BEHIND EVERY FACE THERE IS A MASK, AND BEHIND THAT A STORY – MARTY RUBIN The Byron Shire Echo • Volume 35 #10 • Wednesday, August 19, 2020 •

Reforest Now – planting the seeds for the future Byron Council ignores ƆƐëƐĕȞĎĕưĕōşżŔĕŕƐëĎưĶĈĕ

Paul Bibby Councillor Alan Hunter said there was nothing wrong with Byron Council will forge ahead with Council including extra land in the its plan to investigate using large strategy. areas of land in the Shire’s north ‘We’ve lost jobs in this Shire and for business and industrial use, we’ve lost investment because we in defiance of the NSW Planning haven’t had parcels of industrial Department. land big enough to meet the During a heated planning meet- requirements of businesses,’ Cr ing last week in which Mayor Simon Hunter said. Richardson tried unsuccessfully to ‘There’s no cost to having more limit the debate, a majority of coun- land in the investigation stage of cillors voted to continue with the the process than we need. proposed Business and Industrial ‘The more we can equip our- Lands Strategy (BILS), ignoring the selves for the future, the better off department’s concerns. we’re going to be.’ The BILS involves earmarking more than 40 hectares of land žƐëǔŔĶƆſĕżſĕƆĕŕƐëƐĶşŕ across the Shire for possible indus- However, Matthew O’Reilly from trial development. the Saddle Ridge Local Area Man- Around half of this is contained agement Planning Association said A new nursery and volunteer space for local tree planting NGO, Reforest Now, will go a long way towards within three separate areas, known that Council staff had misrepre- helping the group plant upwards of 150 species of native subtropical trees, shrubs, and vines in the Byron area as the Gulgan Road precincts, sented how much land was needed and surrounds. Giving the babies some lovin’ are Reforest Now co-founders, Maximo Bottaro and Zia Flook, located on vacant land near Mul- by failing to include existing vacant with nursery staff Romey Vassell, Kate Pritchard, Madeline West, and Josh Fry-Hall. Anyone can donate trees lumbimby, Tyagarah and Brunswick industrial land in their calculations. to be planted in the Byron Shire region – visit Photo Tree Faerie Heads. ‘I think you [the staff ] should be In a recent letter to Council, ashamed at how this is represented the NSW Department of Planning in this report,’ said Mr O’Reilly, who said that it did not approve the is planning to stand for Council at Housie shed in Brunswick Heads being boarded up investigation of these precincts for the next election. Aslan Shand Tweed, Ballina, and Lismore shires. sadly this small group rendered industrial use. ‘It’s very [Donald] Trump-like: However, the rest, who say they the location unusable,’ said Matt In a similar argument to that if we say the false thing enough, What happens when you are were not off ered housing, moved Kehoe, Detective Chief Inspector made by local opponents of people will believe us. Well, the homeless, are moved on, and to the Housie Shed in Banner Park, and Off icer in Charge of Byron Bay the BILS, the department noted department is not going to believe have nowhere to go? You move to Brunswick Heads. Police Station. that ‘the estimated yield in the you, and neither is the community.’ another spot, in the public domain, Following complaints of anti- endorsed investigation areas and Council staff defended the and set up yet another temporary social behaviour, intimidation, and Boarded up existing vacant industrial areas will report by saying that a significant place to call home. drug and alcohol use in that loca- In response, Reflections have exceed the 8–12ha total projected proportion of the Shire’s vacant That is what happened when tion they were told last Thursday now boarded up the Housie Shed in demand, which Council estimates industrial land was no longer the group of homeless people who by representatives from Reflections Brunswick Heads stating that, ‘We will be needed by 2040’. deemed suitable for use, and so had been camped at the Brunswick Holiday Parks and the local police, understand that several community But at last week’s meeting, a it was not useful to include this in Heads Nature Reserve opposite the that they would be moved on the groups utilise this shed, however, majority of Byron councillors voted future projections. Surf Life Saving Club were moved next day. concerns surrounding the usage to follow a recommendation from Independent councillor, Cate on. Five to six members of the ‘The site is within an alcohol free of this area and possible conse- their own staff to the eff ect that Coorey, did not accept this argu- group accepted off ers of housing zone and accessed by the general quences in this era of COVID-19, has Council should dismiss this advice ment and moved a motion that outside Byron Shire in a mix of community and children, and ▶ Continued on page 5 from the department. ▶ Continued on page 2

Byron Shire A little bit of ‘ugly’ Planet Watch: Living Shift ing Health & Mandy: Australia’s Council and hard border within nature’s Sands Healing new great divide Notices ▶ p12 closures ▶ p13 limits ▶ p18 ▶ p21 ▶ p22 ▶ p24

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$0 UPFRONT FINANCE ‘Raucous cabaret’ gets council go-ahead Paul Bibby let complaining of ‘raucous during the middle of the such as this.’ CALL NOW cabaret’ and ‘foot-stomping school holidays is completely Councillors appeared to Major renovations to the rock shows’ at the venue. unacceptable in a residential agree, with Mayor Simon 1300 748 948 Brunswick Picture House will At last week’s Byron Coun- area,’ Mr Hoy said during the Richardson describing the go ahead, despite the owner cil planning meeting unani- public access at the meeting. Picture House as ‘an interna- Lic 78609 of a neighbouring holiday mous approval was granted ‘The street continues tional standard venue that for the works, which include to be choked with traff ic... has completely engaged the a new wheelchair accessible they’re getting 1,000 people wider community’. Know Your Rights toilet block, new off ice and through in a weekend.’ ‘I found the public access back stage areas, a new roof But the co-owner of the illuminating,’ he said. "Those who don't know their rights have none!" with solar array, new seats, venue, Brett Haylock, said the ‘We had one commercial and air conditioning. impact on immediate neigh- operation, that led to a The Know Your Rights Group is committed to informing The meeting heard that bours had been a central decrease in permanent resi- and educating people about their rights. the renovation works, consideration from day one, dents, trying to stop another • Are you concerned about • Are you sick of paying • Have you had enough of funded via a state govern- and would continue to be so. operation that is much loved what's happening in personal income tax and ever-increasing council ment grant, would not ‘In the 12 months prior by the community, because Australia at the moment? want to know how those rates and taxes? increase the capacity of the to COVID we averaged 2.6 it was impacting on its com- • Do you want to learn "in the know" legally • Do you have outstanding venue, nor the number of ticketed events per week,’ mercial interests. eliminate their personal proven strategies for credit card debts that you shows taking place there. he said. ‘I think if we door- defeating all types of unjust tax obligations? want to discharge? DQGbXQODZIXOȴQHV" But the owner of four holi- ‘These works are abso- knocked Bruns and said day units next to the venue, lutely integral for the viability what was happening here, Paul Hoy, said granting per- of the business. I think we would have been Download our essential Know Your Rights e-book. mission for the renovations told very quickly what the Listen to our weekly radio show on would encourage the inap- Romantic venture community thinks.’ Learn about your rights and how to stand up for them. propriate activities taking ‘It’s a rare thing for a The renovation works are place at the Picture House. couple of romantic shmucks expected to start before the ‘Two rock shows a day to come and reopen a facility end of the year. 2 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News Are the forests, koalas, and wildlife worth saving? Red Rebels say ‘Yes’ Aslan Shand followed by the unprec- to recover, not to be hit again edented Black Summer fires. with what could be a fatal Logging koala habitat that ‘With drought, bushfires blow.’ was severely burnt out and decades of logging – the Ms Reilly says logging during the recent and dev- Banyabba koala population of all public native forests astating Black Summer fires is barely hanging in there. needs to stop so that the appears to be in opposition This forest desperately needs forests can recover and ‘con- to the NSW Environment regeneration and care, not tinue to provide vital habitat, Minister Matt Kean’s state- logging,’ she told The Echo. carbon sequestration, and ment that, ‘Koalas are the ‘It is reprehensible that water vapour cycles. This will most iconic example of our the EPA approved this log- help reduce climate chaos mismanagement of the ging without first assessing and lessen the likelihood of environment, and we’ve got the fire impacts on the triggering climate “tipping to say “enough is enough”.’ Banyabba ARKS or the koalas points”,’ she said. Yet once again the NSW within the logging areas,’ This Sunday, 23 August a Forestry Commission is said Mr Pugh. group of concerned citizens heading to burnt out forests The Northern Rivers Red Rebels were joined by 70 other concerned citizens in Myrtle State ‘This population has been will be returning to Myrtle with the intention to log. This Forest on Monday to highlight the impact of planned logging on the local koala population. so badly aff ected that all State Forest to set up camp time it is in the Myrtle State Photo Chibo ‘Rebel Yell’ Mertineit surviving koalas are vital to to ‘peacefully resist’ the forest, that includes signifi- rebuild it, they can’t aff ord to resumption of logging in the cant koala habitat, located ‘The Banyabba ARKS was have on both the forest and statement about the [for- lose anymore. area. 40km south of Casino, and one of the worst aff ected by the koala population North- est’s] importance and how ‘Koalas are one of the ‘All those who want to Monday, 24 August is the the 2019/20 bushfires, with ern Rivers Red Rebels (NRRR) needed these trees are. This many threatened species give our koalas a future are start date. 83 per cent of its modelled joined with other Australians forest has been logged and aff ected by both logging and welcome to come,’ Mr Pugh ‘Myrtle State Forest is part 71,000 ha of “likely” koala last Sunday to mark their then ravaged by fire. There wildfires that need our help said. of 5,000 ha over three burnt habitat burnt in the wildfires, concern. is so little left . We go in and State Forests within the Ban- with the apparent loss of walk in slow motion and yabba Area of Regional Koala 80–90 per cent of koalas Fragile ecosystems express our feelings in the Significance (ARKS) that the from burnt areas. This was a ‘We were there to bear hope that some decisions Environment Protection huge impact on an already witness,’ said Cindy Lou will be changed.’ Authority (EPA) approved for declining population.’ Vallet of the NRRR . Marie Reilly from Extinc- logging last February,’ said Bearing witness to both ‘We go in and are part tion Rebellion highlighted North East Forest Alliance the devastation of the fires of the forest; sending love how fragile the ecosystem in (NEFA) spokesperson Dailan and to the future devastation and peace into the forest. this area is as a consequence Pugh. that the planned logging will We were there to make a of the drought that was then Koalas are on the move –time to slow down Aslan Shand or not. She highlighted the story of a man who had As the weather warms up stopped aft er he hit a koala, with the advent of spring, he called FoK and waited humans aren’t the only ones for the recue team to arrive. who get a spring in their step. His actions saved the life of It also signals the time when the joey. Solar Power Sale Ends 30th August koalas are on the move, both ‘Put our phone number in trying to find a mate and to your phone so that if you see 5.0KW was $3,190 now $2,190.00 set up a territory. a sick or injured koala, you The death of a koala this can call us. Some of these 5.5KW was $3,290 now $2,290.00 week is just one of the many This male koala was found on Mill Road, Goonengerry this cases are very time sensitive 6.6KW was $3,390 now $2,390.00 reminders to locals and visi- week, and the local who found it has asked everyone to and every moment counts in tors to slow down and take remember to slow down. Photo supplied ensuring the koalas are seen 7.0KW was $4,390 now $3,190.00 care on the roads. Young by our experienced clinical male koalas in particular strikes’ and ‘the number of Susannah Keogh. staff ,’ said Ms Keogh. 8.1KW was $5,790 now $3,490.00 are on the move looking for dog attacks’ this season. Ms Keogh reminded ‘Our hotline – 6622 1233 10KW Lithium battery $6,788.00 mates, and Lismore based ‘Our hospital has been drivers of the importance of – is 24 hours, 7 days a week Friends of the Koala (FoK) overwhelmed by trauma stopping if you hit an animal and we encourage you to call PHONE: 0419 991 557 have said they have already cases both night and as it can mean the diff erence if you have any concerns for Conditions apply seen a ‘huge spike in vehicle day,’ said FoK president between them surviving a koala’s welfare.’

Congratulations to July’s colouring in competition winner, Darby Pearce. Enjoy your $25 voucher at The Book Room Collective.

NOWNOW OPEN This is a carbon positive practice. Dr Marcus O’Meara B.D.S, Rachel Andersson B.O.H. MonMon - Fri | 10am-5pm / Sat Sat || 10am-3pm10am-3pm Dr Louise Barr B.D.S, Caitlin Wilkie B.O.H. LIVING ShopShop 1-2/18 CentennialCentennial Cct, Cct, Byron Byron Bay. Bay. 59/1 Porter Street, Byron Bay, NSW 2481 @[email protected] | || 02 66856685 54995499 02 6694 3083 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 3 Local News For North Coast news online visit Will it be movie studios for Ballina and COVID Safe shooting for the region? Aslan Shand the feasibility of at least have on a regional centre design, animation, editing, Mayor, David Wright, told casual jobs,’ said Councillor two studios at the Southern like Ballina. The focus of the etc, and so many other local The Echo that the study Johnson. The idea of making the Bal- Cross industrial estate next study will be on estimating services that will be needed, would be funded equally Mr Gammon from Byron lina – Byron region the next to the Ballina airport how many jobs would be from accommodation, to by Byron Studios, Ballina Studios also highlighted the place for movies to be shot ‘The feasibility study is to created from the project local restaurants and cafes, Shire Council, and the State fact that ‘the spotlight is and produced is gathering elaborate on an independent and the economic multiplier to drivers, and consultants, government. on Australia (Byron/Ballina momentum with the latest feasibility study we did a eff ect on businesses in the the list just goes on and on,’ ‘They will each put in region in-particular) as the feasibility study for the idea couple of years back, to region,’ William Gammon said Ballina Councillor Jeff $30,000 so it is $90,000 all new COVID Safe shooting soon to be under way. discover the impact a film from Byron Studios told Johnson. up.’ location. The study will look at industry establishment could The Echo. ‘At a time when many ‘Byron Studios [based businesses are doing it COVID Safe shooting in the Byron Arts and Economic boost tough, the thought of such a ‘It’s such an exciting Industry Estate] is hitting the ‘There are so many dif- job intensive industry setting prospect for Ballina given the accelerator on setting up an ferent elements that go into up a major footprint in Bal- large number of jobs that it interim stage to cater for the making movies, from set lina is something that will be will create. Early estimates influx of import productions building, location logistics, a major boost.’ are for 250 full time jobs and also local productions,’ catering, actors, directors, Ballina Shire Council and up to 1,300 part time or he told The Echo. Clinical Psychologist position available

Bangalow Clinical Psychology is on the lookout for a talented, personable and experienced psychologist to Lennox Head surfers take top two spots in NSW Grommet Titles join our growing team. We are an established and well regarded professional practice that provides integrated, informed and progressive psychological therapy to Ross Kendall close second in her semifinal. members of our community and beyond. The win for Juniper followed an Local girls Juniper Harper and Ocea impressive run in the NSW School We offer a beautiful working space, streamlined Curtis have won first and second place Titles held earlier in August processes with IT calendar management and billings, plus flexible conditions and very flexible working hours. respectively in the U/14 division of at Coff s Harbour, where she claimed On top of this there is great collegial support. the 2020 NSW Grommet State Titles second spot in the U/16s. held at Maroubra, in Sydney, over the Juniper won her semifinal but in We welcome those with their own speciality and approach to complement our existing skill base and expertise. weekend. the last round she couldn’t get a high The Under-14 final saw the two scoring wave and was beaten by Rosie Inviting suitably qualified and clinically endorsed Lennox Head surfers taking on two Smart. psychologists to send through an expression of interest surfers from the Illawarra region. Lennox Head surfer Nyxie Ryan also with your CV to: Juniper Harper on her way to second [email protected] All four surfers showed glimmers of in the NSW School Titles held at came fourth in the U/18 Girls division promise over the course of the heat, Sawtell, Coff s Harbour in early August. in the NSW Junior State Titles, held All applications will be treated confidentially. For more however Harper was able to gain the alongside the School Surfing Titles. information see: Photo Josh Brown or contact Sara Goldie on 0414 861 653. win, thanks to a handful of impressive Nyxie had a good contest winning backhand turns which netted her a Juniper also won her semifinal heat her heat, quarter and semifinal, but 76 Byron St Bangalow. 6687 0431 9.84 two-wave heat total. with two good rides while Ocea, came a couldn’t get over the last hurdle.

Advertisement Are you eligible for free solar? Free solar – savings up to $600 on electricity bills The NSW Government is trialling a new way to assist people on low incomes with their power bills by installing free solar systems for up to 3,000 eligible households in place of their Low Income Household Rebate. This program aims to improve energy D̆RUGDELOLW\E\KHOSLQJKRXVHKROGVXQORFNORQJWHUPVVDYLQJVRQWKHLUHOHFWULFLW\ELOOV While this means you will no longer receive the $285 annual rebate on your electricity bill, you could receive up to $600 in savings per year from your new solar system! The program is only available to a limited number of households that live in the region and meet the eligibility criteria. When participating in this program households ZLOOUHFHLYHDIUHHIXOO\LQVWDOOHGN:VRODUV\VWHPLQSODFHRIWKHLU/RZ,QFRPH Household Rebate. SAE Group are the only approved provider, designing and installing solar systems to eligible homes across Northern NSW. To be eligible you must: • Currently be receiving the Low Income Household Rebate • Agree not to receive the rebate for ten years • Own your own home • Not already have a solar PV system ‡8VHDWOHDVWNLORZDWWKRXUV N:K RIHOHFWULFLW\LQD\HDU • Live in the North Coast of NSW ‡+ROGDYDOLG3HQVLRQHU&RQFHVVLRQ&DUGRUD'HSDUWPHQWRI9HWHUDQ$̆DLUV*ROG&DUG • If you are not the registered homeowner, but your spouse is, you may be Save up to $600 in electricity bills! considered eligible collectively as a household. $N:V\VWHPLVGHVLJQHGWRJHQHUDWHDQDYHUDJHRINZKSHUGD\ZKLFKZLOO SAE Group is the approved provider in Northern NSW, designing deliver electricity savings depending on each households energy consumption. 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRURI6$(*URXS*OHQ$VKWRQFRPPHQWV³:HNQRZHOHFWULFLW\ELOOV & installing solar systems for the NSW Government Solar for Low FRQWLQXHWRSODFHDORWRISUHVVXUHRQKRXVHKROGVDQGZHDUHSOHDVHGWREHZRUNLQJ Income Households Trial. with the NSW Government to help ease the pressure on low income households.” SAE Group are a locally owned and operated organisation with more than ten years’ Get in touch with SAE Group today to find out more experience in the solar industry. SAE Group are a Clean Energy Council Approved 5HWDLOHUDQGKROGDFFUHGLWDWLRQV,62$61=6IRUVDIHW\DQGTXDOLW\ 1300 18 20 50 V\VWHPV6DIHW\LVSDUDPRXQWWRXVDQGLWRXUJRDOWRHQVXUHZHSURYLGHTXDOLW\VRODU systems to eligible households that will deliver ongoing savings for many years to come. :DQWWR¿QGRXWPRUH" Visit ZZZHQHUJ\VDYHUQVZJRYDXVRODUORZLQFRPHKRXVHKROGVWRFKHFN your eligibility and apply online, or visit ZZZVDHJURXSFRPDX or call us on 02 6638 9439. Electricial Licences: QLD 72258, NSW 227562C The Solar for Low Income Household Trial is supported by the NSW Government.

4 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News Frustration mounts as hard border closure impacts locals Closing the Queensland consultation – has impacted appointments. 80 police off icers who live in border with NSW is creating on hundreds of people’s lives ‘The situation last Queensland. There are doc- havoc in people’s lives, and livelihoods,’ said Ballina week was outrageous with tors and nurses who can’t Our mate Bill W. has left us. aff ecting their health, and MP Tamara Smith. stories of people recovering get to work and industries damaging local industries. ‘My off ice has been from heart surgery and suff erine,’ he told The Echo. He will live on in our hearts Local Councils across inundated with requests for cancer patients not able the Northern area of NSW assistance from people in to access their specialist Move checkpoint? until they too stop beating. have been working with the really dire circumstances. appointments.’ Richmond MP Justine Cross Border Commissioner ‘We welcome the changes The frustration has been Elliot has written to the NSW in an attempt to secure an that the CEO of the Area echoed by Ballina Mayor premier urgently requesting eff ective border solution but Health District, Wayne Jones David Wright who pointed out that the QLD/NSW border there is significant frustration and the Cross Border Comis- that there have been no cases checkpoint be moved south to at the lack of response from sioner, Mr James McTavish of community transmission in create a NSW COVID-free zone. the Queensland government. have been able to secure for the Northern Rivers. Keep up to date with ‘If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.’ ‘The closure of the people travelling across the ‘The Tweed/Byron police border restrictions at: – Katharine Hepburn QLD border – without border for essential medical have been short by around Homeless in Bruns ▶ Continued from page 1 ‘The number of people led to its closure while the who are not able to aff ord country works through the to pay rent or find housing pandemic.’ at all is at a record high. There is 10 year waiting list Housing solutions for social housing across the There are a number of state, and 15–20 years on the issues at play, from lack of north coast. This is simply temporary and long-term unacceptable and requires housing availability in Byron genuine leadership and a Shire to the fact that some willingness of the govern- We’re extending of the homeless people have ment to put into action what dogs, and there is only one the community housing temporary housing facility sector is telling us we need.’ in the region, in Nimbin, that Inspector Kehoe has con- accepts dogs. firmed with The Echo that, financial support ‘Over the next 20 years as yet, they have not moved rental housing will be the any persons on from Brun- norm for an increasing swick Heads’ Banner Park. number of younger and Police, Byron Shire Council, older households and a lot and housing agencies are will rent for life. Where the continuing to work with the focus of aff ordable housing group to find appropriate in the past has centred housing solutions. The Australian Government is extending around buying a home, the ‘Police are conscious of JobKeeper until 28 March 2021 and the government needs to pivot the plight of local homeless to supporting people to persons and continue to temporary Coronavirus Supplement for those access aff ordable and secure work towards a solution, on income support until 31 December 2020, rental properties, and to but also have a responsibil- after which income support will continue. have the option to stay in ity for maintaining a safe the same rental property for environment for the whole greater lengths of time,’ MP community, and action will For JobKeeper and the temporary Coronavirus for Ballina Tamara Smith told be taken if off ences are com- Supplement there will be some changes to The Echo . mitted,’ he said. payments and eligibility to support businesses and households who need it most.

For information on how these changes affect you, visit

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Suicideuicide PƌĞǀĞŶƟƌĞǀĞŶƟŽŶŽŶWE NEED ÈëōĕÈëōĕſĶĕÉĶōōĶëŔƆǼǨDĕćſƖëſƷǽǨǰǬǮȑǨƖīƖƆƐǽǩǧǩǧ PƌŽŵŽƟŶŐUŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐŽĨEŵŽƟŽŶĂůPain. Diana Green were unable to realise this *SIGNsOFTHETIMES!* dream. While in Fiji, Valerie *&ĞĞůŝŶŐ *^ƵŝĐŝĚĂů? *Seen this sŽŵĞwhere Bϰ? Valerie was our dearest established her own suc- WRONG friend, a wife, a mother, a cessful real estate company. WAY grandmother, Aikido instruc- Aft er four years Valerie and GO BACK tor, our co-worker, sister, a her family returned to live in ϭϵϴϬĐƚƵĂůƵƐƐŝĞZŽĂĚ&ĂƚĂůŝƟĞƐVs Suicides. ϮϬϭϴ driving force in all our lives. Byron Bay. I met Valerie in Lennox On returning to Australia, dƌĞŶĚ>ŝŶĞƐ Head about 40 years ago, Valerie contacted me and we and our lives have been both knew it was time for us intertwined ever since. I have to join our creative abilities had the pleasure of watching again and grow Byron Beach our families grow and work- Realty. Suicides ZŽĂĚƐ ϭϲϬϳсϰ͘ϱͬĂLJ ϯϰϬϲсϵͬĂLJ ing with her for the last nine On behalf of Michael, ϯϬϰϵсϴͬĂLJ ϭϮϮϲсϯͬĂLJ years. and their family, I would like To me, Valerie was like thank Byron Bay hospital for ĂƚĂ͗ͲWĂƌůŝĂŵĞŶƚtĞďƐŝƚĞ͕^ĂŶĚtŝŬŝƉĞĚŝĂ͕ƵƐŝŶŐOnline ChartsdŽŽů͘ my younger sister. She was their wonderful kindness and TŝŵĞ 2 TƌLJ SŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐŝīĞƌĞŶƚ! always ready and willing to her family, with her husband Center in Byron Bay, Valerie caring they gave to Valerie. DLJƌĞƐƉŽŶƐĞƚŽƚŚŝƐƐƚƵŶŶŝŶŐϮͬϯƌĚƐƌĞĚƵĐƟŽŶŝŶZŽĂĚĞĂƚŚƐŽǀĞƌϯϵ LJĞĂƌƐ͕ǁŚŝůĞSuicides ŶĞĂƌůLJĚŽƵďůĞĚʹŝƐϮƋƵŽƚĞƐĨƌŽŵƌZƵƐƐ,ĂƌƌŝƐ͛ support me and my family. Michael Williams. Together and family relocated to We will miss Valerie dearly, ŬThe Happiness Trap. pp 262-265 She so generously gave of they founded the Australian the Fiji Islands to build an she gave us strength, cour- • ͚/ĨĂƚĮƌƐƚhĚŽŶ͛ƚƐƵĐĐĞĞĚ͕dƌLJ͕dƌLJ͕dƌLJĂŐĂŝŶ͘ ƵƚŝĨŝƚƐƟůůŝƐŶ͛ƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ͕dƌLJƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ͊͛ her time and energy to every Aikido Headquarters. Valerie outer island retreat catering age, motivation, wisdom, • ͚ĐŽƌĞƚŚĞŵĞŝŶƚŚŝƐŬŝƐƚŚĂƚůŝĨĞiŶǀŽůǀĞƐƉĂŝŶ͘^ŽŽŶĞƌŽƌůĂƚĞƌ endeavor. was a brilliant facilitator and for Aikido, Yoga, and other and lots of laughs. ǁĞĂůůĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝƚʹƉŚLJƐŝĐĂůůLJ͕eŵŽƟŽŶĂůůLJĂŶĚƉƐLJĐŚŽůŽŐŝĐĂůůLJ͛͘ Her life in Byron Bay gave Aiki Kids instructor. arts. However, owing to Bless her, she was a true ĚĚŝŶŐEŵŽƟŽŶĂůPain EĚƵĐĂƟŽŶƚŽƚŚĞS.P. Mix. her a wonderful place to raise Aft er selling the Aikido political upheaval in Fiji they loving friend. The ŽƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ successŝŶZŽĂĚdŽůůƌĞĚƵĐƟŽŶŚĂƉƉĞŶĞĚŶŽƚ just ďLJ increased vĞŚŝĐůĞsĂĨĞƚLJdĞƐŝŐŶĂŶĚŵassive sĂĨĞƚLJiŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐ2ŽƵƌ rŽĂĚƐ͗ͲďƵƚǁŝƚŚdriver sĂĨĞƚLJaǁĂƌĞŶĞƐƐƵƐŝŶŐďůĂŶŬĞƚ ŵedia sĂƚƵƌĂƟŽŶ! /ĨŝƚǁŽƌŬƐϰZŽĂĚƐ͕ǁŚLJŶŽƚϰS.P.??? ^ŽŝĨhZĨĞĞůŝŶŐƚŚĞƵƌŐĞƚŽĞŶĚhZůŝĨĞ͕Ğ͘Ő͘ďLJƌĞĂĐŚŝŶŐĨŽƌhZĐĂƌŬĞLJƐ͕ ƷſşŕëŕĎLşſŕĕƐƆƆIJëſĕƐIJĕżşĶŕƐƆĶŕƆĶƶīşëōƐIJſĶōōĕſ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐϰĂƚƌĞĞŽƌĂƋƵŝĞƚƉůĂĐĞǁŝƚŚĂƉŝĞĐĞŽĨŚŽƐĞ͕ƌĞŵĞŵďĞƌƚŚĂƚ SŝŐŶ͙GO B<͊/͛ŵŐŽŝŶŐƚŚĞWRONG WAY!dŚĞŶ͙ Christian Layland -ΎZ,ϰURPHONE/E^d!*- *ŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJϬϬϬ͘ *ŶLJŽĐƚŽƌ͘*>ŝĨĞůŝŶĞϭϯϭϭϭϰ. Byron Bay Football Club had a 3-all ƌĞĂƚĞĚďLJƐŚĞĞƉĨĂƌŵĞƌdŝŵĂƌƌŝƩ͘ĂƌŽƐƐĂsĂůůĞLJ͕^͘͘ draw with the Goonellabah Hornets in round three of the Far North Coast Premier Division. Fourth place on the ladder was on the line in the shortened competition, and each team knew the importance of not losing. The Rams took an early lead when Diego Vazquez opened the scoring as he directed a cross into the bottom right hand corner. Following the Hornets’ equaliser, it Ballina Byron Family Day Care has been was again Vazquez who gave the home providing our local communities with team the lead when he hit a cracking quality childcare, for over 27 years. shot from outside the box into the top corner. It was a beautiful strike and a Ram, Lisandro Luaces, crossing the ball in. Photo Dogwhistle Ballina Byron Family Day Care is goal worthy of a half-time lead, but it ǼȒȒǸǣȇǕǔȒȸªɖƏǼǣˡƺƳ0ƳɖƬƏɎȒȸ was not to be, as Goonellabah equal- defender, with just five minutes remain- opposition would see them solidify ǴȒǣȇȒɖȸɎƺƏȅِ ised in the final minute of the half. ing, and the referee pointed to the their place in the top three, the WildcatsژɎȒ Their goal turned out to be a game penalty spot. Jonathan Pierce calmly took no prisoners in a clinical football If this is you, please contact us to request a changer as the Hornets took the lead converted the spot-kick to share the display. Prospective Educator Information Kit. themselves only five minutes aft er the points. The victory was a great example of break. Looking to hold their lead, the team football with seven diff erent goal Hornets had to withstand attacks from Wildcats dominate Hornets scorers. Two players, Maggie Motley and חחווژהזההאȒȇɎƏƬɎȒɖȸȒǔˡƬƺȒȇ׎! to apply, send an email to a hungry Byron Bay forward line who Byron Bay FC continued their strong Elyssa Purdie, scored multiple goals. [email protected] couldn’t quite get the equaliser they start to the Women’s Premier Division With two wins from their opening or visit our website for more information. needed. season with a thumping 9–0 victory three matches, Byron have announced ɯɯɯِǔƳƬƫƏǼǼǣȇƏƫɵȸȒȇِƬȒȅِƏɖ Just when all hope looked lost, over Goonellabah Hornets. themselves as a premiership threat for the ball struck the hand of a Hornets Knowing a win against their Lismore the 2020 season. join now to enjoy easy access banking with no monthly access fee you could win

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Offer is only available to new customers who join between 17/06/2020 and 31/08/2020. To be eligible for the Easy Access MonthlyAccess fee waiver & entry to the $500 prize draw you must open an everyday account, and deposit $2,000 within the first 30 days. The Easy Access Monthly Access fee waiver will remain in place until election by the member to change to an alternate fee package or upon resignation from the Credit Union. This promotional fee waiver overrides any concession or rebate outlined in our Fees Charges and Transaction Limits schedule. Other fees and charges may apply. This product is issued by Summerland Credit Union ABN 23 087 650 806. Australian Credit Licence 239 238. If eligible, you will be entered into the prize draw. The competition winner will be contacted by email or phone by 5pm 05/10/2020. Offer is limited to one eligible membership per person and is not available in conjunction with any other offer. Please refer to the full competition terms and conditions for more information. This is general advice only and may not be right for you. AFSL 239 238. 6 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News Cape Byron Distillery’s gin wins big in UK Who wouldn’t want to have an award-winning gin named aft er them? Martin Brook (aka ‘Brookie’ of Brookies Gin) and son Eddie Brook – CEO, co-founder and distiller at Cape Byron Distillery, are celebrating Brookie’s Gin’s wins in 2020. Cape Byron Distillery won a barrel of awards this NOW OPEN year at the International Wine & Spirit Competition held in London, not the General Family Practice providing: least of which was a gold for their Brookie’s Byron • Skin Checks Slow Gin, laced with the • Women’s Health Services flavours of locally grown Davidson plum. They took • Men’s Health Services out silver for both Mac. by • Mental Health Services Brookie’s, and Brookie’s Byron Dry Gin. Read more at • GP Management Plans Photo Jeff ‘Just a Splash of Tonic’ Dawson. • Visiting Specialists • Cosmetic Injectables Up Wilsons Creek – without $1,000 – after illegal doof MERCATO MEDICAL CENTRE A Wilsons Creek man has 2020 at Wilsons Creek. Following an inves- with the fine. Level 1, 108-114 Jonson St, Byron Bay (above Woolworths) been fined $1,000 aft er host- Following numerous com- tigation, off icers from The police are reminding 02 5629 7888 • [email protected] ing a doof last month that munity complaints regarding Tweed-Byron Licensing the public that parties on had up to 1,500 more guests the illegal gathering, that Police identified a male who private properties are limited than the current health was in contravention of attended Byron Bay back- to a maximum of 20 guests restrictions allow. the NSW Health Minister’s packer hostels prior to 4 July (excluding those people who The man has been issued Public Health (COVID-19) promoting the event. reside at the location). ‘I love to see a young girl go out and an infringement notice for Directions, off icers from the Last Friday, August 14, Inquiries are continuing grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. ‘Not Comply Noticed Direc- Tweed-Byron Police District police issued a 50-year-old with Byron Shire Council You’ve got to go out and kick ass.’ tion, Sect 7/8/9 (COVID-19).’ attended the remote party Wilsons Creek man, who is regarding further breaches The unauthorised party, location about 3am on the owner of the property relating to this party. – Maya Angelou was held on Saturday, 4 July, Sunday, 5 July. where the event occurred,

• Organic vegetable and herb seedlings $200,000 in grants for local Landcare • Fruit trees • Flowering plants Federal and Goonengerry use best practice bush regen- Landcare project are cattle Landcare groups have eration to convert bushland farms and they will be • Screening plants secured $200,000 in grants to dominated by noxious and working with the owners to • Bird attracting plants improve, restore, and protect environmental weeds into reduce the negative impacts • Water plants the Byron Shire hinterland’s biodiverse, lowland, sub- of livestock on our fragile • Natives and indigenous species biodiversity values. tropical rainforests. ecosystems and encourage A Nursery and Garden Centre • Indoor plants The grants are part of the ‘A large part of Federal regenerative agriculture.’ in beautiful Byron Bay • Organic plant care products NSW Environmental Trust’s Landcare’s project involves Mr Mayson said both grants • Pots and garden decor Restoration and Rehabilita- tree plantings to enhance and will work with local landhold- OPEN 7 DAYS • Consultation tion program and will run for increase critical koala habitat ers and community properties • Garden creation, installation and care three years. in and around Federal village, over the term of the project, Federal Landcare group whilst also working to protect and beyond, and include president James Mayson said other threatened species in partnering with Byron Shire that this is their first major nearby corridors and water- Council and its North East grant. ways,’ said Mr Mayson. Hinterland Restoration Project 6685 6874 | eden at The primary aim for both Some of the properties for further tree planting and 140 Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay Landcare groups will be to included in the Goonengerry awareness-raising events. Get tested for any symptom, every time.

Help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you have just one symptom, no matter how mild, get tested immediately - even if you’ve been tested before. Testing is safe, easy and free at public clinics. So, if you have any of the following, get tested today. > Fever > Coughing > Loss of smell > Sore throat > Shortness of breath > Loss of taste

Juli, Registered Nurse To find your nearest testing clinic visit or contact your GP Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 7 Local News For North Coast news online visit Bruns Chamber rails against paid parking There has been a lot of the JobKeeper lifeline, Coast councils. Gold Coast speculation in recent months the situation in Brunswick CEO, Dale Dickson, said their about the future of trade in Heads is even worse. Simon move was part of an eff ort to Brunswick Heads – it has Richardson has said the pan- support local business and been suggested that there demic has delivered a “triple employees. would be an economic whammy” to the Byron Shire ‘Both Woollahra and upturn come spring, enough and that it’s a really danger- Waverly councils have also to validate the installation of ous time for us. turned off their parking parking meters in the town. ‘We agree! The upcoming meters as part of their relief Even if those theories reduction in JobKeeper pay- and recovery packages to were true – theories which ments and the possibility of support businesses. the local businesses disagree a second wave is uppermost ‘The signage on Double with – the resurgence of in our businesses’ minds. Bay’s parking meters shows COVID-19 is having a severe So how could our mayor Woollahra’s commitment impact on small businesses’ even contemplate adding to soft ening the economic Chinny Charge confidence and the Brun- further stress by pushing for impact of the crisis on local swick Heads Chamber of paid parking in Bruns before businesses and helping busi- Commerce says it’s hard to Christmas?’ nesses remain viable. Fun Run 2020 see any return in confidence ‘We need our Council to until the curve in Victoria is Businesses at risk work with us, not against flattened, and any hotspots Ms Rosen said that us,’ said Ms Rosen. ‘We want 19 September 2020 in NSW are controlled. research commissioned by them to take note from the Spokesperson for the No the Tourism and Transport other councils who, by turn- Paid Parking Group, Kim Forum, and presented to ing off their parking meters, Register Now Rosen, said that their own the COVID-19 Commission, have clearly shown that they COVID Impact survey in June said that without JobKeeper, care about businesses and Following COVID safe rules, nominations will not showed 220 jobs were lost there was a risk many small their employees.’ be available on the day of the event. and that 250 employees are and medium-sized tourism, ‘The No Paid Parking on JobKeeper. transport, and hospitality Group is calling for the ‘Nearly half of our busi- businesses may close for mayor to withdraw his rescis- Proudly brought to you by nesses said it would take at good because they were not sion motion. least a year to recover from viable at 30–45 per cent of ‘Our businesses don’t the coronavirus impacts,’ she their typical demand. need this added pressure told The Echo. ‘Byron Bay’s Mercato right now. Take paid parking ‘Now it could be even shopping centre has stopped discussion off the table longer, and some businesses charging for parking to until next year, so that our may not survive a second support its retailers. Parking businesses can focus on wave. With 66 per cent of meters were switched off by surviving the pandemic and our businesses relying on the Gold Coast and Sunshine recovering from its impacts. We do the research so you don't have to!

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8 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News Careful – what you say on social media could land you in court Ross Kendall Defendants, Plaintiff s, Plat- prepared to go to court and soon as possible aft er they re-accessed online. forms, UTS Centre for Media defend yourself – and this become aware of it. The ‘I’m sure the new defama- The NSW state government Transition, 2018). costs money. limitation period (usually tion framework won’t have is updating defamation laws This showed that the ‘The diff iculty here is that one year) will start from the much impact on how people to try and minimise payouts number of defamation cases people think they can say first publication of the dam- behave on social media,’ and reduce the number of Australia-wide was roughly anything about anyone on aging information, ending Jeanti St Clair said. ‘That’s trivial claims going to the the same in 2017 as 2007, but social media. To stay out of the potential for limitless up to an individual to courts, but your best defence the number that involved reach of defamation laws, you liability for defamation develop some restraint on is to show restraint when digital subject matter (social need to check yourself before when old publications are their behaviour.’ posting on social media. media posts, texts, emails you type. Don’t say anything ‘Australia’s defamation and websites) almost tripled, that is untrue or disputable laws were enacted before from 17.2 per cent to 51.3 per about another person or social media and online cent of the total number. organisation,’ she said. news coverage,’ NSW Attor- The report also showed Did I just press send? ney General, Mark Speak- that only 21 per cent of the Photo Low level slurs man, said in July. plaintiff s in judgements could bionicteaching The new legislation Tooheys New ‘Social media has resulted be considered public figures, introduces a serious harm in an explosion of minor and only 25.9 per cent of the published to blogs and in the threshold that will help carton cases over minor personal defendant ‘publishers’ were local newspaper. stop what are considered $49.99 slights, clogging courts with media companies. Social media has become ‘low level or trivial’ social costly litigation out of all Over a three-year period a forum where ‘everyone is media slurs from going to the Captain proportion to the actual to 2017, 38 of the 87 awards an author, and a publisher,’ courts. Morgan Kraken complaint.’ for damages were for Jeanti St Clair, lecturer in The new laws also try Spiced Spiced $100,000 or more. Media at Southern Cross to reduce the likelihood of Rum Rum & Modern era University, said. massive payouts by clarify- 700mL Cola/Dry Local case $ .99 4 pack His new reforms ‘will ing the cap on damages for 38 $ .99 bring defamation laws into A local case in point was Not sure? non-economic loss. 24 the modern era, improving determined in April when Then don’t hit send They also try to bolster the balance between pro- the Supreme Court ordered the speedy and non-litigious Patrón XO Houghton tecting reputations and free Gillian Norman to pay two ‘Truth is the key defence methods of resolving Cafe White speech,’ he said. developers $200,000 each in in defamation, but as the disputes. The new reforms 700mL Classic The defamation law defamation damages. defendant you have to prove make it mandatory for an $64.99 $ .99 review process was partly The men had tried to that what you say is true. aggrieved person to issue a 8 informed by a report into develop an intentional com- And that you are justified concerns notice to the pub- ‘digital defamation’ by munity north of Nimbin. Ms in sharing this information lisher prior to commencing At the Courthouse Hotel Mullumbimby the UTS Centre for Media Norman was an investor in because it is in the public any court action. Access via drive-thru or via arcade off the main street Transition, released in 2018 the failed project and criti- interest to share it. A person must also raise Promotion dates: 12/08/2020 – 25/08/2020 (Trends in Digital Defamation: cised both men in articles ‘But you still have to be a defamation claim as Keeping seniors connected – Bangalow groups combine forces

$50K in Community Grants Open to All!

We want to help our community even more and are delighted to announce that we’re tripling our contribution this year. With a total of $50,000 to be awarded, we’ve opened applications up to support individuals, families, businesses and community groups which fall within eight categories because now more than ever, our community needs us. Proudly supporting the small, the big and the even bigger, turn dreams into reality. Trisha Bleakley and Simon Harriott from Heritage House, and Bangalow Men’s Shed Applications close 30th September 2020, eligibility criteria applies* president Brian Mackney (standing centre), with diners enjoying last week’s Fish ‘n’ Chips lunch. Photo Tree Faerie Here when you need us most. Eve Jeff ery meals, taking out the weekly amongst seniors in the rubbish bins, driving seniors community. A new type of ‘support’ group to appointments, mowing One of their current has started up in Bangalow lawns, reading to an elder, projects is supporting Herit- with the help of the local playing chess with them, or age House as they serve up Southern Cross Credit Union Ltd. ABN 82 087 650 682 AFSL & Australian Credit Licence 241000. *We aim to make the application process simple and Men’s Shed and the Lions just sitting down for a cuppa delicious meals for a seniors give every applicant an equal opportunity to produce a quality application. Application must be submitted addressing the selection criteria, outlining the Club. BASICS, Bangalow and company, to name a few. social lunch. amount you are applying for as the SCCU Grants Program provides between $1k and $20k to successful applicants, awarded amount limits stated are subject to change without notice. Applications close 30th September 2020. Addressing Social Isolation The Men’s Shed, in col- If you are in need of sup- While we welcome applications from individuals, businesses, families and community groups to consider applying, unfortunately the following are ineligible for support through this program: In COVID-19 for Seniors, laboration with the Lions port, or know someone who • Individual pursuits such as debt repayments, travel or ongoing medical treatment is providing all types of Club, was successful in needs support, or can off er • Events where another financial institution, bank or insurance competitor are a sponsor • Programs that could be detrimental to public health or safety, discriminatory, or offensive to the community helpful services for seniors, obtaining funding from the support, call David on 0403 • Projects of a political or religious nature • Events that encourage smoking, substance abuse, irresponsible alcohol consumption or gambling like delivering shopping, State government to address 899 255 or email bangalow- • Organisations and events outside the Northern Rivers Region firewood and home-made increasing social isolation [email protected]. See website for additional T&C’s Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 9 Community at work For North Coast news online visit

with electricity and Telstra bills. go up at Byron Community Centre Listening Space: free counselling. on days when WWS open, with On The Horizon Staying Home, Leaving Violence instructions. program. Free Phone Counselling for Byron DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY Integrated Domestic & Family Residents: Call 0414 322 064, Email copy marked ‘On The Horizon’ to [email protected]. Violence program. 10am–2pm weekdays to make an Mullumbimby Financial Counselling: outreach appointment. Volunteer Hub practice and sanitiser is available. If available Thursdays & Fridays Emergency Food Delivery: Locals WINTER CLEARANCE you feel unwell please stay at home Financial Counselling: free service who are physically or financially The BCC Volunteer Hub is open for ONE WEEK ONLY – there is always next week! funded by the government, off ering unable to shop can now phone the business. For all your volunteer needs, advocacy & assistance to find options Byron Emergency Pantry on 0482 787 either as a volunteer or an organisation Community transport to address debts. 552 to request a free food box delivery. Bed • Bath • Living • Kids looking for volunteers, contact us Information, referral and advocacy. In this time of isolation, Liberation on [email protected] The Tweed Byron and Ballina 33 Burringbar St, Mullumbimby. Ph. 6684 6452 To enquire about accessing any of Larder is partnering in this venture to phone 6685 6807, or apply online to Community Transport (TBBCT) @linenhouse_outlets these services call 6684 1286 or fill out help out the community by providing volunteer @ is still operating through the an online enquiry form. healthy, freshly cooked meals and COVID Safe plan is in use. COVID-19 pandemic. TBBCT clients can still call to book a trip, if their fresh produce. Pottsville Croquet Club transport needs are essential eg, Byron Community Women’s Counselling: For women needing extra support, leave a Croquet has resumed at The Black medical appointments that can’t Centre continuing to message for community worker on Rocks Sports Fields (end of Overall be undertaken by Telehealth. Calls run services 6685 6807. Op Shop Drive) Pottsville. We commence are welcome, during off ice hours play at 9.30am on Tuesday and 8.30am–4.40pm, Monday to Friday on These programs include: Respite Service Cnr Tweed St & Booyun St | Next to IGA Supermarket 9.00am on Thursday. Please arrive 1300 875 895. Homeless Breakfast: 7.30–9am 15 minutes before play starts. Also, Wednesday and Friday. Byron Shire Respite Service Inc Open with restricted with the number of players growing Mullumbimby District Homeless Showers: Monday and delivers high-quality respite care to hours and with social you may have to wait a while before Neighbourhood Centre Wednesday 10–12.30pm (book in at a broad range of clients throughout distancing in place. playing, but this gives you a chance breakfast). the Byron, Ballina and Lismore to catch up with fellow players. A MDNC services that are running Women’s Support Group: Fridays shires. Donations welcome: Ph Mon to Fri 10am–4pm reminder that Annual membership include: (women only) 1–3pm at Community 6685 1921, email fundraiser@ Sat 9am–1pm subscription is now due: $50. Community support/emergency Cabins., website: Remember social distancing is in relief: Food parcels, meals, assistance Severe Wet Weather Shelter: signs ALL CLOTHES $2 and Ukulele; and Thursdays meeting held Fridays 2pm. Uniting • Ph 0447 927 600 Studio 55 Drama for Seniors. Church Bangalow – 1300 252 666 Regular As Clockwork For more information visit DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY Support aft er suicide [email protected] 0404 050 361 Please note that, owing to space restrictions, not all entries may be Prostate cancer support StandBy provides support to people included each week. Email copy marked ‘Regular As Clockwork’ to Monthly meetings of the Northern who have lost someone to suicide. [email protected]. Rivers Prostate Cancer Support They provide free face-to-face and Group will recommence at 11am telephone support and are accessible Red Cross webinars Computers for seniors Wednesday, 19 August at Alstonville 24/7. Follow-up contact is available for Bowling Club, Deegan Drive, up to one year. Find out more at: www. On August 26 and 27 the Red Cross Byron Bay Community Centre will be Alstonville. Members please note or call 13 11 14. is running two free webinars to running a computer club for seniors changes to day and time. We will If you, or someone you are with, are in help communities cope with the at the Community Cabin in Carlyle share stories of current health and need of immediate support please call an ambulance or police on 000. challenging circumstances they have St on Fridays, 8.30 till 10.30am. wellbeing progress during these past faced in 2020. The webinar will be Contact the Byron Community few months of coronavirus isolation. Feel Good Friday lead by Natalie Fraser, a psychologist Centre on 02 6685 6807, email: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer August Special with 25 years experience working [email protected]. and their partners or carers are most A free weekly group for women to with families and children in access support and relax. Feel Good Property Biodiversity Report $500 Free walking group welcome to attend the meeting. crisis contexts. To register go to Enquiries, phone Gordon (02) 6684 Fridays happen every Friday from 1 till 3pm at the Byron Community Cabin on and then make Free 1200 Heart Foundation Walking 1137 or 0415 664 649 your way to the Bushfire recovery groups may be restarting in: Ballina, Carlyle Street (behind the tennis courts MAYOR’S COLUMN events and webinars section. Byron, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Drug support groups in the recreational grounds). Just Valley and Tweed. Search https:// drop-in, no bookings or commitment By Byron Shire Mayor Simon Richardson Dog trainers Call Alcoholics Anonymous 1800 423 necessary. For any further information 431 or 0401 945 671 – 30 meetings a and any questions just let me know by Brunswick Area Responsible walking/new-south-wales to find a week in the Shire – calling the Byron Community Centre Canine Owners (BARCO) need group near you. Are you experiencing diff iculties and on 6685 6807. We have kicked off this financial more volunteer trainers to support challenges because of the alcohol or year with a total budget of $162 increases in demand. Training takes Seniors program drug use of someone close to you? Library fun place on Sunday morning. People The Byron Community Centre Learn coping skills and gain support million of which $58 million is from others. Narcotics Anonymous Baby Bounce session Mullumbimby will have personal experience in Seniors Programs has started earmarked for capital works. The is a group of recovering addicts who – Tuesday 11.30am, Brunswick training dogs. They also need to be again. These include: Tuesdays work we are doing on our roads meet regularly to help each other stay Heads – Friday 10.30am, Byron happy working with dog owners, Seniors Drumming with Gareth clean. For information and meetings Bay – Wednesday 10am. Storytime and bridges is really evident and as BARCO is really about teaching Jones. Session 1 at 10.30am and call1300 652 820 or text your postcode for toddlers and pre-school children there will be plenty more of that to people to train their own dogs. session 2 at 1.30pm in the Byron to 0488 811 247. Are Mullumbimby – Momday, 10am, come this year. Contact Eve Sinton at barcodogs@ Theatre, Seniors Chair Yoga you concerned about somebody else’s Brunswick Heads – Monday 10.30am, at 12 noon; Wednesdays Choir drinking? Al-Anon Family Groups Byron Bay – Tuesday 10.30am. In a Shire like ours you don’t have to look hard to see the great work our volunteers and community groups do, so it’s one of our smaller budget items that probably does some of the greater good in our community. We’ve allocated $22,900 for five not-for-profit organisations to help them with the work they do in our Shire – the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter, Brunswick Valley Rescue, Brunswick Volunteer Marine Rescue, North Coast Academy of Sport, and Tweed- Byron Life Education. Yes it’s a small donation, but it’s recognition of the immense benefit these organisations bring to the community in terms of emergency help, education and sporting opportunities for young people. It also takes the pressure off these volunteers who would normally have to fire up the barbie and flip quite a few snags to PAY AT END FAMILY LAWYERS get the money for equipment and programs. – for approved asset split claims We are especially fortunate to have Brunswick Valley EXPERIENCE WITH COMPLEX FAMILY LAW MATTERS Rescue and Brunswick Valley Marine Rescue operating INVOLVING TRUSTS AND ESTATE PLANNING in our Shire and over the years these organisations Stamp duty exemption for transfer of property have saved many lives. This is a very small way that related to Family Law Separation. Council, on behalf of the community, can say thank you. Female and male family lawyers available. Australian Family Law Group / Heydon Lawyers 02 6685 6188 • • Offices in: Byron Bay, Murwillumbah, Sydney, Brisbane

10 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News

US election 2020 – America’s greatest tragedy Phillip Frazer that the Deep State also has a plan for making a plausible election happen Four years ago, as the last on November 3, and another plan for • Wills and Estates • Litigation and representation presidential election approached, I blocking Trump from delegitimising • Family Law • Criminal Law reported that polls suggested Trump the results either in court or by • Conveyancing • Notary Public Services was neck and neck with Hillary, even unleashing his gathering army of though mainstream media were stormtroopers. saying she was a snap. Also, that even I hope that those plans exist and Legal advice and Notary service if she got more votes than he did he that they work because (1) the Deep and Trump will win again. Mob 0414 171 010 Ph (02) 5626 8041 could win via the state-by-state voting They are not a majority of Americans, State is a lesser evil than Trump and racket called the ‘electoral college’, and and the election of a president and (2) out of the wreckage of the virus- thirdly that Republican bureaucrats the Congress of the United States of damaged economy a global movement and thugs would intimidate voters and America is not a poll of opinion; it is a to rescue the human species has a DrDr JonJon VeraneseVeranese BDSBDS manipulate voting machines. bizarre and chaotic way of appointing slim chance of prevailing, and (3) the All that happened and we got the the bosses of a multi-trillion dollar Deep State is probably the only force grotesque presidency of Trump and his enterprise called the US Government. presently capable of stopping Trump gang of mumble-thugs. And now, finally, a majority of the and his gang and thus giving the rest of And it could happen again this year people who think in terms of trillions us that slim chance. on November 3, because while Trump of dollars, including the military- During these last few months of has turned out to be more crooked than intelligence bosses, have decided that the American election, if you can bear just about anyone predicted, so has Trump and his gang are not up to the to watch at all, keep your eyes NOT American democracy. job, and are in fact bad for business. on the poll numbers for Biden versus Australians watching the American Trump (Biden will stay ahead), but on elections are mostly watching the Deep State better than Trump? the numbers of voters disenfranchised, polls, not the election. If you watched It is America’s greatest tragedy that polling stations shut down, postal that ABC documentary stroll through the first ever challenge to their Deep services defunded, mail-in ballots America in which the woman Trump- State has come from a poly-ignorant shredded, voting machines disabled, lover weeps in gratitude for his concern sociopath with an obsessive need to and wars threatened or waged against for her country you might conclude trash everyone else. The People may Iran, China, and the people that Trump that sincere Americans like her, plus the rise up behind Alexandria Ocasio Cortez calls anarcho-terrorists, also known potbellied AK-47 wielding wanna-be in 2024, but for now, one more return to as the justifiably pissed-off masses of biker-boys spraying spittle in the faces America. the Deep State is better than Trump II. the best in holistic oral care of those who question their right to Boston Globe If these numbers turn out badly, Dog The has just published with a gentle touch, empathy infect the public’s space with anything save us all. a series on plans underway to get and conscious dental solutions and everything they god-damn want… Trump out of the White House by any Q Phillip Frazer blogs at you might conclude that this coalition means necessary, assuming there is [email protected] represents the majority of Americans, an election, and that he loses it. I hope 6684 6550 • 0411 031 301 Sealing Seven Mile Beach Road questioned Aslan Shand Council for years to look at be presented at the Council Nature Reserve. It appears ways to resolve the issues. meeting on 27 August, 2020.’ that they haven’t even done The announcement of fund- ‘Allocating money prior Former Mayor, Jan the design for the work. ing to seal Seven Mile Beach to delivering a report, which Barham, who lives in the Last time they wanted to The Byron Shire Echo Road, to the Kings Beach is well overdue, pre-deter- area said that the sealing take all the trees out on Volume 35 #10 • August 19, 2020 carpark, has met with mixed mines the outcome of these of the Kings Beach carpark either side of the road to get Established 1986 • 23,500 copies every week responses. consultations,’ she said. has been on the books for the machinery in. This is a While some residents ‘The most pressing a long time. However, her Nature Reserve, and it has Phone: 02 6684 1777 have welcomed the reduc- agenda is to find a way concern lies around the lack the highest level of protec- Editorial/news: [email protected] tion in dust and its impact on of restricting numbers to of forethought and planning tion in Australia because of Advertising: [email protected] the Nature Reserve, others Broken Head. Sealing the that has gone into the grant its ecological significance Off ice: Village Way, Stuart Street, have concerns. first section of Seven Mile application for such an envi- and scientific status.’ Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Issues around the number will eff ectively entice more ronmentally sensitive area. The BSC spokesperson General Manager Simon Haslam of cars using the road, park- vehicles.’ ‘The big issue is the confirmed that, ‘Surveys Acting Editor Aslan Shand ing, and danger to walkers Regarding the strategic impact on the Nature and design for the sealing Editor (on leave) Hans Lovejoy have been raised for many traff ic and tourism report Reserve,’ she told The Echo. of 700m of Seven Mile Photographer Jeff Dawson Nicholas Shand Advertising Manager Angela Harris 1948–1996 years. Resident, Alison a Byron Shire Council ‘If you don’t do proper Beach Road to Kings Beach Production Manager Ziggi Browning Founding Editor Drover says they have been spokesperson said, ‘Staff are drainage in an area like this carpark have not yet been meeting with Byron Shire preparing a report which will you will get runoff into the completed.’ © 2020 Echo Publications Pty Ltd – ABN 86 004 000 239 Reg. by Aust. Post Pub. No. NBF9237

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#breakfastwithbrookfarm #realfood #brookfarm Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 11 Byron Shire Council Notices Local News

COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Bangalow Music Festival in We are here to help. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING & ASSESSMENT ACT, 1979 Call us or check our website for current opening hours and The following development applications (DAs) have been received running for Excellence Award temporary service changes. by Council and require exhibition in accordance with Council’s Phone 8.30am–4.30pm 02 6626 7000 Community Participation Plan 2019. DAs may be viewed online Eve Jeff ery Netanela Mizrahi and Guw- Website or by using the Online kiosk anbal Gurruwiwi for the Djari Email [email protected] at Council’s Customer Service Centre during normal offi ce hours. Nominations for this year’s Project; and Rae Howell for Emergency After Hours 02 6622 7022 Submissions Art Music Awards have just Bee-Sharp Honeybee. Offi ce Address 70 Station St, Mullumbimby Once you have viewed the DA, you can use the online form been announced by APRA BMF and Southern Cross Works Depot 02 6685 9300 in the ‘Make a Submission’ tab on the DA Tracker or go to AMCOS, and the Bangalow Soloists Artistic Director, SES Controller 02 6684 3444 Further information on Music Festival is a finalist in Tania Frazer, said the Rural Fire Service 02 6671 5500 making a submission is available at the Award for Excellence in a Southern Cross Soloists Byron Resource Recovery Centre 1300 652 625 a-submission-on-a-DA. Regional Area category. are very excited about the Cavanbah Centre 02 6685 5911 Political Donations Disclosure APRA AMCOS and the nomination. Documents on exhibition are available for viewing on Council’s There are requirements in relation to the disclosure of political gifts Australian Music Centre ‘We are so honoured to website at and on and donations. Refer to Council’s website to satisfy yourself that you say that without question have received this nomina- are complying with your disclosure obligations prior to lodging a this year’s awards have the tion, particularly as we CURRENT VACANCIES submission most vibrant and surprising are not able to hold [the Please quote the development application and property line-up of shortlisted artists, Festival] this year due to the Apply for a job at Council. For current vacancies refer to description when making a submission. works and performances in coronavirus. Current-vacancies. EXHIBITION CLOSES 26 AUGUST 2020 the history of the awards. ‘2019 marked our 18th con- The Art Music Awards secutive festival in Bangalow, SIGN UP TO OUR 10.2020.363.1 – Mullumbimby, 114C Main Arm Road (Lot 8 celebrates achievements in which has grown into one of DP 258349) COMMUNITY E NEWSLETTER Byron Bay Planning & Property Consultants, Tourist the fields of composition, Australia’s most acclaimed Accommodation Six (6) Cabins including Use of Existing Structure performance, education, and classical music festivals.’ Visit as Communal Kitchen and Laundry or use your phone camera to access the Australian art music. sign up page using this QR code. 10.2020.361.1 – Byron Bay, Gilmore Crescent (Lot 457 DP This year’s awards are Strength to strength 1087879) Mr J McKay, Use of Commercial Kitchen streaming as a virtual event, Ms Frazer said, ‘The festi- 10.2020.354.1 – Skinners Shoot, 104 Yagers Lane (Lot 4 DP premiering on APRA AMCOS’ val has grown from strength OPEN FOR FEEDBACK 8385) Balanced Systems Planning Consultants, Tourist and Visitor YouTube channel. to strength due to the close Accommodation Facility ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION AREAS – A record 278 nominations relationship between South- EXHIBITION CLOSES 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 were received across 13 ern Cross Soloists and the DRAFT RESIDENTIAL STRATEGY national categories, despite people of Bangalow, its busi- 10.2020.370.1 – Bangalow, 68 Byron Street (Lots 12,13,14 Sec Following the public exhibition of the draft Residential Strategy the pandemic locking states nesses and its surrounds, as 6 DP 4358) Ardill Payne & Partners, Stage 1: Change of Use of in August to October 2019, submissions were received to have down just as the entries were well as many, many more Existing Building from Residential (Dwelling House) to Commercial additional lands included for potential residential development. about to close. It is the works wonderful supporters. (Offi ces/Shops) including Alterations and Additions to Existing The submissions were considered by Council at the 18 June Building and Provision of Car Parking and artists that reveal the ‘This award honours both planning meeting where the decision was made to include 6 Stage 2: Demolition of Existing Detached Garage Building sheer breadth of expression the festival and the 2019 additional ‘investigation areas’ in our Residential Strategy. and Construction of a New Detached Building to be Used for and creative vision in the art program, as well as all the We invite your feedback on the inclusion of the additional lands Commercial Purposes and Provision of Car Parking music community today. amazing community support which are: 10.2020.368.1 – Main Arm, 189 Coopers West Lane (Lot 3 DP for Southern Cross Soloists.’ • Part of 20 Prince St Mullumbimby 203089) Ms R J Lemaire, Use of Alterations and Additions to Excellence in a Ms Frazer said organisers • 152 Stuart St and 124, 127, 130, 132, 134 Station St, Dwelling House, Garage, Carport and Swimming Pool Regional Area would have been prepping Mullumbimby 10.2020.384.1 – Coorabell, 9 Newes Road (Lot 6 DP 248897) now for this year’s event. ‘We In the Award for Excel- are so disappointed that this • Part of Lot PT32 DP 1169053 located east of Tuckeroo Avenue, Matt Walker Town Planning, Use of Secondary Dwelling and lence in a Regional Area, the year’s festival was unable to Mullumbimby Carport and New Pool Cabana Bangalow Music Festival was go ahead – it should have • 31 Ballina Road Lot 2 DP 1260751, Bangalow 10.2020.366.1 – Goonengerry, 205 Repentance Creek Road (Lot nominated for its 2019 event, been this weekend – but we • Part of Lot 350 DP 755695 located on Ewingsdale Road, Byron 1 DP 252384) Ms S Druitt, Use of secondary Dwelling, Alterations alongside Gillian Howell and are looking forward to our Bay (corner of Kendall Street) and Additions to existing Dwelling and New Swimming Pool 2021 festival, which will be • Part of 64 Corkwood Crescent, Byron Bay Tura New Music for the Fitz- 10.2020.386.1 – Bangalow, 5 Lismore Road (Lot 17 DP 1227099) roy Valley New Music Project; August 12–15, 2021.’ Further information and location maps are available on Council’s Planners North, Change of Use of Shop 1 and Shop 2 website, where you can make a submission online. Submissions close: Friday 31 August 2020 Enquiries: Natalie Hancock 02 6626 7169 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS DETERMINED LOVE BYRON HALLS Development Applications determined are available online using the DA Tracker on Council’s website.  Do you love where you live? LOCAL HERITAGE PLACES GRANTS NOW OPEN 2020/2021 Go to and navigate to  Do you want to meet new people? Applications Determined from the menu on the left side of the page.  Do you want to make things happen locally? Owners of heritage properties in the Byron Shire can apply now for Notices and accompanying documentation will be available online  Do you want to create new connections? grants to help restore their pride and joy. The Local Heritage Places up to 5-7 days following determination. CALLING FOR COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO HELP Grant program aims to raise awareness of heritage conservation, with a funding contribution from the NSW Offi ce of Environment MANAGE BANAGLOW A&I HALL and Heritage. PROPOSED LEASE Council is calling for nominations for additional members to the Byron Shire Council has heritage grants opportunities up to $3,000, OF A PUBLIC ROAD RESERVE TO THE LAND OWNER Bangalow A&I Hall, specifi cally for the role of Treasurer. depending on applications, for projects that will enhance individual ADJOINING 77 MASSINGER STREET BYRON BAY Love Byron Halls is an initiative to celebrate your halls and venues places, buildings and historic streetscapes and will promote as spaces to get together. Community involvement in managing appreciation of Byron Shire’s history. FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR community facilities provides better outcomes for locals while The focus for the 2020-2021 Local Heritage Places Grants is Council proposes to lease a portion of unused road reserve engaging and including local people and providing an opportunity conservation works that enhance individual places, buildings and adjoining 77 Massinger Street Byron Bay for a period of 1 year for to participate in local community life. Halls are at the heart of our historic streetscapes including buildings in conservation areas the purpose of a children’s tree house. communities. that will in turn promote and foster the community’s and visitor’s In accordance with Section 154 of the Roads Act 1993, interested Nomination forms, further information such as Terms of appreciation of the Shire. persons are invited to make submissions about this proposal within References, the ‘Halls and Venues Guidelines for Section 355 Successful applicants will need to contribute one dollar for every 28 days. Management Committees and Boards’ and past meeting minutes dollar provided by the grant, and the restoration work must be can be found on Council’s Web site at Submissions should be in writing and addressed to the General completed by 30 March 2021. au/Council/Committees-and-groups/Section-355-Committees-and- Manager, Byron Shire Council, PO Box 219 Mullumbimby 2482 Boards-of-Management To apply, please complete a nomination To fi nd out more about the Local Places Heritage Grants program or sent by email to [email protected]. form available from the website. go to Emailed submissions to this address only will be acknowledged. Nominations close: Friday 28 August 2020 Applications close on 21 August, 2020 at 4pm. Submissions Open: 29 July 2020 Submissions Close: 26 August 2020 Enquiries: Joanne McMurtry, Community Project Offi cer, General Enquiries: email [email protected] or contact 02 6626 7316 or [email protected] Noreen Scott 02 6626 7062 or Nancy Tarlao on 02 6626 7000. Enquiries: Paula Telford 02 6626 7300

12 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Local News

LëſĎćşſĎĕſĈōşƆƖſĕƆëǔĕĈƐōşĈëōĪëŔĶōĶĕƆ BYRON BAY PORK & Mandy Nolan travelled to Byron to take sister’s house in Queensland area. She is in quarantine MEATS BUTCHERY their kids to a soccer match, where he is currently residing. with two kids at a cost of a The hard border closures they would need to quaran- ‘The communication from few thousand dollars.’ Come in and see our friendly between Queensland and tine for two weeks before the Queensland government Mike believes the closure staff for a choice of local, grass NSW have created significant accessing border crossings to is not clear, so we have had has had a sudden and dra- fed, organic & free-range meats. impacts across NSW commu- Queensland again. to make pre-emptive moves. matic impact on his family All antibiotic and hormone free. nities with some residents There’s talk in Queensland and the uncertainty is taking having to jump ship and Splitting families of [the border closure] going its toll both financially and 7–5pm Mon to Fri | 8–12pm Sat move state with just a few These rules have created through until Christmas. emotionally. days notice. mayhem for many locals. ‘I can’t imagine how many ‘We didn’t even have time 70 Dalley St, Mullumbimby | 6684 2137 Byron Shire Mayor, Simon One Ocean Shores resident, people have been caught to pack’ he said. Richardson, has been work- Mike, has had to leave his off guard,’ says Mike who ing with mayors and general family home and relocate to believes his pre-emptive Intertwined managers in the Northern Queensland for an unspeci- action has saved his job. communities Rivers region to negotiate fied period of time. ‘If you didn’t do what I did flexibility with the Queens- Mike manages a family before [the border] closure Negotiations are ongoing land government. owned, kitchen-based you are stuff ed. I went to the according to Mr Richardson ‘We had a meeting [last business on the Gold Coast. police station in Southport who says that multiple local Thursday] and we have His wife is a senior sales and and even they couldn’t really councils are continuing another one next week,’ Mr design consultant for a land- work it out. It was mixed their conversations with the Richardson told The Echo. scape business, also based messages.’ Queensland government ‘We are trying to work out on the Gold Coast. They have Mike’s wife and two to ensure that appropriate a Northern Rivers bubble three daughters aged 10, 15, daughters have relocated to measures are in place. boundary.’ and 17. Queensland with his elder ‘We are looking to put The current confusion Mike also provides care daughter, doing her HSC, some reasonable proposal to is around the creation of a for his elderly parents who remaining in the Byron Shire. the Queensland government ‘bubble’ or ‘border zone’. live in Queensland so it is ‘My wife had to fly from to get over the border. They Those in the bubble can imperative that he is able to Ballina to Sydney then have a right to not want their access Queensland, but both run his business and Sydney to Brisbane, and residents to get sick, but we when they return they care for his parents. she’s there for the next need some compromise, cannot leave the NSW border ‘The stress of trying week. She couldn’t cross in especially since there zone area. While Pottsville to work it out has been her car because we were in has never been a locally- is in the bubble, if a person enormous,’ says Mike from his the Byron local government acquired positive test.’ Byron Council approves ‘ugly’ Wategos DA Paul Bibby She also said that the design team had endeav- It was described by one oured to create a dual occu- Byron councillor as ‘pretty pancy that was ‘sensitive to ugly’ and ‘very blocky’. the site constraints while at But the dual occupancy the same time in keeping development at 11 Brownell with the Wategos of today’. Drive, Wategos looks set to ‘The resulting building is go ahead aft er being granted considered to be a quality deferred commencement design outcome for the site,’ consent at last week’s plan- she said. ning meeting. Byron Councillor Basil Cam- However, they said other However, a planner The proposal involves eron told the meeting. variations were opposed, representing the neighbour demolishing an existing ‘I think from the side and changes would need to the immediate south of ĉćŮʼnA""ġʼnʼn house and replacing it with it looks very blocky in to be made prior to off icial the development said it %DQNVLD'ULYHHYROYHE\URQED\FRPDX two three-storey dwellings, particular. consent being granted. was ‘not consistent with the each with three bedrooms, a ‘How the planning con- These included changes predominant character in double garage, roof-top ter- sultant could try to convince to building height, floor the locality’. race and swimming pool. us that it’s responding to space ratio and the replace- ‘Approval of dual In its original form it a coastal environment is ment of two courtyard areas occupancies contravening Ballina exceeded development beyond me.’ with terraced landscaping the building height plane standards in multiple In their report on the and plantings. and setbacks would create • NOURISHING MEALS MORE THAN JUST A MEAL respects, including height, proposal, Council staff found Planning consultant precedents for mass over- We deliver nutritious, floor space ratio, setbacks, that some of the exceed- Karina Vikstrom, repre- development at Wategos, • DELIVERED TO delicious meals to the elderly, people with a disability or and earthworks. ances were ‘supported in senting the owner of the changing the character of YOUR DOOR ‘What do I think of the an area that is known for high risk consumers during the circumstances’ as they property, said there was no the COVID-19 pandemic. development? I think it’s were ‘not out of character for objection to the application its coastal significance,’ the • NO WAITING LIST OR pretty ugly to be honest,’ Wategos Beach’. of the extra conditions. planner said. LOCK-IN CONTRACT Meals can be delivered weekly as frozen packs for • CONTACT FREE you to heat or daily if you Valuing Mullum require a hot meal. KEEPING YOU CONNECTED This month it was Jordan her outstanding service in WE’RE KEEPING Our social support volunteers Deihm of Mullumbimby her job working at the local YOU SAFE BY will phone you for a social Bakery who was recognised bakery. REDUCING THE chat and check on your wellbeing. for ‘putting her neck out’ The Staff Giraff e is a NEED FOR YOU in the name of customer way for the Mullumbimby TO GO SHOPPING service in Mullumbimby. Chamber of Commerce 6686 2636 Mullumbimby Chamber of to regularly recognise W. Commerce member, Shane the great work of people E. [email protected] Robins, from Mullum Mac who go out of their way presented this month’s Staff to help others in the local Giraff e to Jordan Deihm for community. Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 13 Comment For North Coast news online visit Aged care failures nothing new will turn 80 next year, which means Well, as is almost always the case where Instead, he installed private contractors The Byron Shire Echo that the issue of aged care is rapidly disputes over federalism erupt, it’s a bit who bonked their way through the build- I assuming more than academic of both. Andrews is stuck with the day ings while the stir-crazed detainees surged Volume 35 #10 • August 19, 2020 significance. to day running of the institutions, which out to spread the virus across Melbourne, I still hope and expect my last years to has seldom been optimal, and at times across Victoria, across the nation. Criminal be spent peacefully at home, but given catastrophic. He can pay for whatever negligence, if not deliberate sabotage. The Defending Planet A my declining health I have to accept that Morrison is willing to fund, beyond the fees man must resign, or better, suff er ritual it may not be possible – I will have to go (frequently exorbitant) levied on the hapless disembowelment. The review of Australia’s Environment Protection and into some sort of home. And the prospect residents, but obviously it just isn’t enough. According to this theory, the gallant Dig- Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBCA) recently released leaves me with gloom and apprehension. gers were ready with every assistance, and made it abundantly clear that the laws protecting our This is almost certainly unfair – almost ‘There is more than Andrews had churlishly refused them: no environment and species that depend on it in Australia all aged care facilities are doing their best enough anecdotal ifs, no buts. And ScoMo’s Defence Minister, are woefully inadequate. This is compounded by an and most are managed, and managing, evidence to demonstrate Linda Reynolds, had a timeline to prove it. overriding attitude that we, as humans, have the right to very well. The ABC’s wonderful series Except that she didn’t. What the that some facilities are use the ‘resources’ that are just sitting out there doing about bringing four year olds into one of timeline in fact shows is that there was nothing until we find a use for them. them for regular visits shows that with clearly dysfunctional, certainly an understanding between But those resources are far from ‘doing nothing’. They ingenuity and diligence an aged care home with neglect not commonwealth and state off icials that are ensuring that the planet can continue to support life, can be a place of joy and hope. uncommon and assistance would be forthcoming, if and including humans. As long as the dominant narrative Some of my older female friends have even willful murder when it was required, and that Emergency doesn’t give value to what the plants, animals, soil, and taken the plunge. Aft er a usually brief occasionally revealed.’ Management Victoria commissioner, the planet’s atmosphere provide, it allows us to willingly, period of assimilation they have found the Andrew Crisp, was well and truly in the or unwillingly, be led down a path that undermines life as transition both comfortable and beneficial. Mungo MacCallum loop discussing details of how it could be we know it on Earth. I can’t say the same for my older male implemented with the off icers of the ADF. Over the weekend it was reported that Greenland’s ice friends, because they are almost all dead. It wasn’t before COVID-19 emerged, and Initially that was to be limited to trans- sheet, the largest single contributor to ocean levels rising, That is another article altogether. it certainly isn’t now. And it is more than port, specifically collecting those bound has melted beyond the point of no return. This should be But there is more than enough anec- disingenuous for the feds to claim that for isolation from the airport to their ringing alarm bells. dotal evidence to demonstrate that some they had a plan ready in the event of a hotels, but extending that to using defence There are millions of signs telling us that if we don’t facilities are clearly dysfunctional, with pandemic, and that it was in the process of personnel as security once they got take action now, then we will end up with a seriously neglect not uncommon and even willful working. There wasn’t and it isn’t. there was also on the table. Crisp is firm depleted planet – not in the lifetimes of our children and murder occasionally revealed. Sadly, Brendan Murphy, the newly that those negotiations did not involve grandchildren, but in our lifetimes. And sometimes not revealed – covered minted head of the health department, Andrews or his off ice, and that neither the In Australia some of us are aware of the obvious up – so that the homes can operate to has been drawn into the deception. premier nor any of his ministers actually dangers. Protesters have been out at COVID-safe ‘pop-up the satisfaction of their owners, oft en rich Having been promoted, presumably on made a request. protests’ on the lack of action to save Australia’s iconic entrepreneurs who have built financial the strength of his credibility in his role as This can be dismissed as plausible koalas, and on the federal government’s ignorant drive empires over the graves of their victims. the government’s chief health off icer, he is deniability – or even somewhat implau- to continue to support coal and gas extraction as a way So it is not surprising that they are now pushing spin rather than substance. sible deniability. And in hindsight the forward aft er the pandemic. regarded as places of last resort; twilight His extraordinary intervention in the decision was unwise, although Western It is easy to feel powerless in a world that seems far homes, God’s waiting rooms where the commission, demanding the right to Australia pursued the same strategy outside of our control, but there are many contributions frail and helpless are left to die. Or, that defend Morrison’s plan, has been more without unleashing the horrors of the everyone can make at myriad levels. For many of us it there is community outrage at the lack than embarrassing. His line was that the garden state’s second wave. But there is starts with thinking about what we buy at the shops, for of adequate supervision, from within the plan must be working – because the death no smoking gun. As is so oft en the case, others it is planting trees, or reminding politicians at all industry or the government. rate in aged care homes in Australia com- we are looking at a stuff -up rather than a levels of government that they should be acting in the This was the case long before coronavi- pared with the rest of the population was conspiracy. best interests of all the world’s citizens. rus inveigled its way in, but the number of less than that in England. And the same can probably be said For others it is laying their lives on the line. A record deaths in the last months has forced mat- And it may be, but it is still more than the about Morrison’s handling of the aged number of people, 212, were killed in the last year for ters to something of a tipping point. There rate anywhere else – Australia ranks among care crisis, which makes his stubborn ‘defending their land and environment’ according to a is a royal commission under way, with the the worst in the developed world, depend- insistence that his government really did report in the Guardian on 29 July. likelihood of reform, although given the ing on how you do the numbers. To claim have a plan to prepare for it all the more But there is hope – from the quiet dedication of those complexities of the area it may take quite a that as some sort of triumph is as menda- puzzling. He says he is sorry if his plan did defending the threatened hummingbird, to the noisier while to implement. cious as anything coming out of Morrison’s not meet community expectations. But if and disruptive actions of activist groups like Extinction And Australian politics being what it is, off ice. Even The Australian wasn’t buying it. there was a plan at all, it has self-evidently Rebellion. the blame game is also well under way: is But what The Australian was buying, failed, and he would do better to apologise The question is, what action are you going to take? this ongoing disaster the fault of the states, indeed vigorously promoting, was the unreservedly than to continue to try and What choices will you make to shift the balance towards and particularly Victoria, under the social- distraction: the reason for the stuff -up defend the indefensible. a future that is creating the change we need to see? ist dictatorship of Daniel Andrews who is in hotel quarantine restrictions was not To admit to an honest oversight makes The planet will go on without us, but we can’t go on axiomatically responsible for everything, only entirely Andrews’ fault, which goes better political sense than attempting to without this planet. We are just one thread in the amazing or does the buck stop with the com- without saying, but could have been bluff his way out of it. And it would help to web that is this small, water-filled planet flying through monwealth, who, as Scott Morrison once avoided; Andrews knocked back an off er reassure those likely to become the reluctant space. It is so easy to forget how magical that really is. admitted with unwonted candour, are the from defence personnel who were willing, clients of the homes, which is considerably Aslan Shand, acting editor people who can dole out the money? and probably eager, to take over. more important than saving face.

SOMERVILLE LAUNDRY LOMAX SOLICITORS 89 Jonson Street, Byron Bay • 6680 8525 • • @sllsolicitors

14 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Letters

Industrial land court action, which Council Sixty-two per cent of With respect to heritage, Council resolved last Thurs- avoids like the plague. respondents from the Kimba the land at Napandee is pri- day to ignore NSW Dept of On the next Council, Greens community supported the vately owned, has been used Planning advice and retain will not jump the gun on proposal moving ahead for farming for 80 years, and land areas around Gulgan process; we will heed expert – 90.41 per cent of eligible there is no Native Title on it. Road in the list of areas to be advice; and we will protect the locals participated in the That said, the govern- developed under Council’s environment and community ballot. ment continues to seek the Business & Industrial Lands from poor development. 39.71 per cent of the involvement of the Barn- Strategy (BILS). Poor processes lead to Barngarla Determination garla, who are the traditional Three councillors voted poor outcomes, of which Aboriginal Corporation voted owners of the land in the against and one was absent. there are enough without against the proposal in their area. Amazingly, Council staff inviting more. own ballot – 58.38 per cent The fact is that Australia’s were in favour – they draft ed Duncan Dey did not respond. radioactive waste has built the resolution for Council. Main Arm The intermediate level up over the past 60 years, The BILS includes land waste will be temporarily and is spread over more than whose suitability has yet to Dunoon Dam stored at the purpose-built 100 sites across the country. be proven, for which infra- It has been proposed to facility for a few decades, It is not only interna- structure may or may not be increase the catchment of until a diff erent type of facil- tional best practice but feasible, and whose quan- the Dunoon Dam by erect- ity, likely a deep geological good common sense to tum yields a strategy off ering ing another dam near The one, is sited in a diff erent consolidate that waste, in Cartoon by Holly English four times the 10 hectares Channon. location. a single, safe, secure, and predicted by Council’s own This area has been Progress is already being purpose-built facility near experts as being needed in a carefully inspected by Rous Nukes response Australian Royal Commis- made on that facility, with a community that broadly high-growth scenario (prior Water and local Indigenous I write in response to the sion, the facility will only be Australian science agen- supports it. to COVID-19). elders. article ‘Feds push on with used for Australia’s waste, cies and the International Under the existing federal A play on words was part They have noted plan for nuclear waste facility not international waste, and Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), legislation, the Minister of Council’s resolution. While Aboriginal burial sites and in Central Aus’ (The Echo, 11 no high-level waste can be already examining disposal for Resources could have NSW Planning says the extra relics. The stone relics can be August 2020). stored at the facility. options. ▶ Continued on next page areas are okay for ‘prelimi- relocated. What we are proposing These conditions are set nary investigation’, Council Not so for the scar trees is a National Radioactive in legislation. just says, ‘Go!’. and the burial sites. Waste Management Facility The co-location of low These areas should not be If we feel repugnance for the permanent disposal and intermediate level opened up for speculation at the desecration of the of Australia’s low-level waste, waste at the facility has but now are. Land values Indigenous sites by Rio Tinto and temporary storage of our been the basis of the facility rise when a ‘higher use’ is recently, then how can we intermediate level waste. proposal since 2015 and Give yourself granted for them. approve the flooding of More than 80 per cent of the Kimba community was That then raises the pres- sacred areas by this dam? this waste is the by-product well informed about the happy feet sure on Council to approve. If Black Lives Matter then of nuclear medicine that two proposal, in advance of their Community then, once surely Black Deaths Matter in three Australians will need local council ballot. again, has to battle to pre- as well. in their lifetime. Our feet are an amazing part of the body, they carry us vent a disaster. And disap- Cindy Thummel Unlike the proposal around all day long, yet usually get the last look in when it comes to health care and nurturing the body. pointed developers threaten Clunes considered by the 2015 South Letters to ;orѴ;o[;m|_bmh|_;u;bvѴb‚Ѵ;|o0;7om;=ouvou;-m7 the Editor ঞu;7=;;|ķ_o‰;ˆ;ur-bmbv†v†-ѴѴ‹-mbm7b1-|ou|_-| vol;|_bm]bvmo|t†b|;ub]_|ĺ)b|_|_;=;;|1om|-bmbm]oˆ;u MULLUMBIMBY Send to Letters Editor 25% of the bones in the whole body, along with forty Aslan Shand, email: muscles and hundreds of ligaments and tendons, it’s no PUBLIC SCHOOL [email protected], fax: wonder that problems arise. 6684 1719. Deadline: Noon, Friday. Letters longer than †ѴѴ†l0bl0‹olru;_;mvbˆ;;-Ѵ|_;m|u;mo‰_-v- – HOUSE NAMES dedicated Podiatry clinic with an experienced and 200 words may be cut. ruo=;vvbom-Ѵ|;-l7;7b1-|;7|o_;Ѵrbm]‹o†Ѵooh-[;u Letters already published your precious feet. in other papers will not be Context: considered. Please include ;-Ѵ|_=†m7v-m7;7b1-u;u;0-|;v-ˆ-bѴ-0Ѵ;ĺ your full name, address Mullumbimby Public School currently has four house groups, and phone number for &PMKL,YRXIV4LMPMTERH/MRKũREQIHEJXIVXLIƤVWXKSZIVRSVW verification purposes. CALL 6684 1511 60 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby of NSW. Upon enrolment students are placed into one of XLILSYWIW8LILSYWIWTVSZMHIEREZIRYIJSVWXYHIRXWXS participate and engage in friendly competition in a range of WGLSSPEGXMZMXMIWMRGPYHMRKWTSVXWGEVRMZEPW8LI]EPWSJEGMPMXEXI 86 JONSON ST, BYRON BAY AND THE FAMOUS EɅGYPXYVISJTSWMXMZIWGLSSPWTMVMX 6685 7662 RAILS kitchen A proposal has been submitted by a member of the Mullumbimby Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) to change the names of the Mullumbimby House groups. The VIEWSRMRKMWXLIGSRXI\XYEPVIPIZERGISJXLII\MWXMRKLSYWI Thursday 20 august names to current day students. The proposal puts forward that Adam Hole Band GSRXIQTSVEV]REQIW[SYPHTVSZMHIKVIEXIVWMKRMƤGERGIXS Friday 21 august students of today. The proposal suggests that whilst not limited to the following ideas, changes could be linked to represent Steve Tyson the accomplishments of local people, local place names or Saturday 22 august PSGEPƥSVESVJEYRE8LITVSTSWEPLEWFIIRXEFPIHEXE4 ' Jon J Bradley QIIXMRKERHEWXEJJQIIXMRK&SXLKVSYTWLEZIEKVIIHXSJYVXLIV Sunday 23 august MRZIWXMKEXIXLITSWWMFMPMX]SJEGLERKI Leigh James 8SJEGMPMXEXIERMRZIWXMKEXMSRGSRWYPXEXMSR[MPPFIYRHIVXEOIR We are seeking the contributions of current and past school Monday 24 august community members to determine if a change is to occur. Fintan If you wish to have your say on this matter please complete Tuesday 25 august XLIɄWLSVXSRPMRIWYVZI]EX Sali Bracewell Wednesday 26 august school-sporting-house-names.html Craig Atkins Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 15 Letters For North Coast news online visit

▶ Continued from page 15 something none of us need, why two of his staff ers were ‘Conspirituality’ making Community Notice proceeded with the site at and all would benefit from paid by the privatised, but scathing generalisations Kimba under a Ministerial removing from our diets. still government-run workers’ about the rest of us and the Please be advised that as part of exploring direction, but a decision If the authorities cannot compensation agency (icare). grounded eff orts being made redevelopment opportunities for 103 Paterson was made to open this up to get their priorities right, then Icare is itself facing to control the infection and Street, Byron Bay, Planit Consulting are more scrutiny. we must. Stop buying meat allegations of conflict of death rates of COVID-19. facilitating a pre-lodgement community Instead of letting one and the slaughterhouses will interest, and swindling Some alternate people consultation process from 14 August – Minister have final say, the close. injured workers out of don’t realise they are merg- 1 September 2020 and we invite you to government put the decision This will immediately payments. ing with far right groups and participate. In considering a range of policy, in the hands of the whole help our dedicated health The CEO of icare has Trump supporters through site and market influences, the project Australian Parliament, the workers get the protective already resigned aft er a their belief that the virus is involves a 14x townhouses, along with pools, elected off icials acting on equipment they need, and three-hour grilling by a a cover for a plot by dark landscaping and infrastructure upgrades. behalf of the Australian in the longer term reduce parliamentary inquiry, and forces to control the masses, Should you have an interest in the project, people. the incidence of many Mr Perrottet’s chief of staff turn them into morons please: To find out more, please visit human ailments, including has now also resigned. or even kill them through • Visit our project blog site: heart disease, strokes and Has someone in the forced mass vaccinations. Sam Chard diabetes, alleviating pressure Berejiklian government done Their sources of informa- General Manager from our overburdened something unscrupulous? tion are dubious and usually • Participate in our Project Enquiry & Feedback Radioactive Waste Agency healthcare system. Because something stinks from agenda driven websites times by calling our Kingscliff office on Desmond Bellamy to high heaven here, and or Facebook. 6674 5001 during the following times: Masks Byron Bay Mr Perrottet certainly has This allegiance is being Tuesday 25 August 2020: 8:30–9:30am The Royal Australasian questions to answer. called Fusion Paranoia – Wednesday 26 August 2020: 4:30–5:30pm College of Physicians Govt corruption Coalition governments united they fight for their Thursday 27 August 2020: 12:00pm–1pm surveyed their members There was a great letter in are notoriously incapable Freedumb, and project their The Echo, • Provide formal feedback in email at the start of this month 29 July, titled ‘Yet of dealing with inherited, own fears. [email protected] or in writing to: and found that one in five another scandal’. It started publicly run institutions that Christina Henry Planit Consulting respondents in public with ‘Another Coalition are properly funded and that Bangalow PO Box 1623, Kingscliff NSW 2487 hospitals are experiencing government, another eff iciently serve the public. inadequate access to surgical pork-barrelling scandal, it They immediately under- 5G theories We look forward to receiving your comments by masks, and were forced to shouldn’t surprise anyone,’ fund, or privatise them and If you put your head in a 1 September 2020 to assist finalising the project source their own PPE. and aft er the blatant sports turn them into ineff icient microwave oven it would before its submission to Byron Shire Council. Three per cent said they rorts pork-barrelling scandal cash cows, run by their boil your brain like a bowl of had no access at all. perpetrated by Scotty from business mates. water. The radiation would Meanwhile, marketing’s mob prior to Michael Kellett penetrate deep into your slaughterhouse workers, at the 2019 election, anything Wardell skull. least in Victoria, are being regarding the Coalition 5G won’t. Its penetration kitted out in full PPE — government’s shady deals is Conspiracy theories is, at most, skin deep. gowns, masks and shields — believable. I read S. Toomey’s letter Sunlight is more dangerous. so that they can continue to Yes, they’re at it again. It open-mindedly until Yes, as Corinna Beacham slaughter terrified animals, seems Gladys’ right-hand she talked about the claims, there are ‘thousands to feed this country’s man, Treasurer Dominic Per- ‘plandemic’… sigh… of peer-reviewed studies unhealthy addiction to meat; rottet is at pains to explain not another person into ▶ Continued on page 20

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The German It has since turned out that nitrogen cycles), land-system female number one of the past Paehtz did not play any of the change (e.g. deforestation), decade walked out on represent- games. While she was away in freshwater use, the amount of ing her country in 2019 due to Paris recording a new video series, aerosols in the atmosphere, Our energy is not priced at its real value. Image: Cracks in the pavement one of the technicians who helps the Deutsche Shachbund’s poor and introduced novel entities treatment of women players, run her Youtube, Twitch and though subsequent negotiations other online accounts, had decid- (radioactive materials, micro- there is an endless supply of consumers on the grid are said, the cost of energy in have improved the relationship ed to log in as Paehtz and ruin her plastics etc). low cost energy and take it for far more likely to use energy our society is much closer to between Paehtz and the DSB. reputation. Human activities have granted, using and wasting without regard to its cost (to the extraction cost, not the However, last week Paehtz was Last week Paehtz issued a state- led to four of these planetary crazy amounts of energy. the planet) or true value, in replacement cost. ment blaming her own folly: ‘I involved in a saga involving online boundaries already being Living with constraints terms of what it takes nature This isn’t a problem of edu- abuse and cheating allegations. take full responsibility for failing A fortnight ago Paehtz played to secure my accounts adequately, crossed. These are climate on the amount of energy has to create that energy. cation but of privilege – many in the Lichess Online Arena and hope this serves as a lesson change, loss of biodiversity, taught me to appreciate what We are awash with of the most highly educated tournament, beating two top not just to myself, but to all my land-system change, and it takes to generate it, and how unrealistically cheap and people think nothing of travel- Grandmasters, but soon after the professional chess colleagues. altered phosphorus and the majority of grid-connected abundant energy here in the ling overseas several times event, Lichess gave Paehtz 0 for ‘I do not have the words to nitrogen cycles. urban dwellers have become industrialised West. People a year, not recognising the all 17 games and banned her from express my sorrow, regret and its platform – a clear sign that sympathy to the recipients of the so disconnected to the real have become accustomed to burden they are placing on they considered that she had used messages my account sent. I can- ”ĕſƆżĕĈƐĶưĕ sources of, not only energy, having as much cheap energy the environment and planet. computer help during her games. not fathom the hurt and distress Moving to the country but food, fibres, etc. Many as they can pay for. Oft en, there is a massive dis- Then a Bahrain player claimed they must have gone through… and living off a small off -grid have lost all concept of the real This cheapness and abun- connect between what people that, a day earlier, Paehtz had ‘My crime was naivety and power system has given me value and cost of these things. dance have led to astonishing do, and what they know is being trusting of those I consid- racially insulted him and called a diff erent perspective on Being yoked to the propor- levels of waste. We don’t value environmentally unsound. him a cheat. Others also reported ered as loyal friends as well as my very bad behaviour by Paehtz. aides. For failing to have good dig- energy use. tion of the solar budget that the energy it takes to power A strange video called ‘The ital hygiene, I am paying the price I’ve been made aware of my 3kW of solar panels can our lives, or our civilisation ▶ For the full article go to Truth’ then appeared briefly – and will face some sanctions the lack of energy eff iciency capture, has awakened my – because our energy is not on Paehtz’s Youtube channel. It from the DSB and from FIDE. I in the majority of modern awareness of this disconnect. priced according to its true watch. Article made possible defended a number of the Lichess will not contest or appeal them.’ appliances. Most of us assume With no constraints, energy value. As Buckminster Fuller by Southern Cross University.


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15 Sheather Street Ballina NSW 2478 | (02) 6686 8802 Mon to Fri 9am–5pm | Sat 9am–4pm | Sun 10am–2pm W: @enspirefurniture Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 19 Letters/Opinion For North Coast news online visit wżĶŕĶşŕǼ!wÈP'ȒǞǦſĕưĕëōƆƐIJĕĪëƐëōǖëƱƆĶŕşƖſĕĈşŕşŔĶĈƆƷƆƐĕŔ Pat Miller nonsense about 5G and COVID paramedics, nurses and doctors? denialism weighed in. Selfishness It won’t affect rich people too With COVID-19, most people are rules. Crowded pubs. Shopping much. The poor darlings’ stocks doing it tough. We aren’t anywhere malls. Brainless doofs. might go down and their franking near prepared for this virus. No-mask freedom. It’s just a flu. credits be a little less than last year. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Sovereign idiots. The footy! Do you reckon the southern Gold Thatcher championed neoliberal- The evidence is on any number Coast is flooded with rich refugees ism: if the private sector thrived, of social media community group fleeing to their zillion dollar holiday the trickle-down effect should pages in northern NSW, full of end- condos, lying on the declarations benefit all. They omitted one less posts about border crossing just as brazenly as any deluded critical thing: businesses accu- delays and how inconvenient it sovereign citizen at a border mulate money, their ethics are is. How inconvenient is dying, a checkpoint? defined by how they disburse that critically ill loved one or a child with We will be a stronger community accumulation. defeated all attempts at containing catastrophically. lifelong lung complications? for reinventing our lost resilience. Because monetary capital and eradicating it. Because money We want everything back the How inconvenient will it be Let’s consider our actions with defines success, intellectual and and ‘me’ have become our primary way it was, same as before. So in when the frontline workforce is community in mind; lead by exam- social capital have fallen into the motivators the virus has swept early July we eased the restrictions. infected and the services just aren’t ple and remain very careful about roadside ditch. We all fell for it. across the world, with deadly effect. Those with the money were and there? How inconvenient when what we wish for. Fast forward to 2020 where a bit If we don’t radically change still are the loudest, ‘Save the we run out of child care, retail and It’s time for a little discipline. It’s of RNA which isn’t even alive has our behaviour it will cost us economy!’ Then anti-science, utter service workers, teachers, police, not going to be 2019 anytime soon.

▶ Continued from page 16 If mistakes were made, Every medical expert It seems that the federal Bruns Housie Shed and powerful, I did what demonstrating biological they certainly all weren’t in warned that prematurely government has a practice I felt the old rage again this any socially-just, mad harm from microwave Victoria. opening the borders and of using people as collateral week! fucking witch would do radiation,’ but none of them At the initial outbreak of ending the lockdown too damage, as in the victims of The oligarchy has been at and attended my first local mentions 5G. the pandemic, the Federal soon would lead to a second COVID-19 in nursing homes at it again, this time wielding Country Witches Association It is dishonest to conflate government was far too slow wave. So, let those free of sin the present. its dirty, crooked little penis, meet. 5G with these studies. to close Australia’s borders cast the first stone. Mick & Debbie Stacey I mean stick, at the Shire’s I’ve signed up for life A stick of dynamite will and force arrivals from world Keith Duncan Ballina most vulnerable – the membership. kill you but a Tom Thumb hotspots into quarantine, as Pimlico homeless. Egalitarian democracy my firework won’t, even though New Zealand did, stopping Not my country When I read that arse! they both contain explosives. community transmission in Nuclear weapons In light of the decision to Reflections Holiday Parks Bring on the dissent. In my prayers tonight I’m its tracks. We now have 44 countries approve a mining project intended to board up Catherine Perversi adding ‘Lord preserve us The Federal government that have ratified the UN to surround Dorothy Brunswick’s housie shed – a Mullumbimby from irrational people’. continues to withhold Treaty to abolish nuclear McKellar’s old homestead valuable public asset – to Warren Kennedy information from the Ruby weapons and make them Love and destroy so much of the prevent the homeless from Mullumbimby Princess inquiry. illegal, Ireland being one of Re Richard Hil’s article (Echo, country she wrote about, seeking shelter from the ails Infected passengers were the latest. of winter, I saw red in tooth 5 August). Seven days a week I have rewritten her best- Claps for Andrews allowed to disembark and For those interested, it is and claw. I drive past the LOVE letters. known poem to bring it up Victoria’s Premier transport the virus to all worth reading the comments Bad look for business, With a chuckle I try to work to date: Daniel Andrews should corners of Australia. from the Irish Foreign Affairs huh? It’s yet another glaring how many other words I can I love a dug-up country be applauded for his When the State Minister, Simon Coveney. example of a political stunt. make: VOLE, VÉLO (French government’s unwavering government eventually It is also worth A land of sweeping mines How dare they! Although for bike) LEVO (dog’s name), effort to bring the second- brought that under control considering where our Of rugged dusty spoil heaps I’m not a Brunswick Heads VLEO (Espéranto for want) wave COVID-19 outbreak and some states closed so-called defence budget Ground cracks, and tailings resident, I’m often out and made up VŒL seem to under control. their borders, Scotty from is spent; like Pine Gap, the dams walking, and how I see it is be my limit. Instead, he has been marketing – with Gladys in satellite base in Alice Springs, Coal trains to the horizon the housie shed is rarely, if I do ponder returning to subjected to an unrelenting tow – immediately started which enables drones to A sediment-filled sea ever used. switch the letters around. witch-hunt by the right-wing to bully those states into target innocent victims in No beauty and no terror Except, of course, for the LOVE needs a shake up every Murdoch media and the prematurely reopening faraway lands that many But dividends for me! annual woodchop event! now and again. Liberal Party, for purely borders, against medical Australians wouldn’t know Paul Griffiths Fed up to the bone Fran Leske political reasons. advice. existed. Byron Bay with the actions of the rich Mullumbimby

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Slabs panels for your off the grid retreat in Registered Tax Agent | BBus | CPA | JP Located at 45 Manns Rd, Mullumbimby the woods. 02 6687 4746 Our Habitat, Office 26, 20-1 Porter St, Byron Bay [email protected] 0432 747 842 Suite 1/64 Ballina St | PO Box 390 | Lennox Head NSW 2478 Email: [email protected] 0425 256 802 [email protected] electrical licence no. 255292C CEC member since 2010 20 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Shifting Sands

Byron Community College Looking to learn some new skills? Byron College is now open and taking enrolments in an exciting collection of face-to-face and online classes and workshops. All face-to-face classes are running within the NSW Health guidelines with social distancing requirements in place. Create your future and visit or call WE NEED FURNITURE 02 6684 3374 for more details. DONATIONS PLEASE... Everfresh Macadamia Castle Owned and operated by locals, And homewares too. The Animal Park is open 9am–4pm, Everfresh Fruit and Veg at Ballina Please phone: seven days a week with our train NRCG 2021 Exhibition Dreamers & Dri ers Fair have changed their business ride, playground, Keeper talks, to suit the Covid-19 situation and 0457 192 225 home school program and daily Dearest dreamers, our beautiful now off er home deliveries to help activity schedule all operating. Call Out for Artist and leave a message or photos of boutique is open again! Drop in ease the strain on local families and The safety of visitors and staff goods. We have a pickup service Applications Mon–Sat, 10am–3pm. Wander those in isolation. is our fi rst concern. Cafe Macca too. Your generosity is very much Northern Rivers Community Gallery through our rails of eco-friendly, $10 delivery fee outside Ballina. and indoor areas are temporarily slow fashion designed in Australia, appreciated. (NRCG) is calling for exhibition Follow them on Facebook or insta closed. Please pack a barbecue or applications across all art forms inspired by Byron Bay’s alternative Global Ripple Op Shop picnic lunch for your visit. culture and magical 70’s nostalgia. to keep up to date. 17 Grevillia Street, from artists, artist groups and Timeless styles, dreamy prints, so 66816981 / 0488 698 785 Byron Arts & Industry curators for the 2021 exhibition 419 Hinterland Way, Knockrow all-natural fabrics and laid-back program. NRCG provides a unique (02) 6687 8432 opportunity for artists to present bohemian colours. Feel good works to new and diverse audiences supporting a locally owned small in a beautiful heritage space. Apply business. Foxy Luu’s Do you love a dog? online before 31 August 2020 dreamersanddri Do you feed them fresh wholefoods Shop 1, 120 Jonson Street, Lunch and dinner every day. that boost their health? Byron Bay Try our famous bone broth soup or I Love a Dog’s Medible dog food vegan laksa, mouth watering baos, is an easy mix’n’match range of salads and dumplings. meal modules and natural healing ‘A lot of what is Now doing ‘Souper Thursdays’. supplements that supercharge your beautiful about the From 3pm every Thursday enjoy dog’s diet. world arises from $10 bowl ‘O’ soups. Available at 100% Pets, Bay struggle.’ Drop in for a relaxed, nutritious Grocer, Santos & Hemp Culture, meal, takeaway or UberEat. or online at Feed them like you love them - Malcolm Gladwell 90/96 Jonson Street, Byron Bay everyday.

Gourmet meals and picnics delivered right to your door Your Gourmet delivers wholesome Balloon Alo meals and delicious picnics right Go with the wind and fl y high in to your home or venue. Our the sky at Balloon Alo Byron chef-prepared meals make dinner Bay! Daily sunrise fl ights across planning healthy and easy. Our the rainbow region make a great abundant picnics are an elegant, occasion and outdoor adventure. playful and safe way to celebrate Group, family and private VIP with those you love. We use fresh, New short courses fl ights available upon request. quality local ingredients. Linen House Bookings include breakfast just listed For cushions to suit any interior Rider – local at the Three Blue Ducks Don’t miss out this time! theme or mood, Linen House and can be made online at Short courses and weekend Mullumbimby is your destination. organics delivery! balloonalo workshops are now confi rmed Their Boulevard cushions come in Heard about the best-priced for Term Four. 4 alluring hues: bronze, cinnamon, bulk organic wholefoods in the With sculpture, ceramics, stillwater and natural, each region, delivered to your door? drawing, painting, professional enjoying a splendid combination of Rider’s friendly Byron Hinterland Plantgasm Gastronomy practice, photography and more tu ing and tassels with a candy- operation is fast gathering steam Alive and Wild Plant based Cuisine. to be announced, don’t delay in caned pa ern throughout. through their passionate support Gluten, wheat and dairy free. Original booking your place – all BSA’s Create an ultra-cosy aesthetic with of the best local artisan producers, recipes to awaken a jaded palate and visual arts courses have been one or all colours. sustainable organics, ethical satisfy the hangry. Bespoke luncheon fi lling FAST! household goods and premium Visit 33 Burringbar Street, events @retreatsbyronbay. Pantry boxes handcra ed products. Let the Year-long courses open soon. Mullumbimby, 02 6684 645233 or pla ers for pick up / local delivery Watch this space. goodness come to you! include: organic fermented nut cheese, Burringbar Street, Mullumbimby, 02 6684 6452 Use code ECHO for free delivery. activated crackers, wraps and savoury sensations, raw cacao treats, fresh produce. | 0412 400 085

When I was a boy I would see scary things Queen Mab’s Queen Mab’s handmade garments utilise quality materials and timeless in the news, my mother would say to me, exquisite fi nishes. Cloth sourced from around the globe, bringing ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find together fi bres, styles and cultures in a unique and succinct way. Queen Mab’s is now off ering short run clothing manufacturing all done people who are helping.’ at their Studio in Bangalow. - Fred Rogers Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am–4pm or by appointment. Contact us via email at [email protected] Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 21 Shifting Sands Yogalates reopens Sravan Yoga & Massage Founded in Byron Bay and serving Need more balance and peace in your life? the community for 27 years. ‘The human capacity for Ma off ers various therapies, which have been An internationally award winning developed to suit your needs through years method; fusing eastern and burden is like bamboo - far of experience & training. His professional western, movement therapies, services include remedial massage (health fund philosophies and core foundation. more flexible than you’d ever rebates), yoga, yoga therapy, somatic inquiry and mindfulness addiction treatment. A self-soothing supportive practice believe at first glance.’ Ma teaches Yoga Nidra (Wed) & Hatha Flow that builds resilience in both mind (Thur) at Brunz. and body. - Jodi Picoult, Considered experts in core fusion. My Sister’s Keeper. M:0430 008 293 All teachers embody the depth, Toy Kingdom clarity and heart of Yoga in their New Lego and puzzles in store now! teaching footprint. Castrikum Adams Legal Still here for you seven days a week Renovate your face Your local legal people: Mon–Fri 10am–5pm 4D Centerless HiFu TGA approved. Conveyancing | Leases Sat 9am–5pm Look younger naturally. No toxins. Building Contracts & Disputes Sun 10am–2pm No needles. No downtime. Aged Care Contracts Have you seen our new website? This August SAVE $1,650. Pay only Wills & Estates Why not take advantage of click and $1,249 for a two-hour treatment. Family Provision Claims collect! Free Oxygen Facial, li , fi rm and Trusts & General | Commercial tighten neck to forehead. New products uploaded weekly Our virtual boardroom is open for FREE Anti-Ageing Skin Care Pack business via a number of online worth $247. platforms, and we still off er good 6680 8811 The place Kerry Armstrong goes! old-fashioned telephone advice. Follow us @mytoykingdom Payment plans available. To make an appointment, Island Luxe 0490 721 644 call 0411 180 907 Beck the Bookkeeper A huge thank you to all of our 3/32 Mullumbimbi Street, or email: BAS Agent customers for their amazing [email protected] Brunswick Heads The show must go on... support during these diff icult times. Bookkeeping services, cashfl ow, Bangalow and Byron Bay stores administration, JobKeeper, continue to open seven days per week, 10am–5pm. payroll, COVID-19 assistance, BAS, Shop in person or online in the knowledge that all current Past Collections, our sales store, EOFY, and also ATS (Accountant safety restrictions are in place. Translation Services). Leave it will open 10am–5pm Fri–Mon and to the professionals. Start a If you live locally but would prefer to shop online and have your books by appointment Tues–Thurs. We conversation with us. delivered, please contact any of our family-owned stores and discuss will continue practising social your options. We can post your order to you for $7.95. 02 6608 4372 distancing, maximum ten people in Keep safe and keep reading! store and hand sanitising on entry. Registered BAS Agent Ballina - Lismore | Bangalow 6687 1605 Xero Certifi ed Byron Bay 6680 9600

Bangalow Health and Wellbeing at Byron Headache Community College MZIZIVOMWN PMIT\PٺClinic *aZWV+WUU]VQ\a+WTTMOMKWV\QV]M[\WW At Bangalow Headache Clinic they and healing courses to support and enhance your health and treat headaches and migraines, jaw wellbeing in the workplace and at home. pain, clicking, grinding and locking, The popular Yoga @ Home online class starts on 28 August as well as vestibular and dizziness. and First Aid classes on 29 August. Michael has done extensive studies In response to the ongoing COVID-19 threat, the ?;MZQVOIN]TTa[]J[QLQ[MLJa\PM6ٺand exams in both Australia +WTTMOMQ[IT[WW and Europe involving the head, Government) Infection Prevention and Control training neck and jaw. He has completed course. This nationally recognised training delivered by advanced vestibular competency health care professionals is suitable for local businesses to training with the Northern American leaders in this area. upskill and educate their workforce in the latest COVID )\*IVOITW_0MILIKPM+TQVQK\PMaY]Q\MWN\MVÅVLIVW^MZTIXJM\_MMVPMILIKPM practices and help minimise the risk of spreading and dizziness and/or headache and jaw problems. They possess the expertise to the virus. K]T\XZWJTMU[ For more information and enrolmentsٻZM[WT^M\PM[MLQ If you experience jaw pain, locking or clicking, headaches, migraines visit, or vertigo call them on 0475 757 510. call 02 6684 3374 and join the Byron College newsletter. 72 Byron Street, Bangalow

22 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Yasmin Lang, Remedial Mullum’s new Massage Therapist Podiatry Clinic Yasmin has over 30 years of experience in Byron Our feet are an amazing part of the ;PQZMXZW^QLQVOZMUMLQITUI[[IOMZMÆM`WTWOa body, they carry us around all day energetic facial release, esoteric bodywork, aged- long, yet usually get the last look in care hand/foot treatments and oncology massage. when it comes to health care and Through her experience with massage, spa nurturing the body. treatments, aged-care, youthwork, palliative-care People often think there is little to be nursing, dementia care and respite for people with mental health issues, Yasmin is able done for sore and tired feet, however to deeply support people from all walks of life, especially those facing personal and pain is usually an indicator that physical challenges. something is not quite right. With the feet containing over 25% of the bones in the MZ[PMITQVOPWTQLIaXIKSIOM[UWJQTMUI[[IOM\ZMI\UMV\[IVLKTQVQKJI[ML whole body, along with forty muscles and hundreds of ligaments and tendons, it’sٺPMW; services and brings a depth of support that allows clients to not only relax, but to truly no wonder that problems arise. heal and rejuvenate. Mullumbimby Comprehensive Health Centre now has a dedicated Podiatry clinic The deep level of care she brings to herself, allows her to provide this same depth and with an experienced and professional team dedicated to helping you look after quality of care to others. your precious feet. /QN\KMZ\QÅKI\M[IVL0MIT\PN]VLZMJI\M[I^IQTIJTMAI[UQV4IVO,QX:MU5I[[IOM Health funds and Medicare rebates available. 0437 866 424 Call (02) 6684 1511 to book.

Dr Patel is now consulting at Mercato Medical Centre Dr. Chandra Patel has had more than 35 years’ experience as a highly respected plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Now based at the new Mercato Medical Centre in Byron Bay, he is Mushrooms are our future consulting and performing minor skin cancer and 4QNM+aSMTQ[IVM^WT]\QWVIZaU][PZWWUJQW\MKPVWTWOaKWUXIVa\PI\NWK][M[WV carpal tunnel procedures in clinic. Mercato Medical creating sustainable ecosystems utilising mushrooms and mycelium. By harnessing the MZٺis a brand new general family practice with state of +QZK]TIZ-KWVWUaIVL][QVOQ\[XIZ\VMZ[PQX_Q\PU][PZWWU[4QNM+aSMTQ[IJTM\WW the art operating rooms available. incredible products and services for our health and planetary harmony. Dr Patel has undertaken extensive plastic surgical training throughout the UK, USA 4QNM+aSMTQ[XZW]L\WJMI^MZ\QKITTaQV\MOZI\MLKWUXIVa\PI\OZW_[U][PZWWU[QV and Australia. From 1997–2019 he held several senior positions in the ACT, one being Australia and the USA to create the most pure and bioavailable liquid extracts so the Head of The Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Unit at the Canberra Hospital \PI\aW]KIVMI[QTaIKKM[[ITTWN \PMJMVMÅ\[4QNM+aSMT[\ZQ^M[\WQV\MZN][MIVKQMV\ which is associated with the Australian National University (ANU) Medical School, a Indigenous knowledge into their products and believes in integrating the highest world leading university involving the supervision and training of prospective plastic possible ethos into everything they do. and reconstructive surgeons. Try their world famous Biohacking sets. Level 1, 108-114 Johnson St Byron Bay ‘One of the most advanced product packs I have ever found to date.’ ~ @iamnatalie PH: 02 5629 7888 |

North Coast Medical Personal Cosmology welcomes a new with Vicki Veranese Cosmology is the science of the structure Doctor and origins of the Universe. Dr Bronwyn Hudson is an Addiction Physician Have you considered your own cosmology? who graduated with Honours from The How did your universe originate? University of Sydney Medical School and The If you sense there is more to you than just the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. With a breadth of here and now, and you want to discover the medical experience working in a multitude of city and rural hospitals, she continues to work in QVÆ]MVKM[\PI\PI^M[PIXMLaW]ZXMZKMX\QWV[ and experience, both in this life and all your remote Australia visiting Cape York on a regular consciousness experiences, let me take you to basis. your essence, removing any blocks, obstacles or 0I^QVOÅZ[\\ZIQVMLI[I;XMKQITQ[\/MVMZIT8ZIK\Q\QWVMZQV\PM*aZWV;PQZM[PMPI[UW^ML disconnections that stand in the way. her practice to focussing solely on caring for people who use substances. Dr Hudson adopts Be informed by your own knowing, and a biopsychosocial model and works closely with a team of allied health professionals. She experience wisdom through a deeper more Q[I[\I]VKPIL^WKI\MNWZPIZUZML]K\QWVIVLNWZÅOP\QVO\PM[\QOUIQV\PMPMIT\P[a[\MU resonant connection with your intuition. against people who use substances, in order to improve their access to health care. To enquire or book for this experience: 24 Shirley Street Byron Bay NSW 2481 0412 400 085 P: 02 6685 8666 F: 02 6685 6570 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 23 Echo Issue# 35.10 August 19–26, 2020 Editor: Mandy Nolan Editorial/gigs: [email protected] Copy deadline: 5pm each Friday Seven Advertising: [email protected] Seven NORTH COAST ENTERTAINMENT

MANDY NOLAN’S BYS IN ROCKDOWN Byron Youth Service have not let lockdown stop their plan SOAPBOX for a revival of their once-pumping music program, and have been off ering the Byron Youth Music Sessions via LIVE video stream over Facebook. The LIVE streams have included more than 15 local artists ANNASTACIA’S from the Northern Rivers presenting all original music, and have so far reached an estimated 9,000 people. BORDERLINE The streams have been very well supported and have entertained people of all ages who have been stuck at DISORDER home during lockdown. These good numbers show the level of community support for our budding musicians. QUEENSLAND IS CLOSED. Annastacia is showing Local rock goddess, Lindy Lou Smith is hoping to return us she knows how to deliver some serious borderline the YAC to its former glory as a live music venue, and said discipline. It’s a show of strength – perhaps, some might say, she has been blown away by the level of talent among a borderline disorder. There’s a state election around the the young artists. corner (31 October) and she’s not about to let a few hundred This initiative is a partnership between BYS, Byron Music NSW cancer patients in need of treatment soft en her public and ACEntertainment, with additional support from the displays of tough love for her Queensland constituents. Northern Rivers Community Foundation. There’s been endless stories of seriously ill people who have The third LIVE stream is on Saturday at 2pm. been severely aff ected by the sudden border closures and the quarantining requirements. I even heard the heartbreaking story Please support local, young and talented of a very ill man who had received treatment at a Queensland musicians and tune in to the Byron Youth hospital and was made to cross into NSW to meet his wife by Facebook page at 2pm. foot. At a local doctors surgery as many as ten doctors can no For more information on how to get longer attend. Is that a show of strength Ms Palaszczuk? involved you can contact BYS directly. In the previous border closure earlier this year I knew of people who were able to get border passes for a day trip to IKEA. Just a few months ago we could print a pass and return home with a flat pack. Now we have to beg for chemo. That’s nuts. We don’t even have COVID here. In Northern NSW we’ve become refugees in our own country. We are standing at the border knocking, ‘Hey Queensland, you’ve been coming down here every weekend for years now, clogging up our roads, swimming at our beaches, enjoying our kooky hippyesque charm… we don’t want to come in for a holiday, we would like to go to hospital.’ Until COVID, borders were something that only meant something in the State of Origin. Or if someone cut you off on the highway and had a Queensland numberplate you mused it was because of their statewide merging disorder. For over half the year they’re an hour behind us because of their silly reluctance to take on daylight savings. But now the Queensland border has been sealed shut. They’re sailing into the distance. Who knows how far behind they may be once the border reopens? Will we need passports to enter? COVID has carved Australia into a quarantine pie, it has made us separate people. It has made Queenslanders distrustful of us. And here in NSW, it has made us suspicious of Victorians. Every time we see a VIC numberplate we hit down hard on the hand sanitiser. State premiers who previously seemed a tad irrelevant in the big game of politics have become the major players. They get to play Big Daddy or Big Mummy to Hunnybee – one of the young music keep their state safe. I’m not sure what’s happened to Scott acts from BYS livestreaming at 2pm Morrison – he appears to have gone to sleep. Every time I turn on Saturday on the Byron Youth the telly on, it’s not Scotty’s face I see, it’s Daniel Andrews. Services Facebook page. And I have to admit I really feel for him. He has to bring the COVID-19 outbreak under control, otherwise the rest of Australia will blame Victoria for their financial ruin. He does look very tired. The pandemic has ugly impacts. It has made us territorial. We are one country – at least we used to be. Our lockdown has sent us to our burrows – it has made us conspiratorial and suspicious. It is causing us to lose trust. When Annastacia created a travel bubble between Queensland and NSW, she cut Mullumbimby and Byron Bay out. I doubt that was an accident with the protractor in the planning department. ‘We ran out of arc’. It’s because people from Sydney come here. It’s because we’re perceived as loose – aft er all we’re famous for immunising with a turmeric poultice. CCommunityommunity RadioRadio BayBay FMFM 99.999.9 We Love Our So, farewell Queensland. We’ll see you on the other side. T 66680680 79997999 | W Supporters Or perhaps, we won’t. BBayay FMFM publicpublic fundfund donationsdonations areare taxtax deductibledeductible 24 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily NORTH COAST ENTERTAINMENT 7 THE TALK BANK Gig guide Do ideas excite you? Do you love to hear thee inspiring stories of othersothers?? The simple act of sharing stories is the way human beings have communicated ideas, knowledge, and inspiration,iration, since they first WEDNESDAY 19 sat around the fire sharing the highlights off the day’s hunt and gather. Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM COMEDY AT THE BEACHY – MANDY NOLAN & JACQUES BARRETT, The global success of TED talks – simple curatedrated talks 9PM MATT BUGGY that speak to our human experience and evolutionvolution – has shown that human beings love to learn andd hear the THURSDAY 20 ideas and experiences of others. Mandy Nolanlan and Dr George Catsi run Authentic You Masterclassesses that Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, ADAM HOLE BAND focus on our diverse experiences and insightshts Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM AL & CASS and how those inform narratives. Moving awayway OCEAN SHORES COUNTRY CLUB 7PM from a dry emotionless approach to learningng and Q TRIVIA NIGHT knowledge, these are carefully crafted dynamicamic narratives from people who work across alll Mandy Nolan and FRIDAY 21 sectors: from scientists to healers, to academics,emics, George Catsi present Talk Bank – an to dancers, to doctors, to psychologists, to Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, STEVE TYSON afternoon of inspiring ordinary people who have done extraordinaryary BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 3PM FINTAN, 8PM presentations of ideas Q things! Like the woman and her architect JOCK BARNES TRIO husband who almost lost everything, but from participants in BRUNSWICK HEADS PICTURE HOUSE 7PM ÁINE decided to take their family and secretly liveve a the Authentic You Q TYRRELL & BUNYARRA CULTURE COLLECTIVE simple life in a tent for a year to save the farm.rm. Stage 2 Speaking Class, These are stories that go deep. The Talk Banknk is the on Sunday 30 August SATURDAY 22 presentation event for the participants of thehe second at 1pm at the Byron stage intensive of the Authentic You Masterclasses.classes. PrePreparepare to be insinspired,pired, Theatre. Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, JON J BRADLEY amazed, and moved by these seven-minute presentations by these Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 1PM LUKE YEAMAN, incredible speakers. The MC will be Mandy Nolan. 4.30PM COL GERMANO, 8PM HAYAMIND The Byron Theatre, Sunday 30 August at 1pm. Q BRUNSWICK HEADS PICTURE HOUSE 7PM ÁINE Tix are $15 from TYRRELL & BUNYARRA CULTURE COLLECTIVE For more information go to Q MARY G’S, LISMORE, 7.30PM CARLY & ROO SUNDAY 23 POEMS ABOUT Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, LEIGH JAMES Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 1PM ROB RHODES, REFUGEE FREEDOM 4.30PM THE DIRTY CHANNEL, 8PM DU EAST The annual Ballina Region Refugees Seeking Asylum MONDAY 24 2020 Poetry Prize has been extended an extra two weeks. RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, FINTAN The poetry competition draws attention to Australia’s Q treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, who can Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM RICHIE WILLIAMS be held for more than seven years even though they have broken no law. Those who feel strongly about this TUESDAY 25 inhumane treatment of refugees are invited to submit Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, SALI BRACEWELL their poem. This year’s theme is ‘Holding Patterns’ – BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM JORDAN MAC perhaps lives going nowhere, families on hold, dreams on Q hold – interpret it in any way you like. WEDNESDAY 26 If you’re taking up the challenge to express your feelings on this topic, entries close 31 August . First prize is a $300 Q RAILWAY HOTEL, BYRON BAY, CRAIG ATKINS digital subscription to The Saturday Paper, with winning Q BEACH HOTEL, BYRON BAY, 7PM ADAM BROWN poems to be published in the online journal Coolabah. Entry details are at MASTERCLASS SERIES IN MIXING AND PT SESSION TECHNIQUES Mix engineer Dylan Ely has worked with industry hard hitters such as Jay-Z, Linkin Park, Justin Beiber and Gwen Stefani. In this final chapter of SAE’s three part engineering masterclass series, Dylan Ely refines your knowledge of fundamental mixing techniques that apply to Digital Audio Workstations (DAWS) like Pro Tools, DP and Ableton, to flesh out proper production methods that take a track from inception to completion. As he concludes this masterclass, Dylan will reveal the top take-aways from the sessions, and how you can keep focused on your inspiration and goals into the future. Thursday 3 September, 4–6pm. Online at 2PM FB LIVE STREAM SATURDAY 22 AUGUST 2020 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo25 Seven NORTH COAST ENTERTAINMENT Mungo’s Crossword N348 VIRGO THE VIRGIN 12345678 STARS With this week’s Sun, Mercury and late 910 week moon in meticulous Virgo, little things BY LILITH mean a lot – of bother – if left unattended… 11 12

ARIES: A woman who set fire to her LEO: Stop growling, and start purring, SAGITTARIUS: If your confidence has boyfriend’s car (and herself) recently as this week kicks off with your lunar had a bit of a smackdown lately – or 13 14 15 claimed her horoscope made her do birthday for 2020; the year’s only new even if it hasn’t – look beyond the 16 it; her lawyer pleading ‘constellation moon in Leo. This is your portal for current scenario. Life won’t always be behavioural influence’. Don’t channel getting clear about what you want to give in this holding pattern, so yes, plan new 17 18 19 her this week. Refuse to lose your cool or to, and get, from the rest of the year. So projects, learn new skills, work on those 20 blow your composure. Do what you do sort it out, write it down, and commit to upgrades. Keep shining your light in well, and direct this week’s passions away taking the next steps. humanity’s dark night of the soul. 21 22 23 24 from drama, into creativity. VIRGO: With Sun, Mercury CAPRICORN: With three outer- TAURUS: Plenty of astral support and moon in happy birthday planetary heavyweights currently 25 26 this week for clarifying decisions about Virgo mode, you’re at your operating behind the scenes in home base, or changes to your domestic most perceptive, acute your sign, a bit of blue sky, big routines. But don’t do the bull-at-a-gate and discerning, so tune into picture thinking won’t go astray. 27 28 thing; with the present combination of Venusian pursuits this week. Do This week’s most helpful image for retrogrades, that’s a recipe for frustration. something lovely for yourself, let Capricorns comes via astrologer Hunter Use your patient, slow-but-sure Taurean your playful, sensual side take the lead, Reynolds: Be the Saturn hermit arising Cryptic Clues Quick Clues talents for making an obstacle course into experiment with a more flamboyant from the Pluto underworld, holding a ACROSS ACROSS a joyride. style. Go on – brighten up your week, and lantern of Jupiter light. 1. Joker for each around Status Street (9) 1. Practical joker (9) everyone else’s. 6. Old measure – multiply it by itself and 6. Old unit of length (5) GEMINI: This week Gemini’s ruling AQUARIUS: The Aquarian paradox do it again, it is said (5) 9. Command, edict (5) planet Mercury balances logical, LIBRA: Your lunar report for this week involves balancing individuality with 9. Gold, the German command (5) 10. Popular conveyance methodical left -brain Twin with sensitive, goes something like this; Wednesday’s collaboration, as in, how best can you 10. Orchestra and joker, running for where sycophants like to get on (9) empathetic right-brain Twin, giving new moon supports updating your bring your unique skills to share with the winners go! (9) 11. Short cuts, diversions (7) insight into what’s not being said, and techno sector. Late week Virgo moon a collective; how to partner up, and 11. Goes around obstacles and ends 12. Unstable, unpredictable (7) how others might be feeling. Going out helps you power through administrivia, with whom? This week’s astral energies tripping (7) 13. Senior police offi cial (5,9) of your way to make someone else’s day pay bills and tidy up loose ends. You suggest finding copilots and colleagues 12. Make a mistake with a jerk – eccentric 17. Complete military withdrawal won’t just bring a dopamine rush, there’ll don’t need me to tell you weekend Libra’s whose skills are diff erent from, but (7) (7,7) be boomerang benefits as well. moon is for working on an art project, complementary to yours. 13. Most important prisoners – list for top 21. Selfi sh driver (4,3) cop (5,9) partying and having fun. 23. Work supervisor (7) CANCER: Motivational Mars is presently PISCES: Take advantage of Mercury’s 17. Everyone go back to top brass’s giving you plenty of get up and go for SCORPIO: Are you ready for a change of analytical mood to review contracts and sanctuary (7,7) 25. Type of wallaby (9) networking and connecting about direction, or pace, or space? Feel a power business partnerships, relationships and 21. Feel free, go hard – zero for 26. Hibernian (5) projects both creative and mundane. This move coming on? This week’s celestial joint ventures. To iron out diff erences of inconsiderate driver! (4,3) 27. More rational (5) week chatty Mercury kicks in to get you energies act as a catalyst to reboot your opinion and discuss where you go from 23. Supervisor in favour of turning back 28. Woodworker (9) out and about, exploring social synergies, career goals, plans and ambitions. So team here. If consensus can’t be easily reached, title (7) DOWN meeting new people, listening to financial up, tech up, take a tutorial, expand your then agree to disagree. And resist that 25. Australian animal takes rice farm fruit 1. Upper rear part of a ship (8) we hear (9) advice and getting the best deals. virtual network, do whatever it takes… tendency you have to jump in for the save. 2. Assess, check (5) 26. Dubliner Murdoch hot (5) 3. Muddle, confusion (9) 27. More rational, earns extravagantly (5) 4. Hot sauce (7) 28. Tradesman to complain? Come in! (9) 5. Park offi cers (7) SCREEN ARTISTS ON DOWN 6. Quail, fl inch (5) 1. Crap on the cards in part of the ship (8) 7. Trivial amount (9) 2. Assessment: gold, 501 territory (5) 8. Reviving drinks, pick-me-ups CALL FOR LIGHTBOX 3. Great muddle? Mink sleeve trimming (6) will, mused Spooner (9) 14. Frigid woman (3,6) Dashboard Animals, in partnership with North Coast Events, presents 4. Betting shop like fi rm? That’s sauce! (7) 15. Existence after death (9) In-Side-Out, a pop-up exhibition at a shopfront lightbox in the Ocean 5. Park workers called queens (7) 16. Moored (of a ship) (2,6) Shores Village Carpark, next to Target. They are calling on Northern 6. Ned to repay money in credit – cringe! (5) 18. Concerning heavenly beings (7) 7. Snatch a bank employee? Cut short, 19. Oil worker, one who purifi es (7) Rivers artists who use screens and projection in their practice to it’s something of little value (9) contribute to three nights of ‘pivoting in light’. 20. Vine fruit (6) 8. Drunk turns upside down over 22. Ancient Greek poet (5) nickel-carbon pick-me-ups (6) This is an open screen event for 2&3D digital artists, mappers, filmmakers, 24. Damp (5) 14. Kill the girl – she won’t respond! (3,6) sound designers, performers, dancers and everything in between. Outside the 15. A fi re left smouldering – they say it Last week’s solution N347 windows will be a rear-projected canvas. Inside, a ten seat micro cinema for short continues past death (9) RIPPED ACIDTEST films. Take your work from the handheld device and let the passers-by stop and 16. Safely secured inside Yucatan OYN A I DO chorus (2,6) BOREDOM MANS I ON watch. No swiping. Audiences can also watch from the carpark; this is a headphone IEAAPITE 18. 101 support with new Australian, NIXON ROBINHOOD (supplied) experience and will be COVID-safe with social distancing. up to heavenly status (7) SGIEGR 19. Check over strong queen – but EASTERLILY LIMB From sunset Friday 28 August to Sunday 30 August. she make things pure! (7) GARYLPAE GAME ONE SWAL LOW Contact [email protected] for 20. Good violations – they produce ALMSR I technical specs and exhibition guidelines and registration. wine! (6) MARCOPOLO TR I AL 22. Great run for the old poet (5) OILNUIMD DOTT I ER PASSAGE 24. Army doctor, champion – but it Bringing art and culture to public spaces – Dashboard EATO AGR bit wet (5) MANDA T E S ON I ON S Animals in partnership with North Coast Events Culture Culture present In-Side-Out a pop-up lightbox exhibition, at Ocean Shores Village 28–30 August.

Admission Prices: Session Times: Thu 20 Aug - Wed 26 Aug Adults: $14 Wednesday Tel: (02) 6686 9600 FORCE OF NATURE (CTC) THE KING OF Stud/Conc: $12 THIS WEEK’S DOUBLE FEATURES All tickets BALLINA FAIR CINEMAS 007 GOLDFINGER + Thu, Fri, Tue, Wed: 2:20, 7:30PM STATEN ISLAND (MA15+) Senior: $11 THUNDERBALL (M) Child: $10 $10 Sun: 2:00 Sat, Sun: 10:45AM Mon: 2:20PM Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: Thursday August 20 to Wednesday August 26 BILL & TED'S EXCELLENT INCEPTION: 10TH ANNIVERSARY 1:45, 4:40, 6:45PM DOUBLE FEATURE (PG) Sat: 6:30 (M) Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: 1:00, 6:45 Sat: 1:00, 7:30PM Sun: 6:45PM AUGUST THU 20th FRI 21st SAT 22nd SUN 23rd MON 24th TUE 25th WED 26th Wed: 10:45AM, 1:45, 4:40, 6:45 RETRO SCREENINGS Wed: 1:30, 6:45PM 12:40 PM 12:40 PM 5:05 PM 12:40 PM 12:40 PM 12:40 PM FRIDAY THE 13TH (MA15+) LA BELLE ÉPOQUE (M) THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF FORCE OF NATURE MA15+ 99 MIN 5:05 PM DAVID COPPERFIELD (PG) 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 6:50 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM 2:20 PM Fri: 8:30PM Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 Daily except Sat, Sun: 4:00PM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM AMERICAN PSYCHO (R18+) Sat: 11:00AM, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM 10:20 AM Mon: 6:45PM Sun: 11:00AM, 3:50, 6:00PM UNHINGED (MA15+) MADE IN ITALY M 93 MIN 3:45 PM 3:45 PM Wed: 10:30AM, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00 Thu, Fri, Tue, Wed: 1:50 PM 1:50 PM 1:50 PM 1:50 PM 1:50 PM TENET (M) 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Advance Screenings MADE IN ITALY (M) 12:20, 4:30, 7:00PM Sat, Sun: 10:15AM, 11:30AM, RED SHOES AND THE SEVEN DWARFS G 92 MIN All Tickets $10 10:30 AM 10:30 AM Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30 Sat: 11:00AM Sun: 12:00, 7:30 12:30, 1:15, 2:45, 3:45, 4:00, Sat, Sun, Wed: 10:30AM, Mon: 12:20, 4:30, 7:00, 7:30PM SONIC THE HEDGEHOG PG 99 MIN All Tickets $10 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 4:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:15PM 1:10, 3:50, 6:30PM WE'LL END UP TOGETHER (M) PARIS OPERA BALLET: GISELLE RED SHOES & Thu, Fri, Tue: 1:00, 3:50, 6:45PM (CTC) SPIES IN DISGUISE PG 101 MIN All Tickets $10 12:25 PM 12:25 PM Sun: 1:00 Wed: 11:00AM THE SEVEN DWARFS (G) Sat, Mon: 1:00, 3:50PM BABYTEETH (M) 12:50 PM 12:50 PM Daily except Wed: Daily except Sat, Sun: 1:50PM Sun: 1:00PM 2:20 PM 1:10, 3:50, 6:30PM Sat, Sun: 10:50AM, 1:50PM Wed: 10:15AM, 1:00, 3:50, 6:45 TENET M 150 MIN 3:35 PM 2:20 PM Wed: 10:30AM, 1:10, 3:50, 6:30 THE BURNT WHERE'D YOU GO, 6:30 PM 3:35 PM Babes In Arms 11AM Wed ORANGE HERESY (MA15+) BERNADETTE (M) DARK WATERS (M) Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: 3:45, 6:00PM Daily except Sat, Sun: 1:15PM THE BURNT ORANGE HERESY MA15+ 94 MIN 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM Thu, Fri, Mon, Tue: 4:15PM Sat, Sun: 3:45PM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM Sat, Sun: 10:30AM Wed: 4:20PM Wed: 11:00AM, 3:45, 6:00PM NFT = No Free Tickets 10:50 AM 10:50 AM THE SECRET: DARE TO DREAM PG 107 MIN 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 12:20 PM 12:05 PM 12:05 PM 2:00 PM 12:05 PM 12:05 PM 12:05 PM 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay 2:00 PM UNHINGED MA15+ 90 MIN 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 7:15 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM Cinema Cinema Book online now at 26 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily The Good Life Brookfarm: the surf is well and truly up! It’s exciting times at Brookfarm, three of Byron’s most iconic and suitability of Puff Corn for with the launch in September of surf breaks: The Wreck, The their school lunchboxes, and it a new all-natural snack. Pass, and Wategos. was a double thumbs up! Pam Brook has been busy in Brookfarm’s Chief Nut, ‘We’ve had a range of corn, Brookfarm’s Puff Corn the family kitchen again creating Will Brook, who now runs the children snacking on the is naturally gluten-free, great COVID-SAFE VENUE. 10% discount for all Puff corn; imagine the light family business, is excited Puff Corn and the feedback has for vegans and vegetarians emergency workers (*ID required) crunchy texture of corn puff s, to launch the new range, been super positive,’ he said. and made with absolutely no Local, organic and ethically farmed produce. rolled in coconut butter, and maintaining Brookfarm’s ‘high ‘Making food the entire preservatives or additives. Spacious heated alfresco dining baked with a range of natural quality premium ingredients’ family can enjoy has always Baked in Byron Bay, Australia, area with lots of space to enjoy. TRADING HOURS: ingredients to deliver three approach to snacking. been a focus for Brookfarm, they are inspired by the eclectic Thurs–Sat 5pm–8.30pm moreish flavours: Sea Salty, ‘The best part about and if my kids are anything to mix of youth and families who Sunday 2pm–7pm Sweet & Salty and Spicy & Salty. creating Puff Corn was go by, then Puff Corn should be visit our town, work in our Byron Bay Golf Club, 62 Broken Head Rd 6685 6470 Pam uses sea salt and standing around in mum and pretty popular for all ages. community, surf our breaks, [email protected] coconut butter in all three dad’s kitchen on the farm and ‘We love everything about chill on our beaches, and who varieties then adds maple and doing the taste tests,’ said Will. this snack; from the stunning care for our environment. hazelnut butter in the Sweet ‘My entire family got that highlights our Brookfarm’s Puff Corn & Salty variety, and ancho involved, as did dozens of magic Byron surf breaks, to varieties are a celebration of chilli and kashmiri chilli in the our Brookfarm crew, until we the velvet texture aft ertaste of the good times. They are to Spicy & Salty variety – there is achieved the perfect balance of the coconut butter rolled in a be snacked on with friends, something for everyone, a snack natural flavours. I mean – you selection of natural ingredients. packed in school lunches (in the entire family can enjoy. have to make real sacrifices to Puff Corn is very Brookfarm reusable containers of course), Featuring artwork by achieve the perfect snack!’ – and we can’t wait to share taken to parties, or enjoyed at Rachel Urquhart, Brookfarm’s Will’s children, Eva and Noah, it with the world. Made from home on movie nights or with Puff Corn packaging highlights taste-tested the snackability Australian non GMO golden a quiet sundowner.’ Tastes you’re missing out on Story & photo Kate O’Neill incredible flavours, aromas, colours and textures of About 20 years ago, Rebecca Australian native foods. Barnes stumbled across some There are seasonal local native raspberries growing rainforest fruits like finger lime, wild in the bush. Davidson plum and Bunya nuts, ‘I didn’t even know we had along with teas, , sauces, Native food grower and supplier, Rebecca Barnes of Playing native raspberries. I had no honeys, dried fruit powders, With Fire, at her farmers market stall. idea at all,’ she said. ‘I thought cordials, spices, and native nutritional and functional made with 100 per cent native to myself, “Why can’t I buy food plants for your backyard. benefits, many of which are ingredients. These include a these in the shops?”’ Rebecca says Australia is only just being recognised. ‘No Worries’ tea designed to This was the beginning of home to more than 6000 native ‘Lemon myrtle is calming, calm and relax, a stimulating a fascination with Australian food plants, and although aniseed myrtle is an ‘Energiser’ blend, and a native foods, which continues to there has been a growing antidepressant, cinnamon ‘Dreamtime’ tea to encourage this day, that has seen Rebecca awareness in recent years, most myrtle is really good for your sleep – all of which are now establish her own successful Australians would still struggle digestive system and helps you available at her stall. wholesale native food business, to name more than a handful. sleep, strawberry gum is good and contribute to the industry’s ‘Locally there’s a fair amount for your skin, and on it goes.’ development as a whole. of knowledge, but when I go into says Rebecca. Rebecca’s stall, Playing a city, it’s still like “what is that?” Rebecca has combined a With Fire, at both the New It’s a shame really, because $1 MILLION selection of these functional Brighton and Mullumbimby aside from the tastes we’re ingredients in her newly Farmers Markets, is the perfect missing out on, native foods launched range of herbal teas WORTH OF SUPPORT. place to explore some of the have some hugely impressive HELPING CAFES DOING IT TOUGH TO GET BACK ON THEIR FEET. Is your cafe struggling? provide full technical support, barista training Harris coff ee has launched the Harris Cafe and up to $5,000 in marketing support to Recovery Project – a new scheme for Australian enable cafe owners to connect with their local WHAT IT MEANS AT A CAFE LEVEL cafe owners nationwide to apply for a share in $1 communities, as well as providing them with million worth of support that will assist them in the platform to take advantage of tourism Up to 25 selected cafes will receive for 1 year: To receive support from the Harris Cafe rebuilding, as they return to serving their local initiatives in their local area. • Free coffee Recovery Project cafes must: communities. Up to 25 cafe owners are eligible to Naturally, there are terms and conditions • Free Harris takeaway BioCups sponsored by BioPak • Agree to use Harris coffee and cups receive a share of the $1 million worth of support. that apply. Among other things, if you are • Free-on-loan machine and grinder • Agreeing to an additional 24 months As part of the Harris Cafe Recovery Project, successful in your application, you will agree to • Full-technical support commercial agreement beyond the first 12 each successful cafe owner will receive free use Harris coff ee as your supplier for a two year • Barista training months of free support. coff ee, based on their current business needs, period beyond the initial 12 month support • $5k value in Marketing Support a free on-loan coff ee machine, plus servicing, package period. and free takeaway cups courtesy of Biopak All the details, including the full terms and Know a cafe doing it tough? Tell them to go to and apply. for one year. Additionally, the Harris team will conditions, can be found at harriscoff


Loft is back with an incredible new menu designed by our new Head Chef, Craig Mcfarland.

A share-style menu featuring snacks & nibbles, deli boards as well as an array of larger main dishes. Perfect with a cocktail or wine. Happy Hour

Open every day from 4pm - Late - 4PM - 6PM EVERY DAY -

@loftbyronbay The Byron Shire Echo 27 Loft-Echo-Ad-XL_260x88mm_V24.indd 1 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ 9/7/20 4:04 p. m . The Good Life From Russia and France with love (and deliciousness) Eve Jeff ery eclair, Mary is a graphic designer really happy!’, they say. and founder of Studio Marius, a Eclairs are visually attractive; Eclair at the Bay is a homemade contemporary creative studio they are colourful, delicately pastry business entirely with a focus on branding. She decorated with meringue, nuts, dedicated to the creation of designed the whole brand and edible glitters. They are TOGETHER contemporary eclairs. identity for Eclair at the Bay. also very tasty, delicate and Eclair at the Bay is preparing WE CAN GO Aft er losing his job as a chef Pavel says he has always light – filled with creams. an exclusive Trio for Father’s PLASTIC FREE! in a local restaurant, owing loved working with the choux ‘We’ve had so many great Day with three diff erent to COVID-19, Pavel Stolarsky dough, which is the base of reviews since we started. Our chocolate flavours. These got to thinking about what he the eclair. ‘I think the desserts customers love the taste as are available to pre-order BIOPAK 5% could do that he loved, which made from choux dough are much as they like the delivery from Thursday for delivery was also new and unique. ‘My Pavel and Mary from Eclair at very delicate in flavour and can service. We are very happy with on Sunday 6 September. Such DISCOUNT OFFER partner Mary and I came up the Bay have something special be beautifully done as well. The the feedback – we didn’t expect a great idea for all dads and with the idea to make eclairs, for you and for your dad. eclair is a classic from this family. such huge interest in such a chocolate lovers. for new members of aiming at the highest quality Very gentle, not heavy to eat, the short amount of time,’ say Pavel ‘We also just launched a new Make the Switch possible, with tradition and began when I started working eclairs of today can be decorated and Mary, who are planning on product this week – a box of nine authenticity in mind, sourcing in Michelin Star restaurants in and filled with so many flavours extending their delivery area to chocolate profiteroles to share Join Plastic Free Byron's fresh and local ingredients. Since London for Gordon Ramsay – from classic dark chocolate, reach a much wider audience. with friends and family. That’s Make the Switch program then everything has moved and Marcus Wareing. Rigour, to a light citrusy filling.’ They are also moving towards available now on our website’. You can find out more (it's free) and for the first 3 so quickly, from the recipes, consistency and creativity were Both Pavel and Mary also events, catering and weddings. about Eclair at the Bay from months enjoy a 5% discount to marketing, to wholesale the keywords of those years of love the delivery side of their ‘We do wholesale to some local on BioPak purchases. and customer delivery. experiences; to learn how to new venture. ‘Seeing a smile cafes and this is something we ‘Eclair means “lightning” in make desserts that are not only on a customer’s face when are in the process of growing. In and check out their mouth- French and my idea is to light beautiful, but delicious too.’ we deliver them the box on the future, we hope to open a watering Instagram page: Make the Switch works this town with a new concept Pavel, originally from Russia, Sunday morning makes us pastry shop.’ with food retailers in Byron of desserts made from choux!’ decided to bring this knowledge to help them switch away Pavel has been working as a to Byron and create something from single-use plastics. BYRON BAY continued pastry chef and baker for seven unique, elegant and tasty. Legend Pizza FRESH PIZZA years. ‘My passion for pastry Hailing from the home of the BYRON STYLE Find out more & join at: Open 7 days 9am till after midnight Check us out on Shop 1 Woolworths Plaza 90-96 Jonson Street Scan code for our menu! BYO 6685 5700 Home delivery 7 days Established 1992 Eateries Guide Fishheads We are thrilled to announce that Fishheads restaurant Good Taste is now open to the public! Byron Bay It is important to us that we support the community as best we can, and do our best to uplift spirits with BALLINA 1 Jonson Street, delicious seafood and welcoming customer service. Byron Bay As part of our reopening, we have also launched a Wharf Bar & We are thrilled to announce that Wharf 6680 7632 new restaurant and take away menu! restaurant is now open to the public! Restaurant FISHHEADSBYRON Book now while tables are still available. It is important to us that we support the community Ballina as best we can, and do our best to uplift spirits with Success Thai All your favourites every lunch and dinner delicious seafood and welcoming customer service. Mon-Fri lunch & dinner FB/Insta: wharfbarballina Experienced Thai chefs cooking fresh delicious 12–24 Fawcett St, Ballina As part of our reopening, we have also launched a closed Sundays new restaurant and takeaway menu! Lunch 12 noon–3pm Thai food for you. 6686 5259 Book now while tables are still available Dinner from 5–8.30pm BYO only 3/31 Lawson St, Byron Bay Welcome for lunch, dinner and takeaway. BYRON BAY pages/Success-Thai- Menus available on Facebook Food/237359826303469

Barrio Barrio’s canteen takes its inspiration from locally 7am–3pm Mon–Thu sourced produce with Moorish cuisine. NEWRYBAR 7am–7pm Fri Off ering daily bakes, breakfast cakes, classic sandwiches, vibrant salads, smoked fi sh, grilled meats. 1 Porter St, North Byron Harvest HARVEST RESTAURANT, DELI + BAKERY Aperitif Hours Friday 5–7pm: $10 plates + drinks Lunch: Thurs – Sun 12–3pm No reservations. Bookings Private Dining: Now taking private party enquiries for 18-22 Old Pacifi c Highway over 8 email: gather@ Dinner: Thurs – Sat from 5.30pm lunch and dinner with your closest friends: Newrybar NSW 2479 [email protected] 3 courses from the wood-fi red oven in the historic bakery 02 6687 2644 Sat + Sun 8–10am: Baked goods at Sourdough Weekends CELLAR DOOR – TASTINGS & TOURS Lord Byron Sunday 3–5pm: Chook Night Handcrafted spirits using locally sourced ingredients. @harvestnewrybar Deli hours are 8am–4pm Distillery Naturally Better! Open Tuesday–Saturday Free from added artifi cial fl avours and colours. 12 noon – 5pm MAKE YOUR OWN BOTTLE OF GIN MULLUMBIMBY 7, 4 Banksia Drive, - book online. Gin Making Gift Vouchers available. Byron Bay LORDBYRON.COM.AU The Empire The Empire is where it’s at! 8646 4901 LordByronDistillery 20 Burringbar St, Something for all tastes from epic burgers to Incredible cocktails, locals beers & all-day snacks and Mullum vegan delights. Enjoy delectable treats and Loft Byron Bay food to share with ocean views. 6684 2306 good vibes at this Mullum icon. Tues–Fri 8.30am–2.30pm 4 Jonson Street, Happy Hour | Every day 4-6pm Sat, Sun 9am–2pm Takeaways and lots of grab-and-go goodies Byron Bay $6 Loft Lager or Wine, $10 Aperol Spritz, $12 Margarita FB/Insta: EmpireMullum available. Phone orders welcome 6680 9183 Espresso Martini Nights | Every day 9-11pm – call ahead and avoid the queue. Book online: 2 for $20 Classic Espresso Martini Yaman Open every day from 4pm till late. Mullumbimby Coff ee, Malawach Rolls, Pita Pockets, Falafel, Traditional Yemenite spices and all your 62 Stuart St, Mullumbimby St Elmo Dining 6684 3778 favourites always freshly made. Room & Bar St Elmo is a place where you can enjoy great Drop in for an authentic atmosphere, Open Thursday – Sunday company, fi rst-class food, sophisticated cocktails Open 7 days from 9am–8pm takeaway or get it delivered* 5 – 10pm and an extensive wine list. St Elmo is plating up *Delivery Sun–Fri 4–8PM, Mullumbimby only to your doorstep. Cnr Fletcher St and Lawson modern Spanish cuisine to be enjoyed amongst Free Delivery from $39 Lane, Byron Bay friends and family. Our menus change regularly 6680 7426 and feature daily specials. CATERING

Chupacabra Authentic Mexican in a relaxed, fresh and bright atmosphere. Celebrations Eat in or take out. This is slow ‘fast food’ with all produce sourced locally. CCELEBRATIONSELEBRATIONS Catering By Mexican blend Moonshine coffee by day, margaritas by Shop 12A, 3 Cliff ord St, night, TACOS all day long! Liz Jackson E: [email protected] Suff olk Park Family friendly and specials each night. Celebration cakes P: 0414 895 441 0448 077 401 Coffee: 7am – 11.30am Personal catering services Dinner: 5pm – 9pm Event co-ordination and @chupabyron Saturday Lunch: 11.30am – 3pm Open Mon – Sat: Closed Sundays BBYY LLIZIZ JJACKSONACKSON management 28 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Property

coastal & hinterland sales


Choosing the right person to sell your home is such an important decision. Over the years we have bought and sold a few properties, and had countless interactions with real estate agents, “both good and bad. :KHQZH¿UVWPHW.DWULQDZHNQHZLPPHGLDWHO\WKDWVKHZDVWKHULJKWSHUVRQWRVHOORXU house. She has this beautiful gentle nature, genuineness and sincerity about her that immediately SXWV\RXDWHDVH$QGDV\RXJHWWRNQRZKHULWEHFRPHVREYLRXVWKHVKHNQRZVKHUVWXIIDQG HQMR\VGRLQJKHUMRE.DWULQDLVDQH[SHUWDWVWUDWHJ\PDUNHWLQJSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGQHJRWLDWLRQ and is able to present and communicate her ideas clearly and professionally.



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LOCATION PLUS 3 BED I 2 BATH I 1 CAR I $1,050,000 This quality home was built by master builder Phil Anstey approximately 20 years ago. The home has been designed with a flexible floor plan which allows the home to be used in multiple ways. Featuring timber floors throughout and high ceilings, there are two living areas, one which can be used as a fourth bedroom, rumpus room or home office with its own access. There are three other bedrooms including a large master bedroom with ensuite bathroom and walk-in robe. The home JANICE MAPLE has been recently painted, the floors have been sanded and polished and the carpet is only 7 months old. A spacious north-eastern facing 0401 026 359 timber deck captures the sun all day and provides an elevated place to [email protected] view the hills surrounding Bangalow. Surrounded by mature trees, the garden is private and generous at 731sqm. Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 29 Charming Mullumbimby Cottage Minutes to Town Large Family Home with Multiple Entertaining Areas

3 1 2 443M2 6 3 2.5 684M2

• Located just minutes to the centre of town • Large, impeccably presented contemporary family home • Tastefully updated with open plan living/dining/kitchen • 6 bedrooms all with ceiling fans, 3 bathrooms, 3 living zones • Modern kitchen with gas cooktop and wooden bench tops • Fantastic covered outdoor area with pool • Additional living space and wooden floor boards throughout • Flexible floor plan to suit multiple living options • Great undercover patio area and level yard • Downstairs features separate rumpus room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette • Well maintained gardens with beautiful established plants and trees • Granite benchtops in kitchen and bathrooms • Separate 2 room studio out the back, garage and rear lane access • Only 700m to Sharpes Beach and 500m to schools

Address: 12 Morrison Avenue, Mullumbimby Address: 42 Waterford Parade, Skennars Head Auction: Thursday, 17th September from 5pm – Unless Sold Prior Auction: Saturday, 5th September – Unless Sold Prior Open: Friday, 21st August 10.00 – 10.30am Open: Thursday, 20th August 5.00 – 5.30pm Saturday, 22nd August 10.00 – 10.30am Saturday, 22nd August 11.00 – 11.30am Enquiries: Tara Torkkola 0423 519 698, Vanessa Coles 0433 836 755 Enquiries: Oliver Aldridge 0421 171 499, Helen Huntly-Barratt 0412 332 232

Great location with DA Approval for Dual Occupancy Large Home with Garden Outlook on 2.6 acres

3 1 3 2HA 3 3 2 2.6ACRES • Private east facing property providing endless possibilities • Perfect ‘lifestyler’ - dream hinterland property with an abundance of wildlife • Large approved shed and DA approval for dual occupancy • Solidly built home with high vaulted ceilings and open plan kitchen • Renovate, build, or just move in and start enjoying the picture perfect setting • Very tidy, easy care acreage with much to offer • Neat and tidy main house with 3 bedrooms all with built ins • Established gardens with mature native trees, fruit trees, vegetable and herb beds • Fantastic garden with beautiful established trees • 3 x 22000L water tanks, with two at the main house and one at the shed • Room for further plantings or a secondary dwelling/granny flat (STCA) • 12 minutes to Ballina Airport and Lennox head, and 25 minutes to Byron Bay • Located 10 minute drive to Mullumbimby and 17 minutes to Byron Bay

Address: 245 Friday Hut Road, Tintenbar Address: 58 Kingsvale Road, Myocum

Auction: Saturday, 29th August – 10.00am onsite – Unless Sold Prior Auction: Thursday, 17th September from 5pm – Unless Sold Prior Open: Thursday, 20th August 12.00 – 12.30pm Open: Saturday, 22nd August 10.00 – 10.30am Saturday, 22nd August 9.30 – 10.00am Enquiries: Helene Adams 0412 139 807, Vanessa Coles 0433 836 755 Enquiries: Helen Huntly-Barratt 0412 332 232

35 FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 [email protected] PH: O2 6685 8466 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU

30 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily ‘Spring Hill’ via Federal – 40 Hectares (approx) 100 Acres Sought-After Quiet Location Close to Town & Tallow Beach

5 2 100AC (APPROX) 3 2 2 248M2

• DECEASED ESTATE UNDER INSTRUCTONS FROM THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE • Free standing home with single garage on sought-after Paterson Street • Prime frost free agricultural country • Newly renovated kitchen with wooden bench tops and breakfast bar • Solid original home plus adjoining granny flat • Entertaining deck under the trees and birds • Huge machine sheds and separate self contained studio • Ceiling fans in lounge and all bedrooms • Abundant spring fed water from dams and creek • Low maintenance outdoor areas, lock-up garage with storage and laundry • Amazing alternate homesite offering privacy and panoramic views • Quiet location close to town and walking distance to Tallow Beach • First time offered in 50 years, Spring Hill – a Byron hinterland gem • Fabulous family home or investment opportunity

Address: 748 Federal Drive, Federal Address: 6B/107 Paterson Street, Byron Bay Auction: Thursday, 17th September from 5pm – Unless Sold Prior Price: $875,000 – $925,000 Open: Wednesday, 19th August 1.00 – 1.30pm Open: Thursday, 20th August 1.00 – 1.30pm Saturday, 22nd August 1.00 – 1.30pm Saturday, 22nd August 1.00 – 1.30pm Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500 Enquiries: Tara Torkkola 0423 519 698, Luke Elwin 0421 375 635

Charming Lifestyle Property with Handy Income Spectacular Views to Distant Mountains

3 2 2 34.2HA 5 2 2 1.1HA

• Lovingly restored original homestead with all the charm and character of yesteryear • Perched high on the hill overlooking Wilson River Valley • Elevated red soil country with river valley outlook • Unobstructed northerly panoramas from gentle acreage • Open plan living and stylish kitchen additions flow to wide open entertaining decks • Big, bold and beautiful family home • Separate renovated self-contained cottage with multiple options • Separate two bedroom granny flat • Spring fed gully ideal for big dam build, huge powered machine shed • Handy income from approximately 1,800 producing macadamias • Low maintenance established grounds and gardens, self-sufficiency beckons • The quintessential Byron Hinterland lifestyle property • Rainforest pockets and loads of water for irrigation and pool

Address: Cloudview – 107 Eureka Road, Rosebank Address: 14 Roseview Road, McLeans Ridges

Auction: Saturday, 29th August – 11.30am -- Unless Sold Prior Auction: Thursday, 17th September from 5pm – Unless Sold Prior Open: Wednesday, 19th August 12.00 – 12.30pm Saturday, 22nd August 12.00 – 12.30pm Open: Saturday, 22nd August 3.00 – 3.30pm Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500 Enquiries: Greg Price 0412 871 500

35 FLETCHER ST, BYRON BAY NSW 2481 [email protected] PH: O2 6685 8466 WWW.BYRONBAYFN.COM.AU Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 31 Property For North Coast news online visit Seaside Apartment Did you know? 6/3 Newberry Parade, Brunswick Heads 3 1 1 $945,000–$985,000 Not only does # Н#* have

fantastic circulation Yoga Teachers Needed 1 1 2 335 Gosport Street - Moree Large living area, split system A/C, and distribution Commercial property currently used as covered patio and large secure backyard. a studio. Rear lane access into a double covered Ɯ#1.!/ŀ%0(/+$/ Has a spacious one-bedroom house carport. attached with a large secure yard and Can be rented out separately or together back lane entrance. as a package. 0$!)+/000. 0%2!ŀ Studio has been totally renovated with Or used as a home-based business as new split system A/C, sink, storeroom there is a connecting door. and WC. Priced to sell at $219k %*0!.!/0%*#*  House is very tidy and has one bedroom, Make your sea change Call Jen 0427 528 107 kitchen, bathroom, laundry & WC. with this renovated, well talented readers. maintained top floor apartment in a small complex of eight. Private access and exclusive use of !((%*#%0(%'!3! spacious east facing timber deck, north facing verandah 0$%*'%0%//%* !9A@>Ł as well as a ground level fenced courtyard all to yourself. • East facing, elevated with secure, private entrance • Open plan living/dining with bamboo floors Providing a voice for the • Massive 45sqm Jarrah timber entertaining deck • Exclusive use of ground fenced courtyard Northern Rivers • Chic kitchen with dishwasher + stone benches Community • Sleek bathroom, freestanding tub + separate shower • Lock up garage, concealed laundry off kitchen since • Good tenants on lease until Feb 2021 happy to stay on 1986 Price guide: $945,000–$985,000 Inspect: Private inspections by appointment Contact: Fiona Johnson – 0400 418 886 Fiona Johnson @realty Open For Inspection Belle Property • 94 Beech Dr, Suffolk Park. Sat 11–11.30am Raine & Horne Ocean Shores/ Raine & Horne Ocean Shores/ • 28/3 Helen Crt, Ballina. Sat 9–9.30am • 3 Main St, Clunes. Sat 11.30–12 pm Brunswick Heads Brunswick Heads • 2E Pacific Vista Dr, Byron Bay. Sat 12–12.30 pm • 59B Stoneyhurst Dr, Lennox Head. Sat • 1 Hunter St, Burringbar. Sat 9.30–10am • 14 Gilba Ave, Ocean Shores. Sat 12–12.30 pm • 33 Baromi Rd, Kynnumboon 10–10.30am • 46 Narooma Dr, Ocean Shores. Sat 10–10.30am • 107 Eureka Rd, Rosebank. Sat 12–12.30 pm • 1 Point Lookout Chase, Murwillumbah • 1/53 Montwood Dr, Lennox Head. Sat 11–11.30am • 10 McPherson Crt, Murwillumbah. Sat 10–10.30am • 178 Tyagarah Rd, Myocum. Sat 12–12.30pm Byron & Beyond Real Estate • 28 Larelar Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 10.30–11am • 6 New City Rd, Mullumbimby. Sat 12–12.30pm 119 River St, South Murwillumbah. Sat Auctions • 4 Station St, Burringbar. Sat 10–10.30am • • 6B/107 Paterson St, Byron Bay. Sat 1–1.30pm 10.45–11.15am • 2 Barkala Crt, Ocean Shores. Sat 11.30am–12pm Belle Property • 748 Federal Dr, Federal. Sat 1–1.30pm • 1 Point Lookout Chase, Murwillumbah. Sat • 2 Strand Ave, New Brighton. Sat 1–1.30pm • 14 Roseview Rd, Mcleans Ridge. Sat 3–3.30pm 11–11.30am • 28/3 Helen Crt, Ballina. On site 30 Aug, 1pm Byron Bay First National Real Estate • 1107 Coolamon Scenic Dr, Montecollum. Sat • 23 River St, South Murwillumbah. Sat • 59B Stoneyhurst Dr, Lennox Head. On site 30 Aug, 4–4.30pm • 107 Eureka Rd, Rosebank. Wed 12–12.30pm 11.30am–12pm 9am • 1/4 Roundhouse Place, Ocean Shores. Sat • 748 Federal Dr, Federal. Wed 1–1.30pm Elders Real Estate Brunswick Valley • 1/53 Montwood Dr, Lennox Head. On site 30 Aug, 11.30am–12pm • 804 Main Arm Rd, Main Arm. Thu 11–11.30am • 22 Garden Ave, Mullumbimby. Sat 9–9.30am 10.30am • 9 Banool Circuit, Ocean Shores. Sat 58 Kingsvale Rd, Myocum. Thu 12–12.30pm 10 Newberry Pde, Brunswick Heads. Sat • • 11.30am–12pm Byron Bay First National Real Estate 11–11.30am • 1201 Main Arm Rd, Upper Main Arm. Thu • 53 Helen St, South Golden Beach. Sat 12.30–1pm 12–12.30pm • 6149 Tweed Valley Way, Burringbar. Sat 12.30–1pm • 272 Arthur Rd, Corndale. Sat 22 Aug, 10am Real Estate of Distinction • 6B/107 Paterson St, Byron Bay. Thu 1–1.30pm • 144 The Warra Willows Rd, Burringbar. Sat • 245 Friday Hut Rd, Tintenbar. Sat 29 Aug, 10am • 272 Arthur Rd, Corndale. Thu 1–1.30pm 2–2.30pm • 3/1–2 Cape Crt, Byron Bay. Sat 10.30–11am • 107 Eureka Rd, Rosebank. Sat 29 Aug, 11.30am • 36 Corkwood Cr, Suffolk Park. Thu 2–2.30pm HarCrts Northern Rivers • 37 Broadway, Burrringbar. Sat 12–12.30pm • 75 Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay. Sat 5 Sep, 11am • 9 McLean St, Skennars Head. Sat 2–2.30pm • 11 Sansom St, Bangalow. Thu 3–3.30pm • 103 Willowbank Dr, Alstonvale. Sat 9–9.30am • 11 Sansom St, Bangalow. Sat 5 Sep, 12.30pm 42 Waterford Pde, Skennars Head. Thu 5–5.30pm • 1787 Kyogle Rd, Uki. Sun 11–11.30am • • 2 Kawana St, Alstonville. Sat 10–10.30am • 42 Waterford Pde, Skennars Head. Sat 5 Sep, • 804 Main Arm Rd, Main Arm. Fri 9–9.30am • 70 Dolphin Dr, West Ballina. Sat 10.30–11am 10am • 12 Morrison Ave, Mullumbimby. Fri 10–10.30am • 9 Mackay St, Byron Bay. Sat 11–11.30am • 748 Federal Dr, Federal. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 6 New City Rd, Mullumbimby. Fri 10–10.00am • 9 Bonview St, Ballina. Sat 12–12.30pm • 58 Kingsvale Rd, Myocum. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 178 Tyagarah Rd, Myocum. Fri 12–12.30pm • 1/14 Keats St, Byron Bay. Sat 12–12.30pm • 12 Morrison Ave, Mullumbimby. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 11 Ironbark Ave, Byron Bay. Fri 1.15–1.45pm • 6 Kennedys Lane, Ewingsdale. Sat 2–2.30pm • 6 New City Rd, Mullumbimby. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 36 Corkwood Cr, Suffolk Park. Sat 9–9.30am • 6 Highfield Terrace, Cumbalum. Sat & Wed New Listings • 272 Arthur Rd, Corndale. Sat 9–9.30am 11.30am–12pm • 14 Roseview Rd, Mcleans Ridge. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 58 Kingsvale Rd, Myocum. Sat 9.30–10am • 660 Ballina Rd, Goonellabah. Sat 12.45–1.15pm Byron Bay First National Real Estate • 94 Beech Dr, Suffolk Park. Sat 17 Sep, 5pm • 2/16 Armstrong St, Suffolk Park. Sat 10–10.30am Janice Maple @Realty • 6B/107 Paterson St, Byron Bay • 11 Sansom St, Bangalow. Sat 10–10.30am • 748 Federal Dr, Federal • 1 Ferguson Crt, Bangalow. Sat 11–11.30am • 12 Morrison Ave, Mullumbimby. Sat 10–10.30am • 12 Morrison Ave, Mullumbimby • 19 Parrot Tree Place, Bangalow. Sat 12–12.30pm • 18 Booyong Crt, Suffolk Park. Sat 10–10.30am • 58 Kingsvale Rd, Myocum • 245 Friday Hut Rd, Tintenbar. Sat 10–10.30am LJ Hooker Brunswick Heads • 14 Roseview Rd, Mcleans Ridge • 42 Waterford Pde, Skennars Head. Sat 11–11.30am • 5875 Tweed Valley Way, Mooball. Sat 11–11.30am • 94 Beech Dr, Suffolk Park 32 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Property Business Directory


BUYING and SELLING REAL ESTATE You need an alternative legal specialist OONLYNLY UUSESE TTHEHE BBESTEST STILL OPEN! TTOO SELLSELL YYOUROUR PPROPERTYROPERTY NP CONVEYANCING We are here to help AND we’ll save you money NPC PHONE 6685 7436 FOR A QUOTE 2/75 Jonson Street Byron Bay 2481 Fax: (02) 6685 7221 Lic No 1041865

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(02) 6686 1100 (02) 6685 6552 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 33 Service Directory For North Coast news online visit

SERVICE DIRECTORY RATES, PAYMENT & DEADLINE ACCOUNTANTS & BOOKKEEPERS DEADLINE: 12pm Friday. CASH PAID FOR For additions and changes to the Service Directory is ACCOUNTANT Paul Mayberry ...... 66847415 LINE ADS: $99 for 3 months or $340 for 1 year prepaid. BOOKKEEPER Local and reliable ...... 0402 118649 UNWANTED CARS For line Service Directory ads email classifi [email protected]. BOOKKEEPING, BAS, payroll, hubdoc, etc. Serving N. Rivers since 2007. D Evans ...... 0432 176091 DISPLAY ADS: $68 per week for colour display ad. Minimum 8 week booking 4 weeks prepaid. TAX AGENT 66874746 Please supply display ads 85mm wide, 28mm high. New display ads will be placed at end of section. Graeme Toohill [email protected] ...... 6684 5296 For display Service Directory ads email [email protected]. BECK THE BOOKKEEPER Xero, MYOB, BAS, Payroll, COVID-19 assistance ...... 02 66084372 The Echo Service Directory is online in Echonetdaily – BAYSIDE RADIATORS Windscreens & air-con. Billinudgel. AU29498 ...... 66802444 ACUPUNCTURE ACCOUNTS & BOOKINGS: 6684 1777 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS INDEX ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE M Collis ...... 66842559 MARLENE FARRY Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine ...... 66842400 ACUPUNCTURE 0414 478787 Accountants & Bookkeepers...... 34 & acupressure massage. Ph Dr. Derek Doran ...... REVAMP BATHROOMS Bathroom Renovations and Tiling Repairs Acupuncture ...... 34 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION :DOO )ORRU7LOLQJ_:DWHUSURR¿QJ_3HUVRQDOLVHGVHUYLFHDQG Air Conditioning & Refrigeration ...... 34 DGYLFH_&XVWRPGHVLJQZLWKFRQVXOWDWLRQ_)XOOOLFHQVHG LQVXUHG Antennas & Installation ...... 34 Call Jason 0434 177 594 Antiques/Restoration ...... 34 Appliance Repair ...... 34 BLINDS, AWNINGS, CURTAINS, SHUTTERS Architects ...... 34 Automotive ...... 34 LOCAL SHOWCASE DEALER SHOWROOM SUNSCREENS Bathroom Renovations ...... 34 Blinds, Awnings, Curtains, Shutters ...... 34 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Bricklaying ...... 34 Building Trades ...... 34 CURTAINS Bush Regen & Weed Control ...... 35 PLEASE CALL 6680 9394 1/84 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay Carpet Cleaning ...... 35 Chimney Sweeps ...... 35 6680 8862 AU 37088 Lic 246545C FREE MEASURE QUOTE PLANTATION SHUTTERS Chiropractic ...... 35 ˘˗ ˘˞˛ ˌ˘˖˙˕ˎ˝ˎ ˛ˊ˗ːˎ ˘ˏ Cleaning ...... 35 ˒˗˝ˎ˛˒˘˛ ϻ ˎˡ˝ˎ˛˒˘˛ – Sales – Installation – Repairs Computer Services ...... 35 Mullumbimby – All Commercial Refrigeration ˠ˒˗ˍ˘ˠ ˝˛ˎˊ˝˖ˎ˗˝˜ Concreting & Paving ...... 35 Refrigeration & – Residential & Commercial SPECIALISTS IN HOME AUTOMATION AWNINGS Airconditioning Airconditioning ZZZEOLQGGHVLJQE\URQED\FRPDX Decks, Patios & Extensions ...... 35 – Coolroom Design & Construction ROLL BLINDS Services – Freezer Rooms Dentists ...... 35 Design & Drafting ...... 35 45 Manns Road, Mullumbimby COMPASS 23 years and going strong! Lic: 299433C ARC: AU40492 Custom made curtains, Driveway Maintenance ...... 35 6684 2783 CURTAINS blinds and decor items COOLMAN AIR CONDITIONING23 years experience. Lic 178464C AU30147 ...... 0412 641753 Earthmoving & Excavation ...... 35 We come to you, wherever Electricians ...... 35 RAINBOW REGION AIR CONDITIONING ARC AU36141. Lic No. 264313C ...... 0487 264137 you are: Byron, Lismore, Barbara Wilson The Clarence and beyond… Fencing ...... 35 ANTENNAS & INSTALLATION 0435 954 212 [email protected] Floor Sanding & Polishing ...... 35 Garden & Property Maintenance ...... 35 Garden Design ...... 36 Gas Suppliers ...... 36 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 Graphic Design ...... 36 Digital TV Friendly Handypersons ...... 36 ALL Antenna Reliable Installations & Repairs Prompt BLINDS | AWNINGS | SHUTTERS Health ...... 36 ALL Electrical Work Local Hire ...... 36 YOUR LOCAL BLIND MAN at North Byron Blinds ...... Amos 0404 421518 Kitchens ...... 36 IWIRE • New digital Landscape Design ...... 36 AANTENNASNTENNAS antennas BRICKLAYING NO FIX NO CHARGE* • Reception Landscape Supplies ...... 36 problems BRICK/BLOCK LAYING Contractors. Lic 291958C. Phone Mark ...... 0409 444268 Landscaping ...... 36 For fast service call • Extra TV outlets BUILDING TRADES Locksmith ...... 36 0402 022 111 Osteopathy ...... 36 David Levine *conditions apply • DEPT OF FAIR TRADING:A licence is required for all residential building work where the reason- Painting ...... 36 able market cost of the work to be done (labour and materials) exceeds $5000 (including GST). JP DIGITAL ANTENNAS Reception problems, new antennas, extra TV points, all areas .....0432 289705 Pest Control ...... 36 ANTENNAS PLUS. TV, WiFi, Electrical. Reliable. Call Norm ...... 0422 668582 • RELIABLE TRADESMAN Photography ...... 36 • DECKS & PERGOLAS Physiotherapy ...... 36 ANTIQUES/RESTORATION • TIMBER SCREENS & DOORS Picture Framing ...... 36 • GARAGE CONVERSIONS FURNITURE RESTORATION Old/antique. 40+ yrs exp. 0412 528454 Picture Hanging ...... 36 LICENCE NUMBER 344531C SERVICING THE BYRON SHIRE Plastering ...... 36 APPLIANCE REPAIR CALL BRETT 0414 542 019 Plumbers ...... 36 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS REPAIR & SERVICE TV. Audio. Antennas ...... 66843575 or 0414 922786 Pools ...... 37 COFFEE MACHINE SERVICE & REPAIR coff Phone Stuart ...... 0407 395263 Removalists ...... 37 ALL CARPENTRY WORK ARCHITECTS FULLY INSURED Roofi ng ...... 37 • Floor installations Rubbish Removal ...... 37 • Door & Window OCEANARC ARCHITECTS Reg. 6042 ...... 66855001 Self Storage ...... 37 installations • Decks & Pergolas AUTOMOTIVE NSW Lic. 83568c 0488 950 638 Septic Systems ...... 37 Qld BSA 1238105 [email protected] • Alterations Solar Installation ...... 37 Tiling ...... 37 Tree Services ...... 37 Tuition ...... 37 Upholstery ...... 37 • Tyres • Batteries • Wheel Alignments MULLUMBIMBY TYRE SERVICE LEGENDARY Valuers ...... 37 OFFROAD TYRES Veterinary Surgeons ...... 37 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby 6684 2016 Water Filters ...... 37 Mobile Panel, Paint & Bumper Repairs FREE QUOTES Lic: 317362C Water Supplies ...... 37 Licensed builder, Wedding Services ...... 37 • Scratch & Dent Repairs specialising in • Rust Repairs • Pre Sales Tidy Ups Bathroom renovations. Welding ...... 37 • Car Park Dents • Accident Damage We come to you. Fully qualifi ed, fully Quality workmanship, and Window Cleaning ...... 37 0417 654 888 reliable and personalised service.

Lic No: MVTC157416 insured and all work is guaranteed. Window Tinting ...... 37 Bumper to Bumper Repairs | Cory 0403 918 831

34 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Service Directory

COMPUTER SERVICES ELECTRICIANS Complete Home RENT-A-GEEK 66844335 Maintenance Solutions Mobile PC Repair (Byron Shire) ...... 24 HOUR BETTER CALL SAUL 0411 562111 Bathroom and Kitchen Renovations • General Carpentry The Mac Doctor. Repairs. Upgrades. Used Macs ......

Lic. 266174C SERVICE • Timber Decks • Home Maintenance CONCRETING & PAVING 0439 624 945 AH 02 66 804 173 RAY GOUGH 0477 005 144 [email protected] Domestic All Jobs DINGO DEMOLITIONS & ASBESTOS REMOVAL ...... 66834008 or 0407 728998 Small or SALISBURY Commercial Large BUILDER – JOHN McGAURAN Personalised Service. 20 yrs exp. Lic 170208C ...... 0415 793242 Lic: 154293c BUILDER Renovations, maintenance, 30yrs exp. Lic 29792C ....0408 663420 CONCRETING HAVEN BUILDING All aspects of building. Lic 326616C ...... 0432 565060 ELECTRICAL SECURITY, DATA, TV FABRICA JOINERY Quality kitchens/timber doors/windows. Lic 244652C ...... 66808162 DARYL 0418 234 302 Steve Nicholls Tim Nicholls Over 25 yrs local experience. All forms of concreting. CARPENTER HANDYMAN FB Greg’s Handyman Services Byron Bay Lic No 1039897 ....0414 109595 ph: 0455 445 343 ph: 0468 384 203

Residential • Civil • Industrial Lic.136717c LELAND CARPENTRY All carpentry – small renovation specialist (under $5K) Jesse ...0458 968290 lic: EC28753 lic: 000102498 BUSH REGENERATION & WEED CONTROL ALL AROUND [email protected] WEED CONTROL SPECIALIST Lawns – bindii weeds – Army worms – grass grubs .....0418 110714 EAST COAST BUSH REGENERATION Tree planting, weed control. Call Rossco Faithfull .0409 157695 CONCRETING COUGHRAN ELECTRICAL 24 hour service, Lic 154293C ...... 0439 624945 or 66804173 CARPET CLEANING Free Call Daniel RONNIE SPINKS Everything electrical. Lic 27673 ...... 0429 802355 0424 876 155 JP ELECTRICAL All electrical. Level 2 ASP. Solar, data + TV. Lic 133082C ...... 0432 289705 Lic No. 337066C Lic No. Quotes FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! Green & Clean JIM LABELLE ELECTRICAL O.Shores, Mullum, Byron, Brunswick. Lic 176417C ...... 0415 126028 PLATINUM CRETE CONCRETING Lic 225874C. 20 years exp. Free quotes. Justin ...... 0458 773788 Carpet and upholstery cleaning, urine SPINKS ELECTRICAL Lic 284939C...... Call Mitch 0421 843477 extraction, rust removal, heavy traffi c FLANAGAN CONCRETING & EXCAVATIONS. Lic 155456C. Ph Andrew...... 0401 968173 areas, deodorising and sanitation. BLUE BEE ELECTRICAL 25 years experience. Lic 189508C. Call Dave ...... 0429 033801 Cleans deeply, BEN FORSYTH, 0422 136408 Far North Coast NSW DECKS, PATIOS & EXTENSIONS Electrician. Lic:240691C. Ocean Shores & surrounds. No job too small ... John & Teresa dries in 1-2 hours CIRCUITS PLUS. For everything electrical in Byron Shire. Lic 201844c ...... 0422 668582 0408 232 066 Commercial / Domestic / Insurance FULL CIRCLE REFINISHING Timber & deck oiling, coating, stripping. Fast free quotes .....0419 789600 E4 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Lic 116621c. Solutions made E4 EASY! Phone Jamie ...... 0410 502060 THE DECK DOCTOR 0407 821690 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Sanding & refi nishing, cable balustrading. Free quotes. Richard ... DENTISTS FENCING BLACKS CHIMNEY SWEEPING & REPAIRS AHHA member, insured. 3rd generation .....66771905 CHIROPRACTIC LITTLE LANE DENTAL, MULLUMBIMBY ...... 66842816 BRUNSWICK HOLISTIC DENTAL CENTRE ...... 66851264 BAY FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Peter Wuehr 17 Bangalow Rd Byron Bay ...... 66855282 ALL STEEL GATES WAVE OF LIFE NETWORK CHIRO (lowforce) 8/9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay. Andrew Badman ...66858553 DESIGN & DRAFTING CLEANING Glass Fencing, Colorbond Fencing, BAREFOOT BUILDING DESIGN ...... Bob Acton 0407 787993 Aluminium Slat Gates, Pool Fencing, DAVID ROBINSON DESIGN DRAFTING All Council & construction requirements ...... 0419 880048 Sliding Gate Specialist ACTION WINDOW & BYRON ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN & DRAFTING ...... 0423 531448 PRESSURE CLEANING FENG SHUI DESIGN CONSULTANT Lizzie Bodenham Ph .0431 678608 FULLY QUALIFIED & INSURED [email protected] BORRELL DESIGN 0412 043463 • House washing • High pressure or soft wash • Window cleaning Drafting & design. Commercial, retail, residential, shop fi t-outs ..... FREE QUOTES 7 DAYS • Driveways, paths & roofs • Gutters & fl yscreens • Water effi cient • Free quotes DRIVEWAY MAINTENANCE Phone Joe or Helen 0409 207 646 or 0412 495750 0499 156 005 • Window Cleaning Coast to Country • Screens & Tracks Lic #256735C • Pressure Washing SSpecialisingpecialising iinn AAsphaltsphalt • Steel • Pool • House •Roof • Colorbond® • Gates • Paths • Asphalt Driveways • Sub-divisions Call • Solar • Earthworks • Carparks • and all Maintenance! • Paling • Picket 0467 482 948 • Glass Fencing JIMSTH-2017 0434 539 979 For a Free Quote Call Now Call 131 546 ast A Quality Exterior Refinishing t Co sph ALL ASPECTS OF ASPHALT as al E t & BITUMEN SERVICES BYRON & BEYOND FENCING Any fence, any time, prompt quotes ...... 66804766 or 0422 207299 Roof & Pressure Cleaning Roof Painting 6677 1859 EDL FENCING Installations & repairs. Prompt service...... 0432 107262 Deck Oiling SERVICING THE EAST COAST OF FLOW FENCING Pool fencing, timber/colourbond, local, professional and reliable ...... 0416 424256 Phone Oliver 0419 789 600 THE NSW NORTHERN RIVERS & G CON IN Burringbar CRETE EDG FLOOR SANDING & POLISHING

THE FLOOR SANDER New & old fl oors, decks, non-toxic fi nishes, special eff ects, free quotes..0407 821690 Byron Bay EARTHMOVING & EXCAVATION 5 Stars GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CLEANING SERVICE CLEANS: Holiday, Residential, Bond, Commercial, Spring TINY EARTHWOR Phone Mick 0409 009 024 Philip Toovey Email: [email protected] 0409 799 909 Acreage Mowing Specialist | Mini excavation Professional Cleaning Services various implements available for limited access projects Toro Dingo with stump grinder, trencher and soil cultivator 0404 978 383 BOND CLEAN AND Contact Vadi: Blue BUILDERS CLEAN SPECIALIST WILSONS Excavation & Plant Hire Sky Friendly reliable and trustworthy service. Specialising in Driveway Construction & Maintenance Acreage & Residential Mowing | Gardening • Tip Trucks 3 to 12 Tonne • Excavators 5 & 21 Tonne • Posi Track Loader • Driveways • Roads • Cleaning • Civil Works • House Pads • Drainage • Carparks • Bush Rocks • Rock Walls • Water Truck Fire Hazard Reduction | Landscaping | Turfing | Training & Assessment: Earthmoving Plant & Forklift Brush Cutting | Tip Runs | Fully Insured Nationally Recognised Qualifi cations [email protected] 0430 297 101 / 6684 5437 Window Cleaning Byron Bay 0427 663 678 or 0452 400 565

Professionals 5.5 TONNE EXCAVATOR , Call Glenn or Tracey 0403 428 232 POSITRACK & TIPPER HIRE email: [email protected] Specialising in road works, land Reliable • Friendly • Professional • Fully Insured • Free Quotes • Affordable Rates clearing, retaining walls and Flyscreen Repairs • Locally Owned & Operated • Quality Work • Over 15 Years Exp general earthworks. DETAILED CLEANER/GUEST HOUSE MANAGER All natural products 4.8 Stayz rated ..0410 723601 Augers and rock grab available. BEYOND CLEANING GROUP Quality focused. Brunswick to Ballina from $39.60ph .....0451 102239 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS | FREE QUOTES 0432 299 283 PROFESSIONAL LOCAL CLEANER excellent references, good rates. Shire wide. Ph Krissy ..0410 860330 NORTHERN RIVERS TRENCHING 65hp chain trencher, mini excavator, cable locating .0402 716857 HOLIDAY CLEANERS Avail now! Domestic, AirBnB, last-minute. Local, exp & reliable .0421 360961 ALEX EXCAVATION 0417 920300 BOND CLEANING ...... 0421 360961 3.5T Zero Swing excavator & bobcat loader & 5T Tipper Rock Grab Garden & Property maintenance continued on next page ECO-FRIENDLY Immaculate, local cleaner. 10+ yrs exp. Exc refs. Domestic/commercial ..0449 173056 EXCAVATOR & TIPPER HIRE 300mm, 450mm augers & concreting Lic#143161C. Steve . 0431 678130 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰ,ǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 35 Service Directory For North Coast news online visit


THE BYRON BAY GARDEN & LANDSCAPING COMPANY Structural Landscaping • Paving • Stonework • Timber work • Sand • Soils • Gravels Professional Property Protection you can Trust • Retaining wall • Garden maintenance • Pots & statues • Lots, lots more • Targeted treatments for all pests with “no spray” cockroach treatments • If you have found live termites, do not disturb them and call us for advice! • Planting • Turfi ng • Mulching 1176 Myocum Rd, Mullumbimby (just past golf course) No cost for quoting on active termites • Hedging • Lawns 6684 2323 / 0418 663 983 Relax, when safety, reputation and experience matters, we are the experts 0434 329 111 6685 4490 or AH on 0414 769 018

Don’t waste your weekends cleaning your gutters! LANDSCAPING Let us take care of them for you! 02 6681 6555 • Wet/dry Vacuum cleaning • Professional & friendly service • Safety trained & fully insured Free quotes on active termites Environmentally safe Call Phil & Rheu   0480 286 276 or 1300 654 253 YOUR PEST & TERMITE SPECIALISTS

[email protected]. Ride-on, large lawns & acreage. Ph Peter ...... 0423 756394 THE PEST MAN EXTRAORDINAIRE Second opinion / alternative views. 50 yrs exp .....0418 110714 GUTTERS CLEANED Solar panel cleaning, all areas, free quotes, fully insured ... 66841778 or 0405 922839 BRUNSWICK BYRON PEST CONTROL ...... 66842018 A-Z Lawns & acreage, trees & hedges, clean ups & tip runs, all gutters ...... 0405 625697 PHOTOGRAPHY A.C.E. LAWNMOWING & GARDENING Best rates, reliable, guaranteed. Ph Sam ...... 0438 655763 SShaunhaun SSavageavage LLandscapesandscapes LEAF IT TO US Specialists in acreage mowing, garden, tree maintenance ...... 0402 487213 Established 2008 ~ Lic No: 247282c Specialising in: • PAUL’S MOWING Local & reliable. Mullum, Bruns, O. Shores, Byron & Bangalow ...... 0422 958791 Retaining Walls • Pool Surrounds • Block Work • Paving • Turfi ng • Stonework A GREEN EARTH Garden restoration, maintenance, tree & rubbish removal ...... 0405 716552 Tree Faerie Fotos TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVALS 4m3 trailer...... 0408 210772 20 Years Experience 00405405 559494 228888 Professional • Commercial • Personal BRUSHCUTTING Rubbish, Property Maintenance, Lawns ...... 0412 469109 30+ years experience in commercial photography and photojournalism LEMONTREELANDSCAPES.COM.AU Liam. Lic No 277154C ...... 0423 700853 RICK’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mowing, brushcutting, gardening, pool service ...0424 805660 • 0417 427 518 ALL ASPECTS landscaping, green waste & tree removal. Lic #143161C. Ph Phil ...... 0499 359702 GREEN DINGO for all your mowing and gardening needs. Ph Michael ...... 0497 842442 GW GARDEN MAINTENANCE Mowing, brushcutting, trees & hedges, trailer ...... 0408 244820 LOCKSMITH PHYSIOTHERAPY A1 RUBBISH REMOVAL AND TIP RUNS. 9m3 trailer. Same day service. Best rates .....0413 289443 Brendan Duggan Locksmith. 0412 764148 BANGALOW PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, acupuncture, mat/reformer, clinical exercise LAWN MOWING 0437 343348 Automotive car keys and lock installation/repair ...... rubbish removal, hedge trimming. Mullum, Bruns, Ocean Shores. Mark .. 66872330 OSTEOPATHY classes, laser, shockwave. Kim Snellgrove, Cally O’Hara ...... GARDEN DESIGN NICK EDMOND Physiotherapy & Acupuncture. Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday NORTH COAST OSTEOPATHY Jodie Jacobs. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri ...... 66857517 466 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby ...... 66845288 FENG SHUI / GARDEN DESIGN ...... Lyn 0428 884329 ANTHONY D’ORSOGNA 66853511 PAINTING Physiotherapy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy Suff olk Park 1 Bryce St ... GAS SUPPLIERS OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY Manual therapies, dry needling, custom orthotics, • DEPARTMENT OF FAIR TRADING INFO:When dealing with home owners, painters are required shock wave therapy, real time ultrasound. Nigel Pitman, Ilse V Oostenbrugge...... 66803499 to quote a licence number only for external work valued over $5000. PETRA KARNI PHYSIOTHERAPY & Craniosacral, Manual Therapy, TMJ. Suff olk Park. Ph ...0403 226858 Free Delivery Locally Owned PICTURE FRAMING No Rental Est 18 years ALL-WAYS PAINTING Reliable BYRON BAY MULLUM PICTURE FRAMERS Stuart St rear lane behind Mitre 10 ...... 0403 734791 • Domestic & Commercial • Servicing all areas BILLINUDGEL CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING. 7/1 Wilfred St. Call for appointment ...... 6680 3444 • Workmanship guaranteed 6680 1575 or 0408 760 609 • Attention to detail PICTURE HANGING 0438 784 226 • 6685 4154 GRAPHIC DESIGN Lic No 189144C PROFESSIONAL PICTURE HANGING, also display of art and objects. Phone Lenny ....0407 031294 PLASTERING PLASTERING CONTRACTOR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL DESIGN C. A. Warwick Lic. No. 114578C Print | Branding | Social Media | Websites | Graphic Design ‡)UHHTXRWHV‡*\SURFNÀ[LQJ VHWWLQJ &UDLJ0413 451 186 HANDYPERSONS YVES DE WILDE QUALITY PAINTING SERVICES DQQHPZDUZLFN#JPDLOFRP FINALIST OF THE MASTER PAINTERS OF SUNRISE PLASTERING. 0418 992001 A.S.A.P. All renos, carpentry, plastering, painting, studios & bathrooms ...... 0405 625697 X No job too small. Renovations + patchworks. Gtd sat. Free quote .... AUSTRALIA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE HANDY ANDY 66884324 0476 600956 Carpentry, plastering, welding ...... or XENVIRO FRIENDLY PAINTING PLUMBERS AWESOME REPAIRS 0423 218417 Professional, commercial & domestic. Wayne ...... X 66680680 77573573 00415415 995252 449494 THE HANDYMAN CAN All home maintenance, repairs, painting, odd jobs etc ...... 0427 110953 LIC 114372C NEED A PLUMBER? GOOD NEWS HANDYMAN 0458 968290 Carpentry, home renovations/repairs etc. Jesse ...... DRAINER? GASFITTER? ABSOLUTE HANDYMAN. Repairs, renovation, maintenance, painting. Call Mark ...... 0402 281638  HIGHPOINT Repairs & handyman services. Painting, plastering & tiling. Michael ...... 0421 896796  Chay 0429 805 081 BUILDER SKILLS carpenters’ rates, 25 years exp. Lic No R84001 ...... 0422 069632 ZZZJMJSDLQWLQJFRPDXJDU\#JMJSDLQWLQJFRPDX 20 YEARS LOCAL SERVICE Licence No. 207479C


Chiropractic, Counselling, Dentists, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy ABN 48867459605 Lic 33995C ACUPUNCTURE & COSMETIC MEDICINE Dr Adam Osborne ...... 66857366 MULLUMBIMBY HERBALS Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Massage, Herbs...... 66843002 PAINTER WWW.EASTCOASTPILATES.COM.AU Judy Leane Ex. Phys ...... 0408 110006 NEIL A McINTOSH REMEDIAL MASSAGE: 0408 707304 Deep tissue, sports, relaxation. HICAPS avail. Aaron Ovens ...... INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • PLASTER REPAIRS • WALLPAPERING COUNSELLING & LIFE COACHING: Anxiety, Depression, Relationships. . 0437 174804 CLEAN & TIDY • ALWAYS ON TIME • ALL AREAS Mobile: 0421 938 104 – 465 Uralba Road, Uralba 30 years experience HIRE Blocked drain specialists Everything plumbing, MULLUM HIRE Builders, party and much more ...... 66843003 ABN 31 490 733 798 drainage & gasfi tting Mark Wopling LIC 203196C [email protected] KITCHENS 24 years experience Painting & Decorating SHANE WWWW.ENERGYJETTING.COM.AUWW.ENERGYJETTING.COM.AU WWW.ENERGYPLUMBING.COM.AU D HINGED Kitchens & Joinery. Lic 283553C. ...... Dave 0409 843689 QUALIFIED • INSURED • LOCAL • FREE QUOTES 00400400 852852 141141 Accredited 7KHÀQLVKLQJWRXFKWR\RXUKRPH JARRAH DAVIDSON Plumbing, draining, gas fi tting & roofi ng. Lic 187712C ...... 0438 668025 LANDSCAPE DESIGN Mob: 0409 451 518 [email protected] BILL CONNORS All plumbing/draining. Lic #1051 ...... 66801403 or 0414 801403 BEAU JARDIN We design & build beautiful gardens Lic 177274C ...0417 054443 AD PAINTING by John Hand. Lic 13246C ...... 0413 185399 or 66841249 MARK STRATTON All plumbing & emergency. Sewer drain camera/locator. Lic 57803C ....0419 019035 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Garden Design & Property Planning. Andrew Pawsey ...... 0478 519804 BYRONBAYPAINTINGSERVICES.COM.AU – Reliable. Quality work. Ph ...... 1300 255 724 ADM PLUMBING SERVICES…(NO JOB TOO SMALL)… Lic 234528C...... Call Adam 0466 992483 36 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Service Directory

POOLS SOLAR INSTALLATION • Professional Tree Removal, Surgery & Maintenance • Stump Grinding • Weed Control Pioneers of the solar industry ATTENTION POOL OWNERS ALL AREAS OF • Arborist Reporting & Consultancy Serving Northern NSW since 1998 THE NORTHERN RIVERS & • EWP Cherry Picker Hire • All pool requirements • Professional advice • Water testing Call us on 6679 7228 SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND • Mulching of Green Waste Your local, qualified team. • 24 Hour Emergency Call-Out • Friendly service • Pool servicing Specialists in standalone & m 0428 320 262 e [email protected] 0401 208 797 73 Station St, Mullumbimby grid interact system designs. • Professional, Reliable Service (opp. Council chambers) Electric Lic 124600c 6684 3003 SUMMERLAND TREE SERVICES ...... Call Tim 66813140 or 0417 698227 PETER GRAY Grad. Cert. Arb. AQF8. Consulting arborist ...... 0414 186161 MULLUM POOL SHOP Water testing, eco products, mobile service, construction/repairs ....0418 666839 &ŝŶĚŽƵƚŚŽǁLJŽƵĐĂŶĞƌŽLJŽƵƌƉŽǁĞƌŝůůǁŝƚŚ&ƌĞĞƐŽůĂƌĞŶĞƌŐLJ BYRON TREE SERVICES Qualifi ed, insured. Call Alex ...... 0402 364852 REMOVALISTS ǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐ'ŽŽĚŝŶ^ŽůĂƌ͕ĂƚƚĞƌŝĞƐ MARTINO TREE SERVICES ...... Martino 0435 019524  Θ^ŽůĂƌ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ LEAF IT TO US 0402 487213 Andy’s Move & More ĂůůsŝŶĐĞŶƚ^ĞůůĞĐŬ 4x4 truck/chipper + stump grinding. Local, qualifi ed, insured. Free quotes . ĨŽƌĂ&ƌĞĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶ A VERY HANDY MAN TREE SERVICES 0412 558890 Small & Medium Moves, Pianos, Artworks, ...... Happy to help. Andrew .. WŚϬϮϲϲϴϴϰϰϴϬ PROBLEM CAMPHORS and woody weeds removed. No fuss-green waste, lantana too! ..0478 779650 Tip Runs, 1 or 2 Men at Low Prices to Most Areas ǁǁǁ͘ϴϴϴƐŽůĂƌƚĞŬ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ Based from Byron Bay & Mullumbimby OUT ON A LIMB Call Lucas ...... 0402 191316 Calls always returned 0429149 533 Est 2006 Life’s Good with Solar TUITION Juno Energy is your local authorised LG energy specialist SHIRE REMOVALS & FREIGHT CO off ering solar and battery HARMONIUM TUITION, REPAIRS, SALES. Contact Alice ...... 0427 423723 solutions for your business & home From Middle Pocket to Middle Earth – just give us a ring Patrick - 0425 256 802 UPHOLSTERY • Freight services to Brisbane weekly licence number: 255292C • Carriers of fi ne art • Furniture removal BANGALOW UPHOLSTERY Now at Billinudgel. Re-covering specialists ...... 66805255 • E-bay pick up & delivery • Best Price Promise 0409 917646 • Highest Quality Products VALUERS • 10 Year Installation Workmanship Guarantee • 5 Year Annual Onsite Cleaning and BYRON BAY VALUERS NSW & QLD reg’d. Chartered Valuers ...... 0431 245460 or 66857010 Maintenance included SIMPSON PROPERTY GROUP LEAPFROG REMOVALS Your Local Solar Experts - Valuation, Advisory & Asset M/ment. Specialists in: Residential, BYRON BAY’S LOCAL REMOVALIST 1800 88 68 77 Rural, Commercial & Industrial. ...... 0400 134562 or 0427 220976 MOVING THE SHIRE FOR OVER 10 YEARS 268 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay 0432 334 200 02 6680 8170 VETERINARY SURGEONS [email protected] Lic. 258112C MULLUM VET CLINIC: Richard Gregory, Bec Willis, Mark Sebastian – After hours avail ...66843818 NORTH COAST VETERINARY SERVICES Dr Lauren Archer ...... 66840735 ‡ /RFDO ‡ &RXQWU\ 0435 791 129 WATER FILTERS ‡ ,QWHUVWDWH [email protected] Solar. Off -Grid. Electrical. /2&$/‡6<'1(<‡*2/'&2$67‡%5,6%$1(‡0(/%2851( The Water Filter 02 6684 2198 Solar designed by Electricians NOT Salesmen Experts TXHULHV#PXOOXPELPE\UHPRYDOVFRPDX No Money Down Finance Options. for home, commercial MAN WITH A VAN/TRUCK 0414 282813 Reasonable rates. Phone Don ...... 10 Year Workmanship Guarantee and rural properties BENNY CAN MOVE IT! 0402 199999 ...... Mullumbimby & The Northern Rivers 6680 8200 or MAN WITH A TALL VAN Furniture removal services. $60 an hour. Call Evan ...... 0410 120777 0424 652208 | [email protected] 0418 108 181 ROOFING Visit to get a free energy assessment WATER SUPPLIES DOMESTIC • INDUSTRIAL TILING COMMERCIAL TRIDENT WATER Remote access delivery, 4WD water truck. Northern Rivers & surrounds ..0412 580 564 Metal Roofi ng Installations • Guttering FRANCHISE OF THE YEAR! TILE & GROUT MONTYS METAL Downpipes • Fascia • Skylights • Whirlybird WEDDING SERVICES Patios • Repairs • Leaf Guard CLEANING ROOFING Craig Montgomery – 0418 870 362 Servicing the Far North Coast for 20 years. Email: montysmetalroofi [email protected] WILD WEDDINGS BYRON BAY. Life Celebrant, Jeni Gonzalez ...... 0407 629770 Licence NSW: 30715C Free quotes. Experienced local technicians. Licence QLD: 1227049 www.montysmetalroofi ChemDry’s patented cleaning systems. Far North Coast NSW WELDING John & Teresa WINTER SPECIAL: 0408 232 066 Every 5th m2 FREE RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL WELDING & FABRICATION Structural, General, Repairs: Steel, Aluminium & Stainless ..0408 410545 NEW ROOFS / RE-ROOFS TILER/STONEMASON/WATERPROOFER Lic 24418C. Phone Karl ...... 66804103 INSULATED ROOF PANELS WINDOW CLEANING FASCIA & GUTTERS TREE SERVICES REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE CLEAN VIEW Prompt, professional, insured. Phone David ...... 0421 906460 0411683003 | [email protected] | LIC 223489C CHOPPY CHOP TREE SERVICES WINDOW TINTING The Fully Insured Professionals

RUBBISH REMOVAL • Stump Grinding • Bobcat • Cherrypicker SUNRISE W. T. 3/19-21 Centennial Cct, Byron. Cars, homes, offi ces, etc. High quality ..0412 158478 • Crane Truck • 18” Chipper OCEAN SHORES SKIPS Mini skip specialists ...... 0412 161564 or 66841232 SURFWAGON - Car/Home/Offi ce tint. Lifetime Warranty. W/sale price ...... 0434 875009 TIP RUNS & RUBBISH REMOVAL 4m3 trailer ...... 0408 210772 Mark Linder Qualifi ed Arborist A1 RUBBISH REMOVAL AND TIP RUNS. 9m3 trailer. Same day service. Best rates .....0413 289443 0408 202 184 [email protected] MAN WITH UTE. RETHINK REUSE RECYCLE. Ph Mark ...... 0411 113300 THIS IS RUBBISH Tipper truck for hire. Call or text Jono ...... 0412 871438 SELF STORAGE Find B B S S BYRON BAY The Echo Mon to Fri 9am–5pm SELF STORAGE Self storage with security. Largest choice of sizes. 8-10 Tasman Way, Byron Arts & Industrial Estate Service | 6685 8349 | [email protected] PRUNING ~ REMOVALS ~ STUMP GRINDING Directory SEPTIC SYSTEMS • 20 years local knowledge and experience • Fully insured / free quotes • 19 inch chipper • Bobcat • Cherry picker • Crane truck  Home sewage solutions 0427 347 380 online  Commercial wastewater treatment  Rainwater tanks anytime at Lic 312643C concrete and plastic  Sales  Installation  Service         Northern Rivers Pty Ltd • [email protected]   0418 754 149 • 07 5523 9930 • 1300 Taylex •    !  "  TRINE SOLUTIONS Local sewerage specialists. Plumbers, drainers & gas fi tters. Lic 138031C . 0407 439805  # $%&'()*''+ service-directory NEWT wastewater treatment. Septic design, upgrades, maint & intall. Lic 207479C ...... 0429 805081 Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰ,ǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 37 Classifieds For North Coast news online visit

INDEX Birthdays ...... 39 ECHO CLASSIFIEDS – 6684 1777 Caravans ...... 38 Death Notices ...... 39 CLASSIFIED AD BOOKINGS DEADLINE TUES 12PM CLASSIFIEDS THAT For Sale ...... 38 PHONE ADS Publication day is Wednesday, booking deadlines are the day before publication. WORK ALL WEEK! Funeral Notices ...... 39 Ads may be taken by phone on 6684 1777 Garage Sales ...... 38 Echo Classies also appear online in AT THE ECHO HEAD OFFICE RATES & PAYMENT Halls For Hire ...... 38 Echonetdaily – ed-ads Ads can be lodged in person at the Mullum Echo offi ce: LINE ADS: Health Notices ...... 38 Village Way, Stuart St, Mullumbimby $17.00 for the fi rst two lines In Memoriam ...... 39 $5.00 for each extra line Livestock ...... 39 EMAIL ADS $17 for two lines is the minimum charge. Lost & Found ...... 39 Display classies (box ads): [email protected] DISPLAY ADS (with a border): Line classies: classifi [email protected] Motor Vehicles ...... 38 $12.50 per column centimetre Musical Notes ...... 39 Ad bookings only taken during business hours: Monday to These prices include GST. Friday, 9am–5pm. Ads can’t be taken on the weekend. Cash, cheque, Mastercard or Visa Only Adults ...... 39 Account enquiries phone 6684 1777. Prepayment is required for all ads. Pets ...... 39 Positions Vacant ...... 38 BAMBOO PLANTS : clumping, screening, HALLS FOR HIRE hedging, fl owering gingers, bromeliads. TO LET CRANE TRUCK Professional Services ...... 38 Yellowstone Close to Mullum. 0458535760 COORABELL HALL DRIVER Public Notices ...... 38 WEDDINGS, GIGS, CLASSES LOCAL REMOVAL AND YARDSMAN %XWWHUÀ\ 66871307 MIELE WASHERS & backloads to Brisbane. Friendly, 3-5 days pw, 2yrs min exp. Forklift Social Escorts ...... 39 Dryers and dishwashers available at with 10 years local exp. 0409917646 licence essent. Email nthcoasttimber@ To Lease ...... 38 Bridglands Mullumbimby. 66842511 TRADEWORK Summerland Storage Bangalow To Let ...... 38 From $105 to $290 mth ARCHIBALD’S CHEAP CASUAL CHILDCARE WORKERS Tradework ...... 38 Call GNF Bangalow 66872833 3EPTIC7ASTE2EMOVAL Potential for permanent work. David Lovejoy’s QUARRY PRODUCTS Tree Services ...... 38 3UMMERLAND Road base, gravel, blue metal and metal LOOKING TO RENT A HOME in a First Aid, Working with Children Check novel is a disturbing trip dust. ALL SIZE DELIVERIES. safe, quiet environment, close to town and Cert III are minimum requirements. Tuition ...... 39 to our collective future and %NVIRONMENTAL Phone 66845517, 0418481617 centre. Inspect this home today at Glen Please email resume and cover letter to: one solitary man’s past. Wanted...... 38 4HE,IQUID7ASTE3PECIALISTS Villa Resort, 80 Butler Street, Byron Bay. admin@bangalowcommunitychildrens $17.50 + postage from: $595pw, conditions apply. Wanted To Lease ...... 38 s3EPTICTANKCLEANING LOG SPLITTING s'REASETRAPSERVICING for rent. Work Wanted ...... 39 \HOORZVWRQHEXWWHUÀ\ LUXURY MYOCUM HOME s/ILY,IQUIDS Renovated Old Bales on 60 acres. 3 bed, WARNING s0ORTABLETOILETHIRE SERVICE 2 bath, 2 car. No dogs or children. 1–3 The Department of Fair Trading sHOURSERVICE I’ll come split your logs has warned people to be very careful DISCLAIMER PROF. SERVICES  month lease. From $8k p/m all inc. Apply: into firewood. [email protected] about responding to advertisements Advertisements placed in The Byron Machine splits 1 cubic offering work at home. Readers should Shire Echo do not refl ect the views or DENTURES TREE SERVICES metre per hour. be wary if asked to pay money upfront opinions of the editorial staff. for employment opportunities and never The Byron Shire Echo does not LOOK GOOD make any representations as to the FEEL GOOD 0401 350 156 send money to a post offi ce box accuracy or suitability of any content Free consultation. SANDRO 66805002 RESIDENTIAL or information contained in advertising QUALIFIED BUSH REGENERATOR/ material nor does publication constitute Brunswick Heads LANDSCAPER/ NURSERY SALES. in any way an endorsement by The HEALTH WANTED Full time Position in Billinudgel 20 years local experience 2 bed 2 bth $550 Byron Shire Echo of the content or See our website for selection criteria & representations contained therein. LP RECORDS: good condition, no op 3 bed 2 bth $650 • 19 inch chipper • Stump grinding application process. fl The Byron Shire Echo does not accept • Cherry picker Crane truck Bob Cat shop crap! Ph Matt 0401955052 3 bed 2 bth $990 HYPNOSIS & EFT • • employment any liability for the representations or Simple and effective solutions Pottsville promises made in paid advertisements Fully insured • Free quotes GARAGE SALES or for any loss or damage arising Anxiety, Cravings, Fears & Trauma. 4 bed 2 bth $750 BYRON WRITERS FESTIVAL is seeking Maureen Bracken 0402205352 Mullumbimby from reliance on such content, 0427 347 380 HUGE GARAGE SALE. 1 Yungarup Pl, a StoryBoard Project Coordinator, 24 representations or promises. Ocean Shores. From 8am. Furniture, h/ 4 bed 2 bth $650 hours per week (contract basis). We are hold items, sporting goods, books, etc. 4 bed 2 bth $695 seeking a passionate Project Coordinator KINESIOLOGY to cultivate & deliver our free creative PUBLIC NOTICES Clear subconscious sabotages. FRONT YARD SALE Clearing out the 2 bed unit & retail/office writing program for children & young Reprogram patterns and beliefs. Captain’s Stash storage shed. Lots of old space contact agent stuff. COVID compliant. Card payment people, StoryBoard. The right candidate Restore vibrancy and • FULLY INSURED Ocean Shores available. From 8am, 49 Fingal St, Bruns. will be committed to fostering the next BYRON BEACHSIDE physical health. De-stress. • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 5 bed 3 bath $780 generation of readers & writers in the Ph 0403125506 UNIT 1/42 RAJAH, O/S. Sat from 8am. ARTISAN MARKET • FREE QUOTES L.J. Hooker Brunswick Heads Northern Rivers, whilst being a self- , Reg. Pract. H/hold, toys, tools, furniture, rabbit hutch, 6685 0177 Saturday 26th SANDRA DAVEY camping/fi shing, clothing, offi ce furn, tinny starter & able to work with a high level 5/16 The Terrace, Brunswick Heads September 66684684 44421421 of agility. Key responsibilities include TWO WINGS 00402402 336464 885252 managing the relationship between Stall Registration Tip Runs & TO LEASE schools & authors, monitoring & reporting PSYCHOLOGY on goals, milestones & budgets on a now open 96sqm at …feel the difference Rubbish O/S SHOPPING COMPLEX. regular basis, & developing the program $28/sqm plus outgoings. Inc own kitchen. to meet the needs of the diverse target Street frontage. 0413392950 SUZANNESUZANNE Removal audience (7-18 years). Byron Writers Festival believes in inclusion and Mullumbimby & District BOURCHIERBOURCHIER WANTED TO LEASE Neighbourhood Centre accessibility and encourages people from psychologistpsychologist all backgrounds to apply. For a position Connecting the Byron Shire Community • AArboristrborist • 115”5” WWoodood 0408 210 772 ACCESS TO ACREAGE , dwelling or not. 0202 66685685 56705670 CChipperhipper • SStumptump GGrinderrinder Prefer 2x2 or 3x3 or similar. Substantial description and application details please HELP OUR COMMUNITY • FFullyully IInsurednsured security deposit OK. Pls call 0423218417 email [email protected] VOLUNTEER DRIVER Applications close Friday 4 September BByronyron BBayay & SSurroundingurrounding AAreasreas REQUIRED HYPNOSIS & NLP CARAVANS POSITIONS VACANT 2020. Mullumbimby and District COVID blues, anxiety, Casual 66681681 33140140 CARAVANS EXCEPTIONAL DRIVERS WANTED Day LADIES WANTED, MUST BE 18+ Neighbourhood Centre are looking depression and isolation. MMobileobile 00417417 698698 227227 We buy, sell & consign. & Night shifts. Call 0266855008 or apply or permanent work available in busy adult for a crew of volunteer food Weight gain, alcohol abuse. All makes & models. now to [email protected] parlour. 66816038 for details. recovery van drivers. 0408 758 688 Need Help? FOR SALE Requirements for the job are Call Wendy today. MOTOR VEHICLES that you must be fit and able to lift 0497 090 233 DAVID LOVEJOY’S BOOKS sometimes heavy boxes of food, Available from The Echo reception: you must have an unencumbered Between Dark and Dark, a memoir; WANTED! Drivers Licence. Moral Victories, the biography of a chess If you like driving and you feel player; Heresy, an historical novel. Body Based ALL JUST $10 each. GOOD, you could contribute to your Face to face and online community and environment Psychotherapy CLEAN CARS Somatic Practice classes starting soon... please enquire by giving FOR the centre a call on Julie Wells 02 6684 1286 or drop in at 55 Sat 29 August $$ CASH $$ • HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid Dalley Street, Mullumbimby. Anne Goslett (nee Mannix) Help us to continue this valuable FIREWOOD Thu 3 Sep Dip.Som.Psych, Clinical PACFA Reg. • Fence posts • Poles BARGAINS • Make A Living From Your Book program, keeping good food out of Individual and Couple Therapy • Sleepers • Sawn timber landfill and in people’s bellies. Supervision and Coaching Kings Creek, Mullumbimby 16 ENDEAVOUR CLOSE, BALLINA So far we have recovered over Mark 0427 490 038 (02) 6685 5185 Mon-Wed, by appointment Ballina Car Centre DLN 19950 Limited places available, enrol now! 44 Tonnes of food 9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay Thurs/Fri 8am to 4pm | Sat, 8am to 3pm 6686 5586 / 0418 676 274 02 6684 3374 38 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily Classifieds

MASSEUSE REQUIRED reliable and IN MEMORIAM friendly at Gentlemen’s Relaxation Centre Sewing Machine Operator ‘Lorry‘Lorry 18+. Tweed area Ph Grace. 0418185791 VALE VALERIE WILLIAMS Must have commercial sewing experience Driver’ Rest in peace our fellow warrioress. You BALLINA EXCLUSIVE Sixteen plus hours per week had a heart of gold and the fi erceness of 34 Piper Dr. Open 7 days 10am till late. Days and hours of work your choice a lion. May you fl y free and run amongst In & Out Calls. 66816038. Ladies wanted Find us on Facebook and Twitter! HAPPY the wild horses and be in peace. Grace Located Billinudgel COVID SAFE us with your presence as you watch Please contact Colin or Katie on 02 6680 3600 BIRTHDAY over us. It has been a pleasure and a Jessie Fantasies of a Hot Woman or [email protected] fromfrom YourYour EchoEcho CrewCrew joy to watch you pursue your dreams, & Her Strap On? from Aikido to Fiji and back to the old Jessie is a 9 year old desexed Skilled Erotic Artist 0407013347 DEATH NOTICES Figtree. So loved our horsey adventures female border collie. She Sales Receptionist and Dispatch Allrounder together and your wonderful hosting has impeccable manners, is well trained and will make a Alkaway is seeking an allrounder to join its busy team. Wife, mum, grandma, great grandma, of all the visiting Senseis. You were a perfect companion dog but artist; Marjie Dawson has retired to paint joyous and feisty soul Val, who impacted We are an international health products company located sunsets on a greater canvas. prefers adults to children as in Byron Bay NSW. The allrounder will perform reception so many, more than you know. As you she has a little arthritis in the duties, showroom/office upkeep and customer support, wrote to me ‘Love is all that Matters’. We hips. If you can give Jessie moving into sales once experienced. The job will also include will miss you. Yours in Aiki, Aikido a permanent, loving home Devoted to Pleasure relieving dispatch duties with some lifting, up to 20kg. Goshinkai. please contact Pam on 0421017461. Ɔ Couples, Men & Women Ɔ The successful applicant will have good computer skills, a Microchip No 991003000536652 confident phone manner, good email communication skills, LOST & FOUND willingness to learn about our extensive product range and Visit to view 0407 013 347 LOST: Blue & gold macaw since 6 Aug. adaptability. We are seeking a permanent resident to fill this other dogs and cats looking for a home. Very friendly, Teko, calls hello, last seen ABN 83 126 970 338 Tuesday to Friday 30-hour permanent part-time position. midway Mullum/Durrumbul 0413478628 Erotic Bodywork & Please send introductory letter and short resume to Customer Service 18+ 1929–2020 [email protected] by 2 September 2020. LIVESTOCK Must be confidant, open- AUDREY JANET HALLORAN minded, own car, massage A Sentimental Journey SHEEP FOR SALE. Adult animals. $100 skills preferred but not 14/02/1930–17/08/2020 each. Coorabell area. Ideal for property essential. All training included All my love, David maintenance. Contact Dick 0428218956 3–4 days pwk 12mth+ contract Nominated Supervisor/Educational Leader Applications [email protected] SALARY $65,000 per annum, plus super, plus extra hours HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOURS 35 hrs/wk approx Mou Mou is very talkative and said: MINIMUM QUALIFICATION Diploma of Early Childhood “Yes !….I’m still waiting for a lovely hooman to take me home... pretty EXPERIENCE This is a non-teaching management and SAFFRON administration role also requiring extensive early childhood teaching boring here, day after day”. experience plus thorough working knowledge of NQS and EYLF. Mou Mou is just two years old with a great personality (and no, she ABOUT US Located in a beautiful rural setting we are a not- for-profit community preschool incorporated in 1986. With six doesn’t talk all the time!). She is educators, a nominated supervisor/educational leader plus adaptable and very anxious to get support staff and a clerk, we have a close knit team and are on with life. looking for a committed person to embrace our play based All cats are desexed, Beautiful transsexual vaccinated and learning philosophy and work with us into the future. microchipped. High-class and friendly. In/out We cater for 40 families – 20 children per day, and operate No: 900079000718170 Byron and Kyogle and surrounds. according to the NSW school calendar. Please make an appointment 0403 533 589 • Billinudgel Full bio, reviews, pics and more at DUTIES 0484 579 865 to connect. • General administration • Meeting compliance obligations [email protected] • Managing assessment and ratings ONLY ADULTS • Working collaboratively with the management committee EXQUISITE SOCIAL ESCORTS • Managing business and financial performance Be impressed with my hot body and warm hands. Tweed area. 0438573677 • Employing effective communication and leadership strategies LOTS OF GORGEOUS LADIES available with employees, the local preschool/childcare service network for your pleasure nearby. Spoil yourself. FULL BODY RESTORATION and a culturally diverse community Fill your tanks & heal through pleasure In & out. 7 days. Ladies always wanted. • Relief from face-to-face or 0425347477 0266816038. COVID SAFE • Responsible person when on site • Conducting weekly meetings with both groups of educators To the living legend of Mullumbimby! Full moon 4 Aug 1.58am AUGUST 2020 • Educational leadership over programme and curriculum Lots of love Aslan, Ewan, Sebastian, Third quarter 12 Aug 2.44am Astronomical data Laetitia, Lucien, Lyons, Cybelle, Coren, New moon 19 Aug 12.41pm Please check our philosophy on our website at First quarter 26 Aug 3.57am and tides and include your personal early Popcorn, Pippin & Lush. xx education philosophy in your application. Day of Sun Sun Moon Moon High tide, Low tide, month rise set rise set height (m) height (m) Email application to: [email protected] 1S0629 1715 1450 0417 0622 1.16; 1909 1.78 0051 0.43; 1203 0.30 Close Date: 28th August 2020 FUNERAL NOTICES 2S0628 1716 1548 0514 0714 1.19; 1954 1.81 0139 0.37; 1252 0.27 3M0627 1716 1647 0605 0800 1.21; 2035 1.81 0221 0.33; 1336 0.26 MUSICAL NOTES 4T0626 1717 1746 0651 0841 1.23; 2113 1.78 0300 0.31; 1417 0.26 CHEF/COOK RRobertobert AAllanllan 5W0626 1717 1844 0731 0919 1.24; 2147 1.73 0335 0.31; 1456 0.29 QUALITY PIANOS for sale, and expert MMesservyesservy 6T0625 1718 1939 0807 0957 1.25; 2219 1.67 0409 0.33; 1533 0.33 REQUIRED piano tuning. Ph Fred Cole 0412216019 7F0624 1719 2033 0840 1032 1.25; 2250 1.58 0441 0.35; 1611 0.40 'Bob' 8S0623 1719 2125 0910 1111 1.25; 2322 1.49 0513 0.37; 1650 0.48 GUITAR STRINGS, REPAIRS 9S0623 1720 2217 0940 1154 1.25; 2356 1.38 0546 0.40; 1735 0.56 Busy popular Brunswick Heads 66851005 Late of Ocean Shores. 10 M 0622 1720 2309 1009 1243 1.25 0624 0.43; 1829 0.65 Formerly of Brunswick Heads, PETS 11 T 0621 1721 1040 0036 1.26; 1342 1.26 0706 0.46; 1937 0.71 cafe in Byron Albury, and Sydney. BIRTHDAYS 12 W 0620 1721 0002 1114 0127 1.16; 1451 1.30 0756 0.48; 2103 0.73 Passed away unexpectedly on 13 T 0619 1722 0056 1151 0234 1.08; 1600 1.37 0852 0.49; 2234 0.69 [email protected] Wednesday 12th August 2020. Want to do 14 F 0618 1722 0153 1233 0350 1.04; 1700 1.46 0950 0.47; 2341 0.60 Aged 86 years. something TO OUR BEAUTIFUL 15 S 0617 1723 0250 1322 0500 1.06; 1752 1.57 1046 0.41 WORK WANTED Dearly loved husband amazing? 16 S 0616 1723 0348 1417 0557 1.10; 1841 1.68 0030 0.50; 1139 0.34 of Trish 'Pat'. Get your jobs done, call If you love cats 17 M 0615 1724 0443 1518 0647 1.17; 1926 1.78 0113 0.40; 1228 0.26 A1 LABOURING: Loved father to Ian, and Neil A1! From $30ph. All jobs. Ph 0434576922 & can provide 18 T 0614 1724 0535 1623 0735 1.23; 2010 1.85 0152 0.31; 1314 0.18 and father in-law to Peggy. TAMS them with a 19 W 0613 1725 0622 1729 0821 1.30; 2052 1.90 0232 0.23; 1400 0.13 Loved step brother to Bob Cain TUITION safe, secure 20 T 0612 1725 0706 1837 0907 1.36; 2134 1.89 0312 0.18; 1447 0.11 Thanks for colouring and family. & loving 21 F 0611 1726 0746 1943 0954 1.41; ; environment, 2216 1.82 0352 0.16 1535 0.14 FRENCH • ITALIAN • GERMAN our world. Family and friends are warmly 22 S 0610 1726 0824 2049 1042 1.45; 2259 1.71 0432 0.16; 1626 0.22 Eva 0403224842 please Have a joyous invited to attend Bob’s Funeral consider being 23 S 0609 1727 0901 2154 1132 1.46; 2343 1.55 0515 0.20; 1721 0.33 birthday. Service to be held at the White an AWL foster 24 M 0608 1728 0940 2300 1228 1.46 0558 0.25; 1826 0.45 Dove Chapel, 16 Mogo Place carer. 25 T 0607 1728 1020 0031 1.37; 1332 1.46 0645 0.31; 1945 0.55 Billinudgel, on Monday 24th We are bursting at the seams at the 26 W 0606 1729 1104 0005 0130 1.20; 1447 1.48 0740 0.37; 2117 0.58 Adobe August 2020, at 11.30am. shelter & we have more cats waiting 27 T 0605 1729 1152 0109 0245 1.08; 1603 1.52 0845 0.41; 2245 0.54 Love for our help. After the service, the cortege 28 F 0604 1730 1244 0211 0410 1.04; 1710 1.58 0955 0.42; 2351 0.46 the For more information please call AWL will leave for the 0436 845 542 or contact us through 29 S 0603 1730 1341 0309 0522 1.07; 1805 1.64 1100 0.39 Tutoring Echo Mullumbimby Lawn Cemetery, our Facebook page. 30 S 0602 1731 1439 0402 0618 1.12; 1853 1.68 0041 0.38; 1157 0.34 crew Experienced Poplar St, Mullumbimby. Visit the cat adoption centre at 124 31 M 0601 1731 1537 0448 0704 1.19; 1934 1.70 0121 0.32; 1244 0.29 Professional Trainer xxx Dalley Street, Mullumbimby. Times are Eastern Standard Daylight Savings Time. • Photoshop • Indesign OPEN: Tues 2.30–4.30pm Time lags: Ballina Boat Dock: 15 min; Byron Bay: nil; • Illustrator Thurs 3–5pm, Sat 10am–12 noon Brunswick River Hwy Bridge: high 30 min, low 1 hr; Call AWL 0436 845 542. Mullumbimby: 1 hr 10 min; Billinudgel: 3 hr 55 min; Like us on Facebook! Chinderah: high 1 hr 15 min, low 2 hr; Terranora Inlet: high 2 hr 10 min, low 2 hr 25 min; [email protected] McGuiness Funerals AWL NSW Rehoming Organisation Murwillumbah: high 2 hr 30 min, low 2 hr 50 min. Tides in bold indicate high tide of Billinudgel (02) 6680 3084 Number: R251000222 1.7m or more and low tide of 0.3m or less. Data from Bureau of Meteorology. Byron Shire Echo archives ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ The Byron Shire Echo 39 Backlash

Another humpback whale was caught in a shark net in Queensland, this time tangled in a drumline. Calls to remove nets and drumlines during whale migration season have increased. This is the fift h whale to be caught in shark control equipment this year in Queensland. Q Q Q Q If this week you find yourself or your friends expressing something along the lines of ‘I never used to agree with Alan Jones but what he is saying makes a lot of sense’, then maybe it’s time to take a moment to reflect; has he changed, or have you? Q Q Q Q The Dish has been off icially recognised for its contribution to Australian astronomy and humankind’s understanding of the universe with its addition to the National Heritage List. We are referring to the iconic Parkes radio telescope that played a key role in receiving the television signals from the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon and sharing this technological feat with 600 million people around the world. Q Q Q Q Speaking of things out of this world – the largest body in the asteroid belt, Ceres, looks likely to have oceans of brine below its surface. Perhaps there are alien sardines aft er all? POSITION VACANT: Q Q Q Q But back on our own little speck in the universe the latest’s COLOURIST/STYLIST Kids Helpline data has confirmed that the COVID-19 lockdown Email CV: [email protected] has impacted on the mental health of Australian children 3/9-11 Byron St, Byron Bay 6685 6432 and young people. Kids Helpline reported mental health and wellbeing counselling services have experienced an overall increase of 24 per cent nationally since the pandemic hit. Nationally, the increased use of technology has seen demand for WebChat counselling increase by 62 per cent over the same period, March to July 2019. If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, email or visit – Facebook: @kidshelpline, Insta @kidshelplineau, Twitter @KidsHelplineAU. Q Q Q Q The Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has welcomed its sixth Glossy Black Cockatoo chick – definitely an achievement considering the species only lay one egg every two years. They have also welcomed the arrival of a Brush-tailed Rock- wallaby joey to help bolster the population that is currently listed as vulnerable nationally. And last but not least, a baby koala joey has popped its head out to say hello for the first time since it was born six months ago. So perhaps there is hope aft er all! Q Q Q Q Could it be that COVID is an acronym? Conspiracy Obsessed Voters Ignore Data, perhaps? We’ll have to ask Bill Gates if we WEEKEND FOOD TRUCKS want to know for sure... SUNSET BEATS Sat 3–7pm Q Q Q Q The Hurford Hardwood Portrait Prize at the Lismore Regional LIVE MUSIC Sun 3–5pm Gallery is a biennial prize open to artists Australia wide opening hours & weekend line up visit and it is accepting entries. Now in its seventh year and the winner will receive $10,000 in prize money. Find out more on


Your local timber sawmill

Quality locally grown & milled timber COME AND VISIT OUR 36SQM & STUDIO Building & Construction timber DISPLAYS AT 20 BANGALOW ROAD Custom milling & kiln drying We are open from 1pm – 6pm on the following Tuesdays: Vanity tops & Bench tops BYRON 18th and 25th August Furniture timber TWILIGHT 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd September Wood machining 20 Bangalow Road, Byron Bay. Cnr of Bangalow Road and Slabs MARKET Constellation Close (entrance off Constellation Close). For more information please contact us on Located at 45 Manns Rd, Mullumbimby Starting [email protected] or (02) 5624 5020 from 29 AUG 0432 747 842 EVERY SATURDAY Email: [email protected] 4-9pm Railway Park 40 The Byron Shire Echo ƖīƖƆƐǨǰǽǩǧǩǧ North Coast news daily in Echonetdaily