
Seattle University Department of Science tech U-001 \ CSSE Department Quick Reference to Unix Commands notes List the ALIASES in use lpr –P printer fi lename PRINT fi lename to printer alias name def Assign a name to a defi nition lpq –P printer LIST PRINT JOBS in printer queue lprm –P printer job # REMOVE PRINT JOB job# from keyword commands by keyword lookup queue DISPLAY a CALENDAR for the current lpstat -v Display list of printer names month LIST contents of directory ls –al Produce a LONG LISTING OF ALL fi lename DISPLAY fi lename FILES cat fi lename1 fi lename2 > fi lename 3 ls directory LIST fi les in directory directory CONCATENATE (combine) fi lename1 and fi lename2 into fi lename 3 man command DISPLAYDISPLAY for command CHANGE the current working DIRECTORY directory a DIRECTDIRECTORYORY named to login/home directory directory cd directory CHANGE current DIRECTDIRECTORYORY to directory cd .. CHANGE DIRECTORY to parent directory fi lename View fi lename on the screen, one (..) page a . Press space bar for next page; RETURN for next line; q modespecs fi lename to quit CHANGE protection MODE of fi les; modespecs: u=user; o=other, g=group; fi lename1 fi lename 2 -= delete; +=add; r=read; =; x= MOVE or rename fi lename1 to execute fi lename2 fi lename1 fi lename2 CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD COMPARE (binaries) fi lename1 and fi lename2 DISPLAY the status of your PROCESSES clears the screen PRINT pathname of current directory fi lename1 fi lename 2 COPY fi lename 1 to fi lename 2 quota –v DISPLAY your DISK QUOTA and cp fi lename . COPY fi lename to current directory usage date SHOW current TIME and DATE fi lename REMOVE fi lename fi lename1fi lename2 directory REMOVE DIRECTORYDIRECTORY directory SHOW the DIFFERENCES between fi lename1 and fi lename2 script Makes fi le named typescript of a terminal session. stops DISPLAY DISK USAGE (in kilobytes) scripting. emacs fi lename Invoke EMACS editor opening fi lename fi lename SORT fi lename in ASCII sequence fg foreground; restore suspended processes fi lename CHECK fi lename for SPELLING errors fi nger username Look up information about user username fi lename invoke vi editor opening fi lename keyword fi lename Search for occurrences of keyword in w LIST the users are on the fi lename system currently and what they are doing gzip fi lename COMPRESS fi lename gunzip fi lename UNCOMPRESS fi lename fi lename Display a COUNT of WORDS, lines and characters for fi lename SHOW HISTORY of entered commands who LIST WHO IS currently ON THE pid# TERMINA TERMINATETE or kill a PROCESS pid# SYSTEM DISPLAY WHO YOU ARE logout Logout or EXIT from the system

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