Mental Health Situation Analysis in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Mental Health Situation Analysis In Lao People's Democratic Republic Didier Bertrand, Ph D Cultural Psychology Dr Chantharavady Choulamany, Psychiatrist, Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane Vientiane, December 2002 2 Many thanks to HE. Dr Ponmek Dalaloy, Minister of Health of the Lao PDR Dr Sommone Phounsavath, Director of Curative and Therapy Department, MOH Dr Bounlay Phommasack, Deputy Director of Hygiene Department, MOH Dr Bounkhong Sihavong, Deputy Director, Mahosot Hospital Dr Bouakhan Phakhounthong, Chief of Central Hospital Management division, MOH Dr Bouavan Southivong, Mental Health Unit, Mahosot Hospital Dr Latsada, Mental Health Unit, Mahosot Hospital And MOH staff at the district and village levels who organised our field trips. At WHO Dr Giovanni Deodatto, Country representative. Dr Dean Shuey who provided advice and substantial editorial support. Mrs Uma Dahanayake, librarian who managed to find several documents in short delay. And Mr Phoubandith Soulivong who organised diligently our appointments. Mr Nguyen Tinh, Coordinator of Handicap International Rehabilitation Team, in Pon Hong district. And all the informants who agreed to answer our questions. The ‘Mental Health Situation Analysis in Lao People’s Democratic Republic’ was supported by the Regular Budget of the World Health Organization in the Lao PDR. 3 Doux pays, Il est un doux pays que le Mékong arrose Où n'a point pénétré le snob, ni la névrose, Où l'homme, insoucieux des vagues lendemains, S'en va joyeux et fort par les libres chemins Than, 1901 Sweet Country There is a sweet country that the Mekong waters Where neither snobbery nor neurosis penetrates, Where Man, unworrying about vague futures Goes happy and strong along free paths.
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