haunting Gil Evans arrangemen loi Miles Davis . . . and the dee] re­ spect I have for Ira Gershwin. 1 was fortunate enough to be ' ith By Charles Suber John Tynan when he intervie veti Gershwin (see feature section) There ait so main memories that . . . the exquisite interpretation of this 1 will never forget. 1 got the come crowding back when the name Jascha Heifetz (yes, Jascha Heifetz) distinct impression that Georgi 'vas (Gershwin is mentioned. Some of my in his Porgy Album lor Decca circa still alive and merely busy in the personal ones are: 1911; he jumped octaves in My other room. It is so obvious that Hearing Ferdie Grofe play the Man’s Gone Now with such delicacy. at 62, is still so attuned to his nine, Rhapsody with at In. more recent years, 1 remem­ it is no wonder that he is the only the Br

Woman. 1 was sure that Tristan and in’ Life ... the Truman Capote New loss because of her own weakness. It Los Isolde had met their match . . . that Yorker reporting of the American is also so much to his credit that JOI elfin ami sinister grace ol John Bub­ Company in Moscow. Catfish Row continues to stand out High I bles as Sportin’ Life (I’m sorry the Now there is so much more to add as art and not as a negative social CH> emphasis of the role had to be . . . singing the defini­ symbol. This always happens when changed from a dancer to a singer) tive understanding title rolls . . . the talent mixes with truth. Corri s BOS LAS PHII SAN WA MOt TO» for the finest sound STO Prodi'c the top pros play MA Advert Git

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Advert Che Rid 20* RAY ANTHONY CHARLIE SPIVAK Chi Ray Anthony Band Louis Armstrong combo Charlie Spivak Orchestra Fini Bra 631 and other top pros, including—SHORTY BAKER, Los Orchestra; HARRY EDISON, Harry Edison combo; LES ELGART, WE Les & Larry Elgart band; JOHN HOWELL, WGN Orchestra; Me RICHARD MALTBY, Richard Maltby Orchestra; MICKEY MAN­ GANO, Nelson Riddle Orchestra; PHIL NAPOLEON, Phil Napo­ Ge< leon combo; GEORGE ROCK, Spike Jones Orchestra; SHORTY 37( SHEROCK, Nelson Riddle Orchestra; CLARK TERRY, Duke Nei Ellington Orchestra. MU