Environmental Monitoring Report

41122-023 / 41122-043 Final Report January to June 2020 Loans 2560/2843-GEO October 2020

GEO: Road Corridor Investment Program–Tranches 1 and 3

Kobuleti Bypass Road Section (km 12+400 – km 31+259)

Prepared by the Environmental Monitoring Consultant for the Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the Borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Project name: Bypass Road Section KM12+400-KM31+259

ADB Project No: 41122-043 ADB Loan No: 2560-GEO, 2843-GEO

Country: Georgia PIU Name: Roads Department of Georgia Date of Issue: October 2020

Final Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Start Date 14.05.2013 Project End Date 30.03.2020 Reporting Period January to June 2020


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 5 1.1 Preamble ...... 5 1.2 Report Format ...... 5 1.3. Overview of Project and Main Stakeholders ...... 5 1.3.2. Main Stakeholders of the Project ...... 6 2. FINAL REPORTING PERIOD ...... 8 2.1 Project Activities During Current Reporting Period ...... 8 2.2. Environmental Monitoring ...... 8 2.3 Framework for Environmental Monitoring ...... 8 2.4 Summary of Performed Environmental Monitoring Activities ...... 11 3. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ...... 11 3.1 Final Inspections and Audit ...... 11 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 20 4.1 Conclusions ...... 20 4.2. Recommendations ...... 20 ANNEXES: 1 Post - Construction Environmental Audit Report ...... 21


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program


1.1 Preamble

1. This report represents the Final Environmental Monitoring Review (FEMR) for Kobuleti Bypass Road Lot II. 2. The project has now been completed and this report represents the final submission relating to environmental monitoring. The report provides information since the last Semi-Annual EMR (SAEMR) and additional information relating to implementation statuses of corrective actions revealed during the site monitoring and audit in terms of environmental safeguard application.

1.2 Report Format

3. This FEMR provides information relating to the final construction period, extending from the date of the last SAEMR which was the December 2019, through the formal end of the construction period which is March 2020.

1.3. Overview of Project and Main Stakeholders

1.3.1 Project Description and Purpose 4. The Kobuleti Bypass section is part of the so-called Bypass Project along the – Sarpi road located along the western Black Sea coast of Georgia. The project road also forms part of the main road corridor East-West Highway between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Its connection with the Black Sea ports of Batumi and Poti and the tourist beaches in Kobuleti makes this road an important trade and tourism road for Georgia. Information and data on the Project Road have been extensively elaborated in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) documents for the project. 5. Section KM12+400-KM31+259 of Kobuleti Bypass Road Lot II has been constructed between May 2013 – June 2018 time period. 6. Implementation of infrastructural projects negatively impacts on environment as we are all aware. Construction of highways specially impacts on all components of the natural environment, during which changing of landscape, fragmentation of soil surface, losing of fertile layer of soil, elimination of green cover and migration ways of animals, changing of river bed and pollution of surface water, reducing of living area of birds and fishes may also occur. Location of the project is shown in Figure 1 below.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 1: Location Map of the Project

1.3.2. Main Stakeholders of the Project

7. Environmental monitoring is overseen by the Roads Department, through a special unit called the Resettlement and Environmental Protection Unit. This unit reviews the EIAs and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) related to the Roads Department projects and perform monitoring of compliance of the contractor’s performance with the approved EMPs, EIAs,


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

environmental standards and other environmental commitments of the contractor. Environmental monitoring in the field was among the work scope of the Engineer (DOHWA), and the tasks of actual monitoring was undertaken by two (2) national environmental specialists. Spot surveys and assessments of environmental situations and conditions of the project site were conducted to ascertain compliance of the Contractor to the EIA’s EMP. Variances from the established baseline environmental parameters were noted and brought to the attention of the Contractor for corrective measures. Whenever necessary, certain modifications on the work program were recommended to assure compliance on the part of the Contractor (Sinohydro Ltd, China).

8. The Contractor had assigned an environmental, health and safety Director who was responsible for environmental compliance based on the project EMP (found in the EIA). Likewise, the Contractor has prepared Site-Specific EMP (SSEMP) which served also as their guide for their own self-monitoring of the construction’s environmental aspects. This is to ensure an efficient monitoring activity at all times.

9. Environmental issues arising from the construction activities were immediately brought to the attention of the construction supervision team to coordinate efforts in order to immediately mitigate impacts, protect the environment, and safeguard the health and welfare of the local communities. All these are to be conducted within the framework of the overall construction management and supervision. Aspects in the environmental monitoring were reported in a monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual basis to the RD (PIU) and ADB.

10. Main organizations involved in the project and related to environmental safeguards are presented in the Table 1 below:

Table 1. List of Organizations Involved under the Project

Contact Data (including phone Name of Main Staff and Organization and website) and Address of the Environmental Specialist Organization Funding Environmental Nurlan Djenchuraev [email protected] organization Specialist, Portfolio, Results, Safeguards and Gender Unit (PSG), CWRD, Asian Development Bank

ADB/RETA Keti Dgebuadze Tel: +995 322 250619 Mob: +995 International- 577 232937 Regional E-mail: [email protected] Environmental [email protected] Safeguards Consultant

Associate Nino Nadashvili +995 595 070442 Safeguards Officer [email protected] Georgia Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Contact Data (including phone Name of Main Staff and Organization and website) and Address of the Environmental Specialist Organization Employer Roads Gia Sopadze Tel: (+995) 599 93 92 09 Department Head of Environmental E-mail: [email protected] Division

Luiza Bubashvili Tel: (+995) 595 21 91 41 Environmental Safeguard E-mail: [email protected] Consultant under ADB & EIB Financed Projects Contractor Sinohydro Zhong Zhenmin Tel: (+995) 591 999 802 Corporation Head of HSE Division E-mail: [email protected] Branch in Georgia Consultant Dohwa Tengiz Lagidze Tel: (+995) 595 93 96 30 Local Environmental Specialist E-mail: [email protected]


2.1 Project Activities During Current Reporting Period

10. As mentioned above, on 26.06.2018 the project was completed and there was a Defect Liability period started on 26.06.2018 till 30.03.2020. During this reporting period (January-June 2020) Contractor has been implementing corrective actions revealed by the SC representatives and ADB Mission during previous reporting period. The results and statuses of corrective actions are considered in Section 3 – Environmental Management of this report.

2.2 Environmental Monitoring

11. As stated in the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the EIA Report 1 the Contractor has undertaken quarterly parametric monitoring of (i) noise and vibration; (ii) surface water quality; (iii) drinking water quality; and (iv) air quality.

12. Actually, air quality and noise parametric monitoring for previous reporting periods was carried out on the monthly basis, vibration level in case of necessity, but surface water quality monitoring in case if rivers were affected due to bridge construction activities.

2.3 Framework for Environmental Monitoring

13. The environmental monitoring and management activities during the previous reporting periods for the project was based on the EIA reports drafted for the project road component namely the EIA report.

14. Based on the EIA’s EMP and SEMP the environmental concerns which need to be monitored and managed were as follows.

1 Government of Georgia. MORDI-Department of Roads. February 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Table 2: Environmental Aspects for Management and Monitoring

Environmental Aspect Subtopics Frequency & Location 1. Protection of Flora 1.1 Endangered species Along the entire road section– 1.2 Vegetation clearance twice a month. 2. Protection of Fauna 2.1 Construction activities Along the entire road section– 2.2 Poaching twice a month. 3. Protection Fisheries 3.1Construction of Bridge Substructure At the bridges: #2 (Riv. 3.2 Construction works in the rivers and Achkva), #4 (Riv. Kintrishi), #5 on the surrounding lands. (Riv. Kinkisha), #7-#8 (Riv. Dekhva), #11 (Riv. Chakvistskali) – once a month. 4 Waste Management 4.1 General Waste Campsites: Choloki, 4.2 Spoil Ochkhamuri, , Bobokvati, 4.3 Hazardous Waste – once a month. 5. Fuels and Hazardous 5.1Fuels and hazardous goods. Campsites: Choloki, Goods Management Ochkhamuri, Laituri, Bobokvati, Chakvi – once a month. 6. Water Resources 6.1 Hazardous Material and Waste Campsites and surface water Management 6.2 Discharge from construction sites near bridges: #2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8.1, 6.3 Construction of Bridges/drainage 9, 11 – once a quarter. structures in streams/rivers 6.4 Soil Erosion and siltation 6.5 Construction activities in water bodies 7. Drainage 7.1 Excavation and earth works, and Along the entire road section– Management construction yards once a month. 7.2 Fresh road cuts may immediately trigger intensive erosion during construction and drastic increase of sedimentation 7.3 Ponding of water 8. Soil Quality 8.1 Earth filling with borrow material Along the entire road section– Management 8.2 Storage of hazardous and toxic once a month. chemicals 9. Top Soil 9.1 Land clearing, storage and further use Along the entire road section– Management Plan once a month. 10. Topography and 10.1. Land clearing and earth works Along the entire road section– Landscaping once a month. 11. Borrow Areas 11.1Degradation of borrow areas Quarries at the territories of Vil. Development & Zeda Sameba and Vil. Operation Shuagele – once a month. 12. Air Quality 12.1 Construction vehicular traffic At the bridges #1 - #11.2, Management 12.2 Construction machinery tunnels #1 and #2 – once a 12.3 Construction activities month. 13. Noise and Vibration 13.1 Construction vehicular traffic At the bridges #1 - #11.2, Management 13.2 Construction machinery tunnels #1 and #2 – once a 13.3 Construction activity month. 14. Road Transport and 14.1 Construction vehicular traffic Along the entire road section– Road Traffic once a month. Management 15. Construction Camp 15.1 Siting and Location of construction Construction sites – every week Management camps 15.2 Construction Camp Facilities 15.3 Disposal of waste


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Environmental Aspect Subtopics Frequency & Location 15.4 Fuel supplies for cooking and heating purposes 15.5 Site Restoration 16. Cultural and 16.1 Construction activities near religious There was no necessity in Religious Issues and cultural sites monitoring 17. Worker Health and 17.1 Anthrax Construction sites – every week Safety 17.2 Best practices 17.3 Water and sanitation facilities at the construction sites 17.4 Trainings

15. In addition, the following laws and regulations were also considered and used as legal and regulatory framework related to road construction activities of the Contractor:

1. Georgian Law of Environmental Protection, 1996 2. Georgian Law on Ambient Air Protection 3. Law of Minerals, 1996 4. Wildlife Law, 1996 5. Law of Georgia “On the System of the Protected Areas, 1996 6. Law of Georgia on Water Resources, 1997 7. Code of Georgia on Water Resources, 1999 8. Law of Georgia on Soil Protection, 1994 9. Law of Georgia ‘On the Red List and Red Book’, 2003 10. Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage, 2007 11. Environmental Standards and Norms: (i) Ambient Air Quality Norms; (ii) Noise Standards; 12. Law of Georgia “On Waste Management”, 2015; and 13. Technical Regulation on Environment, 2014.

16. For the ambient air quality, the GEO and IFC guidelines have been followed as shown in the Table 3 below:

Table 3: Ambient Air Quality Standards

Parameter Averaging Limit (μg/m3) Period Maximum IFC Guideline EU Ambient Permissible Value Air Quality Concentration Guidelines (MAC) for Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 30 minutes 200 - - 1 Hour - 200 200 24 Hours 40 - - 1 Year - 40 40 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 10 minutes - 500 - 30 minutes 500 - - 1 Hour - - 350 24 Hours 50 20 125 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 30 minutes 5,000 - - 24 Hours 3,000 - - Total Suspended 24 Hours 150 - - Particulates (TSP) / Dust 30 minutes 500 - -


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Parameter Averaging Limit (μg/m3) Period Maximum IFC Guideline EU Ambient Permissible Value Air Quality Concentration Guidelines (MAC) for Air Quality PM10 1 year 20 40 24 hour 50 50 PM2.5 1 year 10 25 24 hour 25 - Ozone 8-hour daily 100 120 maximum

17. Also, in terms of the noise quality standards for residential areas ADB requires that the WB/IFC EHS guidelines are followed. According to the IFC, noise impacts should not exceed the levels presented in Table 4 or result in a maximum increase in background levels of 3 dB at the nearest receptor location off site:

Table 4: IFC Noise Level Guidelines

One Hour Laeq (dBA) Receptor Daytime Nighttime 07:00 – 22:00 22:00 – 07:00 Residential; institutional; educational 55 45 Industrial; commercial 70 60

2.4 Summary of Performed Environmental Monitoring Activities

18. Since the defects liability period and all construction works were completed; therefore no monitoring measurements have been performed during the given reporting period.


3.1 Final Inspections and Audit

19. The post-construction environmental audit was conducted on September 24-25, 2020 by SC representatives. During the audit, the entire project road was inspected. Particular attention was paid to the areas where, the most non-compliances were observed during the environmental audits conducted by the various organizations involved in the project during the construction phase. Visits were made to the following facilities and sections: (i) Choloki Construction Camp; (ii) Ochkhamuri Construction Camp; (iii) Laituri Construction Camp; (iv) Bobokvati Construction Camp; (v) Chakvi Construction Camp, (vi) along the project road; (vii) Areas adjacent to No. 9, 10 and 11 bridges, and also (viii) Shuaghele sand quarry (near the river Dekhva).

20. During the post-construction environmental audit special checklist has been used and filled up. Full version of Post-Construction Environmental Audit Report with filled up checklist is given in Annex 1. Summary of post-construction environmental audit results are given below.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

3.2. Summary of Post-Construction Environmental Audit Results

21. The following observations were made during the post-construction environmental audit:

 Choloki Campsite

22. The following non-compliances revealed at the Choloki construction camp during 2018- 2019 reporting period: (i) Few amount of debris is left at campsite territory; (ii) Certain sections of territory should be leveled and holes should be filled by sand-gravel material; (iii) Existing channel at entrance of campsite is filled with used tires, rubber and steel construction wastes.

23. At the time of the site visit, these non-compliances had already been rectified and the area had been fully restored (see Figures 2-5). There was no construction waste in the area and existing channel at entrance of campsite was cleaned from used tires. The pits/holes on the access roads were filled by sand-gravel material.

Figures 2-5: Restored Area of Choloki Camp

Figure 2: Choloki Camp Area Figure 3: Access road to Choloki camp

Figure 4: Access road to Choloki camp Figure 5: Restored area of Choloki Camp


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

23. According to the take-over certificate issued on 5th of September 2017, Campsite territory (30 000 m2) has been handover to the owner – Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomic Republic of Adjara (taking-over certificate is provided, see Annex 2).

 Ochkhamuri Campsite

24. A batching and asphalt plant was located on the mentioned camp, which had already been dismantled. This fact was recorded during the environmental audit conducted in 2019. During the last environmental audit of the camp conducted in 2019, the following non-compliances were observed: (i) after dismantle of batching and asphalt plants, polluted soil covered with sandgravel material is left at campsite territory; and (ii) construction materials and debris revealed at campsite territory.

25. During the post-construction environmental audit conducted in 2020, uncontrolled placement of construction waste was not observed on the camp area, as well as sandgravel material left over from the dismantling of concrete and asphalt plants was removed from the camp area (see Figures 6-7).

Figure 6: Ochkhamuri camp area Figure 7: Ochkhamur camp area

26. According to the take-over certificate issued on 20th of April 2018, Campsite territory has been handover to the owner of the land (see Annex 3 of Post-Construction Environmental Audit Report).

27. One non-compliance has been revealed during the site visit at the territory of Ochkhamuri camp:

28. Non-compliance #1. A small amount of construction waste is left on the site of the existing Ochkhamuri camp (see Figure 6).

29. Corrective action. Corrective action: it is necessary to remove the mentioned construction waste and dispose of it in the appropriate landfill.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

 Laituri Campsite

30. Laituri Campsite territory was purchased by the Contractor (Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia) and currently is used for storing of construction materials and equipment (see Annex 5 of Post-Construction Environmental Audit Report).

31. Household and construction materials were removed from the camp area, as well as access roads and camp area were restored (see Figures 8-11).

Figures 8-11: Laituri Camp Site Territory

Figure 8: Laituri Campsite territory Figure 9: Laituri Campsite territory

Figure 10: Laituri Campsite territory Figure 11: Laituri Campsite territory

 Bobokvati Campsite

32. No non-compliances were observed in the Bobokvati camp area during the environmental audits conducted in 2018-2019 reporting period (see Figure 12). After expiration of lease duration Contractor had issued taking-over certificate on 4th of April 2018. Property has been handover to the Owner in perfect condition and owner does not have any claim to Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia” (see Annex 6 of Post-Construction Environmental Audit Report).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 12: Bobokvati camp area

 Chakvi Campsite

33. A number of non-compliances were observed in the Chakvi camp area during 2018-2019 reporting period:

• Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris are remaining at campsite territory. • Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings has not been arranged yet. • Polluted soil which is covered by sand-gravel material still remains nearby petrol station.

34. During the post-construction environmental audit of the project, all the above non- compliances were corrected. Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings have been completed. Sedimentation traps have also been demolished. Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris were disposed from the campsite territory. Polluted soil tests and cleaning of the territory was done in October 2018. The contaminated soil was completely excavated and transported to and handed over to the authorized company (see Figure 13).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 13: Chakvi camp area

 Slopes Reinstatement/Stabilization

35. During the previous mission conducted in 2019 by the ADB representatives together with RD at some places (KP 5, KP 11,800) due to lack of top-soil no regrowth of the grass was observed. It was recommended by the ADB Mission that it is necessary for slopes stabilization spreading topsoil and seeding the grass. In September 2019 the contractor used additional topsoil and performed seeding of the grass but there are still some places where topsoil spreading and seeding are required. Since the defect liability period was extended till the end of March ADB mission requested the Contractor to continue reinstatement activities of slopes in March 2020. Some new eroded slope sections were also observed during the site visit, Contractor was requested to reinstate eroded areas during the defect liability period and reflect statuses of corrective measures in the Final EMR due in July 2020.

36. During the project post-construction environmental audit, it was observed that additional restoration works were carried out along the entire length of the project area (see Figures 14- 19). Figures 14-19: Slopes reinstatement

Figure 14: Slopes reinstatement Figure 15: Slopes reinstatement


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 16: Slopes reinstatement Figure 17: Slopes reinstatement

Figure 18: Slopes reinstatement Figure 19: Slopes reinstatement

37. Recommendation. It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of restoration works on the slopes.

 Shuagele Quarry Site

38. During the previous mission conducted in 2019 some progress in reinstatement of Shuagele Quarry site located near riv. Dekhva was observed, in particular most trees planted previously (2017-2018) grew well, but landscaping activities still need to be implemented, including covering of rocky hills with top-soil and seeding the grass. During the site visit it was observed that Contractor did not manage to use additional topsoil and seeding the grass in September-October 2019. ADB Mission requested Contractor to use additional topsoil and seeding in March 2020 and reflect statuses of CAP implementation in Final EMR.

39. In the spring of 2020, CAP-defined actions were implemented and topsoil was introduced into the area. Additional seeding was also reported (see Figures 20-23).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figures 20-23: Shuagele Quarry Site

Figure 20: Shuagele Quarry Site Figure 21: Shuagele Quarry Site

Figure 22: Shuagele Quarry Site Figure 23: Shuagele Quarry Site

40. Recommendation. It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to implement in the summer of 2021. environmental audit to determine the effectiveness of quarry restoration work.

 Bridges # 9.10 and 11

41. During the audits conducted in 2018-2019 reporting period, the facts of uncontrolled dumping of construction waste were observed in the areas adjacent to the 9th, 10th and 11th bridges, mainly there were concrete slabs, reinforcement, etc.

42. During the project closure environmental audit, a site visit was made to the area around all three bridges. No construction debris was observed near any of the bridges (see Figures 24- 29).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 24: # 9 Bridge area Figure 25: # 9 Bridge area

Figure 26: # 10 Bridge area Figure 27: # 10 Bridge area

Figure 28: # 11 Bridge area Figure 29: # 12 Bridge area


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program


4.1 Conclusions

43. No significant non-compliances were observed during the post-constrcttion environmental audit of the project.

44. All construction and household waste is removed from the project area. Only a small amount of construction waste is recorded on the territory of Ochkhamuri construction camp.

45. All construction camps have been dismantled and the existing infrastructure units removed from the camp area.

46. The area of all construction camps, except the Laituri camp area, which was purchased by Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia for storing construction materials, has been returned to the owners. There are corresponding taking-over certificates.

47. Contaminated soil observed near the gas station on the territory of Chakvi camp has been The contaminated soil was completely excavated and transported to Lanchkhuti and handed over to the authorized company.

48. On the slopes adjacent to the project area, where the erosion process was observed, topsoil was additionally added and planting was carried out.

49. Construction waste is completely removed from the areas adjacent to the bridges.

50. Topsoil is added to the Shuagele Quarry area and plantings are carried out.

4.2. Recommendations

51. From the environmental point of view, major corrective actions have been carried out in the project zone and the conditions are satisfactory.

52. It is necessary to remove a small amount of construction waste from the territory of Ochkhamuri construction camp.

53. On the slopes along the project road, as well as at the Shuagele quarry site, where additional topsoil was used and seeding/planting implemented, it is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an additional environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

ANNEXES: 1 Post - Construction Environmental Audit Report


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

ADB Project No: 41122-043 ADB Loan/Grant No: 2560-GEO, 2843-GEO Financed by: The Asian Development Bank

Project: Kobuleti Bypass Road Section


Post - Construction Environmental Audit Report

Prepared by: Ltd „Dohwa” (Engineer)

September 2020


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS ...... 24 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 25 1.1 Preamble ...... 25 1.3. Main Stakeholders of the Project ...... 26 2. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITS ...... 28 2.1 Introduction ...... 28 2.2 Semiannual Audit Reports ...... 29 3. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS OF THE SITE VISITS ...... 29 3.1 Choloki Campsite ...... 30 3.2. Ochkhamuri Campsite ...... 31 3.3 Laituri Campsite ...... 31 3.4 Bobokvati Campsite ...... 32 3.5 Chakvi campsite ...... 33 3.6 Slopes Reinstatement/Stabilization ...... 34 3.7 Shuagele Quarry Site ...... 36 3.8. Bridges # 9.10 and 11 ...... 37 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 38 4.1 Conclusions ...... 38 4.2. Recommendations ...... 39 ANNEXES: ...... 40 Annex 1: Non-compliances observed during the Environmental Audits conducted during the 2014-2019 reporting period ...... 40 Annex 2: Cholokhi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 49 Annex 3: Ochkhamuri Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 50 Annex 4: Ochkhamuri Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 51 Annex 5: Immovable Property Purchase Agreement ...... 52 Annex 6: Bobokvati Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 53 Annex 7: Chakvi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 54 Annex 8: Chakvi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between land owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd...... 55 Annex 9: Post-Construction Environmental Audit Checklist ...... 56


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program


ADB Asian Development Bank CAP Compensation Action Plan DC Design Consultant EA Executing Agency EHS Environmental Health & Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIP Environmental Impact Permit EMP/ Environmental Management Plan/ Site-Specific Environmental SSEMP Management Plan ES Environmental Specialist GoG Government of Georgia GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism IA Implementing Agency USIIP Urban Sector Improvement Investment Program IEE Initial Environmental Examination MoEPA Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia MoRDI Ministry of Regional Development & Infrastructure UWSCG United Water Supply Company of Georgia WS Water Supply


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program


1. Preamble

1. This report represents the Post Construction Environmental Audit Report for ADB Loan/Grant No: 2560-GEO, 2843-GEO: Construction of Kobuleti Bypass Road Section KM12+400-KM31+259.

2. This Post Construction Audit Report is being prepared to comply with the 2009 ADB’s SPS and Georgian legislation, including safeguards requirement and aims to identify past and present concerns from the production and business activities of Project Company that related to impacts on environment. The specific objectives of the audit can be summarized as follows:

. Determine and verify whether all environmental requirements, criteria and constraints, prescribed in EIA and SSEMP have been adhered to during the construction phase. . Determine and verify whether the mitigation actions and rehabilitation requirements contained in the SSEMP have been appropriate and successful to prevent or control environmental pollution and/or damage. . Ensure that an appropriate environmental monitoring and control program exists to follow up on mitigation and rehabilitation works completed during the construction phase. . To identify any shortcomings in the SSEMP and EMS system implemented during the construction phase and to recommend alterations to the EMS applicable to the operational phase.

1.2. Project Background 3. The Kobuleti Bypass section is part of the so-called Adjara Bypass Project along the Poti – Batumi – Sarpi road located along the western Black Sea coast of Georgia. The project road also forms part of the main road corridor East-West Highway between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Its connection with the Black Sea ports of Batumi and Poti and the tourist beaches in Kobuleti makes this road an important trade and tourism road for Georgia. Information and data on the Project Road has been extensively elaborated in the EIA documents for the project. 4. Section KM12+400-KM31+259 of Kobuleti Bypass Road (Lot II) has been constructed between May 2013 – June 2018-time period (see Figure 1). 5. Implementation of infrastructural projects negatively impacts on environment as we are all aware. Construction of highways specially impacts on all components of the natural environment, during which changing of landscape, fragmentation of soil surface, losing of fertile layer of soil, elimination of green cover and migration ways of animals, changing of river bed and pollution of surface water, reducing of living area of birds and fishes may also occur.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 1: Location Map of the Project

1.3. Main Stakeholders of the Project

6. Environmental monitoring is overseen by the Roads Department, through a special unit called the Resettlement and Environmental Protection Unit. This unit reviews the EIAs and EMPs and perform monitoring of compliance of the contractor’s performance with the approved EMPs, EIAs, environmental standards and other environmental commitments of the contractor. Environmental monitoring in the field was among the work scope of the


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Engineer (DOHWA), and the tasks of actual monitoring was undertaken by two (2) national environmental specialists. Spot surveys and assessments of environmental situations and conditions of the project site were conducted to ascertain compliance of the Contractor to the EIA’s EMP. Variances from the established baseline environmental parameters were noted and brought to the attention of the Contractor for corrective measures. Whenever necessary, certain modifications on the work program were recommended to assure compliance on the part of the Contractor (Sinohydro Ltd, China).

7. The Contractor had assigned an environmental, health and safety Director who was responsible for environmental compliance based on the project EMP (Source: the EIA). Likewise, the Contractor has prepared Site-Specific EMP (SSEMP) which served also as their guide for their own self-monitoring of the construction’s environmental aspects. This is to ensure an efficient monitoring activity at all times.

8. Environmental issues arising from the construction activities were immediately brought to the attention of the construction supervision team to coordinate efforts in order to immediately mitigate impacts, protect the environment, and safeguard the health and welfare of the local communities. All these are to be conducted within the framework of the overall construction management and supervision. Aspects in the environmental monitoring were reported in a monthly, quarterly and semi-annual basis to the RD (PIU) and ADB.

9. Main organizations involved in the project and related to environmental safeguards are presented in the Table 1 below:

Table 2. List of Contracts under the Project

Name of main staff and Contact data (including phone Organization Environmental and web-site) and address of Specialist the organization Funding Environmental Nurlan Djenchuraev [email protected] organization Specialist, Portfolio, Results, Safeguards and Gender Unit (PSG), CWRD.

ADB/RETA Keti Dgebuadze Tel: +995 322 International- 250619 Mob: +995 577 232937 Regional E-mail: [email protected] Environmental [email protected] Safeguards Consultant

Associate Nino Nadashvili +995 595 070442 Safeguards Officer Georgia Resident [email protected]


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Name of main staff and Contact data (including phone Organization Environmental and web-site) and address of Specialist the organization Mission Asian Development Bank Employer Road’s Gia Sopadze Tel: (+995) 599 93 92 09 Department Head of Environmental E-mail: [email protected] Division

Luiza Bubashvili Tel: (+995) 595 21 91 41 Environmental E-mail: Safeguard Consultant [email protected] under ADB & EIB Financed Projects Contractor Sinohydro Mr. Zhong Zhenmin Tel: (+995) 591 999 802 Corporation Head of HSE Division E-mail: [email protected] Branch in Georgia Consultant Dohwa Tengiz Lagidze Tel: (+995) 595 93 96 30 Local Environmental E-mail: [email protected] Specialist


2.3 Introduction

10. According to the requirements under the Project Administration Manual prepared on 20 December, 2011 in the scope of Multitranche Financing Facility for the Road Corridor Investment Program—Tranche 3 (Additional Financing) there are the following covenants for the environmental compliance of the Project:

• The EARF has been updated to reflect the requirements of the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) [SPS] and posted at the ADB website 20 December 2011. The government has accordingly updated the EIA and EMP based on the detailed design of Contract 3 section (km 12.4 to 31). They were posted on the ADB’s website 20 December 2011. The main environmental impacts of the project will be temporary increased in soil erosion, sedimentation, air and noise pollution and removal vegetation and soil during construction. During operation the impacts will be increased noise and potential for traffic accidents issues, and risks associated


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

with the transport of hazardous materials. Risks will be greatest along several complex and erosion prone geological terrain sections, and at several river crossings and tunnel sites. These impacts are however typical of similar road projects and can be effectively minimized, mitigated of offset, through effective implementation of the EMP. RD will finalize the EMP and ADB will ensure its compliance with SPS requirements prior to contract awarding and the commencement of civil works. • RD will ensure (a) that construction, operation, and maintenance of the road are carried out in accordance with, and Georgia’s environmental laws and regulations; and (b) potential adverse environmental impacts arising from the Project are minimized by implementing all mitigation and monitoring measures as presented in the EIA and the EMP. • RD will (a) include applicable environmental measures identified in the EIA and the EMP in the civil works and consulting services contracts; (b) through the Engineer, supervise EMP implementation by the contractor; (c) prepare monthly environmental monitoring reports (EMRs) and submit to ADB together with the progress reports. The EMRs must include a review of implementation progress of the EIA and the EMP, problems encountered and remedial measures taken.

2.4 Semi-annual Audit Reports

11. As a matter of protocol, site inspections were conducted on various environmental aspects of the project and form part of the Monthly Progress Report. Regular inspections were undertaken by local environmental specialists for Quarterly and Bi-annual Reporting. During the inspections, several environmental health and safety issues were observed and noted (see Annex 1).

12. As can be seen from the environmental audits conducted by various organizations involved in Project implementation during the construction phase, major non-compliances were observed in the construction camp areas, in the restoration of slopes, and in the quarry operation phase.


13. The post-construction environmental audit was conducted on September 24-25, 2020. During the audit, the entire project road was inspected. Particular attention was paid to the areas where, during the construction phase, the most non-compliances were observed during the environmental audits conducted by the various organizations involved in the project. Visits were made to the following facilities and sections: (i) Choloki Construction Camp; (ii) Ochkhamuri Construction Camp; (iii) Laituri Construction Camp; (iv) Bobokvati Construction Camp; (v) Chakvi Construction Camp, (vi) along the project road; (vii) Areas adjacent to No. 9, 10 and 11 bridges, and also (viii) Shuaghele sand quarry (near the river Dekhva). During the post-construction environmental audit special checklist has been used and filled up (see Annex 9).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

3.1 Choloki Campsite

14. The following non-compliances revealed at the Choloki construction camp during 2018- 2019 reporting period: (i) Few amount of debris are left at campsite territory; (ii) Certain sections of territory should be leveled and holes should be filled by sand-gravel material; (iii) Existing channel at entrance of campsite is filled with used tires, rubber and steel construction wastes.

15. At the time of the site visit, these non-compliances had already been rectified and the area had been fully restored (see Figures 2-5). There was no construction waste in the area and existing channel at entrance of campsite was cleaned from used tires. The pits/holes on the access roads were filled by sand-gravel material.

Figures 2 -5: Restored Area of Choloki Camp

Figure 2: Choloki Camp Area Figure 3: Access road to Choloki camp

Figure 4: Access road to Choloki camp Figure 5: Restored area of Choloki Camp


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

16. According to the take-over certificate issued on 5th of September 2017, Campsite territory (30 000 m2) has been handover to the owner – Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomic Republic of Adjara (taking-over certificate is provided, see Annex 2).

3.2. Ochkhamuri Campsite

17. A batching and asphalt plant was located on the mentioned camp, which had already been dismantled. This fact was recorded during the environmental audit conducted in 2019. During the last environmental audit of the camp conducted in 2019, the following non- compliances were observed: (i) after dismantle of batching and asphalt plants, polluted soil covered with sandgravel material is left at campsite territory; and (ii) construction materials and debris revealed at campsite territory.

18. During the post-construction environmental audit conducted in 2020, uncontrolled placement of construction waste was not observed on the camp area, as well as sandgravel material left over from the dismantling of concrete and asphalt plants was removed from the camp area (see Figures 6-7).

Figure 6: Ochkhamuri camp area Figure 7: Ochkhamur camp area

19. According to the take-over certificate issued on 20th of April 2018, Campsite territory has been handover to the owner of the land (see Annex 3).

20. One non-compliance has been revealed during the site visit at the territory of Ochkhamuri camp:

21. Non-compliance #1: A small amount of construction waste is left on the site of the existing Ochkhamuri camp (see Figure 6).

22. Corrective action: Corrective action: it is necessary to remove the mentioned construction waste and dispose of it in the appropriate landfill.

3.3 Laituri Campsite


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

23. Laituri Campsite territory was purchased by the Contractor (Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia) and currently is used for storing of construction materials and equipment (see Annex 5).

24. Household and construction materials were removed from the camp area, as well as access roads and camp area were restored (see Figures 8-11).

Figures 8-11: Laituri Camp Site Territory

Figure 8: Laituri Campsite territory Figure 9: Laituri Campsite territory

Figure 10: Laituri Campsite territory Figure 11: Laituri Campsite territory

3.4 Bobokvati Campsite

25. No non-compliances were observed in the Bobokvati camp area during the environmental audits conducted in 2018-2019 reporting period (see Figure 12). After expiration of lease duration Contractor had issued taking-over certificate on 4th of April 2018. Property has been handover to the Owner in perfect condition and owner does not have any claim to Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia” (see Annex 6).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 12: Bobokvati camp area

3.5 Chakvi Campsite

26. A number of non-compliances were observed in the Chakvi camp area during 2018-2019 reporting period:

• Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris are remaining at campsite territory. • Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings has not been arranged yet. • Polluted soil which is covered by sand-gravel material still remains nearby petrol station.

27. During the post-construction environmental audit of the project, all the above non- compliances were corrected. Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings have been completed. Sedimentation traps have also been demolished. Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris were disposed from the campsite territory. Polluted soil tests and cleaning of the territory was done in October 2018. The contaminated soil was completely excavated and transported to Lanchkhuti and handed over to the authorized company (see Figure 13).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 13: Chakvi camp area

3.6 Slopes Reinstatement/Stabilization

28. During the previous mission conducted in 2019 by the ADB representatives together with RD at some places (KP 5, KP 11,800) due to lack of top-soil no regrowth of the grass was observed. It was recommended by the ADB Mission that it is necessary for slopes stabilization spreading topsoil and seeding the grass. In September 2019 the contractor used additional topsoil and performed seeding of the grass but there are still some places where topsoil spreading and seeding are required. Since the defect liability period was extended till the end of March ADB mission requested the Contractor to continue reinstatement activities of slopes in March 2020. Some new eroded slope sections were also observed during the site visit, Contractor was requested to reinstate eroded areas during the defect liability period and reflect statuses of corrective measures in the Final EMR due in July 2020.

29. During the project post-construction environmental audit, it was observed that additional restoration works were carried out along the entire length of the project area (see Figures 14-19).


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figures 14-19: Slopes Reinstatement

Figure 14: Slopes reinstatement Figure 15: Slopes reinstatement

Figure 16: Slopes reinstatement Figure 17: Slopes reinstatement

Figure 18: Slopes reinstatement Figure 19: Slopes reinstatement

30. Recommendation: It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of restoration works on the slopes.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

3.7 Shuagele Quarry Site

31. During the previous mission conducted in 2019 some progress in reinstatement of Shuagele Quarry site located near riv. Dekhva was observed, in particular most trees planted previously (2017-2018) grew well, but landscaping activities still need to be implemented, including covering of rocky hills with top-soil and seeding the grass. During the site visit it was observed that Contractor did not manage to use additional topsoil and seeding the grass in September-October 2019. ADB Mission requested Contractor to use additional topsoil and seeding in March 2020 and reflect statuses of CAP implementation in Final EMR.

32. In the spring of 2020, CAP-defined actions were implemented and topsoil was introduced into the area. Additional seeding was also reported (see Figures 20-23).

Figures 20-23: Shuagele Quarry Site Figure 20: Shuagele Quarry Site Figure 21: Shuagele Quarry Site

Figure 22: Shuagele Quarry Site Figure 23: Shuagele Quarry Site


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

33. Recommendation: It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to implement in the summer of 2021. environmental audit to determine the effectiveness of quarry restoration work.

3.8. Bridges # 9.10 and 11

34. During the audits conducted in 2018-2019 reporting period, the facts of uncontrolled dumping of construction waste were observed in the areas adjacent to the 9th, 10th and 11th bridges, mainly there were concrete slabs, reinforcement, etc.

35. During the project closure environmental audit, a site visit was made to the area around all three bridges. No construction debris was observed near any of the bridges (see Figures 24-29).

Figure 24: # 9 Bridge area Figure 25: # 9 Bridge area

Figure 26: # 10 Bridge area Figure 27: # 10 Bridge area


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Figure 28: # 11 Bridge area Figure 29: # 12 Bridge area


4.2 Conclusions

36. No significant non-compliances were observed during the post-constrcttion environmental audit of the project.

37. All construction and household waste is removed from the project area. Only a small amount of construction waste is recorded on the territory of Ochkhamuri construction camp.

38. All construction camps have been dismantled and the existing infrastructure units removed from the camp area.

39. The area of all construction camps, except the Laituri camp area, which was purchased by Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia for storing construction materials, has been returned to the owners. There are corresponding taking-over certificates.

40. Contaminated soil observed near the gas station on the territory of Chakvi camp has been The contaminated soil was completely excavated and transported to Lanchkhuti and handed over to the authorized company.

41. On the slopes adjacent to the project area, where the erosion process was observed, topsoil was additionally added and planting was carried out.

42. Construction waste is completely removed from the areas adjacent to the bridges.

43. Topsoil is added to the Shuagele Quarry area and plantings are carried out.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

4.2. Recommendations

44. From the environmental point of view, major corrective actions have been carried out in the project zone and the conditions are satisfactory.

45. It is necessary to remove a small amount of construction waste from the territory of Ochkhamuri construction camp.

46. On the slopes along the project road, as well as at the Shuagele quarry site, where additional topsoil was used and seeding/planting implemented, it is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an additional environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program


Annex 1: Non-compliances observed during the Environmental Audits conducted during the 2014-2019 reporting period

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues July to December 2013 30 July 2013 DH-KOR- Illegal extraction of Illegal extraction of sand gravel material from SNHGEO2- sand and gravel Kintrishi river. 300713-01 30 July 2013 DH-KOR- Use of surface and Extraction of surface water and groundwater for SNHGEO2- groundwater road construction related work without obtaining 300713-01 resources pertinent licenses. 30 July 2013 DH-KOR- Transportation and Top soil removed from the road alignment has SNHGEO2- storage of topsoil been piled up along the road, without the 300713-04 establishment of proper stockpiles in accordance with EMP. 9 Aug 2013 DH-KOR- Storage of top soil Top soil has not been stockpiled in accordance with SNHGEO2- the EMP. 090813-01 29 Nov 2013 DH-KOR- Quarry Management Need a quarry management plan for new inland SNHGEO2- Plan and Dump Truck quarry site 291113-01 Traffic Violations Dump truck drivers violate traffic rules, affecting safety July to December 2014 22 August DHK1- Concerning quarry Lack of quarry management and restoration plan; 2014 SHC1408- operation and Lack of permit to extract aggregate material 0250 restoration 4 September DHK2- Re-cultivation of Need to submit the quarry reinstatement plan; 2014 SHC1409- quarries allowed for Potential for suspension of the ADB financing for 0298 operation under the construction of project road; governmental orders Impact to nature has been assessed as GEL 31 266, which is subject to criminal liability. 26 September DHK2- Slopes strengthening Section km.12.4-km.31.259 of Kobuleti bypass 2014 SHC1409- and stabilization at the road is having soil erosion from the slopes of 0359 embankment and in embankment and cuts; the cuts The embankment should be filled with sand-gravel material and strengthened by means of Terramesh - Continued precipitation 28 October DHK2- Slopes strengthening Urgent need for slope strengthening due to 2014 SHC1410- and stabilization at the increased precipitation and continued soil erosion; 0429 embankment and in The embankment should be filled with sand-gravel the cuts and the slopes reinforced with Terramesh. 28 October DHK2- Concerning the form Urgent need for slope strengthening due to 2014 SHC1410- of research log increased precipitation and continued soil erosion; 0428 The embankment should be filled with sand-gravel and the slopes reinforced with Terramesh 28 October DHK2- Concerning the form The research log of July 2014 omitted the standard 2014 SHC1410- of research log parameters of potable water and the maximum 0428 permissible concentrations of substances in surface waters; No conclusion on the data can be made without the knowledge of standard parameters. 29 October DHK2- Concerning the Choloki and Chakvi campsites conditions have 2014 SHC1410- environmental and certain sanitary issues such as: problems with 0432 sanitary conditions in construction and waste storage, failure to remove Bobokvati campsite scrap metal, entry by stray animals onto the site, littered garbage, and dysfunctional toilets and bathroom lights.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues 29 October DHK2- The issue of cutting Need to reconsider the cutting down of Cryptomeria 2014 SHC1410- the cryptomery trees trees along the 110m section of the local road since 0434 at section km.7+160 they are providing better air quality, decreasing km. 7 +270 noise and air pollution, and create pleasant scenery. 1 December DHK2- Concerning the After visual inspection of the Adjarian environment, 2014 SHC1412- environmental issues the area is clean and ready for quarry renovation 0515 works; Renovation of the quarry near the Shuagele village is also necessary because the operation term expired on November 6, 2014 - Debris is littering areas near bridges 7 and 8 - Used tires are littering culvert 23 and the Shuagele riverbed; Contaminated soil from bridge 8- A is pouring into the riverbed; Garbage surrounds the Bobokvati campsite 30 December DHK2- Concerning The quarry near the Shuagele village is in need of 2014 SHC1412- environmental issues renovations; There are various environmental and 0581 sanitary issues near the culvert 23, the Bobokvati campsite, the Chakvi campsite, and near the #8 bridge. 31 December DHK2- Concerning Environmental monitoring showed that the 2014 SHC1412- strengthening of embankment slopes are eroded and not properly 0583 slopes at the covered with topsoil; embankments and in Slopes in cuts are not strengthened or stabilized cuts with Terramesh and could become eroded as well.

January to June 2015 January 30th, DHK2- Regarding ecological, Ecological, sanitary and hygienic problems in 2015 SHC1501- sanitary and hygienic Bobokhvati campsite 055 problems

January 30th, DHK2- Regarding strict Management of waste 2015 SHC1501- sanctions for polluting 057 environment with waste March 2nd , DHK2- Regarding EHS Regarding working plan for elimination of problems 2015 SHC1503- at hand 072 March 26th DHK2-SHC- Regarding ecological Cleaning of nearby area from household and other , 2015 1503-098 monitoring results waste April 20th, DHK2-SHC- Regarding planting of Planting of grass must be done according to the 2015 1504-0144 grass conditions of the Technical Specifications Book 3000 series April 22nd, DHK2-SHC- Regarding the grass Confirming the suitability of Loliumperenne grass 2015 1504-0150 type to be planted on the embankments April 22nd, DHK2-SHC- Regarding Sanitary Regarding the necessity of sanitary and hygienic 2015 1504-0151 and Hygienic improvements that have to be made at the #1 problems Tunnel and Bobokhvati building camp April 24th, DHK2-SHC- Regarding the tress Trees that have been cut, must be stored at the 2015 1504-0160 that have been and campsite temporarily will be cut down May 28th, DHK2-SHC- Regarding the - Watering intensity must be increased from Bridge 2015 1505-0204 pollution of #7 to Bridge #8 atmospheric air May 28th, DHK2-SHC- Regarding the water Water reservoirs must be washed 2015 1505-0206 quality and disinfected July to December 2015


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues 02 July. 2015 0358 Concerning Heavy rains caused landslide of slopes. Contractor strengthening and was instructed to speed up strengthening of those stabilization of slopes slopes which was considered in the Bidding of cut documentation 02 July. 2015 0359 Concerning trash and After the ecological monitoring violation of used materials Georgian law regarding “protection of atmospheric air” and “codex of management of used materials” has been revealed. Contractor was instructed to remedy all problems and act according to rules of environment protection. 09 July, 2015 0372 Response to the Several Environmental issues were solved by the Contractor’s letter Contractor like disposal of trash material, sorting of (Ref. scrap, arranging of field toilets and etc. No:[2015]GEOKB2- EN-192) 29 August, 0542 Concerning Engineer is instructing the Contractor to follow 2015 exploitation and future requirements of geoinformation package of new re-cultivation of new quarry quarry

11 0511 Response to the Engineer is requesting the Contractor to submit September, Contractor’s letter quarry restoration plan. 2015 (Ref. No:[2015]GEOKB2- EN-269)

28 October, 0570 Concerning re- Engineer is requesting the Contractor to act 15 cultivation of the according to submitted detailed re-cultivation plan quarry in order to avoid Administrative offenses.

28 October, 0571 Reply to Contractor’s Regarding the issue that the Contractor has fulfilled 15 letter #307 his obligation to dump 20000m3 material at the Black sea coastal zone for bank revetment measures.

28 October, 0590 Concerning execution Engineer is requesting to the Contractor to execute 15 of plan for recultivation recovery of sand-gravel quarry within those dates, of quarry which are indicated in the re-cultivation plan

8 December, 0628 Concerning recovery Engineer gives information to the Contractor 2015 of inert material regarding dates of finishing re-cultivation of quarry, quarries explaining the negative results, which can be cause by delaying of works. Also, Engineer is instructing how to execute correctly recovering of inert material quarry

16 Decembe 0643 Concerning pollution Oil pollution was observed in Ochkhamuri 2015 of Ochkhamuri Campsite and Contractor was requested to remedy Campsite by oil the problem ASAP.

26 December, 0654 Concerning partial In case of partial closing of Bobokvati camp, 2015 cancellation of Engineer gives to Contractor several instruction Bobokvati Campsite regarding remedy of Environmental problems.

January to June 2016 04.02.2016 0037 Regarding EMP The Contractor received the Plan how to deal with the revealed Environmental prolems, identified during the audit conducted by the Engineer


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues 01.03.2016 0070 Regarding activities of It was mentioned about improved activities of the the EHS division of Contractor’s HSE Division in January-February the Contractor 2016

03.03.2016 0073 Regarding Existing Sedimentation Basin could not ensure construction of the cleaning of the contaminated water, running from additional the Tunnel No.1. The Contractor was asked to sedimentation basins prepare additional sedimentation basin. on the portal of Tunnel No.1

24.03.2016 0102 Regarding Lab. It is Contractor’s obligation to make Lab. Test of the Analysis of Drinking Drinking an Surface water once in a Quarter, but water quality the Contractor failed to execute it.

28.03.2016 0110 Re-Cultivation of According to the Plan, submitted by the Contractor, Khustubani Quarry Re-Cultivation of the Khutsubani Quarry should Site have been started in December 15, 2016, but the Contractor failed to execute it. The Contractor was requested to start Re-Cultivation works ASAP.

29.03.2016 0111 Regarding planting of The Contractor was instructed that March and May the trees, bushes and are most appropriate months to seed the grass and seeding of grass for the planting of the trees and bushes March and April are most appropriate months. Contractor was asked to execute these works according to the Technical Specifications Serries 3000 5 May 0140 Concerning Ecological Contractor was informed, regarding those Problems Ecological Problems, which were identified during the previous environmental monitoring and was instructed to solve them ASAP 28 May 0169 Regarding planting of Engineer has approved Method Statement the trees and seeding submitted by the Contractor, and the Contrctor was grass instructed regarding the approximate locations of Grass seeding and tree planting July-December 2016 29.07.2016 0252 Regarding Waste The Contractor was informed that new law “on Management Plan waste management” had been initiated, which required inventarization of waste, preparation of waste management plan and agreement of the mentioned plan with the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Natural Resources 01.09.2016 0298 Regarding Ecological Sadimentation trap of Tunnel is not cleaned. condition of Tunnel #1 Household waste is not placed in the container bins, at the backside of the building there are empty tanks scattered, which should be disposed and utilised. Contractor was instructed to solve these issues. 01.09.2016 0299 Response to the Contractor was given permission to cut trees within Contractor’s letter the RoW according to the Specifications. #141 (regarding cutting trees) 30.09.2016 0340 Regarding seeding Contractor was instructed to start seeding of grass grass and planting and planting bushes as the most suitable period for bushes the mentioned action is September-October. Contractor was instructed to carry out seeding and plantins in accordance with the Specifications Series 3000 0341 30.09.2016 Regarding Contractor was notified about the environmental Environmental issues issues which were revealed during environmental


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues monitoring in August, 2016 and was requested to immediately resolve the issues. 0380 14.11.2016 Regarding EMP Contractor was instructed to submit Bi-annual during construction Environmental Report before December 20, 2016 0381 16.11.2016 Employer’s claim Contractor was supposed to complete recultivation according to GCC 2.5 of quarry in Vil. Khutsubani as per his submitted plan, which has not yet been done. He was instructed to start restoration works as soon as possible. 0385 10.12.16 Regarding Waste Contractor was instructed to take stock of waste, Management Plan prepare waste management plan and agree it with the Ministry of Environment. January to June 2017 26.01.2017 0017 Regarding restoration Contractor was instructed to carry out complete of quarry (as per gov’t restoration of the quarry. direction #2138 and #1074) 24.02.2017 0034 Regarding Waste The Contractor was informed that due to the Management Plan change in new law “on waste management”, the Contractor has to submit Waste Management Plan to the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Natural Resources by July 1st, 2017. 24.02.2017 0035 Concerning filling Contractor was requested to submit copy of quarry with inert agreement with the owner of the quarry and the materials license of excavation issued to the owner of the quarry. 25.02.2017 0038 Concerning seegind Contractor was adviced that the most suitable grass and planting period for grass seeding is from March 1 till May bushes 31, and as for planting trees and bushes MarchApril. Contractor was instructed to follow Series 3000, 3001, 3003, 3004 of the Technical Specifications 25.02.2017 0039 Regarding laboratory Contractor was instructed to carry out laboratory test results of water testing of water in the first and following quarters 11.03.2017 0049 Regarding Waste Despite numbers of requests, Contractor was Management Plan unable to make sorting and stocking of waste and prepare appropriate Waste Management Plan. Contractor was once again reminded to take necessary measures to fulfill the above request. 11.03.2017 0050 Regarding ecological Contractor was requested to resolve those issues environmental issues which were identified during monitoring process. Particularly, special Act on recultivation of the quarry located at the territory of Vil. Zeda Sameba was not submitted; concerning household waste scattered near portal #1 of the Tunnel #1 and others. 05.05.2017 0099 Regarding ecological Contractor was requested to resolve those issues environmental issues which were identified during monitoring process. Particularly, permission for storing cut soil during excavation works of Tunnel #2 was not submitted; at many sections embankment slopes were not covered by topsoil etc. 25.05.2017 0114 Regarding seeding Contractor was informed about requirements of grass on the Technical Specifications Series 3001-3005 in order embankment slopes to take into consideration when carrying out seeding works. 25.05.2017 0116 Concerning tires Contractor was instructed to dispose used tires scattered on the which were scattered at the embankment slope


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Date Ref Number Subject Content/Issues embankment at BR01 (Kobuleti Interchange) 12.06.2017 0131 Regarding Waste Contractor was instructed to prepare waste Management Plan management plan and submit it to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia. July-December 2017 12.07.2017 1707- 0159 Concerning The Contractor was asked, to receive permission distribution of from the local Municipalities, concerning the construction waste distribution of the remains, after the demolition of the Camp-Sites and demolition of the dismantled houses, after the acquisition. 06.08.2017 1709- 0221 Concerning condition The Contractor was asked to submit Rehabilitation of Camp Sites Plan for the after the cancelling of the Camp-Sites

07.08.2017 1709- 0224 concerning The Contractor was asked, to remove part of the strengthening of the Rock on the Cut Slope (km12.01), which was cut slopes and hindering slope strengthening works using Macmat. planting Trees 07.08.2017 1709- 0226 Lab. Test of the Water The Contractor was asked to make Lab. Test, for Quality the identification Quality of Drinking and Surface Water 13.08.2017 1709- 0234 Concerning The Contractor was asked to remove domestic and construction waste construction Waste, from the territories identified during the Ecological Monitoring. 1709- 0246 29.08.2017 Concerning pending The Contractor was asked to speed up ecological issues ReCultivation Works, on Quarry in Vil.Shuaghele.

11.10.2017 1710- 0258 Concerning condition The Contractor was asked, to remove soil of Camp-Sites contaminated, by Concrete Mixers and sedimentation Basins, from Bobokvati, Chakvi Camp-Sites,

1710- 0259 Waste management The Contractor was asked to avoid concrete 11.10.2017 on Bridge No.9 pouring on the ground, during Concreting works.

13.10.2017 1710- 0263 Concerning the The Contractor was asked to solve the Pending improvement of Problems, identified during the visit of ADB Ecological Condition representatives in September 30, 2017, ASAP. on Chakvi Camp site and generally 07.11.2017 1711- 0285 Problems in The Contractor was asked to solve the Pending Environmental Problems, identified during the Monitoring on 1-2 Protection November. 04.12,2017 1712- 0302 Receiving of the Local Service of Environmental Protection, required information, to submit information, concerning Legislative concerning Legislative violation from the Contractor’s side. violation from the Contractor’s side.

Bi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report (January to June 2018)

Results of Audit

The following non-compliances were revealed during the audit:

Choloki Campsite: According to the taking-over certificate issued on 5th of September 2017, Campsite territory (30 000 m2) has been handover to the Owner – Autonomic Republic of Adjara.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Noncompliance’s listed below: • Few amount of debris are left at campsite territory. • Certain sections of territory should be leveled and holes should be filled by sandgravel material; • Existing channel at entrance of campsite is filled with used tires, rubber and steel construction wastes.

Ochkhamuri Campsite: • After dismantle of batching and asphalt plants, polluted soil covered with sandgravel material is left at campsite territory. • Construction materials and debris revealed at campsite territory.

Laituri Campsite: • Laituri Campsite territory is purchased by the Contractor (Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia) and currently he is using the territory for storing of construction materials and equipment.

Bobokvati Campsite: • After expiration of lease duration Contractor had issued taking-over certificate on 4th of April 2018. Property has been handover to the Owner in perfect condition and owner does not have any claim to Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia” (see Appendix IV).

Chakvi campsite: • Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris are remaining at campsite territory; • Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings has not been arranged yet. • Polluted soil which is covered by sand-gravel material still remains nearby petrol station. • Sedimentation traps has not demolished yet. • Polluted soil by concrete washed water has not been cleaned out.

Slopes reinstatement/stabilization:

At some places (KP 5, KP 11,800) due to lack of top-soil no regrowth of the grass was observed The identified slopes will be reseeded, but will not work well unless topsoil used. It was recommended by ADB Mission that it is necessary for slopes stabilization spreading topsoil and seeding the grass. The contractor is planning to use additional topsoil and seeding the grass at early spring (in March-April) 2019.

Quarry site: Some progress in reinstatement of Shuagele Quarry site located near riv. Dekhva was observed, in particular most trees planted previously (2017-2018) grew well, but landscaping activities still need to be implemented, including covering of rocky hills with top-soil and seeding the grass. The contractor is planning to use additional topsoil and seeding the grass at early spring (in March- April) 2019.

Final Inspections and Monitoring

During the reporting period monitoring and audits have been done by the ADB Mission with staff of Supervision Consultant (Dohwa) and PIU/RD representative – Head of Environmental Unit-Gia Sopadze.. Site visits were conducted to Shuagele Quarry site, bridge # 11 and along the road


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program sections of Lot 2 (km12+400-km31+259) of Kobuleti Bypass Road Project during the following dates: The following sites were audited during the audit: • Choloki Campsite; • Ochkhamuri Campsite; • Laituri Campsite; • Bobokvati Campsite; • Chakvi Campsite; • Shuagele quarry site.

Results of monitoring

Camp sites: All 5 camp sites (Choloki, Ochkhamuri, Laituri, Bobokvati and Chakvi) have generally been demobilized.

• Choloki Campsite: According to the take-over certificate issued on 5th of September 2017, Campsite territory (30 000 m2) has been handover to the owner – Ministry of Finance and Economy of Autonomic Republic of Adjara (taking-over certificate is provided). • Ochkhamuri Campsite: Batching and asphalt plants have been dismantled. Construction materials and debris removed from the campsite territory. Take-over certificate has not been still issued and territory has not been handover to the private owner. We could not manage to receive the evidence of take-over certificate during the site visit. • Laituri Campsite: Laituri Campsite territory was purchased by the Contractor (Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia) and currently is used for storing of construction materials and equipment. • Figure 8: Laituri Campsite territory: After expiration of lease duration Contractor had issued take-over certificate on 4th of April 2018. Property has been handover to the owner in perfect condition and owner does not have any claim to Ltd “Corporation Sinohydro Branch in Georgia” (take-over certificate is existing). • Chakvi campsite: Dismantling of batching plant, petrol station, repair shop and other buildings have been completed. Sedimentation traps have also been demolished. Huge amount of construction materials and construction debris were disposed from the campsite territory. Polluted soil tests and cleaning of the territory was done in October 2018. Contractor has been requested to provide Waste Transfer Note to show evidence of transfer to a hazardous waste dump site. Landowner has requested for importing of material and levelling before will accept site and sign the handover certificate. Handover certificate for Chakvi camp was issued to the private owners on 17 October 2019 (see Annex 7). But till today waste transfer note showing evidence of transfer of hazardous waste to the hazardous waste dump site has not been received.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

• Slopes reinstatement/stabilization: During the previous mission at some places (KP 5, KP 11,800) due to lack of top-soil no regrowth of the grass was observed. It was recommended by ADB Mission that it is necessary for slopes stabilization spreading topsoil and seeding the grass. In September 2019 the contractor used additional topsoil and performed seeding of the grass but there are still some places where topsoil spreading and seeding are required. Since the defect liability period was extended till the end of March ADB mission requested the Contractor to continue reinstatement activities of slopes in March 2020. Some new eroded slope sections were also observed during the site visit, Contractor was requested to reinstate eroded areas during the defect liability period and reflect statuses of corrective measures in the Final EMR due in July 2020.

• Quarry site: Some progress in reinstatement of Shuagele Quarry site located near riv. Dekhva was observed, in particular most trees planted previously (2017-2018) grew well, but landscaping activities still need to be implemented, including covering of rocky hills with top- soil and seeding the grass. During the site visit it was observed that Contractor did not manage to use additional topsoil and seeding the grass in September-October 2019. ADB Mission requested Contractor to use additional topsoil and seeding in March 2020 and reflect statuses of CAP implementation in Final EMR.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 2: Cholokhi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 3: Ochkhamuri Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 4: Ochkhamuri Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 5: Immovable Property Purchase Agreement


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 6: Bobokvati Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 7: Chakvi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 8: Chakvi Campsite Delivery-Acceptance Act between Land Owners and “Sinohydro” Ltd.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Annex 9: Post-Construction Environmental Audit Checklist

Required Mitigation Measures Implemented Measures of Yes Partially No N/A Comment Enviromental Impact Site territory fenced fully x Topsoil placed at original x Due to lack of top-soil no regrowth of location the grass was observed. the contractor used additional topsoil and performed seeding of the grass in some areas in 2020. Recommendation: It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of restoration works on the slopes. Vegetation cover x The reinstatement works are reinstated accomplished on the most part of the territory. In 2020 contractor performed seeding of the grass in some areas. Trees replanted as x needed Construction waste and x The construction waste is totally surplus/waste soil removed from the project site and from removed completely and the construction camps. The existing disposed properly infrastructure in the construction camps is totally demolished. A small amount of construction waste is left on the site of the existing Ochkhamuri camp. Corrective action: Corrective action: it is necessary to remove the mentioned construction waste and dispose of it in the appropriate landfill Hazardous waste x The hazardous waste is totally removed and disposed removed from the project site. properly Fuels and lubricants x Fuel or lubricant storage areas in the spills eliminated construction camps are totally demolished and waste is totally removed from the site Contractor equipment X The construction equipment removed and machinery removed by the Contarctor. All temporary facilities x The temporary auxiliary buildings are removed and cleaned up fully removed from the site.


Republic of Georgia Roads Department of Georgia Asian Development Bank, Loan No. 2560, 2843-GEO Road Corridor Investment Program

Required Mitigation Measures Implemented Measures of Yes Partially No N/A Comment Enviromental Impact Campsite territories has been handover to the owners of the lands. Streets with installed x access roads were restored network reinstated to pre- construction or better conditions Post-Construction x As the construction and rehabilitation territory reinstated to pre- works complete the contractor used construction or better additional topsoil and performed conditions seeding of the grass in some areas in 2020. Recommendation: It is necessary for the Roads Department of Georgia to conduct an environmental audit in the summer of 2021 to determine the effectiveness of restoration works on the slopes.