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Good Nutrition Issue Good Nutrition Issue IUPUI Helps Build Strong Bodies Twelve Ways - 7 Mai* II. IIM editorials Ford speaks; lost purse Of canals... In the last few days a few, The second thing that we need will, in the next weak, have a things have come up which need ir opinions on is the proposed petition drive for your opinions the support oot only the Ky Care Center for IU P U I The on these matters Please give es attention of the IU P U I Student Student Association has b m the Vote of OoeAdence that we Association, but of Use entire basting Its head against the wall need to be truly effective whee The people who a rt complaining about the proposal to give the Student Body si) year with theAdministration going lo the Administration with Panama Canal bach to Panama should maybe bold their breath until The Student Activities Board for a Day Care Center. Two of proposals that will serve yen. things really start hopping And they may not have to wait too terribly (which has not conducted • the Regional Campeses, John C. Ford long meeting outside the Medical Kokomo and South Bend, have Student Association President a seems logical that the Panama Canal deal may be a part of plans Center Complex) is asking itself working Day Care Centers. by the United States to open up our relations with Cuba again and if it should continue as a group Kokomo has been funded by the attempt to establish detente with Castro's government The Also if It does, how many Student Activities Pte, sod Dear Editor withdrawal of the United States from control of the canal tone is members will it consist of. and South 'Bend Is a pseudo C oO p Tuesday. March », my billfold almost certainly to be perceived by Castro as an action certainly how will the officers be chosen* arrangement where parent! help was taken from my d e * In favorable to his country and one that may well be part of a planned The IUPUI Student with the staffing, and are CA441. Would the person who senes of overtures to agreements between the United States and Association has pissed a charged a slight fee to have their took It please return the billfold Cuba- agreements that can hardly help bet be in Castro's favor resolution calling tor election children attended to. and contents, except for the While all this may seem rather remote frortTour controlling the from each School for Student One argument agaidk^ the money, which I am tars is Canal, the idea is certainly not an improbable one Our military base at Association. Student Activities starting of our Day Cart Cantar already gone The items in the Guantanamo Bay may also be a concession in this string of events So. Board, and the Lecture and is that we have no finds perse would not be valuable to u we said, if you're going to yell about it — save your breath Convocations Committee The aviilabie since we have no anyooe but me The purse is Whether or not such concessions would be wise in view of the total Co-Presidents of the Activities Activities Fee. This lack at hand-tooled with my initials on U ncture is something that's very hard to secood guess But most of us Board are Medical and Dental IU P U I Is supposedly due to the - a gift from the person who ran agree that ignoring other nations is not the answer either Students, which in no way opposition of the Fee by the made it. There are several effects their devotion, however Indians General Atsambly. pieces of identification in it when the last meeting consisted Actually there are Activities Virginia Brandenstein of Nursing, Medical, Dentistry, Fees at IUPUI. The School of CA 441 Social Service, and Physical Nursing has a 96 00 Activities ...and creeks Therapy their decisions will Fee Tne Schools of Medicine definitely have a Medical Center and Dentistry also have the Complex flavoring 'It is Fees Where is the Legislative imperative that we get an opposition to the Fees when they Undergraduate voice outside the are North of Michigan Street Well, with the usual fanfare. DOT has embarked on another one of Med Center Attitude We in the Student Association their rare excursions into the world of Street Repavtne and Widening Fall ( reek Parkway is the victim this time and as the saying goes, better late than never August 75 is the projected completion date and if past BEATING THE SYSTEM performance is any indicator, we can expect to use Fall Creek sometime around the turn of the century We can also figure on getting the traffic lights synched at approximately the same time Really, though the transition went fairly smoothly The only problem now being that the sensible drivers who long ago abandoned Fall Creek in search of a less nerve-wrackine way to work, will ha\* to endure the perils of the newly released Fall Creek morons as they go through the smaller streets at either breakneck or snail-paced speeds Doesn t anyone out there know how to drive* 4 l l l l | I V | M f / V l kv IUPUI International # 1 1 1 Week march 25*31 i ” t / o g o m o c e THE SAGAMORE IS PI BUSHED BY STUDENTS Of INDIANA UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITY •! INDIANAPOLIS VIEWS EXPRESSED ARE THOSE Of n THE EDITORIAL STAFF OR OF THE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE NAMES APPEAR IN BYLINES THESE VIEWS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF THE STUDENT BOOY ADMINISTRATION OR FACULTY OT IUPUI THE SAGAMORE IS A WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZINE PUBLISHED AT CA 1*. MS WEST MICHIGAN STHEET. INDIANAPOUS. INDIANA. «BH PHONE SHOTS Go t * WHmb, mtrUy SOTS. Gwy HOT. A m Ro t * . As m I m H , Aim T trm a II. tf?4 3 N ew B /iim s a potpourri.... James M Randall, a Political Starting the week of March 8 . executive, legislative and Science major at IUPUI. las the National Council for the judicial branches of announced his candidacy lor Accreditation of Teacher government the bureaucracy Indiana State House District 46 (Education ( NCATE i will have a and how policy decisions are This district is located in central team visiting the Division of made Marion county Mr Randall, Education to determine if the The course carries three hours finishing his degree at IU PU I, division should have NCATE of credit lives at 2729 N College Ave accreditation after October 1, Advance registration for the 1974 fall semester at IUPUI will be The team will consist of three held from March 8 id April IS members representing lusher Information about political T h is w e t k IUPUI, In education and public school science courses may be obtained connection with the Indianapolis education The team will stay by calling 84-73(7 or by w n tu * Carver is Rainmaker Center for Advanced Research three days conferring with the IUPUI Political Science and the City of Indianapolis, will fa u lty and students as well aa Department, Cavanaugh HaU. present a special Conference on •25 West Michigan Street, The IUPUI University Theatre the Future here at the irniver reviewing records and If you are interested in investigating procedures will present The Rainmaker sity The Conference hopes to eiercising your speaking emphasise the belief that abilities before a live audience Friday March 22 and 28. Saturday March 8 and 8 and "universities, research you might want to consider the The Office of Career Sunday March 24 and 21 at the organisations, and metropolitan IUPUI Student Speakers ind Placement is Bureau The Speakers Bureau theatre in M Building Friday planners must work together A rabbi and a Roman Catholic j a "Women's Career holds regular meetings every and Saturday performances will to ... im prove the quality of professor of philosophy will Orientation Day" tor senior Tuesday at 11 8 a m » CA S8 be at 8 8 p m and shows oi urban life in this city and in dipeuas recent charges of sexist other cities throughout the The Bureau sets up Sunday will begin at 2 8 p m The meeting will be held bias in religious organisations nation and the world engagements for students at Admission will be 12 For more Thursday. March 21st from 1 8 Monday. March 8 at » 8 p m Dr Richard Curtis of the IUPUI to speak on their choeen uiformation call 887168 or 84- to 4 :8 in the Auditorium of " A " on WOMAN, on Channel 8 Speech/Tbeatre Department topics to community groups 4924 Building. 38th Street Campus Dr William Marra, profe and head of the Lectures and clubs and organisations The agenda includes of philosophy at Fordham Convocations Committee will FINDING YOURSELF University, and Rabbi Robert chair the conference which will If you are interested in IN THE JOB MARKET Alper of Temple Beth Zion. run for four days this week, p articipatin g in the IU P U I Ms Pat Slavens, Buffalo, will respond to Monday through Thursday SPEAKERS BUREAU or Placement Officer, criticisms made on an earlier The program includes scheduling a speaker please Purdue University program in the series by women LOWEST orientation lectures and film contact Dr Wagener K A602BI THE INTERVIEW PROCESS of Catholic and Jewish faiths presentations on Monday that •or Dr Monmer <('A50tn Mr Jack V Saylors Religion is not a club - JET fARES will be open to aH students and Staff Supervisor. Personnel Catholics actually believe that faculty of IUPUI ‘ Future Indiana Bell Telephone Co the Lord founded the religion, Shock'' and Games Futurists TO EUROPE PREPARING YOURSELF and that His will is made P la y" are among the films that ON PA P E R known." States Dr Marra will be shown m room 108 of the Mr Ray Hawkins.
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