The Laws of War in the War on Terror1
Color profile: Disabled Composite Default screen VIII The Laws of War in the War on Terror1 Adam Roberts2 Introduction he laws of war—the parts of international law explicitly applicable in armed conflict—have a major bearing on the “war on terror” pro- claimed and initiated by the United States following the attacks of 11 Septem- ber 2001. They address a range of critical issues that perennially arise in campaigns against terrorist movements, including discrimination in targeting, protection of civilians, and status and treatment of prisoners. However, the ap- plication of the laws of war in counter-terrorist operations has always been par- ticularly problematical. Because of the character of such operations, different in 1. Copyright © Adam Roberts, 2002, 2003. This is a revised version of Counter-terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War,44SURVIVAL 1 (Spring 2002), 7–32. It incorporates information available up to 15 December 2002. I am grateful for help received from a large number of people who read drafts, including particularly Dr. Dana Allin, Dr. Kenneth Anderson, Dr. Mary-Jane Fox, Colonel Charles Garraway, Richard Guelff, Commander Steven Haines, and Professor Mike Schmitt; participants at the Carr Centre conference on “Humanitarian Issues in Military Targeting,” Washington DC, 7–8 March 2002; and participants at the US Naval War College conference on “International Law & the War on Terrorism,” Newport, RI, 26–28 June 2002. Versions of this paper have also appeared on the website of the Social Science Research Council, New York, at 2. Sir Adam Roberts is Montague Burton Professor of International Relations at Oxford University and Fellow of Balliol College.
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