Various Fables from Various Places

Edited by Diane di Prima Illustrated by Bernard Krigstein



Fables from Spain The Bee and The Owl, Cayetano Fernandez 1 The Pruner and The Olive Tree, Cayetano Fernandez 1 The Doubledoon and The Rag, Cayetano Fernandez 2 The Crow and The Shepherdess, Cayetano Fernandez 3 The Bell, Cayetano Fernandez 3 The Monkey and The Pig, Cayetano Fernandez 3 The Assembly and The Spider, Cayetano Fernandez 4 The Three Companions, Cayetano Fernandez 6 Fables from Russia The Grandee, Ivan Krilof 7 The Inquisitive Man, Ivan Krilof 7 The Ass and The Nightingale, Ivan Krilof 8 The Cuckoo and The Eagle, Ivan Krilof l 〇 The Musicians, Ivan Krilof l 〇 The Peasant and The Sheep, Ivan Krilof 11 Demian's Fish Soup, Ivan Krilof 11 The Elephant in Favor, Ivan Krilof 12 The Hind and The Dervish, Ivan Krilof 12 The Wolf and The Mouse, Ivan Krilof 13 The Wolf and The Fox, Ivan Krilof 14 The Sword-Blade, Ivan Krilof 14 The Two Dogs, Ivan Krilof 15 The Squirrel in Service, Ivan Krilof 16 The Pig, Ivan Krilof 16 The Trigamist, Ivan Krilof 17 The Cat and The Nightingale, Ivan Krilof 17

© I960 G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 60-6122 MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

iv Fables from Medieval Europe The Archer and The Nightingale, Gesta Romanorum 19 Of Women, Who Not Only Betray Secrets, But Lie Fearfully, Gesta Romanorum 20 Of Maintaining Truth to the Last, Gesta Romanorum 22 Of The Execrable Devices of Old Women, Gesta Romanorum 23 The Source of The Stream, Gesta Romanorum 25

Fables from the Malay Peninsula Who Killed The Otter’s Babies? 27 The King of The Tigers is Sick 29 The Elephant has a Bet with The Tiger 30

Fables from England The Beasts^ Confession, Jonathan Swift 34 The Man and The Flea, John Gay 35 The Painter who Pleased Nobody and Everybody, John Gay 37 The Wild Boar and The Ram, John Gay 39 The Lady and The Wasp, John Gay 40 The Fox at The Point of Death, John Gay 42 The Turkey and The Ant, John Gay 43 The Wolf, The Sheep and The Lamb, Edward Moore 44 The Pig, Christopher Smart 48 Madam and The Magpie, Christopher Smart 50 The Snake, The Goose, and The Nightingale, Christopher Smart 52 A Story of A Cock and A Bull, Christopher Smart 53 The Fly and The Bullock, Thomas Moore 55 Long John Brown & Little Mary Bell, William Blake 56

Fables from Africa The Elephant and The Tortoise 58 The Leopard and The Ram 59 The Cock 60 Fish Stealing 61 The Weasel Goes Hunting 61 A Woman Transformed into A Lion 62 The Weasel and His Wife 64 The Rat and The Toad 66 The Chicken and The Elephant 67 Fables from Islam The Peacock and The Cock, The Solwan The Horse and The Wild Boar, The Solwan The Two Elephants, The Solwan Fables from India The Oldest of The Animals, Jataka Stories The Stupid Monkeys, Jataka Stories The Hypocritical Jackal, The Crocodile and The Monkey, Jataka Stories The Greedy Jackal Caught, Jataka Stories A Tale of A Lover and A Gentlewoman, Bidpai The King, The Falcon and The Drinking Cup, Bidpai A Parable of The World, Bidpai A Slothful Man, Bidpai The Gardener and The Bear, Bidpai How The Rabbit Fooled The Elephant, Panchatrantra Leap and Creep, Panchatrantra The Monk Who Left His Body Behind, Panchatrantra The Blue Jackal, Panchatrantra The Mouse-Maid Made Mouse, Panchatrantra Slow, the Weaver, Panchatrantra The Brahman, The Thief, and the Ghost, Panchatrantra Fables from China The Lion and The Mosquitoes The Evergreen Tree and The Wilderness MaFigold The Snail and The Bees The Man Who Loved Money Better Than Life The Mule and The Lion Fables from Italy The Moth and The Candle, Leonardo Da Vinci The Nut and The Campanile, Leonardo Da Vinci The Stone by The Wayside, Leonardo Da Vinci Treachery, Leonardo Da Vinci Sadness, Leonardo Da Vinci The Chestnut and The Fig Tree, Leonardo Da Vinci The Doctor Who Found The Donkey, Legends of Florence The Master's Price, Legends of Florence In Cloak and Robe, Legends of Florence vi Fables from Scotland The Tale of How Lawrence, The Fox Made His Confession to Brother Wolf, The Lurker Robert Henry son 129 Celia and Her Mirror, William Wilkie 134 The Two Matches,.Robert Louis Stevenson 137 The Penitent, Robert Louis Stevenson 138 The Sick Man and The Fireman, Robert Louis Stevenson 138 The Citizen and The Traveller, Robert Louis Stevenson 139 The Tadpole and The Frog, Robert Louis Stevenson 139 The Devil and The Innkepeer, Robert Louis Stevenson 139 Fables from Ancient Greece The Mouse That Fell into The Pot, Babrius 142 The Flea and The Wrestler, Babrius 142 The Dancing Apes, Babrius 142 The Oxen and The Butchers, Babrius 144 The Female Slave and Venus, Babrius 144 The Arab and The Camel, Babrius 144 The Timid Hunter, Babrius 144 The Husband and The Gallant, Babrius 145 The Bear and The Fox, Babrius 145 , 145 The Dog and The Wolf, Aesop 146 The Man and The Satyr, Aesop 146 The Lion and The Statue, Aesop 147 The Two Friends and The Bear, Aesop 147 The Bat, the Birds and the Beasts, Aesop 148 The Ass and The Lapdog, Aesop 148 The Ass and His Old Master, Aesop 149 The Frogs Alarmed by The Fight of the Bulls, Aesop 149 The Man and The Serpent, Aesop 150 Fables from Ancient Rome The Woman In Labor, 151 Aesop At Play, Phaedrus 151 The Fox and The Dragon, Phaedrus 152 Demetrius and Menander, Phaedrus 152 Aesop and The Farmer, Phaedrus 153 The Ant and The Fly, Phaedrus 154 vii The Trees Taken into The Protection of The Gods, Phaedrus 154 The Shipwreck of Simonides, Phaedrus 156 Simonides Saved by The Gods, Phaedrus 157 Fables from France The Ears of The Hare, J. B. Perrin 159 The Cat and The Bat, J. B. Perrin 159 The Two Goats, J. B. Perrin 160 The Wolf and The Shepherds, J. B. Perrin 160 The Fireworks and The Pike, J. B. Perrin 160 The Monkeys who Loved Liberty, J. B. Perrin 162 The Travellers and The Chameleon, J. B. Perrin 162 History of An Old Queen and A Young Country-Maid, Fenelon 163 The Two Foxes, Fenelon 166 Bacchus and the Faun, Fenelon 166 The Dragon With Many Heads and The Dragon With Many tails, /a Z7⑽ m/ne 167 The Drunkard and His Wife, 168 The Drowned Woman, Jean de la Fontaine 169 Fables from Tibet The Hermit and The Elephant 171 The Tricked Elephant 172 The Elephant and The Jackal 174 The Five Lovers 174 The Stubborn and The Willing Oxen 176 The Gazelle and The Hunter 177 The Jackal in The Elephant’s Footprints 178 The Jackal Saves The Lion 178

About Fables 180

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