Review of the Electoral Arrangements of the of Blaenau

Draft Proposals Report

September 2018

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This is our report containing our Draft Proposals for County Borough Council.

In September 2013, the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (the Act) came into force. This was the first piece of legislation affecting the Commission for over 40 years and reformed and revamped the Commission, as well as changing the name of the Commission to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.

The Commission published its Council Size Policy for Wales’ 22 Principal Councils, its first review programme and a new Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice document reflecting the changes made in the Act. A glossary of terms used in this report can be found at Appendix 1, with the rules and procedures at Appendix 4.

This review of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council is the ninth of the programme of reviews conducted under the new Act and Commission’s policy and practice. The issue of fairness is set out clearly in the legislation and has been a key principle for our Policy and Practice. We are also required to look to the future and have asked the Council to give us predictions of the number of electors in 5 years time. We also look at the number of electors not registered to vote.

In working up our proposals, we have considered local ties and those who wish to retain current boundaries. We have looked carefully at every representation made to us. However, we have had to balance these issues and representations against all the other factors we have to consider and the constraints set out above. In particular, the requirement for electoral parity, democratic fairness for all electors, is the dominant factor in law and this is what we have tried to apply.

Finally, may I thank the Members and officers of the Principal Council for their assistance in helping us develop our draft proposals, the and Town Councils for their contribution and last, but most importantly, all who made representations.

We look forward to receiving any views you may wish to share.

Owen Watkin OBE DL Chair




Contents Page Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Summary of Draft Proposals 2 Chapter 3 Assessment 5 Chapter 4 The Draft Proposals 7 Chapter 5 Summary of Proposed Arrangements 44 Chapter 6 Consequential Arrangements 46 Chapter 7 Responses to the Draft Proposals 49 Chapter 8 Acknowledgements 50


1st Edition printed September 2018

The Commission welcomes correspondence and telephone calls in Welsh or English. Mae’r ddogfen ar hon ar gael yn y Gymraeg.

The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales Hastings House Fitzalan Court CARDIFF CF24 0BL Tel Number: (029) 2046 4819 Fax Number: (029) 2046 4823 E-mail: [email protected] www.ldbc.gov.wales


Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (the Commission) is conducting a review of the electoral arrangements of the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent. This review is being conducted in accordance with the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (the Act), specifically Sections 29, 30 and 34-36. 2. The Commission has a duty to conduct a review of all 22 of Wales’ Principal Councils every ten years. This ten-year programme was due to commence in January 2014. However, due to the uncertainties in local government at the time the Commission suspended its programme. This programme of reviews has come as a result of the former Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government’s Written Statement of 23 June 2016, where the Commission was asked to restart its programme of reviews with an expectation that all 22 electoral reviews be completed in time for the new arrangements to be put in place for the 2022 local government elections. The Written Statement can be found at Appendix 6. 3. The rules and procedures the Commission follows can be found in the Commission’s Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice [2016] and outlined in Appendix 4. 4. A Glossary of Terms can be found at Appendix 1, providing a short description of some of the common terminology used within this report. 5. The Commission is now seeking views on the proposed electoral arrangements identified at Chapter 4 in this report. On receipt of these views the Commission will consider the representations and make final proposals to Welsh Government. It will then be for Welsh Government Ministers to make the Order, if they deem it appropriate, with or without modification. 6. The Commission welcomes representations that are based on evidence and facts which are relevant to the proposals under consideration.

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Chapter 2. SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS • The Commission proposes a change to the arrangement of electoral wards that will achieve a significant improvement in the level of electoral parity across the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent. • The Commission proposes a council of 33 members, down from 42. This results in a proposed county average of 1,545 electors per member. • The Commission proposes 14 electoral wards, a reduction from 16 existing wards. • The largest under-representation (in terms of electoral variance) within the proposals is (13% above the proposed county average). At present the greatest under- representation is in Cwm (5% above the proposed county average). • The largest over-representation (in terms of electoral variance) within the proposals is (15% below the proposed county average). At present the greatest over- representation is in (44% below the proposed county average). • The Commission is proposing 14 multi-member wards in the county borough; consisting of nine two-member electoral wards and five three-member electoral wards. • The Commission has proposed no changes to 4 electoral wards. • The Commission proposes to split one existing community across the county borough. (Beaufort) • The Commission received one representation from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Commission considered the representation carefully before it formulated its proposals. A summary of the representation can be found at Appendix 5. • The Commission has included two options for the electoral wards of , Blaina, Brynmawr, Cwm, , , and Six Bells. Option A is the Commissions recommended arrangements for the area; Option B illustrates the arrangement put forward as part of the County Borough Council representation. Option A returns a proposed council membership of 33 and a proposed county average of 1,545 electors per member. Option B returns a proposed council membership of 34 and a proposed county average of 1,499 electors per member. The variances in the proposals listed throughout the report are based on a variance from a proposed council membership of 33. There would be a slight change in the variance if the Commission was to propose Option B and a proposed council membership of 34. Summary Maps 1. On the following pages are thematic maps illustrating the current and proposed arrangements and their variances from the proposed county average of 1,545 electors per member. Those areas in green are within +/-10% of the county average; yellow and hatched yellow between +/-10% and +/-25% of the county average; orange and hatched orange between +/-25% and +/-50% of the county average; and, those in red and hatched red are over +/-50% of the county average. 2. As can be seen from these maps the proposed arrangements provide for a significant improvement in electoral parity across the county.

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Council size 1. The number of elected members for the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent has been determined by the Commission’s Council Size Policy and methodology. This policy can be found in our Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice document. At present the size of the council at 42 members is 12 members above the methodology’s overall aim. The methodology sets out a size of the Council of 38 for this review. 2. The Commission reviewed the electoral arrangements for the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent in the light of our methodology and took account of the representation which had been made. For the reasons given below the Commission believes that in the interests of effective and convenient local government a council of 33 members would be appropriate to represent the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent (see page 43).

Number of electors 3. The numbers shown as the electorate for 2017 and the estimates for the electorate in the year 2022 are those submitted by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The forecast figures supplied by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council show a forecasted increase in the electorate of Blaenau Gwent from 50,980 to 51,255. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have also provided their estimated number of persons eligible to vote but who are not on the electoral register. This showed an estimated 18,564 more people eligible to vote than the 2017 electorate.

Councillor to electorate ratio 4. In respect of the number of electors per councillor in each electoral ward there is a wide variation from the current county average of 1,214 electors per councillor ranging from 29% below (861 electors) (Six Bells) to 34% above (1,623 electors) (Cwm). The determination of the council of 33 members (see paragraph 2) results in an average of 1,545 electors being represented by each councillor. 5. The Commission considered the ratio of local government electors to the number of councillors to be elected, with a view to proposing changes to ensure that the number of local government electors shall be, as near as may be, the same in every ward in the principal area. The size and character of the council was considered as were a wide range of other factors including local topography, road communications, and local ties.

Judgement and Balance 6. In producing a scheme of electoral arrangements the Commission must have regard to a number of issues contained in the legislation. It is not always possible to resolve all of these, sometimes conflicting, issues. In the proposed scheme the Commission has placed emphasis on achieving improvements in electoral parity whilst maintaining community ties wherever possible. The Commission has made every effort to ensure that the revised electoral wards are an appropriate combination of existing communities and community wards.

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7. The Commission is of the view that, in the first instance, it is desirable that each electoral ward of a principal authority area should return a single-member. In some areas however, because of the number of electors in a community or community ward the Commission has considered the retention or creation of multi-member wards in order to achieve appropriate levels of electoral parity. This issue often arises in urban areas where the number of electors is too high to form a single-member ward. It also may arise in more rural wards where the creation of single-member wards would result in substantial variances in electoral parity. The Commission acknowledges the established practice of multi-member wards within the County Borough and this is reflected in the Commission’s proposals. 8. The Commission has looked at each area and is satisfied that it would be difficult to achieve electoral arrangements that keep the existing combination of communities and community wards without having a detrimental effect on one or more of the other issues that the Commission must consider. The Commission recognises however that there may be different combinations of communities and community wards that better reflect community ties and it would welcome any alternative suggestions that comply with the legislation.

Electoral Ward Names 9. In the creation of these draft proposals the Commission has considered the names of all the electoral wards proposed in Welsh and English, where appropriate. For these draft proposals we have selected names of either electoral wards or communities that appear in Orders, where they exist, as these are considered to be the existing legal names. Views are welcomed on the proposed names and any alternative names suggested will be considered. 10. The Commission consulted with the Welsh Language Commissioner on the suitability of the names in their draft form prior to the publication of these draft proposals, with a particular focus on the Welsh language names. This recognises the Welsh Language Commissioner’s responsibility to advise on the standard forms of Welsh place-names and specialist knowledge in the field. It must be clear that these proposals are not proposals for changes to any place names. At each proposal an indication is given of the Welsh Language Commissioner’s recommendation and, where they differ, the specific recommendation and why they proposed an alternative to the Commission’s proposed name. It is hoped that this process will encourage debate on the proposed names and will ensure the eventual, final proposals of the Commission are accurate and meet local wishes.

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Chapter 4. THE DRAFT PROPOSALS 1. The Commission’s proposals are described in detail in this chapter. For each new proposal the report sets out: • The name(s) of the existing electoral wards which wholly or in part constitute the proposed ward; • A brief description of the existing electoral wards in terms of the number of electors now and projected and their percentage variance from the proposed county average; • Key arguments made during the initial consultation (if any). Although not all representations are mentioned in this section, all representations have been considered and a summary can be found at Appendix 5; • The views of the Commission; • The composition of the proposed electoral ward and the proposed name; • A map of the proposed electoral ward.

Proposed Electoral Community Community Ward Ward Boundary Boundaries Boundaries

Retained Electoral Wards 2. The Commission has considered the electoral arrangements of the existing electoral wards and the ratio of local government electors to the number of councillors to be elected. It is proposed that the existing arrangements should be retained within the following electoral wards: Brynmawr, Cwm, South, Georgetown and 3. During the initial consultation period the Commission received one representation, from the Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council which suggested changing the name of the electoral ward of Central and West to Tredegar. 4. Whilst the Commission is recommending to preserve the geographical arrangements within the electoral wards listed above, it is proposing to introduce new electoral ward names for the following (names displayed in bold throughout the remainder of this report denote the Commission’s proposed electoral ward name preferences): 5. The Electoral Ward of Sirhowy to retain the English language name of Sirhowy, based on The Borough of Blaenau Gwent (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1992, and to be given the Welsh language name of Sirhywi based on the recommendation of the Welsh Language Commissioner. 6. The Commission would welcome any comments on the names mentioned in this section.

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Proposed Electoral Wards 7. The Commission considered changes to the remaining electoral wards. Details of the current electoral arrangements can be found at Appendix 2. The Commission’s proposed arrangements can be found at Appendix 3.

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Tredegar Central and West 8. The existing Tredegar Central & West electoral ward is comprised of the Tredegar Central and West ward of the Town of Tredegar. It has 3,997 electors (4,073 projected electors) represented by four councillors which is 35% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 6,151 eligible electors. 9. The Commission received one representation concerning this ward from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. They suggested retaining the existing electoral ward, with a reduction of one member. They also suggested that the ward name should be simplified to Tredegar. 10. The Commission notes the level of over-representation in the existing electoral ward of Tredegar Central and West and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 11. The Commission proposes the Tredegar Central & West ward is used to form an electoral ward of 3,997 electors (4,073 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), would result in a level of representation that is 14% below the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the single name of Tredegar. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 12. The Commission agrees with the recommendation made by the Council for this area, and the improvement in electoral parity. The Commission believes the compact, distinct urban centre, within the town ward, would provide for an effective electoral ward. The Commission believes that established community, communication and social links within the Tredegar Central and West ward can be utilised to assist in this aim.

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Badminton, Beaufort and Rassau 13. The existing Badminton electoral ward is comprised of the Community of Badminton. It has 2,438 electors (2,436 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 21% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 3,212 eligible electors. 14. The existing Beaufort electoral ward is comprised of the Community of Beaufort. It has 2,776 electors (2,770 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 10% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 3,759 eligible electors. 15. The existing Rassau electoral ward is comprised of the Community of Rassau. It has 2,460 electors (2,477 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 20% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 3,217 eligible electors. 16. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the Community of Beaufort using the A465. They proposed combining the northern part (with 580 electors) of Beaufort with the Community of Rassau. The southern part (with 2,196 electors) of Beaufort would then be combined with the Community of Badminton. 17. The Council also proposed transferring a small area with no electors from the existing Badminton electoral ward to the existing electoral ward. As this area contained no electors it is not in the scope of the review and the Commission cannot make any proposals including such changes. This proposal would need to be conducted in a community review under Section 31 of the Act, led by the Council. 18. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Badminton and Rassau electoral wards and in the wider area, and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 19. The Commission proposes to apply the boundaries as submitted by the Council to combine the northern part of the Community of Beaufort with the Community of Rassau to form a new electoral ward with 3,040 electors (3,077 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 2% below the proposed county average. 20. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Rassa a Garnlydan, and the English language name of Rassau and Garnlydan. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed names. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative. 21. The Commission proposes as a consequence to apply the boundaries as submitted by the Council to combine the southern part of the Community of Beaufort with the Community of Badminton to form a new electoral ward with 4,634 electors (4,632 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, would result in a level of representation that is equal to the proposed county average. 22. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the single name of Beaufort. The Welsh Language Commissioner notes that Cendl is the standard Welsh form recommended by the reference book, A Gazetteer of Welsh Place-Names (University of Wales Press, 1967)

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(Gazetteer of Welsh Place-Names). The Welsh Language Commissioner’s Place-Names Standardisation Panel recommends the use of both forms as both are well established. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 23. The Commission agrees with the recommendation made by the Council for this area, and the improvement in electoral parity. The Commission believes that the proposed electoral wards share common identities and combining the areas as proposed would provide for effective electoral wards which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area. 24. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential arrangements for the community area of Beaufort; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6.

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Ebbw Vale North 25. The existing Ebbw Vale North electoral ward is comprised of the Community of Ebbw Vale North. It has 3,278 electors (3,216 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 29% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,638 eligible electors. 26. The Commission received one representation concerning this ward from Blaenau County Borough Council. They suggested retaining the existing electoral ward, with a reduction of one member. The Council also proposed transferring a small area with no electors from the existing Ebbw Vale North electoral ward to the existing electoral ward. As this area contained no electors it is not in the scope of the review and the Commission cannot make any proposals including such changes. This proposal would need to be conducted in a community review under Section 31 of the Act, led by the Council. 27. The Commission notes the level of over-representation in the existing electoral ward of Ebbw Vale North and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 28. The Commission proposes the Ebbw Vale North ward is used to form an electoral ward of 3,278 electors (3,216 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), would result in a level of representation that is 6% above the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Gogledd Glynebwy and the English language name of Ebbw Vale North. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 29. The Commission agrees with the recommendation made by the Council for this area, and the improvement in electoral parity. The Commission believes that the improvement in electoral parity within this compact, distinct urban centre, within the wider Ebbw Vale community area, would provide for an effective electoral ward. The Commission believes that established community, communication and social links within the Ebbw Vale North ward can be utilised to assist in this aim.

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Recommendation and Alternative Arrangement for Abertillery, Blaina, Brynmawr, Cwm, Cwmtillery, Llanhilleth, Nantyglo and Six Bells

30. The Commission has provided its proposals for the remaining seven electoral wards in the County Borough in Option A at pages 19 to 30. The Commission received a representation from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council setting out a set of proposals including changes to community boundaries, and significant change to the existing electoral arrangements. Both sets of proposals return electoral wards that have variances that provide improvements to the existing electoral arrangements and reduce the number of councillors for the electoral wards, thereby, achieving the Commission’s council size aim for the County Borough. 31. Whilst the Council’s representation and proposals for the area appear coherent and practical the Commission felt there was insufficient evidence of support from local residents or Town and Community Councils. The Commission has therefore provided an explanation of both options to enable the public and interested parties to have the opportunity to make representations. The Council’s proposals are set out in Option B on pages 31 to 42. 32. The Commission’s proposals address the levels of representation in the remaining electoral wards, reduce the number of councillors and retain a significant amount of the existing boundaries within the region conforming to the Commission’s desire to retain whole communities. The Council’s proposals better address the levels of representation in the remaining electoral wards, and reduce the number of councillors. However, it is a significant departure from the existing arrangements and as it splits a number of existing community areas it increases the risk of breaking local ties. 33. With regards to the projected 2022 electoral statistics, all the proposed wards within both options have an appropriate electoral variance in 2022.

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Blaina: Option A 34. The existing Blaina electoral ward is comprised of the community ward of Blaina of the Town Council of . It has 3,479 electors (3,511 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 25% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,693 eligible electors. 35. The Commission received one representation concerning this ward from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Blaina and Nantyglo electoral wards, transferring the area centred on the Rising Sun Industrial Estate and the Central Park Playing Fields (with 132 electors), from the Blaina ward, into the Nantyglo ward. The Council proposed a reduction of one councillor in both wards. The Council also proposed the transfer of the Lakeside Housing Estate from the Nantyglo ward to the Brynmawr ward. 36. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Blaina electoral ward and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 37. The Commission proposes to retain the existing composition of the Blaina electoral ward of 3,479 electors (3,511 projected electors) and be represented by two councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), resulting in a level of representation that is 13% above the proposed county average. 38. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Y Blaenau and the English language name of Blaina. The Welsh Language Commissioner does not consider the Welsh definite article to be an integral part of the name. The Welsh Language Commissioner therefore recommends the Welsh language name of Blaenau. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 39. The Commission considered the recommendation made by the Council for this area. The Commission considered that the changes to the proposed electoral wards are not necessary to provide for effective electoral wards. The Commission has proposed electoral wards that are recognisable to the electorate and which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area, as well as improve the electoral parity.

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Nantyglo: Option A 40. The existing Nantyglo electoral ward is comprised of the Nantyglo ward of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina. It has 3,289 electors (3,358 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 29% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,535 eligible electors. 41. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Blaina and Nantyglo electoral wards, transferring the area centred on the Rising Sun Industrial Estate and the Central Park Playing Fields (with 132 electors), from the Blaina ward, into the Nantyglo ward. The Council proposed a reduction of one councillor in both wards. The Council also proposed the transfer of the Lakeside Housing Estate from the Nantyglo ward to the Brynmawr ward. 42. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Nantyglo electoral ward and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 43. The Commission proposes to retain the existing composition of the Nantyglo electoral ward of 3,289 electors (3,358 projected electors) and be represented by two councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), resulting in a level of representation that is 6% above the proposed county average. 44. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Nant-y- glo and the English language name of Nantyglo. The Welsh Language Commissioner notes that Nant-y-glo is the standard Welsh form recommended by the Gazetteer of Welsh Place- Names. The Welsh Language Commissioner states that hyphens should be used to aid in the pronunciation of the Welsh place name, and that a single form should be used when the difference is very minor, with a preference given to the Welsh language, in this instance being Nant-y-glo for both forms. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 45. The Commission considered the recommendation made by the Council for this area. The Commission considered that the changes to the proposed electoral wards are not necessary to provide for effective electoral wards. The Commission has proposed electoral wards that are recognisable to the electorate and which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area, as well as improve the electoral parity.

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Cwmtillery: Option A 46. The existing Cwmtillery electoral ward is comprised of the Cwmtillery ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 3,435 electors (3,491 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 26% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,643 eligible electors. 47. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the ward of Abertillery using the A467 and Alma Street. They proposed combining the western part (with 986 electors) of Abertillery with the community ward of Cwmtillery. The eastern part (with 2,217 electors) of Abertillery would then be combined with the ward of Six Bells. 48. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Cwmtillery electoral ward and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 49. The Commission proposes to retain the existing composition of the Cwmtillery electoral ward of 3,435 electors (3,491 projected electors) and be represented by two councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), resulting in a level of representation that is 11% above the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Cwmtyleri and the English language name of Cwmtillery. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 50. The Commission considered the recommendation made by the Council for this area. The Commission considered that the changes to the proposed electoral wards are not necessary to provide for effective electoral wards. The Commission has proposed electoral wards that are recognisable to the electorate and which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area, as well as improve the electoral parity.

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Abertillery and Six Bells: Option A 51. The existing Abertillery electoral ward is comprised of the Abertillery ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 3,203 electors (3,193 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 31% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,284 eligible electors. 52. The existing Six Bells electoral ward is comprised of the Six Bells ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 1,721 electors (1,748 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 44% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 2,472 eligible electors. 53. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the ward of Abertillery using the A467 and Alma Street. They proposed combining eastern part (with 2,217 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Six Bells. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Llanhilleth and Six Bells electoral wards; transferring the area of (with 295 electors), from the Llanhilleth ward, into the Six Bells ward. The Council also proposed combining the western part (with 986 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Cwmtillery. 54. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Abertillery and Six Bells electoral wards and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 55. The Commission proposes to combine the Abertillery and Six Bells wards to form an electoral ward of 4,924 electors (4,941 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 6% above the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Abertyleri and the English language name of Abertillery. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 56. The Commission considered the recommendation made by the Council for this area. The Commission considered that the changes to the proposed electoral wards are not necessary to provide for effective electoral wards. The Commission has proposed electoral wards that are recognisable to the electorate and which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area, as well as improve the electoral parity.

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Llanhilleth: Option A 57. The existing Llanhilleth electoral ward is composed of the Aberbeeg and Llanhilleth wards of the Community of Llanhilleth. It has 3,395 electors (3,430 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 27% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,801 eligible electors. 58. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the ward of Abertillery using the A467 and Alma Street. They proposed combining eastern part (with 2,217 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Six Bells. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Llanhilleth and Six Bells electoral wards; transferring the area of Aberbeeg (with 295 electors), from the Llanhilleth ward, into the Six Bells ward. The Council also proposed combining the western part (with 986 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Cwmtillery. 59. The Commission notes the relatively high level of over-representation in the existing Llanhilleth electoral ward and has considered the recommendations of the Council for this area. 60. The Commission proposes to retain the existing composition of the Llanhilleth electoral ward of 3,395 electors (3,430 projected electors) and be represented by two councillors, (a reduction of one councillor), resulting in a level of representation that is 10% above the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Llanhilledd and the English language name of Llanhilleth. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 61. The Commission considered the recommendation made by the Council for this area. The Commission considered that the changes to the proposed electoral wards are not necessary to provide for effective electoral wards. The Commission has proposed electoral wards that are recognisable to the electorate and which would build on the established community, communication and social links within the area, as well as improve the electoral parity.

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Brynmawr and Nantyglo: Option B 62. The existing Brynmawr electoral ward is composed of the Brynmawr North and Brynmawr South wards of the Town of Brynmawr. It has 3,955 electors (3,975 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 15% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 5,593 eligible electors. 63. The existing Nantyglo electoral ward is composed of the Nantyglo ward of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina. It has 3,289 electors (3,358 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 29% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,535 eligible electors. 64. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council proposed a boundary change between the Brynmawr and Nantyglo electoral wards. The County Borough Council proposed to transfer the Lakeside Housing Estate (with 322 electors), from the Nantyglo ward into the Brynmawr ward. 65. The Council proposes to form a new Brynmawr electoral ward as shown on page 30 with 4,277 electors (4,312 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 8% below the proposed county average. 66. The Council has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Bryn-mawr and the English language name of Brynmawr. The Welsh Language Commissioner states that if the difference between the Welsh and English form is minor, the use of a single form is recommended, with preference to the Welsh form, in this instance being Bryn-mawr for both forms. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 67. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential arrangements for Brynmawr or Nantyglo and Blaina Town Councils; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6. 68. The Commission believes that the proposed electoral ward could share a common identity and combining the areas as proposed could provide for an effective electoral ward which could build on the community, communication and social links within the area.

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Blaina and Nantyglo: Option B 69. The existing Blaina electoral ward is comprised of the community ward of Blaina of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina. It has 3,479 electors (3,511 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 25% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,693 eligible electors. 70. The existing Nantyglo electoral ward is comprised of the Nantyglo ward of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina. It has 3,289 electors (3,358 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 29% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,535 eligible electors. 71. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Blaina and Nantyglo electoral wards, transferring the area centred on the Rising Sun Industrial Estate and the Central Park Playing Fields (with 132 electors), from the Blaina ward, into the Nantyglo ward. The Council proposed a reduction of one councillor in both wards. The Council also proposed the transfer of the Lakeside Housing Estate from the Nantyglo ward to the Brynmawr ward as on page 29. 72. The Council proposes to form a new Blaina electoral ward as shown on page 32 with 3,347 electors (3,372 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 8% above the proposed county average. 73. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Y Blaenau and the English language name of Blaina. The Welsh Language Commissioner does not consider the Welsh definite article to be an integral part of the name. The Welsh Language Commissioner therefore recommends the Welsh language name of Blaenau. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 74. The Council also proposes to form a new Nantyglo electoral ward as shown on page 33 with 3,099 electors (3,133 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, would result in a level of representation that is equal to the proposed county average. 75. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Nant-y- glo and the English language name of Nantyglo. The Welsh Language Commissioner notes that Nant-y-glo is the standard Welsh form recommended by the Gazetteer of Welsh Place- Names. The Welsh Language Commissioner states that hyphens should be used to aid in the pronunciation of the Welsh place name, and that a single form should be used when the difference is very minor, with a preference given to the Welsh language, in this instance being Nant-y-glo for both forms. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 76. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential warding arrangements for Nantyglo and Blaina Town Council; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6. 77. The Commission believes that the minor change to the proposed electoral wards could provide for effective electoral wards which could build on the established community, communication and social links within the area.

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Abertillery and Cwmtillery: Option B 78. The existing Abertillery electoral ward is comprised of the Abertillery ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 3,203 electors (3,193 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 31% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,284 eligible electors. 79. The existing Cwmtillery electoral ward is composed of the Cwmtillery ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 3,435 electors (3,491 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 26% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,643 eligible electors. 80. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the ward of Abertillery using the A467 and Alma Street. They proposed combining the western part (with 986 electors) of Abertillery with the community ward of Cwmtillery. The eastern part (with 2,217 electors) of Abertillery would then be combined with the ward of Six Bells which is discussed on page 23. 81. The Council proposes to form a new Cwmtillery electoral ward as shown on page 36 with 4,421 electors (4,482 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 5% below the proposed county average. The Council has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Cwmtyleri and the English language name of Cwmtillery. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 82. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential arrangements for Abertillery and Llanhilleth Community Council; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6. 83. The Commission believes that the change to the proposed electoral wards could provide for effective electoral wards which could build on the established community, communication and social links within the area.

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Abertillery, Llanhilleth and Six Bells: Option B 84. The existing Abertillery electoral ward is comprised of the Abertillery ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 3,203 electors (3,193 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 31% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,284 eligible electors. 85. The existing Llanhilleth electoral ward is composed of the Aberbeeg and Llanhilleth wards of the Community of Llanhilleth. It has 3,395 electors (3,430 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 27% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,801 eligible electors. 86. The existing Six Bells electoral ward is comprised of the Six Bells ward of the Community of Abertillery. It has 1,721 electors (1,748 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 44% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 2,472 eligible electors. 87. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed to split the ward of Abertillery using the A467 and Alma Street. They proposed combining western part (with 986 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Cwmtillery. The Council proposed a boundary change between the Llanhilleth and Six Bells electoral wards; transferring the area of Aberbeeg (with 295 electors), from the Llanhilleth ward, into the Six Bells ward. The Council also proposed combining the eastern part (with 2,217 electors) of Abertillery with the ward of Six Bells as discussed on page 23. 88. The Council proposes to form a new Abertillery electoral ward as shown on page 38 with 4,239 electors (4,229 projected electors) which, if represented by three councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 9% below the proposed county average. The Council has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Abertyleri and the English language name of Abertillery. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 89. The Council also proposes to form a new Llanhilleth electoral ward as shown on page 39 with 3,100 electors (3,158 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, would result in a level of representation that is equal to the proposed county average. The Commission has given the proposed electoral ward the Welsh language name of Llanhilledd and the English language name of Llanhilleth. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 90. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential arrangements for Abertillery and Llanhilleth Community Council; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6. 91. The Commission believes that the changes to the proposed electoral wards could provide for effective electoral wards which could build on the established community, communication and social links within the area.

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Cwm and Llanhilleth: Option B 92. The existing Cwm electoral ward is composed of the Community of Cwm. It has 3,246 electors (3,283 projected electors) represented by two councillors which is 5% above the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,207 eligible electors. 93. The existing Llanhilleth electoral ward is comprised of the Aberbeeg and Llanhilleth wards of the Community of Llanhilleth. It has 3,395 electors (3,430 projected electors) represented by three councillors which is 27% below the proposed county average. The electoral ward has an estimated population of 4,801 eligible electors. 94. The Commission received one representation concerning these wards from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. The Council proposed boundary changes between the Cwm and Llanhilleth electoral wards.The Council proposed to transfer the area at the end of Cwm Road (with 6 electors), from the Cwm ward into the Llanhilleth ward. The Council also proposed to transfer the area of Aberbeeg from Llanhilleth to Six Bells as described on page 23. 95. The Council proposes to form a new Cwm electoral ward as shown on page 42 with 3,240 electors (3,277 projected electors) which, if represented by two councillors, would result in a level of representation that is 5% above the proposed county average. The Council has given the proposed electoral ward the single name of Cwm. The Welsh Language Commissioner is in agreement with the proposed name. The Commission would welcome any suggestions for alternative names. 96. The Council has made no suggestions as to the consequential arrangements for Abertillery and Llanhilleth Community Council; these have been considered by the Commission in Chapter 6. 97. The Commission believes that the area to be transferred from the existing Cwm electoral ward is well connected to the existing Llanhilleth ward and the transfer is suitably justified in order to improve the level of electoral parity throughout the wider area.

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Conclusion 98. The Commission has considered both the options for this region. 99. The proposals as put forward by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council (Option B) for this region successfully address the level of representation in the region. Option B reduces the number of councillors for the region which also helps align the option with the Commission’s council size aim for the entire county borough. This option makes significant boundary changes throughout the region and there is a significant shift in electors between electoral wards as a result. 100. The Council’s proposals have merits in addressing the levels of representation. Although Option B works well mathematically, it is a significant departure from the existing arrangements and as it splits a number of existing community areas it increases the risk of breaking local ties. Whilst the Council’s representation and proposals for the area appear coherent and practical the Commission felt at this stage there was insufficient evidence of support from local residents or Town and Community Councils. 101. The Commission’s proposals (Option A) successfully address the level of representation in the region and reduce the number of councillors for the region which also helps align with the Commission’s council size aim for the county borough. Although the Commission’s proposals do not return as high an improvement in electoral variance as the Council’s proposals it retains a significant amount of the existing boundaries within the region and it conforms to the Commission’s desire to retain whole communities in order to maintain local ties. 102. With regards to the projected 2022 electoral statistics, all the proposed wards within both options have an appropriate electoral variance in 2022. 103. The Commission considered the effects of both options on the final council membership. The Commissions Council Size Policy sets out an overall council size for Blaenau Gwent of 30. The Commission then applies constraints to this number. The council size policy states that there should be a maximum level of change at each review of 10%. The Council Size aim for this review is therefore 38. The Council representation stated that one of the overriding aims of their proposals was to reduce the number of councillors from 42 to 34. The Commission proposals return a council size of 33. This number is still above the minimum amount of members as set out in the Commissions Council Size Policy. 104. The Commission is presently minded to recommend that Option A be adopted for this region. The Commission is presenting both options and is open to proposing the recommendations of the Council should it receive any representations that provide cogent arguments in support of those arrangements.

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Chapter 5. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ARRANGEMENTS 1. The existing electoral arrangements (as shown at Appendix 2) provide for the following levels of electoral representation within the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent: • Electoral variance ranges from 29% below the current county average (Six Bells) to 34% above the current county average (Cwm) of 1,214 electors per councillor. • Three electoral wards (19%) have levels of representation more than 25% above or below the current county average of 1,214 electors per councillor. • Five electoral wards (31%) have levels of representation between 10% and 25% above or below the current county average of 1,214 electors per councillor. • Eight electoral wards (50%) have levels of representation less than 10% above or below the current county average of 1,214 electors per councillor. 2. In comparison with the existing electoral arrangements shown above, the proposed electoral arrangements (as shown in Appendix 3) illustrate the following improvements to the electoral representation across the County Borough: • Electoral variance ranges from 15% below the proposed county average (Brynmawr) to 13% above the proposed county average (Blaina) of 1,545 electors per councillor. • None of the electoral wards have levels of representation more than 25% above or below the proposed county average of 1,545 electors per councillor. • Four electoral wards (29%) have levels of representation between 10% and 25% above or below the proposed county average of 1,545 electors per councillor. • Ten electoral wards (71%) have levels of representation less than 10% above or below the proposed county average of 1,545 electors per councillor. 3. As described in Appendix 4, in producing a scheme of electoral arrangements the Commission must have regard to a number of issues contained in the legislation. It is not always possible to resolve all of these, sometimes conflicting, issues. In the Commission’s proposed scheme it has placed emphasis on achieving improvements in electoral parity whilst maintaining community ties wherever possible. The Commission recognises that the creation of electoral wards, which depart from the pattern which now exists, may impact upon existing ties between communities and straddle multiple community councils. The Commission has made every effort to ensure that the revised electoral wards are appropriate combinations of existing community and community wards. 4. The Commission has looked at each area and are satisfied that it would be difficult to achieve electoral arrangements that keep the existing combination of communities and community wards without having a detrimental effect on one or more of the other issues that it must consider. The Commission recognises however that there may be different combinations of communities and community wards that better reflect community ties and it would welcome any alternative suggestions that comply with the legislation. 5. In this document the proposed electoral wards have been given working names which are intended to represent an area rather than particular settlements, villages, or towns. The Commission recognises that there may be names that are more appropriate and it would welcome alternative suggestions. The Commission would request that these suggested

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names should not merely consist of listed communities and villages but, instead, should reflect the character of the areas involved as well as being effective in either English or Welsh. 6. This draft scheme represents the Commission’s preliminary views on the electoral arrangements for the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent. It shall welcome any representations in respect of these proposals. The Commission will consider carefully all representations made to it with respect of them before formulating our final proposals and submitting them to the Welsh Government.

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Chapter 6. CONSEQUENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. In considering the changes to electoral wards where the Commission has proposed boundary changes, it has also been necessary to consider the consequence of these changes to the boundaries and electoral arrangements of the community and town councils. This section of the report details our proposals for such consequential changes. The electoral statistics used in this section were provided by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council. Community and Community Ward Boundaries 2. There is one change to an electoral ward which, as a consequence, the Commission must consider the underlying community and community ward arrangements. The proposed change to community and community ward boundaries are as follows:

Beaufort Community Area 3. The proposed electoral wards of Beaufort and Rassau and Garnlydan are proposed to have the same consequential change to the Beaufort Community Area. The Beaufort Community Area will be split to create two new Community Areas of Beaufort and Garnlydan, as illustrated on the maps at page 12 and 13. Further Community and Community Ward Boundaries 4. If, in our final recommendations, the Commission were to recommend Option B there would be a further five changes to electoral wards which, as a consequence, the Commission must consider to the underlying community and community ward arrangements. The proposed changes to community and community ward boundaries are as follows:

Abertillery and Llanhilleth Community Council 5. The proposed electoral ward of Abertillery is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Abertillery and Six Bells wards of the Community of Abertillery, as illustrated on the map at page 38. 6. The proposed electoral ward of Cwmtillery is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Abertillery ward of the Community of Abertillery, as illustrated on the map at page 36. 7. The proposed electoral ward of Cwm is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Cwm ward of the Community of Cwm, as illustrated on the map at page 42. 8. The proposed electoral ward of Llanhilleth is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Aberbeeg ward of the Community of Llanhilleth, as illustrated on the map at page 39.

Brynmawr Town Council 9. The proposed electoral ward of Brynmawr is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Brynmawr South ward of the Town of Brynmawr, as illustrated on the map at page 30.

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Nantyglo and Blaina Town Council 10. The proposed electoral ward of Blaina is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Blaina ward of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina, as illustrated on the map at page 32. 11. The proposed electoral ward of Nantyglo is proposed to have the same consequential change to the Nantyglo ward of the Town Council of Nantyglo and Blaina, as illustrated on the map at page 33. Town and Community Council Electoral Arrangements 12. If, in our final recommendations, the Commission were to recommend Option B, the Commission would be required to consider the consequential changes to the community electoral arrangements that would occur following the proposals detailed above. The existing electoral arrangements and the proposed changes to those arrangements are shown below:

Abertillery and Llanhilleth Community Council

Abertillery & Llanhilleth Community Council Electoral Arrangements Existing Proposed Electors Electors Community Community Wards Electors per Variance Electors per Variance Councillors Councillors Councillor Councillor Abertillery 3203 5 641 4% ------Abertillery East 2217 4 554 -10% - - - - Abertillery West 986 2 493 -20% Aberbeeg 1735 3 578 -7% 1440 2 720 16% Cwmtillery 3435 5 687 11% 3435 5 687 11% Llanhilleth 1660 3 553 -11% 1660 3 553 -11% Six Bells 1721 3 574 -7% 2022 3 674 9% Total 11754 19 619 11760 19 619 13. The Commission is satisfied that these proposed changes are appropriate and are in the interests of effective and convenient local government.

Brynmawr Town Council

Brynmawr Town Council Electoral Arrangements Existing Proposed Electors Electors Town Town Wards Electors per Variance Electors per Variance Councillors Councillors Councillor Councillor Brynmawr North 1849 8 231 -6% 1849 7 264 -1% Brynmawr South 2106 8 263 6% 2428 9 270 1% 3955 16 247 4277 16 267 14. The Commission is satisfied that these proposed changes are appropriate and are in the interests of effective and convenient local government.

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Nantyglo and Blaina Town Council

15. The Commission has considered the changes to the Nantyglo and Blaina Town Council. The Commission is satisfied that the existing arrangements are appropriate and are in the interests of effective and convenient local government.

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Chapter 7. RESPONSES TO THIS REPORT 1. All observations on these draft proposals should be sent to: The Chief Executive Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales Hastings House Fitzalan Court Cardiff CF24 0BL

Or by email to:

[email protected]

no later than 10 December 2018.


Chapter 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. The Commission wish to express our gratitude to the principal council, all the community councils and other interested bodies and persons who made representations to us for their assistance during the course of developing these draft proposals. The Commission commend the draft proposals contained within this report.




JULIE MAY (Member)


STEVE HALSALL (Chief Executive)

September 2018

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Commission The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.

Community (area) The unit of local government that lies below the level of the Principal Council.

Community Council An elected council that provides services to their particular community area. A Community Council may be divided for community electoral purposes into community wards. Community / Town An area within a Community Council created for community electoral ward purposes.

Directions Directions issued by Welsh Ministers under Section 48 of the Act.

Electoral wards The areas into which Principal Councils are divided for the purpose of electing county councillors, previously referred to as electoral divisions.

Electoral review A review in which the Commission considers the electoral arrangements for a Principal Council.

Electoral variance How far the number of electors per councillor in a ward varies from the county average; expressed as a percentage.

Electorate The number of persons registered to vote in a local government area.

Estimated Population The estimated number of eligible persons (18+) within a local government of Eligible Voters area who are eligible to vote. These figures have been sourced from the Office for National Statistics’ 2015 Ward population estimates for Wales, mid-2015 (experimental statistics).

Interested party Person or body who has an interest in the outcome of an electoral review, such as a community council, local MP or AM or political party.

Order Order made by an implementing body, giving effect to proposals made by the Principal Council or the Commission.

Over-representation Where there are fewer electors per councillor in a ward compared to the county average.

Principal area The area governed by a Principal Council: In Wales, a county or county borough.


Principal Council The single tier organ of local government, responsible for all or almost all local government functions within its area. A county or county borough council.

Projected electorate The five-year forecast of the electorate

Split Community A Community which is divided between two, or more, Electoral wards

The Act The Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013

Town Council A Community Council with the status of a town are known as Town Councils. A Town Council may be divided for community electoral purposes into wards.

Under- Where there are more electors per councillor in a ward compared to representation the county average.


2017 2022 Population Eligible to № NAME DESCRIPTION № OF COUNCILLORS 2017 ELECTORATE 2017 RATIO % variance from 2022 ELECTORATE 2022 RATIO % variance from Vote County average County average

The Abertillery ward of the Community of 1 Abertillery 3 3,203 1,068 -12% 3,193 1,064 -13% 4,284 Abertillery 2 Badminton The Community of Badminton 2 2,438 1,219 0% 2,436 1,218 0% 3,212 3 Beaufort The Community of Beaufort 2 2,776 1,388 14% 2,770 1,385 13% 3,759 The Blaina ward of the Community of 4 Blaina 3 3,479 1,160 -4% 3,511 1,170 -4% 4,693 Nantyglo and Blaina 5 Brynmawr The Community of Brynmawr 3 3,955 1,318 9% 3,975 1,325 9% 5,593 6 Cwm The Community of Cwm 2 3,246 1,623 34% 3,283 1,642 35% 4,207 The Cwmtillery ward of the Community of 7 Cwmtillery 3 3,435 1,145 -6% 3,491 1,164 -5% 4,643 Abertillery 8 Ebbw Vale North The Community of Ebbw Vale North 3 3,278 1,093 -10% 3,216 1,072 -12% 4,638 9 Ebbw Vale South The Community of Ebbw Vale South 2 2,998 1,499 23% 2,951 1,476 21% 4,334 The Georgetown ward of the Community of 10 Georgetown 2 3,082 1,541 27% 3,083 1,542 26% 3,457 Tredegar 11 Llanhilleth The Community of Llanhilleth 3 3,395 1,132 -7% 3,430 1,143 -6% 4,801 The Nantyglo ward of the Community of 12 Nantyglo 3 3,289 1,096 -10% 3,358 1,119 -8% 4,535 Nantyglo and Blaina 13 Rassau The Community of Rassau 2 2,460 1,230 1% 2,477 1,239 1% 3,217 The Sirhowy ward of the Community of 14 Sirhowy 3 4,228 1,409 16% 4,260 1,420 16% 5,548 Tredegar The Six Bells ward of the Community of 15 Six Bells 2 1,721 861 -29% 1,748 874 -28% 2,472 Abertillery The Central and West ward of the 16 Tredegar Central & West 4 3,997 999 -18% 4,073 1,018 -17% 6,151 Community of Tredegar TOTAL 42 50,980 1,214 51,255 1,220 69,544 Ratio is the number of electors per councillor Electoral figures supplied by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council 2017 2022 Greater than± 50% of County average 0 0% 0 0% Between ± 25% and ± 50% of County average 3 19% 3 19% Between ± 10% and ± 25% of County average 5 31% 6 38% Between 0% and ± 10% of County average 8 50% 7 44% 16 100% 16 0% 0% BLAENAU GWENT COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Appendix 3 PROPOSED COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP BASED ON OPTION A

2017 2022 № NAME DESCRIPTION № OF COUNCILLORS 2017 ELECTORATE 2017 RATIO % variance from 2022 ELECTORATE 2022 RATIO % variance from County average County average

The Abertillery and Six Bells wards of the 1 Abertillery 3 4,924 1,641 6% 4,941 1,647 6% Community of Abertillery Part of the Community of Beaufort and the 2 Beaufort 3 4,634 1,545 0% 4,632 1,544 -1% Community of Badminton The Blaina ward of the Community of 3 Blaina 2 3,479 1,740 13% 3,511 1,756 13% Nantyglo and Blaina 4 Brynmawr The Community of Brynmawr 3 3,955 1,318 -15% 3,975 1,325 -15% 5 Cwm The Community of Cwm 2 3,246 1,623 5% 3,283 1,642 6% The Cwmtillery ward of the Community of 6 Cwmtillery 2 3,435 1,718 11% 3,491 1,746 12% Abertillery 7 Ebbw Vale North The Community of Ebbw Vale North 2 3,278 1,639 6% 3,216 1,608 3% 8 Ebbw Vale South The Community of Ebbw Vale South 2 2,998 1,499 -3% 2,951 1,476 -5% The Georgetown ward of the Community of 9 Georgetown 2 3,082 1,541 0% 3,083 1,542 -1% Tredegar 10 Llanhilleth The Community of Llanhilleth 2 3,395 1,698 10% 3,430 1,715 10% The Nantyglo ward of the Community of 11 Nantyglo 2 3,289 1,645 6% 3,358 1,679 8% Nantyglo and Blaina Part of the Community of Beaufort and the 12 Rassau and Garnlydan 2 3,040 1,520 -2% 3,077 1,539 -1% Community of Rassau The Sirhowy ward of the Community of 13 Sirhowy 3 4,228 1,409 -9% 4,260 1,420 -9% Tredegar The Central and West ward of the 14 Tredegar 3 3,997 1,332 -14% 4,073 1,358 -13% Community of Tredegar TOTAL 33 50,980 1,545 51,281 1,554 Ratio is the number of electors per councillor Electoral figures supplied by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council 2017 2022 Greater than± 50% of County average 0 0% 0 0% Between ± 25% and ± 50% of County average 0 0% 0 0% Between ± 10% and ± 25% of County average 4 29% 5 36% Between 0% and ± 10% of County average 10 71% 9 64% 14 100% 14 0% 0% Appendix 4


Scope and Object of the Review

1. Section 29 (1) of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (the Act) lays upon the Commission the duty, at least once in every review period of ten years, to review the electoral arrangements for every principal area in Wales, for the purpose of considering whether or not to make proposals to the Welsh Government for a change in those electoral arrangements. In conducting a review the Commission must seek to ensure effective and convenient local government (Section 21 (3) of the Act).

2. The former Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government of the Welsh Government asked the Commission to submit a report in respect of the review of electoral arrangements for the County of Pembrokeshire before the 2022 local government elections.

Electoral Arrangements

3. The changes that the Commission may recommend in relation to an electoral review are:

(a) such changes to the arrangements for the principal area under review as appear to it appropriate; and

(b) in consequence of such changes:

(i) Such community boundary changes as it considers appropriate in relation to any community in the principal area;

(ii) Such community council changes and changes to the electoral arrangements for such a community as it considers appropriate; and

(iii) Such preserved county changes as it considers appropriate.

4. The “electoral arrangements” of a principal area are defined in section 29 (9) of the 2013 Act as:

i) the number of members for the council for the principal area;

ii) the number, type and boundaries of the electoral wards;

iii) the number of members to be elected for any electoral ward in the principal area; and

iv) the name of any electoral ward.

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Appendix 4

Considerations for a review of principal area electoral arrangements

5. Section 30 of the Act requires the Commission, in considering whether to make recommendations for changes to the electoral arrangements for a principal area, to:

(a) seek to ensure that the ratio of local government electors to the number of members of the council to be elected is, as near as may be, the same in every electoral ward of the principal area;

(b) have regard to:

(i) the desirability of fixing boundaries for electoral wards which are and will remain easily identifiable;

(ii) the desirability of not breaking local ties when fixing boundaries for electoral wards.

6. In considering the ratio of local government electors to the number of members, account is to be taken of:

(a) any discrepancy between the number of local government electors and the number of persons that are eligible to be local government electors (as indicated by relevant official statistics); and

(b) any change to the number or distribution of local government electors in the principal area which is likely to take place in the period of five years immediately following the making of any recommendation.

Local government changes

7. Since the last local government order in 1994 there has been a number of changes to local government boundaries in Blaenau Gwent.

• The Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly (Tredegar and Rhymney) Order 2002. • The Blaenau Gwent (Communities) Order 2010.


8. Chapter 4 of the Act lays down procedural guidelines which are to be followed in carrying out a review. In compliance with this part of the Act, the Commission wrote on 20 December 2017 to Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, all the Community Councils in the area, the Members of Parliament for the local constituencies, the Assembly Members for the area, and other interested parties to inform them of our intention to conduct the review and to request their preliminary views. The Commission invited the County Council to submit a suggested scheme or schemes for new electoral arrangements and also requested Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council display a number of public notices in

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Appendix 4

their area. The Commission also made available copies of the Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice document. In addition, the Commission made a presentation to both County and Community councillors explaining the review process.

9. The boundaries of the proposed electoral wards are shown by continuous yellow lines on the map placed on deposit with this Report at the Offices of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and the Office of the Commission in Cardiff, as well as on the Commission’s website (http://ldbc.gov.wales).

Policy and Practice

10. The Commission published the Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice document in November 2016. This document details the Commission’s approach to resolving the challenge of balancing electoral parity and community ties; it sets out the issues to be considered and gives some understanding of the broad approach which is taken towards each of the statutory considerations to be made when addressing a review’s particular circumstances. However, because those circumstances are unlikely to provide for the ideal electoral pattern, in most reviews compromises are made in applying the policies in order to strike the right balance between each of the matters the Commission must consider.

11. The document also provides the overall programme timetable, and how this was identified, and the Commission’s Council Size Policy. The document can be viewed on the Commission’s website or are available on request.

Crown Copyright

12. The maps included in this report, and published on the Commission’s website, were produced by the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales under licence from Ordnance Survey. These maps are subject to © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction will infringe Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Any newspaper editor wishing to use the maps as part of an article about the draft proposals should first contact the copyright office at Ordnance Survey.

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Appendix 5


1. Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council wrote on 23 March 2018 outlining their recommendations for electoral arrangements across the county, following the conclusion of their Task and Finish Groups considerations towards the County’s existing arrangements. The Task and Finish group set out a series of options for consideration at a Council meeting on 22 March 2018 and submitted the following paper to the Commission to present the views of the Council:

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Appendix 6



DATE Thursday 23rd JUNE 2016


The Local Authority Elections (Wales) Order 2014 provided for local elections in Wales to be delayed for a year, from May 2016 to May 2017. This allowed the elections to be separated from the Assembly elections.

At the present time, the Local Government Act 1972 provides that ordinary elections to local government in Wales take place on the first Thursday of May every four years. Therefore, the next local government elections would normally take place in May 2021. Since the implementation of the provisions of the Wales Act 2014, elections to the National Assembly take place on a five-yearly cycle. The policy of the Welsh Government is that elections at local level should also be placed on a five year cycle. It is intended that councillors elected next May will therefore hold office until May 2022.

The Wales Bill, currently before Parliament, includes provisions which would enable the Assembly to legislate to determine the term of office for local government. As the Bill is currently in draft form and should these provisions, for any reason, not come into force, the Welsh Government could use the same powers under the Local Government Act 2000 as we did in 2014 to delay the elections by a year. This statement therefore provides clarity to local government as to the length of office of those to be elected next year.

Page 1 Appendix 6 In the light of this, I have considered the decision made last year in relation to the electoral arrangements of some principal councils. It was determined that reviews conducted by the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales in relation to nine principal areas would not be implemented, given the intention that councils elected in 2017 would only serve a short term prior to mergers.

However, even though the elections in May next year will now result in a full term, due to their proximity, the arrangements which would be required and the disruption for potential candidates, I do not intend to implement any changes to current electoral arrangements in advance of the 2017 elections resultant from those reviews. The councils concerned are Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Conwy, Denbighshire, Gwynedd, , Pembrokeshire, Powys and Torfaen.

The decision that councils will be elected for a full term also means that the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission (the Commission) will return to its normal ten-year cycle of reviews of electoral arrangements. I expect the Commission to publish a new, prioritised programme as soon as possible which takes into account the age of the current arrangements in some areas and the amount of change since the last review was undertaken. I will ask the Commission, in planning their work, to start by revisiting the nine outstanding reviews, with a view to presenting fresh reports on these at the very start of their programme.

It is my intention that reviews of electoral arrangements in principal councils will be conducted against a set of common criteria to be agreed through the Commission. I also expect electoral reviews to have been completed for all 22 authorities within the next local government term.

These arrangements provide clarity for those considering standing for election in 2017 and also set out a long term planning horizon for local authorities and their public service partners. However, I want to be clear that discussions on the reform agenda are on-going with local authorities and other stakeholders. I will be proposing a way forward on local government reform in the Autumn.

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