setting up new, 424–427 Special Characters and turning on/off, 446 Numerics Microsoft Exchange, 493–495 (Apple) menu Action icon pop-up menu, toolbar, windows, 62, 64 defined, 750 active applications launching applications from, 192 closing windows in, 82 opening applications from, 212 cycling through, 82, 197 overview, 25–27 defined, 196–197, 749 identifying, 196–197 Ô (Command) key, 15, 754 printing, 140 | (pipes), 746–747, 770 quitting, 10, 206 1Password utility, 330 active windows, 85–86 3G ActiveSync, 425, 489, 491, 493, 749 defined, 779 activity logs, 604 Internet connection devices, 517 Activity Monitor utility, 207–209, 302–303 syncing through, 363 Acute Systems TransMac utility, 375 4G ad hoc (direct connection) networks, 504–505, 515–516 defined, 760 adapters Internet connection devices, 517 defined, 749 64-bit kernel, 729 network, 521, 768 USB-to-Ethernet, 310, 506 A Add Printer dialog box, 674–676 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) Address Book application converting, 247, 333 cards defined, 749 adding, 472–473 quality of, 332 editing, 472–473 absolute pathname, 749 managing, 476 accepting invitations, iCal, 483–484 personal, 590 access points (switches), 504, 778 configuring in Server application, 548 Account Info dialog box, Mail, 449–450 distribution lists, 475 accounts. See also user accounts groups Address Book, 477 COPYRIGHTED MATERIALmanaging, 476 iCal overview, 473–474 overview, 479–480 new features of, 718–719 setting preferences, 487 overview, 285–286, 471 Mail setting preferences defined, 443 accounts, 477 deleting, 446 general, 476–477 importing existing, 427 phone numbers, 478 overview, 442–443 templates, 477–478 setting preferences, 431–434 vCards, 478


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Address Book application (continued) Apple ( ) menu syncing, 358 defined, 750 using with Microsoft Exchange launching applications from, 192 setting up for Exchange 2000 and 2003, 497 opening applications from, 212 setting up for Exchange 2007, 496–497 overview, 25–27 Address Book application icon, 36 Apple Developer Connection website, 264 Address Book widget, 315 (AFP), 503, 750 administrator accounts, 587, 590, 594–595, 597, 749 Apple ID, 589, 591, 699 Adobe Acrobat Professional, 574 Apple Mac OS X Support website, 145 Adobe AIR, 329 Apple Manuals website, 145 Adobe Creative Suite, 191 Apple TV, 348 , 541 AppleCare Knowledge Base, 145, 750 Adobe Reader, 773 AppleCare Service and Support website, 145 adopted ownership, 749 AppleScript Advanced Audio Coding. See AAC accessing, 30 Advanced Memory Management, 731, 733, 749 application commands and objects, 260–261 AFP (Apple Filing Protocol), 503, 750 Automator afp prefix, 377 backing up files, 234 AirDrop defined, 751 defined, 749 overview, 276–278, 286 as new feature, 722 recording actions, 279–280 sharing files via, 229, 533–534 renaming multiple items, 94 AirPlay, 348 creating scripts, 258–260 AirPort routers, 237, 512, 749 defined, 103, 750 AirPort Utility drag-and-drop script application overview, 302–303 extending script, 273–274 setting up Time Machine with Time Capsule device, overview, 271 240 processing dropped files, 272–273 AirPort Wi-Fi card, 31 repeat loops, 273 aliases retrieving dropped files, 271 creating, 93 enabling Script menu, 274 defined, 749 Finder utility orphaned, 769 breaking long statements, 268–269 resolving, 773 capitalization, 266 status icons on, 87 conditional statements, 267–268 American Standard Code for Information Interchange ending use of application, 269 (ASCII), 299, 751 file information, 266 AND Boolean operator, 118, 141 first statement, 264–265 Android devices, syncing, 497 overview, 264 Android utilities, 329 parentheses, 266–267 animating open applications in Dock, 45, 614 testing, 270 anti-aliasing, 731, 750 variables, 265 Apache web server, 540–541, 750 viewing results, 265 API (application programming interface), defined, 750 folder actions App Store attaching to folders, 103–104 installing applications from, 188–190 defined, 759 overview, 286 editing, 105 updating applications, 191 using, 105 App Store application icon, 36–37 language of, 255–256


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linking programs across networks reducing clutter with Hide command, 198 allowing remote events, 274–275 switching among applications, 197–198 overview, 274 new features of scripting across networks, 275–276 Address Book, 718–719 and events, 254–255 core capabilities, 712–713 modifying existing scripts, 269 document controls, 713 overview, 253 general-purpose, 714 saving scripts, 263–264 helper services, 714 scripting additions, 256 iCal, 719 scripting , 740–741 Mail, 717–718 AppleScript Editor utility playback, 716–717 changing text formatting, 265 web browser, 715–716 window, 261–263 opening, 192–193 overview, 256, 303 opening documents from, 213–214 script window, 257–258 overview, 187–188 scriptable applications and environments, 257 passwords for, 573–574 AppleScript icon, menu bar, 30 preinstalled, 284–302 applets, 308–309, 750 quitting application access utilities, 329 from within application, 206 application environments from Dock, 206 BSD, 594, 720, 734, 752–753 with Force Quit command, 207–209 Carbon, 233, 733 by logging out, 206–207 Classic, 754 overview, 10, 205 Cocoa, 732–733, 754 by restarting, 206–207 Core Location, 734, 755 by shutting down, 206–207 frameworks, 733–734, 760 removing, 191–192 Java, 700, 734, 764 syncing Macs and iOS devices via iCloud, 362–364 security vulnerabilities, 566, 568 updating, 191 X11 utility, 313, 734, 747–748, 782 using with application menu, 27–28 contextual menu, 119–120 application programming interface (API), defined, 750 supported applications, 120 application switcher, 197–198, 712 Applications folder application windows, defined, 82 accessing, 188 applications (apps) defined, 750 controls, 199–204 launching applications from, 192 defined, 188, 283, 750 overview, 105, 107 full-screen mode, 204–205, 713, 716 preinstalled applications in, 284–302 help resources, 142–143 apps. See applications icons representing, 87 AppZapper, 192 installing , 732, 750 from disc, 190–191 archives, defined, 750–751 downloaded, 190 arguments, defined, 751 from , 188–190 Arrange icon pop-up menu, toolbar, Finder windows, 62 Launchpad, 193–196 arrow keys (cursor keys), 751 limiting with parental controls, 599–600 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information multiple open Interchange), 299, 751 background application alerts, 198–199 attachments, e-mail, 452–454, 459, 476 overview, 196–197 audio chatting, 465–467


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Audio Hijack Pro utility, 324 Battery Status icon, menu bar, 32 audio management utilities, 324 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), 594, 720, 734, Audio MIDI Setup utility, 303–304 752–753 Audio Recording dialog box, QuickTime Player, 352, 354 bidirectional text, 619 authentication, 427–428, 434, 544, 751 binary, defined, 751 Auto Fill control, Safari, 411 binary files, defined, 752 Auto Save capability, 222, 227–228, 713, 751 BinHex (.hqx) files, 752 automatic login bit depth (color depth; pixel depth), 307, 686, 752 disabling, 6 bitmap fonts, 654–656, 752 overview, 5–6 bits, defined, 752 Automator application BlackBerry devices, syncing, 497 backing up files, 234 BlackBerry utilities, 329 defined, 751 Bluetooth connections overview, 276–278, 286 connecting Macs via, 516 recording actions, 279–280 connecting to Internet via, 518 renaming multiple items, 94 defined, 752 auto-scrolling, 751 keyboards and mice, 385–386, 630, 642 AV Foundation framework, 733, 751 networking, 507, 645 options for, 640–644 setting up Macs for, 514 B sharing files via, 530–531, 533 Back icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 61 Bluetooth File Exchange utility, 304–305 Back to My Mac feature, iCloud, 366 Bluetooth icon, menu bar, 32–33 background images, 21, 611–612 Bluetooth system preference, 33, 640–644 background programs, 751 Blu-ray discs, 289, 752. See also optical discs (CDs, DVDs, backups Blu-ray) defined, 751 Bombich Software Carbon Copy Cloner, 234, 692 new features of, 720 chat, 464, 752 overview, 231 bookmarking preparing to install Mac OS X Lion, 692 defined, 752 setting up help entries in Help Center, 141–142 choosing medium, 232–233 Safari overview, 231–232 other browsers versus, 420 selecting software, 233–234 overview, 399, 401–403 Time Machine preferences, 416 overview, 234–235 syncing bookmarks, 359, 368 restoring files, 241–244 Boolean operators, 118–119, 140–141 setting up, 236–239 with Time Capsule, 240–241 defined, 752 using external disks, 235–236 key assignments for Windows and Mac keyboards, 386 wireless, 237 setting up, 382–385 badges using Windows via, 385–386 containing ! character inside triangle, 450 Boot Camp Assistant utility, 305 containing ~ character, 446, 450 boot process. See startup (boot) process containing numbers, 91, 454 BootP (Bootstrapping Protocol), 509 defined, 751 Box storage service, 211, 325–326, 369 red ellipse, 39, 91 breaking long scripting statements, 268–269 battery power Bridge application, 213 monitoring utilities, 324 bridges, defined, 752 options for, 627–628


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brightness of monitor, 624, 626 passwords, 6 British dictionaries, 288, 315–316 in scripts, 266 BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), 594, 720, 734, CDs. See optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray) 752–753 CDs & DVDs system preference, 622–623 BSD subsystem, 753 cellular Internet connections, 518–519, 554 buddies, iChat, 437 central processing units. See CPUs bugs, 647, 753 Character Viewer mini-application, 32, 629, 668–672 built-in memory, defined, 753 characters, defined, 753 Bundle Contents button, AppleScript Editor, 258 check boxes bundles (packages), 258, 263–264, 734, 743, 769 defined, 203, 753–754 Burn icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 VoiceOver feature, 151–152 burn-in, 612, 753 Chess application, 286–287 burning to optical discs Chinese handwriting, 669 burn folders, creating, 124–125 Chrome browser, 419–420, 573 defined, 753 Classic application environment, 754 Finder burn, 125 Clear key, 16 finishing burn, 125–126 CLI (command-line interface), 754 limiting access with parental controls, 603 click gesture, 19 buttons (push buttons) clicking defined, 202–203, 753, 772 defined, 754 VoiceOver feature, 151–152 mouse options, 633 buying overview, 17–18 , 336–338 trackpad options, 639 videos, 346 click-through, 754 bytes, defined, 753 client applications, 490, 754 Clipboard effect of drag-and-drop editing, 221 overview, 218–219 application, 286–287 clipping files (clip editing), 221–222, 754 Calculator widget, 315 cloning disks, 239 CalDAV protocol, 479, 485, 488, 553, 644 Close button, 82–83 CampTune utility, 384 closed (invisible) networks, 754 Cancel button, defined, 202 closing caption panel, VoiceOver, 149–150, 178 documents, 228–229 Carbon, 733, 753 windows, 52, 82–83 Carbon Copy Cloner, 234, 692 cloud services Carbonite, 233 backing up to, 233 CardBus standard, 753 defined, 211 CardDAV Address Book Server, 477 iCloud service CardDAV protocol, 285, 477, 553, 644 defined, 762 cards, Address Book overview, 331, 361–362, 497 adding, 472–473 storage limit, 339 editing, 472–473 syncing content and apps purchased from online managing, 476 stores, 362–364 personal, 590 syncing documents and other information, 364–369 setting preferences, 478 Microsoft, 375 case-sensitivity overview, 369–370 defined, 753 Cnet Version Tracker website, 323 journaling, 129–130, 720


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Cocoa, 732–733, 754 application, 113, 644 CoconutBattery utility, 324 contents pane, Finder windows, 58 CoconutWiFi utility, 328 contextual menus codecs, defined, 754 defined, 22–23, 755 collating, 680, 754 overview, 34–35 color depth (bit depth), 307, 686, 752 Spotlight, 119–120 color picker, 754 Control key color profiles, 625 defined, 755 ColorSync Utility, 305–306, 754 overview, 15–16 column view conversations (message threads), 454–455, 717, 755, 767 defined, 754 converting Finder windows, 69–70 audio files, 247, 333 , 101 Chinese text, 249 columns measurement units, 318–319 column view, 70 Windows file formats, 372 list view, 68 cookies, 414 VoiceOver feature, 152 Copy command, 218–219 Command (Ô) key, 15, 754 Copy dialog box, 91–92 command prompt, 738–739 copying command-line help, 144–145 disks, 128 command-line interface (CLI), 754 between documents, 220–221 comments, defined, 754 files and folders, 743–744 utilities, 329 items, 90–92 Comodo Group, 544 Core Location, 734, 755 Compile button, AppleScript Editor, 258 core processing technologies compiling, 258, 754–755 64-bit kernel, 729 composing e-mail messages Advanced Memory Management, 731, 733, 749 addressing, 457 Darwin, 728, 756 controls, 459–460 , 729–730, 761 overview, 455–457 OpenCL, 730–731, 768 setting preferences, 438–441 preemptive multi-tasking text entry, 457–459 background application alerts, 198–199 compressing files, 53, 96, 326, 381 defined, 771 compression algorithm, 755 overview, 196–197, 730 compression ratio, 755 reducing clutter with Hide command, 198 concatenated disk sets, 131, 135 switching among applications, 197–198 conditional statements (conditionals), 267–268, 755 protected memory, 731, 772 conferencing utilities, 325 symmetric multi-processing, 730, 778 configuration profiles XNU kernel, 728–729, 782 creating, 551–555 view, 70–72, 755 defined, 755 CPU core, 755 managing users and devices via, 555–556 CPUs (central processing units) overview, 550–551 defined, 755 Connect icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 symmetric multi-processing, 730 Connect to Server command, Finder contextual menu, 40 usage, 557 Connect to Server dialog box, 376 cracking, defined, 755 connectors, defined, 755 crop markers, 755 Console utility, 306 crossfading songs, 333


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crossover cables, 506, 755 Development services, 247 currency (money), 618, 666 device drivers, defined, 756 cursor devices, defined, 756 defined, 755 Devices section, Sidebar, Finder windows, 65 sizing, 161 dfont fonts, 656 cursor keys (arrow keys), 751 DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol), 509–510, 518, custom installation, defined, 756 520, 581, 756 Customize Toolbar settings sheet, 62–64 dialog boxes, 199–200, 756 Cut command, 218–219 dictation, 163 cycling through Dictionary application active applications, 82, 197 hiding profanity in, 603 windows, 58 overview, 287–288 Dictionary widget, 315–316 dictionary window, AppleScript Editor D displaying, 261–262 daisy-chaining, 756 overview, 262–263 Darwin, 728, 756 Digital Sentry, 582 Dashboard application digital signatures, 756 defined, 756 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), 509, 517–520, 758 overview, 287 Digital Video Interface (DVI), 758 widgets, 313–315 DigitalColor Meter utility, 306 Dashboard application icon, 37 DIMM (dual in-line memory module), 756 data detectors direct connection (ad hoc) networks, 504–505, 515–516 Mail, 454 directories, 81, 756 TextEdit, 301 Directory Services, 546, 593, 726, 756 Date & Time system preference, 32, 646–647 , 593, 720 Data Robotics Drobo device, 135 disabled, access for dead keys, 668, 756 Speech system preference, Speech Recognition pane declining invitations, iCal, 484 adjusting settings, 164–165 Delete icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 configuring, 163–164 Delete key, 15–16 overview, 162–163 deleting Speech Commands window, 167–168 accounts from Mail, 446 Speech Feedback window, 166–167 e-mail messages, 461 Text to Speech options, 168–171 files and folders, 743–744 using microphone, 163 items, 92–93 system preference keyboard , 631 Hearing pane, 156–157 messages in Mail, 432–433, 448 Keyboard pane, 157–159 user accounts, 595–596 Mouse & Trackpad pane, 159–162 deselecting items, 88 overview, 147–148, 622 desktop Seeing pane, 148–156 background images, 21, 611–612 VoiceOver Utility defined, 756 Activities pane, 183–184 overview, 13–14, 21–22 Braille pane, 181–183 view settings, 76–77 Commanders pane, 179–181 Desktop & Screen Saver system preference, General pane, 171–172 22, 611–614, 709 Navigation pane, 175 Desktop folder, 107 Sound Settings pane, 177 Develop menu, Safari, 415 Speech pane, 174–175


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disabled, access for (continued) RAID Verbosity settings, 172–174 overview, 131–133 Visuals pane, 177–179 setting up, 133–136 Web pane, 176–177 view settings, 77–79 disclosure triangles, 203–204, 757 Windows, 374–375 discs. See optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray) DiskTracker utility, 325 disk and file system statistics, 744–745 display (video) mirroring, 781 disk cache, 124, 757 Display Calibrator Assistant utility, 625–626 disk icons, 86–88 DisplayPort technology, 757 disk images (.dmg files) Displays icon, menu bar, 32 creating, 128 Displays system preference, 32, 623–625, 710 defined, 122, 757 distribution lists, Address Book, 475 installing downloaded applications, 190 .dmg files. See disk images starting up from, 4–5 DNS (Domain Name Service) servers, 509–511, 757 tool, 560–562 Dock disk management utilities, 325–326 animating open applications in, 45, 614 application side of, 39–40 adding disks, 129–131 automatically hiding, 44–45 checking disks, 127–128 defined, 757 cloning disks, 239 files and windows side of, 40–42 configuring RAID in, 135–136 icons copying disks, 128 adding, 37 fixing disks, 127–128 moving, 38 formatting disks, 129–131, 374 overview, 36–37 overview, 126–127, 307 removing, 37–39 partitioning disks, 129–131 limiting changes to with parental controls, 600 recovering Mac OS X Lion, 702 magnification, 43–44, 614 restoring disks, 128 minimizing windows in, 45–46 disks opening applications from, 192–193, 212 accessing, 122–123 overview, 13–14, 35–37 defined, 81, 122, 757 positioning, 44–45 disconnecting from volumes, 123–124 Profile Manager tool, 554 Disk Utility quitting applications from, 206 adding disks, 129–131 sizing, 43 checking disks, 127–128 using Force Quit command from, 207 cloning disks, 239 VoiceOver feature, 151 copying disks, 128 Dock system preference fixing disks, 127–128 customization options, 42–46 formatting disks, 129–131, 374 overview, 614, 710 overview, 126–127, 307 Show Indicator Lights for Open Applications option, 39 partitioning disks, 129–131 document windows, defined, 82 restoring disks, 128 documents ejecting, 15–16, 53, 64, 123–124 closing, 228–229 icons representing, 87 creating new features of, 720 from copy of another document, 216 overview, 121 overview, 216 permissions, changing, 72–73 with stationery pads, 217 on Dock, working with, 41


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editing dpi (dots per inch), 289, 757 clippings, 221–222 drafts, Mail, 430 Copy command, 218–219 drag gesture, 19 Cut command, 218–219 drag-and-drop editing drag and drop, 219–221 defined, 757 overview, 217–218 in documents, 219–220 Paste command, 218–219 between documents, 220–221 icons representing, 87 drag-and-drop open moving, 229 defined, 757 new features of extending script, 273–274 controls, 713 overview, 271 Preview, 715 processing dropped files, 272–273 opening repeat loops, 273 from within applications, 213–214 retrieving dropped files, 271 from Finder, 212–213 dragging with Open dialog box, 214–215 defined, 757 overview, 211–212 with mouse, 17 saving Dragon Dictate, 163 copies, 225 drag-select gesture, 19 older documents, 227–228 drives, 122, 757 overview, 222–223 Drobo device, 135 using Save As dialog box, 223–224 Dropbox utility, 211, 229, 325–326, 369, 757–758 Versions, 225–227 drop-down menus, 22–25, 758 sharing, 229–230 DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 509, 517–520, 758 syncing Macs and iOS devices via iCloud dual in-line memory module (DIMM), 756 managing storage, 367 duplexing, 686, 758 services, 366–367 DVD Player application, 288–290, 348–351 setting up, 364–366 DVDs. See optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray) on Windows PCs, 367–369 DVI (Digital Video Interface), 758 Documents folder, 107 Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), 509–510, 518, Documents folder icon, 37 520, 581, 756 Documents to Go application, 369–370 dynamic RAM allocation, 758 Domain Name Service (DNS) servers, 509–511, 757 domain names, defined, 757 dongles, defined, 757 E dots per inch (dpi), 289, 757 Easter eggs, 42, 758 double-clicking e-books, 361, 717 defined, 757 Edit menu, 29, 54 overview, 18 Eject icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 speed of, 162, 631–632, 639, 757 Eject key, 15–16 double-tap gesture, 19 ejecting disks, 15–16, 53, 64, 123–124 downloading e-mail. See also Mail application applications, 190 attachments, 452–454, 459, 476 defined, 757 limiting access with parental controls, 601–602 Downloads dialog box, Safari, 410, 413 Profile Manager tool, 553 Downloads folder, 107, 705 security, 583–585 Downloads folder icon, 37 sending while away from home, 428–429 Downloads pop-over, Safari, 410–411 sharing with Windows PCs via, 380–381


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emoticons, 466 extended keyboards, 15–16, 160, 180, 386, 668 enclosing folders, 56, 119, 758 Extensis Suitcase Fusion utility, 326 encryption Extensis Universal Type Server, 663 of backups, 238 external hard disks defined, 758 backing up to, 233, 237, 692 erasing encrypted disks, 130, 691 installing, 135 formatting partitions, 129 moving backup to bigger, 239 overview, 568, 577–579 starting up from, 4–5 End key, 16 using Time Machine with, 235–236 Energy Saver system preference, 32, 555, 625–628, 710 Enter Full Screen button, 204–205 Enter key, 15–16 F Entourage, 574 F keys (function keys), 15, 17, 629, 759 environments. See application environments FaceTime application, 290, 423, 468–470, 714 eppc prefix, 274 FaceTime application icon, 36–37 Ergonis PopChar X utility, 326, 670 Fast User Switching, 33, 593, 597 Esc key, 16, 758 FAT64 (ExFAT) format, 123, 130, 374, 725, 758 escape character, 740, 743, 758 Favorites bar, Mail, 444, 446 ESPN widget, 316 Favorites section, Sidebar, Finder windows, 65 Ethernet (RJ-45) ports, 506 Fax icon, menu bar, 31 Ethernet connections faxing connecting Macs, 515 adding devices, 674–677 defined, 758 configuring fax modems, 678–679 overview, 645 new features of, 723–724 setting up Macs for, 508–511 options for, 635–636 event messages, 254–255, 758 overview, 673–674, 683–684 events sharing faxes, 677 AppleScript Fetch utility, 329, 381 overview, 254–255 FibreChannel system preference, 628 remote, 274–275 file application owners, changing, 74, 212 sharing, 530 file compression, 53, 96, 326, 381 iCal file extensions creating, 481–482 changing file application owners, 74, 212 editing, 481–482 defined, 759 Excel, 574 hiding/showing, 88, 373 Exchange. See Microsoft Exchange overview, 88 ExFAT (FAT64) format, 123, 130, 374, 725, 758 Windows, 373–374 Exit Full Screen button, 205 writing scripts that recognize, 266 expand gesture, 20, 758 file icons, 86–88 exporting file information, scripting to retrieve, 266 audio files, 356 File menu, 28–29, 52–54 screencast files, 355 file servers video files, 355 defined, 759 Exposé view (live previews) sharing through, 375 accessing, 45, 640 file sharing defined, 758 with AirDrop, 533–534 overview, 46–50 with Bluetooth, 533 preferences for, 620–621 defined, 759 ExpressCard standard, 759 enabling, 526–531


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with other Macs, 531–532 defined, 759 overview, 525–538 desktop, 21–22 with Windows PCs Dock connecting directly, 376–378 adding icons to, 37 letting Windows users connect directly to Macs, animating open applications in, 45, 614 378–380 application side of, 39–40 through servers, 375–376 automatically hiding, 44–45 via e-mail, 380–381 files and windows side of, 40–42 via FTP, 381 magnification, 43–44, 614 via web services, 381 minimizing windows in, 45–46 file specifications (file specs), 265 moving icons around, 38 file synchronization utilities, 325–326 overview, 35–37 file systems positioning, 44–45 defined, 759 removing icons from, 37–38 Spotlight, 110 sizing, 43 statistics, 744–745 Exposé, 46–50 File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 329, 381, 760 forced quitting, 40, 57 file types, finding, 269 input devices filenames keyboard, 15–17 conventions for, 95 mouse, 17–18 Windows, 373–374 touchpad, 18–21 files menus, 22–35, 51–58, 76–79 binary, 752 Mission Control, 46–50 clipping, 221–222, 754 new features of compressing, 53, 96, 326, 381 application navigation, 705 copying, 743–744 Dock, 706 deleting, 743–744 files, 708 exporting, 355–356 Finder windows, 707 icons representing, 87 folders, 708 moving, 743–744 gestures, 705 permissions, 744 icons, 708 permissions, changing, 72–73 keyboard shortcuts, 706 renaming, 743–744 menus, 705–706 security vulnerabilities, 567–568 Sidebar, 706–707 special controls, 107–108 Spotlight, 708–709 stuffed, 777 windows, 705, 708 Files and Folders services, 247 opening documents from, 212–213 FileVault utility, 577–579, 621, 759 overview, 13–15, 51 FileZilla utility, 329, 381 preferences, 74–76 filters scripting utilities for defined, 759 breaking long statements, 268–269 image, 277–278 capitalization, 266 Mail, 435–436, 441–443 conditional statements, 267–268 Find banner, Safari, 411 ending use of application, 269 Find My Mac feature, iCloud, 366–367 file information, 266 Finder first statement, 264–265 behavior for files and folders overview, 264 disk, folder, and file permissions, 72–73 parentheses, 266–267 file application owners, 74 testing, 270


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Finder (continued) folders variables, 265 copying, 743–744 viewing results, 265 deleting, 743–744 Simple Finder version, 599–600 on Dock, working with, 41 , 46–50 folder actions Finder application icon, 36 attaching to folders, 103–104 Finder menu, 51–52 defined, 759 Finder Preferences dialog box, 74 editing, 105 Finder windows using, 105 defined, 82 icons representing, 87 opening, 58–59 moving, 743–744 opening applications from, 193, 212 permissions, 72–73, 744 overview, 14 renaming, 743–744 Sidebar, 64–66 smart, 101–103, 776 title bar, 60–61 special toolbar, 61–64 Home folder, 106–107 using Spotlight from, 115–118 system folders, 105–106 view modes spring-loaded, 75, 90 choosing, 66 view settings, 77–79 column view, 69–70 viewing contents of, 743 Cover Flow view, 70–72 application icon view, 66–67 adding fonts, 659 list view, 67–69 automatic font monitoring, 658–659 FIPS 181 compliance, 569 finding fonts, 665 Firefox browser, 419–420, 573 font collections, 660–663 firewalls, 580–582, 759 managing fonts, 663–665 FireWire connections new features of, 723 connecting Macs, 506, 515 overview, 290, 657 defined, 759 previewing fonts, 659–660 networks, 645 font families, 759 overview, 122 font management utilities, 326, 663 firmware Font Validation dialog box, 659–660 defined, 759 FontAgent Pro utility, 326, 663 passwords, 4, 572–573 FontExplorerX Server, 326, 663 upgrading, 690 FontLab Studio, 656 Flexible Space control, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 fonts (typefaces) Flight Tracker widget, 316 defined, 653–654, 759 Flip4Mac utility, 327, 332, 372 formats floppy disks, 232 dfont, 656 , 16, 759 OpenType, 656 folder actions overview, 654 attaching to folders, 103–104 PostScript Multiple Master, 656 defined, 759 PostScript Type 1, 655 editing, 105 Safari, 414 using, 105 TrueType, 655–656 Folder Actions Setup dialog box, 104–105 using cross-platform, 374 folder icons, 86–88 libraries of, 662 folder paths, 268, 769 locating, 657


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Mail, 436 General system preference, 614–616, 710 new features of, 723 Genie effect, 46, 614, 760 special characters Genius feature, 341–342, 760–761 accessing using Character Viewer, 668–672 gestures accessing using keyboard shortcuts, 665–668 appearance of scroll bars, 84 accessing using Keyboard Viewer, 668–671 defined, 761 Fonts folder, 658, 661, 723, 760 with gesture-savvy mouse, 633–634, 711 Force Quit Applications dialog box, 208 support for, 18–21 Force Quit command with trackpad, 637–639 from Activity Monitor, 207–209 Get Info icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 from Dock, 207 glyphs, 668, 761 Force Quit dialog box, 207 Go menu, 56–58 forced shutdowns Go to Folder command, Finder contextual menu, 40 Finder, 40, 57 Google Chrome browser, 419–420, 573 overview, 10 Google Docs, 211 formatting disks, 129–131 GPU (graphics processing unit), 731, 761 Forward Delete key, 15–16 utility, 307 Forward icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 62 grammar checker, 458 forwarding e-mail messages, 460–461 Grand Central Dispatch, 729–730, 761 4G utility, 308 defined, 760 (GUI), 21, 761 Internet connection devices, 517 graphics and media technologies four-finger pinch and spread gesture, 20–21 Aqua, 732, 750 four-finger swipe gesture, 20–21, 197 OpenGL, 731–732, 768 fps (frames per second), 353, 760 , 731, 772 frame rate, 355, 760 QuickTime, 732, 772 frames, defined, 760 graphics processing unit (GPU), 731, 761 frames per second (fps), 353, 760 , 530 frameworks, 733–734, 760 groups fraudulent sites, 413 Address Book freeware, 760 managing, 476 application, 347 overview, 473–474 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 329, 381, 760 defined, 761 ftp prefix, 377 Mail, 439 FTP sites, 381, 760 Server application, 545–548 full motion, 760 smart full-screen mode iCal, 474 applications, 204–205, 713, 716 VoiceOver feature, 152 defined, 760 user account, 594–595 videos, 347, 350 GroupWise, 490, 497 function keys (F keys), 15, 17, 629, 759 guest accounts, 588, 594, 596, 761 guests defined, 761 G file sharing, 548 gamma, defined, 760 Home Sharing, 348 gamma correction, 203, 760 System Image Utility tool, 560 General section, Info window, 98 GUI (graphical user interface), 21, 761


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Hierarchical File System Plus (HFS+), 129–130, 375, H 720, 762 H.264 standard, 247, 761 history, Safari browser, 402, 404–406, 413 hackers, 761. See also security Home folder, 106–107, 762 hacking, 761. See also security Home icon button, Safari, 396, 406 handlers, 761 Home key, 16 Help Center home networks, 504–505 accessing, 30, 58 home pages, 406, 412, 541, 762 browsing, 139–140 home screens, 762. See also Launchpad application navigating, 141–142 Home Sharing capability, 348 new features of, 712 Hot Corners feature, 613–614, 621, 709 overview, 137–139 hot spots, 162, 762 retrieving help from Internet, 143 hot swapping, 133 searching, 140–141 hovering, 762 Help key, 16 .hqx (BinHex) files, 752 Help menu, 30, 58 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 99, 299–300, help resources 411, 762 application help, 142–143 http prefix, 377 command-line help, 144–145 https prefix, 397 Help Center hubs, 504, 762 accessing, 30, 58 hyperlinks, 397–399, 762 browsing, 139–140 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 99, 299–300, navigating, 141–142 411, 762 new features of, 712 overview, 137–139 retrieving help from Internet, 143 I searching, 140–141 iAntivirus utility, 330 help tags, 137, 144, 761 I-beam pointer, 17, 762 online recovery help, 701 IBM Lotus , 490, 497 outside sources, 145–146 iBooks application, 361 overview, 137–146 iCal application VoiceOver feature, 152–153 accounts, 479–480 help tags, 137, 144, 761 events helper applications, 761. See also services creating, 481–482 HFS (Hierarchical File System), 123, 762 editing, 481–482 HFS+ (Hierarchical File System Plus; Mac OS Extended), invitations, 430, 482–484 129–130, 375, 720, 762 navigating, 480–481 Hide command, 198 new features of, 719 hiding overview, 290, 471, 478–479 application windows, 40 publishing calendars, 485–486 Dock automatically, 44–45 setting preferences file extensions, 88, 373 accounts, 487 profanity in Dictionary application, 603 advanced, 487–488 Sidebar in Finder windows, 61 general, 486–487 , 610 subscribing to calendars, 485–486, 553 title bar in windows, 82 syncing, 358 toolbar in Finder windows, 61 to-do items, 484–485 Hierarchical File System (HFS), 123, 762


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using with Microsoft Exchange iMacs, 763 setting up for Exchange 2000 or 2003, 495–496 application, 291–292 setting up for Exchange 2007 or 2010, 495 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 425, 434, using with Exchange 2007 or 2010, 496 490, 763 iCal application icon, 36 importing iCal widget, 316 existing e-mail accounts into Mail, 427 iChat application images from cameras and scanners, 291–292 chatting, 465–466 music, 333, 335–336 configuring in Server application, 548 videos, 346 file sharing, 467–468 inactive windows, 85–86 limiting access with parental controls, 601–602 inbound port mapping, 763 options for, 644 Info window overview, 290–291, 423 changing file application owners, 74 Profile Manager tool, 554 changing permissions, 72–73 , 467–468 General section, 98 setting up, 463–465 icon, 97–98 using audio, 465–467 locking items, 97 using video, 465–467 More Info section, 99 iChat application icon, 37 Name & Extension section, 99 iCloud service opening, 111 defined, 762 Preview section, 99 overview, 331, 361–362, 497 Spotlight Comments section, 98 storage limit, 339 summary, 97–98 syncing content and apps purchased from online inherited permissions, 763 stores, 362–364 initialization, 763 syncing documents and other information, 364–369 Ink system preference, 628–629 icon view, 66–67, 762 Input Language icon, menu bar, 32 icons input method, defined, 763 defined, 762 insertion point desktop defined, 763 arrangement of, 21–22 moving, 96 overview, 14 Inside Software FontAgent Pro utility, 326, 663 disk, 86–88 installation DVDs, 690 Dock installation packages (.pkg files), 190 adding, 37 installing moving, 38 applications overview, 36–37 from discs, 190–191 removing, 37–39 downloaded, 190 document, 87 from Mac App Store, 188–190 emoticons, 466 defined, 763 file, 86–88 external hard disks, 135 folder, 86–88 Java runtime, 700 proxy, 772 Mac OS X Lion iDisk, 325, 369, 763 Migration Assistant, 694–700 iDrive, 233 new features of, 703–704 IEEE 802.1x, 510, 763 overview, 689–690 IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, 517, 645, 763 preparing to, 690–692 IEEE 1394, 506, 645, 763 running , 692–694 iLife suite, 188, 285 stopping installation, 694 IM (instant messaging). See iChat application Recovery System, 693–694


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instant messaging (IM). See iChat application ISPs (Internet service providers) Intego Internet Security Barrier X6, 584 connection types, 519–520 Internet. See also networking defined, 764 connecting to junk mail headers set by, 435 Internet connection devices, 517–518 sending e-mail while traveling, 428–429 manually, 518–519 iSync application, 714, 764 with Network Setup Assistant utility, 519–520 item information overview, 516 Info window defined, 763 General section, 98 disconnecting from, 520–521 icon, 97–98 Internet gateways, 763 More Info section, 99 Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 425, 434, Name & Extension section, 99 490, 763 Preview section, 99 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. See IP addresses Spotlight Comments section, 98 Internet radio, 345 summary, 97–98 Internet Security Barrier X6, 584 feature Internet service providers. See ISPs column view mode preview, 101 Internet services, 248 live preview icons, 99–100 interpreting, defined, 764 Quick Look window, 100–101 interprocess , defined, 764 slideshow viewer, 101 invisible (closed) networks, 754 iTunes application invitations, iCal application, 430, 482–484 books, 717 iOS devices (iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones) icon controls, 338 iOS, defined, 764 Internet radio, 345 iPads, defined, 764 music iPhones, defined, 764 buying, 336–338 iPods, defined, 764 importing, 335–336 syncing managing, 339–342 overview, 339–340 overview, 332 via iCloud, 362–369 playing, 342–343 via iTunes, 357–361 setting preferences, 333–335 using with Microsoft Exchange, 497–499 overview, 292–293, 331–332 IP (Internet Protocol) addresses , 343–345 defined, 764 preferences dialog box finding ’s, 377 Devices pane, 361 overview, 511 General pane, 333 private, 511, 771 Parental pane, 335 public, 511, 772 Playback pane, 333–334, 345 static, 520, 548, 777 Sharing pane, 334–335 iPads. See iOS devices (iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones) Store pane, 362 iPartition utility, 384 syncing Macs and iOS devices iPhones. See iOS devices (iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones) Apps pane, 359–360 iPod Touches. See iOS devices (iPads, iPod Touches, Books pane, 361 iPhones) Info pane, 358–359 Ipswitch WS_ FTP Pro utility, 381 overview, 339–340, 357–358 iSight cameras, 293, 699 setting preferences, 361 ISO 9660, 764 transferring purchases to new computer, 697 ISO/IEC 10646 Universal Character Set (UCS), 780 updating, 332


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videos Access utility, 309–310, 574–577 buying, 346 keychain technology, 765 importing, 346 managing, 346–347 playing, 347 L setting preferences, 345–346 Label icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 iTunes application icon, 36 labels, 54, 74–75, 765 iTunes Match service, 339 landscape orientation, 469, 765 iWork suite Language & Text system preference, 32, 616–619, 710 full-screen mode, 204 LANs (local area networks), 504, 517, 520, 765 syncing documents, 364 launching, 192–193, 765 Launchpad application accessing, 193, 640 J creating groups in, 195 Jabber, 290, 463, 602, 721 defined, 765 jacks, defined, 764 launching applications from, 193 Japanese dictionaries, 288, 316 navigating, 194–195 Java, 700, 734, 764 overview, 193–196, 293 Java Preferences utility, 308–309 rearranging applications within, 195–196 JavaScript, 372, 413, 553, 764 Launchpad application icon, 36–37 journaling, 129–130, 720 LCD Font Smoothing, 616 junk mail, 433, 435–436, 448, 461, 584 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 438–439, 553, 765 Library folder, 105, 107, 765 K ligatures, 765 Karelia Software Sandvox, 541 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 438–439, Kensington security cables, 566 553, 765 kernel, 728, 764 Line Print Remote (LPR) printers, 766 , 728–729, 764 links, 397–399, 762 kerning, 764 Linotype FontExplorerX Server, 326, 663 kext, 765 list views. See view modes Keyboard & Character Viewer icon, menu bar, 32 little arrows (stepper controls), 203–204, 765, 777 keyboard shortcuts live preview icons, 99–100 accessing special characters, 665–668 live previews. See Exposé view assigning new, 630–631 local area networks (LANs), 504, 517, 520, 765 bidirectional text, 619 local networks. See also networking for common symbols, 665–668 chatting over, 463–465 cut, copy and paste, 219 defined, 765 deleting, 631 setting up Macs for turning on/off, 630 Bluetooth connections, 514 using for menu options, 24 Ethernet connections, 508–511 Keyboard system preference, 32, 250–251, 629–631 overview, 507–508 Keyboard Viewer mini-application, 32, 629, 668–671 VPNs, 514–515 keyboards Wi-Fi connections, 512–513 Bluetooth connections, 385–386, 630, 642 localhost, defined, 765 extended, 15–16, 160, 180, 386, 668 localization, defined, 765 overview, 15–17 location information security, 579–580 slow keys, 158, 159, 776 location services, 414 sticky keys, 157–158, 777 VoiceOver feature, 150–151


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locking Enter Your Apple ID window, 698 documents, 227–228, 239 Registration Information window, 698 items, 96–97 Secure My Mac window, 699 logging in Select a Picture for This Account window, 699 automatically loading applications, 39, 591–594 Select Time Zone window, 699 defined, 765 Select Your Keyboard window, 695 as different user, 745–746 server settings window, 695 login window Thank You window, 700 icon buttons, 7 Transfer Information to This Mac window, 695–698 options, 6 Welcome window, 694–695 new features of, 704 new features of options, 592–594 applications, 712–719 overview, 5–6 backups, 720 password entry, 6–7 disks, 720 as superuser, 745–746 documents, 712–719 logging out faxing, 723–724 defined, 765 Finder, 705–709 overview, 7–8 fonts, 723 quitting applications by, 206–207 Help Center, 712 loops installing, 703–704 defined, 765 logging in, 704 playing music in, 343 Mac OS X Server, 726 playing video in, 353 networking, 722 repeat, 273, 773 Parental Controls, 720–721 lossless, 332, 766 printing, 723–724 LPR (Line Print Remote) printers, 766 scanning, 723–724 security, 721–722 setting up, 703–704 M Speech system preference, 724–725 Mac App Store starting up, 704 installing applications from, 188–190 System Preferences application, 709–712 overview, 286 Unix, 725 updating applications, 191 user accounts, 720–721 Mac Life magazine and website, 146 VoiceOver Utility, 724–725 Mac Mini, 766 Windows, 725 Mac Mini Servers, 133 recovering Mac OS Extended (HFS+), 129–130, 375, 720, 762 getting help online, 701 Mac OS X Lion launching Recovery System, 701 application environments, 732–734 overview, 700–701 installing from Time Machine, 702 overview, 689–690 using Disk Utility, 702 preparing for, 690–692 reinstalling, 702 running installer, 692–694 serving web pages from, 540–541 stopping installation, 694 technologies installing Java runtime, 700 core processing technologies, 728–731 Migration Assistant graphics and media technologies, 731–732 Create Your Computer Account window, 698–699 overview, 727 Don’t Forget to Register window, 700 updating, 583


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Mac OS X Lion installer overview, 442–443 disk selector window, 693 setting up new, 424–427 installation progress window, 694 turning on and off, 446 license agreement window, 693 configuring in Server application, 548–549 overview, 692 mailboxes Preparing to Install window, 693–694 defined, 443, 766 Mac OS X Lion Server maintaining, 448–450 configuration profiles overview, 443–446 creating, 551–555 smart, 446–448, 776 managing users and devices via, 555–556 messages overview, 550–551 deleting, 461 managing devices directly, 556 forwarding, 460–461 new features of, 726 junking, 461 overview, 539–562 moving, 461 Server Admin tool, 556–559 overview, 450 Server application reading, 451–455 enabling and configuring services, 548–549 redirecting, 460–461 Mac server setup, 543–545 replying, 460–461 monitoring status, 549–550 saving, 460 overview, 543 sending, 460 users and groups, 545–548 writing, 455–460 setting up, 542 monitoring activity, 450 System Image Utility tool, 560–562 new features of, 717–718 tool, 559–560 options for, 644 Mac Pro overview, 293, 423 defined, 766 preferences dialog box installing internal hard disks on, 134 Accounts pane, 431–434 Mac User Group (MUG) Center, 145 Composing pane, 438–441 Mac user groups, 145 Fonts & Colors pane, 436 MacBinary, 766 General pane, 430–431 MacBooks, 766 Junk Mail pane, 435–436 MacDrive utility, 375 overview, 427 MacFixIt website, 146 Rules pane, 441–442 Mach 3.0 Microkernel, 766 Viewing pane, 436–438 MacSpeech Scribe, 163 priority indicators, 456, 460 MacTalk user forum, 145 RSS feeds, 462 Macworld magazine and website, 146, 323 setting preferences , 18, 84, 632 accounts, 431–434 Magic Trackpad, 18, 84 composing, 438–441 magnification, Dock, 43–44, 614 fonts and colors, 436 Mail, Contacts & Calendars system preference general, 430–431 iCloud settings, 364, 366 junk mail, 435–436 as new feature, 709–710 overview, 427 overview, 644–645 rules, 441–442 Mail application viewing, 436–438 accounts syncing, 358 defined, 766 using notes in, 462–463 importing existing, 427


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using with Microsoft Exchange File menu, 28–29 accounts, 493–495 Help menu, 30 setting up for Exchange 2000 or 2003, 493 Script menu, 30 setting up for Exchange 2007 or 2010, 491–493 View menu, 29 Mail application icon, 36 Window menu, 29–30 mailboxes, Mail using Spotlight from, 112–114 defined, 443, 766 VoiceOver feature, 151 maintaining, 448–450 menus overview, 443–446 Apple, 25–27, 192, 212, 274, 750 smart, 446–448, 776 application, 27–28 malware, 565, 583–586, 766 contextual, 34–35 man pages, 137, 144–145, 250, 741–742, 766 defined, 766 Mark/Space Missing Sync utility, 329 drop-down, 23–25 marquees (selection rectangles), 17, 766, 775 Edit, 29, 54 maximizing, 83, 766 File, 28–29, 52–54 media playback and delivery utilities, 327 Finder, 51–52 MediaFour MacDrive utility, 375 Go, 56–58 memory protection, 766 Help, 30, 58 menu bar menu bar icons, 30–33 defined, 766 overview, 22–23 Finder pop-up, 33–34 arranging items on, 33 Script, 30, 274 icon menus, 641 symbols, 25 overview, 13–14, 22 using keyboard shortcuts for, 24 setting up Time Machine from, 236 View, 29, 54–56, 76–79 translucence of, 612 Window, 29–30, 58 icons message threads (conversations), 454–455, 717, 755, 767 AppleScript, 30 Message Viewer window, Mail, 443–445, 451 Battery Status, 32 Messaging services, 248 Bluetooth, 32–33 metadata, 97, 111. See also Spotlight Displays, 32 microphones, 163–164, 648 Fax, 31 Microsoft ActiveSync, 425, 489, 491, 493, 749 Input Language, 32 Microsoft Entourage, 574 Keyboard & Character Viewer, 32 Microsoft Excel, 574 Modem, 31 Microsoft Exchange Spotlight, 33 defined, 758 Time, 32 overview, 489–491 Time Machine, 31 using Address Book with, 496–497 Universal Access, 31 using iCal with, 495–496 User, 33 using iOS devices with, 497–499 Volume, 32 using Mail with, 425, 491–495 VPN, 31 Microsoft Office Wi-Fi, 31 speed of, 372 WWAN, 31 uninstalling, 191 items Microsoft SharePoint, 375–376 , 25–27 integration application menu, 27–28 disks and storage media, 374–375 Edit menu, 29 file extensions, 373–374


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filenames, 373–374 as new feature, 705, 714 new features of, 725 overview, 46–50, 293 overview, 371–372 Mission Control system preference, 620–621, 711 running Windows on Macs MobileMe Boot Camp, 382–386 backing up to, 233 overview, 381–382 defined, 767 virtual machines, 387–392 website, 211 sharing files Modem icon, menu bar, 31 connecting to PCs directly, 376–378 modem script, 767 letting Windows users connect directly to your modems, 517, 645, 767 Mac, 378–380 modifier keys, 15, 629–630, 767 through servers, 375–376 money (currency), 618, 666 via e-mail, FTP, and web services, 380–381 monitors via FTP, 380–381 brightness of, 624, 626 via web services, 380–381 multiple, 623–625 Microsoft Windows Phone 7 devices, 497 preferences for, 623–624 Microsoft Windows Phone 7 utilities, 329 resolution, 32, 289, 623–624, 773 Microsoft Windows storage media, 374–375 rotating display, 624 Microsoft Word, 574 More Info section, Info window, 99 MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 303–304, 767 motherboards, 690, 767 Migration Assistant utility mounting disks, 127, 767 Create Your Computer Account window, 698–699 mouse Don’t Forget to Register window, 700 gesture-savvy, 633–634, 711 Enter Your Apple ID window, 698 overview, 17–18 new features of, 704 tracking speed, 631–632, 779 overview, 310–311 mouse keys, 160–161 Registration Information window, 698 Mouse system preference, 631–634, 711 Secure My Mac window, 699 MOV (QuickTime movie) format, 112, 732, 767 Select a Picture for This Account window, 699 Movie Recording dialog box, QuickTime Player, 352, 354 Select Time Zone window, 699 movies, 767. See also videos Select Your Keyboard window, 695 Movies folder, 107 server settings window, 695 Movies widget, 316 Thank You window, 700 moving Transfer Information to This Mac window among folders, 742 overview, 695–696 backup to bigger external hard disks, 239 transferring information from another computer, Dock icons, 38 696–697 document content with drag and drop transferring information from another disk, in document, 219–220 697–698 between documents, 220–221 Welcome window, 694–695 documents, 229 Minimize button, windows, 83 e-mail messages, 433, 461 minimizing files and folders, 743–744 defined, 767 icons around Dock, 38 Speech Feedback window, 167 insertion point, 96 windows, 29–30, 45–46, 83, 614 items, 90–92 Missing Sync utility, 329 Mozilla Firefox browser, 419–420, 573 Mission Control application Mozilla Thunderbird, 573 accessing, 634, 640 Mozy, 233 defined, 767 MP3 format, 332, 767


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MPEG-4 (MP4) format, 332, 767 Netstat pane, 522 MUG (Mac User Group) Center, 145 overview, 311 multimedia, defined, 768 Ping pane, 522 multiple open applications. See preemptive multi-tasking Port Scan pane, 523–524 multi-threading, 768 Traceroute pane, 522 Multi-Touch trackpad, 768. See also trackpads (touchpads) Whois pane, 523 music networking AirPlay, 348 connecting Macs directly Home Sharing capability, 348 Bluetooth connections, 516 iTunes application Ethernet connections, 515 buying music, 336–338 FireWire connections, 515 Genius feature, 341–342 Wi-Fi connections, 516 importing music, 333, 335–336 linking programs across networks overview, 332 allowing remote events, 274–275 parental settings, 335 overview, 274 playing music, 333–334, 342–343 scripting, 275–276 playlists, 340–341 network, defined, 768 radio, 345 network attacks, 580–583 rating music, 342 sharing music, 334–335 Finger pane, 523 syncing with iPods, iPads, and iPhones, 339–340 Info pane, 521–522 view modes, 339 Lookup pane, 522 QuickTime Player Netstat pane, 522 creating audio files, 354–355 overview, 311 editing audio files, 354 Ping pane, 522 exporting audio files, 356 Port Scan pane, 523–524 playing audio files, 352–353 Traceroute pane, 522 playing media files, 343, 716 Whois pane, 523 Music folder, 107 new features of, 722 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 303–304, 767 overview, 503–524 setting up Macs for Bluetooth connections, 514 N Ethernet connections, 508–511 Name & Extension section, Info window, 99 overview, 507–508 navigating, defined, 768 VPNs, 514–515 nested sub-menus, 23 Wi-Fi connections, 512–513 NetMonitor, 582 sharing connections, 530, 537 network adapters, 521, 768 technologies network administrators, defined, 768 overview, 504–505 Network File System (NFS), 768 wired connections, 506 network locations, 26, 768 wireless connections, 506–507 Network Setup Assistant utility, 519–520 newsgroups, 449, 490–491, 493–494, 768 Network system preference, 31, 507–516, 518–521, Newsstand store, 362 645, 722 NFS (Network File System), 768 network time servers, 558, 646, 768 NOT Boolean operator, 119, 141 Network Utility notes Finger pane, 523 syncing, 359 Info pane, 521–522 using in iCal, 484 Lookup pane, 522 using in Mail, 432, 440, 462–463


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Novell GroupWise, 490, 497 importing media from, 332–333, 335–336 NTFS for Mac OS X utility, 375, 384 installation DVD, 690 Num key, 15 installing applications from, 190–191 sharing, 526, 537 starting up from, 4–5 O OR Boolean operator, 119, 141 objects, defined, 768 ordered lists, 203–204 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 768 original items, defined, 769 office networks, 504–505 orphaned aliases, 769 Office suite Out of Office feature, Exchange, 494 speed of, 372 outline fonts, 655, 769 uninstalling, 191 OWA (Outlook Web Access), 425, 490 OK button, 202 owners, defined, 769 1Password utility, 330 Open Application event, 254 Open Computing Language (OpenCL), 730–731, 768 P Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), 768 packages (bundles), 258, 263–264, 734, 743, 769 Open dialog box, 213–215 Page Up/Page Down keys, 16 Open Dictionary dialog box, 261 Pages application, 24 Open Directory protocol, 546 pairing Bluetooth devices, 514, 516, 530, 641–642 Open Documents event, 254 panels, 200–201, 769 Open in Dashboard control, Safari, 411 panes (tabbed panes) open source, defined, 768 defined, 769, 778 OpenCL (Open Computing Language), 730–731, 768 overview, 201–202 OpenGL (Open Graphics Library), 731–732, 768 Safari, 407–409, 412, 416 opening Paragon Software NTFS for Mac OS X utility, 375, 384 applications, 192–193 Parallels Desktop utility, 305, 329, 381, 387–390 documents parameter RAM (PRAM), 771 from within applications, 213–214 parental controls from Finder, 212–213 for media content, 335 with Open dialog box, 214–215 defined, 769 OpenType fonts, 374, 656, 768 guest account, 596 Opera browser, 419, 573 iTunes application, 335 operating systems, defined, 769. See also iOS devices new features of, 720–721 (iPads, iPod Touches, iPhones); Mac OS X Lion Profile Manager tool, 554 optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray) user accounts managed with, 594–595, 597 backing up to, 232 Parental Controls system preference Blu-ray, 289, 752 activity logs, 604 burning to Apps pane, 599–601 burn folders, creating, 124–125 Other pane, 603 defined, 753 overview, 598–599, 647 Finder burn, 125 People pane, 601–602 finishing burn, 125–126 settings management, 604–606 limiting access with parental controls, 603 Time Limits pane, 602–603 playlists, 341 Web pane, 601 CDs & DVDs system preference, 622–623 parentheses, in scripts, 266–267 defined, 757 partitioning disks, 129–131, 769 DVD Player application, 288–289, 348–351 partitions, 122, 381–385, 769 ejecting, 123–124 passphrases, 769


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password hints, 7, 593 Pictures services passwords Capture Full Screen, 248 administrator, 594 Capture Screen Using Timer, 248 for applications, 573–574 Capture Selection from Screen, 248 defined, 769 Import Images, 248 enforcing use of, 570–572 Set Desktop Picture, 248 firmware, 4, 572–573 pinch gesture, 20, 770 incorrect, 6–7 pinging, 581, 770 Keychain Access, 309–310, 574–577 pipes (|), 746–747, 770 limiting changes to with parental controls, 603 pixel depth (bit depth), 307, 686, 752 logging in, 6–7 pixels, defined, 770 Mail, 427–428 .pkg files (installation packages), 190 1Password utility, 330 playback windows, 82 preventing startup from other disks, 572–573 playhead, 770 Profile Manager tool, 553 playing secure, 567 music Server application, 546 iTunes application, 333–334, 342–343 Time Capsule device, 240 QuickTime Player, 352–353 user account, 568–570, 589–591, 698–699 videos Paste command, 218–219 iTunes application, 347 Pasteboard, 29 QuickTime Player, 352–353 path bar, Finder windows, 58 playlists, 340–341, 770, 776 Path icon pop-up menu, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 Plex utility, 327–328 paths plug-ins, defined, 770 folder, 268, 769 plugs, defined, 770 relative, 773 Capture utility, 311 search, 775 Podcast Publisher utility, 311, 715 PC Tools iAntivirus utility, 330 podcasts, 549, 770 PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International point of presence (POP), 770 Association), 769 pointers PDF (Portable Document Format), 113, 770 defined, 770 peer-to-peer file sharing, 770 seeing, 161 peer-to-peer networks, 503 Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), 509, 771 peripherals, defined, 770 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 771 Perl, 770 pooling printers, 678, 770 permissions (privileges). See also user accounts POP (point of presence), 770 changing, 72–73 POP (Post Office Protocol), 424–425, 770 defined, 771 PopChar X utility, 326, 670 Personal Computer Memory Card International pop-overs, 200–201, 770 Association (PCMCIA), 769 pop-up blocker, Safari, 410 phishing, 413, 568, 584 pop-up menus, 22, 33–34 application, 293–295, 714 Portable Document Format (PDF), 113, 770 Photo Booth application icon, 36 portrait orientation, 469, 771 Photo Stream service, iPhoto, 367–368 ports, defined, 771 PHP, 770 Post Office Protocol (POP), 424–425, 770 pictures, user account, 590, 699 PostScript, 771 Pictures folder, 107 PostScript Multiple Master fonts, 656


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PostScript Printer Description (PPD), 771 privileges. See permissions; user accounts PostScript printers, 771 processes PostScript Type 1 font, 374, 655, 771 defined, 771 PPD (PostScript Printer Description), 771 stopping, 302 PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 771 Profile Manager tool, 550–555 PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), 509, 771 Profiles system preference, 647, 711 PRAM (parameter RAM), 771 program linking, 274, 772 preemptive multi-tasking (multiple open applications) programs, defined, 188, 772 background application alerts, 198–199 protected memory, 731, 772 defined, 768, 771 protocols, defined, 772 overview, 196–197, 730 proxy icons, 772 quitting, 206 proxy servers, 415, 464, 510, 554, 772 reducing clutter with Hide command, 198 PTHPasteboard, 219 switching among applications, 197–198 Public folder, 107 preferred networks, 512 public IP addresses, 511, 772 Preview application publishing calendars, 485–486 capturing images with, 296–297 push buttons. See buttons display options, 298 push messaging, 434 editing images with, 297 push notifications, 544 new features of, 715 opening files with, 295–296 overview, 295 Q PDF files, 297–298 Quartz, 731, 772 Preview application icon, 36 Quick Look feature Preview section, Info window, 99 column view mode preview, 101 Prey software, 567 defined, 772 primary script, 771 e-mail attachments, 453–454 Print & Scan system preference, 634–636, 674–680, 723 live preview icons, 99–100 Print dialog box, 680–684 previewing items, 107 Print Documents event, 254 Quick Look window, 100–101 print jobs, defined, 771 slideshow viewer, 101 print queues, 682–683 using with Cover Flow view, 72 print servers, 771 Quick Look icon button, toolbar, Finder windows, 64 printer drivers, 635, 677, 681, 771 Quickoffice Pro application, 369–370 printing QuickTime, 732, 772 adding printers, 674–677 QuickTime movie (MOV) format, 112, 732, 767 configuring printers, 677–678 QuickTime Player application limiting access with parental controls, 603 creating media files, 354–355 new features of, 723–724 editing media files, 354 options for, 634–635 exporting audio files, 356 overview, 673–674 exporting video and screencast files, 355 pooling printers, 678, 770 overview, 299, 351 print queue, 682–683 playing media files, 343, 352–353, 716 Profile Manager tool, 554 Quit Application event, 254 sharing printers, 528, 537, 635, 677 quitting applications using Print dialog box, 680–682 from within application, 206 private IP addresses, 511, 771 from Dock, 206 Force Quit command, 207–209


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quitting applications (continued) redemption codes, 190 by logging out, 206–207 redirecting e-mail messages, 460–461 overview, 10, 205 redundant array of independent disks. See RAID by restarting, 206–207 refresh rate, 624 by shutting down, 206–207 regular expressions, defined, 773 regular playlists, 340 reinstalling applications, 285 R relative paths, 773 radio, 345 Reload the Current Page (Reload; Refresh) icon button, radio buttons, 202–203, 772 Safari, 396, 407 Radioshift utility, 324 (to-do items), iCal, 113, 484–485 RAID (redundant array of independent disks) remote access configurations, 132–133 to parental controls, 604–605 defined, 772 utilities for, 327 overview, 131–133 via Terminal, 739 setting up remote installation, 773 configuring in Disk Utility, 135–136 remote management, 528–529, 543–544 external hard disks, installing, 135 removing Mac Mini Servers, 133 applications, 191–192 Mac Pro, 134 buttons from login window, 7 RAID Utility, 311 icons from Dock, 37–38 RAM (random access memory), 26, 543, 690, 729, renaming 731, 772 files and folders, 743–744 RAM disk, 772 items, 93–96 raster image processor (RIP), 773 Rendezvous, 773 raster images, 772 repeat loops, 273, 773 rating music, 342 repeat rate, keyboard, 629 Reader mode, Safari, 399–400, 773 repeating music, 343 reading e-mail messages, 451–455 repetitive strain injury (RSI), 163 Reading List, Safari, 403–404, 773 replying to e-mail messages, 460–461 read-only memory (ROM), 774 Report a Bug control, Safari, 411 read-only status, 97 resolution, 32, 289, 623–624, 773 Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, 402, 417–419, 462 resolving aliases, 773 RealVNC utility, 327 resources, defined, 773 recently downloaded files, 410 Restart button, 7 Record button, AppleScript Editor, 258 restarting Macs records, defined, 773 options for, 10, 626–627 recovering Mac OS X Lion quitting applications by, 206–207 getting help online, 701 restoring disks, 128 launching Recovery System, 701 restoring files with Time Machine overview, 700–701 overview, 241–243 from Time Machine, 702 searching for changes, 243 using Disk Utility, 702 Time Machine browser Recovery System exiting, 243–244 defined, 773 using, 242–243 installing, 693–694 Retrospect utility, 233 launching, 701 Return key, 16 as new feature, 703–704 Rev disks, 232 overview, 4, 701–702 Rhapsody, 773


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right-click gesture, 19 Appearance pane, 414–415 right-clicking, 18, 773 AutoFill pane, 417 RIP (raster image processor), 773 Bookmarks pane, 416 ripping, defined, 773 Extensions pane, 418 RJ-45 (Ethernet) ports, 506 General pane, 412–413 Rogue Amoeba Audio Hijack Pro utility, 324 Privacy pane, 414 Rogue Amoeba Radioshift utility, 324 RSS pane, 417–418 ROM (read-only memory), 774 Security pane, 413 root, defined, 774 Tabs pane, 416 root level, 105, 774 RSS, 418–419 technology, 693, 774 setting preferences, 411–418 rotate gesture, 20, 774 Salling Media Sync utility, 329 rotating monitor display, 624 Samba, 774 routers, 504, 774 sandboxing, 585, 713, 774 rows, navigating with VoiceOver feature, 152 Sandvox, 541 Roxio Retrospect utility, 233 Save As dialog box, 222–224 Roxio Toast 11 Pro utility, 289, 327 saving Roxio Toast 11 Titanium utility, 327 documents RSI (repetitive strain injury), 163 copies, 225 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 402, 417–419, 462 older, 227–228 rules, Mail, 441–442, 461 overview, 222–223 Run button, AppleScript Editor, 258 using Save As dialog box, 223–224 Versions capability, 225–227 downloaded files, 413 S e-mail messages, 460 Safari application icon, 36 scripts, 263–264 Safari browser web pages as files, 410 changing default search engine, 406 Scale effect, 46, 774 controls scanning interface, 410 adding scanners, 674–677 navigation buttons, 406–407 configuring scanners, 679–680 overview, 396, 398 new features of, 723–724 sharing, 409–410 options for, 635 specialty, 410–411 overview, 673–674, 684–686 tabbed panes, 407–409 sharing scanners, 528, 537, 677 views, 409 SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol), 553 windows, 407–409 screen capture, 307, 327–328 navigating web with Screen Recording dialog box, QuickTime Player, 355 bookmarks, 399, 401–403 screen savers, 612–614, 774 history, 404–406 screen sharing, 467–468, 526–527, 529, 535–537, 722 hyperlinks, 397–399 screencast files, exporting, 355 Reading List, 403–404 script applets, 774 new features of, 715–716 , 256 overview, 299, 395–397 Script menu, 30, 274 passwords for, 573 script recording, 255, 774 preferences dialog box script window, AppleScript Editor, 257–258 accessing, 411 scriptable applications, 257, 774 Advanced pane, 415 scripting additions, 256, 774


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scripts. See also AppleScript vulnerabilities defined, 255, 774 environment, 568 modifying existing, 269 files, 567–568 scroll bars Macs, 566–567 defined, 775 personal data, 567 options for, 615 Security & Privacy system preference, windows, 83–85 570–572, 621, 721 scroll gesture, 19, 775 security cables, 566 scroll thumb, 775 security certificates, 397 scroll track, 84, 706, 775 Security icon button, Safari, 397, 399 scrolling security utilities, 329–330 automatic, 751 selecting defined, 774–775 multiple items, 89–90 with mouse, 711 single items, 88–89 options for, 632–633 selection rectangles (marquees), 17, 766, 775 with trackpad, 637, 639, 711 Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology scrolling list, 775 (S.M.A.R.T.) information, 128 scrubbing, 775 sending e-mail messages, 460 Search box Server Admin tool, 556–559 Safari, 396, 406–407 Server application toolbar, Finder windows, 62 enabling and configuring services, 548–549 search engines, setting default, 406, 412 groups, 545–548 search path, 775 Mac server setup, 543–545 searching. See also Spotlight monitoring status, 549–550 for changes in Time Machine, 243 overview, 541–543 Help Center, 140–141 users, 545–548 Searching services, 249 Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, 376–379, 776 secondary clicks, 633, 638 servers, defined, 775 Secure FTP (SFTP), 775 Service Set Identifier (SSID), 512, 777 Secure Shell (SSH), 543, 558, 739, 777 services Secure Socket Layer (SSL) authentication, 427–428, 434, availability of, 245–246 544, 777 changing preferences, 250–251 security defined, 284, 775 encryption, 577–579 Development, 247 iChat, 464 Files and Folders, 247 location information, 579–580 Internet, 248 Mac OS X installation, 699 Messaging, 248 malware, 583–586 overview, 245–246 network attacks, 580–583 Pictures, 248–249 new features of, 721–722 Searching, 249 overview, 565 Text, 249–250 passwords settings sheets, 62, 200–201, 775 for applications, 573–574 SFTP (Secure FTP), 775 enforcing use of, 570–572 shared folders, 775 Keychain Access, 574–577 Shared section, Sidebar, Finder windows, 65 preventing startup from other disks, 572–573 SharePoint, 375–376 user account, 568–570 shareware, 775


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sharing signatures documents, 229–230 digital, 756 faxes, 677 e-mail, 440–441, 443, 459 files Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP), 553 with AirDrop, 533–534 Simple Finder, 599–600 with Bluetooth, 533 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 426, 428, 776 enabling, 526–531 single-user mode, 4, 775 with other Macs, 531–532 Sites folder, 107, 540 overview, 525–538 64-bit kernel, 729 in Parallels Desktop utility, 387 sizing folders with guest account, 596 cursor, 161 music and videos, 334–335, 348, 360 Dock, 43 printers, 635, 677 windows, 85, 708 programs through events messages, 274–276 Ski Resort widget, 316–317 scanners, 677 Skype utility, 329 screen sharing, 467–468, 526–527, 529, 535–537, 722 Sleep button, 7 via iChat, 467–468 sleep mode web pages, 409–410 defined, 775–776 web sharing, 528, 537 options for, 626–628 with Windows PCs overview, 8–9 connecting directly, 376–378 setting preferences for, 9 letting Windows users connect directly to Macs, waking up from, 4 378–380 sliders overview, 371 defined, 203–204, 776 through servers, 375–376 scroll bar, 84 via e-mail, 380–381 VoiceOver feature, 151–152 via FTP, 381 slideshow viewer, Quick Look facility, 101–102 via web services, 381 slots, defined, 776 Sharing & Permissions section, Info window, 72–73 slow keys, 158, 159, 776 Sharing system preference, 525–531, 645–646 S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting sharing-only user accounts, 594–595 Technology) information, 128 shell, defined, 775 smart folders, 101–103, 776 , 15, 775 Smart FTP Home utility, 381 showing smart groups application windows, 40 iCal, 474 file extensions, 88, 373 VoiceOver feature, 152 Sidebar in Finder windows, 61 smart mailboxes, Mail, 446–448, 776 system preferences, 610 smart playlists, 341, 776 title bar in windows, 82 Smart Quotes feature, 618 toolbar in Finder windows, 61 smartphones, syncing, 497 shuffling music, 343 SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, 376–379, 776 Shut Down button, 7 smb prefix, 376–377 shutting down (turning off) Macs, 9–10, 206–207 Smith Micro StuffIt utility, 326, 750, 777 Sidebar, Finder windows SMP (symmetric multi-processing), 730, 778 defined, 775 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 426, 428, 776 hiding/showing, 61 Snapz Pro X utility, 327 overview, 58, 64–66 software, defined, 188, 776


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Software Update system preference, 647–648 Text to Speech options Software Update utility, 555, 583, 690 Announce When Alerts Are Displayed option, 170 solid-state disks/drives (SSDs), 122, 374, 777 Announce When Application Requires Your solutions, defined, 188 Attention option, 170 Soonr utility, 369–370 Open Date & Time Preferences button, 171 sorting Open Universal Access Preferences button, 171 e-mail messages, 451 overview, 168–169 folder items, 42 Speak Selected Text When Key Is Pressed iCal reminders, 485 option, 170 window items, 55 using microphone, 163 Sound system preference, 32, 636–637, 711–712 Speech system preference soundtracks, 776 new features of, 724–725 Space Flexible Space control, toolbar, overview, 648–651 Finder windows, 64 Speech Recognition pane Spaces application adjusting settings, 164–165 defined, 776 Calibrate button, 164–165 overview, 46–50 Change Key button, 165 preferences for, 620–621 configuring, 163–164 Spaces application icon, 37 Listening Method options, 165 Spaces icon menu, 33 Microphone pop-up menu, 164 special characters overview, 162–164 accessing using Character Viewer, 668–672 Speech Commands window, 167–168 accessing using keyboard shortcuts, 665–668 Speech Feedback window, 166–167 accessing using Keyboard Viewer, 668–671 Text to Speech options, 168–171 shell, 739–740 Upon Recognition options, 165 Speech Commands window using microphone, 163 active commands, 168 Text to Speech pane overview, 167–168 Announce When Alerts Are Displayed option, 170 Speech Feedback window Announce When Application Requires Your controls, 166–167 Attention option, 170 minimizing, 167 Open Date & Time Preferences button, 171 overview, 166 Open Universal Access Preferences button, 171 speech recognition overview, 168–169 adjusting settings Speak Selected Text When Key Is Pressed Calibrate button, 164–165 option, 170 Change Key button, 165 spell checker Listening Method options, 165 Mail, 438, 458–459 Microphone pop-up menu, 164 options for, 617 Upon Recognition options, 165 splat, 776 configuring, 163–164 split cursor, 619 Speech Commands window spooling, 682–683, 776 active commands, 168 Spotlight overview, 167–168 Boolean operators, 118–119 Speech Feedback window creating smart folders, 102–103 controls, 166–167 defined, 777 minimizing, 167 function of, 110–112 overview, 166 opening applications from, 193, 212


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overview, 109–110 Stop button, AppleScript Editor, 258 search results, 119 streaming media, defined, 777 using striping, 131, 135 with applications, 119–120 stuffed files, 777 from Finder windows, 115–118 StuffIt utility, 326, 750, 777 from menu bar, 112–114 style sheets, 415 within Open dialog box, 215 submenus, 23–24, 777 within Save As dialog box, 224 subnet masks, 511, 777 Spotlight Comments section, Info window, 98 subpanes, 201–202 Spotlight icon, menu bar, 33 subscribing to calendars, 485–486 Spotlight Store, 110 subtitles, 346 Spotlight system preference, 621–622 SugarSync utility, 326, 369–370 spring-loaded folders, 75, 90 Suitcase Fusion utility, 326 SSDs (solid-state disks/drives), 122, 374, 777 suites, defined, 778 SSH (Secure Shell), 543, 558, 739, 777 SuperDrives, 5, 52–53, 122, 125, 778 SSID (Service Set Identifier), 512, 777 SuperDuper, 234 SSL (Secure Socket Layer) authentication, 427–428, 434, superusers, 745–746 544, 777 swipe gesture, 20, 778 , 41–42, 777 switches (access points), 504, 778 standard input (STDIN), 746–747, 777 switching standard output (STDOUT), 746–747, 777 among applications, 197–198 standard user accounts, 594–595, 597 among documents, 220–221 starting Macs, 3–4 among user accounts, 597 startup (boot) process Fast User Switching, 33, 593, 597 automatic startup list, 39, 591–592 Symantec Norton Internet Security for Mac, 584 defined, 752 symbol and text substitution, 617 new features of, 704 symbolic links, 778 overview, 3 symmetric multi-processing (SMP), 730, 778 problems with, 4 synchronizing Startup Disk system preference, 651–652 iTunes with iPods, iPads, and iPhones, 339–340 startup disks Macs and iOS devices via cloud storage services, choosing, 4–5 369–370 creating additional, 127 Macs and iOS devices via iCloud defined, 777 content and apps purchased from online stores, installing Mac OS X on, 691 362–364 preventing startup from other disks, 572–573 documents and other information, 364–369 using Windows via Boot Camp, 385 overview, 331, 339, 361–362 static IP addresses, 520, 548, 777 Macs and iOS devices via iTunes on Mac status bar Apps pane, 359–360 defined, 777 Books pane, 361 Finder windows, 59 Info pane, 358–359 windows, 85 overview, 357–358 stepper controls (little arrows), 203–204, 765, 777 Preferences for iOS devices, 361 application, 299 Mail, 448 Stickies widget, 317 overview, 357 sticky keys, 157–158, 777 preventing, 340 Stocks widget, 317 system administrators, 778


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System folder, 105–106, 778 System Image Utility tool, 560–562 T Tab key, 16 utility, 311–312, 715 tabbed panes. See panes System Preferences application tabbed windows, 86 accessing, 5, 609, 611 tablets hardware preferences handwriting recognition, 619 CDs & DVDs, 622–623 options for, 628–629 Displays, 32, 623–625, 710 syncing, 497 Energy Saver, 32, 555, 625–628, 710 tap gesture, 19, 778 FibreChannel, 628 tape drives, 232 Ink, 628–629 tasks, defined, 778 Keyboard, 32, 250–251, 629–631 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Mouse, 631–634, 711 Protocol), 509, 778 Print & Scan, 634–636, 674–680, 723 TechTool Pro utility, 4, 326 Sound, 32, 636–637, 711–712 Telestream Flip4Mac utility, 327, 332, 372 Trackpad, 18–19, 637–640, 711 Telestream WMV Player Pro utility, 372 , 640 television, playing DVDs to, 289. See also videos Internet and wireless preferences Telnet, 778 Bluetooth, 33, 640–644 templates Mail, Contacts & Calendars, 364, 366, 644–645, Address Book, 477–478 709–710 defined, 778 Network, 31, 507–516, 518–521, 645, 722 stationery pads Sharing, 525–531, 645–646 creating, 217 overview, 299, 609–611, 709 creating documents with, 217 personal preferences defined, 777 Desktop & Screen Saver, 22, 611–614, 709 saving, 224 Dock, 39, 42–46, 614, 710 Terminal utility General, 614–616, 710 command prompt, 738–739 Language & Text, 32, 616–619, 710 defined, 778 Mission Control, 620–621, 711 man pages, 137, 144–145, 250, 741–742, 766 Security & Privacy, 570–572, 621, 721 multiple sessions, 737–738 Spotlight, 621–622 overview, 313, 736–737 Universal Access, 31, 147–162, 622, 780 remote access, 739 system preferences scripting shell, 740–741 Date & Time, 32, 646–647 special characters, 739–740 Parental Controls, 598–606, 647 text behavior, 778 Profiles, 647, 711 text entry utilities, 330 Software Update, 647–648 text fields, VoiceOver, 152 Speech, 162–171, 648–651, 724–725 Text services Startup Disk, 651–652 Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track, 249 Time Machine, 228, 236–239, 652, 712 Convert Selected Simplified Chinese File, 249 Users & Groups, 33, 568–570, 588–594, 598–606, Convert Selected Simplified Chinese Text, 249 652, 720–721 Convert Selected Traditional Chinese File, 249 System Preferences application icon, 37 Convert Selected Traditional Chinese Text, 249 System Profiler utility, 312 Create Collection from Text, 249 system requirements, 689–690 Create Font Library from Text, 249 system software, defined, 778 Make New Sticky Note, 250


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New TextEdit Window Containing Selection, 250 title bar Open Man Page in Terminal, 250 defined, 779 Search Man Pages in Terminal, 250 Finder windows, 58, 60–61 Show Address in Google Maps, 250 windows, 82–83, 85–86 Summarize, 250 Toast 11 Pro utility, 289, 327 TextEdit application, 299–301 Toast 11 Titanium utility, 327 TextExpander utility, 330 to-do items (reminders), iCal, 113, 484–485 Thawte, 544 toolbar threads, defined, 778–779 application, 199 3G defined, 779 defined, 779 Finder windows Internet connection devices, 517 customizing, 62–64 syncing through, 363 hiding/showing, 61 three-finger double-tap gesture, 20–21 overview, 58 three-finger swipe gesture, 21 Safari, 408 thumbs tools, defined, 188 scroll, 779 Top Sites view, Safari, 402–403, 405 slider, 779 touchpads. See trackpads Thunderbird, 573 tracked changes capability, 227 Thunderbolt connections, 122, 779 tracking, 779 Tile Game widget, 318 tracking speed, mouse, 631–632, 779 Timbuktu Pro utility, 327 Trackpad system preference, 18–19, 637–640, 711 Time Capsule device, 237, 240–241, 779 trackpads (touchpads) Time icon, menu bar, 32 behavior settings, 161–162 Time Machine application defined, 779 accessing, 31 handwriting, 669, 779 configuring in Server application, 549 overview, 18–21 defined, 779 tracks, defined, 779 overview, 231–235, 302 Translation widget, 318 recovering Mac OS X Lion from, 702 translators, 779 restoring files TransMac utility, 375 exiting Time Machine browser, 243–244 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), overview, 241–243 509, 778 searching for changes, 243 Transmit utility, 329 using Time Machine browser, 242–243 Trash folder setting up defined, 779 choosing backup disk, 237–238 deleting items, 92–93 choosing exclusions and options, 238–239 moving deleted e-mail messages to, 433 configuring, 236–237 removing applications, 191–192 using external disks, 235–236 retrieving items from, 38 using with applications, 244 Trash folder icon, 37 using with Time Capsule, 240–241 Trojan horses, 329–330, 568, 584, 780 Time Machine application icon, 37 TrueType fonts, 374, 655–656, 780 Time Machine Error dialog box, 238 turning off (shutting down) Macs, 9–10, 206–207 Time Machine icon, menu bar, 31 two-finger double-tap gesture, 20–21 Time Machine system preference, 228, 236–239, 652, 712 two-finger scroll gesture, 20 time zone, setting, 481, 487, 646–647, 699 typefaces. See fonts


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remote access, 739 U scripting shell, 740–741 UCS (Universal Character Set), 780 special characters, 739–740 UDF (Universal Disk Format), 123, 780 X11 utility, 747–748 UFS (Unix File System), 780 Unix File System (UFS), 780 unavailable status, 97 unmounting disks, 127, 780 Undo command, 92 updating Unicode, 780 applications, 191 Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), defined, 780 Mac OS X, 583 Unit Converter widget, 318–319 Software Update utility, 555, 583, 647–648, 690 Universal Access icon, menu bar, 31 upgrading firmware, 690 Universal Access system preference uploading, defined, 780 defined, 780 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), defined, 780 Hearing pane, 156–157 USB connections Keyboard pane backing up to external hard disks, 233 slow keys, 159 overview, 122 sticky keys, 157–158 USB-to-Ethernet adapters, 310, 506 Mouse & Trackpad pane Usenet, 780 adjusting behavior, 161–162 user accounts hot spots, 162 adding, 594–595 mouse keys, 160–161 administrator accounts, 587, 590, 594–595, 597, 749 overview, 159–160 defined, 5, 780 seeing pointer, 161 deleting, 595–596 overview, 31, 147–148, 622 groups, 596 Seeing pane guest accounts, 596, 761 display options, 156 logging in VoiceOver, 148–153 as different user, 745–746 zoom options, 153–155 as superuser, 745–746 , 780 login procedure, 5–7 Universal Character Set (UCS), 780 managing, 595 Universal Disk Format (UDF), 123, 780 new features of, 720–721 Universal Type Server, 663 overview, 587–588 Unix Parental Controls system preference booting into, 4 activity logs, 604 commands Apps pane, 599–601 disk and file system statistics, 744–745 Other pane, 603 file and directory management, 742–744 overview, 598–599 file and folder permissions, 744 People pane, 601–602 logging in as different user or as superuser, settings management, 604–606 745–746 Time Limits pane, 602–603 man pages, 741–742 Web pane, 601 overview, 741 passwords, 568–570 pipes, 746–747 personal settings standard input and output, 583 login items, 591–592 defined, 780 login options, 592–594 overview, 725, 735–736, 738 password, 589–591 Terminal username, 589–591 command prompt, 738–739 switching among, 597 multiple sessions, 737–738 user groups, 145, 780 overview, 736–737


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User icon, menu bar, 33 Utilities folder user preferences, 781. See also System Preferences accessing, 188, 194–195 application defined, 781 usernames preinstalled utilities in, 302–313 defined, 781 incorrect, 6 Mail, 427–428 V values, variable, 265 Time Capsule device, 240 variables, 265, 781 user accounts, 589–591 vCards users sending as e-mail attachments, 476 defined, 780 setting preferences, 478 managing via configuration profiles, 555–556 vector images, 781 overview, 545–548 verbose mode, 4, 781 Users & Groups system preference Verbosity settings, VoiceOver Utility Login Items pane, 589, 591–592 Announcements subpane, 173–174 Login Options button, 589, 592–594 Braille subpane, 173 new features of, 720–721 Hints subpane, 174 overview, 33, 568–570, 588, 652 Speech subpane, 172–173 Parental Controls Text subpane, 173 activity logs, 604 VeriSign, 544 Apps pane, 599–601 Versions capability, 222, 225–227, 713, 715, 781 Other pane, 603 video (display) mirroring, 781 overview, 598–599 video chatting, 465–467 People pane, 601–602 videoconferences, 325. See also FaceTime application settings management, 604–606 videos Time Limits pane, 602–603 AirPlay, 348 Web pane, 601 Apple TV, 348 Password pane, 589–591 DVD Player, 348–351 Users folder, 106 Home Sharing capability, 348 utilities iTunes application defined, 188, 283 buying videos, 346 extending Mac OS X with importing videos, 346 application access, 329 managing videos, 346–347 audio management, 324 playing videos, 347 battery monitoring, 324 setting preferences, 345–346 communications, 329 QuickTime Player conferencing, 325 creating video files, 354–355 disk management, 325 editing video files, 354 file synchronization, 325–326 exporting video and screencast files, 355 file transfer, 329 playing video files, 352–353 font management, 326 View menu media playback and delivery, 327 desktop view settings, 76–77 remote access, 327 folder and disk view settings, 77–79 screen capture, 327–328 overview, 29, 54–56 security, 329–330 view mode selectors, toolbar, Finder windows, 62 text entry, 330 view modes (list views) Wi-Fi monitoring, 328 defined, 62, 765 overview, 323–324 Finder windows preinstalled, 302–313 choosing, 66 unnecessary, 326 column view, 69–70


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view modes (list views) (continued) smart groups in web pages, 152 Cover Flow view, 70–72 Sound Settings pane, 177 icon view, 66–67 Speech pane list view, 67–69 Pronunciation subpane, 174–175 overview, 76–78 Voices subpane, 174 iTunes application, 339, 346–347 text fields, 152 overview, 66 Verbosity settings selecting multiple items in, 89 Announcements subpane, 173–174 virtual machines, 381, 387–392, 781 Braille subpane, 173 virtual memory, 572, 721, 731, 781 Hints subpane, 174 virtual network computing (VNC), 527–528, 536, 781 Speech subpane, 172–173 virtual private network (VPN) icon, menu bar, 31 Text subpane, 173 virtual private networks (VPNs), 429, 490, 514–515, Visuals pane 549, 553 Braille Panel subpane, 178 VirusBarrier utility, 330 Caption Panel subpane, 178 viruses, 781 Menus subpane, 178–179 Visualizer, iTunes, 343 Touch subpane, 178 VMware Fusion utility, 305, 329, 381, 387–391 VoiceOver cursor subpane, 177 VNC (virtual network computing), 527–528, 536, 781 Web pane VoiceOver Utility Navigation subpane, 176 Activities pane, 183–184 Page Loading subpane, 176 Braille pane Web Rotor subpane, 176–177 Displays subpane, 182–183 volume control, 32, 157, 343, 636–637 Layout subpane, 182 Volume icon, menu bar, 32 overview, 181 volumes buttons, 151–152 accessing, 122–123 check boxes, 151–152 defined, 121, 781 columns, 152 disconnecting disks from, 123–124 Commanders pane virtual, 122 Keyboard subpane, 180–181 VPN (virtual private network) icon, menu bar, 31 NumPad subpane, 180 VPNs (virtual private networks), 429, 490, 514–515, Quick Nav subpane, 181 549, 553 Trackpad subpane, 179–180 defined, 781 Dock, 151 W General pane waking Macs up from Sleep mode, 9 Allow VoiceOver to Be Controlled with AppleScript WANs (wide-area networks), 517, 781 option, 172 Weather widget, 318 Greeting options, 171–172 web browsers. See also Safari browser portable preferences, 172 defined, 781 help resources, 152–153 limiting access with parental controls, 601 keyboard commands, 150 managing printers via, 677 keyboard help, 150–151 reasons for using other, 419–422 menu bar, 151 setting default, 412 Navigation pane, 175 web clips, 319–321 new features of, 724–725 Web Clips widget, 319, 553 overview, 148–150, 313 web pages rows, 152 defined, 781 sliders, 151–152 overview, 541 saving as files, 410


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serving from Mac OS X, 540–541 Workgroup Manager tool, 559–561 smart groups in, 152 World Clock widget, 320 web servers, defined, 782 worms, 584, 782 web sharing, 528, 537 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 782 web spots, 177, 782 write-protect, 782 WebDAV accounts, 290, 326, 369 writing e-mail messages white points, 782 addressing, 457 white space, 782 controls, 459–460 wide-area networks (WANs), 517, 781 overview, 455–457 wide-area wireless network (WWAN) icon, menu bar, 31 setting preferences, 438–441 wide-area wireless networks (WWANs), 31, 782 text entry, 457–459 widgets WS_ FTP Pro utility, 381 Adobe AIR, 329 WWAN (wide-area wireless network) icon, menu bar, 31 defined, 283, 782 WWANs (wide-area wireless networks), 31, 782 managing, 314–315 from other sources, 320–321 overview, 313–314 X preinstalled, 315–320 X11 utility, 313, 734, 747–748, 782 Widgets widget, 319–320 , 530, 782 Wi-Fi connections XNU kernel, 728–729, 782 connecting Macs directly, 516 Xsan system preference, 640 defined, 645, 782 setting up Macs for, 512–513 Wi-Fi icon, menu bar, 31 Y Yuuguu utility, 325 Wi-Fi monitoring utilities, 328 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 782 wikis, 549 Z wildcards, 739, 741, 743, 782 Zip disks, 232 Window menu, 29–30, 58 Zip files windows. See also Finder windows compressing items into, 96 active and inactive, 85–86 defined, 782 controls extracting contents of, 96 scroll bar, 83–85 installing downloaded applications, 190 status bar, 85 utilities for, 326 title bar, 82–83 Zoom button, windows, 83 new features of zoom screen gesture, 20 navigating, 705 zooming sizing, 708 with mouse, 633 sizing, 85 Safari, 409 switching between, 86 Seeing pane, Universal Access system preference Windows integration. See Microsoft Windows integration Maximum Zoom and Minimum Zoom sliders, 153 Windows Phone 7 devices, 497 Show Preview Rectangle When Zoomed Out Windows Phone 7 utilities, 329 option, 154 Windows storage media, 374–375 Smooth Images option, 154–155 wired connections, 506 Use Scroll Wheel with Modifier Keys to Zoom wireless connections, 506–507 option, 155 WMV Player Pro utility, 372 When Zoomed In, Screen Image Moves options, 155 Word, 574 Zoom Follows Keyboard Focus option, 155 Word Break feature, 617–618 with trackpad, 638–639 workflows, 274–279, 286, 782


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