MAKING THE CONNECTION TO ENGINEERING: INDUSTRY INTERNSHIPS FOR PRE-COLLEGE Marcela Castro1, Bettie A. Smiley2, Patricia M. Secola3, and Mary R. Anderson-Rowland4

Abstract-The collaborative effort between universities and support the interest and preparation of students for the industry to produce engineers from diverse backgrounds has engineering workforce. led to industry's role in systemic change in public . To understand business-education partnerships, the The Women in Applied Science and Engineering (WISE) Morrison Institute for Public Policy analyzed 122 written Investments program has established a collaboration with descriptions of existing partnership programs (Vandegrift et industry to support WISE Investment's framework to al., 1993). There were two distinct models: a cooperative increase the representation of women in engineering. A model and a collaborative model. The cooperative model partnership with industry has enhanced the engineering was defined as an “autonomous agency” with programs learning experience and has contributed to the successful working to make other programs successful. The integration of engineering into math and science classroom collaborative model included agencies and programs curriculum and outreach activities at school campuses. working together on a shared vision, mission, and goals. One of the major learning experiences that are offered The collaborative model is valued more in a modern society. by industry to pre-college educators is a one-week job Partners in collaboration usually make long-term shadowing internship. The internships facilitate a greater commitments in the form of time, personnel, and money; understanding of engineering concepts and allow educators share decision-making; reciprocate; share risks; and to become familiar with the daily responsibilities and maintain the impact of services provided. According to challenges engineers face in the workplace.. Vandegrift et al. (1993) collaboration appears to be the best An overview of the internship component will be kind of partnership. Explicit and implicit concepts of discussed. Examples of the internship experiences will be collaboration have been used as the standards to judge all shared. More importantly, the significance of industry's industry partners. contribution to K-12 education will be discussed, as well as, “Business entered into strategic partnerships with the need for continued collaboration. universities” in the 1980’s [3]. The federal government decidedly encouraged these partnerships. The most Index Terms---industry, internship, K-12 education, important and significant role of the university is to train and professional development to educate engineers [3]. One of the significant roles of industry is to provide internships to fully prepare students INTRODUCTION for industry by including management skills, quality assurance, communication skills, and a team approach to The responsibility for creating diversity in engineering solving problems. Recognizing industry’s contribution to belongs to key stakeholders: K-12 educators, administrators, K-12 education, the WISE Investments program has entered parents and students; university administrators, faculty and into strategic partnerships with industry to broaden the students; and industry partners [1]. State engineering knowledge of pre-college educators through University’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences’ industry tours, mentors, and most significantly, internships. (CEAS) Women in Applied Sciences and Engineering (WISE) Investments Program has used this comprehensive PROGRAM DESCRIPTION team to build a model of inclusion for the next generation of engineers. The WISE Investments (WI) program was established to Industry partners are valuable educational resources [2]. encourage more female students in middle school and high They can foster relationships to upgrade skills; relieve school to purse engineering and related careers. During the employees to volunteer in schools; and contribute funds and summer of 1998 and the 1998-99 academic year, a pilot equipment to improve educational opportunities, as well as WISE Investments program was conducted [4]. As a result

1 Marcela Castro, Arizona State University, Dean’s Office, College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, AZ 85287-5506, [email protected] 2 Bettie A. Smiley, Arizona State University, Dean’s Office, College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, AZ 85287-5506 [email protected] 3 Patricia M. Secola, Arizona State University, College of Education, P.O. Box 870611, Tempe, AZ 85287-0611, [email protected] 4 Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University, Dean’s Office, College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, P.O. Box 875506, Tempe, AZ 85287- 5506, [email protected].

of the success of the pilot program, WISE Investments secured a three-year National Science Foundation grant beginning in 1999. Middle school and high school math and Motorola’s strategic plan includes a proactive workforce science teachers and counselors are integral to the success of development to sustain a talented pool of employees. The WI [5]. These pre-college educators participate in a two - workforce and education framework provides professional week summer professional development workshop and an development for teachers, classroom enrichment, and other optional one-week industry internship. The objective of the special services for the school-community partnership. workshop is to increase the educators’ awareness and Motorola maintains its visibility and credibility in the knowledge of engineering, thereby, allowing the teachers to community specifically by: integrate engineering into their existing math and science · providing opportunities for school personnel to learn curricula and to allow the counselors to include engineering more about the labor market; information in their career counseling. During the first-week · provide business volunteers an opportunity to improve of the workshop the educators are exposed to eight the learning environment by bringing their expertise to disciplines of engineering through a series of hands-on labs the classroom or the classroom to the business; and conducted by CEAS faculty [6]. The second week of the · by providing short-term activities and resources to assist workshop the teachers are responsible for creating with other school-related issues [8]. engineering modules for classroom integration and the The summer program, for shadowing engineers with counselors are responsible for developing engineering the WI internship program, offers teachers a professional outreach fairs for their campuses. The CEAS faculty serves perspective on the realities in the workplace as well as the as consultants during this development process providing benefits and challenges of the level of technology used in advice and assistance as the participants create their modules the industry. Precollege educators that participate in the and outreach plans. The teachers and counselors also internship use their experience to provide students with the practice their modules in Saturday Academies held for necessary information to guide their interest in engineering middle school and high school young women during the careers. following academic year [7]. Throughout the workshop industry participates by The Boeing Company offering tours of their companies. The tours allow all the participants the opportunity to talk to engineers and provide The Boeing Company is the world’s largest a view of the engineering environment. However, it is the company. It manufactures commercial jetliners, military industry internships that provide a greater impact of the field aircraft, and space . “Boeing’s capabilities include of engineering to those pre-college educators who opt to job rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, shadow an engineer. engines, launch and advanced information and communication systems [9].” Boeing’s commitment to INDUSTRY K-12 INITIATIVES precollege educators and students is demonstrated by its partnership with local communities in more than twenty-six The WISE Investments program has maintained its states. relationship with industry partners since the project began in Boeing plays a major role in systemic reform for public 1999. Collaboration with industry partners such as , school education. Its partnership with K12 school districts Boeing, Motorola, , Medtronic Microrel, Salt provides assistance to develop and to implement strategies River Project, and have provided for improving academic achievement for all students. participants with direct exposure to the engineering work Boeing exposes students and educators to opportunities in environment. Industries have scheduled tours of their their business operations by demonstrating the use of applied facilities during the summer professional development math, science, and language arts in the workplace. A few of workshop with pre-college educators and throughout the their community programs for students include Junior school year with pre-college female students and their Achievement, Tech Prep, Career Day and Discover parents. Guest speakers for program activities and Engineering [9]. recruitment of engineers to serve as guest teachers or · Junior Achievement offers activity-based lessons in the mentors in the classroom have been ongoing commitments. classroom on the business enterprise. All of the WI’s industry partners have demonstrated strong · Tech Prep is a school-to-work program for high school educational partnerships with universities, school districts, students. The students learn skills and students. Two industry partners that demonstrate strong through paid internships while they earn college credit. K-12 initiatives are Motorola and the Boeing Company . · Boeing’s parents sign up to bring their children to work for Career Day. The students learn real-world applications as they make the connection between school and work. This opportunity creates a true sense

of the skill requirements for careers in engineering and Objectives related occupations. · Discover Engineering is designed for hands-on The main objective of the internships is to provide a vital participation. Employees donate hours each year for link between K-12 education and industry. WISE workshops that make exploring science interesting and Investments has provided its industry partners with a list of exciting. Inexpensive, everyday materials are used for objectives that should be met in order to give the pre-college the project. educators a comprehensive experience of engineering. The Other programs offered at Boeing include: Precollege objectives are listed below: Educator Engineering Internships, Educator Enrichment · Educate participants on specific mission and goals of Day, and the Summer Science Camp. the companies involved. · The Precollege Educator Engineering Internships are · Educate participants on industry’s processes, used in conjunction with the WI summer professional procedures, and challenges. development sessions. After educators are exposed to · Allow the educators an opportunity to understand the the eight engineering disciplines, they have an role of an engineer in various settings on a daily basis. opportunity to shadow engineers during their weekly · Expose the educators to engineering-related activities in employment responsibilities. The industry’s Division a real-world setting. Coordinator tailors the internship to meet the · Assist the educators in understanding how engineers use professional interests and needs of the educators. problem-solving skills in their jobs everyday. · Educator Enrichment Day is held annually for elementary and middle schoolteachers. The teachers Results practice ideas for making math and science lessons exciting for their students. The teachers develop how-to Between 1998 and 2001 school years, 98 teachers and kits and experiments that are used to enrich the counselors have participated in the WISE Investments curriculum. program. Of these educators 52% have participated in a job · The Summer Science Camp is designed for students shadowing internship. The internships have become enrolled in grades three through twelve. Students spend increasingly popular with each WI cohort. Each year more three weekends taking fun and creative classes in teachers and counselors are interested in participating in the biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, machinery, industry internship component. This is a result of educators computers and robotics [9]. Parents get involved in the who have completed the WI program sharing their open house with the hands-on science events. Ideas experiences with colleagues who will be new partic ipants in from the Summer Science Camp are refined for use in the program. the Educator Enrichment Day. ASSESSMENT WISE INVESTMENTS INTERNSHIPS

In order to determine if the objectives of the internships Since the pilot project in 1998, WISE Investments has were met, the educators who are job-shadowing engineers collaborated with industry to provide pre-college educators are instructed to observe certain aspects of the company that with a first-hand experience of the engineering field by they can share with their students and WISE Investments. offering a one-week job shadowing internships. The job Points that the educators should be observing are: (1) new shadowing internships have proven to add insight to the skills and tasks performed by engineers that can be educators’ experience with engineering. For their incorporated into the curriculum, (2) the “real world” participation the pre-college educators receive a $350 application of math and science in the engineering stipend from WISE Investments and can opt to receive profession, (3) the level of education and courses required to graduate credit and district credit. become an engineer, and (4) job opportunities for students The two-week professional workshop occurs during the and starting salaries for college graduates. Each internship month of June. After the conclusion of the workshop the participant is required to write a brief summary of his or her internships take place during the first three weeks in July. experience. The summaries are the main assessment The internship consists of job shadowing one engineer for instrument of this component of WISE Investments. The one week. However, some industry partners such as Salt summaries reflect the value of the internships and the River Project, The Boeing Company, and Motorola have importance of industry partnerships. provided internships where participants job shadow several The collection of summaries from the educators who engineers throughout the week to give a more participated in the WISE Investments ndustryi internship comprehensive understanding of different engineering roles. were analyzed to identify patterns, which could provide The structure of the internship will depend on the industry evidence of the value of their participation in the engineering partner’s organization, processes, and procedure. shadowing experience through content analysis. WI

determined that there were three different styles of encourage my fellow teachers to take advantage of, if they summaries: journal entries, informal, and formal academic have the opportunity.” papers. Below is an example of journal entries: Secondly, WI found examples of new knowledge and “July 10th. concepts acquired by the participating educators. They Morning- Electrical and Computer Software Engineer mention details of manufacturing processes, first hand working on Aspira program. Afternoon-Electrical Engineer exposure to technical equipment or parts, reactions about and Configurations Manage on the High Availability technology use, and overall everyday activities of Platform. “ engineering professionals as evident by the three statements “Monday: This day was spent with a Structural Engineer, below: who gave us an overview of engineering and the types of “The third day required running shoes. I was on the problems that they face on a daily basis. Apache assembly line troubleshooting problems Tuesday: This day was spent with the Structural Analysis with the engineers and production people. The engineers group…First, I look at the process through which flight data are right there close so if a question arises, they can be is analyzed and put into a pilots manual.” found quickly. I had the chance to be The majority of the summaries were informal essays: under…above…on…around…near…touching…etc…the “My experience at Motorola was awesome! I met with two Apache [Helicopter] and it was fabulous. I felt respected. I engineers or more everyday, one in the morning and one in was proud to be a teacher.” the afternoon. I pretty much just followed them around all “I can’t even describe this day! I was to shadow GR day. Some took time out of their busy schedules to sit, talk who had a Board of Directors meeting at the Traper Coal and answer questions on the field of engineering and how Mine in Craig, Colorado. I didn’t have to go to the meeting, math ties into their jobs.” but I had a tour of the mine and a round trip flight in a “Talk about a great experiences: five days, five different corporate . The pilot also showed me a video from contact persons, numerous departments, and manifold Channel 3 about how he revolutionized the work of the experiences with practicing professionals- everything except linemen by delivering them to the top of the tower by for a ride in the helicopter! If I could have designed it helicopter (instead of climbing all the way up). The linemen myself, I couldn’t have planned a better week.” can service twice as many towers per day.” There were two formal and academic papers that were “How can I possibly put into words how amazing my identified amongst the summaries. An except from one of participation in the was? I was shown the the papers is below: computers, the demo room, and finally allowed to fly in the “During my internship, I formulated from interviewing actual pilot’s flight simulator inside a huge dome. This six male and six female engineers from Intel. I was most experience was the highlight of my summer. Wow, thank interested in finding a common denominator or a pattern of you WISE Investments and thank you Boeing!” characteristics that define engineers. In my findings, the majority of engineers I interviewed had a role model, which The Engineering/Education Connection influenced their decision in becoming an engineer.” The third and most relevant pattern identified in the content The Experience analysis of the summaries was the applicability connections between their engineering internship experience and their Although the formats varied, WI was able to find constant students. Finding these engineering/educational connections elements among the summaries. The basic patterns found as reinforced our hypothesis that educators share any new evidence of the value of the experience were the following: exciting content with their students. · Open descriptions on the value of the experience. We found two different types of concepts that the · Evidence of individual knowledge acquisition as a result educators wanted to bring into their classrooms. One series of participation in the job shadowing program. of concepts were ideas and abilities necessary in the real · Reflections on the applicability of the industry world -working environment: team work, collaboration, internship experience and the connection to students. communication and problem solving skills: “The week I spent at Motorola was helpful because I The first found pattern, statements related to the value can share with students what key skills are needed in the of their experiences, were evident in the majority of the work place. We all talk about how important it is for summaries. Educators repeated phrases of excitement, students to develop skills in mathematics and science. The consideration, and gratitude towards the participating engineers at Motorola said students should have those skills industry companies and WISE Investments as expressed in as well as good communication skills, both verbal and the following: written.” “The Job Shadowing Internship I was fortunate enough “Different teams and team leaders all touch base with to take part in was scheduled for the week of July 17 at Salt each other to make sure that everything is being coordinated River Project. It was a fantastic experience that I will and all the bases are covered for their project. This was my

first insight into how to bring some of the work place back to internship participation as highly educational and beneficial school for my kids. Many of them think that group work is to their course curriculum and career counseling. The WI ‘stupid’ and that they shouldn’t have to participate if they stipend and graduate/district credit were an additional don’t want to.” incentive that the teachers and counselors appreciated. More Another cluster of concepts that educators wanted to importantly, the internship experience inspired the educators share with their students were the descriptions of the field of to want to get back into the classroom or counseling centers engineering, specific activities conducted by engineers, and to share their experience with their students. In this way, the examples of contributions of engineering in our daily lives: internships more than met the original objectives. “What will I take back to my students? The engineers were working on state of the art projects in REFERENCES telecommunication – projects that my students can relate to directly if they’ve ever seen or used a computer, television, cell phone, or pager. Science and engineering can offer [1] Intel (1995). Bridging the Gender Gap in Engineering careers that are both exciting and rewarding.” and Sciences: The Challenge of Institutional “I came away from this week excited and energized. I Transformation. Conference Proceedings, October 14, can’t wait to get back to my classroom. For seventh 1996 graders, career opportunities seem a long way off, but if I [2] Vandergrift, J.A. & Sandler, L. (1993). "Evaluating can spark an interest in continuing math and science and Business Partnership Programs in Education:What looking ahead to a possible career in engineering, then I feel Defines a Successful Venture? Briefing Paper. I’ve done my job. By integrating engineering ideas and Morrison Institute of Public Policy. School of Public problem solving into my classroom I hope to make the Affairs. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 [3] Bowie, N.E. (1994) University-Business Partnerships: connection easier for students to see.” The content analysis of industry internship summaries An Assessment. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield revealed that educators considered their participation as an Publishers, Inc. educational, interesting, and fun activity of the WISE [4] Mowzoon, May; White, Mary; Blaisdell, Stephanie; Investment program. Seventy percent of the participants Anderson-Rowland, Mary, “WISE Investments: A openly recommended future program participants to take Yearlong Pilot Program Introducing Engineering to advantage of the industry internships. Sixty-three percent of Teachers and Counselors,” ASEE Annual Proceedings, participants found connections between their internship June 1999, CDROM, 6 pages [5] Anderson-Rowland, Mary; Secola, Patricia; Smiley, experience and their classroom. In addition, the experience created a relationship between the educators and the Bettie, WISE (Women in Applied Sciences and engineering professionals that has allowed the engineers to Engineering) INVESTMENTS,” GASAT 10 Conference Contributions, July 2001, pp. 61-65 visit the classrooms and provide real world applications of math and science to the curriculum. [6] Castro, Marcela; Blaisdell, Stephanie; Moore, Mona; Anderson-Rowland, Mary, “University Faculty Commitment and Involvement in an Outreach Program: ONCLUSION C Instrumental in Program Success,” ASEE Annual Proceedings, June 2000, CDROM, 9 pages Industry internships cap off an enlightening and exciting [7] Secola, Patricia; Smiley, Bettie; Anderson-Rowland, WISE Investments program for middle school and high Mary; Castro, Marcela, “Assessing the Effectiveness of school teachers and counselors. After learning about Saturday Academies in an Engineering Outreach engineering for two weeks, the opportunity to shadow real Program,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education engineers doing real engineering work is invaluable to the Conference Proceedings, October 2001, CDROM, S1F- participants. After the industry internship, the teachers and 16 – S1F-21 counselors can talk from actual experience about the work [8] Motorola (2000). Southwest Region Workforce & done by engineers and can give actual examples of the Education Team Strategic Approach. Version No. 1.8: application of mathematics and science in their classroom or Motorola, Inc. counseling session. At the same time, the internships [9] Boeing (2001). Education Relations. provide an opportunity for WI’s industry partners to share resources with the pre-college educators that can enrich math and science curriculum and counseling information. Some of the engineers follow the internship with a visit to the classroom of the teacher that they hosted. The internships then are a true collaboration between industry and the university to help enrich the K-12 mathematics and science curriculum with the integration of engineering ideas and problem solving. The educators considered their