The Duchy of Zweibrücken

The Backstory of Zweibrücken and Its Emigrants to Orangeburgh

Presenter: Joel H. Hutto 814: The At Its Greatest Extent 843: Treaty of Verdun

● Carolingian Empire into three parts among the sons of : ○ Lothair ○ ● Lothair’s area is divided among his sons: ○ Louis II ○ Charles of Burgundy ○ Lothair II

855: Lothair Dies ● Shows the progression of the distribution of lands after the death of Lothair II in 869

844-888: Carolingian Empire 888: Border Between West and East ● Duchies of Upper and Lower

919-1125: Central Europe ● Including ○ Martin Luther ○ John Calvin ○ Huldrich Zwingli

16th Century Leading Theologians 16th Century View of Zweibrücken ● Flourishing Empire under Rudolph II

1598 Germania and the Entire European Kingdom Late 16th or Early 17th Century Drawing of Zweibrücken 1618 Central Europe Early 17th Century Religions in Central Europe 1630 Rhineland Palatinate 1630 Rhineland Palatinate New and Accurate Description 1630 Rhineland Palatinate New and Accurate Description (Inset) Pillage et incendie d'un village (Plundering and burning a village) plate 4 from Les Petites Misères de la guerre (The Small Miseries of war), published by Israel Henriet, Paris, 1636 Europe in 1648 after the Peace of Westphalia “Triumphus Pacis”

An allegorical representation of the Peace of Westphalia; Germania leads the Habsburg lion and the eagle of the Empire pulling the wagon, where the angel of peace sits. Chained to the wagon is Mars, the god of war. Print, 1649 Louis XIV, King of France ruled from 1643 – 1715 1673 Rhineland Palatinate 1679 – 1714 Expansion and Fortification of Homburg during French Occupation 1686 Dragoon Missionary and Protestant signing his coerced conversion to Catholicism The Duchies of Lorraine and of Bar, and the Three bishoprics; Metz, Toul and Verdun; or Entered Lands which were joined by arrest of the Royal House of Metz in the Year 1680, etc. The Duchies of Lorraine and of Bar, and the Three bishoprics; Metz, Toul and Verdun; or Entered Lands which were joined by arrest of the Royal House of Metz in the Year 1680, etc. (inset) 1697 – 1718 Charles II, Count Palatinate and Duke of Zweibrücken who was also King Charles (Karl) XII of Sweden

● Lutheran 1705 The Bailiwick of Zweibrücken and the Lordship of Homburg A portion of the Duchy of Zweibrücken from 1705 A portion of the Duchy of Zweibrücken from 1710 1718 – 1731 Gustav Samuel Leopold, Count Palatine and Duke of Zweibrücken

● Converted to Catholicism in 1692 1721 Duke Gustav Samuel Leopold’s Declaration

● states he is willing to keep harmony among the different confessions of Zweibrücken; Reformed, Lutheran and Catholic Schloss (Castle) Zweibrücken ● completed 1725 Gutenbrunnen Castle

● Completed by the Duke near the Klosterberg ruins by 1730, the chapel was built in 1725 Interregnum - 1731 - 1734

● Gustav Samuel Leopold died without heirs in 1731. A dispute arose as to who would inherit the Duchy of Zweibrücken.

● 24 December 1733 treaty with Elector Palatine Charles III Philip (right) and Christian III concluded the inheritance battle between the dynasties. The dispute had to be settled by the Emperor’s intervention. 1734-1735, Christian III, Count Palatine and Duke of Zweibrücken

● Lutheran ● died after less than 14 months as Duke, leaving his 12 year old son as heir 1735-1775 Christian IV, Count Palatine and Duke of Zweibrücken

● Lutheran ● converted to Catholicism in 1758 1735-1740 Countess Caroline of Nassau-Saarbrücken

● Mother of Christian IV, ruled in his stead while he was a minor Ernstweiler Reformed Church ● housed Reformed and French Reformed congregations

Closter Wersweiler (Kloster Wörschweiler)

● Areas associated with the Schnell family include Klosterburg, Gutenbrunnen, Kirkel, Ingweiler and Ernstweiler N

Schulers in Krähenberg attended Lambsborn Reformed Church

Waldmohr Reformed Church

Mimbach Reformed Church

1735 ObertAmt Zweibrücken Manumission Protocol

● Residents pay manumission to start leaving OberAmt Zweibrücken. First group to leave for the States.

● List Includes “8 Other” unnamed subjects in addition to those named. The Port of Rotterdam, The South Carolina Gazette 26 July 1735

Captain Robert Robinson with the Ship Oliver arrived Sunday Last (20 July) with about 200 Palatines, most of them being poor, they are obliged to sell themselves and their children for their passage.... 1737 ObertAmt Jacob Schüler von Krehenberg ziehet mit Weib Zweibrücken und 8. Kinder in Carolinam.

Manumission Protocol Jacob Schüler of Krähenberg moves with wife and 8 children to Carolina. ● Schulers pay manumission to leave OberAmt Zweibrücken.

Hanß Georg Schüler von Waldtmohr ziehet in Americam.

Hanß Georg Schüler of Waldmohr moves to America. Orangeburgh Township Lots and Land to Settlers from OberAmt Zweibrücken

Lot 11 + 100 Ac. John (Johann) Peter Wern (Wehren) 1735 Lot 16 + 150 Ac. Ulrick (Ulrich) Reber 1735 Lot 28 + 150 Ac. Nicholas Seaoak (Nickel Seebach) 1735 Lot 39 + 400 Ac. (Johann) Jacob Schuler 1737 Lot 40 + 400 Ac. (Johann/Hanß) George (Jeorg) Schuler 1737 Lot 43 + 200 Ac. Ludwic (Ludwig) Linder 1735 Lot 48 + 50 Ac. Daniel Geltzer (Göltzer) 1735 (no survey) Lot 50 + 350 Ac. Henry Shnell (Schnell) 1735 Lot 142 + 150 Ac. Peter Letcher (Lötscher) 1735 Lot 161 + 300 Ac. Hans Hubbert (Huber) 1735 Lot 282 + 350 Ac. Isaac Hotto 1739 Ulrick (Ulrich) Reber Survey dated 24 Sep 1735

● Lot 16 ● 150 Ac. Henry Shnell (Schnell) dated 10 Oct 1735

● Lot 50 ● 350 Ac. adjoins John (Johann) Peter Wern (Wehren) John (Johann) Peter Wern (Wehren) Survey dated 10 Oct 1735

● Lot 11 ● 100 Ac. adjoins Henry Shnell (Schnell) Hans Hubbert (Huber) Survey dated 11 Oct 1735

● Lot 161 ● 300 Acres Ludwic (Ludwig) Linder Survey dated 1 Nov 1735

● Lot 43 ● 200 Ac. adjoins Peter Letcher (Lötscher), Daniel Göltzer and Nicholas (Nickel) Seaoak (Seebach) Nicholas Seaoak (Nickel Seebach) Survey dated 6 Nov 1735

● Lot 28 ● 150 Ac. adjoins Ludwick (Ludwig) Lynder (Linder) and Daniel Göltzer Peter Letcher (Lötscher) Survey dated 7 Nov 1735

● Lot 142 ● 150 Ac. adjoins Ludwick (Ludwig) Lynder (Linder) (Johann) Jacob Schuler Survey dated 19 Feb 1738/9

● Lot 39 ● 400 Ac. (Johann/Hanß) George (Jeorg) Schuler Survey dated 12 Jun 1739

● Lot 40 ● 400 Ac. Isaac Hotto Survey dated 25 Jul 1739

● Lot 282 ● 350 Ac. adjoins Ludwig Lynder (Linder)