Lord’s Supper together, waiting for each other, and doing it as a remembrance of the Lord’s sacrifice, according to the example of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels and 1 Corinthians 11, are now following the ritual of the Catholic eucharist by having people come forward to take it one at a time in a line. The churches are being infiltrated, and people are being prepared to follow the rituals of Catholicism.

Thomas Malthus, at the beginning of the 19th century, promoted the idea that there are too many people for the world to sustain, and that the world rulers are responsible to use war, disease, and famine to reduce the population. Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, followed this line of thought and coined the word eugenics. Eugenics is an ideology in which a superior race is created through genetics and genocide. The Rockefellers and other wealthy financiers funded the UN on these ideas. Revelation 6:8 shows that the New World Order will kill ¼ of the world’s population through war, plague, famine, and wild beasts. When the UN talks about sustainability, they are referring to depopulating the world and controlling the population through relocation and slavery. The Georgia Guidestones2 state that the goal is to reduce the population of the world to under 500 million, while Bill Gates has admitted on video that the goal is to reduce the world population to under one billion3. This philosophy is based on the

215 false premise that a self-proclaimed elite few need to dominate everyone else.

The truth is that the problem with the world is rebellion against God, and the rulers of this world are the worst. They make up lies that they promote as truth in order to control the world population for their own greed. For their own glory and sinful appetites, they keep people from knowing the true eternal Creator. Satan is the leader of this rebellion. God prophesied in the Bible that this would happen, and everyone must stand before Him for eternal judgment. The only way to enter Heaven forever is to turn from your sins in this world, and turn to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name."

1 2 3


There is another development in Jerusalem that must be examined. In Numbers chapter 19 in the Bible, a red heifer was sacrificed to purify the water used to cleanse people. Some Jewish teachers1 in Jerusalem are claiming that there must be an approved red heifer sacrificed in order to build another temple and purify it. They claimed for a long time that a suitable red heifer was not found, but Clyde Lott2 started working on bringing a whole lot of red angus cows to Israel in the 1990s. The temple sacrifice is unnecessary now that Christ has been sacrificed for the sins of the world. Those Jews who deny that Jesus is the Christ are still waiting for the Messiah, and say the Messiah will sacrifice the red heifer3 for the new temple. This sets up the Vatican to exalt the Antichrist as the leader of the one world religion. To the Jews who followed the traditions of men instead of the Word of God and rejected Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus said, “I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.” (John 5:43) Jesus came the first time as the sacrifice for the sins of the world, but He will return again as King of kings and Lord of lords and defeat the Antichrist, according to the Bible (Revelation 19:16).

The Jesuit priests of Catholicism are trained to infiltrate, takeover, control, and destroy all organizations and religions to unite everyone under the Pope. They are behind the Rothschild’s

217 takeover of Palestine. The Vatican created and controls Catholicism, Islam, and Zionist Judaism. The Jesuits create wars from all sides and present the Pope as the answer for peace. It was announced in 2010 that two suitable red heifers have been found. By preparing to sacrifice a red heifer in the name of Rabbinic Judaism in Jerusalem, hostility can be manufactured between the Jews and Muslims to allow the pope to step in and present himself as the answer for peace. During Easter of 2012, the Palestinian Authority (which is the United Nations) organized a march of Muslims to Jerusalem to protest against the Jews, and the Rabbinic Jews from the Temple Institute also sacrificed a goat on a basketball court in Jerusalem, but not on the Temple Mount. The plans to create this crisis can be seen at the websites of the Global March To Jerusalem (, and at The Pope can set up the virgin mother statue of Catholicism on the Temple Mount, have the black stone of Mecca moved to Jerusalem, and sacrifice the red heifer, declaring himself to be god (Daniel 11:36). This will have the effect of uniting all world religions under the Pope, who is the Antichrist. The Vatican has been making their control of Jerusalem more visible in stages through such events as the Oslo Accord.4 The Oslo Accord declared the Vatican to control 60% of Jerusalem, but the Vatican has controlled Jerusalem since WW1 when the Rothschilds negotiated the land from the Ottoman Empire. The Rothschilds work for the Jesuits and manage the money for the Vatican.5 Satan wants to

218 control Jerusalem because it is God’s throne on Earth. Jesus said that when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies and the Abomination of Desolation is set up, those in Judea should flee to the mountains (Mark 13:14, Luke 21:19-21). That will signal the worldwide genocide and the Mark of the Beast. Real Christianity will be outlawed.

1 2 3 4 5 smom-garter-ruled-by-the-vatican-jesuits-wLW79ax7c3g


Colossians 2: 16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

The Festivals of YHWH (the LORD) given through Moses foretold when future events would occur. All these feasts looked back at Israel's historical salvation from slavery in Egypt, which symbolized our salvation from slavery to sin and our future hope in Heaven. They also pointed forward to the Messiah's coming to Earth. The first four feasts pointed to His first coming as the sacrificial lamb that would pay the penalty for the sins of the world. The last three feasts point to His second coming as King of kings and Lord of lords. These seven feasts also testify to our new eternal life received through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Harvest of the Grains in the Old Testament (Firstfruits to Ingathering), and the Harvest of the Christians in the book of Revelation, foretell of the persecution and rapture of the Christians at the end of the age. The Harvest of the Fruits of the Trees and Vines culminating in the Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Testament, and the Harvest of the Grapes of Wrath in the book of Revelation, foretell of God's wrath on the

220 Antichrist kingdom, culminating in Jesus Christ returning with His followers to defeat Satan at the Battle of Armageddon.

The first four feasts are Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Pentecost (Ingathering). On the first evening of the Feast, before the afternoon when the Passover lambs were slain, preparation was made and all the leaven in the households had to be removed, which symbolizes repentance from sin (Exodus 12:15). Jesus used the bread as a reminder of His New Covenant through His sacrifice of Himself. This symbolizes our receiving the forgiveness of God through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ alone. Our faith in Him is a daily lifestyle as was the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jesus was crucified at the same time the Passover lambs were slain (Leviticus 23:5, Luke 23:44). This showed that He is the Lamb of God through whom our forgiveness is given once for all. Through His death, our old life is gone. Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant by offering Himself as the Passover Lamb, set it aside, and established the New Covenant (Hebrews 7:18). Jesus was likely crucified on what we call Thursday. Friday was the first day of unleavened bread and therefore was a special Sabbath day of rest and assembly. Saturday was the regular Sabbath. Therefore Jesus was in the tomb for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). Catholicism celebrates Fridays with Roman rituals in honor of the Pagan goddess Frigg or Venus, which they call Mary. The Feast of the Firstfruits was observed on the day when Jesus rose from the

221 grave as the Firstfruits of those who are resurrected to Heaven (Leviticus 23:11, 1 Corinthians 15:20). Firstfruits was always celebrated on the first day of the week. This later became known as the Lord’s Day through the New Covenant (Revelation 1:10). Firstfruits symbolizes our new life in Christ through the power of His resurrection and the power of His Spirit. Pentecost (also known as the Feast of Weeks) was always celebrated on the first day of the week, seven weeks after the Feast of Firstfruits. (Leviticus 23:15-16) After Jesus had been crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven, on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit filled all those with faith in Jesus, and demonstrated with supernatural power that Jesus is the Messiah (Acts 2). The signs and miracles of the Holy Spirit were not given as signs that the people were spiritual, but as signs that Jesus is the Messiah who came to die for the sins of the world.

The remaining three feasts – The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and The Feast of Tabernacles – have not yet been fulfilled. They point to our future as believers in Jesus Christ, and to the eternal judgment of those who do not receive God’s salvation. The Feast of Trumpets represents when we are called to God on the last day. The Day of Atonement speaks of when each one stands before God for eternal Judgment. Jesus is the atonement for those who have their faith in Him. Those who don’t have Jesus will have to atone for their own sins forever. The Feast of Tabernacles describes the

222 time when those who have faith in Jesus Christ will enter into Heaven and live together with God forever.

Daniel 7:25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

The Egyptian calendar was flawed, and the Jewish calendar began when the Israelis left slavery in Egypt. Passover was celebrated in the first month of the Jewish year. The Feast of Trumpets began on the first day of the seventh month, which was the exact opposite time of year from the Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread. The Mishnah initiated the Jewish practice of celebrating the New Year on the Feast of Trumpets instead of the Passover. The Mishnah is the collection of Jewish traditions in the Talmud that were in opposition to Jesus and rejected Him as the Messiah. The United Nation's one world agreement on September 25, 2008, was made during the Feast of Trumpets, which was proclaimed to be the beginning of the Jewish New Year. However, the Jewish New Year should happen at Passover.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Pagan celebration of Easter sometimes happen at the same time. This is significant because Easter is the highest holy day of Roman Catholicism, and the Catholic church focuses the attention on the piece of bread in the Catholic monstrance. When the Abomination of Desolation is set up, it will be

223 Rome's intention to unite all religions as one under the Pope. During the Reformation in Europe, Catholicism put many people to death for refusing to worship the piece of bread or for refusing to say that the bread is the literal body of Jesus Christ.

The Rabbinic Jews are looking for a messiah to sacrifice a red heifer. They have constructed the tools and equipment for sacrificing again, and plan to begin sacrificing Passover lambs. It is possible that the Pope will sacrifice the red heifer on the day of the preparation of the lambs for the Passover. Jesus said that when you see the Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem, those in Judea should flee to the mountains. It is possible that on an Easter Sunday the Pope will deny the Passover lambs in preference for celebrating the sun god in the wafer of the mass. Neither one is Biblical. Jesus is not a piece of bread, and He fulfilled the animal sacrifices once for all by the sacrifice of Himself so that the animal sacrifices are no longer needed. In this scenario the bread of the mass will appear to be a substitute for the Jewish Feast of Unleavened Bread. That could signal the beginning of the worldwide persecution of all who refuse to bow to the Pope and his occult religious system.

Daniel 11:31 "His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.

224 The Bible says that some are destined for the sword and some are destined for captivity (Revelation 13:10). We are called to obey God one day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:33-34).

God has a plan for each one and will give you the grace to endure whatever you may have to endure for Him (2 Corinthians 12:9). We are called to be His witnesses to share the Gospel with the lost so that they might know Him (Acts 1:8). The final harvest is the last opportunity for people to repent and receive God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 13:10). Jesus said to pray that you will be able to stand (Luke 21:36). The Bible says the righteous are as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). Jesus told us not to shrink back, but to wait for Him (Hebrews 10:38). He will use us where He needs us for His glory.

Although the Illuminati has written in the Georgia Guidestones that they intend to depopulate more than 90 percent of the world population, the Bible says they will only kill one fourth (Revelation 6:8). Jesus said that those days will be cut short or no one would be saved (Matthew 24:22). Although the Illuminati is pointing at September 25, 2015, as their target date for fulfilling their agenda of a New World Order, and that is days after the Feast of Trumpets. Our gathering to Jesus Christ could actually be at Pentecost since it represents the

225 end of the grain harvest. Nevertheless, His delay means salvation for more people (2 Peter 3:15). We must be patient and wait for Him and be filled with His Spirit (Matthew 25).

I do not like to put dates on these events, but we must encourage each other by reminding each other of the rapture and of our gathering together in Heaven to be with the Lord forever (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). The Feasts of YHWH (the LORD) are a calendar of God’s set times for major events, and they proclaim His salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.


Revelation 6:1-8 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword. When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Throughout the Bible, horses represent earthly strength. The Bible tells us not to trust in the strength of horses, but to trust in the LORD your

227 God. Whenever armies and kings trust in the strength of their horses, they are defeated in battle. Whenever people trust in the LORD God Almighty, armies of horses and riders are defeated in their behalf. The Bible tells us to not lean on our own understanding, but to trust in the LORD with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The sixth chapter of Revelation represents the plan of Satan during the tribulation, and describes the events of the tribulation until the rapture of the Christians as the seven seals are removed. The four horses show that the New World Order is trusting in their own strength and plans, which will fail against God’s eternal Kingdom. The rider on the white horse represents the ambition of Satan to conquer the world through his own strength, and is Satan’s counterfeit of Jesus coming on a white horse as King of kings. The rider is the Antichrist. The second horse represents the plan of Satan to cause wars and rumors of wars during the beginning of the tribulation. The third horse represents the international financial crisis that the New World Order will create to control the world through hunger and a one world currency. The fourth horse represents the worldwide genocide that will take place under the Antichrist. The Antichrist has set out to conquer. We have been hearing about wars and rumors of wars, and watching the international financial crisis being orchestrated.

Jesus foretold all these things in Matthew 24 and said, “All nations will hate you because of me,

228 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” In Revelation 6:8, the Bible prophesied that the world system will kill one fourth of the population of the world through sword, famine, plague, and the wild beasts of the earth. This represents war, starvation, biological methods, and disease and mutilation by animals. For more information on the persecutions of Christians by the Roman Catholic empire throughout history, read Foxe's Book of Martyrs. According to Jesus' own words, the worldwide persecution of Christians is the sign of the end. Everyone in the world will have to make a decision for or against Jesus Christ. The UN is moving to control the world food supply through martial laws, Codex Alimentarius1, and level 6 pandemic declaration.

Matthew 24:8-14 “All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.



Revelation 14: 16-18 So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. Another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe.”

During the Festivals of the LORD given to Moses in the Old Covenant made with the Jews were two harvests – the harvest of the grains between the Feast of Firstfruits and the Feast of Pentecost, and the harvest of the fruits of the trees and vines just before the Feast of Tabernacles. These two harvests symbolize the two harvests that are twice revealed in the book of Revelation that foretell the end of the age.

The fifth through seventh seals in Revelation chapters 6 through 8 speak of those two coming harvests (also in Revelation 14: 16-19) and reveal how God will rescue those who trust in Him, and how He will destroy the Kingdom of the Antichrist. The fifth seal shows the martyrs who were killed by false religions and by the world system, particularly by the Roman Empire throughout the past 2000 years. They are waiting in Heaven for retribution, and for the

230 Kingdom of Christ to be revealed. This is similar to when the trumpet was sounded to gather everyone together at the Feast of Trumpets. The Apostle Paul called this the last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:50-52) when the rapture occurs. The sixth seal describes the rapture of the true Christians to Heaven The seventh seal leads into the judgments and plagues that will come on the kingdom of the Antichrist. The angel in charge of the fire tells the harvester of the Grapes of wrath to harvest, because the fire is prepared to burn up and destroy everything that is opposed to God the Creator and what is right.

Revelation 6: 9-11 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.

Jesus said that the end of the world would be like the angels harvesting and separating the wheat from the weeds (Matthew 13:39). Persecution and suffering separates those who are real from those who are fake. It takes real faith to endure persecution to the end and to stand for the truth and what is right. Jesus said that wickedness will increase, the whole world

231 will hate and persecute us, the love of most will grow cold, and some of us will be put to death, but that those who endure to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:12-13). Persecution and troubles test our faith, purify us, and prove whether our faith is real or not (1 Peter 1:6-7). When your faith is in God’s love and power through Jesus Christ, nothing can separate you from Him (Romans 8:38-39). Revelation 13:10 says that those who are destined for the sword will be killed by the sword, and those who are destined to go into captivity will go into captivity. It says that here is the faithfulness and patience of the saints. We must stand for the Gospel and not worry nor fear what will happen because God has a special purpose for each one. Those who are honored to share in Christ’s sufferings will also share in His glory (Matthew 5:11-12). 2 Timothy 3:12 says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. We live in the world but are not to be of it. We belong to Jesus Christ and not to this world, so those who love the temporary lusts of this world hate us. We are not called to compromise with the world’s immorality, but rather to leave the world’s degradation behind. We are called to love people into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, and to build the eternal Kingdom of Heaven into our lives and theirs. We have the highest authority to answer to, and must trust in Him and His will for us.

James 1:4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. It is never easy to suffer, but

232 Jesus is with you when you are suffering for Him. We must learn to have faithfulness and patience in our suffering so that we may become mature and complete. We are learning endurance and character for our part in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. God will never leave you nor forsake you. If your faith is in Him, even when you fail and do something wrong, He forgives you and is with you through the troubles so that you can get back up to live for Him. You must learn from these trials and keep your faith in Him and in His will for you. Those who have faith in Him are being prepared to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who patiently endure and keep their faith in and allegiance to Jesus Christ through the trials will develop greater fruit of the Spirit and receive the crown of life and great joy in Heaven forever (Romans 5:3-5, James 1:12, Revelation 2:10). This world is passing away. We look forward to a Kingdom that will endure forever and in which there are no more problems or evil, but in which the perfect love of God in Jesus Christ is Sovereign.

Revelation 6: 12-14 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

233 The sixth seal gives a descriptive warning of something like a comet that will come and destroy much of the Earth right after the rapture of the Christians. This is further explained in more detail in Revelation chapter 8. Jesus said that when you see these signs happen, know that His coming is near, right at the door (Matthew 24). He also said that when you see the Heavens shaken, stand up and lift up your heads for your redemption draws near. Then the rapture of the Christians will occur (Luke 21:25- 28). That is when the Bible says for His people to come out of the satanic world system, figuratively called Babylon the Great (Revelation 18:4), so that you will not share in their punishment. We must not look back on the temporary things of this world as Lot’s wife did, and as many of the Israelis did on the way to the promised land, but our hearts must be set on God’s eternal Kingdom of Heaven (Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 Peter 1:13). God promised that this world would not be destroyed by flood again, but also warned that this world will be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:7).

Although the word “rapture” is not used in the English Bible, it can correctly be used in the translation (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The actual Greek word used in the Bible passages means to be caught up, snatched away, or stolen away. Jesus said that He will come as a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43, 1 Thessalonians 5:2). When the rapture of the Christians happens, those who have just been martyred will rise first, and then those remaining alive will be given

234 immortal bodies. Together they will ascend into Heaven to be with the Lord forever (I Thess. 4:16). 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 says Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When we leave this world, we will receive immortal bodies like Jesus had, after His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15: 50- 54). Jesus had an immortal body from before time, but came into the world in human flesh to pay the penalty for all the sins of the world once for all. When He rose from the dead, he had an immortal body again. We cannot enter into Heaven without an immortal body. The Bible says that the mortal cannot inherit immortality (1 Corinthians 15:50). Only those will enter Heaven who have a real and genuine faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:1-21, John 14:6, John 8:24). Our being gathered to Heaven at the rapture is also described in Revelation chapter 7. Those who have already died in Christ are with Him in Heaven now (Philippians 1:23, Revelation 6:9).

Romans 8: 23-25 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they

235 already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

As born again believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed. We have been purchased by His blood and fully paid for, but we are on layaway waiting to be picked up and taken home. We are waiting for the redemption of the purchased possession (Ephesians 1:13-14). Only through faith in Jesus Christ can anyone have the assurance of eternal life in Heaven, because our salvation rests not on our futile attempts to be good enough, but on God’s finished work in our behalf. We all fall short of God’s perfect standard because of sin. Our attempts to be good enough, or to set our own standards of righteousness, are only futile empty self-willed self-glorification. Only through God’s atoning sacrifice, those who turn from sin, and who trust fully in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, have their sins washed away and have a new life in Him forever. Then you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life (John 6:29). If Jesus is not your Lord, then He is also not your Savior. Our salvation rests on His forgiveness and on His Spirit in us, and not on our own good works. If your heart has wrong motives and you live for greed, sensual pleasures, and self glorification, then your own good works are only facades and hypocrisy. You need a new heart and a new life that can only come through faith in Jesus Christ. God is both just and charitable. God’s forgiveness comes through His own charitable act toward us, by Christ’s substitutionary atoning sacrifice of Himself for us. Sin’s penalty must be

236 paid for, and Christ paid the penalty for us with His own blood. The eternal soul of the only begotten sinless Son of God was given for you when Christ suffered for you in your place. Forgiveness is a free gift but cost Him everything. We cannot earn it nor ever repay it. Because He died for us, we have a continuing obligation to live for Him. Only through faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God are we restored to a right personal relationship with God as His adopted children now and forever. Which harvest will you be a part of? - the harvest of the wheat, or of the grapes of wrath?


Although the Bible tells us to be aware of the signs of the times, many people reject any estimation of the time of the rapture as heresy because of verses such as Matthew 24:36 - “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” However, the verses that precede this in Matthew 24:30-35 say, "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation (Nation) will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

We need to be aware of the signs of the rapture. Jesus said that before the rapture occurs, the Christians will be hated by all nations and will be persecuted and put to death (Matthew 24:9-14). This is happening all over the world right now. There will be an international state of emergency

238 declared, and everyone in the world will be forced to bow to the image of the Beast and receive the Mark of the Beast or die (Matthew 24:15-21). This will be the final chance for people to receive the Gospel. Those who bow to the image or receive the mark will be condemned forever. The Christians will refuse to bow to the image, and refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13). The Bible says this will happen in the middle of the seven year agreement of the Antichrist (Daniel 9:27), but God is patient to make sure that people have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and be saved. If He delays longer than expected, we must continue in faith and not join with the world (Matthew 24: 48-51). His delay means salvation for more people.

2 Peter 3:15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him.

The rapture and the return of Jesus as King of kings are two separate events. At the rapture, the followers of Jesus will be caught up to Heaven to be with Jesus. Jesus said to be aware of the signs indicating when the rapture will occur, but that we don’t know the exact day nor hour. The rapture occurs when the final trumpet to bring us together is sounded, as at the Feast of Trumpets (Matthew 24:31, 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16). Revelation 7 shows 144,000 Israelis who trust in Jesus and are specially identified and counted, and an

239 innumerable multitude from around the world who trust in Jesus, who are in Heaven after the rapture.

After the rapture, the bowls of the wrath of God will be poured out on the Kingdom of the Antichrist (Revelation 16). Then at the return of Jesus Christ, His followers will come with Him from Heaven to Earth on white horses to defeat Satan, the Antichrist, and the world system, before setting up Christ’s Kingdom on Earth for 1,000 years (Revelation 19,20). The time of His return as King of kings will be unknown. It would be poor strategy for a military commander to reveal to His enemies the exact time that He will come to defeat them. Revelation 16:15 warns the followers of the Antichrist to not get caught with their pants down. In Revelation 16:12, the Kings of the East are the followers of Jesus Christ that come with Him at His return. It says that the Euphrates River will dry up. It is no coincidence that the ancient Euphrates has been suddenly drying up the past couple of years.1

No one knows the day or hour of their death, and circumstances happen unexpectedly upon us (Ecclesiates 9:12). Tomorrow is not guaranteed and you must be ready to meet the LORD at any time. It is appointed for people to die once and then to face judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Not only should you be sure of your salvation through faith in Jesus Christ right now, but you should also be aware that people you know may be taken away at any time. You should be concerned for their eternal salvation as well. The

240 time to love people and to pray for them is now, while you have a chance. It is foolish to procrastinate and neglect God's will for your life and miss the eternal blessings you could have had.

Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

Mark Biltz has excellent information on the coming solar eclipses and blood red moons.2 He points out that a very rare occurrence of four back to back lunar eclipses on the major Feasts of the LORD will occur in 2014 and 2015, two in each year, one at each major Feast. Also, there will be two solar eclipses at significant dates in 2015. Jesus said that immediately after the distress of the great tribulation (global persecution of the Christians before the rapture), that there will be signs in the Heavens (Matthew 24:9). Then, the wrath of God will be poured out on the kingdom of the Antichrist and people will run and hide in caves and holes in the ground from fear of what is coming (Isaiah 24, Isaiah 2, Revelation 6:15-17).

It is possible that we will see the major events of Bible prophecies happen in line with the Feasts of YHWH (the LORD), at Passover, at Pentecost, and at the Feast of Trumpets, particularly in 2015. It could happen before then, or after, and we must be prepared for whatever happens, but people should be aware that world events and

241 Bible prophecies are lining up. The Bible says that God put the sun, moon, and stars in the Heavens for set times and seasons (Genesis 1:14). Astrology is forbidden in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-11). The set times and seasons are key major events that are revealed by the Feasts of YHWH according to signs in the Heavens.

It is not for us to understand everything before making decisions. Changing circumstances are beyond our control, but God knows everything and works everything together for those that love Him and who live in obedience to Him. We are called to live by faith in Christ, and by how His Spirit leads us. We must learn to carefully listen to what He is telling us and to obey Him. He has given us emotions to help lead us, but they must be submitted to the Spirit of Christ to function properly. His love and power for us is certain, but the things of this world are not. If we are living for Jesus and don’t have peace about something, then it probably isn’t His will. When we listen to Him and obey His Spirit, He gives us peace. When we lean on our own understanding, or on the understanding of people who are not listening to God, then we have turmoil. When God’s Spirit tells us to do something but the people around us tell us to do something different, we must obey God in order to have peace and to be in His perfect will. He will never contradict Himself. His Spirit will tell us things that line up with the Bible, but not necessarily the preconceived ideas of cultural interpretations. When we obey, then He will give

242 us more to do. If you don’t obey what He is telling you to do now, then don’t expect Him to show you what else to do. Your goal and prayer for each day should be to do what He wants you to do. His will is the best plan for your life. Jesus told us to live one day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). Tomorrow is not guaranteed. What does God want you to do today?

Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

243 According to researchers, the four lunar eclipses on the Feasts of YHWH in 2014 and 2015 occur on:

Passover April 15, 2014 Feast of Tabernacles October 8, 2014 Passover April 4, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles September 28, 2015

The two Solar eclipses connected with the Feasts of YHWH in 2015 occur on:

Hebrew New Year March 20, 2015 Feast of Trumpets September 13, 2015

From - lunar-eclipses-and-solar-eclipses.htm

It is also important to notice that Easter in 2015 is on: April 5, 2015

Pentecost in 2015 is on: May 24, 2015

Refer back to the chapter on The Feasts Of YHWH for the possible significance of these dates.

1 14euphrates.html?_r=0 2


Revelation 6: 15-17 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

The trumpets of God’s judgment will sound, and the bowls of God’s wrath will be poured out. God’s judgment and wrath on the Antichrist kingdom is described twice in Revelation to warn people that it will definitely come. When the celestial bodies crash into the planet, the Earth will be shaken, the stars will fall to Earth (meteorites), the oceans will toss, and people will search for places of safety, fearful of what is happening to the Earth. The increase in natural disasters that has been happening in recent years is nothing compared to what is coming. The leaders of the world have already made themselves underground bunkers in anticipation of what is coming. The events in Revelation 8 and Revelation 16 of the Earth being burned up will occur. Something like a comet hitting the Earth will shake the whole planet, and the Bible says it will burn up one third of the Earth. Comets are preceded by an intense meteor shower from the tail, which always faces away from the sun. Comets follow an elliptical orbit.

245 When they come close to the Sun, they lose material called meteors. Some of these meteors are 1500 miles in diameter. Meteors follow in the path of a comet until the path is full of meteors. Every time the Earth passes through the path of a comet, we have a meteor shower. Meteor showers happen a couple of times a year, which means that we are in the path of several known comets.

The Earth will be on fire and shaking, the oceans will be full of blood and tossing, and everything will be dark from the intense smoke billowing up from the ground from fires. There will be plagues and pestilences causing great suffering with no cure. The description of locusts is reminiscent of Giant Asian Hornets, but may be something unimaginable. The significance is how severely horrifying and overwhelming the destruction will be. It will be more terrifying than anything ever seen before. There will be riots and wars and no one to stop them because the Christians will be in Heaven with Jesus, and the New World Order leaders will be trying to depopulate the planet. The Christians won’t have anything to worry about after the rapture, so the catastrophes, wars, and plagues that will happen are inconsequential to us. After the rapture, the intensity of the natural disasters, plagues, pestilences, famines, and fighting will increase to something unbearable for anyone (Revelation 9:6).

246 On YouTube, there are video demonstrations of how a large meteor hitting the Earth would look (see Meteor Collision With Earth). 2 Peter 3:7-12 says that just as the Earth was once destroyed by water, and people wouldn’t believe until it was too late, this time the earth will be destroyed by fire. After the wrath of God is poured out on the kingdom of the Antichrist, Jesus will return with his followers to defeat Satan and his followers, and set up the millennium reign of Christ on the Earth for a thousand years.

Revelation 9:20-21 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.


Revelation 17:14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings— and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

After some unknown period of time, Jesus will return as King of kings and Lord of lords with the Christians, defeat Satan and his followers at the battle of Armageddon, and will set up the millennium reign of Christ on Earth. (Revelation 19:16). Revelation 20:8 defines Gog and Magog as Satan and his followers. The followers of Jesus Christ from all nations are the true Israel of God (Galatians 6:16). Religion, money, nationality, intelligence, strength, armies, or any other human efforts cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. After the battle of Armageddon, Satan will be held in a prison until after the thousand years. Then Satan and the rest of the dead that rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be released to go to eternal judgment. At that time, the Bible says that Satan will gather them (Gog and Magog) to fight against God one last time before going to eternal judgment (Ezekiel 38:2, Revelation 20:8). Satan never stops rebelling against God. Hebrews 9:27 says that it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgment. If you won’t repent and live for Jesus in this life, then you won’t ever repent or be forgiven.

248 Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars – they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death.’

After the Great White Throne Judgment, when Satan and all those without Jesus are cast into the eternal lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15), the Bible says there will be a new Heavens, a new Earth, and a new Jerusalem (Revelation 21). It will be a place of perfect joy and happiness where Jesus reigns forever. God made us to have fellowship with Him, and Jesus is how God shows Himself to us. Without Jesus Christ there is no hope of eternity in Heaven because we have all sinned and are separated from God. When you turn from your sins and receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ, you receive His Spirit and a new life with Him forever. If you don’t want Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you want to do things your own way, He will not force Himself on you, and you will have to spend eternity separated from God in eternal destruction and condemnation.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.


1 John 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

In these final days before Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords, Satan is working desperately to establish his one world religion and government. Through people led by his demonic spirits, he is passing laws to silence the Bible and Christians in order to enslave the world. The UN is pushing to outlaw Christianity worldwide. Laws are being passed in the UN and the United States Congress to prohibit Christians from preaching against sin. The Vatican is secretly stirring up fights against the Gospel through other groups in order to make the Pope look like the answer to the world’s problems. The mass media conceals who is actually in control. The schools, the mass media, and the religious and political leaders are all being paid and obligated to program people against the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People are being programmed to accept the enslavement and depopulation of the New World Order. Magicians, thieves, and world leaders use distractions to prevent you from seeing what they are really doing. The family structure is being broken down to program children before they can learn the truth. Homosexuality, abortion, divorce, and total government control of the

250 children is being promoted by government leaders, the media, the schools, and even the religious leaders, as part of the plan to depopulate and make slaves of everyone. Sacrificing humans is part of the religion of those who have sold their souls to get positions of power in this dark world.

When the people rise up and vote against sin, it is passed through paid corrupt government officials anyway. Every means possible is being used to keep the people from joining together against the tyranny. Groups that take steps to stop the madness are infiltrated and taken over, or overthrown by government action, and are mocked in the mass media and the schools. The world leaders organize demonstrations to support the immoral insanity of their agenda. Through mass media, educational systems, music, movies, television, false religions, social controls, and paid officials, people are being programmed to bow to the Abomination of Desolation and to receive the Mark of the Beast. Just as the RFID chips are being implanted into merchandise, people are being implanted with the chips as merchandise of the Antichrist. The RFID chips have been developed over the past century as a way to remotely control behavior and thoughts. What is inherently evil and done for selfish gain is made to look like something good through propaganda. The Bible says that because people refuse to love the truth and be saved, they will believe the lies of the Antichrist and be condemned (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

251 The current social economic systems will become bankrupt. Social Security is worldwide and causes people to rely on the New World Order global government. United Nations Level 6 pandemic has been declared, activating martial law provisions throughout the world. The nations are waiting for orders to shut everything down, and to take control of the entire world population when the time comes. The one world government will corral people into prison camps and death camps under the pretense of safety. They will declare there are too many people and not enough resources. This has been the claim of the eugenicists since before Thomas Malthus. Wars will be orchestrated, and disease will be manufactured, in order to induce fear and cause people to be willing to compromise their humanity to have peace, safety, and prosperity. False promises are made to manipulate and motivate people to follow the plan (Daniel 11:39). The world currencies will be replaced with the Mark of the Beast.

The Pope will declare himself to be god and will set up an image to unite all the world religions. The interfaith and ecumenical movements, and the World Council of Churches are run by the Vatican to bring everyone under their control. The Pope pretends to be the Christ, but Jesus is the real Christ. Jesus said that when you see Jerusalem surrounded by troops, let those in Judea flee to the mountains. Singers and musicians that have sold out to the New World

252 Order will lead worship to the image of the beast and to the world system just as Nebuchadnezzar had music played for his image (Daniel chapter 3). Those who refuse to worship the image and the world system when the music is played will be killed. There are already songs being used to promote a false peace, a false love, and a false unity in sin. Sin is the real cause of fighting and destruction in the world, so true unity can never be obtained apart from the true Creator God. The world system is claiming that all gods are the same. The gods and religions of this world are man’s own ideas for his own lusts, greed, and ego, and are united in rebellion against the one true Creator God. Satan is the god of this world system under different names and forms, and is leading the rebellion against the true Creator God who shows Himself to us as Jesus Christ.

This will be the last opportunity for people to receive God’s eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Those that bow to the image and accept the Mark of the Beast will be rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for eternity. Some Christians will give the greatest witness for the One that gave His life for them, by giving their life for Him. Some Christians will witness to others in prison and death camps. Some people will betray members of their own family. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. The Gospel will be offered for the last time and everyone will have to make a choice.


Matthew 24:8-14 “All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

If you died right now, do you have the assurance that you would be in Heaven? There is only one way to have that assurance, and that is through turning from your sins and putting your faith in Jesus Christ, asking Him to be your Lord and Savior through calling on Him in prayer. When you do that, He will give you His Spirit to live in you and teach you as you seek His will for your life. Pray and thank God for His salvation through Jesus Christ, and surrender your life to Him. Don’t put it off. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. There is nothing more important than knowing God and living in His purpose for you. He has the very best plan for your life. No matter what your situation is, God can make the very most of your life if you will trust Him. Call on Him in prayer right now and ask Him to show you His will for you. Then listen to what He says to you. Read the Bible for more information.


Matthew 6:33,34 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

As we see these things take place, how are we to respond? We are not to be like those who are asleep and unaware of what is about to take place, but are to be awake, aware, and alert. The world system wants us to be asleep and unaware. Some among us will not die before seeing the Lord face to face. This is a time for rejoicing that we will soon see Jesus! Jesus said when you hear of wars and rumors of wars to not be alarmed because this is only the beginning of birth pains. Don’t worry; stay calm. Trust Jesus and work together with Bible- believing Christ-centered ministries who are preaching the gospel and helping the needy. If you take care of others for Jesus, God will take care of you (Matthew 10: 42). The NWO will cause an international financial crisis, seize all food supplies, and kill everyone who refuses to worship their image, or refuses to accept the Mark of the Beast. The leaders of this world want people to fight and kill each other. They use propaganda to stir up trouble, and then send other people to die in war or to harass their enemies. The rulers of this dark world work

255 together in secret to create a global government for the Antichrist. There will be an increase in wickedness (Matthew 24: 12). People will mock at God and at prophecies in the Bible (2 Peter 3:4). We are to grow in God's love and encourage each other even more as you see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25). We are to remind each other that the rapture is coming (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Jesus commanded us to pray during the tribulation that we will be able to stand for Him (Luke 21:36). The Gospel will be preached to the whole world through the testimony of the Christians as we stand for Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:3-6). Remain in the situation you are called to as long as your conscience isn't violated, or unless God clearly moves you (1 Corinthians 7:20). Let the peace of God reign in your heart (Colossians 3:15). Fears, worries, and doubts come through your mind, but if Jesus is in your heart you can listen to the peace of God in your heart for guidance. We are not to worry about tomorrow, but are to seek God’s will for today. Get ready! Trust Jesus, study the Bible, and pray. Listen carefully to what God’s Spirit is saying to you and be obedient to Him. Call out to Jesus in prayer. Surrender your life to Him, and thank God for His forgiveness and new life through His sacrifice for your sins 2000 years ago and through His resurrection. When you put your faith in Him, He gives you His Holy Spirit and eternal life with Him.


Romans 10:13 for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, now is the best time to do it. Don’t wait, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. God is just and has to punish for sin, but He loves you so much that He came as Jesus Christ and paid the penalty for all your sins when He died on the cross. He is the only one that could because He is sinless. Jesus fulfilled the entire law and took your punishment so that you can be forgiven and cleansed of all sin. Then He rose from the dead on the third day to give you new life, ascended back to Heaven, and will return again as King of kings and Lord of lords. To reject the sacrifice of Jesus for your sins is rebellion against God. We have all sinned against God and gone our own way, but if you turn to Him right now and receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ, you will become His child and be guaranteed a place with Him in Heaven forever. Then God will give you His Holy Spirit who will live in you, lead you, and empower you to do His will.

God never tells you to do something without giving you what you need to do it. Sin is what destroys God’s perfect will for your life. We love God because He first loved us. We obey Him because we are saved, not to try and be saved.

257 It is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us. We died with Him on the cross, and we are raised with Him through His resurrection to live a new life. Thank God for His forgiveness, and ask Him to show you what He wants for you. Read the Bible. Have faith in His love for you and find out what He would have you do. This world is a very short period of time when each person is given a chance to see the consequences of disobedience to God. You then have a choice to submit to God and accept His forgiveness through Jesus Christ, or to reject His plan for you and spend eternity in Hell. This life is a drop of water in the ocean compared to eternity. To reject Jesus Christ is to reject Heaven and to choose Hell. The Bible can be read online for free at places such as If you have any questions, please send a comment to

Catholic means Universal and is Satan’s all encompassing religion. The wafer bread of Catholicism is not Jesus Christ as they claim. It is idolatry to worship it. It sits in a monstrance that is a symbol of the Pagan sun god. The Vatican has a history of killing those who deny that the bread is literally Jesus Christ. They want people to believe that their priests have authority over Jesus Christ, and that salvation is only through their religion, so that they can have total mind control over people. The leaders of Catholicism are practicing evil in the name of their god, and it is Satan that they are working for. What you need is not religion, but a personal relationship with God through the

258 forgiveness that comes by faith in Jesus Christ only. Jesus is not a statue, a picture, or a baby in a manger. He is God, and is on the throne in Heaven. He is the only way to God (John 14:6). No one has a monopoly on Jesus Christ. He does not turn anyone away that comes to Him (John 6:37). If you have put your faith in Jesus Christ, it is important to tell people and to take a stand for Him (Mark 8:38).

Jesus Christ said the way to be saved is to repent and believe the good news (Mark 1:15). Repentance is turning from sin to God (Acts 20:21, 26:18). The good news is that Jesus Christ is God, paid the penalty for our sins, and rose on the third day to give us new life with God forever. Believing is trusting and putting your faith in something or someone. The Bible tells us to put our faith in Jesus Christ, just as we are to put our faith in God. Putting your faith in religion, a church, yourself, money, a priest, your own efforts, or rituals, will not save you. You must have a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Believing with your mind will not save you. Romans 10:9-10 says that you must believe with your heart. Even the demons believe with their mind and tremble, but they are not saved (James 2:19). Believing with your mind is like knowing everything about a chair and believing that the chair can support your weight, but not sitting in the chair. You know with your mind that the chair can support your weight, but that is not saving faith. Believing with your heart is when you sit in the chair and prove that it can

259 hold your weight. Then you know with your heart that the chair can support your weight. Every righteous person in the Bible received promises and commands from God. Those that were declared right in God’s sight were the ones that had faith in what God promised and so they obeyed. They obeyed God’s command because they had faith in His promises. We are not saved by trying to be good enough. That is trying to be justified by the law. Everyone has fallen short. We do not obey to try to be saved; we obey because we are saved. We are saved because we believe in the promise of God that He has forgiven us on Christ’s account, and so we obey Him. We have a new life with God because we believe His promises with our heart.

Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by God’s grace through faith. The word “grace” is the Greek word “chariti”. God’s charity is something that we can’t earn, can’t do for ourselves, can’t repay, and don’t deserve. We have all done wrong and deserve eternal punishment, but God loves us so much that He not only has mercy on us and forgives us, but He adopts us as His children and gives us the Kingdom of Heaven and a personal relationship with Him forever. Not everyone receives it. To receive it you must turn from your own ways to God’s ways, and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Reading the Bible will not save you, but it will tell you how to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ that will save you (John 5:39-40). It will help you renew your mind and overcome the world if you

260 have faith in Christ. Without faith in Christ it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Without having faith in His power and love for you, the word of God will not save you (Hebrews 4:2). Give God a chance to show you what He can do. Pray and thank Him for His salvation, and ask Him to show you His will for your life right now, and to help you do it. Don’t be ashamed to tell others about what Jesus has done for you. He was not ashamed to publicly pay for your sins to give you eternal life.

Romans 10:9,13 if you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.


2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God

All people have been separated from God and have become enemies of God through disobedience to God. Because of this, people set their own standards of righteousness, or create their own religious rituals, in order to establish their own self-righteousness and justify their evil behavior. Some think that they are graded on a curve and they compare themselves with others according to their own standards. They point the finger at others in order to make themselves feel better about their own wrongs. Others do what they consider to be good deeds to outweigh the evil that that they have done in order to be considered good while they are still guilty of sin. Some use religious rituals and affiliations to validate or to justify their evil, as if the evil act itself were righteous. Some people use money as their standard of self-righteousness. Causes are created to cover sin and appear righteous based on works of man’s efforts, and are often a means of selfish gain. Atheists claim that God doesn’t exist, in order to validate and justify their sinful behavior. Some people seek to drag other people into sin in order to validate their own sinful behavior. Misery loves company, and bad company corrupts good behavior (1 Corinthians 15:33). The more sinful a person is,

262 the more self-righteous they become. Claiming their own goodness, they think they are better than everyone else because of their own standards. No one is saved by the law, but law only shows you that you fail and that you need Jesus Christ. Only the Spirit of God in you gives you the power to live for God. Satan is the prince of the power of the atmosphere, and uses lights, smiles, smoke, makeup, jewelry, fancy clothes, fancy cars, and other things of the world, to give the appearance of success, but on the inside is emptiness, guilt, and destruction (Ephesians 2:2). Only God’s Spirit in you leading you can give you true lasting peace and fulfillment.

God hates self-righteousness and self- glorification. Only God is sinless and worthy of glory. Only His standard is perfect. The Bible says that everyone has fallen short of God's standards and needs to repent (Romans 3:23). God is the Supreme Judge that we must all stand before for eternal judgment when this life is over. The Bible says our own works are filthy rags in God’s sight (Romans 3). You can’t clean yourself of the sin problem with your own good works. Our own attempts to be righteous are like putting whipped cream on dog manure. It is like putting whitewash on a wall that is cracked and falling down (Ezekiel 13, 22; Matthew 23; Acts 23). Jeremiah 17:9 says that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Your own heart without the Spirit of Christ will deceive you. Some people are so blinded by sin that they can’t see the problems it

263 is causing. What you need is a new heart and a new Spirit. That only comes through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Then you are cleansed of sin by His work for you and in you. We will not be perfect until we see Him in Heaven, but through faith in Him we are not who we used to be. We are forgiven, led by His Spirit, and are His children. Our old life is dead and gone, and we have a new life in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Through faith in Him, we receive His righteousness and are made right before God Almighty (2 Corinthians 5:21). If God is for us, no one can condemn us (Romans 8:31). You either submit to God’s will through Jesus Christ and receive His forgiveness, or you choose to live by your own free will which is sin. Free will is sin and God does not give it to you. He allows it so that you will understand the consequences of doing things by your own will. God’s will begins with repenting of living in your own will, and giving yourself to Him through Jesus Christ and believing in the adequacy of His forgiveness for your sins. Then you know Him personally and have his Spirit living in you to lead you, and you have assurance of your salvation. You no longer need to try to earn His salvation because you know Him personally, have received His gift, and are doing it His way.

Ezekiel 18:31 Rid yourselves of all the offences you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.

264 Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.


John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

The Spirit of God lives in everyone that turns from their sins and puts their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Galatians 3). If you do not have the Spirit of God, then you do not belong to God and are not saved (Romans 8:9). The Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of holiness, and the Holy Spirit. He is also called the Counselor, Advocate, or Comforter (John 14:16). Jesus said that God is Spirit (John 4:24). God is the only eternal Spirit and He is not a ghost. The word “ghost” means an evil or angry spirit and refers to demons who are created and limited spirits. It is an incorrect translation to use the word “ghost” in reference to the eternal God. To call God’s Spirit a “ghost” can be considered a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Many cults, in particular those that insist on KJV only, call God’s Spirit a “ghost” and demonstrate demon possessed behavior.

The first man Adam was made in God’s image, but Jesus is the image of God (Colossians 1:15, 2 Corinthians 4:4). Adam was made with Jesus Christ living in him because he was in God’s image. When Adam sinned he was no longer in God’s image. We are created to have God’s Spirit

266 living in us, but because of sin people have been separated from God and have other spirits living in them (Romans 6:23). People have become slaves to sin and can only be set free through Jesus Christ (Romans 6). When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, His Spirit comes and lives in you and you are in God’s image. We are God’s adopted children through faith in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son (1 John 3:1). God’s Spirit can be everywhere at once, and He lives in everyone that lives by faith in Jesus Christ. Angels are created spirits and are limited to one place at a time. Demons are fallen angels. Demons cannot have God living in them, or receive a new nature, because they are spirits. Demons are not supposed to live in people, but they rebelled against God and live in people who allow them to through sin (Jude 1:6). The Bible says that Christ is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17,18).

Jesus is God, and the Spirit is God, but Jesus is how God shows Himself to us and speaks to us face to face (Titus 2:13, Romans 9:5). Jesus Christ is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). When you see Him, you see God (John 14:9). Jesus is limited to one place at a time, because in order for God to show Himself to us His appearance as Jesus Christ is limited in time and space. When Jesus is in Heaven, He cannot be on the Earth. When He is on the Earth, He cannot be in Heaven. However, Heaven is wherever Jesus is, because He is the Lord of Heaven. Justification is freedom from the penalty of sin. Sanctification is freedom from the power

267 of sin. Glorification is freedom from the presence of sin. Glorification is obtained in the Kingdom of Heaven where Jesus is Lord of all (1 Corinthians 6:11, Romans 8:30, 1 John 3:2, 1 Corinthians 13:12).

Jesus said that unless you are born again of the Spirit of God, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3). There are people who claim to be Christians, but they have never been born again of the Spirit of God, and have never experienced assurance of salvation. They are still living in their own power, and for their own glory. Real Christians are led by God’s Spirit, and have repented of falling short of the higher moral standard of God in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:14). Real Christians have the assurance of eternity in Heaven because their sins are forgiven on the account of Jesus Christ (1 John 5:13). Jesus showed that sin begins in the heart. Those who have repented of falling short of God’s perfect will, and who have received His perfect sacrifice once for all for sins, are no longer under law, but are under grace. We are under God’s New Covenant. If you are led by His Spirit, you are not under law (Galatians 5:18). Law is an external control for those who are not led by God’s Spirit (1 Timothy 1:9). The Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death so that we serve in the new way of the Holy Spirit and not under the written code (Romans 7:6). We are justified through faith in Jesus Christ and are kept safe by His Holy Spirit who lives in us. The Spirit of Christ sanctifies us and prepares us for eternity with Jesus Christ in

268 Heaven (1 Corinthians 6:11). God’s Spirit living in you and leading you gives you the power to fulfill God’s purpose for your life. The Holy Spirit of God living inside those with faith in Jesus Christ is one of the distinctions of true Christianity from all other religions.

The supernatural gifts of the Spirit are given by God to testify that Jesus is the Messiah, and that both Jews and Gentiles receive salvation through Him (Acts 2). Tongues, miracles, and prophecies are not signs that someone has the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:21-23). The evidence of the Holy Spirit living in someone is a changed life from selfishness and sin to love and obedience to God for the glory of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:15-20). The fruits of the Spirit are the evidence of the Spirit living in someone, and include love, peace, kindness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23). The fruits of the Spirit are produced by the Spirit of God, and not by human efforts. The Bible warns us that in the last days the Antichrist will use counterfeit signs and wonders to deceive people (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10). There are demonic spirits being manifested in Antichrist religious movements that claim to be Christian. For more information, watch the video series by Andrew Strom about Kundalini spirits.

In Matt. 25:1-13, Jesus warned us to have oil in our lamps when He returns and to not be unprepared. This refers to the necessity of receiving Him as Lord and Savior and being led by His Spirit. Don't put off your salvation another moment. When the door shuts, it shuts forever.

269 If you miss the rapture, or if you die without Christ, there won't be another chance. Call out to Him in prayer right now and thank Him for His forgiveness through His sacrifice for your sins, and for giving you new life in Him through His Spirit. Ask Him to show you His will for you each day and to help you to do it. The following passage from Matthew 25 is a warning to unbelievers:

"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. "At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!' "Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.' " 'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.' "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. "Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!' "But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.' "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

270 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33