H648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2002 Now, the Justice Department has want fought. Some of these Justice De- OMITTED FROM THE CONGRES- convinced the President to stand be- partment and FBI officials here in SIONAL RECORD OF WEDNESDAY hind a claim of executive privilege and Washington never see a real criminal FEBRUARY 27, 2002 AT PAGE H564

refuse to release documents about this unless they are mugged on their way to SECRETARY OF STATE, Salvati case, even though it has been their cars after work. But this idea, or , OK, January 14, 2002. on ‘‘60 Minutes,’’ even though it has this case, of keeping a man in prison Hon. JEFF TRANDAHL, been publicized all over the world, to for more than 30 years, even though House of Representatives, The Capitol, keep these documents covered up, in they knew from the start of his inno- Washington, DC. spite of repeated requests or demands cence, they did not find out he was in- DEAR MR. TRANDAHL: Pursuant to Enrolled from the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. nocent after he had been in jail 25 Senate Bill 7X from the 1st Extraordinary Session of the 48th Legislative Session, and BURTON), the chairman of the Com- years or so, they knew from the start due to the resignation of , mittee on Government Reform. I want that he was innocent. To do that to House of Representatives, ef- to say how much I admire and respect protect a man that had committed 26 fective February 15, 2002, I herewith certify the courage of the gentleman from In- murders is just, to me, mind-boggling. the election results of the Special General diana (Chairman BURTON) in con- It is unbelievable. Election held on January 8, 2002 for the Of- tinuing to hold a series of hearings in They told in this hearing that fice of United States House of Representa- regard to this Salvati case and other Barboza’s defense lawyer was given tives District 1, as certified by the Oklahoma abuses by the FBI and the Justice De- State Election Board this 14th day of Janu- great assistance by the Federal Gov- ary, 2002. partment, especially in regard to this ernment while the prosecutors were Also, enclosed is a copy of the official no- witness protection program. snubbed when they asked for help. A tice of resignation from Steve Largent, Con- I mentioned here yesterday that murder weapon in one case was conven- gressman of the First District of Oklahoma; Chairman BURTON’s statement that he iently lost by the FBI. Barboza’s own and a copy of Enrolled Senate Bill 7X. has now made twice in hearings before lawyer called him one of the worst men If our office can be of further assistance, the Committee on Government Reform on the face of the Earth. please do not hesitate to contact Kathy was to me the most shocking state- Jekel at 405–522–4564. ment I have heard in a congressional Sincerely, b 1200 MIKE HUNTER, hearing since I have served in the Con- Secretary of State. gress. I am in my 14th year. I serve on When asked about the short prison three different committees, five dif- term that Barbosa got in one case, one OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF ferent subcommittees. I have partici- murder that he committed after he was OKLAHOMA pated in hundreds, possibly even sev- in the witness protection program, his CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR UNEXPIRED eral thousand committee and sub- lawyer said that that was amazing, he TERM committee hearings; and I think the figured out that must be how it worked This is to certify that on the 8th day of statement that I am about to read was when you had friends in the FBI. January, 2002, John Sullivan was duly chosen the most shocking statement I have I can tell the Members, the people of by the qualified electors of the State of ever heard a chairman or any Member, this country need to know that we des- Oklahoma as United States Representative, really, give in this Congress. Chairman District Number 1, as Representative for the perately need reforms at the Justice unexpired term ending at noon on the 3rd BURTON has said now at two of our Department and the FBI. Joseph day of January, 2003, to fill the vacancy in hearings this statement: ‘‘The United Califano, a former Cabinet member the representation from said State in the States Department of Justice allowed under President Carter and adviser to United States House of Representatives lying witnesses to send men to death President Clinton, wrote in a Wash- caused by the resignation of Steve Largent. row. It stood by idly while innocent ington Post column a few days ago, ‘‘In Witness: His Excellency our Governor men spent decades behind bars; it per- the war on terrorism, we need not to Frank Keating, and our Seal hereto affixed mitted informants to commit murder; overlook the alarming rise in Federal at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma this 14th day it tipped off killers so that they could of January, 2002. police power that is going on, and not By the Governor: flee before they were caught; it inter- create some type of Federal police Frank Keating, Governor. fered with local investigations of drug state that will abuse citizens in hor- Mike Hunter, Secretary of State. dealing and arms smuggling; and then rible ways.’’ f when people went to the Justice De- LEAVE OF ABSENCE partment with evidence about murders, f some of them ended up dead.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- This Salvati case, while I hope it is sence was granted to: the worst example, is just the tip of the SWEENEY). Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Cali- Mr. SANDLIN (at the request of Mr. iceberg. GEPHARDT) for today on account of I can tell my colleagues this: there fornia (Mr. FILNER) is recognized for 5 minutes. family matters. needs to be some reforms within the Mr. GILMAN (at the request of Mr. Justice Department and the FBI. I (Mr. FILNER addressed the House. ARMEY) for February 26 and the bal- think the problem has come about be- His remarks will appear hereafter in ance of the week on account of per- cause we have expanded those agencies the Extensions of Remarks.) sonal reasons. so much and given them so much f money that they do not know what to f do with all of it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Forbes Magazine, in 1993, had a cover previous order of the House, the gen- By unanimous consent, permission to article in which they said that we had tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) address the House, following the legis- quadrupled the Justice Department be- is recognized for 5 minutes. lative program and any special orders tween 1980 and 1993 and that there were (Mr. PALLONE addressed the House. heretofore entered, was granted to: Federal prosecutors falling all over His remarks will appear hereafter in (The following Members (at the re- themselves trying to come up with the Extensions of Remarks.) quest of Mr. MCNULTY) to revise and cases to prosecute because they had so extend their remarks and include ex- little to do, and that they were pros- f traneous material:) ecuting businessmen and women who Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, for had violated obscure rules and regula- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a 5 minutes, today. tions that they did not even know were previous order of the House, the gen- Mr. LANGEVIN, for 5 minutes, today. in existence. tleman from (Mr. Mr. FILNER, for 5 minutes, today. We need to be funneling our law en- MCGOVERN) is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. PALLONE, for 5 minutes, today. forcement assets to the local law en- (Mr. MCGOVERN addressed the Mr. MCGOVERN, for 5 minutes, today. forcement people who are fighting the House. His remarks will appear here- (The following Members (at the re- real crime, the street crime that people after in the Extensions of Remarks.) quest of Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia)

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 01:43 Mar 01, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28FE7.033 pfrm02 PsN: H28PT1 February 28, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H649 to revise and extend their remarks and W. Gekas, Richard A. Gephardt, Jim Gib- brenner, Jr., Jose´ E. Serrano, Pete Sessions, include extraneous material:) bons, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Paul E. Gillmor, John B. Shadegg, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Chris- Benjamin A. Gilman, Charles A. Gonzalez, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia, for 5 topher Shays, Brad Sherman, Don Sherwood, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Bob Goodlatte, Bart minutes, today. John Shimkus, Ronnie Shows, Bill Shuster, Gordon, Porter J. Goss, Lindsey O. Graham, Rob Simmons, Michael K Simpson, Joe Mr. PENCE, for 5 minutes, today. Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Gene Green, Mark Skeen, Ike Skelton, Louise McIntosh Mr. DUNCAN, for 5 minutes, today. Green, James C. Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Slaughter, Adam Smith, Chistopher H. (The following Member (at his own Jr., Luis Gutierrez, Gil Gutknecht, Ralph M Smith, Lamar S. Smith, Nick Smith, Vic request) to revise and extend his re- Hall, Tony P. Hall, James V. Hansen, Jane Snyder, Hilda L. Solis, Mark E. Souder, marks and include extraneous mate- Harman, Melissa A. Hart, J. Dennis Hastert, Floyd Spence, John N. Spratt, Jr., Fortney rial:) Alcee L. Hastings, Doc Hastings, Robin Pete Stark, Cliff Stearns, Charles W. Sten- Hayes, J.D. Hayworth, Joel Hefley, Wally holm, Ted Strickland, Bob Stump, Bart Stu- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, for 5 minutes, Herger, Baron P. Hill, Van Hilleary, Earl F. today. pak, John Sullivan, John E. Sununu, John E. Hilliard, Maurice D. Hinchey, Rube´n Sweeney, Thomas G. Tancredo, John S. Tan- f Hinojosa, David L. Hobson, Joseph M. ner, Ellen O. Tauscher, W.J. (Billy) Tauzin, Hoeffel, Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush Charles H. Taylor, Gene Taylor, Lee Terry, ADJOURNMENT D. Holt, Michael M. Honda, Darlene Hooley, William M. Thomas, Bennie G. Thompson, Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I move Stephen Horn, John N. Hostettler, Amo Mike Thompson, Mac Thornberry, John R. Houghton, Steny H. Hoyer, Kenny C. Thune, Karen L. Thurman, Todd Tiahrt, Pat- that the House do now adjourn. Hulshof, Duncan Hunter, Henry J. Hyde, Jay The motion was agreed to; accord- rick J. Tiberi, John F. Tierney, Patrick J. Inslee, Johnny Isakson, Steve Israel, Darrell Toomey, Edolphus Towns, James A. Trafi- ingly (at 12 o’clock and 1 minute p.m.), E. Issa, Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Jesse L. Jack- cant, Jr., Jim Turner, Mark Udall, Tom under its previous order, the House ad- son, Jr., Sheila Jackson-Lee, William J. Jef- Udall, Robert A. Underwood, Fred Upton, journed until Monday, March 4, 2002, at ferson, William L. Jenkins, Christopher Nydia M. Velazquez, Peter J. Visclosky, 2 p.m. John, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Nancy L. David Vitter, Greg Walden, James T. Walsh, Johnson, Sam Johnson, Timothy V. Johnson, f Zach Wamp, Maxine Waters, , Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Walter B. Jones, Diane E. Watson, Melvin L. Watt, J.C. Watts, Paul E. Kanjorski, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Jr., Henry A. Waxman, Anthony D. Weiner, OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED Sue W. Kelly, Mark R. Kennedy, Patrick J. Curt Weldon, Dave Weldon, Jerry Weller, INFORMATION Kennedy, Brian D. Kerns, Dale E. Kildee, Robert Wexler, Ed Whitfield, Roger F. Wick- Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Peter T. Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- er, Heather Wilson, Joe Wilson, Frank R. King, Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Kirk, lowing Members executed the oath for Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, David Wu, Albert Gerald D. Kleczka, Joe Knollenberg, Jim access to classified information: Russell Wynn, C.W. Bill Young, Don Young. Kolbe, Dennis J. Kucinich, John J. LaFalce, Neil Abercrombie, Anı´bal Acevedo-Vila´ , Ray LaHood, Nick Lampson, James R. f Gary L. Ackerman, Robert B. Aderholt, W. Langevin, Tom Lantos, Steve Largent, Rick Todd Akin, Thomas H. Allen, Robert E. An- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Larsen, John B. Larson, Tom Latham, Ste- ETC. drews, Richard K. Armey, Joe Baca, Spencer ven C. LaTourette, James A. Leach, Barbara Bachus, Brian Baird, Richard H. Baker, John Lee, Sander M. Levin, Jerry Lewis, John Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive Elias E. Baldacci, Tammy Baldwin, Cass Lewis, Ron Lewis, John Linder, William O. communications were taken from the Ballenger, James A. Barcia, Bob Barr, Thom- Lipinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, Zoe Lofgren, Speaker’s table and referred as follows: as M. Barrett, Roscoe G. Bartlett, Joe Bar- Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. Lucas, Ken Lucas, 5665. A letter from the Congressional Re- ton, Charles F. Bass, Xavier Becerra, Ken Bill Luther, Stephen F. Lynch, Carolyn B. view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Bentsen, Doug Bereuter, Shelley Berkley, Maloney, James H. Maloney, Donald A. Man- Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Howard L. Berman, Marion Berry, Judy zullo, Edward J. Markey, Frank Mascara, culture, transmitting the Department’s final Biggert, Michael Bilirakis, Sanford D. Jim Matheson, Robert T. Matsui, Carolyn rule—Karnal Bunt; Regulated Areas [Docket Bishop, Jr., Rod R. Blagojevich, Earl McCarthy, Karen McCarthy, Betty McCol- No. 01–058–2] received February 22, 2002, pur- Blumenauer, Roy Blunt, Sherwood L. Boeh- lum, Jim McCrery, James P. McGovern, suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- lert, John A. Boehner, Henry Bonilla, David John M. McHugh, Scott McInnis, Mike McIn- mittee on Agriculture. E. Bonior, Mary Bono, John Boozman, Rob- tyre, Howard P. McKeon, Cynthia A. McKin- 5666. A letter from the Congressional Re- ert A. Borski, Leonard L. Boswell, Rick Bou- ney, Michael R. McNulty, Martin T. Meehan, view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health cher, Allen Boyd, Kevin Brady, Robert A. Carrie P. Meek, Gregory W. Meeks, Robert Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Brady, Corrine Brown, Sherrod Brown, Henry Menendez, John L. Mica, Juanita Millender- culture, transmitting the Department’s final E. Brown, Jr., Ed Bryant, Richard Burr, Dan McDonald, Dan Miller, Gary G. Miller, rule—Karnal Bunt; Regulated Areas [Docket Burton, Steve Buyer, Sonny Callahan, Ken George Miller, Jeff Miller, Patsy T. Mink, No. 00–088–2] received February 22, 2002, pur- Calvert, Dave Camp, Chris Cannon, Eric Can- Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, James P. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- tor, Shelley Moore Capito, Lois Capps, Mi- Moran, Jerry Moran, Constance A. Morella, mittee on Agriculture. chael E. Capuano, Benjamin L. Cardin, Brad John P. Murtha, Sue Wilkins Myrick, 5667. A letter from the Congressional Re- Carson, Julia Carson, Michael N. Castle, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. Napolitano, Richard view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Donna M. E. Neal, George R. Nethercutt, Jr., Robert W. Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Christensen, Wm. Lacy Clay, Eva M. Clay- Ney, Anne M. Northup, Eleanor Holmes Nor- culture, transmitting the Department’s final ton, Bob Clement, James E. Clyburn, Howard ton, Charlie Norwood, Jim Nussle, James L. rule—Karnal Bunt; Regulated Areas [Docket Coble, Mac Collins, Larry Combest, Gary A. Oberstar, David R. Obey, John W. Olver, Sol- No. 01–063–2] received February 22, 2002, pur- Condit, John Cooksey, Jerry F. Costello, omon P. Ortiz, Tom Osborne, Doug Ose, C.L. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Christopher Cox, William J. Coyne, Robert Otter, Major R. Owens, Michael G. Oxley, mittee on Agriculture. E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr., Philip P. Crane, Ander Frank Pallone, Jr., Bill Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pas- 5668. A letter from the Congressional Re- Crenshaw, Joseph Crowley, Barbara Cubin, tor, Ron Paul, Donald M. Payne, Nancy view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health John Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Cummings, Pelosi, Mike Pence, Collin C. Peterson, John Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Randy ‘‘Duke’’ Cunningham, Danny K. E. Peterson, Thomas E. Petri, David D. culture, transmitting the Department’s final Davis, Jim Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Susan A. Phelps, Charles W. Pickering, Joseph R. rule—Hot Water Treatment for Limes [Dock- Davis, Thomas M. Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Richard W. et No. 99–081–1] received February 22, 2002, A. DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William D. Pombo, Earl Pomeroy, Rob Portman, David pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Delahunt, Rosa L. DeLauro, Tom DeLay, E. Price, Deborah Pryce, Adam H. Putnam, mittee on Agriculture. Jim DeMint, Peter Deutsch, Lincoln Diaz- Jack Quinn, George Radanovich, Nick J. Ra- 5669. A letter from the Congressional Re- Balart, Norman D. Dicks, John D. Dingell, hall, II, Jim Ramstad, Charles B. Rangel, view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Lloyd Doggett, Calvin M. Dooley, John T. Ralph Regula, Dennis R. Rehberg, Silvestre Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Doolittle, Michael F. Doyle, David Dreier, Reyes, Thomas M. Reynolds, Bob Riley, culture, transmitting the Department’s final John J. Duncan, Jr., Jennifer Dunn, Chet Ed- Lynn N. Rivers, Ciro D. Rodriguez, Tim Roe- rule—Hot Water Treatment for Limes [Dock- wards, Vernon J. Ehlers, Robert L. Ehrlich, mer, Harold Rogers, Mike Rogers, Dana et No. 99–081–2] received February 22, 2002, Jr., Jo Ann Emerson, Eliot L. Engel, Phil Rohrabacher, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- English, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob Etheridge, Lane Ross, Steven R. Rothman, Marge Roukema, mittee on Agriculture. Evans, Terry Everett, Eni F.H. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward R. Royce, 5670. A letter from the Congressional Re- Faleomavaega, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Bobby L. Rush, Paul Ryan, Jim Ryun, Mar- view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Mike Ferguson, Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, Ernie tin Olav Sabo, Loretta Sanchez, Bernard Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Fletcher, Mark Foley, J. Randy Forbes, Har- Sanders, Max Sandlin, Tom Sawyer, Jim culture, transmitting the Department’s final old E. Ford, Jr., Vito Fossella, Barney Saxton, Bob Schaffer, Janice D. rule—Mediterranean Fruit Fly; Addition to Frank, Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Martin Schakowsky, Adam B. Schiff, Edward L. Quarantined Areas [Docket No. 01–093–1] re- Frost, Elton Gallegly, Greg Ganske, George Schrock, Robert C. Scott, F. James Sensen- ceived February 22, 2002, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.

VerDate 11-MAY-2000 01:43 Mar 01, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28FE7.039 pfrm02 PsN: H28PT1