The Pure Body Detox

Hi, this is Becky and welcome to the sixth module in the Pure Body Detox Course. Now that your body is able to eliminate from your colon, and your liver is supported, the next step is to get those toxins out of your fat cells! And get the toxins out of your entire body! This is the second half of your program. The first half is the juice fast and the colon cleanse, then you go to a sauna cleanse and raw food diet. Some people cannot de- tox in a sauna and should use the oral detox supplements instead. So, let’s talk about who should not use a sauna:

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not use a sauna or do any type of detoxification. You should not mobilize toxins that could negatively affect the baby. The goal would be to detoxify a woman before she gets pregnant. The other people that should not use a sauna are people who have had an organ transplant or bone marrow transplant. Anyone taking prescription drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges, such as anti-seizure medication should not use the sauna without medical supervision. Or if someone has a history of heavy recreational drug use, they should only use a sauna with medical supervision. Because the sauna is so powerful, it will start to mobilize any residual drugs that are in the tissues, and people can actually have a restimulation of those drugs and get a momentary high. There are minute amounts of these coming out of their body, because they come from the fat cells, come out into the bloodstream, and get removed from the body through the sweat. So, while they are in the sauna, some- times these toxins can get mobilized and cause all kinds of issues. It’s really good for people who are doing a drug detox, but you have to do this under the care of a medical doctor.

Anyone with a severe infection, such as a cold or the flu, should wait until the infection is over before using a sauna. People with high or heart problems should only do a sauna detox in a sauna with medical su- pervision. Remember the 4 levels of health we discussed earlier? Anyone in level 4 and 5, should only use a sauna with supervision by a medical pro- fessional. The sauna is a very powerful tool and should be used with care.

Pure Body Detox Course © 2014 by Becky Mauldin N.D.

There are two ways you can do that:  Supplements or  Far- Sauna

Because not everyone has access to or can use a sauna, there are certain supplements that can remove toxins from the body simply and easily. This is a good option for anyone who cannot handle the heat of a sauna.

The two supplements that I have seen work well for this are:  Acetyl-Glutathione by Allergy Research Group These are the only qualifications we have. Everyone else should be able to use the sauna as long as they follow basic precautionary protocols.

The people that cannot use a sauna have another option. They can use cer- tain supplements that can remove toxins from the body simply and easily. This is a good option for anyone who cannot handle the heat of a sauna.

There are two supplements that I use in my office for people who cannot use a sauna. They are taken orally.

The first one is called Glutathione. We use a form that’s called Acetyl- Glutathione– and it’s by Allergy Research Group. Acetyl-Glutathione is a unique form of glutathione that gets into your cells better than other forms of glutathione and will help detoxify the entire body. I’ve seen dramatic re- sults with this form of glutathione! I had one client who chose not to do sauna detoxification and we used this form of glutathione to detoxify her body. She had all kinds of food allergies. She was so sensitive to some foods, that she couldn’t even touch them without getting a rash. And I re- alized it was the chemical toxins in her body that had built up over years that was causing her body, and her immune system to by hyper-sensitive. So, I put her on this protocol: some liver support, a multivitamin, and ace- tyl-glutathione, and she took it over a period of about 4-5 months. And as she got into the second or third month, she realized she was getting less and less sensitive to these foods, and she could touch them and practically eat them by the end of the detox period.

So the way it works is it supplies your body with a excess of glutathione so your body can start to remove more toxins from your body. It should be taken in the morning or in the evening, two tablets per day for several months to be most effective. You don’t want to just take it for a month and expect it to do a miracle.

Now just be aware that there are many glutathione supplements on the market. Oral forms of glutathione are tricky- Glutathione rapidly degrades once it hits the stomach. Hydrochloric acid dissolves the Glutathione mole cules before they can become absorbed, allowing only 1-3% of the Glu- tathione to actually reach your cells.

But this form of Acetyl Glutathione overcomes this problem by significantly improving bioavailability. Increasing the amount of Glutathione that reaches the cells, and this is important because it actually has to reach your cells to do it’s job. So, it’s able to get into your body and work more like a glu- tathione IV, which is exactly what you want it to do.

The second detoxification supplement that I use is called Zeolite. It is a natural mineral. Zeolite is formed with lava meets sea water that binds with toxins in your body and helps eliminate them. Zeolite is natural and is formed when sea water hits hot lava and it’s a certain molecular structure. So, what it does is it’s a natural cage-shaped structure that traps negatively charged particles. And these are things like heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemicals and it holds on to them. So think of it like a binder. It works really well. What it does is it holds on to the chemicals and toxins and your body naturally excretes the zeolite along with the toxin. So it slowly detoxifies your body when taken orally over a period of 3-6 months.

Zeolite is so safe that it can be given to babies and young children. You start out with a lower dosage for children (1-3 drops). And this is what I used to detoxify my daughter when she started having health issues at 1 1/2 to 2 years old. Well, she started having insomnia at that age and I started to panic because I was having health issues myself—but what scared me was that she had been breastfeeding and I’m sure got a fair amount of toxins just from my breastmilk. So I bought a pack of Natural Cellular Defense, which is a popular brand of zeolite, and I ended up giving it to her everyday, and she was so little that she didn’t need an adult dose. I gave her about 10 drops a day. And we went though about 4 bottles of Natural Cellular Defense, and by the end of it, she was sleeping fine again. So this is a great way to detoxify children so that when they grow up they won’t have too many toxins accumulate in their body. You want to make sure you give them extra water to drink so that the toxins get flushed through their system. So just increase the amount of water that they drink during this detox.

So, those are the best 2 oral ways to detoxify the body. Everyone else can use a sauna. So, lets talk about how to use a sauna for detoxification. When you start looking at saunas, there are so many manufacturers out there, and so many different types of saunas that it can get very confusing and overwhelming. I’ve had clients send me emails and ask about different types of saunas that are really inexpensive, that are made of material that zip up and your head stick out the top. But you have to be really careful about what the sauna is made of because if it’s made of synthetic material and man-made materials, it’s gonna have toxins in it and chemicals. What’s that going to do when you heat it up? It’s going to offgas. Offgas means when it’s heated, any chemicals that it’s made from will get airborne and you will inhale these if you are in the sauna and obviously it’s going to make you more toxic. So, you cannot detoxify in a toxic environment, that is rule #1.

So, that’s why most saunas are made out of wood. Wood is inert, it’s not going to offgas anything and it’s naturally non-toxic. And there are differ- ent types of wood that you can get a sauna made out of. Any kind of wood is going to be fine. The only one you need to know about is cedar. Cedar can be problematic for some people because it smells strong for the first few months that it’s heated, but the smell does go away after a while. I own cedar sauna and it smelled so strong when it heated up that I got nau- seous. So, what I did was let it run for a few days on high with an air puri- fier in the room before I used it for the first time. So, I let the natural ce- dar oils vaporize before I started using the sauna. It’s also a good idea to wipe down the sauna the very first time to remove the smell and any saw- dust residue before using it. So, wipe it down with a warm wet washcloth to remove those residues. In the video below, I’m going to show you my sauna, how I clean it, how I make it more comfortable, what I do to keep the wood clean, so you will get an idea of how to do it yourself.

So remember the video where I shared about the electromagnetic spec- trum, where I shared about the near infrared, middle infrared, and far in- frared is part of the infrared wavelength? I shared that the far infrared wavelength that is most beneficial to the human body is between 7-14 mi- crons. So, when you go buy a sauna or when you use a sauna, it’s important to get a sauna in this far infrared range. And there are only a few companies that offer this. Another thing you need to be aware of when you buy a sauna, is that so many of these saunas are made overseas. And they are made by companies that come and go. A lot of the sauna compa- nies may not be aware that the sauna needs to be made from non-toxic materials so they will use glues and different things in the sauna, they may have particle board or plywood– things you do not want in a sauna. So, it’s really important to use a sauna manufacturer that has a good reputation, that’s doing the right thing, that has a well made product that you can count on to detoxify your body the best way possible.

There are only a handful that I recommend, because the ones that have pure far infrared, use really high quality heating elements that are made in Japan or Korea. So, the best saunas that give you pure far infrared are made using carbon fiber in the heating panels themselves.

MPS Global is a company that I’ve used and they have an amazing heating element. These panels make pure far infrared radiant heat that is in the 4- 16 micron range. But the problem is that there are a lot of other saunas out there that are manufactured in China and a lot of these are using these carbon panel heaters and it’s the carbon that emits the far infrared. So, if they are mostly plastic with a little bit of carbon, then they are not going to emit as much far infrared radiation as you want.

The other 2 companies I recommend, High Tech Health, and Heavenly Heat, actually use a ceramic type of heater. It’s actually an older technol- ogy, works well, but doesn’t give out quite as much far infrared radiation though. But they are great companies to work with and I wanted to give you some other options.

The Sauna Resource and Buying Guide is going to give you all these details so that if you want to buy your own sauna, you will have all the information you need to make a great decision.

So, out of all the sauna manufacturers I’ve recommended, I think you will like Vital Saunas the best. The whole front door is glass and they have magnetic flux that you can add to the sauna which has it’s own healing benefits, light therapy, and a temperature gauge that’s inside the sauna as well as outside the sauna. And you can adjust it with one degree increments. It also has an oxygen ionizer which helps purify the air inside the sauna. It’s really easy to put together and the price point for what you get is excellent. So, if you decide to order one, be sure the mention Pure Vitality and that you heard about them from Becky Mauldin in the detox course.

So, I’ve already mentioned to you how our sauna protocol helps get out more toxins and helps detoxify your body more effectively than just sitting in a sauna by itself.

Let’s talk for a minute about why you need a sauna protocol to follow and why you really shouldn’t use a sauna without one.

Of course, you can just sit in a sauna, sip on some water and sweat. And yes, you will detoxify your body, but that is not the most therapeutic use of a sauna. I am talking how you can use the sauna like a therapeutic tool to get the most benefit from it for detoxification. This is what I do in my prac- tice. We use a certain protocol that supports the body during detox so it allows even more toxins to be released and the client feels better during the experience.

So, what we do is combine exercise, certain supplements, and nutrient- dense vegetable juices along with the sauna to accelerate detox.

The reason why we add either exercise or massage to the sauna experi- ence to help mobilize toxins before you get into the sauna. Toxins are stored in your fat cells right, and in fat that is stored throughout the body, and when you exercise, it starts to release these toxins from your fat cells. Exercise promotes deep circulation and stimulation of the lymphatic system and mobilization of fat stored toxins. So, we recommend 20-30 minutes of walking on a treadmill or any type of exercise, just to get your body mov- ing.

We also add Vitamins and Minerals and trace minerals: Replacement of vitamins and minerals that are lost due to sweat is critical to avoid nutri- ent deficiencies. And many people that are not well may already be defi- cient in certain nutrients. Correction of these deficiencies is necessary. That’s why the food program is so important as well as a multivitamin and to correct any other deficiencies before they start this process.

Electrolytes and trace minerals are very important to replace while you are doing any detox in the sauna. I’m gonna give you exact supplements in a moment.

We also provide fresh juices, pure filtered water and Electrolytes: It is important to consume enough liquids to offset the loss of body fluids through sweating. We use fresh juices instead of water during the sauna detox. Juices of vegetables are the most cleansing and most nourishing to the body. The bulk of the juice should be made up of carrots, zucchini, cu- cumber, squash, spinach, and other leafy greens. Smaller amounts of stronger tasting vegetables can be added to this, but should not overpower the juice and make it unpalatable. Parsley, dandelion greens, kale, and other leafy greens are some vegetables that can be used in small quanti- ties. Apple, lemon, and gingerroot can also be used in combination with the vegetables to make them more palatable. During the sauna program, you should be consuming 12 or more ounces of freshly made organic vege- table juices. We have clients drink the juice inside the sauna. This is be- cause the far infrared helps open up the cells, like they are dilated, and the body absorbs things a lot better in the sauna. This causes the body to ab- sorb all the good nutrition while the body is more likely to release all the bad stuff. These juices also supply alkalizing elements that are able to neu- tralize the acidity in the body and bring it back into balance.

In addition to liquids, electrolytes, calcium and magnesium are taken to avoid problems with heat exhaustion or depletion. Our clients going through this program are monitored for signs of heat exhaustion and given electrolytes to prevent this from occurring. Obviously, when you do a sauna detox, diet is very important because that’s what is going to replace the toxins. That’s why a diet high in raw foods and produce is going to be the best thing for you to be on while you do this type of cleanse. Fresh vegetables have the ability to both supply the body with the nutrients it needs as well as helps to bind with toxins as they are leaving the body. It is ideal if the food is organic and without any pesticides, herbicides or other toxic residues. We do not want to further burden the body with more chemicals it must detoxify while cleansing. Greens should be used in abundance for their rich content of chlorophyll, which is able to effectively bind toxins in the body.

Another thing you need to know is that you need to have enough sleep in order to do this detox. Sleep is a time when the body repairs itself, gets rid of metabolic wastes, and neutralizes oxidative stress. Sleep involves many processes that bring the body back to baseline, so it is ready to meet the demands of the next day at full capacity. This program can be strenuous and a person needs enough rest in order to handle the changes taking place in the body and in order for the body to repair itself. If you get less than 6 hours a night, you should not do a sauna detox the next day.

Let’s talk about the exact supplements you should use during a sauna cleanse. Because you sweat out the toxins along with the good minerals in your body, it is important to replace the minerals that are lost in sweat.

Here are the supplements we suggest during sauna detox:

 Multivitamin/mineral: Food-based is best, rather than a multi made from synthetic nutrients. You want something your body will absorb and utilize. We like Life Essence Multi by Pure Essence Labs, another is RUSH liquid Multi by SunWarrior, or doTERRA’s MicroPlex VM2.  Trace Minerals: If your multi doesn’t have enough trace minerals, tak- ing an extra supplement may be necessary. We love Liquid Light by Sun Warrior.

 Electrolytes: It is important to consume sufficient liquids to offset the loss of body fluids through sweating. In addition to liquids, electrolytes, Sodium and Potassium are the first 2 minerals lost in sweat. If you don’t replace them, you will get symptoms of a deficiency. We supply our cli- ents with electrolytes in tablet form. We have tabletized potassium and sodium in the form of sea salt. And they swallow them after the sauna detox. There is another one you can buy called Electromix and it’s made by the people that make Emergen C. It’s a packet that you can make your own electrolyte drink with. You can add a pinch of sea salt to it because it does not contain any sodium. But that’s something you can use instead of something like Gatorade, which is not healthy. If you also want the tablet electrolytes, you can order them through us. We carry them in our office.

 While the toxins are being released, the other thing you want to add is toxin binders, so that you don’t reabsorb them! As your body is release- ing them from your fat cells, they are getting released everywhere– from your sweat, your gastrointestinal tract, they are coming out of every part of your body that’s possible. Taking toxin binders, such as acti- vated charcoal, bentonite clay, or chlorella will help bind with toxins in your body and enable them to be eliminated rather than reabsorbed. Take them on an empty stomach after you use the sauna.

Another thing that is good to take is antioxidants. You can take Acetyl– Glutathione, Vitamin C, or Alpha Lipoic Acid and are great for supporting the body during a sauna detox.

Let’s go through the sauna protocol step by step. Obviously the first thing you need is a far infrared sauna you can use. If you don’t buy your own, make sure that the sauna you use is in a clean, toxin-free environment. There are a lot of different places you can go to use a sauna– wellness cen- ters, spas, health clubs, gyms, and some hair salon’s even have saunas. You just want to make sure that the environment you are in does not have a lot of chemicals or VOC’s in the air. For instance, I would not want to de- toxify my body in a hair salon. There are too many toxins floating around that air. Be aware of these things. The interior of the sauna should be clean. You should have fresh towels in it. If there are any lingering odors, open up the door and let it air out for a bit, or you can even put an air purifier in it to purify the air if you need to.

Each day before you use a sauna, you must have had 6 or more hours of sleep the night before. You must be eating well, a minimum of 3 healthy meals per day, not skipping meals. There are more demands being placed on your body during this cleanse.

Turn on sauna to preheat (start at a lower temperature to begin with:125– 130 degrees). You can slowly increase the temperature as you get used to it or do not sweat at all at a lower temperature. Adjust the temperature as needed so you are comfortable, yet still sweat. The ideal temperature for a far infrared sauna is just hot enough so you sweat, but not too hot.

Put clean towels over seat cushions, floor, and put the mat outside of the door. Make sure sweat does not get on the wood.

 Make 16-20 ounces of green vegetable juice or have it already made up and waiting in the refrigerator. Have extra filtered water on hand. That’s what you drink after you drink the juice.

 Do light exercise first. This will help to mobilize toxins from the fat cells and help to move the lymphatic system. Any exercise is fine that will increase circulation and get your blood pumping: brisk walking on a treadmill, bouncing on a rebounder, using an elliptical, etc. Do this for 20-30 minutes and work up a light sweat. As I already mentioned, do- ing this first will accelerate the amount of toxins released during the sauna.

 Get changed and get into the sauna with your freshly made juice in hand so you can drink it. You can wear a bathing suit or sports bra and shorts. Just make sure you are not covering up too much of your body with fabric. The far infrared works better when there is more skin ex- posed. Drink your juice in the sauna. And take your multi-vitamin and trace minerals now if you haven’t already today.

 Stay in sauna for about 25-30 minutes. Do things that are relaxing, listen to music, watch a video, your body will release more toxins if you are relaxed.  Pay attention to how you feel. ** If you get too hot, lightheaded, faint, weakness, muscle cramps, or your heart starts beating hard, get out of the sauna and turn down the temperature of the sauna. Drink water and take some electrolytes. If you get nauseous, take some cell salts. Lie down until this passes. Don’t get back in the sauna until the next day or until approved to continue using the sauna by a practitioner. **

 Get out of the sauna and take a 5-10 minute cool-down break. Notice how you feel. If you have a headache, go ahead and take some electrolytes now with plenty of water. The body handles the heat better in 30 minute increments, rather than staying in a full hour.

 Get back into the sauna for another 25-30 minutes. You should be drinking at least 20 ounces of water or vegetable juice for each time you are in the sauna. Keep drinking even if you are not thirsty.

 You can do one more break and then get into the sauna for another 30 minutes if you are really toxic, but most clients do not need to do this. Try it and see what works best for you.

 Get out of the sauna, cool off, and take your electrolytes: sea salt and potassium tablets- 2 of each (or more if you sweat a lot). Or 1 packet of ElectroMix and sea salt in a glass of water. Be sure to take ex- tra calcium and magnesium if you use the sauna everyday.

 Cool down a bit and then take a cool shower before doing anything else. Even though you cannot see it, there are toxins in your sweat that should be washed off of your skin so that they are not reabsorbed. Be sure to rinse out your bathing suit or clothes you wore in the sauna and wring out before washing.

 Take your Toxin Binders now: Take 2 Activated charcoal capsules, bentonite clay capsules, or Chlorella tablets so you can bind any toxins circulating in your digestive tract.

 Documentation is important. There is a form you can use in your ebook that will enable you to document your sauna experiences. It’s im- portant to keep track of the temperature, time, and any reactions that you have during detox. You will be able to keep track how it’s working, and your health improvements if you do this.

 Write down any symptoms or feelings you noticed any time during the sauna cleanse. Determine if you feel better, the same, or worse after you used the sauna today and mark it on your form. You should feel the same or better, and have some days where you might feel worse as the toxins coming out could make you feel bad. If you find that you are con- sistently feeling worse for several times in a row, that can indicate a problem which might need to be addressed by a practitioner, such as a nutritional deficiency or a worsening of your symptoms. Stop using the sauna in that situation and consult with a practitioner. Don’t just keep going without medical supervision! This is really important.

This is how the sauna program works. You’ve already detoxed your colon, you have a healthy food program, you are moving your body, you are tak- ing your supplements, and you are removing the toxins with the sauna. This is a sauna cleanse you can do every single day or once a week. Every- time you do this cleanse you will get out toxins.

People ask me: How long do I need to do this detox? The average person needs to do 14-20 days of a cleanse like this, and that is consecutive days. IF you do it once a week, it really stretches it out for a few months. So the more often you use a sauna, the more quickly the toxins will get eliminated from your body and the quicker you are going to get well. People that are really toxic, like in my case, require more like a month of sauna or more to regain their health. Everybody is different and it’s not easy to say how long it’s going to take for you to get all your toxins re- leased. But every sauna detox you do is a step in the right direction.

Let’s talk about Sauna Mainteniance and what to do if you buy your own sauna.

 Cleanliness is very important! Remember, you cannot see toxins. Just like viruses and bacteria, they are invisible to us, but they are still there. And when you use a far infrared sauna, they are coming out of your skin. So, be sure to clean up anything that came in contact with sweat. In our office, we wipe down floors, door knobs, and the bathroom sur- faces between each client with a damp cloth and mop.

 Even the sauna needs to be wiped down regularly. We cover the wood floor of our sauna with a thin sheet of plexiglass and a towel over it, so that sweat never contaminates the wood. And we have thick pillows that cover our bench and we put towels on them for both comfortable seating and to protect the wood bench. Even when a client wants to lean back against the wood walls, we recommend leaning against a rolled up towel or a cushion instead of just touching the bare wood. It’s more comfort- able this way and keeps the wood clean. To clean the interior of the sauna, use a wet washcloth, and wipe the interior of the sauna to re- move any residue of toxins that may be vaporized onto the wood.

 Put all dirty towels in a hamper or washing machine to be laundered and wash your hands after touching them.

 Be sure to cover all surfaces of the sauna with clean towels that are laundered with only natural, fragrance free detergents after each use of the sauna. Fragrances are toxic chemicals!

 If you have bought a brand new sauna, it should be wiped down to re- move any residual sawdust so it is clean when you use it for the first time. Some wood that smells strong, such as cedar, can smell very in- tense when you heat a brand new sauna for the first time. My sauna is cedar and even though it’s not recommended for people with chemical sensitivities, I found that if I just ran it on the highest setting with an air

purifier in the room with it for several hours, the smell would get less and less, until now it doesn’t smell at all. Doing this will also give any chemicals used in the assembly, such as glues, to offgas before you start using it. Just be sure to do this a few times until you no longer smell anything. Now it is ready for you to use for detox.