South Hall roof disaster, p. 18 The Blizzard of 1997, p. 19 Photo essay by Rony Shram, p. 8-9 FTS DAILYVolume XXXIV, Number 63 THETu Monday, April 28,1997 I [Where You Read It First stronaut Hauck ceives Light on the Hill tomorrow bylLAURENHEIsT Hauck flew the first mission after Daily Editorial Board the Challengerexplosion. Astronaut and University After retiring from the space trustee Rick Hauck will be pre- program, Hauck has become the sented with the third Light on the ChiefExecutiveOEcer ofkitema- Hill awardtomorrow. tional TechnologyUnderwriters. All students are invited to at- Currently,theLight ontheHill tend Hauck’s speech entitled, recipient is chosen by Student- “Jumbo in Orbit,” at 5 p.m. in Alumni Relations Committee,the Bamum 104. Office of Alumni Relations, the Hauck, who graduated from Office of Vice President of Arts, Tuftsin 1962withadegreeinphys- Sciences and Technologies, the ics, was a member of ROTC and Tufts Community Union Senate, Delta Upsilon during his time here. the Dean of Students office, and BryanKrause,amemberofthe the Office of Development. Student-Alumni Relations Com- Illona Kopits, a member of the mittee, said Hauck is, “somebody Student-Alumni RelationsCommit- who’s not only done well in his tee, said there is no definite proce- Photo by Rony Shram profession, but he’s also contrib- dure for selecting the recipient. They certainly can kick it. A Tribe Called Quest warms it up on the President’sLawn Saturday. uted back to the school as well.” Both Krause and Kopits said Any student who has seen the they hope to increase student in- blue astronaut suit and Tufts flag volvement in the selection pro- Debaucherv on the Lawn which are displayed on the wall in cess.“We’dreally like toget more d the Mayer Campus Center are fa- inputfromstudents,”Krausesaid. miliarwith Hauck. Kopits said the committee Spring Fling a success for 6,000 inebriated Jumbos Hauck’s first spacemission was choose Hauck because, “He’s an by DAN TOBIN lines and across the whole in 1983when he flew inthe second alum that’s gone pretty far.” Daily Editorial Board Spring Fling President’s Lawn, Q-Tip criticized flight of the shuttle Challenger. “An astronaut is a pretty sin- That was probably the best fi”l Review us for hanging back and not danc- That mission marked the first flight gular honor,” Krause echoed. Fling in the past four years. ing. Big mistake. of a five-person crew, which in- In addition, Kopits said the To many, yesterday’s was a See, Spring Fling is more festi- cluded Sally Ride, John Fabian, committee wanted to pick Hauck perfectSpringFlinglineup:G.Love out“Can IKickIt?” butthey didn’t val than concert - to many at- Norm Thagard, and Bob Crippen. because he has a career in the & Special Sauce for chilling, flub any lyrics and preserved their tendees, the bands are secondary. His second space mission was sciences rather than past recipi- for laughing, classic flow. Tufts isn’t a party school and it in 1984intheorbiterDiscovery.He ents who were in government, Bill and A Tribe Called Quest for danc- On the wheels of steel, Ali isn’t a sports school, so the cam- and the four other crew members Richardson, or journalism, like ing. With gorgeous weather, 6,000 Shaheed Muhammed kept the pus only comes alive socially on made history by being the first Arthur Sulzburger Jr. “He’s in an in attendance, and first-rate per- records spinning solidly. Hit after select weekends. Homecoming mission to bring satellites back area that we haven’t represented formances by all artists, it was as hit, great song after great song, and Spring Fling are party-time from outer space. yet,” Kopits said. closeto perfection as SpringFlings Tribe consistently delivered the and besides theNaked Quad Run, In his final space flight in 1988, can come. goods to a receptive audience and Fling is the only event where the Headliners A Tribe Called Quest avoided the pitfall of too much whole campus comes together as had clearly improved since their down-time between songs with one a la “We Are the World.” 1993 Dewick show. While that seamless segues - “Bonita So bopping your head to the concert had in its favor De La Soul Applebum” into “Electric Relax- beat and appreciating the artistic .. and the cool ambience of the old ation,” and the set-opening impression of some musicians is Dewick-milkdispensers and all “Phony Rappers” into “Buggin’ not the prime goal ofthe day. Drink- -Tribe was disappointing then, Out” kept the jam jamming. True ing with friends,chilling in the sun sounding unprepared and too fans were likely disappointedthat onablanket,pallingitupwithyour rough around the edges. Their hip many tunes were cut short to pre- Explorations leader, macking on wasn’thopping,andtheNewYork- serve the flow, but most people the honeys -this is what Spring based trio just couldn’t motivate. were content shakingtheir groove- Fling is all about. And Program- Not soonthe President’s Lawn. thangs. ming Board expandingtheceremo- MCs Q-Tip and Phife again The onlything was,Tribedidn’t nies into aweek-long affair helped sounded rawer than on record, but seem to understand what Spring solidify-- Spring - Fling- as an event. this time it was more controlled. Fling is supposed to be about. And despite the absence of milk Seeing wallflowers on the side- see page *’ dispensers,theirwords glided over the dope beats while picking up the raw energy oflive performance. They were practically screaming Mattox outlines initial goals by PETE SANBORN need to plan the Senate retreat and FallFest,”he said, Daily Editorial Board explainingthat he will be staying at Tufts during the Conducting his first Tufts Community Union summer recess. Senate meeting last night, Omar Mattox officially The president added, “I also want to meet with the began his term as TCU president. The junior ex- deans and administration in order to introduce my- plained his immediate goals, saying he will focus on self and bounce ideas off of them.” improving the image of the Senate. Addressing the need for more programming im- “I would like to see the Senate be a more aggres- mediately following freshman orientation, Mattox sive Senate, not as passive as it has been in the past,” said, “Jodie Neally, director of Student Activities, he said. and I are going to sit down next week and discuss Mattox said he will meet with the newly elected different things that can happen for programming executiveboard andcommittee heads. ‘‘I am goingto next semester. We will be working some things out.” actively working on getting the committee heads The junior said he wili work to increase student together so they know their responsibilities and the interest in the Senate. “If we can keep people in- annual projects they need to plan,” he said. “The formed, and make sure they know what’s going on, committeeheads will be writing a log. It will be kept we will keep the interest among the students.” and compiled during the next year, as well.” “I want to keep people in touch with the Senate, During the summer, Mattox said he will begin ingeneral,” added Mattox, saying he will encourage planning programming for the fall semester. “I will senators to attend hall snacks. )agetwo THE TUFTSDAILY Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor blindly abstains from shareholder resolutions that P.O. Box 18, Medford, MA. 02153 Animal research (6x7) 627-3090; Fax: (617) 627-3910, [email protected] call on companies in which Tufts is invested to Online: http://www.jumbohub.codtuftsdaily extremely beneficial change their behavior with regard to human rights, To the Editor: the environment, employment practices, etc. Many Dan Tobin have recognized that Tufts’ policy of automatically Editor-in-Chief As research assistants in the Psychology Depart- ment, wefeelthatthebenefitsofanimalresearchhave abstaining is apathetic. The representative commit- Managing Editor: Karen Epstein been distorted. Foremost, researchers ensure that tee that SCIRT is proposing would thoroughly re- Associate Editors: Bill Copeland, Gregory Geiman, Amy Zimmet the use of animals contributesto the advancement of search the issues involved in the resolutions, invite NEWSEditors: Pete Sanbom, Lauren Heist knowledge. Secondly, they minimize any possible input from the Tufts community, and then make Assistant Editor: John OKeefe pain or distressthe animalsmay experience. Inflicting recommendations to the administration on how to vote. This committee would allow a democratic, re- VIEWPOINTS Editors: Jason Cohen, Alex Shalom unnecessary pain or suffering is unacceptable- ethically and scientifically! sponsible method for dealing with these resolutions FEATURESEditors: Laura Bernheim, Annie Risbridger, Katie House to take place. Assistant Editor: Merredith Portsmore Medical care has greatly benefitted from animal This committee could also spark incredible dia- ARTS Editors: Jay Ruttenberg, Cara Maniaci, Pomsak Pichetshote research, including the highly meritorious research at Tufts. Vaccines against tetanus and polio were logue at Tufts on issues ranging from the impact of Assistant Editor: Dara Resnik American business on human rights violations in WEEKENDER Editors: Abby Schwartz, Alexis Rivera developed through animal testing. Antipsychotic drugs developedthrough animal research have elimi- China to the effects of corporate practices on our SPORTS Editors: Sam Erdheim, Marshall Einhom natural resources. Assistant Editors: Gregory Youman, Jordan Brenner, Vivek Ramgopal nated horrific conditionsthat once existed in mental hospitals treating schizophrenics.Valium and other I am graduating in three weeks, and although this PHOTOGRAPHY Editors: Susan Habit, Rony Sham may sound corny, my graduating wish is that Tufts Assistant Editor: Kate Cohen anti-anxiety drugs were developed using animals. Animal experimentation has produced information students, faculty, and staff continue to urge the ONLINE Editor: Mike Weissman administrationto establishthis committee.How much Assistarit Editors: Jeff Borland, Heather Diaz about memory loss and recovery after strokes and brain injury. The American Medical Association has longer can we allow Tufts to waste its votes? If Pratiksha Thakkar stated, “Virtuallyevery advance in medical science in anybody has the power to change corporate behav- Production Director the 20th century, from antibiotics and vaccines, to ior, the shareholders do. It’s time that Tufts use its shareholder voice. Production Managers: Haley Stein, Amy Rutenberg antidepressant drugs and organ transplants, have been achieved directly or indirectly through the use Kathy Polias LA’97 LAYOUT Editor: Pamela Abrams of animals in laboratory experiments.” Humans are Coordinator,SCIRT Assistant Editors: Doug Clancy, Gabriel Safar not the only beneficiaries of these advances. Many GRAPHICSEditors: Wenimo Poweigha, Josh Goldblum vaccines, antibiotics, anesthetics, and surgical pro- Daily rocks her world COPY EDITORS: Judith Dickman, Andrea Benoit, Alicia Lerman ceduresdeveloped using animals arecommonlyused To the Editor: in veterinary medicine. I am writing to express my appreciation to the Neil D. Peldman We feel that information provided by Students Executive Business Director Daily. So many of us pick up the paper every day on for the Ethical Treatment of Animals regarding the way to class without stopping to think about Office Manager: Sanitha Narayan Professor Klaus Miczek’s research is greatly dis- what had to happen to get it there. Being on Senate Advertising Managers: Abby Krystel, John Gendron torted. For example, a flyer states that at Tufts, this year, I had the obligation and opportunity to Receivables Manager: Pamela Mills ‘mice,rats, and monkeys are given alcohol andtheir work specificallywith people onNews, Viewpoints, ‘aggression’is measured.” In reality, one important The Tufts Daily is a non-profit independent newspaper, publishec and Advertising, but by running in and out the office londay through Friday duringthe academicyear and distributed frel talue of this research in our lab is to study volun- so often, I also saw how much time and effort goes ‘arydrug intake and not forced drug administration. ) the Tufts community. Business hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monda! into the paper at large. Although their dedication on irough Friday, 1- 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Daily is printed at Charle rufts treats its animals in a highly humane manner. the snow football field is lacking, it is unmistakable iver Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Living conditions are maintained at the highest in the basement of Curtis Hall. Thank you for all of Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individual editors are no ;tandardsunder strict veterinary care. Furthermore, your hard work, the Tufts campus would not be the ecessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies an( Nithout valid animal models, we are condemned to same without it. jitorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of Letters, advertisements .emain ignorant about serious and costly problems Sasha Baltins LA’99 pedcolumns, cartoons, and graphics does not necessarilyreflect thc Such as drug abuse, treatments for cancer, pinion of the Tufts Daily editorial board. 4lzheimer’s disease, and mental disorders, devel- LETTERSTO THE EDITOR )pment of vaccines and antibiotics, and other ben- Booking chair gives Letters must be submitted by4 p.m. and should bd handed into tht :ficial therapies. aily office or sent to [email protected]. All Letters mus parting thanks dude the writer’s name and phone number and must be verified bj Glenn ValdezLA’98 To the Editor: Le Daily. There is a 350 word limit.The editors reserve the right to edi Subuhee Hussain LA’97 My purpose in writing is to reiterate and expound etters for clarity, space, and length. For the policy on Letters tc full Allan Wakey LA’97 on a thank you offered Saturday. I have done a lot of le Editor, contact The Tufts Daily. things in my three years at Tufts, but nothing was even close to being as rewarding as my two-year stint 4DD article informative as Concert Board Booking Chair. What I have taken To the Editor: from the experience can’t be expressed in words, but Just a note to thank Tiphanie Gundel for her it has made me an infinitely stronger, wiser person. nformative and well-written article on Attention So many people have contributed to this wonder- Moon buggy races Ieficit Disorder. I seem to have run into this affliction ful experience, but none more so than the members of Iften while coaching various little league teams in the Concert Board. Their assurances and good faith occer, baseball, and basketball. For every group of have kept me going through the tough times, and raging on campus enor 12 kids, thereareusuallyatleastoneortwowith their dedication to the Board boggles my mind. iDD. Yes they are aproblem from an administrative Without the amazing group the Tufts community tandpoint, but as caring people we all strive to learn sees behind the barricades, Spring Fling simply College Press Exchange tech wheelbarrow-across the onstructive responses to the problem. I agree with couldn’t happen. I have the utmost respect for each HUNTSVILLE, Ala.-It wasn’t finish line in 6 minutes, 56 sec- iundel that there is still a long way to go in terms of one of them, and they deserve no less from every any ordinary test drive. onds. liagnosticaccuracy. SometimesI wonder how many member oftheTufts Community. College teams from California While they won’t get a chance LDD diagnoses might just be a cop out on the part Standingout among these truly exceptionalpeople to Vermontzoomed over lava ridges to use their invention on the real If parents, teachers, and administrators who have is Joseph O’Garr, my co-chairperson of the last two and through sand pits to prove lunar surface, the effort did earn lecome too intolerant, but maybe that’s my fault for years. Joe ha$ worked tirelessly with the Concert their self-built moon buggies were the UCSB team a trip to Kennedy rowing up in a “permissive” generation. Anyway, Board and his myriad of other activities to improve lunar-worthy. Space Center in Florida to watch a ianks for the article. the Tu& experience. In his four years, no one has Engineering students gath- space shuttle launch. done more for this school, but recognition has been ered at NASA headquarters April Jim Dowdy, moon buggy com- Cortland Kirkeby LA’78 slow in coming. Joe, if no one else does, I acknowl- 19torace their designs ofa“moon petition coordinator at the edgeallthat you havedone forthis campusandthank buggy” on a track that simulated Marshall center, says the purpose you from the bottom ofmy heart. It was amazing and the moon’s crater-like surface. of the event is to provide students iCIRT thanks all educational to have worked with you. The 4th Annual Great Moon with hands-on engineering expe- ’0the Editor: Certain Tuftonians have complained that Spring Buggy Race was sponsored by rience. On behalf of the Student Coalition for Investor Fling is a decadent event at odds with the mission of Marshall Space Flight Center, He likened the race to an ath- .esponsibilityatTufts, I would IiketothanktheTCU this University. I invite these nay-sayers to join the which designed the original moon letic contest that“enhancesaware- enate, Faculty ofArts and Sciences, the Daily, and Concert Board. Chances are, they will discover that vehicle used by astronauts during ness of human exploration and he Observer for supportingour efforts in urging the Spring Fling can be one of the most challenging, Apollo 15,16 and 17 missions. development ofspace.” “The fas- dministration to establish a committee on share- educational,and fUlfihgjourneysofa lifetime. God Each team, consisting ofamale cinating thing I see over and ovei iolder responsibility. I’d also like to thank all ofthe knows it has been for me. and female student, started the is the students’ interest in space,” tudent organizations that signed onto the resolu- race by assembling their moon he said. ‘:They go for anything ion submitted to the TCU Senate. Bryan Shelly LA’98 buggy from a4-foot bin and racing that’s connected to the space pro- As many people on this campus know, Tufts Former Concert Board Booking Chairperson it around the course. The one-half gram.” Taking second was the mile racetrack was speckled with University of Tennessee-Knox- craters, sandpits and even simu- ville, and earning third was the lated lava ridges. University of Puerto Rico. The last day of classes. They didn’t have to wear Other colleges that sent teams spacesuits, but the winning team were Arizona State,Auburn, North from University of California- Dakota State and Pittsburg State 1,131 going to cry. Santa Barbara strapped on aero- universities, Ozark Community dynamic helmets and sunglasses College, College of New Jersey, before pedaling their moon and the universities of Alabama, You should, too. buggy-which resembled a hi- Evansville,Floridaand Vermont.

MilliVenillitoldyonto blameit onthe rambut ifyou blsmeiton~heramlellmewhatcanbeblamed? BOO-~OO.BOO-~OO. HOO. Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY page three Features Alum observin ng, dreaming - on NBC by ROBMcKEOWN old.” the Tufts football team -on a bad year. pened under the ever-active, ever-watchful Senior Staff Writer Certainly,Shapiroknowshowtowieldhis “The show couldn’t be in any more of a eye of Shapiro. Journalists, a notoriously Like many college journalists, Neal experiences well. His bio reads like a holethan the one1found it in,”says Shapiro motivated yet fickle bunch, are very much Shapiro still can’t shake the feeling of his journalist’s dream: published in the Times in a voice that rings simultaneously with a product of their environment. It is this firsi reader-induced buzz. It is a defining during college, assistanttoABC News Vice truth, knowing irony, and humor. environmentthat Shapiro understandsbest PresidentDavidBurkestraightoutofschool, Inavocation whereethicsarescmtinized and he commits his energy to making it as writing and producing for Peter Jenningsby like the sex lives of politicians, the nascent productive as possible. < his mid-twenties, and broadcast producer of newsmagazinehadbeencaughtwithitspants “I IearnedatABC that ifyougive people moment when, puke-toned tray in hand, Primetime Live by the age of 30. But his a deadline and an idea, they’ll achieve it,” one realizes that people are actually reading Shapiro asserts. “Work should be about what you have written. having fun. Anybody that gets into jour- “There was adefinitethrill to journalism nalism and does well at it knows this. Jour- for me,” beams the current executive pro- nalists are people who put an extraordinary ducer of Dateline NBC, stopping to reflect amount of pressure on themselves to per- upon, or perhaps savor, his first taste of form. The secret is to treat them well and to glory. “I remember walking into the dining create an environment that treats every- hall and seeing everybody read or talk body well.” about an article I hadjust written. ‘I remem- If environment is the golden key, then ber feeling that first rush of adrenaline.” Shapiro has swung open the doors to a Indeed Shapiro’sczeer is full ofpeachy kingdom. Dateline, inmerely fouryears,has memories and adrenaline rushes, no doubt succeeded at re-shaping the notion and the imbued with the soft enduring light of a formatofanewsmagazine.Shapiro has long post-deadline sunrise. As a Tufts knowingly placed incendiary de- thoughtthat one cou1d“put aprint magazine undergrad, he was the Editor-in-Chief of . vices in a vehicle to show how on the air” without any restrictions. The Observer while the broadsheet was easily they could explode,Thing is, “I’m probably the only executive pro- still in its heyday. they didn’t bother to mention this ducer who says this needs to be a little But Shapiro lived The Observer. From to anyone, so the piece aired, the longer,”he adds. And his philosophy shines the very beginning, the savvy star-to-be truck exploded, and the manufac- through in his program. Dateline has intro- was involved, writing stories,editing copy, turer looked like the guilty party. duceddiversityinto thenewsmagazinegenre. cutting and pasting for layout -- doing That, of course, was hardly the For starters, the program airs three times a whatever he could to earn his keep. With wholetruth,andafter the factscame week instead of one, and staffs close to three Shapiroasaguidingforce,theBigObroke to light, the network was the sub- times as many people as other programs. stories that ranged from tuition increases Pretend that you are watching Dateline (and ensuing protests) to scandals in- Tuesday, say, July 7,1997. There could be volving the Fletcher School, Ferdinand tually the entire staff was fired. an hour-long investigative piece, a Court Marcos, and questionable funding. Even NBC’s own Satur- TV exclusive, a Dateline survivor story, a Speaking from his ofice in Manhattan, day Night Live was doingjokes at Dateline adventure story, aprofile, an inter- Shapiro fondly recalls a time when late Dateline’s expense. Itwas broad- view by Jane Pauley, and any number of President Jean Mayer had a heart attack cast armageddon. That’s when combinationsor lengths. There might even during a trip to Alaska. The paper already be an exclusive on the threat of war in the on the presses, Shapiro called offa print From Tufts to television: Neil Shapiro. Just four years later the middle east or hurricanes in the Carolinas; run, rippedup the original copy, and wrote newsmagazineof laughter is now Dateline, after all, was the first to make a dawn-time article on Mayer’s condition. Executive producers are the hood orna- the newsmagazineofnote. In his time at the breaking news a regular part of their reper- Even on a voice-hampering Tufts Connect ment, quarterback,dean, and chiefofbroad- helm, Shapiro has helped Dateline gamer toire. The possibilities are endless. phone line, lingering excitement courses cast news world all rolled up into one. They numerous accolades. Among the heaps of And for Shapiro,that is exactly the point: through his speech. For Shapiro, this was have ahand in everything, fromgenerating awards are 13 Emmys, 22 Emmy nomina- “We’re unpredictable. Other shows are more than a training ground. It was on-the- ideas and motivating to being the final tions, a George Polk award, and seven Na- much more traditional. Dateline can be job experience he would never forget. editorial word. Nothing goes on without tional Headliner awards, to name a few. At anything: one day all breaking news, one “One of the most important things I did their knowledge and everything bears their this past year’s Emmy’s alone, Dateline day Court TV, one day three news stories, at Tufis was to write for The Observer. It mark-good, bad, evenugly.Judgingwhat walked away with eight precious statues in one day an interview.” prepared me for what I do now. It taught me Shapiro has already done in his three years comparison to a combined five for 20/20 Of course, this doesn’t mean Shapiro is how to handle severalthings at once, taught atNYC’sRockefellerP1~-‘‘TheRock“to and Primetime Live. 60 Minutes did not without lofty goals. me how to get motivated, and taught me wannabe hip insiders- his career is Mall of receive any. “My perfect day would be to wake up how to get on with little sleep. It was areally Fame material. Ask any Dateline employee or TV news after sweeping the Emmy’s, and see Date- good training ground for doing two things The state that Dateline was in upon insider, and they will tell you that it’s no line one through five in the’ ratings.” at once. A good experience even at 20 years Shapiro’sarrival could be likened to that of coincidence that such a re-birth has hap- Shapiro is still in his 30s. with finals Okay, thisismytheory. AndIthinkthatit is pretty dam Thirdly, the issue of encouraging the eighth deadly sin, deteriorate. One friend of mine, who has been studying for good. There is absolutely no reason for spring semester procrastination,by scheduling finals is shameful. Speaking months for her orgo final, has started insisting that we all finals. Midterms, fine. Major exams in May, no. Lemme tell from personal experience, anything is better than studying. refer to her as“0lga”. Another who has aclassics final has Anything.Nothing is too trivial, too boring, ortoo ludicrous. started listening to the same No Doubt CD day and night. Forexample,Icleanmyrooxnaminimumofseventimesaday And exams also bring out the complaining side of people. during exam time, and I have seen suitemateswhousually see Last year at this time my mother threatened to change our nothingwrongwithalittledirtstartvacuumingtheirmgs like home phone number if I called her one more time to 1 selfishness. As this fiends. I watch theonly 1Ilexistingepisodes ofMySoCalled complain about how she had allowed me to go to a school , weekend’s weather es- L$e every afternoon, until Y can mute the sound and say all which made me take finals in order to graduate. Insanity i tablished,springisatime of Jared Leto’s and Claire Dane’s lines backwards and prevails. i to be outside, to get fresh translate them into French. Friends who live uphill whom I Seventh, the violence spurred by exams radiates into air, to exercise, to get that blocd pumping. it is not, on the haven’t seen in months because they refuse to walk downhill the greater MedfordSomerville community.I don’t know contrary, a lime to hole up in those desolate corners ofthe start visiting. Procrastination is a dirty habit that would if anyone else has noticed yet, but the occurrence of iibrary where you could be brutally mangled without otherwise be avoided if not for finals. dogwalkers and those little 1 I-year-old darlings on anyone knowing. Are finals fair then? Certainly not - Fourthly, let’s talk about the effect of finals on Tufts’ rollerblades severely decreases. It’s as if everyone in the they are the administration’sheartless ploy to turn us into financial state. The electricity bills must be enormous surrounding area knows that it’s exam time. The usually lifeless, untanned individuals. We must rally against this because of late-night study. All those quality fluorescent huge groups of high school seniors touring the campus injustice. library lights constantly on, those laptops draining enough dwindle to the brave few. The courageous souls who I Secondly, whoever thought up a finals schedule that powerto depletethe entire Upper Atlantic Coast of electric- have seen risking our dangerous exam-time campus al- directly follows Spring Fling obviously wasn’t a recent ity. ways look more than a little worried. I saw one mother graduate ofany institution of higher learning. By Mon- Fifth, when you come right down to it, finals are a health reduced to absolute sobbing when the Info Booth worker day morning, half of the campus is still drunk and the hazard. Ask any TEMS person. Incidents of stress-related in the Campus Center snapped at her. number of beer cans and mashed Espressos Styrofoam coronary failures skyrocket at this time in the semester. How can the Admissions office seriously hope to containers is enough to trip even the steadiest walking Students become chainsmoking addicts. I can barely get recruit when exams strikefear in the heartsofall those who human being. As a matter of fact, I found the trampled back into my dorm because of the masses of smokers visit? body of a delivery man stashed in the bushes outside congregating outside of the door. The number of actual Haskell yesterday morning. How can a person be ex- fistfightsescalate beyond belief- I have seen grown men So there you go. Seven rock-solid reasons to com- pected to take finals when such safety hazards are and women start going at it in The Commons because they pletely obliteratefinals. Think of all the more educational running rampant? have the same term paper topic. The night before exams, I learning experiences a student could have if they didn’t myself have almost taken out my roommate for simply have to study for, worry about, and take finals. 1mean, no Katie House is a features editor of The Daily and an sleeping. Mindless violence prevails. one likes them anyway, so it’s not as ifthey would be sorely English major who is thinking of staging a protest Sixth, not only are there physical health issues related missed. Let’s be realistic, shall we? Finals just aren’l against finals. to finals, but also mental health issues. Peoplejust seem to healthy. page four THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997 L I MONDAY EVENING 0-TIMEWARNER @-OVER AIR CHANNELS i:O:,.TUFTS CONNECT APRIL 28,1997 I

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Tommy versus the vo d It’s another disaster flick, but at least it’s n one

by BENZARETSKY camera concentrates on the pe- Daily Staff Writer ripheral characters. All hail the event picture! Ever & Volcano It’s exciting to watchthescram- since a digitally enhanced twister bling emergency personnel think worked its way through the Mid- up ways to fend off the ever ap- west last summer, leaving about Starring: Tommy Lee Jones, proaching disaster. Fire trucks $200 million worth of box office Anne Heche blast away while helicopters buzz damage in its wake, Hollywood Directed BY: Jackson and whir, all the time dodging lava execs have been tuning into the ‘ and rescuing people. The air is weather channel for their latest of tunnel workers have died in a filled with smoke, ideveryone’s big-screen ideas. Dante has al- freak accident, and the leaders of covered with ash. Still, there is ready peaked, so now it is up to the city are stepping on each something missing. Volcano to get the cash flowing. other’s toes as they try and figure Granted, the hardest thing to For months, the producers have out what to do. By the second day, overcome when you’re dealing been telling us, “The coast is the smell of disaster is in the air. with a natural disaster film is that toast.” With all the Los Angeles- The La Brea tar pits are bubbling your bad guy is a weather system. based animosity that has built up like a hot spring and more tunnel That’swhyitissoeasy, inamovie in this country in recent years, you workers, this time poking around such as this one, for the producers certainlycan’tblame them fortry- looking for answers, have been to throw in some evil land devel- ing to give the people what they sizzled to a crisp. opers, or nay-sayers in the want. And it is with eruptive ex- Then, as Jones is driving his Mayor’s office who rehse to alert pectations of imminent doom that daughter to the city’s safe-house, the public. Thisgroupthen vicari- Volcano begins. ously becomes our The movie opens bad guys, and we with a fast-paced sin- get, at least, the Tel Aviv is ready to take flight. montage which is ful pleasure of probably the best watching them be- part ofthis film. Ten- come devoured. sion builds as a se- B ut VoIC an o New CD will, like, ries of reports and doesn’t cop out in reporters are broad- this sense. Be ad- cast to ominous mu- vised it does have tranport you, man sic in the back- its weak moments, ground. Something but at least we’re byMIcHAELPERLMunm wonderful is cap- not forced to sit Daily Staff Writer tured here. We feel through the classi- The opening sounds cause a like we’re watching cally phony “just stir, an awakeningin which there is the event unfold be- desserts” scenes. an ever so gentle and gradual rous- The Shape of Fiction fore our eyes. It is as Mmmmm. Lava. Lots of it, in fact, in ‘Volcano.’ At its worst, ing of the senses. The sun is shin- if we have woken up Volcano falls prey ing warmly on your face and hair, in sunny Los Angeles and have eruption occurs. Fireballs fly to hammy heroics, dippy dialogue the wind blowscalmly acrossyour You’ve had this feeling before, turned on the TV hours before we through the air as shattered glass and contrived situations.One par- body, carrying the sonorous melo- this blissful addiction to the are to come head to head with a gives way to fiery streets and top- ticular vignette tries heavy- dies of birds along with it. Your sounds of your stereo. You last natural disaster. Credit the editor pling buildings. And it is here, handedly to try and put an end to eyes blink open as the world comes experienced it with Tel Aviv’s first for this accomplishment. where man and nature bump heads poor relations between blacks and into focus, out of the haze of the LP, which is still a staple of your We are then introduced to our yet again, that the toasting of the whites, and there are other inci- night before. Feeling rested and listening stock. Now you have illustrioushero, played by Tommy coast commences. dents that are equally cringe-wor- renewed, you have an intuition another. Lee Jones. He is the directorofthe The lava scenes, in which the thy. that the day is going to be perfect The trademark Tel Aviv sound OEceof Emergency Management picture from this Doint on becomes Still,there’s nothing like watch- and nothing can go wrong. is still there, along with some new (OEM) forthe city ofLos Angeles. mired, are fun.It looksreal enough, ing human beings working to- In thespanofamere37 minutes extensions, and some new stylis- Jones’ character is cookie-cutter and some wonderfully creative gether to overcome adversity to and 51 seconds you see your tic explorationsaswell. Stillpromi- from his role in The Fugitive, but situations are created where our getyouupandcheering.Younever whole day flash before you, and nent is the post-Slint cerebralness it is still fun to see him at the helm heroes, trapped in on all sides by get the sense that Volcano is try- that great feeling you had when of elegantly simple melodies re- of a crisis once again. Past Jones the deadly flow, are saved by ing to rise above the genre which you woke up has remained with peated in minimalist expressions though, there aren’t any memo- Jones’ MacGyver-like ingenuity. has propagated it. It gets in and you from start to finish. You de- ofsublime beauty; this time, how- rable performances. There’s an There are two major show- out, telling itstale while intermin- cide that every day should be like ever, a synthesizer/drummachine obligatory female scientist/love downs with the lava, the first hap- gling enticing enough scenes and this, so you start over, exactly like has been thrown into the mix of interest played by Anne Heche, pening on a downtown street and believable enough effects. By the you started before, by pushing two electric guitars. This new ad- and Gaby Hoffman stars as the the second occurring inches from end, you’ve even found that there the “PLAY” button on the CD dition is ever so subtly employed whiny adolescent daughter, trans- hordes of helpless people. We were a couple ofedge-of-the-seat- player. Not wanting the feeling to as a textural device, or in some formed by the disaster. never tire of Tommy versus the ers to keep you interested. Vol- end, you also push “REPEAT.” instances, as a way of extending Taking place over two days, Volcano, and in fact, the movie’s cano is not a particularly good Sitting back, you take in The see TEL AVIV, page 16 the tension mounts nicely. A team worst parts take place when the film, but it is a fun one. Shape of Fiction over and over. This ‘Murder’ won’t be causing any national crises by MAlTGLAZER is able to captivate the audience in retrospect, we realize it was not Daily Staff Writer with his Brando-esque voice and even necessary for them to break The opening sequence of Mur- strong screen presence. in tothe White House. Regis could der at 1600 is familiar, a scene As in all cop movies, Regis have spilledthe information to the we’ve seen before in dozens of Starring: Wesley Snipes, needs a partner: enter Dennis press, seeing that he was always formula cop movies. In this par- Diane Lane, Daniel Benzali Miller. Miller’s role in the movie followed by cameras. They also could have called the President’s ticular scenario, a lunatic waves a Directed by: Dwight Little lacks any kind ofreal purpose ex- gun, threatening innocent pass- I cept to answer the phones. Regis’ son and lethim know the dilemma ersby. Cops surround him, waiting real partner comes in the shape of because it was in his best interest. motionless for the department’s slightly more depth than most of NinaChance(DianeLane), amem- Ofcourse, these methods wouldn’t rogue cop, played by Wesley Snipes’ roles, is a Civil War buff ber of the Secret Service and an be nearly as much fun as breaking Snipes,to arrive at the scene.When who recreates battlefields in his Olympic goldmedal sharpshooter into the White House, and in the our hero does finally show, he apartment. - how convenient. Together, end that’s what really matters. walks up and craftily disarms the When Regis gets into a territo- Regis and Chance work to ensure Murder at I600 is at times a man, easily ending the crisis. rial struggle with the head of the that justice is served and an inno- well done actiodmysteryfilm. The In Murder at 1600, Snipes Secret Service, Spikings (Daniel cent man does not get framed. scenes at the White House are plays Harlan Regis, a Washington Benzali),theplotthickens. Benzali, Our heroes navigate through authentic and the characters are also known as Mr. Clean from the tunnels of the White House to introduced vividly. The movie Snipes, as Harlan Regis, con- police detective who is assigned to a murder case at the White ABC’s Murder One, turns in an get to the President to give him a see MURDER, page templates the evidence. House. Regis, acharacterwithonly impressive performance. Benzali message. Thinkingaboutthe plot, 16 I Mad Props fo Cara, Jay, and Pornsak in fheir lasf Da/’/v,I page six THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997


On Tuesday April 29, 1997 you are cordially invited to a coffee hour with President DiBiaggio and fellow classmates. First Years are invited from 7-8 p.m. and

Sophomores are.. invited from 8:30-9:30 p.m.

ATTENTION JUNIORS President DiBiaggio invites you to a coffee hour on Wednesday, April 30, 1997, 7:30-8:30 p.m. If you'd like to take a break from your studies, be sure to stop by Gifford House, 161 Packard Ave, for some refreshments. Hope to see you there !!!

COME AS YOU ARE!!! page seven Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY 9PDBTS Women’s lacrosse k eps NCAA hopes alive byvrvEKRAMGOPAL Her quick reflexesare a huge posi- Daily Editorial Board tive for her.” With severalteams battling for Morrill has still helped the team only a few NCAA berths from the from the sidelines as she has region, the Jumbos knew that their helped Peach improve her game. finaltwogames were“mustwins” Conn. College 3 “We had to make adjustmentsand if they were to have a shot at the switched to a zone when Dawn tournament. They got by the went out,” Peach said. “Things Conn. College Camels on Satur- sicaMaclellanaddedagoa1apiece came together quickly. With two day, winning6-3, in another strong to cap the scoring on the day. seniors playing in front of me, we all-around performance. The entire game was close and have experience on our side. I try “We were definitely nervous,” the Jumbos’ defense shut down to help the defense communicate. senior Kate Mathey said. “Con- the quick Connecticut squad. The The more communication we have, necticut College beat us last sea- women started off playing man- the better we do overall.” son and they are a very sound to-man and gradually shifted into Where the team goes in the team. We hewit wasn’t going to a zone defense to stifle the Cam- post-season is still up in the air. be easy, but we still came in very els’ attack. With Williams, Bowdoin and prepared.” Once again, sophomore Liz Middlebury ranked ahead of the

The Camels got on the board Peach anchored the defense from Jumbos, Tufts needs help from ~ first with a quick goal. That goal inside the net. Peach, who has as- other teams to make the NCAA 2 record on the season. stood for about the first five min- sumed the starting goaltender du- Toumament.OnApril12,Williams utes until senior Cathy Chao went ties with senior Dawn Morrill out, defeated Tufts by a score of 9-5 to on a tear. The senior scored three stopped 12 of 15 shots yesterday. give Williams the edge in a tie- straight goals to put the Jumbos “Liz was unreal yesterday,” breaker. Losing streak at 11 up3-1 atthebreak. Chaotalliedher Mathey said. “She has really “We are really not sure on fourth goal of the afternoon and stepped it up and played unbe- where we stand for the NCAA Men’s lacrosse looks to end Dositivelv 24th of the year in the second half lievably since we lost Dawn forthe tournament,” Mathey said. “Our to lead the scoring attack. Senior year. Liz is avery vocal goalie and fate really stands on who wins byJEFF’MARGOLJES Natalie Soule and sophomore Jes- her leadership helps the defense. other games.” Senior Staff Writer Going into the last gameofthe Men’s season,the TuWmen’slacrosse Lacrosse A pair of sweet victories for team has the opportunity to end the spring on a positive note. Tufts 6 With two more losses added to Babson 8 the highly ranked Jumbos their 11 game losing streak- an Tufts 4 8-6 loss to Babson last Thursday Middlebuy 18 by KELLYDESMARAIS Tufts was still and Saturday’s 18-4 defeat at the Senior Staff Writer unable to score. hands of Middlebury-the Jum- ~~ The Tufts women’s softball Trailing lainthe bos face MIT today. “Coming into the season, I squad, the 13th-rankedteam in the bottom of the “MIT is a very winnable didn’t know what to expect,” the country and the third team in the sixth, senior co- game,” sophomore Trevor first year player remarked. “I just captain Michelle Soponis said. “I think we can go out and try to play my best Softball Breen managed finally put it together for a win if each and every game.” Doubleheader to get on base, we come out to play.” Unfortunatelyforthe Jumbos, and Lima dou- In losing the past two games, statistical success does not lead I bled, sending the Jumbos have played spo- to wins. Playing a home game region, improved its record to 25- Breen in to tie the radically, yet brilliantly at mo- versus Middlebury on Saturday, 6- 1 over this past week. The Jum- gameat 1- 1. Con- ments. Against Babson, the team the team fell behind early and bos split two grueling contests tinuing the rally, fell behind 6- 1 at the half, only to could not put it together to get with Williams, swept a double- junior first base- come back in the second to back in the game. header at Eastern Connecticut,and man Jen O’Mal- outscore the Beavers, 5-2. The #7 ranked team in New then easily defeated Colby. ley knocked Soponis commented on the England,Middlebury jumped out Wednesday afternoon on Limaintotakethe comeback: “We scored five un- to an 8-0 lead after the first quar- Spicer Fieldagainst Williams, the lead, 2-1. Tufts answered to make the score ter,9-2 atthehalf,and9-2afterthe women lost their first contest, but played tena- close. Especially in the fourth midpoint. The Jumbos won the battled back to secure the second. cious defense in quarter, we dominated and they second quarter by a2- 1 marginas In the first game, seniorace pitcher the top of the didn’t touch our defense. If the they got on track. and co-captain Michelle Limatook seventh to hold game had been five minutes Molinelli felt that “we got our the mound and allowed only one the opponents longer, we definitely would have heads into it after the first quar- hit in the first two innings. In the and clinch the won.” ter. We were able to see what third inning, however,the Ephmen win. In that fourth quarter,the Jum- they were doing and adjust.” scored two runs on one hit and a On Thurs- bos scored four of their five sec- Soponis also saw improve- Tufts error. Williams tookthe lead, day, the Jumbos ond half goals. Freshman Greg ment in the second quarter. “We traveled to settled down and realized we 2-0. Offensively, the Jumboshada Senior Michelle Lima fires a pitch home. Molinellihad agoal and an assist hard time making contact. Most W i llimantic. inthetwelveminutespan, Sopho- could play with them. They are a players popped out, and Lima and Conn. to contend with Eastern Tufts on the board, 1-0. In the next more Bill Hurwitz scored two very good team and play at an- sophomore shortstop Cora Th- Conn. in another twinbill. Under inning, Axelson singled and goals, and Soponis and junior other level than us. Middlebury ompson were the only two Jum- the lights for the first time this scored to put the Jumbos ahead, 2- Brett Allen each added one as- is on their way to the postseason bos to have clean hits. This 2-0 season, Tufts easily routed them, 0. In the fifth inning, though, East- sist apiece. tournament, which is where we loss marked the first after four 12-5. In the first inning of the first em Conn. inched back as it scored Molinelli’s play has surprised want to be.” P consecutive victories. game, senior catcher Shelley one run. The Jumbos responded everyone this season, leading The postseason won’t be Ingametwo, however,theJum- Pedersen singled and Lima fol- in the same inning with another the team in goals and assistswith coming this season for the Jum- bos fought back to split the double- lowed with a double, sending run off of singlesby 0’Malley and fifteen and eleven respectively. bos with their 1-12 record. header as senior Ahne Simonsen Pedersen in for the first run. junior infielder Andrea Traviglia. hurled a two hitter. In the first O’Malleythen hit asingleto bring In the bottom of the seventh in- ~ inning, Williams jumped to a 1-0 in Lima for the second run. In the ning, the opponents scored one leadwithonerunoffofawalkand next two innings, Eastern Con- run off of a double, but Tufts held hit by pitch. Senior center fielder necticut scored three runs, cap- them there, emerging victorious, You had your chance to Kara Murphy, who was recently turing the lead. In the third, Tufts 3-2. named to the GTEAcademic All- regained the lead, scoring three Friday night, Tufts continued write for Sports, but like America College Division I11 At- runs off of Lima, O’Malley, and its winning strerik as Simonsen Large Team, singled to start the in Thompsonhits. The Jumbos never and Lima coupled for a 7-1 win the first inning. Tufts, however, weakened, as the momentum over Colby. The Mulesjumped to Buckner in 1886, you blew was cursed with cold bats to start shifted and they widened the gap a 1-0 lead, but late in the fifth the game as this was their lone hit in the fifth inning with a hitting inning, the Jumbos snared ahead, in the first four innings. barrage.Never lookingback, Tufts neverrelinquishingthelead. Breen it. Sorry. As they say In the fifth, Thompson smacked finished the contest 9-2. had a clutch single, and then a double and sophomore center In the second game, the score Pedersen had an RBI to tie the fielder Erica Maurer singled, ad- was not quite as high, but the game, 1- 1. Hironaka got on base in Beantown, “Maybe vancing Thompson. Next, fresh- Jumbos still pulled off a sweet courtesyofaColby error,and Lima man third baseman Cloe Axelson victory. Murphy led off the game went out ofthe yard to bring her in flew out and Thompson was witha singleand Limaand Tbomp- next year.” thrown out for a double play, as son followed with the same to put page eight THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997




f page nine Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTS DAILY SPRINGFLING

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c Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven National/VVorld News Separatist leader holds two hostages in Texas - Los Angeles Times-Washington is being held in lieu of $25,000 callers received a busy signal. leader. It is unclear how many fol- cated,”McLaren began his immer- Post News Service bond, and an unnamed member Reached by telephone at lowers are still with him. Although sion in litigation in 1985 in a land- AUSTIN, Texas-Formonths, who he said was arrested Sunday McLaren’s hideway Sunday he claimed sympathizers,through title dispute in the sprawlingdevel- Richard McLaren, the self-de- morning after police stopped him evening, amancalledWhiteEagle, the Internet, numbering 10,000, opment where he lives, Davis scribed ambassador of a separat- and found two assault weapons in who describes himselfas aNative Jeff Davis County Sheriff Steve Mountain Resorts. He came to the ist group in remote southwest his van. He said he had heard American bodyguard and com- Bailey said there were no more attention of Texas authoritiesearly Texas, has vowed that authorities gunfire near the embassy, but it puter expert for the group, said: than a handful. “He’s just a nut last year when he and his support- willneverarrest him alive. Sunday, was unclear Sunday night who “Maybe somebody (in authority) with the press and a fax machine,” ers began filing bogus liens against aman was woundedandMcLaren had fired the shots. will talk to us now. We’ve been Bailey said in a recent interview, property owneqthen laid claim to was holding two persons hostage McLaren also said he would trying for two years to get some- accusing McLaren of using the thestatecapitol anddemandedthat after he engaged in an armed stand- not end the standoff until authori- one to talk to us.” media to fan the flames ofhis con- Gov. George W. Bush @)vacatehis off with sheriffs deputies and ties “agree to a referendum to al- He said what happened Sun- troversy. office. On Jan. 7, Texas Attorney other authorities. low Texas to vote on the indepen- day is “simple: We took two pris- In a recent interview with The General Dan Morales (D), a favorite The standoff began at 1152 dence issue.’’ The Republic of oners of war after they picked up Post at his hideaway, McLaren target of McLaren,ordered several a.m. at the mountain “embassy” of Texas movement was founded on two of our people. If they let our made no secretof his contemptfor hundred state employees to stay the Republic of Texas, near Fort the belief that Texas was illegally people go, we will let our hostages authorities, calling them “foreign home after a bomb threat that was Davis, a small town of 1,200in one annexed as a state in 1845, and return to their normal lives.” agents” and “invaders from a for- made the same day the Republic of of the most isolated parts of the McLaren has long vowed he would He added that the group is pre- eign government.” A tall, lanky Texas had hoped to hold grievance country, said Sherry Green, a never stop his “computer and pa- pared to wait “for as long as it man with disheveled hair and a hearings in the Capitol Rotunda -- spokeswoman for the Texas De- per warfare” until the issue was takes,” adding that “our leader,” habit ofwearing bluejeans, tweed which were prohibited by Morales. partment of Public Safety. More put to a vote. McLaren, could not come to the jackets and ties, he grew increas- The Republic of Texas denied any than two dozen Texasofficers were Inthe radio interview,McLaren phone “becausehe has talked him- ingly excited as he cited old court involvement. sent to the scene. said he had taken hostage a couple self hoarse.” rulings and history texts which Ron Dusek, an attorney McLaren, 43, who was wanted he identified as Joe and M.A. Radio reporter Tracee Evans proved, he said, that Texas was general’s spokesman who said for failingto appear at a December Rowe, a husband and wife who said McLaren’s mood during the still an independent country. As McLaren had “no more authority federal court hearing involvinghis head a local property owners’ as- interview was “defiant.He always such, he had designed red-jack- than the Moose Lodge,” said state filing ofbogus liens against Texas sociation with which McLaren has sounds that way. He was hyped eted passports for the Republic of officials became more concerned property owners, told a San Anto- had a long feud. Joe Rowe was up, he was defiant, he was not Texas and an official-looking em- several months ago when it be- nio radio station he was holding wounded in the incident, accord- going to back down.” bassy seal that had been embla- came clearthe group had attracted the hostages because of the re- ing to Texas police, but it was On Thursday, in an interview zoned on the doors of members’ the attention of militia groups cent “kidnapping” by police of unclear whether he had been shot with the same radio station, vehicles and on a metal building around the state. And McLaren, in two Republic of Texas members. in the shoulder or was injured by McLaren, angered by Turner’s used for group meetings. the Post interview,gleefully talked Sheriff’s deputies have been wait- flying glass. arrest, had “declared war” on the Describing himself as a high about the “defense force system” ing for months to arrest McLaren The Rowes were being held state of Texas, Evans said. school graduate who is “self-edu- he was organizing. on contempt charges-an official hostage at their home by militia “He said, ‘This is it,’ “ she said. show of patience to avoid such a memberswhile McLaren remained “He wants The Hague, the inter- standoff -and had not ventured holed up in the tin shed filled with national courts, to step in and say Aftershocks strike to his mountain compound until computers and history and law that Texas needs to have an elec- Sunday, after they received word books that he has made his home tion to be a sovereign nation or he had taken hostages. for the past 18 years. part of the United States.” Southern California In an on-air interview with ra- McLaren told the station he But internal bickering has so Los Angeles Times-Washington breaking? Or have these bigger dio station WOAI, McLaren de- considers the Rowes FBI inform- splinteredthe separatistmovement Post News Service faults, the San Cayetano and Santa manded the release of Jo Ann ers and that, guided by the rules of that there are now at least three LOS ANGELES - Another Susana, been loaded by Canady Turner, a group member the Geneva Convention, he would factions ofthe Republic of Texas. wave ofNorthridge, Calif., earth- Northridge and begun to break?’ who was arrested in Austin last not injure them. The FBI Sunday McLaren was reportedly recently quake aftershocks, the strongest The prospects, he cautioned, week on two contempt charges night referred questions about the impeached as ambassador but measuring 4.9, struck early Sun- are uncertain. “This is at the limits connected to the bogus liens and standoffto local authorities,where continuesto see himselfasagroup day, and seismologists said the of what quake science under- activity may continue - but not stands,” he explained. match the weekend quakes in size A respected number of scien- Canada to have elections Tune -in the days ahead. The temblor tists have expressed the fear that d 2 was centered west of the Santa the eight significant damaging Prime Minister Chretien calls for early national vote ClaritaValley,which is northwest temblors along the San Gabriel and of downtown Los Angeles. Santa Susana mountains since 1970-includingthe Sylmar-San Los Angeles Times-Washington percent to 50 percent of decided pendence expected in Quebec by Sunday’s quake was felt as far Post News Service voters. With opposing votes split 2000, some political leaders ques- away as San Bernardino east of Fernando quake in 1971 and -Encouraged by among four other parties, the Lib- tion if Chretien is the best person Los Angeles and Catalina island. Northridge in 1994-may presage a generally upbeat economy and erals are projected to match or to carry the flag for national unity. No injuries were reported, and a really big quake along the San an opposition fractured along re- exceed their current majority of The separatistBloc Quebecois, apart from minor breakage in stores Andreas fault, 40 miles northeast gional and ideologicallines, Cana- 174 seats in thenew 301-member which runs only in Quebec, holds and homes near the epicenter, of Los Angeles, in future years. dian Prime Minister Jean Chretien Parliament,giving Chretien,63, a 50 of the 75 parliamentary seats there was little damage. They make the comparison to Sunday called an early national second term. from Quebec and has been desig- AttheCalifomiaInstituteofTech- the quakes on the Hayward and election for June 2, more than a Opposition parties stake their nated theofficial opposition party nology, scientistssaid they will ex- other faults in the San Francisco year before his term expires. hopes on polls showing that as in Parliament. amine two active faults, the San Bay Area in the several decades Chretien said he is calling for a much as aquarter ofthe electorate Relations betweencanadaand Cayetano and the Santa Susana, in preceding the great San Francisco vote now because he has accom- is undecided and that voters are the United States, a major issue in the vicinity ofthe weekend epicen- quake of 1906. The current sce- plishedaprincipal goal ofhis first dissatisfiedwith the country’s 9.3 the last two Canadian elections, ters, to determine whether the main nario, too, however, is usually pro- term -reducing Canada’s deficit, percent unemployment rate. are not expected to cause much of 1994Northridgequakehas put strain jected in terms of decades, not the which was among the highest in Questioned Sunday about the a ripple in this campaign. Both on them that is now spawning new next few weeks or months. the industrialized world when he jobless rate, Chretien noted that it countries are benefiting so much ruptures along the fault. MeanwhileSunday,thedirector entered office but is now nearing stoodatmorethan 11 percentwhen from a burgeoningeconomicrela- Post-Northridge studies by the ofthecaltech SeismologicalLabo- zero. he took power and added that the tionship that disputes over Cana- Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasa- ratory, HirooKanamori,questioned “We have managed to do most stage is set for greater gains in dian trade with Cuba and the alle- dena indicatethat movement along projections by two scientists-one of what we set out to do,” he told employment. He pointed to gations that US entertainment the San Cayetano fault, which from the US GeologicalSurvey and reporters in Ottawa. “The time has Canada’s record-low interest rates companies are pushing Canadian runs from Los Angeles to Santa the other from his own Caltech lab come to offer real choices about and inflation and projections by companiesout oftheir ownmarket Barbara County, is compressing -that only four Northridge after- what kind of society we want to the International Monetary Fund are considered minor conflicts. the Ventura Basin at a rate that shocksof3.Oorlargerwereexpected have in Canada for the 21st cen- that the Canadian economy will In the 1993campaign, Chretien could result in a big quake in throughout 1997. tury.” grow by 3.5 percent this year and criticized former Conservative Ventura County west of the There have been 12 such Under Canada’s British-style 3.4 percent in 1998, the highest PrimeMinisterBrianMulroney for Northridgerupture zone, said seis- quakes in just the last two days, parliamentary system, Chretien rate among the world’s advanced being too close to his US counter- mologist Egill Hauksson. includinga5.0,a4.9anda4.0,and could have served a full five-year economies. part, suggesting that this compro- But Hauksson cautioned that Kanamori said Sunday: “You can term, until October 1998, before Chretien also is likely to be mised Canadian independence. such an event might not take place makeallsortsofmodelswithmany calling an election. A big lead in challenged on his strategy for fend- But earlier this month, Chretien “for decades, or even centuries.” different parameters, but it’s hard the polls by Chretien’s centrist ing off Quebec’s separatists,who made an official visit to Washing- Ofthecurrent spasm ofsizable to make a definite statement,” like Liberal Party, however, appears to remain powerful in the French- ton that the Canadian media char- aftershocks that quake scientists the ones made in January. have made an early election irre- speaking province. Although acterized as an elaborate pre-elec- had not expected, Hauksson de- Residents’ reactions to the sistible. Chretien is from Quebec, he is not tion photo opportunity of the clared: “It is complex. One ques- weekend quakes were mixed. Recent surveys have shown very popular among voters there. strong relationship between tion is, what fault plane, or what “With all of the information we the Liberals with the backing of4 1 With another referendum on inde- Chretien and President Clinton. fault, is involved? have, I think people are mentally ______~ “The issue is, didtheNorthridge preparedfortheBigOne,” said Jose The Tufts Daily: Where you’ve read it first all semester and where you’ll earthquake leave behind small HaroofNorthHollywood.“Wejust read it first until the end of time or graduation, whichever comes first. patches of (the original, subterra- don’tknowwhenit’sgoingtocome, r nean) fault surface that are now whether it’s today or tomorrow.” page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997 SENIORS

The last 45 Gala tickets are still available

they will be sold on a

first come first serve t basis beginning + Monday, April 28 at the Info Booth


$30 CA LY Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY page thirteen

Latin A erican Studies resents


UnapejiaIat-a €eatur!.liu;emusical performance ;by-

Acclaimed Latin American musicians formerly of Flor de Ckaa Reception to follow

Wednesday, April 30 Rem& Sculpture Court, 4-6PM Aidekman Arts Center Co-sponsored by: Center for Iriterdisciplinary Studies, The Hispanic American Society, Sociology /Anthropology, Africa and New World Studies, Political Science, Dean of the Colleges, American Studies, Excollege, The Hispanic American Center, Romance Languages, History, Iiitei-national Relations, ‘The Afi-ican American Center page fourteen THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997

Rewival Skunk Cabbage FREE! Tiger Beat

c .


Today on the Residential Quad I!

SIGN a LETTER, MUE a UFE! Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen r Astronaut



Tufts grad (LA’62) and recipient of the 1997 Light on the Hill Award will s k at Tufts

Tues 3 April 2 Barnum 104, 5 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! .

SPONSORED BY: The Vice President of the College of Arts & Sciences, The Student Alumni Relations c e - Cornrnitt and the TCU Senate

7 page sixteen THE TUFTSDAILY Monday, April 28,1997 Action flick MURDER continued from page 5 builds up in classic mystery genre format, but then unravels into a typically cliched action movie. When Regis and Chance need to break into the White House, they encounter dark tunnels, sewage water, security traps, explosions, and rats in a lengthy chase scene CONSUM( ION typical ofmany otheractionmov- ies. If the director wants to show this stuff again, he should find a new way ofdoing it. Ifyou’veseen The Rock or any large-studio ac- tion flick, you probably have a good idea what happens in this film. The movie does what too many action movies do: it estab- lishes an interestingpremise only to discard it for flashy gunfights and explosions. New album TEL AVIV continued from page 5 hints of unresty predilections. These latent predilections to the Teenbeat aesthetichave seem- ingly been fleshed out with the production by Teenbeat legend Mark E. Robinson with whom the band tours. The kitschy pops of a drum machine and squeaky-clean sounding guitars which float you away on ethereal melodies are not what’s the only number to use for all your unlike the past work Robinson has done with Air Miami orthe Olym- pic Death Squad. Even the vocals, collect calls that could instant Iy win you which aremore prominentthisthe around (although most of the tracks are still instrumental), re- cool stuff (like hip Planet Hollywood” semble Robinson’s. - None of this real1y‘su”rl;rises jackets and packs of free [Novie passes) you, though the foundation for 24 The Shape of Fiction was laid out perfectly with last year’s self-titled every hour, every day? debut album. The Fhape. of Fic- tion is a natbral extension and progression from that. Your ex- pectations for Tel Aviv are high, but you expect them to be met and transcended by their precocious talents. Being fully familiar now with The Shape of Fiction (as it has been playing non-stop in your stereo ever since you gleefully took it home from the store and hastilyripped open the cellophane wrapping and put the CD in your stereo), you can only dream ofthe shape of Tel Aviv’s future works.

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are so sma . For all your collect calls -even local. 11 Henry Kissinger

No purchase necessary. Must be a legal US resident age 13 or older. Calls will be accepted and 984 winners will be selected randomly between 4/28/97 (12:Ol PM, EST) and 6/8/97 (12 noon, EST). Only completed domestic calls are eligible. Prize values: (24) movie passes $1 WPlanet HollywoCd’ jacket 1225. 81997 ATgT BPHR. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. For officialrules and free entry instructions, call 1 800 787-51 93. Vold where prohibited. Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY page seventeen

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he third-largest snowstorm in Boston history swept through Tufh on April Fool’s y don’t build them like they used to. - Day, dumping more than two feet of snow and shutting down the University for ose who weren’t saying it might have been thinking it as University officials began -Tthe first time in 19 years. assessing the damage to the campus’ newest dormitory, South Hall, after winds ripped off . Provost Sol Gittleman said the decision to shut down the campuswas made after Mass. a section of its roof in the early hours of a February morning. Gov. Weld declared a state of emergency. At about 1:45 a.m., winds carried a section of flatroof, estimated at about 400 square feet, onto “We don’t close. But when the governor declares an emergency, we have no choice. the tennis and basketball courts about 25 feet from the building, damaging a chainlink fence. The last time we closed was the last time the governor declared a state of emergency, and Windgustsinthe areawere45-50 miles that was in 1978,” Gittleman said. per hour around the time of the accident, The Blizzard of ’97 brought life on campus to a grinding halt as students, faculty, and normally not strong enough to blow aroof P f- staff got a surprise vacation in the second week of spring. . off, Channel 5 meteorologist Dick Albert Most students spent the day sledding, sleeping, or having snowball fights. Not only told the Daily. were all classes canceled, but even diligent students looking for a place to study found “It could’ve been an isolated funnel the library closed, as were all other campus buildings. effect, but I don’t see any readings stron- The Campus Center also was shut down, leaving many upperclassmen to fend for ger than that,” Albert said. “It might have themselves at mealtime. The dining halls were open, however. been a structural problem [with the build- Only essential staffreportedto work, including Buildings and Groundsworkers, Dining ing] or something like that.” Services employees, and police officers. University officials said they looked Although the dig-out began as the snow was still falling, the excessiveamount of snow into possible structural flaws in the roof of overwhelmed B&G workers cleaning the campus. South, which was built just five years ago. “Crews just couldn’t keep up with the snow,” Tufts Police Lt. Mark Keith said. Tufts called in representatives from the Although high winds and heavy snow knocked down a number of trees and limbs, no architectural fmthat designed the dorm power outages were reported on the Medford campus. There were power outages in off- and the contractor that built it, said John campus houses, according to John Roberto, vice president of operations. Roberto, vice president of operations. Eleven days after the storm, crews were still working to remove the fallen trees and No one was injured by the falling debris, limbs. B&G police said. Residents were allowed to stay hired a local in the building overnight. The next after- tree contractor noon, however, housing officials evacu- to help with ated parts of the building for two hours as L the cleanup, a crane removed a large section ofroof still Roberto said. hanging from the building. “The tree dam- Despite the commotion, however, stu- age was more dents and residents assistants handled the extensive than situation well. according to evewitnesses. “It felt like &I earthquke,” said freshman Claire Schwartz, describingtheshakiigthat pervaded it has been in a t- number of the building at the time ofthe crash. Lloyd Park, a freshman, said he thought somethingwas being years.” dragged through the hallway. Others thought it may have been a tornado. The trees .Freshman Marlyn Dantes, who was sitting at her computer at the time, described“a big, white that were dam- thing.coming down” outside of her window. L aged the most Matt Andrus, a junior RA, recalls looking out his window to see the roof flying through the were those on air. “It was pretty fast,” he explained. “It was amazing to see.” the south side South Hall, which houses 378 students,was built by Rhode Island-basedDimeo Construction, of campus, the same company that built the Tisch Library. The project, which included the construction of fiomtherearof the adjacent courts, cost about $11 million.

Ballou Hall and Goddard Chapel to Tisch Library, according to Roberto. L “I am not aware of any major damage in any of the buildings as a result of the storm,” Roberto said. Tufts Police said only one injury was reported, when a sophomore skiing down the fter numerous problems and four months of delay, the Merchants on Points System President’s Lawn near the library fell on his shoulder, He was taken to the hospital with (MOPS) finally got under way over spring break. minor injuries. APatti Lee, the director of Dining Services, blamed AT&T for much of the delay because she saidthey failedto deliver the computer equipment on time. Once the equipmentwas delivered, the program was further delayed due to communication problems between the merchants’ ~ computers and the dining services’ mainframe. This problem was solved only after turning to heTuftsCommunityUnionSenateTreasuryandTreasurerLeeBrennercameunderfire a regional computer consultant. after announcingtheexistence ofa$334,5OO surplus inthew.Explainingthathe was “But goodthings come tothose who wait,” saidRon Sacca, the manager of College Pizza, the Taware ofthe surplus in September, Brenner said previouS treasurers did not know what to frrst establishmentto have a working system. “I think it’s a great boost for everyone concerned, dowiththemoney. HeaddedWthekasuryfhstbecameawareofthemoneyfoUowingaUnive&y especially the students. They’ve been waiting for this for a long the.” audit, which occurs every three years. Espressos, however, encountered more problems that furtherdelayedthe start ofthe program 4 Questions were raised by students about the treasury’s decision to wait for three years there when, according to manager Anthony Salvato, someone removed the fuse from the to announce the existence of the money. Following the initial criticism, the treasury has restaurant’smodem. bcgun allocatingthe money for use by the student After the groups. system was fully “Over the past three years, students functioning, mer- groups haven’t spent all oftheir money,” Brenner chants reported that said. According to the treasurer, each student problems arose be- group hnded by the Senate is allotted a certain cause students or- budget from student activities fees, which is re- dered food without turned to the Senate if left unused. Brenner ex- saying that they plainedthat approximately$1 00,000 ofthe surplus would be paying was collected from unspent funds last year. with points. Some Andi Friedman, then president ofthe Sen- students also were ate, said the Treasury would develop a policy not tipping drivers, deciding how to spend the money. since tips cannot be MembersofProgrammingBoard attended paid using ID cards several Senate meetings, requesting the use of and must be paid in $44,000 for Spring Fling. The Senate Allocations cash. Board (ALBO) approved the additional funding MOPS, ’ forthe group, inadditiontoallocating$100,000for whichwas originallv renovations to the Loj, a Tufts-owned farmhouse scheduledto begin on Nov. 1, allows studentsto use their Tufts IDs like debit cards when ordering in New Hampshire which is used by groups including the Mountain Club. food from College Pizza, Espressos, Wing Works, and China Inn on weekday evenings after 7 p.m. and weekends from 1 p.m. until 3 a.m. .L

I * 1 Semester in Review compile Lauren Heist, Amy Zimmet, Leah 4 All photos by Rony Shram except South Hal :DAILY page nineteen .- EW - SPRING 1997

n February 16, the men’s basketball team dropped an 80-62 decision t3 Wiliiams and fter receiving 64.5 percent of the vote, fell to 13-5 on the season. Things looked bleak. With second-ranked Colby, third- junior Omar Mattox was elected the next 0ranked Amherst, and fifth-ranked Conn. College on the schedule, Tufts had to win all Aresident ofthe Tufts Community Union of their remaining games to make the NCAA Tournament. Senate. “We have to look at every Both Mattox and his opponent, sophomore game likewe’re intheNCAAs, Lee Brenner, said that dedication qualified them and if we lose, we’re out,” se- for the position of Senate President. Brenner cited nior co-captain Dan Ragsdde his two years of Senate experience and his posi- said after the Williams loss. tion as TCU Treasurer, while Mattox, a first-year So, without violating John senator, cited his position as chair of the Culture, Calipari’s copyright, the Jum- Ethnicity,andcommunity Affairs Committee. bos refused to lose. In a presidential debate, Mattox described the Tufts miraculously won six three main responsibilities he envisions for the in a row and slipped into the Senate. “They need to utilize the voice of the seventh spot in the Northeast studentbody towardsthe administration,respond region of the NCAA Tourna- to student concerns, and improve the Tufts expe- ment in seekoftheteam’s first- rience,” he said. ever NCAA win. In his campaign, Mattox called for an open Second-seed UMass- dialogue between the Senate and student organi- Dartmouth,the team that elimi- zations and said that he wanted to force the nated Tufts in last year’s ECAC Tourney, then became victim number seven. With less than a administration to address Senate resolutions more seriously.Unlike his opponent, Mattox second on the clock, senior co-captain Dave Sullivan sank a jumper from the top of the key to did not support programming as a role of the Senate. propel the Jumbos to a 65-63 victory. Citing the need to increase school unity, Brenner supportedcreating a Winter Wonder- No Tufts team had ever marched to the round of 32 in the Division I11 Tournameni, and the land which would be open to the entire campus. He also proposed increased training for win set up a game with third-seed Salem St. advisors and changing the adddrop signature policy. Over 500 Jumbo faithhls made the trip to Salem and saw Tufts fall tothe stronger Viking team, Only 1,056 students voted in the election that resulted in Mattox winning the Senate 83-63. And while the 1996-97 season did not lead to a national championship,the Jumbos run presidency. to the postseason rekindled a school spirit that had not been seen in two years, the last time the men’s basketball team marched into the NCAA Tournament. ollowing two years of planning by the Tufts Community Union Senate Services Committee and a few unexpected licensingdelays, the Brown and Brew coffeehouse Fopened its doors to the Tufts community in Janu~.Located in Curtis Hall, the coffeehouse has become a success over the course of the semester. wo major changes affected the housing lottery this year. BrownandBrew I ia 1 The first change required that all students planning to go abroad for one semester had manager Matthew Tto live in dorms specified for half-year living. Biette described the One-hundred-fifty-sixspaces were set aside for students living on campus for only the fall student reaction renovation during the fall semester. Most of these were surrounding the located in Hillside A and B, with some additional rooms in opening of the cof- Latin Way,BartolHouse, 12Dearborn,and 101TalbotAve. feehouse, saying, All of the rooms which are vacated during the spring “Ideally this will be semester will be renovated. Woik will be done on the the place to go. It building’s lights, heat, and plumbing, as well as aesthetic should be a lot of improvements such as painting, kitchens, and furniture. fun. Everyone who The second major change which affected the housing has come in here has lottery was an alteration in housing policy to allow members been very happy of the Class of 2000 to live off campus. with the selection, The change in policy is part of an intentional move by Arts the flavors, and the & Sciences administration to admit more students and look.” increase next year’s freshman enrollment by about 70 stu- Biette’s predic- dents, for a total of about 1,250. tion was more than accurate, as the coffeehouse, which features coffees, teas, food, and Only 4 1 freshmen applied for the off-campusoption, 37 of live music, has been swamped with approximately 350 students a day, causing the whom where accepted. Coffeehouse Committee to extend the hours of the facility to accommodate the student When the housing lottery concluded, 14 men and two demand. Senators Sasha Baltins and Will Stephens announced atwo-hour extensionto the women in the freshman class were left without assigned weekend operating hours of the Curtis Hall hangout in March. housing for next year. All of these students will be given rooms following a sorting process, - While there was debate over the effect that the opening of the Brown and Brew would however. have on Oxfam Cafe, members ofboth staffs say there have been few problems. “The feeling ofthe managers is that we have maintainedthe level ofcustomers and the same atmosphere. The points machines have now offset any business that Brown and Brew has taken away,” said Oxfam manager Rishi Manchanda. The menu and furnishingsofthe coffeehousehave since been expanded, as a bar, stools, 0th the Arts and Sciences faculty and the Tufts Community Union Senate games, end-tables, student-art, frozen drinks, and new flavors of coffee and tea have been unanimously passed resolutions this semester supporting the creation of a added. committee that would advise the University on the social policies of companies in which it invests. n February,the Committee on StudentLife (CSL) granted officialUniversityrecognition The Student Coalition for Investor Responsibilityat Tufts (SCIRT) proposed the resolu- to a co-ed a cappella group. This decisionreversed a previous decision by the Tufts tion in an effort to pressure the administrationto use its power as a shareholderin several large sQ, Community Union Judiciary (TCUJ) to deny recognition to sQ because they were too corporations instead of continuing to abstain from voting on these companies’ shareholder I similar to the already existing co-ed group, the Amalgamates. resolutions concerning social issues. Currently, according to the regulations regarding the recognition of new student Kathy Polias, the coordinator of SCIRT, argued that the University has an obligation to vote organizations, “The goals and purposes of a group applying for recognition and the and that abstaining contradicts the University’s mission statement. She said, “The current constituency which it serves may not partially or wholly duplicate any organizationalready practice of automatically abstaining is apathetic and does not take these resolutions nearly registered.” as seriously they should be taken. Tufts is wasting its votes.’’ as In response to this ruling, members of the existing a cappella groups on campus, the Tom McGurty, Tufts’ Vice President of Finance, said that since Tufts has a small chance Beelzebubs, the Jackson Jills, and the Amalgamatessubmitted a lettertothe TCUJ and CSL of influencing corporate policies, the committee would be wasting their time researching the on Feb. 24 asking that CSL’s decision to recognize sQ be reversed. shareholder resolutions. Polias disagreed, saying that Tufts’ votes can significantly impact In March, the CSL met with representatives from the four TCU-recognized a cappella corporate policies because the corporations’ managements are sensitive to publicity sur- groups, the Allocations Board, and the Office of Student Activities to discuss the rounding these issues and want to avoid negative publicity. constitutionality of sQ’s recognition. The resolution that was passed called for a committee to be formed that would include Representativesfrom the Beelzebubs, Amalgamates, and the Jackson Jills argued that faculty and students, as well as administration-appointedmembers of the staff, administra- the recognition of agroup which is similarto an already existing one will set apoor precedent tion, oralumni. in future conflicts over recognition. The CSL and the TCUJ decided, however, to uphold CSL’s decision to recognize sQ.

ion by Prat Thakkar. v Mike Netto and Espressos by John 0 ’Keefe.

J page twenty THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997


will be holding an important Talk and General Meeting

Tuesdav, ADril29,1997 (first day of the Reading Period) at 12:30 in the Study Area of Brodeld-Pearson, third floor

The International Center is seeking a Student Office Assistant to help out with mailings, answering phones, typ'ing documents, and other various duties for an extremely busy office Students must be punctual, dependable, & detail-oriented. $6.50-$7.00/hourdepending or experience. For more information, call Lakiat 627-3458. The talk will be about the future goals and activities of the Math Club. We will also be holding an election for the club president for next year.

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r Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTS DAILY page twenty-one

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DAILY-- 9 oil a

2 c

Where You

Read It *

First I

r Monday, April 28,1997 "HE TUFTSDAILY page twenty-three


GETINVOLVED ! We neec new Co-Chairs for the Programming Board

. ELECTIONS: Monday, April 28 at 6:OO PM in the Zamparelli Room - Campus Center


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This is a great introduction to nonprofit management and fundraising system.

Hillel; The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life is located on the Medford Campus of Tufts 'University. Hillel has a fun work environment, great staff and good pay with benefits.

To apply please send resume with cover letter Attention: Ms. Reichstein Tufts University Hillel Medford, MA 02155 (617) 627-3242

We need one person to fill the position of Intramural Comminssioner for next year. Anyone interested can contact the I.M. office at 628- 5000 x5152 for details. Monday, April 28,-1997 THETUFTS DAILY page twentj-five

Are you interested in learning about and working on a fundraising campaign? Looking for that great Senior year activity to add to your resume? Do you enjoy asking for money? Do you need to develop your "interpersonal skills?" Are you a member of the Class of 1998?

Then Senior Fund for the Class of 1998 is for you.

There will be an organizational meeting on Wednesday, April 30 at 1O:OO A.M. in the Campus Center, Zamparelli Room.

If you are interested in joining the Senior Fund Steering Committee but unable to Cash in on attend the meeting please contact O'Neil A. Outar in the Tufts Fund at 627-3014. your education

right away Time is Running Out! The Class of 1997 has raised over $7,000 from the following 188 Seniors. At Harvard Book Store, we pay top prices for Have you made your gift today? used paperbacks. And we pay cash ...immediat.eb! All gifts are due by May 13,1997. See us today to cash in on your education right away Anagnostopoulos, Harry Forsheit, Rebecca McPherson, Cindi Shawwa, Afaf* Anderson, Wendy Fraidstern, Jessica Mendoza,John* Shiers, Pamela Andrews, John Freeman, Yael Meredith, Matthew Shimada, Kyoko Anonymous (4) Freitas, Rachel Miller, Robyn Singal, Samuel Antine, Alyson" Gallagher, Meagan Mirchandani, Monica'' Small, Rachel Antzoulis, Peggy Gath, Jessica:$ Mitrovic, Bojan Snook, Jennifer'' Arsham, Doug Gillette, Amy Molnar, Michele" Solem, Katherine Avinarni, Liza Gondek, Meggen Moore, Ellen Somayaji, Shalini Ax,Laura Goo, Karla Mulligan, Kevin" Soule, Benjamin" Baxter, Jonathan Greenspan, Nicole Murnane, Melissa" Stawiecki, Jeremey Bercovitch, Deborah'' Greif, Jason Murphy, Gregory Stoodley, Catherine 1256 Mass. Ave., Cambridge (Harvard Square) 661-1611 Berenson, Carrie:? Grossman, Andrea Nameth, Alison Sullivan, Donald:. Berman, Ben Hamilton, Alison" Narang, Aparnax- Sullivan, William Bernheim, Laura Hansen, Amie" Nathan, Jennifer" Swap, Clifford" Book Buying Hours Berz, Caroline Harrington, Theresa Nguyen, De* Tagnlinetti, Jeff 10AM-eM Monday through Saturday Bhatia, Shalini* Harrison, Linda Nguyen, Khanh" Tannor, Jim Birnbaum, Amy* Hemsi, Emmuel* Yussbaum, Jared Tenney, Rebecca Blandon, Maria'' Henry, Randi U'Keefe, John Thompson, Scott* Blasberg, Stacy'' Herzer, Arianna , Ostrer, Brian* Tobin, Daniel* Breen, Michelle Hinkle, Susanna Ozeri, Alisha" Tomizawa, Maki Campoli, Jason" Hoffmann, Kamden Palladino, Cori Tom, Cliff Carrero, Andre9 Jacobson, Mark* Parziale, Coley* Townsend, Mary Hail to the Chief Carson, Rebecca Jepson, Lincoln Pedersen, Michelle* Tucker, Matthew Chilton, Eric Kalinsky, Laurence Peppe, Joseph Tuli, Shorab Ciembroniewicz, Larry Kamin, Maria Perry, Aaron" Veasey, Elizabeth Karen Epstein Clancy, Douglas Kane, Linda" Perry, Amy Viets, Ann Cohen, Adam Katz, Laurie Plotkin, Rachael" Wang, Virginia Cohen, Carolyn Kehnemui, Susan" Plummer, William Weber, Jason Colomer, Elise Kelley, Erin Poto, Jon* Werlin, Beth Conlin, BethAnn Kerner, Jessica Rabinowitz, Lisa White, Emily Cooney, Trevor Kim, Hae-Young Raff, David* Williams, Amy:! Copeland, William Kinnear, James Ramsay, Melissa Woodruff, Samantha" Cozza, Daniel Kit, Tang Rao, Sonya Yale, Erin Cruess, Loren Krause, Bryan" Rapp, Keith Yannetti, Michelle* c de Iturriaga, M. Jose'' Lally, Cailin" Reid, Jacqueline Yashiro, Fumihiko* Deren, Jonathan'$ Laskin, Elena Rentz, Alice Yournan, Gregory* DesMarteau, Leslie Lee, Chong Risbridger, Anne Zartarian, Lori Doller, Christopher" Lee, Eric Robbins, Jill* Zhivotovsky, Anna Donnelly, Kevin Levy, Adrienne Robert, Heather" Drysdale, Eric Lindonen, Heather ,Robinson, Julie* Dulgarian, Jeff Livingston, Gretchen Rodriguez, Andrea Eastman, Damon:? Loftus, Elizabeth Rosenband, David * denotes outstanding Eller, Zachary'? Lux, Janice Rosen, Shari* pledge as of 4/23 Ellsworth, Charlene Magnani, Thomas Rosing, Brooke Elson, Michael Malz, Gregory Rubin, Joshua* Falkenstern, David" ,Manni, Lauren* Ruttenberg, Jay Farniglietti, Michael Marein-Efron, Gabriela Santoro, Nancy Feldrnan, Tara Mariani, Tania Scandrett, Richard Feltman, Joshua Marin, Juan Seidenberg, Lisa Ferrara, Rosalie McNamara, Kelly Shah, Mona*

Photo Doctored by Joshua M.Temkin page twenty-six THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997

Perspectives on the NEW DRUGS for HWAIDS Tuesday, April 29,7:00=8:00pm Barnurn 008

yeatwiuzg ~OMYpmelists who will discuss the eflects of ww tl9VI.TlSdrugs md their iwplicatiouzs ouz vaviol/rs groups withiuz the iiWlA9DS cowml/rMity

Supplies for Sale On Campus Pick Up

UPS Shippin Cartons We'll Pick Up Packed Mailina 7ubes Cartons for Summer Storage Bcxes & Tape Storage or Shipment Home. MAYER South, Hodgdon Campus Center + Carmichael Hall Thurs.+Fri., May 1 +2 Wed.-Fri., May 7,8,9 1-6 PM Graduting Seniors Extra Day 1-6 PM May 16, 9-noon call for appt.

Tire TuftsDaily.. Qna scale from one to ten, with ome being the worst and ten deinE the I u best, we are absolutely, totally,- i pretty gosh darn kood. Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTSDAILY page twenty-seven Ladies entertain with humor and Tufts references, while GoLove chills FLING a few oddballs to keep things in- ing to “Brian Wilson” that turned Best of all, Barenaked Ladies “My Baby’s Got Sauce”andasou1- conitnued from page 1 teresting - a swingy “Life in a into acampy yet strangely appeal- love Tufts: “YOUguys have the ful “Blues Music.” Those who Tribe should have performed for Nutshell,” a rollicking “Great Pro- ing “Memories” from Cats. best name of all American col- weren’t dippingback intothe alco- those who came up front to listen vider,” and a rarely performed These asides are the source of leges,” said lead vocalist Steve hol and who had managed to wake and blindly accepted everyone “CraZy.” the magic of Barenaked Ladies’ Page. Awww yeah. up even danced a bit. else. Better still were their typical live shows and served to created G.Love&SpecialSauceaopen- Opening for the openers were A band who understood the improvised banter and songs. a wildly fun Fling atmosphere. ers were mostly there for chilling. Decordova. Little criticism can be fun-loving atmosphereoftheFling There was the rap about Medford Theirtraditionalhiphopmedley of While most attendees recovered levied on Decordovaas most of the was Canada’s Barenaked Ladies. vs. Meh-fuh, filledwithgratuitous cheesy modem pop songs closed from a night of debauchery, the campus wholly ignored their A melody-driven folk-rock five- drinking references and even a the show, freshly updated to in- groove-based avant-blues-rap out- Mdafied jams in favor of shot- piece, the Ladies rely on humor as lyric from Tribe’s “8 Million Sto- clude material by new radio champs fit provided a good soundtrack to gunning beers or nursing hang- much as ontheircatchypop hooks. ries”; there was the medley of fine likethe Spice Girls. With guitarist loungingandcarousing. Strangely, overs. As for this reviewer, Spring And in one of their better shows, ’80s songs including a patch from Ed Robertson as beat box, and the theentirefirsthalfoftheir70-minute Flingprioritiesweresimpleandthis the Barenakeds served up a tasty “The Neverending Story” and rhythm section performing aNew set avoided songs from either of band came too far down the list. set of greatest hits - “If I had Duran Duran’s “The Reflex”; and Kids-esque dance, it was a formi- their two studio albums. But it was After all, it’s “wine, women, and $1 000000,”“Enid,”“Jane”-with there was the cacophonous clos- dable ending to a fantastic set. all solid, as was an especially sly song” in that order for a reason.

,B4ERTUC CI ‘S BRICK OVEN P I Z 2 E R I As Davis Square - Somerville. We DeIiver to Tufts 77619241






Are you going to be in New York this SU~IW-? Do you want to get together with your fellow Jumbos at bars, shows?and rret work with New York Alumni? Drop off the bottom of this form at the TCU Senate Mailbox

Information Booth, Name Year Campus Center to be Summer Address (where you will be if you know or a home address) contacted over the summer Place of Summer Employment for Tufts events in Su-er Phone (if available) Summer E-mail (if available) c Please Drop off or send by Campus Mail to the Senate Mailbox New York. Information Booth, Mayer Campus Center <





One little, two littilt, three little 73ernheirns c

Happy last day of classes. Monday, April 28,1997 page twenty-nine

#ey Seniors! Women’s Studies interdisciplinary Minor Don’t Miss Out on Your Senior Certificate Chance to Have a Record of Presentation Your Experiences at Tufts! 1996-1997 You are cordially invited to attend the presentation at Alumnae Lounge Alumnae Hall Talbot Avenue on The 1997 Tufts University Yearbook will only be on sale for the price of $60 until Monday April 21st at Tuesday, May 13, 3 to 5 p.m. 5pm. After that, the price will increase to $70. All orders must be received by 5pm on Monday, April 28th. No orders will be accepted after this deadline. Congratulations to the students completing their Women’s Studies lnterdisciplinary Minor: * Sabrina Crawford Orders can be placed in person at the info Booth. Payment must be in the form of a check made out tc the TCU Yearbook. No cash or Phoebe Hazard credit cards will be accepted. Andrea Julia Hess f? Rashmi Luthra Heidi L. Moore Zahra Sharifa Orane Jennifer Lynne Snook * * Light refreshments will be served Mistakes aren‘t so bad. Columbus found America by mistake! pagethuty THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997 Congratulations !

Other Award Recipients: Katherine Cheairs LA '98 (PJS Executive Board) Co-Recipient of the Anne E. Borghesani Memorial Prize Patricia Liu LA '99 (PJS Executive Board) Recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Rishi Manchanda LA '97 Co-Recipient of the Seniors Award Recipient of tlie Audrey L. Hale Prize Co-Recipient of the Marshall Hoclthauser Prize Gabriela Marein-Efron LA '97 CERTIFICATE PRESENTATION IN THE OXFAM CAFE Co-Recipient of the Alpha Omicron Pi Prize Scholarship Eric Pliner LA '97 Recipient of the Multicultural Service Award WEDNESDAY,APRIL 30, 4:30 - 6 PM Co-Recipient of tlte Marshall Hochhauser Prize Recipient of the Wendell Phillips Memorial Scholarship Kathy Polias LA '97 (PJS Executive Board) Co-Recipient of the Outstanding Student Leader Award REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Laura Rotolo LA '97 Co-Recipient of the Constantine Ghikas Prize in Romance Languages

The GSC cordially invites all Graduate Students to attend

A Spring Party!

to oe held at the MacPhie Pub Friday, May 2 9p to la

Live Entertainment provided by Clutch Grabwell

&njoy compbmentazy ajwpe~izewan8 an oyen bar.

Elephants and tusks. A debate that has raged since the dawn of time. Would P.T. Barnum have affiliated himself with this fine institution had no ivory been involved? Huh? Would it had become the bastion of dentistry and DiBiaggioness that it is today? I think not. Monday, April 28,1997 THE TUFTSDAILY page tlurty-one THETUFTS DAILY Commencement 1997

Display Advert is in g

The Commencement 1997 Special Issue will be printed for Sunday, May 18th. This issue will have a circulation of approximately 15,000 copies. The Commencement Issue will be available on campus and will be mailed to students at home as well. Typesetting for the Commencement Issue will cost $10 per ad. There will also be a $15 charge per photograph included in a display advertisement. There will be no Classifieds section in the Commencement lssue. All display advertisements must be accepted at the business office in Curtis Hall with full payment no later than 5:OOp.m. on May 6th.

Display Ad Sizes

* A-Size - 1/4 Page 3.75in (horiz] x 8in (vert] or 5:75in (horiz)x 5in (vert] B-Size - 1/2 Page 9.75in (horiz)x 6.25in (vert] or 5.75in (horiz] x 1 1 in (vert] C-size - 3/4 Page 5.75in (horiz) x 1 bin (vert] Full Page 9.75in (horiz] x 16in (vert]

Ad Rates Size: TCU Funded Rate: Department Rate: Off-Cam pus General Rate: A $50.00 $100.00 $12.00 per column inch B $100.00 $200.00

C $150.00 $300.00 Agency Rate: $15.00 per column Full $200.00 $400.00 inch

Centerfold Spread and Back Page Ads Office Hours The centerfold spread can be purchased, The Daipoffice in Curtis Hall will be open as well as the back page. The centerfold is a for its regular hours of operation until full-color advertisement, and spot color is Monday, April 28. From Tuesday, April 29 available for the back page. Interested until Monday, May 5 the office will be open organizations should contact Neil Feldman from 1 :OOp.m. until 5:OOp.m. The office will at the Dah office for specific pricing and be closed on Saturday, May 3. production information. The Tufts DaiW P.O. Box 18 Phone: I61 71 627-3090 Medford, MA 02 153 Fax: (617)627-39 10 pagetlurty-two , THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997

spring break wRh you, and I'll nevei To all the Regulators the dreariness that has pervaded this Personals John 0. forget our adventurous trip to NY Mount Up. And Pete, please don't place this past semester. Pete, we you with all my heari. Love, Brian Thanks for introducing me to yor You'll have to keep me posted on thr leave. definitely need to have more DON'T WANT TO GO HOME good friend J.D. I'm glad Imet both c soap0pera... Good luck in DC, Israel impromptu conversations outside 01 Ian Poplck FOR THE SUMMER? you. Good luck for the future! Love and We. I'm sure things will wort To all people representing the library. I miss the days when we You'reapervert but Ilove you anywa! Then come work for the Confereno Pamela A. themseks out somehow.:)Take can Call were in touch more often. As you You'rethe best roommatea guy coul Bureau insteadl Pick upan applicatii of yourself! Love, Abby Don't forget your mats. know, Ireally respect your decision tc have. Thanks for everything. at 108 Packard Ave for facilitatc Laura stay in the department. Best of luck to Brian positionsor clericalstafftodaylOrca Thanksfor showing methefunny sidi Prat, To all you Tufts Latinos ywbothnextsemester,andwelcorne Leah. Amy 627-3568. of the Daily, and explaining all the ii Thanks for all of the latenight phonf Especially Sydney, Jordan. Axel, Suy To azimmet@emerald jokes to me1 Iwill miss you a lot nex (and email) chats! :) I hope you finc E&. Jorge, Teddy. you allknow Mexicc Thanks for making ot Live With Us! year (especially at those damnei happiness in everything you do. I'm is the best, don't front like it isn't. Youman year awesome here at the Daily. Yc Best summer sublet deal out therf meetingsl). Best wishesllove going tomiss you, but I'msurewe'lldc It's been four years since Joe rnakeeditingandproduction perverte WID, driveway, great location, coc Pamela A. the email thing next year. Take care To all people who hate frats introducedus(y0uknewI'dthrowthal and fun. You're a mac. in), and my appreciation for tequila people, and only $300/month. Start and try to sleep ... Love, Abby CometoB126 LatinWaynextyearfoi June 1. Women preferred. Call Viviei Haley, Amy R., Judith, and some real parties AND midge' hasonly grown smce.Thanksfor being To AI Shall there to disagree wivl me and foi 3r Kathy ASAP (x1158)., Alicia John, strippers. You aack me up, yc It's swell. :) Good luck next year d being agoodfriendforfouryears, Bill Production Women Rule! I am 5( been liberal bastard. The Viewpoints pac We need a fall only female glad to know all of you1 Have a tenifii the Ledger - I'm sure yw'll take the To everyone and Bryan isingood hands(10-12timesawee room to swltch from summer, and I look forward to nex journalism world by stm. Try not tc Geiman in fad). You rock. forgelanofuswhenyou arefamousand Shelly The campus won't be the same nexl a Hillside double to E tower Lain Wa) year.Love, Pamela A. Chihuahua City Entertainment will bf louble. Call Sally x8093. suaessful. Keep in touch. Love, Abby semester without your column. You To the Senior Crew of the representing likenoother.Pop culttin better be at NBC this summer, as I've Everyone is our puta. We are the next Sub Pop Daily TODD GREENWALD Alexis, grown so used to sharing classrooms Go Braves... Good luck in everythir Ihave had a great time at this paper the Mexicanversion of Refugee Camp and offmswith you. Thanksfor picking wanttosexyouup. Comeandgetme and I want to thank each of you foi Dollface, you are the sunshine of my you do! life. Thanks for being so entertaining uptheslackwhenl wasn'tinthemood IOU hunk of burning love! P.S. MAll helping to make my first year at Tuft: To Tufts ;ORAN. you're cool too, big boy! and making life down here in this to piss people off, such as my nexl so wonderful. To everyone who i: Watchout for"Pre-MilleniumTension.' entry. Bill. Daily '97 graduating: you will be missed! dungeon bearable. :) Alex doesn'l Welcome to the post-Daily life. It have a clue what she missed... Don7 It will anive in September, and take I will be at tufts mid-May to Love, Pamela A. pop culture like nothing since going to be hard to break away (tal go breaking too many hearts. Hugs Karen me for example), sostay in touch wi July 1. Looking and Kisses, Abby 'Frampton Comes Alive.' I'm never going to shake you, am I? 3r a sublet, or someone staying the Claudia Roda those you left behind and those wt My former partner has gone on to run came before you - you have my em; ,econdhalf to split one with. Will pa) You have been the best roomatel Johnnie W.- Pamela A the show, and Lord knows what to ip to $3OOlmo. Call Mara at xl985 oi am so glad to have gotten to knou Thanksforallof yourhelponTuesday address. You all have done a gre you. Have a great summer, and keep Good luck next year in Africa. I wish expect. Thanksforgettingthehiccups job and I'rn sure you'll be successf nkamihor@emerald. nights. I'vereallyenjoyedworkingwith and teaching me why I should love in touch! Love, Pamela you were going to be in FL this whereveryouendup.Dailylove, DBI summer, but I guess 1'11 just have to you thissemester. Keepalteringthose myself. Lookingforward toseeing you DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING? columns. Amy Tamara and Christine survive without you. Sarah is insane: all summer long. Bill. Returning Editors tatscrew. 'Will you go out with me?, don't let her drive you crazy. too. I lewYear's. Hynes, Carmichaelsalad Next year is going to be awesome1 I Geiman Don't forget that I'm keeping an e) hopewekeepintouchandhaveplenty Abby on youand I'veonIyaViewpointawa iar. piece of my heart, Coupon book, am SO psyched to be living with the more crazy night at Kenny Rogers I'msoglad you'll beaboardagainnexl Well, I'msure I'mnevergoingtoshake lice. nice, "Don'tgetyourselfstarted!", two of you in our gorgeous triple semester. Talk about an exhausting Keep up the good work. The paper House OChicken ahead of us. Take you. I'mgladwe becamefriends,even yours Karen, so enjoy. Daily IOVI our smiling face, Big Jim and the Remember: lots of plants and bug care of yourself! Love, Abby experience - for both of us. Your though it cost me way too much sleep. spray. Have a great summer! Meyers Nins. indecision, 'If you listened to friendship at the Dailymeans a greal Boy. that sounds bad. Thanks for the ie you could have run the whole Love, Pamela deal to me and I've really appreciated entertainment and making sure my Vay!". Driving, Shanghai, peanut d a n- Josh, Thanks for all of the entertaining all of our talks throughout the mailbox was never empty. Bill. 'utter chip, bliiard, Judaism ("It's Sani- semester. Here's toagreat (let's keep Each and every day, you bring s ie kids!"). seeing you after Spring stories. I hope you have some luck in much happiness into my life. How d Thanks for everything - you've been the great hunt forwomenwho will pay our fingers crossed) fall. Amy Prat mreak, backgammon, weird parents, a wonderful friend for the past billion youalways knowtherightthing toss mbarrassment, 69, phone calls, attention to you in the world outside of Idon't knowwhatthisplacewill belike to make me smile? Thank you fc years. I can't imagine not having you Tufts. May you find someone else Karen without you, and fortunately I don't :omeovef, sexday. mycandle.'I'm around, and I'm going to miss you I'm looking forward to a great fall being so wonderful - you are truly rr oing to seduce you", Freeport. $900, who will buy you non-alcoholic drinks have to find out. I've never seen best friend. I hope you know ho more than you can believe next year. and tease you to no end. :)Take care. semester beyond the professional anyone with a work ethic like yours, t's hard again", movies, M-60. my I wish you onlythe best in life. Thanks realm, if you know what I mean. Amy special you are to me, and how muc arties. Jewish wine, and many more Love, Abby though we all suspect it's just I love you.Love always, Karen lor all of the laughs, for putting up with masochism. Thanks for being such a Icome. And one more - love. my craziness and neuroses, and for Many other lovely DaiQy Bill good friend, not just to me. but to having an availableshouldertocry on I've really enjoyed having you around everyone. Bounce. Laura, Miriam at all hours of the day and night. Love Women- My first Daily friend! 1'11 never forgc Leela, Grace, and Sara K.: Good luck this semester. Your perception in a hank you so muchfor being therefor Always. Ab variety of areas continues to impress that first trip to IHOP. where we didn re thiswhole year. I really don't know next year with ads. I'm sure you'll do Haley know anyone and were stuck at th a fantastic job! (Don't forget to call me, as long as you know when you You're probablytheonly Dabperson hat i would have done without you Laura- keep your mouth shut. :) I'll miss not end of the table! Well, we've come stening to me whine, giving me John "Potatohead" when he screws who I feel like I didn't spend enough long way, babe. You're a fun, terrif For your future, I prophesize a short, having you around to keep a running time with over the past semester. not dvise. and just being a great friend!! blonde, Italian guy with a big laugh. up - he loves it.) Haley, Pamela, person, and I will miss seeing yo Judith, Alicia, and Amy: Production is tally with me. Best of luck to you next including picking up the Daily. Thanks 'ou are the best. He'll make you happy and attempt to year. Amy down here nextyear. But. don't worry. the nicest department! Thanks for for being fun and for your love of Iwill still make of Laura Bemheir keep you sane as you battle children pizza. Bill. lots Carolyn and Mehreen inthelibrary. Inafewyears. adrugwill IettingmehangoutonyourLateNights fillers in your honor! Oh, and don and pretend to do production with Dan forget... our pact expires in thre ly two favorite Carpenter House be introduced to make kids grow As a naive freshman, I never would sidents. We survived an uphill- quicker, and your 'customers" will pu. It has been great hanging out JohnlAmy weeks! Karen with you. Lauren: Your constant have guessed that I would have had I'm never sure which of you is which. ownhill friendship. Nottoworry, next suddenly be taller than you, forcing theopportunitytoworksocloselywith ear I think you will get sick of me. I puto change careers. After ditching smiling and general happiness down sowhy not combine? Thanksfor being Prat, iere has reminded us why we joined Dan "Do you realize how famous he good friends and drinking buddies an't wait for next year and this :he library, you will head for a is?' Tobin. Things certainly have No! No! Say it ain't so! You'knt ummer (both of ybu will be in DC iewspaperwhereyouwillspend your heDailytostartwith. I'msureyouare and for always keeping this place allowed to graduate! From explorin zoing to have a bright future down changed a lot since then, huh? I have interesting. Bill. isiting). Best of luck on finals and iays writing fillers with your infamous really enjoyed getting to know you thosesilly coke machinechats,to sill verything !! lame on them and rearranging the iere. Dara: Tell Charlie that Noah snack time trips to the coffee hous jays hi. I'm glad Ifinally got to meet over the past few years and I tobin :then) critically acclaimed MAD appreciate all you have done for the (Mmm... orange passionfruitjuice), t ieather, Kevin, and Patricia Blumn so that it 'continues" in every (ou. Don't let Alexis boss you around! What can I say about you? Your silly self-serving fillers, you've helpe Uerre and Katie: Have fun next year Dai/y in your tenure here. Thanks for warmth, even temper, and love of n interesting year to say the least. I ssue. :) It has been wonderful getting putting up with me both here and at to make my late nights- and my tim oknowyouthisyear,andI'mgoingto Nithout Lauraand Annierunning your - people have camed.this paper to at the Dai/y - so much fun. YOL 'ill miss all of you. Patricia, I don't iepartment. :) I'm going to miss all of home. Best of luck to you. whatever low what Iwill do without my J. Crew niss you so much! I'm still convinced never-beforeseen heights. And you passionforthe paper is one-of-a-kinc IOU. Good luck. Love, Abby you do. Love, Your 6th roommate uddy for a whole year. Kevin, hatyoureallyaren'ta bad person, but look funny, too. It's been a fun year, and will be sorely missed. You'r !memberourdealabouttheSpanish naybe this is purely justification for and it scares me to think that we might superlicious! Karen nyown honiblethoughts.You've been Michaela, Prat have held back our opinions at some staurant. Heather, we still have a I'm only sorry that we haven't had hole semester left so Iwill get sappy 1 great friend. Thanks for everything. 'm glad I met you this year! Good luck point over the past year. Thanks for I will never forgetHaley, our all-female tat, ) By the way, you haven't run out of ceeping everyone in line next year. :) moretimeto spend together, although the laughs, for making this place fun. iter on. (Now I am crying) I'm still holding you to a meal before ime for the bet ... Love, Abby lou'llhaveto keepmeuptodateonany and for admiring my boobs. Bill. nights, our trips to the coffee housl nterestingdevelopments. :)We'll have jraduation. Thank you for being so Myah, Steph, and Kate seiness when it comes to the Dai/x and my stale danishes. and scarin! Bill. a MSCL and PO5 marathon one of Neil all the boys away1 I've had so mud iyculturedFrenchfriends. Next year hese days. Keep touch! Love, Abby puuphold a standard that is near- on'tbethesame, but1willbevisiting. neglectedtotellyouthatthe ballerina in Someone needs to keep the oftice fun getting to know you this semestei mpossible to emulate. I appreciate safe for Yankee fans. Thanks for he Lewis legacy lives on. Don't ever n your future was previously a man. purthcughffulnessandfeelverylucky You'd better do a late night with mi irget that you guys are off the hook. lust kidding. Good luck in life; may Nina, getting us Bertucci's (oh, wait, I did iext year! Karen t was great living with you this year. :hat our paths have crossed over the that) and for making me good on my h yeh, you guys are SO MONEY. fou never lose your sincerity, intense 3ast two years. Thanks for all of your lislikeforsemicolons. hatred ofkosher 'm so glad that we became close. I word by running this place well this OKeefe, c vish that you were going to UF next jupport in general and help with semester. Time for you to buy a new Diane and Miriam estaurants. and ability to make me Jagemtaker. specifically. Please take Menisourtyping challenge?Thank augh. You've been a great friend this ear so Icould see you regularly, but VCR. Bill. 'or bringing me into the new! hat a year. We did a good job promise I'll come up to visit you. xire of yourself for once, Prat. Good ough. didn't we? I couldn't have rear. and for some sick reason I'm uck and best wishes. I'll really miss Jepartment many moons ago ... I'vt loing to miss you. Don't worry 1'11 (ou're going to be a great vet. Don't Viewpoints ;ked for better co-chairs. I am going - IOU. Love, Amy earned a lot from you over the years leverstray toofar fromemail. Thanks et people take advantage of your Even though you guys have some fou are one of the most talentec 'miss our trio next year, but all of you lood heart. Keep in touch. I'm going ill love Holidays, right? love always. or all of the advice, even though half reallyfaroutideologies (one'saleftist. ieople I've met down here at thc ifitwasinjestandjustdownright bad. D miss you! Love, Abby Jason the other's a Braves fan), thanks for aley :an we say Viewpoints is taking over 3aily. and I know you will be ven daybe someday Ican be as good of a ielping to keep this place fun by iuccessful. Lots of IuckIKaren riend to you as you have to me. :) I Anna, :xec? I'm so proud. I can't tell you arguing with me a lot. Bill. Prat inly hope the ballerina doesn't ruin nanks for everything. even sucking low excited I am to work with you ello. myguru. The Dailywon't be the again. You really brighten my spirits dan 'ou. Love, Abby ne into this blasted thing called the The Phantom nr. tobin, i can't believe you won't bt ame without you! Iam really going to Iaily. It has been great living with you lown here, and Ithank youforkeeping iss having you (not only because I nelaughing.Youareatruefriendand fou probably put in more work for The lown here next semester! you will bf Greg- ?is year. Maybe (if you're lucky) Zambonithan I did this year, and you nissed very much. your contributior ve asking you questions, really). .harks will finally get his dream- the he biggest mac I know. Love, Amy le best of luck with everything you Good luck next year in law school. 1 NerenYevendficial. Thanksforfinding o this paper over the past years wil lope you end up moving to the South vitch will just have to deal. Ihope Fox Naystodisappear periodically and for tot be forgotten! good luck to you - ), I know you will be happy{ Your lulder and David Coulthard become llow Wednesday late nighter. Haley that scary land where no one returns Greg aeing a good partner in crime. Ind remember to stop by for a hula itact) so I can see you every now and iart of your life since Nina and Iwill be lou know I've been upset only hxause I care so much. Meeting you iula dance! Karen ien! You've been a great friend, and saving you alone in Rhode Island... Other Daily folks Bill appreciate yourwillingness to put up 'ake care. I'll miss you. Love, Abby itthe Dailythatonefinedayin January 1st wanted to thank you for driving vas one of the highlights of my time came. I saw, I yelled. Thanks for iicwp!William Hicwpl "Billy" I'm sorry Copeland, we scarec e paper all of those crazy nights, rith me. I'rn going to miss you next lealing with me and for helping to ear. Take care yourself. Love, My explorations students, iere at Tufts. and nothing will beat id finding all of those mistakes at 2 of ast spring. Thanksforallof ourwalks =ate a place I'll never forget. I love 'ou so much on Wednesday nights rbby rn going to miss you all next year1 IOU all. Except Sanbom. Bill. the morning. I really appreciate it, D the library rooftop - some of my m feeling loopy today! Lucky you ;ood luck at Tufts and in lie. Thanks naybe you'll get to run into me at 3C ally. Good luck with everything and Ir everything. Keep in touch! Paul avorite memories. You are incredibly ime visiting often! Haley Gregory (the Vampire)- Other Zamboni folks lock this summer. AI Roker will treai itanton: Thanks for being such a great ,pecial to me. Youman. even if you 'our sunny disposition and optimism already gave my thank yous, but IS to lunch!Karen r dvisor. We appreciate everything lrive me crazy. Thanks for being a eep me going. :) I'm going to miss lest friend. I love you, Amy hanks again. The all-nighters we all Abby and Laura our stories! suppose I'rneven going ou've done for us. Jeff: I'm glad you m going to miss seeing your smiling I )ut in made the difference in making Geiman, Zimmet, jcohenl, Imiss you, too. I'm glad that we )ined the Daily. :) I hope you can The Zamboniso greatthis year. Good ces down here next year! And all of UNiVC?thetraUma... Good luckto you John O'Keefe m so excited about working with you at productionhelpespecially Good ecame friends this year, even Iit uck next year. Bill. n exec next semester! I know we all ... fas under crappy circumstances. II! Love, Abby 'ou might be bypassing these, but I :k and come by. Haley ave a lot of plans that I want to see c luck next year don't let this auldn't resist my last opportunity to ;ood - end one your way. I know this has Hey Bossman et accomplished - and I know we lace drive you crazy. Keep in touch. To the Daily Seniors fill! Karen Karen and Greg ove. Abigail 0 Jay, Pomsak, and Cara. thanks for ieenadiffiwtsemesterforyoudown Jeil. you've been a pain in my ass and lank you guys for two great late ot being here (but I love you iere. but I have been incredibly in yours. Isn't love great. We've been hrough a lot and you're still my best Neil, jhts. Despite all of my complaining Karen, nyways). To Wenimo. if I were a girl npressed with the way you have e at night, I had a really great time. 8andledeverything-withsuch grace riend at college (just a shitty boss). m looking forward to working with .ongr?tulations!Good luck next year d like you, I wish we'd known each IU guys will do an amazing job next ther longer. To Dan, thanks for inddignity. Thanksfor being so'John Vell, everything is finally doneand all Oubout next the semester, business and side teaming of the paper. more ar! Haley inning the show! I'm sure you are YKeefe: You've changed this place can say is thank God i'm staying. Ding todoa greatjob,justremember omering me into frat kitchens and ambling about Gold Man Records. lore than you'll ever realiie and will IrianOne more thing:l Quit! hope you have a terrific summer to I have fun. Don't let the boys get too ear for a great semester at the Lauren 0 Abby and Bernie Bemheim. you e greatly missed. Love, Amy up exist down here. :) It's been great laily! Karen til to the Chief! Oops, I'rn a little ecoming friends this year, and I'm re the two sweetest girls and I will Josh, Brett, Ian 8 Neil rly. aren't I? It's been wonderful oing to miss you. Have fun kicking iiss our backstabbing sessions and Joker ife next year should be the most fun ttingtoknowyou,andIlookforward 5s in NY this summer. Love, Abby anjay jokes. To Duy. my older Asian can't thank you enough for all you've lis campus has ever seen. I'm glad Lauren, the next three years! one, down with Jam, up with Daily one for me during the past few days. fe finally agreed to live together. It's our hard work and dedication this ve, Pamela A. otties. 'ou have proven what it really means I last hurrah for two of us. so let's emester'sbeengreatgetting have not goneto knowyouthis unnoticed JttleJohn (Mr. Potatohead)- lake it worth it. hanks again for making ads almost ibethereforsomeone,andIwouldn't e surviving as well without your Bar. You're going to go far!Karen Prat in. :) You'll have a great tbo years To other seniors am going to miss you so much! o Paul Hirsch. just think it was the nconditionalsupport and friendship. Sarah Methe ieadofyou atTuflsifyoumanageto love you, Amy anks for showing me the ropes and eer clear of ulcers and get some nelly Greeks and broken scanner of ley lile sis, you and I have been Peter, aking it all so much fun. Good Luck! eep every now and then. May your aton that brought us together. To Ed irough so much this year, but I am h. insert keys. Gotta love 'em. ve. Pamela A. iture be filled with blue stretch pants, 'Wren, don't hurt me, please. To all Haley lad you agreed to stay my friend. The issistant Pete,' you've been a great izzy bras, and Simone. Good luck le hot senior girls who taunted me iive me a pizza with no cheese. And uy you knew from last semester is iend and so much fun to work with dan ?xiyear! Love, your partner in crime ith their looks and tortured me with old the tomato sauce but not the ackand he'sgonna stay. Love, Brian own here in the dismal basement! ave really enjoyed our late nights 5- LCS would love to thank John eir bitchiness. thank you. ust. Here's to many more healthy omehowwemadeitthroughEnglish lether. It won't be the same without id Abby for their superb work and inners together. Amy Sarah Hall lis semester - your funny drawings u next year. Best of luck - and tcellence in drawing dead bodies. To the 510s of Wren lueEyes.You'vemadeforoneofthe efinitely helped! Karen p.s. sorry en I run a major magazine and you fe never lived with a bigger bunch of News Zippiest times in my life and I thank bout that civil disobedience thing. !rich and famous, I won't forget to Pamela, abies and backstabbers. Just n really glad you guys will still be in Du for it. You have a big journey e you a cool nickname. n so glad I got to know you this dding, thanksforlettingmeuseyour large next semester. Lauren, your head of you but you have me right hank you forAbby, being such a great ve, Pamela A. ?mester.I had a fantastic time over rnputers. ithusiasm is a needed contrast to lere to help you through it. Life's

-~p Wdown here in good 011 Cuge AI1 Tu& students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with cash or check All classifieds must be submitted by 3 p.m the d :fore publication Classifieds may also be bought at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. All classifieds submitted by mail lust be accompanied by a check. Classifieds may not be submined over the phone. Notices and Lost & Founds are free and tun on 1 iays and Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week per organization and run spa= permitting Notices must be wrinen n Daily forms and submined in person Notices cannot be used to sell merchandise or advertise major events. The Tuns Daily is not lia or any damages due to typographicalerrors or mispnntings except the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve le right to refuse Io print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. ~- - .~ -~ - . ~. J Monday, April 28,1997 THETUFTS DAILY page thirty-three

'eatures next year. Better keep bad we couldn't have more g.T:s niqht Jonathan It was a pleasure to work with you are a stud. Jordan, just keep away You'd better come visit me in NY (I \nerredith in check. Love, Laura out. We haveto go to Rent soma time! There are no words to describe our Jver the past two years - I learned a from the porn please. Seriously guys, promise I won't have a four hour Karen You're the best person to discuss friendship, except that I don't know ot from each of you. Thank you for next year will rock. Let's get it on. Daily gossip with. Good luck in nakingthe Daily into a hell of a paper! , interview this time!) You're the Congratulations on being editor-in- what I'd do without it. YOU're the best greatest! Karen 3hief. I know that you'll do well. I wish everything you do. Love, Lauren and 1'11 miss you lots over the next &xi luck out in the real world. I Tobin you luck with whatever you do. Have year. Come visit me and the other sxped to see each of you helpingwith You are the stud. Thanks for branding i Ashley, Rlcheiie, Kepi, a good senior year. Love, Laura Ami23 radical Jewish terrorists at Bar Ilan. productionnext year, aflerall. you can me with that awful nickname. You've Winthrop St.- watch out!! I can't wait My sister's name is Annie, so that is Love. Pamela lever leave the Daily! -Pete made this year at the Daily a blast. until next year, we are going to have Lauren just so cool! I think you're one of the Good luck with everyihing next year. so much fun! Richelle. I can't believe Here's to girls' night out. Kick ass next nicest people at the Daily. I can't Abby Aaron, Brad, Henning, and we're not going to be at Tufls this year in the news department. Love, believe I adually asked that girl what "20 hours, 2 umbrellas, 1 Bill the crew Rest 0' the Daily summer, but we will still have our 4th Laura time it was wto see if she had a Copeland. 1 John Gendron, 1 manks for the good times, drunken I think1speakforeveryonewhen I say of July, and you'll introduce me to all Scottishaccent! 1'11 miss you tons next Broadway show, innumerable tours xnversations,hallsports, guitarjams. this was the year of the Muffin. the cows in Medway! Ashley cakes, Aiexis year. Good luck in the toy store or of Times Square, 4 sore feet, and 1 and good friendships. I'll miss you Seriouslythough, tothe seniors, have you'd bettervisit me in NY! Ken, you're whateveryougoontodo!Love.Lauren box oftaffy later.. .Abby and Pamela guys next yearwhen you'reoff partying a nice life. You all have to admit that Help me! Mr. Showbiz is coming afler Sports rocks and is the best a great friend - I can't wait to see you me! Save me! Don't let him get me! find the right gate and board the bus in Europe, but we'll just make it up morenextyearinourhouseILoveyou Karen back to Boston, with fond memories senior year. -Pete department ever. We'll keep that up Have a great summer and a good next year, don't you worry. guys!Xaren year at the Daily. Love, Laura You only have a liebit of a New York of their New York adventure." accent! Thanks so much for always Definitely an experience 1'11 never Beautiful Jaime Brenner Abby stopping by my room and saying "Hi: forget. Thanks for a great semester!! Once again, you'll never get a chance Shook Keep in touch next year, 1'11 bevisiting! I've been smoking mad bowls. From Nail to Barbra: You DO bring me To my fellow librarian. I'm glad that And thanks for listening to me aflerthe Loreadthis, butthat hasneverstopped whole nasty email thing. Ican't wait to Love, Pamela flowi?rs! We'll have a great summer; one we've become really good friends me before. Another semester of ups way or andher Iwill fmd a way to be as (gag, cheese, I know). 1'11 miss you become even closerwith you next year. and downs, but I was glad to share it To no one in particular clingyas possible. Formoremushiness. when you're in Florida, but at least Have fun at DatelineILove, Lauren The Daily withyou.Thanksforthe support, love, Damn girt, I bin peepin' yo steel0 an' see Tuesday's column. For even more. you'll besunning itup.Here'stoWoody Thanks for 3 interesting semesters! and the adventure. You're my best I like what I see. 1'11 drop bombs on , see me personally.Love. Greg Allen movies and other random stuff. Dan, John, Greg G, Greg Y, 1'11 be back! Good luck Stephanie! friend and I'll always love you. See your head. Love, Laura Bill, Amy :) Pamela you soon. - Me O'Keefe Thanks so much for supporting me The Boys Muffin, Youman, Marsh, Mar- You havefosterecimydeepandundying Merre with that TDC thing. It was so nice to You know who you are. You live in Sasha go-lies, Jordan love for all things Irish. Thanks for What did we talk about before you know everyone was behind me. To Haskell hall and play spades way too IHOP, streetsigns, MOPS(orthe1ack Department oftheyear. Enoughsaid. bringing me into the Daily, encouraging were on the Daily? We get to find out Dan and John: you guys did a great much. Thanks for making the year fun there on. trios to the airDort. long Okay, maybe not enough. I can turn me. and leaving my life as miserable next year! Seriously, though, you've job this year. Good luck in the future and helping me procrastinate. Have convers&io&., and a lot of budrise: this into a Shook e-mail. but then I'd and pointless as it is today. Ican't stand been a good friend to me since we've with whatever you do.Love, Lauren great summers! Believe it or not, I'm It was a great semester. Thanks for have to talk about illegal stuff. Muffin- it anymore. Please kill me. But in the beenfreshmen.fromeating pastaat2 going to miss all of you a lot next year. the support and the friendship. 1'11 I'm higher than you now. Marsh and meantime, best of luck at the Patriot a.m. to running to Dolly's at 2 a.m. to Vivek Mike, good luck next year, enjoy the never be too far ... Just pick up the Jordan-All us next semester. YOUmaW Ledger. Send us some of your articles; - hey do you notice a food trend, Hey water boy. Thanks for talking to weather! :) Pamela phone and call, even if its from South Thanks for everything you've taught we'll see if we can get you a job down here? And, of course. so much more. me during all the Senate meetings. America (just call collect). -Pete "Yes me. Good luck. Youda-man. Jeff-the here in the fall.GAG I'm glad that you'll be around next We all know you're just trying to take Michelle and Scott Sasha" Sanbom :) AEPVeditorlorchhas been passed on year. Love, Laura over the school! We're going to have Yeah Friends of Israel Co-Presidents! to you. Shook-Where are you? -Vivek tobin a blast next year. Love, Lauren Ileave you in a position of power. don't Leah you have fostered my deep and Meg abuse it. Good luck next year! Keep in Just wanted to see if you're paying Karen undying love for all things Just so you know, I used to be very Christina touchand ldefinitelywanttobefilledin attention. Congratsoninitiation. you're Cun ...ning. -who else? uncapitalized. you've done a hell of a well behaved untila certain roommate We're going to have a great year next on YMlK happenings.:) Pamela nowan officialsororitygirl!!!But. watch job as the chief, and your vast asked me to, um, enjoy a milkshake year, even though we'll be stuckdown the hives. 1'11 see next August for Kel knowledge of the world wrestling on a Saturday afternoon. Shame on in Haskell's basement. I'm sorry that Davey orientation. - Pete :) Two words: woo-hoo! Better late federationwasan asset tothe position. you! I'm glad that we were able to live sometimes I act more as a mother Yeah I know, "Don't go away next than.... well you knowthe rest. You've perhaps one day you can join the wwf logether this year. I think that we had than as a friend. But I want you to year." Don't worry. you'll have a great Non-graduating Daily Crew meant so much to me here. We've as "the columnist" lanny poffo, and alotoffun,and levenleamedtoenjoy know that you mean a lot to me and I year and 1'11 be back before you know Thanks for the fun, stress, and long been through a lot and have so much read your columns off of frisbees and healthierfood (well, Ilearned to share will behereforyounomatterwhatyou it. Keep me updated on your pay-free hours. See you again next more to go throughf. The only thing then toss them into the crowd. until space in the refrigerator with it). I'm choose to do. Love, Lauren adventures next year. :) Pamela year. Enjoy your summers - you'll that 1 can say about the entire year is, then, go take some math classes and gladthatwe'llbe livingtogetheragain. need it to make it through anouther thank you. -Viv write a few letters to the barenaked Love, Laura Neha Daily Business Staff year in the pit. - Newsboy Pete ladies.GAG I never thought that someone so Thanks for another great semester. I Neil Tow Gaby different from me could ever be my appreciate all the time and effort each Bryan, lllona 8 Gina Llama llama ding dong and bork bork Copeland "In 1943, there was a terrible coup." best friend, but you are. Despitewhat of you put in all year. See you in the I'mglad tohave had theopportunityto bork. -Swedish Chef You have fostered my deep and It's almost over1 The one person who you think, I respect you so much. You Fall. work, and patty with you. I expect big undying love fortad. Yourefforts down has lived in the same building as me haveastmngheadonyourshoulders, Neil thingsfrom each of you, and I hope to T3 People herehavenotgoneunnoticed-driving forfour years. (You poor person, you). and you live life on your own terms. see you at the house. Bryan: Thanks Best floor by far and an awesome homeless kidstothedialysismachine, From the thing in the throat to eating Thanks for everything. Love,Lauren Daily seniors fortwo yean offriendshipand support, softball team. -Vivek sending encouragement cards to the baby food. you've been around. I'll Iwish you all the best of luck in grad they helped a lot. Gina: You're a lot of women's basketball squad, and miss you next year, when you're in Laureen, Melissa, Jaime, school,thatnewjob,oryournewfound fun and a great friend. Don't lose emulating a 'Gandhi-like" tone of Pic'cel D.C. (At least you know where you're Melissa John unemployment. touch. Illona: 1 wish Ihad more time to Iam the firestarter -Vivek conciliation whenever an argument living.) Say hi to your "modef and Ifeel like I've become so close to all of Neil get to know you. Regardless, 1'11 miss arises here. You are a good Yankees your "fadef Love, Laura you. I hope we always stay in touch. you next year, and Ihope you're close fan, a good Associate Editor. and you by. We'll have to talk more about D-ball Have a great summer! Laureen: Iwish Karen Epsteln I've been peepin' you stilo an I like haveacar. Indeed,youwill bemissed. Sarah Icould have been closer to you earlier Welcome to the big show. Iexpect big 'classes." - Pete Have fun with Costas. GAG what I see. Translation: It's been an My first real friend at Tufts! Good luck in the year. You're great and I know things from you this fall, like maybe a awesome year. Thanks for your talks in grad. school. Ithink that you have a we will remain good friends. nice, new, big office. Don't fear, the Greg, Karen, Jason 8 Amy and advice. -viN Pratty Prat lotto saytothatfortunecookie yougot job isn't that difficult,just look at who You guyswill makeagreat exec board, You have fostered my deep and your freshman year! Love, Laura The Hungry Herb's Coalition is doing it now. (love you d a n). Have and I lookfolward to working under, I undying lovefor Pagemaker. You have mean, WITH you. Keep in touch this The Sports Gang LoveitorHateit?Cucumbers. Geckos a great summer. Wnat'swrong with you people? We're been a great teacher down here, Karla and anvils and dead squirels for the Neil summer, and 1'11 see you in the fall. possibly the only one with a rational K:i'm a phone call away, if you ever all smart here..." Anyway, to Marshall, kahla! kahla! kahla! I hope that you VERY evil TWO! - Merre Muffin, Viv, and Jordan, I've enjoyed mind, and a fun gal to chat with. I only haveagreatsummerandagreattime d a n tobin need anything G: golf, anyone? A:l hope that when I get out of Tufls with miss the brunches, we should do it my time with you guys. You've all working at Segal. Good luck, love North, South, East (and thanks for keeping the faith. just one come a long way in my time here and my civil engineering degree next year lauhal lauhal lauhal more issue left. and i hope that i will more next year. J: Braves Suck. Need that I will be able to make doors for West) I say more? this department will only get better "Now is the time, now is the hour' - 5 have proven you right. don't worry under your leadership.You guys rule. you. Of course, I'm still hoping you'll Joe about the future, there's no employer find a way to stay at Tufls again next spoonsof Creme BNlee- a Permanent O'Keefe and in our next Daily-Obsever hoop To my fellow Red Sox fan! Sorry, the Parking Space - Merre that wouldn't want a guy who can game, sink a J for me.Youman year.Happy Doormaker Patriots lost. I'll miss hanging out with work a gratuitous butt reference Into I just wanted to say thanks for the you on campus. next year. Good luck FEATURES1 any conversation. time, advice, and all the help over the Bill Youman with the in Hodgdon. I would Neil D. Feldman 1asttwoyears.You'reagreatjoumalist. You have fostered my deep and Features in in the "House' but the and the Daily, the News department, Iguess Ihave Joe to thank for at least say, "Have fun taking Orgo" but I rest of us will help too! -Merre onething.Thanksforbeingmyfriend. undying love for Johnny Pesky. won't. See youoverthesummer.Love, Abby Krystel and Johnnie and I will miss you next year. Good Actually, I have enjoyed reading your luck in the real world of hard, and confidant. drinking buddy, car pool Laura Sarah Walker driver, and baseball rival. Let me get a column this year almost as much as Thank you both for your dedication sometimes, sofl news. Keep up the reading my own, and God knows I 23 Days till Puerto Rico! 11 Days till good work, and 1'11 keep my eye out for fewthingsoff my chest: Yankees suck Josh and Brian SeniorProject! MaybePisnYallgood! and committment to the Daily. You and Wade Boggs is selfish. There. really love my column. Best of luck to ltwasgoodtohangoutwithyouguys. have both been assets to this paper your pulier prize winning story. Pete , you in law school, and I hope that you 4 years in the same building! Maybe I've known you since day one and I'm Josh - glad that the MCAT's are over. one day people will be able to tell us and I appreciate everything. Good a better person for it. So, nexttimeyou somehow find a way to incorporate luck in the future. Mike journalism into your future work. Pretty soon, so will Hollywood apart on the phone. To our computing purchaseavideoofNewYorkRangers Comedy, the most stimulating class Neil You are the best friend anyone could Maybe you can represent me in a few empire! Luv ya! Merre Stanley Cup highlights, think of me. I've ever taken. Brian my eternal askfor. Thanksforalways being there Youman yearswhen l'mpissingoffmuchlarger - for me. But. don't confuse yourself groups of people in a national pessimist. Have a great summer, and Davin Bill Copeland enjoy yourhugeroom, next year. Love, Thank you for all of your Yankees- with Tyson. You almost clocked me publication. GAG For all the great TV and head locks last night, killer. You know I'm notAmy good at this. but here Laura and Nintendo.You rock-and nomatter biased columns. infrequently followed advice, and always well-timed humor. Krystei what happens "it'll be a good lesson Haskell Crew it goes. I know I've told you this before, Elizabeth for ya" - Merre I'rn just glad I won't be hot-tubbing but there are few that are more You have fostered my deep and My band buddy! Thanks for all of your with you again anytime in the near So tell me whatcha want, whatcha undying loveforyourstories.Ifthere's thoughtful or caring than you. You're a help, and for being agood phonefriend. future. Good luck, I'm sure that 1'11 be really really want ... Shut the - up, fantastic person and deserve the best. one thing that can be said for you, Ronald0 Espirltii nananananananananana. learn to What are we going to do when we're A 112 milecordlessphoneandataser seeing you around 126 Packard soon. You'll leave me with some great (and Abigail, you always have an interesting sharingaphonenextyeaRItwillnever Neil buuuuuuuckup. You guys have made life story to share. Congratulationson are in your future - Merre interesting) memories. Help lead this befree! I'mgladthatwe'vegottentobe life sooooo much fun this year. You paper to great new heights next year. writing that thesis, and for making it are some crazy dudes. through another year at the Daily. so close this year. I hope that your Laura Greg "Flanders" Youman I know you have it in youYouman Please wme back next year and thumb feels better. Love, Laura "It's not that bad"Ha! Last time I listen You have been my classmate, Daily cohort, big brother and friend. Thank Mikey Mike John explain that damn Dewey Decimal to you. Glad you'll be here next year. EnjoyU of Florida you bastard. Leavin' System to me, okay? GAG Lemmings and other such More midnight pasta and Dolly's! you for all the times you've listened to We'll always have the Daily and folks me complain about the office and us here and all. Seriously though, 1'11 Conference Bureau, but I think we You're the greatest babe! The theme miss you bud. Epstein, Zimmet, and Cohen Thanks for making the last two years for this summer starts with and M and about women. 1'11 miss you next year have something else: tremendous when you're down in Atlanta. Neil similarity. Hey, who else besides us Don't look at me. I don't have a clue fun. Not only do I have a great 1-shirt, ends with a N (to erase other painful Mike, Jim, 8 Jamie how anything down here works. Ihave a lot of funny memories. Ihope memories) - luv ya Merre talk about the Red Sox, that I can stay in touch with many of Sports Boys Next year is gonna be chillin'. Get Massachusetts poliiicsandjournalistic Someonecall Meyersor 0Keefe.GAG readyforawild time.lwantafridgeful1 you. Take care. Love, Laura Karla I been peepin' yo steel-o. and i likes ethics for fun? You're going to do what i see. One of these days you'll of beer in each room. I Haiey All offers still stand if EVIL is great things, and I hope I'm there to Professor Bernheim eliminated! You'll always be my anti- get an article out of me. Neil see it. So, to a cigar smoking buddy, WhoeversaidthattwoLong Islanders Emily and Randy (just like thanks for the memories. -Youman can't get anything done? I'm sorry I I think that your daughter's hot1 From fat-free friend. -Merre a freshman male desperately seeking To the brothers of Zeta Beta the voicemail) kept getting pissed off when the clock Randy, though we haven't hung out passed Wive, but I was worried I'd entrance into medical school The Saco Expidition Tau The other Greg Congratulations Sigma class. Good as much this year as last, you are still You're exactly what I'd like to be: a turn into a pumpkin. Just remember - Is now under the umbrella group of awesome. You have to promise to you must do production with me again BACON-LIAImembermust consume luck seniors, you will be missed. CF hell raiser. How did such a quiet Dad- Prof. Bernheim 8 S, Neil hang with me this summer. Emily, newswriter turn into the Primary next semester. I fear change.GAG pig m all its fms. The first offiiial thanks for helping me out a COUple Just kidding. Love, Laura Buttah of Source's whipping boy. So, next time event will be held at Tennessee BBQ nights ago. You are a true friend. ribs. Long live Brain Awn! :) Welcome to the Fraternity. You have you're formulating survey questions Dally seniors for Prof. Portney, or wearing a velour Iwill miss you all. You have all been a Pete the best times, but also the hardest times in front of you now.Gbmo Llny (just joking, Liz) jacket, think of me. -Youman ray of sunshine in an otherwise cold Well, we made it! The year is finally 210's Haskeil Whatever. I'm so glad we're now, over. Thanks so much for teaching Jay Cohen cool and dark world. Good luck to all of We Got lt!!l! and we're taking it I can't even tell you. You rock. Well, dan you.GAG me everything about news. Next year international! Go BravesINeil you best be practicing your Egyptian Here'stopukingonBill'scoat... Ifthere's we're definitely going to win the best 210's Haskell Rat Screw skills. Otherwise I'll make department award everyweek. Idon't tan Popick onething I'll rememberfromyourreign Next year's Dally staff I never thought I'd have 6 sisters who youeatthewholeboxofhllatzahnolas, as €IC, it's that you could balance fun I will miss you all this summer. You know how you didn't crack up at me I love as much as you girls! I'rn gonna Go Rangen!Neil my lile Wolverine. when I fell asleep in hisotry every and prod~di~ity.That's a real talent - have all been a ray of sunshine in an miss all of you so much! Love.Pamela and that's leadership. Youman otherwise cold and dark world. Good single day. Thanks for putting up with Jamie Kinnear me, and I hope we can become a lot Bo 8 Megs luck to all of you this summer. GAG Shani Go Devils!Neil You two are flat out nutty. I'm glad Sam, Dave, and Jason closer next year. Philadelphia rules! Who ever thought this odd couple Love, Lauren Carolin we'vebeenhangingoutmorerecently. "Don't worry about it, 1'11 wash the Letter writers would make itthroughtheyeaRAIarm Bo, with thatsaid. Iwantto knowwhat dishes...' To my housemates. thanks Bite me. clocks are mere nuisances to those Thanks for being a great formal date is wrong with the p word for putting up with me. -Youman Pamela with superpowers such as ours! (twice).Youareawonderfulgirlanda Marly Moose Hey LMgirl! I'msogladwe've become England doesn't knowwhat's coming. great friend. 1'11 miss you very much Sports Department friends this year. It's so nice to always I'rn not even going to say that I'm while you're home in Colorado this Laslo L Nice tusks. You guys are the shiznit. It's been a Here's to spring break (and breaking see you're smiling face on Sundays. gonnamissyou. causethat'sagiven. summer.Love, Neil We'redefnitelygoingtorulethis paper fun year. Youman, I thank you so 100 at Carolina Shores). Here's to Annie Take care of yourself.Love, Your mvchforhelpingmeoutfirs!semster. being picked up am at last year's when we're seniors! Let's really try Human Accident Brian at 3 The mighty Features duo is ending. :( and get together this summer. Wthout you I couldn't have done it. Gala. Here's to cheap beer and good Good luck next year. I'll miss working Youcan''refired!You arestill Love,Lauren Good luck with stuff next year. It will cigars. And here's to Walpole vs. with you. Here'sto dating roommates. Julie my best friend, even though you are be weird without you next year. Dartmouth and homerunsthat shatter Who ever thought that first phone one royal pain in the ass. You know Love, Laura Laura Marshall, what can I say buddy? Les car windows. Thanks for being a conversation would lead to so much. I'vegot your back, just as long as the Bouler in the playoffs!!!!!! Who brother to me. -Youman I'rn going to miss you so much next Thanksloralways being there with sage other guy is smaller than me. This will wouldveeverguessed?Vivek. you've Katie year! But Iknow you will have a blast Thanks for all your help. You've advice and for your endless patience. be one crazy summer! Love, Neil really stepped it up this semester and Neil being achildren'slibrarian.Thankss0 Hasta Luego Mi Amgal Love. Pamela worked so hard. Good luck with believe me it's been appreciated. You To my LileEro, the only other Zeebe I much for always including me. Too ~~ ~ page thirty-four THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997

to know the inner workings of this ht happy Isaid yes when ila mentione from it. keeD beina a ierk. -dan Live with classy French 8 American hole know as the Daily. I can? wait i o'keefe. okay, rube. t's really dan but you. You know all the rest, so i'll ju: ' bill-board iwasjustlooklng0utformyboy.don't people in a Beautiful 4 bedroom - Impressive Laser Typeset Resumes mastthehelloutofyout~.Here say a big thank you for being wien for forcing me out of the zamboni anc deck him. apartment. BBQ porch clean. Non- to sleeping on my couch.Youman _-. - - featuring computer storage for future goofyand malfunctioned andfor bein into the daily, i can never thank yor smoking - near Davis - 30 seconds updating. Your choice of typestyles one of my best friends. I am gonn enough. and for being my axeman. from campus. The room is so big it is including bold, italics, bullets, etc. on Abby miss you terribly. Oh, and I know yo1 extend more props. i've got so muct Birthday- ridiwlous... only$350/month. Call Rob Strathmore paper. Have your cowl Wemadeitandwedidn'tkill him. low think otherwise. but no, I didn't war respect for your dedication and skills RUCHIRA ROY 629-4670 or Mona 628-7705. letters done by us to match you1 you a beer. Find me May 9. -Johnnk anything to happen (think star marke and even though you're mighty wnite, Yep, Yep thats right1 You have an ad Resume! One-day service avail. 5 Walker. PS- Dailylovetoallgradualin! telephoneconversation). love, zestiea you even have soul. to me, you're the in the Daily. Hope you have an Summer Sublet min from Tufts. (Member of PARW seniors, especially those Italked to. and many more late nigh mvp here. dan amazing 20th bday. 3 bdrm furnished apt on Winthrop St. Professional Assoc. of Resume convwsations, pumpkin. Love, your enchanted apple. Medford. June 1 through August. Writers. Callfor FREE'ResumdCovei Samantha rimmetty Arjun Jollyill Parking, No pets. $375/monlh. Call Letter Guidelines') Also, worc I don't really need to send you thi Louis L. my sixth housemate. well, i know we Happy Birthday and Congratulations 617-639-2815 or 617-762-2321. processing orlyping of student papers because you know how I feel. And i yes, i'vetraveledfarinthepaslyear.Bu neverquitegotintunewitheachother, to Tuffs most promising swimmer. Summer Sublet grad school applications, persona for some reason you don't, just as1 not so far that i'd forget yw guys. yoi and that's too bad because you're Large2 bedmmapartmentpradcaliy statements. theses, multiple letters ne. Love, Greg still count - just remember that. Tht absolutely topnotch. i have faith that on campus, on BellevueRd. Available tapes, transcribed, laser printing. Fa, lim'salways on and the wine's atway! when the dojo is no longer Events June 1st. $700/month plus utilities. Sewice. etc. CALLFRANCESAT396 Liciousness there...just make sure it's 2 a.m. ant representingon the paper, you'll be a Noon Hour Concerts, Call (202) 895-4524 1124 MARESUME SERVICE. There'stoo much to say...lfthere wa! drop by. I miss those days. Let's no force to be reckoned with down here. Thursday, 5-1-97, inly one thing I could leave you with lose touch. Love always, the daily girl you certainly have it in you. dan 1230-1 p.m., Goddard Chapel, Need Housing for Spring 987 Plan Ahead111 would say this had I more time wiv presents the music of Haydn. 4/51bdrmduplex. 14Faimnt-1minute Spend your SPRING BREAK earning rou. Iwould want to know you better Rishi southern-boy jc Harbison, and Poulenc performed by walk to campus, full kitchen, parking, up to $1450 participating in an 11 o )ut knowing you somely is infinitel) Iam so. so, so proud of you - man) you have the best attitude i've ever No Dogs Allowed - Ray Jackendoff, huge furnished attic, furnishings 16 day full-time drug-free Sleq letter than not knowing you at all congratulations. I know y'all gave U[ seen. you're capable, personable, Clarinet, SteveYumans. Clarinet. and optional. Mo and Hillaryx8596. research studyatBrigham&Women'! hank you for leaving me with some on me. but I don't give up that easily professional, and a bit dirty. in short, Tracy McGinnis, Bassoon. Hospital. We are seeking qualifiec 'ou-ness. Stay curly. stay mI. Sta) Drop by - we need to honor you in oui you got it going on. just don't let the I'm Looking for a Sublet MEN ages 18 to 30 only. Stud) le-ickiied. And don't forget the crus usual fashion. Besides it's your las basement break your spirit and you'll Come volunteer wl LCS I'm looking for a one bedroom requires 3 week preparation period lelivery. 1'11 be seeing ya. lovies chance to try to crawl under my bed be a-ok. go braves. dan Summer Volunteer opportunities apartment near campus. Reasonable Call Gail now: 617-732-8093 or e iappies. and berries, just me. p.s. I Love always, the wine woman. Meeting. Monday April 28th. 11:30. price. Please call 401-334-4599. mail [email protected]. ried hating you ... but most days YOL mcjew 12:30. Large Conference Room. nake itverydiff~cult.So I guess I love Ale you're the one reason i hate the daily Campus Center. Guitar Lessons 'ou again. We're looking for a sublet Tothinkthatifitweren'tforyourpesh -if it wasn't forthis place, we'd still be Lookingfor atwo bedroom apt. If you cooldng to lean how to pbytne guitar. II subletting pemn, wewouldneveihavi great friends. i know we've had our have one for us, please call 401-334- haveyoutccJrhghnotPne.VeryaffadaMe Frecky beenfriends-yeah,hugsinmykitchen shit a-plenty, but i don't want to lose For Sale 4599 and ask for Phil. Interested?. GivefanacaUatxl432. rly emails over the semester(s) have don't count. I promise to kill you (and you next year. cfacks aside, you got Fridge aid much of what I meant, and moa yeah, I WlLL make the trip, even ii it is the skillzthat pay the bilk. and i know @OOBO. Call Angie x8292.4MBRAM Housing for Spring '987 If it (notable exceptions aside. and as far as chew)if you don? find me you'll go far. see you at cannichael in upgrade for sale for an IBM365ED Wanted when you return from spain and brazil. 415 bdrm duplex. 14 Fairmont - 1 ou know those) still stands. I might 2007. dan +laptop. Selling it at cost. For more minute walk to campus, full kitchen. Summer Employment at mave been the best first, but you were Really, i'm downright scary like that. info call x8468. International Center Just look at my hand for proof. wigs, prkg, huge finished attic, furnishings ie only one that was special - firs1 bernheim optional. Mo and Hillary ~8596. Student Office Assistantto helpoutwill ind last Stay that way. Oh and don't wldness. and love, prat. you're my favoritest at the paper, you I'M FLEEING THE mailings, answering phones, typing other giving up on me, cos you'll know. and that has nothing to do with documents. and othervariousdutiesfo 'hays be a friend. A special one. I'm Karen COUNTRY... Please Sublet My House! iim bickford. >seriously. though, and I need to sell all my furniture. 4 bedrooms, fully furnished. $350/ and extremely busy office. Student! tubbom like that. You should know. Two women leading two parts of the bringing you onto the paper was one must be punctual, dependable, &detail ove and picas, the one you've yet to paper... time to show em sports boys Selling a double bed, dresser, night roordmonth. Teele Ave-Across from ofthe bestthingsieverdiddownhere. table, 2 TV stands, kitchen table and oriented. $6.50-$7/hr depending or gure out. where the power really lies :) Pretty Lewis. Call Steph - 8136. great shush with pride, and please keep in chairs excellent condition. Callrachel location! PJease lake it! experience. For more infonnation. cal much every eic has made some very touch.-dan . ... i at 3969042. .* I Laurie at 627-3458. Bouncy lasting contribution - I say the futon illy, billybounce, billboard, billiard, should definitely be one of yours. A ruttenberger Sublet Availaple: illygoat, and just plain bill: we've huge, big good luckfornext semester. FOR §ALE 1 rm avail in 4 BR house.for month of TAKE MY JOB allthese personalsaregratuitousand A small manufacturing company is lade ita long wayfromourauspicious I am really going to miss our 1 minifridge$20orbestoffer.1 dresser June. Also, 1 room avaifable 6/1 - 81 self-serving and nobody cares about looking for an assistant accountant 1 tart at redbones on that far away wednesdaynghts ...keepupthe pastry + 1 desk ($30 each). Call Alicia Q 31. Rent is $340. Direct all inquires to !hem... you're a pain in the ass, but day a week for $10/hr. No experience vening. don't ya think? I just want break tradition. Oh, and don't give up 629-4670. Rich at x4139. (Davis Sq. Area). you're an awesome pain in the ass. necessary. Call head accountan ou know that if Ihad to do that whole on those wallpapers ... oodles of fou'll be as huge as you'll allow favorite words and much luck, prat. FURNITURE FOR SALE HEAR YE! HUGE REWARD! Ernestine @ 393-6500 x228. Locatec lectionthing again i'd do it completely yourself to become. let me ride your on Bostonh. near Planet Fitness. fferently. I'd say a resounding yes mttails? long live indie rock. -dan Selling a double bed, desk, dresser Thereward isa brilliantsummer sublet ght at the outset. In fact i'd print out Production Empress Haley and Futon. Prices are negotiable.Call for only $350 (reg. $390) - 1 bedroom PLEASEHELP whole page of yesses and wear it as So you're now me. I don? blame yw Anna at 3951578. newly renovated. across from ($5,000 compensation) weissman Espresso's-5OWinthrop St. Call Dan Infertile couple seeks woman foi bikini for an entire week. Honest. for being scared - most days even i'm IOU buin the department from the low can I make ten liltle pigtails scared to be Just remember (and FORSALE , at 776-6337. Better hurry! anonymous egg (oocyte) donation me. ground and made it run smoothly. The ideal candidate is a health) round your head? You'd look so remind execand sports)thatproduction (ou've been efficient and impressive Beautiful, almost new beige sleeper retty..:grin' Oh, and on a serious Is where all the power ltes ;)And tickle sofa; very comfortable. Call 396-9042 Summer Sublet Caucasian. average oraboveaveragc :o deal with. and you really make me height (drug-free), age 20 to 29 ote. love thyself. As Karen said ...ah geimanwhenhe'sbeinggrumpy.mars augh. stay with the paper and you will for details. Two bedroomsavailablein 4 bedroom ut you already have that memorized. pretty much all you needtodo. Oh, and house with 2 males. Located on 48 Confidential screening, minoi lourish. party on, dude. you're cooler outpatient procedure is required nion bagels and psychic fortune look busy, look important - it always han you think. -dan SLEEP WITH ME! Winthrop St. close to campus, new ookies, pratty. worked for me. Good luck with it all. I Full-size bed in excellent condition. appliances, washerldryer. Avail. June Compensation for time and effort Please call 617-979-431 1. am really happy to see you taking on muffin iNilltakebest offerforthis really comfy 1. Call x1285 for info! this position. It can be and hectic bed. PleasecallJasonat6256143as happy doormaker crazy IOU da man. you be chillin in displace, h doormaker dearest. what shan I sometimes, but I promise you you'll soon as oossible. BIG ROOMS1 CHEAP1 SUMMER INTERNSHWS - tickin positivity lefl and right, makin' For Foundation. Flexible hours, neai oest without thy help? And thy bugs miss it when it's done. I am going to is bust our guts wit' your fly-ass shit. 1-2 rooms for summer sublet. $330 8 don't miss our Wednesday nights. pokey, $350. Live with cool housemates. 19 campus. Reqs: excellentwriting skills unnysounds.VIlhateveryoudo, jon't be dropping out of the daily, yo. Housing analyticmind-set, Macintosh knl. See iiss an opportuntly to let this place pointyfun and lots of passionhutjuice, teep on wit' us. we all luvs ya. -dan TeeleAve. bylewis.CallWillQxl821, rive you aazy. k makes you kinda exempress. Roommate wanted to share postings at Ed., Eng., Psyc., & Ch nique. And more like billy bounce. quaint 2 bdrm Looking for a2 bdrm apt. for Dev. Depts or call Dr. Miles Storfer al youda-man 396-5523. nd that's always a good thing. Too judith IOU missed my speech at elections, louse hear Tufts and Davis Sq. June 1 - Aug 31. if you have one iany sane newsy people down lhwe. Y w're just pbminvaluable - pickjng on aesponsible. serious-minded student pleasecallPeter.at508-1234x321. iut here'sthegist: you personifywhat SENIORS! NEED A JOB? esides. you gotta continue the curiy bill wouldn't have been quite as much itruedaiiyiteshould. you're dedicated, wworkingprofessional will enjoy quiet aditiin of loooopeeeness. Oh sorry, funwithout youaround. Norwould have ieighborhood. Includes washer/dryer Hillel is hiring full time admin. assis1.r lexible,fun, and talented. you've been Services receptionist. Start in June. Compute1 iat was my traddion. Just keep your the listings page. Tons of luck with ireat to work with. and i wish you and off-street parking. $350 +utilities. yes. ears, and intestines open for produdion. and thank you for being my :all Marta after 4 p.m. 628-1975. Attention Seniors! skills & prior office exp. a plus. Fun nfinite luck with the law. too bad you environment. Salary 8 benefk. Call 3KOtS. and run into the nearest oasis companion in attitudinousness and iuck at ncaa pools. dan Haven't found a job yet? Sign up for 1rpuddle)whenyourtail'sonfire.and loopiness. Too bad bill's graduating. 1 bdrm Ihe resume bank at the Career Ms. Reichstein (617) 627-3242. )u'II be fine. And keep those doors Replacement: gg. Keepupthelrad~tion nail-o ullyfumishedaptforrent.QuieIbuilding Planning Center. $15/15 copies of pen at all times. Never know when i'll 'grin' love, pralty. ImilesfromTufls.All utilities inGluded. your resume! Stays active all summer Free summer furnished rm Kpand and sail into the after IOU got your shit together and we long. Stop by the Career Planning in Medford. In exchange for PT. Child offcs - ocked this place, the trifecta of us 6650. call Alex 617-324-9184. II we still have to do that late night precious production 1 bdrm apts Center for more details. :are, Zchildrenages78 12. Must like igether. Did I hear someone say )oldfaced people. i give you nuff jogs/ non smokgrs only apply. Call Pamela - I am so g!ad we have you. esped for what you've done. here's (ard, parking. No pets. Available 6/1 heinkin? loopies.snoopies, tweeties. Just remember to give your exec late and 7/1. $750 and $795. Utilities A Type Above the Rest 396-9085. id balloons of luck, pratyplus. 0 one more semester of bidness. nighter tons of attiiude - the rest will hen you can just drink all day. dan ncluded. 3965634. lrofessional Office Services: word take care of ilself. Amy - thank you so Sunny Summer Sublet mcessing, resumesandcover letters; Arlington-Part time- Pumpkin Eater much for reminding me to do things flabby abby 3eautiul 1 bdrm apt in Winter Hill professionally designed and ?'Id care neededforourtwodaughters you think you aregoing toescapethis when Iforgot. would've been so much 'ormatted. Resume packages can ,ages 5 and 8) beginning in May. Car n vell, youfinallygettoleave.thisplace iear Broadway bus line. Off street ace. think again. Ok, so you are crazier without your help. 'fall - It was larking, largedeck, garden.andyard. nclude accompanying cover letters, reeded. $8 per hour. Call 646-4261. sstined to tum into an eclectic mix of specjal and i'm glad got much uill so much less sunny without your .yping of theses. reports, we so sometimes) smiling face. but i'll miss rlo smoking. Available June 1-Sept 1. illy. john, and me. And some done, butlcouldn'thavedoneitwithout :all Leah Q 7767911. spreadsheets. proposals, database PIT CHILDCARE BELMONT lbiliciousness for good measure. IOU tons. you're one of my favoritest nanagement; input and update each and everyone of yw. Thank you ibrarians. dan Ueeded: summer position forchildcare urelythatcan'tbeasbadasitsounds. ever so much. Tons and tons of luck m Great 2 bdrm apt for rent nailing lists. Also merge mailing list n my home to help with 2 112 year old Vow. you'are' going tobecomeweird makmgthedailyshiine. Exactos. attiide, May 1. 3 min walk to campus, with a letter and create personalized and infant. Must be energetic ant iren't you? Oh well. The things we do and funkalicious fillers. prat. duyduy mailings, data entry, editing and lovechildren. 20-25 hours perweekir my man. you're not on the daily Powderhouse Blvd. $800/month. Also )r the daily. Succumb. get drunk and huge moving sale. Call 623-1693. proofreading, and more... Please call June -August with some rollover intc .z npy it while you can. You'll miss I daily folks anymore, but i'm still feelin' it. this Lori at 617-391-6350. September. Good hourly pay. Owr hen it's all done. Trust me. 'Snff'oh It's been one long roller coaster ride place hasn't been the same without car a plus. References needed. Cal - you. or was micol's absence? i'll Live with usi nd. one more thing, you can never - Ithink I'm still dwy. Thank you all for it TRANSCRIPT NOTATION Mary at 484-3616. lease everyone Or even most people Ach you at the slope. Best summer sublet deal out there. all your help and for making it so WID driveway, great location, cool, available for summer internships. If lon't Tis a waste of time. thought. r by. memorable. so fun, and so aazy. I people, and only$300amonth.Starts you'redoingaminbnumof 1OOhoursat SUMMER EMPLOYMENT nd emotion. Trust your instincts. can'tthink ofone otherthing that Ihave alexis, pete, katie h., jason, an interesting internship this summer Theopportunityof a lifetime!Travel tht elieve in yourself. and never, never, aiex, vivek, pamela a. June 1. Women preferred.,Call Vivien put so much time into at college - but or Kathy ASAP (~1158). youmaybeableto haveit notedonyour country. All expenses paid. Seeking ver, EVER believe me. prattyness itwasallworthit. If1 hadtogobackand you guys are the future of this paper. lransaipt. Guidelines available at the energetic, outgoing, fun individuals see the sparks in your eyes. if you do it all over again, Iwould do the daily Crazy Summer Sublet CPC - papetwork must be completed Call us toll free at 1488-8762105 foi Abbyness part the same (maybe get a liemore want the brass ring, it's yours for the by August 1. This not be done 35 Adams St: Entire house! (2 floors will more info. Must be 21 or older. id you know that there is someone done. ). Neil-goodluckwithwhatever aking. i can't wait to act like meyers retroactively. More info at the CPC. alMabby pdl thls school? If only md watch your every step - y'all got and basement). comfortably fts 58 at you decide to do. And keep us rich people. 2 car garage and 4 car Top Dollar: Senior Week he knew how scary a proposition that Oodles of luck and gobs of fun. prat. t going on. bring this paper to new Summer Opportunities ... Events Tickets !...hahaha. lers just ask bill. It's been ieights. -dan driveway, 2 full bathrooms, free W/D. backyard, front and back porch, 2 free The CPC still has intemshiplsummer I'm looking for any and all tickets tc ibriws. my.scary. sleepless, and twixie and mom opportunities arriving. Come see the senior week events. 1'11 pay extra foi wy confusing, but I am glad we made ail daily-ites, near and far droids. partially furnished. Rent is I couldn't have made it this far without $1650/month. That's $330 or $210 special binder of internship sponsors any you have to spare. Call Mike ai iends. Ithoughtwe'dbethetwodown the two of you. And daddy. Hang in his place has been my soul for years, who are offering shadowinglintem 076-7251 or 873-4327 leave B egs this semester, but we did qude ?ven moreso this semester. it's all permonth. All inquirieswelcome. Call there. We've got a ways to go - Dave at 393-0148. Avail June-Aug. opportunities. Internship listings area message if not there. all for ourselves. did we not? So did together. I love you. sunshine, ibout you, and its been a great ride. alsoon theweb. RemembertheCPC iethkd peg, Iimagine. Somuchfwmy strength, and happiness, minky. thank you for everything. you're all is open all summer! ieory. Humphhh. Trynottogettoolost alented, but more importantly,you're Summer Sublet-2 bdrm apt For 1997 summer, .. Large 2 bdrrn behind Hill Hall on the counselors sought mong those library shelves After all I prat-attack illreallycool people. i'd let you babysit Europe $169 OW eed to share my loooooopeeeeeness ny kids. hell, i'd even want to have xmer of Boston Ave and Bellview for unique, prestigious, coed children's the heart and soul of the paper. and the 4ve. Will rent rooms separately. Avail & World Wide Destinations Cheap!! amp. Spectacular. pristine location, nd those streamer wrapped milky person i respecl the most dmn this iidswithafewofyou. i hopesomeday IF YOU CAN BEAT THESE PRICES sys. Love, pratty. can help you guys out. don't forget June 1. $700. email: mStal Maine on both fresh water basement.iknowiptssyardfsometrmeS, lev* STARTYOUR OWN DAMN AIRLINE. ake and the ocean. Specialists and you dolikewise. Mit'sallout ofbve. ne; i won't forget you. -dan 4ir-Tech. Ltd. 212-219-7000. Aim-E Zim-E leeded for 30 activities: Trip leaders, you and i changed tns paper so much. West SomerviCe: female [email protected] http:// Iquestrians. Photographers, WSI, sdrffiwlltosaymuch here... i'llsavet each inspiring the dher like lennow WANTED: JOB campusmtlaertech ir our dolly's kip. For now, thank you iomebody out there. please employ roommate wanted Swim Instructors, Baseball, mccartney. but yours IS a legacy that 3asketball. Rifle, and Sailing tersomuchforlookingoutformeand mY beforgotteo.dg i'Umiss you ne. i write good. i lead good, and i'm -arge bdrm avail in spacious, soon 1 Europe $169 OW nstructors. Archers, Fisherman, c lr being my right hand. Love, prat. Ute, too. four years in this basement urnished. 5 room apt. Perfect for temaiynextw unlesswemtoge(her MexicolCaribbean $189 RT

ograms Abroad University Chaplaincy e-departure Wrap-up for NOONHOURCONCERTS Jdents Studying Abroad on Non- Haydn, Harbison, Poulenc. ifts Programs. Eaton 208, 12 p.m. PERFORMED BY: No Dogs oxTrot by Bill Amend Allowed - Ray Jackendoff, ‘ogramsAbroad Clarinet; Steve Yurnans, Clarinet; :n Info Meeting Tracy McGinnis, Bassoon. ton 208, 1 1:30 a.m. THE GAMES Wt1)ItN WE GAME ... Goddard Chapel, 12:30 - 1 p.m. P.E. CLASS THIS WEEK. THE GAMES OUTSIDE PIE GAME ... ttoract May 1. :If-defense.Crane Room, 9 p.m. Office of Career Services, Fletcher mnesty International Careers in German Foreign Service. ghts the Quad concert! ON Fletcher C 405. 5:OO p.m. sidential Quad. 1-4 May 2nd. usic Department Student Alumni Relations Lesounding Women’s Music of the Committee st: A collaborative concert Former astronaut, Tufts grad, Rick aturing Tufts Early Music Hauck - speech. Barnum 104,5 p.m. lilbert by Scott Adan isemble and the Wellesley Alegium Museum”. LCS - AIDS Outreach lumnae Hall 8 p.m. Between Hope and Hype Barnurn 8 7-8:30 p.m. Tomorrow lomen’s Programs MATHCLUB ’omen’s Support Group Talk & General Meeting ‘m’s Center, 55 Talbot Ave. Bromfield - Pearson 3rd flr. 12:30.

Gn Sequitur by Wile)

students at Spring Fling. I Photo by Rony Shram

Weather Report- TOMORROW Mother Goose & Grimm by Mike Peter! TODAY I QIQ Tisraining,tispouring The old man is snoring High: 46; Low: 40 High: 5 1; Low: 40

ACROSS 1 Resorts 5 Enamel

~ 10 Resting 14 Story 15 One who has Dinner Menus title 16 Manage THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME- DEWICK- 17 Thing by Hstui hold and Mike Argirion CARMICHAEL 18 Christmas caller Unscramble these four Jumbles, MACPHIE 19 Spiral 20 Fights against one lener to each square, to form ~~ four ordinary words. 22 Quiet! .Vegetarian Eggdrop SOUP 24 Ark builder vegetable soup Baked stuffed 2526 CoopHorrify 29 Move to a new Buffalo chicken shells place 34 Watered silk - Peking ravioli 35 cut w@P 36 Atop, to poets h 37 Partner, of a Roast turkey Roast beef kind 38 Swabbed Jamaican pork Thai basil stir fj 39 Headliner ANNOYE WHAT THE LOCK- 40 Hurry I SMITH CON- chop Broccoli and 41 Social visits SIPERED HIS 42 Articies in hand 0 1997 Tribune Medii Services. Inc. Kl Kl All right5 reserved. 4m7 Moroccan lentil cauliflowerau 43 Charitable societv Saturday’s Puzzle solved Now arrange the circled leners lo 45 Tilled ihe soil 8 Seines form the surprise answer, as sug tangine gratin 46 Place 9 Walked about gested by the above cartoon. Confetti rice 47 Latvian capital 10 Stress Mexican chili 48 Coddles 11 Timely blessing Print answer here : A 52 Examine 12 Long story mm Patchwork rice Chicken breast carefully 13 Strike out (Answers Monday) 56 Toward shelter 21 Single yesterdayas I Jumbles: CLOTH QUEER INCOME BELFRY Sicilian ravioli taiyaki 57 Lyric poem 23 Sly look Answer: A good thing to do with bikes in a junk yard - 59 Mediterranean 26 Oriental nurses RE-CYCLETHEM Banana cake w/ Nonfat white resort 27 Crippling 60 Tiny bit disease 4. cake 61 Fathers 28 Heaped h* 62 Great Lake 29 Answer 63 Forest creatures 30 Nights before 64 Nasal sound holidays Quote of the Day 65 Garlands 31 Tribal emblem 32 Rent DOWN 33 Made a mistake 1 Bustle 35 River deposil 1 Yfeel it’s my responsibility to come here and teach the kids how to 2 Party nosh 38 Restaurant out 3 Bar drinks employee c drink responsibly, too. ” 4 Religious school 39 Metallic 5 Relating to mail fragments 47 Passenger 53 Old name of service 41 Hint 48 Footed the bill Ireland -University President John DiBiaggio said at Spring Fling, Heineken in hand. 6 Covered with 42 Labels 49 Lily plant 54 202 water 44 Come into view 50 Give out 55 Golf ball holders Late Night at the Daii 7 Hotel 45 Best Of ClaSS 51 Twirl 58 Gold: Sp. page THETUFTS DAILY Monday, April 28,1997 '1 thirty-six


DUlVU#W DONUTS Iced Coffee and Munchkins c, Wednesday, April 30 . 1-3 PM in front of the library Free to Class of '99 c 50 cents for all other classes #3

Wednesday, April 30 9-1 1 PM Hodgdon Lounge L
