The Magazine of the Royal British Legion in December/January 2014/15 Incorporating the Derbyshire LegionLetter Newsletter Registered Charity No. 219279 Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve Vol. 5 Issue 3

Draycott Great War Memorial Garden

Draycott Village Great War Memorial Garden, Walk Close, was dedicated on the 15th July 2014. This ghostly picture features the Garden and Branch Member and re-enactor Tony Bryan. Tony lives in Long Eaton but works in Draycott not far from the Memorial. He is wearing the uniform of a soldier of the Sherwood Foresters (Notts & ) Regiment from the Great War. Fifty-six men from Draycott never returned from the war and this garden is dedicated to them. Photo by Steve Inger a local Freelance Photographer. See page eleven.

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Chairman’s Commentary As we come to the end of the Poppy Appeal fortnight I am sure that life for, many of you, will start to return to some form of normality. It has been a busy period, and I am most appreciative of the many hours put in by many Branch Members, to ensure that the Legion can continue with its work with the Ex-Service Community for another year. Very early reports give rise to optimism that we could have a very successful Appeal.

We are also coming to the end of 2014, the year of the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War. From a Branch, County and National perspective it has been a special year when many Churches, groups and organisations have come together to remember those who made the supreme sacrifice a century ago.

I have been most pleased to attend, mostly accompanied by my wife Anne, many events right across the county, starting with Hopton Wood at Middleton early in May and concluding with a Concert of Remembrance at

Hayfield earlier this month. I have been pleasantly surprised by the attendance at all the events, which shows that the Legion’s message, that we must never forget those who fought and died on our behalf, is now well recognised across the Country.

I am pleased to be able to confirm the area Office, Pop in Centre and County Office will relocate to 18 St Peter’s Street, Derby, early in the New Year, following approval by the City Council of the RBL’s Planning Application. This Centre will be one of only sixteen such locations across , Wales and Northern Ireland and will be the

focus of all things RBL across the . This is a real feather in our “Cap” and will be one that other East Midland Counties are most envious.

As this is the last issue of the Magazine for this year, may I wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and a happy and successful New Year.

Bernard Page MBE


Thank you to all who supplied items for this edition, there has been a great response to my email from Legion Branches in Derbyshire. So much so that for the first time since 2012 a special fundraisng edition of The Derbyshire Legionletter will be published separately so I can fit into this edition of the Derbyshire Legion the contributions I have received.

I must apologise for the late publication of this edition due to the Poppy Appeal as I am the organiser for Long Eaton and District. Like many PAO up and down the country I have spent the last month counting and banking the money from the collection. Our total at the time of this editorial is £50313.88 this is our highest total ever. I think I can agree with our Chairman Bernard Page, we can be sure that this Poppy Appeal has been a good one.

Wanted for the Magazine: News of your events for the 100th Anniversary of the

Great war or anniversaries connected to WWII as well as anything else of interest to

other Legion Members in Derbyshire. Please take photos and send them to me with some words to explain what you have been up to. I am still receiving some good

pictures but little or no text to go with them. I cannot produce a magazine without your support.

I would like to wish all our readers and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy and properous New Year. John P. Irwin, Editor

The next Derbyshire Legion will be published on the 25th February 2015 Please send your contributions to me by the 15th February for inclusion. If it is received after this date I might not be able to get it in. Editor John P. Irwin

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Crich’s Queen’s Golden Jubilee Seat is Finally Dedicated

th On Sunday 14 September 2014 the Members of Crich and District Branch had the pleasure of dedicating a bench, (pictured), to Her Majesty the Queen in recognition of her Golden Jubilee. The dedication was performed by the Reverend Jim Grey and in attendance were the Branch President Mr Chris Jackson and his wife Sally, Branch Secretary, Mr Sam Lomas and his wife Sue, plus other members of the Branch. It was also a pleasure to have the Pipes & Drums of the Seaforth Highlanders Nott's Branch who played a lament before and after the dedication. This dedication was the climax to a long and sometimes difficult period with delay after delay seeking permission to site the seat at Crich Stand.

It is with sincere thanks for the help and support of Mr & Mrs Harrison that at last we were able to finalise the occasion. Our thanks to Mrs Harrison for an excellent buffet which was enjoyed by all. The weather although not sunny, was dry and warm and all those attending we're able to enjoy the occasion. A Loyal toast was given after the dedication.


There was 54 guests at my presentation which included: our MP, our MEP, DDDC Leader, Chair of DDDC, Mayor of Ashbourne, Lt McNeil, Ram Major Cpl Benson and Ram Orderly Pte Seager from the Mercian Regiment.

David Wheatcroft Clerk to the Lieutenancy read out part of my Citation:

“Tony Millward received the award which mentioned the part he had played with the Mercian Regiment, sending out 101 shoeboxes to men on operations in Afghanistan and other things that had been taken into account like the Town Band and the Ashbourne Highland Gathering and the Ashbourne Royal British Legion and others and he had received the BEM for services to the Community of Ashbourne”

He was then presented the medal by the Lord Lieutenant Mr William Tucker, who also presented a bouquet of flowers to his wife Lynda.

My Speech I would like to thank the Lord Lieutenant for allowing the Presentation to be made in Ashbourne in what I believe is the first occasion it has taken place in the town, and also David and Debra for their part. It means so much to me that I have received the BEM in Ashbourne. I have to say thank you for the huge input of Lynda my wife as I could not of done any of this without her. For this award and during the 48 years I have been doing Community work in Ashbourne. Also the help from James Hollingsworth in putting forward the letters of support which Lynda had collected and had them sent to next door. I knew nothing about being put forward for an honour and received the letter on my birthday, but when I saw the envelope which had on it On Her Majesty’s Service, Cabinet Office I thought there must have been some mistake, I had to read the letter three times to take it all in and then had to keep it a secret for a month which was very hard.

The same goes for my friends and the Ashbourne people and without your support none of this would have been possible and each and every one of you tonight and in the town, have contributed in one way or another for this award, but none of this was ever done to receive such an huge honour like this. When I was shown the letters of support I could not believe the kind words that people had written about me.

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The last two years have been the time when I seem to have received recognition after recognition with the Chairman of the District, meeting the Queen, William and Kate at Nottingham, meeting the Prince of Wales for the new Mercian Regiment Colours Presentation at Worcester, going to the Queens Garden Party, receiving a Mercian Commendation, and I have just completed 25 years as Chairman of Ashbourne Town Band and now this.

Not forgetting being Mayor 2001-2002 and turning up the Shrovetide Ball and deputising for the Prince of Wales when his Aunt died and being chaired into the Green Man an honour that is usually reserved for the scorers of the ball. I shall wear the Medal with great pride in the future and once again thank you for your support.

I would also like to thank the Ashbourne Ex-Serviceman’s Club for letting me use the Function Room and Stewart Lees and also David the Steward. And to round off what was a wonderful evening was the buffet put on by Rosemary and David Bates of Bates Bakery. Tony Millward BEM

Derbyshire Royal British Legion Women’s Section Annual Purse Presentation by Angela Swift

Bakewell Branch of the Royal British Legion Women’s Section in conjunction with their 80th anniversary celebrations hosted Derbyshire County’s Annual Purse Presentation at the Town Hall, on Friday 29th August 2014. Branches of , Belper, Chesterfield, , Littleover, Mickleover and Youlgrave were also present.

The evening began with the Act of Homage being said by Judith Twigg, Bakewell’s Branch President and she asked everyone present whilst stood in silence remembering the County President, Mrs Mary Middleton MBE who passed away at the end of March. She then welcomed everyone to her home town, a town where she was born and bred and which she was proud to serve.

Guest of honour was the Rt. Hon Patrick McLoughlin MP for and Secretary of State for Transport and he was welcomed by the County Chairman Mrs Angela Swift. Other guests included Cllr. Alyson Hill the Mayor of Bakewell and other members of the Town Council, County RBL President Mr. W. Else and his wife Aileen, County Vice Chairman Philip Swarski, John Cam the RBL County Treasurer and Col Leslie Wright the RBL Bakewell President and Leonard Twigg the RBL Bakewell Vice Chairman.

The Purse Presentation is the highlight of the County’s calendar, the day when the branches present the culmination of their fundraising efforts over the year. The Per Capita Cups will be awarded as a result of the amounts donated. Patrick McLoughlin said on receiving the purses how proud he was to be here on this occasion and the Women’s Section are to be congratulated on the amounts raised.

A superb buffet prepared and served by Mesdames: Pheasey, Kreuger, Edwards, Dudley and Vickers of Bakewell Branch was served and the Vote of Thanks was given by Mrs Beryl Hurst of Littleover Branch who gave particular mention to Mrs Pheasey for all her hard work and thanked Bakewell Pudding Shop for their kind donations towards the buffet.

The raffle organised by Mrs Jackie Herlihy of the County Committee was drawn and among the lucky winners were Mesdames: M. Orme, M. Morely, D. Wicks, J. , K. McDermott and E. Sewell. The proceeds from this amounted to £130 which included a £10 donation.

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Patrick McLoughlin proudly did the honour of presenting County Certificates of Appreciation to the following members: Shirley Brassington the retiring Chairman of Youlgrave, Margaret Bristow the retiring Secretary of Youlgrave in recognition of the hard work they have put in for their Branch and to Hazel Dawes Treasurer of Belper, Valerie Halls the Secretary and Standard Bearer of Belper, Priscilla Bridge a Committee member and hard working member of Belper.

Mrs Jan Buxton the County Treasurer was very proud to announce that even though there had been changes in the year end, this year the County Purse totalled £8,154.00. She thanked the branches most sincerely. A job very well done. These monies according to the branches wishes are to be donated to Head Office for the benevolent schemes they administer along with small amounts to both Head Office and County for their administration.

Cromford Branch Commemorates the start of both World Wars

To Commemorate the Centenary of the start of the Great War and 75th Anniversary of the start of WWII, on Saturday 1st November 2014 Cromford Branch planted in the War Memorial Grounds a Rose bush in memory of each of the 41 men whose names are inscribed on the Cromford and Scarthin War Memorials. The Rose bushes and plaques were sponsored by friends, relations and businesses in Cromford. (Pictured below).

Sunday 9th November 2014 The Service of Remembrance was held at St Mary's Church, Cromford, followed by wreath laying at Cromford and Scarthin War Memorials by dignitaries and supported by the Detachment of the Army Cadets.

Armistice Day, Tuesday 11th November 10.45am The Children from Cromford C of E School attended both Memorials, laid crosses in memory of the fallen, recited poems, sang a hymn and observed the two minutes silence.

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Hayfield Branch Fundraising and Remembrance Text and picture supplied by David Ash Branch Secretary

Friday 7th November 2014. Poppy Appeal Concert - Kinder Children’s Choir The Branch organised a Poppy Appeal fundraising concert at St Matthews Church Hayfield. The concert was performed by the Kinder Children’s Choirs of the High Peak and conducted by the director of music Joyce Ellis MBE. The concert was very well attended and the welcome was given by Mr Bernard Page MBE our County Chairman and guests included Col John Wilson Deputy Lieutenant and Mr David Coleman Derbyshire’s High Sherriff. A short act of remembrance took place and High Peaks Mayor Allan Barrow and the MP Andrew Bingham placed a wreath at the memorial plaque. Over £1000 was raised from the concert which will be going to the Branches annual Poppy Appeal. A special thank you goes to the Army Cadet Force who helped out enormously on the evening and they are a credit both to their detachment and instructors.

Monday 10th November 2014 Hayfield Primary School – Remembrance Assembly & Talk A special assembly was organised for the school by one of the members, John Pope. The talk and presentation focussed on life in the village in 1914 and how the village was affected and changed by the outbreak of the Great War. The children also learnt about the Act of Remembrance and the work of the Royal British Legion. During the day the children produced an individual and personalised commemorative tag for each of Hayfields war causalities that would be used the following day. They also put together a visual display in the school entrance including the history and pictures of some of the service men and women of the village.

Tuesday 11th November 2014 Hayfield Primary School – Armistice Day Service Hayfield RBL Branch organised the Armistice Day Act of Remembrance for the school children of the village. Over 250 children and adults turned out for this and all the prayers were said by the children. A roll of honour was read out while individual named poppy balloons were released by the children and the school wreaths were laid at the war memorial. Our 99 year old Branch President, Captain Albert Knowles kindly let the children say the Exhortation and said ‘It was so encouraging and made him so proud to see the next generation taking such an active role in the remembrance service’. Afterwards, 150 children received a poppy cup cake personally made by Dawn Blakemore the Branch PAO, as a thank you for their hard work, contributions and support for the Legion.

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Ripley Branch Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Activities in Pictures Supplied by Dean Fowler Branch Chairman

"Paint the Town Red"

Youth Member Presentation

My 18 month old Grandaughter ready for Poppy Appeal Collecting

High Sheriff gives Talk to the Branch Poppy Appeal at local store

1of 9 Plinths dedicated at Crossley Park Ripley

WWI Memorial dedication at Crossley Park Ripley The Derbyshire Legion Page | 7

Cherry Blossom helps local Scouts to shine on Remembrance Day

Cherry Blossom (Granger’s International Ltd) shoe polish took special measures to ensure no lacklustre appearances at this year’s Centenary Remembrance Sunday Parade for one local Scout troop.

The -based manufacturers of the iconic shoe care brand – which itself has been an instantly- recognisable part of any soldiers’ kit for more than a century – organised a ‘Shining Parade’ for the 107th Derby Scouts (Aston, Weston and Shardlow) in preparation for several events the troop attended to commemorate the First World War. This included a ceremony in Ypres, the Belgian city that has come to represent a place of remembrance and reflection for those affected by conflict.

Using polish and brushes donated by the company, local ex-Servicemen Bob Read, Duncan Wallis and Adrian Hayward-Wills from the Aston and Weston Branch of the Royal British Legion were invited to put the scouts through their polishing paces.

“Bob, Duncan and Adrian were fantastic at instructing the Scouts on how to iron their uniforms and neckers properly, and of course they were experts in buffing shoes and boots to the highest shine,” explains Scout Leader Stuart Cooke. “But it was particularly great to hear how these ex-Servicemen encouraged our Scouts to aim to look their best whilst remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice during wartime.”

As well as co-ordinating the Shining Parade, the company have funded the badges the Scouts wear to show they are a Royal British Legion affiliated youth group, they have made a donation to the Aston and Weston Branch, and provided the memorial wreaths the five members of the Derby 107th took to Ypres in November. Both groups marched together at the Remembrance Day parade in Aston on Sunday 9th November.

 Granger’s International Limited was established in 1937.  The company employs 77 people and its HQ is in Alfreton, Derbyshire.  In 2014, turnover reached over £10m for the first time in the company’s history.

Disclaimer: Please note the Royal British Legion does not endorse this product and the name of it is only included as an essential part of the article. John P. Irwin, Editor.

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Long Eaton Branch Great War Memorial and Oak Tree by John P. Irwin Treasurer, Archivist and Poppy Appeal Organiser

Like many branches in Derbyshire, Long Eaton has been busy all year with various events connected with the 100 th anniversary of the start of the Great War, they have always been other peoples. I have recorded in this magazine many of the events Derbyshire branches have taken part in, connected with this anniversary. Now it is time for me to record the main Long Eaton Branch event for the anniversary, which I feel is a fitting end to 2014.

At the beginning of the year Branch Members discussed what we would do to commemorate the anniversary, some sort of memorial marking the fact the Great War had started one hundred years ago was what everyone wanted. It is not a memorial to the fallen that is what the War Memorial is for. Our Chairman Paul Jarvis suggested a granite stone and asked Members to come up with a design. Fifteen year old Beth Hand our youngest Member came up with the idea of a poppy shaped design and Paul and myself refined the wording. We wanted a suitable piece of Derbyshire granite stone but this proved to be very expensive and the granite stone was finally sourced from India. Given that thousands of Indian troops fought and died for this country as well as their own in the two world wars we were pleased to have the memorial made from this stone. Branch Members raised the money themselves by donations. We wanted it that way as it was a Memorial paid for by the Branch Members and nobody else.

Paul and myself had talks with the Head of Culture and Leisure for Erewash Borough Council and the council were very helpful and supported us all the way. A number of sites were suggested in West Park and they sourced the Oak Tree for us. We were also told the best time of year to plant a tree is November. Local Memorial Masons R. Smeetons made the memorial stone and it was decided it was too busy on Remembrance Sunday so it was that Armistice Day 11th November was chosen for the tree planting and unveiling.

Deputy Lieutnant of Derbyshire Wing Commander Giles, The Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Kewal Singh Athwal who is very proud of being a Sikh and Sikh heritage, the Leader of the Council Chris Corbett, Members of the Branch, RAFA, Toch H, other Veterans, the Sea, Army and Air Cadets, Long Eaton and Grange School children and many people from the town all attended the short service which included the “two minute silence” at 11 o’clock lead by Bishop Roger Jupp vicar of St Laurence Parish Church and Chaplin to the Branch.

The tree planting ceremony then took place with our oldest Member 94 year old Les Comery (Les served in the Royal Navy during WWII, part of Captain Frederic “Johnnie” Walker’s famous Support Group protecting the Atlantic Convoys from German U-Boats) and our youngest Member Beth Hand using a First World War trenching tool to place soil around the Oak tree. The Mayor then unveiled the memorial stone, Bishop Jupp then dedicated the tree and stone. The refreshments laid on by the Branch was provided in the Long Eaton Rugby Club.

The scene before the start of the service by John P. Irwin Les Comery and Beth Hand by Stuart Robertson

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Bishop Roger Jupp, the Mayor Kewal Singh Athwal & Branch Peter Bacon ex-Royal Tank Regiment by Stuart Robertson

Les Comery using the trenching tool. By Stuart Robertson

Taken by John P. Irwin

The Mayor unveiling the Memorial Stone by Stuart Robertson Branch President Peter Bacon, Beth Hand and Les Comery pictured with the Memorial Stone by Stuart Robertson

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Draycott Great War Memorial Garden By John P. Irwin

Draycott between Long Eaton and Derby was a little village at the time of the outbreak of the Great War but still managed to send many of its sons to war – 56 never came back. There is a a War Memorial on the main road to Derby, but the parish council decided this year to create a WWI memorial garden in Walk Close. It was dedicated on 15th July, unfortunately I could not attend. Tony Bryan Long Eaton Branch Parade Marshal was involved in the creation of the garden. Because Long Eaton Branch have Members that come from Draycott (there is no RBL branch in Draycott) and it is part our Poppy Appeal area we attended in the pouring rain on 11th November the Armistice Day Service.

RAFA also was represented by their Standard Bearer, our Standa rd Bearer Claire Smith carried the Union Standard and Paul Jarvis carried our Branch Standard. The service was lead by the local vicar. During the service the 56 names of the Draycott men who did not return were read out by Tony Bryan and pupils from Draycott Primary School placed a painted stone on the edge of the garden. They did not have much time to paint them with a poppy, they were only asked the day before if they would do it for next year but the Head Teacher said no we will get the children to do them today. They were quite busy on Monday and did not quite get 56 done but they will next year with more time to do them.

We Shall Keep The Faith Oh! You who sleep in Flanders Fields Sleep sweet – to rise anew! We caught the torch you threw And holding high, we keep the faith With all who died

We cherish too the poppy red That grows on the fields where valour led It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes never dies But leads a lustre to the red Of the flower that blooms above the dead Tony Bryan wearing the uniform of a Great War Sergeant Major of the Sherwood In Flanders Fields Foresters (Notts & Derby Regt). Taken by John P.Irwin

And now the torch and poppy red We wear in honour of our dead Final Word

Fear not that ye have died for naught It has struck me this year how many young people want to learn We’ll teach the lesson that ye wrought about what their relatives did in the two world wars and the In Flanders Fields conflicts since 1945.

Claire Smith Long Eaton Branch Standard Bearer goes around the Moina Michael, November 1918 schools giving talks on the Legion and the wars since 1914. She reports that she gets a good response from the students of all ages. So I think that Remembrance of this Country’s War dead will be in good hands when we older ones have gone. Also we are affiliated to four local Cadet Units and I am Chairman of the Long Eaton Sea Cadets and they see at first hand the work the Branch does for the local ex-service community.

It is also very important to think of and help those serving and ex-service personnel who are still living with the consequences of war.

So remember the dead, but help the living.

The poem above by Moina Michael is inscribed on the plaque. Taken by John P. Irwin The Derbyshire Legion Page | 11

Derbyshire RBL Contact List

RBL Contact Centre Number 0808 802 8080

All County Officers are Contactable through the Above Number.

County Office Address: Saxon House, Heritage Gate Derby, DE1 1NL

County Chairman Mr Bernard W Page MBE Email: [email protected] Based in Derby County Secretary Same Contact Number 0808 802 8080 Mr Chris Black

Email: [email protected] East Midlands Area Manager Linda Flecknell County Community Fundraiser Email: [email protected] Mrs. Christine Selden

Mobile: 07973 750816 East Midlands Area Administrator Email: [email protected] Theresa Smith

County Training Officer [email protected] Mrs. Yvonne Robinson Tel: 07870 853365 Advice & Information Team Leader Email: [email protected] Digby Bown [email protected] County Website Webmaster Mr. Chris Drury Advice & Information Officer Tel: 01332 556385 Darren Maltby Email: [email protected] [email protected] Derbyshire Case Officer County Website Responsible for Welfare work in Derbyshire Jayne Hughes [email protected] The Derbyshire Legion is edited by Mr John P. Irwin All Welfare Cases must go through the Contact Mobile: 07501115814 Centre: 0808 802 8080 All contributions should be sent via email to [email protected] or post to 82 Bridge St. Long Eaton Derbyshire, NG10 4QQ

Registered Charity no. 219279

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