Vol.2 Issue.2 June-2021 Global Media and Social Sciences Research

Journal (Quarterly) Page-25-35

Social Sciences Website: http://www.gmssrj.com ISSN:2709-3433 (Online) Multidisciplinary ISSN:2709-3425 (Print) Email:[email protected],[email protected] Significance of Jiwani port town on ’s coastal belt: An Application of Alfred Mahan’s theory of Sea Power

Farooq Ahmad1 Dr. Khan Faqir2 1Ph.D scholar,Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar 2Assistant Professor, Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar

Abstract Keywords

The present geopolitical and strategic policies of regional countries have  Jiwani, directly and indirectly influenced the coastal areas of Pakistan with respect  Geopolitical, to national interest and state power. In the light of Mahan’s theory, this study attempts to explain the prevailing geographic environment and puts  Geostrategic, into perspective the strategic viability of the Jiwani Port. The location of , Jiwani Port Town adjacent to the Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz promises important advantages for Pakistan in the Indian Ocean region.  Gulf Of Oman, Because of its natural position at the juncture of Middle East, South Asia  Strait Of and Central Asia, the small port has the capability to function as an Hormuz, instrument of sea power for Pakistan as well as for under the umbrella of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. Jiwani’s  Significance, military base can be utilized to promote maritime interests of Pakistan.  Mahan’s Port and CPEC projects have produced positive impacts on the status of Jiwani. The construction of Port in has influenced Principles of Sea the defensive and monitoring aspects of Jiwani’s location. Coastal Power Highway has linked Jiwani to Gwadar Port. The future dynamics of geopolitical interests in Indian Ocean will promote the expected role of Jiwani as a full- fledged air, naval and economic base. This paper is an account of the effectiveness of Jiwani’s coast for Pakistan using the theory of sea power as analytical framework. This theory attempts to explain the significance of geographical aspects of ports and states’ policies related to sea power. The paper is a qualitative study mainly based on secondary data collected from newspapers, research articles, books and theses. It also utilized some primary data in the form of interviews with the relevant experts.

Dr. Khan Faqir Correspondence: [email protected] Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE

Introduction Alfred Mahan was founder of the North American school of geopolitics. He had introduced the concepts of “domination at sea” and “sea power” for the first time. Mahan influenced not only the formulation of the theory of naval techniques (strategies) but also the development of foreign policy in many states around the world. In his book “The Influence of Sea Power upon History” (1660–1783), Mahan represented the influence of naval power on the historical sequence of events and the promotion of the welfare of the nation (John, 1989). Mahan identified and examined six main principles which influence the naval power of a country. These principles are Geographic position, Physical conformation, Size of the territory, policies of the government, Population size and National character. (Mahan, 1890) Among the above mentioned principles, the first four principles are directly applicable to the significance of Jiwani coastal location for Pakistan. Therefore, geographic position, physical conformation, size of the territory and policies of the government are taken as the reference points for conduct of this research paper. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the geopolitical and strategic significance of Jiwani port town on the basis of Mahan’s principles of sea power. Pakistan has got a lengthy and resourceful coastal belt on its southern side. The geographical position of the coastal belt has enhanced the geo-strategic and political importance of our mother land. There are many significant port towns and areas from Jiwani to Rann of Kutch on the coast of Pakistan adjacent to Arabian Sea (Faisal & Raheela.2015). In geographical terms, the coast is very conductive in many ways. Its East-West dimension has projected the sphere of influence of Pakistan in Indian Ocean. The entire coast is connected with the various cities of the country through airports and roads. Unevenness and rough geomorphology of the whole coastline on the Arabian Sea has facilitated the development of ports and naval bases at various locations. (Khan, 2017). Jiwani is a small natural port town located along the Gulf of Oman on the Makran Coast in the of Balochistan. According to unpublished data of 2017 Census, total population of the port town is about 26,000. The physical placement of Jiwani is expected to become a major economic center in connection with the completion of Gwadar deep sea port and relevant industrial zones as a part of CPEC project. (Hassan, 2017) On the western side, Iranian border is only 34 km away from Jiwani. (Ebrahim, 2016) The establishment of a small naval base and an airport at Jiwani near the international sea route reflects the significance of its geographical features. (Baluch, 2002). Chinese government intends to construct naval and air bases at Jiwani. This move will affect specific interests of India and USA in Indian Ocean. Saudi Arabia and Iran have historical enmity in the Middle Eastern region. Saudi Arabia can also use Jiwani’s geographical position on the Arabian Sea very effective against the interests of Iran as the Saudi government has more influence on Pakistan than Iran. (M. Nazir, personal interview, June 9, 2020) Jiwani is geographically a part of eastern end of a Bay, known as Gwadar Bay which is naturally developed between Iran and Pakistan by the waters of Arabian Sea. (Majeedullah, 2015) The space around the Gwadar Bay supports an important mangrove forest covering all the area of international border. This regional belt is also a habitat of wide variety of wildlife,

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE particularly the endangered Olive Ridley and Green Turtles. Fishing is the main source of income of the population of Jiwani. The government of Pakistan has established a number of export oriented fish freezing plants in this part of the coast. (Ashraf (2016) Since 2001, the regional and international dynamics and corresponding states’ policies have affected the geopolitical and strategic environment of South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia. (Naseem, 2014) Regional and international actors in pursuing their specific interests have provided directly or indirectly multiple functions to coastal areas of Pakistan including the location of Jiwani. (Majeed, 2016) Pakistan as a part of South Asian nations blessed with 1046 kilometers of coastal belt along the Arabian Sea. The UN Commission on limits of continental shelf has approved the expansion of Pakistan’s water surface area from 2,40000sq km to 2, 90000sq km. The commission has also stretched the continental shelf limits of Pakistan from 200 nautical miles to 350 nautical miles. (Naushad, 2016). Government of Pakistan wants to utilize Jiwani,s specific geographical situations for preservation and projection of national interests in this section of Arabian Sea. In this way, Jiwani’s location is an effective source of national power of Pakistan. Pakistan can develop a permanent threat to the Indian interests in the waters of Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf through the practical use of Jiwani as a full-fledged military base. The effective position and natural topography of Jiwani has provided a counter strategy to Pakistan against a possible geopolitical and strategic alignment of India and USA in this region. (Langen (2017)

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=balochistan+in+world+map

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE


Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=balochistan+in+world+map GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Geographic position is very advantageous not only when the country has direct access to the main international shipping lanes in the ocean but also has ports suitable for building military and air bases. (Shahid, 2014) Jiwani is naturally situated on the ideal geographic position of Makran coast between Gwadar deep sea port and the Iranian border near the Gulf of Oman and Strait of Hormuz. In fact, relative location of Jiwani port town is very conductive to the national power of Pakistan in the regional scenario. (Sallin, 2018) Before partition, Jiwani was used during 2nd World War as an allied airfield due to its suitable placement on the coast. Pakistan has maritime border with Oman near Jiwani coastal belt which further extended influence of Pak Navy between the two Muslim countries. The effective use of Jiwani’s location can enhance the security of Gwadar port. (Ayaz & Tiwana, 2015) In larger regional perspective, Dubai port, Chabahar port and Gwadar port have created a sort of geopolitical environment on the basis of divergent interests of the concerned states. The situations in Middle East, the linking of locked Central Asian States to Gwadar deep port and then Jiwani, the Afghanistan issue, the Indian threat under US guidance and the phenomena of New Great Game, all have geopolitical and strategic implications directly or indirectly on the role of Pakistan’s coastal belt. (Shah, 2018). The economic and military rise of China regionally and globally and her connectivity plan through One Belt One Road concept have also advanced the significance of Pakistan’s coastal geography. Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea have become a center of conflicting interests of the various states. (Dr. Farhad Ali, Personal Interview, March 08, 2020). Regional connectivity plan and new security alignments in South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia present a complex

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE geopolitical and strategic environment. This complex geopolitical scenario has enhanced the significant role of Balochistan and Makran coast. (Daud, 2018). China imports the Middle Eastern oil and energy resources and is involved in transportation and development projects on the basis of geographical positions in the entire region. The Jiwani port can provide the Chinese government with a pivotal post to observe the naval activities and movements of US-Indian Ships in the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf about 500 km further west of port. In terms of military and strategic aspects, Jiwani’s physical geography can help China- Pakistan to monitor the Sea Lane of Communications from the Persian Gulf region. The western portion of lengthy belt of Pakistan has security aspects for Chinese administration as about 60 percent of its crude supply comes from Gulf and Middle Eastern countries that are close to the areas of Jiwani. (Iftikhar 2016). Jiwani has the capability to secure vital interests for Pakistan in the affairs of Middle East and Persian Gulf. Arabian Sea is now open to friendly Central Asian States through the geographical elements of Jiwani-Gwadar ports for which Soviet Union (USSR) had desired. Chinese government has announced plans to establish railway line from Tashkent and Uzbekistan towards Kyrgyzstan with further linking to People Republic China and Pakistan's Gwadar port. The heads of Central Asian republics have shown their interest in CPEC initiative and desired to link their physical infrastructure arrangements to the port of Gwadar via Chinese territory. (Akhtar, 2018).

Physical Conformation It is the physical layout (shape) of coastal region almost conductive to naval base formation in order to secure and project geopolitical and strategic interests of a country. Physical conformation is the main condition that determines the success of the physical structure of a country or its coastline. (M. Asif, Personal Interview, May 30, 2020) Availability of resources and climatic situations are also considered as the decisive factors in a successful physical structure of a coastal region. (Sehgal, 2007). Jiwani is geologically developed as a headland surrounded by water on three sides. (Shown on the map) It is located on the eastern end of a wide inlet of Arabian Sea and here the land curves inwards. This kind of feature is known as Bay. The port city of Gwadar is established about 50 km to the east of Jiwani. Gwadar is directly close to Jiwani through sea passage. The linking of Jiwani’s location to

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE

Gwadar deep sea port via Makran Coastal High Way and sea route enhances its geostrategic and commercial functions. Jiwani is naturally in the form of peninsula opening out in the Arabian Sea. Currently Jiwani is being showcased as a combine China-Pakistan naval and airbase base project which is located just 50 km away from deep sea port of Gwadar. However, considering that Jiwani is a 25-km long peninsular shape already having an airstrip, it may well serve as a China's eastern Indian Ocean command in the future sea power politics. (Ahmad, 2018) The entire coastal landforms from Gwadar to Iranian border are very effective with respect to oil and gas reserves and fishing at large scale. The areas of Jiwani are very conductive to the generation of wind energy. Pakistan has decided to start drilling projects for exploration of oil and gas in adjacent waters of Jiwani. Geologically Jiwani’s internal structure is almost similar to the resourceful region of the Persian Gulf. Geomorphological unevenness shape of Jiwani’s beach is the best indication of its development as a full-fledged port in the future dynamics. In this connection, Jiwani port will serve as a major center of exports and imports for Pakistan. (Qamar, 2017). Makran Coastal Highway has played instrumental role in the development and integration of coastal economies and resource management, particularly at Jiwani town. Export oriented fishing plants are established at Jiwani. Transportation of fishes and other valued products from Jiwani to Karachi have been facilitated by improvement in physical infrastructure in this section of Pakistan’s lengthy coast. Port of Gwadar and CPEC project have also accelerated directly and indirectly geo-economic activities in this area. (Majeed, 2017). Jiwani has hot and dry summers and warm winter climatic conditions. Most rainfall occurs in winter season, although there is sometimes a little rainfall happen in monsoon season during the months of July and August. This kind of climate did not freeze Jiwani’s territorial waters and has enabled the port town to be functional throughout the year for various vital activities. (Aagaard, 2002)

Size of Territory Pakistan is a territory of plain areas, lengthy mountainous ranges, deserts and coastal belt. The country shares its eastern border with India. This border is known as 'Radcliffe Line'. On northeastern side, Pakistan has Sino-Pak border. Pakistan has common borders with Afghanistan (Durand Line) and Iran (Gold Smith Line) on its northwestern and southwestern sides respectively. The Arabian Sea is situated on the southern side of Pakistan. The total area of Pakistan is 7, 96096 km square. The length of coastal belt of our country is 1046 km. According to international law, Pakistan has full sovereign jurisdiction on its territorial waters. Passage of ships is considered innocent when it does not threaten the safety and security of Pakistan and its sea resources. No right of innocent passage exists in the airspace above the territorial sea waters of Pakistan. (Behera & Joseph 2004) According to Territorial and Maritime Zones Act 1976, Pakistan has full authority to suspend the right of innocent passage in its sensitive areas of territorial sea. Jiwani is closer to the Persian Gulf than Gwadar port and Sea distance between Chabahar port and Jiwani is very short. This territorial layout of Jiwani has the capability to advance specific interests of Pakistan. (Fawad, 2016) The territorial waters of Jiwani are considered one of the sensitive areas of Pakistan in the

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE

Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz. (Kechichain, 1995) According to the Territorial and Maritime Zones Act 1976, a contiguous zone of 12 nautical miles is formed adjacent to Pakistani territorial waters. In this zone custom activity, immigration process, fiscal and sanitary regulations of Pakistan can be enforced. The contiguous zone is also used as a vast space to check that state laws are obeyed or not. Due to suitable breeding conditions the government increased the exclusive fishery zone near Jiwani. Fisheries conservation zone was formed up to 100 nautical miles into Arabian Sea. The long southern coastal belt of our country officially formed a vast Sea Limits and Exclusive Economic Zone in Arabian Sea. The UN commission on limits of continental shelf has extended Pakistan’s water surface space from 2,40000sq km to 2, 90000sq km. The UN commission also expanded continental shelf limits of Pakistan from 200 nautical miles to 350 nautical miles. (Naushad, 2016). The territorial position of Arabian Sea has provided many advantages to Pakistan’s coastal locations in terms of natural resources, economic activities, military operations, winds energy generation and monitoring purposes etc. Among these coastal areas, the territories of Jiwani and Gwadar are more effective for Pakistan than other locations on Makran coast. Pakistan has developed roads, ports, airports and naval bases on these places. (Singh, 2003) Fatima and Jamshed (2015) have discussed the vital global shipping routes in Indian Ocean, like Strait of Malacca, Bab-ul-Mandeb, Lombok straits and Strait of Hormuz, etc. They have also evaluated the impacts of CPEC on the strategic environment of Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea with respect to territorial linking of Gwadar and Jiwani. Collaboration of Jiwani and Gwadar deep sea port has the potential to enlarge the strategic depth of Pakistan in the prevailing geostrategic scenario of twenty first century. As far as the strategic aspect of Jiwani is concerned, it is situated geographically far away from Indian aggression. Due to airport and naval base at Jiwani, Pakistan has become able to have an eagle-eye on the significant sea lanes of transportation and communication from Persian Gulf. Military connection of Pakistan and China at Jiwani will counter possible strategic partnership of India and USA in this region. A successful China-Pakistan military friendship would therefore change the conflict in Indian Ocean, South Asia and Central Asia which would influence the US to be more tolerated towards China-Pakistan cooperation in Arabian Sea near Jiwani and also lead India to adopt a more realistic approach to its neighboring countries, particularly Pakistan. (M. Sohail Khan, Personal Interview, January 05, 2020)

Policies of Government China has developed a military base in Djibouti. (Chaziza, 2018) Pakistan and China want to establish a military base at Jiwani. This step/ move will help both states as part of a push for greater power projection capabilities near Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. Expected presence of Chinese’s troops at Jiwani and Gwadar ports will enlarge her sphere of influence on entire coastal belt of Pakistan. (Gertz 2018) Chinese strategic policies at Jiwani would allow it to keep eyes on US security and intelligence movements in the oil rich Middle East and Persian Gulf. (Malik, 2018) Chinese warships stationed there would be observing, monitoring and making surveillance of Iranian, Indian and American ships and oil tankers. Government of Pakistan has prepared a plan regarding up gradation of existing airport at Jiwani port town.

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE

Jiwani airport will be able to handle large Chinese security aircrafts. The airfield and naval base is expected to occupy nearly the entire peninsula at Jiwani. (Ali, 2018). The governments and policy experts of both India and USA are fearful about China’s direct access to the Indian Ocean through Gwadar deep port. This intention of Chinese administration appears as a challenge to the economic and strategic interests of USA and India at the mouth of Persian Gulf. Some policy makers in the USA have considered China’s entry into Makran Coastal areas as a part of her ‘string of pearls’ project. It means Chinese sea lane of communications will move from mainland China to Sudani port, Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Bab-ul Mandeb, Strait of Malacca and goes through some maritime nations including, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Pakistan. China has constructed a series of seaports in the Indian Ocean, including a port in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. This would help Chinese government to maximize its sphere of influence over the financial, economic and naval activities across the Indian Ocean. (Pal 2018) The presence of security forces at Jiwani port town has influenced the role of Pakistan on the western most side of its coastal belt. Naval and airport facility have provided multiple functions to Jiwani in the changing strategic situations of the region. Jiwani’s unique location may be utilized for projecting pressure against Indian transportation activities near the significant oil route. (Nawab, 2017) Gwadar port and CPEC project have produced positive impacts on the strategic status of Jiwani. Makran Coastal Highway has connected Jiwani and Gwadar along with other areas of Balochistan province. Makran Coastal Highway has accelerated economic activities between Karachi and Jiwani. Jiwani will get logistic support through Makran Coastal Highway during any kind of emergency situations. Jiwani’s location will serve as an important strategic asset of Pakistan. (Saleem, 2017) The makers of Pakistan’s security and foreign policy have considered Jiwani very effective to counter Indian influence in Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. India has invested huge amount in the development of Chabahar port in Iran. Chabahar port is close to Jiwani. The geography of Jiwani port has the required potential to minimize the anti-Gwadar role of Chabahar port. (Hashmi, 2018). India has considered Chinese access to Azad Kashmir and Indian Ocean as a part of CPEC project against her regional motives. India has initiated proxy war like policy against the collaboration of China and Pakistan. The presence of Chinese military power in an important position of Pakistan can affect geopolitical environment of South Asia, Central Asia and Middle East to a greater extent. (Sallin, 2018).

Conclusion Pakistan is naturally not a landlocked country. It means that the Pakistan has a coastal belt. The presence of coastal belt and its adjacent territorial waters have advanced the role of Pakistan in the region. The lengthy coastline has acted as an instrument of state power. Unevenness nature of the whole coast from east to west on the Arabian Sea has facilitated the development of naval and commercial ports at various locations. Among these locations, the geographical placement of Jiwani provides multiple advantages to Pakistan. The four main principles are extracted from Alfred Mahan’s Theory of sea power. These principles have equally applied on the role of Jiwani port town for Pakistan.

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Global Media and Social Sciences Research Journal Volume 2, Issue No. 2 ISSN: 2709-3433 (Online) , ISSN: 2709-3425 (Print) June 2021 ISSUE

The natural and man-made features at Jiwani are instrumental in the defense of the country. The geographical position of Jiwani’s coast has facilitated naval and military role of Pakistan at mouth of Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. The significance location and territorial layout of Jiwani have promoted the sea power of Pakistan. It has also attracted Chinese policy makers to establish a military base at Jiwani. In this way, it provided a platform for the new security alignment in the Arabian Sea near the Strait of Hormuz. In fact, the entire CPEC project is motivated by the presence of our coast particularly, the coast of Makran. The CPEC project has also geo-strategic dimensions and will influence directly and indirectly the role of Jiwani near Iranian border. Military installations, an airport and a naval facility at Jiwani are visible indication of best security arrangements of Pakistan. Geographical location of Jiwani on the western side of the lengthy coastal belt has promoted specific interests of Pakistan. Jiwani’s location has attracted Chinese geo-economic and strategic motives in Persian Gulf. Jiwani has strengthened coastal security of Pakistan in the region of diverse and complex strategic interests. Gwadar port and CPEC have enhanced the status of Jiwani. The effective location of Jiwani is a good source of sea power of Pakistan especially against the Indian activities in this area of Indian Ocean. Jiwani and Gwadar have the potential of integrating Central Asia, Middle East and South Asia under the umbrella of CPEC project and relevant government policies. Jiwani will play its due role in the process of connectivity and new security alignment in regions of South Asia and Middle East. The significant location of Jiwani is expected to become an important trade and commercial center near the oil rich Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Makran Coastal Highway has facilitated trade and economic activities from Jiwani to Karachi city.

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