Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 International Journal of Volume 3 | Issue 1 Women’s Health and Wellness ISSN: 2474-1353 Review Article: Open Access Examining Utilization Among African Immigrant Women: A Literature Review Adebola Adegboyega*, Mollie Aleshire and Ana Maria Linares College of Nursing, University of Kentucky, USA

*Corresponding author: Adebola Adegboyega, RN, BSN, PhD candidate, College of Nursing, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40536, USA, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Introduction Background: Globally, 530,000 women per year are diag- Every year 530,000 women worldwide are diagnosed nosed with cervical cancer, and approximately 275,000 die with cervical cancer, and approximately 275,000 die from the disease. Routine cervical may from the disease [1]. Cervical cancer is the second most reduce the burden of cervical cancer morbidity and mortality through early detection and improved treatment outcome. common cancer among women worldwide [1,2], is the Immigrant women in the United States (U.S.) may be dis- most common cause of cancer in Africa [3], and is the proportionately affected by cervical cancer; however, there leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women is scarce literature addressing cervical cancer screening in in developing countries [1,4]. Cervical cancer incidence African immigrants (AIs) when compared to other immigrant rates are highest in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, groups. This systematic review evaluates the state of cervi- cal cancer screening research in AIs and identifies current Melanesia, and the Caribbean and are lowest in Western gaps. Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and North America. There Materials and methods: Through a comprehensive liter- is significant variation in cervical cancer rates by geo- ature search, we identified 16 studies published between graphical region, which reflects differences in the avail- 2005 and 2015 that focused on cervical cancer screening ability and utilization of cervical cancer screening based among AIs. upon geographical area [2]. Cervical cancer screening Results: From this review, we found a low screening ad- has successfully decreased cervical cancer incidence and herence rate among AIs. The common factors influencing mortality [5] in developed countries. However, screening cervical cancer screening practices among AIs included in most African countries remains inaccessible and un- immigration status, health care interactions, knowledge de- ficiency, religiosity and certain personal characteristics. derutilized by African women [6]. In many sub-Saharan African countries, cervical cancer screening programs Discussion: A multilevel approach to address the factors influencing screening practices among AIs is essential for have not been effective due to multifactorial barriers that improving adherence to screening guidelines. Implementa- are client-based, provider-based, and system-based [7]. tion of grassroots enlightenment and screening programs are warranted in this population to decrease the screening Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the pri- disparity experienced by this burgeoning population. mary cause of cervical cancer and HPV prevalence in women without cervical abnormalities is 24% in sub-Sa- Conclusions: Based on the findings from this review, Afri- can Immigrant (AI) women should be targeted for education haran Africa compared to a prevalence of 5% in North about the importance of cervical cancer screening to bridge America [2,8]. Western and Eastern Africa are high risk the knowledge gaps and multilevel initiatives could lead areas for cervical cancer with women having a 3.4% cu- to improved access and utilization of screening services mulative risk of developing cervical cancer during their among this growing immigrant population. lifetime compared to a 0.5% lifetime risk of cervical can- cer for women in North America risk of [9]. Decreases in HPV prevalence in North America have been linked to HPV vaccination [10]; however, the high cost of HPV

Citation: Adegboyega A, Aleshire M, Linares AM (2017) Examining Cervical Cancer Screening Utilization Among African Immigrant Women: A Literature Review. Int J Womens Health Wellness 3:046. ClinMed Received: October 25, 2016: Accepted: February 18, 2017: Published: February 22, 2017 International Library Copyright: © 2017 Adegboyega A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353 vaccine may make it unaffordable or unavailable in many idly growing population in the U.S. [20]. From 1980 to African countries [4]. The high HPV prevalence in Afri- 2013, the African population in the U.S. increased from can women translates to a high burden of cervical cancer 130,000 to 1.5 million [21]. AIs differ by country of origin, in African women as well as an increased risk of cervical reasons for migration, primary languages spoken, health cancer for African women who immigrate to the United practices and beliefs, human capital, education status, States (U.S.) [11]. and cultural background [22]. Immigrants bring with Receiving Papanicolau smear (Pap) screening ac- them their health profiles and health-related knowledge, cording to recommended guidelines significantly re- values, beliefs, and perceptions reflecting their cultural duces cervical cancer morbidity and mortality and is the background [23]. Cervical cancer screening services have most commonly used prevention strategy for cervical been poorly implemented in many developing countries cancer worldwide [12]. Pap screening can find precan- because of the high cost of health services, poor health cerous cervical abnormalities as well as detect cervical infrastructures, insufficient numbers of pathologists and cancer at early and at treatable stages. Cervical cancer is technicians, lack of resources, and accessibility partic- rare in women less than 21 years of age, and screening in ularly by people living in the rural areas since many of adolescent females has been shown to increase cost and the available services are based in secondary and tertiary anxiety without decreasing incidence of cervical cancer health care facilities located in urban areas [4,24]. The [13]. Hence, cervical cancer screening is not recom- awareness and utilization of Pap screening is increasing mended for adolescent females [14]. The American Can- in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, the unavailability and cer Society, American Society of and Cervi- inaccessibility of cervical cancer screening services con- cal Pathology, American Congress of Obstetricians and tinue to lead to only a small percentage of women being Gynecologists, and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force screened in sub-Saharan Africa [4]. Insufficient aware- (2012) recommend Pap screening begin at age 21 years ness of cervical cancer screening recommendations may and be completed every 3 years until women are over 65 deter AI women from completing Pap screening [7] af- years. Women ages 30-65 years may alternatively choose ter they migrate to the U.S. AIs may not have had any co-testing with HPV and Pap screening every 5 years. Pap screening prior to coming to the U.S. Consequent- Co-testing for HPV in combination with Pap screening ly, cervical cancer screening appears to be underutilized can help to assess cervical cancer risk [15]. If there is no among AI populations whose screening rates are much history of cervical cancer or precancerous abnormalities, lower than the proposed Healthy People 2020 objective women who have had a that includes re- of 93% of women age 21 to 65 receiving screening based moval of the and women over age 65 do not need upon current guidelines [25]. cervical cancer screening [15]. These recommendations AI women in the U.S. may be disproportionately af- are for women at average risk and do not apply to women fected by cervical cancer due to health care factors, cul- at increased risk for cervical cancer such as women who turally determined beliefs and attitudes, and cervical have a history of cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer; cancer screening barriers [26-28]. In the only identified women who have been exposed in utero to diethylstil- systematic review of cancer control research focused on bestrol, or women who are immunocompromised [11]. U.S. AIs, Hurtado-de Mendoz and colleagues (2014) Recommended screening practices should not change [29] examined cancer related studies that included Af- based on HPV vaccination status [16]. rican-born immigrants to the U.S. This review was con- Women receiving Pap screening based on guideline ducted in May 2013 and was not specific to cervical recommendations and intervals is critical to reducing cancer screening. To date, scant research has examined cervical cancer related morbidity, mortality, and eco- the current state of cervical cancer screening in AIs or nomic burden [17]. In the U.S mortality reduction would identified research gaps to inform future research and be 86%-93%, and lifetime cost would be approximately interventions. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to $1200-$1500, and 24 quality-adjusted life-years would examine cervical cancer screening practices among AI be gained [10,18]. To improve the health and economic women and to identify gaps in the literature to guide fu- burden of cervical cancer, the Pap screening patterns of ture research. ethnic minorities and underserved populations must be understood since these populations are disproportion- Methods ately affected by cervical cancer. Currently, there exists a Search method limited understanding of the factors influencing cervical The literature review combined electronic searches cancer screening among African immigrants (AIs) to the from PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Ovid U.S. Medline and CINHAL and followed the Preferred Re- Sub-Saharan Africa is historically a region of intense porting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses migration and population movement prompted by de- (PRISMA) guidelines [30]. Search terms included a com- mographic, economic, ecological and political factors bination of key words such as “cervical cancer screen- [19]. Hence, the African immigrant (AI) group is a rap- ing”, “African immigrants”, “cervical screen-

Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 • Page 2 of 12 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353 ing”, “”, “African refugees”, and “immigrants”. the quality of studies was appraised via identifying de- First, abstracts and titles were screened for relevance. signs, measures, strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, full text articles were evaluated to deter- mine adherence to the predetermined inclusion criteria. Data extraction and analysis The article selection was based on the following inclusion The abstract, manuscript, and the main findings criteria: (a) studies were published in English between of the studies meeting inclusion criteria were critically 2005 and 2015, (b) studies reported on cervical cancer reviewed and synthesized. The authors used a data ex- screening in an AI population, (c) articles were peer traction sheet to examine study characteristics including reviewed, (d) and the article was either a qualitative or subject characteristics, sampling methods, study loca- quantitative research study, (e) studies done in Europe, tion, and research design. Due to the changes in cervi- Australia, or North America. Studies reported only in cal cancer screening guidelines between 2005 and 2015, abstracts without full manuscripts, conference abstracts, the authors referred to contemporary guidelines from review papers, dissertations, and epidemiological studies the time the studies were conducted to ascertain if study were excluded from the review. participants met cervical cancer screening recommen- Search outcome dations. The primary outcome variable of interest was if AIs had ever received Pap screening. Data also appraised Figure 1 summarizes the article selection process. and synthesized included cervical cancer screening ad- From the initial electronic database search, 45 articles herence, and facilitators and/or barriers affecting cervi- were identified. The abstracts were appraised and the ref- cal cancer screening practices. Given the heterogeneity erences were reviewed to identify relevant studies from of the included studies, meta-analysis or other statisti- the reference lists that might have been missed in the ini- cal analysis could not be performed; therefore, data was tial search. After deleting duplicates, the remaining 24 summarized using qualitative synthesis. Extracted data full-text articles were screened for eligibility. A total of 16 was organized, integrated, and analyzed using qualitative studies met inclusion criteria. content analysis methods [31]. Extracted data with com- Quality appraisal mon characteristics were then synthesized and grouped into major themes. Due to the limited number of studies meeting inclu- sion criteria, all research methodologies were included in Results this review. A categorical quality appraisal of the studies was not undertaken due to the significant heterogeneity Characteristics of selected studies among studies and is a limitation of this review, however The selected articles were published between 2005 and

Total records identified-31 7 new records were included for eligibility PubMed-16 records assessment after references

CINAHL-11 records and citation analysis of full text Web of science - 4 records

4 records excluded based on review of 28 records after duplicates removed abstract and title

24 abstracts and titles were reviewed for Exclusions-8 eligibility

Literature review = 1

Thesis = 1

Conference abstract = 2

Not focused on cervical cancer 16 studies included in review screening = 4

Figure 1: Summary of literature search and review process.

Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 • Page 3 of 12 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353

Table 1: Summary of cervical cancer related studies that include African immigrants (AI). Author/year Study design and Sample Outcome Pap screening Key findings population time frame Forney- Quantitative: Total N = 656 Distinguish Pap screening African Americans were over 3 times Gorman & secondary analysis AI N = 36 between African within the past more likely to have reported pap Kozhimannil, of integrated health Americans and three years smear compared to AI (OR-3.37, 2015 [11] interview data AI screening 95% CI-1.89-5.96). African American patterns Higher education level is associated and African with higher odds of current Pap test. immigrants Every 1-unit increase in income was associated with decreased of having current pap screening. Harcourt, et al. Cross-sectional AI N = 421 Factors Ever had a Pap 52% have ever had pap screening. 2013 [38] design. African associated with screening Recent immigrants ≤ 5 yrs stay were immigrants in screening and less likely to be screened. Minnesota screening rates Somali have higher odds of being screened compared to other AI. Ghebre, et al. Qualitative: informant AI N = 23 Barriers and N/A Barriers to screening include lack of 2014 [34] interviews/ Somali facilitators to knowledge, religious beliefs, fatalism, immigrants cervical cancer fear, embarrassment and lack of trust in interpreters. Other barriers are language and trust in healthcare. Ndukwe, et al. Qualitative: AI N = 38 Knowledge and Previously Cervical cancer awareness is 2013 [33] focus groups. perception about screened significantly lower among this Key informants/ breast/cervical population when compared to African women in cancer screening breast cancer. Barriers include fear, Washington DC fatalism, lack of knowledge and cultural beliefs. Piwowarczyk, Quantitative: AI N = 120 Knowledge and Ever had pap Tailored DVD-based intervention et al. 2013 [44] intervention intentions related screening. increased knowledge of screening Somali & Congolese to screening Pap smear in the and intention receive pap smear (p in Boston past year < 0.01). Somali women were less likely than Congolese women to have obtained a pap smear in the past year. 21.3.1% vs. 44.1%. About 75% have ever had a pap screening. Samuel, et al. Quantitative analysis N = 100 Screening rates Year of most Somali immigrants had lowest 2009 [42] of chart review AI = 39 and factors recent pap screening rates compared to other associated with screening African immigrants. There was no screening significant relationship between odds of being screened and years in the US. Morrison, et al. Quantitative analysis N = 91,557 Factors Pap screening Somali patients had lower pap smear 2012 [39] of medical records AI = 810 associated completion within screening use 48.79% compared data with preventive the past 3years to 69.1% in Non-Somali patients. services use Positive association between pap smear completion and the number of primary care visits (p = 0.01) and ED visits (67 vs. 51 %, p = 0.005). Ogunsiji, et al. Qualitative inquiry/ AI Knowledge, N/A Low knowledge of screening, 2012 [47] West African women N = 21 attitude, and women who had at least a child after in Australia usage of cancer migration have better knowledge of screening cervical cancer screening, negative attitude towards screening. Ekechi, et al. Quantitative design/ N = 876 Knowledge Screened within Being younger, single, African 2014 [41] African or Carribean AI = 218 of cervical the past 3 years (compared to Caribbean) and women in London (24.7%) screening, Screened within attending religious services more screening 3-5 years frequently were associated with being attendance overdue for screening. Morrison, et al. Quantitative data AI Predictors of One pap 51% were adherent to cervical 2013 [40] Secondary analysis/ N = 310 cervical cancer screening within screening; adherence was associated Somali completion the past 3 years with more overall health care system visits. Majority of participants, saw male providers 65.8% of the time; only 20.4% of pap tests were performed by male providers. No age difference in age between adherent and non- adherent women.

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Sewali, et al. Randomized control AI Screening with Successful After 3 months participants in the 2015 [43] trial/Somali N = 63 clinic based Pap completion of HPV test group were more likely to test versus HPV Pap screening complete screening test compared self-sampling test within 3 to those in the clinic based pap months after test group (65.6% vs. 19.4%) (p enrollment = 0.0002). Women who reported having friends/family members to talk about cancer screening were approximately three times more likely to complete any screening test than those who did not (P = 0.127). This was not statistically significant after multivariate adjustment. Participants who reported residing in the US longer were more likely to complete a screening test (P = 0.011). Lofters, et al. Quantitative N = 455864 Screening Screened within 49.2% of Sub Saharan African have 2011 [36] research: immigrant AI = 26125 adherence and the past three been screened. Immigrant class was women living in Pap screening years significant for Sub-Saharan African Ontario's urban predictors women and Western European centers women, with refugees being at higher risk of non-screening. Tsui, et al. Foreign born women N = 70775 Receipt of pap Never receiving Significant determinants of screening 2007 [37] in the US AI = 178 screening and a pap screening rates were foreign born and time determinants of spent in the United States. Foreign pap screening born women were more than three times as likely as US born women to have never received a Pap screening. Redwood- Immigrant and N = 77 Barriers and N/A Knowledge gaps, misconception Campbell, et Canadian women AI = 15 enablers about cervical cancer causes, al. 2011 [32] associated with positive attitudes about taking care cervical cancer of health and preference for female screening clinician. Abdullahi, et Africa born Somali AI = 50 Breast and Ever had Pap Barriers to breast cancer screening al. 2009 [35] Women immigrant in cervical screening included limited knowledge, lack Camden, London screening of insurance, spiritual beliefs, and secrecy. Brown, et al. Qualitative focus N = 54 Facilitators N/A Patient-doctor relationship was the 2011 [48] group/ethnic diverse AI = 5 and barriers of single most important facilitator for women (Haitian, cervical cancer cervical cancer screening. Barriers to African, Caribbean, screening included cost, busy work African American) schedule, fear of the unknown, lack of insurance or being unemployed, and fear of disclosing immigration status.

2015. The study characteristics are outlined in table 1. The migration in all reviewed studies which may be related study designs included six qualitative [32-35], seven to large Somalian immigrant populations in the areas quantitative [11,36-41], and one mixed methods (using where most studies on AIs have been conducted. Soma- both qualitative and quantitative) approach [42]. The lia was the top country of origin of African-born refu- reviewed articles included only two intervention studies gees and asylees (11.6%) admitted to the US in 2007 [45]. [43,44]. Of the selected studies, 11 were studies specific Ten studies were conducted in the United States, two in for cervical cancer while the remaining studies also in- United Kingdom, and one study each was conducted in cluded other types of cancer. Canada and Australia. Subject characteristics Cervical cancer screening adherence The sample sizes and sampling methods varied The cervical cancer screening adherence outcome for among the studies. Convenience sampling was used the purpose of this review was defined as the proportion most frequently (25%, 4 articles). Three articles (18.8%) of AI women, 21 years and older who had ever had a used stratified sampling, two articles (12.5%) used ran- Pap screening. Women who had not received screening domized sampling and purposeful sampling methods, for 5 years after co-testing with HPV and Pap screen- one article (6.3%) used clustered sampling, and four arti- ing, women who had not received Pap screening within cles (25%) did not specify the sampling method. All stud- the past three years or had never had a Pap screening ies’ participants were ages 18 and above. Seven articles were categorized as overdue for screening. Pap screening examined AIs exclusively while 9 studies included other rates among AIs were reported in five studies. Accord- populations. Somalia was the most common country of ing to Morrison and colleagues (2013) [40] 51% of the

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310 women in their study had at least one cervical can- women who had Pap screening participated after their cer screening within the past three years. In a sample of first pregnancy and continued to receive follow-ups and AIs in Minnesota, Harcourt and colleagues (2013) [38] reminders from their providers. In addition, health care found a 52% screening adherent rate. Somali women provider recommendations [35,48], patient-health care often completed cervical cancer screening at lower rates provider relationship [48], and trained medical inter- when compared to other AI women (37% versus 63%) preter use [39] all were found to improve rates of cervical [38]. Forney-Gorman and Kozhimannil (2015) [11] re- cancer screening. ported 26.4% of AI women were current on cervical can- A health care provider’s gender may influence cervi- cer screening. Sewali and colleagues (2015) [43] report- cal cancer screening completion [32,35,40,42]. Morrison ed a 19.4% and 65.9% completion rate for Pap screen- and colleagues (2012) [40] reported that patient-provid- ing and HPV home based kit, respectively, at 3-month er gender concordance may improve screening adher- follow-up. Lofters and colleagues (2010) reported that ence among Somali women. Cervical cancer screening 49.2% of sub-Saharan African immigrants in their sam- was significantly more likely to occur during a visit with ple had not been screened for cervical cancer [46]. Ekechi a female health care provider compared to a male pro- and colleagues (2014) [41] reported that 26% (n = 216) vider (6.9% versus 1.2%). Having a male health care pro- of the AIs in their study were overdue for cervical can- vider perform Pap screening may be uncomfortable [42] cer screening compared to 18% of Caribbean immigrant and for Muslim Somali women this may be a barrier to women. Piwowarczyk and colleagues (2013) reported screening completion [35]. Redwood-Campbell (2011) among a group of Somali and Congolese women living found in their study of cervical cancer screening barriers in greater Boston area, 75% (n = 120) had ever completed and facilitators, that participants preferred female clini- a Pap screening. African American women were more cians, and that the health care provider be female gender than 3 times more likely to have reported having a Pap was most important to Muslim women [32]. screening (OR = 3.37. 95% CI = 1.89. 5.96) compared to AI females [11]. Other personal level factors related to health care in- teraction such as cost [33,48], communication [32,35], Factors influencing cervical cancer screening pain [34], embarrassment [32,34,35], ear [33,34,41,48] Immigration status: Four studies [37,38,41,43] and accessibility difficulties are barriers to Pap screen- demonstrated that length of stay in country of immi- ing among AI women. Fear of the Pap screening includ- gration may improve cervical cancer screening, with a ed fear of the procedure and fear of the result. Certain longer period of stay being associated with likelihood of women perceived the process of undergoing pelvic ex- having completed cervical cancer screening. Harcourt amination as invasive. Some women believed that the use and colleagues (2013) found that established immigrants of speculum would damage reproductive organs or im- (greater than 5 years) are more likely to be screened for pact future pregnancies [34]. Some women considered cervical cancer compared to recent immigrants (p < the speculum a painful instrument and did not trust the 0.001, OR = 0.40, CI 0.24-0.65). However, Samuel and instruments’ sterilization [35]. Fear of receiving a cervi- colleagues (2009) [42] did not observe a correlation be- cal cancer diagnosis prevented women from undergoing tween time living in the U.S. and odds of being screened Pap screening due to the belief that a cancer diagnosis for cervical cancer. In a Canadian study, Lofters and col- would result in death [33]. Ghebre and colleagues (2014) leagues (2010) [46] found immigrant class (economic, reported that some AI women would rather die rather family, and refugee class) to be a significant predictor than know that they have cancer. Accessibility challenges of cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan African and affecting cervical cancer screening included lack of child- Western European women. In this study, refugees were care, inconvenient appointment times, and transporta- less likely to have completed cervical cancer screening, tion issues [33,35]. even though length of stay in Canada was not consistent- Some women anticipated embarrassment associated ly associated with lack of screening. with reaction from health care providers based on hav- Health care interactions: The frequency of health care ing undergone female circumcision [35]. Also, women system interaction may increase screening. Emergency perceived undergoing Pap screening as a sign of problem department visits were associated with an increased like- or an indication that a woman is experiencing an infec- lihood of cervical cancer screening completion [39,40]. tion. Other women were concerned regarding how their Morrison and colleagues (2012, 2013) [39,40] reported community might interpret undergoing a gynecologic that there was a significant positive association between exam [34]. Younger women expressed that due to the the duration of established health care (p = 0.001), num- close knit nature of the AI community in the area, they ber of health care encounters (p = 0.001), and cervical had concerns related to privacy and confidentiality [33]. cancer screening adherence. Three studies [35,40,47] re- Another barrier affecting cervical cancer screening ported that post-natal or obstetrics/gynecological visits was communication and language difficulties experi- increased the odds of cervical cancer screening comple- enced during health care interactions [32,34,35]. English tion. Ogunsiji and colleagues (2013) found a majority of is a second language for many AI women and the inabili-

Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 • Page 6 of 12 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353 ty to communicate effectively may be a barrier to cervical attended (27% vs. 17%, p = 0.02). Also, a common Mus- cancer screening. Communication issues may influence lim Somali belief is that everything that happens is ‘un- forming a trusting relationship with providers. Language der God’s will’ [34,35] and prevention has ‘no impact on difficulties can affect women’s understanding of the cer- God’s plan’ for one’s health [34]. Other beliefs that im- vical cancer screening and the perceived need for screen- pact pap screening include that personal faith will serve ing. Even though interpreter services were available, as protection from cancer, that cancer is a curse [33], or some women expressed dissatisfaction with the quality that cancer is a form of punishment from God inflicted of interpreters provided, distrust of the interpreters pro- on an individual [34]. Some AI women have fatalistic be- vided, and embarrassment about disclosing private is- liefs; the women reported that prevention has no impact sues to interpreters [31]. because if God plans for someone to get sick, they will despite screening. Individuals will die the day they were Lack of trust in healthcare system [34], negative past supposed to die and participating in health prevention experiences [35], and lack of health insurance [11,48] are would not change the outcome was another sentiment system level barriers affecting cervical cancer screening. shared by AI women [34]. Cost of screening may affect cervical cancer screening for women without health insurance or underinsured. There is conflicting evidence about AIs attitudes Lack of health insurance was associated with lower odds related to cervical cancer screening. Ogunsiji and col- of Pap screening completion [11]. Lack of trust in the leagues (2013) [47] reported the majority of West Af- health care system and in health care providers was also rican immigrant women in their study had a negative identified by AI women as a health care system barrier to attitude toward Pap screening due to unfamiliarity with cervical cancer screening. Many women questioned rec- the test. Conversely, Redwood-Campbell and colleagues ommendations by physicians and perceived that health (2011) [32] reported a positive attitude among female care system or providers may not be focused upon the immigrant being proactive in managing their health by patient’s best interest [34]. Furthermore, certain women obtaining cervical cancer screening. delayed Pap screening due to their own past negative ex- perience or other’s reports of poor experiences related to Demographic characteristics Pap testing [35]. Among the studies that assessed correlation between age and cervical cancer screening, one study reported no Knowledge of cervical cancer screening association between AIs age and cervical cancer screen- Several studies reported that cervical cancer screen- ing completion [38] while another study reported that ing knowledge is low among AI women [32-35,47,48]. women 25-44 years old were less likely to be screened The women endorsed the need for more information on than women 45-64 years old [41]. Two studies indicated the necessity of cervical cancer screening, steps involved that single African women were less likely to be screened in procedure, and the implications of test results [32]. compared to married women [11,41]. Harcourt and col- Because women’s health issues were often not discussed leagues (2013) [38] reported that there was no associa- openly in sub-Saharan African countries, it was difficult tion between AIs’ level of education and cervical cancer for AI women to initiate discussions on sexuality, cancer screening while Forney-Gorman and colleagues (2015) screening, or reproductive health [47]. In a multiethnic [11] found an association between higher level of edu- study by Brown and colleagues (2011), AI women knew cation and screening but it did not reach statistical sig- the least among all the ethnic groups and commonly nificance. believed that cervical cancer was caused by having too Discussion many children. The women did not identify HPV as the cause of cervical cancer and were not aware HPV is a sex- This literature review describes the state of cervical ually transmitted infection [48]. Ndukwe and colleagues cancer screening evidence related to AIs and highlights (2013) discussed that AI women often assume symptoms a paucity of research specific to AI women and cervical of cervical cancer are menstrual symptoms [33]. Ghebre cancer screening despite growing numbers of this immi- and colleagues (2014) [34] found some Somali women grant group in developed countries. The review included might not know if they have undergone a cervical cancer 16 articles published between 2005 and 2015. Through screening because they did not know if they had under- synthesis of the articles, the authors identified thematic gone cervical cancer screening or another gynecological factors influencing Pap screening among AIs. Factors in- exam. fluencing Pap screening were identified as immigration status; health care interactions; knowledge related to cer- Religiosity, beliefs and attitudes vical cancer screening; religiosity, beliefs, and attitudes; Certain religion and cultural belief can be barriers to and demographic characteristics. cervical cancer screening completion. Ekechi and col- Cervical cancer screening is underutilized in the AI leagues (2014) [41] found that women who attended re- population with screening rates lower than other U.S. ligious services at least once a week were more likely to women and well below the Healthy People 2020 goal of be overdue for screening than those who rarely or never 93% of women ages 21 to 65 receiving screening [25].

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The differing cervical cancer screening guidelines in geted cervical cancer screening programs can reduce the place during 2005 to 2015 review period make direct risk of cervical cancer. Regular cervical cancer screening comparisons of Pap screening adherence across studies based upon current guidelines is highly effective in iden- difficult. Available national data do not reflect screening tifying cervical cancer precursors and interrupting pro- rates among AI due to data aggregation in which AI fe- gression to invasive disease [52]. males are reported as part of African American female In this review, health care interactions also influenced statistics. The 2010 National Health Interview Survey cervical cancer screening among AI. In this review, AI showed that the overall cervical cancer screening receipt women at post-natal or obstetrics/gynecological visits in the U.S. within the past three years was 83.0%. African were screened as part of their visit; however, depend- American women have a cervical cancer screening rate ing solely on this service may preclude women above of 85%, and rates were significantly lower among Asians childbearing ages. In native African women, screen- at 75.4% [49]. Lack of disaggregation of data makes it ing for cervical cancer is similarly opportunistic and is difficult to identify sub group differences between na- more often completed by women who attend antenatal tive-born blacks and foreign-born blacks. There is lim- and family planning clinics. However, women who use ited data about Pap screening among a nationally repre- these services are generally young and from a relatively sentative sample of AI. In this review, reported cervical low-risk group. This type of service does not reach wom- cancer screening rates among AI varied greatly from en many at higher risk such as those aged 35-60 years 19.4% to 75%. Notably, even a cervical cancer screening and those who live in rural areas [4]. Morrison and col- rate of 75% is below the reported screening rates among leagues (2012) noted that more frequent exposure to the other minorities indicating further intervention is still health care system may increase comfort with the system needed to increase cervical cancer screening rates and and procedures, enhancing opportunities for preventive achieve the Healthy People 2020 goals in this population. health services [40]. However, women who anticipate or Knowledge deficits related to cervical cancer risk fac- experience unpleasant health care interactions may have tors and screening procedures influence cervical cancer fewer encounters with the health care system decreasing screening among AIs. Limited knowledge in the AI pop- the likelihood of preventive care including cervical can- ulation may be related to lack of cervical cancer screen- cer screening. ing emphasis or utilization prior to migration. Numer- In addition, certain health care interaction factors ous studies conducted in Africa have shown that there affecting Pap screening that are reported by U.S. ethnic is poor knowledge related to HPV, cervical cancer, and minorities include embarrassment, fear of pain, fear of cervical cancer screening among African women. In a diagnosis, and trust in provider [51,53]. In a systematic study conducted among women in Burkina Faso, the review of barriers to cervical cancer utilization in sub-Sa- researchers reported low biomedical knowledge about haran Africa, Lim and Ojo (2016) reported similar barri- cervical cancer [50]. In an integrated review of barriers ers among Sub-Saharan Africans [54]. Nigerian women to cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan Africa, Mc- indicated that fear of a positive result, modesty concerns, Farland and colleagues (2016) cited lack of knowledge gender of health care providers, and beliefs that it is bet- and awareness of cervical screening as the most com- ter to be ignorant of disease than to go in search of it mon client-based barrier. Lack of information about were factors affecting cervical cancer screening practices, cervical cancer screening programs and illiteracy likely but these factors were not uniform across religions and are components affecting this knowledge gap [7]. Sim- geographical regions [55]. Furthermore, anticipated em- ilarly, research among other immigrant population in barrassment related to health care providers unfamiliar the U.S. have found knowledge of cervical cancer causes with female circumcision practices have been reported and prevention to be lower as compared to the general among AIs [29]. Health care providers that encounter U.S. population. For example, Corcoran and colleagues immigrant women should be aware that AIs may have (2014) reported that Latina women have inaccurate and specific needs related to female circumcision, which is inadequate knowledge of cervical cancer and its preven- practiced in more than 28 countries in Africa [56]. tion [51]. Religiosity has been shown to predict engagement in The knowledge gaps related to cervical cancer which preventive services [57]. Generally, individuals who at- exist in the burgeoning AI population must be addressed. tend religious services are more likely to report the use of Limited knowledge related to cervical cancer can fuel female preventive services compared to those who nev- misconceptions about cervical cancer and cervical can- er attend [57]. However, in this review, we found that cer screening. Alarmingly, more than half of cervical AI women who attended religious services were not up cancer deaths in the U.S. are among immigrant women to date on screening. Religiosity may influence percep- [37], and AI women also suffer a disproportionate cervi- tions about cervical cancer causes and outcome. Some AI cal cancer burden. Screening campaigns must target AIs women endorse fatalistic beliefs about cancer that may and emphasize the causative role of HPV in cervical can- be intertwined with religious beliefs. The belief that a cer and cervical cancer risk factors. Such campaigns will higher power controls health is a component of fatalism help eliminate anecdotal beliefs and combined with tar- [58]. Studies conducted among native African women

Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 • Page 8 of 12 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353 have reported fatalistic views of cervical cancer screen- Connecting recent immigrant with community re- ing, viewing positive results as a death sentence negat- sources, local advocacy, and resettlement organizations ing the need for screening. Other African women have may help link and integrate them into the health care reported solace in ignorance about their cervical cancer system in their host countries and reduce the cervical status [54]. cancer screening and cervical cancer disease disparities experienced by this group. Based on the heterogeneity and cultural diversi- ty among Africans, factors related to cervical cancer Although, considerable progress is being made to- screening uptake may vary among different ethnicities, ward understanding the facilitators and barriers to cer- within countries, and across the continent. In this re- vical cancer screening among AIs, this review highlights view, most of the factors identified as influencing cer- the need for culturally-targeted and linguistically appro- vical cancer screening among AIs are similar to those priate interventions to address knowledge gaps, health identified among native Africans. However, some factors promotion, all levels of prevention, and culturally sensi- influencing cervical cancer screening differ between na- tive health care interactions. tive Africans and AIs. For instance, immigration status This review indicates that health care providers in- is an important determinant of cervical cancer screen- fluence cervical cancer screening utilization via their ing uptake among immigrants with recent immigrants recommendations, patient-provider relationships, and at greater risk for non-compliance with screening rec- communication. Hence, interventions and educational ommendations. In addition, immigrants may be dispro- initiatives should address health care providers’ cultur- portionately affected by unique factors that may deter al sensitivity and cultural congruence and facilitate in- from cervical cancer screening. For example, undocu- corporation of these concepts into patient-centered care mented immigrants cannot receive health insurance via to enhance health care interactions and improve health the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) care barriers for AIs. and legal immigrants who have been in the country less than five years are also excluded from participation in Self-Pap screening and HPV testing may play a vital the Medicaid expansion program. Therefore, undocu- role in the future in increasing the number of women mented immigrants and recent immigrants are less likely globally who are able to receive cervical cancer screen- to receive cervical cancer screening, and more likely to ing [62]. Sewali and colleagues (2015) study [43] among delay seeking necessary care [59]. U.S. immigrants con- Somali immigrants demonstrated the potential for using sistently have lower rates of health insurance coverage self-sampling home-based kits to increase cervical cancer than native U.S. populations, yet there are differences screening in AIs. Community health workers (CHWs) among immigrants based on immigration status, time in might serve as patient navigators to participants with the U.S., and country of origin [60]. Having health in- positive cervical cancer or HPV self-screening results surance and cost likely play a significant role in access to to ensure timely follow-up [62]. As frontline lay public preventive services such as Pap screening for AIs. health workers, CHWs serve as a bridge between com- munities and health care providers [63]. CHWs address Despite migration to developed countries where or- the challenge of delivering health care services to under- ganized cancer screening services and programs are served populations through education, outreach, and normalized, there remains low cervical cancer screening counseling [64,65] CHWs have been successfully used in rates among AIs. In part, this may be associated with lack cancer screening promotions among underserved popu- of successful integration into the health care system of lations and thus should be considered as a component of the host country. As acculturation and assimilation oc- intervention strategies aimed at increasing cervical can- cur for AIs over time, this may lead to changes in be- cer screening in AI women [65]. liefs or norms related to health practices such as cervical cancer screening [61]. Culturally congruent care may Limitations facilitate awareness of and access to health care services, There are several limitations of this review including including cervical cancer screening. the number and types of studies that were reviewed and This review underscores the need for culturally-ap- the time span of publication. Although 16 studies were propriate, targeted prevention efforts aimed at recent identified, the study designs and samples varied greatly immigrants to improve their cervical cancer-screening and studies utilized unique research purposes and ques- uptake. In an intervention study identified in this review, tions, different types of research participants, dissimilar Piwowarcyyk and colleagues (2013) [44] found that a research measures, multiple variables, and widely varied culturally and linguistically tailored DVD intervention immigrant population foci. Although the authors sought increased knowledge and intention to screen among to identify all AI cervical cancer screening studies meet- women. The intervention was a series of one-session ing inclusion criteria, the search methodology employed group workshops with Congolese and Somali in the US for the literature review may have limited the number built around a DVD using AI women’s stories which of studies identified for inclusion. Searches of addition- provided basic information about mammography, pap al databases, grey literature, abstract-only writings, and smears and mental health services for trauma. unpublished data may have led to the identification of

Adegboyega et al. Int J Womens Health Wellness 2017, 3:046 • Page 9 of 12 • DOI: 10.23937/2474-1353/1510046 ISSN: 2474-1353 additional research studies. The limitation of using key- (“Early Detection of Cancer” [Mesh] AND “last 10 years” words and Mesh terms may have impacted the search [PDat] AND Humans [Mesh] AND English [lang])) results; however, in an effort to minimize this effect mul- AND “last 10 years” [PDat] AND Humans [Mesh] AND tiple databases were searched. The diversity of the arti- English [lang])) AND “last 10 years” [PDat] AND Hu- cles reviewed and AIs as a population, limits the ability to mans [Mesh] AND English [lang])) AND ((((“Uterine generalize the review findings. The results should be in- Cervical ” [Mesh] AND “last 10 years” [PDat] terpreted with caution due to the numerical variation of AND Humans [Mesh] AND English [lang])) OR (cervi* AI study participants. Also, study participants included AND “last 10 years” [PDat] AND Humans [Mesh] AND AI women born in various countries across the African English [lang])) AND “last 10 years” [PDat] AND Hu- continent which are likely influenced by factors such as mans [Mesh] AND English [lang]). geographical region, religion, legislation, socio-political factors, sociocultural norms, and a myriad of other fac- References tors. Data classification and thematic identification and 1. (2015) GLOBOCAN: Estimated Cancer Incidence, mortal- classification were based on subjective inferences; con- ity, and prevalence worldwide in 2012. 150 Cours Albert Thomas, France. sequently, this is a limitation that may affect the results. 2. Forman D, de Martel C, Lacey CJ, Soerjomataram I, Lor- Conclusions tet-Tieulent J, et al. (2012) Global burden of human papillo- mavirus and related diseases. Vaccine 30: 12-23. The findings from the review highlight gaps in re- 3. 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