Rikastage ennast – ENriCH! Publikatsioon kajastab ainult autori arvamust. Hariduse, Audiovisuaalvaldkonna ja Kul- Projekti tuuri Rakendusamet ning Euroopa Komisjon ei vastuta mis tahes seal sisalduva teabe võimaliku kasutuse eest. „Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage“ lõppuuring The publication reflects only the opinion of the author. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any possible ENriCH yourself! use of the information contained therein. Final Study of the Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage Project Juhtpartner / Lead Partner

Rikastage ennast -ENriCH !

Projektipartnerid / Project Partners Projekti „Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage“ lõppuuring

ENriCH yourself!

Final Study of the Reveal YouropEaN Cultural Heritage Project

Koostööpartnerid / Cooperating Partners ENriCH kokkuvõtlikult ENriCH in a Nutshell 1. Meie partnerid 1. Our Partners Projekt „Reveal YouropEaN The Reveal YouropEaN Cultur- 1.1. Veszprémi linnavalitsus, Ungari 1.1. Municipality of Veszprém, Cultural Heritage“, lühidalt al Heritage project, or as we Hungary ENriCH, oli Euroopa Lii- shortly call it: ENriCH, was a Veszprémi linnavalitsus oli ENriCHi du programmist „Kodanike project co-funded by the Eu- juhtiv partner. Veszprém, „kuningan- The Municipality of Veszprém was the Euroopa“ kaasrahastatud rope for Citizens Programme nade linn“, on üks vanimaid Ungari Lead Partner of ENriCH. Veszprém, projekt alamprogrammi of the European Union, under linnu, kus elab tänapäeval 60 000 ‘the city of Queens’, is one of the old- „Demokraatias osalemine ja its subprogram ‘Democratic inimest. See on halduslik, majandus- est Hungarian cities with 60 000 in- kodanikuaktiivsus“ engagement and lik ja kultuuriline piirkondlik keskus, habitants today. Lying in the embrace meetmes „Linnade civic participation’ mis paikneb Balatoni järve ja Bakony of Lake Balaton and Bakony Hills, it is võrgustik“. EN- in the ‘Network of a regional administrative, economic riCH projekti viisid mäestiku embuses. Kultuur mängib Towns’ action. EN- and cultural centre. Culture plays an aastatel 2018 kuni riCH was run be- olulist rolli eriliselt rikkaliku kultuurip- important role in the life of the city, 2020 läbi viis part- tween 2018 and ärandiga ning mitmeid väljapaistvaid which is prominently rich in cultural nerit viies Euroo- 2020 by five part- kultuurisündmuseid ja kunstifestivale pa linnas: Eisen- ners in five towns võõrustava linna elus. Veszprémi uh- heritage and hosts numerous notable stadtis (Austria), across Europe: Ei- kus on mitmed mainekad haridusa- cultural events and art festivals. Vesz- Lendavas (Slovee- senstadt (Austria), sutused, sealhulgas Pannonia Ülikooli prém boasts several prestigious edu- nia), Saint-Omeris Lendava (Slovenia), linnak, Kesk-Dunántúli juhtiv kõrgha- cational institutions, including a cam- (Prantsusmaa), Tartus (Eesti) ja Vesz- Saint-Omer (France), (), ridusasutus. Veszprém on alates 2019. pus of the University of Pannonia, the prémis (Ungari), millest igaüks on and Veszprém (Hungary), and each of aastast olnud UNESCO loovlinnade leading higher educational institution toetanud noori inimesi kohaliku kul- them has supported young people in võrgustiku liige muusika valdkonnas of Central Transdanubia. Veszprém tuuripärandi avastamisel ja aidanud exploring local cultural heritage and ning linn on koos Balatoni piirkonnaga has been a member of the UNESCO neil jagada oma arvamust selle kohta, has helped them share their opin- 2023. aasta Euroopa kultuuripealinn. Creative Cities Network in the field of mida see pärand neile tähendab, mil- ion about what this heritage means Music since 2019, and the city together lisena näevad nad kultuuripärandi to them, how they see the future of with the Balaton region will be the Eu- tulevikku ja kuidas saaks seda näida- cultural heritage and how it could be 1.2. Täiskasvanute Koolituskeskus, ropean Capital of Culture in 2023. ta kaardil nende linnade eriliste rei- shown on a map that displays special Lendava, Sloveenia siplaanide kaudu neile, kes tunnevad itineraries in these towns for those huvi selle asula kohaliku „maitse“ who are curious about the local ‘taste’ Lendava Täiskasvanute Koolituske- 1.2. Adult Education Center, järele. Peamine küsimus on olnud of that settlement. The main question skus on Lendava linnavalitsuse asu- Lendava, Slovenia järgmine: kuidas on Euroopa sünd- has been: how European events and tatud kohalik avalik organisatsioon mused ja kultuur kujundanud minu culture shaped the cultural heritage täiskasvanuhariduse edendamiseks Adult Education Center Lendava is a linna kultuuripärandit ja vastupidi? of my city and vica versa? ja arendamiseks. See pakub ulatus- public local organization, established likku haridusprogrammide valikut, by the Municipality of Lendava to pöörates järjest enam tähelepanu promote and develop adult educa- elukestva õppe projektidele, eriti sot- tion. It offers a comprehensive range siaalselt nõrgemates rühmades, seal- of educational programmes with an

2 3 hulgas romade kogukonnas. increasing attention to lifelong learn- mise vallast. ELi makropiirkond- of how to organize states and their Viimase paari aasta jooksul on olnud ing projects, especially to the social- like strateegiate raamistikus, eriti institutions as well as the search for ka töötubasid teadlikkuse tõstmiseks ly weak groups, including the Roma ELi Doonau piirkonna strateegias, more and higher forms of democra- kodanikuaktiivsuse kohta ning alates community. edendab Foster Europe struktuurset cy. In the framework of the EU mac- 2005. aastast on korraldatud mitmeid In the last few years there have kodanikuaktiivsust, valitsusväliste ro-regional strategies, especially riiklikke ja piiriüleseid projekte. Len- been also workshops for raising the organisatsioonide koostöövõrgus- the EU Strategy for the Danube Re- dava pikendab ENriCHi partnerlusse awareness about active citizenship, tikku kui makropiirkondliku valit- gion, Foster Europe promotes struc- kuuluvate Euroopa kultuuripealinna and since 2005 several national and semise peamist komponenti. tural civic participation, networking linnade nimekirja, kuna on 2025. aas- cross-border projects have been car- of NGOs as a key component of the ta kultuuripealinna kandidaat. ried out. Lendava extends the line of macro-regional governance. 1.4. Tartu linnavalitsus, Eesti European Capital of Culture cities in the ENriCH partnership since it is a 1.3. Sihtasutus Foster Europe, Ei- Tartu on rahvaarvult Eesti teine linn, 1.4. Municipality of Tartu, Estonia candidate city for 2025. senstadt, Austria kus elab 100 000 inimest. See on Lõuna-Eesti piirkonnakeskus ning Tartu is the second largest city of Es- Sihtasutus Foster Europe tuge- 1.3. Foster Europe Foundation, seda võib pidada riigi kultuuri- ja tonia with a population of 100 000. vateks Euroopa piirkondadeks Eisenstadt, Austria hariduspealinnaks. Siin asuvad Ees- It is the regional centre of South-Es- on Austria iseseisev, sõltumatu, ti parimad ülikoolid: Tartu Ülikool, tonia and can be considered the erasektoris tegutsev heategevuslik Foster Europe Foundation for Eesti Maaülikool ja Tartu Tervishoiu cultural and educational capital of sihtasutus Euroopa integratsiooni, strong European Regions is an in- Kõrgkool. Igal aastal õpib Tartus üle the country. The top universities of demokraatia, piirkondliku detsen- dependent, non-partisan, private 20 000 õpilase, sealhulgas välismaa- Estonia are situated here: Univer- traliseerimise ja föderalismi eden- and charitable Austrian Foundation lastest üliõpilasi umbes 80 riigist. sity of Tartu, Estonian University of damiseks. Töötades üleeuroopalis- to promote European integration, Tartu elus mängib kultuur olulist Life Sciences and Tartu Health Care es raamistikus, keskendub Foster democracy, regional decentrali- rolli – linn võõrustab mitmeid täht- College. Every year more than 20 Europe peamiselt Kesk- ja Ida-Eu- sation and federalism in Europe. said kultuurisündmuseid, mis on 000 students study in Tartu, among roopa piirkonnale. Foster Europe While working in a Pan-European rahvusvahelise ulatusega ja rõhuta- them foreign students from about on edendanud Euroopa föderalis- framework, Foster Europe puts its vad tugevalt kultuuripärandit, eriti 80 countries. mi ja piirkondliku detsentraliseer- main emphasis in the area of Cen- nüüd, kui Tartu võitis 2024. aasta Culture plays an important role imise debatti alates 2009. aastast. tral and Eastern Europe. Foster Euroopa kultuuripealinna tiitli. Kul- in the life of Tartu: the city hosts Foster Europe tegeleb liikmesrii- Europe has been promoting a Eu- tuur on ka Tartu ja selle sõpruslinna a range of high-ranking cultur- kide ja nende institutsioonide or- ropean debate on federalism and Veszprémi peamine ühendaja. Tartu al events that are international in ganiseerimise küsimusega, samu- sub-national decentralization since on loonud laialdaselt rahvusvahe- scope and places great emphasis ti demokraatia küllaldasemate ja 2009. In close cooperation with Eu- lisi suhteid ning olnud alates 2015. on cultural heritage, especially now, kõrgemate vormide otsimisega, ropean partners from the realms of aastast UNESCO loovlinnade võr- when it won the title of the Europe- tehes tihedalt koostööd Euroopa science, research as well as practi- gustiku liige kirjanduse valdkonnas. an Capital of Culture 2024. Culture partneritega nii teaduse, uuringute cal political implementation, Foster Linnas tegutseb üle 100 noorteor- is also the main link between Tartu kui ka praktilise poliitilise elluvii- Europe is addressing the question ganisatsiooni. and its twin town, Veszprém. Tar-

4 5 1.5. Urbanismi ja Arengu Agentuur tu has wide international relations 1.6. Passau linnavalitsus, Saksamaa and enhancement of architecture, (AUD), Saint-Omer, Prantsusmaa and has been a member of the UN- Passau on Veszprémi sõpruslinn landscape and heritage. ESCO Creative Cities Network in the ning kuigi see ei osale kogu projek- Harmoonilisel Saint-Omeri linnal field of Literature since 2015. There tis, pakuti võimalust ENriCHi part- on märkimisväärne ajalooline linn- 1.6. Municipality of Passau, Germany are around 100 youth organisations nerluse raames nende võrratut lin- aline kultuuripärand. Marais Audo- Although not involved in the whole in the city. na külastada. „Kolme jõe linnana“ marois’ UNESCO biosfääri kaitseala project, Passau is a twin town of tuntud linn sai oma nime seetõt- hõlmab Saint-Omeri ja selle mär- Veszprém and offered the possibility tu, et Doonauga liitub seal lõunast gala, fauna ja floora paradiisi, mis 1.5. Urbanism and Development to visit their wonderful city with the Inn ja põhjast Ilz. Lisaks on linn on ühtlasi Prantsusmaa viimane Agency (AUD), Saint-Omer, France ENriCH partnership. The town, also märkimisväärne oma hämmastava haritud soo. Vesi kujundab kõikjal known as the ’City of Three Rivers‘ The harmonious city of Saint-Omer ehituspärandi, peamiselt gooti ja maastikke ja levib ka igapäevaellu. got this name because the Danube is offers remarkable historic urban barokkarhitektuuri tõttu. Morinie piirkonna valdades on säili- joined there by the Inn from the south cultural heritage. The Marais Audo- Passau on koduks paljudele nud jäljed iidse linna Thérouanne’i, and the Ilz from the north. Moreover, marois UNESCO biosphere reserve koolidele ning noorimale ülikoolile „kadunud linna“ haruldase näite the city is notable for its amazing includes Saint-Omer and also its Baieris, Passau Ülikoolile. Ülikoolis rikkalikust ajaloost. Selle keskaegse built heritage, the mainly gothic and wetland, a paradise for the fauna käib umbes 12 000 õpilast ning sel- „Pompei“ jäljed avalduvad maasti- baroque architecture. and flora, also the last cultivated lel on ilmselt üks kõige kaasaegse- kus ja pinnases. Passau gives home to many schools, marsh of France. Water shapes land- maid ülikoolilinnakuid terves riigis. AUD haldab uuringuid ja projekte and to the youngest university in scapes everywhere and permeates ENriCHi raames osalesid Gisela kes- piirkonna planeerimiseks ja kes- Bavaria, the University of Passau. everyday life. The municipalities of kkooli õpilased. tlikuks arendamiseks. Kultuuri- Around 12 000 students attend the the Morinie area carry the traces of ministeerium on organisatsioonile university which has probably one a rich history around Thérouanne, andnud märgise „Kunsti ja ajaloo of the most modern campuses in the an ancient city and a rare example paigad“, mis eristab arhitektu- country. In the frame of ENriCH stu- of a ‘disappeared city’. The traces uri, maastiku ja pärandi tõelise dents from Gisela High School were of this medieval ‘Pompeii’ are ex- kaitsmise ning rikastamise püüdlu- involved. pressed in the landscape and the sel juhitud piirkondi. soil. AUD manages studies and projects for the planning and sustainable development of the territory. The organisation carries the label ‘Plac- es of Art and History’, which was awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication and distin- guishes territories that are animat- ed by a real ambition of protection

6 7 2. Meie eesmärgid 2. Our Goals igakuiselt, et töötada projekti üle- and preparation of the international sannetega (kaart ja rahvusvaheliste meetings), and in a rotation system Euroopa kultuur on oma mitmekesi- European culture, due to its diver- kohtumiste ettevalmistus), ning igast 2-3 students travelled to the inter- suse ja rikkalikkuse tõttu ennenäge- sity and richness can signify an un- rühmast sõitsid rahvusvahelistele national meetings from each group, matu teadmiste allikas. Euroopa precedented source of knowledge. It kohtumistele vaheldumisi 2–3 õpilast, which proved to be a great opportu- riikide ja kogukondade rajatud is important to rediscover, use pru- mis oli hea võimalus inglise keele har- nity to practice English, get to know kultuuripärandi ja -väärtuste taas- dently and promote cultural heritage jutamiseks, teiste kultuuride tundma other cultures, and experience the avastamine, mõistlik kasutamine ja and values established by European õppimiseks ning ühistöö kogemiseks joint work of students and decision edendamine on väga oluline. See nations and communities. This need õpilaste ja poliitikakujundajate/ek- makers/experts. vajadus on veelgi asjakohasem Y- ja is even more relevant with regard to spertidega. Although Z-põlvkondade puhul, kellel esineb Y&Z generations who are, among oth- many of the lisaks teistele probleemidele tõsine ers, having serious phone separation Kuigi paljud students did ärevus telefonist lahusolekul ning anxiety thus approaching to old tra- õpilastest ei not know kes seega lähenevad vanadele trad- ditions with certain doubts. tundnud va- each other itsioonidele teatud kahtlustega. Through ENriCH our aim was to rem üksteist, before, at the Meie eesmärk oli ENriCHi kaudu support local decision makers and sai neist in- end of the in- toetada kohalikke poliitikakujunda- mainly young citizens in revealing tensiivse tensive joint jaid ja peamiselt noori linlasi avas- the common European identity and ühistöö work they be- tamaks ühist Euroopa identiteeti ja shared values, connections in their lõpuks came a great jagatud väärtuseid, sidemeid nende history and cultural heritage. Thus, suurepärane community. ajaloos ja kultuuripärandis. Seega ENriCH has tried to reinterpret the kogukond. The harmo- proovis ENriCH Euroopa kultuurip- European cultural heritage through Sarnane ny developed ärandit noorte ja poliitikakujundajate the dialogue of youth and decision harmoonia tekkis kogu rahvusvahe- similarly within the whole interna- dialoogi kaudu uuesti tõlgendada. makers. lises rühmas. Nad muutusid järjest tional group. They became more and enam avatumaks ka rahvusvahelistel more open during the international kohtumistel. meetings as well. 3. Ettevalmistused 3. Preparations Partnerluses leiti, et eriti oluline on The partnership found it especially ENriCHi raames toetusid kõik rahvus- In the frame of ENriCH all interna- töötada õpilastega kui kolleegide- important to work with the students vahelised kohtumised esialgsetele tional meetings were based on pre- ga, mitte hierarhiliselt, võimaldades as colleagues instead of a hierarchi- kohalikele tegevustele. Iga partner liminary local activities. Every part- koos ühistegevusi luua – paljusid cal way, enabling efficient coopera- pani kokku 6–15 noorest inimesest ner set up a local group of 6-15 young ülesandeid täitsid peamiselt õpilas- tion: many of the tasks were carried (keskkooli- ja ülikooliõpilased) koos- people (a mixture of high school and ed ning poliitikakujundajatel ja ek- out mainly by the students, while neva kohaliku rühma, kellega kogu university students) to work with spertidel oli protsessis vaid toetav ja decision makers and experts had projekti jooksul koostööd teha. Ko- during the whole project. The local kooskõlastav roll. only supporting, coordinating role in halikud rühmad kohtusid tavaliselt groups usually met on a monthly See kehtis tervitusvideote puhul, the process. basis to work on project tasks (map mida saab vaadata @ENriCHi You- This was the case with the welcome

8 9 Tube’i kanalil. Lisaks loodi ENriCHi In- videos, which are available on the @ • ühine ajurünnak ja mõttekaartide Collecting that much information and stagrami profiil, mida haldasid Ungari ENriCH Youtube channel. Also, the loomine tekitasid lähtepunk- synthetization required a big effort õpilased, ent selle pidevast käigush- ENriCH Instagram profile was creat- ti; selle käigus tulid rühmad from the groups: oidmisest said osa võtta ka teiste ed and managed by the Hungarian headele ideedele, leidsid var- • joint brainstorming and mind riikide õpilased. Seda saab endiselt students, but all students from other jatud aardeid ja mõtlesid välja mapping created the starting vaadata, otsides kontot @enrich_ countries could take part in its contin- huvitavaid nõuandeid; vaatevälja point during which great ideas, veszprem. Sarnaselt loodi noorte uous maintenance. You can still check avardamiseks lõid mõttekaarte hidden treasures and interesting inimeste aruteluprotsessi tulemuse- it by searching for @enrich_veszprem. ka õpilaste perekonnaliikmed, tips came up within the groups, na koos projekti logo. Similarly, the project logo was co-cre- sõbrad ja koolikaaslased; and mind maps were made also Kohalike kohtumiste peamine teema ated by the young participants, as a • lisaks viisid noored eelnevalt ette by students’ family members, oli siiski KASUTA-seda veebikaartide, result of a discussion process. valmistatud intervjuujuhendi abil friends and school mates to ENriCHi kaartide, valmistamine. However, the core topic of the lo- ühise harjutamise järel läbi in- broaden the picture; cal meetings was the preparation of tervjuusid kohalike poliitikaku- • additionally, along a previous- 4. Meie ENriCHi kaardid the USE-it based maps, ‘the’ ENriCH jundajate, ekspertide või linna ly prepared interview guide and maps. väga hästi tundvate kodanikega; some joint practice, youngsters Me kõik teame üldisi linnakaar- • kõige raskem hetk jõudis pärale conducted interviews with local te, kus näidatakse lihtsal viisil lin- 4. Our ENriCH Maps siis, kui rühmad pidid tegema va- decision makers, experts or citi- nade peamisi vaatamisväärsusi, liku kõigi kogutud „huvipunktide“ zens who knew the city very well; tuuakse välja programmid ja vabaa- We all know the general city maps that hulgast ja otsustama, millised • the hardest point arrived when jategevused. Üldiselt ei anta ühes- show the main attractions of the cit- ki neist personaalseid soovitusi ega ies, highlighting programs and leisure näpunäiteid. ENriCHi kaartide peam- activities in a simple way. Usually none ine eesmärk ongi see, et tunneksite, of them gives personal suggestions nagu oleksite saanud nõuandeid and tips. That is what ENriCH maps oma sõpradelt. Leiate personaalseid mainly focused on: making you feel näpunäiteid õpilaste lemmikpaikade as you were advised by your friends. kohta, külastamis- või proovimis- To do so, you can find personal tips soovitusi; jalutusmarsruute mööda about the students’ favourite places kohalike noorte lemmikradu; lühikese or recommendations to visit or try; ajaloo, et tunneksite end linnale eri- walking routes created along the local ti lähedal, aga ka praktilisi vihjeid ja youngsters’ most-loved tracks; a short näpunäiteid kohaliku kultuuri ja har- history to feel the city really close to jumuste kohta. you, but also some practical hints and Sedavõrd suure hulga teabe kogu- tips about local culture and habits. mine ja sünteesimine nõudis rüh- madelt suurt pingutust:

10 11 olid need kõige olulisemad, mis the groups had to select from all inglise keeles rääkimist ja kirjutamist groups; working with (at least at the tuleks kaartidele kanda; the collected ‘points of interest’, harjutada; kompromisside tegemist beginning) unknown people; prac- • seejärel lõid töörühmad teatud and decide which were the most kogeda; pärandi materiaalsete ja mit- ticing English speaking and writing; juhtudel soovitustele tugined- important ones that should be temateriaalsete osadega tutvuda; ent experiencing how to make compro- es huvitavaid ebatavalisi jalu- placed on the maps; peamine õppetund oli siiski aarete mises; familiarizing with tangible tusmarsruute. • then in some cases, the working leidmine, mille Euroopa on andnud and intangible heritage elements; Pärast „huvipunktide“ välja valim- groups created interesting, un- linnadele ja mille linnad on andnud but as the main lesson learned: try- ist ja kujunduse osas kokkuleppele usual walking routes based on Euroopale. ing to find the treasures what Europe jõudmist sündisid loovad ja ainu- the suggestions. had given to the towns, and what the laadsed tulemused: After finalizing all the ‘points of inter- 5. Rahvusvahelistest ENriCHi towns gave to Europe. Kogu protsess oli väga huvitav ja est’ and agreeing on the design, cre- üritustest õpetlik viis, kuidas oma kodulin- ative and unique products were born: 5. About the International na kohta midagi uut õppida; rüh- The whole process was a really inter- 5.1. Tee meie ühise Euroopa pärandi ENriCH Events mades töötada; võõraste inimestega esting and instructive way of learning avastamiseks koostööd teha (vähemalt alguses); about one’s hometown; working in 5.1. On the Way to Explore Our See oli projekti esimene üritus; olu- Common European Heritage line põhjapanev sündmus, mida

anska cerkev võõrustas This was the of the angelič 2018. aasta septembris first, debut event Ev Evangélikus templom Lendvaski grad Evangelical Church Beginnings 6 – The area was inhabited already in the Ancient Lendvai vár History. Ruins from the era of the Roman Empire were found near Lendava Castle Center Bánffy the actual place of Veszprém (Gyulafirátót, Baláca). 1 özpont ertna dvorana Bánffy K 1000 – King Stephen I defeated the army of Koppány who Gledališka in konc senyterem Bánffy Center rebelled against the introduction of Christianity in the country. 1 er 7 endvai színház és Hangv The final battle, where Koppány was captured, took place near If you are a fan of sports, especially handball, L eni trg Veszprém. The city was the first episcopal seat of Hungary and the Cerkv 1001 - The wife of King Stephen I, Queen Gisella got crowned by the bishop of Veszprém. After that, the queens of Hungary Pub is going to be your favourite place ever. During matches, 2 Theatre and Concert Hall Lendava om-tér traditionally got crowned by the bishop of Veszprém. Due firstto this historical tradition countyVeszprém (in isHungarian: called ’the vármegye) city of Queens’. in the system of sport fans get together here to support their favourite team. While Templ counties established by King Stephen I. GRUND - the SportBAR 5 Sinagoga Catholic Church 1018 – The nunnery of Veszprémvölgy was founded. Probably this is the place where the Coronation Mantle, cheering the fans can barely eat and drink. On a normal day it’s a 8 a famous symbol of the Hungarian Crown, was made on the instructions of Gisella. pub where you can get tasteful lunch and alcoholic drinks, but the The Csikász Gallery invites you to visit diverse contemporary Zsinagóga endava exhibitions where you can see breathtaking paintings by recent Stolp Vinarium L XIII - XV. century interior consists of costumes and signed cups placed here after 3 Synagogue orony felé artists. The entrance fee is affordable. In the era of Bishop Albert – During Vetési these (1458-1486) centuries the many city armies turned attempted into a prosperous to siege centrethe castle of the without Renaissance. any success. victories. CULTURE A Vinarium t Veszprémi linnavalitsus (Ungari). project; an important, fundamental 12 Queen Beatrix, wife of King Matthias I was crowned here as well. Knjižnica Vinarium Tower 2 6 Panorama Restaurant is a cheap, although tasty self-service 9 XVI. century yvtár a Lendava László Vass, a significant contemporary art collector, origi- restaurant. They serve typical HungarianEAT&DRINK, dishes here, VIEWPOINT such as Kön ednja šol over until finally – theDuring Christian the Ottoman army wiped attacks out Veszprém the Ottoman was forces in the from frontline, Veszprém conquested in 1683. and reconquested over and Óváros tér (Old Town Square) was the old market place of Dvojezična sr endva Veszprém. The lovely little square is surrounded by beautiful, nally living in Budapest, gifted his world-famous Goulash soup or Paprika chicken. The funny part is that you have 4 Library özépiskola, L 1704 SIGHTSEEING 16 e étnyelvű K – During the Rákóczi’s War of Independence the city pledged alliance with the rebelling Hungarians historical buildings. You may find many cafes, restaurants, and Veszprém in 1999, but back then it was placed in the CsikászCULTURE to walk through a Chinese clothes shop when you go and have a tl K endava (called kurucok), and after the royal army of the Habsburg Empire took back the city in 1704 they destroyed the castle. s L small souvenir shops here. An interesting fact is that many of the Gallery. In 2003, the private collection got a new place which had lunch there. And the view on the castle is superb! If you’re a youngster who’d like to have some fun and drinks with Ca 2 km Mestna hiša 10 Secondary School XVIII. century buildings were built in the style of Art Nouveau. This architectural been named after the owner of the books, paintings andcollection other cre to- local studs, then pay a visit at va Városháza They are standing –still Veszprém today. became the centre of commerce in the region, and most of the castle’s buildings were rebuilt. style is very rare in smaller towns. ations. Since then you can visit it there. 13 There’s sparkling nightlife, especially on Fridays and EAT&DRINKSaturdays. If da 9 you’re hungry, try the delicious pizzasGriff and hamburgers!Caffe Pizzeria and Pub! 21 n 5 Town Hall From e 1938 – The famous bridge of Veszprém was built, in honour of King Stephen I. It is named Viaduct of Saint Stephen 3 Papírváros you will have absolutely the best view of the L 1944 8 city and the castle! Stop here for a minute, and you’ll fall in love The Molnár Sándor Second-Hand Bookshop is a little shop, – During 1944 in the World War II the Holy Crown of Hungary was kept in Veszprém. VIEWPOINT 17 The Statue of ZsuzsiMEETING - or officially POINT Szaléziánum Café is a hidden gem up in the Castle District. If you with our gracious city for sure! where you can find a lot of vintage-themed things, not only er Retro bar 1949 – The university of Veszprém books, but documents, hangers or vinyl records (!). You can ask w 11 The girl with a pitcher - stands want to get away from the hustle and bustle in the city, just walk Even though it’s expensive, if you want to try an original Hungar SHOP o Today it works under the name of University of Pannonia. sofas. I personally recommend this place, because it is close to T in Óváros Square. It was created by up to this place. It is less known by tourists, so youCOFFEE/SWEETS are lucky to 14 ian sweet treat, the shop-owner about literally anything, he can answer your m 1958 52 was founded under the name of University of Heavy Chemical Industry. almost everything. The prices are fair, and the staff is kind. I usual iu – The zoo of Veszprém Lenke R. Kiss, a talented female Hun- know about it. :) They have herbal teas, wines recommended by Oliva Restaurant & Hotel is a pleas- priate place. TheyKürtös sell delicious Legenda chimney on the maincakes street EAT&DRINKis the appro- question. There are both Hungarian and foreign vinyls and a lot of ar EAT&DRINK in was built with the voluntary help of the locals, and that it was the first zoo outside Budapest. garian sculptor of the 20th century. Zsu- for about 5 €. You can try it with sugar, secrets from the 80’s. If you’re a fan of the new retro-wave, you’ll ly go there with my girlfriend, to drink a coffee or some wine. It is V 73 68 the archbishop and seasonal drinks, too. ant place to spend your time and relax in - O’Connor’s Irish Pub Lendava 1970 opened its gates to the public. The interesting facts are that the zoo . definitely enjoy it. always a good experience. Seega oli peamine eesmärk partner- occasion zsi is the Hungarian form of Susie, a nick cinnamon, walnut, etc. hosted by the Municipality – The construction of the highest building started. the real heart of Veszprém, in the calm 12 ak Klubja It is still a symbol of the city called ‘the 20-storey building’ by the locals name, given by the locals to the modest, lovely maiden 9 and historic Buhim street. You’ll only get 25 - 1 endvai Egyetemist 2010 hiding in the shadow of the buildings and pouring the water to St. Michael’s Cathedral (Basilica Minor) is definitely the oldest premium meals and the best Hungarian 18 22 endava - a L – The full reconstruction of Veszprém Valley green area (Séd brook valley walking route) - Marica is a vegetarian- and dog-friendly restaurant and cof ov L and the centre of Veszprém began anyone who visits her. basilica of Hungary. Its history goes back to the state foundation wines for sure, as it is officially one of the best Bárka Pub has been famous for Do you need a tasty burger after Klub študent EAT&DRINK fee house built on the main street. Famous for its coffee with of 1001! Actually, it’s the most beautiful and biggestSIGHTSEEING basilica of Hungarian restaurants! Have a dinner or a lunch during a live Jazz decades now. This pub is where BAR partying all night long? Then I rec- Students Club Lendava 2018 – Veszprém won a Gold Award at the Entente Florale Europe contest and the title of European Capital of Culture 2023. a doughnut and salad served in a flatbread plate. ComfortableEAT&DRINK 13 30 , 31 29. 4 Veszprém. By the way, it has been rebuilt several times, its current session in its beautiful garden and just enjoy the delicious flavors the alcoholic drink “Fény" (Light) ommend you to visit . outdoor tables in the shade during the hot months. Wide variety Tűztorony (Fire Tower) is one of the most iconic buildings of look was finished in 1910. After you paid a visit in there, don’t miss and precious music. originates from. The drink contains kunyhója to overcome yourTamás hunger bátya - of food on the menu for a value-based, affordable price. Veszprém. Once it served as a place of the watchmen of fire fight the Bishop’s Palace either, you’ll be amazed by those buildings! raspberry or elder syrup and spar at a small expense! Here you can taste ers. Since it was a high tower they could easily noticeSIGHTSEEING when there 15 kling vodka. You have to try it here if various burgers or hot-dogs. 26 was fire somewhere in the town. Nowadays the clock of the tower 10 Lovassy László Gymnasium is one of the best, and most pres- you want to experience a real Hungarian- But remember to dress warm, because this place is open air! Abigél chimes a nice Hungarian song in every single hour. You can visit Statue of I. King St. Stephen and Queen Gisella. In a legend beverage. Nasska Rétesező is a cute little place in the city centre where 20, lover of history, literature & arts - tigious secondary schools in Hungary. It has been functioning Bálint it for a fee. Gisella named our city. She offered her invaluable belongings to 23 you can try a much loved Hungarian treat, the rétes (it’s similar to 19, bass music DJ and producer tca since 1711, and gave many valuable intellectuals to our homeCULTURE- EAT&DRINK Cse VIEWPOINT strudel). You can also check in for some pogácsa or doggy treats rerd Dominik build a church in the city. Unfortunately the amount of gold was land. During the revolution and freedom fight in 1956, a teacher 19 The Blue Pig is a lovely bar in the heart of Veszprém - but not ő utca almost 20 :p & almost earned black belt in taekwondo still not enough, so she gave away her expensive fur as well. In that crowded. If you’d like to go out and have some premium beer, for your four-legged friend. The baked goods are homemade Feri 20, who produces music as a hobby of the school, Brusznyai Árpád became the head of the Revolu- Being hidden in a cellar is the best hiding place from the summer Hungarian she said, "Vessz prém!" which means "Lose fur!". You heat. There is no wifi down there in wine, and the fanciest cocktails, it’s absolutely a goodEAT&DRINK choice! You with mostly local ingredients. Gigi 18, a big fan of the movie universe, arts, music and doing cosplays for fun can also have a fascinating view of Benedek Hill from the statues. with your friends. Socialising is fun, isn’t it? The foodEAT&DRINK is tasty and don’t have to worry during the day neither, you can have very tasty A piece of rétes is 350 HUF linnade tundma õppimine, võõrusta- of Veszprém (Hungary) in September Luca 29 tionary Committee of Veszprém. After the 17, who loves sunny weather, reading & baking cakes; these things make her happy any time tca unique, but you can only drink usual sodas.Publikum The atmosphere, so you must is talk coffees, and coffee specialties as well! (~1€), and good news: You might have seenSIGHTSEEING u Noel 18, just a basic guy who loves languages, music, history & traveling revolution, he had to pay with impressively nostalgic, you will feel the 20th century’s vibe. students get a discount! already. It is the larg- éti Panna letes" "20eme- r 24 18, whose big dream is to travel to all the countries in the world est building in the city, a 35s r his blood for this role. His Ki 20 er Bánffy & to get to know their culture way better than she does now high-rise with 20 floors. You must visit sculpture stands in 27 Cent Rózi Veszprémi Ajándék (Souvenir) is a lovely little shop. Its special Incognito is a pleasant Coffee House & 17, a hobby chef developing food styling and photography skills It was constructed in the find the perfect Szendvicsbárburger in town ifhere. you areOf course,a burger you lover. can Youpick willup EAT&DRINK Tizen1 is best and the tiniest specialty coffee house in front of the gate ities are excellent chocolate and wine collections. If you want to Bar. Although it is in the centre of the 5 Cse út times of socialism, and some spicy Thai dishes, salads or fries, if the deliciousEAT&DRINK burgers Veszprém. You must find the least busy hours to be able to sit 7 rerd of the school. return from your visit of Veszprém with memorable presents and COFFEE/SWEETS

ő utca Házgy zgyári it was planned to have SHOP city, a bit hidden in a block of other down here, otherwise you can only have takeaway. Extraordinary

r Pi are not enough for you. This eatery is open air, so you should ári út Há some lip-smacking goods, don’t miss it! sisters and brothers, but visit it when the weather is great. - buildings. The coffee is great, and place with outstanding coffees and brunch items on the menu. út ut amis those were never built. You cannot you can also get some sodas, You haven’t been to Veszprém if you haven’t drunk coffee here! ri 11 go up there to have a look around, but as you are strong or light alcohol, even some i á tca ű sandwiches or snacks. You can stay 28 8 If you fancy a romantic walk or just want to have one of the best views of the city, you should visit Benedek Hill. standing by its foot, you probably gonna feel small. 36 u r áhner György utca gy Csemete ű Jutasi út L outside and enjoy the chilly winds, or The z You can get there from the castle by goingc down the stairs next to Holy Trinity Square. É sit inside in the comfortable chairs and Grand Canyon is a western themed pub in the heart of the a 32 Rozi Waffle House byEAT&DRINK the bus The hill is a local nature protection area. tgy s city. It is in a basement, but there is a small terrace as well. Há station. A place that you z 4 Lipóti Pékség (bakery). This is a Hungarian bakery chain, so you a You can enjoy your burger alongside a beer, while listening toBAR a shouldn't miss! The world’s ki ú k jalinna Veszprémiga tuttavaks 2018. Therefore, the main goal was can find a couple of them in Veszprém, too. They offer freshly made 39 guitar concert given by local performers. H a i út best waffleá is made here. Try pastries, breads and pre-packaged dairy products. The EAT&Dlocal fa- zg z ú In the basement of Hangvilla, with a separate entrance from the RINK yá És

Házgy zgyári it with chocolate or hazelnut,ri tgy r Pi ári út vourite is “nosztalgia kifli". Their sandwiches make a good on the út Há you will not regret. street, there is the go lunch. If you are a chocolate lover, you must try their amazing 37 A where you’ll lose your head for sure! If you get tired of partyingCULTURE amis ut amis u Expresszó Club with concerts and parties, t lic ű ú crispy and chewy chocolate cookies. You can also enjoy a cup of Mackó Confectionery and Snack is a tradi- K h you can find comfortable sofas at the back of the venue. You must 44 i r a L r coffee here. ű Theatre Garden, also called as the grove of presidents.

á tional and lovely confectionery in the veryEAT&DRINK r a experience one of the events hosted here if you are a music lover! P

tca ű acs j Piramis utca u r yörgy utca o This is a perfect place for a sunny afternoon basket lunch

i heart of Veszprém since 1996. You Jutasi út Láhner G s MEETING POINT

gy r Closer Balaton attractions semete ű Bá

C a Balatonfüred and Tihany are really close to each other, you can easily make a daytrip there. The Tagore promenade in

c 33 n z u É 40 or lying on the grass and just chill. You can recognise birds

should try all of the cakes, but y

a m T 6 gy t s Füred is the best place to walk around and have a nice view to Lake Balaton, especially when wine weeks are held. In ai

is part of an American-style fast food c r Johnny’s Bistro Veszprém e

utca the Belgian chocolate-raspberry t z Megyeház square is a great place to sit down and just have some chirping there when you pay attention. When your aim is to Há i r a

s Tihany, there is beautiful view over Lake Balaton from the Benedictine Abbey. You can also taste the lavender flavoured ice restaurant chain. Flavourful milkshakes, Americané and Mexican a


a é

c z cake is magnificent! Moreover, if you k rest. Also a really good meeting point. spend more time in the nature, you should definitely go and u t z ki ú t

cream, worth to try!u In the neighbourhood, the closest beach is in Balatonalmádi. Visiting the BalatoniBob Leisure Park ü EAT&DRINK MEETING POINT

tca lunch or dinner items. Good for you if you like sugary meals or big c i H a ú visit this place. Additionally, you can also find a 500 years old

is T get hungry, just walk to the Mackó Snacká 74

z z a ú m g t Heng in BalatonfűzfőPira is also a great way to make your vacation unforgettable. The Balaton Upland was once part of the Roman portions. Moreover, it’s worth visiting and they make instagramma- yá És 41 tree in the park. er utca and have lunch, you won’t regret it! ri Juta tgy 30 31 Empire, and the Villa Romana Balaca wasKistó the homeutca of a Roman family, located in Baláca. It was discovered about a century ble food for sure. út 76 Gesztenyés Beergarden, or in short "Geszti" is the most popular Kossuth Lajos Street is the main street of Veszprém, where ago. The exhibition itself is very interactive, you can take a 3D tour as well. Balaton-felvidéki National Park offers numerous LöweyA uKlára utca 45 e 38 l ű place of university students. Mainly due to the fact, that it is very 34 s ic

you can find excellent restaurants. Don't worry, it won't cost programmes in and about nature. K h ala Görgy squar 12 i i Z r As the name says:

Hangvilla - this piano-shaped extravagant build- a cheap, and has a lot of "pub games" for example: pool table, table L ű BAR you an arm and a leg! During summer time, this is the home Tarkaplacc is an alterego for a lady who makes unique crochet ú

r Török Ignác utc a Tea House to the Scribe).Kávé- Theés Teaház lovely place az Íródeákhoz is located right(Coffee next and

P acs j saamine ning kohalike inimeste tead- to get to know the partner cities, be-

a football and even darts. The spirit is always cheerful, especially ing - is the cultural heart of Veszprém! There is t

of numerousPir musicam festivals.is utca The most popular is Street toys and goods here in the City of Queens. If you want to bring CULTURE o EAT&DRINK va i 2 enda

s r 77 Bá when it is full of young and tipsy people. to the library, so you can just curl up on the sofa and read while ub L

always some masterpiece at its theatre, classical 21 a 's Irish P n Music Festival (Utcazene), with at least 10 stages, where something sweet to your loved ones at home, choose her products u 24 onnor


SHOP y m T sipping your tea. Don’t be afraid of visiting the place alone! or contemporary music events. Besides, a very t ai

c r

start-up music bands introduce themselves. The Big Clock, a and you will always remember our lovely Veszprém. utca e i 22

utca r a 42 s well priced café and self-service restaurant with é u

typical meeting point for locals. It's impossible not to spot it. a é 3

c z

u 46 t z

Bakony Region Hungarian cuisine is based here, too! t Szigony Pub is an underground party hall in Veszprém. If you u ü

tca c You can find this huge timepiece in the centre of Veszprém, is a great place for a walk among huge trees and beautiful ú 43 Arboretum Zircis T

a Eötvös Károly County Library is home of movie clubs and the H am Moreover, Hangvilla gives place to Pannon t want to meet citizens, you must attend a party here. This gives eng nger on Kossuth Street. If you accidentally lost your mates, flowers.Pir From Zirc you can hike or take the train along the spectacular er utca Juta Puiestee e Kistó utca Várszínház, which is a theatre company of home to the hottest rural dubstep party series, Basspreme. Even American Corner - where the entrance is free for anybody who you should appoint your "reunion" here. valley of Cuha Creek in the forest. Nature, hills, good weather – the BAR o bar H Veszprém. The leader, Vándorfi László is a after moving to a new building, the place kept its inimitable de- wants to practise some English42 every week on a WednesdayCULTURE Retr Fancy Instagram pictures could be taken here, too. perfect destination for a weekend trip. Sobri Jóska Adventure Park Löwey Klára utca famous figure of the Hungarian dramatic art. s sign and reputation. afternoon with native speakers. In the library more than 350 (Bakonyi Élménypark) is an adventure park in Kislőd that could i thousand documents are stored. 13 The local Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra ú 44 be fun for all ages. If you like adventures, this is definitely the 75 Török Ignác utca 11 organizes the Auer Festival every year in or t 43 best place to visit in the region. You can try the bob, the cable ov Lendava n der to invite prominent artists of classical F Petőfi Színház (theatre) bears the name of one of the most fa- 47 Pápai út ways and different kinds of ziplines as well. In theBakony Hills there are several r KŠL - Klub študent Állvány utca mous Hungarian poets. The first independent theatre company Fejesvölgy is a nice restaurant, a perfect place to celebrate music to Veszprém. - e utca marked hiking routes. Some can be covered within a few hours while the long ones can take a whole e Food and drink was founded between the walls of this building. In every seasonCULTURE family events or just to have a good dinner after a hard day. Our day to accomplish. ! thousands of people go and visit the latest musicals, dramas or favourite is Vadragu leves, which is a soup made of EAT&DRINKvenison, noo- r utca asi út ja é t úk út dles and vegetables. Don’t miss it! nger w Ju tan comedies here. likkuse tõstmine kultuurist ja kultuu- come more familiar with the host city, di vér Mäe Free time in fresh air e ra G üz A T Bede Adventurous free time H er 48 19 enda utca Avar utca e r utca Schőnig Confectionery and Coffee House is famous for its de- völgy ut 8 23 24 25 26 é Emajõgi licious cakes and homemade ice-cream. They offer a wide range Uus Avar u És COFFEE/SWEETS This is the best civil initiative 28 55 in 66Veszprém! In the joined Pill tc Shopping

a G of flavours and dairy/sugar/gluten free options. Apart from tradi- Sightseeings TheFurther Badacsony Volcano ValleyBalaton is really the best place attractionsfor hiking near Lake Balaton and your prize after the long walk is the 45 E

restaurants, cafes, and bars ask your drink to go in a mug. z ö

Pápai út Háncs utca Ke tional favourites, you can also taste new and interesting sweets. c

J a Állvány utca r

During the site visit you can give back your mug at the next spot. beautiful view over the Balaton Region. This tour is part of the Hungarian Countrywide Blue Tour. If you get thirsty during ázmin utca H g k You can find this beloved family business near the city centre, 10 n s

the trip, you can refresh yourself at local wine tasting and selling points. Tapolcai-tavasbarlang S a e Kloostri Punga -k

g C Ar y minutes away from the Petőfi Theatre. Recycling shops ubacs utca zent Istv s Roosi N (Tapolca Lake Cave). A boat tripG on a cave lake... sounds interesting, isn't it? This is the biggest yel seri utca r utca i út zk Szi as ja e Uus Cinemas é t úk út Lai Rüütli 7

ati ú attraction of Tapolca, and definitely worth a visit. TheTapolca JuLake Cave itself is really Ju tan l r t o e

utca k di vé


r a Gyö Klapka G h üz Ar narrow, but that's why boating can be truly romantic with your loved one. Before enter r v t

er ar T a utca r Bede Street art ó u i Magasini enda utca ing the cave, you can enjoy a 3D movie and an exhibition on karst regions and Bakony– Pa Str ut Kivi i o ú Jaani t Avuar utca p mfel

gy Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark. Keszthely and Hévíz are really close to eacht other, c tgy völgy ut

r utca c á vásár utca 78 t Pikk d a é a Au c and both of them are worth visiting. In Hévíz, there is a unique thermal lake which n u a Avar u r r És 19 Pill tanúk utca él ut you can visit all year round. It's definitely good for your neck pain! Vér tc Ju aNagytó utca c G ű 31 S t a

- 80 z

Hall ö r Ke ripärandist. See avaüritus keskendus Veszprém, and raise local people’s

c t Bus Station The Festetics Palace in HáncsKeszthely surroundedutca by an impressive ca

J a ű a

b e r

ázmin utca

gy utca gy

utca H g

garden is one of the most beautiful palaces in Hungary. H

k s

n S e Szikr

i út a

as -k

g C Ar y ubacs utca zent Istv tca s T u 79

yel ogány Halle G Hal seri utca Csal zk üzér utca

utca Szi z e Anne

o k gány Fe Pápai út alo l 30m

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utca k l

C ú r

M Gyö Klapka

vó utca vó n h e ár

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yve ó u

utc i City Map ut Pa Str Jakobi o ú vá -Kádártai út

u p mfel Uus W

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t T Lai 19 a tgy

c á Ara vásár utca s t

s tca d 81 a 3 n c

u i

a y y Au 18

ln u s o u á s ár u ih k a üls

S ú M r z t é Fortuuna

náúkncsics utca Cé t l ut K

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Vér arló tca ű

tó utca L Nagy Papo a c Küütri 10 t a fa

h i Hall r 58

ca t t Csatár utca liom Fásk F ház ut ű

a of Tartu

c e

ű u

utca utca gy Papli a H

u s 6 28 zf

El tca 37 Rüütli Lázár utca Mát ály utca d Szikr i út ih 29 B t M as Pikk ő a tcae 40 T

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H ogány


Hal Csal utca d utca üzér utca ö

utca tca rt ut unkácsy z



k 83


ány Fe S g M l


alo ut Nyárfa a g 1 23 s a utca


C l

F M vó utca vó n

e árciu B y

ű ca s 15 .

c ut a f

utca ca yve utc r tthy a ning awareness concerning culture and

a ühisele Euroopa pärandile Eu-

áz ut M 19 é rh 54

vá öz Ő ájus án u -Kádártai út

s k ő

l T t ó a

s G ts y c35 K s d T1 ugh L

z H o ho i

o . utc a a s u G ár u f aszko Lossi 34 Jut j üls 33

o o z Fortuuna

u t ty 82

u - Ci a c K

c t Emajõgi r s a

a Poe t a 68km T a 41 Bratislava u colour to thev city. The first

fa fa Vabaduse puiestee a ó t written recordsu of Tartu date c F

s Tartu, with its population of Pikk Madác t 19

c ű 52

a u

i from 1030. a 38

around 100,000 in an areaR of zf

tca ú ály utca Ar ih Paju

M o Lossi 19 t 38.8 square kilometres, is the a Lossi Küüni T zmaring utca any J Ülikooli Soola Area: 38.8 square kilometresH utca unkácsy second largest utca city of Estonia. tca ö M ándor u o l Pikk S Hársfa Population: about 100 000 ut Nyárfa h fiLying Pipacs ut 185 kilometres south of ő l g SzigethiPet Jó d Imr aTallinn (the capital city of DistancesFecske fromB Tartu: y 9 c Akácfa utca a f u tthy A Schwehat Airport 65km ház ut Estonia) it is also the centre of MTallinn 186 km, Narva 184 km, a r á á t Csap utca utc lkotmány Ő southern Estonia. The Emajõgi Pärnu 178 km, Riga 250 nkm,c u 30

44km e utca jus Rohrau a

t y utca Zápor 32 utca H St. Petersburg1 315 km L c t River, which connects the twoaszk o . utc a a ú largest lakes of Estonia, flows Ethnic composition: Estonianjo 36 2 a s c for the length of 10 kilometres 76%, Russian 19%, others 5% 19 vó u ártai a Uueturu d Uppsala within the city limits and adds u t á 49 tc c 48 63 a a K Ülikooli B roopa kultuuripealinna tiitlile. cultural heritage. This opening event ol Turu

Kaluri Pikk g a ár Mih 8 19 Anne kanal eful Lin ks 26 1 La Cathédrale : 5 La Bibliothèque d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer : 9 Le Moulin à Café : Us Vallikraavi Sadama Vallikraavi 47 « C’est certainement le bâtiment emblématique de notre ville. « Il s’agit de la plus belle bibliothèque du Département du Pas-de- « Il s’agit de l’ancien hôtel de ville de Saint-Omer construit en tartu.ee - Tartu City Website l’équipe ENriCH Kitsas omniglot.com/language/phrases/estonian.php - Comme tous les Audomarois, je suis très attachée à la Cathédrale Calais, et l’une des plus anciennes. J’adore m’y rendre car son 1834. Celui-ci abrite un théâtre sous son dôme. Je m’y rends pour y Vienna 57km http://enrich.hu enrich_veszprem f Y ENriCH Veszprém 19 Useful Estonian phrases Tiigi Notre-Dame. Mon coup de coeur, son astrolabe au mécanisme et ambiance « club anglais » me donne l’impression d’être “hors du admirer les spectacles. » - Laura Sadama kultuuriaken.tartu.ee - Events in Tartu 19 au fonctionnement mystérieux. » - temps”. » - Anaïs - Tourist information Saint-Omer 17 Laura Laura SCHRIVE, 23 ans

Vanemuise g

i The map wasvisittartu.com created within the frameworks of the project ENriCH – 10 La Brasserie de Saint-Omer : Akadeemia e Kalevi 53 RevealYouropEaNratas.tartu.ee Cultural- Tartu Smart BikeHeritage, Share supported by the Europe for Je suis de Saint-Omer. Très passionnée par lst 2 Les ruines Saint-Bertin : Pikk 6 Le Musée Sandelin : « La brasserie de Saint-Omer est une entreprise fondée en 1866 t Kuperjanovi peatus.ee - Bus info for city and county lines 5 4 56 Citizens Programme, and reflects only the opinion of the59 authors. « C’estEmajõgi le cœur ancien de la ville car c’est autour de celui-ci que « Aménagé dans un hôtel particulier du XVIIIème siècle, l’été, j’aime me qui commercialise des bières vendues dans le monde entier. A l’Histoire et le patrimoine, mais aussi une rsteig Har elron.ee - Train information 16 e w Wilhelm Struve Dans la vie, je veux... grande amatrice de bonnes bières. Fei eg The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Saint-Omer s’est constitué il y a presque 1000 ans ! J’aime m’y promener dans ses jardins à la française. » - Anaïs certaines périodes, il est possible de la visiter. » - Marie

g Töötoa peamised avaldused olid järg- was focusing on the common Europe- e and the European Commission are not responsible for any possible rendre les jours de beau temps pour profiter des jardins.a! » - Laura Mon coup de coeur : la taverne du Duchenot, w #paysdesaintomer cy em 7 La Maison du Marais : 11 La chapelle des Jésuites : m n c’est l’endroit parfait pour les amateurs de use of the information containeden therein. Turu i Cas erg C 51 au n e of Em 3 La Station : e « Vous y trouverez un espace d’exposition sur l’histoire des marais « Une chapelle d’une taille impressionnante qui fera lever les yeux bières locales. b I Aleksandri h 60 - Electric taxi t 15 P (+372) 1918 Lao « La gare de Saint-Omer fut créée en 1904 eto a été restaurée en ainsi qu’un espace dégustation avec quelques produits locaux. Vous au ciel ! Un joyaux architectural sacré dans la ville de Saint-Omer, a Nuß t rkstr 112 - Emergency Lille - Tartu taxi park Vanemuise 2019. Je m’y rends souvent entre amis pour ofaire des ateliers et avez également la possibilité de partir à la découverte du marais nouvellement restaurée en 2017. Je m’y rend souvent pour y voir (+372) 1200 20 G Marie LOUCHART, 25 ans R a - Tartu city o ß (+372) 1789 14 Õpetaja 46 des formations numériques. » - Marie audomarois à bord du bateau traditionnel appelé bacôve. » - Sarah des expositions ou évènements. » - Valentin sen e Hoher . Ahhaa Science g 53 G helpline Department of Emergency Je suis d’Helfaut. J’aime voyager et découvrir l Shop Sadama 1 o t Kalevi g a - L. Puusepa 8, G1 Science centre Ahhaa’s r sse Medicine de nouvelles cultures ! stei 4 8 e l l a 4 Le Jardin Public : own science shop that 8 La Motte Castrale : i weg - Tartu city ust see e w t sells different sciency “M ” W t g r (+372) 631 0282 corp, I floor 57 CINEMAS ème alking Tou t i products. There are r eal a 31km 70 Tartu Kaubamaja .Apollo e Neusield 48. Tähe « C’est le poumon vert de la ville ! Les Audomarois61 s’y promènent « Au XVIII siècle, elle est transformée en prison militaire.Aujourd’hui, t bus helpline Riia 1 scientific items for sale 60. and H (Department Store) (4 s - Raekoja plats 1a that are related to the Cinema in Eeden and in 5 min) l r asse The shopping department Besoin d’une petite pause ? Allez déguster ee e ng t-Davy-G 24h pharmacy 62 Ahhaa Center. Lõunakeskus i dio r régulièrement. Celui-cihas over fut 40 stores construit and 9 suite au démantèlement des la motte est devenue une résidence d’artiste et un lieu culturel. Des ta - Tartu 55 Aleksandri Kalda tee 1c / Ringtee 7 e S (+372) 605 8888 a food venues. It mainly has les meilleures gaufres et crêpes de la ville à F Kase ème Apollo cinema provides the eg Josef Haydn Robe v brand clothing stores and RECYCLING in - 68 remparts de la ville à la fin du XIX siècle. » -best Valentin cinema experience festivalsThe Townet évènements Hall y sont organisés. » - Sarah w . Airport, 24h helpline o mised: and the home aplliance stores. an heritage title of the Euro- la Fringalette. Vous pourrez également vous G Dr l Kalevi 44. Tähtvere skatepark SHOPS Tartu. ld lo r FOOD AND DRINK r . Tasku Shopping Lindenstadion .Genialists' Club place for those who are . Angel's bridge 49 a n 7 38 Opmani tee 54. Mecca 62. Ekraan Cinema r - Elroni train . Werner Café freshly made delicious interested in entrepreneur- designed to turn a Center Turu2 restaurer avec, entre autres, des pizzas, des ie t e e 1 Magasini 5 Bridge on Toome Hill. It's a skatepark for those Vabaduse puiestee 2 Forum Cinemas W Konservatorium f (+372) 616 0245 cupcakes, lollipops, ship. Tasku shopping mall is in ß nst between heaven and t a Ülikooli 11 This house is for open . St. Alexander who are interested in Secondhand shop near Riia 14 te tri Ha macaroons and cakes. . K 39 the heart of Tartu and has F str One of the oldest cafés in minded people who want Tartu Smart Bike earth pâtes et des frites. ran h g information, 24h helpline 19. Aleksandri skateboards. A cool place . Ekraan is the oldest a Vie ölbeszeile r Church in Tartu different stores for people er Estonia. The location and to spend time with friends 14. Hektor Design Share All over the city .Adventure Park in 34. “The Kissing where skaters can practice Kissing Hill z llee r G aße 25 Kalevi cinema in Tartu, It was B Võru Pargi Sõbra 19a who want to spend some . Võru Varblane -Sto M the humble athmosphere while having good food or Hostel Riia 26 Ringtee 75g in the 2% of the worlds Students” sculpture and and hang out. 55 t A bike system that is Lõunakeskus St. Alexander Church of quality time with family and opened in 1961. It has two lsteig Hasenweg make this café a very cosy watching some theatre, a best universities. The main fountain Võru 4/6 ic Hector hostel provides cheap and very easy to use The biggest shopping Tähe . Tartu Botanical cinema halls and a café in r place to study or to meet movie or listening to some building was founded in Tartu is an Orthodox 45 friends. The department Vintage and retro clothing n h hotel quality rooms and all over the city. A really centre in South Estonia is Raekoja plats 1a the lobby. music. This place always 1632, when it was named church in the Karlova Gardens Lai 38 has a cinema and different store. The secondhand o ael- up with friends. service with hostel prices. good way of travelling waiting for you to get into "The Kissing Students" is a Valentin VANDENBERGHE, 18 ans -Gas has some form of Academia Gustaviana. district of Tartu. The botanical garden food venues. store sells handmade and 63. Cinamon Cinema . Caffeine It also has a café, gym and around Tartu. action on the adventure sculpture made by Mati 2 entertainment be it a band Many Estonians get their offers you a peaceful place redesigned clothing. Turu 2 Aubachweg a sauna. park right on top of the ice Karmin and is in the middle 67 50. Lõunakeskus Schlosspark U g Küüni 5b or a stand up performance. 20. Escape Tartu higher education from the to have a walk and take It is one of the most Angel’s bridge s e of the fountain in front of FREE TIME IN shopping and recreation . Kõige Pood r rink. A cool place to spend Je suis étudiant à Saint-Omer. J’aime découvrir e our of Karlov One of the newest and 15.O´Learys Sports Bar Tiigi 78 University of Tartu. The some pictures of the 56 i ng T a the city hall. The sculpture popular cinemas in Tartu, e erw ki most popular cafés in 8. Naiiv time with friends with the 66 centre Ringtee 75 Pepleri 8 e K al & Restaurant Escape Tartu escape main building also holds a Eha FRESH AIR different flora around you. mainly because it’s right in u n m added benefit of having a was made for a competi- Lõunakeskus is the biggest

r Rö W et Art (1 hour) Tartu. The cheap prices Vallikraavi 6 Kalda tee 1c rooms are built by the lot of concerts. Kõige Pood secondhand the centre of the city. et voyager. Je suis passionné par les nouvelles

t tre . Kassitoome park . Tartu Nature House

z - d S 61 shopping mall nearby. tion and has been a very 13 40 46 shopping centre in Old Anatomical building

B n Locating at the end of shop sells new or rarely wiesen G a make this place very O’Learys is informal event professionals of the field. 69

Vallikraavi street, culture 30. “Father and Son” important figure of Tartus A park in the centre of Park Lille 10 Southern Estonia with over used clothing, both mens a popular among students.

e allee restaurant in the style of a A very fun way to spend 26. Vspa Tartu, it's between Näituse, technologies et la musique. s identity. There is a 10,000 m² 170 stores and other

iedgass r 50 club Naiiv offers you art sculpture Küüni 5b and womens, footwear,

r s 3. Café Krempel Bostonian neighborhood free time. Riia2 11 Baeri and Oru Street. It's a restaurant "Kasekese" are g Kaiser e Kastan and Võru Street corner and a good time with some "The Father and Son" species rich park around service providers. The mall accsessories and even art. r w bar. A fun place to eat, Modern spa in the city 35. Tartu Cathedral 12 STREET ART covered with various te s e eszeile 25 Rüütli 12 of the best drinks in town. 21.Estonian National statue was made by wonderful place to have a the Tartu Nature also has a cinema, an ice s tr g b A very homey café. An spend time with friends or centre of Tartu. Ülikooli 18 walk and take some 57. Uuskasutuskeskus 64. Kastani Street and graffiti. ( hip-hop festival’s grafiti ) Museum Muuseumi tee 2 sculptor Ülo Õun. It Eha 65 House.The ancient park rink and food venues. Le Spey River est un endroit où il fait bon vivre. aße lo a . The Gunpowder play bowling. Tartu Cathredal was built K e amazing place to get a 9 27. Karlova Theatre symbolises the difference Tähe seasonal pictures. meets old trees and newly Riia 11 Võru Street corner 67.Pargi sauna street tr ß Göl between the 13th and 16th 51. Eeden Shopping Their goal is to make using Every year a new Pirogov park ß e Sõbra Street good and big meal. Cellar Lossi 28 is the biggest museum between generations and Võru designed study and art s a e aß Tähe 66 century in Toomehill. It was 41. Pirogov park and Leisure Centre Plusieurs choix de boissons, une ambiance r G r L Kaser The Gunpowder Cellar is a about the history and how children grow over Quelques dates clés de recreation paths. The park second hand items more advertising graffiti of the a . The Widget Factory Karlova Theatre is a cozy Eha The park is behind the • ist 4 beer restaurant in and old the main church of Tartu Kalda tee 1c popular among the Estonian Hip Hop Festival 68. Tartu Student ein lo g ngriedgas St. Alexander Church ADVENTUROUS culture of the estonian and theatre house in historic their parents. is home to over 80 species on sild meie ja . t ! (Aparaaditehas) town hall of Tartu. It has kultuuripärand pean Capital of Culture ood gunpowder cellar in Lossi diocese. During the Eeden shopping centre is in estonian people. is made on the corner of House Kalevi 24 garantie et typique du Nord de la France ! r Franziskanerkirche f finno ugric people. district Karlova. From the statue of Nikolai of trees and shrubs and rtenst i Geor e Kastani 42 street. It holds the Guinnes FREE TIME 31. St John's Church reformation the church got Annelinn, which is the most Kastani Street and Võru Tartu Üliõpilasmaja “Father and Son” sculpture a e Haydnhaus Tähe Street autumn to spring there are Õnne Pirogov. over 200 species of . Humana ters g t n m This very modern and World record for the 22.Tagurpidi maja Jaani 5 severely damaged. It also the most densely 58 Street. põhifunktsiooniks on Tartu a t o 16.Theatre Vanemuine self and guest productions herbaceous plants.. in enstr s youthful complex includes highest pub in the world. Roosi 86 St John's Church is a holds the history museum . Supilinna külakiik populated part of Tartu. Kompanii 1c ülikoolide esindus- K e eall Karlova Theatre Vanemuise 6 and concerts taking place. l’histoire de Saint-Omer10 42 65. Street art of Pallas e different establishments, Tagurpidi Maja is an medieval time church that of Tartu University. A big swing where The mall has a cinema and Kuperjanovi 20 kollektiivide tegevuse Theatre Vanemuine W . Karlova Coffee Legendary theatre in University of Applied erweg e Kr v from gift shops to art 10 upside down house where is mostly known for its Õnne it is the only big shopping Its goal is to raise money koordineerimine. e s Osterwiese . The Old Anatomical 64 multiple people can swing Sarah SINGER, 23 ans s Karlova Cafe a galleries and even 3 Roastery and Café Estonia also the only 36 Kuu for third world countries by Sciences painting Ax e ydn a s aße h people can have thrilling terracota figurines. together. It's a place to SHOPPING department near Annelinn. a -G a Building Uppsala 10 69. Street art h H e different restaurants. A Tähe 63 theatre in Estonia where experiences and take very selling used clothing. depratment graduation p u o SIGHTSEEINGS . Tartu Observatory The Old Anatomical spend time with friends 47. Kvartal Business 52. Kalev Chocolate "hapnik maja nurgas" Tartu Kaubamaja Jose good place to spend the Karlova Coffee Café is you can see all three cool photos. 32 work in stencil t Tähe and Tolstoi Street corner G . Leaning House / Building isème a classicist and embrace the beauty and Leisure Centre 59. Fahrenheit 451 g evening with friends. located in a cozy wooden genres being played. 28 Uppsala 8 Tähe Shop Küüni 4 J’habite Saint-Omer. J’aime le sport et les Rasthaus VII siècle ap. J.-C. : 1792 : of Emajõgi. .Kasekese shop 70. Street art . Virtual reality tour building built on the book room Kastani 42 66 a house in Karlova district . Ahhaa Science 23 Tartu Art Museum Tartu Observatory is the Riia 2 Kalev Chocolate Shopsells Painting depratment graduation 5. Club of Different 17 Toomemäe hill in Tartu to 7 "Ms Reet" rte with a cut corner. “VR Tartu 1913” Raekoja plats 18 historical observatory of 43. Emajõe City As the name says, Kvartal the traditional Estonian A cosy book antique where Tähe 19 Centre Sadama 1 activités créatives en particulier la couture et Rooms Kastani 42 Vabaduse puiestee 3 Tartu Art Museum is the Tartu University. It teaches serveFondation as a study building de l’Abbaye Saint- Destruction de l’Abbaye Swimming Pool takes up a whole block in chocolates and candies. bookfirends can spend The exterior walls of the e n work in stencil 11. Barlova Bar AHHAA is the biggest aß The athmosphere of this A modern and exciting VR biggest in South Estonia. It a lot of astronomy and for the Faculty of Medicine 27 Ujula 98 the centre of Tartu. It has a There are also exclusive their time and even do legendary former tstr w science centre in the Sõbra 10 le scrapbooking. Haup establishemnt is for those Tähe 29 tour of 1913 Tartu. It was founded in the 1940. history of Tartu. of the University of Tartu. lot of clothes shops that handmade chocolate and voluntary work. e Baltics. It is a cool and Bertin sous l’impulsion de Saint-Bertin. Celle-ci est une One of the many beaches B Street art “hapnik maja nurgas “ who want some new Barlova is a cozy bar in showcases the whole by art association Pallas. other malls don't have. marzipan figurines. g informative centre where 33. The City Hall 37. Kissing Hill in Tartu where people can Dr a experiences while having a Karlova, where various Raatuse Street with the old The art museum is a very some of the coolest events Raekoja plats 1a Musumägi is an artificial do some exercises. d Barlova bar sense of comfort and events take place. Stonebridge, hotel Bellevue popular tourist destination. l’évêque Audomar (aussi appelé conséquence39 de la Révolution Aux Merveilleux on y trouve des meringues e - in Tartu take place. The city hall of Tartu is an hill on the Toome Hill in ifaltigkeitsweg Ki relaxation. . Jacob’s Shoe and the first Estonian It also serves as a club for e 12 important part of Tartu city Tartu, next to the Tartu s Pfarrgasse F s Jakob’s shoe 18. Spark Hub cinema "Illusioon". A very young artists. saint Omer). La ville est alors française qui interdit les ordres eldst 6. Forrest Tähe 29 centre. The city Cathedral. It is a popular enrobées de crème fouettée. Le Merveilleux est raß s Narva maantee 3 informative tour about e i Rüütli 7 Jacob's Shoes is a cozy 29. University of Tartu government works here. photography spot among nkgas ngen-Plat Tassikoogid Spark Hub is a startup and Tartu and its history. a Forrest is a restaurant with restaurant in Karlova. Ülikooli 18 The bell on top of the hall dénomméenewlyweds. « Sithiu ». religieux. Les ruines deviennent une pâtisserie traditionnelle du Nord dont la B technology community e a very cosy vibe. It . Tassikoogid 24. Tartu Adventure University of Tartu is the plays a different tune 13 centre in Tartu, connecting ß Kasekese shop provides food and other Park Narva maantee 126b biggest and oldest everyday. a e Tähe 21 200 innovative and creative ème une carrière pour la construction recette est sublimée par Fred Vaucamps depuis s Jo products from Estonia and The Tartu Adventure Park university in Estonia and is s asse engass 14km "Tassikoogid" is a popular entrepreneurial people in X siècle : h Rust m Dom puts emphasis on a g Pargi saun street art has 50 different games esivanemate vahel; see on väga The main statements of the workshop i lu e a retro-based cake café, nstr n B n Eisenstadt eco-living and using IT and hardware. A good de nouveaux bâtiments. 1985. Un pur régal ! i ia n z offering customers daily La ville de Saint-Omer prend lor S Tartu Student House environmentally good rcheng F e products and materials. e Ki bast son nom actuel, en hommage à aterste aß Street art ”Ms Reet “ 1834 : K tr Bahn 3 i FREE l’évêque Omer, son fondateur. Construction d’un l’hôtel de ville S an Laurette ROYER, 22 ans er aße e Ru n s e aß tr B ème associé à un théâtre à l’italienne. s Gartengasse a Kr Wi ße ter aße c X-XIII siècle : Je suis de Nordausques. J’adore aller dans les a h Ga a MAP Conçu par l’architecte parisien B Lorbeerstr ut o schy-Str La ville connaît un véritable restaurants de Saint-Omer, et photographier les c r S g k aße t s a Lefranc l’édifice est bâti avec les ße gar e D r L s r essor urbain grâce au paysages de Clairmarais. ra ß aße o e tenweg t a oktor-K pierres de l’ancienne Abbaye de t Fliederstr b -S e z se s Maria Pe Joh Bahn eil commerce du drap. s u n e La Maison du Marais est un vrai coup de coeur. S -Vit s nstr Saint-Bertin. a ankt W tr e Ho a g Lavendelstr f einber a n a J’aime y aller pour y déguster des produits locaux, ß t n-W s 1214 : Blüt ter rl t Ho e - r Ren a 13 mai 1943 : pour me promener en bacôve dans les marais et w eißp ß Suite à la bataille de Bouvines, g Stefan e g eg Bombardements de la rue d’Arras weg asse r n 2 admirer le paysage, mais surtout pour y passer un en iach-S er- Saint-Omer jusqu’alors ville oluline, kuna esindab väärtuseid were that b g tz engendrèrent la mort de 115 u aße - S a moment en famille ou entre amis. Dorff t l flamande devient française. gr r lstr t a

s r e personnes. ß fsp

i a o

ß katwe e E s chta ß h 9 m e a n u Kir h Juillet 1340 : M eist a 5 septembre 1944 : Anaïs BOUCHEZ, 18 ans B Siège et bataille de Saint-Omer. e r Str r-Str e La ville de Saint-Omer est libérée t Je suis de Saint-Omer. J’ai un goût prononcé s Cette bataille est l’une des a u de l’Occupation allemande grâce ße R premières de la guerre de pour la découverte de nouvelles cultures et de aux troupes polonaises et aux e Cent Ans, faisant rage entre nouveaux pays. Forchtenstein 23km groupes de la résistance locale. aß 6 St. Margarethen 10km les Français, les Anglais et les Mon coup de cœur : la Chapelle des Jésuites, de Flamands. Mars 2000 : 4 par sa beauté historique, que part la diversité Création du parc naturel régional de ses activités pour tout âges. Passant par Sopron 26km ger Str 1477-1677 : des caps et marais d’Opale visant • La ville de Saint-Omer est l’objet des expositions, spectacles et même concerts ! ja inimesi, ühendab inimesi ja on cultural heritage is a bridge be- à la protection du patrimoine sbur Cette Chapelle nous réserve chaque week-end r de multiples conflits entre la naturel et culturel du territoire. 11 France et les Pays-Bas pour sa 1 5 de nouvelle surprise. possession. 28 mai 2013 : Matte Le marais audomarois est 1553 : labellisé par l’UNESCO, devenant Destruction de l’abbaye de ainsi la première réserve 8 Thérouanne par l’Empereur biosphère au nord de Paris. Charles Quint. 15 juillet 2018 : 1677-1678 : Sur la place Foch, les audomarois Siège de la ville de Saint-Omer Les 3 places (Maréchal Foch, Pierre Bonhomme, fêtent la victoire de l’équipe de Victor Hugo) et les rues commercantes du Centre- üks traditsiooni vorme; tween us and ancestors; it is very par Philippe d’Orléans, frère France à la Coupe du Monde de cadet du roi Louis XIV (mars- Football. Ville de Saint-Omer avec des restaurants, des bars, avril 1677) et signature du traité des commerces, un cinéma, l’office de tourisme et de Nimègue (1678), Saint-Omer des Congrès... devient définitivement française. • Euroopa on samaaegselt välistav important, since it represents ja kõikehõlmav, sarnane ja mit- values and people, connects

12 13 mekesine, väga paindlik, seega people, and is a form of tradi- hea võimalus tugevdada demokraat- gain more knowledge about the man- ka kiiresti muutuv; tion; liku otsustusprotsessi mõistmist ifestation of Europe’s Cultural Heri- • Euroopa kultuuripärandit isel- • Europe is exclusive and inclusive, ja toetada noorte kodanikuaktiiv- tage, and raise citizens’ awareness on oomustab peamiselt mitmekul- similar and diverse at the same sust. Samuti oli see võimalus näi- different topics through a flashmob. tuurilisus ja avatus; time, very flexible, therefore data poliitikakujundajatele, kuidas Participants were both young people • koht/linn on ainulaadne, kui sel- changing rapidly; erinevate kultuuriliste taustadega and decision makers. Thus, it was a lel on reaalne side ajaloo, kultu- • European cultural heritage is noored inimesed teatud teemadest great opportunity to strengthen the uri ja religiooniga. something multicultural and mõtlevad ning understanding Interaktiivsete koosviibimistena to- openness is its main characteris- kui häid ja uusi of democratic imus kaks tihedalt kultuuriga seo- tics; ideid neil on. decision mak- tud ekskursiooni. Üks neist kesken- • a place/city is unique, if it has a Need põlvkon- ing and fos- dus kindluse piirkonnale, sealhulgas real connection to its history, cul- dade- ja kultu- tering active Dubniczay lossile; teine toimus jalu- ture and religion. uridevahelised citizenship for tuskäiguna Veszprém Petőfi teatri As interactive sessions, two, strong- dialoogid ku- the youngsters. lavatagustes ruumides. Need olid ly culture-related guided tours took jutavad endast Also, to present ainulaadsed võimalused tutvuda ko- place. One was directed to the cas- ainulaadset ja to the decision haliku kultuuri ja peidetud aaretega. tle area, including Dubniczay Palace; tõhusat viisi ük- makers the way Spetsiaalne koosviibimine kesken- the other in the Veszprém Petőfi The- steise (linnade how young peo- dus Euroopa kultuuripealinna tiitlile, ater in the form of a backstage walk. kontekstis lin- ple with differ- kuna peaaegu kõigil partnerlinnadest These were unique opportunities to naelanike) vajaduste väljaselgita- ent cultural backgrounds think about oli see tiitel juba olemas või olid nad become more familiar with local cul- miseks ja mõistmiseks. certain topics and how great and new potentsiaalsed kandidaadid. Tiit- ture and hidden treasures. ideas they have. These intergener- li omamine võimaldab neil linnadel A dedicated session focused on the ational and intercultural dialogues 5.2. Mitmekultuurilisus kui Euroopa esitleda oma pärandi peamisi ele- title of European Capital of Cul- represent a unique and effective way väikelinnade lisaväärtus mente, lisaks algatada ka ainulaad- ture, since two of the partner cities of developing and understanding seid projekte, tugevdada oma kogu- are going to wear this title and one Lendava (Sloveenia) oli esimene linn, each other’s (in the case of cities, the kondi ja luua nendes piirkondades of them is a candidate. Owning the kus algasid 2019. aasta veebruaris citizens’) needs. kultuuriline keskus. title provides the possibility for these YouropEaN kultuuripärandi üritused. Kuna avaüritus toimus kohe pärast cities to present not only their main Iga reisi peamine eesmärk oli võõrus- 5.2. Multiculturalism Euroopa pärimuspäevi, oli see hea heritage elements, but also to unfold tava linna ja selle kultuuri parem as an Added Value of Small Towns võimalus Euroopa kultuuripärandi some unique projects, to strengthen tundmaõppimine, proovides samas in Europe kohta rohkem teada saada ning tõsta their communities and create a cul- leida selle kultuuripärandist ühiseid äkketteastega linnaelanike teadlik- tural hub in these regions. Euroopa elemente. Selleks tutvusid Lendava (Slovenia) was the first city kust erinevatest teemadest. Since the opening event was held osalejad erinevate ettekannete kau- where YouropEaN Cultural Heritage Osalejad olid nii noored inimesed kui back-to-back the European Heritage du Lendava mitmekultuurilise aspek- Events started in February 2019. Each ka poliitikakujundajad. Seega oli see Days, it was a great opportunity to tiga. and every trip’s main goal was to get

14 15 Kuigi Lendava on väike, peetakse a better understanding about the ste andmine. Lendavas lõid osalejad some of the participants it was in- seda mitmekultuuriliseks, kuna seal host city and its culture, while trying linna kohta ulatusliku SWOT-analüü- teresting to see that in this town in elab kolm rahvust: sloveenid, ungar- to find the common European ele- si, uurides mitmekultuurilisust nel- Slovenia, a large part of the event lased ja romad. Lisaks on Lendavas ments in its cultural heritage. To do jast aspektist. Peamised punktid olid was facilitated not only in Slovenian säilinud juudi pärand, kuigi kahjuks so, participants met the multicultur- järgmised: but also in Hungarian language, as ei ole juudivähemus siin enam ko- al aspect of Lendava through various a large minority of Hungarians live halviibiv. Ürituse jooksul toodi välja, presentations. in Lendava. Afterwards, intangible miks elanikud peavad mitmekultuur- Although Lendava is small, it is con- TUGEVUSED: parts of local cultural heritage were ilisust lisaväärtuseks. sidered to be multicultural as three ○ noortel on rohkem võimalusi: presented through some especially Kohaliku noorterühma juhtimisel vi- nationalities live in the town: Slove- kakskeelsed koolid, rohkem keeli delicious meals and drinks. idi osalejad linnas ringkäigule. Len- nian, Hungarian and Roma. Addition- harjutamiseks: As an important aim of each trans- dava noored ally, the Jew- ○ rohkem tähtpäevi: igal aastal 3 national event was to prepare policy on teadlikud ish heritage kultuuripäeva; recommendations, in Lendava par- oma kodu- is preserved ○ võimalus üksteiselt enamuse/ ticipants created a comprehensive linna kultu- in Lendava, vähemuste aspektis õppida; SWOT analysis about the city by ex- uripärandist even if sad- ○ rikkalik kultuuriline ja kulinaarne amining multiculturalism from four ja selle üle ly the Jewish pärimus; aspects. The main takeaways were uhked. See minority is ○ hea geograafiline asukoht: 200– the following: kohtumine not present 300 km kaugusel 4 pealinnast; toimus here any- NÕRKUSED: kohe pärast more. During ○ suuremate kultuuride varju STRENGHTS: Sloveenia the event, jäämine; ○ more opportunities for youth: bi- kultuuripäe- it was high- ○ eraldatus: iga rahvus on väike lingual schools, more languages va, et ENri- lighted why maailm; to practice CHi partnerid saaksid osa Sloveenia multiculturalism is considered as an ○ haldusprobleemid; ○ more celebrations: 3 cultural tähistamisviisist. Mõne osavõtja jaoks added value according to the inhab- VÕIMALUSED: days each year oli huvitav näha, et selles Sloveenia itants. ○ Lendava on eeskuju teistele lin- ○ opportunity to learn from each linnas toimus suur osa sündmusest With the guidance of the local group nadele; other in the aspect of majority / mitte ainult sloveenia vaid ka ungari of young people, participants had a ○ keelte tõttu paremad töövõima- minorities keeles, kuna Lendavas elab suur un- tour in the city. Youth in Lendava are lused; ○ rich cultural heritage and culi- garlaste vähemus. Hiljem esitleti eriti aware and proud of the cultural heri- ○ inimesed on üksteise suhtes tol- nary maitsvate toitude ja jookide kaudu tage of their home town. erantsemad; ○ good geo-position: 200-300 km kohaliku kultuuripärandi lahutama- This meeting was held back-to- from 4 capitals tuid osi. back to the Slovenian Cultural Day, Iga rahvusülese sündmuse oluline so ENriCH partners could taste the OHUD: eesmärk oli poliitikaalaste soovitu- Slovenian way of celebration. For ○ noorte emigreerumine;

16 17 ○ etniliste rühmade integratsioon; WEAKNESSES: 5.3. „Minu keelt mõistetakse kogu 5.3. ‘My Language is Understood ○ eraldatus ainulaadsuse tõttu. ○ overshadowing from bigger cul- maailmas!“1 Throughout the World!’1 tures Lendava noored peaksid kindlasti ○ separation: each nationality is a Kuidas saab muusika, see mittemate- How can music, this intangible cul- rohkem osalema kohaliku poliitika small world riaalne kultuuripärand, ühendada er- tural heritage link different nations? nd kujundamises ning avaldama oma ar- ○ administrative problems inevaid rahvuseid? Sellele keskenduti This was the focus of the 2 Youro- vamust nende tulevikku puudutavate 2. YouropEaN üritusel, mida võõrus- pEaN event hosted by Foster Europe OPPORTUNITIES: otsuste osas. Selleks on vajalik ka ko- tas 2019. aasta aprillis sihtasutus Foundation in Eisenstadt (Austria) ○ Lendava is a role model for other haliku kogukonna, peamiselt kohalike Foster Europe Eisenstadtis (Austria). April 2019. The whole event was la- towns poliitikute, avatus, et rääkida noorte- Kogu üritust iseloomustas osalejate belled by the interactive encounter of ○ better work opportunities be- ga nende tulevikust ja töövõimalust- interaktiivne kohtumine: nii projekti participants: project partners as well cause of the languages est, mis põhinevad kindlasti mitme- partnerid kui ka õpilased, muusikud as pupils, musicians and artists from ○ bigger tolerance between people kultuurilisusel. ja kunstnikud Eisenstadtist. Eisenstadt. THREATS: Programmi esimest osa võõrustas The first part of the program was ○ emigration of youth Joseph Haydni Konservatoorium, mil- hosted by the Joseph-Haydn Conser- ○ integration of ethnic groups lele eelnes interaktiivne mäng, kus vatory, preceded by an interactive ○ isolation because of uniqueness osalejad viidi ringkäigule läbi Haydni game in which participants were tak- töö, muusikalise loomingu ning selle en on a tour through Haydn’s work, Youth in Lendava definitely needs to mõju tänapäevasele muusika mõist- music creation and its impact and be more involved in local policy-mak- misele ja kaasaaegsele komponeer- influence on today’s understanding ing and having the opportunity to imisele. Sellesse protsessi panustas of music and modern composition. give their voice in decisions concern- Gisela Mashajekhi Beer, juhtides ek- Gisela Mashajekhi Beer contributed ing their future. This also requires sklusiivselt ENriCHi jaoks etendatud to this process, by leading a Collec- openness from the local communi- kollektiivset improvisatsiooni, mis tive-Improvisation exclusively per- ty, mainly from the local politicians, tugines paljudele instrumentidele formed for ENriCH, relying on a wide who could talk with them about their alates klassikalisest klaverist kuni range of instruments from classical future and about their work oppor- tühjade õllepurkideni. piano to empty bean cans. tunities, which is definitely based on Hiljem osales rühm ekskursioonil Later on the group participated in multiculturalism. Landesmuseumisse (Regionaalmuu- guided tours in the Landesmuseum seum), mis on kodu ühele suuri- (Regional Museum) – housing one of male kogule Austrias. Interaktiivsed the largest collections in Austria. The ringkäigud kujunesid jooksvalt de- interactive tours turned into a rolling batiks kunsti, kultuuri, säilitamise debate of art, culture, the concept kontseptsiooni ja definitsiooni ning and definition of preservation and

1 „Meine Sprache verstehet man durch die ganze 1 ’Meine Sprache verstehet man durch die ganze Welt!“ (Haydn Mozartile Haydni esimese Londo- Welt!’ (Haydn to Mozart on the eve of Haydn’s ni-reisi õhtul) first trip to London)

18 19 kultuuripärandi, samuti Euroopa cultural heritage as well as of the di- tervitas rühma parlamendi president tage; and music as cultural heritage. mõõtmete üle inimeste igapäevaelus mension of Europe in the daily life prl Verena Dunst. The president of the parliament, Ms eelnevatel aegadel ja tänapäeval. of people in former times and today. See üritus kinnitas taas tõsiasja, kui Verena Dunst greeted the group in Pärast seda viidi ENriCHi partnerid Afterwards, foreign ENriCH partners olulised on kokkupuutepunktid üle the plenary hall. giidiga linnaekskursioonile, mille olid were taken to a guided city tour, which piiride ja keelebarjääride. Samu- This event again strengthened the värskelt välja töötanud ja läbi viinud was newly developed and performed ti võimaldas sündmus muusika ja fact how important contacts across kohalikud Austria õpilased Theresia- by the local Austrian pupils from Haydni muusikalise pärandi kaudu borders and language barriers are. num Eisen- Theresianum paremini mõista, mida tähendab mit- The event also gave a better under- stadtist. Päe- Eisenstadt. temateriaalne pärand, ning Esterházy standing of what intangible heritage va lõpetas The day was palee ja Haydn Explosive Exhibitioni means through music and the musi- väga eriline closed by a külastus andis vihjeid selle kohta, cal heritage of Haydn, and the visit sündmus: very special mida kujutab endast materiaalne to the Esterházy Palace and Haydn osalejad kut- occasion: pärand. Seeläbi avastasid noored Explosive Exhibition provided some suti Euroo- participants kultuuripärandi erinevaid aspekte hints on what tangible heritage pa noorte were invited kohalikust/regionaalsest vaatepunk- means. Hence, youth were discover- Joseph to the Euro- tist, näiteks õppides ja kasutades ing diverse aspects of cultural heri- Haydni sün- pean Youth uuenduslikke viise kultuuripärandi tage from local/regional perspective, nipäevap- Birthday esitamiseks. such as learning and using innovative eole koos Party for Jo- ways of presenting cultural heritage. Eisenstadti seph Haydn, 5.4. ELi ja kodanikuaktiivsuse süga- poliitiliste ja together vam mõistmine, keskendudes eriti 5.4. Deeper Understanding of the EU kultuuriliste juhtidega, et tähistada with political and cultural leaders tulevastele Euroopa Parlamendi va- and Active Citizenship with Haydni 286. sünnipäeva, mida võõrus- from Eisenstadt, celebrating Haydn’s limistele a Special Focus on the Upcoming tas taas Haydni Konservatoorium. 286th anniversary hosted again by the European Parliamentary Elections Järgmisel päeval said osalejad Ester- Haydn Conservatory. Veszprémis 2019. aasta mais toi- házy palee ekskursioonil täiendavalt Next day a guided tour through the munud 3. ENriCHi ürituse peamine The main aim of the 3rd ENriCH event otsida ja ära tunda ühist Euroopa Esterházy Palace let participants fur- eesmärk oli osalejate teadmiste in Veszprém at the beginning of May pärandit. Viimaks kutsuti ENriCHi ther search and recognize common süvendamine Euroopa Liidu, Euroo- 2019 was to deepen the participants’ rühm Burgenlandi Parlamenti, kus European heritage. Finally, the EN- pa Parlamendi valimiste ja Vesz- knowledge about the European nad kohtusid parlamendi direktori riCH group was invited to the Parlia- prémi kultuuripärandi osas, samuti Union, the European Parliamentary Christina Krumböckiga ning arutlesid ment of Burgenland, where they met vaadeldi kultuuri rolli seoses Euroo- elections, and Veszprém’s cultural interaktiivselt föderalismi, demokraa- Christina Krumböck, the Director of pa integratsiooniga. Selleks kutsu- heritage as well as to examine the tia, kultuuri, noorte ja Euroopa in- the Parliament and had an interactive sime erikülalisi, kellelt õppida, nende role of culture regarding European tegratsiooni, mittemateriaalse discussion about federalism, democ- hulgas hr Tibor Navracsics, Euroopa integration. To do so, we invited spe- kultuuripärandi ning muusika kui racy, culture, youth, and European Komisjoni hariduse, kultuuri, noorte cial guests to learn from: among oth- kultuuripärandi üle. Koosolekusaalis integration; intangible cultural heri- ja spordi volinik, andes seeläbi osa- ers, Mr Tibor Navracsics, European

20 21 levatele noortele võimaluse saada Commissioner for Education, Culture, Lisaks olid osavõtjad motiveeritud, culture as a significant part of oma küsimustele vastused otsesest Youth and Sport, thereby creating op- et olla aktiivsed kodanikud ja osale- identity, and the basis of the Eu- allikast, ELi poliitikakujundajalt. portunity for the participating youth da 26. mail ELi parlamendi valimistel, ropean integration. Mitteametlikus vestluses erinevatest to get answers to their questions at kuna hr Tibor Navracsicsi andmete Moreover, participants were motivat- identiteeditüüpidest ja võimalust- first-hand from an EU policy-maker. kohaselt on Euroopa Parlamendil (ja ed to be active citizens and participate est, mis noortel tänu ELile on, rääkis During the informal conversation ELil endal) seadusandluses võime- in the EU Parliamentary Elections on hr Navracsics noortele osalejatele about the different types of identities kam roll kui viis aastat tagasi. 26th May, since, according to Mr Tibor reaalseid lugusid elust ja jagas kar- and the possibilities the youth have Pärastlõunase koosviibimise ajal an- Navracsics, the European Parliament jäärivõimalusi. Vestluse lõplike sei- thanks to the EU, Mr Navracsics shared dis dr Ágnes Raffay-Danyi, Pannonia (and the EU itself) has a more pow- sukohtadena saame välja tuua järg- real life stories and career opportuni- Ülikooli abiprofessor suurepärase erful role in the legislative process mised: ties for the young participants. More- ülevaate kul- in 2019, than • Euroopa erinevate riikide noorte over, as final statements of the discus- tuuripärandi had five years inimeste Euroopa identiteet sion we can highlight that: tähendusest ago. ei ole eriti tugev. Seega tuleks • The European identity of young ja tüüpidest, During the af- teadlikkust suurendada, demon- people from different countries of mis võivad ternoon ses- streerimaks, kui oluline on ig- Europe is not specifically strong. olla mate- sion, a great apäevainimeste jaoks mõista, Therefore, more awareness rais- riaalsed (ehi- overview was mida nad ELilt saada võivad; ing is needed to showcase them tised, kun- delivered • need noored inimesed, kes osalesid how important it is for the every- stiteosed) by Dr Ágnes Erasmus+ programmis, on oma day people to understand what või mittem- Raffay-Danyi, isiksusse integreerinud lisaks they can receive from the EU. ateriaalsed Associate ka teatud tüüpi Euroopa identi- • Those young people, who par- (muusika, Professor of teedi. See identiteet ei vastandu ticipated in an Erasmus+ pro- keel, luuletused), samas kui mate- the University of Pannonia about the kohalikele või rahvuslikele iden- gramme, have integrated into riaalne pärand võib olla kinnisasi meaning and types of cultural heri- titeetidele, vaid rikastab lihtsalt their personality a kind of Euro- (ehitised) või vallasasi (kunstiteosed). tage which can be tangible (buildings, isiksust. Identiteedi Euroopa el- pean identity as well. This identi- Toodi kohalikke näiteid Veszprémist, pieces of art) or intangible (music, ement muutub eredamaks, kui ty is not developed against local Euroopast ja väljastpoolt Euroopat. language, poems), whereas tangible kogeme Euroopast väljaspool or national identities, just enrich- Hiljem viisid kohalikud õpilased läbi heritage can be immovable (build- elamist; es one’s personality. The Europe- ekskursiooni uue kaardi ettevalm- ings) or movable (pieces of art). Local • igas Euroopa koolis õpetatakse an element of identity becomes istusprotsessi osana. examples from Veszprém, from Eu- samu inimesi/kunstnikke/sünd- more vivid when we experience Lõpupäeva eesmärk oli inimeste rope and outside Europe were pre- museid (Moliere, Shakespeare living outside Europe. teadlikkuse suurendamine ELi oluli- sented. Later a guided tour was led jne), need määratlevad Euroopa • In every European school, the susest ning Euroopa kultuuripärandi by local students as part of the new kultuuri kui identiteedi märkim- same people/artists/events are mitmekesisusest. Kohalikel Gizella map’s preparation process. isväärse osa, moodustades Eu- taught (Moliere, Shakespeare, päevadel osalevad inimesed kutsu- The closing day aimed at enhancing roopa integratsiooni aluse. etc.), they can define European ti ENriCHi infopunktis küsimustik- peoples’ awareness on the impor-

22 23 ku täitma ja osalema lühivestlustes tance of the EU and the diversity of suurepärane platvorm renoveerim- of partner countries. The next work- Veszprémi Valla Kohaliku Ajalooselt- European cultural heritage. People isega ja ehituspärandi parendamise- shop was a visit of recently renovated si ja Lélektéri Fondi vabatahtlikega. participating in the local Gizella Days ga seotud probleemide üle arutle- buildings with a special focus on how See oli edukas viis avalikkuse pro- programmes were invited to fill a quiz miseks. these buildings contributed to the jekti kaasamiseks: projekti kohalikud at the ENriCH info-point and to par- Sellele ainulaadsele kogemusele upgrading of the city. It was a perfect ja rahvusvahelised partnerid viisid ticipate in mini-talks with volunteers järgnes jalutuskäik linnas, mille jook- platform to discuss the challenges of kohalikud linnaelanikud kurssi ELi, of the Local History Association of sul tutvustas kohalik rühm osalejatele renovation and enhancement of built vabatahtliku töö, projekti ja nende Veszprém County and Lélektér Foun- Saint-Omeri peamiseid vaatamis- patrimony. linna kultuuripärandiga. dation. This was a successful way to väärsuseid. Lisaks oli see jalutuskäik This unique experience was followed involve the public in the project: local seotud töötoaga. Koosviibimise by the city walk, during which the lo- 5.5. Kuidas hoida ehituspärand elus and international project partners fa- eesmärk oli ehituspärandi säilitamise cal group introduced the main sights või seda elavdada? Meie pärand: miliarized local citizens with the EU, olulisuse illustreerimine, isegi siis, of Saint-Omer to the participants. kus minevik kohtub tulevikuga2 volunteering, the project and their kui see on What is more, cities’ cultural heritage. linnavalitsus- this walk was Saint-Omer ja selle naabruskond on tele kulukas. linked with ajaloo ja ajalooliste ehitiste poolest Lisaks on a workshop. rikas, töötades seega ehitatud kinn- 5.5. How to keep / bring built suur väljaku- The objective isvara kaitsmisega, näiteks on meie patrimony alive? Our heritage: 2 tse vanade of the ses- Prantsusmaa partnerile igapäevane where the past meets the future ajalooliste sion was to teema uues põlvkonnas ehituspäran- Saint-Omer and its neighbourhood ehitistega ko- illustrate the di vastu huvi tekitamine. Seetõttu is rich in history and historical build- handatavate importance keskendus Saint-Omeris (Prant- ings, therefore working on the pres- funktsioon- of the main- susmaal) 2019. aasta juunis toimun- ervation of built properties, such as ide ja pro- tenance of ud üritus ehituspärandile. sensitization of the new generation grammide leidmine, kuna kümnen- built heritage, even though it is costly Enne mis tahes jalutuskäiku lin- with built heritage is an everyday dite ja sajandite jooksul võivad for the municipalities. nas või pärandi külastust tutvustati topic for our French partner. That is funktsioonid ja kasutus muutuda. Furthermore, finding adaptable osalejatele kiirelt iga linna pärand- the reason why the event hosted in Osalejad pidid neid probleeme la- functions and programs for the old vara, arutledes partnerriikide kultuu- Saint-Omer (France) in June 2019 got hendama, töötades valitud koha/ historical buildings is a big chal- riliste aspektide ja harjumuste erine- the special focus of built heritage. ehitisega, ning nende ainus abi oli lenge, since the functions and use vuste ning sarnasuste üle. Järgmine Ahead of any city walk or heritage linnas jalutuskäigu ajal nähtu ning can change during the decades and töötuba oli hiljuti renoveeritud ehit- visit, participants had a speed dating mõned näited, mis toodi kunsti kohta centuries. Participants had to solve iste külastamine, kus keskenduti eriti about patrimony assets in each city, uue funktsiooniga monumentidel ja these challenges by working on the sellele, kuidas need ehitised aitasid discussing differences and similar- kirikutes. chosen site/building, and their only kaasa linna täiustamisele. See oli ities of cultural aspects and habits Ideid esitleti linna ja piirkonna poliit- help was what they have seen during ilistele esindajatele, luues lähtepunk- the city walk, and some examples 2Euroopa kultuuripärandi aasta (EYCH) loosung 2 Slogen of the European Year of Cultural Heri- 2018 tage (EYCH) 2018 ti põlvkondadevaheliseks dialoogiks. which were shown about art on mon-

24 25 Oluline on rõhutada, et Saint-Omeri uments and churches with new func- jõudsid eksperdid ja noored osalejad for youth: Do youngsters care puhul sisaldusid õpilaste eelne- tions. mitme huvitava ideeni. about those at all? vad ideed juba linna üldkavas, mis The ideas were presented to polit- Euroopa kultuuripealinna kontsept- 3) Smart City: Do you know how demonstreerib linna ametiasutuste ical representatives of the city and siooni ja tiitlit peaks paremini eden- smart your city actually is? avatust. the region, providing a starting point dama, kuna ECoC annab võimaluse 4) Cultural events: Do youngsters to the intergenerational dialogue. It end rohkem reklaamida ja kohalikele care only about parties? is important to highlight that in the noortele põhjuseid, mille üle uhkust At the end of the intergenerational 5.6. Kultuuri majanduslik mõju case of Saint-Omer previous ideas of tunda. Lisaks loob see väärtuslik- discussion experts and young par- Kuni selle hetkeni oldi ENriCHi üritu- students were already included into ke võimalusi, nagu töökohad, vaba- ticipants came up with a number of stel juba arutletud mitme kultuurip- the city’s Master Plan, demonstrat- tahtlik töö, partnerlus, võrgustikud, interesting ideas: ärandi tüübi üle, ent selle vaatlemine ing the openness of the city admin- osavõtud. The concept and the title of the Europe- majandusliku mõju aspektist oli üsna istration. Selleks et muuta ajaloolised vaata- an Capital of Culture should be better uus perspektiiv. Siiski oli teema arut- misväärsused noortele atraktiivse- promoted, since ECoC gives more pub- maks, peaksid need kohad olema licity and reasons to be proud of for lo- lemiseks suurepäraselt sobiv paik 5.6. The Economic Impact of Culture Tartu (Eesti) kui 2024. aasta Euroopa rohkem seotud isiklike lugude ja cal youth. Moreover, it creates valuable kultuuripealinn ja linn, mis võõrustab Up until this point, several types of kogemustega. Ajalooliste vaatamis- opportunities like jobs, volunteering, iga aasta juulis hansapäevi. cultural heritage were already dis- väärsustega seotud tasuta tegevused partnerships, networks, participations. 2019. aasta juulis toimunud 5. Youro- cussed during ENriCH events, but ja võimalused võivad need kohad/ To make historical sights more attrac- pEaN ürituse esimesel päeval rääkis overviewing it from the aspect of ehitised ligitõmbavamaks muuta. tive to youngsters first of all those Tartu2024 meeskond sellest, kuidas economic impact was a quite new Tavapärased asjad, näiteks tänava- places should be connected more Tartu mõõdab kultuuri majanduslik- perspective. However, Tartu (Estonia) lambid, prügikastid ja istumiskohad, with personal stories and experienc- ku mõju. Seejärel peeti koos Tartu as the European Capital of Culture for vaatamisväärsuste lähedal muuda- es. Free activities and opportunities ekspertidega maailmakohviku vormis 2024 and the city hosting the Hanse- vad neid atraktiivsemaks ja suuren- connected with the historical sights arutelu, kus puudutati järgmisi punk- atic Days every year in July was a per- davad külastajate mugavust. can make these places/buildings at- te: fect place to discuss the topic. Tarkade lahenduste rakendamine tractive. Such basic things like street 1) Euroopa kultuuripealinn: mis on On the first day of the 5th YouropEaN vaatamisväärtuste edendamiseks ja lights, trash cans and seating places selle kontseptsioon ja kuidas see event in July 2019, Tartu2024 team ajaloo üldiseks edendamiseks ei ole near the sights develop their attrac- inimesi mõjutab? talked about how Tartu measures the enam „tulevik“ – see tehnoloogia on tiveness and visitor comfort. 2) ajalooliste vaatamisväärsuste olu- economic impact of culture. Then to- juba olemas, miks mitte seda ka- Using smart solutions for the promo- lisus noortele: kas need lähevad gether with experts from Tartu a world sutada? Linnad peaksid mõtlema uut tion of historical sights and generally üldse noortele korda? café discussion was held by touching moodi ja toetama idufirmade sek- to promote history is not the ’future‘ 3) nutikas linn: kas teate, kui nutikas upon the following topics: torit, et ehitada uusi asju ja kujunda- anymore: this technology is already teie linn tegelikult on? 1) European Capital of Culture: da kontseptsioone. available, why not utilize it? Cities 4) kultuurisündmused: kas noored What is its concept and its impact Selleks et nendest ideedest mitte should think innovatively and sup- hoolivad ainult pidudest? on people? ainult rääkida, organiseeris võõrus- port the start-up sector to build new Põlvkondadevahelise arutelu lõpus 2) Importance of historical sights tav rühm linnaekskursiooni – sealhul- things and design concepts.

26 27 gas VR (virtuaalreaalsuse) ringkäigu In order to speak not only about these mägede keskel, mis võimaldab näha meters high construction in the mid- (!). See oli täpselt see, mida nuti- ideas, the host group organized a city korraga nelja erinevat riiki: Slovee- dle of Lendava Hills, which allows kas kontseptsioon/idee tähendab, tour – including a VR (virtual reality) niat, Ungarit, Austriat ja Horvaatiat. views to four different countries: Slo- võimaldades näha, kuidas linna osad tour (!) – for the group. It was exactly ENriCHi rühm poleks saanud oma äk- venia, Hungary, Austria and Croatia. eelnevatel what a smart ketteaste tar- The ENriCH sajanditel concept/idea beks paremat group could välja nägid. means, pro- kohta valida. not have See oli üsna viding the Võõrustav found a bet- veider koge- possibility to rühm valm- ter place to mus, ent see see how the istas osale- present their ongi tulevik. parts of the jatele ette flashmob city looked Kahoot män- here. like in earlier gu saagiko- The host centuries. It ristusest ja group pre- was quite a traditsiooni- pared a Ka- weird experi- lisest maaka- hoot game ence but this sutusest, for the par- is the future. mis oli ticipants suurepärane soojendusmäng enne about harvest and traditional land arutelu saagikoristusest ja sellest, use, which was a great warm-up 5.7. Traditional Land Use 5.7. Traditsiooniline maakasutus ja kuidas paar entusiasti sellega 40 aas- game before discussing harvest and and its Cultural Aspects selle kultuurilised aspektid tat tagasi algust tegid. Noortele näi- how a few enthusiasts started it 40 Lendaval oli hea võimalus veel ühe Lendava was in a great position to dati ka vanu rahvariideid. years ago. Old costumes were also ürituse võõrustamiseks, et näidata host another event and showcase Selleks ajaks oli Lendava ENriCHi presented to the youngsters. osalejatele 2019. aasta septembris further attractions to the participants kaart peaaegu valmis, pakkudes jalu- For this time the ENriCH map of Len- th veel vaatamisväärsuseid. 6. Youro- in September 2019. The 6 YouropE- tuskäigu ajal linnas kasulikku abi. dava was almost ready, providing pEaN kultuuripärandi üritus toimus aN Cultural Heritage event was held Hoolimata tugevast vihmast oli see useful help during the city walk. De- kohe pärast traditsioonilist Lenda- back-to-back the traditional Lendava ainulaadne harjutus, kuna osalejad spite the heavy rain it was a unique th va lõikuspüha, mida tähistati alates Harvest Festival, which was the 40 pidid leidma vanade piltide põhjal exercise since participants had to selle algusest 40. korda. Eelnevalt occasion in a row since its existence. ehitisi ning nende vanu ja uusi funkt- find buildings and their old and new tähistati lõikuspüha eraldi, ent hetkel Previously, harvest was celebrated sioone. Selle seikluse vältel pidid functions, based on old pictures. on üritus saanud kolmenädalase Vi- separately but currently the event rühmad suhtlema kohalike inimeste- During this adventure the groups had nariumi festivali osaks. has become part of the three-week- ga kohvikutes, lillepoodides jne. Osad to communicate with local people in Vinariumi torn on külastajate seas long Vinarium Festival. hoonetest olid lammutatud või uuesti cafés, flower shops, etc. Some of the populaarne sihtkoht. See on 53,5 mee- The Vinarium Tower is a popular des- ehitatud, mis muutis ülesande veelgi buildings had been demolished or re- tri kõrgune konstruktsioon Lendava tination among visitors. It is a 53.5 keerulisemaks. Kokkuvõttes oli see built, which made the task even more

28 29 tore kultuuride, kogemuste ja lugude a challenge. In the end, it was a nice nade ettekandeid. isers paid special attention to the kohtumine. meeting of cultures, experiences and Kahtlemata oli ürituse kõige huvita- introduction by using icebreaking Veel üks huvitav tegevus ürituse jook- stories. vam, interaktiivsem ja inspireerivam games and presentations of the par- sul oli ajurünnak. Selle ajal kogus EN- Another interesting activity during osa kohaliku rühma juhitud linnaek- ticipating cities. riCHi rühm olulisi traditsioonilisi ja the event was brainstorming. During skursioon. Tüdrukud viisid rühmad Without doubt, the most interesting, kaasaaegseid väärtuseid. Määratle- this the ENriCH group collected im- artistide allee kaudu läbi vanalinna, interactive and inspiring part of the ti, et traditsioonilised väärtused on portant traditional and modern val- sealhulgas toimus ajalooliste hoo- event was the city tour led by the lo- järgnevatele põlvkondadele olulised, ues. They defined traditional values nete külastus ja paadisõit Püha Ste- cal group. The girls guided the groups et eelnevate aegadega suhestuda. being important for next generations fani katedraali, seejärel piki jõeäärt through the old city via the Artists’ Al- Sellised väärtused olid perekond, ar- for the connection with previous üles Dreiflussecki, kus kohtuvad kolm ley, including a visit to historic build- mastus, solidaarsus, traditsiooniline times. These values were family, love, jõge. ENriCHi ings and a toit, festivalid ja üritused, töökus, tra- solidarity, traditional food, festivals rühm avastas boat trip to ditsiooniline maakasutus, ajaloolised and events, hard work, traditional meie Euroo- St. Stephan’s linnakeskused, rahvatantsud, lin- land use, historical city centres, folk pa päran- Dom, then up nade ajalugu, rahvariided. Vastupidi dances, history of cities, national cos- di ühiseid to the river- määratleti edu, haridus, raha, kultuur, tumes. In contrast, they defined suc- elemente, side and to digitaalne innovatsioon, üritused, va- cess, education, money, culture, digi- nagu Gisela the Dreiflus- nade hoonete restaureerimine, sport, tal innovations, events, renovation of hauakambrit. seck, where festivalid ja loov arendamine kaas- old buildings, sport, festivals and cre- Dreiflusseck, the Three Riv- aegseteks väärtusteks. ative development as modern values. maaliline ers meet. The koht jõeäärs- ENriCH group es pargis, oli discovered 5.8. Ehituspärand kolme jõe linnas 5.8. Built Heritage in the City of suurepärane common ele- Three Rivers Kuigi Passau linn ei osalenud pro- paik EN- ments of our jekti tegevustes, pakkusid nad Vesz- Although the city of Passau did not riCHist teadlikkuse suurendamiseks European heritage, such as the tomb prémi sõpruslinnana välja võima- take part in the activities of the proj- ja äkketteaste korraldamiseks, ka- of Gisela. luse võõrustada viimast YouropEaN ect, as it is a twin town of Veszprém, sutades eelnevalt valmistatud Ins- Dreiflusseck, a picturesque spot kultuuripärandi üritust. See imeline it offered the possibility to hold the tagrami raame ja lauldes Euroopa in the riverside park, was an ideal aaretega täidetud linn oli ürituse toi- last YouropEaN Cultural Heritage riikide ühist pärandit „Ood rõõmule“, spot to raise awareness on ENriCH mumiskoht 2019. aasta oktoobris. event. This wonderful city full of trea- mis on muide ELi hümn. and have a flashmob there by using Kuna võõrustajate rühm, milleks sures gave place to the event in Oc- Linn on täis vanu ajaloolisi ehitisi, ent the previously prepared ‘Instagram’ oli Gisela keskkooli klass, kohtus tober 2019. selle enimkülastatud osa, vanalinn, frames and sing the joint heritage of siin partneritega esimest korda, Due to the fact that the host group, asub Doonau ja Inni jõgede vahelis- European countries, the Ode to Joy; pöörasid organiseerijad tutvumisele which was a class from the Gisela el poolsaarel. Seega on suurem osa which is by the way the hymn of the erilist tähelepanu, kasutades selleks High School, met here for the first Passau loetletud ehitistest üleuju- EU. jäämurdmismänge ja osalevate lin- time with the partnership, the organ- tuste meelevallas. See oli üks prob- The city is full of old, historical build-

30 31 leemidest, mille tõid rühmad välja ings, but the most visited part of it, tel oli üks abivahend projekti käigus about ENriCH cities during which one pärastlõunase arutelu ajal kultuurip- the old town is on a peninsula be- loodud kaardid. Lisaks keskendu- of the tools were the maps created in ärandisse kuuluvate ehitiste tulevi- tween the rivers Danube and Inn. ti lõpuüritusel selle lõpliku uuringu the project. Furthermore, presenting kus kasutamise probleemina. Kahe- Therefore, the main listed buildings esitlusele, projekti täiendavale levi- this final study, further dissemination päevane programm lõppes kollaaži in Passau are exposed to flood. This tamisele, peamiste tulemuste kokku- of the project, summarizing the main valmistamisega. Noorte inimeste ja was one of the problems the groups võtmisele ja poliitikaalastele soovi- results and policy recommendations, poliitikakujundajate segarühmad- listed during the afternoon discus- tustele ning kõige populaarsemate and rediscussion of the most popu- ele anti ette olukord ning nad pidid sion as problems of the future use of teemade uues- lar topics (e.g. korraldama ajurünnaku võimalike buildings belonging to cultural heri- ti arutamisele volunteering) lahenduste leidmiseks. Olukord oli tage. The 2 days long program ended (nt vabatahtlik were in the fo- järgmine: „kujutletava linna noorte- with a collage preparation. The mixed töö). cus of the clos- keskus asub vanas ajaloolises ehi- groups of young people and decision ing event. tises, ent linnavalitsus otsustas selle makers were given a situation and With the help maha lammutada ja soovib selle had to brainstorm about possible of invited ex- asendada uue ehitisega“. Kasutades solutions. According to the situation, perts, partici- peamiselt ajalehti, kääre, märkme- ‘the youth centre of an imaginary city pants learned pabereid ja markereid, valmistasid is located in an old historical building, interactively rühmad loomingulised kollaažid, es- but the city administration decided about their itledes üksteise järel edukalt võima- its breakdown and wants to replace opportunities likke lahendusi. it with a brand new building’. By using to grow as a volunteer and they also mainly newspapers, scissors, post-its became acquainted with the evolving and markers, the groups prepared Volunteering Strategy of the Europe- imaginative collages and one by one an Capital of Culture Veszprém-Bala- all the groups successfully presented ton 2023, as well as the work of the the possible solutions. the EU’s Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council and the role of youth authorities. 5.9. Kus lugu lõppeb ... 5.9. Where the Story Ends…

ENriCHi lõpuüritus toimus 2020. aas- The closing event of ENriCH took place ta märtsis Veszprémis (Ungaris). Üri- in March 2020 in Veszprém (Hungary). tuse peamine eesmärk oli selge juba The main aim of the event was clear projekti algusest: saavutuste esitle- since the beginning of the project: mine ja tulemuste näitamine – ning to present the achievements, and to veelgi enam, nautimine (!). Selle jaoks show – and what is more, enjoy (!) - oli ürituse peamine tegevus ENriCHi the results. To do so, the final event’s linnu puudutav aardejaht, mille väl- main activity was a scavenger hunt

32 33 6. Mida noored mõtlevad …3 6. What the Youth Think…3

Sellise projekti puhul võib veebiküsit- Creating online surveys might be un- luste loomine olla ebaharilik, ent see usual in case of such a project, but aitas suurel määral mõista sihtrühma it did help to understand the opinion arvamust, ning veelgi enam, koguda of the target group to a great extent, lisa kaartidele ja täiendavate projek- and what is more, helped to collect tide ideedele. inputs to the maps and to further Viisime läbi veebiküsitlused4 igas project ideas. partnerasulas projekti esimesel (2019. We ran online surveys4 targeting each aasta jaanuar) ja viimasel (2020. aas- partner settlement at the first (Janu- ta jaanuar) perioodil. Sihtrühm olid ary 2019) and last (January 2020) pe- kõik noored inimesed nendes asu- riod of the project. The target group lates (max 40 km raadiuses) vanuses was all the young people at these 13–30. Tulemustena saab määratleda settlements (in their max. 40 km area) mõned üsna huvitavad järeldused5. at the age 13-30. Some interesting … EList conclusions could be defined as out- dasemat koostööd. Siiski leidub ka tially the integration of EU member 5 Vastajate arvamus EList on sisuliselt comes . arvamusi riikliku iseseisvuse tuge- states, their even closer cooperation positiivne; kõige positiivsemad on … about the EU vdamise kohta. Suurem osa vastajat- is seen as the most important way. austerlased ning kõige negatiivse- The respondents’ opinion about the est eeldab liidult peamiselt põhiliste However, opinions on the strength- mad ungarlased (ent siiski väga vähe- EU is basically positive; the Austrians inimõiguste ja vabaduste kaitsmist. ening of national independence also 6 sel määral) . Põhiliselt nähakse ELi are the most positive, and the Hun- ELi kodakondsus tähendab neile appear. Most respondents mainly ex- liikmesriikide integreerimise kõige garians are most negative (but it is peamiselt võimalusi ja vabadust. ELi pect from the Union the protection of 6 olulisema viisina nende veel lähe- still a very low percentage) . Essen- peamiste probleemide hulgas on fundamental human rights and free- kõige tõsisemad kliimamuutus, mi- dom. EU citizenship mainly means 3 3 Both online analyses are available at the pro- Mõlemad veebianalüüsid on saadaval projekti ject’s website: http://enrich.hu/survey. gratsioon ja töötus. Siiski nähakse opportunities and freedom for them. veebilehel: http://enrich.hu/survey. 4 The overlap between the respondents of the ohtudena ka terrorismi ja ebapiisavat Among the main challenges the EU 4 Iga partnerriigi esimese ja teise küsimustiku first and second questionnaire in each partner vastajate kattumine on äärmiselt vähene, seega country is especially low, therefore their com- koostööd ELi liikmesriikide vahel. faces climate change, migration and ei saa neid võrrelda. parison is unrealizable. Tuleb märkida, et teadlikkus ELi pro- unemployment are the most serious 5 Since the questionnaires were restricted to cer- 5 Kuna küsimustikud olid piiratud konkreetsete ri- tain countries’ certain cities, made on a limited grammidest ja Euroopa kultuurip- ones. However, terrorism and insuffi- ikide konkreetsete linnadega ja toimusid piiratud sample, therefore the results cannot be seen as ärandi aastast on igal pool võrdlemisi cient cooperation among EU member valimiga, ei saa tulemusi näha riikide või linnade representative to the age group of 13-30 of the 13–30-aastaste vanuserühma esindavana. Seetõttu väike. Üks erand on Erasmus+ pro- states are also seen as threats. countries or cities. For this reason, the results are on tulemused näitlikud. indicative. gramm (kuigi tõenäoliselt oldi teadli- It is important to note that awareness 6 6 Riikidevahelist võrdlust tuleb käsitleda kaht- The country comparison has to be handled with kud vaid Erasmus+ kaudu rahastatud of EU programmes and the European lusega. Tulemusi ei mõjuta mitte ainult ülalmai- doubt. The results are influenced not only by nitud märkused metoodika kohta, vaid ka tõsiasi, the above mentioned methodology notes, but vahetusprogrammist). Year of Cultural Heritage is rather low et iga riigi vastajatel on erinev demograafiline the fact that each country’s respondents have everywhere. One exception is Eras- taust. different demographic background.

34 35 … ENriCHist mus+ programme (though it is most Peamiselt motiveeris projektis osale- likely that they were aware only of ma võõraste kultuuride avastamine, the exchange programme funded võimalus reisida ja hankida sügava- also through Erasmus +). maid teadmisi kohaliku kultuurip- … about ENriCH ärandi kohta. Võttes arvesse ENri- The main motivation behind partici- CHi pikaajalist mõju, saame öelda, pating in the project was the discov- et projekt mõjutas peamiselt noorte ery of foreign cultures, the opportu- inimeste kultuurilist huvi – tulevi- nity to travel and getting a deeper kus pööravad nad kultuuripärandile knowledge of the local cultural her- rohkem tähelepanu. Lisaks on ENriCH itage. As regards to the long-term suurendanud noorte inimeste ava- impacts of ENriCH, we can say that tust – tulevikus osalevad nad samuti the project mainly influenced the sarnastes rahvusvahelistes program- cultural interest of young people: mides. Lisaks on suurenenud ka huvi in the future they will pay more at- kohaliku avaliku elu ja ELiga seotud tention to cultural heritage. In addi- probleemide vastu. tion, ENriCH has also increased the … oma linnast continue to join similar international openness of young people: they will Tavaliselt meeldib noortele vasta- programmes. Furthermore, interest in jatele linnas/alevis elada (vähim local public life and in issues related meeldib ungarlastele). Hoolima- to the EU has also increased. ta sellest on umbes 30% neid, kes … about their city plaanivad kolida (kõige vähem It is typical that young respondents sloveene). like living in their city / town (Hun- Negatiivne arvamus linnast ja garians are the least fond of it). De- plaan kolida ei käi käsikäes. Paljud spite this, those who plan to move mõtlevad kolimisele, kuna soovivad are around 30% (Slovenian the least). kusagil mujal õppida, ning paljud Negative opinion about the city and otsivad seiklusi. Need ajendid ei planning to move do not go hand in tähenda tingimata, et kolitakse ig- hand. Many consider moving because aveseks. Teisest küljest plaanivad they want to study somewhere else, palju vastajad kolida paremate ela- and many seek adventure. These mo- mis- või töövõimaluste tõttu; need on tivations do not necessarily mean inimesed, kes oma linna niisama ta- moving forever. On the other hand, gasi ei tule. Ungari vastajatele on olu- many respondents plan to move to line motivatsioon rohkem teenimine, make a better living or for job oppor-

36 37 sloveenidele töövõimalused. tunities; these are the people who 7. Mida õppisime ja millised 7. What We Learnt Kokkuvõttes on suur osa noori inime- will not come back to their city easily. si, kes plaanivad kolida; nende kodu- Earning more money is an important on meie ettepanekud and What We Propose linn peaks pigem keskenduma nende motivation for Hungarian respon- Pooleteiseaastase projekti jooksul ei The one-and-a-half-year long project ahvatlemisele ja tagasikutsumisele, dents, for the Slovenians it is job op- õppinud me palju mitte ainult kultu- taught us a lot not only about cul- kui nad on lõpetanud õppimise ja portunities. uripärandi, kultuuri, rahvuste ja har- tural heritage, culture, nations and leidnud otsitud To sum up, there jumuste, vaid ka mõistmise, enese- habits, but also about understanding, seiklused. Ka is a high share kindluse, koostöö ja loomise kohta. self-confidence, cooperation and cre- linn saab kasu of young peo- YouropEaN ürituste ajal oli kohalikel ativity. elanikest, kes ple who plan to õpilastel mitu rolli. Nad pidid astu- During the YouropEaN events local asuvad ümber move; their home ma kohalike, turistide, giidide, polii- students had several roles. They had mujalt saadud town should tikakujundajate ja viimaks ka noor to step into the role of locals, tourists, kogemuste- rather focus on olemise rolli. Need noored inimesed tour guides, decision makers, and fi- ga. Samuti on attracting and igast asulast võtsid ENriCHi kaartide nally, be young as well. These young selge, et ah- welcoming them loomisprotsessi ajal samaaegselt nii people from every settlement were vatlevate ja back when they turistide kui ka kohalike rolli. Nad in a role of tourists and locals at the väljakutsuvate finished study- pidid olema põhjalikud, ent samas same time during the process of cre- töövõimaluste ing and had the loovad, et valmistada olemasole- ating the ENriCH maps. They had to pakkumine on üks võtmetähtsusega adventures they sought for. The city vatest midagi erinevat. Rahvusva- be profound but creative to prepare element haritud noorte elanike hoid- itself is also gaining with inhabitants heliste ürituste ajal hakkasid koha- something different than the existing miseks/ahvatlemiseks (peaaegu igas who resettle with experiences from likud noored ekskursioonigiidideks ones. During the international events, riigis nähakse töötust ühena viiest elsewhere. It is also clear that provid- ja tutvustasid välismaalastest osale- the local youngsters became tour peamisest väljakutsest). ing attractive and challenging job op- jatele oma kodulinna. Nad olid sell- guides and introduced their home- portunities is one of the key elements es suurepärased ning õppisid palju town to the foreign participants. They of retaining/attracting well educated erinevate rahvuste juhtimisest ja were great in it and learned much young residents (unemployment is lõbustamisest inglise keeles. Lisaks from the situation of guiding and en- seen as one of the first 5 major chal- oli see suurepärane enesekindluse, tertaining different nations in English. lenges in almost every country). inglise keele rääkimise, õppimise ja Moreover, this was a great practice of oma linna kultuuripärandi hindamise experiencing self-confidence, English harjutamise kogemus. Peale selle olid speaking, learning and appreciating nad töötubade ajal poliitikakujunda- their own city’s cultural heritage. Ad- jad, kui pidid lahendama huvitavaid ditionally, they were decision makers olukordi ja kaitsma oma kodulinna. during the workshops where they had Kahtlemata on need olukorrad mõ- to solve interesting situations and jutanud nende arusaama kohali- protect their hometown. kust otsuste vastuvõtmisest, pärandi Without doubt, these situations have

38 39 kaitsmisest ja ennekõike vastutusest. influenced their understanding about Erasmus+ või muud tüüpi vaba- possibilities to meet people ENriCHi osalejad jõudsid olulisele local decision making, heritage pro- tahtlikust või hariduslikust sti- working on stage at an EU institu- arusaamale, et rahvusvahelised pro- tection and all in all, responsibility. pendiumist, isegi kooli või linna tion, or alumni who participated jektid, kus osalevad kohalikud noored, ENriCH participants came to the im- tasandil. in Erasmus+ or another type of võivad leida lahendusi probleemidele portant conclusion that international 2) Oluline on kaasata noori linna tu- voluntary or educational scholar- nagu eraldatus ja emigratsioon, kuna projects in which local youth are in- levikku mõjutavatesse protses- ship, even on school or city level. need annavad suurepärase võima- volved could provide a solution to the sidesse, 2) It is important to involve youth in luse teha koostööd erinevate kul- issues such as separation and em- • luues võimalusi osaleda kohalikus the processes that influence the tuuriliste taustadega inimestega ja igration, since this is a great way to poliitikaloomes – suurepärane future of the city põlvkondadevahelises keskkonnas. work with people of different cultural valik on aktiivselt tegutsev ja • by providing opportunities to be Teisest küljest võib ka kohalikel polii- backgrounds and also in an intergen- hästi ettevalmistatud noortenõu- involved in local policy making - tikakujundajatel ja ekspertidel olla erational environment. kogu, mis võtab regulaarselt osa an actively working, well prepared üritustelt leitud võtmepunkte, kuna On the other hand, local decision linnavalitsuse kokkusaamistest/ Youth Council that regularly joins noortega, eriti välisriikidest pärit makers and experts might have koosolekutest. municipal assemblies/meetings inimestega, töötamine ei ole üheski takeaways from the events, because 3) Kohalikke noori saab kasulikult is a great option. nendes linnades igapäevane võima- working with young people, especial- kaasata kultuuripärandi säilita- 3) It is possible and beneficial to lus. Siiski võib põlvkondadevaheline ly from foreign countries is not an misse, involve local youth into cultural dialoog viia suurepäraste ideedeni. everyday possibility in none of the • kutsudes neid üheskoos looma heritage preservation more ac- See nõuab kohalikelt kogukondadelt cities. However, an intergeneration- avatud ajurünnaku koosviibi- tively avatust, et suurendada kohalike al dialogue can lead to great ideas. mistel ja aruteludel, kuna neil • by inviting them to co-create noorte teadlikkust ja kaasata neid This requires the openness from the on oma kodulinnast üsna erinev during open brainstorming ses- kohalikku poliitikaloomese. Kui neil local communities, to raise the local vaatenurk; sions and discussions, since they on võimalus oma hääle andmiseks youth’s awareness and involve them • hõlbustades nende ideede elluvii- have a rather different perspec- nende tulevikku puudutavate otsuste into local policy making. When they mist; tive of their hometown; tegemisel, on nad linnaga tunduvalt have the opportunity to give their • kaasates neid reaalsetesse prot- • by facilitating the implementa- rohkem seotud. voice in decision making concerning sessidesse, võimaldades neil nt tion of their ideas; Konkreetsed soovitused poliitika- their future, they are much more con- olla ekskursioonigiidid jne; • by involving them into real pro- kujundajatele ja huvirühmadele, mis nected to the city. • luues kohalikke ja rahvusvahelisi cesses, e.g. letting them to be selgusid ENriCHi elluviimise jooksul Concrete recommendations for pol- vabatahtliku töö võimalusi noor- tour guides, etc.; 1) Oluline on suurendada kesk- icy-makers and stakeholders turned tele kultuuripärandi säilitamise • by providing local and interna- koolides võimalust ELi kohta out during the implementation of EN- valdkonnas. tional volunteering possibilities rohkem õppida, riCH: Siiski ei olnud ENriCHi idee ainult kul- for the youth in the field of cul- • tuues näiteid reaalsest elust: 1) It is important to increase the op- tuuridevaheline ja põlvkondadevahe- tural heritage preservation. võimalused kohtuda inimestega, portunity of learning more about line dialoog, vaid ka küsimus: „Kuidas Nevertheless, ENriCH was not only kes töötavad ELi institutsioonis, the EU in high-schools on Euroopa sündmused ja kultuur about intercultural and intergenera- või vilistlastega, kes võtsid osa • by providing real life examples: vorminud minu linna kultuuripäran- tional dialogue, but worked with the

40 41 dit ja vastupidi?“. Projekt toimis kui question ‘how European events and Mõttevabadus Think Freedom pikk teekond, et leida vastus sell- culture shaped the cultural heritage 10. mail avati Veszprémi Vabaduse On 10th May a special installation ele küsimusele, avastada meie seos of my city and vica versa?’. The proj- väljakul eriline installatsioon. „Think was opened in Veszprém, in Freedom kultuuriga ning saada teada, kuidas ect served as a long path to find the Freedom“ on tunnustatud Bos- Square. Think Freedom is an urban oleme sellega ja üksteisega seotud. answer to this question, and to find nia-Ameerika kunstniku Edina Sele- spectacle and multi-disciplinary art Teadlikkus, teadmised, austus ja our relation to culture and how we skovici linnaetendus ja mitmekihil- installation, incorporating sculpture, identiteet – need on võtmetähtsuse- are connected to it and to each other. ine kunstiinstallatsioon. Projekt sai light, sound, film, the art of literary ga märksõnad kultuuriga ühenduses Awareness, knowledge, respect and alguse 2015. aastal Sarajevos ning word etc. by renowned Bosnian-Amer- olemiseks. Peame tajuma kultuuril- identity. These are the key to be sellest saati liigub see läbi erinevate ican artist Edina Seleskovic. The proj- isi aspekte ning asjade ja harjumus- connected to culture. We need to be riikide, et ühendada noori inime- ect began in Sarajevo in 2015 and te väärtust, mille oleme pärinud ja aware of the cultural aspects and si üle kogu maailma kunsti loomise since then, continues its way through mida praegusel hetkel loome. Mida value of things and habits that we in- kaudu ning koguda nende sõnumeid different countries to connect young rohkem teadmisi me rikkalikust inim- herited and that we are creating right vabaduse ja rahu kohta. Lõplik siht- people from all over the word through konna pärandist kogume, seda enam now. The more knowledge we collect koht on New York aastal 2022. „Think art creation, and collect their messag- mõistame oma kultuuri. Suurenevad from our rich human heritage, the Freedom“ paigaldatakse linnas Daag es about freedom and peace. In Vesz- teadmised sillutavad teed erinevuste more we understand about culture. Hammerskjoldi väljakule ÜRO hoone prém it also paid tribute to the 30th eelarvamusteta tajumiseni ning teiste Growing knowledge paves the way to ette. anniversary of the democratic change kultuuride austamiseni. Teadlikkus, an open minded perception of dif- of regime. The final destination is New teadmised ja austus võivad mõjutada ferences, and to the respect of other York in 2022. Think Freedom will be identiteeti, avardada silmaringi ning cultures. Awareness, knowledge and installed in the city at Daag Hammer- aidata leida imelisi asju ja harjumusi, respect may influence your identi- skjold Plaza, overlooking the building millele poleks muidu iialgi mõelnud. ty, widen your horizon and help you of the United Nations. Seega tuleb olla hoolikas – kui otsus- to find wonderful things and habits tate õppida, mõista, olla uudishimu- you never thought of. So, be careful, lik ja avatud uutele viisidele, võib tu- if you decide to study, to learn, to be lemus olla rikastatud meel ja elu. curious, to be open to new ways, you might end up with an ENriCHed mind and life.

42 43 „Kasutage võimalusi, mida Euroopa meile pakub, võimalusi, mida pole mitte kunagi varem pakutud mitte ühelegi põlvkonnale selles maailmajaos.“ (Stefan August Lütgenau, sihtasutuse Foster Europe direktor)

’Use the opportunities Europe is offering to us, opportunities that have not been offered ever before to any other generation on this continent.’ Stefan August Lütgenau, Director of Foster Europe Foundation for strong European Regions