Gina Landor | 40 pages | 01 Jan 1992 | Music Sales Ltd | 9780860017806 | English | London, United Kingdom How to Play the Penny Whistle PDF Book

For the vast majority of Irish music, a whistle in the key of D will work perfectly well so this is the essential starting point. To do this you would stick two into your mouth or three , cover as many holes as possible, and play. If you're having trouble hitting the note, slightly uncover the top hole the one closest to your mouth and try again. Yes, it is, as long as you are not clenching your teeth or biting down even lightly. All Rights Reserved. Play the lower octave notes. Tips and Warnings. Remember, the higher notes come easier and easier if you practice, so keep trying. Like before, uncover the holes, one at a time until you get to the highest note C. Are you hitting the right notes? Last Updated: July 30, References. Doing this should get you up to the upper octave. Stay connected. Start Your Free Trial. You might need to use the pinky of your dominant hand to help support the whistle when none of the holes are covered. Cancel anytime. Ornamentation: Slides and Cuts. Covering the fipple opening silences the whistle, so you don't have to if you don't want to. A swab, which should be available at your local music store, will be the right size. Luckily the is a very visual instrument when it comes to the notes. This is where a developed ear really comes in handy. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Tin Whistle Basics Lessons Level. Place the tip of the whistle between your lips, not your teeth. How to Play the Penny Whistle Writer

A tin whistle is the more commonly used term in Ireland at least and is derived from the fact that most were made from tin in the past. It can vary between individual whistles though. Last Updated: July 30, References. Notes are created simply by blowing into the tin whistle and placing the finger pads over certain holes creates a particular note. Often recommended as a gateway instrument , the tin whistle is a great instrument to get you introduced to music. You can try playing notes with someone else's hand like in the picture. Popular Picks. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 2. Helpful 36 Not Helpful Play the lower octave notes. Start Your Free Trial Course Structure First, you will learn how to hold the instrument, proper hand and finger posture and good basic technique. This will produce the tonic a D on the D whistle. Strikes - This is like a cut, except you go one note lower instead of higher. For example, on the note A, play a normal A and wiggle your finger over the hole at the first finger of your dominant hand. This will improve the tone. Practise a few simple tunes below:. Helpful 24 Not Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Related Posts. It is perhaps the most accessible of all Irish traditional melodic instruments as you can pick one up readily, cheaply, and, best of all, travelling with one is a non-issue. If you don't know already, learn how to read sheet music. Is there any essential maintenance required for a tin whistle? Place the tip of the fipple between your lips, but not between your teeth. To create this article, 26 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Alternately you could use a bit of cloth an old t-shirt will do and a piccolo tuning rod. Other players like to go for long seamless phrases — more like a piping style. The key of the whistle is the lowest note that you can play on the whistle. The same applies for playing a tune in G major, where on a C whistle it would be produced in the lower key of F. No, just if your music isn't written for an Eb whistle, or Eb instrument at all , you will have to transpose it into the correct key. Ornamentation: Slides and Cuts Polka. Is the finger setting the same as on the Irish ? This list also includes Irish tunes, Irish Share :. The trick to remember here is that you must not blow too hard or too softly. Is it because I'm not holding the holes down tight enough? For a D whistle, this includes notes from the second D above middle C to the fourth D above middle C. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. As the notes get higher, you'll have to blow harder to reach it. This article has been viewed , times. With respect to the Irish music genre , the tin whistle offers itself as a great vehicle for getting into the scene. Celtic Music Instruments. Community Forum of students and teachers, all friends with a love of Irish music. With video, the added element of being able to pause and repeat as much as you want explains its exponential growth as an educational medium, not only for music tuition but for just about everything under the sun. Don't blow too hard, or the instrument will play the next partial. Clarke style rolled metal whistles tend to have a smooth soft sound, while Generation style cylindrical instruments tend to have louder or shrill whistle sounds. You are probably blowing too hard. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. How to Play the Penny Whistle Reviews

Place your dominant hand at the bottom and your other hand at the top of the tube. For first time beginners, you might even think of getting a tuning app on your phone and setting it up to see if you are hitting the notes properly as you play the scale. There are at least 3 ways of playing a C natural on a whistle in the key of D. Tips and Warnings. Also, you can wash it through with soapy water, but make sure to rinse it very well before playing again. Blaine Collins 2. Play music! About This Article Co-authors: If you overblow, however, the whistle will squeak. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. As you go up a note on a whistle you generally lift one finger. You might even be able to play a chord if someone lends you their hand! Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. It is perhaps the most accessible of all Irish traditional melodic instruments as you can pick one up readily, cheaply, and, best of all, travelling with one is a non-issue. D whistles are recommended for beginners. Helpful 36 Not Helpful Similarly, there are upmarket whistles for sale too which include the likes of tuning slides and aluminium bodies. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. If you blow too hard, the sound will be unpleasant and squeaky. Things You'll Need. White holes indicate that it is uncovered, black indicate covered, and plus signs below the fingerings indicate the higher octave. ABC notation was invented in to notate music in plain text format. Is there any essential maintenance required for a tin whistle? Co-authors: You might need to use the pinky of your dominant hand to help support the whistle when none of the holes are covered. The lowest note of a penny whistle, with all the fingers covered, is called the tonic - on a D whistle the tonic is D. It can vary between individual whistles though. Snap one of your fingers off a hole momentarily to hit the next higher note. Furthermore, if you begin with the tin whistle, you can make a fairly smooth transition to the Irish bagpipes, known as Uilleann Pipes , as they have open fingerings similar to a whistle. Alternately you could use a bit of cloth an old t-shirt will do and a piccolo tuning rod. Is the finger setting the same as on the ? Ornamentation: Slides and Cuts Polka. The whole learning process then becomes very mechanical, a sure recipe for disaster. You should press hard enough that you have little hole marks on your fingers. The trick to remember here is that you must not blow too hard or too softly. All you have to do is cover all the holes and blow slightly harder than before to produce a higher pitch. Place the tip of the fipple between your lips, but not between your teeth. Playing the upper octave notes is easy. You can find out more about its origins here. Furthermore, in Irish music, in particular, tunes were always passed aurally down through the generations, that simply means they were learned by listening to them and then repeating what was heard. Share :. Use some form of swab to clean your whistle after playing or it could become unsanitary. Is it because I'm not holding the holes down tight enough? If you want softer ones, go "oo, oo". No, just if your music isn't written for an Eb whistle, or Eb instrument at all , you will have to transpose it into the correct key. Whistles are available in all the major keys.

How to Play the Penny Whistle Read Online

Play it just like a recorder. Practise a few simple tunes below:. You can jump right in with the notes written out there in front of you. Continuation of the study of G Major Mazurka. Tony Dixon manufactures many different kinds of whistles and their entry-level nickel or brass instruments are very good value. Their model without the tuning slide is still tunable as the fipple is moveable. Flute and piccolo tuning rods look like large needles so they can be "threaded" and used as a swab. There is probably a build-up of condensation, try covering the square hole and blowing hard through the mouthpiece. To create this article, 26 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 3. This will improve the tone. The simple answer is yes you can. The diagram below uses tablature, also known as a fingering chart, which simply shows which holes are covered to create the note. The latter is more practical for faster playing. It is perhaps the most accessible of all Irish traditional melodic instruments as you can pick one up readily, cheaply, and, best of all, travelling with one is a non-issue. In England, the instrument became known as a penny whistle due to its low-cost price but the instrument is no different. The lowest note of a penny whistle, with all the fingers covered, is called the tonic - on a D whistle the tonic is D. You might need to use the pinky of your dominant hand to help support the whistle when none of the holes are covered. Library of over popular Irish tunes to practice along with. Just be careful where you store it as the metal is usually light brass, nickel, tin, aluminium and can easily be bent or dented. This is where a developed ear really comes in handy. Cover the six keyholes with your fingertips. Whistles in this category are likely to be made of metal or plastic tubing, with a tuning-slide head. The key of C is one key below D i. Your Tutor. Cookies make wikiHow better. Always cover the holes with the pads of your fingers rather than the tips. Related Posts. The course has 17 lessons, broken into 3 to 4 tutorials each, where tunes are taught phrase by phrase. Purchase a tin whistle at a local music store or online. Last Updated: July 30, References. It can vary between individual whistles though. There are at least 3 ways of playing a C natural on a whistle in the key of D. She will continue her stud…. Looking forward to the results of your tutorial, Blaine. All you have to do is cover all the holes and blow slightly harder than before to produce a higher pitch. Bodhran Page: History of the Irish Drum. It is possible to make sounds above this range, by blowing with sufficient force, but, in most musical contexts, the result will be loud and out of tune. Low whistles, or concert whistles, are longer and wider and produce tones an octave or in rare cases two octaves lower.