Report to: Area Committee Date of Meeting: 18 July 2012

Subject: Village – Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

Report of: Director of Built Environment Wards Affected: Birkdale &

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No

Purpose/Summary To seek approval to carry out amendments to waiting restrictions within Birkdale Village.


It is recommended that Southport Area Committee approve:- (i) The progression of Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which will be to prohibit waiting on sections of Road and Weld Road, up to a maximum period of 2 hours, as shown on plans in Annexes A & B; (ii) The progression of Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which will be to prohibit waiting at any time, at various locations on Liverpool Road and Weld Road, as shown in Annex B; (iii) The progression of Traffic Regulation Orders, the effect of which will be to prohibit loading or unloading on Liverpool Road, as shown in Annex B; (iv) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the council’s intention to implement the Orders.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Reasons for the Recommendation: The Council has the power to make Traffic Regulation Orders under Sections 1 and 2 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Approval of Highway schemes and authorisation to proceed with Traffic Regulation Orders fall under the remit of Area Committees.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs The cost of all implementation, legal and administrative procedures for the introduction of the waiting restrictions on Liverpool Road and Weld Road, amounting to approximately £1500, can be funded from within the 2012/13 Traffic Management Revenue budget.

(B) Capital Costs Nil

Implications: The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal None

Human Resources None

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: Nil

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance (FD1654/12.) has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report. Head of Corporate Legal Services (LD989/12) has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report.

Are there any other options available for consideration? No

Implementation Date for the Decision Immediately following the Committee meeting.

Contact Officer: Steve Johnston – Team Leader (Traffic Management & Road Safety) Investment Programmes & Infrastructure Tel: 0151 934 4258 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Nil 1.0 Introduction

1.1 Requests have recently been received, via a Ward Member, for alterations to the Limited Waiting restrictions within Birkdale Village.

1.2 Currently, all on-street parking bays on Liverpool Road and Weld Road restrict parking up to a maximum period of one hour.

1.3 Historically, these were introduced in 1970 in order to allow a turn-over of parking spaces to assist shoppers within Birkdale Village, and are in force Monday to Saturday between 9 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.

1.4 A number of traders have requested that the time period on these parking bays be extended to a maximum of two hours to allow shoppers greater time to visit more shops.

2.0 Consultation with Traders

2.1 One of the disadvantages of increasing the maximum waiting period to two hours is that there will be a reduction in the turnover of spaces throughout the day.

2.2 In reality, however, it is unlikely that every shopper would want to stay for two hours and there should still be a fairly quick turn-over of parking spaces, albeit not quite as many as present.

2.3 In order to gauge whether traders would support extending the period of waiting, Birkdale Ward Members have carried out exploratory consultations with traders. This has indicated general support for the proposal.

2.4 A total of 48 traders were consulted by Ward Members, out of which 36 responded. Of those who responded, 77% supported the move to 2 hour parking, 17% wanted to retain the current 1 hour parking and 6% were undecided.

2.5 As a result of this ‘straw poll’, it is proposed that the extension of the time limit to two hours be advertised in the local Press. Under current legislation, anyone who disagrees with this proposal will have 21 days to formally object, and any objections will be reported back to Southport Area Committee for determination by Members.

2.6 A plan showing the existing Limited Waiting bays is attached as Annex A

3.0 Additional Restrictions

3.1 As part of the original request from the Ward Member, adjoining areas in the vicinity of the level crossing, and adjacent to the pedestrian refuge south of Alma Road, were also investigated with a view to ‘tidying up’ the waiting restrictions, and has resulted in a number of suggested changes.

3.2 On Weld Road, there is an area of carriageway on the northerly side where unrestricted parking takes place, some of which could cause obstructions to the approach to the level crossing. It is proposed to control this by extending the Limited Waiting bay by the length of two vehicles, followed by a length of Double Yellow line up to the yellow hatched marking on the level crossing.

3.3 On the opposite side of Weld Road, there is an area of unrestricted parking adjacent to a pedestrian crossing point and entrance into a car , where vehicles occasionally park, causing obstruction. It is proposed to introduce Double Yellow lines from the yellow hatched marking on the level crossing to the end of the existing parking bay.

3.4 On Liverpool Road, adjacent to the station car park, parking takes place on the corner of the entrance, which obstructs the pedestrian dropped kerbs, and it is proposed to introduce a section of Double Yellow line around the radius.

3.5 Members will recall that a section of white hatching has recently been introduced adjacent to the kerb build-out at the pedestrian refuge south of Alma Road. This was to improve visibility for pedestrians crossing at this point. As part of the changes to the Liverpool Road Traffic Regulation Order, it is proposed to legally prevent waiting and loading/unloading by the provision of Double Yellow lines and kerb blips.

3.6 A plan showing the proposed waiting restrictions is attached as Annex B.

4.0 Financial Implications

4.1 As these proposals relate to the safe management of traffic, and removal of potentially obstructive parking, all costs associated with the implementation of the restrictions, amounting to approximately £1500 will be funded from the 2012/13 Traffic Management Revenue budget.

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6 1 7.9m 9 The Park 1 (PH) Bank 8 5 b 2

3 5

5 4


6 SB 1

9 1

a a 5 3 y 3 8.5m 1 Bank

a 1

w 5 1 b Level 9 u 17 S Crossing 1 7.6m 9 NS DE


7 G 1 6 T

1 N C 1 O H EM

A R 7 A

S CL 69 3 6

E 2


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8 8.2m

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Sub Sta 5







2 9

3 767


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1 1 1


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3 0


7 4


9 3 a 7 2 t 5 4 n 2 o 4 1 to 51 io 9

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Homechase House ta 1 S

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k 1 0

8 ir 2

B 2

2 30a 7 0

KEY El Sub Sta 3 s b n 4 e 8.2m

ard y G 3 1 to 31 bbe 3 16 A Weldale Telephone 5 Exchange

6 9 3

Existing Limited Waiting to be extended 15



3 2


to maximum stay 2 hours (Mon –Sat 9 – 6.30) 0 4 L IV 6 3 7 E

R 2 MP 17.25 P 2

4 O 37a O 3

L 9 1 2a C b Builder's Yard 4 R b 39 L

O 39a A A R 7 1

d D E 9 2 O

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3 4 y d B

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16 ELB 4

W 3 8.5m 5

1 9.1m 20 8.5m


5 8 9.1m 3 3






6 3




1 5

1 7


5 2 Vicarage a



2 5

1 2 Hall METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF SEFTON Title Drawn SJ St Peter's 6 Liverpool Road – Weld Road, Birkdale Alan Scale NTS 17 to e 19 El Sub Sta v RT o OU r C 6 ER 1

3 G LM 2 A

e W


r 2



c o 9.1m Existing Limited Waiting Bays

6 2b

A 7

6 Date


1 6

Director of Built Environment 2 ( a Jul 2012

5 1 0 5a

41 45 47

51 1 Bank

8 5 3 b 5 5

SB 1

1 a 5 3 8.5m y 3 1 Bank

a 1

w 5 b Level 9 u 17

S Crossing 19


1 6




6 3


Existing No Waiting at Any Time 2

8.2m 6

8 5





Proposed No Waiting at Any Time 2 9

1 6 7 0

Proposed No Waiting or Loading/Unloading at Bank 1 6 1 2

Any Time 3

a 4

Existing Limited Waiting to be extended n 2 2 t 5 o o to maximum stay 2 hours (Mon –Sat 9 – 6.30)ti 9 a Club Bank t S

Proposed Limited Waiting -maximum stayle a 4

2 hours (Mon –Sat 9 – 6.30) d 2 3 k 1

r i 8

Existing Bus Stops B 2 a 30 ANNEX B 30

Existing Disabled Parking b

4 Existing Loading Bay 3 Telephone 5 METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF SEFTON Title Drawn SJ Exchange

6 Liverpool Road / Weld Road, Birkdale 3 Alan Lunt Scale NTS

Proposed Waiting restrictions Date 8

Director of Built Environment 3 ( Jul 20128.2m

0 4