The winners of the 2018 EU Film Contest – 2nd edition

The second EU Film Contest again sparked a lot of interest from film lovers across Europe. The contest was organised by the European Commission to promote Europe's unique diversity of films and TV series to a wide audience.

Collage with films supported by MEDIA

2018 EU Film Contest

11,445 film lovers took part in this second edition. They answered questions about European films for a chance to experience the Cannes Film Festival and discover the European audiovisual industry at work.

As 2881 candidates had a perfect score, a filtering question was used in order to select the 10 lucky winners. Congratulations to the winners! These are the people who will travel to Cannes in May 2018:

Georgina G. () Pierre-Jean D. () Szymon M. (Poland) Tabea S. () Marija V. (Republic of Serbia) Fabian M. (Germany) Vojtěch R. () Nina B. () Ena H. (Croatia) Danilo S. (Republic of Serbia)

The winners will travel to Cannes from 14 and 16 May during the 71th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. They will meet film professionals, visit the Film Market and attend screenings of films selected as part of La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs and La Semaine de la Critique.

We would like to thank our partners, who helped make this edition a success: European Film Awards (EFA), Europa Cinemas Network, International Confederation of Arthouse Cinemas (CICAE), International Union of Cinemas (UNIC), European Film Promotion (EFP) and the European Film and Television Schools.

Reactions from the winners

Georgina G. (Hungary): "Watching movies and writing about them are two of my favourite past times. I try to see as many movies as I can in my favourite theatre (which is supported by MEDIA). I'm sure that this trip, being there in person, and talking to the people responsible for the art I love so much will give the same excitement that movies do. And I can't wait to experience Cannes in person."

Pierre-Jean D. (France): "J'avais participé à ce concours un peu par hasard, sans y croire du tout. En apprenant que je faisais partie des gagnants, j'étais donc extrêmement surpris et heureux ! J'ai hâte de profiter de cette chance exceptionnelle. Étudiant en scénario dans l'école de cinéma la FEMIS à Paris, je ne peux être qu'enchanté de participer au plus prestigieux festival de cinéma du monde dans ces conditions."

Szymon M. (Poland): "European cinema is where I belong. It is a reflection of my life. It describes and helps me to understand people and the surrounding reality. As a festival goer and a regular film spectator I'm always sitting in front of the screen. This time thanks to the Creative Europe MEDIA programme I would like to take a step forward and have a look into behind the scenes of the European film industry and the Cannes Film Festival itself."

Tabea S. (Germany): "I'm 24 years old and I am working as management trainee at a consulting company. I am incredibly happy to have the opportunity to visit the Cannes Film Festival because I think the film Festival is far more than just movies. It's about people coming together and spending time on an event that has become a tradition and has gone down in history."

Marija V. (Republic of Serbia): "I'm very happy and honoured to be one of the winners of the contest! I love European cinematography because of the unique atmosphere in it and beautiful artistic expression that tells beautiful human stories. Music, cinema and languages are my passions, I also love traveling and meeting new people, so this is a wonderful opportunity for me. I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to starting this journey!"

Fabian M. (Germany): "I'm studying economics in Kiel. I like watching movies and hope to see interesting films. I'm happy to get the chance to attend the film festival in Cannes."

Vojtěch R. (Czech Republic): "I'm from Prague, Czech Republic, I'm 27 year and work as an online marketing freelancer. I'm a big movie fan, always attending nearby cinemas and film festivals."

Nina B. (Slovenia): "I was always fascinated with films and the way they shape our everyday and our view on life. They are much more than just a tool to entertain and I am grateful to Creative Europe MEDIA for the given opportunities to learn more about films from the professionals."

Ena H. (Croatia): "I was thrilled after having found out about the opportunity to go to the Cannes Film Festival and experience the professional part and the behind-the-scenes of the European movie industry, as I’m a language and literature student and have developed a strong interest in cinematography, primarily the Italian and the French one. I am enthusiastic about discovering other European movies and exploring their distinctive styles as well as similarities, since I believe cinema is the ideal platform for promoting culture and unity."

Danilo S. (Republic of Serbia): "Every country, every village and all the people on this miscellaneous piece of earth that we like to call Europe, is unique and fascinating in their own way. This variety is best recognised through stories in European film that we all love. Thus, we can only wonder - is it even possible not to love European film? "

About Creative Europe MEDIA

The EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme plays a crucial role in supporting Europe's audiovisual sector through the development, promotion and distribution of thousands of films/TV series as well as support to training programmes, film festivals, cinema networks or distribution platforms. Since 1991, the EU has been investing over €2.5 billion in European content, creativity and cultural diversity, helping European talents to work together across borders . Each year it supports around 2000 projects, including films, TV series, video games, training programmes, cinemas and much more.

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