ECOSYSTEMS & BIODIVERSITY Locals in the NatureHood

Greater Victoria is high in biodiversity, as shown by the great variety of plants, animals, and ecosystems that Arbutus Lorquin’s admiral are found throughout the region. Biodiversity can be Arbutus menziesii / KOKE,ILĆ Limenitis lorquini / QELAXEN A broadleaf evergreen tree, up to 30 m This butterfly can easily be recognized observed close to home, in backyard gardens, grassy tall, usually with a crooked or leaning by the orange tips on the upper part of parks, and street trees. Biodiversity is even higher in trunk that divides into several twisting its wings. There is a white band across our region’s natural ecosystems, including: upright branches and an irregularly both wings, above and below. Females • Coastal Douglas-fir forests rounded crown. The tree drops its are considerably larger than males. • Garry Oak meadows leaves in the summer instead of the ✔ fall. The tree’s reddish bark peels off, ✔ Orca • Wetlands revealing the smooth, new green Orcinus orca / KEL,LOLEMEĆEN • Streams, rivers and riparian areas bark underneath. • Rocky, pebble and sandy shorelines Bufflehead The Orca is the largest member of the A oceanic dolphin family. This toothed • Eelgrass meadows and kelp forests The Bufflehead is Canada’s smallest American wigeon whale has a diverse diet, although diving duck and it is found in our Mareca americana / ŚEŚENE individual populations often specialize Did you know? NatureHood only over the winter period. Also known as a Baldpate, the American in particular types of prey. Some feed Its body is mostly white with a black Wigeon is a species of dabbling duck exclusively on fish, while others hunt • is a biodiversity hotspot and is found in North America. Formerly marine mammals such as seals and thought to have provided refuge to plants and back, and the male has a prominent assigned to Anas, this species is ✔ other species of dolphin. animals during the last glaciation. white patch on his head. This compact classified with the other wigeons in bird stores fat to fuel its migration and • Victoria sits in the Coastal Douglas-fir Biogeoclimatic the dabbling duck genus Mareca. It great blue heron are sometimes affectionately called is the New World counterpart of the ✔ Ardea herodias / SNEKE zone – an area affected by factors like temperature, “butterballs”. Buffleheads are generally Eurasian wigeon. This large wading bird is common rainfall, moisture balance and altitude – which covers quiet birds, but while breeding the male only 0.3% of the province but is home to the highest near the shores of open water and in has a hoarse rolling voice. You may Bald eagle wetlands over most of . number of species and ecosystems at risk in BC. Great Blue Heron hear the ‘grrk’ call of a female Haliaeetus leucocephalus / QELENSEN Despite their impressive size, Great Blue • Some species like the Vancouver Island Water Shrew when alarmed or near her nest. The adult Bald Eagle is a striking dark Herons (on the cover) weigh only 2 to (found near Sooke) are endemic to Vancouver Island, brownish-black bird. It gets its white 3 kg thanks in part to their hollow bones, meaning they are not found anywhere else. head and tail at approximately four ✔ a feature shared by all birds. years of age. The Bald Eagle is not bald. As you visit different sites in the NatureHood, watch and They got the name from an old English harbour seal listen for the incredible biodiversity that surrounds you. word “balde” meaning white (white- Phoca vitulina / ÁSW headed). They can grow to about ✔ Harbour Seals are found along the 1 m tall and have a wingspread coast in coastal waters, estuaries and of over 2 m. river systems. Look for them basking in 5 the sun on the rocks along the shore. Banana slug They range in colour from brownish to Ariolimax columbianus / black with a speckled pattern. PENÁNE KÍOTEN ✔ Banana Slugs are one of the largest Pacific CHORUS frog slugs in the world! They can grow up Pseudacris regilla / WEKEK to 26 cm long. Banana Slugs can also This small frog is usually about 5 cm have 27,000 teeth on a long tooth- long full grown. They can be green, covered “tongue”. They come in a bronze, grey, and all colours in range of colours, from yellow to brown between. Pacific Chorus Frogs can be ✔ to black and many are mottled with heard calling throughout the year, black spots. Banana slugs like a moist, especially during rainstorms, and the cool environment and are native to the spring mating choruses are impossible BC temperate coastal rainforest. ✔ to miss. It’s very difficult to spot these little fellows, though, since they will Belted kingfisher cease calling if they feel threatened. Megaceryle alcyon / TĆELE The Belted Kingfisher is a pigeon-sized Pacific wren Douglas-fir bird. It is blue-gray above, white below, Troglodytes pacificus / DEDEM with a bushy crest and dagger-like bill. These birds are very vocal, so listen for The male has a blue-gray breast band. their rapid series of tumbling and trill-

The female is similar, but also has a more about nature. nature. about more ing notes in forest environments. When

chestnut belly band. Enjoy a journey to learn, love and discover discover and love learn, to journey a Enjoy ✔ you hear their sweet song, patiently

look in the understory for mouse-like working to better understand and protect nature. protect and understand better to working 12 Eelgrass movements along decaying logs and in

your sightings. You will create data for scientists scientists for data create will You sightings. your Zostera marina / ĆELEM ✔ upturned roots. Early mornings during

discoveries and use iNaturalist and eBird to confirm confirm to eBird and iNaturalist use and discoveries Sometimes known as the `salmon the breeding season are the best times If you are curious to learn more, take photos of your your of photos take more, learn to curious are you If highway’, Eelgrass is important to the to find them perched in the open,

survival of salmon. A native seagrass, shaking as they sing.

facts about these plants and animals. animals. and plants these about facts it rivals some of the world’s richest

beautiful images, names, and interesting interesting and names, images, beautiful rainforests. It provides food and to some of the life that you see. Look for the the for Look see. you that life the of some to Douglas-Fir protection important to fish and

Pseudotsuga menziesii / JSA While you explore, this map will help put names names put help will map this explore, you While shellfish species. ✔ There are two varieties of Douglas-

fir: they are Coastal and Interior. Creative Commons: Mr.TinDC Commons: Creative Bumblebee The Coastal variety that grows in the Bombus / SEMSEMÍYE NatureHood can reach heights of The native bumblebee has a robust 80 m. black body that is extensively covered with black, yellow, and sometimes ✔ Red squirrel orange hairs on all body segments. Its Tamiasciurus hudsonicus / ĆEPSIOŦEN colonies nest underground and unlike This small tree squirrel prefers honey bees, they prefer to be out coniferous forests. They spend most of ✔ pollinating in cool, cloudy weather. their day in the tree canopy and will chirp loudly when you get close, which Common camas makes it easier to find them by listen- Camassia quamash / KLO,EL ing than by sight. Their colour will Common Camas (on the cover) and change during the winter season to a Great Camas have light to deep blue greyish brown hue without a

✔ black side stripe. and check off the ones you find. you ones the off check and flowers and bloom in the spring. Both

are perennial herbs that grow from ook for plants and animals on the species list, list, species the on animals and plants for ook L 6. 17

an edible bulb. They were once an im- River otter

olunteer with a local stewardship group stewardship local a with olunteer V 5. 5. Orca portant cultural item for the Salish in Lontra Canadensis / ĆTEMES

the area who shaped the landscape to iew spawning salmon in the fall the in salmon spawning iew V 4. 4. ✔ River Otters have short coarse fur and

“farm” it. They are not to be confused

8 lengthy, streamlined bodies. They have

xplore diverse intertidal life in summer in life intertidal diverse xplore E 3. 3. with the Death Camas, which has a short powerful legs with fully webbed

creamy white flower, but underground, aint, draw, sketch wildflowers in spring in wildflowers sketch draw, aint, P 2. 2. toes and a long tail to help them swim

the bulbs can be difficult to identify efficiently underwater while searching

1. 1. o birdwatching (see map for prime locations) prime for map (see birdwatching o G

and toxic if consumed. for fish, their main source of food.

get you started on your journey! journey! your on started you get Pacific Herring ✔ places and nearby nature. Here are some fun ideas to to ideas fun some are Here nature. nearby and places Fawn lily

Once remarkably abundant, these Salmon This map is a guide to help connect you with amazing amazing with you connect help to guide a is map This Erythronium revolutum Oncorhynchus kisutch / SĆÁÁNEW small, silvery fish are an important Fawn Lily plants grow to over 30 cm Salmon are large fish, in various Arbutus species in marine ecosystems and the tall, and have pairs of long, thick, colours from silver and grey with dark

Pacific culture. They are an important white-spotted leaves growing from the A closE Look at the Naturehood the at Look closE A spots or fins. Chinook, can weigh up source of food for predators such as base. The flowers are pink and some- to 36 kg. There are 6 species of Pacific salmon, whales, and a diversity of sea times almost look fluorescent. The Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.): Chinook, Spawning Salmon birds and land animals like the Black leaves show up in springtime and the Chum, Coho, Pink, Sockeye, and ✔ flowers open in early summer. Steelhead. Bear. Other small fish in this category ✔ 16 include Pacific Sand Lance and Garry oak 18 Surf Smelt. Salmonberry / ĆEN,ILĆ Rubus spectabilis / ELILE An iconic tree with thick, grooved, Salmonberry grows in groups and scaly, greyish-black bark and a round reaches up to 4 m tall. Look for the spreading crown. Garry Oak trees (on butterfly-shaped basil leaves, and the the cover) can grow out of rock and pink flowers that bloom in spring. Its be super stunted, adapting to its salmon-red coloured berries ripen in NATURE IN THE CITY MAP environment, or grow up to 20 m tall, summer. The thorny stems of the plant ✔ and the Garry Oak habitat supports are covered in papery brown bark. One Map, One NatureHood, Anna’s Hummingbird many species at risk. ✔ A Guide to Many Adventures 6 Western purple martin Hermit crab Progne subis arboricola / QSEĆEN First Edition 2021 Paguroidea This iridescent dark blue/purple bird Hermit Crabs tend to live in occurs exclusively west of the Rocky ‘secondhand’ or previously owned Mountains from southwest BC to and discarded shells. For this reason, southern California. They have been it is important to leave empty shells designated as a species at risk in 20 where you find them. BC are recovering from a severe ✔ population decline in the mid-late Harbour Seal ✔ 15 7 Hooded merganser 1900s. (on the cover) Mergus cucullatus / XOEK This small duck has a slender pointed Western terrestrial bill. The male has a white, fan-shaped, garter snake black-bordered crest, a blackish body Thamnophis elegans vagrans / SOLKE with dull rusty flanks, and a white Also known as the “wandering” Garter breast with two black stripes down the 9 Snake, this species is a frequent visitor side. The female is dull gray-brown, to many back s throughout its range. 4 with a warmer brown head and crest. ✔ Garter Snakes are rarely found far from Garry Oak Both sexes show a white wing patch water, either fresh or marine. During in flight. ✔ the summer, these snakes prefer open areas like meadows JUNE plum and estuaries. 14 3 Oemleria cerasiformis / TEXEN C This shrub is also known as osoberry. Wood duck It is native to the Pacific coast and Aix sponsa / MO,EK mountain ranges of North America. This species of perching duck breeds It is among the first plants to fruit D most widely in the wooded valleys 19 and it flowers in early spring. ✔ and floodplains of southern . It is one of the most colorful Licorice fern North American waterfowl. 1 Polypodium glycyrrhiza / TESIP This summer deciduous fern is also ✔ 2 13 known as sweet root. Licorice Ferns Western Sandpiper often grow on rocky outcroppings, 10 21 logs, and even on trees like the Bigleaf This tiny shorebird, sometimes known as a 11 Maple. The rhizomes (horizontal,

NatureHood recognizes that language is critical for connecting

ee Artist Depiction of a typical Saanich Landscape ‘peep’, has gold and rusty markings on its head underground stems) were traditionally e the WSÁNEĆ and l kw ŋ n speaking peoples to their culture, chewed or steeped to make a medici- and wings. Females have longer bills than ✔ spirituality, identity and land.

B nal tea to treat colds and sore throats. males and are generally larger overall. eee Greater Victoria NatureHood SENĆOŦEN l kw ŋ n 1 3/29/21 1:14 PM Waterways and Riparian ZONES Top Must-See Attractions in the Greater Victoria NatureHood

watersheds Riparian zones are important transition areas that Important Bird Areas (IBAs) connect the water with the land, and support a In our NatureHood there are We all live in a watershed, whether natural, urban wide diversity of plant and animal life. Riparian three Important Bird & Biodi-

or rural. A watershed is an area of land that drains zones may be found surrounding lakes, estuar- versity areas: Sidney Channel Sirois Jacques Photo: precipitation and groundwater to a common point, ies, streams and rivers. These critical buffer zones and Mandarte Island located such as a creek, wetland, lake or ocean. Healthy improve water quality, retain water during storm next to Shoal Harbour MBS, watersheds feature ample trees and abundant events, prevent erosion, and provide important and Chain Islets - Grand Chain vegetation that help to slow, clean, and store water habitat for fish and other species. Island located next to Victoria by allowing it to absorb into the landscape. Water- Harbour MBS. There are 84 18 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ sheds can be different sizes and scales, and small IBAs in British Columbia. These A B C D watersheds can be part of larger watersheds. Each IBAs are of exceptional international significance for watershed plays an important role in maintaining the conservation of birds and biodiversity and are Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary Lagoon Migratory Bird Sanctuary Government House Rithet’s Bog conservation area is home to several our water cycle while providing important habitat part of a global network first established in 1985. (Est. April 10, 1931, 144 ha) (Est. Oct. 27, 1923, 1840 ha) (Est. Dec. 12, 1931, 134 ha) Located on the traditional territory of the rare plant species. Its wetland provides habitat to a to local plants and animals. Do your part and learn In Canada, IBAs are a joint initiative of Nature Located in Sidney and North Saanich, 30 km north The oldest Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Pacific Located next to Esquimalt Harbour and 5 km and Esquimalt First Nations, Government House is wide variety of birds. During the summer months how you can clean, protect and enhance the water- Canada and Birds Canada. of Victoria along the eastern side of the Saanich Canada stretches over 30 km west and east of west of Victoria Harbour, it is surrounded by the the office and official residence of the Lieutenant you will see Cedar Waxwings, Violet-green Swallows sheds in your NatureHood. Peninsula, it features shallow bays, tidal flats, small Victoria Harbour. It is surrounded by five municipal- municipality of Colwood, University Governor and the ceremonial home of all British and Tree Swallows and during the winter, Mallards, islands and sheltered waters. The shoreline alter- ities (Victoria, Oak Bay, Saanich, Esquimalt and View and a large bay named Royal Roads, an historic Columbians. The Government House gardens are American Coots, and Great Blue Herons. The 2.8 km Watersheds of greater victoria nates between rocky outcrops and beaches of sand, Royal), numerous urban parks and historic sites. navy anchorage site. The university’s backyard open to the public and are lovingly maintained by trail is fairly flat and can be walked in about 1 hour. gravel and silt. It is often lined with Douglas-fir (e.g., It is also home to the Port of Victoria and its sea- offers a great viewpoint and a colony of Western hundreds of volunteers who raise funds and ensure Beaufort Grove, Roberts Bay). Mermaid Creek emp- plane terminal, several marinas, paddling clubs, Purple Martins. Prior to European contact, the the future of this remnant Garry Oak landscape. ties in Roberts Bay, a bay with several viewpoints. a shipyard and other industries. The Galloping intertidal clam beds at the entrance to the lagoon Goose Regional Trail (Trans Canada Trail) were extensively harvested by ancestors of the In 2017, the Lieutenant Governor at the time, Home to a busy small craft harbour, Tsehum Har- stretches along some of its shores. Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations. The lagoon the Honourable Judith Guichon, designated the bour (or Shoal Harbour) has fishing vessels, a marine features both rich and shallow feeding grounds grounds of Government House as an official services industry, several marinas and the head- It features 30 eBird hotspots including viewpoints and a sheltered place for birds to winter and NatureHood site within Greater Victoria, with quarters of Gulf Island National Park Reserve. It is like Cattle Point, Bowker Creek estuary, McNeill rest during migration. the goal to inspire Victoria residents to enjoy lined with residential neighbourhoods interspersed Bay, Clover Point, Ogden Point breakwater, West the outdoors and connect with the natural 19 with parks and beach access points (e.g., Nymph Bay Walkway, Selkirk Trestle, Esquimalt Gorge Park The sanctuary is a favourite destination for birders environment that is around them every day. ✔ Park, Lillian Hoffar Park, Resthaven Park) where eBird and Cuthbert Holmes Park. It is associated with and nature lovers and supports a wide range of sea- Gulls reports ~110 bird species. The Tsehum Lagoon can three Ecological Reserves of British Columbia (Trial birds, waterbirds and shorebirds, particularly from Black Brant There are 12 species of gulls known to be seen from the Lochside Regional Trail and Marina Islands, Oak Bay Islands, Ten Mile Point) and a des- October to May. Up to 230 bird species have been Found during spring migration, using their small Saxe Point Park is a popular destination for regularly visit the NatureHood. Way. The sanctuary is rich in marine life with a range ignated Important Bird Area, the Chain Islets-Great reported near the bridge accessing the Coburg bill, Brants feed on eelgrass and marine algae along SCUBA diving, dog walking, and weddings. Forest- Pictured here is the of bird species along the shore and in the nearby Chain Island. Peninsula and some of Greater Victoria’s biggest the shore. Once a popular Christmas meal, their ed trails and beach accesses are set among mature Glaucous-winged Gull; waters, especially over the winter months. trees (e.g., Grand Fir) and one of its most intact declining numbers, along with the decline of other Douglas-fir and Grand-fir with many trails leading it is the only gull It is home to Garry Oak associated ecosystems, forests occurs next to the lagoon and the University. birds, led to the establishment of NatureHood’s to beach coves, gardens, and a picnic area. The open known to breed Roberts Bay is the site of an extensive 23-year study maritime meadows, kelp forests, beds of eelgrass Migratory Bird Sanctuaries. grassy area boasts amazing views of the majestic locally. Gulls are of wintering Buffleheads. These observations led to and clams, surfgrass, tidal flats and marshes, six Olympic Mountains and the . Marbled Murrelet Rhinoceros Auklet Black Oystercatcher Harlequin Duck scavengers and are the yearly celebration of “All Buffleheads Day”, when small estuaries and two salmon-bearing streams. sometimes called the this small, punctual sea duck returns for the winter Not to mention 270 species of birds, 30 species ‘vultures of the coast’ in successive waves starting in mid-October. of mammals and 95+ species at risk including because they scrounge Marbled Murrelet, Bigg’s and Southern Resident the coastline and will eat Killer Whales, Olympia Oyster, Victoria’s Owl-clover, Photo: Alan Vernon almost anything that washes Golden Paintbrush and Macoun’s Meadowfoam. up on the beach and shoreline. Photo: Eric Ellingson Photo: Eric Ellingson Photo: Jerry McFarland Photo: Jacob McGinnis

20 ✔

Photo: Michael Klotz Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is an accessible urban green space with two distinct ecosystems: a rare Garry Oak meadow atop Christ- mas Hill and a low wetland around Swan Lake. The sanctuary is vital for protecting threatened species and the Colquitz River watershed. Visitors can enjoy a floating boardwalk where ducks and River Otters swim among yellow pond lilies. Keen observers might spot endangered Western Painted Turtles basking in the sun!

1 5 8 11 14 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Anderson Hill has panoramic views of the Coles Bay Regional Park offers a gentle swim- Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park / XEOL,XELEK Harling Point is a small site of natural and cultural The Matson Lands Conservation Area contains Trial Islands, Juan de Fuca Strait and the Olympic ming beach and forest trails suitable for the whole often has a variety of waterfowl that visit these significance in Oak Bay, composed of an urban park more than one hundred Garry Oaks, the only native Mountains to the south. The park features rock family. This park is the perfect place for a short calm waters. Some of the waterfowl you may find and private property. Harling Point is located next oak tree in western Canada. This gnarly-shaped tree outcrops, Garry Oak ecosystems, native flora and stroll, or family picnic, and attracts bird enthusiasts are Mergansers, Buffleheads or Canada Geese. to a national historic site, a Chinese Cemetery has unique adaptations allowing it to live in the 21 ✔ fauna and non-native shrubs and plants. and beach explorers. The Cottonwood, Pacific Crabapple and Red Alders established in 1903. On a clear day, enjoy great rainshadow of the Vancouver Island, Coastal, and provide habitat for cavity nesting birds. The park views of the Juan de Fuca Strait and the Olympic Olympic mountains. has a variety of recreational opportunities available Mountains across the strait from a viewpoint Walbran Park provides viewpoints from which to for all levels, from amateurs to Olympians. near beautiful Gonzales Bay. enjoy magnificent views of ocean, mountain, and the surrounding urban and waterfront landscape, Greater Victoria NatureHood as well as opportunity to learn about the historical and conservation significance of the area. A short ABOUT NATUREHOOD LEAVE NO TRACE trail is just steps to a historical monument. Some minor trails are not accessible by wheeled Nature Canada’s NatureHood Program is about connecting When you visit the Greater Victoria NatureHood, be sure to 2 6 apparatuses. children and families to nature right where they live. It is a dispose of your waste appropriately. ✔ ✔ 15 call to expose a new generation of nature lovers, natural- ✔ ists and citizen scientists to nature all around them. To learn LEAVE WHAT YOU FIND more about NatureHood visit or To help preserve the past and present for the future, Beacon Hill Park / míqәn is a crowning jewel Colquitz River Trail runs along the Colquitz River, 9 12 contact us at [email protected]. ✔ ✔ examine, but do not touch, cultural or historic artifacts and in Victoria’s park system. There are natural areas, through Cuthbert Holmes Park and Panama Flats. Mill Hill Regional Park is a little-known oasis, structures. Leave any rocks, plants and other natural objects manicured flower beds, footpaths and many sports The river is an urban fish habitat with Coho and exemplifying the exquisite beauty and ecological CONNECTING GREATER VICTORIA’S NATUREHOODS as you find them and avoid introducing or transporting and play features for the whole family to enjoy. Chum Salmon commonly seen during their spawn- Esquimalt Gorge Park offers many significant Island View Beach Regional Park offers an wealth of our region. The slopes of Mill Hill protect Acknowledgements The Greater Victoria NatureHood is a partnership of grass- non-native species. roots naturalist organizations, not-for-profits and local gov- ing season in the fall. Take a walk and see all the trees throughout the rolling landscape including expansive sandy beach and panoramic seascape important remnants of Garry Oak ecosystems, a ernments, all sharing a strong commitment to protect nature RESPECT WILDLIFE stream restoration work that has occurred. some Umbrella Pines that are over 100 years old. views of Haro Strait, James Island and Mount Baker. Douglas-fir forest and a cedar wetland bordering We acknowledge with respect the territory of the SENĆOŦEN and in the Greater Victoria Region. It promotes nature awareness Visit the Japanese garden, nature house, or the Rare dunes, shrubs and wetland ecosystems of Millstream Creek. In the spring, wildflowers such as Lekwungen speaking peoples on whose traditional lands and through education, stewardship activities and events, and Feeding wildlife can lead to health impacts, alter natural waterways we live, work and play and whose deep relationship behaviours, and increase exposure to predators and other children’s playground. There is even a sandy beach this seashore park are home to many resident and camas and White Fawn Lily blanket the hillside. wildlife observation, in our public green spaces. to place continues to this day. Greater Victoria NatureHood looks dangers. Do not follow or approach wildlife but instead, that provides access for swimmers and a launch site migratory bird species, making it a premier bird- forward to building a future map that includes more First Nations observe from a distance. Avoid wildlife during sensitive times for paddlers. The fresh water of Gorge Creek that watching area. Watch for Marbled Murrelets and GREATER VICTORIA NATUREHOOD knowledge, language and history to provide a more complete such as mating, nesting, raising their young. Pets may not meanders through the park enters the salty waters Surf Scoters riding the waves and Northern Harriers illustration of our region’s natural heritage. Being in nature promotes awareness of our natural world be permitted at the places that you visit, please visit location 3 of the Gorge, creating a nutrient-rich habitat for or Short-eared Owls to be cruising the fields. and increases mental and physical health, as well as overall websites prior to heading out with your family. ✔ birds and fish in the estuary. wellbeing. The Greater Victoria NatureHood aims to inspire children – and adults – to appreciate nature and take action BE MINDFUL OF OTHERS to protect local species and natural places. Be courteous. One of the most important components of Bowker Creek estuary and “Bowker Reef” are 7 outdoor ethics is to be courteous to others, and follow local located at the south end of Willows Beach. Bowker ✔ RESILIENT NATUREHOOD regulations. Many people visit the NatureHood specifically Creek is the region’s most urban creek, traveling 16 A NatureHood is any place where you connect with nature’s to listen to nature, so please maintain quiet and keep your ✔ from its headwaters through underground pipes, Cuthbert Holmes Park is a large urban natural wonders – from observing a bee pollinate a flower in a ears open. and emerging in parks and greenspaces in both area. It is known to have the largest urban salmon planter box, to watching wild birds at a backyard feeder or Saanich and Oak Bay. At its river mouth, the avail- local park, to witnessing the trees change with the passing GET OUT INTO THE NATUREHOOD run in the Victoria area. Wetland restoration has Mount Douglas Park / P’kols offers a spectactular of the seasons in your local forest. Look around and you will ability of freshwater for drinking and bathing occurred, resulting in returning wildlife not seen in 13 360-degree view of the area around Victoria. This find nature everywhere throughout the Greater Victoria By using this map, you can connect with nature at nearby regularly attracts several common and rare birds, ✔ urban protected areas, like Esquimalt Lagoon Migratory Bird the park for decades. Come and enjoy a relatively 10 marine shore to hilltop park is popular, hosting a NatureHood. making this a favourite regional birdwatching site. ✔ Sanctuary, Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary and, flat 2 km loop trail. network of trails along its forested slopes and down

Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary, to name but just Kitty Islet is where you can enjoy the peaceful to the beach. At the beach it is common to see a CONNECT WITH NATURE Oregon Grape a few. We hope that your experience will inspire you to care Gonzales Hill has ocean views from the highest views of Trial Islands, McNeill Bay and the Olympic wide range of waterfowl, Harbour Seals and Connect with nature by taking time to simply go outdoors for and protect our natural environment. point of land on the south coast of Vancouver Mountains from the permanent wooden Adiron- sometimes even Orca. and explore the natural world around you. This can be as Island. It features a dry, coastal forest of Douglas- dack chairs perched on the rocky bluffs. It is an ideal simple as going to your backyard or to a local park. You BECOME A NATUREHOOD STEWARD Creative Team do not have to go far to explore nature. Make your city fir, Garry Oak and Arbutus, and a magnificent view location for fishing and watching the birds and nature-friendly by working with your community to restore Build community while connecting with nature. Protect the over Gonzales Bay and the City of Victoria to the Sea Lions. Project Manager SENĆOŦEN Visual Artist city parks, ravines, open spaces and other natural places NatureHood by joining one of the many stewardship groups west. A perfect place to watch the sunset over the Kathleen Burton Language Revitalist Kristi Bridgeman in Greater Victoria who volunteer in natural areas. ŚW,XELOSELWET for birds and native wildlife. Juan de Fuca Strait. It is located next to the historic Content Advisors Graphic Designers Opportunities include: Eva Riccius Tiffany Joseph Matthias Reinicke Gonzales Observatory, a landmark in Greater • Removing invasive species 4 Kitty Lloyd Editor Jennifer Hobson LEARN ABOUT AND RESPECT THE LOCAL ✔ Lindsey McCrank • Planting native plants and trees Victoria now used as an automated weather station. Fern Vicki Metcalfe PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL WILDLIFE LAWS Katie Turner Cartography • Improving stream quality Bob Peart The federal Migratory Birds Convention Act protects birds, Jean-Paul Bezeau • Monitoring birds and wildlife Cattle Point is renowned for its starry skies and 17 their nests, and their eggs from harm or capture in Canada. • Collecting litter, and more. ✔ Other provincial wildlife laws protect other species in the several rare plants that flourish in the Uplands SOURCES same way. Purchasing, keeping or trading a threatened To find an opportunity that suits your interests, Park. Located in Oak Bay and running along the visit species of wildlife from other countries is also illegal coastline, this beautiful natural area is an excellent Capital Regional District, District of Saanich Concept Field Guide Mount Work Regional Park is the dominant for Plants and Animals & Our Backyard Magazine, Township of without a permit. location for birdwatching. It also offers a beautiful ABOUT THE COVER ART hill on the horizon from many vantage points in Esquimalt, District of Oak Bay. viewpoint where you might see Orcas, Grey Whales, There are so many wonderful natural places to explore in the Saanich, Victoria and the Saanich Peninsula. This and California Sea Lions. Greater Victoria NatureHood, which made it hard to choose popular recreation spot features three freshwater CreDITS Nootka Rose just one to showcase on the cover. Artist Kristi Bridgeman lakes and a variety of easy and challenging trails came up with a fictional work that captures special elements where visitors can hike through forest to the This map was made possible by a generous grant from Nature Canada from many of Victoria’s natural spaces, including the iconic to NatureHood Greater Victoria. Additional thanks go to the many summit. Durrance Lake, on the park’s north side, individuals and organizations that provided guidance and resources Garry Oak habitat, which supports many species at risk. With Vanilla Leaf is wheelchair-accessible and features a public to help make the map, including District of Saanich, Capital Regional less than 5% of the original Garry Oak habitat remaining in District, Lime Design and Hemlock Printers. British Columbia, it was important to include this ecosystem swimming beach, boat launch and a hiking loop. as well as a variety of native flora and fauna including the Purple Martin, Bumblebee and camas flowers. Salal 2 3/29/21 1:15 PM