“The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD STUDY SERIES

DAY 1: The Challenge ’ Disciples Matthew 15: The King Discredits Oral Tradition and Ministers to the Gentiles

This week will find Jesus ministering to the Jews, however as Israel continues to reject Him (and the truth He teaches) He expands His ministry to include the Gentiles. Tyre and were considered a mostly Gentile region and Jesus heads there after His encounter with the Pharisees in the beginning of the chapter. Jesus knew where He was going; He was not an aimless wanderer! He knew He would encounter a Gentile woman who was distraught over the mental health of her daughter. He had compassion upon this woman’s need and then ministered to many Gentiles! He even performed a major miracle by feeding over 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. Jesus came to save everyone, first the Jew and then the Gentile but this week we begin to see that coming to fruition. Even though a lot happens in 39 verses, there are only four days of work this week, so let’s get started as we follow along on this journey with Christ.

Have you ever had a tradition that you did year after year but really couldn’t explain? I have a tradition, which happens every Easter. I put a jelly bean trail on the floor outside my children’s bedrooms early on Easter morning. This trail leads them to clues which tell the story of Jesus’ resur- rection. I am not sure how I got started on the jelly bean trial, but somehow it stuck and the next thing I knew, 10 years have passed and I am still doing it!

I give you this example, in the hope that perhaps you can see how certain traditions became “law” for the scribes and Pharisees. They were so accustomed to doing certain things (which were not given in the Law of Moses) that when Jesus pointed out the folly of their ways, they were “offended”. Today we will see Jesus rebuke meaningless tradition that missed the heart of God. Unfortunately, the rebuke was over one of their core traditions so Jesus’ words were not well received. Join me as we take a look at the full story.

R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 15:1-39 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 15:1-9

The Scribes and Pharisees came all the way from to to put their questions to Jesus. See the map in the beginning of the study to see just how far this was!

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 1 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. In order to better understand why the Pharisees were challenging the disciples behavior, first read :1-5 then explain why they were upset.

2. What is the “tradition of the elders” in verse 2? Read Mark 7:8, what does Jesus point out in this verse?

3. In your own words, explain the commandment that the Pharisees were breaking.

“Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God: The Jewish people of Jesus’ day had a way to get around the command to honor your father and mother. If they declared that all their possessions or savings were a gift to God, specially dedicated to Him, they could then say that their resources were unavailable to help their parents.” (Guzik)

4. Basically the Jews found a way to get around helping to provide for their parents. If they said that all their possessions belonged to God, how did this make them appear “super- spiritual”? How was this actually hypocrisy?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 1 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

5. In verse 8 we see a very important word “these”. Jesus calls the Pharisees “these people”. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14. How are the people described in this verse (fill in the blank) “______people” Who do they belong to? What does this say about Pharisees?

6. In verses 8-9 we see :13 quoted. What was prophesied about “these people”? How are they fulfilling this prophecy?

7. Once again, Jesus drives home the message of the heart. What does Jesus point out about their heart condition? Why is their worship in vain and their teachings worthless? What are they missing?

A ACTING on God’s Word 1. Have you ever had a season in your walk with God where your honored God with your lips but your heart was far from Him? Briefly describe what was happening.

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 1 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

2. When did things turn around? What caused the turn around?

3. Why does it grieve God so much when we just honor him with lip service rather than our heart?

4. What can you do to guard against falling into a time like the one you described in question #1

D DELIGHTING in God’s Word Hebrews 13:15 says “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name.” As you close in prayer ask the Lord to connect your heart and your lips! May our hearts not wander far from him while our lips are giving Him praise. May they ever be super glued together!

Close in prayer

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15• Day 1 This week will find Jesus ministering to the Jews, however as Israel continues to reject Him (and the truth He teaches) He expands His ministry to include the Gentiles. Tyre and Sidon were considered a mostly Gentile region and Jesus heads there after His encounter with the Pharisees in the beginning of the chapter. Jesus knew where He was going; He was not an aimless wanderer! He knew He would encounter a Gentile woman who was distraught over the mental health of her daughter. He had compassion upon this woman’s need and then ministered to many Gentiles! He even performed a major miracle by feeding over 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. Jesus came to save everyone, first the Jew and then the Gentile but this week we begin to see that coming to fruition. Even though a lot happens in 39 verses, there are only four days of work this week, so let’s get started as we follow along on this journey with Christ.

Have you ever had a tradition that you did year after year but really couldn’t explain? I have a tradition, which happens every Easter. I put a jelly bean trail on the floor outside my children’s bedrooms early on Easter morning. This trail leads them to clues which tell the story of Jesus’ resur- rection. I am not sure how I got started on the jelly bean trial, but somehow it stuck and the next thing I knew, 10 years have passed and I am still doing it!

I give you this example, in the hope that perhaps you can see how certain traditions became “law” for the scribes and Pharisees. They were so accustomed to doing certain things (which were not given in the Law of Moses) that when Jesus pointed out the folly of their ways, they were “offended”. Today we will see Jesus rebuke meaningless tradition that missed the heart of God. Unfortunately, the rebuke was over one of their core traditions so Jesus’ words were not well received. Join me as we take a look at the full story.

RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 15:1-39 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 15:1-9

The Scribes and Pharisees came all the way from Jerusalem to Galilee to put their questions to Jesus. See the map in the beginning of the study to see just how far this was!

“The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

DAY 2: Uncleanliness Matthew 15: The King Discredits Oral Tradition and Ministers to the Gentiles

So before you go and decide the disciples were a bunch of men with unwashed hands who ate with those same dirty hands, let’s define the word unclean as it meant in this passage today. The word unclean means to be ceremonially impure so that one cannot approach and worship God. It does not have anything to do with hygiene. Jesus wants the crowd to know the true meaning of unclean to Him and its affect on the whole body and ultimately service to God. Let’s take a look at what that is from His perspective.

R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 15:1-39 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 15:10-20

E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. In verse 10, what is Jesus doing and what does he say as He begins teaching?

2. According to verse 11, what makes a person unclean? What does this tell you about Jesus and what is important to Him?

3. Verse 12 makes me laugh! Really? Did they think Jesus didn’t know the Pharisees were bent out of shape about his reply? What does Psalm 147:5 tell us about the knowledge of God?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 2 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

If you recall from Chapter 13, when we studied the parables, a field represents the world. The plants represent people. Keep this in mind when you read verse 13.

4. According to verse 13, who is one of the planters? Who can you assume is the other planter? Who do you think the plants represent?

5. What command does Jesus give in verse 14? What are the Pharisees? What will happen to them and those who follow? How is that important for us to know and understand?

6. Peter asks a question in verse 15, how does Jesus reply to Peter in verse 16?

7. What comes out of an unclean heart according to verse 19? How does whatever is stored in the heart spill forth from the mouth?

8. What does Proverbs 27:19 say about the heart and what it reflects?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 2 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

9. Explain the heart, mouth, and unclean connection based on Jesus’ teaching.

A ACTING on God’s Word 1. Take a look inward for a moment, what is stored in your heart? What do you love? What do you think about most? What is important to you? The things you just wrote are what you hold dear in your heart. Where does Jesus fit in your heart and life?

2. Read James 3:9-12. What comes out of your mouth, blessing or cursing? What are you prepared to do this week to make your heart a clean place?

D DELIGHTING in God’s Word Psalm 119:11 says “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Praise God that there is help for keeping our heart clean! As you meditate on this verse, praise Him for His Word and how it helps to keep you from being “unclean”.

Close in prayer

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 2 “The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

DAY 3: Gentile Faith Rewarded Matthew 15: The King Discredits Oral Tradition and Ministers to the Gentiles

Today we see the cry of a mother’s heart for her child. We meet a lady who literally “cries out” to Jesus until He will hear her request. Her child is suffering and her only hope is Jesus. It seems the disciples find her a bother but because of her great faith, Jesus rewards her despite the fact that His blessings were to first fall upon Israel and then to the Gentiles.

I don’t know how you will feel by the end of this lesson, but my heart broke for this woman. As I thought about the pain she must have experienced watching her tormented daughter (and not being able to do anything for her!!) but then one day she heard about a man named Jesus, the Son of David!! Perhaps she dropped everything to search for Him. We don’t know. But if my child was suffering like hers was, I would have tried to get a GPS tracking device on Jesus until I found Him!

One final thought, be careful not to jump to a false assumption when you read Jesus’ response to her in verse 26, understanding that Jesus loves everyone, Jew or Gentile. Now let’s go to Matthew 15 and watch Jesus reward this woman for her great faith.

R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 15:1-39 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 15:21-28

E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. Why do you think Jesus may have withdrawn to Tyre and Sidon (which were 35 and 60 miles respectively from Galilee)? What do you know about these places?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 3 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

2. What title does the Canaanite woman use when crying out to Jesus? Why is this significant?

3. Understanding that this woman came interceding for her demon possessed daughter, describe how she may have been “crying out” to Jesus. How is this an example of intercessory prayer?

Demon possession is described as a person who is incapable of separating their own consciousness and ideas from the influence of the demon. Their own identity is merged with that of their tormentors and they cannot be told apart.

4. In verse 23, what was Jesus’ initial response to this woman? Does it seem uncaring, why or why not? In light of John 3:16, did Jesus care about this woman?

5. Why do you think the disciples urged Jesus to send her away? What is Jesus’ answer to the disciple’s request? What does this mean and how does it connect to :6?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 3 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

6. It is almost as if I can hear this woman’s stressed voice, can you? What words does she speak to Jesus in verse 25? What does her posture and words suggest of her position before Jesus?

Before we jump into the next few verses let me give you some context which may aid in your understanding of this passage. According to the Bible Knowledge Commentary: “(Jesus) was picturing a family gathered at mealtime around a table, eating food provided by the head of the household. The Gentile woman saw herself as the house- hold dog (the Jews often called Gentiles “dogs”) eligible to receive crumbs that might fall from the master’s table. She did not want to deprive Israel of God’s blessings but rather she was simply asking that some of the blessing be extended to her need.”

7. Given this explanation why did Jesus grant her request in verse 28? Explain her great faith.

8. When was her daughter healed? What does that tell you about Jesus’ power?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 3 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

A ACTING on God’s Word 1. Have you ever desperately interceded in prayer on behalf of someone else? Describe briefly and include the type of words you prayed to the Lord on their behalf. Did you ever find yourself literally “crying out” for them? What was the outcome of your inter- cession? What did you learn through the process?

D DELIGHTING in God’s Word As a “Gentile”, I can readily identify with this woman’s words in verse 22, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!” So many times I have cried out to the Lord and as Psalm 3:4 tells us “To the Lord I cry aloud and he answers me from his holy hill” He answered me. Praise Him that He does answer! The answer we expect may not always be what we receive, but God always hears the cry of His children.

Close in prayer

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 3 “The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

DAY 4: The King Feeds 4,000 Matthew 15: The King Discredits Oral Tradition and Ministers to the Gentiles

As we learned in Chapter 14, Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. This time Jesus will take seven loaves of bread and “a few small fish” and feed 4,000 people. Both miracles are amazing and it is believed by several commentators that the 5,000 was primarily Jewish people and the 4,000 people were probably primarily Gentile people. Verse 31 tells us “that they praised the God of Israel, ” this was giving honor to the God of the Jews. This is an interesting thought because we see Jesus blessing both groups with the same type of miracle. Jesus was concerned for both groups! He was concerned for both their spiritual and physical well being.

R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 15:1-39 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 15:29-39

E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. According to verses 29-30 what happened as soon as Jesus “sat down” on the mountain side around the ?

2. It is thought that these people were probably Gentiles. What clues do you find that would suggest this?

3. Describe how the people responded to the miracles they saw? Contrast this with the way many of the Jews responded when they saw similar miracles.

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

Take a few minutes to try and visualize what this scene might have looked like. Have you ever seen a blind person receive sight? Have you ever seen a mute person speak? Have you ever seen a crippled person stand up and walk? Let’s not minimize what impact these miracles would have had for not only the infirmed but the caretakers who brought them to Jesus!

4. According to verse 32, how long had the people been with Jesus? How does Jesus feel about them? (“I have ______for these people” NIV Version). What does this tell you about how Jesus cares for the whole person?

5. How do the disciples respond to Jesus’ thoughts about feeding the people? Why do you think they show such little faith in Jesus to provide for the people’s needs miraculously?

6. Why do you think Jesus asked for what food was already available rather than just turning stones into bread or just producing food out of thin air? (no correct answer here, just an opinion question.)

7. Place the order of events in the way they occurred in verses 35-37 below: (first one is done for you) a. He told the people to sit down on the ground b. ______c. ______d. ______e. ______f. ______g. ______h. ______

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

Is there anything that stands out to you from this list of events?

8. What does the phrase “4,000, besides women and children” mean? How many more do you think may have been fed beside the 4,000?

A ACTING on God’s Word Jesus cares about our whole body, every part from the physical to the spiritual and every- thing in between! Our text today tells us that “great crowds came to him” and they stayed for three days! In verse 39, Jesus has to send them away in order to move on to Magadan! What are you dealing with today? Are you tired? Are you sick? Are you so busy that you cannot even dig out from under the heavy load you are trying to balance? Do you need wisdom, encouragement or just more faith? What is it? Write it here:

Now I want you to imagine you are on the mountainside with the others we just read about and it is your turn to approach Jesus. What would you say to Him?

© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 14 • Day 4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES

D DELIGHTING in God’s Word We never need to wait to speak to Jesus and He will never “send us away” so He can move onto another town or crowd of people. He is available to speak to us at anytime. Spend some time now thanking God for the promise in Psalm 121:3 that “He who watches over you will not slumber.” So even in the middle of the night you don’t have to worry if God is available to chat, He is right there listening, comforting, healing, loving and concerned about all that surrounds your life. Oh, what an amazing God we serve!

Close in Prayer


© Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 15 • Day 4